工学研究院図書室の臨時閉室(2023/8/11-8/16, 8/23-8/24)および開室時間の変更(2023/8/7-9/29)について

You can find the English version at the bottom of this page.



(1) 期間: 令和5年8月11日(金・祝)-8月16日(水)
理由:  夏季期間における工学系建物の閉鎖のため
対象: 中央図書室・材料化学系部門図書室・情報科学研究院図書室
(2) 期間: 令和5年8月23日(水)-8月24日(木)
理由:  蔵書点検のため
対象: 中央図書室のみ
※ 材料化学系部門図書室・情報科学研究院図書室は通常通り開館します。


期間: 令和5年8月7日(月)-9月29日(金)
理由: 夏季休業期間のため
開室時間: 平日 9:00-17:00

問い合わせ先: 工学系事務部 中央図書担当
内線:6160 E-mail: tosho@eng.hokudai.ac.jp


The Engineering Libraries will be temporarily closed on the following dates. In addition, only the Central Library will change its opening hours during the summer vacations.

Temporarily closed (General library and 2 special libraries)
Period: August 11th (National holiday) 2023 to August 16th (Wed) 2023
Reason: Due to the closure of all engineering buildings

Temporarily closed (General library)
Period: August 23rd (Wed) 2023 and August 24th (Thu) 2023
Reason: For inventory check
* 2 special libraries will open as usual.

Change of opening hours (General library)
Period: From August 7th (Mon) 2023 to September 29th (Fri) 2023
Reason: Due to summer vacation of students
Opening hours: Weekdays 9:00-17:00
* The general library will be open evening hours (17:00-20:00, weekday) from October 2nd (Mon) 2023.

Contact: The Faculty of Engineering Library (Central Library) tosho@eng.hokudai.ac.jp

2023/07/19 15:38