資料15:The mid-The riv


書誌ID タイトル 巻号
2001115073 The middle Temple; or, which is my son? / R.B. Peake
2001069271 The middle dish; or, the Irishman in Turkey : farce, 2 acts / W.C. Oulton
2001041633 The middle dish; or, too curious by half : burletta, 2 acts
2001103521 The middle man / [H.A. Jones]
2001103524 The middleman / H.A. Jones
2001047016 The middy / W.B. Bernard
2001088984 The middy ashore / W.B. Bernard
2001088982 The middy ashore / W.B. Bernard
2001088985 The middy ashore / W.B. Bernard
2001129071 The middy ashore! / W.B. Bernard
2001033761 The midnight charge / W.E. Stedman
2001102554 The midnight hour / E.[S.] Inchbald, Mrs
2001102556 The midnight hour / E.[S.] Inchbald, Mrs
2001012244 The midnight intruder / F. Dumont
2001106326 The midnight spectre! or, the fatal secret! / N. Lee, Jr
2001045685 The midnight torch; or, St John of the Island / C.Z. Barnett
2001111685 The midnight watch / J.M. Morton
2001068305 The midnight watch / J.M. Morton
2001111687 The midnight watch / J.M. Morton
2001082463 The midnight watch; or, the death signal / W.T. Townsend
2001087241 The midsummer frolic / F.D. Adams
2001103786 The midsummer night's dream / C.[J.] Kean
2001098990 The mighty magician [and] such stuff as dreams are made of. / [E. Fitzgerald]
2001091853 The military Billy Taylor; or, the war in Carriboo / F.C. Burnand
2001046614 The militia muster / S. Beazley
2001032832 The milkmaids' convention / L.J. Rittenhouse
2001073701 The mill of Berezina / G.D. Pitt
2001129429 The mill of happy valley / C.H. Hazlewood
2001056377 The mill of the Loire / E. Fitzball
2001091860 The miller and his man / F.C. Burnand
2001124508 The miller and his men / F. Talfourd ... [et al.]
2001117301 The miller and his men / I. Pocock
2001117296 The miller and his men / I. Pocock
2001117309 The miller and his men / I. Pocock
2001117307 The miller and his men / I. Pocock
2001056378 The miller of Derwent water / E. Fitzball
2001098815 The miller of Derwent water / E. Fitzball
2001098814 The miller of Derwent water / E. Fitzball
2001097185 The miller of Mansfield / R. Dodsley
2001097187 The miller of Mansfield / R. Dodsley
2001090281 The miller of New Jersey;, or, the prison-hulk / J. Brougham
2001126441 The miller of whetstone; or, the cross-bow letter / T.E. Wilks
2000995771 The miller's daughter; or, bound in honor / H.J. Gibbs
2001098217 The miller's maid / J.S. Faucit
2001127764 The miller's maid / J.S. [Faucit]
2001127764 The miller's maid / J.S. [Faucit]
2001055692 The miller's maid / [J.S. Faucit]
2001098216 The miller's maid / [J.S. Faucit]
2001082908 The miller's maid : drama, 2 acts / F.G. Waldron
2001055698 The miller's maid : melodrama, 2 scts / J.S. Faucit
2000992686 The millerite humbug; or, the raising og the wind! / Asmodeus in America
2001111696 The milliner's holiday / J.M. Morton
2001068307 The milliner's holiday / J.M. Morton
2001068310 The milliner's holiday! / J.M. Morton
2001010150 The milliner's shop / D. Collyer
2001041649 The milliners
2001041650 The milliners; or, les trois fêtes de bois
2001099911 The millionaire / G.W. Godfrey
2000992725 The mimic stage / G.M. Baker
2001049033 The mind's magnet; or, the school for arrogance : play, 5 acts / J.B. Burges
2001127864 The minerali / [H.P. Grattan]
2001100165 The minerali! or, the dying gift / H.P. Grattan
2001075211 The minerali; or, the betrothed / H.W.G. Plunkett
2001100155 The minerali; or, the dying gift / H.P. Grattan
2001127865 The minerali; or, the dying gift / [H.P. Grattan]
2001041653 The miniature
2001091574 The minister and the Mercer / A. Bunn
2001048943 The minister and the Mercer / A. Bunn
2001087217 The minstrel / A.H. Adams
2001073706 The minstrel boy; or tha maniac of the Pyrenees / G.D. Pitt
2001053180 The minstrel maid : opera, 3 acts / [W. Dimond or T.J. Dibdin]
2001065178 The minstrel of Lochmaben or the winter's night / T.J. Lynch
2001083718 The minstrel; or, the heir of Arundel / J. West
2001088472 The minute gun at sea! / C.Z. Barnett
2001129038 The minute gun at sea! / C.Z. Barnett
2001045693 The minute gun at sea; or, the Mariner's sister / C.Z. Barnett
2001083595 The miraculous water cure / B.N. Webster
2001098503 The mirror / R. Filippi
2001047318 The mirror of fate; or, the gnome of the gold mine and the demon anf his dog / T.G. Blake
2001125906 The misanthrope / C.H. Wall
2001033740 The misanthrope melted / [C.H. St. John]
2001034941 The mischievous nigger / C. White
2001085784 The mise of Lewes; or, the restoration of Magna Charta
2001098474 The miser / H. Fielding
2001029797 The miser / J.A. Lyons
2001082125 The miser and his daughter / T.P. Taylor
2001117887 The miser of Shoreditch / T.P. Prest
2001117887 The miser of Shoreditch / T.P. Prest
2001075672 The miser of Shoreditch / T.P. Prest
2001041659 The miser outwitted
2001041660 The miser reformed : musical prelude, 1 act
2001123589 The miser's daughter / E. Stirling
2001081601 The miser's daughter / E. Stirling
2001123588 The miser's daughter / E. Stirling
2001067307 The miser's daughter / J.G. Millingen
2001124784 The miser's daughter / T.R. Taylor
2001084287 The miserables / C.M. Young
2001083598 The miseries of human life / B.N. Webster
2001126178 The miseries of human life / B.[N.] Webster
2001125741 The misses Pinch; or, the pleasure of doing good / A. Walker
2001029641 The misses beers / E. Ludekens
2001098312 The missing temperance speakers / T. Featherstone
2001089881 The missing witness / M.E. Braddon
2001075949 The mission of Mercury / W.L. Rede
2001005720 The mission of the fairies / [E.M. Barstow]
2001033143 The mistake on both sides / M. Sanderson
2001085787 The mistakes of marriage
2001121174 The mistletoe bough; or, the fatal chest / C.[A.] Somerset
2001121173 The mistletoe bough; or, the fatal chest / C.[A.] Somerset
2001050863 The mistress of arts / J.S. Coyne
2001129570 The mistress of the hotel / T.[J.] Williams
2001067709 The mistress of the mill / W.T. Moncrieff
2001110909 The mistress of the mill / W.T. Moncrieff
2001114788 The mob cap; or, love's disguises / H. Paul
2001104455 The mock doctor / C.L. Kenney
2001061435 The mock doctor / C.L. Kenney
2001098479 The mock doctor; or, the dumb lady cured / H. Fielding
2001041665 The model couple
2001002661 The model house
2001075950 The model of a man / W.L. Rede
2001054893 The modern Bohemians; or, the London scamps / E. Edwards
2001041668 The modern Ingomar; or, palaces and peeresses
2001083599 The modern Orpheus! / B.N. Webster
2001126181 The modern Orpheus; or, music the food of love / B.[N.] Webster
2001031565 The modern job / H. Peterson
2001005683 The modern saint / C.M. Barras
2001002678 The modern standard drama / [edited by E. Sargent] 1
2001002678 The modern standard drama / [edited by E. Sargent] 10
2001002678 The modern standard drama / [edited by E. Sargent] 11
2001002678 The modern standard drama / [edited by E. Sargent] 12
2001002678 The modern standard drama / [edited by E. Sargent] 2
2001002678 The modern standard drama / [edited by E. Sargent] 3
2001002678 The modern standard drama / [edited by E. Sargent] 4
2001002678 The modern standard drama / [edited by E. Sargent] 5
2001002678 The modern standard drama / [edited by E. Sargent] 6
