(名称) Akten zur deutschen auswartigen Politik, 1918-1945 3 vols. Bd.1: Polen, sudosteuropa, Latein-Amerika, klein- und Mittel-staaten, 1937-1939. Bd.2: Deutschland und die Tschechoslovakei, 1937-1938. Bd.3: Deutschland und Spanische Burgerkrieg, 1936-1939. (An East European Collection in Western languages. 3886 titles )
(名称) British documents on foreign affairs - reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print, Part I, from the mid-nineteenth century to the First World War. Series A, Russian, 1859-1914. 6vols
(形態) microfilm
(解説) 19-20世紀, 世界の政治・経済を主灘した英国の在外公館は本国に対し 各国の国内外情勢を定期報告しました。 これらレポ一トを作成する際 に外交官たちは 新聞演説政治ビラ、政府文書、経済統計、人口統計、 要人との公式・非公式の面談など広苑な悄報源を駆使し時には これら は参考資料としてレポ一Dに添付されたりしました。そのためこれら 資料はその時の国際関係、 外交、政治経済社会文化の研究にとり卓れ た同時代的分折を提示すると 同時に第一級の原資料をも提供していま す。 この文書集成は19世紀中頃から第二次大戦にいたる急送公文書、 電報、英国政府内部の限定配付報告等の機密文書を収録して 世界各国 ・各地域の国内情勢および国際情勢に閲する同時代的視点を記録する ものです。 数千巻にのぼる機密文 ConfidentialPrint を斯界一級 の編集陣が 415巻にまとめそれらを7つの地域 -- ロシアソ連、中近東 、北米、 中南米、アシア、ヨ一ロッパ、アフリカ -- に再縞集 さら に各地域シリ一ズは19世紀中葉から第一次大戦を力パ一する Part 1 と両次大戦間を力パ一ずるpart2より構成ぎれてい ます. 地域シリ一 ズのほが4つの主題シリ一ズ -- 第一次世界大戦 1919年のパリ平和会 議、国際連盟、経済問題、文化的プロパガンタ、 英国外務省の改革 -- が続きます。
(名称) British Documents on Foreign Affairs. 420 vols. Reports and Papers from the Foreign Office Confidential Print. 1983-1988. Part I: From the Mid-Nineteenth Century to the First World War. 140 vols. (Russia, Near and Middle East, North America, Latin America, Asia, Europe, Africa) Part II: From the first to the Second World War. 280 vols. Soviet Union. 部分所蔵: Series A. Russia 1859-1914(6 vols)
(形態) Reprint
(文献内容) The confidential print comprises diplomatic despatches, telegrams, and other papers which were printed for limited internal circulation within the British government. They went to the Queen or King. They were set to important embassies abroad. They were circulated to other major departments of government. British diplomats used a wide variety of contemporary sources newspapers, speeches, political pamphlets and manifestos, host government documents, and personal interviews - as the basis for their dispatches and reports. Frequently these sources were translated and included as addenda to the diplomatic reports. Some topics of Pt 2: From the First to the Second World War ; ser. I. The Paris Peace Conference of 1919. :Preparations for the Conference and Early Meetings, :Supreme Council Minutes, January - March 1919 :Supreme Council Minutes, March - July 1919; British Empire Delegation Minutes, January - March 1919 :Reports of Peace Conference Commissions : Internal conditions in Germany; Saar Valley question; France and the Conference :France and the Conference; Belgian claims; the Schleswig - Holstein question; Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and the Peace Treaty :Portugal, Spain and the Peace Treaty; African questions; Morocco; Germany and the Treaty
(名称) British Foreign Office. Russia Correspondence, 1781-1948. (FO Files 65 and 371). 986 reels with 4 printed guides. Authoritarian Reaction under Alexander III - Failure of Modernization - The Russo-Japanes War - The Constitutional Experiment - World War I and the Bolshevik Revolution - Period of War Communism - The New Economic Policy - Consolidation of the Stalinist Dictatorship - The Great Purges and the Russo-German Nonaggression Pact. - World War II - Realignment of Europe and onset of the Cold War.
