Agricultural Databases
AGRICOLA 1970-Current |
This is an abstract database in agriculture produced by the National Agricultural Library in the United States. It offers agricultural information from 1970 to the present. It contains over 3.7 million records to journal articles, theses, patents and audio-visual materials, with over 110,000 records added annually. The Gateway is on the same screen as MEDLINE on Ovid and Biological Abstracts. |
AGRIS 1991-Current |
This is an abstract database in agriculture assembled by The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. It offers agricultural information from 1991 to the present. It contains records to journal articles, unpublished scientific and technical reports, theses, conference papers, government publications, and more. Approximately 130,000 records are added each year with key words in English, French, and Spanish. The Gateway is on the same screen as MEDLINE on Ovid and Biological Abstracts. |
ASFA (Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts) 1971-Current |
This is a database of abstracting journals on fisheries science. Accessible from CSA database. ・Quick Reference Card |
Biological Abstracts 1992-Current |
This database contains documents and abstracts related to biological science and life science. The Gateway is on the same screen as MEDLINE on Ovid and Journal@Ovid. Select Biological Abstracts. Also accessible from EndNote. Changes to the configuration file are necessary. Read here for details. -> To EndNote users |
CAB Abstracts 1973-Current |
Cross-searching of CAB's abstract databases in agriculture, biology, veterinary medicine and other fields can be made. The contents include peer reviews, research reports, conference minutes, books and theses. Databases of Agricultural Engineering, Animal Breeding, Dairy Science, World Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology are also accessible from here. |
CiNii 1948-Current |
Copyrights and Linking Information search service provided by the National Institute of Informatics. In addition to the "Japanese periodical index", simultaneous retrieval is possible from the cited reference index database (natural sciences-related, from 1992), quick database of research bulletin indexes (index database of research bulletins published by universities etc.), electronic library service (database of research articles contained in academic magazines published by academic societies and associations in Japan), prepared by the National Institute of Informatics. Within Hokkaido University, "Fixed-price OK" or "Open Access" articles are available as full text. *For details of each journal (provision conditions etc.), please access "Databases Incorporated" and see "List of journals available". Although some contents are fee-based, searches for articles and research papers from magazines and university bulletins can be made for free. |
Current Contents Connect 1998-Current |
This is a quick database of indexes of major academic magazines. Indexes of the latest and previously issued magazines (from 1999) can be overviewed, and research papers and articles can be searched for by subjects, names of authors, addresses of organizations, names of magazines and other categories. - Current Contents, Web of Science and Journal Citation Reports(JCR) can be used from Web of Knowledge, which is an ISI portal site. Quick Reference Card |
Datebases | This is the page of available databases in Hokkaido University. (a part of the homepage of Hokkaido University Library) |
EconLiT 1969-Current |
This database contains indexes of documents related to economics in different countries. It contains information on economy-related articles from more than 400 magazines, in addition to more than 500 articles from conference minutes and a collection of research papers, book reviews, research reports, etc. EBSCOhost User Guides |
Hokkaido Shimbun Database 1988-Current |
Terms of use Articles printed in the Hokkaido Shimbun newspaper from July 1, 1988 and onwards can be searched and displayed. |
INSPEC 1969-Current |
This database created by IET (The Institution of Engineering and Technology), is the bibliographic database providing abstracts and indexing to the world's scientific and technical papers in physics, electrical engineering, electronics, communications, computing and information technology. Containing nearly 11 million records, Inspec provides coverage from over 4,000 journals, more than 2,500 conference proceedings as well as numerous books, dissertations and reports. EBSCOhost User Guides |
Japana Centra Revuo Medicina 1983-Current |
Copyrights and Trademarks This database contains a total of 4 million documents and abstracts (approximately 300,000 a year) from 2,400 magazines, conference minutes, etc. published in Japan. Find the search manual here. |
Japanese Periodical Index NDL-OPAC 1948-Current |
This is an article index database mainly of academic magazines, university bulletins and specialty serials published in Japan and contained in the National Diet Library. The magazine article index (1948 - 2005) is provided on the website of the National Diet Library. * Click the green button with "search for Japanese periodical index" written on it. |
J-EAST 2001-Current |
This free-of-charge database gives bibliographic records of the latest research results in Japan. It is provided by Japan Science and Technology Agency and contains documents from about 3,000 sources, including academic publications, serials, proceedings and technical reports of universities and enterprises published in Japan. It includes 1.38 million records. Abstracts of articles in Japanese were translated into English. |
Journal Citation Reports (JCR) 2000-Current |
This database lists Impact Factors and other data related to magazines. -Journal Citation Reports, Web of Science and Current Contents can be accessed from Web of Knowledge, which is an ISI portal site. -JCR Web Science Edition 2000-2004 -JCR Web Social Sciences Edition 2000-2004 Impact Factors: Use and Abuse, (Perspectives in Publishing, No.1 (2000.10)) |
ProQuest Dissertations and Theses 1861-Current |
This database contains more than 1.6 million doctoral and master's theses from more than 1,000 universities throughout the world. The first 24 pages can be viewed in PDF format for free since 1997 (there are some exceptions). Product Tour Search Guide |
PubMed 1950-Current |
Copyright and Disclaimers MEDLINE provided by NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) of the National Library of Medicine. * MEDLINE is also accessible from SciFinder and ScienceDirect. |
Reaxys | This database includes not only abstracts and indexes, but also chemical reactions, synthetic method, toxicity information, and pharmaceutical information. It is based on the combined content of CrossFire Beilstein, CrossFire Gmelin, andPatent Chemistry Database. It contains patent information and provides links to bibliographic data. Please check Technical requirements. ・Reaxys Quick Reference Guide |
SciFinder Web | CAS Information Use Policies Database to access chemistry and other scientific information provided by CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service). Information on chemical substances, in addition to CAplus files, organic chemical reactions, commercially available chemicals, regulations on chemical substances, chemical-related patents and medical documents (MEDLINE) are provided. *First you need to create your own username and password. Please register here. (User registration guide (PDF)) |
Web of Science 1980-Current |
Cited reference databases on the following three fields are provided:
* Web of Science training opportunities |
Zoological Record 2004-Current |
Copyright Information This database contains bibliographic information, abstracts and records from academic meetings in behavioral biology, conservation biology, ecology, genetics, marine biology, morphology, paleontology, parasitology, taxonomy, veterinary medicine, zootechnical science, etc. The Gateway is on the same screen as MEDLINE on Ovid and Biological Abstracts. SelectZoological Records to start search. Ovid Top |