

書誌ID タイトル 巻号
2001039695 Helen Fortescue; or, the shipbuilder's daughter
2001050849 Helen Oakleigh / J.S. Coyne
2001094675 Helen Oakleigh; or, the wife's stratagem! / J.S. Coyne
2000997424 Helen Potter's impersonations / H. Potter
2000997421 Helen and Paris; or, the dude, the dunce, and the daisy / W.K. Post
2001012225 Helen's funny babies / F. Dumont
2001125135 Helena in Troas / J. Todhunter
2001039698 Helga; or, the rival minstrels : tragedy, 5 acts
2001120469 Hellas / P.B. Shelley
2001011587 Heloise / E.P. De Lesdernier
2001082033 Helping hands / T. Taylor
2001128518 Helping hands / T. Taylor
2001124607 Helping hands / T. Taylor
2001114728 Helpless animals! or, bachelor's fare / J. Parry
2001072270 Helpless animals; or, bachelors' fare / J. Parry
2001072268 Helpless animals; or, bachelors' fare : musical interlude, 1 act / J. Parry
2001114319 Helvellyn / J. Oxenford
2001033810 Hemmed in / J.C. Stewart
2001085527 Hengist; or, the fifth century
2001051201 Henpecked / H. Dacre
2001054530 Henri III et sa cour / A. Dumas. père
2001082815 Henri IV en famille / T.F.V. Villeneuve, de ... [et al.]
2001074738 Henri Quatre and the fair Gabrielle : operatic anecdote, 1 acs / J.R. Planché
2001113514 Henri Quatre; or, Paris in the olden time / T. Morton, [Sr.]
2001077469 Henri de Rochemaine; or, Patrioian pride / H.B. Roberts
2001039702 Henri the witless; or, life's cloud ...
2001039708 Henrietta; or, the farm of Senange : melodrama, 3 acts
2001090694 Henriette and forsaken / J.B. Buckstone
2001048545 Henriette and forsaken / J.B. Buckstone
2001048550 Henriette and forsaken / J.B. Buckstone
2001084215 Henriette et Charlot / Monsieur Xavier ... [et al.]
2001100634 Henrique; or, the love pilgrim / J.T. Haines
2001058263 Henrique; or, the love pilgrim / J.T. Haines
2001045436 Henriquez / J. Baillie
2001124610 Henry Dunbar; or, a daughter's trial / T. Taylor
2001124611 Henry Dunbar; or, a daughter's trials / T. Taylor
2001006144 Henry Granden; or, the unknown heir / F.L. Bingham
2001001009 Henry IV of Germany
2001001009 Henry IV of Germany
2001095101 Henry IV, part II ; The forty thieves ; My grandmother ; The vampire ; The farmer ; Ella Rosenberg ; The two friends ; Valentine and Orson ; Folly as it flies