2001002678 The modern standard drama / [edited by E. Sargent] 7
2001002678 The modern standard drama / [edited by E. Sargent] 8
2001002678 The modern standard drama / [edited by E. Sargent] 9
2001102563 The mogul tale / E.[S.] Inchbald, Mrs
2001102566 The mogul tale; or, the descent of the balloon / E.[S.] Inchbald, Mrs
2001035404 The moko marionettes / [H.L. Williams]
2001098817 The momentous question / E. Fitzball
2001127829 The momentous question / E. Fitzball
2001056380 The momentous question / E. Fitzball
2001127828 The momentous question / [E. Fitzball]
2001114339 The monastery of St. Just / J. Oxenford
2001097659 The money spider; or, on the spot / A. Elito
2001115640 The money spinner / A.W. Pinero
2001065455 The monopolizer outwitted! / A. Maclaren
2001104853 The monster and magician; or, the fate of Frankenstein / J. Kerr
2000992331 The monument of truth
2001098363 The moonlight blossom / [C.B. Fernald]
2001031167 The moonshiner's daughter / B.F. Moore
2001093923 The moonstone / [W.]W. Collins
2001079687 The moral philosopher / C. Selby
2001120208 The moral philosopher / C. Selby
2001075320 The morning post and morning herald : comic interlude, 1 act / I. Pocock
2001013283 The moth and the flame / [W.]C. Fitch
2001060647 The mother / D.W. Jerrold
2001111705 The mother and child are doing well / J.M. Morton
2001111711 The mother and child are doing well / J.M. Morton
2001111708 The mother and child are doing well / J.M. Morton
2001068318 The mother and child are doing well / J.M. Morton
2001027833 The mother and the father / W.D. Howells
2001123595 The mother's bequest / E. Stirling
2001081603 The mother's bequest / E. Stirling
2001123593 The mother's bequest / E. Stirling
2001101539 The mother's dying child / C.H. Hazlewood
2001041690 The mother's secret
2001010415 The motor bellows / W. Courtright
2001092478 The motto; or, I am all there / H.J. Byron
2001129449 The moulds of mould manor / [J.B. Johnstone]
2001045696 The mountain cataract; or, the enchanted spell / C.Z. Barnett
2001074947 The mountain hut; or, the tinker and his son : melodrama, 3 acts / J.R. Planché
2001087638 The mountain king; or, the castle burners! / G. Almar
2001127385 The mountain monarch; or, the hero, ...
2001124862 The mountain sylph / [T.J. Thackeray]
2001124861 The mountain sylph / [T.J. Thackeray]
2001124864 The mountain sylph / [T.]J. Thackeray
2001034303 The mountain waif / C. Townsend
2001130312 The mountaineers / G. Colman, Jr
2001050063 The mountaineers / G. Colman, Jr
2001050062 The mountaineers / G. Colman, Jr
2001127660 The mountaineers / G. Colman, Jr
2001130316 The mountaineers / G. Colman, Jr
2001130310 The mountaineers / G. Colman, Jr
2001053079 The mountains of Saxony; or, Adrian and Orrila : play, 5 acts / W. Dimond
2001041693 The mountebank
2001004178 The mountebanks / F.G. Andrews
2001099686 The mountebanks / W.S. Gilbert
2001077691 The mounting sylph / W. Rogers
2001094183 The mourning bride / W. Congreve
2001027834 The mouse-trap / W.D. Howells
2001026687 The mouse-trap / [C.C.] Harrison
2001083747 The mousetrap / J. White
2001048008 The moustache movement / R.B. Brough
2001090067 The moustache movement / R.B. Brough
2001028341 The mouth of gold / E. Johnson
2001029067 The movement cure / A.J. Leavitt
2001114424 The much too clever; or, a friend indeed / J. Oxenford ... [et al.]
2001041751 The mule driver and his dogs
2001056627 The muleteer / T.J. Frazer
2001128129 The muleteer of Toledo / J.M. Morton
2001129506 The muleteer of Toledo / [T.W. Robertson]
2001128122 The muleteer of Toledo; or, king, queen, and knave / J.M. Morton
2001111715 The muleteer of Toledo; or, king, queen, and knave / J.M. Morton
2001058327 The muleteer's vow / [J.T. Haines or, T.J. Serle]
2001088986 The mummy / W.B. Bernard
2001047024 The mummy / W.B. Bernard
2001093103 The mummy makers of Egypt / R. Capper
2001129075 The mummy; or, the liquor of life! / W.B. Bernard
2001073732 The murder house; or, the cheats of Chick Lane / G.D. Pitt
2001101302 The murder of the Glen; or, the old stone quarry / J.P. Hart
2001082465 The murder on the Thames / W.T. Townsend
2001041761 The murder'd guest
2001041766 The murder'd maid; or, the clock struck four : drama, 3 acts
2001041772 The murderer : melodrama, 3 acts
2001041769 The murderer's dream; or, the abbey of Glenthorn
2001041776 The murderers of round tower inn
2001090287 The musard ball; or, love at the academy / J. Brougham
2001041778 The muse and the merchant
2000992783 The music-teacher / C. Barnard
2000992783 The music-teacher / C. Barnard
2001002700 The musical bore
2001012504 The musical captain; or the fall of Vicksburg / W.B. Emerson
2001010756 The musical darkey / F.L. Cutler
2001031302 The musical servant / P.H. Mowrey
2001041784 The musician of Venice
2001050531 The musician's daughter; or, the lovers of Heidelburg / J. Courtney
2001100496 The musketeers / [S. Grundy]
2001125236 The mutineer's widow / W.T. Townsend
2001034945 The mutton trial / C. White
2001096808 The mysteries of Paris / C. Dillon
2001041861 The mysteries of Paris; or, father and daughter
2001062772 The mysteries of an American city; or, I vonders how that'll vork / R.N. Lee
2001002710 The mysteries of odd-fellowship
2001084443 The mysteries of old father thames; or, the lion queen and the lawyer's clerk / H. Young
2001031362 The mysterious artist / [J. Neal]
2001080504 The mysterious bride : play, 3 acts / L.S. Skeffington
2001077592 The mysterious family / G.H.B. Rodwell
2001119407 The mysterious family / [G.H.B. Rodwell]
2000996989 The mysterious father / W.B. Maxwell
2001030980 The mysterious guest / E.W. Merriman
2001095464 The mysterious husband / R. Cumberland
2001095465 The mysterious husband / R. Cumberland
2001074985 The mysterious lady / J.R. Planché
2001116661 The mysterious lady! or, worth makes the man / J.R. Planché
2001116660 The mysterious lady; or, worth makes the man / J.R. Planché
2001120219 The mysterious stranger / C. Selby
2001130770 The mysterious stranger / C. Selby
2001120217 The mysterious stranger / [C. Selby]
2001103973 The mystery of Muddlewitz / E.H. Keating
2001084449 The mystery of the Abbey; or, the murder vision ... / H. Young
2001041862 The mystic cavern; or, the progress of ambition : tragedy, 5 acts
2001002715 The mystic charm; or, a wonderful cure
2001032981 The mystic isle; or, the laws of average / S. Rosenfeld
2001006090 The mystic midgets' Liliputian carnival of nations / E. Bertram ... [et al.]
2001034956 The mystic spell / C. White
2001056573 The nabob / S. Foote
2001117554 The nabob for an hour / J. Poole
2001075440 The nabob for an hour / J. Poole
2001072662 The nabob's return / R.B. Peake
2001109157 The natural son / J. Mason
2001095469 The natural son / R. Cumberland
2001082349 The naughty forty thieves; or, harlequin merry Morgiana and the magic cave / G. Thorn
2001081024 The nautical Tom and Jerry; or, life of a ture British sailor / C.A. Somerset
2001041893 The navigators : melodramatic sketch, 2 acts
2001099690 The ne'er-do-weel / W.S. Gilbert
2001041901 The needle of agony; or, the persecuted wife
2001101269 The nephew as uncle / G.S. Harris
