Lensen collction
3100 books (1)
- "Герои" тыла : очерки преступной д◆ie◆ятельности чиновъ интендантскаго в◆ie◆домства во время русско-японской войны / Ф. Купчинск◆i◆й. - С.-Пет…
- "Дело Зорге" : следствие и судебный процесс : (люди, события, документы, факты) / С.Л. Будкевич. - Москва : "Наука," Главная редакция восточной ли…
- "Дело об оскорблении трона" : демократическое движение в Японии девятисотых годов, его герои и литература / Г.Д. Иванова. - Москва : Изд-во "На…
- "Культурная революция" с близкого расстояния : записки очевидца. - Москва : Политиздат , 1973
- "Лексикон" русско-японский / Андрея Татаринова ; издание текста и предисловие, О.П. Петровой. - Москва : Изд-во Восточной лит-ры , 1962
- "Нейтралитет" США в годы первой мировой войны / З.М. Гершов. - Москва : Соцэкгиз , 1962
- ... wird Sturm ernten : Roman / Jean Hougron ; [Berechtigte Ubertragung aus dem Franzosischen von Edmund Th. Kauer]. - Hamburg : Rowohlt , 1962. - (Rororo Taschenbuch Ausgabe ; 466/467)
- 10 steps in writing the research paper / by Roberta H. Markman and Marie L. Waddell. - [Rev. ed.]. - Woodbury, N.Y. : Barron's Educational Series , [1971]
- 3 сентября 1945 / Н. Яковлев. - Москва : Изд-во цк влксм "Молодая гвардия" , 1971
- 30 лет на боевом посту / А. Макаров, А. Демьянчук. - Владивосток : Приморское изд-во , 1962
- 30000 ли по китаю / Борис Полевой. - Москва : Гос. изд-во детской лит-ры министертва просвещения РСФСР , 1959. - (Школьная библиотека ; )
- 50 major film-makers / edited by Peter Cowie. - South Brunswick, N.J. : A. S. Barnes
- A Chinese-English dictionary, compiled for the China inland mission : revised English index / by R.H. Mathews. - Cambridge, Mass. : Harverd-Yenching Institute
- A Russo-Chinese empire : an English version of "Un Empire Russo-Chinois" / by Alexandre Ular. - Westminster : Archibald Constable , 1904
- A Russo-Japanese war poem / by Jane H. Oakley. - Brighton : Standard Press , 1905
- A bibliography of books, periodicals and recordings pertaining to Asia in the library of Mary Washington College of the University of Virginia / compiled by Carrol H. Quenzel. - Fredericksburg, Va. : [s.n.] , 1966
- A book about a thousand things / by George Stimpson. - New York : Harper & Brothers , c1946
- A catalogue of the periodicals in foreign languages in the Toyo Bunko : acquired during the years, 1917-1966. - Tokyo : Toyo Bunko , 1967
- A century of Russian foreign policy, 1814-1914 / Barbara Jelavich. - Philadelphia : Lippincott , c1964. - (The Lippincott history series ; )
- A century of world communism : a selective chronological outline / George J. Prpic. - Woodbury, N.Y. : Barron's Educational Series, inc , c1970
- A dictionary of American-English usage, based on Fowler's Modern English usage / by Margaret Nicholson. - New York : Oxford University Press , 1957
- A dictionary of contemporary American usage / by Bergen Evans and Cornelia Evans. - New York : Random House
- A dictionary of military terms, English-Japanese, Japanese-English / by H. T. Creswell, J. Hiraoka, R. Namba. - Chicago : Univ. of Chicago Press , 1942
- A dictionary of modern American usage / by H.W. Horwill. - 2nd ed. - Oxford : Clarendon Press , 1944
- A dictionary of modern English usage / by H.W. Fowler. - Oxford : at the Clarendon Press , 1937
- A dictionary of sea terms / by A. Ansted. - Glasgow : James Brown , 1919
- A guide to diplomatic practice / by Ernest Satow. - 4th ed / edited by Sir Nevile Bland. - London : Longmans, Green , 1957
- A guide to historical method / Edited by Robert Jones Shafer ; [Authors] DavidHarry Bennett [and others]. - Rev. ed. - Homewood, Ill. : Dorsey Press , 1974. - (The Dorsey series in history ; )
- A guide to the archives and records of Protestant Christian missions from the British isles to China, 1796-1914 / by Leslie R. Marchant. - [Nedlands] : University of Western Australia Press , 1966
- A handbook of international relations : a guide to terms, theory, and practice / by Jack E. Vincent. - Woodbury, N.Y. : Barron's Educational Series, inc , [1969]
- A history of the modern world / R.R. Palmer. - New York : Knopf , 1950
- A last lamp burning : a novel / Gwyn Griffin. - New York : G.P. Putnam , [1965]
- A manual of style : for authors, editors and copywriters. - 12th ed., rev. - Chicago : University of Chicago Press , c1969
- A new dictionary of the French and English languages, containing the whole vocabulary in general use with copious selections of scientific, technical and commercial terms and others lately brought into use with their pronunciation figured : English and …
- A pictorial world history / W.H. Ha, C.L.J. Hallward. - London : Longman , 1969
- A preface to history / Carl G. Gustavson. - New York : McGraw-Hill , c1955. - (McGraw-Hill paperbacks ; )
- A research guide to China-coast newspapers, 1822-1911 / by Frank H.H. King (editor) and Prescott Clarke. - Cambridge, Mass. : East Asian Research Center, Harvard University. - (Harvard East Asian monographs ; 18)
- A short history of Japanese merchant shipping / by Ryoichi Furuta and Yoshikazu Hirai ; translated and annotated by Duncan Macfarlane. - Tokyo : Tokyo News Service , c1967
- A style manual for authors / [by] Edward D. Seeber. - Bloomington : Indiana University Press , [1965]. - (Midland books ; MB 76)
- Across Russia : from the Baltic to the Danube / by Charles Augustus Stoddard. - New York : Published for Bay View Readign Circle by Charles Scribner's Sons , c1891
- Across the Pacific : an inner history of American-East Asian relations / Akira Iriye ; introduction by John K. Fairbank. - [1st ed.]. - New York : Harcourt, Brace & World , c1967. - (A Harbinger book ; H072)
- Administration of teaching in social sciences in the USSR : syllabi for three required courses. - Ann Arbor : Univ. of Mich. , [Pref. 1960]
- Advocates of colonialism / Y. Chernyak ; [translated from the Russian by Taras Kapustin ; edited by Roger Silverman]. - Moscow : Progress Publishers , 1968
- Aerial photography military applications / War Department. - Washington : United States Government Printing Office , 1944. - (War Department basic field manual ; FM 30-21)
- After imperialism : the search for a new order in the Far East, 1921-1931 / Akira Iriye. - Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press , 1965. - (Harvard East Asian series ; no. 22)
- Agricultural collectivization as the developmental model for Communist China. - Tempe : Center for Asian Studies, Arizona State University , 1967. - (Occasional paper / Arizona State University. Center for Asian Studies ; no. 1)
- Aid as imperialism / Teresa Hayter. - Harmondsworth : Penguin , 1971. - (Pelican books ; )
- Alliance in decline : a study in Anglo-Japanese relations, 1908-23 / by Ian H. Nish. - London : University of London : Athlone Press , 1972. - (University of London historical studies ; 33)
- Altomanische Sprachstudien zu Suheyl-u Nwvbahar / von Tahsin Banguoglu. - Breslau : [s.n.]
- America and Russia: from Cold War confrontation to coexistence / edited by Gary R. Hess. - New York : Crowell , c1973. - (Problem studies in American history ; )
- America's rise to world power, 1898-1954 / by Foster Rhea Dulles. - New York : Harper , [1955]. - (The new American nation series ; )
- America, Asia and the Pacific : with special reference to the Russo-Japanese War and its results / by Wolf von Schierbrand. - New York : H. Holt , 1904
- American ambassador : Joseph C. Grew and the development of the United States diplomatic tradition / by Waldo H. Heinrichs, Jr.. - [1st ed.]. - Boston : Little, Brown , c1966
- American diplomacy : a history / Robert H. Ferrell. - Rev., and expanded ed. - New York : Norton , c1969
- American policy and the Chinese revolution 1925-1928 / by Dorothy Borg. - [Rep. ed]. - New York : Octagon Books , 1968, c1947
- American-Russian relations in the Far East / by Pauline Tompkins. - New York : Macmillan , 1949
- American-Russian rivalry in the Far East : a study in diplomacy and power politics, 1895-1914 / Edward H. Zabriskie. - Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press
- Americans and Chinese : a historical essay and a bibliography / Kwang-Ching Liu. - Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press
- Americans in Eastern Asia : A critical study of United States' policy in the Far East in the nineteenth century / by Tyler Dennett. - N.Y. : Barnes & Noble , 1963
- An Anthology of contemporary Chinese literature : Taiwan, 1949-1974 / edited and compiled by Chi Pang-yuan ... [et al.]. - Taipei : National Institute for Compilation and Translation , 1975
- An atlas of Soviet affairs / text by Robert N. Taaffe ; maps by Robert C. Kingsbury. - New York : F.A. Praeger, 1965. - (Praeger series of world-affairs atlases ; )
- An atlas of world affairs / Andrew Boyd ; maps by W.H. Bromage. - 4th rev. ed. - New York : F.A. Praeger , c1962. - (Praeger paperbacks ; )
- An encyclopedia of world history : ancient, medieval, and modern, chronologically arranged / compiled and edited by William L. Langer. - Rev. ed. - Boston : Houghton Mifflin , c1948
- An evaluation of the experiences of exchange participants : 1969-70 through 1974-75 / International Research and Exchanges Board, Charles Kadushin, Bogdan Denitch, Louis Genevie. - [New York] : Internaitonal Research and Exchanges Board , c1977
- An illustrated history of Japanese art / by H. Minamoto ; translated from the Japanese by Harold G. Henderson. - Kyoto : K. Hoshino , 1935
- An introduction to public enterprise in Japan / by Kiyohiko Yoshitake. - Tokyo, Japan : Nippon Hyoron Sha , 1973
- Antitrust in Japan / by Eleanor M. Hadley. - Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press , 1970
- Appearances of Soviet leaders. - [S.l.] : [s.n.] , [1968]-
- Art of China, Korea, and Japan / Peter C. Swann. - New York : F.A. Praeger , 1963. - (Praeger world of art paperbacks ; )
- Asian dilemma : United States, Japan, and China : a special report from the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions / edited by Elaine H. Burnel. - Santa Barbara, Calif. : Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions , c1969. - (A Center occa…
- Asiens Kritik am abendlandischen Christentum / Thomas Ohm. - Munchen : Kosel-Verlag , 1948
- Atlantic crisis : American diplomacy confronts a resurgent Europe / by Robert Kleiman. - New York : W.W. Norton , c1964
- Atlas of world history / Rand Mcnally ; edited by R.R. Palmer ; contributing editors, Knight Biggerstaff ... [et al.]. - New York : Rand McNally , 1957. - (Rand McNally history series ; )
- Au service de la Russie : correspondance diplomatique, 1906-1911 / Alexandre Iswolsky. - Paris : Editions Internationales , 1937-1939
- Aussenpolitik Deutschlandpolitik Europapolitik : Grundsatzliche Erklarungen wahrend des ersten Jahres im Auswartigen Amt / Willy Brandt. - Berlin : Berlin Verlag , c1968
- Authors' and printers' dictionary : a guide for authors, editors, printers, correctors of the press, compositors and typists / by F. Howard Collins with the assistance of many others. - 10th ed., rev. - London : Oxford University Press , 1956
- Beginners' dictionary of Chinese-Japanese characters, with common abbreviations, variants and numerous compounds / comp. by Arthur Rose-Innes. - Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press , 1942
- Bentham's handbook of political fallacies / Jeremy Bentham. - rev., ed. and with a pref. by Harold A. Larrabee. - New York : Thomas Y. Crowell , 1971, c1952. - (Apollo editions ; A-279)
- Bibliographie der Arbeiten zur osteuropaischen Geschichte aus den detuschsprachigen Fachzeitschriften, 1858-1964 / Klaus Meyer ; herausgegeben von Werner Philipp. - Berlin , 1966. - (Bibliographische Mitteilungen des Osteuropa-Instituts an der Freien Un…
- Bibliography and footnotes : a style manual for students and writers / by Peyton Hurt. - 3rd ed., rev. and enl. / by Mary L. Hurt Richmond. - Berkeley : University of California Press , 1968
- Bibliography of Soviet publications on Southeast Asia, as listed in the Library of Congress monthly index of Russian acquisitions / Ruth T. McVey. - Ithaca, N. Y. : Southeast Asia Program, Dept. of Far Eastern Studies, Cornell University , 1959.. - (Dat…
- Bridge to Russia : those amazing Aleutians / by Murray Morgan. - New York : Dutton , 1947
- British strategy in the Far East, 1919-1939 / by Wm. Roger Louis. - Oxford : Clarendon Press , 1971
- Buddhism in Chinese history / Arthur F. Wright. - New York : Atheneum , 1965. - (Atheneum paperbacks ; . history ; 77)
- Caracteres chinois : etymologie, graphies, lexiques / Leon Wieger. - [Hien-hien] : Imprimerie de 獻縣 Hien-hien , [1924?]
