User’s Guide
User's Guide
Agricultural Library Route Map Library Map
- Library Hours・Members
Library Hours Monday~Friday 9:00 - 20:00
During Vacation 9:00 - 17:00Closed Days Every Saturday and Sunday, Public Holidays, Year-end and New Year Holidays Members Students and Staffs of Hokkaido University
- To Visitors
- Search Collections by OPAC
- Copy
Resistrated User (previously need to resistrate at the Central Library)
- Borrow
- Loan Period
Books Journals Students and Staffs 5 vols・15 days 5 vols・3 days Visitors 2 vols・8 days copy only
- Please show yourStudent I.D. CardorLibrary Cardto the Loan Counter with books when you check out.
- Rare Books, Reference Books, and Current Journals : non-circulating materials
- You can renew your term only at once unless overdue and reserved by another
- Cpoy Materials
- To the extent that the copyright law allows, you can copy materials.
Public Expenses If you belong to alaboratory in Faculty of Agriculture, please use your laboratory's copy card.
If you belong to another faculty, please show a "Copy Use Slip",which your faculty's library issued, to our counter.Private Expenses You can use the self-service copy machine.
You need a copy card of University Co-op.
- Service for Members in Faculty of Agricultural Only
- Issue "Copy Use Slip" to copy at other faculties (public expenses only)
- Request Faculty of Fisheries(Hokkaido Univ.) and other universities to copy or to loan materials
- Write a letter of introduction to other university's library