2001101270 The nephew as uncle / [G.S. Harris]
2001047033 The nervous man / W.B. Bernard
2001047032 The nervous man / W.B. Bernard
2001047034 The nervous man / W.B. Bernard
2001088988 The nervous man and the man of nerve / W.B. Bernard
2001126035 The nettle / E. Warren
2001118020 The new Corsican brothers / C. Raleigh
2001093925 The new Magdalen / [W.]W. Collins
2001043811 The new actress!!! or, Poor Mrs Potter!! / H.R. Addison
2001106159 The new boy / A. Law
2001125422 The new era / V. Vaughan
2001079702 The new footman / C. Selby
2001120222 The new footman / C. Selby
2001101077 The new groom / C. Hannan
2001041924 The new marriage act; or, a lesson for lovers! : muaical burletta, 1 act
2001058842 The new marriage act; or, cross purposes / W. Henry
2001004161 The new moon / R. André
2001125962 The new office boy / J. Wallace, Jr
2001032891 The new pandora / H.[J.]H. Robinson
2001034016 The new partner / L.C. Tees
2001034015 The new partner / L.C. Tees
2001074994 The new planet; or, the harlequin out of place / J.R. Planché
2001074994 The new planet; or, the harlequin out of place / J.R. Planché
2001116664 The new planet; or, the harlequin out of place / J.R. Planché
2001012102 The new pygmalion and Galatea / S. Drey
2001074995 The new servant / J.R. Planché
2001029353 The new squire / F. Lester
2001101807 The new sub / [E.]S. Hicks
2001011426 The new system / M.E.M. Davis
2001083485 The new tontine; or, the gold seekers ... / T.H. Webb
2001033045 The new woman / G. Rugg
2001058223 The new woman / S. Grundy
2001100499 The new woman / S. Grundy
2001011759 The new woman / T.S. Denison
2001012249 The new woman's husband / F. Dumont
2001005410 The nigger night school / T. Barnes
2001041951 The night errand; or, a traveller in spite of himself
2001098505 The night of a hundred years / R. Filippi
2001075324 The night patrol / I. Pocock
2001119135 The nightingale / T.W. Robertson
2001028467 The nightingale and the lark / E. Keatinge
2001035663 The ninth anniversary of the New York mirror, July, 1831 / [S. Woodworth]
2001048024 The ninth statue / R.B. Brough ... [et al.]
2001052414 The ninth statue; [or, the Irishman in Bagdad] : melodramatic romance, 2 acts / T.J. Dibdin
2001096634 The ninth statue; or, the Irishman in Bagdad / T.[J.] Dibdin
2001093173 The ninth waltz / R.C. Carton
2001062486 The nobel heart; or, love's sacrifice / S. Lawrence
2001125278 The noble foundling; or, the hermit of the tweed / T. Trotter
2001062481 The noble heart / S. Lawrence
2001106245 The noble heart / [S. Lawrence]
2001106243 The noble heart / [S. Lawrence]
2001085829 The noble outlaw
2001012253 The noble savage / F. Dumont
2001041996 The noble troubadour
2001058875 The non-descript : farce, 2 acts / Hewlings
2001129815 The nondescript
2001101790 The nondescript / [A. Hewlings]
2001108620 The nondescript; or, beauty in ugliness / H.A. Major
2001077464 The northern bandit; or, the maid of Caledonia / J. Robberds
2001127387 The northern imp; or, harlequin ...
2001056392 The note forger / E. Fitzball
2001098831 The note forger! / E. Fitzball
2001115644 The notorious Mrs. Ebbsmith / A.W. Pinero
2001115648 The notorious Mrs. Ebbsmith / [A.W. Pinero]
2001053135 The novice / W. Dimond
2001072671 The noyades; or, love and gratitude / R.B. Peake
2001072670 The noyades; or, love and gratitude / R.B. Peake
2001089162 The nuns of Minsk; or, a tale of Russian atrocities in Poland / R. Blake
2001042055 The nursery maid, misteress; or, the butler in the suds : musical piece, 2 acts
2001092493 The nymph of the Lurleyburg; or, the knight and the naiads / H.J. Byron
2001053140 The nymph of the grotto or the daughter's vow / W. Dimond
2001096944 The nymph of the grotto or the daughter's vow! / W. Dimond
2001014038 The oath / P. Furber
2001042057 The oath : drama, 5 acts
2001009183 The oath of office / C.J. Cannon
2001072845 The obstinate family / S. Phelps
2001115315 The obstinate family / [S. Phelps, Jr.]
2001115313 The obstinate family / [S. Phelps, Jr.]
2001049904 The obstinate lady / A. Cokayne Sir
2001073746 The ocean born; or, the pirate father ... / G.D. Pitt
2001073747 The ocean doom'd; or, a father's malediction, a tale of the low countries / G.D. Pitt
2001100681 The ocean of life; or, every inch a sailor / J.T. Haines
2001127877 The ocean of life; or, every inch a sailor! / J.T. Haines
2000994239 The ocean spectre / Cromwell
2001089679 The octoroon; or, the life in Louisiana / D.L. Boucicault
2001089680 The octoroon; or, the life in Louisiana / D.L. Boucicault
2001076134 The odd whims; or, two at a time : comedy, 5 acts / H. Repton
2001042205 The old English gentleman
2001066953 The old Geyser / J.J. Melluish
2001002771 The old Kentucky home
2001031037 The old North tower; or, the duke for a day / I. Mickle
2001010198 The old Patroon and other plays / G.S. Connell
2001042221 The old Swiss church; or, the black robber of the mountain
2001109666 The old and the new / H.N. Maugham
2001118356 The old and young stager! / W.L. Rede
2001050888 The old chateau; or, a night ... / J.S. Coyne
2001094718 The old chateau; or, a night of peril / J.S. Coyne
2001128785 The old coat / W.H. Allderdice
2001128783 The old coat / [W.H. Allderdice]
2001027329 The old country store / F.E. Hiland
2001123666 The old curiosity shop / E. Stirling
2001105227 The old curiosity shop / G. Lander
2001081617 The old curiosity shop; or, one hour from master Humphrey's clock / E. Stirling
2001081614 The old curiosity shop; or, one hour of master Humphrey's clock / E. Stirling
2001031550 The old fashioned husking bee / N.H. Pelham
2001061692 The old ferry house; or, the midnight crime / J.M. Kingdom
2000998461 The old flag; or, the spy of Newbern! / G.H. Walker
2001050192 The old fleete prison; or, the widow and her suitors / F.F. Cooper
2001113947 The old forge / C. Osborne
2001045301 The old friends / S. Atkyns
2001083605 The old gentleman / B.N. Webster
2001126192 The old gentleman / B.[N.] Webster
2001089684 The old guard / D.L. Boucicault
2001098086 The old guard / H.B. Farnie
2001089683 The old guard / [D.L. Boucicault]
2001034082 The old homestead / D. Thompson ... [et al.]
2001050890 The old house at home; or, a night with Shakspear! / J.S. Coyne
2001075957 The old house of West Street / W.L. Rede
2001042208 The old house on the Thames; or, Lambeth in the olden time
2001124218 The old house on the bridge of Notre Dame / [W.E. Suter]
2001099465 The old love / L. Garston
2001087458 The old love and new / J. Albery
2001124073 The old love and the new / R. Sulivan
2001081789 The old love and the new / R. Sulivan
2001042211 The old maid
2001031506 The old maid's convention / L.M. Parsons
2001061831 The old maids / J.S. Knowles
2001035496 The old maids' association / L.L. Wilson
2001096266 The old man of the mountains; or, a tale of the eleventh ... / C.[I.M.] Dibdin, Jr
2001083399 The old man's bride / C. Webb
2001060857 The old mint of Southwark / J.B. Johnstone
2001031260 The old musician / F.[J.] Morris
2001120005 The old oak chest; or, the smuggler's sons and the robber's daughter / [J.M. Scott]
2001078329 The old oak chest; or, the smuggler's sons and the robber's daughter : melodramatic romance, 2 acts / J.M. Scott
