Postcards album, related to POW camps of Russo-Japanese War
Postcards album, related to POW camps of Russo-Japanese War
Photograph list
(Women in the Royal Palace?) / (back) |
Генераль-от-Инфантерии А.Н. Куропаткин / (back) |
(Царь Николай II и его семья) / (back) |
Москва-Кремль. Браговещенский Собор / (back) |
Москва-Кремль. Царская прощадь / (back) |
г. Телин (Маньчжурия / (back) |
Москва-Кремль / (back) |
Китайская пехота. Стрелковое учение / (back) |
На стенах Мукдена / (back) |
В Маньчжурии. Казачья сотня на привале / (back) |
Типы Маньчжурии. Китайские дженрикши / (back) |
Москва-Кремль. Памятник АлександраⅡ / (back) |
Китайское войско в зимнем одеянии / (back) |
Порт-Артурские ворота / (back) |
Мукден. Городская башня / (back) |
Куропаткин пропускает мимо себя войска под Ляояном / (back) |
Байкаль. Прискань парохода-ледокола / (back) |
Японский санитар несет русского раненого / (back) |
Санитарный поезд имени Государыни Императрицы Ареквандры Фёодоровны / (back) |
З. Рожественский (Морской Маршал) / (back) |
(姫路の田園,脇に整列するロシア軍捕虜?) / (back) |
Russian war-prisoners in Himeji playing at "Golotky". |
Faneral ceremony of a Russian private, Himeji / (back) |
The Himeji internment-place of Russian-prisners., Playing lawn-tennis / (back) |
Athletic sports of school-girls to console Russian soldiers in Himeji / (back) |
Teachning illiterate war-prisoners, Himeji / (back) |
"Dairinji" temple for Russian prisoners at Matsuyama, Japan / (back) |
Sports of Russian prisoners in the garden of the "Nishi Honganji" quarter, Nagoya, Japan / (back) |
The wounded russian prisoners and the nursing staff of the red cross society at Matsuyama, Japan / (back) |
"Mioshinji" temple for non-com officers of russian prisoners at Matsuyama, Japan / (back) |
Sport of russian prisoners in the garden of the "Higashi honganji" quarter, Nagoya, Japan / (back) |
The hospital staff and wounded officer-captives at Matsuyama, Japan / (back) |
Visit of japanese restlers to the "Higashi honganji" quarter for russian prisoners at Nagoya, Japan / (back) |
Garden party to celebrate russian festival in the Shizuoka quarter for russian prisoners, Japan / (back) |
Enjoyment of russian prisoners in the garden of the "Choeiji" quarter, Nagoya, Japan / (back) |
The bell-tower of the "Nishi honganji" quarter for russian prisoners at Nagoya, Japan / (back) |
Tea-making to celebrate the "Kigensetsu" at the Shizuoka quarter for russian prisoners, Japan / (back) |
The "Kijin" gate of the "Higashi honganji" quarter for russian prisoners at Nagoya, Japan / (back) |
View of the russian prisoners' rooms from the garden of the Shizuoka quarter Japan / (back) |
Matsuyama, Japan. Promenard of russian officer-prisoners in the "Dogo" park after bathing / (back) |
The "Dogo" hotspring at Matsuyama and repose of russian officer-prisoners after bathing / (back) |
Russian paroled officers from port-arther at Nagasaki en route for Russia / (back) |
(Same as on the left) / (back) |
(Same as on the left) / (back) |
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