書誌ID | タイトル | 巻号 |
2001226193 | A German common school with a garden / by C.B. Smith | 42,62,68,77,83,97,115,117 |
2000826879 | A bibliographical monograph on plant genetics (genic analysis) 1900-1925 / by Hajime Matsuura | |
2000551195 | A bibliographical monograph on plant genetics (genic analysis), 1900-1929 / by Hajime Matsuura | |
2000829383 | A biographical directory of American agricultural scientists / edited by Charles S. Plumb | |
2000829707 | A brief description of the pictures of Japanese hunting, exhibited in the World's Columbian Exposition, published by the Agricultural Bureau of the Department of Agriculture and Commerce, Japan | |
2000803536 | A descriptive catalogue of the agricultural products, exhibited in the World's Columbian Exposition / Japan, Agricultural Bureau, Department of Agriculture and Commerce | |
2000810601 | A descriptive catalogue of useful fiber plants of the world : including the structural and economic classifications of fibers / by Chas. Richards Dodge | |
2000829340 | A hand book of Iowa, or, The discovery, settlement, geographical location, topography, natural resources, ... of the State of Iowa / Charles Ashton, James O. Crosby and J.W. Jarnagin | |
2000825886 | A natural philosophy : embracing the most recent discoveries in the various branches of physics, and exhibiting the application of scientific principles in every-day life / by G. P. Quackenbos | |
2000826433 | A pocket medical lexicon containing the full signification of the terms made use of in medicine and the kindred sciences with useful tables & c., / translated by Y. Ijichi and R. Shingū | |
2001225115 | A report on flax, hemp, ramie, and jute, with considerations upon flax and hemp culture in Europe, a report on the ramie machine trials of 1889 in Paris, and present status of fiber industries in the United States / by Charles Richards Dodge | |
2000828749 | A review of the present problems and methods of agricultural bacteriology / by Chr. Barthel | |
2000826647 | A review of the resources and industries of Washington 1909 | |
2000825891 | A short account of the Educational Society of Japan | |
2000826218 | A short survey of the Danish agriculture / prepared by professional experts | |
2000829573 | A silo on every farm / compiled and edited by C. M. Carroll | |
2000827791 | A smaller grammar of the Latin language / by William Smith | |
2000828809 | A text book of the physics of agriculture / by F.H. King | |
2000828325 | A text-book of tropical agriculture / by H. A. Alford Nicholls | |
2000829329 | A treatise on manures, or, The philosophy of manuring : a practical handbook for the agriculturist, manufacturer, and student / by A. B. Griffiths | |
3000079086 | Accessions to the Department Library | 1902,1905-1906 |
3000079086 | Accessions to the Department Library | 1907-1909 |
2001225399 | Agricultural Experiment Stations their objects and work / by A.C. True | |
2000829155 | Agricultural bacteriology : a study of the relation of germ life to the farm with laboratory experiments for students : microorganisms of soil, fertilizers, sewage, water, dairy products, miscellaneous farm products and of diseases of animals and plants / by H.W. Conn | |
2000826300 | Agricultural bibliography of Maine : a list of ... a contribution to the agricultural literature section of the Columbian World's Fair / prepared by Samuel L. Boardman, under direction of the Maine Board of Agriculture, B. Walker McKeen, secretary | |
2000826287 | Agricultural research and the farmer : a record of recent achievement / by V.E. Wilkins | |
3000003152 | Agricultural statistics / Board of Agriculture and Fisheries | 57(2) |
3000003152 | Agricultural statistics / Board of Agriculture and Fisheries | 57(3) |
2000828573 | Agricultural text-book, embracing soils, manures, rotations of crops, and live stock, adapted to the requirements of the syllabus of the Science and Art Department, South Kensington / by John Wrightson | |
2000551708 | Agriculture after the war / by A.D. Hall | |
2000826269 | Agriculture in Japan | |
2000712356 | Agriculture in Soviet Russia / by Joan Beauchamp | |
2000826242 | Agriculture in some of its relations with chemistry / by F. H. Storer | vol. 1 |
2000826242 | Agriculture in some of its relations with chemistry / by F. H. Storer | vol. 2 |
2001223786 | Agriculture of Pennsylvania, containing reports of the State Board of Agriculture, The State Agricultural Society, The State Dairymen's Association, The State Fruit Growers' Association, and The State College for 1893 | |
2000826205 | Agriculture practical and scientific / by James Muir | |
2000396190 | America to Japan : a symposium of papers by representative citizens of the United States on the relations between Japan and America and on the common interests of the two countries / edited by Lindsay Russell | |
2000828812 | American grape training : an account of the leading forms now in use of training the American grapes / by L.H. Bailey | |
2000498218 | An encyclopædia of agriculture : comprising the theory and practice of the valuation, transfer, laying out, improvement, and management of landed property, and of the cultivation and economy of the animal and vegetable productions of agriculture / by J.C. Loudon | |
2000827858 | An historical sketch of Harvard University : from its foundation to May, 1890 / by William R. Thayer | |
2000827626 | Anleitung zum Getreidebau auf wissenschaftlicher und praktischer Grundlage / von Anton Nowacki | |
2000827948 | Anleitung zur Düngung tropischer Pflanzen / herausgegeben vom Verein Deutsch-Oesterreich. Thomas-Phosphat-Fabriken | |
2000828232 | Annals of horticulture in North America, for the year 1892 : a witness of passing events and a record of progress / by L.H. Bailey | |
2000826238 | Annuaire statistique de la Belgique et du Congo belge | t. 46 : 1915-1919 |
2000829403 | Annual report of irrigation and drainage investigations, 1904 / under the direction of Elwood Mead | |
2000829931 | Annual report of proceedings under the Small Holdings and Allotments Acts, 1908 to 1919, for the year 1920 | pt. 2., Allotments |
2000829231 | Annual report of proceedings under the Tithe, Copyhold, Inclosure, Commons and other Acts, for the year 1922 | |
3000067642 | Annual report of the Agricultural College of Utah Experiment Station | 3 |
3000067642 | Annual report of the Agricultural College of Utah Experiment Station | 4 |
3000067642 | Annual report of the Agricultural College of Utah Experiment Station | 5 |
3000067706 | Annual report of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska | 10,15,21-23 |
3000067706 | Annual report of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska | 24-25,33,37 |
3000067645 | Annual report of the Board of Control of the New York Agricultural Experiment Station | 11 |
3000067645 | Annual report of the Board of Control of the New York Agricultural Experiment Station | 12 |
3000067645 | Annual report of the Board of Control of the New York Agricultural Experiment Station | 13 |
2000828894 | Annual report of the Board of Control of the State Agricultural Experiment Station at Amherst, Mass, | |
2001236564 | Annual report of the Board of Public Service, Division of Parks, Public Baths and Markets of the City of Cleveland for the year ending December 31, 1908 | |
2001236564 | Annual report of the Board of Public Service, Division of Parks, Public Baths and Markets of the City of Cleveland for the year ending December 31, 1908 | |
3000061456 | Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station | 17 |
3000061456 | Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station | 18 |
3000061456 | Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station | 1890 |
3000061456 | Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station | 1892 |
3000061456 | Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station | 19 |
3000061456 | Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station | 20 |
3000061456 | Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station | 20 |
3000061456 | Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station | 22 |
3000061456 | Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station | 23 |
3000061456 | Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station | 24 |
3000061456 | Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station | 25 |
3000061456 | Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station | 26 |
3000061456 | Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station | 27 |
3000061456 | Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station | 28 |
3000061456 | Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station | 29 |
3000061456 | Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station | 30 |
3000061456 | Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station | 31-32 |
3000061456 | Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station | 33-34 |
3000061456 | Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station | 35 |
3000061456 | Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station | 36 |
3000061456 | Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station | 37 |
3000061456 | Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station | 38 |
3000061456 | Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station | 39 |
3000061456 | Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station | 40 |
3000061456 | Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station | 41 |
3000061456 | Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station | 42 |
3000061456 | Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station | 43 |
3000061456 | Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station | 44 |
3000061456 | Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station | 46 |
3000061456 | Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station | 47 |
3000067640 | Annual report of the Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station | 1907 |
3000067640 | Annual report of the Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station | 1907 |
3000067640 | Annual report of the Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station | 1908 |
3000067640 | Annual report of the Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station | 1908 |
3000068217 | Annual report of the Indiana Agricultural Experiment Station, Purdue University | 22-23 |
3000067643 | Annual report of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station of the State College of Kentucky | 1 |
3000067643 | Annual report of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station of the State College of Kentucky | 10 |
3000067643 | Annual report of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station of the State College of Kentucky | 11 |
3000067643 | Annual report of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station of the State College of Kentucky | 12 |
3000067643 | Annual report of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station of the State College of Kentucky | 13 |
3000067643 | Annual report of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station of the State College of Kentucky | 14 |
3000067643 | Annual report of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station of the State College of Kentucky | 15 |
3000067643 | Annual report of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station of the State College of Kentucky | 16 |
3000067643 | Annual report of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station of the State College of Kentucky | 17 |
3000067643 | Annual report of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station of the State College of Kentucky | 18 |
3000067643 | Annual report of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station of the State College of Kentucky | 19 |
3000067643 | Annual report of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station of the State College of Kentucky | 19 |
3000067643 | Annual report of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station of the State College of Kentucky | 2 |
3000067643 | Annual report of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station of the State College of Kentucky | 20 |
3000067643 | Annual report of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station of the State College of Kentucky | 25 |
3000067643 | Annual report of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station of the State College of Kentucky | 26 |
3000067643 | Annual report of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station of the State College of Kentucky | 26 |
3000067643 | Annual report of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station of the State College of Kentucky | 27(1) |
3000067643 | Annual report of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station of the State College of Kentucky | 27(1) |
3000067643 | Annual report of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station of the State College of Kentucky | 28(1) |
3000067643 | Annual report of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station of the State College of Kentucky | 29(1) |
3000067643 | Annual report of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station of the State College of Kentucky | 30(1) |
3000067643 | Annual report of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station of the State College of Kentucky | 32(1) |
3000067643 | Annual report of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station of the State College of Kentucky | 8 |
3000067643 | Annual report of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station of the State College of Kentucky | 9 |
2000825904 | Annual report of the Minister of State for Education / translated and published by the Department of Education | 19th (24th year of Meiji)(1891) |
3000067646 | Annual report of the Nebraska State Board of Agriculture | 1889 |
3000067646 | Annual report of the Nebraska State Board of Agriculture | 1890 |
3000067646 | Annual report of the Nebraska State Board of Agriculture | 1891 |
3000067646 | Annual report of the Nebraska State Board of Agriculture | 1892 |
3000067726 | Annual report of the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station / Agricultural College, North Dakota | 19(2) |
3000067551 | Annual report of the Pennsylvania State College | 1889 |
3000067551 | Annual report of the Pennsylvania State College | 1890 |
3000067551 | Annual report of the Pennsylvania State College | 1891 |
3000067551 | Annual report of the Pennsylvania State College | 1892 |
3000067551 | Annual report of the Pennsylvania State College | 1894(2) |
3000067551 | Annual report of the Pennsylvania State College | 1897 |
3000067539 | Annual report of the Secretary of the Connecticut State Board of Agriculture | 25 |
3000067499 | Annual report of the Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture of the State of Michigan | 30 |
3000067499 | Annual report of the Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture of the State of Michigan | 31 |
3000067641 | Annual report of the Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture of the State of Michigan and Annual report of the Experiment Station | 35 |
3000067641 | Annual report of the Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture of the State of Michigan and Annual report of the Experiment Station | 36 |
3000067641 | Annual report of the Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture of the State of Michigan and Annual report of the Experiment Station | 53 |
3000067641 | Annual report of the Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture of the State of Michigan and Annual report of the Experiment Station | 55 |
3000067641 | Annual report of the Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture of the State of Michigan and Annual report of the Experiment Station | 56 |
3000067641 | Annual report of the Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture of the State of Michigan and Annual report of the Experiment Station | 57 |
3000067641 | Annual report of the Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture of the State of Michigan and Annual report of the Experiment Station | 58 |
3000067641 | Annual report of the Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture of the State of Michigan and Annual report of the Experiment Station | 59 |
3000067641 | Annual report of the Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture of the State of Michigan and Annual report of the Experiment Station | 60 |
3000067641 | Annual report of the Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture of the State of Michigan and Annual report of the Experiment Station | 61 |
3000067641 | Annual report of the Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture of the State of Michigan and Annual report of the Experiment Station | 62 |
3000067641 | Annual report of the Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture of the State of Michigan and Annual report of the Experiment Station | 63 |
2001236849 | Annual report of the Wyoming Agricultural College and Experiment Station for the year, 1892 | |
3000067644 | Annual report on introduction of domestic reindeer into Alaska, with maps and illustrations | 14 |
3000067644 | Annual report on introduction of domestic reindeer into Alaska, with maps and illustrations | 15 |
2000828048 | Annual report upon fiber investigations for 1892 / by Richards Dodge | |
2001236609 | Annual reportbof the Agricultural Experiment Station University of Illinoi for the year ending June 30 / by the Trustees of the University | 6th, 11th |
2000827821 | Aspects of science / by J. W. N. Sullivan | |
2000829266 | Auszug aus dem Lehrbuche der Weltgeschichte für Schulen / von Th. B. Wester | |
2000826834 | Bacteria in relation to country life / by Jacob G. Lipman | |
2000830270 | Barn plans and outbuildings | |
2000855658 | Barry's fruit garden / by P. Barry | |
2000829153 | Beiträge zu den naturwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen des Ackerbaus mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der agrikultur-chemischen Methode der Sandkultur ... / von Hermann Hellriegel | |
2000808992 | Beiträge zur Kenntniss der japanischen Landwirthschaft / von M. Fesca ; herausgegeben von der Kaiserlichen Geologischen Reichsanstalt | I. Allgemeiner Theil |
2000808992 | Beiträge zur Kenntniss der japanischen Landwirthschaft / von M. Fesca ; herausgegeben von der Kaiserlichen Geologischen Reichsanstalt | II. Specieller Theil |
2000829740 | Berättelse om verksamheten vid Alnarps Lantbruks- och mejeriinstitut samt Alnarps lantbruksskola och egendom : ȧr 1922 | |
3000067647 | Biennial report of the Board of Horticulture to the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon | 5 |
3000067647 | Biennial report of the Board of Horticulture to the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon | 6 |
2001223705 | Biennial report of the Commissioner of Agriculture, of the State of Louisiana, April 1890 | |
3000067464 | Biennial report of the Storers Agricultural Experiment Station, Connecticut | 1920-1923 |
2000825835 | Biennial report of the superintendent of public instruction for the State of Arkansas for the years 1891 and 1892 / by Josiah H. Shinn | |
2000828418 | Bookkeeping for farmers : a treatise on farm accounts / by T. Clark Atkeson, to which is added The Stockbridge system accounts, edited by Herbert Myrick | |
