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[ Categories: Social Sciences ] [ Database types: Law/Cases, Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index ]

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WestlawNext® is a legal information online service centered on American law.

How to log-in
1. Click on this link: "Westlaw Next"
2. Enter your ID and Password on the login screen and click "Login".
(There are some IDs that can't login. In that case, please see "How to register a new account" on this page .)
3. Faculty and staff must enter a one-time password.
4. (For the first time only) Click the "同意する" button.
5. (For the first time only) Complete the First Time Registration.

How to register a new account

1. Send an Email as follows.

・Subject line: WestlawNextへのユーザー登録依頼
(Copy the above words after the colon and paste them into your email's subject line.)
・Send to:
・In the body: write "Your name", "Faculty" and "Status"(ex. student, staff, and so on).

2. After 1 week or so, you will receive an e-mail that informs you how to make a new account. Then, please make your account by yourself as the guide in the e-mail shows.
And, when you login with the ID you made, you need to enter a new "Client ID" every time, which is separate from your account ID.(The "Client ID" can be anything as you like.)