Library, Slavic-Eurasian Research Center





*    Dela/documents belonging to fondy marked with an asterisk are also 

      available on microfilm. For details see page 12 below. 

Fond		Fond title					   Reel no. 

 2              Ulianov, V.I. (Lenin)  1881-1923                     2.1-12

 4              Ulianov, V.I. (Lenin) - materials on  1879-1987      2.13

 5              Lenins secretariat  1917-1923                        2.14

 11             Ulianov family  1846-1973                            2.37

 12             Krupskaia, N.K.  1869-1990                           2.37

 13             Elizarova, A.I.  1864-1969                           2.37

 14             Ulianova, M.I.  1886-1983                            2.37

 15             Ulianov, D.I.  1884-1978                             2.37

 16             Lenin memorial commission  1924-1975                 2.37

 17           * Central Committee of the CP  1898-1991               2.15-31

 19             Sovnarkom & STO RSFSR: protocols of meetings         2.37


 24             Newspapers Iskra & Zaria                             2.38

 25             Newspaper Vpered                                     2.38

 26             Newspaper Proletarii editorial board                 2.38

 27             Newspapers Proletarii & Sotsial-demokrat             2.38

 28             Newspaper Sotsial-Demokrat                           2.38

 29             Newspaper Rabochaia gazeta                           2.38

 30             Journal Prosveshchenie                               2.38

 31             Party council  1903-1905                             2.38

 32             RSDRP library & archive in Geneva  1904-1913         2.38

 33             Kuklin RSDRP library in Geneva  1865-1917            2.38

 34             II Congress of the RSDRP  1903-1904                  2.38

 35             III Congress of the RSDRP  1905                      2.38

 36             V Conference of the RSDRP  1908                      2.38

 37           * VI (Prague) Conference of the RSDRP  1911-1912       2.38

 38             VI Congress of the RSDRP  1917                       2.38

 39             VII (April) All-Russian conference of the RSDRP      2.38


 40             VII Congress of the RKP(b)  1918                     2.38

 41             VIII Congress of the RKP(b)  1919                    2.38

 42             VIII All-Russian conference of the RKP(b)  1919      2.38

 43             IX Congress of the RKP(b)  1920                      2.38

 44             IX (April) All-Russian conference of the RKP(b)      2.38


 45             X Congress of the RKP(b)  1920-1922                  2.38

 46             X All-Russian conference of the RKP(b)  1921         2.38

 47             XI All-Russian conference of the RKP(b)  1921-1922   2.38

 48             XI Congress of the RKP(b)  1921-1922                 2.38

 49             XII conference of the RKP(b)  1922                   2.38

 50             XII Congress of the RKP(b)  1922-1923                2.38

 51             XIII conference of the RKP(b)  1923-1924             2.38

 52             XIII Congress of the RKP(b)  1924                    2.38

 53             XIV conference of the VKP(b)  1924-1925              2.38

 54           * XIV Congress of the VKP(b)  1924-1926                2.38

 55             XV conference of the VKP(b)  1926-1929               2.38

 56             XV Congress of the VKP(b)  1925-1929                 2.38

 57             XVI conference of the VKP(b)  1928-1929              2.38

 58           * XVI Congress of the VKP(b)  1930                     2.38

 59             XVII Congress of the VKP(b)  1934                    2.39

 60             RKP(b) Moscow regional committee  1917-1919          2.39

 61             CC RKP(b) Turkestan bureau  1920-1922                2.39

 62             CC VKP(b) Central Asia bureau  1922-1934             2.39

 63             CC VKP(b) Polish bureau for propaganda  1917-1931    2.40

 64             CC VKP(b) Caucasian bureau  1920-1922                2.40

 65             CC RKP(b) South-eastern bureau  1920-1925            2.40

 67             RKP(b) Northern regional committee  1918-1920        2.40

 68             Temporary revolutionary committee of Poland  1920    2.40

 69             General HQ for guerilla warfare  1941-1944           2.40

 70             CC VKP(b) records (Istpart)  1919-1949               2.41

 72             Journal Proletarskaia Revolutsiia                    2.41

 73             Andreev, A.A.  1916-1977                             2.41

 74             Voroshilov, K.E.  1844-1978                          2.41

 75             Gorky M. (Peshkov, A.M.)  1897-1935                  2.41

 76             Dzerzhinskii, F.E.  1862-1968                        2.42

 77             Zhdanov, A.A

                   Opisi and dela available separately from Chadwyck-Healey

 78             Kalinin, M.I.

                   Opisi and dela available separately from Chadwyck-Healey

 79             Kuibyshev, V.V.  1905-1958                           2.42

 80             Kirov, S.M. (Kostrikov)

                   Opisi and dela available separately from Chadwyck-Healey

