Library, Slavic-Eurasian Research Center

Centre for the Preservation of Contemporary documentation (TsKhSD)

Centre for the Preservation of Contemporary documentation (TsKhSD)


Opisi / finding aids series

*Dela / documents belonging to opisi marked with an asterisk are also available on microfilm.

Fond Fond title Reel no.
Fond 6 Committee for Party Control
* Opis 1 Protocols 1934-1939 1.12
* Opis 2 Protocols, appeals to XVIII VKP(b) congress 1939-1952 1.12
* Opis 3 Protocols of meetings & additional materials 1952-1956 1.12
* Opis 4 Extraordinary XXI CP congress: protocols 1.12
Opis 5 XXII CP congress Secretariat protocols of meetings 1.13
Opis 6 Reports, references, verbatim accounts, protocols 1.13
Opis 7 XXIII CP congress: protocols of Secretariat, KPK 1.13
Opis 8 XXIV CP congress: protocols of Secretariat, KPK 1.13
Opis 9 XXV CP congress: protocols of Secretariat, KPK 1.13
Fond 89 The Communist Party on Trial
Opisi 1-76 1.988
Total: 3 reels

Dela / documents series

Fond Fond title Reel no.
Fond 6 Committee for Party Control
Opis 1 KPK protocols 1934-39
Dela 1-912 (159 reels) 1.15-1.173
Opis 2 KPK protocols, appeals to XVIII VKP(b) congress 1939-52
Dela 1-1938 (335 reels) 1.174-1.508
Opis 3 KPK protocols of meetings & additional materials 1952-56
Dela 1-956 (121 reels) 1.509-1.629
Opis 4 Extraordinary XXI CPSU congress: protocols of Secretariat meetings
Dela 1-3217 (137 reels - complete) 1.630-1.697
Opis 5 XXII CP congress Secretariat protocols of meetings
Dela 1-1287 (49 reels - complete) 1.767-1.815
Opis 6 Reports, references, verbatim accounts, protocols 1935-1966
Dela 1-1836 (172 reels - complete) 1.816-1.987
Fond 89 The Communist Party on Trial
Opisi 1-76 (24 reels - complete) 1.989-1.1012
Total : 997 reels [996 currently available]


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