2001093796 Henry V (with prologue from Henry IV) / J. Coleman
2001005886 Henry Venola, the duellist / F.W. Beasley
2001089127 Henry and Almeria / A. Birrell
2001081786 Henry and Sully; or, the king and the minister / R. Sulivan
2001097566 Henry of Richmond / J.S. Edison
2001039711 Henry of Transtamare : tragedy, 5 acts
2001093025 Henry the Eighth / C.[A.] Calvert
2001031558 Henry the Fifth / C.E. Perine
2001093027 Henry the Fifth / C.[A.] Calvert
2001049605 Henry the Fifth / C.[A.] Calvert
2001093029 Henry the Fourth, part 2 / C.[A.] Calvert
2001102368 Henry the Second; or, the fall of Rosamond / T. Hull
2001039715 Henry the first; or, the British and Norman feuds : tragedy, 5 acts
2001039721 Her Royal Highness
2001119253 Her face was her fortune / F.W. Robinson
2001125864 Her new dressmaker / W.R. Walkes
2001032950 Her only fault / S. Rosenfeld
2001004976 Her picture / R.E. Baker
2001033743 Her trump card / J.B. Stafford
2001050183 Hercules / F.F. Cooper
2001090120 Hercules and Omphale; or, the power of love / W. Brough
2001094389 Hercules, king of clubs! / F.F. Cooper
2001127687 Hercules, king of clubs! / [F.F. Cooper]
2001010068 Here she goes and there she goes / G.H. Coes
2001044336 Hermance; ou, un an trop tard / M.L.V. Ancelot
2000998286 Hermann the armorer / [R.S. Tracy]
2001126793 Hermann the fatalist / W.G. Wills
2001039722 Hermann; or, the broken spear
2001087754 Hermesianax / A. Amico
2001074744 Hernando Cortez; or, the conquest of Mexico : opera, 3 acts / J.R. Planché
2001085530 Hernani
2001094910 Hernani / [C.D.T.] Crosland, Mrs. ... [et al.]
2000992154 Hernani; or, the Castilian noble
2001104494 Hernani; or, the pledge of honour / J. Kenney
2001012762 Hernarne / W.B. Felts
2001124782 Herne the hunter / T.R. Taylor
2001060164 Hero and Leander / I. Jackman
2001102894 Hero and Leander / I. Jackman
2001028130 Herod / H. Iliowizi
2001115411 Herod / S. Phillips
2001034397 Herod and Mariamne / A.R.[C. Troubetzkoy]
2001027166 Herodias / J.C. Heywood
2001097596 Heroes / C.[T.M.] Edwardes
2001013866 Hesitation / T. Frost
2001034050 Hesper / W.R. Thayer
2001115604 Hester's mystery / A.W. Pinero
2001115606 Hester's mystery / A.W. Pinero
2001054746 Heur et malheur / F.A. Duvert ... [et al.]
2001044283 Heureuse comme une princesse / J.A.P.F. Ancelot ... [et al.]
2001127518 Hey diddle diddle / [E.L.L. Blanchard]
2001089307 Hey diddle diddle; or, harlequin king nonsense, and the seven ... / E.L.L. Blanchard
2001034578 Hiawatha; or, ardent spirits and laughing water / C.M. Walcot
2001033794 Hick'ry farm / E.M. Stern
2001001011 Hidden treasure; or, the good St. Nicholas
2001034718 Hidden treasure; or, the good St. Nicholas / [N.B. Warren]
2001065104 Hide and seek / J. Lunn
2001107071 Hide and seek / J. Lunn
2001083721 Hide and seek / [C.M. Westmacott]
2001083722 Hide and seek / [C.M. Westmacott]
2001127368 High & low water bell! or, the Ebb ...
2001032959 High C / S. Rosenfeld
2001034894 High Jack, the heeler / C. White
2001125201 High life below stairs / J. Townlwy, Rev
2001039748 High life in London
2001097864 High life in the city! / E.J. Eyre
2001055214 High life in the city: a picture of London : comedy, 5 acts / E.J. Eyre
2001114730 High notions; or, a trip to Exmouth / J. Parry
2001072275 High notions; or, a trip to Exmouth : musical farce, 2 acts / J. Parry
2001117032 High, low, jack and the game; or, the card party / J.R. Planché ... [et al.]
2001001018 Highest price for old clothes; or, the Tailor's strike
2001099656 Highly improbable / W.S. Gilbert
2001126161 Highways and by-ways / B.[N.] Webster
2001126163 Highways and by-ways / B.[N.] Webster
2001083574 Highways and byways; or, the two husbands / B.N. Webster
2001058227 Hinds & Noble's new dialogues & plays / B. Gunnison
2001126795 Hinko; or, the headsman's daughter / W.G. Wills
2001046606 Hints for husbands / S. Beazley
2001088733 Hints for husbands / S. Beazley, Jr
2001062189 Hints to wives and advice to husbands / C.S. Lancaster
2001115140 Hippolytus the Wreathbearer / [E.H. Pember]
2001034896 Hippotheatron; or, burlesque circus / C. White
2001010228 Hiram hireout; or, followed by fortune / H.J. Conway
2000995187 Hiring help / Mrs. S.E. Dawes
2001011988 His Chris Cross mark [or] the man of mark / W. Dinsmore
2001109232 His Excellency / C.[J.] Mathews
2001099660 His Excellency / W.S. Gilbert
2001099658 His Excellency / W.S. Gilbert
2001039761 His Highness
2001102299 His Highness; or, the exchange, no robbery / J.W. Houghton
2001039767 His Majesty's sloop speedy, in the year 1790
2001108809 His excellency the governor / R. Marshall
2001030628 His excellency the governor / R. Marshall
2001108807 His excellency the governor / [R. Marshall]
2001027867 His father's son / H.M. Howie
2001096144 His first brief / S. Daryl
2001074751 His first campaign / J.R. Planché
2001118339 His first champagne / W.L. Rede
2001118341 His first champagne / [W.L. Rede]
2001075939 His first champagne / [W.]L. Rede
2001085534 His first peccadillo
2001039758 His first peccadillo
2001058619 His first peccadillo / [A.G. Harris]
2001001032 His hat and cane / [by Members of the Bellevue Dramatic Club of Newport]
2001083393 His head's in peril / C. Webb
2001027506 His heroine / M.L. Holbrook
2001010124 His last chance; or, the little joker / G.H. Coes
2001046930 His last legs / W.B. Bernard
2001129065 His last legs / W.B. Bernard
2001088953 His last legs / W.B. Bernard
2001046931 His last legs / W.B. Bernard
2001006480 His last scout / W. Boothman
2001115432 His last victory / W. Phillips
2000996483 His little game and how it worked / G.L. Huntress
2000997699 His majesty / P. Robertson
2001091770 His majesty; or, the Court of Vingolia / F.C. Burnand
2001049394 His majesty; or, the Court of Vingolia / F.C. Burnand ... [et al.]
2001121255 His novice / [H. Spicer]
2001109782 His own enemy / A. Meadow
2001109784 His own enemy / [A. Meadow]
2001088277 His own guest / A. Ayres ... [et al.]
2001101580 His toast / A.M. Heathcote
2001031288 His wife's father / M. Morton
2001101668 His wife's little bill / A. Henning ... [et al.]
2001104841 Histerkan; or, the assassin of the mountain / J. Kerr
2001001040 Historical contata / [by Pupils of the Collegiate Dept, Packer Collegiate Institute]
2000996263 Historico dramatico ambrosial / Hobnail Hengist
2001091771 Hit and miss; or, all my eye and Betty Martyn! / F.C. Burnand
2001127130 Hit him, he has no friends / E.[H.] Yates ... [et al.]
2001127128 Hit him, he has no friends / E.[H.] Yates ... [et al.]
2001075273 Hit or miss : musical farce, 2 acts / I. Pocock
2001075274 Hit or miss! / I. Pocock
2001075275 Hit or miss! / I. Pocock
2001117230 Hit or miss! / I. Pocock
2001075276 Hit or miss! / I. Pocock
2001083577 Hobbs, Dobbs and Stubbs; or, the three grocers / B.N. Webster
2001126167 Hobbs, Dobbs and Stubbs; or, the three grocers / B.N. Webster
2001098676 Hofer, the Tell of Tyrol / E. Fitzball
2001127819 Hofer, the Tell of Tyrol / E. Fitzball
2001095335 Hofer, the Tell of Tyrol ; Paul Clifford ; Damon and Pythias ; The three hunchbacks ; The tower of Nesle ; Sworn at Highgate ; Mary Glastonbury ; The red rover ; The golden farmer