2000829326 | Boston illustrated : a familiar guide to Boston and its neighborhood / edited by Edwin M. Bacon | |
2000829391 | British farming : a description of the mixed husbandry of Great Britain : being the article "agriculture" contributed to the "Encyclopædia britannica", ninth edition / by John Wilson | |
2000827695 | Broom-corn and brooms : a treatise on raising broom-corn and making brooms on a small or large scale | |
2000829089 | Brucellosis, a public health problem / Ward Giltner | |
2001224748 | Bulletin / Agricultural Experiment Station of The Agricultural and Mechanical College | 41,51-62,64-71,75,81-83,88-89 |
2001224748 | Bulletin / Agricultural Experiment Station of The Agricultural and Mechanical College | 92-94,100-105,108,111,113,129-136,138 |
2001225062 | Bulletin / Agricultural Experiment Station, Purdue University | 13(114,116-122),14(123-124,126,131-132,133-135) |
2001225062 | Bulletin / Agricultural Experiment Station, Purdue University | 15(136-149) |
2001225062 | Bulletin / Agricultural Experiment Station, Purdue University | 16(165),17(172,175),18(176),19(192-198) |
2001225062 | Bulletin / Agricultural Experiment Station, Purdue University | 20(200,202-208,211-212,214,218,220-221,223-226) |
2001225062 | Bulletin / Agricultural Experiment Station, Purdue University | 4(43-45,47),5(48-53),6(55-57),7(58,60,62-63),8(67),9(68-74),10(76-79,82-83),11(91-92) |
2001226247 | Bulletin / Agricultural Experiment Station, South Dakota State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts | 146,149,161 |
2001226230 | Bulletin / Agricultural Experiment Station, State College of Washington | 75-76,80,82-83,87 |
2001225629 | Bulletin / Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Minnesota | 37,109,117-120,123,127,129 |
2001226346 | Bulletin / Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station | 75,77,89,94 |
2001224804 | Bulletin / Central Experimental Farm | 21-23,25,27-28,31,33,37-38,40,42-43,46-47,50-51 |
2001224804 | Bulletin / Central Experimental Farm | 52,54,56-63 |
2001224804 | Bulletin / Central Experimental Farm | 65,67,72,76,89,92 |
2001226210 | Bulletin / Central Experimental Farm, Department of Agriculture | 1-3,36 |
2001226216 | Bulletin / Central Experimental Farm, Department of Agriculture | 2-3,7-14,16-18,20 |
2001224769 | Bulletin / College of Aguriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station | 149,181,185,188,194,196-204 |
2001224769 | Bulletin / College of Aguriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station | 206-209,211-212,216,224,238,249,156,269,270-271,274 |
2001224769 | Bulletin / College of Aguriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station | 275-285,287,290-294,296-298 |
2001224769 | Bulletin / College of Aguriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station | 301-303,305-312 |
2001224769 | Bulletin / College of Aguriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station | 320,322-325,328,330-332,335 |
2001224823 | Bulletin / Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station | 165-166,168,170-171,182,186-190,192,195,197,199,201,207-208,210,215,219,220,222,225,227,233-234,238-239 |
2001224823 | Bulletin / Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station | 240,242-244,249-250,252-257,261,263-269 |
2001224823 | Bulletin / Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station | 33,44,49-53,54,62-63,74-79 |
2001224823 | Bulletin / Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station | 80-82,85-91,121,134-137,139-14,145-147,151-152,154-155,157-158,162-164 |
2001226239 | Bulletin / Dominion of Canada. Department of Agriculture | 23,25 |
2001224842 | Bulletin / Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station | 7,9-13,15-19,21,23-24 |
2001224875 | Bulletin / Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station of the State College of Kentucky | 110-124 |
2001224875 | Bulletin / Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station of the State College of Kentucky | 125-133,155,162-163 |
2001224875 | Bulletin / Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station of the State College of Kentucky | 25-54 |
2001224875 | Bulletin / Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station of the State College of Kentucky | 55-78 |
2001224875 | Bulletin / Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station of the State College of Kentucky | 80,82-94 |
2001224875 | Bulletin / Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station of the State College of Kentucky | 95-96,99-109 |
2001225196 | Bulletin / Maine Agricultural Experiment Station | 7-12 |
2001224955 | Bulletin / Michigan State Agricultural College Experiment Station | 119-134,136-140 |
2001224955 | Bulletin / Michigan State Agricultural College Experiment Station | 141-144,149153,157-165 |
2001224955 | Bulletin / Michigan State Agricultural College Experiment Station | 166-174,177-184 |
2001224955 | Bulletin / Michigan State Agricultural College Experiment Station | 185-204 |
2001224955 | Bulletin / Michigan State Agricultural College Experiment Station | 205-234 |
2001224955 | Bulletin / Michigan State Agricultural College Experiment Station | 235-259 |
2001224955 | Bulletin / Michigan State Agricultural College Experiment Station | 260-263,267,270-271,277,279,281 |
2001225881 | Bulletin / Michigan State Agricultural College Experiment Station | 37,39 |
2001224955 | Bulletin / Michigan State Agricultural College Experiment Station | 99,103-111,113-117 |
2001225051 | Bulletin / New York Agricultural Experiment Station | 106-116,119-129,131-133,135-141 |
2001225051 | Bulletin / New York Agricultural Experiment Station | 36,42,44,47-51,53-57,60 |
2001225051 | Bulletin / New York Agricultural Experiment Station | 61-69,71-72,75-77,79 |
2001225051 | Bulletin / New York Agricultural Experiment Station | 80-93,95,98-105 |
2001227532 | Bulletin / North Dakota Agricultural College Government Agricultural Experiment Station for North Dakota | |
3000067447 | Bulletin / Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station | 44 |
3000079197 | Bulletin / Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station | 22-24,27-28 |
2001225056 | Bulletin / Pennsylvania State College Agricultural Experiment Station | 4,11,24-25,27-28,30-31,33,35-40 |
2001225056 | Bulletin / Pennsylvania State College Agricultural Experiment Station | 42-57,59-60,62-65,67-68 |
2001225056 | Bulletin / Pennsylvania State College Agricultural Experiment Station | 70-71,74-75,78-86,88-92,94-103,105-106,109,118-119,125,129,131 |
2001236579 | Bulletin / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 439,622,995 |
2001225230 | Bulletin / U.S. Department of Agriculture, Botanical Division | 7,15-16,18,20-22,24-25 |
2001225288 | Bulletin / U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry | 159,186,201,206,220,232,242 |
2001225288 | Bulletin / U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry | 35,151-52,178,180,182,203,253 |
2001225288 | Bulletin / U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry | 7,19,41,61,70,95,108,118 |
2001227500 | Bulletin / U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Statistics | |
2001225261 | Bulletin / U.S. Department of Agriculture, Division of Chemistry | 25,27,33,37 |
2001225087 | Bulletin / U.S. Department of Agriculture, Division of Pomology | 1,3-4,6-8 |
2001225224 | Bulletin / U.S. Department of Agriculture, Division of Vegetable Pathology | 5,16,22 |
2001224864 | Bulletin / University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station | 115-116,119-129 |
2001224864 | Bulletin / University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station | 130-145 |
2001224864 | Bulletin / University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station | 146-148,156,160,179,181,183-184,188-192 |
2001224864 | Bulletin / University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station | 195,197-202,204,206-207,209-212,214,218-219,222 |
2001224864 | Bulletin / University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station | 225,227,233,239,242-243,249,251,255,258-259,264,266-267,271 |
2001224864 | Bulletin / University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station | 273-274,276,280,284-287 |
2001224864 | Bulletin / University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station | 41-59 |
2001224864 | Bulletin / University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station | 60-63,65-79 |
2001224864 | Bulletin / University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station | 7-39 |
2001224864 | Bulletin / University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station | 80-94 |
2001224864 | Bulletin / University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station | 95-101,103-114 |
2001225305 | Bulletin / University of Wisconsin, Agricultural Experiment Station | 12-13,15-20,149,173,387,329 |
2001225305 | Bulletin / University of Wisconsin, Agricultural Experiment Station | 330,356,358,360,362-368,372-375,377-378 |
2001225305 | Bulletin / University of Wisconsin, Agricultural Experiment Station | 380-383,386-396 |
2001225305 | Bulletin / University of Wisconsin, Agricultural Experiment Station | 397-410 |
2001225305 | Bulletin / University of Wisconsin, Agricultural Experiment Station | 411-419,421-423,425,429 |
2001225305 | Bulletin / University of Wisconsin, Agricultural Experiment Station | 430-431,433-435,439,441-442 |
2001225547 | Bulletin / University of Wyoming, Wyoming Experiment Station | 17-21,25-26,29-31,33-34,36-39 |
2001225547 | Bulletin / University of Wyoming, Wyoming Experiment Station | 40,42,45-48,50-53,56-57 |
2001225547 | Bulletin / University of Wyoming, Wyoming Experiment Station | 62,64-65,67-68,70-74,76-82 |
2001226208 | Bulletin / Utah Agricultural College Experiment Station | 9,11,13,22,35-37,172,175 |
2001225661 | Bulletin / Wisconsin Department of Agriculture | 26,46,50,52,55,82,98 |
2001225046 | Bulletin : bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska / University of Nebraska. Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska | 110-116,118,120,125-128,131,135-136,138-139 |
2001225046 | Bulletin : bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska / University of Nebraska. Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska | 145-146,148,150-151,155-158,173-174,177,179 |
2001225046 | Bulletin : bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska / University of Nebraska. Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska | 180-182,184,187-188,191-198,205,214-217 |
2001225046 | Bulletin : bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska / University of Nebraska. Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska | 43-45,47-59 |
2001225046 | Bulletin : bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska / University of Nebraska. Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska | 60,64,66-74,77,79,84,91-95 |
2001225046 | Bulletin : bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska / University of Nebraska. Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska | 96-98-109 |
3000067727 | Bulletin = 農科大學學術報告 / Imperial University. College of Agriculture | 2(1-4) |
2001237018 | Bulletin of the Experiment Stations | 2nd ser., 32,46,46,47,64,66,68,69,70 |
2001237059 | Bulletin of the Sugar Experiment Station | 2nd ser., 37,38 |
2001225692 | Bulletins of the Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Illinois, 1--16, May, 1888--May, 1891 | |
2001237087 | Butter-making / by Jas. W. Robertson | |
2000826346 | California : resources and possibilities : nineteenth annual report of the California State Board of Trade for the year 1908 | |
2000828762 | California fruits and how to grow them : a manual of methods which have yielded greatest success, with lists of varieties best adapted to the different districts of the State / by Edward J. Wickson | |
2000829593 | Canning and preserving / by Mrs. S. T. Rorer | |
2000829181 | Catalog : officers and students of the Michigan State Agricultural College, for the year... | 1908-1909. 52nd |
2000721459 | Catalogue of books in the Library of the Sapporo Agricultural College, arranged according to subjects | |
2000828846 | Catalogue of fruits | |
2001225246 | Catalogue of the exhibit of economic entomology at the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, Ill., 1893, made under the direction of the entomologist | |
2000829128 | Centralanstalten för försöksväsendet på jordbruksområdet | |
2001658423 | Cereals and root crops | |
2001658423 | Cereals and root crops | |
2000807720 | Chapters in rural progress / by Kenyon L. Butterfield | |
2000826216 | Chemie und chemische Technologie Tierischer Stoffe : eine einführung in die angewandte Zoochemie / von Georg Grasser | |
2000552222 | Chile of to-day : its commerce, its production and its resources, national yearly publication of reference (1907-1908) / by Adolfo Ortúzar | |
2001225075 | Circular / Agricultural Experiment Station, Purdue University | 12,14-27,42,46 |
2001225075 | Circular / Agricultural Experiment Station, Purdue University | 51,57,59,60-65,67-68,71,73-75,77-78,80-82,74-85 |
2001225191 | Circular / Agricultural Experiment Station, the University of Nebraska | 6,16,21-23,25 |
2001226257 | Circular / Department of Agriculture. Experiment Farms, Canada | 10-11 |
2001225355 | Circular / Extension Service the College of Agriculture, University of Wisconsin | 190,192-198,201,203-204,207-213,216-229 |
2001225355 | Circular / Extension Service the College of Agriculture, University of Wisconsin | 230-234,236-238,242-225 |
2001225355 | Circular / Extension Service the College of Agriculture, University of Wisconsin | 256-260,262,264-280,285-287,291 |
2001225355 | Circular / Extension Service the College of Agriculture, University of Wisconsin | 48,58,87,145,149-150,152,163-165,167-168,170-176,178-180,183-187,189 |
2001225575 | Circular / Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Illinois | 82-83,105,123-124,126-128,131,133,140-143,149,151,163,168,175,185,203,207-208,212,218,221,236-238,240-241,243-246 |
2001224906 | Circular / Michigan State Agricultural College Experiment Station | 3,5-10,23,25-27,29,31-32,34,36-38,43,48,50 |
2001226243 | Circular / U.S. Department of Agriculture, Botanical Division, Section of Vegetable Pathology | 6-7,9-10,13 |
2001226353 | Circular / U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry | 5,8,12,30,50 |
2001226223 | Circular / University of California, College of Agriculture. Aguricultural Experiment Station | 45-46,87,110-111,113,123 |
2001225186 | Circular bulletin / Michigan Agricultural College, Agricultural Experiment Station | 44,46,49,53-54,61-62,66-69 |
2001226187 | Circular of information / University of Wisconsin Agricultural Experimental Station of the College of Agriculture | 1,4 |
2000826279 | Circular of the committee of instruction 1893-94 | |
2000826169 | Classified catalogue of the specimens of plants in the collections of Kiyoiku Hakubutsukwan (Educational Museum) = 教育博物館列品目録植物之部 | |
2000810416 | Co-operation in Danish agriculture : an English adaption of "Andelsbevœgelsen i Danmark" by H.Hertel / by Harald Faber ; with a foreword by E.J.Russell | |
2000829690 | Coffee from plantation to cup, a brief history of coffee production and consumption, with an appendix containing letters written during a trip to the coffee plantations of the east, and through the coffee consuming countries of Europe / by Francis B. Thurber | |
2000826974 | Columbische Weltausstellung in Chicago, 1893, Amtlicher Katalog der Ausstellung des Deutschen Reiches | |
2000829469 | Compliments of the American Seeding-machine Co., Springfield, Ohio, U.S.A. to the honorary commercial commission of Japan | |
2000829659 | Concerning the Health Food Company's cereal products | |
2000551203 | Conic sections and analytical geometry : theoretically and practically illustrated / by Horatio N. Robinson | |
2000827637 | Corn plants : their uses and ways of life / by Frederick Leroy Sargent | |
2000827672 | Corn, roots, and other crops of the farm : a practical guide to the successful and remunerative cultivation of ... | |
2000827628 | Critical considerations on the prospective solution of the nitrogen problem / by Wilhelm Rabius ; translation by Arthur G. Levy | |
2000827689 | Crop production : principles and practices : a handbook of information for the student of agriculture / by Harold D. Hughes and Edwin R. Henson | |
2000829625 | Crumpled leaves from old Japan / Tr. from the Manyoshu by Dan F. Waugh ; and done into English verse by Frank Prentice Rand | |
2000827788 | Culture et sélection des betteraves porte-graines, a la ferme de Besny (Aisne) / par Jules Legras | |
2000826086 | Czechoslovakia / by Louis G. Michael | |
2000826308 | Dairymen's meeting, held June 26 and 27, 1907 at the Commercial Club, Duluth, Minn. | |
2000828737 | Das Obstbüchlein : ein Schulbuch für ältere Volksschüler : ein Volksbuch für den Landmann jeden Alters / bearbeitet von Karl Gußmann | |
2000828302 | De l'utilisation des chaleurs perdues des fours a gaz et du traitement des eaux ammoniacales dans les usines a gaz / par P. Sarda | |
2001227510 | Department circular / United States Department of Agriculture | |
2000829679 | Der Cider oder Obstwein, Kurze Zusammenstellung der verschiedenen Bereitungsarten und Rathschläge zu einer rationellen Darstellung und Behandlung desselben / von Ed. Lucas | |
2000827687 | Der Getreidebau : auf wissenschaftlicher und praktischer Grundlage / bearbeitet von Franz Schindler | |
2000829523 | Der Schlacht- und Viehhof als Forschungsstätte für Tierzucht und Züchtungsbiologie / vorgelegt von Diplom-Landwirt Friedrich Lipowsky | |
2000828163 | Der Tabak : Studien über seine Kultur und Biologie / von C.J. Koning | |
2000837128 | Der allgemeine landwirthschaftliche Pflanzenbau / von Friedr. Haberlandt ; nach dem Tode des Verfassers herausgegeben von W. Hecke | |
2000829148 | Der rationelle Futterbau : praktische Anleitung für Landwirte und für den Unterricht an landw. Lehranstalten / von F.G. Stebler | |
2000826857 | Dicotyledons / Royal Btanic Gardens, Kew | |
2000826347 | Die Ackerbaulehre / von Guido Krafft | |
2000498238 | Die Arten und Varietäten des Getreides / bearbeitet von Friedr. Körnicke | |
2000827668 | Die Bewertung des Getreides | |
2000498056 | Die Cultur der landwirthschaftlichen Nutzpflanzen / von Adolph Blomeyer | Bd. 1 |
2000498056 | Die Cultur der landwirthschaftlichen Nutzpflanzen / von Adolph Blomeyer | Bd. 2 |
2000828401 | Die Erythrozytenzahl des Norikerpferdes und ihre Beeinflussung durch Klima und Haltungsbedingungen / vorgelegt von Johann Rieger | |
2000827925 | Die Gerste mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Eignung als Brauware / von C. Bleisch | |
2000829086 | Die Kultur des Obstbaumes im Topfe : und dessen Behandlung im Freien und im Obsthause / von H. B. Warneken | |
2000826349 | Die Pflanzenbaulehre / von Guido Krafft | |
2000499492 | Die Sorten und der Anbau des Getreides / bearbeitet von Hugo Werner | |
2000829320 | Die landwirthschaftlichen Sämereien und der Samenbau : Anleitung für Landwirthe, Forstwirthe und Gärtner zur Werthschätzung und Gewinnung der Sämereien / von Henry Settegast | |
2000715234 | Diseases of field and garden crops : chiefly such as are caused by fungi / by Worthington G. Smith | |
