Northern Studies Collection

Northern Studies Collection

North 8, West 5, Kita-ku, Sapporo 060-0808 Hokkaido University Library
TEL: (011)-706-2994 (direct call) Fax: (011)-746-4595
E-mail: hoppo [at] (Please replace [at] with @)

Opening Hours Northern Studies Collection Open Stacks Weekdays 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Western Closed Stacks Weekdays 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (materials can be offered by 4:40 PM)
Rare Book Room Weekdays 9:00 AM - 4:50 PM (materials can be offered by 4:40 PM)
Closing Hours Differ depending on the closing schedule of the Central Library.
For more details, please check the Central Library Calendar.
Booking Service for Non-HU Members When persons who do not belong to Hokkaido University want to use the Northern Studies Collection, rare books, or Sapporo Agricultural College Collection, advance booking is required. For more details, please visit here.
Introduction of the Northern Studies Collection The Northern Studies Collection consists of materials relating to northern regions: Hokkaido, Sakhalin, the Kurile Islands, the Aleutian Islands, Alaska, Siberia and the Arctic Circle.
The collection includes General books, Manuscript books/ancient documents, Letters, Maps/graphics, Photos, Audio materials and others.
Northern Studies Collection Database The Northern Studies Collection Database is a search tool for manuscripts, ancient documents, letters, maps, graphics, photos and other materials of the Northern Studies Collection. You can search by material titles and author name. Some materials are offered with images and texts. (Japanese ONLY)
Northern Studies Collection Database
Northern Studies Collection Open Stacks Both members of Hokkaido University and visitors can use materials at Northern Studies Collection Open Stacks during the opening hours of the Central Library.
Western Closed Stacks & Rare Book Room Library staff bring materials. Those who wish to use materials should search in advance by using Online Library Catalogue or Northern Studies Collection Database, fill a library material request form and hand it to the library staff. Certain materials of the Northern Studies Collection (e.g. maps and graphics) and rare books are available only in the Reading Room for Rare Books.
(Enter the Western Closed Stacks) Faculty, staff and graduate students of Hokkaido University are allowed to enter the Western Closed Stacks. Please visit the Circulation Desk to borrow the entrance card.
Copy the Materials Please come to the Circulation Desk and ask the library staff whether or not it is possible to copy the materials. Please make sure that it is prohibited to copy certain materials in order to prevent further damage. It is permissible, however, to take a photograph of those materials.
Volume Limits / Loan Periods
* Materials are not eligible for renewal
User Volume Limits Loand Periods
Professors/Honorary Professors, Graduate/Research Students Up to 5 30 days
Undergraduate/Auditing Students, Faculty/Staff Up to 3 15 days
Researchers who belong to other institutions in Hokkaido & Former Faculty/Employee of Hokkaido University (*Trial) Up to 3 15 days