- Cassell's new English dictionary : with an appendix / edited by Ernst A. Baker. - 10th ed. - London : Cassell , 1938
- Catalogue of foreign books in the Waseda University Library = 早稲田大學圖書館洋書目録. - 東京 : 早稲田大学図書館 , 1922-
- Chaadayev and his friends : an intellectual history of Peter Chaadayev and his Russian contemporaries / [by] Raymond T. McNally. - Tallahassee, Fla. : Diplomatic Press , [1971]
- Chamissos Werke : in funf Teilen / auf Grund der Hempelschen Ausgabe neu herausgegeben mit Einleitungen und Anmerkungen versehen von Max Sydow. - Berlin : Bong , [19--]
- Checklist of archives in the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tokyo, Japan, 1868-1945, microfilmed for Library of Congress, 1949-1951 / compiled by Cecil H. Uyehara, under the direction of Edwin G. Beal. - Washington : Photoduplication Service, Lib…
- Checklist of microfilm reproductions of selected archives of the Japanese Army, Navy and other government agencies, 1868-1945 / compiled by John Young. - [Private reproduction]. - Washington : Georgetown University Press , 1959
- China & Russia : the "great game" / O. Edmund Clubb. - New York : Columbia University Press , 1971. - (Studies of the East Asian Institute ; )
- China : a critical bibliography / by Charles O. Hucker. - Tucson, Ariz. : University of Arizona Press , 1962
- China and Japan, emerging global powers / Peter G. Mueller, Douglas A. Ross. - New York : Praeger , 1975. - (Praeger special studies in international politics and government ; )
- China and Southeast Asia : Peking's relations with revolutionary movements / Jay Taylor. - Expanded and updated ed. - New York : Praeger , 1976. - (Praeger special studies in international politics and government ; )
- China and Soviet Russia / by Henry Wei ; with an introd. by Quincy Wright. - Princeton : D. Van Nostrand , c1956
- China and the League of Nations : the Sino-Japanese controversy / by Wunsz King. - New York : St. John's University Press , 1965. - (Asia in the modern world ; no. 5)
- China and the bomb / Morton H. Halperin. - New York : Praeger , [1965]
- China assignment / by Karl Lott Rankin. - Seattle : University of Washington Press , c1964
- China at the Washington Conference, 1921-1922 / by Wunsz King. - N. Y. : St. John's University Press , 1963. - (Asia in the modern world ; no. 3)
- China geht nicht Russlands Weg : Partner?, Konkurrenten?, Gegner? / Louis Barcata. - Stuttgart : H. Goverts , c1959
- China mainland today. - Taipei : Free CHina Review , 1957
- China's foreign relations, 1917-1931 / by Robert T. Pollard. - New York : Macmillan , 1933
- China. - Washington, D.C. : United States Government Printing Office, 1957. - (Foreign relations of the United States : diplomatic papers 1943 ; )(Department of State publication ; 6459)
- China: emerging world power / by Victor P. Petrov. - Princeton, N.J. : Van Nostrand , c1967. - (Van Nostrand searchlight book ; 36)
- China: yellow peril? red hope? / by C. R. Hensman. - Philadelphia : Westminster Press , 1968
- Chinese communism : selected documents / edited by Dan N. Jacobs and Hans H. Baerwald. - New York : Harper & Row , 1963. - (Harper torchbooks ; The University library. TB 3031)
- Chinese history : a bibliographic review / by Charles O. Hucker. - Washington, D.C. : Service Center for Teachers of History , c1958. - (Publication / Service Center for Teachers of History ; no. 15)
- Chinese humanism and Christian spirituality : essays of John C.H. Wu / edited by Paul K.T. Sih. - New York : St. John's University Press , 1965. - (Asian philosophical studies ; no. 2)
- Chinese phrase book. - Washington, D. C. : War Department , 1943
- Chinese society under communism : a reader / edited by William T. Liu. - New York : Wiley , c1967
- Chinese writing / Herrlee Glessner Creel. - Washington : American Council on Education , 1943. - (Asiatic studies in American education ; No. 2)
- Chinese-Russian relations / by Michel N. Pavlovsky. - New York : Philosophical Library , c1949
- Chinesische Gedichte : Nachdichtungen / Klabund. - Zurich : Phaidon , c1954. - (Dichtungen aus dem Osten ; 2)
- Choose life : a dialogue / Arnold Toynbee and Daisaku Ikeda ; edited by Richard L. Gage. - London : Oxford University Press , c1976
- Christian Morgenstern Gesammelte Werke : in einem Band / Christian Morgenstern. - Munchen : Piper , 1966
- Christian missions in China : evangelists of what? / edited with an introduction by Jessie G. Lutz. - Boston : D.C. Heath , c1965. - (Problems in Asian civilizations ; )
- Christianity and the encounter of the world religions / Paul Tillich. - New York ; London : Columbia University Press , 1963. - (Bampton lectures in America ; 14)
- Christianity in the non-western world / edited by Charles W. Forman. - Englewood Cliffs : Prentice-Hall , 1967. - (A Spectrum book ; )
- Chuang Tzu : basic writings / translated by Burton Watson. - New York ; London : Columbia University Press , 1964. - (Unesco collection of representative works ; Chinese series)
- Chushingura : or, Forty-seven Ronin / by Takeda Izumo, Miyoshi Shoraku & Namiki Senryu. Translated by Jukichi Inouye. - 4th ed., rev. - Tokyo : Maruzen , 1937
- Clippers and consuls : American consular and comercial relations with eastern Asia, 1845-1860 / by Eldon Griffin. - Ann Arbor, Mich. : Edwards Bros. , 1938
- Cold war and detente : the American foreign policy process since 1945 / Paul Y. Hammond ; under the general editorship of John Morton Blum. - New York : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich , [1975]
- Communism : classic and contemporary / Emile D. Ader. - Woodbury, N.Y. : Barron's educational series , c1970. - (Barron's essentials, the efficient study guides ; )
- Communism : what it is and how it works / Ina Schlesinger, Jonah Blustain. - New York : Macmillan
- Communism in action : a documented study and analysis of communism in operation in the Soviet Union : prepared at the instance and under the direction of Representative Everett M. Dirksen of Illinois / by the Legislative Reference Service of the Library…
- Communist China & Asia : challenge to American policy / A. Doak Barnett. - New York : Vintage Books , c1960
- Communist China's foreign policy / R. G. Boyd. - New York : Praeger , [1962]. - (Praeger publications in Russian history and world communism ; no. 107)
- Comparative world politics : readings in western and premodern non-western international relations / edited by Joel Larus. - Belmont, Calif. : Wadsworth , c1964
- Concluding chapter of the Report of the Indian officials on the boundary question. - [New Delhi] : Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India , [1961]
- Containment and the cold war: American foreign policy since 1945 / edited by Thomas G. Paterson. - Reading, Mass. : Addison-Wesley Pub. Co , c1973. - (Addison-Wesley series in history ; )
- Contemporary China : a bibliography of reports on China published by the United States Joint Publications Research Service / ed. by Richard Sorich. - New York : Prepared for the Joint Committee on Contemporary China of the American Council of Learned So…
- Contemporary civilization / James F. Findlay ... [et al.] ; edited by James F. Findlay ; introduction by Henry Steele Commager. - issue 4. - Glenview, Ill. : Scott, Foresman , c1967
- Contemporary government of Japan / Theodore McNelly. - Boston : Houghton Mifflin , c1963
- Contemporary history in the Soviet mirror / edited by John Keep and Liliana Brisby. - New York ; London : Frederick A. Praeger , 1964. - (Library of international studies ; v. 2)
- Contest over Japan / Herbert Feis. - New York : Norton , c1967
- Correspondence between the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R. and the Presidents of the U.S.A. and the Prime Ministers of Great Britain during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. - Moscow : Foreign Languages Publishing House , 1957
- Correspondence regarding the negotiations between Japan and Russia (1903-1904) : presented to the Imperial Diet, March 1904. - Washington, D.C. : Gibson Brothers, [19--]
- Creative education in the humanities / Arnold Didier Graeffe ; forework by J. Hillis Miller. - New York : Harper & Brothers , c1951
- Cultural relations as an instrument of U.S. foreign policy : the educational exchange program between the United States and Germany, 1945-1954 / by Henry J. Kellermann. - Washington : Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, U.S. Dept. of State : for…
- Cumulative list of doctoral dissertations and masters' theses in foreign missions and related subjects as reported by the missionary research library in the occasional bulletin, 1950 to 1960 / compiled by Laura Person. - New York : Missionary Research L…
- Czars and presidents / by Alexandre Tarsaidze. - New York : McDowell, Obolensky , c1958
- Dai Nihon : Betrachtungen uber Gross-Japans Wehrkraft, Weltstellung und Zukunft / von Karl Haushofer. - Berlin : E. Siegfried Mittler und Sohn , 1913
- Das Moslemishce Recht aus den Quellen dargestellt / von Micolaus v. Tornauw. - Leipzig : Dyk'sche Buchh. , 1855
- Das Postulat des Weltstaates : eine rechtstheoretische Untersuchung / Walter Bodmer. - Zurich : Juris , 1952
- Das deutsche Wort : Rechtschreibung, Sprachlehre, Erklarung des deutschen Wortschatzes und der Fremdworter / nach den amtlichen Regeln bearbeitet von Richard Pekrun. - [2. Aufl.]. - Heidelberg : Keysersche Verlagsbuchhandlung , c1953
- Democracy in East Asia = 民主在東亜 / edited by Paul K.T. Sih ; [preface by Chang Chi-yun]. - Taipei : China Culture Publishing Foundation , 1957
- Democracy in prewar Japan : groundwork or facade? / edited with an introd. by George O. Totten. - Boston : Heath , c1965. - (Problems in Asian civilizations ; )
- Der Fruhe japanische Holzschnitt / [text: Lubor Hajek ; reproduction und graphische Ausstattung: W. und B. Gorman ; Deutsch von Norbert Chotas]. - Prag : Artia , c1957
- Der Kreidekreis : Spiel in funf Akten nach dem Chinesischen / Klabund. - Zurich : Phaidon , c1954. - (Dichtungen aus dem Osten ; 1)
- Der Kriegsschauplatz : ein Beitrag zum neuzeitlichen Volkerrecht / vorgelegt von Otto Boeckner. - Berlin : Emil Ebering , 1911
- Der Produktionsprozess des Kapitals / von Karl Marx. - Volksausgabe / herausgegeben von Karl Kautsky, 8., unveranderte Aufl. - Berlin : Dietz , 1928. - (Das Kapital : Kritik der politischen Oekonomie / von Karl Marx ; Bd. 1 ; Buch 1)
- Der Reis Geschichte, Kultur und geographische Verbreitung, seine Bedeutung fur die Wirtschaft und den Handel / vorgelegt von Carl Bachmann. - Mrburg : [s.n.] , 1912
- Der Sprach-Brockhaus : deutsches Bildworterbuch fur jedermann. - 7. durchgesehene Aufl. - Wiesbaden : Brockhaus , c1951
- Der Traum der roten Kammer / [Tsao Hsue Kin] ; aus dem Chinesischen ubertragen von Franz Kuhn. - Leipzig : Insel-Verlag , [19--]
- Der Volks-Brockhaus : Deutsches Sach- und Sprachworterbuch fur Schule und Haus : A-Z. - 7., verb. Aufl. - Leipzig : F.A. Brockhaus , 1939, c1938
- Der Zirkulationsprozess des Kapitals / von Karl Marx ; herausgegeben von Friedrich Engels. - Volksausgabe / besorgt von Karl Kautsky ; unter Mitwirkung von Benedikt Kautsky. - Berlin : Dietz , 1926. - (Das Kapital : Kritik der politischen Oekonomie / vo…
- Der neue Kurs 1890-1899. - Berlin : Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft fur Politik und Geschichte M.B.H. , 1924. - (Die diplomatischen Akten des auswartigen Amtes, 1871-1914 : ein Wegweiser durch das grosse Aktenwerk der deutschen Regierung / von Bernhard Sch…
- Deutsche Botschaft Moskau : 50 Jahre Schicksal zwischen Ost und West / Bernd Ruland. - Bayreuth : Hestia-Verlag , c1964
- Deutsche Russlandpolitik : das Scheitern der deutschen Weltpolitik unter Bulow, 1900-1906 / Barbara Vogel. - Dusseldorf : Bertelsmann Universitatsverlag , c1973. - (Studien zur modernen Geschichte ; Bd. 11)
- Deutsche Weltpolitik 1890-1912 / von Otto Hammann. - Berlin : R. Hobbing , 1925
- Deutschland und Japan zwischen den Machten, 1935-1940 : vom Antikominternpakt zum Dreimachtepakt : eine Studie zur diplomatischen Vorgeschichte des Zweiten Weltkriegs / Theo Sommer. - Tubingen : J.C.B. Mohr (P. Siebeck) , 1962. - (Tubinger Studien zur G…
- Deutschland und Russland im Wandel der europaischen Bundnisse / von Bernhard Schwertfeger. - Hannover : A. Sponholtz , c1939
- Dictionary of Russian literature / by William E. Harkins. - New York : Philosophical Library , c1956. - (Mid-century reference library ; )
- Die "Gelbe Gefahr" : Japan und die Erhebung der farbigen Volker / von W. K. Nohara. - Stuttgart : Union deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft, [1936?]
- Die Aussenpolitik der Volksrepublik China : eine Einfuhrung / Jurgen Domes, Marie-Luise Nath. - Dusseldorf : Bertelsmann-Universitatsverlag , c1972. - (Studienbucher zur auswartigen und internationalen Politik ; Bd. 7)
- Die Beziehungen Russlands zu Japan (mit besonderer Berucksichtigung Koreas) / von Krahmer. - Leipzig : Zuckschwerdt , 1904. - (Russland in Asien ; Bd. 7)
- Die Bismarck-Epoche, 1871-1890 (Band I-VI). - Berlin : Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft fur Politik und Geschichte , 1923. - (Die diplomatischen Akten des auswartigen Amtes, 1871-1914 : ein Wegweiser durch das grosse Aktenwerk der deutschen Regierung / von …
- Die Geschichte einer vollkommenen Liebe : der klassische Liebesroman der Chinesen / [Deutsche Ubertragung von H. Bruggmann]. - Luzern : Verlag Josef Stocker , c1944
- Die Grossmachte in Ostasien von 1894 bis 1914 : ein Beitrag zur Vorgeschichte des Krieges / von O. Franke ; herausgegeben mit Unterstutzung der Hamburgischen Wissenschaftlichen Stiftung. - Braunschweig ; Hamburg : Georg Westermann , c1923. - (Hamburgisc…
- Die Hexenprozesse in der Schweiz / vorgelegt von Guido Bader ; genehmigt auf Antrag von H.F. Pfenninger. - Affoltern a.A. : Weiss , 1945
- Die Intervention im Volkerrecht / vorgelegt von Ernst Bockhoff. - Wurzburg : Buchdr. Richard Mayr , 1935
- Die Isolierung Deutschlands / von Hermann Freiherrn v. Eckardstein. - Leipzig : P. List , c1921. - (Lebenserinnerungen u. politische Denkwurdigkeiten / von Hermann Freiherrn v. Eckardstein ; Bd. 3)
- Die Isolierung der Mittelmachte : 1904-1908. - Berlin : Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft fur Politik und Geschichte M.B.H. , c1925-1926. - (Die diplomatischen Akten des auswartigen Amtes, 1871-1914 : ein Wegweiser durch das grosse Aktenwerk der deutschen Re…
- Die Kuppelei : unter besonderer Wurdigung ihres Rechtsschutzobjektes und dessen Wandlung / vorgelegt von Hans Bindler. - Dresden : Risse-Verlag , 1933
- Die Militarbevollmachtigten Kaiser Wilhelms II. am Zarenhofe 1904-1914 / von Gustav Graf von Lambsdorff. - Berlin : Schlieffen-Verlag , 1937
- Die Neu-Turkische Wirtschaft und Wirtschaftspolitik / vorgelegt von Ernst Bolender. - [S.l. : s.n. , 1931?]