2001118174 The old oak tree / R.J. Raymond
2001075817 The old oak tree / R.J. Raymond
2001010089 The old parson / G.H. Coes
2001088992 The old regimentals / W.B. Bernard
2001047037 The old regimentals or a favourite's friendship / W.B. Bernard
2001042215 The old school
2001042214 The old school and the new
2001063375 The old soldier / M. Lemon
2001042220 The old soldier; or, which is mine
2001092499 The old story! / H.J. Byron
2001058906 The old stradivari, and other dramatic sketches / Hilarion
2001047322 The old toll house / T.G. Blake
2001028477 The old trunk in the garret / E. Keating[e]
2001010534 The old wayside inn / J.E. Crary
2001042222 The old willow brook; or, a murder committed in a dream
2001083488 The old witch of Teddington; or, harlequin and glorious days of Good Queen Bess / T.H. Webb
2001094901 The old woman who lived in a shoe; or, harlequin child of Childwall ... / W. Crompton
2000995496 The old, old story / C.S. Elliot
2001063376 The oldest inhabitant / M. Lemon
2001002784 The omnibus
2001117334 The omnibus / [I. Pocock]
2001128269 The omnibus / [I. Pocock]
2001117342 The omnibus; or, a convenient distance / I. Pocock
2001075325 The omnibus; or, a place in the country; or, a convenient distance / I. Pocock
2001082480 The one witness / W.T. Townsend ... [et al.]
2001002792 The only young man in town
2001093289 The open gate / C.H. Chambers
2001093290 The open gate / C.H. Chambers
2001042225 The opening night; or, a personal prelude no piece
2001042230 The opening night; or, the manager hoax'd : farce (prelude), 1 act
2001117877 The opera cloak / L.D. Powles ... [et al.]
2001068945 The oracle; or, the interrupted sacrifice / [H. Napier]
2001106658 The orange girl / H. Leslie ... [et al.]
2001092519 The orange tree and the humble bee; or, the little princess ... / H.J. Byron
2001011435 The orator of Zepata City / R.H. Daivs
2001096194 The orchard of the king / E. Day ... [et al.]
2001097563 The organ grinder / M. Edgeworth
2001042243 The organ of order
2001002807 The organist
2001042248 The origin of powder
2001068343 The original / J.M. Morton
2001111790 The original / J.M. Morton
2001069246 The orphan / [T.] Otway
2001113662 The orphan of China / A. Murphy
2001060462 The orphan of Geneva / C. Jefferys
2001072352 The orphan of Glencoe / J. Parselle
2001042252 The orphan of Mam Torr
2001123683 The orphan of the frozen sea / E. Stirling
2001127026 The orphan of the wreck / J. Worrell
2001069256 The orphan; or, the unhappy marriage / T. Otway
2001113949 The orphan; or, the unhappy marriage / T. Otway
2001080094 The orphans; or, generous lovers / H. Shepherd
2000994228 The orphean tragedy / E.S. Creamer
2001027603 The other fellow / M.B. Horne
2001102271 The other man / F. Horner
2001104950 The other woman / E. Kingsley
2001104948 The other woman / E. Kingsley
2001030101 The ould man's coat tails / [J.J.] Mcdermott ... [et al.]
2001119410 The ourang outang and his double; or, the runaway monkey / G.H.[B.] Rodwell
2001050541 The outcast of Lausanne!; or, claudine of Switzerland, the wanderer of the Jura / J. Courtney
2001011576 The outcast's daughter / [M.F.H. Delanoy]
2001101541 The outcast's wife; or, a husband's confession / C.H. Hazlewood
2001042264 The outcast; or, the hollow tree
2000992355 The outlaw
2001002865 The outlaw
2001123908 The outlaw / R. Story
2001029404 The outlaw / [E.G. Lewis]
2001097897 The outlaw of the Adriatic; or, the female spy and the chief of the ten / E. Falconer
2001042271 The outlaws!; or, the cave of Glenmore!
2001042274 The outpost
2001047901 The outside passenger : farce, 2 acts / [G. Brewer]
2001124646 The overland route / T. Taylor
2001124642 The overland route / T. Taylor
2001124643 The overland route / T. Taylor
2001042276 The overlooker, a tale of the factories
2001056395 The owl sisters / E. Fitzball
2001075207 The pacha : melodrama, 2 acts / [J.R. Planché or J.H. Payne]
2001113264 The pacha of Pimlico / J.M. Morton
2001129085 The padlock / I. Bickerstaff[e]
2001127501 The padlock / I. Bickerstaff[e]
2001089094 The padlock / I. Bickerstaffe
2001075481 The pages of Frederick the Great : comic piece, 2 acts / J. Poole
2001088548 The painter of Antwerp / W.A. Barrett
2001060677 The painter of Ghent / D.W. Jerrold
2001060683 The painter of Ghent / D.W. Jerrold
2001060674 The painter of Ghent / D.W. Jerrold
2001103216 The painter of Ghent / D.[W.] Jerrold
2001012265 The painter's apprentice / F. Dumont
2001099717 The palace of truth / W.S. Gilbert
2000994854 The palace of truth / [A. Daly]
2001104346 The panel / J.P. Kemble
2001061236 The panel / J.P. Kemble
2001047417 The pantomime of Tippitywitchet / E.L.L. Blanchard
2001124885 The paper chase / C. Thomas
2001094534 The paradise of birds / W.J. Courthope
2001094533 The paradise of birds / W.J. Courthope
2001101908 The paragraph / P. Hoare
2001058935 The paragraph / [P. Hoare]
2001002868 The parasite; or, how to make one's fortune
2001100096 The paria / [F.L. Gower, Lord]
2001127921 The parish boy's progress / C.H. Hazlewood
2001026735 The parish priest / [D.L. Hart]
2001043511 The parish revolution / G.A. A'Beckett
2001027841 The parlor car / W.D. Howells
2000997881 The parlor stage / [Mrs.] S.A.F. [Shields]
2001079882 The parole of Honor! / T.J. Serle
2001120291 The parole of honour / T.J. Serle
2001087511 The parricide / R. Allen
2001044041 The parricide / R. Allen
2001110951 The parson's nose; or, the birth day dinner / W.T. Moncrieff
2001099037 The parting / S.J.A. Fitzgerald
2001075039 The partizans; or, the war of Paris, 1649 / J.R. Planché
2001058936 The partners : comedy, 5 acts / P. Hoare
2001110956 The party wall! / W.T. Moncrieff
2001110958 The party wall; or, in and out / W.T. Moncrieff
2001099919 The parvenu / G.W. Godfrey
2001050898 The pas de fascination; or, the prince of horses / J.S. Coyne
2001047041 The passing cloud / W.B. Bernard
2001088995 The passing cloud / W.B. Bernard
2001088994 The passing cloud / W.B. Bernard
2001047038 The passing cloud / [W.]B. Bernard
2001120427 The passing of Lilith / [W. Sharp]
2001088008 The passing of Muhammad / E. Arnold, Sir
2001011129 The passing regiment / A. Daly
2000994863 The passing regiment / A. Daly
2000994860 The passing regiment / A. Daly
2000994867 The passing regiment; or, Mrs. Suez and Mrs. England / A. Daly
2001031138 The passing show / H. Monroe
2001120431 The passion of Père Hilarion / [W. Sharp]
2001123294 The passport / B.C. Stephenson ... [et al.]
2001072912 The pastor's daughter; or, the shinder of Germany / F.L. Phillips
2001005850 The patent washing machine; or, the lover's dilemma / E.H. Bauman
2001114538 The patient / W. Parke ... [et al.]
2001065803 The patrician's daughter / J.W. Marston
