Russian Language Microform Materials
A Descriptive Guide (1993)
Russian Language Microform Materials
- General Collections
- History
- Literature
- Politics and Economics
- Education
- Religion
- Newspapers form the Russian Revolutionary Era
- Periodical Collections
1. General Collections
(1) 18th-Century Russian Studies.
464 titles. Microfiche. 19,245 sheets.
[University Library]This collection is an enormous assemblage of research works on 18th century Russia,and research on Russian literature, thought, history,
economics, and politics from the 18th through the 20th centuries, all compiled on microfiche. Works of 18th century Russian writers,
important periodicals, volumes of legal statutes, conference records, private correspondence, memoirs, and research publications are
For example, among the books and sets of collected works by individualauthors, we can find those of A.D. Kantemir (published in 1867-68),
N.M. Karamzin (1848), the Collected Works of A.P. Sumarokou (1787), a representative figure of Russian classicism, as well as
A Collection of Russian Antiquities in ten volumes edited by N.I.Novikov ("Древняя российская российская библиофика или Собрание
древностей Российских". 1773-1775) and A Complete Collection of Works of the Theater in 43 volumes ("Российский театр,или Полное
собрание всех российскх театральных сочинений".Спб., 1786-1794.T.1-43); The Writings of Catherine the Great in 12 volumes (1901-07)
edited by A.N. Pypin ("Сочинения Императрицы Екатерины II на основании подлинных рукописей и с объяснительными
примечаниями" А.Н.Пыпина .Спб .,1901-07) is also included.
In the fields of history and politics we can find The Correspondence and Writings of Peter the Great in seven volumes (published from
(“Письма и бумаги Императора Петра Великого“. 7 TT. Cn6., 1887-1918), Instruction of Catherine the Great ("Накаэ Ее
Императорского Величества Екатерины Второй -- данный коммиссию о сочинении проекта нового уложения“.Спб.,1892),
The Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire (“Полное собрание эаконов Российской империи“. Cep. I(1649-1825)-III (1881-1916).
Спб.,1830-1916), The Genealogical Book of Princes and Nobles of the Russian Empire in two volumes (Новиков,H.И.,“Родословная
книга князей и дворян Российских“.2 TT.Moc.,1787),proceedings of the Conference of the Imperial Academy of Sciences from
1725-1803), “Политический журнал“(Moc.,1790-1802),and ”Русская старина“ (Спб.,1870-1918).Included in addition are numerous
valuable items such as documents and research relating to the Non-Conformists,18th century biographical dictionaries,and geographical
reference works.
(2) 18th Century Russian Publications
(Сводный каталог русской книги гражданской печати XVIII века 1725-1800).
Cambridge, Mass., General Microfilm Co., 1978-1990.
4,730 titles. 35mm microfilm. 819 reels.
[Slavic Research Center] This is the 'Collection of 18th Century Russian Publications' in five volumes which was compiled by the Russian National Library (formerly
the Lenin Library), with assistance from other institutions, all reproduced on microfilm This collection was to have eventually included about
9,000 Russian-language items, but at the point where the Slavic Research Center had received slightly more than half (about 4,700 titles)
of the projected total, the project was suddenly suspended.
(3) The Soviet Biographic Archive, 1954-1985.
(Radio Free Europe-Radio Liberty, Inc. and Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace).
Alexandria, Va. : Chadwyck-Healey,1986.
Microfiche. 2,812 sheets.
[Slavic Research Center]This is a collection of Soviet-era biographical material. Originally this material was information gathered about prominent Soviet figures over
a span of some 30 years by the library personnel at Radio Free Europe, for the use of broadcasting staff, and was known as the
'Red Archive'.
It comprises extensive biographical data about important personalities in the Soviet Communist Party and government, members of the
State Security Committee,officials of the Koinsomol, military figures, and other publicly active people such as directors of enterprises,
prominent scholars and artists, and the like - altogether more than 50,000 persons in public life. Information is taken from more than 35
newspapers, in addition to journals, books, handbooks, biographical directories, the main periodicals of the Soviet central government, the
principal newspapers of the 15 former Soviet republics, “Вопросы философии“,“Вопросы зкономики“,“Вопросы литературы“, and many
other journals containing all sorts of biographical information.