- Die Politik der freien Hand : 1899-1904 (Band XIII-XVIII). - Berlin : Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft fur Politik und Geschichte M.B.H. , c1925. - (Die diplomatischen Akten des auswartigen Amtes, 1871-1914 : ein Wegweiser durch das grosse Aktenwerk der deu…
- Die Rauber vom Liang-Schan-Moor : mit sechzig Holzschnitten einer Alten chinesischen Ausgabe / [Schi Nai An] ; aus dem chinesischen ubertragen von Frnz Kuhn. - Leipzig : IM Insel , [1---]
- Die Revolution der zweigeteilten Welt : eine Geschichte der Machte, 1905-1929 / von Erwin Holzle. - Reinbek bei Hamburg : Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag , c1963. - (Rowohlts deutsche Enzyklopadie ; . Das Wissen des 20. Jahrhunderts im Taschenbuch mit enzykl…
- Die Sammlung der deutschen diplomatischen Akten uber die Vorgehen der europaischen Machte in Ostasien, gewahlt aus "Die grosse Politik der europaischen Kabinette 1871-1914". - Peking : [s.n.] , 1940
- Die Sangerbrucke : Gedanken zur russischen Aussenpolitik von 1870-1914 / Oskar P. Trautmann. - Stuttgart : Union Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft , [1940]
- Die Sowjetische Bildungspolitik von 1958 bis 1973 : Dokumente und Texte / herausgegeben und erlautert von Oskar Anweiler, Friedrich Kuebart, Klaus Meyer. - Berlin : Osteuropa-Institut. - (Erziehungswissenschaftliche Veroffentlichungen ; Bd. 9)
- Die Verbreitung der slavischen Siedlungen in Nordbayern : Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwurde der hohen Philosophischen Fakultat der Bayer. Friedrich-Alexanders-Universitat Erlangen / vorgelegt von Margarete Bachmann. - Erlangen : Unive…
- Die Wahrungspolitik der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika von 1933-1941 / vorgelegt von Nicolas J. Var. - [S.l.] : [s.n.]
- Die Weltpolitik des 19. Jahrhunderts / von Hugo Preller. - Berlin : E. S. Mittler , 1923
- Die Wirtschaft Ostdeutschlands : vor und nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg / von Peter-Heinz Seraphim. - Stuttgart : Brentano-Verlag , 1952. - (Die deutschen Ostgebiete : ein Handbuch ; Bd. 1)
- Die chinesische Auswanderung : Ursachen, Wesen und Wirkungen / von Hans Mosolff. - Rostock : C. Hinstorffs , 1932. - (Hamburger wirtschafts- und sozialwissenschaftliche Schriften ; Heft 22-23)
- Die chinesische Literatur der Gegenwart : ein Uberblick / Hsiao Ch'ien ; einzig autorisierte Ubersetzung von Joseph Kalmer. - Zurich : Buhl , 1947
- Die japanische Kolonialpolitik / von Fritz Wertheimer. - Hamburg : L. Friederighsen , 1910
- Die japanischen Minister als politische Fuhrung / von Gunther Wenck. - Leipzig : Felix Meiner , c1940. - (Abhandlungen des Instituts fur Politik, auslandisches offentliches Recht und Volkerrecht an der Universitat Leipzig ; Neue Folge ; Heft 6)
- Die russisch-orthodoxe Heidenmission seit Peter dem Grossen : ein missionsgeschichtlicher Versuche nach russischen Quellen und Darstellgn / von Josef Glazik. - Munster Westfalen : Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung , 1954. - (Missionswissenschaftliche …
- Die schwarze Reiterin : Roman / Wen Kang ; aus dem chinesischen verdeutscht von Franz Kuhn. - Zurich : Manesse , c1954
- Diplomacy of aggression : Berlin-Rome-Tokyo Axis, its rise and fall / [by] V. Issraeljan [and] L. Kutakov ; [tr. from the Russian by David Skvirsky]. - Moscow : Progress Publishers , [1970]
- Diplomatic relations between the United States and Japan 1895-1905 / Payson J. Treat. - California : Stanford University Press , 1938
- Diplomats in crisis : United States-Chinese-Japanese relations, 1919-1941 / edited by Richard Dean Burns & Edward M. Bennett. - Santa Barbara, Calif. : ABC-Clio , c1974
- Directory of Chinese communist officials : provincial, municipal and military. - [S.l.] : [s.n.] , 1969
- Distinguishing the way = Bendo / Ogyu Sorai ; translated with an introduction and notes by Olof G. Lidin. - Tokyo : Sophia University , c1970. - (Monumenta Nipponica monographs ; )
- Doctoral dissertations on China : a bibliography of studies in Western languages, 1945-1970 / compiled and edited by Leonard H.D. Gordon and Frank J. Shulman. - Seattle ; London : Published for the Association for Asian Studies by the University of Wash…
- Documents on American foreign relations / edited by S. Shepard Jones and Denys P. Myers. - Boston : World Peace Foundation , 1939-1953
- Doing business in Japan / edited by Robert J. Ballon. - Tokyo : Sophia University
- Early Chinese art / edited by L.C.S. Sickman. - Cambridge, Mass. : University Prints , [19--]. - (The University prints ; Ser. O . Oriental Art ; Section II)
- Early Indian and Indonesian art / edited by Benjamin Rowland. - Cambridge, Mass. : University Prints , [19--]. - (The University prints ; Ser. O . Oriental art ; Section I)
- East Asia's turbulent century : with American diplomatic documents / Young Hum Kim. - New York : Appleton-Century-Crofts , c1966
- East and west : towards mutual understanding? / Georges Fradier. - Paris : Unesco , 1959
- East-European and Russian studies in the American South / edited by Oleh S. Pidhainy, Joseph O. Baylen, Nicholas Lypowecky. - Toronto : New Review Books , 1972
- Economic comparison between South and North Korea / Hanguk Kaebal Yonguwon. - Seoul : Korea Development Institute , 1975
- Economic policy and planning in developing countries / by Jozsef Bognar ; [Translated by Gedeon Dienes. Translation rev. by Jeno Racz]. - Budapest : Akademiai Kiado , 1968
- Ein franzosischer Diplomat uber die bolschewistische Gefahr : Berichte des Botschafters der Franzosischen Republik in Moskau, Jean Herbette, aus den Jahren 1927-1931. - Berlin : Im Deutschen Verlag , c1943. - (Die Entstehung des Krieges von 1939 : Gehei…
- El rejuvenecimiento humano : methodos naturales y methodos artificiales / Rosendo Arguello Ramirez. - San Jose : [Litografia Lehmann] , 1974
- Entstehung, Entwicklung und Prinzipien des Chassidismus : nach Simeon Dubnow und der originalen chassidaischen Literatur / vorgelegt von Chajim Bogratschoff. - [S.l.] : [s.n.] , [1906]
- Entwicklungstendenzen der Pelzwirtschaft / vorgelegt von Wolfgang Bohne. - [S.l. : s.n. , 1930?]
- Essays on the history of American foreign relations / edited by Lawrence E. Gelfand. - New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston , c1972. - (HRW essays in American history series ; )
- Estorias bem mal contadas / Felix Guirischery. - [S.l.] : [s.n.] , 1976
- Europe & China : a survey of their relations from the earliest times to 1800 / by G.F. Hudson. - London : Edward Arnold , 1931
- Everyman's concise encyclopaedia of Russia / by S. V. Utechin. - London : J.M. Dent. - (Everyman reference library ; )
- Expansion and coexistence : the history of Soviet foreign policy, 1917-67 / Adam B. Ulam. - New York : F.A. Praeger , c1968
- Feeding the Russian fur trade : provisionment of the Okhotsk seaboard and the Kamchatka Peninsula, 1639-1856 / [by] James R. Gibson. - Madison : University of Wisconsin Press , 1969
- Festschriften. - Wiesbaden : O. Harrassowitz , 1970
- Foreign affairs bibliography : a selected and annotated list of books on international relations / Henry L. Roberts [&] Janis A. Kreslins. - New York : R.R. Bowker for the Council on Foreign Relations , [1945]-1976
- Foreign affairs research : a directory of governmental resources. - Washington, D.C. : Office of External Research, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, U.S. Dept. of State : For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off. , 1967. - (Department o…
- Foreign rights and interests in China / by Westel W. Willoughby. - Baltimore : Johns Hopkins Press , 1920
- Forty years of Chinese communism : selected readings with commentary / by Allan B. Cole. - Washington, D.C. : Service Center for Teachers of History , c1962. - (Publication / Service Center for Teachers of History ; no. 47)
- Forty years of diplomacy / by Baron Rosen. - London : George Allen & Unwin , 1922
- Foundations of constitutional government in modern Japan, 1868-1900 / George Akita. - Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press , c1967. - (Harvard East Asian series ; 23)
- Freedom's gateway / by James P. Leynse. - Claremont, Calf. : Creative Press , c1957
- Frontier defense and the open door : Manchuria in Chinese-American relations, 1895-1911 / Michael H. Hunt. - Ann Arbor : University Microfilms , 1971
- Funfzig Jahre Deutsch-Asiatische Bank : 1890-1939 / von Maximilian Muller-Jabusch. - Berlin : Deutsch-Asiatische Bank , 1940
- Futabatei Shimei in seinen Beziehungen zur russischen Literatur / von Bruno Lewin. - Hamburg : Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Volkerkunde Ostasiens e.V. , 1955. - (Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Volkerkunde Ostasiens ; Bd. 38)
- Games nations play : analyzing international politics / John Spanier. - 2nd ed. - New York : Praeger , 1975
- Games nations play : analyzing international politics / John Spanier. - New York : Praeger
- Games of the Orient : Korea, China, Japan / by Stewart Culin. - Tuttle. - Rutland : Tuttle , 1958
- Geht Japan nach links? / Ingeborg Y. Wendt. - Reinbek bei Hamburg : Rowohlt , 1964. - (Rowohlts deutsche Enzyklopadie ; 202)
- General Maurice Sarrail, 1856-1929 : the French Army and left-wing politics / Jan Karl Tanenbaum. - Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press , [1974]
- German-Japanese relations, 1894-1902 : a study of European imperialism in the Far East / by Oscar Rosen. - Ann Arbor, Mich. : University Microfilms , [1956]
- German-Japanese relations, 1936-1940 / by Frank William Ikle. - New York : Bookman Associates , c1956
- German-Persian diplomatic relations 1873-1912 / by Bradford G. Martin. - 's-Gravenhage : Mouton , 1959
- Geschichte der Russischen Eisenbahnen / J. N. Westwood. - Zurich : Orell Fussli , [c1966]
- Geschichte der zweigeteilten Welt : Amerika und Russland / von Erwin Holzle. - Reinbek bei Hamburg : Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag , c1961. - (Rowohlts deutsche Enzyklopadie ; . Das Wissen des 20. Jahrhunderts im Taschenbuch mit enzyklopadischem Stichwort …
- Glossary of Russian abbreviations and acronyms / compiled by the Aerospace Technology Division, Reference Department. - Washington : Library of Congress; [for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off.] , 1967
- Government in Japan, recent trends in its scope and operation / by Charles B. Fahs. - New York : Institute of Pacific Relations , 1940. - (I.P.R. inquiry series ; )
- Graf Adolf Friedrich von Schack und der Orient : Teildruck / von Melahat Azmi. - Berlin : Emil Ebering , [1934]
- Grundlagen, Entwicklung und Wesen der Organisation der Deutschen Studentenschaft / vorgelegt von Anton Baak. - Quakenbruck : Robert Kleinert , 1927
- Grundzuge der Aussenpolitik seit 1871 / von Wolfgang Windelband. - Berlin : Zentralverlag , 1926
- Guidelines for the development of the national economy of the USSR for 1976-1980 : March 1, 1976 / A. N. Kosygin. - Moscow : Novosti Press Agency Pub. House , 1976
- Handbook of Japanese grammar / Harold G. Henderson. - Boston : Houghton Mifflin , c1943
- Handbooks on the national language readers of Japan / by Kikue Ojima. - Tokyo : Sankosha , 1929-1939
- Harold J. Laski on the communist manifesto : an introduction / together with the original text and prefaces by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels ; foreword for the american edition by T.B. Bottomore. - New York : Vintage Books , 1967. - (A Vintage book ; V…
- Hart and the Chinese Customs / by Stanley F. Wright. - Belfast : Published for the Queen's University [by] Wm. Mullan , 1950
- Hart's rules for compositors and readers at the University Press, Oxford / Horace Hart. - 37th ed., completely revised. - London : Oxford University Press , 1967
- Harunobu : und die Kunstler seiner Zeit / [text: Lubor Hajek ; reproductionen und graphische Ausstattung: W. und B. Forman]. - 2 Aufl. - Prag : Artia , c1957
- Herbs, hoecakes and husbandry : the daybook of a planter of the old south / edited by Weymouth T. Jordan. - Tallahassee : Florida State University , 1960. - (Florida State University studies ; No. 34)
- Hermann Roesler and the making of the Meiji state : with his commentaries on the Meiji Constitution / Johannes Siemes. - Tokyo : Sophia University Press. - (Monumenta Nipponica monographs ; 24)
- High adventure in joint ventures / American Chamber of Commerce in Japan. - Tokyo : American Chamber of Commerce in Japan , 1966
- Higher education / Vyacheslav Yelyutin. - Moscow : Novosti Press Agency Publishing House , 1976. - (USSR : yesterday, today & tomorrow ; )
- Higher education in the U.S.S.R : curriculums, schools, and statistics / by Seymour M. Rosen. - [Washington] : U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare , 1963
- Histoire de la litterature japonaise contemporaine (1868-1938) / Georges Bonneau ; avec une preface de Kikuchi Kan. - Paris : Payot , 1940
- Histoire des relations de la Russie avec la Chine sous Pierre le Grand (1689-1730) / par Gaston Cahen = 清初中俄交渉史 / ◆U560E◆恩著. - [China] : [s.n.] , 1941
- Historian's handbook : a key to the study and writing of history / Wood Gray ; with the collaboration of William Columbus Davis ... et al.. - Boston : Houghton Mifflin , c1959
- Historians' fallacies : toward a logic of historical thought / by David Hackett Fischer. - New York : Harper & Row , 1970. - (Harper torchbooks ; 1545)
- Historical and commercial atlas of China / by Albert Herrmann. - Taipei : Literature House , 1964. - (Harvard-Yenching Institute monograph series ; v. 1)
- Historical sketch of the ecclesiastical, political, and commercial relations of Russia with China : drawn chiefley from original sources / by John Dudgeon. - [Peking] : Wen Tien Ko , 1940
- History of Soviet foreign policy / Russian text edited by B. Ponomaryov, A. Gromyko [and] V. Khvostov ; [translated by David Skvirsky]. - Moscow : Progress Publishers , [1969-1973, c1974]
- History, its purpose and method / by Gustaaf Johannes Renier. - New York : Harper & Row , 1965
- History--meaning and method / Donald V. Gawronski ; consulting editor, Russel B. Nye. - 3d ed. - Glenview, Ill. : Scott, Foresman , [1975]
- Hizakurige : a shanks' mare tour of the Tokaido / by Ikku Jippensha. - Tokyo : Toa Bungei Sha , 昭和27 [1952]
- Hsi K'ang and his poetical essay on the lute / by R. H. van Gulik. - New ed., rev. and reset. - Tokyo : Sophia Univ. , c1968. - (Monumenta Nipponica monographs ; )
- Imperial America : American foreign policy since 1898 / Lloyd C. Gardner. - New York : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich , c1976. - (The Harbrace history of the United States ; )