2001074755 Hofer, the Tell of Tyrol! / J.R. Planché
2001039780 Hogarth's apprentices; or, industry and idleness
2001120556 Hogmanay (New Year's eve) / F.W. Sidney
2001074756 Hold your tongue! / J.R. Planché
2001116531 Hold your tongue! / J.R. Planché
2001062324 Holiday time; or, the school boy's frolic / F. Lathom
2001062325 Holiday time; or, the school boy's frolic : farce, 2 acts / F. Lathom
2001128512 Holly Bush Hall; or, the track in the snow / W.E. Suter
2001124141 Holly Bush Hall; or, the track in the snow / W.E. Suter
2001088874 Holly tree inn / A.D. Beringer, Mrs
2001088872 Holly tree inn / A.D. Beringer, Mrs
2001126169 Holly tree inn / B.[N.] Webster
2001119123 Home / T.W. Robertson
2001056283 Home again! / E. Fitzball
2001098681 Home again! or, the lieutenant's daughters / E. Fitzball
2001098682 Home again; or, the lieutenant's daughters / E. Fitzball
2001013337 Home dramas for young people / E.L.[C.] Follen
2001099996 Home for a holiday / W. Gordon
2001110832 Home for the holidays; or, young master / W.T. Moncrieff
2000996243 Home pastimes; or, tableaux Vivants / J.H. Head
2001012420 Home rule / B.F. Eberhart
2001124574 Home rule / J.G. Taylor
2001121163 Home sweet home! or, the Swiss family / C.A. Somerset
2001075283 Home sweet home; or, the rans de vache / I. Pocock
2001033361 Home, sweet home / C.W. Seymour
2001124364 Home, sweet home, with variations / H. Swears
2001117231 Home, sweet home; or, the ranz de vaches / I. Pocock
2001013564 Homoeopathy; or, the family cure / J.C. Frank
2001065116 Honest frauds; or, money and music / J. Lunn
2001118670 Honest meadows; or, an extraordinary investment / W. Rendell
2001081224 Honesty / H. Spicer
2001121258 Honesty / H. Spicer
2001081227 Honesty / H. Spicer
2001030591 Honesty is the best policy; or, true to the core / J. Maguire
2001106528 Honesty the best policy / M. Lemon
2001106525 Honesty the best policy / M. Lemon
2001027693 Honesty wins / R. House
2001063338 Honesty--the best policy / M. Lemon
2001060616 Honeymoon scruple / D.W. Jerrold
2001039790 Hong Puf : burletta, 1 act
2001108617 Honi soit / [W. Magnay]
2001075898 Honor is before titles / C. Reade
2001068251 Honour among thieves; or, a desperate game / J.M. Morton
2001039794 Honour and shame; or, the ballet girl and the Jew
2001097650 Honour before wealth; or, the romance of a poor young man / P. Edwards ... [et al.]
2001117957 Honour first; the rest nowhere / Q. Quilliver
2001093716 Honour versus wealth / A. Coates
2001101865 Honour: the count d'Abreu / B.H. Hilton
2001051100 Honour; [or, the arrivals from college] : comedy, 5 acts / T. Cromwell
2001047977 Honours and tricks; or, the doctor's boy / C.W.S. Brooks
2001113887 Hook and eye / E. Norwood
2001039800 Hooker and Snooker; or, life on the rail
2001113635 Hoop of gold / J.M. Murdoch
2001055403 Hop O'my Thumb and his brothers or harlequin and the ogre / C. Farley
2001080636 Hop O'my Thumb! or, the ogre and 7-leagued boots / A.R. Smith
2001039804 Hop O'my Thumb; or, the giant orge ...
2001089319 Hop o' my thumb and the eleven brothers ... / E.L.L. Blanchard
2001101510 Hop pickers and gipsies; or, the lost daughter / C.H. Hazlewood
2001101509 Hop pickers and gipsies; or, the lost daughter / C.H. Hazlewood
2001120888 Hop-o'-my-thumb; or, the seven league boots / A.[R.] Smith
2001039807 Hopes and fears
2000992304 Hopojius vinctus
2000992165 Horace
2001001054 Horace
2000992185 Horace and Lydia
2001125266 Horace at the University of Athens / [G.O. Trevelyan]
2001082481 Horace at the University of Athens / [G.O. Trevelyan]
2001075394 Horace et Lydie / F. Ponsard
2001123479 Horatio Sparkins / E. Stirling
2001085538 Horatius
2000994631 Horizon / A. Daly
2001010985 Horizon / A. Daly
2001039810 Horse and foot; or, the galopade
2001033880 Horseshoe Robinson; or, the battle of Kings Mountain / C.W. Tayleure
2001033882 Horseshoe Robinson; or, the battle of Kings Mountain / C.W. Tayleure
2001085548 Hortensia
2001039812 Hot and cold; or, bath waters
2001039814 Hot weather
2001120135 Hotel charges; or, how to cook a biffin / C. Selby
2001079623 Hotel charges; or, how to cook a biffin / C. Selby
2001026524 Hotel healthy / G.H. Hamilton
2001060837 House on the bridge; or, the storm ... / J.B. Johnstone
2001072590 House room; or, the dishonored bill / R.B. Peake
2001115056 House room; or, the dishonoured bill / R.B. Peake
2001033009 Household affairs; or, a cause for divorce / J. Rosetti
2001124919 How I found Crusoe / A. Thompson
2001012718 How a queen loved / [E. Fawcett]
2001088683 How do you manage? / T.H. Bayly
2001125139 How dreams come true / J. Todhunter
2001052379 How happy could I be with either : comic opera, 3 acts / T.J. Dibdin
2001114734 How he did it! / J. Parry
2001129952 How its to be done / [L.S. Buckingham]
2001006229 How much i loved thee! / [H.A. Blood]
2001006229 How much i loved thee! / [H.A. Blood]
2001085556 How others see us
2001008878 How she has her own way / I.M. Buxton
2001089568 How she loves him! / D.L. Boucicault
2001033387 How sister Paxey got her child baptized / J.S.R. Shaw
2001128120 How stout you're getting / [J.M. Morton]
2001111619 How stout you're getting! / J.M. Morton
2001006627 How the Colonel proposed / E.E. Brewster
2001085560 How to die for love
2001039826 How to die for love!
2001085564 How to die for love!
2001012227 How to get a divorce / F. Dumont
2001051403 How to get off / C. Dance
2001076253 How to grow rich / F. Reynolds
2001118770 How to grow rich / F. Reynolds
2001090123 How to make home happy / W. Brough
2001035537 How to pay the rent / M.J. Wilton
2001128277 How to pay the rent / T. Power
2001117861 How to pay the rent / T. Power
2001075627 How to pay the rent / W.G.T. Power
2001039827 How to pay your taxes : burletta, 2 acts
2001061527 How to raise the wind : farce, 2 acts / J. Kenney
2001094687 How to settle accounts with your laundress / J.S. Coyne
2001110843 How to take up a bill; or, the village Vauxhall / W.T. Moncrieff
2001092341 How to tame your mother-in-law / H.J. Byron
2001068511 How to teaze; or, how to please : comedy, 5 acts / [T. Morton]
2001129447 How we live; or, London labour ... / [J.B. Johnstone]
2001039830 How will it end? : comedy, 3 acts
2001120793 How will they get out of it? / A. Sketchley
2001085572 How would you manage her?
2001085578 How would you manage her?
2001128617 How's your uncle / [T.E. Wilks]
2001126418 How's your uncle? or, the ladies of the court / T.E. Wilks
2001035433 Howls the owl train / H.L. Williams, Jr
2001045281 Hoxton a hundred years ago; or, the dogs of tipple's farm / S. Atkyns
2001099254 Hubert's pride / J.A. Fraser
2001082423 Hue and cry; or, yours and mine : musical entertainment, 2 acts / [J. Tobin]
2001093639 Hugger-Mugger / H.S. Clarke
2001045652 Hugh the gipsey / C.Z. Barnett
2001039835 Hugo bambino
2001103496 Humbug / H.A. Jones
2001039863 Humbug!
2001091778 Humbug! / F.C. Burnand
2001080358 Humbug; or, med'cine for the million / H. Silvester
2000996900 Humorous dialogues / [H.E. Mcbride]
2000997921 Humorous dialogues and dramas / C.C. Shoemaker
2000996598 Humorous dramas for school exhibitions and private theatricais / Mrs Kavanaugh
2001004610 Humors of the strike / [G.M. Baker]
2001076258 Humourous lieutenant; or, Alexander's successors : play, 3 acts / F. Reynolds
2001096343 Humphrey Clinker / T.[J.] Dibdion
2001095278 Humphrey Clinker ; Mischief-making ; Joan of Arc ; The ruffian boy ; Fortunes of Nigel ; The Wreck ; Every-body's husband ; Banks of the Hudson ; Guy Faux
2001013542 Humpty Dumpty / G.[W.]L. Fox
2001011667 Humpty Dumpty / J. Denier
2001039874 Humpty Dumpty, crook'd back Dick & Jane shore!; or, harlequin pearl prince and grape queen
2001069012 Humpty Dumpty; or, harlequin, the yellow dwarf, and the fair one with the golden locks / H. Nicholls ... [et al.]