2000484962 | Diseases of plants / by H. Marshall Ward | |
2000829589 | Diversified farming is safe farming : let live stock do half the farming | |
2000826848 | Division of Botany, Report of the Dominion Botanist : for the year 1927 / H.T. Güssow | |
2000829591 | Drain the wet land / by R. A. Hayne | |
2000826368 | Dry farming in West Texas : beyond the Pecos / compiled ... by the Passenger-Industrial Department of the Sunset Route | |
2000826895 | Eberhart's economic entomology / by Noble M. Eberhart | |
2000829423 | Edinburgh / described by John Geddie ; painted by E.W. Haslehust | |
2000825811 | Education in Denmark : the intellectual basis of a democratic commonwealth / edited by Andreas Boje, Ernst J. Borup, Holger Rützebeck | |
2000826356 | Education in Japan : prepared for the Louisiana Purchase Exposition at St. Louis, U.S.A. / by the Department of Education | |
2001225899 | Elementary science bulletin / Michigan State Agricultural College Experiment Station | 5-6 |
2000826321 | Elements of agriculture : a text-book prepared under the authority of the Royal Agricultural Society of England / by W. Fream | |
2000828587 | Elements of practical and scientific agriculture / Jadu Nath Sirker | |
2000828728 | English farming, past and present / by the Right Honble. Lord Ernle | |
2000827048 | Erläuterungen zu den Nutzpflanzen der gemäßigten Zonen im botanischen Garten zu Dahlem / von A. Engler | |
2000828683 | Erziehung, Schnitt und Cultur der Form- oder Zwerg-Obstbäume / von R. Gaertner | |
2000829073 | Evidence of Mr.John Craig, horticulturist, before the Select Standing Committee of the House of Commons on Agriculture and Colonization, session of 1892 | |
2001471471 | Evidence of WM. Saunders Director Dominion Experimental Farms before the Select Standing Committee of the House of Commons on Agriculture and Colonization session of 1892 | |
2001225096 | Experiment Station bulletin / U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Experiment Stations | 1-4 |
2001225096 | Experiment Station bulletin / U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Experiment Stations | 11 |
2001225096 | Experiment Station bulletin / U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Experiment Stations | 5-10 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 1 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 10 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 11 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 12 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 13 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 14 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 15 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 16 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 17 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 18 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 19 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 2 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 20 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 21 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 22 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 23 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 24 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 25 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 26 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 27 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 28 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 29 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 3 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 30 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 31 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 32 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 33 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 34 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 35 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 36 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 37 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 38 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 39 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 4 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 40 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 41 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 42 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 43 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 44 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 45 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 46 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 47 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 48 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 49 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 5 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 50 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 51 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 52 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 53 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 54 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 55 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 56 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 57 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 58 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 59 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 6 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 60 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 61 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 62 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 63 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 64 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 65(1-9) |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 66(1-5,9) |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 67(1-2,5) |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 68(2-5) |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 7 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 7(1) |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 8 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 9 |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | Index (26-40) |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | Index (41-50) |
3000009582 | Experiment Station record / U.S. Department of Agriculture | Index (51-60) |
2000829388 | Experiments with fertilizers upon grapes : made at Liberauthal near Mettenheim (Rhine-Hesse) | |
2001227328 | Experiments with winter wheat / by C.A. Zavitz | |
2001225176 | Extension bulletin / Agricultural Experiment Station, the University of Nebraska | 3,22,63 |
2001226184 | Extension circular / University of Illinois, College of Agriculture, Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics | 29,31,36 |
2000831848 | Farm appliances : a practical manual / edited by George A. Martin | |
2000828880 | Farm conveniences : a practical hand-book for the farm | |
2000828370 | Farm economics : management and distribution / by Frank App | |
2000829566 | Farm prosperity guaranteed : we must feed ourselves and have something to sell every week / by Ralph A. Hayne | |
2000828295 | Farm-gardening and seed-growing / by Francis Brill | |
2001225323 | Farmers' bulletin / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 1-3,5-7,9,11,15,17,30,33,38,59,62,81,86,104,122,124,139-140,154 |
2001225323 | Farmers' bulletin / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 1000,1006,1024,1033-1034,1042,1045,1092,1141,1152,1212-1213,1224,1226,1248,1280-1281,1301,1303-1305,1520,1605,1617 |
2001225323 | Farmers' bulletin / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 156-157,181,198-199,203,213,229,238,243,246,253,274,288,291,293 |
2001225323 | Farmers' bulletin / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 313,322,395,408-409,420,423-424,428,468,520,568,618,755,770-771,783,790,826 |
2001225323 | Farmers' bulletin / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 833-834,853,858,873,879,886,895-896,900,905,919,920-921,926,929,935-936,946-948,968,973,993,998 |
2000829002 | Feeding animals : a practical work upon the laws of animal growth, specially applied to the rearing and feeding of horses, cattle, dairy cows, sheep and swine / by Elliott W. Stewart | |
2001227354 | Feeding experiments with horses : dried brewers' grains vs. oats / by Edward B. Voorhees, Louis A. Voorhees | |
2000828848 | Feeds and feeding : a hand-book for the student and stockman / by W.A. Henry | |
2000830357 | Fences, gates and bridges : a practical manual / edited by George A. Martin | |
2000498463 | Fertilizers : the source, character and composition of natural, home-made and manufactured fertilizers and suggestions as to their use for different crops and conditions / by Edward B. Voorhees | |
2000829351 | Fertilizers, ensilage, feeds : evidence of Mr. Frank T. Shutt before the select standing committee on Agriculture and Colonization 1905 | |
2000828803 | Field notes on apple culture / by L.H. Bailey, Jr | |
2001663002 | First annual report of the Dairy Commissioner for the Dominion of Canada (affiliated with the Central Experimental Farm) : reports of Jas.W. Robertson, Dairy Commissioner, Ottawa, J.C. Chapais, assistant Dairy Commissioner, St. Denis, Que., for 1890 | |
2000827752 | First book in English grammar / by G.P. Quackenbos | |
2000830809 | Flugschrift / Club Bayerischer Landwirte, Abteilung für Tierzucht | |
2000829606 | Folks and fields need lime / by Ralph A. Hayne | |
2000829582 | For better farming : six years' results on I H C demonstration farms / by J.G. Haney ; superintendent Grand Forks | |
2000827732 | Forage crops in Denmark : the feeding value of roots selected strains of roots and grasses guarantees in the trade in seed / by Harald Faber ; with a foreword by Robert Greig | |
2001223761 | Foreign experiment stations | |
2000829162 | Fruit culture and potato growing : evidence of Mr. W.T. Macoun, before the Select Standing Committee on Agriculture and Colonization 1905 | |
2000829508 | Fruits, and how to use them : a practical manual for housekeepers, containing nearly seven hundred recipes for wholesome preparations of foreign and domestic fruits / by Hester M. Poole | |
2000828631 | Führer durch die Königl. Lehranstalt für Wein-, Obst- und Gartenbau zu Geisenheim a. Rh. / herausgegeben von Dr. Wortmann | |
2000827071 | Führer durch die biologische Abteilung, die große Halle des Erdgeschosses und die pflanzengeschichtliche oder palaeobotanische Abteilung / von K. Krause ; mit einem Vorwort über die Aufgaben und Einrichtung des Museums von A. Engler | |
2000827077 | Führer durch die pflanzengeographische und die koloniale Abteilung / von K. Krause ; mit einem Vorwort über die Aufgaben und Einrichtung des Museums von A. Engler | |
2000827036 | Führer zu einem Rundgang durch die Freiland-Anlagen des Botanischen Gartens der Universität Berlin zu Berlin-Dahlem / von K. Peters ; mit einen Vorwort und ausführlichen Zusätzen von A. Engler, sowie mit Zusätzen von P. Graebner | |
2001223662 | General index to the reports and bulletins of the experimental farms of the Dominion of Canada, 1887-1901 | |
2000550835 | General view of commerce & industry in the Empire of Japan | |
2001224580 | Geography of the world's agriculture / by V.C. Finch and O.E. Baker | |
2000551219 | Geology, for teachers, classes, and private students / by Sanborn Tenney | |
2000827102 | Gibt es einen Spermatozoendimorphismus beim Hausrind? : zugleich eine Chromosomenstudie und ein Beitrag zur Kritik der Chromosomenlehre / vorgelegt von Hans Krallinger | |
2000827725 | Grain screenings / by John R. Dymond, with results of feeding experiments by E.S. Archibald and F.C. Elford | |
2000829413 | Gras- und Kleesamen : Kurze Anleitung zu ihre Erkennung und Prüfung, nebst Angabe der Verwechselungen und Verunreinigungen / von L. Wittmack | |
2000827722 | Grasses of North America for farmers and students : comprising chapters on their physiology, composition, selection, improving, cultivation, management of grass lands, also chapters on clovers, injurious insects, and fungi / by W.J. Beal | |
2000556170 | Gray's lessons in botany and vegetable physiology, illustrated by over 360 wood engravings, from original drawings, by Isaac Sprague. To which is added a copious glossary, or dictionary of botanical terms / by Asa Gray | |
2000594875 | Greenhouse management : a manual for florists and flower lovers on the forcing of flowers, vegetables and fruits in greenhouses, and the propagation and care of house plants / by L.R. Taft | |
2000830752 | Grignon Agricultural Experiment Station (Department of Seine-et-Oise) / director M. P.-P. Dehérain ; translated by E. Demoussy | |
2000826484 | Hand book of Girard College | |
2000828349 | Hand-book for fruit growers, : containing a short history of fruits and thir value ... with a condensed list of varieties suited to climate / by F. R. Elliott | |
2000828349 | Hand-book for fruit growers, : containing a short history of fruits and thir value ... with a condensed list of varieties suited to climate / by F. R. Elliott | |
2000826132 | Hand-book of the North Carolina : with illustrations and map / State Board of Agriculture | |
2001225387 | Handbook of Experiment Station work : a popular digest of the publications of the Agricultural Experiment Stations in the United States | |
2000828655 | Handbuch der Obstkultur : aus der Praxis für die Praxis / bearbeitet von Nicolas Gaucher | Lfg. 1 |
2000827914 | Handbuch der landwirthschaftlichen Pflanzenkunde und des Pflanzenbaues / von Chr. Ed. Langethal | |
2000829214 | Handbuch des Getreidebaues : einschliesslich Mais, Hirse und Buchweizen. auf praktisch-wissenschaftlicher Grundlage unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Pflanzenzüchtung / von J. Becker-Dillingen | |
2000826267 | Hawaii : its agricultural possibilities / by E. V. Wilcox | |
2000826382 | Hawaii : its natural resources and opportunities for home-making / by F.H. Newell | |
2000826382 | Hawaii : its natural resources and opportunities for home-making / by F.H. Newell | |
2000828173 | Hop culture : practical details, from the selection and preparation of the soil, and setting and cultivation of the plants, to picking, drying, pressing, and marketing the crop / rev., enl., and edited by A.S. Fuller | |
2000828248 | Hop investigations | |
2000826357 | Horse warranty : a plain and comprehensive guide to the various points to be noted, showing which are essential, and which are unimportant / by Peter Howden | |
2000828841 | Horses, cattle, sheep and swine : origin, history, improvement, description, characteristics, merits ... / by Geo. W. Curtis | |
2001227382 | Horticultural division / S.T. Maynard | |
2000829039 | How to buy a horse : with hints on shoeing and stable management : by Pelagius | |
2000828961 | How to choose and manage a farm : a practical guide for all professional farmers and amateurs | |
2000826524 | Inaugural address of Robert Gordon Sproul as president of the University, October 22, 1930 | |
2000829518 | Indian corn as human food / by Mary S. Scott | |
2000498948 | Indian corn culture / by Charles S. Plumb | |
2000826664 | Industrie et commerce / rédigé par Jaroslav Veselý | |
3000035193 | Insecta matsumurana | 1 |
3000035193 | Insecta matsumurana | 10 |
3000035193 | Insecta matsumurana | 2 |
3000035193 | Insecta matsumurana | 3 |
3000035193 | Insecta matsumurana | 4 |
3000035193 | Insecta matsumurana | 5 |
3000035193 | Insecta matsumurana | 6 |
3000035193 | Insecta matsumurana | 7 |
3000035193 | Insecta matsumurana | 8 |
3000035193 | Insecta matsumurana | 9 |
2000827651 | Insects and insecticides : a practical manual concerning noxious insects and the methods of preventing their injuries / by Clarence M. Weed | |
2001223753 | Interim report of the experimental farms covering the period from December 1, 1915, to March 31, 1906 | |
2000828129 | Interim report on cereals, flour and bread / Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, departmental committee on distribution and prices of agricultural produce | |
2000828419 | Interim report on fruit and vegetables / Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Departmental Committee on Distribution and Prices of Agricultural Produce | |
2000830958 | Interim report on meat, poultry and eggs / Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, departmental committee on distribution and prices of agricultural produce | |
2000829454 | Interim report on milk and milk products / Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Departmental Ccommittee on Distribution and Prices of Agricultural Produce | |
2000825909 | Introduction to the study of biology / by H. Alleyne Nicholson | |
2000825909 | Introduction to the study of biology / by H. Alleyne Nicholson | |
2000825909 | Introduction to the study of biology / by H. Alleyne Nicholson | |
2000825909 | Introduction to the study of biology / by H. Alleyne Nicholson | |
3000031236 | Inventory : foreign seeds and plants / U.S. Department of Agriculture, Division of Botany | 2 |
2000829793 | Irrigation in the United States / by Richard J. Hinton | |
2000829308 | Japan in art and industry : with a glance at Japanese manners and customs / by Félix Régamey ; authorized translation by M. French-Sheldon and Eli Lemon Sheldon | |
2000826248 | Japanese land cases / compiled by th Consulate-General of Japan | |
2000827691 | Japanese women | |
2000826167 | Jordbrukslære / N. Ødegaard ; ved S. Hasund, M. Langballe, K. Vik | |
3000031136 | Journal of the College of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University, Sapporo, Japan = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 | 14(2) |
3000031052 | Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 | 23(3-4) |
3000031052 | Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 | 24(4) |
3000031052 | Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 | 25(4) |
3000031052 | Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 | 26(2-4) |
3000031052 | Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 | 27(3) |
3000031052 | Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 | 29(3-5) |
3000031052 | Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 | 30(1-5) |
3000031052 | Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 | 31(1-3) |
3000031052 | Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 | 32(1-6) |
3000031052 | Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 | 33(1-5) |
3000031052 | Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 | 34(1-2) |
3000031052 | Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 | 35(1-4) |
3000031052 | Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 | 36(1-2) |
3000031052 | Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 | 37(1-3) |
3000031052 | Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 | 38(1) |
3000031052 | Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 | 39(1-2) |
3000026661 | Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University. Ser. 2, Physics | 1 |
3000030511 | Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University. Ser. 3, Chemistry | 1(1) |
3000026662 | Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University. Ser. 4, Geology and mineralogy | 1 |
3000026664 | Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University. Ser. 5, Botany | 2 |
