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Database Description Provider Databese types Concurrent connections Location
CiNii Dissertations ( Remote Access ) Learn more 国立情報学研究所 Dissertations Remote AccessFree
CiNii Research ( Remote Access ) Learn more 国立情報学研究所 Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index, Cited References Remote Access
Current Decision Support Learn more 株式会社プレシジョン 事典・辞典・便覧, 論文情報 第一法規 法情報総合データベース Learn more 第一法規株式会社 Law/Cases, Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index 50
e-Stat 政府統計の総合窓口 Learn more 総務省統計局 Statistics Free
EDINET(有価証券報告書) Learn more 金融庁 Free
Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia ( Remote Access ) Learn more Brill Encyclopedias/Dictionaries/Handbooks Remote Access
eol(有価証券報告書ほか) ( Remote Access ) Learn more PRONEXUS 2 Remote Access
Integbioデータベースカタログ Learn more Encyclopedias/Dictionaries/Handbooks Free
J-GLOBAL Learn more 科学技術振興機構 Encyclopedias/Dictionaries/Handbooks, Patents, Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index Free
The Japan Times  ( Remote Access ) Learn more ジャパンタイムズ Newspapers Remote Access
JapanKnowledgeLib ( Remote Access ) Learn more 小学館 NetAdvance Encyclopedias/Dictionaries/Handbooks, Remote Access
JDCat 人文学・社会科学総合データカタログ Learn more 独立行政法人日本学術振興会 Free
JDreamIII ( Remote Access ) Learn more 富士通 ジー・サーチ Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index 2 Remote Access
JSAライブラリサーバ「JIS規格(日本工業規格)」 ( Remote Access ) Learn more 日本規格協会 規格 1 Remote Access
LEX/DB Internet ( Remote Access ) Learn more 株式会社TKC Law/Cases 10 Remote Access
Pivot-RP ( Remote Access ) Learn more ProQuest Encyclopedias/Dictionaries/Handbooks Remote Access
ReaD&Researchmap Learn more 科学技術振興機構 Encyclopedias/Dictionaries/Handbooks Free
都道府県統計書データベース(RISA統計資料統合データベース) ( Remote Access ) Learn more 丸善雄松堂株式会社 Statistics Remote Access
Super法令Web ( Remote Access ) Learn more 株式会社ぎょうせい Law/Cases 10 Remote Access
The Making of the Modern World (Part I, II) ( Remote Access ) Learn more 国立情報学研究所 Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index Remote Access
Web OYA-bunko 教育機関版 (大宅壮一文庫雑誌記事索引) ( Remote Access ) Learn more 大宅壮一文庫 Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index 1 Remote Access
朝日新聞クロスサーチ ( Remote Access ) Learn more 朝日新聞社 Newspapers 3 Remote Access
Japan Center for Asian Historical Records Learn more アジア歴史資料センター Free
Japana Centra Revuo Medicina ( Remote Access ) Learn more 医学中央雑誌刊行会 Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index Remote Access
ウエストロー・ジャパン(WESTLAW JAPAN) ( Remote Access ) Learn more ウエストロー・ジャパン株式会社 Law/Cases, Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index Remote Access
Kagaku-sho Shiryokan ( Remote Access ) Learn more 日本化学会 Encyclopedias/Dictionaries/Handbooks Remote Access
官報情報検索サービス (Japan's Official Gazette Search Service) Learn more 国立印刷局 Newspapers 1 Limited Access
NDL-ONLINE Learn more 国立国会図書館 Dissertations Free
学会名鑑 Learn more Encyclopedias/Dictionaries/Handbooks Free
Business Archives Online ( Remote Access ) Learn more 丸善雄松堂株式会社 Remote Access
近現代史料データベース ( Remote Access ) Learn more 丸善雄松堂株式会社 Social Sciences Remote Access
『経済史文献解題』データベース Learn more 大阪経済大学 Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index Free
公的判例集データベース ( Remote Access ) Learn more 株式会社TKC Law/Cases 10 Remote Access
Kobe University Library Newspaper Clippings Collection Digital Edition Learn more 神戸大学附属図書館 Newspapers Free
国文学研究資料館・電子資料館 ( Remote Access ) Learn more 国文学研究資料館 Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index Remote AccessFree
National Diet Library Digital Collections Learn more 国立国会図書館 Newspapers, Dissertations 1 Limited Access
古事類苑データベース Learn more 国文学研究資料館 Encyclopedias/Dictionaries/Handbooks Free
今日の診療WEB版 ( Remote Access ) Learn more 株式会社医学書院 Encyclopedias/Dictionaries/Handbooks 5 Remote Access
最新看護索引Web ( Remote Access ) Learn more 医学中央雑誌刊行会 Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index 1 Remote Access
ざっさくプラス(Zassaku plus : Database for Japanese Magazine and Periodicals From Meiji Era to the Present) ( Remote Access ) Learn more 株式会社 皓星社 Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index 1 Remote Access
Life Science Database Cross Search Learn more JST NBDC Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index Free
History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy Online ( Remote Access ) Learn more 丸善雄松堂株式会社 Remote Access
東洋経済新報/週刊東洋経済デジタルアーカイブズ(第2期-1-4、The ORIENTAL ECONMIST3- 5) ( Remote Access ) Learn more 株式会社寿限無 4 Remote Access
都市問題と地方自治 オンライン版 ( Remote Access ) Learn more 丸善雄松堂株式会社 Remote Access
北海道新聞データベース「どうしんDB」 ( Remote Access ) Learn more 北海道新聞社 Newspapers 5 Remote Access
