Hokkaido University Theses Catalog
Hokkaido University Theses Catalog is the collection of doctoral dissertations awarded from Hokkaido University.
Because of modification of Degree regulations, doctoral dissertations from April 2013 are published by HUSCAP.
- Doctoral dissertations from September 1958, which are awarded by Hokkaido University after the education reform implemented after World War II, are located in graduate schools.
- Theses and dissertations from September 1922 to March 1962, which are awarded from Hokkaido Imperial University before the education reform, are located in Central Library.
Theses and dissertations in catalog: 22,500 [ How to search (In Japanese Only) ] [ How to copy (In Japanese Only) ]
List by department or kind of academic degree
- List is displayed in decending order of date of conferral of degree.
- Letters
- Education
- Law
- Economics
- Science(2000-) | (1984-99) | (1937-83)
- Medicine(2000-) | (1984-99) | (1958-83) | (1956-63) | (1923-55)
- Doctor of Medical Science (From 1991 forward)
- Doctor of Medical Science (From 1958 to 1991)
- Doctor of Medical Science (at Imperial University)(1923-55) | (1956-63)
- Dentistry
- Pharmatical Science
- Engineering (2000-) | (1984-99) | (1936-83)