- Imperialism and Chinese nationalism : Germany in Shantung / [by] John E. Schrecker. - Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press , 1971. - (Harvard East Asian series ; 58)
- In Korea with Marquis Ito / by George Trumbull Ladd. - New York : C. Scribner's Sons , 1908
- Index of Japanese painters. - Tokyo : Society of Friends of Eastern Art , 1941
- India : a critical bibliography / by J.Michael Mahar. - Tucson : Univ. of Arizona Press , c1964
- Indo-Russian trade / S.M. Siddiq. - [Delhi] : Indian Council of World Affairs
- Intercultural education : an information service of Education and World Affairs. - New York : Education and Wowld Affairs , [19--]
- International Conference on the Triangular Relations of Mainland China, the Soviet Union, and North Korea : report, June 23-25, 1977. - [Seoul] : Asiatic Research Center, Korea University , 1977
- International politics of Asia : readings / edited by George P. Jan. - Belmont, Calif. : Wadsworth , c1969
- International relations & recent history : indexes, abstracts & periodicals / John Brown Mason. - Santa Barbara, Calif. : ABC-Clio , 1968. - (Research resources : annotated guide to the social sciences ; v. 1)
- International relations research : problems of evaluation and advancement / by E. Raymond Platig. - Santa Barbara : Carnegie Endowment for International Peace , c1966. - (Twentieth century series ; No. 3)
- Intervention and the war / Richard H. Ullman. - Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press , 1961. - (Anglo-Soviet relations, 1917-1921 ; v. 1)
- Introducing the arts of Japan within the framework of cha-no-yu / by Cynthia Bivins Murphy. - [S.l.] : [s.n.] , 1976
- Invitation to book collecting : its pleasures and practices, with kindred discussions of manuscripts, maps, and prints / by Colton Storm & Howard Peckham. - New York : R.R. Bowker , 1947
- Italian fascist activities in the United States / by Gaetano Salvemini ; edited with introd. by Philip V. Cannistraro. - New York : Center for Migration Studies , 1977
- Jamaica and voluntary laborers from Africa, 1840-1865 / Mary Elizabeth Thomas. - Gainesville : University Presses of Florida , c1974. - (A Florida State University book ; )
- Japan and East Asia : the new international order / Donald C. Hellmann. - New York : Praeger , c1972
- Japan and Korea : a critical bibliography / by Bernard S. Silberman. - Tucson, Ariz. : University of Arizona Press , 1962
- Japan and Korea : an annotated bibliography of doctoral dissertations in Western languages, 1877-1969 / compiled and edited by Frank J. Shulman for the Center for Japanese Studies, University of Michigan. - Chicago : American Library Association , 1970
- Japan im Sternbild Ostasiens : Darbietung einer geschichtlichen Grundlage fur die Aussenpolitik Japans in der Neuzeit / Funaoka Seigo. - 東京 : 東邦書房 , 昭和16-17 [1941-1942]
- Japan in der Welt : die japanische Expansion seit 1854 / Anton Zischka. - Leipzig : W. Goldmann Verlag , c1936
- Japan's foreign policy, 1868-1941 : a research guide / edited by James William Morley. - New York : Columbia University Press , 1974. - (Studies of the East Asian Institute ; )
- Japan's northern frontier : a preliminary study in colonization and expansion, with special reference to the relations of Japan and Russia / John A. Harrison. - Gainesville : University of Florida Press , 1953
- Japan's relations with the U.S.S.R., 1945-1963 / Savitri Vishwanathan. - New Delhi : [s.n.] , 1970
- Japan-American diplomatic relations in the Meiji-Taisho era / [tr. by] Kimura Michiko. - Tokyo : Pan-Pacific , 1958. - (Centenary cultural council series ; )
- Japan: prospects, options, and opportunities / by William J. Sebald and C. Nelson Spinks. - Washington : American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research , 1967
- Japanese Buddhism / by the late Sir Charles Eliot. - London : E. Arnold , 1935
- Japanese art / edited by Harold Gould Henderson and Robert Treat Paine, Jr. - Cambridge, Mass. : University Prints , [1938]. - (The University prints ; Series O . Oriental Art ; Section III)
- Japanese arts & crafts in the Meiji Era / edited by Uyeno Naoteru ; English adaptation by Richard Lane. - Tokyo : Pan-Pacific , 1958. - (Centenary cultural council series ; . Japanese culture in the Meiji Era ; vol.8 . Arts & crafts)
- Japanese colour prints / by Laurence Binyon and J.J. O'brien Sexton. - [S.l.] : Frederick Publications , c1954
- Japanese foreign policy and domestic politics : the peace agreement with the Soviet Union / Donald C. Hellmann. - Berkeley : University of California Press , 1969
- Japanese foreign policy on the eve of the Pacific War : a Soviet view / by Leonid N. Kutakov ; edited with a foreword by George Alexander Lensen. - Tallahassee, Fla. : Diplomatic Press , [1972]
- Japanese ground and air forces. - Washington D.C. : War Department, Military Intelligence Service , 1942. - (Information bulletin ; no. 14)
- Japanese in thirty hours : first course in Japanese language for either class room use or for self study : systematized direct method (first printed in 1942) / by Eiichi Kiyooka. - Tokyo : Seiwa-Kai Society , 1946
- Japanese intervention in the Russian Far East. - Washington : Special Delegation of the Far Eastern Republic to the United States of America , 1922
- Japanese lady in Europe / by Haruko Ichikawa ; edited and with an introduction by William Plomer. - London : J. Cape , 1937
- Japanese legislation in the Meiji Era / edited by Ishii Ryosuke ; translated by William J. Chambliss. - Tokyo : Pan-Pacific , 1958. - (Centenary cultural council series ; . Japanese culture in the Meiji Era ; vol.10 . Legislation)
- Japanese literature in the Meiji Era / compiles and edited by Okazaki Yoshie, translated and adapted by V. H. Viglielmo. - Tokyo : Obunsha , 1955. - (Centenary cultural council series ; )
- Japanese literature; manners and customs in the Meiji-Taisho Era / compiled and edited by Kimura Ki ; translated and adapted by Philip Yampolsky. - Tokyo : Obunsha , 1957. - (Centenary cultural council series ; . A History of Japanese-American cultural …
- Japanese music and drama in the Meiji era / compiled and edited by Komiya Toyotaka ; translated and adapted by Edward G. Seidensticker and Donald Keene. - Tokyo : Obunsha , 1956. - (Centenary cultural council series ; . Japanese culture in the Meiji era…
- Japanese penetration of Korea, 1894-1910 : a checklist of Japanese archives in the Hoover Institution / compiled by Andrew C. Nahm ; under the direction of Peter A. Berton. - Stanford, Calif. : Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, Stanford …
- Japanese people and politics / Chitoshi Yanaga. - New York : J. Wiley
- Japanese politics : patron-client democracy / Nobutaka Ike. - 2nd ed. - New York : A. Knopf , 1972. - (Borzoi Books ; )
- Japanese proverbs and proverbial phrases / by Aisaburo Akiyama. - 3d ed. - Yokohama : Yoshikawa , 1940
- Japanese society in the Meiji era / compiled and edited by Shibusawa Keizo ; translated and adapted by Aora H. Culbertson and Kimura Michiko. - Tokyo : Obunsha , 1958. - (Centenary cultural council series ; . Japanese culture in the Meiji era ; v. 6)
- Japanese trade & industry in the Meiji-Taisho Era / compiled and edited by Ohara Keishi ; translated and adapted by Okata Tamotsu. - Tokyo : Obunsha , 1957. - (Centenary cultural council series ; . A History of Japanese-American cultural relations (1853…
- Japanese training and research in the Russian field / Peter Berton, Paul Langer, Rodger Swearingen. - Los Angeles, Calif. : University of Southern California Press , 1956. - (Far Eastern and Russian research series ; no. 1)
- Japanese wood-block printing / Hiroshi Yoshida. - Tokyo : Sanseido , 1939
- Japanese youth confronts religion : a sociological survey / by Fernando M. Basabe, in collaboration with Anzai Shin and Alphonso M. Nebreda. - Tokyo : Sophia University
- Japanese-Soviet relations, 1925-1940 : a study of issues and Japanese attitude toward the Soviet Union, as reflected in the Japan Weekly Chronicle / by Patrick Grant Mullins. - [S.l.] : [s.n.] , 1960
- Japanische Dichtungen : das Kirschblutenfest Spiel nach dem japanischen : die Geisha O-Sen, Japanische Lyrik / Klabund. - Zurich : Phaidon , c1954. - (Dichtungen aus dem Osten ; 3)
- Japanische Kinderspiele mit zwolf Farbholzschnitten von Miyagawa / einleitung von Oscar Benl. - Baden-Baden : W. Klein , c1954. - (Der Silberne Quell ; Bd. 22)
- Japans Eingliederung in den Weltverkehr 1853-1869 / Bruno Siemers. - Berlin : Emil Ebering , 1937. - (Historische Studien ; Hft. 316 . Beitrage zur Weltpolitik ; Hft. 1)
- Japans Niederlage-Asiens Sieg : Aufstieg eines grosseren Ostasien / H.G. Stahmer. - Bielefeld : Deutscher Heimat-Verlag , 1952
- Japans Russlandpolitik von 1939 bis 1941 / von Hubertus Lupke. - Frankfurt am Main : Alfred Metzner Verlag , c1962. - (Schriften des Instituts fur Asienkunde in Hamburg ; Bd. 10)
- Japans Weg von Genf nach San Franzisko / von Paul Ostwald. - Stuttgart : W. Kohlhammer , 1955
- Jews in the Soviet Union / Solomon Rabinovich. - Moscow : Novosti Press Agency Publishing House , [19--]
- Jugoslawien erzahlt : sechzehn Erzahlungen / ausgewahlt und eingeleitet von Alfred von Buttlar Moscon. - Frankfurt a.M. : Fischer Bucherei , 1964. - (Fischer Bucherei ; )
- K.B.S. bibliography of standard reference books for Japanese studies, with descriptive notes. - Tokyo : Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai , 1959-1973
- Kagero nikki : Tagebuch einer japanischen Edelfrau ums Jahr 980 / [erstmals aus dem Altjapanischen ubertragen von Satoshi Tsukakoshi, unter Mitarbeit von Tadayoshi Imaizumi]. - Zurich : M. Niehans , c1955
- Kiev : concise guide-book / [compiled by I. Ignatkin ; translated from the Ukrainian by A. Mistetsky]. - Kiev : [s.n.] , 1960
- Knaurs Lexikon A-Z : 38000 Stichworter, 2700 Illustrationen, 62 einfarbige und mehrfarbige Bildtafeln, 60 Schaubilder, 40 ein- und mehrfarbige geographische Karten, 70 Ubersichten. - Munchen : Droemersche , [1950]
- Kolonialismus ohne Kolonien : der deutsche Imperialismus und China 1937 / Joachim Peck. - Berlin : Akademie-Verlag , 1961. - (Studien zur Kolonialgeschichte und Geschichte der nationalen und kolonialen Befreiungsbewegung / herausgegeben von Walter Marko…
- Korea : an annotated bibliography of publications in the Russian language / compiled by Albert Parry, John T. Dorosh and Elizabeth Gardner Dorosh. - Washington : The Library of Congress, Reference Dept. , 1950
- Korean report 1948-1952 : a review of governmental procedures during two years of peace and two of war. - Washington : Korean Pacific Press , 1952
- Korean-American relations : documents pertaining to the Far Eastern diplomacy of the United States. - Berkeley : University of California Press , 1951-
- Kozenn Atlas / bearbeiten von Heinrich Guttenberger und Hermann Leiter. - 55. Aulf. - Wien : Holzel , 1935
- Kwaidan : seltsame Geschichten und Studien aus Japan / Lafcadio Hearn ; einzig autorisierte Ubersetzung aus dem Englischen von Berta Franzos. - Frankfurt am Main : Rutten & Loening , 1909
- La peinture japonaise / Terukazu Akiyama. - Geneve : Skira , 1961. - (Les tresors de l'asie ; )
- Land and labor in China / by R.H. Tawney ; with an introduction by Barrington Moore, Jr. - Boston : Beacon Press , 1966. - (Beacon paperback ; BP 235)
- Landesverraterische Waffenhilfe : nach § 91a RStGB. / vorgelegt von Eberhard de Barde. - Munchen : Knorr & Hirth , 1936
- Lebenserinnerungen u. politische Denkwurdigkeiten / von Hermann Freiherrn v. Eckardstein. - 2. Aufl. - Leipzig : Paul List , c1920
- Leningrad : a short guide / P. Kann ; [translated from the Russian by Robert Daglish]. - Moscow : Foreign Languages Publishing House , 1959
- Letters from Thailand / Botan ; translated by Susan Fulop Morell. - Bangkok, Thailalnd : D.K. Book House , 1977
- Lev N. Tolstoj in Japan : (Meiji- und Taisho-Zeit) / von Claus M. Fischer. - Wiesbaden : O. Harrassowitz , 1969. - (Veroffentlichungen des Ostasien-Instituts der Ruhr-Universitat Bochum ; )
- Lexikon zur Geschichte und Politik im 20. Jahrhundert / herausgegeben von Carola Stern ... [et al.] ; Redaktion, Karl Romer. - Koln : Kiepenheuer & Witsch , 1971
- List of 500 kanji, which appear in book 1 Naganuma readers including the kana symbols / calligraphy by Ensho Ashikaga. - Berkeley : University of California Press , 1944
- List of Chinese dictionaries in all languages. - Washington : Office of External Research Department of State , 1967. - (External research paper ; )
- List of the Foreign Office records preserved in the Public Record Office in London, relating to China and Japan / edited by Seiichi Iwao. - Tokyo : Toho Gakkai, Institute of Eastern Culture , [1959]
- Living Japanese : a complete language course : a new tested method that simplifies language study, enables anyone to learn Japanese quickly and easily. - New York : Crown , [1962?]. - (The Living language cource ; )
- Lloyd Carpenter Griscom, an American diplomat in Asia 1898-1905 / by Barry Ainsley Lundin. - [Florida] : [Florida State University] , 1972
- Major doctrines of communist China / edited by John Wilson Lewis. - 1st ed. - New York : Norton , c1964
- Major governments of Asia / by Harold C. Hinton ... [et al.] ; edited by George McTurnan Kahin. - Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press , 1958
- Man before history. - Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall , [1964]. - (A Spectrum book ; S-92)(The Global history series ; )
- Mansion's shorter French and English dictionary / edited by J.E. Mansion. - New York : H. Holt , [1940]
- Mao against Khrushchev : a short history of the Sino-Soveit conflict / David Floyd. - New York : Frederick A. Praeger , 1964, c1963. - (Praeger publications in Russian history and world communism ; no. 142)(Praeger university series ; U-549)
- Marjorie Morningstar / by Herman Wouk. - New York : New American Library , 1957, c1955. - (A Signet book ; T1454)
- Marxism and the national question : selected writings and speeches / Joseph Stalin. - New York : International Publishers , c1942
- Masonry in Japan : the first one hundred years 1866 to 1966 / compiled & prepared by Nohea O.A. Peck. - Tokyo : Privately printed for the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Japan , 1966
- Masters of Chinese political thought : from the beginnings to the Han Dynasty / edited by Sebastian de Grazia ; Preface by Frederick W. Mote. - New York : Viking Press , c1973
- Mathews' Chinese-English dictionary / compiled for the China Inland Mission by R. H. Mathews. - Rev. American ed. - Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press , [1943?]