2000998136 Humpty-Dumpty / H. Strelitz
2001049565 Hundred thousand pounds / [H.J. Byron]
2001015202 Hunk's wedding day / [G.W.H. Griffin]
2001089570 Hunted down; or, the two lives of Mary Leigh / D.L. Boucicault
2001120141 Hunting a turtle / C. Selby
2001079628 Hunting a turtle / C. Selby
2001120144 Hunting a turtle / C. Selby
2001088766 Hunting the slippers; or, painless dentistry / M. Becher
2001033651 Hurly Burly / [H.B. Smith ... [et al.]
2001060338 Hurra for the road; or, the gallant high toby man / C.S. James
2001027740 Hurricanes / [B. Howard]
2001001045 Husbands and wives
2001075286 Husbands and wives; or, the debt and duel : farce, 2 acts / I. Pocock
2001119397 Husbands, wives, and lovers / G.H.[B.] Rodwell
2001096026 Hush money / C. [i.e. G.] Dance
2001051497 Hush money / G. Dance
2001051494 Hush money / G. Dance
2001061531 Hush! or, secrets at court / J. Kenney
2001110204 Hush-a-bye baby on the tree-top; or, harlequin Fortunio, king frog ... / C. Millward
2001129738 Hushaby baby on the tree top; or, the comet ...
2001055217 Hyde Park in an uproar; or, the Don Cossack in London : dramatic sketch, 1 act / E.J. Eyre
2001048922 Hyder Ali; or, the lions of Mysore / A. Bunn
2001048554 Hyder Ali; or, the lions of Mysore / J.B. Buckstone
2001089814 Hydropathy / W. Boyce
2001101699 Hydrophobia; or, love-created madness / T. Herbert
2001064945 Hymen's muster roll; or, the marriage at the drum head / C. Long
2001106876 Hymen's muster roll; or, the marriage at the drum head / C. Long
2001094359 Hymenaeus / W.M. C[ooke]
2001010179 Hymettus / A.O. Commelin
2001113937 Hypatia / G.S. Ogilvie
2001034008 Hypnotizing a landlord / L.C. Tees
2001128859 Hyram Balthazar; or, the maniac jew
2001045415 Hänsel and Gretel / C. Bache
2001047855 Hélois̈e ou la nouvelle somnambule / M.E.G.M. Théaulon de Lambert
2001001007 Hélène de la Seiglière
2001077735 I Capuleti e i Montecchi / F. Romani
2001080935 I Lombardi / T. Solera
2001080937 I Lombardi / T. Solera
2001126082 I Rantzau / F.E. Weatherly
2000992617 I am that I am / [J.N. Anderson]
2001069400 I and my double / J. Oxenford
2001114322 I and my double / J. Oxenford
2001093491 I and my father-in law / H.L. Childe-Pemberton
2001125951 I beg your pardon! / J. Wallace, Jr
2001051058 I briganti / J. Crescini
2001114334 I couldn't help it / J. Oxenford
2001030500 I dine with my mother / C. Mclachlan
2001073011 I due Foscari! / F.M. Piave
2001118585 I love you! / W. Reeve
2001033333 I love your wife / A.B. Sedgwick
2001079448 I martiri / E. Scribe
2001065476 I masnadieri / A. Maffei
2001041625 I messicani
2001042386 I pretendenti delusi : comic opera (Italian), 2 acts
2001065519 I puritani / M. Maggioni
2001118460 I puritani / [R. Reece]
2001042452 I puritani e i cavaliere [i.e. cavalieri]; or, the puritans and the knights
2001042454 I puritani e i cavalieri
2000992807 I puritani e i cavalieri; or, the puritans & cavaliers
2001072838 I puritani ed i cavalieri / C. Pepoli
2001065575 I quattro fratelli / S.M. Maggioni
2001042564 I riti d'efeso : opera (Italian), 2 acts
2001042648 I selvaggi : opera (Italian), 2 acts
2001032961 I shall invite the major / S. Rosenfeld
2001064799 I viaggiatori, felici : comic opera (Italian), 2 acts / [F. Livigni]
2001043162 I villeggiattori bizzari : opera (Italian), 2 acts
2001048560 I will be a duchess! or, a little flirting! / J.B. Buckstone
2001074761 I will have a wife : musical farce, 2 acts / J.R. Planché
2001051409 I will have an uncle / C. Dance
2001039893 I wish you may get it
2001051719 I won't go! or, how to keep a place / B. De Burgh
2001119401 I'll be your second / G.H.[B.] Rodwell
2001077563 I'll be your second; or, the note of hand! / G.H.B. Rodwell
2001015413 I'll remain single / M. Hageman
2001029871 I'll stay awhile / H.E. Mcbride
2001039895 I'll stay where I am : farce, 1 actr
2001102535 I'll tell you what / E.[S.] Inchbald, Mrs
2001126226 I'll tell your wife / W.S. Webster
2001083693 I'll tell your wife / W.S. Webster
2001128612 I'll tell your wife / [W.S. Webster]
2001126958 I'll write to the times / J.P. Wooler
2001129583 I'll write to the times / [J.P. Wooler]
2001065617 I'm not meself at all / C.A. Maltby
2001108668 I'm not mesilf at all / C.A. Maltby
2001047912 I've eaten my friend / J.V. Bridgeman
2001089936 I've eaten my friend! / J.V. Bridgeman
2001077564 I've lost my place or the journey of adventures / G.H.B. Rodwell
2001084097 I've written to Brown; or, a needless stratagem / T.J. Williams
2001126650 I've written to Browne; or, a needless stratagem / T.J. Williams
2000998882 I've written to Browne; or, a needless strategem / T.J. Williams
2001102129 Ib and little Christina: the story of a hearth / B.[C.W.] Hood
2001087956 Ibsen's prose dramas / W. Archer [v. 6]
2001087956 Ibsen's prose dramas / W. Archer v. 1
2001087956 Ibsen's prose dramas / W. Archer v. 2
2001087956 Ibsen's prose dramas / W. Archer v. 3
2001087956 Ibsen's prose dramas / W. Archer v. 4
2001087956 Ibsen's prose dramas / W. Archer v. 5
2001126651 Ici on parle francais / T.J. Williams
2001129742 Ida May, the child of fortune
2001127369 Ida May; or, the slaves triangle!
2001080867 Ida of the cottage : melodrama, 2 acts / G. Soane
2001118999 Idalia; or, the adventuress / G. Roberts
2001085582 Ideals
2001080384 Idela: or, the feuds of Switzerland : play, 5 acts / Y.F.St. Ange Simeon
2001106627 Identity; or, no thoroughfare / L. Lequel
2001111639 If I had a thousand a year / J.M. Morton
2001111636 If I had a thousand a year / J.M. Morton
2001039902 If it takes place, I shall keep my seat, and get a peep : inrerlude, 1 act
2001039906 If quite convenient : comic farce, 2 acts
2001101149 If the cap fits / N.H. Harrington ... [et al.]
2001065472 Ignacio, the demon monk of Tuscany; or, the convent, the cavern and the castle / F. Maes
2001039915 Ignez de Castro
2001113729 Ignez de Castro / T.M. Musgrave
2001004623 Ignorance is bliss [and] a stitch in time saves nine / G.M. Baker
2001085592 Ignorance is not bliss
2001096292 Il Bondocani; or, the caliph robber / T.[J.] Dibdin
2001037991 Il Consiglio imprudente : comic opera (Italian), 2 acts
2001038012 Il Conte Ory
2001065492 Il Conte Ory / M. Maggioni
2001000558 Il Don Giovanni
2001108230 Il Don Giovanni / M. Maggioni
2001051585 Il Don Giovanni : comic opera (Italian), 2 acts / L. Da Ponte
2001038965 Il Franco Arciero
2000996052 Il Guarany / A.C. Gomez
2001027178 Il Nano Italiano / [J.C. Heywood]
2001029630 Il Pesceballo / [J.R. Lowell]
2001125341 Il Seraglio / J. Troutbeck
2001108605 Il Tancredi / M. Maggioni
2001043027 Il Turco in Italia; or, the Turk in Italy : comic opera (Italian), 2 acts
2001084597 Il barbiere
2001108216 Il barbiere di Siviglia / M. Maggioni
2001108218 Il barbiere di Siviglia / M. Maggioni
2001037001 Il barbiere di Siviglia = The barber of Seville
2001037005 Il barbiere di Siviglia = The barber of Seville
2001036995 Il barbiere di Siviglia = The barber of Seville
2001082986 Il barbiere di Siviglia = The barber of Seville / W.J. Walter
2001065545 Il campanello / S.M. Maggioni
2001077911 Il crociato in Egitto / G. Rossi
2001115836 Il demonio / J. Pittman
2001073351 Il diavolo duvaldi, the mountain devil / G.D. Pitt
2001047101 Il fanatico di Berlino : opera (Italian), 2 acts / G. Bertati
2001038715 Il fanatico per la musica : opera (Italian), 2 acts
2001068903 Il faut qu'une porte soit ouverte; ou, fermée / A. de Musset
2001085270 Il flauto magico
2001039010 Il furbo contra il furbo : comic opera (Italian), 2 acts
2001039008 Il furbo contra il furbo : comic opera (Italian), 2 acts
2001055803 Il furioso all' isola di S. Domingo / G. Ferretti
2001078280 Il giorno felice; or, the happy day : seriocomic opera, 2 acts / J.M. Scott
2001077919 Il giuramento / G. Rossi
2001000940 Il giuramento; or the oath
2001041603 Il matrimonio per sussuro : comic opera (Italian), 2 acts
2001047102 Il matrimonio segreto : comic opera (Italian), 2 acts / G. Bertati
2001041609 Il matrimonio segreto; or, the secret marriage
2001068915 Il ne faut jurer de rien / L.C.A. de Musset
2001055820 Il nuovo Figaro / G. Ferretti
2001106935 Il paddy whack in Italia / S. Lover
2001064993 Il paddy whack in Italia / S. Lover
2001088806 Il pastore incantato; or, the enchanted shepherd / J. Beldam
2001077798 Il pirata / F. Romani
2001077234 Il pirata; or, the pirate / T.H. Reynoldson
2001042401 Il principe di Taranto : comic opera (Italian), 2 acts
2001042402 Il principe di Taranto : heroicomic opera (Italian and English), 2 acts
2001042403 Il principe di Taranto : opera (Italian), 2 acts
2001078156 Il prodigo / F.D. Santo-Mango, di
2001042509 Il rato di proserpina : opera (Italian), 3 acts
2001115872 Il re di Lahore / J. Pittman