Every piece of material is marked with the date and publication source;all together,this collection contains some one million pieces of
information, in alphabetical order,covering the years 1950 to 1986.
(4) The Soviet World, 1948-1988 Bibliography of Articles from the Soviet and the Western Press I
Institute for Soviet and East European Studies, University of Amsterdam, (1992)
Microfiche. 550 sheets.
[Slavic Research Center]This bibliography contains information about the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe as seen in newspapers and periodicals. There is a
microfiche catalogue to this collection, which has been reproduced on microfiche from the collection of newspaper and journal articles, and
dissertation information gathered by the Soviet and Eastern Europe Research Institute at the University of Amsterdam. It includes more
than 30,000 titled items extracted from about 300 newspapers and journals from 1948 until January, 1988. Among the original sources are
the representative newspapers and magazines of the former Soviet Union, as well as the main Slavic research journals published in Western
Europe. A separate index contains topical classification lists, and the microfiches are arranged to follow that order.
(5) Библиография Кореи,1917-1970 (Bibliography of Korea).
Tokyo :Nauka, 1985.
2,351 titles. 35mm microfilm. 53 reels.
[University Library]This bibliography contains information about Korea-related publications in the Soviet Union from 1917 until 1970. This is the microfilm version
of resource material published in 1981 by the Far Eastern Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR under the title
“Библиография Кореи 1917-1970"; the microfilm version was produced through the auspices of Japan's Nauka Publishing House.
It contains research information on Soviet-Korean relations, but is valuable for the study of Japan.Korean relations as well.
Current holdings amount to approximately 1,600 titles (many are lacking), and the remainder have not yet been published. The history portion
of this bibliographical collection (including international relations) comprises nearly half of the total number of titles.
(6) Библиография Японии (Bibliography of Japan).
Tokyo: Nauka ,1978.
14,149 titles.35mm microfilm. 726 reels.
[divided among the Slavic Research Center, University Library,and the Department of General Education]This collection is a microfilm version of the original Russian collection of Japan-related publications printed from the year 1734 through 1958.
This collection is based upon“Библиография Японии“, and consists of a bibliographical catalogue in two volumes, the first containing data
for 1734-1917, and the second for 1917-1958; the titles of all books and journal articles appearing in it have been reprinted on microfilm through
the auspices of the Nauka Publishing House in Japan.
This is a most valuable and indispensible collection for the study of Russo-Japanese and Soviet4apanese relations Excepting the 'Religion'
section in the first part (Department of General Education) and the 'Foreign Relations'section (University Library), the rest of the collection is
administered by the Slavic Research Center.
(1) Censorship in Tsarist Russia.
59 titles. Microfiche. 342 sheets.
[University Library]
This is a collection of publications relating to official censorship under the Tsarist Russian regime. The collection contains a selected
number of publications pertaining to the system of censorship which functioned as part of the Tsarist Russian political establishment.
Most previous historical research on the censorship apparatus has foeused on the institution from the standpoint of its victims, but this
collection contains mostly official publications of the censor's office and items of a semi-official character, so the collection is important for
checking and reconfirming previous research. Included among the titles are such works as N.A.
Engel'gardt's historical narrative of 200 years of official Russian censorship from 1703 to 1903 entitled An Historical Overview of Russian
Censorship and the Development of Printing, 1703-1903 (Энгельгардт,Н.Т.,“Очерк истории русской цензуры в связи с развитием печати,
1703-1903".Спб.,1904),), A Collection of Statutes and Ordinances Concerning the Censorship from 1720 to 1862 ("Сборник постановлений
и распоряжений по цензуре с 1720 пo 1862 r.". Cn6.,1862), and M. K. Lemke's An Historical Outline of 19th Century Russian Censorship
and Journalism (Лемке,М.К.,“Очерки по истории русской цензуры и журналистики ХІХ столетия,1857-1864 гг.“.
(2) Menshevik Collection of Newspapers, Periodicals, Pamphlets and Books Related on the Menshevik Movement.
Stanford : Hoover Institution on War and Peace, 1896-1940.
247 titles.
35mm microfilm. 49 reels.
[Faculty of Literature]
This is the microfilm version of the famous collection of Menshevik books, newspapers, periodicals, and pamphlets, 247 items in all, of the
Hoover Institution at Stanford University. All items were published between 1893 and 1940.