Nikkei Telecom 21 (The Nikkei) ( Remote Access ) Learn more 日経新聞社 Newspapers 4 Remote Access
日経BP記事検索サービス(大学版) ( Remote Access ) Learn more 日経BP社 Remote Access
日本建築学会論文等検索システム Learn more 日本建築学会 Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index
日本語研究・日本語教育文献データベース Learn more 国立国語研究所 Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index Free
法学協会雑誌データベース ( Remote Access ) Learn more 有斐閣 Law/Cases, Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index 5 Remote Access
Law Journals ( Remote Access ) Learn more 株式会社TKC Law/Cases, Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index 10 Remote Access
法律時報 ( Remote Access ) Learn more 日本評論社 Law/Cases, Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index 5 Remote Access
Horitsu Bunken Sogo Index ( Remote Access ) Learn more 日本評論社 Law/Cases, Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index 10 Remote Access
Maisaku (Mainichi Shimbun) ( Remote Access ) Learn more 毎日新聞社 Newspapers 1 Remote Access
メディカルオンライン(Medical*Online) ( Remote Access ) Learn more 株式会社メテオ Bibliographies / Abstracts / Index / Encyclopedias / Dictionaries / Handbooks Remote Access
Yomiuri Shimbun Database ( Remote Access ) Learn more 読売新聞社 Newspapers 2 Remote Access
Rika Nenpyo Premium (Chronological Scientific Tables) ( Remote Access ) Learn more 国立天文台 Encyclopedias/Dictionaries/Handbooks Remote Access
オンライン版 全国商工会議所関係資料 ( Remote Access ) Learn more 丸善雄松堂株式会社 Remote Access
スポーツ産業史データベース ( Remote Access ) Learn more 日本スポーツ産業学会 Newspapers Remote Access
フォーリン・アフェアーズ・リポート(Foreign Affairs Reports) Learn more フォーリン・アフェアーズ・ジャパン Law/Cases 1 Limited Access
ベックオンライン(beck-online) Learn more エヌオンライン Law/Cases
Archives Unbound ( Remote Access ) Learn more GALE Remote Access
18C House of Commons Parliamentary Papers (HCPP) ( Remote Access ) Learn more 国立情報学研究所 Law/Cases Remote Access
19C/20C House of Commons Parliamentary Papers (HCPP) ( Remote Access ) Learn more 国立情報学研究所 Law/Cases Remote Access
ABSEES (American Bibliography of Slavic & Eastern European Studies) ( Remote Access ) Learn more EBSCO Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index Remote Access
Academic Search Premier EBSCO ( Remote Access ) Learn more EBSCO Bibliographies/ Abstracts/ Index Remote Access
AGRICOLA Learn more USDA Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index Free
AGRIS Learn more FAO Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index Free Learn more Publication/Bibliographic Information Free
American Doctoral Dissertations, 1933-1955 ( Remote Access ) Learn more EBSCO Dissertations Remote AccessFree Learn more コーネル大学図書館 Free
Biological Abstracts 【2014年購入中止】 ( Remote Access ) Learn more Ovid Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index 10 Remote Access
Biological Science Collection ProQuest ( Remote Access ) Learn more ProQuest Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index Remote Access
Book Review Digest Plus ( Remote Access ) Learn more EBSCO Book Reviews Remote Access
Brill Primary Sources:U.S. intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995 ( Remote Access ) Learn more Brill Remote Access
Brill Primary Sources:Cold War Intelligence: the Secret War between the U.S. and the USSR, 1945-1991 ( Remote Access ) Learn more Brill Remote Access
British Online Archive 「Scottish Women’s Suffrage Movement, 1902-1933」 ( Remote Access ) Learn more Microform Academic Publishers 出版・書誌情報 Remote Access
British Online Archives 「British Women Trade Unionists on Strike at Bryant & May, 1888」 ( Remote Access ) Learn more Microform Academic Publishers 出版・書誌情報 Remote Access Learn more Publication/Bibliographic Information Free
CAS Analytical Methods™ (CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform for Academics) ( Remote Access ) Learn more American Chemical Society Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index, Cited References Remote Access
CAS Formulus® (CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform for Academics) ( Remote Access ) Learn more American Chemical Society Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index, Cited References Remote Access
CAS SciFinder®(CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform for Academics) ( Remote Access ) Learn more American Chemical Society Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index, Cited References Remote Access
CINAHL ( Remote Access ) Learn more EBSCO Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index Remote Access
The Cochrane Library ( Remote Access ) Learn more Wiley 1 Remote Access
Current Index to Statistics ( Remote Access ) Learn more Statistics Free
DynaMed ( Remote Access ) Learn more EBSCO Remote Access