3000026663 | Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University. Ser. 6, Zoology | 1 |
3000026663 | Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University. Ser. 6, Zoology | 2 |
2000827837 | Kartoffelsorten : Allgemeine und spezielle Sortenkunde, mit einer Anleitung zur annähernden Bestimmung der wichtigsten zur Zeit in Deutschland angebauten Kartoffelsorten / von Karl Snell | |
2000551206 | Key to Robinson's new geometry and trigonometry, and conic sections and analytical geometry : with some additional astronomical problems, designed for teachers and students | |
2000829711 | Kurzes Lehrbuch der Chromgerbung : ein Leitfaden für Praktiker und Theoretiker / von Georg Grasser | |
2000498733 | Labour on the farm / by John Chalmers Morton | |
2000829278 | Landes- und Volkskunde der Tschechoslowakischen Republik / von Josef Blau | |
2000829138 | Lands of the Atlantic and Gulf Coast Canal and Okeechobee Land Company : chartered by special act of the legislature of Florida, 1881 | |
2000498431 | Landwirthschaftliche Samenkunde : Handbuch für Botaniker, Landwirthe, Gärtner, Droguisten, Hygieniker / von C. O. Harz | |
2000829822 | Landøkonomisk aarbog for 1923 : Oversigt over det danske landbrugs organisation / udgivet ved Landbrugsministeriets foranstaltning ; redigeret af Det Kgl. Danske landhusholdningsselskab ved H.M. Knudsen | |
2000829594 | Lecture note book : a fertile soil means a prosperous people / by Chas M. Carroll | |
2000829036 | Lecture notes for the education charts | |
2000828675 | Lehrbuch der Gartenkunst, oder, Lehre von der Anlage, Ausschmückung und künstlerischen Unterhaltung der Gärten und freien Anlagen : für Landschaftsgärtner, Architekten, Ingenieure, Grundbesitzer und Kunstfreunde / von H. Jäger | |
2000717181 | Leitfaden beim Unterricht in der deutschen Sprache für die unteren klassen höherer Lehranstalten / von Edmund Schäfer | |
2000828174 | Lexicon medicum, or, Medical dictionary : containing an explanation of the terms in ... / by Robert Hooper | |
2000828663 | List of workers in subjects pertaining to agriculture | |
2000829079 | Manual for the guidance of country councils and their architects in the equipment of small holdings / Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries | |
2000498932 | Manual of agriculture, for the school, the farm, and the fireside / by George B. Emerson, and Charles L. Flint | |
2000827674 | Manual of corn judging / by Archibald Dixon Shamel | |
2000828518 | Manual of flax culture : comprising full information on the cultivation, management, and marketing of the crop | |
2000829325 | Manures and their uses : a handbook for farmers and students / by A. B. Griffiths | |
2001227278 | Maple sugar / by W.W. Cooke and J.L. Hills | |
2000760982 | Marketing costs for food : farmer's share of food dollar, marketing bill, consumer demand | |
2000826019 | Martin-Zeeb Handbuch der Landwirtschaft / [Martin-Zeeb] | |
2000826513 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston : a brief account of its foundation, character, and equipment prepared in connection with the World's Columbian Exposition | |
2000444335 | Memorials of Naibu Kanda / edited by Kanda Memorial Committee | |
2000444335 | Memorials of Naibu Kanda / edited by Kanda Memorial Committee | |
2000829438 | Milch cows and dairy farming : comprising the breeds, breeding, and management in health and disease ... / by Charles L. Flint | |
2001227377 | Milling tests of wheat : new varieties of cereals | |
2000798098 | Modern Denmark : its social, economic and agricultural life / by Hugh Jones | |
2000826340 | Modern agriculture : based on "Essentials of the new agriculture" by Henry Jackson Waters / by Waldo Ernest Grimes and Edwin Lee Holton | |
2000829610 | Modern tractor farming | |
2000826862 | Monocotyledons and cryptogams / Royal Btanic Gardens, Kew | |
2001226716 | Monthly bulletin of the library | 1-3(1910-1912) |
2000827756 | More and better potatoes to the acre / by R.A. Hayne | |
2000828395 | My rock-garden / by Reginald Farrer | |
2000829434 | Natural and artificial duck culture / by James Rankin | |
2000825935 | Naturalization cases and cases affecting constitutional and treaty rights / compiled by the Consulate-General of Japan | |
2000828600 | Neues pomologisches System oder natürliche Classification der Obst- und Traubensorten nach einem Grundprincip : nebst einem Anhange, Classification, Beschreibung, Synonymik und neue Nomenclatur aller Pflaumensorten, zum Zwecke der wissenschaftlichen Begründung der Obstkunde / von F.J. Dochnahl | |
2000828948 | New American farm book / originally by R.L. Allen | |
2000829263 | New creations in plant life : an authoritative account of the life and work of Luther Burbank / by W. S. Harwood | |
2000827987 | Nitrate of soda for profit with sugar-beets / by Maercker, with supplements by Danielson | |
2000826079 | North America : its people and the resources, development, and prospects of the continent as an agricultural, industrial, and commercial area / by J. Russel Smith | |
2000828221 | Notes on hops, 1912-13 and 1913-14 / by E.S. Salmon | |
2001225462 | Nutrition investigations in Pittsburg, Pa., 1894-1896 / by Isabel Bevier | |
2000829550 | Nötboskapens rätta utfodring och vård / af Nils Hansson | |
2000826369 | Official Congressional directory, for the use of the United States Congress / by Francis M. Cox, editor and compiler | |
2000827647 | Ohio Corn Improvement Association : report of the meeting held at Columbus, Ohio, November 23-25, 1908, and for the year 1908 | |
2000830842 | On agar-agar / by E. Takahashi and K. Shirahama | |
2000829367 | One summer in Hawaii / by Helen Mather | |
2000829401 | Oostkust van Sumatra / door R. Broersma | 1 |
2000825932 | Organization of the meteorological system in Japan | |
2000828864 | Outlines of farm management and the organization of farm labour : treating of the general work of the farm; field and live stock; details of contract work; specialties of labour; economical management of the farmhouse and cottage and their domestic animals etc. / by Robert Scott Burn | |
2000825843 | Outlines of the modern education in Japan / translated and published by the Department of Education | |
2001226079 | Periodical bulletin / Division of Entomology, U.S. Department of Agriculture | 5(4),6(4),7(1-3) |
2000830466 | Peter Parley's Universal history, on the basis of geography | |
2000829360 | Potash in agriculture : results obtained in the United States | |
2000827853 | Potash manuring : its value to British agriculture / by C.M. Aikman and R. Patrick Wright | |
2001662383 | Potatoes : 50 ways for 50 days / [A.L. Marlatt] | |
2000826836 | Practical hints on the selection and use of the microscope : intended for beginners / by John Phin | |
2001226071 | Price list | 10-11,16,18-21,24-25,28,31-33,35-39 |
2001226071 | Price list | 40-46,18-51,53-55,57-65,67-70 |
2001227287 | Proceedings of the second annual convention of the American Agricultural College and Experiment Stations held at Knoxville, Tenn., January 1, 2 and 3, 1889, March, 1889 / edited by A.W. Harris and H.E. Alvord | |
2000551201 | Proceedings of the third Pan-Pacific Science Congress, Tokyo, October 30th-November 11th, 1926 / edited by the National Research Council of Japan | v. 1 |
2000551201 | Proceedings of the third Pan-Pacific Science Congress, Tokyo, October 30th-November 11th, 1926 / edited by the National Research Council of Japan | v. 2 |
2001226158 | Proceedings of the thirty-eigth annual meeting, held at Rochester, Wednesday and Thursday, Jan. 25 and 26, 1893 / the Western New York Horticultural Society | |
2001226146 | Proceedings of the thirty-fifth annual meeting, held at Rochester, Wednesday and Thursday, Jan. 22 and 23, 1890 / the Western New York Horticultural Society | |
2001226153 | Proceedings of the thirty-sixth annual meeting, held at Rochester, Wednesday and Thursday, January 28 and 29, 1891 / the Western New York Horticultural Society | |
2000829265 | Proceedings of the twenty-third session of the American Pomological Society held in Washington, D.C., September 22-24, 1891 / compiled by the Secretary | |
2000825798 | Producers and consumers : a study in co-operative relations / by Margaret Digby ; edited by the Horace Plunkett Foundation | |
2000829168 | Profitable poultry keeping / by Stephen Beale ; edited with additions by Mason C. Weld | |
2001227296 | Progress bulletin on the loco and larkspur / by David O'Brine | |
2001227311 | Publications of the Department of Agriculture classified for the use of teachers | |
2001236478 | Quarterly report of the Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture | 35th, 47th |
2000828788 | Quince culture : an illustrated hand-book for the propagation and cultivation of the quince, with descriptions of its varieties, insect enemies, diseases and their remedies / by W. W. Meech | |
2000551217 | Rahmentafeln / von Fukuhei Takabeya | |
2000825990 | Reality : a new correlation of science and religion / by Burnett Hillman Streeter | |
2000829175 | Recent progress in solving some farm problems of Illinois : thirty-seventh annual report, Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station, College of Agriculture, University of Illinois, for year ended June 30, 1924 | |
3000067675 | Redogörelse för verksamheten vid Ultuna landtbruksinstitut, Landtbruksskola och Egendom | 1921-1922 |
2000829674 | Regnskabsresultater fra danske Landbrug i Aaret 1918-19 / ved O.H. Larsen og Ivar Dokken | |
2001225930 | Report of Botanists / G.E. Stone | [1910-1913] |
2000826802 | Report of a visit to Great Britain and the continent of Europe in the winter of 1897-98 / by Duncan McFachran | |
2000829497 | Report of proceedings under the small holding colonies acts, 1916 and 1918, and sailors and soldiers (gifts for land settlement) act, 1916 | |
3000030632 | Report of the College of Agriculture and the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of California / University of California. College of Agriculture | 1912-1913 |
3000030632 | Report of the College of Agriculture and the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of California / University of California. College of Agriculture | 1913-1914 |
3000030632 | Report of the College of Agriculture and the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of California / University of California. College of Agriculture | 1915-1916 |
3000030632 | Report of the College of Agriculture and the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of California / University of California. College of Agriculture | 1916-1917 |
3000030632 | Report of the College of Agriculture and the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of California / University of California. College of Agriculture | 1917-1918 |
3000030632 | Report of the College of Agriculture and the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of California / University of California. College of Agriculture | 1919-1920 |
3000030632 | Report of the College of Agriculture and the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of California / University of California. College of Agriculture | 1920-1921 |
2000829510 | Report of the Committee appointed by the president of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries to consider and advise the board on plants, models, specifications, and methods of construction for rural cottages and outbuildings | |
2000826920 | Report of the Committee of the Privy Council for scientific and industrial research for the year 1922-23 | |
3000067730 | Report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / State of Connecticut | 48 |
3000067730 | Report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / State of Connecticut | 49 |
3000067730 | Report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / State of Connecticut | 50 |
3000067730 | Report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / State of Connecticut | 51 |
3000067730 | Report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / State of Connecticut | 52 |
3000067730 | Report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / State of Connecticut | 53 |
3000067730 | Report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / State of Connecticut | 54 |
3000067730 | Report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / State of Connecticut | 55 |
2000827826 | Report of the Inaugural Meeting and subsequent social gatherings of the Congress / prepared and issued for the third Pan-Pacific Science Congress by the Kokusai Shuppan Insatsusha | |
2001226570 | Report of the Iowa State Horticultural Society, for the year 1892, containing the proceedings of the twenty-seventh annual session held at Des Moines, January 17, 18, 19 and 20, 1893, aslo transactions of the Northwestern, Northeastern, Southwestern and Southeastern Horticultural Societies, and the proceedings of the Academy of Sciences, for the year of 1892 / edited by the Secretary | |
2001225809 | Report of the Secretary of Agriculture / [U. S. Department of Agriculture] | 1895,1898 |
2000829828 | Report of the Seed Commissioner : for the period from January, 1905, to March, 1911 | |
2000827216 | Report of the Veterinary Division | 1924-27,1935,37 |
2001226264 | Report of the bacteriologist | |
2001236573 | Report of the director / Canada Department of Agriculture. Central Experimental Farm | 1897,1901 |
2001225815 | Report of the director of the office of Experiment Stations for ... / by A.W. Harris | 1891-1892 |
2001236992 | Report of the horticulturist / S.A. Beach | |
2000827194 | Report of the librarian for 1911 / by Claribel R. Barnett | |
2001226316 | Report of the microscopist for 1892 / by Thomas Taylor | |
2001226088 | Report of the pomologist for ... / by H.E. van Deman | 1891-1892,1894 |
2001223666 | Report of the select Standing Committee on Agriculture and Colonization, second session, seventh parliament 1892 | |
3000067725 | Report of the superintendent for the year ... / Dominion of Canada. Department of Agriculture. Dominion Experimental Farms | 1921 |
2000829926 | Report on the trial of new varieties of hops at East Malling Fruit Research Station / by E.S. Salmon | 1-2,4-6,11:1917-1927 |
2000826324 | Report on the use of Maize (Indian corn) in Europe and on the possibilities of its extension | |
2001225207 | Report on the wore of the Intelligence Department of the Ministry, for the two years 1919-1921 | |
3000067476 | Reports / Experimental Farms | 1887 |
3000067476 | Reports / Experimental Farms | 1888 |
3000067476 | Reports / Experimental Farms | 1890 |
3000067476 | Reports / Experimental Farms | 1891 |
3000067476 | Reports / Experimental Farms | 1892 |
3000067476 | Reports / Experimental Farms | 1893 |
3000067476 | Reports / Experimental Farms | 1894 |
3000067476 | Reports / Experimental Farms | 1895 |
3000067476 | Reports / Experimental Farms | 1896 |
3000067476 | Reports / Experimental Farms | 1897 |
3000067476 | Reports / Experimental Farms | 1897 |
3000067476 | Reports / Experimental Farms | 1898 |
3000067476 | Reports / Experimental Farms | 1899 |
3000067476 | Reports / Experimental Farms | 1900 |
3000067476 | Reports / Experimental Farms | 1901 |
3000067476 | Reports / Experimental Farms | 1902 |
3000067476 | Reports / Experimental Farms | 1903 |
3000067476 | Reports / Experimental Farms | 1904 |
3000067476 | Reports / Experimental Farms | 1905 |
3000067476 | Reports / Experimental Farms | 1906 |
3000067476 | Reports / Experimental Farms | 1908 |
3000067476 | Reports / Experimental Farms | 1909 |
3000067476 | Reports / Experimental Farms | 1910 |
3000067476 | Reports / Experimental Farms | 1911 |
3000067476 | Reports / Experimental Farms | 1912 |
3000067476 | Reports / Experimental Farms | 1913 |
2001223675 | Reports of the Fruit Growers' Association of Ontario, for the year 1884 | |
2000825870 | Reports on rice | |
2001225314 | Research bulletin / Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Wisconsin | 100-104,109-114 |
2001225314 | Research bulletin / Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Wisconsin | 71-72,75-76,78-83 |
2001225042 | Research bulletin : bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska / University of Nebraska. Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska | 1-2,4,6 |
2001225042 | Research bulletin : bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska / University of Nebraska. Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska | 26,30,33,36-39 |
2001225042 | Research bulletin : bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska / University of Nebraska. Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska | 7,19-25 |
2001227274 | Researches on the distribution of animal and vegetable nutrients over the products obtained from rice by whitening (cleaning) / by O. Kellner | |
2000826280 | Resources of California : prepared in conformity with a law approved March 11, 1893 / by H.H. Markham | |
2001658376 | Results from test growing of crops | |
2000829035 | Rose gardening : how to manage roses and enjoy them / by Mary Hampden | |
2000829117 | Rothamsted Experimental Station, Harpenden : guide to the experimental plots / Lawes Agricultural Trust | |
2000744091 | Rules for a dictionary catalogue / by Charles A. Cutter | |
2000806727 | Rural Denmark and its lessons / by H. Rider Haggard | |
2000499494 | Saat und Pflege der landwirthschaftlichen Kulturpflanzen / handbuch für die Praxis von Ewald Wollny | |
2000826235 | Schlipfs populäres Handbuch der Landwirtschaft : Gekrönte Preisschrift | |
2000826240 | Schlipfs praktisches Handbuch der Landwirtschaft : Gekrönte Preisschrift | |
2000828871 | Scholle und Kraft 1929 : Kalender für Landwirtschaft u. Gartenbau / herausgegeben von J.G. Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft | |
2000827805 | Science and the scientific mind / by Leo E. Saidla and Warren E. Gibbs | |
2000714122 | Science as applied to agriculture / by William P. Brooks | |
3000068220 | Seasonable hints from the Dominion Experimental Farms | 44-48,52-54 |
2001226120 | Second report of the Select Committee of the Senate on the existing natural food products of the North-west Territories, and the best means of conserving and increasing the same | |
2000829928 | Seed corn : do you know that it will grow? / by P. G. Holden & J. E. Waggoner | |
2001237008 | Seed testing / by W.L. Oswald | |
2000828326 | Selected fruits: from downing's fruits and fruit-trees of America : with some new varieties: including their culture, propagation, and management in the garden and orchard / by Charles Downing | |
2001223784 | Seventh annual report of the Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Association, Madison, Wis., February 11, 12, 1909 / compiled by R.A. Moore | |
2000829157 | Silos for preserving British fodder crops stored in a green state : notes on the ensilage of grasses, clovers, vetches, etc. / compiled from various sources by the sub-editer of "The Field" | |
2000828965 | Six lectures on agriculture, delivered at the experimental farm at Vincennes / by M. George Ville | |
2000828356 | Society for the cultivation of sugar=beet=seed, Soeity Limited Liability Co., Prague II, Havlíčkovo nám ., Sugar industry palace | |
2000827747 | Sockerbetsodling i södra Sverige / av L. Forsberg | |
2000829172 | Soils and their properties / by W. Fream | |