(形態) microfilm
部分所蔵: 1892-1945, 786 reels
(解説) これは英国外務省に所蔵されている外交文書を 集めたもので, 国内本 省と海外と出先機関との 間の往復文書, 本省内で作成されたノートや 覚え書き, 他の政府機関から 外務省に送付された外交関連文書, 民 間の団体や個人の意見, さらには新聞や雑誌の記事についても収録さ れている。各文書には外務省担当官による見解がつけられ、イギリス の 外交政策の決定過程を知ることができるほか、外交相手先の 諸状 況についても貴重な情報をうることができる。
(名称) Correspondence of the Military Intelligence Division relating to General, Political, Economic, and Military conditions in the Soviet Union, 1918-1941. 23 reels. [ parts of the Collection of Official Records of the Department of State relating to the Soviet Union & Russia, 1803-1949. National Archives and Records Administration ]
(形態) microfilm
(解説) 米国国立公文書館所蔵 米国国務省機密公文書 ロシア・ソ連邦関係公 文書集。 公使館付き武官軍事情報報告。 大戦間期の社会、経済、政 治、軍事資料。
(名称) Despatches from U.S. Ministers to Russia, Sept.1808 Aug. 1906. 66 reels [ parts of the Collection of Official Records of the Department of State relating to the Soviet Union & Russia, 1803-1949. National Archives and Records Administration ]
(形態) microfilm
(解説) 米国国立公文書館所蔵 米国国務省機密公文書 ロシア・ソ連邦関係公 文書集。 駐ロシア米国公使から国務省への 報告。
(名称) Deutsch-Sowjetische Beziehungen on den Verhandlungen in Brest-Litowsk bis zum Abschluss des Rapalloverrages. 1922-1925. 2 vols. Dokumentensammlung. (The Epstein Collection on the Foreign relations of the Soviet Union.)
(名称) Diplomatic Instructions of the U.S. Department of State to U.S.Ministers to Russia, May 1808 - Aug.1906. 14 reels. [ parts of the Collection of Official Records of the Department of State relating to the Soviet Union & Russia, 1803-1949. National Archives and Records Administration ]
(形態) microfilm
(解説) 米国国立公文書館所蔵 米国国務省機密公文書 ロシア・ソ連邦関係公 文書集。 国務省から駐ロシア米国公使への 訓令。
(名称) Documents on Polish Soviet relations. 1939-45. Vol.1-2 (1943-45) General sikorski historical In-t.
(名称) FILE MICROCOPIES OF RECORDS IN THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES. Record of the Russian-American Company 1802-1867. 77 reels
(形態) microfilm
(名称) Guide to documents and manuscripts in the United Kingdom relating to Russia and the Soviet Union. 526 p.
(名称) Recueil des traites et conventions. conclus par la Russie avec les puissances etrangeres, publie d'ordre du Ministere des Affairs Etrangeres. Tom 1-15. 1874-1909.
(名称) Soviet foreign policy. Documents. 1978-1981, 1984. New Delhi.
部分所蔵 :1925-41
(名称) The Collection of Official Records of the Department of State relating to the Soviet Union & Russia, 1803-1949. National Archives and Records Administration. 1. Despatches from U.S. Consuls in St.Petersburg, Russia, 1803-1906. 18 reels. 2. Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Moscow, 1857-1906. 2 reels 3. Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Amoor River, 1856-1874. 2 reels. 4. Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Vladivostok, 1898-1906. 1 reel. 5. Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Petropavlovsk, 1875-1878. 1 reel. 6. Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Archangel, 1811-1861. 1 reel. 7. Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Batum, 18901906. 1 reel. 8. Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Novorossisk, 1883-1884. 1 reel.