2001108853 The patrician's daughter / J.W. Marston
2001108851 The patrician's daughter / J.W. Marston
2001108850 The patrician's daughter / J.W. Marston
2001065797 The patrician's daughter / J.W. Marston
2001065801 The patrician's daughter / J.W. Marston
2001065792 The patrician's daughter / J.W. Marston
2001108855 The patrician's daughter / J.W. Marston
2001121406 The patriot / G. Stephens
2001120542 The patriot father / F. Shoberl
2000998076 The patriot; or union and freedom / G.L. Stevens
2001002886 The pattern man
2001060357 The pauper of Lambeth; or, the tramp and the treasure of the seven trees / [C.S. James]
2001073762 The pawn broker; or, the sorrows of a sister; or, life's trials / G.D. Pitt
2001105191 The pawnbroker's daughter / C. Lamb
2001062179 The pawnbroker's daughter or the reprieved man / C. Lamb
2001081629 The pawnbroker's window / E. Stirling
2001103377 The paying guest / W.H. Johnson
2001072347 The peacock and the crow / T. Parry
2001027604 The peak sisters / M.B. Horne
2000992362 The pearl of Savoy
2001002896 The pearl of Savoy
2001042293 The pearl of rouen; or, two and in one
2001079708 The pearl of the ocean; or, the prince and mermaiden / C. Selby
2001053145 The peasant boy / W. Dimond
2001096950 The peasant boy / W. Dimond
2001127721 The peasant boy / W. Dimond
2001053148 The peasant boy; or, innocence protected : operatic drama, 3 acts / W. Dimond
2001042294 The peasant countess
2001121112 The peasant of Lucern / G. Soane
2001103977 The peasant queen / E.H. Keating
2001004765 The peddler of very nice / [G.M. Baker]
2000998687 The pedlar / A. Wetmore
2001101154 The pedlar boy; or, the old mill ruin / R. Harrington
2001126718 The peep-show man / T.J. Williams
2001110962 The peer and peasant / W.T. Moncrieff
2001067757 The peer and peasant / W.T. Moncrieff
2001042302 The peer and secretary
2001067758 The peer and the peasant / W.T. Moncrieff
2001031924 The penitent's return / C.S. Reid
2001028392 The people's lawyer / J.S. Jones
2000996582 The people's lawyer / J.S. Jones
2001028390 The people's lawyer / J.S. Jones
2001129459 The people's lawyer / [J.S. Jones]
2001118363 The peregrinations of Pickwick / W.L. Rede
2001050217 The peri of the mist; or, harlequin and the captive of the marble halls / J.W. Cooper
2001060684 The perils of Pippins or the man who couldit help it / D.W. Jerrold
2001103221 The perils of Pippins; or, the man who couldn't help it / D.[W.] Jerrold
2001049833 The perplexed husband : comedy, 5 acts / S. Clarke
2001005700 The persecuted Dutchman; or, the original John Schmidt / S. Barry
2001005702 The persecuted Dutchman; or, the original John Schmidt / S. Barry
2001110980 The pestilence of Marseilles; or, the four thieves / W.T. Moncrieff
2001120239 The pet lamb / C. Selby
2001012735 The pet of Parsons' ranch / W.F. Felch
2001090812 The pet of the petticoats / J.B. Buckstone
2001090815 The pet of the petticoats / J.B. Buckstone
2001048699 The pet of the petticoats / J.B. Buckstone
2001094727 The pets of the parterre; or, love in a garden / J.S. Coyne
2001094727 The pets of the parterre; or, love in a garden / J.S. Coyne
2001106570 The petticoat parliament / M. Lemon
2001089699 The phantom / D.L. Boucicault
2001129197 The phantom / D.[L.] Boucicault
2001047671 The phantom / D.[L.] Boucicault
2001080074 The phantom : tragedy, 3 acts / R.L. Sheil
2001079713 The phantom breakfast / C. Selby
2001120240 The phantom breakfast! / C. Selby
2001088481 The phantom bride; or, the Castilian bandit / C.Z. Barnett
2001056406 The phantom of the Nile / E. Fitzball
2001110401 The philosopher / H.M. Milner
2001082048 The philosopher's stone / T. Taylor
2001124650 The philosopher's stone / [T. Taylor]
2001047053 The philosophers of Berlin / W.B. Bernard
2001089000 The philosophers of Berlin / W.B. Bernard
2000995757 The photograph / L.G.
2001125683 The phrenologists / T. Wade
2001082893 The phrenologists / T. Wade
2001103535 The physician / H.A. Jones
2001051141 The physicians daughter / C.[S.] Crowe
2001077597 The pic-nic party; or, husbands, wives, and lovers / G.H.[B.] Rodwell
2001101349 The pickpocket / G.P. Hawtrey
2001101281 The piebald possum of the panting prairie / S.M. Harrison
2001002933 The pierced eye
2001097266 The pierrot of the minute / E.[C.] Dowson
2001042338 The pig and pepperpot
2001090303 The pigeon and the hawks / J. Brougham
2001026605 The pigeons; or, the bonnie lass of Brittany / R. Hardman
2000992368 The pilgrim
2001042340 The pilgrim : opera (Italian), 3 acts
2001092871 The pilgrim for love! / H.J. Byron
2001080907 The pilgrim from Palestine : tragicomedy, 5 acts / G. Soane
2001087974 The pillars of society / W. Archer
2001127835 The pilot / E. Fitzball
2001098853 The pilot / E. Fitzball
2001098852 The pilot / E. Fitzball
2000994875 The pilot / [A. Daly]
2001127834 The pilot / [E. Fitzball]
2001095266 The pilot ; Heart of Mid-lothian ; Inchcape bell ; Mason of Buda ; The scapegrace ; Suil Dhuv, the coiner ; The earthquake ; "My old woman" ; Masaniello
2001056409 The pilot; or, a storm at sea / E. Fitzball
2001098857 The pilot; or, a storm at sea / E. Fitzball
2001048704 The pilot; or, a tale of the Thames / J.B. Buckstone
2001087466 The pink dominos / J. Albery
2001079715 The pink of politeness / C. Selby
2001120243 The pink of politeness / C. Selby
2001090511 The piper of Hamelin / R.W. Buchanan
2001116718 The pirate / J.R. Planché
2001096653 The pirate / T.[J.] Dibdin
2001052432 The pirate / T.[J.] Dibdin
2001011361 The pirate / [L. Da Ponte]
2001006513 The pirate / [S.L.A. Bradbury]
2001075045 The pirate : musical drama, 3 acts / J.R. Planché
2001053150 The pirate : play, 3 acts / W. Dimond
2001044172 The pirate minister; or, the tiger crew / G. Almar
2001006011 The pirate of the isles / [N.H. Belden]
2001042342 The pirate queen; or, the cataract of giant's rock
2001073765 The pirate smuggler; or, the mad girl of St Martin's / G.D. Pitt
2001075044 The pirate's bride : burletta, 3 acts / J.R. Planché
2001033189 The pirate's legacy / C.H. Saunders
2001033194 The pirate's legacy; or, the wrecker's fate / C.H. Saunders
2001124906 The pirate; or, the wicked father who sold his daughter and the don who bought her / L. Thomas
2001099736 The pirates of Penzance; or, the slave of duty / W.S. Gilbert
2001099742 The pirates of Penzance; or, the slave of duty / W.S. Gilbert
2001120244 The pirates of Putney / C. Selby
2001124240 The pirates of the savannah; or, the tiger hunter of the prairies / W.[E.] Suter
2001076147 The piratical pirate of the precipitous precipice; or, the premeditated prey of proud power and the prodigiously proper plight to the preposterous plunderer / E. Reynolds