2000996520 Il recrutio / F. Jackson ... [et al.]
2001042566 Il ritorno di Serse : opera (Italian), 2 acts
2001042568 Il ritorno di Serse; o sia, argenide : opera (Italian), 2 acts
2001109628 Il talismano / A. Matthison
2001043012 Il trionfo di cesare sopra i Galli
2001086843 Il trovatore
2001103020 Il trovatore / C. Jefferys
2000998341 Il trovatore / G.W. Tryon, Jr
2001128081 Il trovatore / M. Maggioni
2001108608 Il trovatore / M. Maggioni
2001092351 Ill-treated il trovatore; or, the mother, the maiden, and the musicianer / H.J. Byron
2001126869 Illiam Dhône / W.E. Windus
2001080107 Illusion; or, the trances of Nourjahad / Mrs Sheridan
2001088029 Illusion; or, the trances of Nourjahad / S.J. Arnold
2001128987 Illusion; or, the trances of Nourjahad / S.J. Arnold
2001044992 Illusion; or, the trances of Nourjahad / S.J. Arnold
2001039920 Illusion; or, the trances of Nourjahad : original romance, 3 acts
2001063272 Ils amores de Gileso Scroggini è Molli Brownini / M. Lemon
2001004076 Imbroglio / G. Allender
2001109795 Imogen's new cook / M.S. Medd
2001010858 Imogene; or, the witch's secret / H.C. Dale
2001118690 Imoline / [T.L. Rettie]
2001047929 Impressions de menage / É.L.A. Brisebarre ... [et al.]
2001033039 Impulse / B. Rowe
2001033848 In Aunt Chloe's cabin / E.G. Sutherland
2000998679 In Executive session; or, casting a play / J. Wendell Jr
2001030976 In Klondyke / E.W. Merriman
2001114801 In Nelson's days / H.M. Paull
2001090416 In a balcony / R. Browning
2001126108 In a day / A.[D.] Webster
2001028655 In a spider's web / C.F. Kinnaman ... [et al.]
2001103634 In an attic / [J.]W. Jones
2001034903 In and out / C. White
2001081537 In and out / E. Stirling
2001097834 In and out of a Punt / H.V. Esmond
2001028355 In and out of place / S.D. Johnson
2001049746 In and out of tune : musical farce, 2 acts / A. Cherry
2001039934 In and out; or, my landlady's side door : comic interlude, 1 act
2001115613 In chancery / A.W. Pinero
2001101855 In chancery; or, Browne with an "E." / J.L. Hillcox
2001106670 In danger / W. Lestocq ... [et al.]
2001082569 In for a dig; or, life at the diggings / H. Vamp
2001091781 In for a holyday / F.C. Burnand
2001004081 In for it; or, uncle Tony's mistake / D.E. Allyn
2001117973 In his power / [M. Quinton]
2001100476 In honor bound / S. Grundy
2001100478 In honour bound / S. Grundy
2001033851 In office hours, and other sketches for vaudeville or private acting / E.G. Sutherland
2000995201 In old Kentucky / C.T. Dazey
2001011505 In old Kentucky / [C.T. Dazey]
2000996988 In partnership / B. Matthews ... [et al.]
2001129762 In place and out of place; or, acting mad
2001088778 In possession / M. Becher
2001126010 In quarantine / J.R. Ware
2001001048 In quod; or, courting the wrong lass
2001039936 In search of a wife; or, love in disguise
2001030200 In spite of all / [J.S. Mackaye]
2001086993 In the clouds: a glimpse of Utopia / G.A. A'Beckett
2001033855 In the dark / W.G.V.T. Sutphen
2001097269 In the days of the regent / A.C. Doyle
2001008457 In the enemy's camp; or, stolen despatches / S.J. Brown
2001126912 In the eyes of the world / A.C.F. Wood
2001026987 In the fire-light / F. Heermans
2001033012 In the forest / J. Rosetti
2001030597 In the gods' shadow / G.M. Major
2001004243 In the nick of time / A.S. Arnold
2001033826 In the palace of the king / L. Stoddard
2001028531 In the palace of the king / [P. Kester]
2001120773 In the ranks; or. a soldier's wife / [G.R. Sims] ... [et al.]
2001031099 In the season / L.E. Mitchell
2001030160 In the toils / J.T. Mcintyre
2001009554 In the trenches / [F.E. Chase]
2001027614 In the way; or, over the cliff / S.F. Hornett
2001006175 In the wilds of Tennessee / F.L. Bixby
2001009984 In the worong box (the wrong box) / M.A.D. Clifton
2001072592 In the wrong box / R.B. Peake
2001072596 In the wrong box; or, the little black porter / R.B. Peake
2001008788 In the wrong clothes / J. Burton
2001088780 In the wrong house; or, no. six Duke Street / M. Becher
2001088782 In the wrong house; or, the two T.J'S / M. Becher
2001012728 In the year ten thousand / [E. Fawcett]
2001089102 In three volumes / T. Bilkins
2001119648 In town / A. Rose ... [et al.]
2001119654 In town / A. Rose ... [et al.]
2001077882 In town / A. Ross ... [et al.]
2001101582 In two minds / A.M. Heathcote
2001095484 Ina / [B.O. Dacre, Lady.]
2001051604 Ina / [B.O. Farce, Lady]
2001084112 Ina of Sigiswold : tragedy, 5 acts / B.O. Milmot, Mrs
2001130239 Incle and Yarico / G. Colman, [Jr.]
2001103959 Incog; or, fine feathers make fine birds / E.H. Keating
2001104081 Incog; or, three days at a well-known hotel / W.A. Keep
2001061070 Incog; or, three days at hatchett's : afrerpiece, 2 acts / W.A. Keep or W. Lennox
2001091787 Incognita / F.C. Burnand
2001124146 Incompatibility of temper / W.E. Suter
2001098052 Indiana / H.B. Farnie
2001046218 Indiana et Charlemagne / J.F.A. Bayard ... [et al.]
2001081539 Indolence and industry; or, the orphan's legacy / E. Stirling
2001123484 Indolence and industry; or, the orphan's legacy / E. Stirling
2001062724 Industry and idleness; or, harlequin little Tommy tucker / R.N. Lee
2001109912 Ines Mendo, part 1; or, prejudice vanquished / [P. Mérimée]
2001109914 Ines Mendo, part 2 or, the triumph of prejudice / [P. Mérimée]
2001030608 Inez / [W. Malone]
2001067508 Inez de Castro / M.R. Mitford
2001110623 Inez de Castro / M.R. Mitford
2001108192 Infanticide; or, the Bohemian mother / J.M. Maddox
2001061430 Infatuation / C.L. Kenney
2001127179 Infatuation / C.L. Young, Sir
2001064969 Ingomar / M.A. Lovell
2001001050 Ingomar the barbarian
2001033701 Ingomar the barbarian / [E.H. Sothern ... [et al.]
2001001053 Ingomar, the barbarian
2001106908 Ingomar, the barbarian / M.[A.L.] Lovell
2001106911 Ingomar, the barbarian / M.[A.L.] Lovell
2001064971 Ingomar, the barbarian / M.[A.L.] Lovell, Mrs
2001093337 Ingomar, the son of the wilderness / W.H. Charlton
2001118407 Ingomar; or, the noble savage / [R. Reece]
2001011737 Initiating a Granger / T.S. Denison
2001050028 Inkle and Yarico / G. Colman, Jr
2001031790 Innisfail; or, the wanderer's dream / R. Quinn
2001040483 Innocence and vice
2001065386 Innocent sins; or, peccadilloes / G. Macfarren
2001081213 Ino; or, the Theban twins / B.J. Spedding
2001121242 Ino; or, the Theban twins / B.J. Spedding
2001063342 Ins and outs / M. Lemon
2001106534 Ins and outs / M. Lemon
2001060941 Ins and outs; or, a little too late : farce, 2 acts / R. Jones
2001119617 Inspector / A. Rose
2001031361 Instincts of childhood / [J. Neal]
2001114504 Insured at Lloyd's / T.A. Palmer
2001114506 Insured at Lloyd's / T.A. Palmer
2001087971 Interior / W. Archer
2001043785 International visits ; or, une garde nationale / H.R. Addison
2001031374 Interviews; or, Bright Bohemia / M. Nobles
2001040507 Intimate friends
2001034679 Into the world / [D.W. Waller]
2001117536 Intrigue / J. Poole
2001075422 Intrigue : interlude, 2 acts / J. Poole
2001040512 Intrigue, love honor, and obey; or, the widow : burletta, 2 acts
2001075426 Intrigue; or, the Bath Road / J. Poole
2001075428 Intrigue; or, the Bath Road / J. Poole
2001061975 Inventeur de la poudre / [E.M.] Labiche ... [et al.]
2001069414 Invisible green / J. Oxenford
2001099668 Iolanthe; or, the peer and the peri / W.S. Gilbert
2001099667 Iolanthe; or, the peer and the peri / W.S. Gilbert
2001081973 Ion / T.N. Talfourd
2001124518 Ion / T.N. Talfourd
2001081972 Ion / T.N. Talfourd
2001128515 Ion / T.N. Talfourd
2001124517 Ion / T.N. Talfourd
2001081982 Ion / T.N. Talfourd, Sir
2001094393 Ion / [F.]F. Cooper
2001124516 Ion / [T.N. Talfourd]
2001011263 Iona / [E.A.F. Dana]
2001117757 Iphigenia at Aulis / [R. Potter]
2001040529 Iphigenia in Tauris
2001003933 Iphigenia in Tauris / G.J. Adler
2001125327 Iphigenia in Tauris / J. Troutbeck
2001117762 Iphigenia in Tauris / [R. Potter]
2001100539 Iphigenia on Delphi / A.[T.] Gurney
2001099406 Iphigenia on Delphi / R. Garnett
2001040530 Iran Safferi
2001073201 Irea / F. Pistrucci
2001031631 Ireland and America; or scenes in both / [J. Pilgrim]
2001128972 Ireland as it is / J.H. Amherst
2001087745 Ireland as it is / J.H. Amherst
2001044218 Ireland as it is / J.H. Amherst
2001087734 Ireland--as it was / J.A. Amherst
2000997275 Ireland; or the voice of the people / Mrs. Pacheco
2001098055 Irene / H.[B.] Farnie
2001115617 Iris / A.W. Pinero
2001129581 Irish Assurance ... / [Mrs. B. Williams]
2001031633 Irish Assurance and Yankee modesty / [J. Pilgrim]
2001034682 Irish inspiration / [J. Walsh]
2001011743 Irish linen peddler / T.S. Denison
2001040548 Irish widow : burletta, 2 acts
2001095078 Irishman in London ; Recruiting officer ; The slave ; The devil's elixir ; "Master's rival" ; The duel ; William Tell