 82             Molotov, V.M. (Skriabin)

                   Opisi and dela available separately from Chadwyck-Healey

 84             Mikoian, A.I.  1921-1959                             2.42

 85             Ordzhonikidze, G.I.

                   Opisi and dela available separately from Chadwyck-Healey

 86             Sverdlov, Ia.M.  1902-1985                           2.43

 87             Frunze, M.V.  1899-1957                              2.43

 88             Shcherbakov, A.S.  1901-1946                         2.43

 89             Iaroslavskii, E.M.  1902-1943                        2.43

 90             Zemliachka, R.S.  1899-1974                          2.43

 91             Olminskii, M.S.  1883-1958                           2.43

 92             Vorovskii, V.V.  1889-1948                           2.43

 93             I, II, III state duma: SD factions  1906-1912        2.43

 94             VKP(b) faction in VTsIK & at congresses of           2.43

                   councils  1918-1938

 95             RKP(b) faction at VTsSPS  1919-1924                  2.43

 96             RKP(b) faction of transport workers  1921-1922       2.43

 97             VKP(b) faction of workers in communications          2.43


 98             VKP(b) faction of mining workers  1920-1928          2.43

 99             VKP(b) faction of metal-workers  1919-1925           2.43

 100            VKP(b) faction of chemical workers  1921-1924        2.43

 101            RKP(b) faction of transport workers  1920-1927       2.43

 102            VKP(b) faction of construction workers  1919-1927    2.43

 103            VKP(b) faction of art workers  1922-1924             2.43

 104            VKP(b) faction of trade employees  1919-1930         2.43

 105            VKP(b) faction of food industrial workers            2.43


 106            VKP(b) faction of sewing industrial workers          2.43


 107            VKP(b) faction of workers in hunting & fishery       2.43


 108            VKP(b) faction of workers & agricultural             2.43

                   proletariat  1931-1934

 109            RKP(b) faction of committee for governmental         2.43

                   construction  1918-1921

 111            USSR Narkomat for transport: PA  1917-1956           2.44

 112            USSR Narkomat for land: PA  1933-1943                2.44

 113            USSR Narkomat for fisheries: PA  1930-1940           2.44

 114            USSR Narkomat for meat and dairy industry: PA        2.44


 115            USSR Narkomat for food industry: PA  1933-1943       2.45

 116            USSR Narkomat for sovkhozy: PA  1941-1943            2.45

 117            RSFSR Narkomat for meat and dairy industry: PA       2.45


 118            RSFSR Narkomat for food industry: PA  1942-1943      2.45

 121            TsKK VKP(b) / NKRKI plenipotentiary in Central       2.45

                   Asia  1925-1934

 122            VTsIK & Sovnarkom commission for Turkestan           2.45


 124            All-union society of old Bolsheviks  1922-1935       2.45

 125            Avanesov, V.A.  1917-1929                            2.46

 127            Armand, I.F.  1891-1948                              2.46

 128            Artsybushev, V.P.  1906                              2.46

 129            Baturin, N.N.  1905-1932                             2.46

 130            Drabkin-Gusev, S.I.  1907-1933                       2.46

 131            Eremeev, K.S.  1916-1932                             2.46

 132            Zlinchenko, K.P.  1906-1946                          2.46

 133            Kobozev, P.A.  1917-1974                             2.46

 134            Kollontai, A.M.  1888-1975                           2.46

 135            Kon, F.Ia.  1883-1944                                2.46

 137            Krasin, L.B.  1882-1927                              2.46

 138            Lengnik, F.V.  1877-1936                             2.46

 139            Lepeshinskii, P.N.  1886-1963                        2.46

 142            Lunacharskii, A.V.  1872-1972                        2.46

 143            Markhlevskii, Iu.Iu.  1889-1937                      2.46

 144            Nikiforov, P.M.  1910-1973                           2.46

 145            Nogin, V.P.  1894-1926                               2.46

 146            Podvoiskii, N.I.  1903-1960                          2.46

 147            Pokrovskii, M.N.  1903-1950                          2.46

 148            Samoilova, K.N.  1913-1925                           2.46

 149            Sergeev, F.A. (Artem)  1908-1973                     2.46

 150            Skvortsov-Stepanov, I.I.  1890-1928                  2.47

 151            Smidovich, P.G.  1976-1935                           2.47

 152            Stopani, A.M.  1871-1973                             2.47

 153            Stuchka, P.I.  1895-1931                             2.47

 154            Tikhomirnov, V.A.  1901-1934                         2.47

 155            Tovstukha, I.P.  1912-1967                           2.47

 156            Fedoseev, N.E.  1888-1947                            2.47

 157            Tskhakaia, M.G.  1865-1950                           2.47

