Hokkaido University Medical Library Series Vol. 49
Hokkaido University Medical Library Series Vol. 49
Making History of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Tsuneki Sugihara, M .D.
Yuhei Yamamoto, M .D.
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine
Sapporo, Japan
Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine
Sapporo, Japan
Chapter I Microcirculation and Reconstructive Surgery 1. Preferential impairment of Nitric Oxide-mediated endothelium-dependent relaxation in human cervical arteries after irradiation……32. Use of the “supercharge”technique in esophageal and pharyngealreconstruction to augment microvascular blood flow………153. Follow-up study of upper limb lymphedema patients treated bymicrosurgical lymphaticovenous implantation (MLVI) combinedwith compression therapy…………234. Alternative approach using the combined technique of nerve crossoverand cross-nerve grafting for reanimation of facial palsy ………31 |
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Chapter II Anomaly and Cranio-Facial Surgery 5. Treacher Collins syndrome with craniosynostosis, choanal atresia,and esophageal regurgitation caused by a novel nonsense mutationin TCOF1 1 ………416. Surgical management of maxillectomy defects based on the conceptof buttress reconstruction …………457. A fiberscopic analysis of velopharyngeal movement before and afterprimary palatoplasty in cleft palate infants ………598. Functional reconstruction of the tongue and deglutition musclesfollowing extensive resection of tongue cancer …………699. Endoscopic tenotomy of the sternocleidomastoid muscle:New methodfor surgical correction of muscular torticollis ………77 |
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Chapter III Wound Healing and Surgical Oncology 10. Keloid-derived fibroblasts are refractory to Fas-mediatedapoptosis and neutralization of autocrine transforming growthfactor-ß1 can abrogate this resistance ……8511. Keratinocytes promote proliferation and inhibit apoptosis of theunderlying fibroblasts:An important role in the pathogenesisof keloid …………10112. Transduction of HOXD3-antisense into human melanoma cellsresults in decreased invasive and motile activities ………11713. Identification of a novel gelsolin truncate in the vertical andmetastatic phase malignant melanomas …………13314. Epigenetic silencing of E-and P-cadherin gene expression in humanmelanoma cell lines …………143 |
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