2001097407 Irma / S. Dunn
2001107438 Iron latch farm / W. Mackay
2001060340 Irongrip; or, the crystal dagger / C.S. James
2001078922 Irène; ou, le magnétisme / A.E. Scribe ... [et al.]
2001040557 Is he alive? [or, all puzzled] : comic farce, 2 acts
2001085603 Is he alive? or, all puzzled!
2001129057 Is he jealous? / S. Beazley, Jr
2001088735 Is he jealous? / S. Beazley, Jr
2001129059 Is he jealous? / S. Beazley, [Jr.]
2001046653 Is he jealous? : musical farce. 1 act / S. Beazley, Jr
2001040567 Is it a lie?
2001001067 Is it too dear?
2001085608 Is it true? or, tattlers' folly!
2001034632 Is lying easy? / A. Wall
2001093831 Is she a woman? / W. Collier
2001113689 Is she his daughter? or, Beaujolais, the necromancer / G. Murray ... [et al.]
2001096732 Is she his wife? or, something singular / C. Dickens
2001096734 Is she his wife? or, something singular / C. Dickens
2001052882 Is she his wife? or, something singular! / C. Dickens
2001083972 Is the captain a-miss? / T.E. Wilks
2001011744 Is the editor in? / T.S. Denison
2001124551 Isaac Comnenus / [H. Taylor]
2001028132 Isaac's blessing / H. Iliowizi
2001040574 Isabel Bertrand; or, the wife's tragedy
2001121199 Isabella Aldobrandi / G. Sorelli
2001035398 Isabella Orsini / H.L. Williams
2001104303 Isabella; or, the fatal marriage / J.P. Kemble
2001099437 Isabella; or, the fatal marriage / [D. Garrick]
2001056663 Isabella; or, the fatal marriage / [D.] Garrick
2001067461 Isabelle de montral / H.M. Milner ... [et al.]
2001090711 Isabelle; or, woman's life / J.B. Buckstone
2001129284 Isabelle; or, woman's life / J.B. Buckstone
2001090708 Isabelle; or, woman's life / J.B. Buckstone
2001014787 Isadore / [C.H. Gilman]
2001102262 Isalda / F. Horner
2001069003 Isaure / T. Nézel ... [et al.]
2001126172 Isaure; or, the maniac of the Alps / B.[N.] Webster
2001053049 Isidore de Merida; or, devil's creek / W. Dimond
2001045811 Isn't a duck; or, the bird fancier / M. Barnett
2001118924 Isolda; or, good King Stephen / [A.B. Richards]
2001124148 Isoline of Bavaria / W.E. Suter
2001033146 Issac : a type of redeemer / [R.C. Sands]
2001075209 Issac of York; or, Saxons and Normans at home / T.F. Plowman
2001118252 It is never too late to mend / C. Reade
2001032005 It is never too late to mend / D. Reynartz
2001013306 It is the law / J.C. Flewellyn
2001127909 It runs in the family / C.C. Harding
2001098197 It's all a mistake / J. Farrell
2001011746 It's all in the pay-streak / T.S. Denison
2001046034 It's only my aunt / A.C.V. Bartholomew
2001088634 It's only my aunt! / A.C.F. Bartholomew, Mrs
2001013201 Items / A.M. Fitch
2001121209 Ivan / W. Sotheby
2001072909 Ivan de Bassenvelt; or, the green rider / F.L. Phillips
2001065715 Ivan of the mask; or, the dumb henchman of the isles / J.T. Lynch
2001094396 Ivanhoe / F.F. Cooper
2001060051 Ivanhoe / J.L. Huie
2001081778 Ivanhoe / J.[R.] Sturgis
2001124039 Ivanhoe / J.[R.] Sturgis
2001113702 Ivanhoe / W.H.[W.] Murray
2001092363 Ivanhoe in accordance with the spirit of the times / H.J. Byron
2001110858 Ivanhoe! or, the Jewess / W.T. Moncrieff
2001052383 Ivanhoe, or, the Jew's daughter / T.J. Dibdin
2001046657 Ivanhoe; [or, the knight templar] : musical drama, 3 acts / S. Beazley, Jr
2001091544 Ivanhoe; or, the Jew of York / A. Bunn
2001048926 Ivanhoe; or, the Jew of York / [A. Bunn]
2001052393 Ivanhoe; or, the Jew of York / [T.J. Dibdin]
2001052395 Ivanhoe; or, the Jew's daughter / T.J. Dibdin
2001096348 Ivanhoe; or, the Jew's daughter / T.[J.] Dibdin
2001093009 Ivanhoe; or, the Jewess / J.W. Calcraft
2001040616 Ivanhoe; or, the Saxon chief : melodramatic burletta, 3 acts
2001088739 Ivanhoe; or, the knight templar / S. Beazley, Jr
2001088738 Ivanhoe; or, the knight templar / S. Beazley, Jr
2001101880 Ivor; or, the sighs of Ulla / W.H. Hitchener
2001097762 Ivy Hall, Richmond / F.E. Emson
2001027924 Ixion / H. Hubbard
2001091798 Ixion; or, the man at the wheel / F.C. Burnand
2001051411 Izaak Walton / C. Dance
2001096028 Izaak Walton / C. Dance
2001120844 J.P. / T. Smelt
2001043378 Jack Brag / G.A. A'Beckett
2001086996 Jack Brag; or, a chandler's chances / G.A. A'Beckett
2001129590 Jack Cade / R.T. Conrad
2001094333 Jack Cade the captain of the Commons / R.T. Conrad
2001130424 Jack Cade, the captain of the Commons / R.T. Conrad
2001010212 Jack Cade, the captain of the Commons / R.T. Conrad
2001130427 Jack Cade, the captain of the Commons / R.T. Conrad
2001130420 Jack Cade; or, the Kentish rebellion / [R.T. Conrad]
2001087616 Jack Ketch; or, a leaf from Tyburn tree / G. Almar
2001060841 Jack Long of Texas; or, a shot in the eye / J.B. Johnstone
2001103410 Jack Long; or, a shot in the eye / J.B. Johnstone
2001103409 Jack Long; or, a shot in the eye / J.B. Johnstone
2001047403 Jack Noakes and Tom Styles / E.L.L. Blanchard
2001040633 Jack Rann; or, the mare and her master
2001124988 Jack Robinson & his monkey! / C.P. Thompson
2001082273 Jack Robinson and his monkey / C.P. Thompson
2001045979 Jack Robinson and his monkey / W. Barrymore
2001040639 Jack Royal; or, father, mother and sue
2001127373 Jack Sheppard
2001040641 Jack Sheppard
2001129286 Jack Sheppard / J.B. Buckstone
2001090717 Jack Sheppard / J.B. Buckstone
2001129285 Jack Sheppard / J.B. Buckstone
2001090716 Jack Sheppard / J.B. Buckstone
2001048576 Jack Sheppard / J.B. Buckstone
2001058278 Jack Sheppard / J.T. Haines
2001128422 Jack Sheppard / W. Searle
2001012228 Jack Sheppard and Joe Blueskin; or, amateur road agents / F. Dumont
2001100351 Jack Sheppard; or, the house-breaker of the last century / T.[L.] Greenwood
2001072265 Jack White's trial / F.C.W. Parr
2001114720 Jack White's trial / F.C.W. Parr
2001013548 Jack and Gill went up the hill / G.[W.]L. Fox
2001047393 Jack and Jill / [E.L.L. Blanchard]
2001094316 Jack and Jill and the well on the hill, or, the house that Jack ... / G. Conquest ... [et al.]
2001050138 Jack and Jill and the well on the hill, or, the jewel of truth and the unlucky spill / G. Conquest ... [et al.]
2001089327 Jack and Jill; or, Old Dame Nature and the fairy art / E.L.L. Blanchard
2001068968 Jack and Jill; or, harlequin ... / F. Neale
2001047396 Jack and Jill; or, harlequin king mustard, and the four-and-twenty blackbirds baked in a Pie / E.L.L. Blanchard
2001100279 Jack and Jill; or, harlequin sing-a-song of sixpence, the demon ... / F.W. Green
2001127372 Jack and beanstalk; or harlequin ...
2001085620 Jack and the bean stalk and Margery Daw; or, harlequin man-in-the-moon, the giant ...
2001052022 Jack and the bean stalk; [or, harlequin and the ogre] : pantomime, 1 act / C.I.M. Dibdin
2001005602 Jack and the bean-stalk / R.A. Bernet
2001063256 Jack and the bean-stalk; or, Jack the giant killer, Merry Jill and the gnome fairies of Number Nip / H. Lemon
2001054961 Jack and the bean-stalk; or, the good little people of pixie's grotto and the fairy of the magic harp / H. Egerton
2001085625 Jack and the beanstalk
2001050140 Jack and the beanstalk / G. Conquest ... [et al.]
2001063476 Jack and the beanstalk / H. Lennard
2001066158 Jack and the beanstalk / H.F. McClelland
2001107258 Jack and the beanstalk / J.F. McArdle
2001043861 Jack and the beanstalk / John Addison
2001101927 Jack and the beanstalk / W. Hodson
2001057939 Jack and the beanstalk and see-saw Margery Daw; or, harlequin man in the moon and the love birds of fairyland / F.W. Green
2001057949 Jack and the beanstalk; or, harlequin & the bailiff's daughter of Islington, the fairy queen, the magic bean, and the wickedest giant that ever was seen / F.W. Green
2001113871 Jack and the beanstalk; or, harlequin and the midwinter ... / H. Nicholls ... [et al.]
2001089329 Jack and the beanstalk; or, harlequin leap-year and the merry pranks ... / E.L.L. Blanchard
2001082346 Jack and the beanstalk; or, harlequin, Old Mother Hubbard, little bo-peep, and the old woman who lived in her shoe / G. Thorn
2001047399 Jack and the beanstalk; or, the lad who knew how many beans made five / E.L.L. Blanchard
2001120674 Jack in a box! / J.P. Simpson
2001045978 Jack in the box; or, harlequin and the princess of the hidden Island / W. Barrymore
2001089333 Jack in the box; or, harlequin little Tom Tucker ... / E.L.L. Blanchard
2001063344 Jack in the green / M. Lemon
2001106541 Jack in the green; or, hints on etiquette / M. Lemon
2001118345 Jack in the water; or, the ladder of life / [W.]L. Rede
2001077140 Jack o' Both Sides / T.H. Reynoldson
2001124150 Jack o' the Hedge / W.E. Suter
2001081000 Jack of Paddington; or, the omnibus conductor, the performer and felon / C.A. Somerset
2001040618 Jack of all trades
2001087527 Jack of all trades / J.T. Allingham
2001045423 Jack of hearts / W. Bailey Jr
2001096237 Jack the giant killer / C.[I.M.] Dibdin, Jr
2001047405 Jack the giant killer / E.L.[L.] Blanchard
2001040645 Jack the giant killer : pantomime, 1 act
2001100292 Jack the giant killer and Tom Thumb; or, harlequin King ... / F.W. Green
2001092374 Jack the giant killer; or, harlequin King Arthur and ye knights ... / H.J. Byron
2001081172 Jack the giant killer; or, harlequin fairy spiteful, good king arthur, and the knights of the Round Table / R. Soutar
