Online journals at the SRC Library
Online journals at the SRC Library
Last updated : 2009. 4.23 journal -- 174 titles
Title list
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text | Full text is available. |
text | Full text is available only from Hokkaido Univ. campus. |
cont | Full text is not available. You can get table of contents or other informations. |
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[Russia] [Byelarus] [Poland] [Czech Republic] [Slovakia] [Hungary] [Rumania] [Slovenia] [Croatia] [Montenegro and Serbia] [United Kingdom] [Germany] [Austria] [France] [Netherlands] [Denmark] [Sweden] [United States] [Cananda] [Australia] [Mongolia] [Japan]
[Poland]top14titles | |
cont | Dialog : miesiecznik poswiecony dramaturgii wspolczesnej*2000, no. 1 - 2001, no. 12Please use browser "Internet Explore". |
cont | Dzieje najnowsze : kwartalnik poswiecony historii 20 wieku |
text | Dziennik ustaw Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej[PDF]*2001, n. 107 - |
Dziennik ustaw Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej[HTML]*1996, nr. 1 - 2002, nr. 7 | |
cont | Eastern European Countryside |
cont | Kwartalnik historyczny / Instytut Historii Polskiej Akademii Nauk |
text | Monitor polski : dziennik urzedowy Polskiej Rzeczypospolitej Ludowej[PDF]*2001, n. 33 - |
Monitor polski : dziennik urzedowy Polskiej Rzeczypospolitej Ludowej[HTML]*1996, nr. 1 - 2002, nr. 3 | |
text | Odra*2000, no. 2 - 2002, no. 1Please use browser "Internet Explore". |
cont | Panstwo i prawo : miesiecznik / Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Panstwa i Prawa |
text | Polityka |
cont | Przeglad historyczny / Poskie Towarstvo Historyczne |
cont | Sprawy miedzynarodowe : miesiecznik |
cont | Tworczosc |
text | Wprost |
[Croatia]top2titles | |
text | Narodne novine : sluzbeni list republike Hrvatske |
text | Narodne novine : Sluzbeni list Republike Hrvatske : Dodatak : Medunarodni ugovori |
[Austria]top1title | |
cont | Osterreichische Osthefte / Osterreichisches Ost- und Sudosteuropa-InstitutBalkanologie*41 Jahrg., heft 3/4(1999) - |
[France]top3titles | |
cont | Balkanologie |
cont | Cahiers d'etudes sur la Mediterranee orientale et le monde turco-iranien : CEMOTI |
cont | Cahiers du monde russe |
[Netherlands]top1title | |
cont | Russian literature |
[Denmark]top1title | |
text | Scando-slavica / Association of Scandinavian Slavists[Ingenta Select]*Vol. 46 (2000)- |
cont | Scando-slavica / Association of Scandinavian Slavists |
[Sweden]top2titles | |
text | Central Asia and the Caucasus : journal of social and political studies*2000, no. 1 - 2001, no. 6 |
text | Tsentral'naia Aziia i Kavkaz : obshchestvenno-politicheskii zhurnal*1998, no. 1 - 2001, no. 6 |
[Canada]top2titles | |
cont | Canadian Slavonic papers / Canadian Association of Slavists |
text | Centre news / Centre for Russian and East European studies |
[Mongolia]top1title | |
cont | The Mongolian journal of international affairs*No. 5 (1998)- No. 6 (1999) |
[大韓民国]▲top1title | |
cont | International journal of Central Asian studies / Institute of Asian Culture and Development*Vol. 1 (1996)- |
[Japan]top | |
text | Slavic Research Center news : annual newsletter of the Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University*No. 3 (1995)- No. 8 (2000) |
text | Slavic studies |
text | Acta Slavica Iaponica |
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