Special collections
Special collections
** = Japanese Only
- India. Legisrative series **
- George Vernadsky collection **
- British Foreign Office. Russia correspondence, 1892-1945 **
- The House of Commons Papers. 1801-1921 **
- The Epstein collection on the foreign relations of the Soviet Union
- The library of Prof. James R. Gibson
- 18th-century Russian studies **
- 19th century English and American plays **
- Early English literary periodicals **
- Boris Souvarine collection **
- Geographical descriptions and maps of Imperial Russia
- Sammlungen der Hans Thieme 1 **
- Sammlungen der Hans Thieme 2 **
- Sammlungen der Hans Thieme 3 **
- Sammlungen der Hans Thieme 4 **
- Nazismus Studium **
- The collection of Leon B. Bernstein. 1, 2 **
- The Henryk Gierszynski collction **
- A detailed map of the Russian Empire and its adjacent foreign possession
- Collection of Russian emigre fiction
- Die konservative Revolution in Deutschland **