2001040649 Jack the giant killer; or, the knights of the Round Table
2001126653 Jack's delight! / T.J. Williams
2001015208 Jack's the lad / G.W.H. Griffin
2001077662 Jack's the lad; or, the pride of the ocean / W. Rogers
2001119501 Jack's the lad; or, the pride of the ocean / W. Rogers
2001027502 Jack, the commodore's grandson / A.W. Holbrock
2001087443 Jacks and Jills / J. Albery
2001010516 Jacob Shlaff's mistake / J.E. Crary
2001058286 Jacob fFaithful / J.T. Haines
2001100646 Jacob faithful; or, the life of a Thames waterman! / J.T. Haines
2001048582 Jacopo, the bravo / J.B. Buckstone
2001079642 Jacques strop / C. Selby
2001120160 Jacques strop; or, a few more passages in the life of the renowned and ... / C. Selby
2001120157 Jacques strop; or, a few more passages in the life of the renowned and illustrious ... / C. Selby
2001013352 Jael and Sisera / A. Ford
2001026875 Jake and snow / E. Haskett
2001083759 James the Sixth / J. White, Rev
2001126928 James the Third, King of Scotland / W. Woodley
2001126927 James the Third, King of Scotland / [W. Woodley]
2001052006 Jan Ben Jan; or, harlequin and the forty virgins / [C. Dibdin]
2001113872 Jane / H. Nicholls ... [et al.]
2001088562 Jane Annie; or, the good conduct prize / J.M. Barrie ... [et al.]
2001045930 Jane Annie; or, the good conduct prize / J.M. Barrie ... [et al.]
2001090247 Jane Eyre / J. Brougham
2001048110 Jane Eyre; or, the secrets of thornfield manor / J. Brougham
2001123495 Jane Lomax; or, a mother's crime / E. Stirling
2001081547 Jane Lomax; or, a mother's crime / E. Stirling
2001104305 Jane Shore / J.P. Kemble
2001128411 Jane Shore / N. Rowe
2001077945 Jane Shore / N. Rowe
2001119690 Jane Shore / N. Rowe
2001087625 Jane of the hatchet; or, the siege of Beauvais / G. Almar
2001028444 Jane the orphan / Th.Xr. K
2001047649 Janet pride / D.[L.] Boucicault
2001031303 Janet, the flower girl / N. Mullen
2001032932 Janice Meredith / E.E. Rose ... [et al.]
2001066047 Janus Tulp / J.V. Maurik, Jr
2001073548 Japhet in search of a father / G.D. Pitt
2001072253 Jargonelle / Mrs Parker
2001062158 Jarvis l'honnête homme / C. Lafont
2001073555 Jarvis the honest man; or, the merchant's daughter / G.D. Pitt
2001084156 Jason and Medea / J.P. Wooler
2001051918 Je fais mes farces / M.A.M. Desaugiers ... [et al.]
2001034906 Jealous husband / C. White
2001088743 Jealous on all sides; or, the landlord in jeopardy / S. Beazley, Jr
2001046663 Jealous on all sides; or, the landlord in jeopardy : comic opera, 2 acts / S. Beazley, Jr
2001120410 Jealousy / Shannon, Mrs
2001080021 Jealousy! / C. Shannon ... [et al.]
2001040653 Jealousy; or, the confederates
2001040661 Jeames; or, the railroad footman of Berkeley squ
2001101433 Jean Buscaille / M.X. Hayes
2001014033 Jean Valjean; or, the shadow of the law / H.C. Fulton
2001057624 Jean de Paris / Baron C. Godard D'Aucour de Saint-Just
2001088031 Jean de Paris / S.J. Arnold
2001044999 Jean de Paris : farce, 2 acts / S.J. Arnold
2001079938 Jean qui pleure et Jean qui rit / C.A. Sewrin ... [et al.]
2001088851 Jeanie Deans / J. Bennett
2001031636 Jeanie Deans; or, the heart of Mid-Lothian / J. Pilgrim
2001107224 Jeanne d'Arc / F. Lyster
2001081155 Jeanne d'Arc / L.A. Soumet
2001078928 Jeanne et jeanneton / A.E. Scribe ... [et al.]
2001118415 Jeanne, Jeannette, and Jeanneton / R. Reece
2001118415 Jeanne, Jeannette, and Jeanneton / R. Reece
2001054850 Jeannette & Jeannot; or, the conscript's vow / W.H. Eburne
2001081551 Jeannette and Jeannot / E. Stirling
2001128482 Jeannette and Jeannot / [E. Stirling]
2001123498 Jeannette and Jeannot; or, the village pride / E. Stirling
2001050314 Jeannette and Junot; or, the conscript's bride / J. Courtney
2001090600 Jeannette's wedding / L.S. Buckingham ... [et al.]
2001105128 Jeannette's wedding day / T.H. Lacy
2001055190 Jeannot et colin / C.G. Étienne
2001119837 Jedbury junior / M.L. Ryley
2001006635 Jedediah Jedkins, J.P. / W.J. Brier
2001029121 Jeemes the poet / A.J. Leavitt ... [et al.]
2001081247 Jeffreys; or, the wife's vengeance / H. Spicer
2001121261 Jeffreys; or, the wife's vengeance / H. Spicer
2001121263 Jeffreys; or, the wife's vengeance / [H. Spicer]
2001127912 Jenny Foster, the sailor's child / C.H. Hazlewood
2001101516 Jenny Foster, the sailor's child; or, the winter Robin / C.H. Hazlewood
2001050187 Jenny Jones / F.F. Cooper
2001094409 Jenny Jones / [F.]F. Cooper
2001075884 Jenny Lind at last; or, the Swedish nightingale / A.B. Reach
2001118217 Jenny Lind at last; or, the Swedish nightingale / A.B. Reach
2001118214 Jenny Lind at last; or, the Swedish nightingale / A.B. Reach
2001043786 Jenny Lind; or, the northern star / H.R. Addison
2001051816 Jenny l'ouvriére / A. Decourcelle ... [et al.]
2001113754 Jepey Mayflower; or, the wild horde of the wolf's lair / F. Neale
2001125420 Jephtha / J. Vartie
2001027152 Jephtha / J.H. Hewitt
2001097568 Jephtha / J.S. Edison
2001093321 Jephtha's daughter / M.J. Chapman
2001094946 Jephthah / [E.]A. Crowley
2000996252 Jephthah's daughter / C. Heavysege
2001115142 Jephthah's daughter / E.H. Pember
2001009193 Jephthah's daughter / [L.M. Cantell]
2001127913 Jerry Abershaw / C.H. Hazlewood
2001100908 Jerry and Sunbeam / C. Hamilton
2000997318 Jerusha Dow's album no. 2: her friends and neighbors / L.M.[S.] Parsoms
2001101517 Jessamy's courtship / C.H. Hazlewood
2001089579 Jessie Brown / D.L. Boucicault
2001129129 Jessie Brown / [D.L. Boucicault]
2001089581 Jessie Brown; or, the relief of Lucknow / D.L. Boucicault
2001089584 Jessie Brown; or, the relief of Lucknow / D.L. Boucicault
2001129135 Jessie Brown; or, the relief of Lucknow / D.[L.] Boucicault
2001048020 Jessie Grey / R.B. Brough ... [et al.]
2001043790 Jessie the flower of Dunblane / H.R. Addison
2001087278 Jessie, the flower of Dumblaine; or, weel may the keel row! / H.R. Addison, Capt
2001056681 Jessonda / E.H. Gehe
2001069418 Jessy Lea / J. Oxenford
2001127915 Jessy Vere / [C.H. Hazlewood]
2001129427 Jessy Vere; or, the return ... / [C.H. Hazlewood]
2001127919 Jessy Vere; or, the return of the wanderer / C.H. Hazlewood
2001101521 Jessy Vere; or, the return of the wanderer / C.H. Hazlewood
2001101522 Jessy Vere; or, the return of the wanderer / C.H. Hazlewood
2001088402 Jesus of Nazareth / G. Barlow
2001078938 Jeune et vieille ou le premier et le dernier chapitre / A.E. Scribe ... [et al.]
2001089586 Jezebel; or, the dead reckoning / D.L. Boucicault
2001082122 Jim Crow in his new place / T.P. Taylor
2001082123 Jim Crow; or, the Creole ball / T.P. Taylor
2001127181 Jim the penman / C.L. Young, Sir
2001028145 Jimmie Jones; or, our hopeful son / C.F. Ingraham
2001031493 Jimmy the newsboy / W.C. Parker
2001087447 Jingle / J. Albery
2001126101 Jinks, the man that can't help it! / C. Webb
2001001064 Joan of Arc
2001028228 Joan of Arc / C. James
2001078161 Joan of Arc / Mrs. J.A. Sargant
2001124625 Joan of Arc / T. Taylor
2001090124 Joan of Arc! / W. Brough
2001098696 Joan of Arc; or, the maid of Orleans / E. Fitzball
2001120287 Joan of Arc; or, the maid of Orleans / T.J. Serle
2001079871 Joan of Arc; or, the maid of Orleans / T.J. Serle
2001056313 Joan of Arc; or, the maid of Orleans / [E. Fitzball]
2001056319 Joan of Arc; or, the maid of Orleans : melodrama, 3 acts / E. Fitzball
2001067221 Joan of Arc; or, the maid of all-heauns / T. Mildenhall
2001120504 Joan of Arc; or, the merry maid of Orleans / J.L. Shine ... [et al.]
2001120811 Joan the maid / J.H. Skrine
2001051167 Joanna of Montfaucon / R. Cumberland
2001095462 Joanna of Montfaucon / R. Cumberland
2001040674 Job Fox the Yankee valet
2001013043 Job and his children / J.M. Field
2001074811 Jocko / J.R. Planché
2001078152 Joconde / C. Santley
2001119904 Joconde / C. Santley
2001067683 Joconde; or, le prince troubadour : burletta, 3 acts / [W.T. Moncrieff]
2001040678 Joconde; or, the adventurers : comic opera, 3 acts
2001067687 Joconde; or, the festival of the rosiere / W.T. Moncrieff
2001110877 Joconde; or, the festival of the rosiere / W.T. Moncrieff
2001119124 Jocrisse, the juggler / T.W. Robertson
2001005351 Joe / C. Barnard
2001087000 Joe Miller and his men / G.A. A'Beckett
2001043379 Joe Miller and his men / G.A. A'Beckett
2001011510 Joe Ruggles; or, the girl miner / F.J. Dean
2001031921 Joe Simpson's double / C.S. Reid
2001127374 Joe in London
2000996786 Joe's visit / A.J. Leavitt ... [et al.]
2001010742 Joe, the waif; or, the pet of the camp / F.L. Cutler
2001010532 Johanes Blatz's mistake; or, the two elopements / J.E. Crary