(3) Nineteenth Century Russian Publicists.
88 titles. Microfiche.
1,553 sheets.
[Faculty of Literature] This collection is comprised of the works and writings of some 88 prominent figures who had substantial influence upon 19th century
Russian society, political life, and thought.
At present, the collection contains material about 50 of those personages, among them Bakunin, Chernyshevskii, Hertsen, Pisarev,
Plekhanov, Solov'ev, and Tkachev.
(4) Personal Sources for the History of Russia in the Nineteenth Century.
55 titles.Microfiche.
620 sheets.
[Faculty of Literature] This is a collection of material on private individuals for use in research on 19th century Russian history. Included are diaries,
correspondence, biographies, and autobiographies of historians, critics, authors, literary figures, and journalists whose lives and careers are
most relevant to the study of 19th century Russian history; all the material has been reproduced on microfiches. Many items in the
collection were formerly difficult to obtain.
(5) Russian History and Culture. (Scarce Books on 19th and Early 20th Century Russia from the Helsinki University Library)
Compiled by Russian and East European Center, University of Ulinois.
Ann Arbor, Mich. University Microfilms International, 1978-1988,1989-
2,146 titles. Microfiche. 8,000 sheets.
[Slavic Research Center] This collection consists of some 2,000 rare books selected by the Russian and East European Center at the University of Illinois from
among some 300,000 Russian-language books published in the 19th and early 20th centuries which are in the Helsinki University Library,
formerly one of Imperial Russia's domestic publications depository libraries; all items are reproduced on microfiches. This project was
started in 1978, and by the close of its first decade in the alltumn of 1988, the first phase of 20 units (one unit signifying approximately
100 titles) was completed; the second phase is currently underway.
A cumulative index to the 20 units included in the first phase was issued in 1988, and processing of new additions to the second series
is continuing.
(additional updated information)
UMI's Description of the Collection
(6) Russian Revolutionary Literature: (The Collection of the Houghton Library at Harvard University. Books, Pamphlets,
Broadsides and Periodicals).
A Descriptive Guide and Key to the Collection on Microfilm
compiled by Kenneth E. Carpenter. New Haven, Conn., 1976.
Ann Arbor, Mich. University Microfilms International, 1978.
1,168 titles.35mm microfilm. 47 reels.
[Slavic Research Center] This is a collection of publications from the time of the Russian Revolution. It contains 1,100 items related to pre-1917 Russian
revolutionary activity from the archives of the Houghton Library at Harvard University, reproduced on microfilm. Among the items,which date
from the time of Hertsen, are the writings of revolutionary theoreticians, propaganda leaflets, pamphlets, and periodicals; many of the items
were published underground or in foreign countries.
A catalogue for this collection, which lists the items bysubject, author, and title,is also available.
(7) Russian Revolutionary Pamphlets, 1860-1923. From the Slavonic Collections in the British Library of Political and
Economic Science, London School of Economics.
243 titles. Microfiche. 329 sheets.
[Slavic Research Center] This is a collection of Russian revolutionary pamphlets from the archives of the British Library of Political and Economic Science, attached
to the London School of Economics.
Items which are not to be found in the Harvard Houghton collection listed above are collected here on microfiches. Most of the pamphlets
included were published between 1900 and 1907. A list is attached which shows the contents classified in alphabetical order by name of
The previously introduced Souvarin and Bernstein Collections at Hokkaido University also contain a large number of revolutionary pamphlets,
and these three major collections mutually complement one another to provide a rich source of research material on the entire revolutionary
(8) Siberian Press Materials (1917-1924).
121 titles. Microfiche.
335 sheets.
[Slavic Research Center] This collection consists of 113 publications and eight journals, dating from the time immediately after the October Revolution, which
concern Siberia. It should be noted that items in the collection are not limited to those actually published in Siberia; the collection has
been reproduced on microfiche.
(9) Материалы для географии и статистики России,собранные офицерами генеральнаго штаба.Спб.,1859-1868.Том 1
Microfiche.349 sheets.
[Slavic Research Center] This collection is comprised of geographical and statistical materials compiled by the General Headquarters of the Tsarist Russian Army.
No. 1(1859)-415(1868) (lacking: nos.117-122; 247-249; 256-265).
(10) Материалы истории русской революции. Мос.,и др.