2000674531 | Some historical phases of modern Japan / by Shosuke Sato | |
2000826822 | Southern agriculture / by F.S. Earle | |
2001224937 | Special bulletin / Michigan State Agricultural College Experiment Station | 11,13,24-25,27-28,32-35,44 |
2001224937 | Special bulletin / Michigan State Agricultural College Experiment Station | 112-113,115-116,118-127,129-132,138-139,142-143,146 |
2001224937 | Special bulletin / Michigan State Agricultural College Experiment Station | 50,66,68,70,76,78-79,81-85,88-92,95-97,99-107,109 |
2001225893 | Special circular / Extension Service of the College Agriculture, University of Wisconsin | 1924(6),1925(6),1926(3,10),1928(5,6),1930(3),1931(11),1932(5),1934(6) |
2000827240 | Spektralanalytische Untersuchungen von Haarfarben / von Leopold Krüger | |
3000067666 | Statistique agricole annuelle / République française, Ministère de l'agriculture | 1921 |
2000826031 | Statistisk aarbog 1923 = Annuaire statistique 1923 / Udgivet af Det Statistiske Departement | |
2000826051 | Statistisk aarbok for Kongeriket Norge = Annuaire statistique de la Norvège / utgit av det Statistiske centralbyraa | 42. årg : 1922 |
2000828960 | Stock-breeding : a practical treatise on the application of the laws of development and heredity to the improvement and breeding of domestic animals / by Manly Miles | |
2000827746 | Students' expenses : a collection of letters from undergraduates ... / by Frank Bolles | |
2000831777 | Svenska jordbrukets ȧrsbok 1918 | |
2000829105 | Swine husbandry in Canada / by J. B. Spencer | |
2000829324 | Talks on manures : a series of familiar and practical talks between the author and the deacon ... / by Joseph Harris | |
2001225198 | Technical bulletin / Michigan Agriculture College Experiment Station | 2-3,5-6,16,26,29-34,37-39 |
2001225198 | Technical bulletin / Michigan Agriculture College Experiment Station | 40-41,45,47-49,52,55,59-61,63-67,71-73,103,148 |
3000034776 | The ... annual report of the trade and commerce of Chicago for the year ending December 31, ... / compiled for the Board of Trade | 35 |
2000826286 | The American farmer's hand-book; : containing directions for clearing, draining, and fertilizing land; ... to which is added many tables of weights and measures / by An Association of Practical Agriculturists | |
2000829113 | The American fruit culturist : containing practical directions for the propagation and culture of all fruits adapted to the United States / by John J. Thomas | |
2000828287 | The American gardener's assistant : in three parts containing complete practical directions for the cultivation of vegetables, flowers, fruit trees, and grape-vines / by Thomas Bridgeman | |
2000829161 | The American standard of perfection, as adopted by the American Poultry Association, at its thirteenth annual meeting, at Indianapolis, Indiana, 1888, containing a complete description of all the recognized varieties of fowls / edited by Harmon S. Babcock | |
2000828616 | The Canadian horticulturist / editor, D.W. Beadle | v. 2 |
2000829807 | The Canadian record of performance, Section “A" for pure-bred poultry, record year 1922-23 : regulations, standards and records of fowls qualified for certicates, report no. 4 | |
2000826536 | The Danish people's High-School / published by "The Association of People's High-Schools and Agricultural Schools" ; translated by Shaw Desmond | |
2000830724 | The Dominion Experimental Farms | |
2000829316 | The Dominion of Canada : the Fifth National Exhibition of Japan, Osaka, 1903 | |
2000826053 | The English village : the origin and decay of its community : an anthropological interpretation / by Harold Peake | |
2000829845 | The H. Riché Gas Company Limited : economical use of all kinds of fuel, applied lighting, motive power and industrial heating | |
2000796589 | The Imperial Agricultural College of Sapporo, Japan / by Inazo Nitobe | |
2000826181 | The Japanese problem in California : answers (by representative Americans) to questionnaire / edited by Tasuku Harada | |
2000829097 | The Origin and Distribution of the Cocoa Palm / by O.F. Cook | |
2000826446 | The Rockefeller Foundation : a review for 1928 / by George E. Vincent | |
2000829364 | The State of Pará : notes for the Exposition of Chicago / as authorized by the Governor of Pará, Brazil, Lauro Sodré | |
2000826013 | The Swedish year-book 1922 | |
2000827023 | The World's Columbian Exposition, 1893, Denmark / [Royal Danish Commission] | |
2000827869 | The abrogation of the Indo-Japanese commercial convention and its effect | |
2000828546 | The agricultural college : a study in organization and management and especially in problems of teaching / by Frank A. Waugh | |
2000829494 | The bee-keeper's guide, or, Manual of the apiary / by A.J. Cook | |
2000812444 | The book of wheat : an economic history and practical manual of the wheat industry / by Peter Tracy Dondlinger | |
3000004288 | The bulletin of the Imperial Central Agricultural Experiment Station, Japan = 農事試驗場歐文報告 | 1(1-2),2(1) |
2000498258 | The cereals in America / by Thomas F. Hunt | |
2000825922 | The climate of Japan / [preface by K. Kobayashi] | |
2000809988 | The cotton plant : its history, botany, chemistry, culture, enemies, and uses / prepared under the supervision of A.C. True ; with an introduction by Charles W. Dabney, Jr | |
2000827661 | The crops of the farm / by T. Bowick [et al.] | |
2000828910 | The cultivation of allotments / by Percy Elford and Samuel Heaton | |
2000828524 | The cultivation of the peach and the pear, on the Delaware and Chesapeake Peninsula, with a chapter on quince culture and the culture of some of the nut-bearing trees / by John J. Black | |
2001223717 | The curriculum of the college of agriculture / Carl R. Woodward | |
2000829485 | The dairy of the farm / by James Long and J.C. Morton | |
2000829600 | The dairyman's manual : a practical treatise on the dairy, including the selection of the farm, the cultivation of crops, the selection and breeding of cows, management of the milk, making butter and cheese, and the treatment of diseases incident to dairy cows / by Henry Stewart | |
2000828290 | The dictionary of medical and surgical knowledge : and complete practical guide in health and disease for families, emigrants, and colonists / by the editor of "The dictionary of useful knowledge," etc. | |
2000713013 | The diseases of crops and their remedies : a handbook of economic biology for farmers and students / by A.B. Griffiths | |
2000830730 | The division of insects and plants : evidence of Dr. James Fletcher before the Select Standing Committee on Agriculture and Colonization 1905 | |
2000828139 | The downy mildew of the hop / by E.S. Salmon and W.M. Ware | |
2000828139 | The downy mildew of the hop / by E.S. Salmon and W.M. Ware | |
2000825913 | The educational system of the Province of Ontario, Canada / by John Millar | |
2000551452 | The efficiency standard of living in Japan / by Kokichi Morimoto | |
2000825801 | The enclosure and redistribution of our land / by W.H.R. Curtler | |
2000828857 | The equipment of the farm / by Wm. Burness, J.C. Morton and Gilbert Murray | |
2000826358 | The exterior of the horse / by Armand Goubaux and Gustave Barrier ; translated and edited by Simon J. J. Harger | |
2000828670 | The farmer's problem / by a farmer ; with a preface by W.T. Layton | |
2000828351 | The farmer's standard of living / by Ellis Lore Kirkpatrick | |
2000804998 | The farmer's veterinary adviser : a guide to the prevention and treatment of disease in the domestic animals / by James Law | |
2001227356 | The food preservative controversy | |
2000828365 | The forcing-book : a manual of the cultivation of vegetables in glass houses / by L.H. Bailey | |
2000676167 | The foundations of Japan : notes made during journeys of 6,000 miles in the rural districts as a basis for a sounder knowledge of the Japanese people / by J.W. Robertson Scott | |
2000828297 | The fruits and fruit-trees of America : or the culture, propagation, and management, in the garden and orchard, of fruit-trees generally : with descriptions of all the finest varieties of fruit, native and foreign, cultivated in this country / by A.J. Downing | |
3000067728 | The game fowl monthly | 9(9-12),10(1-4) |
2000828721 | The gardener's text-book : containing practical directions upon the formation and management of the kitchen garden ... / by Peter Adam Schenck | |
2000826342 | The horse, in the stable and the field : his management in health and disease / by J.H. Walsh ; with an essay by Ellwood Harvey | |
2000828307 | The horticulturist's rule-book : a compendium of useful information for fruit-growers, truck-gardeners, florists and others / by L.H. Bailey | |
2000828568 | The illustrated dictionary of gardening, a practical and scientific encyclopædia of horticulture for gardeners and botanists / edited by George Nicholson | Vol. 1 |
2000828568 | The illustrated dictionary of gardening, a practical and scientific encyclopædia of horticulture for gardeners and botanists / edited by George Nicholson | Vol. 2 |
2000806646 | The industrial development and commercial policies of the three Scandinavian countries / by Povl Drachmann ; edited by Harald Westergaard | |
2000829098 | The jersey, alderney, and guernsey cow : their history, nature and management, showing how to choose a good cow : how to feed, to manage, to milk, and to breed to the most profit / Willis P. Hazard | |
2000825921 | The legend of the "Francs-tireurs" of Louvain : a reply to the report of Professor Meurer of the University of Würzburg / Fernand Mayence | |
2000828379 | The manuring of market garden crops / by Bernard Dyer and F. W. E. Shrivell | |
2001223773 | The nature and practical measurement of frost resistance in winter wheat / by Robert Newton | |
2000828315 | The new agricultural-horticultural Opuntias : plant creations for arid regions / Luther Burbank | |
2000828690 | The new agriculture / by Orville Merton Kile | |
2000826305 | The new agriculture : a popular outline of the changes which are revolutionizing the methodsof farming and the habits of farm life / by T. Byard Collins | |
2000829008 | The new earth : a recital of the triumphs of modern agriculture in America / by W.S. Harwood | |
2000829190 | The nursery-book : a complete guide to the multiplication and pollination of plants / by L. H. Bailey | |
2000826363 | The physiology of the domestic animals : a text-book for veterinary and medical students and practitioners / by Robert Meade Smith | |
2000809975 | The practical poultry keeper : a complete and standard guide to the management of poultry, whether for domestic use, the markets, of exhibition / by L. Wright | |
2000829416 | The practical rabbit keeper / by Cuniculus ; assisted by several eminent fanciers | |
2000829425 | The principles and practice of land drainage : embracing a brief history of underdraining : a detailed examination of its operation and advantages : a description of various kinds of drains, with practical directions for their construction : the manufacture of drain-tile, etc. / by John H. Klippart | |
2000826333 | The principles and practice of veterinary medicine / by William Williams | |
2000828339 | The principles of agricultural practice as an instructional subject / by John Wrightson | |
2000828177 | The principles of fruit-growing / by L.H. Bailey | |
2000827812 | The principles of potato production / by E.L. Nixon | |
2000499209 | The propagation of plants : giving the principles which govern the development and growth of plants, their botanical affinities and peculiar properties / by Andrew S. Fuller | |
2000829379 | The proper use of nitrate of soda as a manure : lecture / by R. Patrick Wright | |
2000798352 | The prospects of industrial civilization / by Bertrand Russell ; in collaboration with Dora Russell | |
2000829182 | The pruning-book : a monograph of the pruning and training of plants as applied to American conditions / by L. H. Bailey | |
3000076529 | The quarterly bulletin / Agricultural Experiment Station, Michigan Agricultural College | 5-8 |
3000007915 | The quarterly bulletin / Michigan Agricultural College, Experiment Station | 1-4 |
2000393324 | The real Japanese question / by K.K. Kawakami | |
2000826312 | The resources of the State of Oregon : a book of statistical information treating upon Oregon as a whole, and by counties / collated and prepared by The State Board of Agriculture, by direction of the Legislative Assembly of Oregon | |
2000826388 | The resources, wealth and industrial development of Colorado | |
2000825981 | The riddle of mentality and Einstein two essays / by N. Gordon Munro | |
2000827682 | The road and the roadside / by Burton Willis Potter | |
2000827770 | The royal readers | |
2000828509 | The scientific and profitable culture of fruit trees : including choice of trees, planting, grafting, training, restoration of unfruitful trees, gathering and preservation of fruit, etc. / from the French of M. Du Breuil | |
2000828400 | The small fruit culturist / by Andrew S. Fuller | |
2000827697 | The small grains / by Mark Alfred Carleton | |
2000812520 | The soul of Denmark / by Shaw Desmond | |
2000593693 | The standard of living in Japan / by Kokichi Morimoto | |
2001227544 | The stock-poisoning plants of Montana : a preliminary report / by V.K. Chesnut and E.V. Wilcox | |
2000826815 | The training of the human plant / by Luther Burbank | |
2000828032 | Thomas' phosphate powder (standard phosphate, star brand) and how to use it | |
2000828199 | Tobacco culture : practical details, from the selection and preparation of the seed and the soil, to harvesting, curing and marketing the crop | |
2001226125 | Twelfth report of the development commissioners for the year ended the 31st March, 1922 | |
2001223668 | Twenty-first annual report of the secretary of the State of Horticultural Society of Michigan, 1891 | |
2001223676 | Twenty-fourth annual report of the Fruit Growers' Association of Ontario, 1892 | |
2001223670 | Twenty-sixth annual report of the Ohio State Horticultural Society, for the year 1892-'93 | |
2000825878 | Two thousand years of science : the wonders of nature and their discoverers / by R.J. Harvey-Gibson | |
2000829965 | Uebersicht über die Organisation, die Zwecke, den Lehrplan, die Lehrmittel, Aufnahmebedingungen und sonstigen Verhältnisse der K. Württembergischen landwirtschaftlichen Akademie, Hohenheim | |
2000829704 | Undervisnings- og Eksamensplan, for den Kongelige Veterinær- og landbohøjskole | |
2000668751 | Universities of the world / by Charles Franklin Thwing | |
2000717993 | Useful plants of Japan described and illustrated | |
2000826461 | Veterinary medicines : their actions and uses / by Finlay Dun | |
2000828708 | Vollständiges Handbuch der Obstkultur / von Ed. Lucas | |
2000829070 | Vägledning i praktisk Mosskultur : torvmarkernas bildning och utbredning i vårt land, deras uppodling, jordförbättring, kalkning, gödsling och brukning samt växtodlingen på torvjorden / av Gunnar Booberg och A. Bauman | |
2000498216 | Waring's book of the farm : being a revised edition of The handy-book of husbandry : a guide for farmers / by George E. Waring | |
2001227492 | Weeds and weed seeds : illustrated and described | |
2000827636 | Weeds, and how to eradicate them / by Thomas Shaw | |
2000826656 | What the League of Nations has done and is doing : lecture / by Inazo Nitobé | |
2001227360 | Wheat : variety tests and fertilizer experiments / by the agriculturist | |
2000827744 | Wheat culture : how to double the yield and increase profits / by D.S. Curtiss | |
2000829468 | Willard's practical butter book : a complete treatise on butter-making at factories and farm dairies, including the selection, feeding and management of stock for butter dairying-with plans for dairy rooms and creameries, dairy fixtures, utensils, etc. / by X.A. Willard | |
2000826938 | World's Columbian Exposition Chicago, 1893, Official catalogue, Exhibition of the German Empire | |
2000828799 | World's Grain Exhibition and Conference, announcement and prize list, Regina-Canada, July 25th to August 6th 1932 | |
2000809225 | Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture | 1895 |
2000809225 | Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture | 1896 |
2000809225 | Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture | 1897 |
2000809225 | Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture | 1898 |
2000809225 | Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture | 1899 |
2000809225 | Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture | 1900 |
2000809225 | Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture | 1922 |
2000826875 | Yuyo shokubutsu zusetsu mokuroku oyobi sakuin or contents of and indices to useful plants of Japan described and illustrated | |
2001225730 | [欧文別刷集] | 第10綴: Mi-Mu |
2001225730 | [欧文別刷集] | 第11綴: N |
2001225730 | [欧文別刷集] | 第12綴: O-R |
2001225730 | [欧文別刷集] | 第13綴: S(1) |
2001225730 | [欧文別刷集] | 第14綴: S(2) |
2001225730 | [欧文別刷集] | 第15綴: S(3) |
2001225730 | [欧文別刷集] | 第16綴: T(1) |
2001225730 | [欧文別刷集] | 第17綴: T(2) |
2001225730 | [欧文別刷集] | 第18綴: T(3) |
2001225730 | [欧文別刷集] | 第19綴: U-W |
2001225730 | [欧文別刷集] | 第1綴: A-G |
2001225730 | [欧文別刷集] | 第20綴: Y |
2001225730 | [欧文別刷集] | 第21綴 |
2001225730 | [欧文別刷集] | 第2綴: G(2) |
2001225730 | [欧文別刷集] | 第3綴: H |
2001225730 | [欧文別刷集] | 第4綴: Id-Is |
2001225730 | [欧文別刷集] | 第5綴: It-J |
2001225730 | [欧文別刷集] | 第6綴: Ka-Ki |
2001225730 | [欧文別刷集] | 第7綴: Ko-Ku |
2001225730 | [欧文別刷集] | 第8綴: L |
2001225730 | [欧文別刷集] | 第9綴: Ma-Mi |
2000818015 | [邦文別刷集] | 第10綴: Ki-Ku |
2000818015 | [邦文別刷集] | 第11綴: Ma-Miso |
2000818015 | [邦文別刷集] | 第12綴: Miya-Mu |
2000818015 | [邦文別刷集] | 第13綴: Na |
2000818015 | [邦文別刷集] | 第14綴: Ni-No |
2000818015 | [邦文別刷集] | 第15綴: Ochi-Omu |
2000818015 | [邦文別刷集] | 第16綴: Oshi |
2000818015 | [邦文別刷集] | 第17綴: Sai-Saka |
2000818015 | [邦文別刷集] | 第18綴: Sato-Sawa |
2000818015 | [邦文別刷集] | 第19綴: Ahi-Sho |
2000818015 | [邦文別刷集] | 第1綴: Ake |
2000818015 | [邦文別刷集] | 第20綴: Su |
2000818015 | [邦文別刷集] | 第21綴: Tac-Tad |
2000818015 | [邦文別刷集] | 第22綴: Tad |
2000818015 | [邦文別刷集] | 第23綴: Tak |
2000818015 | [邦文別刷集] | 第24綴: Tan-Taz |
2000818015 | [邦文別刷集] | 第25綴: Te-Tsu |
2000818015 | [邦文別刷集] | 第26綴: Ue-Wa |
2000818015 | [邦文別刷集] | 第27綴: Ya(1) |
2000818015 | [邦文別刷集] | 第28綴: Ya(2)-Yo |
2000818015 | [邦文別刷集] | 第2綴: Ao-Go |
2000818015 | [邦文別刷集] | 第3綴: Ha |
2000818015 | [邦文別刷集] | 第4綴: He |
2000818015 | [邦文別刷集] | 第5綴: Hi-Ho |
2000818015 | [邦文別刷集] | 第6綴: Ichi-Ike |
2000818015 | [邦文別刷集] | 第7綴: Inu-Ito |
2000818015 | [邦文別刷集] | 第8綴: Ito |
2000818015 | [邦文別刷集] | 第9綴: Ito-Ka |
2000814340 | 「サイザルヘンプ」ニ關スル調査資料 / 臺灣總督府殖産局[編] | |
2000760988 | 「ブラジル」ノ産業 / 拓務省拓務局[編] | |
2001648686 | 「ホップ」栽培法 / 大日本麥酒株式會社編 | |
2000812903 | こめ / 鈴木富治編 | |
2000573395 | アルゼンティンの農業 / 興村禎吉著 | |
2000562479 | エリオット博士演説筆記 / 東京ハァーヴァード倶楽部編 | |
2000814964 | オリーブ及オリーブ油 : 農商務省指定補助試驗成績 | |
2000816523 | ジャバ及スマトラニ於ケルシザル麻及マニラ麻調査報告 / 拓務省拓務局 [編] | |
2000810938 | パスツール氏蠶病論 : 完 / パスツール [著] ; 川上半吾譯 | |
2000807814 | ブラジルに於ける衞生の注意 / 高岡專太郎著 | |
2000762052 | ブラジル移住者通信集 / 拓務省拓務局[編] | |
2001573016 | マルクス主義の批判 / 中央報徳會編 | |
2000806396 | メンデリズム / パネット原著 ; 大平頼母, 佐藤弘毅共譯 | |
2000835725 | Очерки сельскохозяйственнаго промысла Чехословак іи : съ 40 рисчунками въ тесктѣ и картой хозяйственныхъ районовъ / В.Н. Штейнъ = Aperçu sur l'agriculture de la Tchécoslovaquie : avec 40 figures et une carte / par Img. W. Stein | |
2000865877 | 亜麻莖の品質に關する研究 / [平塚直治, 田所哲太郎著] | 第1-3報 |
