International Organization Collection

International Organization Collection
(4F of University Library)

The International Organization Collection Room is where materials published by the following international organizations is gathered and stored:


  1. United Nations (UN)
  2. European Union (EU)
  3. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
    • Materials are open to not only on-campus personnel but also to the general public.
    • Materials can be searched for using the online catalog in Hokkaido University Library (some data may not have been entered yet).
    • Applications for borrowing materials or for making copies are accepted at the Reference Counter.
    • If you cannot find the document you need, please make inquiries at the Reference Counter.


Reference Section
Tel: 011-706-2973, ex. 2973, 4107

United Nations



    • ODS(The Official Documents of the United Nations)
      The official document system of the United Nations.
      This system provides access to all resolutions and decisions in conference documents and official records published by the UN Headquarters and UN Office at Geneva (UNOG) from 1993 onwards, documents published by the UN Office at Vienna (UNOV) and United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) from 1997 onwards and official records of the General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council and the Trusteeship Council from 1946 onwards.
    • UNBISnet
      Searches can be made for documents in Dag Hammarskjöld Library and bibliographic information of UN materials.
    • UN-I-QUE : United Nations Info Quest
      Searches can be made for UN document Symbols.


United Nations Depository Library

United Nations Depository Libraries are established around the world to inform the general public of the activities and spirit of the United Nations through its material depository system.
Hokkaido University has been accepting materials since 1962 as 10th depository library in Japan. It has held the full deposit status since June 1995.

UN publications can be classified as follows:

  • Books and magazines published by the UN
  • Documents from the UN
  • Official records
  • Pamphlets, leaflets, etc.

Materials published by other UN-related organizations, such as UNICEF, UNEP, UNPFA and UNESCO, are also collected as much as possible.
Links to these organizations:Official Web Locator for the United Nations System of Organizations

European Union


European Info (EU i)

European Info (Eu i)are established around the world to promote understanding of the European Union (EU).
Hokkaido University has been accepting English materials since 1982 as 8th EDC(European Documentation Centre : former EU i)in Japan.


    EU publications can be classified as follows:

  • Official Journal of the European Union
  • Legislation-related materials
  • Reports from various organizations
  • Statistical materials
    Not all publications issued by EU are sent to the Centre.


    Materials in microform (Official Journal, legislation-related materials, etc.) are also available in addition to those in book form.

Hokkaido University's EU-related special collections

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)


  • 1,500 books published from 1998 onwards classified into 20 subjects.
  • Magazines purchased by Hokkaido University are available online.
  • Books are provided in PDF format. Some can be downloaded by chapter.

OECD Cooperation Archives OECD conducts research and analysis in a variety of fields, including economy, finance, taxation systems, education, developmental aid, science and technology, environment, energy, regulatory reform, aging and electronic commerce, and recommends necessary policies to the governments of its member countries.
OECD publishes its achievements in the form of reports. While Hokkaido University has been accepting materials since 1970, it introduced SourceOECD in 2004. As a result, all OECD publications (books, periodical publications, statistics) purchased by Hokkaido University have become available online for searches and viewing.
Materials in book form are still available for viewing and use at the International Organization Collection Room of the University Library.