2001119050 The pity of it / I. Robertson
2001127055 The pity of love / T. Wratiskaw
2001126225 The place hunter / F. Webster
2001083692 The place-hunter / F. Webster
2001126776 The plague of Marseilles; or, the horrors of 1720 / W.H. Williams
2001126777 The plague of Marseilles; or, the horrors of 1720 / W.H. Williams
2001128624 The plague of Marseilles; or, the horrors of 1720 / W.H. Williams
2001042346 The plague of Plymouth
2001011380 The plague of my life / I. Daveau
2001011381 The plague of my life! / I. Daveau
2001081891 The plague of the family / W.E. Suter
2001104348 The plain dealer / J.P. Kemble
2001027711 The plays of Maurice Maeterlinck : [first series] / R. Hovey
2001027709 The plays of Maurice Maeterlinck : second series / R. Hovey
2001028930 The playwright [and] her parthner's wife / L.[L.] Land[i]s
2001113805 The pleasures of anarchy / F. Newnham, Rev
2001042353 The pledge, a sequel to the bottle; or, the Goldsmiths of Clerkenwell, a dramas of everday life
2001104754 The pledge; or, Castilian honour / J. Kenney
2001009719 The pleroma / E.P. Chittenden
2001104029 The plot of Potzentausend / E.H. Keating
2001109739 The plum-pudding pantomime; or, harlequin and the British lion / H. Mayhew
2001033254 The plutocrat / O.F. Schupphaus
2001042365 The poacher and his dog
2001004104 The poacher's doom; or, the murder of the five field's copse / A.D. Ames
2001115795 The poacher's doom; or, the murder of the five field's copse / G.D. Pitt
2001045303 The poacher's wife, a story of the times! / S. Atkyns
2001073768 The poacher's wife; or, pride and poverty / G.D. Pitt
2000998509 The poachers / O. Weil
2001042369 The pocketbook; or the two families
2001006444 The podesta's daughter / G.H. Boker
2001094947 The poem / [E.]A. Crowley
2001033734 The poet / A.W. Sprague
2001089776 The poet / G. Boudousquie
2001090039 The poet and the puppets / C.H.E. Brookfield
2001101849 The poet's child / I. Hill
2001042370 The poet's slave
2001061122 The point of honor / C. Kemble
2001104116 The point of honor / C. Kemble
2001029915 The poisoned darkys / H.E. Mcbride
2001051898 The poisoner and his victim; or, revenge, crime and retrobution / Mrs. Denvil
2001012273 The polar bear / F. Dumont
2001042372 The polar star; or, harlequin king of the golden mountain
2001010099 The police court / G.H. Coes
2001034976 The policy players / C. White
2001030648 The politicians / [C. Mathews]
2001127663 The poor gentleman / G. Colman, Jr
2001130325 The poor gentleman / G. Colman, Jr
2001050068 The poor gentleman / G. Colman, Jr
2001094003 The poor gentleman / G. Colman, Jr
2001094006 The poor gentleman / G. Colman, Jr
2001050073 The poor gentleman / G. Colman, Jr
2001094000 The poor gentleman / G. Colman, Jr
2001130322 The poor gentleman / G. Colman, Jr
2001050071 The poor gentleman : comedy, 5 acts / G. Colman, Jr
2001130220 The poor gentlemen / G. Colman, Jr
2001130216 The poor gentlemen / G. Colman, Jr
2001120247 The poor nobleman / C. Selby
2001089701 The poor of New York / D.L. Boucicault
2001089700 The poor of New York / D.L. Boucicault
2001066063 The poor relation / A.S. Mayhew ... [et al.]
2001104037 The poor relation; or, love me--love my dog! / E.H. Keating
2001012973 The pop-corn man / A.N. Field
2001089704 The pope of Rome / D.L. Boucicault
2001089804 The port admiral; or, the mysterious mariner ... / E.W. Bowles
2001047324 The port of London / T.G. Blake
2001061570 The port-folio; or, the anglade family : melodrama, 2 acts / J. Kenney
2001114351 The porter of Havre / J. Oxenford
2001114353 The porter of Havre / J. Oxenford
2001114355 The porter's knot / J. Oxenford
2001114357 The porter's knot / J. Oxenford
2001104756 The portfolio; or, the anglade family / J. Kenney
2001058185 The portrait of Cervantes : farce, 2 acts / Greffulhe
2001034982 The portrait painter / C. White
2001125238 The post captain; or, wife, husband, and friend / W.T. Townsend
2001119891 The post of honor / S. Sanders
2001110055 The post of honour / T. Mildenhall
2001067225 The post of honour; or, the valiant sentinal / T. Mildenhall
2001094864 The post-boy / H.T. Craven
2001101306 The post-boy of Cornwall; or, the fatal snow-drift / J.P. Hart
2001043528 The postilion / G.A. A'Beckett
2001087056 The postilion / G.A. A'Beckett
2001087059 The postillion of Lonjumeau / G.A. A'Beckett
2001129543 The postman's knock / L.M. Thornton
2001125056 The postman's knock / L.M. Thornton
2001101000 The postscript / F. Hamilton-Knight
2001079721 The powdered ball; or, St Tibbs's Eve / C. Selby
2001047055 The practical man / W.B. Bernard
2001042385 The prescription; or, a cure for hysterics
2001121342 The pretender; or, the rose of Alvey / J.J. Stafford
2001120942 The pretty Jane! the cruel squire! and Robin the ploughman! / J. Smith
2001099750 The pretty druidess; or, the mother, the maid, and teh mistletoe bough / W.S. Gilbert
2001083648 The pretty girls of Stilberg / B.N. Webster
2001126199 The pretty girls of Stillberg / [B.N. Webster]
2001090170 The pretty horsebreaker / W. Brough
2001099040 The pretty princess and the prickly pear / S.J.A. Fitzgerald
2001042387 The pretty white mouse; or, harlequin Robin Hood
2001042391 The preux chevalier; or, the peer and the peasant
2001042393 The pride of Kildare; or, the dog of the quarry
2001119414 The pride of birth / G.H.[B.] Rodwell
2001075047 The pride of the market / J.R. Planché
2001116722 The pride of the market / J.R. Planché
2001075046 The pride of the market / J.R. Planché
2001128265 The pride of the market / J.R. Planché
2001075049 The pride of the market / J.R. Planché
2001116720 The pride of the market / J.R. Planché
2001079886 The priest's daughter / T.J. Serle
2000997784 The priestess / E. Sargent
2001089707 The prima donna / D.L. Boucicault
2001089707 The prima donna / D.L. Boucicault
2001029989 The prima donna / [W.]P. Mccarty
2001073968 The primrose of Ireland, sweet Irish Molly O; or, the miller of Catton / G.D. Pitt
2001042394 The prince and player; or, trifling mistake : burletta, 2 acts
2001129820 The prince and the fairy
2001047948 The prince of Cyprus; or, the spirit of the elements, earth, air, fire, water / W.D. Broadfoot
2001089818 The prince of Sauerkrautenberg / W. Boyce
2001075051 The prince of happy land / J.R. Planché
2001075053 The prince of happy land; or, the fawn in the forest / J.R. Planché
