Central and North Library will change opening hours as follows:
Starts on Monday, May 16, 2022
・Opening Hours:
8:00 am - 10:00 pm on weekdays
9:00 am - 7:00 pm on weekends and national holidays
・Library Calendars:
Central Library
North Library
* To prevent the spread of COVID-19, some library facilities and services are not still available. For further information about our services, please visit here.
* During coronavirus outbreak, library services are offered depending on the Response Plan of the Hokkaido University Business Continuity Plan (BCP). Please make sure that our services might be changed if the BCP Alart Level goes higher. For further information about Hokkaido University BCP, please visit here.
* When you visit the library, please wash your hands or disinfect your fingers frequently.
* For those who are not members of HU:
We, Central and North Library, are still suspending our services for non-HU members. You are not allowed to enter or use the library. Please wait for further notice.
update: 2022/10/24 17:04