For students who have internally advanced in April

Your student ID number, ELMS-ID, and ELMS e-mail address have been newly issued for your internal advancement.
If you have completed the necessary procedures to continue using your previous ELMS e-mail address, you also need to register an e-mail address that can receive emails from the library via the Library Web Services.
Once you have registered your e-mail address, you will be able to receive e-mail notifications from the library, such as advance notice of due dates for checked-out materials.
The registration steps are as follows:

1. Log in to the Library Web Services.
2. After logging in, select “Change E-mail Address” from the Library Web Services menu.
3. Register an e-mail address with “E-Mail2” to receive emails from the library.
*Note that the “E-mail Address” field on the same screen is registered with the ELMS e-mail address as of early April; however, you will receive library emails at “E-Mail2.”

Hokkaido University Central Library
E-Mail:service [at]

2024/04/11 09:12