16 titles. 35mm microfilm. 26 reels.
[University Library] This is an important collection of material relating to Russian revolutionary history. It contains the illegal newspaper of the Social
Democratic Labour Party of the Russian revolutionary era, materials from the Social Democratic Labour Party and the Social Revolution
Party during the October Revolution, as well as stenographic conference notes of the Soviet government.
Much of the material is drawn from books and journals of the months immediately following the Revolution, with suitable headings and titles
attached. Among the items can be found the journals "Заря" (Вып. 1-4, 1901-1902), to which G. V. Plekhanov and P. B. Aksel'rod
contributed,"Революция и национальности" (1930-1937),“Революция и церковь“ no.1.9/12; 1923, no.1/3; 1924, no.1/2).
(11) Сводъ трудовъ Местныхъ комитетовъ по 49 губерніямъ Европейской Россіи.
(Высочайше учрежденное Особое совещаніе о нуждахъ сельскозяйственной промышленности).
TOM 1-23, & приложение. Спб., 1903-1905.
35mm microfilm. 2 reels.
[Slavic Research Center] A collection of reports from Local Committees in 49 prefectures of European Russia.
(The Special Conference on the Needs of Agriculture, organized by Imperial order).
(12) Труды Местныхъ комитетовъ о нуждахъ сельскохозяйственной промышленности. TOM 1-58. Спб., 1903.
35mm microfilm. 12 reels.
[Slavic Research Center] Transactions of Local Committees on the Needs of Agriculture .58 vols.
(1) Symbolism, Futurism, Acineism and Imaginism monographs,periodical and joint publications.
Microfiche. 82 cases.
[Faculty of Literature]
This collection features nearly all the books of poetry and journals devoted to poetry in which appear the works of representative poets
of the new movement in Russian literature and arts, which took place from the 1890's to the 1920's, and gave rise in succession to poetic
symbolism, futurism, acineism, and imaginism. In addition, the collection contains works of criticism and research about the various
schools of poetry.
4.Politics and Economics
(1) Rare Printed Material Relating to Moscow, 1887-1923. From the British Library of Political and Economic Science.
London; Altair Pub., 1987.
11 titles. 35mm microfilm. 6 reels.
[Slavic Research Center] This collection is a microfilm reproduction of a variety ofstatistical data from the archives of the British Library of Political and Economic
Science, London School of Economics, relating to political life, economics, society, and government in the city of Moscow before and after
the Russian Revolution.
(2) Regional Statistical Handbooks in the USSR. 1: Siberia.
47 titles. Microfiche. 128 sheets.1990.
[Slavic Research Center] This collection contains 47 items of statistical material from Siberia, all on microfiches.
(3) Russian Political Parties in the Late 19th and Early 20th Century; a Microfiche Collection of Books Illustrating the Broad
Array of Political Parties in the Former Russian Empire.
Ed. by Anne Pries.
240 titles. Microfiche. 597 sheets. [Slavic Research Center] This collection consists of publications relating to Russian political parties. It includes approximately 240 items, mainly about all political
parties (excepting the Bolsheviks) which were formed in Russia between the years 1905-1917, all reproduced on microfiches. At present the Center has received only 53 titles about 'Political Parties in General'. Material relating to nine political parties including the Anarchists, Bund, Kadet,Mensheviks, and the SR, and party programs, is scheduled
for subsequent publication.
(4) Smolensk Archives the Records of the Smolensk Oblast' of the AII.Union Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 1917-1941.
(Captured German records). 35mm microfilm. 69 reels. [University Library] This collection, the 'Smolensk Archives' contains records of the Communist Party organization in the Smolensk oblast from 1917 to 1941,
and is valuable material for grasping the administrative measures of the party organization and popular activity. Smolensk was one of the major battlefields in German-Soviet conflict during the Second World War, and it was occupied by the German
army. At that time, German forces confiscated this material, but after the war it was in turn seized by the U.S. Army and reproduced on
microfilm. This sort of material was not made public in the former Soviet Union, a situation which made research into Soviet socialism and modern
Soviet political and economic history difficult. This collection has a printed guide Guide to the Records of the Smolensk Oblast' of the All-Union Communist Party of the Soviet Union,
1917-1941. The Smolensk Archives a Selective Index to Items of Principal Interest, by Merle Fainsod(Washington, 1980).
