Research data management services “GakuNin RDM”

Research Data Management Services "GakuNin RDM"

"GakuNin RDM" is a research data management service developed by the National Institute of Informatics (NII). The University Library is promoting and supporting GakuNin RDM in cooperation with the Information Initiative Center. We hope you will use it for your research activities and give us your feedback to improve the service.


  • On Feb. 15, 2021, GakuNin RDM officially started

How to use GakuNin RDM

  • OS:Windows 10 (10.0), macOSX Mojave (10.14), Ubuntu (18.10)
  • Web browser:Google Chrome (72.0), Firefox (65.0), Microsoft Edge (44.17763/Windows only), Safari (12.0/macOSX only)

User support website

For usage manuals and update/maintenance information, please visit the following sites

Usage procedure

<For those with SSO-ID>

  1. Access to GakuNin RDM (, select "Hokkaido University", and log in with your SSO-ID. If you don't see "Hokkaido University" in the menu, click "Reset".
  2. (First time only) Agree to the Terms of Service, register your email address, and edit and set your profile.
  3. Create projects and manage research data for each project

<For those who do not have an SSO-ID>

  1. (First time only) Register as a user with Open IdP (
  2. Access the GakuNin RDM (, select "Open IdP" to go to the login screen, and enter your username and password to log in. "Hokkaido University" will also appear in the menu, but do not select it if you do not have an SSO-ID. If you do not see "OpenIdP" in the menu, click "Reset".
  3. (First time only) Agree to the Terms of Service, register your email address, and edit and set your profile.
  4. Create projects and manage research data for each project

    Notes on Use

    The NII Open Science Research Center provides the following notes on use.

    • Do not share accounts.
    • The storage limit is 5 GB per file and the maximum capacity is 100 GB per researcher.

    About GakuNin RDM

    Gakunin RDM is a tool that allows individual researchers or groups of researchers to manage their research data on a research project basis.
    It can manage and share research data from a web browser, record the creation, modification, and deletion of research data, and manage versions. In addition to the 100GB of standard storage available per researcher, it is linked to various external storage and external tools, as well as to cloud storage (Nextcloud) provided by the Information Initiative Center.
    We are also developing a linkage with the research data publishing service (the next JAIRO Cloud), which will allow researchers to publish their designated research data.

    Advantages of GakuNin RDM

    • Safe and secure storage and sharing. In addition to standard storage, external storage such as Next Cloud, amazon, Dropbox, Google, etc. can be used.
    • Record creation, modification, and deletion of data. Version control is possible.
    • Integration with external tools (chart/slide sharing, source code repository, literature management tools)
    • Linkage with research data repository (next JAIRO Cloud) (under development)

    Linkage between GakuNin RDM and other research data services

    Please see the following overview of the NII Research Data Cloud (created by the NII Open Science Infrastructure Research Center). Click on the figure to go to the NII Research Data Cloud Overview website.

    Overview of the NII Research Data Cloud

    External storages and external tools being linked

    • External storages
      • NextCloud, cloud storage provided by the University's Information Initiative Center
      • Public: Amazon S3, S3 compatible storage, Azure Blob Storage, Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, One Drive
      • Private: ownCloud, NextCloud, OpenStack Swift
    • External Tools
      • Chart and slide sharing: Figshare
      • Source code repositories: GitHub, BitBucket, GitLab
      • References and bibliograpy management tools: Mendeley, Zotero


    "NextCloud" is the cloud storage service (fee-based) provided by the University's Information Initiative Center, and GakuNin RDM is linked to NextCloud.
    For more information, please visit the following website.

    【Further help and information】Hokkaido University Library, Research Support Division E-mail : jsa[at]