2000805161 | 安心録 / 大草正男著 | |
2000787967 | 伊太利ノ小作組合 | |
2000560837 | 移住者成績調査 / 北海道廳第五部殖民課編 | 第1篇 |
2000805628 | 移植民及海外拓殖事業 | |
2000574252 | 稲及米之研究 / 高橋陸郎著 | 稲之巻 |
2000574252 | 稲及米之研究 / 高橋陸郎著 | 米之巻 |
2000811160 | 稲作實際論 / 岩槻信治著 | |
2000817766 | 稲之説 | 下 |
2000817766 | 稲之説 | 上 |
2000575050 | 印度に於ける蠶絲業 / 須田金之助 [著] | |
2000807622 | 飲料篇 : 全 / 塚本又喜編 | |
2000574766 | 瓜哇糖業論 / 臺灣總督府民政部殖産局 [編] | |
2000574766 | 瓜哇糖業論 / 臺灣總督府民政部殖産局 [編] | |
2000574766 | 瓜哇糖業論 / 臺灣總督府民政部殖産局 [編] | |
2000815026 | 英領加奈陀穀類檢査概要 / 臺灣総督府殖産局 [編] | |
2000809395 | 英國農業篇, 11巻 / ウヰルソン著 ; 岡田好樹譯 ; 長川新吾校 | 1 |
2000809395 | 英國農業篇, 11巻 / ウヰルソン著 ; 岡田好樹譯 ; 長川新吾校 | 10 |
2000809395 | 英國農業篇, 11巻 / ウヰルソン著 ; 岡田好樹譯 ; 長川新吾校 | 11 |
2000809395 | 英國農業篇, 11巻 / ウヰルソン著 ; 岡田好樹譯 ; 長川新吾校 | 2 |
2000809395 | 英國農業篇, 11巻 / ウヰルソン著 ; 岡田好樹譯 ; 長川新吾校 | 3 |
2000809395 | 英國農業篇, 11巻 / ウヰルソン著 ; 岡田好樹譯 ; 長川新吾校 | 4 |
2000809395 | 英國農業篇, 11巻 / ウヰルソン著 ; 岡田好樹譯 ; 長川新吾校 | 5 |
2000809395 | 英國農業篇, 11巻 / ウヰルソン著 ; 岡田好樹譯 ; 長川新吾校 | 6 |
2000809395 | 英國農業篇, 11巻 / ウヰルソン著 ; 岡田好樹譯 ; 長川新吾校 | 7 |
2000809395 | 英國農業篇, 11巻 / ウヰルソン著 ; 岡田好樹譯 ; 長川新吾校 | 8 |
2000809395 | 英國農業篇, 11巻 / ウヰルソン著 ; 岡田好樹譯 ; 長川新吾校 | 9 |
2000811697 | 園藝果樹論 / 池田伴親著 | |
2000574239 | 園藝業ニ關スル調査書 / 農商務省農務局 [編] | |
2000814775 | 園藝植物圖譜 / 横濱植木株式會社 [編] | 第1巻 |
2000814775 | 園藝植物圖譜 / 横濱植木株式會社 [編] | 第2巻 |
2000574223 | 園藝新説 / 原田友作著 | |
2000805269 | 往け拓人の新天地アルゼンチン / 安東義喬著 | |
3000067638 | 沖繩縣勸業年報 / 沖繩縣内務部第四課 [編] | 35 |
2001573043 | 恩賜記念科學館状況 / 朝鮮教育會 [編] | 昭和5年度 |
2000808132 | 下富良野線建設概要 / 鐵道院北海道建設事務所 [編] | |
2000574732 | 下總御料牧塲事業報告 / 下總御料牧場 [編] | 第3期 |
2000811506 | 加州に於ける米作 / 手島寅雄著 | |
2000808043 | 家畜衛生要論 / 今泉六郎編 | |
2000808060 | 家畜衛生學講本 / 津野慶太郎著 | 第1册 |
2000574743 | 家畜改良牧草論 / 小川二郎著 | |
2000812165 | 家畜年齡圖説 : 全 / 今泉六郎著 | |
2000808051 | 家畜醫範 | 4 |
2000808051 | 家畜醫範 | 5 |
2000808051 | 家畜醫範 | 6 |
2000815378 | 果園篇 : 全 / 柴田承桂譯 | |
2000574232 | 果樹園藝學講義 / 草場榮喜著 | 上巻 |
2000813591 | 果樹栽培心得 / 北海道廳第二部 [編] | |
2000811635 | 果樹栽培全書 / 福羽逸人著 | 第三 |
2000811635 | 果樹栽培全書 / 福羽逸人著 | 第四 |
2000811635 | 果樹栽培全書 / 福羽逸人著 | 第弐 |
2000811893 | 花と苺 / 三瀬真若著 ; 飯田雄太郎畫 | |
2000574713 | 荷造改良に關する意見 / 遠藤吉平著 | |
2000815870 | 菓樹栽培新書 : 全 / 梅原寛重著述 ; 草野正行校閲 | |
2000814931 | 菓實栽培 : 全編 / 津田仙譯纂 | |
2000809199 | 過去二十年間に於ける臺灣農業の進歩 | |
2000814627 | 我か丹羽村の經營 / 丹羽五郎著 | |
2000572173 | 我國の米問題 / 大脇正諄著 | |
2000758386 | 海外移住組合關係法規 / 社會局社會部編 | [昭和6年3月] |
2000820321 | 海外移民統計 / 拓務省拓務局 | 昭和5年現在 |
2001629491 | 海外販路調査視察報告 / 北海道廳 [編] | [其一] |
2001629491 | 海外販路調査視察報告 / 北海道廳 [編] | 其二 |
2001629491 | 海外販路調査視察報告 / 北海道廳 [編] | 其二 |
2001677870 | 開墾の栞 : 全 / 北海道廳殖民部拓殖課 [編] | |
2000832549 | 開墾の栞 : 全 / 北海道廳第五部殖民課[編] | |
2000571281 | 開道五十年記念北海道博覽會協賛會事務報告 / 開道五十年記念北海道博覽會協賛會 [編] | |
2000571276 | 開道五十年記念北海道博覽會事務報告 / 北海道廳[編] | |
2000571277 | 開道五十年記念北海道博覽會審査報告 | |
2000805322 | 開道前後拓殖功績旌章記 / 北海道廳編 | |
2000806116 | 外國教育の状況 | |
2000805958 | 外國産業組合史 / 篠田七郎, 産業組合中央會調査部[著] | |
2001038000 | 外國米の比較研究 / 田所哲太郎著 | 第1-2號 |
2000810930 | 害蟲図解説 : 第二回内國勸業博覧會 | |
2000817881 | 害蟲學 | [巻1] |
2000817881 | 害蟲學 | 巻2 |
2000573943 | 害蟲驅除全書 / 松村松年著 | |
2000572181 | 各國の自作農維持に關する施設 / 帝國農會 [編] | |
2000812766 | 各國の自作農創定に關する施設 / 帝國農會 [編] | |
2000561410 | 樺太移住案内 / 室町康著 | |
2000644967 | 樺太及勘察加 / 松永聽劔編 | |
2000814661 | 樺太及北沿海州 / 東亞同文會編纂局編 ; 鈴木陽之助校 | |
2000814456 | 樺太事情 / 相沢凞著 | |
2000571013 | 樺太植物誌 / 宮部金吾, 三宅勉共著 | |
2000703573 | 樺太植物調査概報 / 樺太民政署 [編] | |
2000345472 | 樺太殖民地撰定報文 / 樺太廳第二部拓殖課 [編] | |
2000806886 | 樺太動物調査報告 | |
2000574482 | 樺太南部水産豫察調査報告 | |
2000815957 | 樺太之現況 | |
2000742522 | 樺太要覽 | [明治45年] |
2000562454 | 樺太廳治一斑 / 樺太廳編纂 | 第13回 |
2000703572 | 樺太鑛産調査概報 | |
2000817351 | 勧農備荒二物考, 1巻 / 高野先生著 | |
2000811718 | 柑橘の栽培 / 河村九淵著 | |
2000811718 | 柑橘の栽培 / 河村九淵著 | |
2000811718 | 柑橘の栽培 / 河村九淵著 | |
2000811317 | 甘藷問答 : 全 / 阿部泰次著 | |
2000574229 | 甘蔗農學 / 金子昌太郎著 | |
2000574230 | 甘蔗農學 / 金子昌太郎著 | |
2000705584 | 甘蔗病害論 / [川上瀧彌編] | 第一編 |
2000705584 | 甘蔗病害論 / [川上瀧彌編] | 第二編 |
2000811702 | 簡易園藝法 : 全/ 角田音吉編 | |
2000818122 | 間嶋ニ於ケル農用器具器械ニ関スル調査報告 / 喜田正澄 [著] | |
2000573385 | 韓國土地農産調査報告 / 三成文一郎 [ほか編] | 黄海道 |
2000573385 | 韓國土地農産調査報告 / 三成文一郎 [ほか編] | 京畿道,忠清道,江原道 |
2000573385 | 韓國土地農産調査報告 / 三成文一郎 [ほか編] | 平安道 |
2000573385 | 韓國土地農産調査報告 / 三成文一郎 [ほか編] | 咸鏡道 |
2000809850 | 巌手縣主催第六回陸羽區實業大會報告書 | |
2000815007 | 雁皮栽培録 / 梅原寛重著 | 完 |
2000808495 | 記念論文集 : 三重高等農林學校開校十周年 | |
2000813166 | 宮崎米穀檢査成績 / 宮崎縣県米穀檢査所 [編] | 第5: 大正4年度 |
2000814921 | 宮崎縣之畜産 | |
2000811222 | 宮城県の米 | |
2000807722 | 宮城縣主催第十回東北區實業大會報告 | |
2000816540 | 宮城縣統計書 / [宮城縣編] | 大正2年 第2卷 |
2000813152 | 宮城縣米檢査報告 | 大正2年度 |
2000573946 | 宮城縣米麥産額統計 | 大正3年 |
3000067637 | 宮城縣勸業報告 / 宮城縣内務部第三課 [編] | 66 |
3000017824 | 牛疫血清製造所年報 / 農商務省牛疫血清製造所 | 1 |
3000017824 | 牛疫血清製造所年報 / 農商務省牛疫血清製造所 | 2 |
3000017824 | 牛疫血清製造所年報 / 農商務省牛疫血清製造所 | 3 |
3000017824 | 牛疫血清製造所年報 / 農商務省牛疫血清製造所 | 4 |
2000575022 | 牛乳ト衛生 / 石橋三郎治著 | |
3000015664 | 京都帝國大學林學會出版 / 京都帝國大學林學會 | 5 |
2000805879 | 教育勅語煥發四十年記念日本更生史 / 中澤宇三郎著 | |
2000813393 | 興業殖産富國救民兎飼養書 / 山田芳三著 | |
2000808187 | 興農叢誌 / 興農書院編 | 第1集 |
3000023293 | 業務概要 / 北海道農事試驗場 | 11 |
3000023293 | 業務概要 / 北海道農事試驗場 | 12 |
3000023293 | 業務概要 / 北海道農事試驗場 | 13 |
3000023293 | 業務概要 / 北海道農事試驗場 | 14 |
3000023293 | 業務概要 / 北海道農事試驗場 | 15 |
3000023293 | 業務概要 / 北海道農事試驗場 | 2 |
3000023293 | 業務概要 / 北海道農事試驗場 | 4 |
3000067635 | 業務功程 / 廣島縣立農事試驗場 | 11 |
2000817305 | 業務統計要覧 / 北海道遞信局 [編] | |
3000033766 | 業務年報 / 山口縣農業試驗場 | 10 |
2001727970 | 玉蜀黍 / [札幌農學校農學科編] | |
2000811271 | 玉蜀黍 / 新岡仲著 | |
2000817761 | 玉蜀黍及蜀黍説 : 全 | |
2000814980 | 桐樹天狗巣病(桐樹萎縮病)原論 / 川上瀧彌著 | |
2000814980 | 桐樹天狗巣病(桐樹萎縮病)原論 / 川上瀧彌著 | |
2000763783 | 錦州府管内經濟調査資料 : 廣寧 錦州 義州 寧遠州 | |
2000818134 | 駒場農校植物園有用植物廿四綱自然分科 | |
2000571799 | 釧網線建設概要 / 鐵道省 [編] | |
2000815922 | 釧路國勢一斑 | |
2000807638 | 熊本縣之産業 | |
2000811756 | 栗樹栽培法 / 梅原寛重,浜村半九郎著 | |
2000805933 | 栗澤産業組合設立十週年紀念史 | |
2000808688 | 郡市町村農會事例 | |
2000817191 | 慶尚南道社會事業施設概要 / 慶尚南道編纂 | |
2000817167 | 慶尚北道の林業 | 昭和6年6月 |
2000814791 | 慶南の商工 / 慶尚南道編纂 | [昭和5年] |
2000805726 | 経済原理 / リカードー著 ; 和田佐一郎抄訳 | |
2000813381 | 鶏種改良事業 / 臺中廳農會 [編] | 第1輯 |
2000806865 | 顕花植物分科検索篇 / Franz・Thonner原著 ; 池野成一郎訳 | |
2000812832 | 現今農業政策 / 横井時敬講述 | |
2000573616 | 現時の農村問題 / 中島九郎述 ; 國民教育奬勵會編 | |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 索引 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 自二十六卷至二十七卷 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 自卷一至卷二 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 自卷九至卷十一 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 自卷五至卷六 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 自卷五十四至卷五十五 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 自卷五十至卷五十三 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 自卷五十八至卷六十一 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 自卷五十六至卷五十七 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 自卷三至卷四 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 自卷三十九至卷四十 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 自卷三十四至卷三十六 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 自卷三十七至卷三十八 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 自卷四十一至卷四十四 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 自卷四十五至卷四十七 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 自卷四十八至卷四十九 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 自卷七十八至卷八十 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 自卷十八至卷二十 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 自卷十六至卷十七 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 自卷二十四至卷二十五 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 自卷二十二至卷二十三 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 自卷八十三至卷八十五 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 自卷六十九至卷七十一 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 自卷六十四至卷六十五 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 自卷六十二至卷六十三 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 自卷六十六至卷六十八 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 卷三十 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 卷三十一 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 卷三十三 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 卷三十二 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 卷七 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 卷七十五 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 卷七十三卷七十四 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 卷七十二 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 卷七十六卷七十七 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 卷十五 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 卷十四 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 卷十二 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 卷二十一 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 卷二十九 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 卷二十八 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 卷八 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 卷八十一卷八十二 |
2000804852 | 古名録 / 畔田伴存著 | 總目録 |
2000816349 | 五千貫實収甘藷栽培法 / 河村九淵, 菊池左内共著 | |
2000817014 | 御大禮記念北海道農會沿革史 / 北海道農會編纂 | |
2000817014 | 御大禮記念北海道農會沿革史 / 北海道農會編纂 | |
2000701591 | 護謨樹之栽培法 | |
2000811902 | 光陵試驗林の一班 | |
2001677909 | 公私經濟緊縮運動概要 / [北海道廳學務部社會課編] | |
2000811060 | 工藝農産物要覽 / 農林省農務局編 | 昭和5年3月 |
3000027791 | 恒春種畜場事業報告 / 臺灣總督府殖産局 | 1 |
2000809896 | 恒春熱帯植物殖育場事業報告 | 第3輯 |
2000809896 | 恒春熱帯植物殖育場事業報告 | 第4輯 |
2000809896 | 恒春熱帯植物殖育場事業報告 | 第5輯 |
2000363327 | 江部乙村史 / 江部乙村史編纂委員会[編] | |
2000815949 | 耕地整理施行地一覽 / 農商務省農務局 [編] | 第5次 自明治33年至明治41年6月 |
2000810375 | 耕地整理主任官會議要録 | 大正6年10月開催 |
2000816597 | 耕地整理要覽 / 農商務省農務局 [編] | 第10次 |
2000817706 | 荒政要覽 / 兪汝為輯録 | 亨 |
2000817706 | 荒政要覽 / 兪汝為輯録 | 元 |
2000699086 | 講筵筆記藥用植物篇 / 松原新之助講義 ; 安本徳寛記 | |
2000788528 | 購買組合経営 / 傳田政治[著] . 産業組合簿記 / 徳永一之丞[著] | |
2000459734 | 酵素化學 / 田所哲太郎著 | 各論 |
2000459734 | 酵素化學 / 田所哲太郎著 | 總論 |
2000816402 | 香料鑑定の栞 / 大阪税關 [編] | |
2000560832 | 濠米視察復命書 / 北海道廳 [編] | |
2000479596 | 国産振興北海道拓殖博覧会会誌 / [北海道庁商工課編輯] | |
2000814304 | 穀物簡易火力乾燥室の設計 : 懸賞入選 | |
2001677966 | 穀物調製講習會講義資料 | |
2000571798 | 根室線建設概要 / 鐵道省北海道建設事務所 [編] | |
2000572162 | 佐藤信淵ノ農政學説 / 中田公直著 | |
2000572176 | 佐藤信淵家學大要 / 佐藤信淵著 | |
2000574742 | 砂糖ニ關スル調査 / 糖業改良事務局[編] | |
2000807609 | 砂糖篇 / 石井淳二郎編 | |
2000805640 | 最近の海外移住地 / 拓務省拓務局, 文部省實業學務局編纂 | |
2000575239 | 最近之北海道 / 平和紀念東京博覽會北海道出品協會編輯 | |
2000614441 | 最近農業法規教科書 / 若林清著 | |
2000814677 | 最近米國通覧 / 生方貞一著 | |
2000376803 | 最近露國に於ける土地大改革 / 帝國農會[編] | |
2000815257 | 最近佛國の種馬牧場種馬所事業概要 / 北海道廳産業部 [編] | |
2000574257 | 最新果樹栽培講義 / 星野勇三著 | 下巻 |
2000574257 | 最新果樹栽培講義 / 星野勇三著 | 上巻 |
2000808389 | 最新殖産農業百科全書 : 完 / 河村九淵, 四元内治共著 | |
2000808389 | 最新殖産農業百科全書 : 完 / 河村九淵, 四元内治共著 | |
2000808326 | 最新農業通論 全 / 渡部太郎著 | |
2000810317 | 最新農具論 / 明峯正夫著 | |
2000573920 | 最新農具論 / 明峯正夫著 | |
2000573919 | 最新農具論 / 明峯正夫著 | |
2000573948 | 最新農産製造學 / 中尾節藏著 | |
2000808873 | 最新農學實験法講義 / 稲垣乙丙, 春原平八郎共編 | |
2000814963 | 最新北海道苹果栽培實説 / 鈴木眞著 | 前編 |
2000813347 | 最新養豚講話 : 附山羊乃飼育 / 河南休男著 | |
2000811341 | 最新實用甜菜栽培法 : 完 / 堀宗一著 | |
2000574226 | 最新蔬菜栽培書 / 今村猛雄著 | |
2000574226 | 最新蔬菜栽培書 / 今村猛雄著 | |
2000807496 | 彩色寫生輸出百合花集 : 全 / 池田次郎吉編 | |
2000812145 | 栽桑實驗録 / [船津傳次平著] | |
2000811131 | 栽培各論 / 田中節三郎著 | |
2000616074 | 栽培汎論 / 横井時敬著 | |
2000811036 | 栽培篇 / 池田昇三著 | 下 |
2000811029 | 栽培篇 / 堀尾鍭作著 | 上 |
2000812099 | 栽培法 / 川上善兵衛著 | |
2000810896 | 栽培緑肥 / 昌子朴堂著 | |
2000807591 | 菜食篇 / 大工原銀太郎編 | |
2000518262 | 財政・經濟問題 | 下巻 |
2000518262 | 財政・經濟問題 | 上巻 |
2000573921 | 作物育種学 / 明峰正夫著 | |
2000573922 | 作物育種學 / 明峰正夫著 | |
2000697396 | 作物病害篇 : 全 / 小島銀吉著 | |
2000701590 | 作物篇 : 全 / 高田鑑三著 | |
2000575240 | 札幌競馬沿革誌 / 北海道畜産聯合會 [編] | |
2000562450 | 札幌支廳管内要覽 / 北海道廳札幌支廳 [編] | |
2000808925 | 札幌農學校農學教科用分析表 | |
3000025385 | 札幌農學實科同窓會會報 | 10-11,13-14,18 |
2000562467 | 札幌區統計一班 | [大正10年] |
2000753777 | 札幌區區勢調査研究 / 高岡熊雄著 | |
2000806236 | 薩哈嗹島占領經營論 / 内山吉太,明石鴻南著 | |
2000817745 | 三物考 | |
2000575012 | 三會堂開館記念 / 大日本農會,大日本山林會,大日本水産會,石垣産業奬勵會 [共編] | |
2000815324 | 山形之園藝臨時増刊園藝大會號 / 日本園藝會山形縣支會 [編] | |
2000814651 | 山形縣案内 / 山形縣協賛會編 | |
2001224017 | 山形縣立農事試驗塲業務功程 / 山形縣立農事試驗塲[編] | 大正4年度 |
2000808949 | 山口縣農事試驗場成績要覽 | |
2000953633 | 山口縣勸業年報 / 山口縣内務部[編] | 第24回 |
2000703427 | 山東省ノ地質鑛山 / [田中館秀三編] | |
2000813342 | 山羊全書 / 内藤菊造著 | |
2000518263 | 産業 | |
2000788551 | 産業組合の原理に對する批判 : 附産業組合の根本義 / 佐藤藤七著 | |
3000078451 | 産業組合ニュース = The Co-operative News / 産業組合中央會 [編] | 1,3-7 |
3000078451 | 産業組合ニュース = The Co-operative News / 産業組合中央會 [編] | 17-25,27-33 |
3000078451 | 産業組合ニュース = The Co-operative News / 産業組合中央會 [編] | 39-41 |
2000806004 | 産業組合改造論 / 佐藤藤七著 | |
2000806030 | 産業組合概論 / 千石興太郎著 | |
2000788305 | 産業組合概論 / 千石興太郎著 . 産業組合經營總論 / 佐藤寛次著 | |
2000788338 | 産業組合監査 / 徳永一之丞[著] . 生糸販売組合論 / 早川直瀬[著] . 畜産物販売組合 / 井關善一[著] | |
2000788678 | 産業組合業務の法律關係 / 濱田道之助[著] | |
2000806022 | 産業組合主義経済組織の話 : 産業組合運動の目標 / 千石興太郎述 | |
2001172083 | 産業組合製絲共同販賣機關の設立に就て / 大日本生絲販賣組合聯合會[編] | |
2000788349 | 産業組合中央會 ; 全國購買組合聯合會 / 千石興太郎[著] . 産業組合中央金庫論 / 小平權一[著] . 大日本生絲販賣組合聯合會 / 山崎梅治[著] | |
2000788702 | 産業組合定款の研究 ; 産業組合判例の研究 / 高田二平[著] . 産業組合關係判例要旨及通牒處分例集 / [産業組合調査會]調査部編 | |
2000788525 | 産業組合法二十講 / 濱田道之助著 . 利用組合経営 / 有元英夫著 | |
2000788625 | 産業組合問題 / 志村源太郎著 | |
2001566018 | 産業組合要覧 / 農商務省 [編] | 第5次 |
2000499364 | 産業組合理事者の修養 / 左子清道著 | |
3000025370 | 産業調査報告書 / 北海道廳 | 1 |
3000025370 | 産業調査報告書 / 北海道廳 | 10 |
3000025370 | 産業調査報告書 / 北海道廳 | 11 |
3000025370 | 産業調査報告書 / 北海道廳 | 12 |
3000025370 | 産業調査報告書 / 北海道廳 | 13 |
3000025370 | 産業調査報告書 / 北海道廳 | 14 |
3000025370 | 産業調査報告書 / 北海道廳 | 15 |
3000025370 | 産業調査報告書 / 北海道廳 | 16 |
3000025370 | 産業調査報告書 / 北海道廳 | 17 |
3000025370 | 産業調査報告書 / 北海道廳 | 18 |
3000025370 | 産業調査報告書 / 北海道廳 | 19 |
3000025370 | 産業調査報告書 / 北海道廳 | 2 |
3000025370 | 産業調査報告書 / 北海道廳 | 3 |
3000025370 | 産業調査報告書 / 北海道廳 | 4(1) |
3000025370 | 産業調査報告書 / 北海道廳 | 4(2) |
3000025370 | 産業調査報告書 / 北海道廳 | 4(3) |
3000025370 | 産業調査報告書 / 北海道廳 | 5 |
3000025370 | 産業調査報告書 / 北海道廳 | 6 |
3000025370 | 産業調査報告書 / 北海道廳 | 7(1) |
3000025370 | 産業調査報告書 / 北海道廳 | 7(2) |
3000025370 | 産業調査報告書 / 北海道廳 | 8 |
3000025370 | 産業調査報告書 / 北海道廳 | 9 |
2000813434 | 産蜜養蜂の秘訣 / 本間谷麿著 | |
2000813479 | 産蜜養蜂の實際 / 徳田義信著 | |
2000576386 | 支那の將來 / 山本唯三郎著 | |
2000573949 | 支那ノ米ニ關スル調査 / 農商務省 [編] | |
2000730946 | 支那産畜牛ノ研究 / 參謀本部 [編] | |
2000730947 | 支那産馬族ノ研究 / 吉田新七郎著 | |
2000731043 | 支那産駱駝ノ研究 / 吉田新七郎著 | |
2000561797 | 支那幣制改革論 / ジー・ヴヰッサリング著 ; 山本唯三郎譯 | |
2000574231 | 支那棉花改良ノ研究 / 駒井徳三 [著] | |
2001677867 | 支笏湖 / 北海道廳 [編] | |
2000808313 | 斯氏農書 / [賢理斯的墳(ヘンリー・ステフェン)著 ; 岡田好樹, 明石春作譯] | 第1冊 |
2000808313 | 斯氏農書 / [賢理斯的墳(ヘンリー・ステフェン)著 ; 岡田好樹, 明石春作譯] | 第2冊 |
2000808313 | 斯氏農書 / [賢理斯的墳(ヘンリー・ステフェン)著 ; 岡田好樹, 明石春作譯] | 第3冊 |
2000808313 | 斯氏農書 / [賢理斯的墳(ヘンリー・ステフェン)著 ; 岡田好樹, 明石春作譯] | 第4冊 |
2000855940 | 試驗及調査の成蹟に鑑み指導奬勵上注意すべき事項 / 北海道農事試驗場編 | 第3輯 |
2000855940 | 試驗及調査の成蹟に鑑み指導奬勵上注意すべき事項 / 北海道農事試驗場編 | 第6輯 |
2000813509 | 試驗成績要録 | |
2000823640 | 事業報告 / 樺太廳農事試驗塲[編] | 大正11年度 |
2000823640 | 事業報告 / 樺太廳農事試驗塲[編] | 大正九年度 |
2000128413 | 事業報告 / 北海道農産物檢査所 [編] | 第1回 : 大正8年度 |
2000128413 | 事業報告 / 北海道農産物檢査所 [編] | 第2回 : 大正9年度 |
2000128413 | 事業報告 / 北海道農産物檢査所 [編] | 第3回 : 大正10年度 |
2000128413 | 事業報告 / 北海道農産物檢査所 [編] | 第4回 : 大正11年度 |
2000813639 | 事務能率の増進 / [マネジメント社調査部編] | |
2000660187 | 時局に關する教育資料 / [文部省普通学務局編] | 第25輯 |
2001677923 | 時局及戰後ニ對シ農會ノ採ルベキ事業方針 / 北海道農會[編] | |
2001677923 | 時局及戰後ニ對シ農會ノ採ルベキ事業方針 / 北海道農會[編] | |
3000067636 | 滋賀縣立農事試驗塲業務功程 / 滋賀縣立農事試驗塲 | 41 |
2000810893 | 自給肥料之新研究堆肥と緑肥 / 小松澤徳二郎著 | |
2000817333 | 自治内容報告 | 昭和4年 |
2000573612 | 鹿兒島縣大島郡糖業一班 | |
2000810839 | 実験作物改良講義 / 竹崎嘉徳著 | |
2000813466 | 実験副業養蜂 / 佐藤勝四郎著 | |
2000813466 | 実験副業養蜂 / 佐藤勝四郎著 | |
2000811722 | 実用果樹園芸学 / 草場栄喜著 | |
2000811042 | 実驗作物栽培學 / 川上三郎著 | |
2000812048 | 実驗秘訣盆栽及庭樹の培養 / 鈴木敬策, 河南休男共著 | |
2000818245 | 芝罘及京奉沿線果樹調査復命書 | |
2000712841 | 舎密會創立三十年記念會員業績目録 | |
2000518264 | 社會思想・資本主義社會の解剖 | 下巻 |
2000518264 | 社會思想・資本主義社會の解剖 | 上巻 |
2000518265 | 社會問題・農村問題 | 下巻 |
2000518265 | 社會問題・農村問題 | 上巻 |
2000804980 | 社會學・文化 | |
2000810152 | 主要食糧農作物品種改良事業要覽 / 農商務省農務局 [編] | |
2000573959 | 主要食糧農産物改良増殖奬勵ニ關スル參考資料 / 農商務省農務局 [編] | |
2001677937 | 主要農作物作況並對策調査 / 北海道農會[編] | |
2000812823 | 主要國ノ食糧政策ニ關スル資料 / [農商務省食糧局編] | |
2000812823 | 主要國ノ食糧政策ニ關スル資料 / [農商務省食糧局編] | |
2000810394 | 種子及種苗店の研究 / 二川原久作著 | |
2000812103 | 種類各論 / 川上善兵衛著 | |
2000571800 | 宗谷線全通記念寫眞帖 / 鐵道省北海道建設事務所 [編] | |
2000815370 | 秋田縣果樹栽培指針 / 島田五郎著 | |
2000573964 | 秋田縣稻田之遺利 / 尾泉良太郎著 | |
2000573964 | 秋田縣稻田之遺利 / 尾泉良太郎著 | |
2000817703 | 十字號糞培例 / 佐藤元庵述 ; 佐藤信淵筆記 ; 織田完之訂正 | |
2000845714 | 十勝岳爆發概報 | |
2001006071 | 重要作物分布概察圖 / 本田幸介, 原熈 [著] | 咸鏡道 |
2000817258 | 重要農産展覽會報告 / 大日本農會 | |
2000809861 | 祝十周年紀國の光 | |
2000811152 | 純系淘汰の巻 / 堀治作著 | |
2000811040 | 初等作物通論 / 稲垣乙丙著 | |
2000788351 | 諸外国産業組合法比較研究 ; 各国産業組合定款集 / 濱田道之助[ほか]執筆 | |
2000812773 | 諸外國ニ於ケル小作ニ關スル法令 / 農商務省農務局編 | 第1巻 |
2000779555 | 諸外國ニ於ケル小農地設定ニ關スル法律 / 農商務省農務局編 | 第2卷 |
2000815846 | 諸大家果樹論 | |
2000808033 | 除蟲菊に關する調査 | |
2000806231 | 商政標準 / 天野爲之著 | |
2000813157 | 将来之農業 / 町田金三郎遺稿 ; 新谷眞校訂 | |
2000812728 | 小作慣行ニ關スル資料 / 農務局調査 | |
2000812742 | 小作組合に關する調査 | |
2000812384 | 小作問題 / 気賀勘重著 | |
2000812754 | 小作爭議ノ影響ニ關スル調査 / 帝國農會[編] | |
2000818140 | 小作關係書類 | |
2000699698 | 小樽港史 : 小樽岩内間九郡史 : 完 / 高畑宜一著 | |
2000500280 | 小農に関する研究 / 横井時敬著 | |
2000812389 | 小農経済の原理 / チャヤノフ[著] ; 磯辺秀俊 , 杉野忠夫共訳 | |
2000812389 | 小農経済の原理 / チャヤノフ[著] ; 磯辺秀俊 , 杉野忠夫共訳 | |
2000806850 | 小學農書 / 吉田永二郎著 | 第1巻 |
2000806850 | 小學農書 / 吉田永二郎著 | 第2巻 |
2000817767 | 小麥説 | |
2001677884 | 昭和三年度北海道農會經費收支豫算 ; 昭和三年度北海道農會事業方法 ; 昭和三年度北海道農會經費分賦收入方法 ; 昭和三年度北海道農會特別會計札幌販賣斡旋所經費收支豫算 ; 昭和二年度北海道農會經費收支變更豫算 | |
2000812657 | 昭和農村論 / 菅菊太郎著 | |
2000817714 | 消息文鑑尺牘楷梯 | 巻之1 |
2000817714 | 消息文鑑尺牘楷梯 | 巻之2 |
2000788309 | 消費組合の經營 / 金井滿[著] . 米穀販賣組合/ 井上龜五郎[著] . 蔬菜果實の販賣組合 / 勝賀瀬質[著] | |
2000572174 | 上杉鷹山公ノ農政 / 斎藤圭助著 | |
2000811307 | 上川の米作 / 對馬雄一編 | |
2000812109 | 醸造法 / 川上善兵衛著 | |
2000573927 | 醸造用大麦論 / 藤田昌著 | |
2000574471 | 植栽樹種選定 / 北海道廳 [編] | |
2000574523 | 植産と石灰問題 / 田所哲太郎著 | |
2000810983 | 植産学研究 / 明峰正夫著 | |
2000806400 | 植物育種要説 / 寺尾博著 | |
2000573969 | 植物育成之新研究 / 鈴木力治著 | |
2000806398 | 植物生育論 / サミゥエル・ダブリウ・ヂョンソン著 ; 高山甚太郎,磯野徳三郎訳 | |
2000817847 | 植物生理學 | |
2000698657 | 植物通解 / グレー[著] ; 矢田部良吉[訳] | |
2000806853 | 植物博物館及植物園の話 / 白井光太郎編 | |
2000806395 | 植物營養論 / 稻垣乙丙著 | |
2000813373 | 殖鶏要書 : 全 / 武田惓吾編訳 | |
3000025949 | 殖民公報 / 北海道廳殖民部拓殖課 | 52-57 |
2000806894 | 殖民事業改訂要項 | |
2000811535 | 織物原料辣美実用新書 : 一名・苧麻栽培録 / 福島住一著 ; 田中節三郎閲 | |
2000566180 | 食品化學 / 田所哲太郎編 | |
2000570679 | 食品市場規則 | |
2000813368 | 食用家禽飼養法要略 / [植木音太郎著] | |
2000811043 | 食用作物各論 / 吉川祐輝著 | |
2000811764 | 食用作物栽培要説 : 全 / 原田友作著 | |
2000818717 | 食糧問題ト畜産トノ關係 | |
2000788395 | 信用組合経営 / 佐藤寛次[著] . 産業組合法令問答百餘題 ; 日本産業組合法改正史 / 濱田道之助[著] | |
2000814611 | 新潟縣北蒲原郡是 | |
2000814912 | 新冠御料牧塲事業報告 | 第2期之部 |
2000775957 | 新式草花の栽培 | |
2000813328 | 新種牛図譜 / 西川勝藏序 ; 根岸錬吉著 | |
2000699092 | 新撰畜産教科書 / 里正義著 | |
2000503305 | 新撰日本農業書 / 森要太郎著 | 下巻 |
2000503305 | 新撰日本農業書 / 森要太郎著 | 上巻 |
3000028064 | 新撰農業講義 | 4-12,附録 |
2000808210 | 新定農業書 / 槙忠一郎著 | 下巻 |
2000808210 | 新定農業書 / 槙忠一郎著 | 上巻 |
2000812772 | 新農業觀 : 農業者の功績と國民の責務 / ヘンリー・ワーレス著 ; 菅菊太郎譯 | |
2000813517 | 新編桑及蠶 / 針塚長太郎, 金子昌太郎共著 | |
2000813588 | 森林ノ増殖 / 北海道廳 [編] | |
2000815090 | 森林保存ニ關スル事 / 北海道廳 [編] | |
2000573958 | 浸水ト農作物 / 農商務省農務局 [編] | |
2000811325 | 人参栽培製藥法 : 附・薄荷栽製法 / 初瀬川健増著 | |
2000816867 | 水稲純系淘汰試驗過報告 / 新潟縣農事試驗場 [編] | 其1: 大正4年度 |
2000811551 | 水戸烟艸栽培法 / 豊田幸延著 | |
2000810916 | 水稻主要病害第一次發生と其の綜合防除法 / 伊藤誠哉著 | |
2000805422 | 杉山報徳社創立五十年祝典記 | |
2000815348 | 世界に於けるバナゝ業 / 臺灣總督府民政部殖産局 [編] | |
2000815348 | 世界に於けるバナゝ業 / 臺灣總督府民政部殖産局 [編] | |
2000806049 | 世界に於ける小麥事情 / 農林省農務局[編] | |
2000574772 | 世界の名馬種アラーブ新論 / 山内義人著 | |
2000806075 | 世界果物調査資料 | |
2000818221 | 世界各國ニ於ケル農作物作况調査方式 / 農務局 [編] | |
2000814273 | 世界糖業調査資料 / 臺灣總督府殖産局 [編] | |
2000574726 | 世界之産牛 / 井口賢三著 | |
2000812712 | 成功せる農村振興策 / 折目六右衛門著 | |
2000804978 | 政治・法律 | |
2000571289 | 清韓實業觀 / 農商務省農務局 [編] | |
2000817841 | 清國河南省農業状態調査書 / 津村哲四郎調査 | |
2000811570 | 生産消費薄荷之栞 : 全 / 桑田林太郎著 ; 管正懿校閲 | |
2000812714 | 生産道案内 / 小幡篤次郎譯述 | 巻之下 |
2000812714 | 生産道案内 / 小幡篤次郎譯述 | 巻之上 |
2000009526 | 生物物理化学試験法 / 田所哲太郎著 | |
2000575046 | 生物學的乳汁檢査法 / 里正義, 小華和忠士共著 | |
2000809912 | 生藥學 / [アルベルト・ウィカンド著] ; 大井玄洞譯述 | |
2000814295 | 製葛録, 1巻 / 大蔵永常著 | |
2000807931 | 製茶篇 : 全 / 高橋橘樹編 | |
2001677874 | 製繩機及製莚機に關する調査 / 北海道農會[編] | |
2001651237 | 西洋果菜調理法 / 岡勇譯述 ; 廣川慶三郎彫畫 | |
2000807599 | 西洋酒醸造篇 / 矢部規矩治編 | |