(5) Zemstvo Publications (Collection of the Statistical Publications of the Zemstvo, 1870-1917).
Project editor: Anne Pries; advisor:Basile Kerblay.
[Slavic Research Center] Basic collection. 124 titles. 5,865 sheets. 1970. Supplement 1.14 titles. 1,456 sheets. 1977. Supplement 2.13 titles. 991 sheets. 1991. This is a collection of statistical information of the Zemstvo (Provincial and district self-governing insitution for local economic administration from 1864 to 1918). It contains statistical material concerning the agrarian development and the peasantry conducted by the Zemstvo at the prefectural level of European Russia, from the end of the 19th century to the early 20th century, all reproduced on
(6) Документы и материалы по рабочему вопросу в революционной России.[Мос.и др.,1874-1964]
103 titles. 35mm microfilm.37 reels.
[Faculty of Economics] This collection contains material about the labour policies of Imperial Russia, and is comprised of two sections. In the first section are primary sources concerning labour problems in 19th century Russia, including industrial regulations, investigation records and reports of factory directors, notes about workers and working conditions, the social insurance system and its implementation, medical assistance, and other material published in Russia about various enterprises and industrial plants from the last half of the 19th
century to the early 20th century. The second section of the collection contains monographs dealing with the main subjects found in the first section. This collection contains an enormous amount of primary material, rivaling the "“Свод отчетов фабричных инспектов, за 1900-1914". (Спб.,1902-1915) in this field of study, and is indispensable for comprehensive research and systematic analysis of labor problems in Imperial Russia.
(7) История фабрик и заводов СССР.
(Tokyo : Nauka, 1975)
500 titles. 35mm microfilm. 44 reels.
[Faculty of Economics] A collection of publications on industrial history in the USSR. Beginning in the 1920's,the histories of individual factories and enterprises in the Soviet Union were published through co-operative efforts
among specialists and workers, as one stage in the development of the working classes. This collection includes approximately 500 titles
of such publications, reproduced on microfilm.
(8) Census Survey Material.
[Slavic Research Center]
1.Первая Всеобщая перепись населенія Россійской имперіи,1897 г./
Изданіе Центарльнаго статистическаго комитета Министерства
внутреннихъ дђлъ,подъ ред.Н.А. Тройницкаго.Том 1-89.Спб.,
1899-1905.Microfiche.855 sheets.
This material contains data from the first census taken in the Russian Empire in 1897.
2.Всесоюзная перепись населения 1926 года / Центральное
статистическое управление СССР. Отдел 1-7.
Том 1-56.Мос.,1928-1935.35mm microfilm.29reels.
This material contains data from the 1926 Census of the Soviet Union compiled by the Bureau of Census,Central
Statistical Administration of the USSR.
3.Всесоюзная перепись населения 1926 года.Краткие сводки.Вып.
1927-1929.35mm microfilm.2 reels.
This is a bridf summary of the 1926 All-Union Census, compiled by the Bureau of Census,the Central Statistical
Administraion of the USSR.
(9) Collection of Statistical Annuals from the Russian Empire.
4 titles. 35mm microfilm. 91 reels.
[University Library]
This collection includes: 1.The Statistical Bulletin of the Russian Empire (1866-1890); 2.The Bulletin of the Central Committee for Statistics of the Ministry of the Interior (1888-1903); 3.Statistics of the Russian Empire (1887-1918); and 4 Statistical
Yearbook of Russia (1904-1916). These are all important statistical sources from the early years of Russian capitalism, and include all
kinds of basic statistics concerning Russian economy and politics, containing data on factories, banking institutions, agriculture,
land prices,population, international trade, national budgets, and Zemstvo finances, compiled in the second half of the 19th century
and the early 20th century.
1.Статистическій временникъ Россійской Имперіи/
Изданіе Центральнаго статическаго комитета Министерства
внутреннихъ дђлъ.1866-1890.Спб.,1866-1890.24 reels.
2.Временникъ Центральнаго статистическаго комитета
Министерства внутреннихъ дђлъ.
Том 1-52.Спб.,1888-1903. 8 reels.
3.Статистика Россійской Имперіи.[later Статистика Россіи
<95(1918)>/Центральный статистическій комитетъ Министерсва
внутреннихъ дђлъ.Том 1-95.Спб.,1887-1918.47reels.