 158            Tsiurupa, A.D.  1894-1928                            2.47

 159            Chicherin-Ornatskii, G.V.  1880-1933                 2.47

 160            Shaumian, S.G.  1903-1953                            2.47

 161            Shveitser, V.L.  1912-1950                           2.47

 162            Shesternin, S.P.  1905-1939                          2.47

 163            Polish and Lithuanian SDs central bureau             2.47


 164            Polish and Lithuanian SDs: congresses &              2.47

                   conferences  1900-1912

 165            Union of Polish and Lithuanian SD workers abroad     2.47


 166            Polish and Lithuanian SD bureau of foreign cells     2.47


 167            Polish and Lithuanian socialist movement:            2.47

                   collection of materials  1887-1923

 168            Russian museum in Geneva  1901                       2.47

 169            Journal Minuvshie gody                               2.47

 170            Journal Zhizn                                        2.47

 256            Akselrod, I.I.  1889-1917                            2.48

 257            Akselrod L.I.,  1890-1911                            2.48

 259            Bogdanov A.A. (Malinovskii)  1900-1928               2.48

 260            Viniarskii L.  1893-1916                             2.48

 261            Vodovozov V.V.  1901-1913                            2.48

 262            Zasulich V.I.  1880-1916                             2.48

                   Dela available separately from Chadwyck-Healey

 263            Krichevskii B.N.  1877-1919                          2.48

 264            Plekhanov G.V.  1875-1958                            2.48

 265            Potresov A.N.  1890-1934                             2.48

 266            Sazhin M.P.  1907                                    2.48

 269            Tolstoi A.N.  1933-1944                              2.48

 270            Tyshka Ian (Iogikhes Leo)  1887-1918                 2.48

 271            Jewish workers union in Lithuania, Poland and        2.48

                   Russia (Bund)  1874-1926

 272            Poalei-Zion organization in USSR                     2.48

 273            All-Russian union of Jewish armymen  1917-1919       2.48

 274            Socialist-revolutionaries central committee          2.48


 275            CC RSDRP (Mensheviks)  1917-1923                     2.48

 276            Central bureau of RSDRP foreign cells  1908-1914     2.48

 277            Central bureau of RSDRP assistance groups outside    2.49

                   Russia  1906-1908

 278            Newspapers Iskra & Sotsial-demokrat  1903-1905       2.49

 279            Struve, P.G. & Osvobozhdenie journal                 2.49

 281            Polish socialist party Levitsa                       2.49

 282            Revolutionary communist party                        2.49

 283            Russian SDs abroad & Rabochee delo journal           2.49

 284            Azef, E.F.  1909-1918                                2.49

 286            Balabanova, A.I.  1903-1920                          2.49

 287            Bosh, E.B.  1909-1928                                2.49

 289            Vasilev, A.G.  1917-1929                             2.49

 291            Goldenberg collection on 1917 peace conference       2.49

 292            Gorin-Galkin, V.F.  1889-1925                        2.49

 293            Krasnyi, O.Ia.  1900-1932                            2.49

 296            Miliutin, V.P.  1912-1932                            2.49

 298            Orakhelashvili, M.D.  1918-1937                      2.49

 299            Parvus, A.L. (Gelfand)  1904-1925                    2.49

 300            Pestkovskii, S.S.  1917-1919                         2.49

 301            Riazanov, D.B. (Goldendakh)  1893-1931               2.49

 303            Tarasov-Rodionov, A.I.  1917-1931                    2.49

 304            Shliapnikov, A.D.  1905-1932                         2.49

 323            Kamenev, L.B. (Rozenfeld)  1902-1934                 2.49

 324            Zinovev, G.E.  1908-1937                             2.49

 325            Trotsky, L.D. (Bronshtein)

                   Opisi and dela available separately from Chadwyck-Healey

 326            Radek, K.B. (Sobelson)  1903-1930                    2.49

 328            Burtsev, V.L.  1830-1953                             2.49

 329            Bukharin, N.I.  1913-1933                            2.49

 332            RSDRP commission on breach of party morals           2.50


 333            Communist cells in occupied territories (1918)       2.50


 334            Documents of various Russian parties and             2.50

                   organisations  1880-1917

 335            Petersburg Union for workers liberation              2.50

 336            Group Liberation of labour                           2.50

 337          * V (London) Congress of the RSDRP  1906-1909          2.50

 338            Bolshevik party school in Longjumeau  1910-1911      2.50

 341            Journal Voice of social democrat                     2.50