(形態) microfilm
(解説) 米国国立公文書館所蔵 米国国務省機密公文書 ロシア・ソ連邦関係公 文書集。 駐ロシアの米国各地領事館から 国務省への報告。
(名称) U.S. Department of States. Foreign Relations of the United States. 1861-1963. (1861-1912:Papers relating to U.S. Department of States. Foreign affairs, accompanying the Annual Message of the president transmitted to Congress/1912-1917: with the address of the president to congress/1917 supplement:the World War/1918-19:Russia/1919:Paris Peace Conference/1931:The Far East/1932-1942:Diplomatic papers)
(形態) Reprint
部分所蔵: 1861-1954
(解説) 1861年以前は、国務省が年度ごとに外交全般にわたる文 書を刊行する ことはなく、議会は情報を必要とする問題が生じた場合 に、適宜、そ の資料を要求してた。 1861年に、時の国務長官シュワードは「対外 問題関係文書」( Papers Relating to the Foreign Affairs )と題 する、その年の外交 全般にわたる信書からなる一巻を提出したが、そ れが本資料の始まり で、以来、1869年を除いて毎年、同様のものが議 会に提出されている。 これらには信書、条約の原文、条約・外交問題 に関する大統領の毎年 の議会への年頭教書、対外問題に関する特別教 書などが含まれている。
(文献内容) The collection includes; 1914-18 Supplement, The world war, Lansing papers 1914-1920. 1918-19: Russia, 1919 The Paris Peace conference, 1913-41, Japan, Soviet Union 1933-39, China 1942.
(名称) United States Department of State. Despatches from U.S. consuls in Odessa, Russia, 1831-1906. 7 reels. [ parts of the Collection of Official Records of the Department of State relating to the Soviet Union & Russia, 1803-1949. National Archives and Records Administration ]
(形態) microfilm
(解説) 米国国立公文書館所蔵 米国国務省機密公文書 ロシア・ソ連邦関係公 文書集。
(名称) United States Department of State. Despatches from U.S. consuls in Reval, Estonia, 1859-1870. 1 reel, & from U.S. consuls in Riga, Latvia, 1834-1872 and 1890-1906. 1 reel. [ parts of the Collection of Official Records of the Department of State relating to the Soviet Union & Russia, 1803-1949. National Archives and Records Administration ]
(形態) microfilm
(解説) 米国国立公文書館所蔵 米国国務省機密公文書 ロシア・ソ連邦関係公 文書集。 在バルト諸国の米国領事館から 米国国務省への報告
(名称) United States Department of State. Notes from the Russian legation in the United States to the U.S. Department of State, July 1809 - Aug.1906. 12 reels. [ parts of the Collection of Official Records of the Department of State relating to the Soviet Union & Russia, 1803-1949. National Archives and Records Administration ]
(形態) microfilm
(解説) 米国国立公文書館所蔵 米国国務省機密公文書 ロシア・ソ連邦関係公 文書集。 駐ロシア公使館から米国国務省への覚書。
(名称) United States Department of State. Notes to the Russian legation in the United States from the U.S. Department of State, July 1834 - Aug.1906. 3 reels. [ parts of the Collection of Official Records of the Department of State relating to the Soviet Union & Russia, 1803-1949. National Archives and Records Administration ]
(形態) microfilm
(解説) 米国国立公文書館所蔵 米国国務省機密公文書 ロシア・ソ連邦関係公 文書集。 米国国務省から駐ロシア公使館への覚書。
(名称) United States Department of State. Papers relating to the Cession of Alaska, 1856-1867; Enclosures 2 and 3 to despatch 2115, dated Dec. 2, 1936, from the U.S. Embassy in the Soviet Union. 1 reel. [ parts of the Collection of Official Records of the Department of State relating to the Soviet Union & Russia, 1803-1949. National Archives and Records Administration ]
(形態) microfilm
(解説) 米国国立公文書館所蔵 米国国務省機密公文書 ロシア・ソ連邦関係公 文書集。 アラスカ買収交渉記録
(名称) United States Department of State. Records of the Department of State relating to political relations between the Great Britain and Russia & the Soviet Union, 1910-1929. 3 reels [ parts of the Collection of Official Records of the Department of State relating to the Soviet Union & Russia, 1803-1949. National Archives and Records Administration ]
(形態) microfilm
(解説) 米国国立公文書館所蔵 米国国務省機密公文書 ロシア・ソ連邦関係公 文書集。
(名称) United States Department of State. Records of the Department of State relating to political relations between the United States and Russia & the Soviet Union, 1906-1944. 18 reels [ parts of the Collection of Official Records of the Department of State relating to the Soviet Union & Russia, 1803-1949. National Archives and Records Administration ]
