For Users with disability
We welcome any questions or inquiries at the following contacts so that users with disability can use Hokkaido University Library (Central Library and North Library) at ease.
CONTACT Central Library: TEL 011-706-3956, E-Mail service[at] North Library: TEL 011-706-5575, E-Mail kitasv[at] * Please replace [at] with @. * We would also like to hear what you noticed for improvement. |
If you find difficulty in the library, please do not hesitate to let the counter staff know.
In the library you can use the following facilities and services.
1.Document digitalization for print-disabled users.(For Students in Hokkaido University) 2.Central Library The library guide(Universal design edition) is here.(PDF file / in Japanese) The floor map is here. 3.North Library The library guide(Universal design edition) is here.(PDF file / in Japanese) The floor map is here. |
1.Document digitalization for print-disabled users.
(For Students in Hokkaido University)
We digitalize materials of the library for the people who is difficult to read to printed books and journals on the paper by a disability such as visual impairment, dyslexia, movement disorders and other disabilities.
Not only meterials in Hokkaido University but also in other universities or institutions (in that case, there is a charge for order).
For more datails, please check here(Japanese version only).
2.Central Library (North Library is here)
The Floor Map of Central Library
3.North Library (Central Library is here)
General counter (1) We can also communicate in writing We have a notebook-size whiteboard at the general counter on the 2nd floor and you can also communicate with us in writing. |
General counter (2) You can use a hand glass We have a hand glass at the general counter on the 2nd floor and you can use it. |
Parking space for users with disability We have a parking space for users with disability on the south of the library. |
Ramp for wheelchair users On the left of the entrance we have a ramp for wheelchair users and handrails at left side of it. |
Intercom to use the elevator We have the intercom on the 1st floor and you can call the staff to use the elevator. |
Elevator with buttons for wheelchair users, labels in Braille and mirrors The elevator has buttons for wheelchair users and labels in Braille. At the front and the upper left of it you can find mirrors. |
Restroom with multiple functions We have a restroom with multiple functions on the 2nd floor of east building and all of floors of west building. |