 342            League of revolutionary SDs outside Russia           2.50


 345            XVII VKP(b) conference  1931-1932                    2.50

 346            Polish party Proletariat: legal proceedings          2.50

 349            USSR Narkomat of sovkhozy: PA  1932-1943             2.50

 351            Committee of the RSDRP foreign cells  1904-1917      2.50

 354            North-Ossetian democratic party Kermen               2.50

 355            Krzhizhanovskii, G.M.  1886-1971                     2.50

 356            Stasova, E.D.  1887-1973                             2.50

 357            Vladimirskii, M.F.  1902-1964                        2.50

 361            Akselrod, P.B.  1876-1927                            2.50

                   Dela available separately from Chadwyck-Healey

 362            Martov, Iu.O. (Tsederbaum)  1896-1923                2.50

                   Dela available separately from Chadwyck-Healey

 364            Newspaper Pravda editorial board                     2.50

 365            SD group outside Russia & journal Zhizn              2.50

 366            RSDRP Bolshevik support groups  1908-1911            2.50

 372            CC RKP(b) Far East bureau  1917-1930                 2.51

 373            Karavaev, P.N.  1919-1952                            2.51

 374            USSR TsIK: Marx & Engels institute  1920-1931        2.51

 375            Bureau of majority committees  1904-1905             2.51

 377            Bolshevik centre & Proletarii newspaper              2.51

 378            RSDRP committees & organizations conference in       2.51

                   Belostok  1902

 379            Conference of RSDRP cells outside Russia             2.51


 381            Newspaper Rassvet                                    2.51

 382            Printing house for SD materials by Bonch-Bruevich    2.51

                   & Lenin

 384            Newspaper Sotsial-Demokrat of CC RSDRP               2.51

 385            Petersburg RSDRP committee  1904-1917                2.51

 386            Mekhlis, L.Z.  1919-1953                             2.51

 388            Deich, L.G.  1881-1935                               2.51

 400            Dubrovinskii, I.F.  1906-1949                        2.51

 433            Newspaper Zvezda                                     2.51

 434            Newspaper Novaia zhizn                              2.51

 435            II (I All-Russian) conference of the RSDRP  1906     2.51

 437            Journal Kommunist                                    2.51

 439            RKP(b) faction at the third congress of hunters      2.51


 440            VTsSPS Dalbiuro: communist faction  1923-1927        2.51

 443            Journal Proletarii                                   2.51

 444            CC RSDRP Internationalists faction  1917-1920        2.51

 445            Central bureau of Jewish communist sections at CC    2.51

                   VKP(b)  1918-1930

 446            Poland: CP TsIK  1917-1920                           2.51

 447          * IV (Unifying) congress of the RSDRP  1906            2.51

 448            SD faction in the IV state Duma  1912-1917           2.51

 449            Journal Nasha zaria                                  2.51

 450            Newspaper Luch                                       2.51

 451            Menshevik RSDRP: organizational committee            2.51


 453            Secretariat of emigre funds in Switzerland           2.51


 454            Iranian bureau of communist organizations            2.51


 455            Vilonov, N.E.  1905-1912                             2.51

 456            Journal Rabotnitsa                                   2.51

 457            Swiss league for aid to political prisoners in       2.51


 459            Cracow society for aid to political prisoners        2.51


 462            Journal Volna, Helsinki RSDRP(b)                     2.51

 464            RSDRP bureau of front & rear defence organizations   2.51


 466            CC RKP(b) Petrograd bureau  1918-1919                2.51

 473            USSR ministry of merchant shipping: PA  1933-1957    2.52

 474            USSR ministry of sea & inland water transport: PA    2.52


 475            Northern shipping routes: PA  1934-1953              2.52

 476            XVIII conference of the VKP(b)  1940-1941            2.52

 477          * XVIII congress of the VKP(b)  1939                   2.52

 478            Swiss CC for political emigres return to Russia      2.52


 479            RKP(b) faction of workers on inland water            2.52

                   transport  1922-1925

 482            Petrovskii, G.I.  1888-1979                          2.52

 483            Polish & Lithuanian SD cells outside Poland          2.52


 484            RSDRP(b) faction of peasants deputies  1917-1918     2.52

 486            Regional board of SD of Poland  1912-1918            2.52

 522            Kuusinen O.W.  1899-1964                             2.52

 549            CC RKP(b) federation of foreign groups  1917-1924    2.52

 553            Soviet participants in the resistance  1943-1947     2.52

