Use of E-Resources by GakuNin from Off-Campus

Use of E-Resources by GakuNin from Off-Campus

Some e-resources can be used from off-campus via "GakuNin" since April 2022.
Please note, however, that not all e-resources subscribed to by Hokkaido University can be used from off-campus with GakuNin.
※For more information about GakuNin, please see the guide by the National Institute of Informatics.

Requirements to use GakuNin

How to use

  • This paragraph introduces how to use e-journals and databases of some publishers contracted by Hokkaido University via "GakuNin".
  • The details vary from database to database, and some steps do not appear, but the main flow is the same.
      1. Access the e-journal or database site from off-campus, and click "Login," "Sign in," etc. on the top page (often in the upper right corner).
      2. When you get to the login selection screen, click "Login via institution", "Institutional Login", "Login by Gakunin account", "Shibboleth", "IdP", "Gakunin", etc.
      3. Select country name (Japan) or federation name (GakuNin). (This screen will not appear for services in Japan.)
      4. A list of universities will appear, select "Hokkaido University". (If you do not see Hokkaido University here, you cannot log in with GakuNin.)
  • If an access error occurred, it may help to clear the cache and cookies of the browser for resolving the error.
  • Once authenticated and logged in to a service, you can use all other GakuNin-supported services without re-authentication.
  • If there is no login button or other button on the page of each journal or each article, please go back to the top page of the site.

※NOTE:  The underlined titles are linked to their database pages directly. So, please click the title itself when the steps say "access (the database)", "visit (to the database)", and so on.
(If the title is not underlined, please follow the steps listed below each title.)

Commonly used e-resources in GakuNin

      1. Please access CiNii.
      2. Click on "Login" in the upper right corner of the screen.
      3. Click the arrow of the institution you belong to in the "For those who log in using your institution's internal authentication system" section to display the pull-down menu.
      4. Select "Hokkaido University" and click "Login".
      5. Enter your ID and password on the login screen and click "Login".
      6. Faculty and staff must enter the one-time password.
      1. Access KinoDen.
      2. Click on "Login with GakuNin" on the screen.
      3. Enter your ID and password on the login screen and click "Login".
      4. Faculty and staff must enter the one-time password.
      1. Visit the Maruzen eBook Library.
      2. On the Institutional Authentication screen, click on If you have a GakuNin account, click here.
      3. From the pull-down menu, select "Hokkaido University" and click "Select".
      4. Enter your ID and password on the login screen and click "Login".
      5. Faculty and staff must enter the one-time password.
      1. Click on "Sign in" in the upper right corner of the screen.
      2. Click on "Sign in via your institution".
      3. Enter "Hokkaido ..." in the "Institutional email or name of institution" field to select "Hokkaido University".
      4. Click on "Access through Hokkaido University.
      5. Enter your ID and password on the login screen and click "Login".
      6. Faculty and staff must enter the one-time password.
      1. Access SpringerLink.
      2. Click on "Sign up / Log In" in the upper right corner of the screen.
      3. On the login screen, click on "Log in via shibboleth or Athens".
      4. Select "Hokkaido University" from the pull-down menu on the "Or, find your institution (via Shibboleth)" side. (you can also search it by input the text.)
      5. Click on "Log in via shibboleth".
      6. Enter your ID and password on the login screen and click "Login".
      7. Faculty and staff must enter the one-time password.

    Main electronic resources available in GakuNin

      It is depends on the cases. For details, see the followings.

      <Case1. Access through the publisher's website>

        1. Click this link: ACS Publications
        2. Click the "Find my Institution" link on the top right of the website.
        3. If you can see "Choose your institution" in the page and if there is "Hokkaido University" link, click it and go to the following step no.6. Otherwise, go to next step.
        4. Enter "Hokkaido" into the "Search for your Institution" window.
          (Or, click "Academic Access Management Federation in Japan (GakuNin)" .)
        5. Click "Hokkaido University".
        6. Enter your ID and password on the login screen and click "Login".
          ※Faculty and staff must enter a one-time password.
        7. (First time only) Click "同意する" button on the page of "サービスに送信する情報".。
        8. There should be "Access provided by HOKKAIDO UNIV/KWE ACCESS" on the top right of the page. Then, search articles through the search window which is on the top left of the page.