- Meaning and argument : elements of logic / Robert G. Olson. - New York : Harcourt, Brace & World , c1969
- Medieval Russia's epics, chronicles, and tales / Edited, translated, and with an introd. by Serge A. Zenkovsky. - New York : Dutton , c1963
- Memoirs / George F. Kennan. - Boston : Little, Brown , c1967-c1972
- Men and ideas : an informal history of Chinese political thought / Lin Mousheng ; introduction by Pearl S. Buck. - New York : John Day , c1942
- Message from Moscow / by an observer. - New York : Vintage Books , 1971
- Military Japanese : a manual in Japanese for the armed forces / by Yukuo Uyehara. - South Pasadena : P.D. and Ione Perkins , 1943
- Military and naval recognition book : a handbook on the organization, insignia of rank of the world's armed foreces; etiquette and customs of the American services / J.W. Bunkley. - 3rd ed. - New York : D. Van Nostrand , 1942
- Mit oder Gegen Moskau? : eine mahnung an das Deutsche Volk / [berechtigte Ubersetzng aus dem Russischen von S. Koch ; Herausgegeben und mit Vorwort versehen von Johannes Martini]. - Dresden : Sibyllen Verlag , 1927
- Modern China : a bibliographical guide to Chinese works, 1898-1937 / by John King Fairbank and Kwang-Ching Liu. - Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press , 1950. - (Harvard-Yenching Institute studies ; v. 1)
- Modern China's foreign policy / by Werner Levi. - Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press , c1953
- Modern conversational Japanese / by Joseph K. Yamagiwa. - 1st ed. - New York : McGraw-Hill Book Co. , c1942
- Moscow : a short guide / [designed by V. Kolganov ; illustrations by E. Bernshtein]. - Moscow : Foreign Languages Publishing House , 1955
- Moscow and Chinese communists / by Robert C. North. - 2nd ed. - Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press , 1963
- Moscow-Peking axis : strengths and strains / by Howard L. Boorman ... [et al.] ; foreword by Arthur H. Dean. - New York : Published for the Council on Foreign Relations by Harper , 1957
- Mud and soldiers / by Ashihei Hino ; translated by Lewis Bush. - Tokyo : Kenkyusya , 1939
- Muscovite and Mandarin : Russia's trade with China and its setting, 1727-1805 / Clifford M. Foust. - Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press , c1969
- N.F. Fedorov (1828-1903) : a study in Russian eupsychian and utopian thought / Stephen Lukashevich. - Newark : University of Delaware Press , c1977
- Nations in darkness: China, Russia, and America / [by] John G. Stoessinger. - New York : Random House , c1971
- Naval customs : traditions and usage / by Leland P. Lovette. - 3rd ed. - Annapolis, Md. : United States Naval Institute , 1939
- Neues englisch-deustsches Worterbuch zum Gebrauch fur alle Stande / von L. Hirsch une F.C. Hebert. - Paris : Garnier , 1926
- New writing in Japan / edited by Yukio Mishima and Geoffrey Bownas. - Harmondsworth : Penguin , 1972. - (Writing today ; )
- Normalization of Japanese-Soviet relations, 1945-1970 / Savitri Vishwanathan. - Tallahassee, Fla. : Diplomatic Press , c1973
- North Korean political system in present perspective. - Seoul : Research Center for Peace and Unification , c1976
- North Pacific : Japan, Siberia, Alaska, Canada / by Edward Weber Allen. - New York : Professional & Technical Press , 1936
- Occupation of Japan : policy and progress. - Washington, D.C. : For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. , [1946]. - (Department of State publication ; 2671 . Far Eastern series ; 17)
- Odysseus to Columbus : a synopsis of classical and medieval history / C. Warren Hollister. - New York : Wiley , c1974
- Oil for the world / Stewart Schackne and N. D'Arcy Drake. - 2nd revised ed. - New York : Harper & Brothers , c1960
- On Writing / by Roger Sale. - New York : Random House , c1970
- On being human / Ashley Montagu. - New York : H. Schuman , 1951
- On teaching history in colleges and universities / by Earl R. Beck. - Tallahassee : Florida State University , 1966. - (Florida State University studies ; no. 50)
- On the national question and proletarian internationalism / V. I. Lenin. - Moscow : Novosti Press Agency , 1969
- On the war between Russia and Japan : "bethink yourselves" / Count Tolstoy. - New York : F.A. Stokes , [1904]
- Oriental despotism : a comparative study of total power / by Karl A. Wittfogel. - New Haven : Yale University Press , c1957
- Osterreichs Manner des offentlichen Lebens von 1848 bis heute / von Oswald Knauer. - Wien : Manzsche Verlags- und Universitatsbuchhandlung , 1960
- Outcasts in their own land : Mexican industrial workers, 1906-1911 / Rodney D. Anderson. - DeKalb : Northern Illinois University Press , 1976. - (The Origins of modern Mexico / Laurens Ballard Perry, general editor ; )
- PW in Texas : ein Erlebnisbericht / Ulrich Heidenkamp. - Berlin : Minerva-Verlag , 1946
- Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States. - Washington : U.S. G.P.O. , 1943. - (Department of State publication ; 2008, 2016)
- Party rivalry and political change in Taisho Japan / Peter Duus. - Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press , 1968. - (Harvard East Asian series ; 35)
- Patterns of competitive coexistence : USA vs. USSR / edited by Young Hum Kim. - [Capricorn books ed.]. - New York : Capricorn Books , 1967, c1966
- Pax Americana / Ronald Steel. - A new rev. ed. - New York : Viking Press , c1970. - (A Viking compass book ; C309)
- Peking gegen Moskau / Alexander Metaxas. - Munchen : Paul List , c1959. - (List Bucher ; 155)
- Peking und Moskau / Klaus Mehnert. - Stuttgart : Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt , c1962
- Peking's class betrayal / G. Apalin. - Moscow : Novosti Press Agency Publishing House , 1974
- Pennsylvania military history / by John B.B. Trussell, Jr. - Carlisle Barracks, Pa. : U.S. Army Military History Research Collection , 1974. - (Special bibliography : U.S. Army Military History Research Collection ; No. 10)
- Plans for political reform in Imperial Russia, 1730-1905 / Marc Raeff. - Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall , 1966. - (Russian civilization series ; )
- Poland and the coming of the Second World War : the diplomatic papers of A.J. Drexel Biddle, Jr., United States Ambassador to Poland, 1937-1939 / edited with an introd. by Philip V. Cannistraro, Edward D. Wynot, Jr., Theodore P. Kovaleff. - Columbus : O…
- Polish politics in transition : the camp of national unity and the struggle for power, 1935-1939 / by Edward D. Wynot, Jr. - Athens : University of Georgia Press , [1974]
- Political behavior. - [2nd ed.]. - [Washington] : Bureau of Intelligence and Research , 1963
- Political chronology of Japan, 1885-1957 / compiled by Miwa Kai and Philip B. Yampolsky. - New York : East Asian Institute of Columbia University , 1957. - (Columbia University East Asian Institute studies ; no. 5)
- Politics among nations : the struggle for power and peace / Hans J. Morgenthau. - 4th ed. - New York : Knopf , c1967
- Politics in Japan / Frank Langdon. - Boston : Little, Brown , 1967. - (The Little, Brown series in comparative politics ; )
- Politiker auf dem Grill / von Inge Santner-Cyrus. - Recklinghausen : Erich Seemann. - (Die Seemannchen ; Bd. 34)
- Port Arthur : a historical narrative / A. Stepanov ; [translated from the Russian by J. Fineberg]. - Moscow : Foreign Languages Publishing House , 1947
- Portrait of an age / Erich Salomon ; selected by Vries and Peter Hunter-Salomon ; biography and notes by Peter Hunter-Salomon ; photographic layout by Han de Vries ; translated by Sheila Tobias. - New York : Macmillan , c1967
- Power in postwar America : interdisciplinary perspectives on a historical problem / edited by Richard Gillam ; advisory editor Barton J. Bernstein. - Boston : Little, Brown , c1971
- Present at the creation : my years in the State Department / [by] Dean Acheson. - New York : Norton , c1969
- Presidential greatness : the image and the man from George Washington to the present / by Thomas A. Bailey. - New York : Appleton-Century-Crofts , c1966
- Principles of human geography / by the late Ellsworth Huntington. - 6th ed. / a revision by Earl B. Shaw ; cartographic revision by Jameson Macfarland. - New York : Wiley , 1951
- Proceedings, XIV International Congress of the Historical Sciences. - New York : Arno Press , 1976
- Progress, coexistence, and intellectual freedom / by Andrei D. Sakharov ; translated by The New York Times ; with introd. afterword, and notes by Harrison E. Salisbu. - New York : W. W. Norton , 1968
- Progressivism : the critical issues / edited by David M. Kennedy. - Boston : Little, Brown , [c1971]. - (Critical issues in American history series ; )
- Proletarian internationalism and revolutions in the East / G.F. Kim andF.I. Shabshina. [Translated from the Russian by Igor Gavrilov]. - Moscow : Nauka Pub. House, Central Department of Oriental Literature , 1972
- Purpose and function in prose / Nicholas P. Barker. - New York : Knopf , [1970]
- Quantitative Japanese economic history : an annotated bibliography and a survey of U.S. holdings / compiled by Henry Rosovsky in associated with Harry Nishio and Konosuke Odaka. - Berkeley : Center for Japanese Studies of the Institute of International …
- Racial crisis in America : leadership in conflict / [by] Lewis Killian [and] Charles Grigg. - Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall , c1964. - (A Spectrum book ; )
- Racial differences and human resemblances / Douglas G. Haring. - Syracuse, New York : [D.G. Haring, for sale at Syracuse University Bookstore] , 1947
- Rand McNally-readers world atlas. - New York : Rand McNally , c1951
- Readings in Soviet foreign policy : theory and practice / Arthur E. Adams. - Boston : D.C. Heath , c1961
- Reality and illusion : the hidden crisis between Japan and the U.S.S.R., 1932-1934 / Ikuhiko Hata. - New York : East Asian Institute, Columbia University , c1967. - (Occasional papers of the East Asian Institute ; )
- Recent American foreign policy : conflicting interpretations / [by] Lawrence S. Kaplan. - Rev. ed. - Homewood, Ill. : Dorsey Press , 1972. - (The Dorsey series in American history ; )
- Recipients of fellowships and grants, 1930-1962 : a biographical directory / American Council of Learned Societies. - [Washington] : [s.n.] , [1963?]