4.Ежегодникъ Россіи[later Статистическій ежегодникъ Россіи
<7(1911)-13(1916)>]/Центральный статистическій комитетъ
М.В.Д.Год 1-13.Спб.,1904-1916.11 reels.
(10) Parliamentary Proceedings and State Administrative Conference Records.
(Russian Empire; Provisional Government; Soviet Union; Soviet Republics, etc.).
1.Russia.Государственный совет.
Государственный совђть¦стенографическіе отчеты.Сессія І.
Засђданія 1-15(28 апр.-7 іюля 1906 г.).
Спб.Пг.:Государственная типографія,1906-1917..35mm microfilm.9 reels.
Stenographic reports for the Sessions of the State
Council,from the first to thirteenth sessions(1906-1917).
[Slavic Research Center]
2.Russia.Совет министров.
Особый журналъ Совђета министровъ.1906(6 іюня 1906)-1917
(15 февр.1917).[Спб.]
: Государственная типографія,1906-1917.35mm microfilm.
30 reels.[Slavic Research Center]
Special Records of Meetings of the Council of Ministers.
3.Russia(1917.Provisional government).
Особый журналъ засђдания Временнаго правительства.
1917(21 aпр.-23 сент.1917 года)Nos.1-18.Пг.,1917.
35mm microfilm.1 reel.(University Lebrary and the
Faculty of Education)
Special Records of Conferences of the Provisional
4.Russia (1917-RSFSR)Верховный Совет.Заседания.
Стенографический отчет.Созывы І-ХІ(1939-1989).
Мос.:Издание Верховного Совета РСФСР,1939-1989.
267 sheets.[Slavic Research Center]
5.Russia (1917-RSFSR)Народный комиссариат по
Сборник декретов и постановлений рабочекрестьянского
правительства по народному образованию.
Мос.,1920-1921.Вып.1-2.35mm microfilm 1 reel.
Collection of the Decrees and Resolutions on the
People's Education of the Workers'and Peasants'
Government.[Faculty of Education]
6.Russia(1917-RSFSR)Съезд Советов.
Всероссийский съездъ Совђтов : стенографический
отчет и постановления.Съездъ І–ХVІ(1917-1935).
Мос.и Лнг.,1918-1935..
35mm microfilm.3 reels.[Faculty of Education]
Stenographic reports and Resolutions of All-
Russian Congress of Soviets.
7.Russia (1917-RSFSR)Центральный исполнительный
Всероссийский Центральный исполнительный комитет
(ВЦИК):протоколы,стенографический отчет и постановления.
Созывы І–ХVІ(1917-1937).Mос.,1917-1937.
. 35mm microfilm.
4reels. [Faculty of Education]
Protocols,stenographic reports and resolutions of the Central Executive Committee of the RSFSR.
8.Russia (1923-U.S.S.R.)Централый исполнтельный комитет.
Стенографический отчет.Созывы І–VІІ(1922-1937).
Мос.,Издание ЦИК СССР,1923-1937.
35mm microfilm. 4 reels. (Slavic Research Center&University
Stenographic reports of the Convocation of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR.From the first to the
first to the seventh sessions(1922-1937).
9.Аrmenian S.S.R. Верховный Совет. Заседания.
Стенографический отчет. Созывы I-ХI(1940-1988).
Eреван : Издание Верховного Совета Армянской ССР,
Microfiche. 201 sheets. [Slavic Research Center]
Stenographic reports of Sessions of the Supreme Soviet of the Armenian Republic.
10.Azerbaijan S.S.R. Верховный Совет. Заседания.
Стенографический отчет. Созывы I-ХI(1938-1987).
Баку: Издание Верховного Совета Азербайджанской ССР,
1939-1988. .
Microfiche.219 sheets.[Slavic Research Center]
Stenographic reports of Sessions of the Supreme Soviet of the Azerbaijan Republic.
11.Lazakhstan S.S.R. Верховный Совет. Заседания.
Стенографический отчет. Созывы I-ХI(1938-1985).
Алма-Ата : Издание Верховного Совета Казахской ССР,
1938-1985. .
Microfiche.143 sheets. [Slavic Research Center]
Stenographic reports of Sessions of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
12.Lithuanian S.S.R. Верховный Совет. Заседания.
