What is Library Catalog?
Using Library Catalog, you can search books, periodicals and e-journals that Hokkaido University is holding.
However, by Library Catalog, the articles that are published in periodicals and etc. cannot be searched.
* For searching articles, please use special databases.
More information on how to search, please refer to the help.
Materials that be searched
- Books (including periodicals, newspapers, etc.)
- Audio-visual materials (DVDs, video cassettes, CDs, etc.)
- Microforms (microfilms, microfiches)
- E-journals and e-books that are subscribed by Hokkaido University
Keywords for searching
- Keywords in title
- Author, editor, etc.
- Publisher
- Subject headings (words that represents a theme that has been treated in the book)
- ISBN (International Standard Book Number; 10 or 13 digits)
- ISSN (International Standard Serial Number; 8 digits)
- Book ID (Control number of the books in Hokkaido University; 10 digits)
- ... etc.