
Search results

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1 items found.

  1. 罹,宗爵 (ラ,ソウシャク)
  2. https://www.lib.hokudai.ac.jp/dissertations/list/?FF=4&LANG=en&ACCN=1201701067
    Title in JapaneseStagospora sacchari Ln & Lingによる甘ショ葉焼病の研究
    Title in EnglishStudies on leaf scorch of sugar cane caused by Stagonspora sacchari do and ding
    Year of conferral of degrees1972
    Type of degree / Kind of academic degree2(論文博士) / 017(農学博士)
    Report number1067
    Date of conferral of degrees1973-03-24
    The primary examiner / A deputy examiner宇井,格生 / 村山,大記 細川,定治
    Call number