2001100511 The prince of liars / S. Grundy
2001031934 The prince of the world / [J.]H. Reid ... [et al.]
2001049628 The prince's trumpeter / A.L.V. Campbell
2001030598 The prince's wooing / L. Malloy
2001085955 The princess
2001026894 The princess / L.M. Haughwout
2001099757 The princess / W.S. Gilbert
2001006058 The princess Adelaide / H.C. Bergen
2001028962 The princess Chic / K. La Shelle
2001033070 The princess Chrysalline; or, the maiden who couldn't laugh / E.S. S.
2001035328 The princess Elizabeth / F.H. Williams
2001115659 The princess and the butterfly; or, the fantastics / A.W. Pinero
2001080696 The princess fair star; or, the singing apple & the dancing waters / A.R. Smith ... [et al.]
2001110063 The princess of Parmesan / W.H. Millais
2001048067 The princess radiant; or, the story of mayflower / W. Brough ... [et al.]
2000994886 The princess royal / A. Daly
2000994890 The princess royal act four only / [A. Daly]
2001042399 The princess who was changed into a deer
2001042400 The princess, with the burning eyes
2001081959 The princesses in the tower; or, a match for Lucifer / F. Talfourd ... [et al.]
2001124497 The princesses in the tower; or, a match for Lucifer / [F. Talfourd]
2001031296 The printer and his devils / D. Moses ... [et al.]
2001075054 The printer's devil / J.R. Planché
2001116723 The printer's devil / J.R. Planché
2001075055 The printer's devil / J.R. Planché
2001116725 The printer's devil / J.R. Planché
2001042405 The printer's devil; or, a type of the old one
2001085961 The printer's devil; or, a type of the old one
2001105212 The prior claim / F. Lancaster
2001115798 The prisoner of Rochelle / G.D. Pitt
2001118928 The prisoner of Toulon / A.B. Richards
2001060687 The prisoner of war / D.W. Jerrold
2001103223 The prisoner of war / D.[W.] Jerrold
2001103226 The prisoner of war / D.[W.] Jerrold
2001107601 The prisoner of war; or, a most excellent story / A. Maclaren
2001127107 The private detective; or, don't jump at conclusions / B. Wyke
2001101346 The private secretary / C.H. Hawtrey
2001101347 The private secretary / C.[H.] Hawtrey
2001107612 The private theatre; or, the highland funeral / A. Maclaren
2001051170 The privateer : comic opera, 3 acts / R. Cumberland
2001064950 The privateer; or, the lady of St Tropez / C. Long
2001042411 The prodigal
2001042410 The prodigal : melodramatic play, 3 acts
2001115305 The prodigal daughter / H.[A.] Pettitt ... [et al.]
2000992376 The prodigal law student
2001087207 The professor / W.H. Abel
2001088558 The professor's love story / J.M. Barrie
2001115664 The profligate / A.W. Pinero
2001115666 The profligate / A.W. Pinero
2001076026 The profligate / W.L. Rede
2001124546 The profligate / [G.W. Taylor]
2001124816 The promise of May / [A. Tennyson, Lord]
2001077598 The promise of marriage / G.H.B. Rodwell
2000992380 The promissory note
2001088753 The promissory note / S. Beazley, Jr
2001092884 The prompter's box: a story of the footlights ... / H.J. Byron
2001092886 The prompter's box: a story of the footlights and the fireside / H.J. Byron
2001042414 The prophet
2001033892 The prophet / B. Taylor
2001056412 The prophet / E. Fitzball
2001008386 The prophet of St. Paul's / D.P. Brown
2001108762 The prophet's curse / W.R.S. Markwell
2001042415 The prophet; or, the revolt of munster
2001099361 The prophetess / J. Galt
2001030691 The proposal / F.A. Mathews
2000995614 The proposal / H. Fezandié
2000998472 The proscribed heir / [T.E. Walsh]
2001120953 The protector! or, the rebel's gauntlet! / J.F. Smith
2001081749 The provisional government / J.H. Stocqueler
2001082571 The provok'd husband; or, a journey to London / J. Vanbrugh ... [et al.]
2001125404 The provoked husband / J. Vanbrugh ... [et al.]
2001125402 The provoked wife / J. Vanbrugh
2001106897 The provost of Bruges / G.W. Lovell
2001106899 The provost of Bruges / [G.W. Lovell]
2001103082 The prude's progress / J.K. Jerome ... [et al.]
2001011829 The pull back / T.S. Denison
2001063393 The pupil of Da Vinci / M. Lemon
2001106572 The pupil of Da Vinci / M. Lemon
2001182119 The purgatory of St. Patrick / D.F. Maccarthy
2001085976 The puritans and the cavaliers
2001053210 The puritans and the knights / F. Doca
2001026678 The purse / T. Harris
2001094942 The purse; or, the benevolent tar / J.C. Cross
2001033657 The quack doctor / J.W. Smith
2001085979 The quadrille; or, a quarrel for what?
2001046687 The quadrille; or, a quarrel for what? : operetta, 1 act / [S. Beazley Jr.]
2001083651 The quadroon slave / B.N. Webster
2001050077 The quadrupeds of quedlinburgh; or, the rovers of weimar : romance (burlesque), 2 acts / G. Colman, Jr
2001085982 The queen and the Mogul
2001042473 The queen and the Mogul
2001088612 The queen bee; or, harlequin and the fairy hive / W. Barrymore
2001045987 The queen bee; or, harlequin and the fairy hive / W. Barrymore
2001114791 The queen of Arragon / H. Paul
2001047431 The queen of Bohemia; or, the London in the reign of Charles 2nd / E.L.L. Blanchard
2001042479 The queen of Poland; or, the hunters of Moldavia
2001042474 The queen of a day
2001002967 The queen of a day
2001090832 The queen of a day / J.B. Buckstone
2001124881 The queen of brilliants / B. Thomas
2001082204 The queen of brilliants / B. Thomas
2001042476 The queen of hearts
2001124890 The queen of hearts / C. Thomas
2001015028 The queen of hearts / J.B. G[reenough]
2000996153 The queen of hearts / [J.B. Greenough]
2001058544 The queen of hearts and the wonderful tarts / F. Hall ... [et al.]
2001097428 The queen of hearts and wonderful tarts / [M. Dutnall]
2001075198 The queen of hearts or the card party / J.R. Planché ... [et al.]
2001042480 The queen of spades
2001047560 The queen of spades / D. Boucicault
2001047560 The queen of spades / D. Boucicault
2001050931 The queen of the Abruzzi / J.S. Coyne
2001094734 The queen of the Abruzzi / J.S. Coyne
2001098865 The queen of the Thames / E. Fitzball
2001079889 The queen of the beggars / T.J. Serle
2001075060 The queen of the frogs / J.R. Planché
2001083891 The queen of the hills, a tale of the wilds of Corsica / J.H. Wilkins
2001126224 The queen of the market / B.[N.] Webster ... [et al.]
2001049847 The queen of the market / H.C. Coape ... [et al.]
2001042483 The queen of the roses; or, sorcerer of Candahar
2001089706 The queen of the spades / D.L. Boucicault
2001042485 The queen of the vintage