2000815000 | 西洋野菜甘藍栽培篇 / 惹爾地孫(チャールス・シー・ジョールジソン)口述 ; 大町信筆記 | |
2000809824 | 青森縣主催第五回陸羽區實業大會報告書 | |
2000817232 | 青森縣地主懇談會記事 | |
2000811593 | 青森縣之林檎 / 石橋兵次郎 ; 青森縣林檎販路擴張會篇 | |
2000814956 | 青森縣苹果減収ノ原因及其救濟策 / 青森縣立農事試驗塲 [編] | |
2000809342 | 静岡縣農業要覽 | |
2000811779 | 石川縣園藝要鑑 / 石川縣農會 [編] | |
2000815089 | 赤井川村産業計畫書 | |
2000788354 | 先駆者思想家の列伝集 ; 産業組合外国論文集 / 濱田道之助[ほか]執筆 | |
2000814462 | 千島と北洋 : 北方富源開発策 / 北海道協会編 | |
2000814462 | 千島と北洋 : 北方富源開発策 / 北海道協会編 | |
2000560841 | 千島北洋開發期成招待會紀要 / [北海道廳, 北海道協會編] | |
2001677964 | 戦後準備に關する告諭 / 北海道廳 [編] | |
2001677964 | 戦後準備に關する告諭 / 北海道廳 [編] | |
2001677964 | 戦後準備に關する告諭 / 北海道廳 [編] | |
2001677964 | 戦後準備に關する告諭 / 北海道廳 [編] | |
2000573942 | 前田農塲經營一斑 / 竹内静勝編輯 | |
2000575488 | 全通記念寫眞帖 : 根室線・名寄線・増毛線 / 鐵道省北海道建設事務所 [編] | |
2000814587 | 全羅道郡山の巻 : 併合記念 | |
2000817200 | 全羅北道の林業 | |
2000753511 | 全羅北道要覽 | 昭和6年 |
2000816407 | 全國製絲工場調査表 | 第4次 |
2001573031 | 組合之要針 : 大會決議要項 / 産業組合中央會 [編] | |
2000813306 | 創立十年畜産試驗場要覽 | |
2000811608 | 草木育種 / 阿部櫟齋著 | 後編 巻之下 |
2000811608 | 草木育種 / 阿部櫟齋著 | 後編 巻之上 |
2000711882 | 草木育種 / 岩崎灌園著 | 巻之下 |
2000711882 | 草木育種 / 岩崎灌園著 | 巻之上 |
2000808255 | 草木六部耕種法, 20巻 / 佐藤信淵著 | 巻之1 |
2000808255 | 草木六部耕種法, 20巻 / 佐藤信淵著 | 巻之11-12 |
2000808255 | 草木六部耕種法, 20巻 / 佐藤信淵著 | 巻之13 |
2000808255 | 草木六部耕種法, 20巻 / 佐藤信淵著 | 巻之14 |
2000808255 | 草木六部耕種法, 20巻 / 佐藤信淵著 | 巻之15-16 |
2000808255 | 草木六部耕種法, 20巻 / 佐藤信淵著 | 巻之17 |
2000808255 | 草木六部耕種法, 20巻 / 佐藤信淵著 | 巻之18 |
2000808255 | 草木六部耕種法, 20巻 / 佐藤信淵著 | 巻之19 |
2000808255 | 草木六部耕種法, 20巻 / 佐藤信淵著 | 巻之2 |
2000808255 | 草木六部耕種法, 20巻 / 佐藤信淵著 | 巻之20 |
2000808255 | 草木六部耕種法, 20巻 / 佐藤信淵著 | 巻之3 |
2000808255 | 草木六部耕種法, 20巻 / 佐藤信淵著 | 巻之4 |
2000808255 | 草木六部耕種法, 20巻 / 佐藤信淵著 | 巻之5-6 |
2000808255 | 草木六部耕種法, 20巻 / 佐藤信淵著 | 巻之7 |
2000808255 | 草木六部耕種法, 20巻 / 佐藤信淵著 | 巻之8 |
2000808255 | 草木六部耕種法, 20巻 / 佐藤信淵著 | 巻之9-10 |
2000808144 | 増毛線建設概要 / 鐵道省北海道建設事務所 [編] | |
2000574531 | 造林學 / 臼杵永次郎著 | |
2000574478 | 造林學各論 / 本多静六著 | 第5編 |
2000812127 | 造林經營大要 / 玉利長助著 | |
2000816422 | 袖珍増訂北海道通覽 : 附全道略圖 / 村尾元長著 | |
2000808148 | 打狗築港 | |
2000815899 | 台湾甘蔗害虫編 : 付・益虫編 / 松村松年著 | |
2000809335 | 大阪府農事概要 / 大阪府内務部(編) | 昭和3年 |
2000817856 | 大正三年五月地方長官會議ニ於ケル一木文相訓示要領 | |
2000574495 | 大正肥料學教科書 / 中尾節藏著 | |
2000808405 | 大典記念講演集 | |
2000573399 | 大典記念帝國農業史要 / 左子清道編 ; 三上參次閲 | |
2000573399 | 大典記念帝國農業史要 / 左子清道編 ; 三上參次閲 | |
2000810900 | 大典記念鑛煙に關する論文集 / [鏑木徳二ほか著] | |
2000574238 | 大豆及其他ノ豆類ニ關スル調査 / 農商務省農務局 [編] | |
2000806064 | 大豆其他ノ豆類ニ關スル調査 / 農商務省農務局 [編] | |
2000810863 | 大日本簡易排水法 / 中井太一郎著 | |
2000571541 | 大日本帝國土性略圖 / 農商務省地質調査所 | |
3000017317 | 大日本農会報告 / 大日本農会 | 14-18 |
2000812822 | 大日本農政史 : 大日本農政類編 / 農商務省農務局纂訂 ; 農林省著 | |
2000808523 | 大日本農會成蹟書 | |
3000011176 | 大日本農會報 | 244-256 |
2001677868 | 大日本麦酒株式会社札幌工場要覧 / 大日本麥酒[編] | |
2000811257 | 大日本稻作要法 / 中井太一郎著 | 前篇 |
2001676111 | 大日本麥酒株式會社概覽 | |
2000759363 | 大陸を耕す : 滿蒙の農業と移民 / 萩原昌彦著 | |
2000570676 | 大禮記念逓信事業要覽 / 大阪逓信局 [編] | |
2000817765 | 大麥説 | 下 |
2000817765 | 大麥説 | 上 |
2001678088 | 第7回北海道畜産聨合共進會第1回北海道緬羊共進會審査申告並擬賞名簿 | |
2000808834 | 第一陳列館陳列品解説 / 北海道農事試驗場 [編] | |
2000703429 | 第五回内国勧業博覧会審査報告 / 第5回内国勧業博覧会事務局編 | 第1部 巻之1 |
2000703429 | 第五回内国勧業博覧会審査報告 / 第5回内国勧業博覧会事務局編 | 第1部 巻之10 |
2000703429 | 第五回内国勧業博覧会審査報告 / 第5回内国勧業博覧会事務局編 | 第1部 巻之11 |
2000703429 | 第五回内国勧業博覧会審査報告 / 第5回内国勧業博覧会事務局編 | 第1部 巻之12 |
2000703429 | 第五回内国勧業博覧会審査報告 / 第5回内国勧業博覧会事務局編 | 第1部 巻之13 |
2000703429 | 第五回内国勧業博覧会審査報告 / 第5回内国勧業博覧会事務局編 | 第1部 巻之14 |
2000703429 | 第五回内国勧業博覧会審査報告 / 第5回内国勧業博覧会事務局編 | 第1部 巻之15 |
2000703429 | 第五回内国勧業博覧会審査報告 / 第5回内国勧業博覧会事務局編 | 第1部 巻之2 |
2000703429 | 第五回内国勧業博覧会審査報告 / 第5回内国勧業博覧会事務局編 | 第1部 巻之3 |
2000703429 | 第五回内国勧業博覧会審査報告 / 第5回内国勧業博覧会事務局編 | 第1部 巻之4 |
2000703429 | 第五回内国勧業博覧会審査報告 / 第5回内国勧業博覧会事務局編 | 第1部 巻之5 |
2000703429 | 第五回内国勧業博覧会審査報告 / 第5回内国勧業博覧会事務局編 | 第1部 巻之6 |
2000703429 | 第五回内国勧業博覧会審査報告 / 第5回内国勧業博覧会事務局編 | 第1部 巻之7 |
2000703429 | 第五回内国勧業博覧会審査報告 / 第5回内国勧業博覧会事務局編 | 第1部 巻之8 |
2000703429 | 第五回内国勧業博覧会審査報告 / 第5回内国勧業博覧会事務局編 | 第1部 巻之9 |
2000571542 | 第五回内國勸業博覽會出品説明書 / 農商務省肥料砿物調査所 [編] | |
2001677928 | 第五囘関東東北北海道道府縣農會聯合會報告書 | |
2000704456 | 第五囘内國勸業博覽會出品物説明書 | |
2000704456 | 第五囘内國勸業博覽會出品物説明書 | |
2000807734 | 第三回内國勧業博覧會審査報告 | 第3部 農業 |
2000807730 | 第四回(明治廿八年)内国勧業博覧会審査報告 | 第3部 下 |
2000807730 | 第四回(明治廿八年)内国勧業博覧会審査報告 | 第3部 上 |
2000807738 | 第四回内国勧業博覧会事務報告 | |
2001677912 | 第十二回全國園藝大會報告 | |
2001677880 | 第二期北海道拓殖計畫ニ關スル陳情書 ; 昭和三年度地方費補助願書 / 北海道農會 [編] | |
2001677880 | 第二期北海道拓殖計畫ニ關スル陳情書 ; 昭和三年度地方費補助願書 / 北海道農會 [編] | |
2000810836 | 第二次米種改良事業 / 臺中廳農會 [編] | 第2輯: [大正4年度] |
2000810836 | 第二次米種改良事業 / 臺中廳農會 [編] | 第3輯: 大正5年度 |
2000810836 | 第二次米種改良事業 / 臺中廳農會 [編] | 第4輯: 大正6年度 |
2000805442 | 第二拓地殖民要録 / 北海道廳第五部殖民課[編] | |
2000808838 | 第二陳列館陳列品解説 / 北海道農事試驗場 [編] | |
2001541218 | 拓殖計畫改訂ニ關スル要望 / 北海道農會 [編] | |
2000760805 | 拓務省統計概要 | 第3囘 |
2000395089 | 拓務要覧 / 拓務省拓務大臣官房文書課編 | 昭和6年版 |
2000808506 | 地主子弟講習録 | |
2001677942 | 地方産業行政講義(摘要) | |
2000817731 | 地方調法記 / 市野節義校 | |
2000808868 | 地方農事試驗場長協議會講演集 | |
2000811011 | 地力増進の方法と理論 / 吉村清尚著 | |
2001564974 | 智利硝石其他こやしのやりかた / 智利硝石普及會日本本部編 | |
2001573068 | 智利硝石肥料價格論 / 智利硝石普及會東洋本著 | |
2000806185 | 智利硝石礦業概説 / フランシスコ・リーヴァス・ヴイクーニャ著 | |
2000574724 | 畜牛之鑑定 / 井口賢三著 | |
2000813241 | 畜産各論 / 田口晋吉著 | |
2000574761 | 畜産業視察復命書 | |
2001677931 | 畜産現状調査會經過報告書 / 北海道畜産組合聯合會[編] | |
2000574710 | 畜産博覽會報告 / 中央畜産會著 | |
2000813239 | 畜産汎論 / 高見長恒著 | |
2000812199 | 畜産學 / 井口賢三著 | |
2000698654 | 畜産學教科書 / 里正義著 | 各論 |
2000698654 | 畜産學教科書 / 里正義著 | 汎論 |
2000362209 | 畜産學講義 / 北海道畜産協會編 | 下巻 |
2000362209 | 畜産學講義 / 北海道畜産協會編 | 上巻 |
2000810322 | 畜力利用講義 | |
2001573059 | 窒素問題解決諸法ニ對スル批評 / [ウィルヘルム・ラビアス著] ; 智利硝石普及會日本本部訳 | |
2000574237 | 茶業ニ關スル調査 / 農商務省農務局 [編] | |
2000811542 | 茶業概覽 / 農商務省農務局[編] | |
2000814239 | 茶業必要, 2巻 / 上林熊次郎, 江口高廉編 | 下 |
2000814239 | 茶業必要, 2巻 / 上林熊次郎, 江口高廉編 | 上 |
2000811846 | 茶業要覽 / 農商務省農務局編 | |
2000814215 | 茶事試験報告 / 農商務省農務局 [編] | 第1次 |
2000814215 | 茶事試験報告 / 農商務省農務局 [編] | 第1次 |
2000835749 | 茶事試驗成績 / 静岡縣立農事試驗塲 [編] | 第3報 |
2000815888 | 中等教科作物各論 : 食用作物篇 / 前川十郎著 | |
2000810109 | 中等教科農業經濟學 : 全 / 渡邊侃著 | |
2000698277 | 中等植物學教科書 / 白井光太郎著 | [正] |
2000573377 | 丁抹の農業 / 北海道畜牛研究會 [編] | |
2000573629 | 丁抹農業論 / 臺灣總督府殖産局 [編] | |
2000366886 | 朝鮮に於ける現行小作及管理契約證書實例集 / 朝鮮総督府殖産局農務課編 | |
2000606770 | 朝鮮に於ける施設の一斑 | |
2000810319 | 朝鮮の在來農具 / 朝鮮総督府勸業模範場[編] | |
2000807517 | 朝鮮の産業 / 朝鮮總督府編 | |
2000348320 | 朝鮮の小作慣行(時代と慣行) | |
2000780167 | 朝鮮の水利組合 / 朝鮮總督府土地改良部編 | |
2000758913 | 朝鮮の農業 | [大正15年] |
2000758913 | 朝鮮の農業 | 昭和7年 |
2000813497 | 朝鮮の繭に就て / 朝鮮總督府殖産局 [編] | [昭和6年5月] |
2000812684 | 朝鮮ニ於ケル小作ニ關スル法令 | |
2000811132 | 朝鮮ニ於ケル稻ノ優良品種分布普及ノ状況 / 朝鮮總督府勸業模範場 [編] | |
2000560822 | 朝鮮興業株式會社二十五年誌 / 朝鮮工業株式會社編纂 | |
2001038004 | 朝鮮産米の研究 / 田所哲太郎著 | 第1-2號 |
3000011264 | 朝鮮総督府獣疫血清製造所研究報告 / 朝鮮総督府獣疫血清製造所 | 3 |
2000810825 | 朝鮮土地改良事業要覧 / 朝鮮總督府土地改良部 [編] | 昭和5年度 |
2000573389 | 朝鮮農業概説 / 農商務省農務局調査 | |
2000805653 | 朝鮮問題を通して見たる滿蒙問題 : 附・其提案 / 崔棟著 | |
3000026573 | 調査彙纂 / 北海道拓殖銀行 | 1(1) |
3000026573 | 調査彙纂 / 北海道拓殖銀行 | 1(2) |
3000026573 | 調査彙纂 / 北海道拓殖銀行 | 1(3) |
3000026573 | 調査彙纂 / 北海道拓殖銀行 | 2(1) |
3000026573 | 調査彙纂 / 北海道拓殖銀行 | 3(1) |
2000814630 | 長崎縣事業要覽 / 長崎縣 [編] | 大正5年 |
2000816902 | 長崎縣水稻品種調査 / 長崎縣立農事試驗塲 [編] | |
2000572009 | 鳥取高等農業學校創立十周年記念論文集 / 鳥取高等農業學校編 | |
2000806435 | 鳥類の脚気様疾病に関する研究並に白米の食品としての価値 | |
2000808917 | 陳列品目録 | |
2000818725 | 通常總會 / 北海道農會 [編] | 第40囘 |
2000817247 | 通常總會決議録 / 北海道農會 [編] | 第47回 |
2000816440 | 通俗燕麥栽培法 / 鈴木鼎, 吉田敏共著 | |
2000811618 | 通俗菓園法 : 附蔬菜改良法 / 青柳浩二郎著 ; 玉利喜造校閲 | |
2000812868 | 通俗農家副業全書 / 荘司力松 [ほか] 著 | 巻1 |
2000812868 | 通俗農家副業全書 / 荘司力松 [ほか] 著 | 巻2 |
2000571977 | 通俗農業講話 / 青木信一講述 | |
2000810845 | 通俗農用種子學 / 横井時敬著 | |
2000517369 | 通俗經濟文庫 / 日本經濟叢書刊行會編纂 | 第10巻 |
2000517369 | 通俗經濟文庫 / 日本經濟叢書刊行會編纂 | 第11巻 |
2000517369 | 通俗經濟文庫 / 日本經濟叢書刊行會編纂 | 第12巻 |
2000517369 | 通俗經濟文庫 / 日本經濟叢書刊行會編纂 | 第1巻 |
2000517369 | 通俗經濟文庫 / 日本經濟叢書刊行會編纂 | 第2巻 |
2000517369 | 通俗經濟文庫 / 日本經濟叢書刊行會編纂 | 第3巻 |
2000517369 | 通俗經濟文庫 / 日本經濟叢書刊行會編纂 | 第4巻 |
2000517369 | 通俗經濟文庫 / 日本經濟叢書刊行會編纂 | 第5巻 |
2000517369 | 通俗經濟文庫 / 日本經濟叢書刊行會編纂 | 第6巻 |
2000517369 | 通俗經濟文庫 / 日本經濟叢書刊行會編纂 | 第7巻 |
2000517369 | 通俗經濟文庫 / 日本經濟叢書刊行會編纂 | 第8巻 |
2000517369 | 通俗經濟文庫 / 日本經濟叢書刊行會編纂 | 第9巻 |
2000808716 | 帝国農会要覧 | |
3000046761 | 帝室博物館年報 | 4 |
2000808694 | 帝國農會諸規則 | |
2000817238 | 帝國農會總會議事速記録 / 帝國農會 [編] | 大正3年度 |
2000492020 | 提要造林學 / 本多静六著 | |
2000143443 | 泥炭地改良及泥炭利用論 / 時任一彦著 | |
2000571538 | 天気豫報論 / 中川源三郎著 | |
2000560589 | 天業恢弘論 / 山田政一著 | |
2000814323 | 天然藍ニ關スル調査 / 農商務省農務局 [編] | |
2000818233 | 天明癸卯年所々騒動留書 | |
2000573607 | 甜菜糖業の發達と其保護政策 / 北海道廳産業部 [編] | |
2000814301 | 澱粉 / 恒田嘉文編 | |
2000814291 | 澱粉製法及製粉 / 河南休男著 | |
2000574253 | 田中式水田改良開鑿法 / 田中市太郎著 | |
2000808014 | 田中芳男君七六展覽會記念誌 / 大日本山林會編纂 | |
2000810901 | 田圃害蟲新説 / 服部徹著 | |
2000810981 | 田圃驅蟲實驗録 : 全 / 梅原寛重著 | |
2000814863 | 登録報告 | 第1號 |
2000817888 | 土壌論 | |
2000809872 | 土地開發事業實施概況 | |
2001677905 | 土地開發事業實施概況 / 北海道廳 [編] | |
2000808987 | 土地開發例規 | |
2000810380 | 土壤改良篇 : 全 / 中山鼎著 ; 大橋新太郎編輯 | |
2000573965 | 土壤学 : 農業原理 / 尾泉良太郎著 | |
2000810356 | 土壤學講義 / 大工原銀太郎著 | 中巻 |
2000742531 | 土壤學提要 / 吉井豐造著 | |
3000077376 | 島根農事試驗場成績 / 島根縣立農事試驗場 [編] | 33-36 |
2000809020 | 島根縣産業計画畫設定の經過 | |
2000809029 | 島根縣産業計画畫參考書 | |
3000026182 | 東京興農雜誌 / 東京興農雜誌社 | 1(1-3,5-11) |
2000808955 | 東京府立農事試驗場要覽 | 大正2年 |
2000811708 | 東京附近本場作付蔬菜の栽培 / 河南休男編 | |
2000572003 | 東倶知安線建設概要 / 鐵道院北海道建設事務所 [編] | |
2000572186 | 東北帝國大學農科大學第二農場設計書 / 東北帝國大學農科大學農學第二講座 [編] | |
2000573410 | 東北帝國大學農科大學第六農場小作經營一覧 / 東北帝國大學農科大學[編] | |
2000709941 | 東北帝國大學農科大學苫小牧演習林事業概況 / 東北帝國大學農科大學演習林 [編] | |
3000026131 | 東北帝國大學農科大學農場事業報告概要 / 東北帝國大學農科大學 | 1 |
3000026131 | 東北帝國大學農科大學農場事業報告概要 / 東北帝國大學農科大學 | 2 |
3000026131 | 東北帝國大學農科大學農場事業報告概要 / 東北帝國大學農科大學 | 3 |
3000026131 | 東北帝國大學農科大學農場事業報告概要 / 東北帝國大學農科大學 | 42 |
3000026131 | 東北帝國大學農科大學農場事業報告概要 / 東北帝國大學農科大學 | 43 |
3000026131 | 東北帝國大學農科大學農場事業報告概要 / 東北帝國大學農科大學 | 44 |
2000573409 | 東北帝國大學農科大學農場成績報告 / 東北帝國大學農科大學編 | |
2000571516 | 東北區實業大會報告 / 北海道農會 [編] | 第8回 |
2001573070 | 東洋諸方面ニ於テ需要セラル、「バター」及豚肉加工品 | |
2000811716 | 桃の栽培 / 河村九淵著 | |
2000811716 | 桃の栽培 / 河村九淵著 | |
2000811716 | 桃の栽培 / 河村九淵著 | |
2000575055 | 糖業科事業成績概要 : 中央研究所農業部 / 臺灣總督府中央研究所 [編] | |
2000574739 | 糖業概覽 / 農商務省農務局[編纂] | [大正5年] |
2000574739 | 糖業概覽 / 農商務省農務局[編纂] | [大正8年] |
2000560550 | 統計大意講話筆記 / 高橋二郎述 ; 納谷直次郎記 | |
2000815009 | 藤野牧塲沿革誌 / 藤野四郎兵衞著 | |
2000814358 | 動力精米機比較審査成績 / 農林省農務局[編] | 昭和7年度 |
2000810339 | 動力製粉機比較審査成績 / 農林省農務局[編] | 昭和8年度 |
2000564046 | 道治一斑 / 北海道廳 [編] | |
2000573951 | 道府縣主要作物改良奬勵方法概要 / 農商務省農務局調査 | |
2000808690 | 道府縣農會技師技手講習會講演集 / 帝國農會 [編] | 第2回 |
2000572002 | 道府縣農會主任技師講習會講演集 / 帝國農會 [編] | 第1回 |
2000775727 | 道府縣副業調査 / 帝国農会編 | |
2000806045 | 道米取引状況 | |
2000815933 | 道廳府縣に於ける米麥品種改良事業要覽 / 農商務省農務局 [編] | 大正6年度 |
2000815965 | 特殊原野開發資料 / 北海道廳 [編] | 第1輯 |
2000806814 | 特別表彰産業組合事績 / 産業組合中央會編 | 第14囘 大正15年6月 |
2000816565 | 特別報告栃木縣ノ大麻 / 農商務省農務局 [編] | |
2000817110 | 特有作物論 | 第1篇 |
2000817110 | 特有作物論 | 第2篇 |
2000811624 | 特有農産物調査 / [福岡縣立農事試驗塲編] | [大正4年4月] |
2000573968 | 特用作物教科書 : 全 / 大脇正諄著 | |
2000811022 | 特用作物論 : 全 / [本田幸介講述] | |
2000815018 | 栃木縣穀物檢査成績報告 / 栃木縣穀物檢査所 [編] | 大正14年度 |
2000732325 | 豚種改良事業 / 臺中廳農會 [編] | 第2輯: [大正5年度] |
2000732325 | 豚種改良事業 / 臺中廳農會 [編] | 第3輯: [大正6年度] |
2000732325 | 豚種改良事業 / 臺中廳農會 [編] | 第4輯: 大正7年度 |
2000712839 | 内國産穀菜果品一覽圖解 | 柿實之部 |
2000708095 | 内國勸業博覽會出品解説 / 南鷹次郎編輯 | 第4-5回 |
2000560353 | 内觀的研究説 / 玉利喜造著 | 巻1 |
2000816625 | 南松浦郡對馬島酸性土壤調査成績 / 長崎縣立農事試驗塲 [編] | |
2000534273 | 南米アルゼンチン / 大島喜一著 | |
2000813580 | 南洋ニ於ケル水産業調査書 / 拓務省拓務局[編] | |
2000703426 | 南滿洲ノ果樹栽培ニ關スル調査 | |
2000809314 | 南滿洲農業概況 | |
2000809314 | 南滿洲農業概況 | |
2000573945 | 南滿洲農村土地及農家經濟ノ研究 / 南滿洲鐵道株式會社地方部地方課 [編] | |
2000811229 | 南滿洲米作概況 / 南滿州鐡道株式會社地方部地方課[編] | 大正3年 |
2000811229 | 南滿洲米作概況 / 南滿州鐡道株式會社地方部地方課[編] | 大正3年 |
2000763757 | 南滿洲經濟調査資料 | 第1 |
2000813646 | 南滿洲鐵道案内 / 南滿洲鐵道株式會社 [編] | |
2000813646 | 南滿洲鐵道案内 / 南滿洲鐵道株式會社 [編] | |
2000808855 | 南滿洲鐵道株式會社産業試驗塲要覽 | 大正5年 |
2000808861 | 南滿洲鐵道株式會社農事試驗場要覽 / 南滿洲鐵道株式會社農事試驗場 [編] | 大正7年12月 |
2000576167 | 二宮翁研究 / 札幌農學校カメラ會著 ; 佐藤昌介序 ; 高岡熊雄校閲 | |
2000576167 | 二宮翁研究 / 札幌農學校カメラ會著 ; 佐藤昌介序 ; 高岡熊雄校閲 | |
2000560031 | 二宮尊徳遺稿 / 二宮尊親編 | |
2000560335 | 二宮尊徳報徳分度論 / 二宮尊親著 | |
2000815013 | 日高産馬共進會報告 ; 日高實業協會報告 / 日高産馬共進會日高實業協會委員編 | 第1回 |
3000055562 | 日米年鑑 = The Japanese American year book / 日米新聞社 | 5 |
3000055562 | 日米年鑑 = The Japanese American year book / 日米新聞社 | 7 |
2000815385 | 日本園藝史 / 白井光太郎箸 | |
2000573944 | 日本害蟲篇 / 松村松年著 | 下巻 |
2000573944 | 日本害蟲篇 / 松村松年著 | 上巻 |
2000835685 | 日本魚類圖説 / 藤田經信[ほか]著 | 第1巻 第2集 |
2000806891 | 日本昆蟲大圖鑑 / 松村松年著 | |
2000571287 | 日本昆蟲學 / 松村松年著 | |
2000806906 | 日本昆蟲學 / 松村松年著 | |
2000812155 | 日本山林副産物製造編 / 今川粛著 | |
2000811053 | 日本主要農作物耕種要綱 / 農商務省農務局編纂 | [1]普通作物 |
2000811053 | 日本主要農作物耕種要綱 / 農商務省農務局編纂 | [2]特用作物 |
2000811053 | 日本主要農作物耕種要綱 / 農商務省農務局編纂 | 第三編:特用作物続編 |
2000807596 | 日本酒醸造法 / 矢木久太郎編 | |
2000561787 | 日本植民論 / 東郷実[著] | |
2000808020 | 日本食志 : 一名日本食品滋養及沿革説 / 小鹿嶋果纂著 | |
2000814347 | 日本製麻史 / 高谷光雄著 | |
2000573371 | 日本地産論 / マキス・フェスカ述 ; 農商務省地質調査所 [編] | 通編 |
2000573371 | 日本地産論 / マキス・フェスカ述 ; 農商務省地質調査所 [編] | 特編上巻 |
2000814405 | 日本地誌略物産辯 / 床井弘, 齋藤時泰編 ; 榊原芳野訂 | 巻1 |
2000814405 | 日本地誌略物産辯 / 床井弘, 齋藤時泰編 ; 榊原芳野訂 | 巻2 |
2000814405 | 日本地誌略物産辯 / 床井弘, 齋藤時泰編 ; 榊原芳野訂 | 巻3 |
2000814405 | 日本地誌略物産辯 / 床井弘, 齋藤時泰編 ; 榊原芳野訂 | 巻4 |
2000515674 | 日本鉄道史 / 鉄道省編 | 下篇 |
2000515674 | 日本鉄道史 / 鉄道省編 | 上篇 |
2000515674 | 日本鉄道史 / 鉄道省編 | 中篇 |
2000779598 | 日本土地經濟論 / 角田啓司著 | |
2000813457 | 日本内地ニ於ケル主要食糧品需要供給ノ現在及将来 / 農商務省農務局調査 | |
2000503313 | 日本農業革新論 : 救農救國救民根本策 / 河村九淵著 | |
2000573972 | 日本農業地圖 / 帝國農會 著作 | 昭和3年版 |
2000812741 | 日本農村經濟の研究 / 高橋龜吉著 | |
2000812708 | 日本農民史語彙 : 日本農村の社会経済史に関する用語の通俗的説明 / 小野武夫編 | |
2000810349 | 日本馬耕新書 / 辻正章著 | |
2001094870 | 日本肥料全書 / 酒勾常明著 | |
2001224064 | 日本肥料全書 / 酒勾常明著 | |
2000813576 | 日本北方漁業論 / 今田清二 [著] | |
2000574256 | 日本牧羊問答 / 辻正章著 | |
2000575982 | 日本老農傳 / 大西伍一著 | |
3000027872 | 日本學術振興會年報 / 日本學術振興會 | 1 |
2000806175 | 日本學術振興會要覽 | 昭和9年 |
2000811237 | 日本稻作講義 / 永井威三郎著 | |
2000489855 | 日本經濟叢書 / 滝本誠一編 | 1 |
2000489855 | 日本經濟叢書 / 滝本誠一編 | 10 |
2000489855 | 日本經濟叢書 / 滝本誠一編 | 11 |
2000489855 | 日本經濟叢書 / 滝本誠一編 | 12 |
2000489855 | 日本經濟叢書 / 滝本誠一編 | 13 |
2000489855 | 日本經濟叢書 / 滝本誠一編 | 14 |
2000489855 | 日本經濟叢書 / 滝本誠一編 | 15 |
2000489855 | 日本經濟叢書 / 滝本誠一編 | 16 |
2000489855 | 日本經濟叢書 / 滝本誠一編 | 17 |
2000489855 | 日本經濟叢書 / 滝本誠一編 | 18 |
2000489855 | 日本經濟叢書 / 滝本誠一編 | 19 |
2000489855 | 日本經濟叢書 / 滝本誠一編 | 2 |
2000489855 | 日本經濟叢書 / 滝本誠一編 | 20 |
2000489855 | 日本經濟叢書 / 滝本誠一編 | 21 |
2000489855 | 日本經濟叢書 / 滝本誠一編 | 22 |
2000489855 | 日本經濟叢書 / 滝本誠一編 | 23 |
2000489855 | 日本經濟叢書 / 滝本誠一編 | 24 |
2000489855 | 日本經濟叢書 / 滝本誠一編 | 3 |
2000489855 | 日本經濟叢書 / 滝本誠一編 | 4 |
2000489855 | 日本經濟叢書 / 滝本誠一編 | 5 |
2000489855 | 日本經濟叢書 / 滝本誠一編 | 6 |
2000489855 | 日本經濟叢書 / 滝本誠一編 | 7 |
2000489855 | 日本經濟叢書 / 滝本誠一編 | 8 |
2000489855 | 日本經濟叢書 / 滝本誠一編 | 9 |
2000808812 | 日用品製造編 : 全 / 高橋橘樹編 | |
2000574725 | 乳牛の飼方 / 井口賢三著 | |
2000815061 | 農家益, [後編]3巻 / 大蔵永常著 | [後編]人之巻 |
2000815061 | 農家益, [後編]3巻 / 大蔵永常著 | [後編]地之巻 |
2000815061 | 農家益, [後編]3巻 / 大蔵永常著 | [後編]天之巻 |
2000808205 | 農家備要 / 河野剛著 | 前編 1 |
2000808205 | 農家備要 / 河野剛著 | 前編 2 |
2000808205 | 農家備要 / 河野剛著 | 前編 3 |
2000808205 | 農家備要 / 河野剛著 | 前編 4 |
2000808205 | 農家備要 / 河野剛著 | 前編 5 |
2000811632 | 農家必携 / 總生寛編 | 下 |
2000811632 | 農家必携 / 總生寛編 | 上 |
2000571979 | 農家必携農界便覧 / 新井友吉著 | |
2000808363 | 農家寳典 / 高橋久四郎編 | |
2000808353 | 農家寳典 / 高橋久四郎編 | |
2000812871 | 農家經濟の改造を目的とせる複式農業經營 / 五坪茂雄著 | |
2000816605 | 農家經濟調査 / 帝國農會 [編] | 大正3年度 |
2000816605 | 農家經濟調査 / 帝國農會 [編] | 大正4年度 |
2000809798 | 農稼業事, 5巻 / 児島如水[著] | 1 |
2000809798 | 農稼業事, 5巻 / 児島如水[著] | 2 |
2000809798 | 農稼業事, 5巻 / 児島如水[著] | 3 |
2000809798 | 農稼業事, 5巻 / 児島如水[著] | 4 |
2000809798 | 農稼業事, 5巻 / 児島如水[著] | 5 |
2000573388 | 農界之大不平 / 田吾作, 杢兵衛合著 | |
2000807744 | 農業、森林及園藝 / 第四回内國勸業博覽會事務局[編] | 下巻 |
2000807744 | 農業、森林及園藝 / 第四回内國勸業博覽會事務局[編] | 補正:追加 訂正 取消 |
2000812922 | 農業化學 : 戎氏 / 戎斯頓(ジョンストン)著 ; 葛墨倫(カメロン)補 ; 片山遠平訳 | 下 |
2000812922 | 農業化學 : 戎氏 / 戎斯頓(ジョンストン)著 ; 葛墨倫(カメロン)補 ; 片山遠平訳 | 上 |
2000807805 | 農業館列品目録 / 田中芳男編 | |
2000807808 | 農業館列品目録 / 田中芳男編 | |
2000572163 | 農業気象學 / 中川源三郎著 | |
2000812377 | 農業金融 / 牧野輝智著 | |
2000561755 | 農業金融論 / 伊藤清蔵著 | |
2000805937 | 農業銀行論 | |
2000811005 | 農業三事 : 荷衣伯連氏法 / 津田仙著 | 下 |
2000811005 | 農業三事 : 荷衣伯連氏法 / 津田仙著 | 上 |
2000573918 | 農業種子學 / 明峰正夫著 | |
2000808323 | 農業新書 / 諏訪鹿三著 ; 振農會校閲 | 巻之下 |
2000808323 | 農業新書 / 諏訪鹿三著 ; 振農會校閲 | 巻之上 |
2000571988 | 農業須知 / 池田日升三著 | |
2000810867 | 農業水利慣行調査 | |
2000572143 | 農業政策 / [テオドール フライヘル フォン デル ゴルツ著] ; 長崎常訳 | |
2000571771 | 農業全書 / 宮崎安貞著述 ; 貝原樂軒補刪 | |
2000788331 | 農業倉庫業法 / 周東英雄[著] . 農業倉庫の經營 / 松元友助[著] | |
2000812905 | 農業倉庫經營理事者養成講習會講演集 / 帝國農會 [編] | 第1巻 |
2000812905 | 農業倉庫經營理事者養成講習會講演集 / 帝國農會 [編] | 第2巻 |
2000808160 | 農業大意 / 大橋又太郎編 | |
2000571980 | 農業大辭書 / 大日本百科辭書編輯部編 | 第1巻 |
2000571980 | 農業大辭書 / 大日本百科辭書編輯部編 | 第2巻 |
2000812378 | 農業土地問題 / 橋本伝左衛門著 | |
3000059088 | 農業統計表 / 朝鮮總督府 | 5 |
2000808935 | 農業年鑑 / 「國勢グラフ」編輯部 | 昭和14年 |
2000812770 | 農業能率の増進 / 上野陽一述 | |
2000572011 | 農業汎論 : 全/ 横井時敬著 | |
2000808328 | 農業百科 / 渡部太郎著 | |
2000812847 | 農業補習學校教授細目及要項 : 全 / 文部省實業學務局 [編] | |
2000812669 | 農業報徳論 / 矢崎亥八著 | |
2000503306 | 農業本論 / 新渡戸稻造著 | |
2000808344 | 農業問答集 / 加藤木保次編 | |
2000434494 | 農業問答集 / 加藤木保次編 | |
2000806819 | 農業實習の友 / 興文社編纂 | |
2000812875 | 農業經營と農政 / 岡田温著 | |
2000815213 | 農業經營設計書 / 北海道農會 [編] | |
2000815132 | 農業經營設計要項 / 北海道農會 [編] | |
2000815132 | 農業經營設計要項 / 北海道農會 [編] | |
2000815067 | 農業經營調査 / 静岡縣農會 [編] | 大正13年度 |
2000812374 | 農業經濟 / 河田嗣郎著 | |
2000573609 | 農業經濟篇 / 今關常次郎著 | |
2000572193 | 農業經濟學 / 横井時敬, 澤邨真合著 | |
2000573604 | 農業經濟學原論 / トーマス・ニクソン・カーバー著 ; 菅菊太郎, 奥田彧共訳 | |
2000571748 | 農業總論 / 明峰正夫著 | |
2000806828 | 農業讀本 / 横井時敬著 | 下 |
2000806828 | 農業讀本 / 横井時敬著 | 上 |
2000573392 | 農業關係重要品輸出入累年對照表 | [大正3年] |
2000573392 | 農業關係重要品輸出入累年對照表 | [大正5年] |
2000812365 | 農業餘話抄 / [小西篤好著] | |
2000813592 | 農桑提要 | |
2000573930 | 農桑提要 / 北海道廳 [編] | |
2000571001 | 農作物生理學 / 堀正太郎著 | |
2000709809 | 農作物病菌害蟲驅除豫防奨勵ニ關スル参考資料 / 農務局編纂 | |
2000573937 | 農作物病理學 / 出田新著 | |
2000813112 | 農産製造篇 : 全 / 今関常次郎著 | |
2000813629 | 農産製造學 / 楠巖編 | |
2000813104 | 農産製造實習書 / 三田智大著 | |
2000813102 | 農産製造實習書 / 三田智大著 | |
2000815280 | 農産物ノ販路ニ關スル調査報告 | 第1編 |
2000815280 | 農産物ノ販路ニ關スル調査報告 | 第2編 |
2000573380 | 農事顧問 / 北海タイムス社編 | |
2000969879 | 農事試験年報 / 臺中州農會 | 大正10年度 |
2000969879 | 農事試験年報 / 臺中州農會 | 大正11年度 |
3000060637 | 農事試驗年報 / 臺中州立農事試驗場 | 12 |
3000060637 | 農事試驗年報 / 臺中州立農事試驗場 | 13 |
3000060637 | 農事試驗年報 / 臺中州立農事試驗場 | 14 |
2000815153 | 農事電化 | |
2000812931 | 農場化学 / ワリントン著 ; 森要太郎訳 | |
2000810758 | 農場整備論 / モルトン等著 ; 今外三郎訳 | |
2000810311 | 農場利益分配の事例 / 農商務省農務局編纂 | |
2000364896 | 農政と經濟 : 北海道帝國大學教授法學博士農學博士高岡熊雄先生在職卅五年紀念論文集 / 渡邊侃編 | |
2000818091 | 農政研究會ニ於ケル演説ノ要領 / 河島醇編 [著] | |
2000500008 | 農政學 / デル・ゴルツ著 ; 高岡熊雄訳 | |
2000572150 | 農政學 / 石坂橘樹著 | |
2001516247 | 農聖石川翁を語る | |
2000809383 | 農村の視察 / 對馬雄一編輯 | [第1回] |
2000809383 | 農村の視察 / 對馬雄一編輯 | [第3回] |
2000809383 | 農村の視察 / 對馬雄一編輯 | 第2回 |
2000812655 | 農村は何処へ行く / 稲村隆一著 | |
2000812878 | 農村教育の新研究 / 帝國教育會編 | |
2000812878 | 農村教育の新研究 / 帝國教育會編 | |
2000697819 | 農村教育論 / 山崎延吉著 | |
2000812656 | 農村計劃 / 山崎延吉著 | |
2000812679 | 農村厚生問題 / 石坂橘樹著 | |
2000812373 | 農村財政 / 清水長郷著 | |
2000812371 | 農村自治 / 小橋一太著 | |
2000812670 | 農村自治之研究 / 山崎延吉著 | |
2000812736 | 農村社會に於ける主要問題 / 太田利一著 | |
2000812370 | 農村社會問題 / 那須皓著 | |
2000413486 | 農村社會問題と教育 / 田淵藤藏著 | |
2000816358 | 農村振興之根本策 : 醱酵素應用肥料使用法 / 河村九淵著 | |
2000816358 | 農村振興之根本策 : 醱酵素應用肥料使用法 / 河村九淵著 | |
2000572187 | 農村的優良事業の方法成績 : 東三五郡市農會主催産業資料展覽會出品 / 豊橋市農會編 | |
2000812383 | 農村副業問題 / 小平権一著 | |
2000812663 | 農村問題と社會理想 / 那須皓著 | |
2000812665 | 農村問題と青年 / 櫻田丑雄述 | |
2000572149 | 農村問題と其將來 / 稻田昌植著 | |
2000572156 | 農村問題と對策 / 河田嗣郎著 | |
2000812819 | 農村問題根本對策座談會 | 第1回 |
2000812819 | 農村問題根本對策座談會 | 第2回 |
2000812678 | 農村經營調査 / 静岡縣農會 [編] | 昭和元年度 |
2000805170 | 農夫としての釋尊 / 東武著 | |
2000809176 | 農牧林業及物産 : 附運輸交通 / 大林雄也編輯 | |
2000818186 | 農民◆◆醒の機 / 南鷹次郎著 | |
2000810329 | 農用器具學 / 西村栄十郎著 | |
2000815158 | 農用電氣學及電化機具 | |
2001573048 | 農林省委託穀物簡易火力乾燥器懸賞募集成績概要 / 大日本農會 [編] | |
2001573046 | 農林省委託動力肥料配合機懸賞募集成績概要 / 大日本農會 [編] | |
2000808686 | 農會の為すべき事業の種類及範圍 | |
2000808304 | 農會ニ關スル調査 / 農林省農務局 [編] | 昭和2年7月 |
2000817872 | 農塲開設方法趣意書 / [北海道廳] | |
2000817878 | 農塲開設方法凖則 / [北海道廳] | |
3000067744 | 農學会討論集 / 京都帝國大學四明會 | 1 |
2000808219 | 農學教科書 / 武藤亥三郎著 | |
2000808155 | 農學大全 / 横井時敬 [ほか] 著 | |