 554            RKP(b) Don bureau  1918-1921                         2.52

 556            CC CP bureau for RSFSR  1954-1966                    2.32-33

 557            Ufa revolutionary committee: negotiations with       2.52

                   SRs  1918-1919

 558            Stalin, I.V.  1866-1986                              2.34-36

 559            Adoratskii, V.V.  1877-1978                          2.52

 560            Violations of the law under Stalin: manuscript       2.52

                   material  1935-1980

 561            Starkov, V.V.  1895-1940                             2.52

 562            Raskolnikov, F.F.  1918-1933                         2.52

 563            Silvin, M.A.  1874-1954                              2.52

 564            CC of left-wing SRs  1918-1924                       2.52

 565            Gopner, S.I.  1916-1963                              2.52

 572          * CP central revision commission  1921-1950            2.52

 573            CC plenipotentiary for Moldavia  1941-1950           2.52

 574            CC plenipotentiary for Uzbekistan  1949-1951         2.52

 580            Vaneev, A.A.  1881-1898                              2.52

 582          * XXIV congress of VKP(b)  1971                        2.52

 583            CC propaganda bureau for Turkish peoples             2.52


 584            Karpinskii, V.A.  1906-1966                          2.52

 586          * Preparatory materials for the third programme of     2.52

                   the CP  1958-1961

 587            USSR ministry of inland waterways: PA  1949-1953     2.53

 588            Materials for a history of Russia  1885-1985         2.53

 590            I conference of the RSDRP  1905                      2.53

 591            Newspaper Selskaia zhizn                            2.53

 592            XIX congress of the CP  1952                         2.53

 593          * XXIII congress of the CP  1966                       2.53

 594            CC CP higher school for extra-mural party            2.53

                   education  1944-1978

 595            Journal Politicheskoe samoobrazovanie                2.53

 597            CC VKP(b) bureau for Lithuania  1944-1947            2.53

 598            CC VKP(b) bureau for Estonia  1941-1947              2.53

 599            Journal Kommunist                                    2.53

 600            CC VKP(b) bureau for Latvia  1945-1947               2.53

 601            CC CP bureau for Central Asia  1962-1965             2.53

 602            CC CP bureau for Transcaucasian region  1963-1964    2.53

 603            All-union committee for relief to Red Army           2.53

                   invalids  1941-1945

 604          * XXV congress of the CP  1976                         2.53

 605            Radus-Zenkovich, V.A.  1902-1970                     2.53

 606            CC CP academy of social sciences  1942-1985          2.54

 607            CC VKP(b) bureau for RSFSR  1936-1937                2.54

 609            CC CP bureau for chemical & light industry           2.54


 610            Newspaper Rabochaia gazeta                           2.54

 611            CC VKP(b) institute for party activists  1931-1938   2.54

 612            CC CP higher party school  1939-1980                 2.54

 613            RKP(b)-VKP(b) central control commission             2.54


 614            Magazine Agitator                                    2.54

 616            CC VKP(b) higher school for party organizers         2.54


 617            CC CP Lenin courses  1944-1956                       2.54

 618            CC VKP(b) central courses for journalists            2.54


 619            CC VKP(b) higher school for propagandists            2.54


 620          * XXVI congress of the CP  1981                        2.55

 622            CC RSDRP press bureau  1917-1924                     2.55

 623            CC CP political publishing house (Politizdat)        2.55


 624            Lenin museum in Moscow and Gorki  1936-1987          2.55

 625            Ponomarenko P.K.  1946-1981                          2.55

 628          * XXVII congress of the CP  1986                       2.55

 629            Pospelov P.N.  1918-1979                             2.55

 630            Newspaper Soviet culture                             2.55

 631            VKP(b) faction in agricultural cooperation           2.55


 634            RSFSR Narkomat of transport: PA  1919-1924           2.55

 637            Newspaper Ekonomicheskaia gazeta                     2.55

 638            Newspaper Sotsialisticheskaia industria of CC CP     2.55

 640            CC VKP(b) agriculture department: institute for      2.55

                   further education of specialists  1934-1939

 641            Journal Partiinaia zhizn                             2.55

 643            USSR Sovmin ministry of civil aviation: PA           2.55


 644            State Defence Committee  1941-1945                   2.55

 646          * XXVIII congress of the CP  1990                      2.55

 648            SD organizations of Moscow and Moscow gubernia       2.55


 650            Journal Voprosy istorii KPSS                         2.55