Library of Dentistry

Service Guide

歯学研究院・歯学院・歯学部 利用案内

To prevent the spread of the Covid-19, the library is currently open only from 9:00 to 17:00 on weekdays.  Also, the library service is not available for off-campus visitors.

Service Guide

 Opening Hours

・ The opening hours may be changed to prevent the spread of the Covid-19. Please check the library calendar before coming to the library.
During Vacation
 Monday - Friday 
9:00 - 20:00
9:00 - 17:00
13:00 - 20:00
 Sunday / Holiday / Year-end and New Year Holidays(12/28-1/4)
 ※Only members of the School of Dentistry are allowed to use the library from 18:00 to 20:00 on weekdays and on Saturdays.


 Eligible Users

・ Hokkaido University students and faculty staff (include emeritus professors, research students, part-time students).
・ The person who has the Hokkaido University Library card( Please click here for the procedures of the library card issuing.)
・ Visitors (for reading only, not for borrowing.)


 Check Out

The Number of Books
Loan Period
7 days
・ Please show your student ID card (IC University ID card) or library card on the counter when you check out.
・ For faculty and staff (part-time lecturers, visiting clinical doctors, etc.) who do not have an IC Staff ID Card, a Library ID Card will be issued. Please apply at the counter.
・ Reference books and journals that have been received within the past month may not be checked out.
・ You can extend the loan period up to four times if the due date is within the return period and there is no one on hold. Please follow the procedure on the Library Web Service or at the circulation desk.



・ Please return the books you borrowed to the counter.
・ You can return them at the book drop, even if the library is closed.
・ You cannot borrow and renew any materials when you hold overdue materials.



・ University Members can reserve the materials which other patrons checked out.  Please apply at the library catalog or at the counter.


 Purchase Request (Only members of the School of Dentistry)

・ You can request books you would like the library to purchase through the application form.



Public expense
RICOH copy cards are kept in the counter.
Private expence
Copy fee is paid by copy card of the Univ. Coop.(Coins and bills are not accepted.)
You can buy a copy card from the Univ. coop.
・ Library materials have to be copied under the conditions specified in the copyright law.
- Only up to half of any book can be copied.
- Theses or articles in periodicals may be entirely duplicated, but should be limited to those published at least three months ago, or whose next issue has been already published.
- For each item, a single copy per person is allowed.
- Copying is allowed only for the purpose of study or research.


 Searching for Materials

・ There are four PCs for exclusive use of the information retrieval.

 Interlibrary Loan (Only university members)

・ If the required document is not available at Hokkaido University, you can order a photocopy from other universities or institutions. Please make an application through the Library Web Service. For details, please see Interlibrary Loan Service.


 Remote Access(Only university members)

・ You can access databases and e-journals from off-campus by logging in to the Remote Access Service.
・ Staff members (visiting, part-time, etc.) who do not have an IC staff ID card are required to obtain a iiC-ID.
How to apply
 How to apply for the Hokkaido University Other Category iiC-ID(Academic Support Department, campus only, in Japanese)


 Research Support (in Japanese)


 Library Classification about Dentistry

 517.6 Molecular biology
 616 Diseases
 617.607 Oral radiology
 572 Biochemistry
 616.01 Medical microbiology
 617.632 Diseases of gums and tooth sockets
 610 Medicine and health
 616.07 Pathology
 617.643 Orthodontics
 611 Human anatomy, cytology, histology
 616.079 Immunity
 617.645 Pediatric dentistry
 612 Human physiology
 616.31 Diseases of mouth and throat
 617.67 Caries
 612.015 Biochemistry
 616.32 Diseases of pharynx and esophagus
 617.69 Prosthodontics
 612.31 Mouth and esphagus
 616.904 Microbiology medicine
 617.692 Dentures, bridges, crowns
 612.64 Physiology of embryo and fetus
 616 Miscellaneous branches of medicine
 617.693 Dental implantation
 614 Forensic medicine, incidence of injuries, wounds, disease; Public preventive medicine
 617.522 Oral region
 617.695 Materials
 615 Pharmacology and therapeutics
 617.6 Dentistry
 617.96 Anesthesiology
 615.1 Drugs (Materia medica)
 617.601 Oral hygiene and preventive dentistry
 618.97 Geriatric surgery


 Library Use Policies

・ Food is prohibited in the library. Beverages in covered containers are permitted.