2001040686 Johanna of Montfaucon
2001026641 Johannes / [M. Harned ... [et al.]
2001124802 John Baliol / W. Tennant
2001040691 John Brown
2001009479 John Brown, and the heroes of Harper's Ferry / W.E. Channing
2001130255 John Bull / [G. Colman, Jr.]
2001130252 John Bull [and] Sylvester Daggerwood [and] ways and means / G. Colman, Jr
2001130264 John Bull; or, an Englishman's fire-side / G. Colman, Jr
2001050042 John Bull; or, the Englishman's fire-side : comedy, 5 acts / G. Colman, Jr
2001093982 John Bull; or, the Englishman's fireside / G. Colman, Jr
2001093985 John Bull; or, the Englishman's fireside / G. Colman, Jr
2001130275 John Bull; or, the Englishman's fireside / G. Colman, Jr
2001130272 John Bull; or, the Englishman's fireside / G. Colman, Jr
2001050040 John Bull; or, the Englishman's fireside / G. Colman, Jr
2001093986 John Bull; or, the Englishman's fireside / G. Colman, Jr
2001062147 John Bull; or, the comedy of 1854 / [T.H. Lacy]
2001127658 John Bull; or, the tradesman's fireside / G. Colman, Jr
2001104511 John Buzzby; or, a day's pleasure / J. Kenney
2001040700 John Cade of Ashford; or, the rebels of Kent
2001040708 John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough
2001011627 John Delmer's daughters / H.C. De Mille
2001111647 John Dobbs / J.M. Morton
2001068278 John Dobbs; or, a dab at anything! / J.M. Morton
2001088263 John English! or, the rough diamond! / I.J. Austin
2001123521 John Felton / E. Stirling
2001081567 John Felton; or, the maid of Erin and the Griffin of the Thamas / E. Stirling
2000998497 John Fitch, the founder of Fitchburg / T.W. Ware
2001050315 John Frock / J. Courtney
2000992625 John Gabriel Borkman / W. Archer
2001087972 John Gabriel Borkman / W. Archer
2001040714 John Gilpin : farce with songs, 2 acts
2001040710 John Gilpin : farce, 2 acts
2001048590 John Jones / J.B. Buckstone
2001090721 John Jones / J.B. Buckstone
2001090725 John Jones; or, I'm haunted by a fiend! / J.B. Buckstone
2001060629 John Overy, the miser of Southwark ferry / D.W. Jerrold
2001103186 John Overy; or, the miser of Southwark ferry / D.[W.] Jerrold
2001029333 John Park and Dr. Dott's doings / L. Lesaulnier
2001126276 John Savile of Haysted / [J. White, Rev.]
2001083745 John Saville of Haysted / J. White
2001083977 John Smith / T.E. Wilks
2001101011 John Smith / W. Hancock
2001101009 John Smith / W. Hancock
2001125219 John Stafford; or, the murder at the black farm / W.T. Townsend
2001090729 John Street, Adelphi / J.B. Buckstone
2001127258 John Thompson!
2001105187 John Woodvil / C. Lamb
2001124155 John Wopps; or, from information I received / W.E. Suter
2001124159 John Wopps; or, from information I received / W.E. Suter
2001107433 John and Jeanette / L. Machale
2001061804 John de Procida / J.S. Knowles
2001075287 John du Bart; or, the voyage to Poland : melodrama, 3 acts / I. Pocock
2001046509 John o' Arnha' / G. Beattie
2001064728 John of Hapsburg / R. Lewis
2001040719 John of Leyden
2001040722 John of Paris
2001117232 John of Paris / I. Pocock
2001075289 John of Paris : comic opera, 2 acts / I. Pocock
2001105012 John of Procida; or, the bridals of Messina / J.S. Knowles
2001105013 John of Procida; or, the bridals of Messina / J.S. Knowles
2001040725 John of the Forge, the honest man
2001062728 Johnny Gilpin's race; or, harlequin and the black witch of Edmonton / R.N. Lee
2001027374 Joining the Tinpanites; or, Paddy McFling's experience / [D.W. Hildreth]
2001059777 Joke's a Joke; or, too much for friendship / T.E. Hook
2001098274 Jolliboy's Woes / C.S. Fawcett
2001040730 Jolly Jack, the Roscius of the fleet; or, the haunted villa and the Thespian tar
2001033439 Jolly Joe's lady minstrels / [A.M.] Silsbee ... [et al.]
2001043865 Jolly boy blue / John Addison
2001045515 Jonathan / J. Barber
2001098702 Jonathan Bradford; or, the murder at the road-side inn / E. Fitzball
2001098705 Jonathan Bradford; or, the murder at the road-side inn / E. Fitzball
2001056331 Jonathan Bradford; or, the murder at the road-side inn / E. Fitzball
2001127823 Jonathan Bradford; or, the murder at the road-side inn / E. Fitzball
2001056333 Jonathan Bradford; or, the murder at the roadside inn / E. Fitzball
2001072606 Jonathan in England / R.B. Peake
2001035701 Jonathan in England / [J.B. Wright]
2001072603 Jonathan in England / [R.B. Peake]
2000992822 Jonathan postfree; or the honest Yankee / L. Beach
2001088390 Jonathan! or, the man of two masters / J. Barber
2001045516 Jonathan; or, the man of two masters / J. Barber
2001129536 Jones, the avenger / [F. Talfourd]
2001028133 Joseph / H. Iliowizi
2001130742 Joseph Chavigny; or, under the thumb / [W. Phillips]
2001054748 Joseph II; ou, l'inconnu au cabaret / F.A. Duvert ... [et al.]
2001001070 Joseph and his brethern, the Hebrew son; or the child of Babylon
2001126235 Joseph and his brethren / C.[J.] Wells
2001067434 Joseph and his brethren / H.M. Milner
2001010552 Joseph in Egypt / T.G. Crippen
2001033749 Joseph in bondage / H.A. Staples
2001115369 Joseph shark; or, the lawyer's clerk / G. Phillips
2001040732 Joseph und seine Brüder
2001031323 Josephine / J. Nash
2001090732 Josephine, the child of the regiment; or, the fortune of war / J.B. Buckstone
2001048592 Josephine; or, the child of the regiment / J.B. Buckstone
2001032914 Josh Winchester; or, between love and duty / T.W. Rodebaugh
2001030146 Joshua Blodgett, from Blodgett's holler / B.G. Mcfall
2001010863 Josiah's courtship / H.C. Dale
2001111314 Joy is dangerous / J. Mortimer
2001051972 Joy; or, new dramatical charades for home performance / A. De Younge
2001040733 Juan 's early days
2001028960 Juan Ponce de Leon and Bartolomé de Las Casas / [W. Larremore]
2001128880 Juanita the devoted; or, the midnight journey
2001101130 Judael / S.J. Harley
2001103498 Judah / H.A. Jones
2001121371 Judas / D.P. Starkey
2001026469 Judas / J.L. Hall
2001102249 Judas Iscariot / R.H. Horne
2001030839 Judas Maccabaeus / [H.P. Mendes]
2001123529 Judge not! or, the seals of justice / E. Stirling
2001093102 Judith / R. Capper
2000994688 Judith / [A. Daly]
2001103375 Judith / [R.B. Johnson]
2001068581 Judith of Geneva / T. Morton, Jr
2001113460 Judith of Geneva / T. Morton, [Jr.]
2001040741 Julia Ackland; or, the child of sorrow
2001051126 Julia of Louvain; or, Monkish cruelty / [J.C. Cross]
2001110632 Julian / M.R. Mitford
2001067510 Julian / M.R. Mitford
2001110630 Julian / M.R. Mitford
2001028140 Julian / [C.J. Ingersoll]
2001027066 Julian / [I.P. Hepburn]
2001008395 Julian / [J.H. Brown]
2001081146 Julian and Agnes : tragedy, 5 acts / W. Sotheby
2001121211 Julian and Agnes; or, the monks of the Great St. Bernard / W. Sotheby
2001096206 Julian the Apostate / A. De Vere
2001094493 Julian the Apostate / B. Cornwall
2001040746 Julie Ledru; or, the city Goldsmith
2001045658 Julie le moine; or, the assassin of Nantes / C.Z. Barnett
2001077334 Julie; or, the gypsy and the stolen child / C. Rice
2001045185 Julien ou vingt-cinq ans d'entr'acte / F.V.A. D'Artois de Bournonville ... [et al.]
2001031729 Julietta Gordini, the miser's daughter / [I.C. Pray]
2001090526 Julio Romano; or, the force of the passions / C. Bucke
2001035214 Julius Caesar / E. Willard
2001125254 Julius Caesar / H.B. Tree
2001104309 Julius Caesar / J.P. Kemble
2001055118 Julius Caesar, the rum un / F.E. Emson
2001034914 Julius the snoozer; or, the conspirators of Thompson Street / C. White
2001001182 Jumbo--Jum'
2001127260 Jumbo-Jum
2001058577 Juniper Jack; or, my aunt's hobby / Mrs. Hallet
2001081883 Jupiter's decree and the fall of Phaeton / W.E. Suter
2001033585 Jupiter; or, the cobbler and the King / H.B. Smith
2001015334 Jurgium geminorum; or, rumpus romali remique / [C.E. Grinnell]
2001108714 Just as well / J.H. Manners
2001010504 Just for fun / E.M. Crane
2001126130 Just like Roger! / B. Webster, Jr
2001126130 Just like Roger! / B. Webster, Jr
2001108670 Just my luck / [C.]A. Maltby
2001065614 Just my luck! / A. Maltby
2001098215 Justice; or, the caliph and cobbler / [J.S. Faucit]
2001055683 Justice; or, the caliph and the cobler : drama, 2 acts / J.S. Faucit
2001107291 Justina / D.F. Maccarthy
2001055891 Juvenile dramas / C.I. Finch
2000992200 Juvenile dramas, verses and stories for children
2001066051 Juvenile edition of Shakespeare / C. Maxwell
2001054953 Juvenile plays for home performance / F. Egerton ... [et al.]
2001098304 Juvenile temperance discussion for sixteen youths / T. Featherstone
2001066788 Jérome; ou, les deux époques / Moniseur Mélesville ... [et al.]