      <Case 2. Access from an article page>

      There are 2 ways to login. Please select as you like.

      How to access(1)

        1. Click "Find my institution" on the top right of the article page.
        2. If you can see "Choose your institution" in the page and if there is "Hokkaido University" link, click it and go to the following step no.5. Otherwise, go to the next step.
        3. Enter "Hokkaido" into the "Search for your Institution" window.
          (Or, click "Academic Access Management Federation in Japan (GakuNin)" .)
        4. Click "Hokkaido University".
        5. Enter your ID and password on the login screen and click "Login".
          ※Faculty and staff must enter a one-time password.
        6. (First time only) Click "同意する" button on the page of "サービスに送信する情報".

      How to access(2)

        1. Click the PDF icon in the article page.
        2. Click "Access through your institution".
        3. If you can find login page, go to the following step no.6. Otherwise, go to the next step.
        4. Enter "Hokkaido" into the "Search for your Institution" window.
          (Or, click "Academic Access Management Federation in Japan (GakuNin)" .)
        5. Click "Hokkaido University".
        6. Enter your ID and password on the login screen and click "Login".
          ※Faculty and staff must enter a one-time password.
        7. (First time only) Click "同意する" button on the page of "サービスに送信する情報".。

      There are 2 ways to login EBSCO host. Please select as you like.

      How to access (1)

        1. Click on this link: EBSCO host(1).
        2. Enter your ID and password on the login screen and click "Login".
          ※Faculty and staff must enter a one-time password.
        3. (First time only) Click "同意する" button on the page of "サービスに送信する情報".
        4. Authentication is complete. Select the database you wish to use.

      How to access (2)

        1. Click on this link: EBSCO host(2).
        2. Select "Access through your institution".
        3. Enter "Hokkaido UNIV" and select it.
        4. Again, select "Access through your institution".
        5. Enter your ID and password on the login screen and click "Login".
          ※Faculty and staff must enter a one-time password.
        6. (First time only) Click "同意する" button on the page of "サービスに送信する情報".
        7. Authentication is complete. Select the database you wish to use.

      There are 2 ways to login Emerald Insight. Please select as you like.

      How to access (1)

        1. Click on this link: Emerald Insight(1).
        2. Enter your ID and password on the login screen and click "Login".
          ※Faculty and staff must enter a one-time password.
        3. (First time only) Click "同意する" button on the page of "サービスに送信する情報".

      How to access(2)

        1. Click on this link: Emerald Insight(2)
        2. Click "Log in" on the top right of the website. Then, select "Access through your institution".
        3. Enter "Hokkaido" in the "Find Your Institution" and select "Hokkaido University".
        4. Enter your ID and password on the login screen and click "Login".
          ※Faculty and staff must enter a one-time password.
        5. (First time only) Click "同意する" button on the page of "サービスに送信する情報".
        1. Access "HeinOnline".
        2. Enter your ID and password on the login screen and click "Login".
          ※Faculty and staff must enter a one-time password.
        3. (First time only) Click "同意する" button on the page of "サービスに送信する情報".
        1. Go to "医中誌(Japana Centra Revuo Medicina)".
        2. Please click "こちら" under "学認認証はこちら"
        3. Select "北海道大学" from the selection of your institution and click the "選択" button.
        4. Please enter your ID and password to login.
        5. Faculty and staff must enter the one-time password.

      If you want to access from an article page, see from the following step no.4. Otherwise, see from the first step.