(形態) microfilm
(解説) 米国国立公文書館所蔵 米国国務省機密公文書 ロシア・ソ連邦関係公 文書集。
(名称) United States Department of State. Records of the Department of State relating to political relations between Armenia and other states, 1910-1929. 2 reels [ parts of the Collection of Official Records of the Department of State relating to the Soviet Union & Russia, 1803-1949. National Archives and Records Administration ]
(形態) microfilm
(解説) 米国国立公文書館所蔵 米国国務省機密公文書 ロシア・ソ連邦関係公 文書集。
(名称) United States Department of State. Records of the Department of State relating to political relations between Finland and the Soviet Union, 1930-1944. 6 reels. [ parts of the Collection of Official Records of the Department of State relating to the Soviet Union & Russia, 1803-1949. National Archives and Records Administration ]
(形態) microfilm
(解説) 米国国立公文書館所蔵 米国国務省機密公文書 ロシア・ソ連邦関係公 文書集。
(名称) United States Department of State. Records of the Department of State relating to political relations between Poland and the Soviet Union, 1940-1944. 3 reels. [ parts of the Collection of Official Records of the Department of State relating to the Soviet Union & Russia, 1803-1949. National Archives and Records Administration ]
(形態) microfilm
(解説) 米国国立公文書館所蔵 米国国務省機密公文書 ロシア・ソ連邦関係公 文書集。
(名称) United States Department of State. Records of the Department of State relating to political relations between Russia & the Soviet Union and other states, 1906-1944. 50 reels. [ parts of the Collection of Official Records of the Department of State relating to the Soviet Union & Russia, 1803-1949. National Archives and Records Administration ]
(形態) microfilm
(解説) 米国国立公文書館所蔵 米国国務省機密公文書 ロシア・ソ連邦関係公 文書集。
(名称) United States Department of State. Records of the Department of State relating to Commercial relations between the United States and Russia & the Soviet Union, 1910-1949. 22 reels [ parts of the Collection of Official Records of the Department of State relating to the Soviet Union & Russia, 1803-1949. National Archives and Records Administration ]
(形態) microfilm
(解説) 米国国立公文書館所蔵 米国国務省機密公文書 ロシア・ソ連邦関係公 文書集。 アメリカとソ連の通商関係 (ツアーロシア末期から第2次 大戦後)
(文献内容) pt. 1. U.S. commerical relations with Russia - the Soviet Union :pt. 2. Russian - Soviet commerical relations with the United States.
(名称) United States Department of State. Records of the Department of State relating to Internal Affairs of the Baltic States, 1910-1944. 8 reels. [ parts of the Collection of Official Records of the Department of State relating to the Soviet Union & Russia, 1803-1949. National Archives and Records Administration ]
(形態) microfilm
(解説) 米国国立公文書館所蔵 米国国務省機密公文書 ロシア・ソ連邦関係公 文書集。 バルト諸国関係文書。
(名称) United States Department of State. Records of the Department of State relating to Internal Affairs of the Ukraine, 1918-1949. 6 reels. [ parts of the Collection of Official Records of the Department of State relating to the Soviet Union & Russia, 1803-1949. National Archives and Records Administration ]
(形態) microfilm
(解説) 米国国立公文書館所蔵 米国国務省機密公文書 ロシア・ソ連邦関係公 文書集。
(名称) United States Department of State. Records of the Department of State relating to Internal Affairs of Armenia, 1910-1929. 8 reels [ parts of the Collection of Official Records of the Department of State relating to the Soviet Union & Russia, 1803-1949. National Archives and Records Administration ]
(形態) microfilm
(解説) 米国国立公文書館所蔵 米国国務省機密公文書 ロシア・ソ連邦関係公 文書集。
(名称) United States Department of State. Records of the Department of State relating to Internal Affairs of Azerubaijan (and Syria), 1910-1929. 1 reels [ parts of the Collection of Official Records of the Department of State relating to the Soviet Union & Russia, 1803-1949. National Archives and Records Administration ]
(形態) microfilm
(解説) 米国国立公文書館所蔵 米国国務省機密公文書 ロシア・ソ連邦関係公 文書集。