- Recognition of communist China? : a study in argument / Robert P. Newman. - New York : Macmillan , 1961
- Red planes fly east / Piotr Pavlenko : translated from the Russian by Stephen Garry. - London : George Routledge , 1938
- Red world in tumult : communist foreign policies / compiled and edited by DeVere E. Pentony. - San Francisco : Chandler Publishing , c1962. - (Chandler studies in international and intercultural relations ; )
- Relations of Japan with Manchuria and Mongolia. - [Tokyo : 外務省 , 1932]
- Report of the mission on Japanese combines. - [Washington, D.C. : U.S. G.P.O. , 1964]
- Report of the officials of the Governments of India and the People's Republic of China on the boundary question. - [New Delhi] : Ministry of External Affairs, Government of Inidia , [1961-1962]
- Research guide in history / John R.M. Wilson ; Carl Kalvelage, editor. - Morristown, N.J. : General Learning Press , c1974
- Research sources for South Asian studies in economic development : a select bibliography of serial publications / by Eugene de Benko and V.N. Krishnan. - East Lansing, Mich. : Asian Studies Center, Michigan State University , 1966. - (Occasional paper (…
- Responsibilities of the foreign scholar to the local scholarly community : studies of U.S. research in Guatemala, Chile, and Paraguay / by Calvin P. Blair, Richard P. Schaedel [and] James H. Street ; edited and with an introduction by Richard N. Adams. …
- Revisions to directory of Soviet officials. - [S.l.] : [s.n.] , [1966]-
- Rezanov / by Gertrude Atherton. - New York ; London : Authors and Newspapers Association , 1906
- Rifles and machine guns of the World's Armies / by Melvin Maynard Johnson Jr. ; illustrated by Elmer H. Pratt. - [Fighting forces ed.]. - Washington : Infantry Journal , 1944. - (Fighting forces series ; )
- Rudra : Untersuchungen zum altindischen Glauben und Kultus / von Ernst Arbman. - Uppsala : Appelbergs Boktryckeri Aktieoblag , 1922
- Russia : the spirit of nationalism / Charles A. Moser, editor. - Jamaica, N.Y. : St. John's University , c1972. - (Review of national literatures ; v. 3, no. 1)
- Russia and America : dangers and prospects / by Henry L. Roberts. - New York : New American Library , 1956. - (A Mentor book ; MD 182)
- Russia and America : the following correspondence is connected with the shipwreck of His Imperial Majesty's Corvette Kensington, in the Atlantic Ocean, A.D. 1830 and 1831. - Hartford : Press of Case, Lockwood , 1865
- Russia and Asia : essays on the influence of Russia on the Asian peoples / Edited by Wayne S. Vucinich. - Stanford, Calif. : Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University , [c1972]. - (Hoover Institution publication ; 109)
- Russia and China : from the Huns to Mao Tse-tung / by J.V. Davidson-Houston. - London : R. Hale , 1960
- Russia and China : their diplomatic relations to 1728 / by Mark Mancall. - Cambridge : Harvard University Press , 1971. - (Harvard East Asian series ; 61)
- Russia and Germany : a century of conflict / Walter Laqueur. - 1st American ed. - Boston : Little, Brown , c1965. - (An encounter book ; )
- Russia and Japan / Maurice Hindus. - Garden City, N.Y. : Doubleday, Doran , 1942
- Russia and asia / by Prince A. Lobanov-Rostovsky. - New York : Macmillan , 1933
- Russia in the Far East / by Leo Pasvolsky. - New York : Macmillan , 1922
- Russia leaves the war / by George F. Kennan. - Princeton : Princeton University Press , 1956. - (Soviet-American relations, 1917-1920 / by George F. Kennan ; v. 1)
- Russia, China and the West : a contemporary chronicle, 1953-1966 / Isaac Deutscher ; edited by Fred Halliday. - Harmondsworth : Penguin , 1970. - (Pelican books ; )
- Russian military dictionary : English-Russian, Russian-English. - Washington, D.C. : War Department , 1945. - (War Department technical manual ; TM 30-544)
- Russian supplement to the Korean studies guide / compiled by Robert L. Backus ; Michael C. Rogers, project director. - Berkeley, Calif. : East Asia Studies, Institute of International Studies, University of California , 1958
- Russian works on China, 1918-1960 in American libraries / Tung-li Yuan, 袁 同禮. - New Haven, Connecticut : Far Eastern Publications , Yale Universety , 1961.
- Russland erzahlt : zwanzig Erzahlungen / Ausgewahlt und eingeleitet von Johannes von Guenther. - Frankfurt a.M. : Fischer Bucherei , [1959]. - (Fischer Bucherei ; 298)
- Russland und der Messianismus des Orients : Sendungsbewusstsein und politischer Chiliasmus des Ostens / Emanuel Sarkisyanz. - Tubingen : J.C.B. Mohr , 1955
- Russland und japan : ihre Beziehungen bis zum Frieden von Portsmouth / Kurt Krupinski. - Berlin : Ost-Europa-Verlag , 1940. - (Osteuropaische Forschungen ; . Neue Folge ; Bd. 27)
- Russo-Chinese diplomacy / by Ken Shen Weigh. - Shanghai : Commercial Press , 1928
- Russo-Persian commercial relations, 1828-1914 / by Marvin L. Entner. - Gainesville, Florida : University of Florida Press , c1965. - (University of Florida monographs ; . social sciences ; no. 28, fall 1965)
- Schweizer Lexikon : in zwei Banden. - Zurich : Encyclios-Verlag , c1949-1950
- Select documents on Japanese foreign policy, 1853-1868 / translated and edited by W.G. Beasley. - 1st ed.. - London : Oxford University Press , 1955
- Selected Japanese texts for university students / compiled by Serge Elisseeff and Edwin O. Reischauer. - Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard-Yenching Institute
- Selected speeches of Robert M. Strozier. - Tallahassee : Florida State University , 1960. - (Florida State University studies ; no. 35)
- Selected stories of Lu Hsun / translated by Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang. - [3rd ed.]. - Peking : Foreign Languages Press , 1972
- Shimoda story / Oliver Statler. - New York : Random House , c1969
- Sino-Japanese relations, 1862-1927 : a checklist of the Chinese Foreign Ministry Archives / Kuo Ting-yee, compiler ; James W. Morley, editor. - New York : East Asian Institute, Columbia University , c1965
- Sino-Soviet conflict : report on Sino-Soviet conflict and its implications / by the Subcommittee on the Far East and the Pacific of the Committee on Foreign Affairs House of Representatives. - Washington : U.S. Government Printing Office , 1965. - (Hous…
- Sino-Soviet-U.S. relations since 1971 : impact upon the PLA : a strategic interaction analysis / Jack H. Harris. - [S.l.] : [BDM Corporation] , 1975
- Some prefer geisha : the lively art of mistress-keeping in Japan / Boye de Mente ; illustrations by Tadahito Nadamoto. - Tokyo : Wayward Press , 1966
- Southeast Asia and American policy / by John Armstrong ; editor, Robert L. Goldberg. - Chicago : Science Research Associates , c1959. - (Foreign relations series ; )
- Southeast Asia in United States policy / by Russell H. Fifield. - New York : Published for the Council on Foreign Relations by Praeger , 1963
- Soviet Far Eastern policy, 1931-1945 / by Harriet L. Moore. - Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press , 1945. - (I.P.R. inquiry series ; )
- Soviet Jews : fact and fiction. - 2nd ed. - Moscow : Novosti Press Agency Publishing House , 1972
- Soviet Russia and the Far East / by David J. Dallin. - New Haven : Yale University Press , 1948
- Soviet Russian imperialism / Victor S. Mamatey. - Princeton, New Jersey ; Toronto ; London : D. Van Nostrand , c1964. - (An Anvil original ; 68)
- Soviet diplomacy and the Spanish Civil War / by David T. Cattell. - Berkeley : University of California Press , 1957. - (University of California publications in international relations ; v. 5)
- Soviet economic progress : because of or in spite of the government? / Ellsworth Raymond. - New York : Holt, Rinehart , c1957. - (Source problems in world civilization ; )
- Soviet military policy : a historical analysis / Raymond L. Garthoff. - New York : Praeger , 1966. - (Praeger publications in Russian history and world communism ; no. 170)
- Soviet policies in China, 1917-1924 / by Allen S. Whiting. - New York : Columbia Uuniversity Press , 1954, c1953. - (Studies of the Russian Institute ; )
- Soviet policy and the Chinese communists, 1931-1946 / by Charles B. McLane. - New York : Columbia University Press , 1958. - (Studies of the Russian Institute ; )
- Soviet policy in the Far East, 1944-1951 / by Max Beloff. - London ; New York : Oxford University Press , 1953
- Soviet politics : the dilemma of power : the role of ideas in social change / by Barrington Moore, Jr. - New York : Harper & Row , 1965, c1950. - (Harper torchbooks ; TB 1222Q)
- Soviet works on China : a bibliography of non-periodical literature, 1946-1955 / compiled by Peter Berton ; in cooperation with Paul Langer ; foreword by Sergius Yakobson. - Los Angeles, Calif. : University of Southern California Press , 1959, c1960. - …
- Soviet-Chinese relations, 1945-1970 / O.B. Borisov and B.T. Koloskov ; edited with an introductory essay by Vladimir Petrov. - Bloomington : Indiana University Press , c1975
- Sowjetrussland und Deutschland, 1917-1922 / Gunter Rosenfeld. - Berlin : Akademie-Verlag , 1960. - (Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Schriften des Instituts fur Geschichte ; Reihe 1 . Allgemeine und deutsche Geschichte ; Bd. 8)
- Staatenlosigkeit und mehrfache Staatsangehorigkeit : eine volkerrechtliche Studie / vorgelegt von Emil Borger. - Wurzburg : Richard Mayr , 1933
- Stalin's failure in China, 1924-1927 / Conrad Brandt. - Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press , 1958. - (Russian Research Center studies ; 31)
- Statist auf diplomatischer Buhne, 1923-45 : Erlebnisse des Chefdolmetschers im auswartigen Amt mit den Staatsmannern Europas / Paul Schmidt. - 2. Aufl., 31.-55. Tausend. - Bonn : Athenaum , 1950
- Statistical handbook of Japan / Bureau of Statistics, Office of the Prime Minister. - Tokyo : Bureau of Statistics, Office of the Prime Minister , 1961-
- Story under full sail / Andrei Voznesensky : translated from the Russian by Stanley Kunitz with Vera Reck, Maureen Sager, Catherine Leach. - Garden City, N.Y. : Doubleday , 1974
- Studies in progress or recently completed : arms control and disarmament / compiled by Dallas lloyd and Linda Frees. - [Washington] : Office of External Reserch, United States Department of State , 1965-
- Studying history : how and why / [by] Robert V. Daniels. - Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall , [1966]
- Su Tung-p'o: selections from a Sung dynasty poet / translated and with an introd. by Burton Watson. - New York : Columbia University Press , 1965. - (Unesco collection of representative works ; Chinese series)
- Swords into plowshares : the problems and progress of international organization / by Inis L. Claude, Jr. - 3rd ed., rev. - New York : Random House , c1964
- Systems analysis for educational change : the Republic of Korea / edited by Robert M. Morgan, Clifton B. Chadwick. - Tallahassee, Florida : Department of Educational Research, Folrida State University , 1971
- T'ai-Shang Kan-Ying P'ien : treatise of the exalted one on response and retribution / Teitaro Suzuki and Paul Carus ; edited by Paul Carus. - La Salle, Ill. : Open Court Publishing , 1950, c1906
- Taschenbuch des Wissenswerten : interessante und wichtige Tatsachen aus allen Gebieten. - Heidelberg : Carl Winter, Universitatsverlag , c1950
- Tausend Jahre deutsch-franzosischer Beziehungen / Johannes Haller. - 2., durchgesehene Aufl. - Stuttgart : J.G. Cotta , 1930
- Teng Mu : a forgotten Chinese philosopher / by Lo-shu Fu. - Leiden : E.J. Brill , 1965
- Tentative manual of military intelligence U.S. Army. - Camp Ritchie, Maryland : War Department, The Military Intelligence Training Center , 1943
- The "new imperialism" : analysis of late nineteenth-century expansion / edited with an introduction by Harrison M. Wright. - Boston : Heath , c1961. - (Problems in European civilization ; )
- The American Heritage dictionary of the English language / William Morris, editor. - [New York] : American Heritage Publishing
- The American envoy, Townsend Harris : a play / by Kido Okamoto ; translated by Masanao Inouye. - Kobe : J.L. Thompson , 1931
- The American people and China / A.T. Steele. - New York : McGraw-Hill , c1966. - (The United States and China in world affairs ; )
- The Anatomy of Communist takeovers / edited by Thomas T. Hammond, associate editor, Robert Farrell ; foreword by Cyril E. Black. - New Haven : Yale University Press , 1975
- The Anglo-Japanese alliance : the diplomacy of two island empires, 1894-1907 / by Ian H. Nish. - London : Athlone Press , 1966. - (University of London historical studies ; 18)
- The Bolshevik tradition : Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev / Robert H. McNeal. - Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall , c1963. - (A Spectrum book ; S-61)
- The British in India : imperialism or trusteeship? / edited with an introduction by Martin Deming Lewis. - Lexington : D.C. Heath , c1962. - (Problems in European civilization ; )
- The China tangle : the American effort in China from Pearl Harbor to the Marshall mission / Herbert Feis. - New York : Atheneum , [1965]
- The China-India border : the origins of the disputed boundaries / by Alastair Lamb. - Lonodon : Oxford University Press , 1964. - (Chatham House essays ; 2)
- The Comintern and the Chinese Communists, 1928-1931 / by Richard C. Thornton. - Seattle : University of Washington Press , c1969. - (Far Eastern and Russian Institute publications on Asia ; no. 20)