2000808233 | 農學通論 : 中等教育 / 大内健著 | |
2000808173 | 農學入門 : 全 / 稲垣乙丙著 | |
2000808441 | 農學汎論 / 恩田鐵彌著 | |
2000889320 | 農學會報總目録 / 菊池潮榮編 | |
2000808877 | 農學實驗 / 加藤惠造著 | |
2000515274 | 農藝水産百科典 / 伊藤誠修編 | |
2000812914 | 農藝物理實験農學 / 稲垣乙丙著 | |
2000812075 | 播種造林試驗第一囘報告 / 臺灣總督府民政部殖産局 [編] | |
2000806653 | 波蘭瑞典視察復命書 | |
2000574773 | 馬匹改良論 / 安田伊左衛門著 | |
2000813299 | 馬匹飼養法騎乗法 : 完 / 小河猶興編著 | |
2000814733 | 馬匹普及意見 | |
2000811315 | 馬鈴薯 / 小林壽郎著 | |
2000814311 | 馬鈴薯貯蔵法 / 高橋偵造著 | |
2000815091 | 馬鈴薯澱粉ニ關スル調査 / 北海道廳内務部 [編] | |
2000759562 | 伯國アマゾナス州日本植民地地域劃定並植民計劃に關する調査報告書 / 外務省通商局編 | |
2000762189 | 伯國ゴヤス州産業調査報告書 / 拓務省拓務局[編] | |
2000762037 | 伯國マツト・グロツソ州産業調査報告書 / 拓務省拓務局[編] | |
2000806100 | 伯國現行改正新破産及和議法 / 拓務省拓務局訳編 | |
2000815847 | 舶来穀菜要覧 / 竹中卓郎編輯 | |
2001678082 | 薄荷の栽培法改善に就いて / 網走外三郡農會[編] | |
2000811344 | 麦品種論 / 武田総七郎著 | |
2000817696 | 櫨育口傳試百ケ絛 : 全 / 上田春荘著 | |
2000817866 | 八雲村徳川家農塲沿革略 / 徳川義親 [著] | |
2000573375 | 販路調査報告書 / 北海道廳 [編] | [比律賓ほか] |
2000573375 | 販路調査報告書 / 北海道廳 [編] | [臺灣] |
2000574497 | 肥料ニ關スル調査書 / 農商務省農務局 [編] | |
2000810882 | 肥料改良論 / 河村九淵著 | |
2000810882 | 肥料改良論 / 河村九淵著 | |
2000810882 | 肥料改良論 / 河村九淵著 | |
2000863020 | 肥料概况 / 北海道廰勸業部[編] | 大正13年 |
2000574510 | 肥料分析法 | 大正2年 |
2000810868 | 肥料篇 : 全 / 原熈著 ; 大橋新太郎編輯 | |
2000814333 | 肥料問題研究 / 佐藤寛次著 | |
2000810888 | 肥料學 / 木下義道著 | |
2000574507 | 肥料礦物調査報告 | 第2號 |
2000574507 | 肥料礦物調査報告 | 第3號 |
2000574507 | 肥料礦物調査報告 | 第4號 |
2000817896 | 美唄高位泥炭地試驗地三要素試驗成蹟 | |
2000817892 | 美唄泥炭地試験地事業成蹟概要 | |
2000817952 | 美濃国安八郡名森村大字南條及び外善光に於ける地割制度 / 奥田彧, 神馬仁太郎共著 | |
2000818077 | 美濃國安八郡名森村大字中村區の地割制度 / 奥田彧, 五島藤光共著 | |
2000807502 | 百合及除蟲菊栽培録 : 全 / 池田次郎吉編 | |
2000573931 | 病害蟲防除提要 / 北海道農事試驗場 [編] | |
2000816371 | 不良土改良試驗成績報告 / [福岡縣立農事試塲編] | 第3回 |
2000804985 | 婦人問題・時事問題・特別講座・一家一言・社會時評・及び雜纂 | |
2001037987 | 府縣(秋田)産米に關する研究 / 田所哲太郎著 | 第1-4號 |
2000573967 | 普通作物教科書 : 全 / 大脇正諄著 | |
2000805633 | 普魯西内國殖民制度 / 高岡熊雄著 | |
2000811871 | 葡萄種類説明 / 川上善兵衛著 | |
2000811873 | 葡萄種類説明 / 川上善兵衛著 | |
2000811863 | 葡萄提要 / 川上善兵衛著 | |
2000814685 | 福田大将傳 / 黒板勝美著 | |
2000574248 | 米の研究 / 田所哲太郎著 | 第2輯 |
2000574248 | 米の研究 / 田所哲太郎著 | 第3輯 |
2000816508 | 米の經濟陸稲栽培法 / 古在由直校閲序 ; 田村律之助, 久保田喜代太郎共著 | |
2000806085 | 米を中心とする根本社會政策 / 豊田劍陵著 | |
2000573952 | 米ニ關スル調査 | [正] |
2000573952 | 米ニ關スル調査 | 日本之部 |
2000707655 | 米ニ關スル調査書 | |
2000707655 | 米ニ關スル調査書 | |
2000722151 | 米ニ關スル經濟調査 / 鐵道省運輸局 [編] | |
2000814899 | 米穀改良に關する意見 / 平田信治編輯 | |
2000812705 | 米穀経済論 / 西垣恒矩著 | |
2000811676 | 米穀統計 / 農商務省食糧局編纂 | 世界ノ部 |
2000811676 | 米穀統計 / 農商務省食糧局編纂 | 第2次 日本之部 |
2000811676 | 米穀統計 / 農商務省食糧局編纂 | 日本ノ部 |
2000812381 | 米穀問題 / 上山満之進著 | |
2000574243 | 米穀論 / 大脇正諄著 | |
2000703567 | 米材乃栞 / 北海道帝國大學農學部演習林編 | |
2000573939 | 米作五石實収の研究 / 河村九淵, 手島新十郎共著 | |
2000811369 | 米作新論 : 全 / 酒勾常明著 | |
2000811363 | 米作新論 : 全 / 酒勾常明著 | |
2001677916 | 米生産費調査 | 昭和2年度産 |
2001677916 | 米生産費調査 | 昭和3年度産 |
2001677916 | 米生産費調査 | 昭和5年産米 |
2001677916 | 米生産費調査 | 昭和5年産米 |
2000813044 | 米麦品種改良ニ關スル参考資料 | |
2000817038 | 米八石麥十石取り多収穫法 / 佐藤染三郎述 | |
2000835683 | 米友協會會史 / [米友協會編輯] | |
2000572155 | 米糧問題懸賞論文集 / 森下博藥房 [編] | |
2000813309 | 米國改良種畜類 / 玉利喜造著 | |
2000815915 | 米國絹業一斑 / 農商務省生絲檢査所 [編] | |
2000816878 | 米麥ノ豊凶 / 愛知縣立農事試驗塲 [編] | 其1 |
2000811956 | 保安林ノ設定 | |
2000815164 | 報徳記 : 全 / 富田高慶述 | |
2000805149 | 報徳教と片平信明翁 : 一名杉山報徳社事蹟 / 中上信英著 | |
2000808756 | 奉天全省農業試驗場報告 | 第2冊 |
2000809259 | 奉天全省農業調査書 | 第1期第1冊 |
2000809259 | 奉天全省農業調査書 | 第1期第2冊 |
2000809259 | 奉天全省農業調査書 | 第1期第3冊 |
2000809259 | 奉天全省農業調査書 | 第1期第4冊 |
2000808770 | 奉天農業試驗場成績專報 | |
2000701906 | 蜂王國 : 一名養蜂眞髄 / 徳田義信著 | |
2000575230 | 北海誌料 : 増訂北海紀行 / 林顕三編纂 | |
2000812787 | 北海道に於ける各種農業經營 / 北海道農會 [編] | |
2000806040 | 北海道に於ける小作契約實例調査 | |
2000812792 | 北海道に於ける農家の副業 / 北海道農會 [編] | |
2000808027 | 北海道の除蟲菊 / 札幌鐵道局運輸課 [著] | |
2000573376 | 北海道の農業 / 北海道廳内務部 [編] | |
2000573376 | 北海道の農業 / 北海道廳内務部 [編] | |
2000811556 | 北海道の薄荷 / 北海道農産物檢査所 [編] | |
2000815275 | 北海道ニ於ケルサイロ及サイレージニ關スル調査 | |
2000573929 | 北海道ニ於ケル農場經營ノ實例 / 北海道廳産業部 [編] | |
2000477731 | 北海道ノ米 | |
2000811686 | 北海道ノ米ニ關スル調査 / 北海道廳産業部 [編] | [大正13年6月] |
2000811686 | 北海道ノ米ニ關スル調査 / 北海道廳産業部 [編] | 昭和5年11月 |
2001677890 | 北海道ノ米作 | |
2000805237 | 北海道移民必携 / 北海道協会支部編 | |
2000811385 | 北海道稲作法 / 齊藤謙吉著 | |
2001641781 | 北海道園藝概况 / 北海道廰勸業部[編] | |
2000700913 | 北海道燕麥生産代表者聯合會沿革史 / 若林功編 | |
2000574225 | 北海道果實品評會報告 / 北海道果樹協會編 | |
2000576373 | 北海道蝦夷語地名解 / 永田方正著 | 自第1至第3 |
2000806758 | 北海道開發三大要策 / 齋藤亨編輯 | |
2000573966 | 北海道害蟲編 / 岡本半次郎著 | |
2000701271 | 北海道凶作救濟會報告書 | |
2000562130 | 北海道金融史 / 北海道拓殖銀行著作 | |
2001677970 | 北海道工業立策漫論 : 北海道興業株式會社案建策 | |
2000814226 | 北海道産業資金論 / 田中清輔述 | |
2000126699 | 北海道産業組合及農業倉庫一班 / [産業組合中央會北海道支會編] | |
2000726733 | 北海道志 | 下 |
2000726733 | 北海道志 | 上 |
2000561422 | 北海道私見 / 近衛篤麿著 | |
2000818152 | 北海道自然草調査書 / [南鷹次郎著] | |
2000575216 | 北海道小誌 / 荒甚三郎編纂 | |
2000560836 | 北海道殖民地撰定報文 | 完 |
2000805584 | 北海道殖民論 / 河田鏻也著 | |
2000832288 | 北海道殖民圖解 / 北海道廳第五部拓殖課編 | 第3回 |
2000805436 | 北海道新拓殖計畫對案 | |
2000574483 | 北海道森林植物圖説 / 川上瀧彌著 ; 宮部金吾閲 | |
2000479307 | 北海道水産試験場要覧 | [1931] |
2000479307 | 北海道水産試験場要覧 | [1931] |
2000479307 | 北海道水産試験場要覧 | [1931] |
2000569351 | 北海道石狩國札幌郡琴似發寒村是調査 | |
2000569351 | 北海道石狩國札幌郡琴似發寒村是調査 | |
2000879525 | 北海道先史時代遺物展覽會陳列品目録 / 代田茂樹編 | 第1回 |
2000840382 | 北海道大學所属宅地處分に關する意見書 / 大學借地拂下期成會[編] | |
2000476095 | 北海道第一期拓殖計畫事業報文 / [北海道廳編] | |
2000806745 | 北海道第二次拓殖計畫案 | |
2000806691 | 北海道拓殖實習場十勝實習場第一回實習生感想録 | |
2000806245 | 北海道地質略説 / 神保小虎著 | |
2000809891 | 北海道地質略論 : 全 / 神保小虎述 | |
2000710270 | 北海道地質圖説明書 / 神保小虎述 | |
2000574717 | 北海道畜産之現况並將來 / 北海道廳産業部 [編] | |
2000574717 | 北海道畜産之現况並將來 / 北海道廳産業部 [編] | |
2000703577 | 北海道帝國大學農科大學農場事業概要 / 北海道帝國大學農科大學編 | |
2001642619 | 北海道帝國大學農學部主催通俗農藝活動寫真會講演録 | |
2000811913 | 北海道帝國大學農學部附屬雨龍演習林概要 | |
2000811921 | 北海道帝國大學農學部附屬天鹽第一演習林概要 | |
3000026575 | 北海道帝國大學農學部附屬農場事業報告概要 / 北海道帝國大學農學部附屬農場 | 2-5 |
2000708571 | 北海道帝國大學論集 / 阿由葉宗三郎編 | |
2000708571 | 北海道帝國大學論集 / 阿由葉宗三郎編 | |
2000477873 | 北海道道路誌 | |
2000811026 | 北海道特用作物 / 北海道農會 [編] | |
2000815105 | 北海道農家負擔調査 / 北海道農會 [編] | |
2000815105 | 北海道農家負擔調査 / 北海道農會 [編] | |
2000815111 | 北海道農家經濟調査 / 北海道農會 [編] | |
2000805310 | 北海道農業移民概況 | 第1次 |
2000560835 | 北海道農業手引草 | |
2000812698 | 北海道農業經營農家經濟調査集計成績 / 北海道農會 [編] | |
2000812698 | 北海道農業經營農家經濟調査集計成績 / 北海道農會 [編] | |
2000573378 | 北海道農業經營法一斑 | |
2000573383 | 北海道農業經營法要説 / 蛎崎知二郎著 | |
2000572148 | 北海道農事試驗場要覽 / 北海道農事試驗場 [編] | [明治44年7月] |
2000572146 | 北海道農事試驗報告 / 北海道廳著 | |
3000023273 | 北海道農事週報 | 11-13,15-33;1-3,5-31 |
2000813147 | 北海道農事統計要覽 / 北海道廳 [編] | |
2000813147 | 北海道農事統計要覽 / 北海道廳 [編] | |
2000862463 | 北海道農會主催甜菜多収穫共進會審査申告書 / 北海道農會[編] | 第2回 |
2001677862 | 北海道農會要覧 / 北海道農會 [編] | |
2000571987 | 北海道農會要録 / 北海道農會 [編] | [第1次] 明治39年 |
2000571987 | 北海道農會要録 / 北海道農會 [編] | [第1次] 明治39年 |
2000571987 | 北海道農會要録 / 北海道農會 [編] | 大正元年 |
2000571987 | 北海道農會要録 / 北海道農會 [編] | 第2次 明治43年 |
2000571280 | 北海道物産共進會事務及審査報告 / 北海道物産共進會 [編] | |
2000809031 | 北海道物産共進會報告 | [本編] |
2000809031 | 北海道物産共進會報告 | 附録 |
2000807767 | 北海道物産共進會報告 | |
2000807666 | 北海道物産共進會報告 : 完 | |
2000571514 | 北海道物産共進會參考品略評 / 協賛會 [編] | |
2000708568 | 北海道米作文献目録 / 北海道農事試驗場 [編] | |
2000523509 | 北海道牧畜提要 | |
2000562448 | 北海道要覽 | |
2001677959 | 北海道亞麻協會會則 | |
2000768762 | 北海道會史 / 今里準太郎著 | |
2000574715 | 北海道廳種畜場沿革誌 / 北海道廳著 | |
3000040942 | 北海道廳拓殖年報 / 北海道廳殖民部 [編] | 11 |
3000040942 | 北海道廳拓殖年報 / 北海道廳殖民部 [編] | 12 |
3000040942 | 北海道廳拓殖年報 / 北海道廳殖民部 [編] | 13 |
3000040942 | 北海道廳拓殖年報 / 北海道廳殖民部 [編] | 14 |
2000808819 | 北海道廳地方農事試驗塲事業報告 | 明治37年度 |
2000805217 | 北海道廳統計書 | 第11回 |
2000805217 | 北海道廳統計書 | 第6回 |
2000805217 | 北海道廳統計書 | 第7回 |
2000696656 | 北海道廳統計綜覧 / 北海道廳編 | |
2000572145 | 北海道廳農事試驗成蹟 / 北海道廳著 | [明治31年] |
2000572145 | 北海道廳農事試驗成蹟 / 北海道廳著 | [明治32年] |
2000806772 | 北海道廳廳治一斑 | 第5回 |
2000818260 | 北海道麥作概況 / 北海道廳殖民部農工課 [編] | |
2000702146 | 北海道朙治年鑑 / 荒甚三郎編輯 | |
2000571293 | 北海之利源 / 坂牛天民著 | |
2000347175 | 北樺太植物調査書 | |
2000817818 | 北部奥羽ノ稻作ニ就テ / 大脇正諄著 | |
2000560865 | 北門之鍵 : 移住案内 / 村尾元長著 | |
2000573963 | 牧草論 : 家畜改良 / 小川二郎著 | |
2000573963 | 牧草論 : 家畜改良 / 小川二郎著 | |
2000813318 | 牧野改善協議會報告 / 帝國馬匹協會 [編] | 第二回 |
2000813584 | 本島ニ於ケル海産物 : 生産、輸、移出入 / 臺灣總督府殖産局 [編] | |
2000814336 | 本島製紙業調査書 / 臺灣總督府民政部殖産局編 | |
2000814336 | 本島製紙業調査書 / 臺灣總督府民政部殖産局編 | |
2000813098 | 本邦ニ於ケル稻作主要期間ノ氣温及日照ニ關スル調査資料 / 農務局調査 | |
2000809158 | 本邦耕地ノ現今及將來 | |
2000788316 | 本邦産業組合定款竝諸規程集 / [産業組合]中央會調査部編 | |
2000572180 | 本邦自作農の状況 / 帝國農會 [編] | 1 |
2000390186 | 本邦農業要覧 / 農林省農務局編纂 | [昭和4年版] |
2000390186 | 本邦農業要覧 / 農林省農務局編纂 | [昭和6年版] |
2000390186 | 本邦農業要覧 / 農林省農務局編纂 | 昭和11年版 |
2000390186 | 本邦農業要覧 / 農林省農務局編纂 | 昭和9年版 |
2000575017 | 本邦蠶絲業と米國絹業 / 早川直瀬著 | |
2000811320 | 麻類の栽培 / 河村九淵著 | |
2000814659 | 満洲処分 : 附・清国の現状 / 加藤政之助著 | |
2000796256 | 満蒙と北洋 / 北海道協会編 | |
2000807639 | 満蒙産業政策確立ニ關スル意見書 / 大連商業會議所[編] | |
2000575064 | 蜜蜂 / 徳田義信著 | |
2000813471 | 蜜蜂 / 徳田義信著 | |
2000220106 | 無機及有機化合物定性分析表 / 田所哲太郎,有泉方松共著 | |
2000571797 | 名寄線建設概要 / 鐵道省北海道建設事務所 [編] | |
2000574236 | 明治園芸史 / 玉利喜造〔ほか〕合著 ; 日本園藝研究會編纂 | |
2000812767 | 明治大正農村經濟の變遷 / 高橋亀吉著 ; 東洋經濟新報社研究部編纂 | |
2000807735 | 明治二三年第三回内國勧業博覧會審査報告摘要 | |
2000811531 | 綿花培養新論 / 東方覺之抄譯 | |
2000817153 | 綿蚜蟲敵蟲調査並輸入經過報告 / 石田昌人 | |
2000812661 | 模範村行脚 / 松本寛著 | |
2000814371 | 模範町村 / 横井時敬著 | |
2000816985 | 網走外三郡農會創立三十年記念誌 | |
2000809318 | 蒙古喀喇沁部農業調査報告 | |
2000817758 | 木棉製作辨 | |
2000575052 | 野生絹絲蟲論 / 須田金之助著 | |
2000806177 | 油脂コロイド化學 / 田所哲太郎編 | |
2000724917 | 輸出重要品要覧 / 農商務省農務局 [編] | 農産之部: 第3次煙草 |
2000724917 | 輸出重要品要覧 / 農商務省農務局 [編] | 農産之部: 第4次蠶絲 |
2000212144 | 有機生物應用膠質化學 / 田所哲太郎編 | |
2000806685 | 有限責任富士梨業信用購買販賣利用組合事績 / 富士梨業信用購賣販売利用組合編纂 | |
2000815138 | 有畜農業事例 | |
2000796639 | 有用植物圖説 / 田中芳男, 小野職愨撰 ; 曲直瀬愛, 小森頼信校 ; 服部雪斎図画 | 解説巻1 |
2000796639 | 有用植物圖説 / 田中芳男, 小野職愨撰 ; 曲直瀬愛, 小森頼信校 ; 服部雪斎図画 | 解説巻2 |
2000796639 | 有用植物圖説 / 田中芳男, 小野職愨撰 ; 曲直瀬愛, 小森頼信校 ; 服部雪斎図画 | 解説巻3 |
2000796639 | 有用植物圖説 / 田中芳男, 小野職愨撰 ; 曲直瀬愛, 小森頼信校 ; 服部雪斎図画 | 図画巻1 |
2000796639 | 有用植物圖説 / 田中芳男, 小野職愨撰 ; 曲直瀬愛, 小森頼信校 ; 服部雪斎図画 | 図画巻2 |
2000796639 | 有用植物圖説 / 田中芳男, 小野職愨撰 ; 曲直瀬愛, 小森頼信校 ; 服部雪斎図画 | 図画巻3 |
2000796639 | 有用植物圖説 / 田中芳男, 小野職愨撰 ; 曲直瀬愛, 小森頼信校 ; 服部雪斎図画 | 目録索引 |
2000811186 | 有利經濟水田裏作物栽培法 / 久門盛三著 | |
2000515675 | 湧別線建設概要 | |
2000503851 | 余が見たる丁抹の農村 / 山田勝伴著 | |
2000813335 | 羊と山羊 / 小谷武治著 | |
2000813357 | 養鶏の實地研究 / 小杉方也著 | |
2000812188 | 養畜篇 / 原熈著 | |
2000813352 | 養豚改良事業成績 / 臺中廳農會 [編] | 大正4年度 |
2000813344 | 養豚新書 / 村上要信著 | |
2000813446 | 養蜂の初歩より奥義まで : 附録厚生式巣箱の取扱ひ方 / 本間谷麿著 | |
2000813407 | 養蜂新説 / 花島轍吉著 | 後編 |
2000813407 | 養蜂新説 / 花島轍吉著 | 前編 |
2000813454 | 養蜂讀本 / 本間谷麿著 | |
2000817666 | 養蠶集説 | |
2000813523 | 養蠶全書 / 石幡吉三郎著 | |
2000575045 | 酪農化學 / 里正義著 | |
2000813396 | 酪農行脚乗槎だよ里 / 小林直三郎著 | |
2000575024 | 酪農經營論 / 岩波六郎著 | |
2000850087 | 利尻島ニ於ケル植物分布ノ状態 / 川上瀧彌著 | |
2000812671 | 理想之農村 / 山田太一郎著 ; 山崎延吉閲 | |
2000574490 | 緑肥法 / 丸尾鈷六,佐藤弘毅共著 | |
2000574524 | 林業試驗場植物目録 / 殖産局林業試驗場 [編] | |
2000574522 | 林業篇 / 鈴木審三著 | |
2000574771 | 林産物製造法 / 臼杵永次郎著 | 下巻 |
2000574771 | 林産物製造法 / 臼杵永次郎著 | 上巻 |
2000574527 | 林産名彙 / 田中芳男編 ; 堀田正逸補輯 | |
2000726236 | 林政八書 | |
2000807797 | 臨時博覧會事務局報告 | |
3000075441 | 臨時要報 / 島根県立農事試験場 | 13-14,16-18 |
3000075441 | 臨時要報 / 島根県立農事試験場 | 19-23 |
2000814228 | 臨時臺灣糖務局年報 / 臨時臺灣糖務局 [編] | 第10(明治44年度) |
2000865867 | 露國ニ於ケル製麻業 | |
2000805837 | 露國極東經濟調査資料 | |
2000820320 | 露國極東經濟調査圖 | |
2000828363 | 和英獨・對譯農學用語新辭典 / 川上三郎著 | |
2000811963 | 和歌山縣の林業 / 和歌山縣内務部林務課編 | |
2000753495 | 和歌山縣勢圖解 | |
2000810332 | 和洋農具圖解 / 谷村久松著 | |
2000762718 | 亞爾然丁ノ富源ト其ノ利用開拓 / [平川末友著] | 上卷 |
2001677977 | 亞麻概説 / 平塚直治著 | |
3000026037 | 會報 / 嘉義廳農會 | 3(附録) |
3000026037 | 會報 / 嘉義廳農會 | 4(附録) |
3000026037 | 會報 / 嘉義廳農會 | 4(附録) |
2000541621 | 勞農露國に於ける外國人の法律的地位 / 南滿洲鐵道株式會社庶務部調査課[編] | |
2000571284 | 勸業諮問會議事録 / 勸業諮問會 [編] | |
2000807714 | 勸業諮問會答申竝建議書 | |
2000807714 | 勸業諮問會答申竝建議書 | |
2000817219 | 勸業諮問會日誌 | 第2回 |
2000808719 | 勸業模範場成績要覽 | |
3000067377 | 勸業模範場纛島支場園藝報告 / 朝鮮總督府勸業模範場纛島支場 | 4 |
3000067377 | 勸業模範場纛島支場園藝報告 / 朝鮮總督府勸業模範場纛島支場 | 6 |
2000811553 | 勸農煙草栽培録 / 佐々木忠綱編 ; 梶島栄孝閲 | |
3000016721 | 勸農協會報告 / 勧農協会 | 31-48 |
2000817585 | 勸農新書 / 林遠里著 | 巻1-2 |
2000560029 | 匏菴遺稿 / 栗本鋤雲著 | |
2000816918 | 咸鏡北道種苗塲報告 / 咸鏡北道 [編] | 第4號 |
2000818719 | 單獨經營ト小作經營トノ比較 | |
2000500611 | 營養化學 / 田所哲太郎編 | |
2000806563 | 國際經濟統計表 / 内外經濟調査會編 | |
2000711894 | 國産考, 8巻 / 大藏永常著 | 五 |
2000711894 | 國産考, 8巻 / 大藏永常著 | 三 |
2000711894 | 國産考, 8巻 / 大藏永常著 | 四 |
2000711894 | 國産考, 8巻 / 大藏永常著 | 七 |
2000711894 | 國産考, 8巻 / 大藏永常著 | 八 |
2000711894 | 國産考, 8巻 / 大藏永常著 | 六 |
2000711894 | 國産考, 8巻 / 大藏永常著 | 壹 |
2000711894 | 國産考, 8巻 / 大藏永常著 | 貮 |
2000812691 | 國富ト農業 / ジェームス・ヒル演説 . 合衆國ノ將來 / ジェームス・ヒル所説 | |
2000735197 | 國民生活の安危 / 上山滿之進著 | |
2000523271 | 國民經濟の立直しと金解禁 / 井上準之助著 ; 勝正憲編 | |
2000813360 | 孵化育雛の技術 / 小杉方也著 | |
2000807645 | 實業科教授全書 / 折戸龜太郎著 | 農業篇 |
2000571279 | 實業講話會講演筆記 / 北海道物産共進會 [編] | |
2000753719 | 實業政治 : 吾々もし政局に立たば / 武藤山治著 | |
2000813108 | 實修農産製造 / 三田智大著 | |
2000807582 | 實地應用技藝百科全書 / 内山正如編輯 | 第九編 |
2000807582 | 實地應用技藝百科全書 / 内山正如編輯 | 第五編 |
2000807582 | 實地應用技藝百科全書 / 内山正如編輯 | 第四編 |
2000807582 | 實地應用技藝百科全書 / 内山正如編輯 | 第七編 |
2000807582 | 實地應用技藝百科全書 / 内山正如編輯 | 第拾編 |
2000807582 | 實地應用技藝百科全書 / 内山正如編輯 | 第拾壹編 |
2000807582 | 實地應用技藝百科全書 / 内山正如編輯 | 第拾貳編 |
2000807582 | 實地應用技藝百科全書 / 内山正如編輯 | 第八編 |
2000807582 | 實地應用技藝百科全書 / 内山正如編輯 | 第六編 |
2000807582 | 實地應用技藝百科全書 / 内山正如編輯 | 第貳編 |
2000806168 | 實用ブラジル語 / 拓務省拓務局編纂 | |
2000814223 | 實用一家經濟法 / 添田壽一述 ; 菊池曉汀編 | |
2000614287 | 實用園藝學 / 草場榮喜著 | 果樹篇 |
2000813363 | 實用家禽書 / ウイリヤム・レウイス著 ; 高橋昌訳 | |
2000810961 | 實用害蟲駆除豫防法 : 全 / 岡本半次郎著 | |
2000804929 | 實用教育新撰百科全書 / 園田賚四郎編 ; 添田壽一 [ほか] 序 | 第10編 |
2000804929 | 實用教育新撰百科全書 / 園田賚四郎編 ; 添田壽一 [ほか] 序 | 第11編 |
2000804929 | 實用教育新撰百科全書 / 園田賚四郎編 ; 添田壽一 [ほか] 序 | 第12編 |
2000804929 | 實用教育新撰百科全書 / 園田賚四郎編 ; 添田壽一 [ほか] 序 | 第13編 |
2000804929 | 實用教育新撰百科全書 / 園田賚四郎編 ; 添田壽一 [ほか] 序 | 第14編 |
2000804929 | 實用教育新撰百科全書 / 園田賚四郎編 ; 添田壽一 [ほか] 序 | 第15編 |
2000804929 | 實用教育新撰百科全書 / 園田賚四郎編 ; 添田壽一 [ほか] 序 | 第16編 |
2000804929 | 實用教育新撰百科全書 / 園田賚四郎編 ; 添田壽一 [ほか] 序 | 第17編 |
2000804929 | 實用教育新撰百科全書 / 園田賚四郎編 ; 添田壽一 [ほか] 序 | 第18編 |
2000804929 | 實用教育新撰百科全書 / 園田賚四郎編 ; 添田壽一 [ほか] 序 | 第19編 |
2000804929 | 實用教育新撰百科全書 / 園田賚四郎編 ; 添田壽一 [ほか] 序 | 第1編 |
2000804929 | 實用教育新撰百科全書 / 園田賚四郎編 ; 添田壽一 [ほか] 序 | 第20編 |
2000804929 | 實用教育新撰百科全書 / 園田賚四郎編 ; 添田壽一 [ほか] 序 | 第21編 |
2000804929 | 實用教育新撰百科全書 / 園田賚四郎編 ; 添田壽一 [ほか] 序 | 第22編 |
2000804929 | 實用教育新撰百科全書 / 園田賚四郎編 ; 添田壽一 [ほか] 序 | 第23編 |
2000804929 | 實用教育新撰百科全書 / 園田賚四郎編 ; 添田壽一 [ほか] 序 | 第24編 |
2000804929 | 實用教育新撰百科全書 / 園田賚四郎編 ; 添田壽一 [ほか] 序 | 第2編 |
2000804929 | 實用教育新撰百科全書 / 園田賚四郎編 ; 添田壽一 [ほか] 序 | 第3編 |
2000804929 | 實用教育新撰百科全書 / 園田賚四郎編 ; 添田壽一 [ほか] 序 | 第5編 |
2000804929 | 實用教育新撰百科全書 / 園田賚四郎編 ; 添田壽一 [ほか] 序 | 第6編 |
2000804929 | 實用教育新撰百科全書 / 園田賚四郎編 ; 添田壽一 [ほか] 序 | 第7編 |
2000804929 | 實用教育新撰百科全書 / 園田賚四郎編 ; 添田壽一 [ほか] 序 | 第8編 |
2000804929 | 實用教育新撰百科全書 / 園田賚四郎編 ; 添田壽一 [ほか] 序 | 第9編 |
2000573935 | 實用植物病理學 / 出田新著 | |
2000810368 | 實用土壤學 : 全 / 菊池謹彌著 | |
2000812668 | 實用農産加工法 / 志賀制一著 ; 蠣崎知次郎閲 | |
2000572000 | 實用農蠶寳凾 / 末田新松,寺田六郎編 | |
2000574491 | 實用肥料學 / 増田貞吉著 | |
2000807612 | 實用分析術 / 山下脇人編 | |
2000807612 | 實用分析術 / 山下脇人編 | |
2000575067 | 實用養蠶新書 / 梁田斌,園田國三郎合著 | |
2000811840 | 實用苹果栽培書 / 恩田鐵彌著 | |
2000614280 | 實用蔬菜園藝學 / 草場榮喜著 | |
2000811330 | 實用麥作改良論 / 山田鶴造著 | |
2000811191 | 實驗安全麥作多収法 / 久門盛三著 | |
2000811236 | 實驗稲作及米穀 / 南部増治郎著 | |
2000811170 | 實驗改良米作十二講 / 久門盛三著 | |
2001677975 | 實驗菊花栽培要訣 | |
2000697408 | 實驗植物學 / 三好學著 | |
2000811154 | 實驗多収穫稻作講義 / 堀治作著 | 上巻 |
2000811851 | 實驗葡萄栽培書 : 全 / 川上善兵衛著述 | |
2000811415 | 實驗良好陸苗栽培法 / 富田岩代著 | |
2000811672 | 實驗稻作新説 / 武田総七郎著 | |
2000811300 | 實驗麥作新説 / 武田総七郎著 | |
2000808410 | 對時局農事奨勵 | |
2000806378 | 應用植物學汎論 / 末松直次著 | |
2000573938 | 應用肥料學 / 河村九淵著 | |
2000813624 | 應用經濟一家の基礎 / 添田壽一著 ; 菊池曉汀編 | |
2000461297 | 應用顯微鏡化學試驗法 / 田所哲太郎著 | |
2000560849 | 歐洲各國ニ於ケル移植民保護奬勵施設ニ關スル調査報告 / 井上雅二[編] | |
2000813302 | 歐米ニ於ケル牧野ニ關スル法令 / 農林省畜産局編纂 | |
2000573374 | 歐米ニ於ケル輸出農産物販路調査復命書 / 北海道廳 [編] | |
2000816953 | 淅江省立農業學校十周紀念刊 | |
2000811849 | 滿洲の粟 | |
2000574234 | 滿洲の煙草 / 横瀬花兄七稿 ; 南滿州鐵道株式會社地方部勸業課 [編] | |
2000811205 | 滿洲の高粱 / 南満州鉄道株式会社農事試驗場編 | 栽培の巻 |
2000811205 | 滿洲の高粱 / 南満州鉄道株式会社農事試驗場編 | 分類の巻 |
2000809369 | 滿洲の農林業の價値 / 栃内壬五郎述 ; 滿鐵農務課 [編] | |
2000706022 | 滿洲ノ在來農具 / 南滿洲鐵道株式會社産業試驗場編 | |
2000814334 | 滿洲ノ皮革 | |
2000814339 | 滿洲ノ麻 / 摂待初郎稿 | |
2000799227 | 滿洲紀要 / 黒田甲子郎述 | 前編 |
2000805802 | 滿洲起業案内 / 岡田雄一郎著 | |
2000815286 | 滿鮮農産物ニ關スル調査 | |
2000811880 | 滿鮮葡萄業視察報告書 | |
2000763724 | 滿蒙交界地方經濟調査資料 / [南滿洲鐵道株式會社總務部事務局調査課編] | [第1] |
2000812802 | 滿蒙農政私案 / 南滿洲鐵道株式會社地方部地方課 [編] | |
2000763994 | 滿蒙經濟概覽 / 關東都督府民政部庶務課 [編] | |
2000740168 | 滿蒙經濟要覽 / 關東都督府民政部編 | |
2000812057 | 澎湖島之造林 / 臺灣總督府殖産局[編] | |
2000571548 | 澳國博覽會參同記要 / 田中芳男, 平山成信編 | |
2000807604 | 烟草篇 : 全 / 奥村順四郎編 | |
2000762542 | 獨逸の産業と植民政策 / 東郷實編述 | |
2000561440 | 獨逸植民地の母國に對する經濟關係 / 臺灣總督府殖産局 [編] | |
2000561440 | 獨逸植民地の母國に對する經濟關係 / 臺灣總督府殖産局 [編] | |
2000521375 | 獨逸國土地抵當銀行視察報告書 / 北海道拓殖銀行編纂 | |
2001573062 | 獨逸學術研究維持振興會に就て / 田丸節郎述 | |
2000809780 | 獸醫治療器械圖譜 | |
2000808079 | 獸醫全書 | 後編 |
2000808079 | 獸醫全書 | 前編 |
2000808068 | 獸醫篇 : 全 / 内村兵藏著 ; 大橋新太郎編輯 | 下 |
2000808068 | 獸醫篇 : 全 / 内村兵藏著 ; 大橋新太郎編輯 | 上 |
2001037974 | 稻の生化學及病化學 / 田所哲太郎著 | 第1-2號 |
2000574250 | 稻育種事業 / 臺中廳農會 [編] | 第1輯 |
2000574250 | 稻育種事業 / 臺中廳農會 [編] | 第2輯 |
2000574250 | 稻育種事業 / 臺中廳農會 [編] | 第3輯 |
2000574250 | 稻育種事業 / 臺中廳農會 [編] | 第4輯 |
2000574244 | 稻作ノ豐凶ニ關スル研究 / 大脇正諄著 | |
2000811232 | 稻作試驗成蹟報告 | 明治30年度 |
2000811380 | 稻作經驗略記 | |
2001038013 | 糯米粳米の比較研究 / 田所哲太郎著 | 第1-3號 |
2001038013 | 糯米粳米の比較研究 / 田所哲太郎著 | 第1-3號 |
2000518261 | 經濟史 | |
2000805949 | 經濟常識産業組合の話 / 野田兵一著 | |
2000518260 | 經濟學 | |
2000816637 | 縣内主要水稻品種特性調査 / 岡山縣立農事試驗塲 [編] | |
2000811398 | 臺中水稻之特性 / 臺中廳農會 [編] | |
2000814784 | 臺灣に於ける澱粉製造業 / [平間惣三郎] | |
2000816532 | 臺灣に於ける棉花 : 第四囘事業報告書 / 臺灣棉花栽培組合 [編] | |
2000815341 | 臺灣に於ける芎蕉 / 臺灣總督府殖産局 [編] | |
2000807569 | 臺灣の産業 | |
2000805739 | 臺灣の資源と其經濟的價値 / 福田要著 | |
2000816592 | 臺灣の熱帯果樹 / 臺灣總督府殖産局 [編] | 第2巻 |
2000816592 | 臺灣の熱帯果樹 / 臺灣總督府殖産局 [編] | 第3巻 |
2000574762 | 臺灣ノ牧牛 / 臺灣總督府民政部殖産局 [編] | |
3000067639 | 臺灣産業年報 / 臺灣總督府殖産局 [編] | 12 |
3000067639 | 臺灣産業年報 / 臺灣總督府殖産局 [編] | 8 |
2000811733 | 臺灣重要園藝作物ニ關スル調査 / 臺灣總督府民政部殖産局 [編] | |
2000805692 | 臺灣植物目録 / [川上瀧彌編] | |
2000703675 | 臺灣造林主木各論 / 臺灣總督府殖産局[編] | 前篇 |
2000812116 | 臺灣造林法 / 臺灣總督府殖産局[編] | |
2000814248 | 臺灣茶業一班 / 臺灣總督府殖産局 [編] | |
2000814266 | 臺灣糖業ノ發展カ經濟界ニ及ホシタル影響 / 臺灣總督府殖産局 [編] | |
2000720051 | 臺灣之魚菜市場 / [臺灣総督府民政部殖産局編] | |
2000573402 | 臺灣農家便覽 / 臺灣總督府農事試驗場編 | |
2000561790 | 臺灣農業殖民論 / 東郷實著 | |
2000574485 | 臺灣肥料改良論 / 河村九淵著 | |
2000573971 | 臺灣亞爾加里土壤調査報告 / 澁谷紀三郎著 | |
2000574251 | 臺灣稻之分類 / 臺中廳農會 [編] | |
2000574251 | 臺灣稻之分類 / 臺中廳農會 [編] | |
2000815201 | 臺灣埤圳統計 / 台湾総督府民政部土木局 [編] | 明治44年度 |
2000805916 | 舊臺北廳下ニ於ケル米種改良事業 | |
2000811795 | 苹果栽培 / 池本文雄著 | |
2000814999 | 苹果栽培法 : 全 / 恩田鐵彌著 | |
2000816475 | 菲律賓群島ニ於ケル「マゲー」及「アバカ」 / 臺灣總督府殖産局商工課編纂 | |
2000808140 | 萬字線建設概要 / 鐵道院北海道建設事務所 [編] | |
2000814721 | 蔗糖分減損ニ關スル調査報告 / 臺灣總督府民政部殖産局 [編] | |
2000811713 | 蔬菜の栽培 / 河村九淵著 | |
2000811713 | 蔬菜の栽培 / 河村九淵著 | |
2000811690 | 蔬菜果樹栽培便覽 / 星野勇三編 | |
2000811691 | 蔬菜花卉果樹栽培便覽 / 星野勇三編 | |
2000811622 | 蔬菜栽培法 : 全 / 福羽逸人著 | |
2000811832 | 蔬菜新書 : 全 / 山田幸太郎著 | |
2000815398 | 蔬菜草花栽培全書 / 高橋久四郎著 | |
2000811787 | 蔬菜圖解説 / 河村九淵著 | |
2000811643 | 藝備の園藝 / 廣島縣農會 [編] | |
2000806429 | 藥用植物栽培及利用法 / 宮下正男著 | |
2000806416 | 藥用植物栽培法 / 河南休男著 | |
2000806874 | 藺草栽培書 / 織田又太郎, 藤原梅次郎著 | |
2000575058 | 蠶の遺傳講話 / 田中義麿著 | |
2000813565 | 蠶業篇 : 全 / 高田鑑三著 | |
2000813554 | 蠶桑實驗要録 / 佐藤政七著 | |
2000575051 | 蠶學 / 須田金之助著 | |
2000575032 | 蠶絲業の栞 / 永野荘吉著 | |
2000826441 | 醫語類聚 / by T.F. Okuyama | |
2001037997 | 釀造米の比較研究 / 田所哲太郎著 | 第2,4號 |
2001677863 | 釀造用大麥耕作案内 / 大日本麥酒株式會社札幌支店[編] | |
2000871492 | 釀造用大麥品評會報告 / 大日本麥酒株式會社札幌支店[編] | 第20-32,35回 |
2000571524 | 鑛物調査報文 : 北海道廳地質調査 / 石川貞治, 横山壮次郎著 | [正] |
2000571524 | 鑛物調査報文 : 北海道廳地質調査 / 石川貞治, 横山壮次郎著 | 第2 |
2001038007 | 關東市場内地米の比較研究 / 田所哲太郎著 | 第1-2號 |
2000573928 | 雜草學 / 半澤洵著 | |
2000806047 | 靜岡縣特種産物調査 / [靜岡縣農會編] | |
2000806368 | 顯微鏡用藥劑便覽 / 藤田經信編著 | |
2000810969 | 驅蟲菊栽培實驗録 / 奥畑寛篤著 ; 玉利喜造閲 | |
2000816659 | 麥の斑葉病豫防温湯浸法 / 愛媛縣立農事試驗塲 [編] | |
2000811278 | 麥ニ關スル調査 : 小麥及小麥粉,大麥及裸麥,麥芽,燕麥及燕麥粉 : 附録麥食ニ關スル參考資料 | |
2000731552 | 麥育種事業 / 臺中廰農會[編] | 第2輯(大正9年4月) |
2000731552 | 麥育種事業 / 臺中廰農會[編] | 第3輯(大正9年12月) |
2000573954 | 麥其他雑穀ニ關スル調査 / 農商務省農務局[編纂] | |
2000574249 | 麥品種改良事業 / 臺中廳農會 [編] | |
2000817320 | 麥稈眞田 : 其栽培及製造 / 横山久四郎調査管理 ; 川田廣太郎本項調査 | |
2000698472 | 黴菌學 / 井上正賀編 | :並製 |