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Web OYA-bunko 教育機関版 (大宅壮一文庫雑誌記事索引)

Remote Access RemoteAccess
[ Categories: Humanities, Social Sciences ] [ Database types: Bibliographies/Abstracts/Index ]

Concurrent users: 1 Coverage: 1988-Current Categories: Humanities, Social Sciences

This database is based on "大宅壮一文庫雑誌記事索引", article index of popular magazines in Japan collected by the critic Oya Soichi. About 3.5 million articles since 1988 are included.

    ★How to Log In and Log Out
  1. Click the "Web OYA-bunko 教育機関版 (大宅壮一文庫雑誌記事索引)" link.
  2. The Web OYA-bunko home page appears, and click the "[ログイン]" button on the center of the screen.
  3. The number of concurrent users is one. When you finish using the database, click the "ログアウト" button on the upper right corner of the screen immediately. (If you do not perform any operations for a certain period, the system will automatically disconnect your session.)