- The Communist Party of the Soviet Union / by Leonard Schapiro. - 2nd ed., rev. and enl. - New York : Random House , 1970, c1971
- The Dhammapada ; translated from the Pali with an essay on Buddha and the Occident / by Irving Babbitt. - New York : New Directions Publishing , 1965. - (A New Directions paperbook ; 188)
- The East Asian diplomatic service and observations of Sir Ernest Mason Satow / by Cecilia Osteen Jan. - [S.l.] : [s.n.] , 1976
- The Far Eastern policy of the United States / by A. Whitney Griswold. - New York : Harcourt, Brace and company , c1938
- The French Revolution and Napoleon collection at Florida State University : a bibliographical guide / by Donald D. Horward. - [Tallahassee] : Friends of the Florida State University Library , 1973
- The Great Wall / Winifred Wei. - Taipei : China Pub. Co. , 1963
- The Heike story / Eiji Yoshikawa ; translated from the Japanese by Fuki Wooyenaka Uramatsu. - 1st ed.. - New York : A.A. Knopf , 1956
- The Hirota Ministries : an appraisal : Japan's relations with China and the U.S.S.R., 1933-1938 / Carl L. Gilbert, Jr.. - Ann Arbor, Mich. : University Microfilms International , 1967
- The Hoover Institution collection on Japan / Nobutaka Ike. - Palo Alto : The Hoover Institution on War, Revolutionn and Peace, Stanford University , 1958
- The Ili crisis : a study of Sino-Russian diplomacy, 1871-1881 / by Immanuel C.Y. Hsu. - Oxford : Clarendon Press , 1965
- The Japanese Communist Party 1922-1945 / by George M. Beckman & Okubo Genji. - Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press , 1969
- The Japanese fortune calendar / by Reiko Chiba. - 1st ed. - Rutland, Vt. ; Tokyo : C.E. Tuttle , 1965
- The Japanese house : a tradition for contemporary architecture / by Heinrich Engel. - 1st ed. - Rutland, Vt. ; Tokyo : C.E. Tuttle , 1964
- The Japanese oligarchy and the Russo-Japanese War / by Shumpei Okamoto. - New York : Columbia University Press , 1970
- The Jesuits and the Sino-Russian treaty of Nerchinsk (1689) / Joseph Sebes. - Rome : Institutum Historicum, S.I. , 1961. - (Bibliotheca Instituti Historici S.I. ; Vol. 18)
- The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana : love precepts of the Brahmans with a preface and introduction. - Delhi : Rajkamal Publications , [1---]
- The Kremlin and world politics : studies in Soviet policy and action / by Philip E. Mosely. - New York : Vintage Bopoks , 1960. - (Vintage Russian library ; R-1002)
- The Macmillan world gazetteer and geographical dictionary / edited by T.C. Collocott and J.O. Thorne. - New York : Macmillan , 1955, c1954
- The Manatma and the missionary : selected writings of Mohandas K. Gandhi / edited by Clifford Manshardt. - Chicago : Henry Regnery , 1949. - (The Humanist library ; 14)
- The Mediterranean naval situation, 1908-1914 / by Paul G. Halpern. - Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press , 1971. - (Harvard historical studies ; v. 86)
- The Negro in American society. - Tallahassee : Florida State University , 1958. - (Florida State University studies ; no. 28)
- The Negro in the reconstruction of Florida, 1865-1877 / by Joe M. Richardson. - Tallahassee : Florida State University , 1965. - (Florida State University studies ; no. 46)
- The Oxford Russian-English dictionary / by Marcus Wheeler ; general editor B.O. Unbegaun ; with the assistance of D.P. Costello and W.F. Ryan. - London : Clarendon Press , 1972
- The Reds and the Blacks : a personal adventure / William Attwood. - New York : Harper & Row , c1967
- The Russian advance / by Albert J. Beveridge. - New York ; London : Harper , 1903
- The Russian intelligentsia : makers of the revolutionary state / Stuart Ramsay Tompkins. - Norman : University of Oklahoma Press , [c1957]
- The Russo-Chinese Bank : a multinational financial base of Tsarism in China / Rosemary Quested. - Birmingham : Department of Russian Language and Literature, University of Birmingham , c1977. - (Birmingham Slavonic monographs ; no. 2)
- The Russo-Chinese borderlands : zone of peaceful contact or potential conflict? / By W.A. Douglas Jackson. - Princeton, N.J. : Van Nostrand , c1962. - (Van Nostrand searchlight book ; No. 2)
- The Sino-Japanese dispute from September 18, 1931 to February 22, 1932. - Nanking : Intelligence & Publicity Department, Waichiaopu , 1933. - (Information bulletin ; no. 1)
- The Sino-Soviet Conflict, 1956-1961 / by Donald S. Zagoria. - Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press , 1962
- The Sino-Soviet dispute / documented and analyzed by G. F. Hudson, Richard Lowenthal and Roderick MacFarquhar. - New York : Praeger , 1961. - (Praeger publications in Russian history and world communism ; no. 95)
- The Sino-Soviet dispute : an analysis of the polemics / Alfred D. Low. - Rutherford [N.J.] : Fairleigh Dickinson University Press , c1976
- The Study of Japan in the behavioral sciences / edited by Edward Norbeck and Susan Parman. - Houston, Tex. : William Marsh Rice University , c1970. - (Rice University studies ; v. 56, no. 4)
- The Tale of Genji : a novel in six parts / by Lady Murasaki ; translated from the Japanese by Arthur Waley. - Boston : Houghton Mifflin , 1935
- The United States and China. - New ed., completely rev. and enl. - Cambridge : Harvard University Press , 1958. - (The American foreign policy library ; )
- The United States and East Asia / [by] Richard W. Van Alstyne. - 1st American ed.. - New York : Norton , 1973. - (Library of world civilization ; )
- The United States and the Far East / The American Assembly. - 2nd ed. - Englewood, Cliffs, N. J. : Prentice Hall , c1962. - (A Spectrum book ; S-AA-6)
- The West in Asia, 1850-1914 / Michael Edwardes. - New York : Capricorn Books ,[1968]
- The amateur photographer's handbook / by Aaron Sussman. - 5th ed. - New York : Thomas Y. Crowell , 1958
- The bamboo broom : an introduction to Japanese haiku / by Harold Gould Henderson. - Boston ; New York : Houghton Mifflin , 1934
- The basic everyday encyclopedia / prepared by the Reference Department of Random House ; under the editorship of Jess Stein ; managing editor, American College Dictionary ; editor, American Everyday Dictionary, etc. - New York : Random House , c1954
- The cactus and the crown / Catherine Gavin. - Garden City, N.Y. : Doubleday , 1962
- The canon of reason and virtue = 老子道徳經 : being Lao-tze's Tao Teh King, Chinese and English / by Paul Carus. - Chicago : Open Court Pub. Co. , 1913
- The case of Richard Sorge / F.W. Deakin and G.R. Storry. - London : Chatto & Windus , 1966
- The challenge to isolation : the world crisis of 1937-1940 and American Foreign Policy / by William L. Langer and S. Everett Gleason. - New York : Harper & Row , c1964. - (Harper torchbooks ; . The university library ; TB3054-3055)
- The cold war in Asia : a historical introduction. - Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall , [1974]
- The communist states at the crossroads : between Moscow and Peking / edited by dam Bromke ; with an introduction by Philip E. Mosely. - New York : Praeger , 1965. - (Praeger publications in Russian history and world communism ; no.154)
- The communist world : Marxist and non-Marxist views / edited by Harry G. Shaffer. - New York : Appleton-Century-Crofts , c1967
- The complete journal of Townsend Harris : first American consul and minister to Japan / introduction and notes by Mario Emilio Cosenza ; with a preface by Douglas MacArthur II. - Rev. ed. - Rutland, Vt. ; Tokyo : C.E. Tuttle , 1959
- The concise Oxford French dictionary / French-English compiled by A. Chevalley and M. Chevalley ; English-French compiled by G.W.F.R. Goodridge. - Oxford : Clarendon Press , 1935
- The concise Oxford dictionary of current English / adapted by H.W. Fowler & F.G. Fowler from The Oxford dictionary. - 4th ed. / rev. by E. McIntosh. - Oxford : Clarendon Press , 1952
- The decision to intervene / by George F. Kennan. - Princeton : Princeton University Press , 1958. - (Soviet-American relations, 1917-1920 / by George F. Kennan ; v. 2)
- The development of the Communist bloc / edited with an introduction by Roger Pethybridge. - Boston : D.C. Heath , c1965. - (Studies in history and politics ; )
- The dictionary of "kan-ji," or Japanese characters : with pronunciations, intonations and definitions in English : especially adapted for the use of beginners / compiled by P.M. Suski. - Los Angeles : Science Society
- The diplomatic career of Sato Naotake (1882-1971) : a samurai in western clothing / by Greg Gubler. - [S.l.] : [s.n.] , 1975
- The dollar values of the gross national products in Eastern Europe 1955 / by Frederic L. Pryor and George J. Staller ; Committee on Soviet Studies. - Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University , [1966?]. - (Cornell Soviet studies reprint ; no.17)
- The enduring art of Japan / Langdon Warner. - Cambridge : Harvard University Press , 1952
- The entry of the Soviet Union into the war against Japan : military plans, 1941-1945. - [S.l.] : [s.n.] , [1955]
- The evaluation of common stocks / by Arnold Bernhard. - New York : Simon and Schuster , 1959
- The five sacred festivals of ancient Japan : their symbolism & historical development / by U.A. Casal. - Tokyo : Sophia University
- The flight of the falcon / Daphne Du Maurier. - Garden City, N.Y. : Doubleday , [1965]
- The foreign policy of Soviet Russia, 1929-1941 / Max Beloff. - London ; New York : Oxford University Press , 1947-1949
- The foreign policy of the Soviet Union / edited, with introductions and notes by Alvin Z. Rubinstein. - New York : Random House , c1960
- The future as history : the historic currents of our time and the direction in which they are taking America / by Robert L. Heilbroner. - 1st evergreen ed. - New York : Grove Press , 1961, c1960. - (An Evergreen book ; E-324)
- The geography of hunger / Josue de Castro ; foreword by Lord Boyd-Orr. - Boston : Little, Brown , 1952
- The great ideas today / [Robert M. Hutchins, Mortimer J. Adler, editors in chief]. - Chicago ; London ; Tokyo : William Benton : Encyclopaedia Britanica , c1961-
- The imperial years / by Foster Rhea Dulles. - Apollo ed. - New York : T.Y. Crowell , 1966. - (Apollo editions ; A-128)
- The information sources of political science / by Frederick L. Holler. - Inaugural ed. - Santa Barbara, Calif. : ABC-Clio , 1971
- The international businessman in Japan : the Japanese image / by Herbert Glazer. - Tokyo : Sophia University
- The international relations of the Chinese Empire / by Hosea Ballou Morse. - Shanghai : Kelly & Walsh , 1910-1918
- The interplay of East and West : points of conflict and co-operation / Barbara Ward ; with a new epilogue. - New York : W.W. Norton , 1962. - (The Sir Edward Beatty memorial lectures ; )(The Norton library ; )
- The jade mountain : a Chinese anthology, being three hundred poems of the Tang dynasty, 618-906 / translated by Witter Bynner from the texts of Kiang Kang-hu. - Garden City, N.Y. : Doubleday & Co. , 1964, c1957. - (Anchor books ; A411)
- The last division / Anthony Delius. - Cape Town : Human & Rousseau , 1959
- The legal profession in pre- and post- revolutionary Russia / Samuel Kucherov. - [S.l.] : [s.n.] , [1956?]
- The life and thought of Yeh Shih / Winston Wan Lo. - Gainesville : University Presses of Florida
- The life and times of the illustrious Captain Brown : a chronicle of the sea and of Japan's emergence as a world power / by Lewis Bush ; with a foreword by Sir John Pilcher. - Tokyo : The Voyagers' Press
- The lion and the eagle : British and Anglo-American strategy, 1900-1950 : by Basil Collier. - [Capricorn books ed.]. - New York : Capricorn Books , 1973, c1972
- The living thoughts of Confucius / Alfred Doeblin. - Greenwich, Conn. : Fawcett , 1959. - (A Premier book ; d74 . The living thoughts series)
- The lore of the Chinese lute : an essay in the ideology of the Chin. - [New ed., rev. and reset]. - Tokyo : Sophia University, in cooperation with C.E. Tuttle Co.. - (Monumenta Nipponica monographs ; )
- The major works of Peter Chaadaev / a translation and commentary [by] Raymond T. McNally ; introduction by Richard Pipes. - Notre Dame, Ind. : University of Notre Dame Press , 1969
- The making of man : an outline of anthropology / edited by V.F. Calverton. - New York : The Modern library , c1931. - (The Modern library of the world's best books ; )
- The manufacture of armour and helmets in sixteenth century Japan (Chukokatchu seikakuben) / by Sakakibara Kozan ; translated by T. Wakameda ; revised by A.J. Koop B.A. and Hogitaro Inada, 1912 ; revised and edited by H. Russell Robinson, 1962. - Rutland…
- The military Eitzen : Deutsch-Englisches, Englisch-Deutsches Militarworterbuch / von Kurt Hilmar Eitzen. - 4. Aufl. - Bonn : Verlag Weu , 1957
- The modern reader's Japanese-English character dictionary = 最新漢英辞典 / by Andrew Nathaniel Nelson. - 2nd rev. ed. - Rutland, Vt. ; Tokyo : C.E. Tuttle , [1966, c1962]
- The modern researcher / Jacques Barzun and Henry F. Graff. - New York : Harcourt, Brace , 1957
- The nature and the study of history / With a concluding chapter suggesting methods for elementary and secondary teachers by Raymond H. Muessig and Vincent R. Rogers. - Columbus, Ohio : C. E. Merrill Books , c1965. - (Social science seminar series ; )
- The nature of history / Arthur Marwick. - New York : Dell , c1970
- The network of world trade : a companion volume to Europe's trade / Economic Intelligence Service. - Geneva : League of Nations , 1942. - (Series of League of Nations publications ; 2 . Economic and financial ; 1942, II, A.3)
