Library, Slavic-Eurasian Research Center

Links to related sites

Links to related sites


Other Links → SRC Link Collection

Institution & Academic Society & Group

  •  Institution & Educational Facility

Center for Northeast Asian Studies

Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA)

National Museum of Ethnology

Hokkaido Museum of Northern Peoples

The Japan Institute of International Affairs

OECD Tokyo Centre / OECD / Source OECD

The Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia(ERINA)

Institute of Economic Research Hitotsubashi University

Center for Integrated Area Studies(CIAS)

  •  Academic Society

Association for East European Studies (AEES)

Japanese Society for the Study of Russian History ** Japanese only

Japan Association for the Study of Russian Language and Literatuture ** Japanese only

Research Group for Medieval and Early Modern History of Russia **Japanese only

The Japanese Association for Russian and East European Studies **Russian

Russian Geographical Society


Slavia Occidentalis Iaponica **Japanese only

Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (formerly American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies)

The Society of Japanese Colonial Studies  **Japanese only

Bookstore & Publisher

  •  Japanese Bookstore

Nauka Japan ** Japanese only

Nisso ** Japanese only


Kinokuniya company ltd.

Books Yushodo

Kyokuto shoten ltd. ** Japanese only

Akaikutsu inc.

Nagara Books ltd. ** Japanese only

Russia eigasha ** Japanese only

  •  Japanese Publisher  ** Japanese only

Keisuisha co. ltd.

Kokushokankoukai co. ltd.





Taga Shuppan

Hokkaido University Press

Publisher Michitani

  •  Foreign Bookstore & Publisher

BTS Knjiga Trgovina

Buchversand Krieger

Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Press

East View Publications




Norman Ross Publishing Inc.

Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN


Library & Archives

  •  Japanese Library & Archives

WWW Servers in Japan, Academic Libraries

日本ロシア語情報図書館 ** Japanese only

  • Foreign Library & Archives 

[United States of America]

Slavic and East European Collentions in the Stanford University Libraries (スタンフォード大学)

Slavic and East European Library at University of Illinois (イリノイ大学)

Russian Studies and Slavic Resources at Princeton University (プリンストン大学)

The New York Public Library (ニューヨーク公共図書館)


Российская Государственная Библиотека 

Российская Национальная Библиотека 

Российский Государственный Исторический Архив Дальнего Востока

Государственная Публичная Научно-Техническая Библиотека России

Санкт-Петербургский Государственный Технический Универстет

Научная Библиотека Иркутского Государственного Университета 

 Портал Архивы России

 Документы Советской Эпохи

Библиотека Русских Электронных Библиотек 

Российская Книжная Палата 


Biblioteka Narodowa w Warszawie 

Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Warszawie 

Archiwum Panstwowe 

[Czech Republic]

Narodnia Knihovna Ceske Republiky 


National Szechenyi Library


National Library of Serbia 

Matica Srpska Library 


Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu 


Latvijas Akademiska Biblioteka 


  • Digital Libraries

Научная Электронная Библиотека (eLIBRARY.RU)

Национальная Электронная Библиотека (НЭБ)

Государственная Публичная Историческая Библиотека России


近代デジタルライブラリー (National Diet Library) ** Japanese only

函館市図書館所蔵デジタルアーカイブ ** Japanese only

Православный Свято-Тихоновский Гуманитарный Университет

Boris Yeltsin Presidental Library

Специальный проект "Русского журнала" (Journals on Russian literature)

Русское Географическое Общество

  •  Digital Maps

Earth Sciences & Map Library 

Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection 

NYPL Digital Gallery

GAIHOZU Map Digital Archive

Prometheus-Academic Collections

An Atlas of Ottoman Empire (Tokyo Univ. of Foreign Studies) **Japanese only

  •  Reference Tools


Russian Historical Statistics Online

Japanese Archival Documents in Sakhalin oblast (GASO)

  •  Link


東欧史リンク集 **Japanese only

Universitare Sondersammlungen in Japan (Deutsches Institut fur Japanstudien)

  • Others
Russia Beyond The Headlines