(名称) United States Department of State. Records of the Department of State relating to Internal Affairs of Estonia, 1910-1944. 23 reels. [ parts of the Collection of Official Records of the Department of State relating to the Soviet Union & Russia, 1803-1949. National Archives and Records Administration ]
(形態) microfilm
(解説) 米国国立公文書館所蔵 米国国務省機密公文書 ロシア・ソ連邦関係公 文書集。 バルト諸国関係文書。
(名称) United States Department of State. Records of the Department of State relating to Internal Affairs of Latvia 1910-1944. 19 reels. [ parts of the Collection of Official Records of the Department of State relating to the Soviet Union & Russia, 1803-1949. National Archives and Records Administration ]
(形態) microfilm
(解説) 米国国立公文書館所蔵 米国国務省機密公文書 ロシア・ソ連邦関係公 文書集。 バルト諸国関係文書。
(名称) United States Department of State. Records of the Department of State relating to Internal Affairs of Lithuania, 1910-1944. 22 reels. [ parts of the Collection of Official Records of the Department of State relating to the Soviet Union & Russia, 1803-1949. National Archives and Records Administration ]
(形態) microfilm
(解説) 米国国立公文書館所蔵 米国国務省機密公文書 ロシア・ソ連邦関係公 文書集。 バルト諸国関係文書。
(名称) United States Department of State. Records of the Department of State relating to Internal Affairs of Russia and the Soviet Union, 1906-1944. 292 reels. [ parts of the Collection of Official Records of the Department of State relating to the Soviet Union & Russia, 1803-1949. National Archives and Records Administration ]
(形態) microfilm
(解説) 米国国立公文書館所蔵 米国国務省機密公文書 ロシア・ソ連邦関係公 文書集。
(名称) United States Department of State. Records of the Department of State relating to U.S. Claims against Russia, 1910-1929. 8 reels [ parts of the Collection of Official Records of the Department of State relating to the Soviet Union & Russia, 1803-1949. National Archives and Records Administration ]
(形態) microfilm
(解説) 米国国立公文書館所蔵 米国国務省機密公文書 ロシア・ソ連邦関係公 文書集。 アメリカのロシア-ソ連にたいする 請求交渉記録。
(名称) United States Department of State. Records of the Reich Commissioner for the Baltic States (Reichskommissar fur das Ostland), 1941-1945. (Captured German Records) 45 reels. [ parts of the Collection of Official Records of the Department of State relating to the Soviet Union & Russia, 1803-1949. National Archives and Records Administration ]
(形態) microfilm
(解説) 米国国立公文書館所蔵 米国国務省機密公文書 ロシア・ソ連邦関係公 文書集。 ナチ期東方地域ライヒ弁務官記録。 ナチスによるバルト諸 国占領行政文書。
(名称) United States. Declassified documents Reference system. Retrospective (1940's-1974) & Back file (1975-1983) collection. 1984 (Annual subscription) +
(形態) microfiche
部分所蔵: Cumulative subject index to the declassified documents reference system : combining entries from the retrospective collection and the annual collection for 1975
(解説) アメリカ政府戦後国家機密コレクション。 アメリカ連邦政府・各省庁 、国立公文書館、ホワイトハウス図書館 などから順次、公開される文 書類、即ち、政府閣議報告、国家安全保障委員会 報告、CIA 文書、国 防省・ペンタゴン文書、各省庁の長官報告 等々を要約・索引化し、収 録している。
(文献内容) By virtue of the Freedom of information ACT(reform) and the presidential order No.11652 in 1974. Many kinds of official papers which had been treated as confidential ones before that time were thrown open to the public. This collection contains the papers in possession of departments of Federal government, U.S. foreign affairs post-war period, the Korean War, the vietnam war and so on.
(名称) Vestnik Ministerstva inostrannykh del SSSR. Soviet Union. Ministerstvo inostrannykh del. Upravlenie informatsii. 1987, no.1(5 avg. 1987 g.)
部分所蔵 : 1988+
(文献内容) Issued by Upravlenie informatsii MID SSSR.
(名称) Vneshniaia politika Rossii XIX i nachala XX veka : dokumenty Rossiiskogo Ministerstva inostrannykh del. [komissiia po izdaniia diplomaticheskikh dokumentov pri MID SSSR ; A.A. Gromyko (predsedatel komissii) i dr.] Ser.1:1801-1815, Ser.2: 1815-1830, 14 vols
(名称) World War II : dispatches from the Soviet front. editor, S. Krasilshchik ; translator, Nina Bouis. 372 p.
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