- The new Cassell's German dictionary : German-English, English-German / based on the editions by Karl Breul ; completely revised and re-edited by Harold T. Betteridge ; with a foreword by Gerhard Cordes. - New York : Funk & Wagnalls , [c1958]
- The new Soviet society : final text of the program of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union / with annotations and an introduction by Herbert Ritvo. - New York : New Leader , c1962
- The new Wildhagen German dictionary : German-English, English-German; an encyclopedic and strictly scientific representation of the vocabulary of the modern and present-day languages, with special regard to syntax, style, and idiomatic usage / [by] Karl…
- The new cold war : Moscow v. Pekin / Edward Crankshaw. - [Harmondsworth, Middlesex] : Penguin Books , 1963. - (Penguin special ; S 218)
- The new communist manifesto and related documents / edited by Dan. N. Jacobs. - 2nd ed. - Evanston : Row, Peterson , [c1962]
- The new imperialism / Hugh Seton-Watson. - Capricorn Books ed. - New York : Capricorn Books , 1967, c1961. - (A Capricorn book ; 143)
- The philosophers of China : classical and contemporary / by Clarence Burton Day. - New York : Philosophical Library , c1962
- The political economy of underdevelopment / by Tamas Szentes ; [translated by I. Veges ; translation rev. by A. Gardiner]. - Budapest : Akademiai Kiado , 1971
- The politics of American democracy / Marian D. Irish, James W. Prothro. - 3rd ed. - Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall , 1965, c1959
- The practice of history / G.R. Elton. - New York : Crowell , c1967
- The present in perspective : a look at the world since, 1945 / by Hans W. Gatzke. - 3rd ed. - Chicago : Rand McNally , c1965. - (Rand McNally history series ; )
- The raised curtain : report of the Twentieth Century Fund Task Force on Soviet-American scholarly and cultural exchanges / Twentieth Century Fund ; background paper by Herbert Kupferberg. - New York : Twentieth Century Fund , 1977
- The reader's encyclopedia : an encyclopedia of world literature and the arts / edited by William Rose Benet. - New York : Thomas Y. Crowell , c1948
- The research activities of the South Manchurian Railway Company, 1907-1945 : a history and bibliography / [compiled by] John Young. - New York : East Asian Institute, Columbia University , c1966
- The sayings of Chuang Chou / a new translation by James R. Ware. - New York : New American Library , c1963. - (A Mentor classic ; MT543)
- The sayings of Mencius / a new translation by James R. Ware. - New York : New American Library , c1960. - (A Mentor book ; )
- The sea beckons : short novels and stories / Novikov Priboi. - Moscow : Foreign Languages Publishing House , [19--]. - (Library of selected Soviet literature ; )
- The secret Russo-Japanese alliance of 1916 / Peter Alexander Berton. - Ann Arbor : University Microfilms , 1956
- The secret memoirs of Count Tadasu Hayashi / edited by A.M. Pooley. - New York : G.P. Putnam , 1915
- The story of Russia and the far east : being a series of papers contributed to the "Shangnai Mercury" during the latter part of the year 1899. - Shanghai : Shanghai Mercury , 1899
- The study of Soviet foreign policy : decision-theory-related approaches / Arnold L. Horelick, A. Ross Johnson and John D. Steinbruner. - Beverly Hills, Calif. : Sage Publications , c1975. - (Sage professional papers in international studies series ; Ser…
- The transformation of American foreign relations, 1865-1900 / by Charles S. Campbell. - 1st ed. - New York : Harper & Row , c1976. - (The New American nation series ; )
- The treaty of Portsmouth : an adventure in American diplomacy / by Eugene P. Trani. - Lexington : University of Kentucky Press , c1969
- The twain shall meet / by James P. Leynse. - Claremont, Calf. : Creative Press , c1955
- The view from the White House : a study of the presidential state of the union messages / by Seymour H. Fersh. - Washington : Public Affairs Press , c1961
- The voyage of the frigate Pallada / Ivan Goncharov ; edited and translated by N.W. Wilson. - London : Folio Society , 1965
- The white pony : an anthology of Chinese poetry from the earliest times to the present day, newly translated / edited by Robert Payne. - New York : New American Library , 1960, c1947. - (A Mentor book ; )
- The wilting of the hundred flowers : the Chinese intelligentsia under Mao / Mu Fu-sheng. - New York : F.A. Praeger , 1963 c1962. - (Praeger publications in Russian history and world communism ; no. 122)
- The writer's craft / Frederick A. Birmingham. - New York : Hawthorn Books , 1966, c1958
- Theodore Roosevelt and Japan / Raymond A. Esthus. - Seattle : University of Washington Press , c1966
- Thought control in prewar Japan / Richard H. Mitchell. - Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press , 1976
- Three ways of thought in ancient China / by Arthur Waley. - Garden City, N.Y. : Doubleday , 1956. - (Anchor books ; A75)
- Tokyo : fifty sketches / by Noel Nouet. - [S.l. : s.n.] , 1946
- Tolstoy and China / by Derk Bodde ; with the collaboration of Galia Speshneff Bodde. - Princeton : Princeton University Press , 1950. - (The history of ideas series ; no. 4)
- Tolstoy or Dostoevsky : an essay in the old criticism / George Steiner. - New York : Vintage Books , 1961. - (A Vintage book ; V-186 . Vintage history and criticism of literature, music, and art)
- Tout en Un : encyclopedie illustree des connaissances humaines. - [Paris] : Librairie Hachette , 1921
- Traume am Fenster : Chinesische Scherenschnitte / Aufnahmen und Buchgestaltung W. und B. Forman : Text von J. Hejzlar. - Praha : Artia , c1960
- Trial of war criminals : documents. - Washington : United States Government Printing Office , 1945. - (Department of State publication ; 2420)
- Tsars, mandarins, and commissars : a history of Chinese-Russian relations / by Harry Schwartz. - lst ed. - Philadelphia, Pa. : J. B. Lippincott Co. , c1964
- Tsushima : der Roman eines Seekrieges / Frank Thiess. - Hamburg : Rowohlt , 1954. - (Rororo Taschenbuch Ausgabe ; 114/115)
- Twentieth century Chinese poetry : an anthology / translated and edited by Kai-yu Hsu. - Garden City, N.Y. : Anchor Books , 1964
- U.S. policy and the security of Asia / Fred Greene. - New York : Published for the Council on Foreign Relations by McGraw-Hill , c1968. - (The United States and China in world affairs ; )
- USSR agriculture / [V. Latov]. - Moscow : Novosti Press Agency Publishing House , 1976. - (USSR : Yesterday, today & tomorrow ; )
- USSR education. - Moscow : Novosti Press Agency Publishing House , c1976. - (USSR : yesterday, today & tomorrow ; )
- USSR-USA relations today / Anatoli Gromyko, Yuri Shvedkov. - Moscow : Novosti Press Agency , 1973
- Ueber die Stellung des Tungusischen zum Mongolisch-Turkischen / von Eugen Buge. - Halle : [s.n.] , [1---]
- Ueda's Daijiten : a Japanese dictionary of Chinese characters and compounds / 上田萬年[ほか編]. - American edition. - Cambridge : Harvard University Press , 1942
- Union catalog of books on Japan in Western languages / edited by Naomi Fukuda. - [Tokyo] : International House Library , 1967
- Union catalog of books on Korea in English, French, German, Russian, etc. - Tokyo : International House of Japan Library , 1971
- United States diplomacy in Chima, 1844-60 / Te-Kong Tong. - Seattle : University of Washington Press , 1964
- United States relations with China : with special reference to the period 1944-1949. - [Washington, D.C.] : U.S.G.P.O. , 1949. - (Far Eastern series ; 30)(Department of State publication ; 3573)
- Unter fremder Fahne! : Erlebnisse eines Deutschen aus Russland / Edgar Stahff. - Berlin : Volkstum, Wehr und Wirtschaft
- Victors' justice : the Tokyo War Crimes Trial / Richard H. Minear. - Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press , 1971
- Vocabulary, exercises, and conversational drill : based on the Naganuma readers, book III. - Berkeley : University of California Press , 1944
- Voices of revolution : rabels and rhetoric / [edited by] Thomas E. Hachey, Ralph E. Weber. - Hinsdale, Ill. : Dryden Press , c1972
- Von Bismarck zum Weltkritge : die deutsche Politik in den Jahrzehnten vor dem Kriege, dargestellt auf Grund der Akten des auswartigen Amtes / von Erich Brandenburg. - Berlin : Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft fur Politik und Geschichte , 1924
- Wang Yang-ming : idealist philosopher of sixteenth-century China / by Carsun Chang. - New York : St. John's University Press , 1962. - (Asian philosophical studies ; no. 1)
- War and neutrality in the Far East / by T.J. Lawrence. - London : Macmillan , 1904
- Webster's geographical dictionary : a dictionary of names of places, with geographical and historical information and pronunciations. - Rev. ed. - Springfield, Mass. : G. & C. Merriam , c1955
- Webster's new collegiate dictionary : Based on Webster's new international dictionary. - Springfield, Mass. : G. & C. Merriam Co , c1949
- Weltpolitische Komplikationen : 1908-1914. - Berlin : Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft fur Politik und Geschichte M.B.H. , 1926-1927. - (Die diplomatischen Akten des auswartigen Amtes, 1871-1914 : ein Wegweiser durch das grosse Aktenwerk der deutschen Regie…
- Wer mich und Ilse sieht im Grase ... : Deutsche Poten des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts uber die Liebe und das Frauenzimmer / [hrsg. von Johannes Bobrowski]. - 2. Aufl. - Berlin : Eulenspiegel Verlag , 1965
- What Peking keeps silent about. - Moscow : Novosti Press Agency Publishing House , 1972
- What is the Oriental culture? / by Sokichi Tsuda ; translated by Yasotaro Morri. - Tokyo : Hokuseido Press , 1955
- White paper : notes, memoranda and letters exchanged and agreements signed between the Governments of India and China. - New Delhi : Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India , 1963-
- Why nations go to war / John G. Stoessinger. - 2nd ed. - New York : St. Martins's Press , c1978
- Wings over the Seven Seas : the story of Naval Aviation's fight for survival / Wilbur H. Morrison. - South Brunswick : A.S. Barnes , c1975
- Work and history : an essay on the structure of civilization / by Paul Schrecker. - New York : Thomas Y. Crowell , 1971, c1948
- World civilizations : from ancient to contemporary / Edward McNall Burns and Philip Lee Ralph. - 3rd ed.. - New York : Norton , c1964
- World civilizations; their history and their culture / Edward McNall Burns and Philip Lee Ralph. - 5th ed. - New York : Norton , c1974
- World history in the twentieth century / R.D. Cornwell. - London : Longman , 1969
- Worterbuch der philosophischen Begriffe / herausgegeben von Johannes Hoffmeister. - 2. Aufl. - Hamburg : F. Meiner , c1955. - (Philosophische Bibliothek ; Bd. 225)
- Writer's guide and index to English / [by] Porter G. Perrin. - 4th ed., rev. by Karl W. Dykema [and] Wilma R. Ebbitt. - [Glenview, Ill.] : Scott, Foresman , c1968
- Writing clear prose : a brief rhetoric / George Perkins. - Chicago : Scott, Foresman , c1964
- Writing research papers : a complete guide / [by] James D. Lester. - Glenview, Ill. : Scott, Foresman , [1971]
- Zweihundert Jahre deutsch-amerikanische Beziehungen, 1776-1976 : eine Dokumentation = Two hundred years of German-American relations, 1776-1976 : a documentary / hrsg. von Thomas Piltz. - Munchen : H. Moos , c1975
- historian's handbook : a key to the study and writing of history / Wood Gray ; with the collaboration of William Columbus Davis ... [et al.]. - 2nd ed. - Boston : Houghton Mifflin , c1964
- あゝ永沼挺進隊 / 島貫重節著. - 東京 : 原書房 , 1974-1975
- その日, 関東軍は / 草地貞吾著. - 東京 : 宮川書房 , 1967.10
- アイヌ秘史 / 桜井清彦著. - 東京 : 角川書店 , 1967. - (角川新書 ; 225)
- ウィッテの初期満州植民地化事業の性格とその階級構造 / 菅原崇光[著]. - [出版地不明] : [出版者不明] , [19--]
- ウラルを越えて / 樋口欣一編. - 東京 : 乾元社 , 1949.3
- クルウゼンシュテルン日本紀行 / [クルウゼンシュテルン著] ; 羽仁五郎譯註. - 東京 : 駿南社 , 1931. - (異國叢書 ; )
- シベリアよさようなら : ソ連抑留二年間の記録 / 中村泰助著. - 東京 : 第二書房 , 1966.8
- シベリア開発 / 山本敏著. - 東京 : 講談社 , 1973. - (講談社現代新書 ; 323)
- シベリア出兵の史的研究 / 細谷千博著. - 東京 : 有斐閣 , 1955.7
- シベリア流刑史 : 苦悩する革命家の群像 / 相田重夫著. - 東京 : 中央公論社 , 1966.3. - (中公新書 ; 97)
- シベリヤ日記 / 榎本武揚著. - 大連 : 南満洲鐵道總裁室弘報課 , 1939.9
- シベリヤ秘史 : 出兵より撤兵まで / 山内封介著. - 東京 : 日本評論社 , 1923.3
- ソウエート東方策 / 布施勝治著. - 北京 : 燕塵社 , 1926.12
- ソビエト外交史 / 尾上正男著. - 東京 : 有信堂 , 1959.10
- ソヴィエト外交史研究 / 田村幸策著. - 東京 : 鹿島研究所出版会 , 1965.6
- ソヴェト旅行案内 / 野々村一雄著. - 東京 : 中央公論社 , 1966.9. - (中公新書 ; 111)
- ソ軍進駐 / 楳本捨三著. - 東京 : 富士興業株式会社出版部 , 1949.8
- ソ連外交とアジア. - 東京 : 朝日新聞社 , 1967.6. - (日本の安全保障 : 朝日市民教室 / 朝日新聞安全保障問題調査会編 ; 7)
- ソ連大使の日本ノート / ニコライ・フェドレンコ著 ; 飯田規和訳. - 東京 : 朝日新聞社 , 1967.11
- ゾルゲ事件 : 尾崎秀実の理想と挫折 / 尾崎秀樹著. - 東京 : 中央公論社 , 1963.1. - (中公新書 ; 8)
- チリコフ選集 / [エヴゲニイ・チリコフ著]; 關口彌作飜譯. - 東京 : 新潮社 , 1920
- ノモンハン / 辻政信著. - 東京 : 原書房 , 1975
- ベーリング海周航記 : 浦潮よりノームまで / M.ラテルネル著 ; 竹村浩吉譯. - 東京 : 文政同志社 , 1942.12
- ベニョフスキー航海記 / [ベニョフスキー著] ; 水口志計夫, 沼田次郎編訳. - 東京 : 平凡社 , 1970.4. - (東洋文庫 ; 160)
- ペテルブルグからの黒船 : ドキュメント / 大南勝彦著. - 東京 : 六興出版 , 1973
- ポーツマス講和會議日誌 / イ・ヤ・コロストウェッツ著 ; 島野三郎訳. - 東京 : 石書房 , 1943.4
- モスクワにかける虹 : 日ソ国交回復秘録 / 松本俊一著. - 東京 : 朝日新聞社 , 1966
- モスクワ印象記 / 宮本百合子著. - 東京 : 東京民報出版社 , 1949.5
- ルーズヴェルト東亜政策史 / 恒川眞著. - 東京 : 高山書院 , 1944.1
- レニングラード大学における日本言語学講座とその史的展開 / オ・ペ・ペトローワ原著 ; 寺川喜四男, 稲垣敏夫訳・註・編. - 東京 : 法政大学出版局 , 1964.9. - (ソ連の日本語 ; 第1巻)
- ロシアとアジア草原 / 佐口透著. - 東京 : 吉川弘文館 , 1966.4. - (ユーラシア文化史選書 ; 3)
- ロシアの東方政策 / 内藤智秀等著. - 東京 : 目黒書店 , 1942.8. - (アジア歴史叢書 ; 第6)
- ロシア人日本遠訪記 / ア・ポロンスキイ著 ; 駐露日本公使館訳 ; 林欽吾補註. - 東京 : 内外社 , 1953.8
- ロシヤ宮廷の踊子 : ロシヤ踊子の回想 全訳 / 辻好夫訳. - 東京 : 東京書院 , 1951.11
- ロシヤ年代記 / [レーベヂェフ編] ; 除村吉太郎訳. - 3版. - 東京 : 弘文堂 , 1946.12
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