EconLit ( Remote Access ) Learn more EBSCO Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index 4 Remote Access
ERIC ( Remote Access ) Learn more ProQuest Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index Remote Access
Essential Science Indicators (ESI) ( Remote Access ) Learn more Clarivate Analytics Statistics Remote Access
Gale Archive Unbound International Climate Change and Global Warming. ( Remote Access ) Learn more Gale Remote Access
Google Scholar Learn more Google Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index Free
Harrison's Online ( Remote Access ) Learn more AccessMedicine(McGrawHill) 4 Remote Access
HeinOnLine ( Remote Access ) Learn more Law/Cases Remote Access
IndexCat Learn more 米国国立医学図書館 Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index Free
INIS Database Learn more IAEA Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index Free
integrum ( Remote Access ) Learn more Integrum World Wide Newspapers, Statistics Remote Access
International Political Science Abstracts ( Remote Access ) Learn more EBSCO Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index 1 Remote Access
JCR: Journal Citation Reports (インパクトファクター) ( Remote Access ) Learn more Clarivate Analytics Publication/Bibliographic Information Remote Access
Kodeks: Russian Law Database ( Remote Access ) Learn more パシフィックヴィジョン Law/Cases Remote Access
Lexis Learn more Lexis Nexis Law/Cases
LISTA (Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts) ( Remote Access ) Learn more EBSCO Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index Remote Access
Manchurian Daily News Online ( Remote Access ) Learn more Brill Newspapers Remote Access
MarinLit ( Remote Access ) Learn more Royal Society of Chemistry Bibliographies/Index Remote Access
MathSciNet ( Remote Access ) Learn more American Mathematical Society Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index Remote Access
MEDLINE EBSCOhost版  Learn more EBSCO Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index Remote Access
New York Times ( Remote Access ) Learn more ProQuest Newspapers Remote Access
OECD iLibrary ( Remote Access ) Learn more OECD Statistics Remote Access
Oxford Research Encyclopedias ( Remote Access ) Learn more Oxford University Press Encyclopedias/Dictionaries/Handbooks Remote Access
Oxford English Dictionary ( Remote Access ) Learn more Oxford University Press Encyclopedias/Dictionaries/Handbooks Remote Access
PILOTS(PTSDやトラウマなどの文献) ( Remote Access ) Learn more ProQuest Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index Remote Access
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I ( Remote Access ) Learn more ProQuest Dissertations Remote Access
PubMed(北大版) ( Remote Access ) Learn more NCBI Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index Remote AccessFree
PubMed Central (PMC) Learn more NCBI Free
Reaxys ( Remote Access ) Learn more Elsevier Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index, Encyclopedias/Dictionaries/Handbooks Remote Access
ResearcherID ( Remote Access ) Learn more Clarivate Analytics Encyclopedias/Dictionaries/Handbooks Remote AccessFree
Routledge Historical Resources: History of Feminism ( Remote Access ) Learn more Routledge Remote Access
Social Services Abstracts ( Remote Access ) Learn more ProQuest Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index Remote Access
Sociological Abstracts Proquest ( Remote Access ) Learn more ProQuest Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index Remote Access
The Arabidopsis Information Resource(TAIR) Learn more Genetic information Remote Access
Ulrichsweb (Ulrich's Periodicals Directory) ( Remote Access ) Learn more ProQuest Publication/Bibliographic Information Remote Access
UpToDate ( Remote Access ) Learn more Wolters Kluwer Remote Access
Visible Body ( Remote Access ) Learn more Wolters Kluwer Remote Access
Web of Science Core Collection ( Remote Access ) Learn more Clarivate Analytics Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index, Cited References Remote Access
WESTLAW NEXT Learn more Thomson Reuters Law/Cases, Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index
Zoological Record 【2016年購入中止】 ( Remote Access ) Learn more Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index Remote Access
People's Daily (人民日報) online ( Remote Access ) Learn more 文生書院 Newspapers 3 Remote Access
臺灣日治時期統計資料庫(台湾日治時期統計資料庫―台湾日本統治時代統計データベース) Learn more 国立台湾大学 Statistics Free
China National Knowledge Infrastracture (CNKI) ( Remote Access ) Learn more 東方書店 3 Remote Access
Digital National Security Archive(DNSA) ( Remote Access ) Learn more 株式会社 紀伊國屋書店 公文書 Remote Access