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19C/20C House of Commons Parliamentary Papers (HCPP)

Remote Access RemoteAccess
[ Categories: Social Sciences ] [ Database types: Law/Cases ]

Concurrent users: Unlimited Coverage: 1801-2004 Categories: Social Sciences

This is a database that includes the House of Commons Parliamentary Papers in Britain in the 19th century (1801-1900) and the 20th century (1901-2004). It contains digitized images of original pages, accompanying illustrations, statistics, maps and so on. All of the papers are full-text searchable.

    ★Outline of the contents included
  • Bills - drafts of legislation, to be reviewed through various parliamentary stages. If the Bill passes through these stages, it will become an Act of Parliament.
  • House of Commons Papers - documents resulting from the work of the House and its Committees.
  • Command Papers - Government papers (from Ministers) conveying information or decisions the Government wishes to draw to the attention of the House, presented ‘by Command of Her Majesty’.
  • ※"House of Commons Papers" and "Command Papers" are classified further into "Reports of Committees", "Reports of Commissioners", and "Accounts and Papers".

* NII-REO HSS user guides (PDF; 562KB)

・"Parliamentary Debates" (Hansard), "The House of Commons Journal", "Agenda and Order of Business" and "Votes and Proceedings" are not included in this database.