EJ/EB Help
E-Journals/E-Books List Help
- Using this list, you can search for or browse e-journals/e-books that Hokkaido University subscribes to.
- These e-journals/e-books are also searchable in the library catalog.
Search for E-Journals by Title or ISSN/ISBN
- You can search for e-Journals by title or ISSN/ISBN.
- You can also search by abbreviated title.
e.g.1)A search for "JAAA" will find " Journal of the American Academy of Audiology" .
e.g.2)A search for "J AM Acad" will find journals containing "J AM Acad"
- You can't search e-Journals by article title.
Title begins with: |
Enter 2 or more letters of the beginning of the title.
Initial articles (the, a, an, etc.) are ignored by the search engine.
A search for educat will find all titles that begin with that string.
"Educating for employment", "Education and the law", "Educational assessment" etc. |
Title equals: |
Enter the exact title.
Initial articles (the, a, an, etc.) are ignored by the search engine.
A search for The New York Times will find "New York Times". |
Title contains all words: |
Enter one or more title words in any order. This search will match titles that contain all words. You can use an asterisk (*) to find partial words.
e.g.1)A search for educa* ann* will find "American annals of education" and "Information technology in childhood education annual".
e.g.2)A search for e phys* rev* let* will find "Physical Review Letters". |
ISSN/ISBN equals: |
Enter the exact ISSN/ISBN with or without a hyphen. |
Title List of Alphabetical or Japanese Syllabary Order
- To click a letter or the alphabet will find all titles that begin with that letter.
- "0-9" will find all titles that begin with any digit.
- "other" will find all titles that begin with any non-alphanumeric character.
- To click a hiragana character will find all titles that begin with that reading.
Browse E-Journals by Subject.
- You can browse e-Journals by selecting a subject category.
Search for E-Journals by DOI or PubMed ID
- You can search for e-Journals by DOI or PubMed ID.
- Enter the DOI or PubMed ID and click the "Search" button, and you will find information of the article on the "360LINK" page. Links to the full text will appear if available.
- Check the following pages if you want to know about DOI or PubMed ID.
- What is DOI?
- What is PubMed ID?
Package/Platform List
- You can search for e-Journals/e-books by portal-site, platform, package or publisher.
About Icons
The followings are the meanings of the icons displayed on search results pages or the package/platform list.
= You can use this through the remote access service.
= You must enter the ID and password to read this. When you click this icon, the "Get ID/Password" page will appear.
= You can read this anytime and anywhere for free. This is not maintained by the library, so there may be broken links or errors in coverage.
= You can access from Sapporo campus only.
In the case that both
are not displayed at the 360LINK page, we can not use the contents through the remote access service.
Questions about E-Journals/E-Books
If you have a question or a probrem with e-journals, e-books, databases or the remote access service, please use the following link to contact us.