Researcher’s ID ORCID & Publons
Researcher's ID ORCID & Publons
Currently, ORCID and Publons are widely used as services for assigning unified IDs to researchers, in order to link them with each their achievements. ORCID is an ID linked to research achievements, and is often required when submitting papers. Publons, on the other hand, is an ID that links to peer review results. ReseacherID's service was integrated into Publons in 2019. That makes it possible to link research results too.
- ◆ By obtaining a researcher ID
- To identifiy reliably researchers (even if, for example, there are some researchers with the same surnames or similar names, or if the surname has changed)
- Not to be affected by changes in institution or region / country
- ◆ By obtaining a researcher ID
What is ORCID?
Official Website ORCID
ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is an identifier managed by "", a non-profit organization established by multiple academic community institutions, and designed to permanently link researchers around the world with their research activities and achievements. In recent years, an increasing number of publishers require ORCID ID for submission.
- 【Usage of ORCID】
- Get ID
- Write links with your profile and other IDs (such as Web of Science ResearcherID) to your ORCID record
- Capturing your achievements from various academic literature databases
- Synchronize with performance information in Publons
- 【Usage of ORCID】
※ You can get an ORCID ID from the following site page. ⇒ here
What is Publons?
Originally, Publons is a free peer-registration service that was established with "the aim of accelerating science by making peer review faster, more efficient, and more effective". With the addition of ResearcherID service in 2019, Publons became able to manage research achievements. Currently, it is a product of Clarivate Analytics, the provider of Web of Science.
- 【Usage of Publons】→ [PDF](Clarivate Analytics)
- Get ID
- New registration is not required if you have a "Web of Science", "Web of Science ResearcherID" (formerly known as ReseaercherID) or "EndNote" account.
- Capturing your achievements from various academic literature databases
- Show the latest citation count of "Web of Science Core Collection"
- Registration and management of reviewer achievements (such as peer review results and editorial board history)
- Synchronize with ORCID performance information
- 【Usage of Publons】→ [PDF](Clarivate Analytics)
※ You can get a Publons ID from the following site page. ⇒ here
This is an ID managed by Clarivate Analytics. In April 2019, the “ResearcherID” site was integrated into “Publons”, and the name “ResearcherID” changed to “Web of Science ResearcherID”. It became easier for us to obtain information such as when, by whom and how many times each of your papers in Web of Science was cited. We Hokkaido University recommend that you also obtain an account.
(If you already have a ResearcherID, new registration is not required.)
- 「Web of Science All Databases Help」(Clarivate Analytics)
- 「Web of Science、ORCIDとの連携をさらに強化」(in Japanese) (2015/8/3 Current Awareness Article)
- 「ResearcherIDプラットフォーム移行のお知らせ」(in Japanese) (1) (2) (3) (Clarivate Analytics Japan)
【Further help and information】Hokkaido University Library, Research Support Division E-mail : jsa[at]