[Northern Studies Collection, Rare Books & Sapporo Agricultural College Collection] Booking Form for Non-HU Members

Please answer the questions below and submit the form (* Required items). We would send you a confirmation mail after checking the availability.

Please make a booking BY 4:00 PM THREE WEEKDAYS (except for weekends and national holidays) BEFORE VISIT. Booking made after 4:00 PM is to be accepted the next weekday.

    Name *
    Please enter your name.

    Email Address *
    Please enter your email address.

    Please enter your affiliation.

    Booking Date *
    You can make a booking on weekdays during 9 AM and 4:50 PM. Booking is up to five groups per day at maximum.

    Estimated Time of Arrival *
    Please let us know your estimated time of arrival at the library. A rough schedule can be fine.

    Number of Visitors *
    Please let us know how many people would visit the library on the booking day.

    Materials You Want to Use *
    Please take a look at our Library Catalog or Northern Studies Collection Database and let us know in advance which material you want to use.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know in advance.

    2024/04/01 11:02