        1. Click on this link: IOP science.
        2. Click the search Icon next to "IOP Science" logo on the top of the page.
        3. Search articles and click the link of PDF you want see.
        4. Enter "Hokkaido" into the search window of "Access through your Institution" and select "Hokkaido University".
        5. Enter your ID and password on the login screen and click "Login".
          ※Faculty and staff must enter a one-time password.
        6. If there appeared the page; "サービスに送信する情報", click "同意する" button.
        1. Please access JapanKnowledge.
        2. Click on "Log in" in the upper right corner of the screen.
        3. On the login screen, click "Click here to use Academic Authentication (Shibboleth)".
        4. Please select "Hokkaido University" from the "Affiliation" pull-down menu.
        5. Please make sure you have selected "Hokkaido University" and click "Select".
        6. Enter your ID and password on the login screen and click "Login".
        7. Faculty and staff must enter the one-time password.
        1. Connect to the IPSJ e-Library homepage. Click on "Login" in the upper right corner of the screen.
        2. Select "Hokkaido University" from your institution and click "Select".
        3. Please enter your ID and password.
        4. Faculty and staff must enter the one-time password.
        1. Visit Medical Online.
        2. Please open the link "学認認証の方はこちらへ".
        3. Please select "北海道大学"
        4. Faculty and staff must enter the one-time password.
        1. Click above link.
        2. Enter "Hokkaido University" and click on "Hokkaido University" that appears.
        3. Enter your ID and password on the login screen and click "Login".
        4. Faculty and staff must enter the one-time password.
        1. Access the “日経BP記事検索” service.
        2. Select the magazine you want to read or enter search keywords to search.
        3. The login screen will appear. Click on "学認アカウントで利用する”.
        4. Select "北海道大学" from the list of affiliated institutions and click "選択".
        5. You will be prompted to log in with your ID and password.
        6. Faculty and staff must enter the one-time password.
        1. Click on the above link "OXFORD Academic Journals" and click the icon which is a motif of a person shown in the upper right of the screen.
        2. Click "Sign In through your institution".
        3. Enter "Hokkaido University" in the field marked "Find your Organization".
        4. Select "Hokkaido University" when it appears at the bottom of the screen.
        5. Enter your ID and password and click "Login".
        6. Faculty and staff must enter a one-time password.

        1. Access to Project MUSE.
        2. Click "LOG IN" on the top right of the page.
        3. Enter "Hokkaido" into the "Institution Search" window in the "Access via my Institution" on the right of the page.
        4. Click "Authenticate VIA Shibboleth" of the "Hokkaido University".
        5. Enter your ID and password on the login screen and click "Login".
          ※Faculty and staff must enter a one-time password.
        6. (First time only) Click "同意する" button on the page of "サービスに送信する情報".
        1. Click above link and go to ProQuest Ebook Central.
        2. Enter "Hokkaido University" into the search window of "施設を探す", then search it.
        3. Select "Hokkaido University".
        4. Enter your ID and password on the login screen and click "Login".
        5. Faculty and staff must enter the one-time password.
        1. Access Royal Society of Chemistry.
        2. Click on the human-shaped symbol in the upper right corner.
        3. Select "Find your institution" under "Log in via your home institution".
        4. Select "Japan (Gakunin) Federation" under "Select your institution's group".
        5. Select "Hokkaido University".
        6. Enter your ID and password on the login screen and click "Login".
        7. Faculty and staff must enter the one-time password.
        1. Access Thieme E-Products.Access Thieme E-Products.
        2. Click on "Shibboleth Login.
        3. Select "Japan(GakuNin)" from the pull-down menu and click "Continue".
        4. Select "Hokkaido University" from the pull-down menu and click "Continue.
        5. Enter your "ID" and "Password" and click "Login".
        6. Faculty and staff must enter the one-time password.
        1. Target databases, etc.: InCites Journal Citation Reports(JCR),InCites Essential Science Indicators(ESI),EndNote Basic,ResearcherID
        2. Access Web of Science.
        3. Select "Japanese Research and Education (GakuNin)" from the "Sign In" pull-down menu and click the "Go" button.
        4. Select "Hokkaido University" from the "Select Institution" pull-down menu.
        5. Enter your ID and password on the login screen and click "Login".
        6. Faculty and staff must enter the one-time password.
        1. Access Westlaw Next.
        2. Enter your ID and password on the login screen and click "Login".
          ※Faculty and staff must enter a one-time password.
        3. (For the first time only)Click the "同意する" button.
        4. (For the first time only)Complete the First Time Registration.
        1. Access the Wiley Online Library.
        2. Click on "Login / Register" in the upper right corner of the screen.
        3. Please select "Hokkaido University" from the pull-down menu under "For those who log in using your institution's internal authentication system.
        4. Select Academic Access Management Federation in Japan (GakuNin) from the or select your Federation and Institution pull-down menu, then select Hokkaido Click on University.
        5. Enter your ID and password on the login screen and click "Login".
        6. Faculty and staff must enter the one-time password.

      【Contact】Electronic Resource Group, Hokkaido University Library(ers [at]