Стенографический отчет.
Созывы I-ХI(1970-1989). Вильнюс : Издание Верховного
Совета Литовской ССР, 1948-1989. . Microfiche. 192 sheets.[Slavic Research Center]
Stenographic reports of Sessions of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Lithuania.
13.Turkmen S.S.R. Верховный Совет. Заседания.
Стенографический отчет. Созывы I-ХI(1938-1988).
Ашхабад : Издание Верховного
Совета Туркменской ССР, 1939-1989. .
Мiсrofiche. 195 sheets.[Slavic Research Center]
Stenographic reports of Sessions of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Turkmenistan.
(1) Коллекция литературы по советской педагогике, 1920-1930-x гг. <1>
Nauka, Tokyo.
35mm microfilm. 280 titles. 19 reels.
[Faculty of Education] This material is the first part of a large collection on Soviet education in the 1920's and 1930's. These are reproduced on microfilm and contain 280 monographs about Soviet education from 1919 into the early 1930's which were collected through the joint efforts of Toyosaku Odaka (founder of the Toko Publishing House and also of the Tokyo Social Science Research Institute attached to it) and Hirokichi Ohtake (of the Nauka Publishing House).
(2) Коллекция литературы по советской педагогике, 1920-1930-x гг. <2>
Nauka, Tokyo.
35mm microfilm. 223 titles. 53 reels.
[Faculty of Education]
This is the second part of the collection relating to Soviet education in the 1920's and 1930's. Material in this part consists of nearly half of the 500 items selected from among Soviet educational monographs of the 1920's and 1930's
by Professor M. Takeda and Associate Professor S. Tokoro of the Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University, at the request of Nauka
Publishing House. These materials were reproduced on microfilm with the co-operation of libraries and archives throughout the former Soviet Union, and
presently consist of 223 items.
(1) Church Slavonic and Russian Hagiographies. Editor, Father Boris Danilenko.
57 titles. Microfiche. 647 sheets.
[Slavic Research Center]
This is a collection of hagiographies written in Old Church Slavonic and Russian. It consists of 57 items from hagiographies of the Russian Orthodox Church published between the middle of the 19th century and the Russian Revolution, reproduced on microfiches. (2) Russian Necropolis. Editor, Father Boris Danilenko. 16 titles.
Microfiche. 84 sheets.
[Slavic Research Center]
This is a collection of material about cemetaries in Russia. These items (17 titles) are so-called Nekropol' (Некрополь), or Russian cemetary guidebooks mostly published from the late 19th to the
early 20th centuries. Among these can be found the Regional Cemetaries of Russia of more than 1,000 pages authored by Archbishop Nikolai Mikhailovich "Русский провинциальный некрополь" (vol.1, published in 1914). [Slavic Research Center]
7.Newspapers from the Russian Revolutionary Era.
Woodbridge, Ct. Research Publications, 1983-1988.
51 titles. 35mm microfilm. 458 reels.
[Slavic Research Center]
This collection contains newspapers of the Russian revolutionary era which are held in the archives of the Lehman Library at Columbia University, published on microfilm. The project was originally planned to reproduce approximately 100 newspaper titles published in Russia between the early 19th century and the post.Revolutionary 1920's. However, the project came to a halt after the reproduction of only 51 titles was completed. Among these can be found famous newspapers
which were continuously published for a long time such as "Московские вeдoмocти" (1756-1917), Journal de SL Pelersbourg (1825-1918),
'Московские" (1868- ), and "Руссккие ведомости" (1863-1918) and well as newspapers which had to cease publication after only a short
time, such as "Двадцатый век" (1906) which appeared briefly in 1906. The biggest drawback to using this collection is the relatively large
number of issues lacking. The following list of newspaper titles is compiled in alphabetical order. The bibliographic description of each title follows the oldest title
in the files of the Slavic Research Center. Most of these newspapers were published either daily or weekly. In cases where many issues
of a particular newspaper are lacking, the word 'incomplete' appears instead of the specific issue numbers which are lacking. The following
list provides information about each newspaper in this order: 1) Name of newspaper. 2) Place of publication. 3) Dates publication
commenced and ceased. 4) Frequency. 5) Holdings. 6)Numbers of reels of microfilm. 7) Numbers of microfilm reels. 8) Notes about any
changes in the newspaper's title.
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