The Central Library and North Library partially resume the library services for non-HU members with advance booking.
The details are as follows:
Persons Permitted to Use the Library
(A) Researchers who belong to other institutions and wish to use library materials for academic purposes
(B) Persons who want to use Northern Studies Collection or Rare Books
Available Library Services
(A) For researchers who belong to other institutions
- Use/Copy library materials
- Borrow/Return library materials (if you have already had your own library card and complete renewing, or make a new one)
* Some materials are in-library use only.
(B) For persons who want to use Northern Studies Collection or Rare Books
- Use/Copy/Take a photo of materials
* If the materials are damaged, you can take a photo of them instead of copying.
Available Date
(A) For researchers who belong to other institutions
- Weekdays from 9:00 AM to CLOSING TIME
- You are required to complete registration during 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM on the booking day.
- To check the closing time of Central and North Library, please take a look at Library Calendar here.
(B) For persons who want to use Northern Studies Collection or Rare Books
- Weekdays from 9:00 AM to 4:50 PM (Materials can be offered by 4:40 PM)
If You Want to Use the Library Materials
- We ask you to make an advance booking via booking form (Booking forms are available on September 7 from [Central & North Library] Library Booking Service for Non-HU Members).
- You are required to make a booking THREE WEEKDAYS (except for weekends and national holidays) BEFORE VISIT (e.g. If you want to visit the library on Monday, September 12, you are required to make a booking at least by Wednesday, September 7). We send you a confirmation mail once you complete booking.
* If you received the confirmation mail and did not receive any other correspondences from us, you would use the library on the booking day.
Booking Terms & Conditions
- Library services are available on weekdays only. You cannot use the library on weekends and national holidays.
- You are NOT allowed to use the library without booking.
- Please note in advance that your preferred date might be fully booked up since there are only limited seats available.
- You are allowed to use the reserved seats only in the library.
* Please make sure to check up on other Terms & Conditions on [Central & North Library] Library Booking Service for Non-HU Members.
[Booking Service Starts on September 7]
Please go to the link below and make a booking via booking form.
[Central & North Library] Library Booking Service for Non-HU Members
Central Library
TEL: (011)706-3956
E-mail: service[at]
North Library
TEL: (011)706-5575
E-mail: kitasv[at]
update: 2022/09/07 12:54