2001087062 The queen's ball; or, the black domino / G.A. A'Beckett
2001118367 The queen's bench / W.L. Rede
2001057663 The queen's champion / C.G.F. Gore
2001079990 The queen's command / W. Shakespeare
2001102105 The queen's horse / M.B. Honan ... [et al.]
2001075199 The queen's horse; or, the brewer of Preston / J.R. Planché ... [et al.]
2001093878 The queen's jewel; or, the interrupted ball! / W. Collier
2001012471 The queen's lace handkerchief / L.C. Elson
2001091619 The queen's love / D. Burn
2001114881 The queen's mate / H. Paulton ... [et al.]
2001042486 The queen's necklace
2001081042 The queen's page / C.A. Somerset
2001111121 The queen's room / F.F. Moore
2001083652 The queen's secret; or, the iron mask / B.N. Webster
2001094415 The queen's visit / F.F. Cooper
2001124391 The queen-mother [and] Rosamund / A.C. Swinburne
2001003952 The queens / Aldémah
2001094741 The queer subject / J.S. Coyne
2001050933 The queer subject / J.S. Coyne
2001033341 The queerest courtship / A.B. Sedgwick
2001027713 The quest of Merlin / R. Hovey
2000993333 The quicksands of Gotham / V.D. Brooke
2001008299 The quicksands of Gotham / V.D. Brooke
2001042499 The rabbi of York
2001067762 The race horse; or, the favourite of the derby and life of man and horse / W.T. Moncrieff
2001081643 The rag picker of Paris and the dress maker of St. Antonine / E. Stirling
2001128496 The rag-picker of Paris, and the dress-maker of St. Antoine / E. Stirling
2001123719 The rag-picker of Paris, and the dress-maker of St. Antoine / E. Stirling
2001081645 The rag-picker of Paris, and the dress-maker of St. Antonine / E. Stirling
2001003897 The rag-picker's child / J. Adams
2001118805 The rage / F. Reynolds
2001123722 The ragged school / E. Stirling
2001081658 The ragged school / E. Stirling
2001002974 The railroad explosion [and] the echo
2001011136 The railroad of love / A. Daly
2000994899 The railroad of love / A. Daly
2001126453 The railroad station / T.E. Wilks
2001084022 The railroad station / T.E. Wilks
2001126455 The railroad station / T.E. Wilks
2001111346 The railroad trip; or, London, Birmingham & Bristol / E. Morton ... [et al.]
2001068615 The railroad trip; or, London, Birmingham and Bristol / T. Morton, Jr. ... [et al.]
2001106577 The railway belle / M. Lemon
2001063395 The railway belle / [M. Lemon]
2001042503 The railway king
2001123729 The railway king / E. Stirling
2001081661 The railway king / E. Stirling
2001042506 The railway mania; or, the Irish sharebroker
2001032996 The rainmaker of Syria / S. Rosenfeld
2001127220 The rajah / W. Young
2001090835 The rake and his pupil; or, folly, love, and marriage / J.B. Buckstone
2001031598 The rake's lesson; or, taming a husband / [H. Pickett]
2001076028 The rake's progress / W.L. Rede
2001128298 The rake's progress / W.L. Rede
2001118371 The rake's progress / W.L. Rede
2001118369 The rake's progress / W.L. Rede
2001118368 The rake's progress / W.L. Rede
2001076031 The rake's progress / W.L. Rede
2001074309 The ransom / E. Planché
2001115896 The ransom : an anecdote of Montesquieu / E.[S.] Planché
2001074329 The ransom : an anecdote of Montesquieu / E.[S.] Planché
2001074335 The ransom; or, the duplicate key / [E.S.] Planché
2001094501 The rape of Proserpine / B. Cornwall
2000992585 The rape of Sabines / T.M. Adams
2001114365 The rape of the lock / J. Oxenford
2001073197 The rash marriage : tragedy, 5 acts / J. Pinkerton
2001035271 The rat-charmer of Hamelin / [F. Williams]
2001127740 The ratcatcher's daughter / J.W. Elphinstone
2001127400 The ratcatchers daughter
2001060362 The rats of the seine / C.S. James
2000996237 The raven / G.C. Hazelton, Jr
2001110984 The ravens of Orleans / W.T. Moncrieff
2001075329 The ravens; or, the force of conscience : romantic drama, 3 acts / I. Pocock
2001028147 The raw recruit; or, a day in camp with the National Guard / J. Ingraham
2001099772 The realm of joy / W.S. Gilbert
2001031551 The realm of time / N.H. Pelham
2001123744 The reapers; or, forget and forgive! / E. Stirling
2001055018 The rear admiral / W.S. Emden
2001097741 The rear admiral / W.S. Emden
2001055070 The rear admiral [and] new inventions / W.S. Emden
2001042512 The reasonable fool : recitative, songs, duetts, chorusses, etc., comic burletta, 1 act
2001057885 The rebel chief; or, fatal prophecy (The wite boys) / H.P. Grattan
2001090005 The rebellion; or, Norwich in 1549 / G.P. Bromley
2001047956 The rebellion; or, Norwich in 1549 : drama, 2 acts / G.P. Bromley
2001042514 The rebellion; or, all in the wrong
2001003963 The reception of the months / L. Alexander
2000996176 The reckoning / B.L.C. Griffith
2001042521 The recluse
2001055767 The recluse; or, the banks of the Delaware : musical drama, 2 acts / C. Feist
2001042523 The recluse; or, the valley of St. Gothard
2001029801 The recognition / J.A. Lyons
2001061652 The recovery, prologue and epilogue to / J. Kenney ... [et al.]
2001058581 The recruit / C.W. Hallett
2001034983 The recruiting office / C. White
2000994905 The recruiting officer / A. Daly
2001011139 The recruiting officer / A. Daly
2000994902 The recruiting officer / A. Daly
2000994901 The recruiting officer / A. Daly
2001098183 The recruiting officer / G. Farquhar
2001089095 The recruiting sergeant / I. Bickerstaffe
2001128907 The red brigade; or, vice ...
2001042530 The red buoy!; or, the tar of Trinidad of the spirit of the ocean
2001087915 The red cap; or, the prisoner of vincennes / T. Archer
2001044834 The red cap; or, the prisoner of vincennes / T. Archer
2001004782 The red chignon / [G.M. Baker]
2001126491 The red crow; or, the Archers of Islington and the Fayre Mayde of West cheap / T.E. Wilks
2001110992 The red farm; or, the well of St. Marie / W.T. Moncrieff
2001129846 The red hand of Fontainebleau
2001042532 The red house; or, a crack shot
2001006639 The red knight / G.H. Broadhurst
2001042537 The red man of Glatz
2001130762 The red man of Hammelburg / W. Seaman
2001073985 The red man; or, the Sachem's vow / G.D. Pitt
2001072914 The red man; or, the legend of the ravenstone / F.L. Phillips
2001075063 The red mask / J.R. Planché
2001090312 The red mask; or, the wolf of Lithuania / J. Brougham
2001103045 The red rag / R.M. Jephson
2000998503 The red rover! / R.T. Weaver
2001098870 The red rover; or, the mutiny of the dolphin / E. Fitzball
2001056417 The red rover; or, the mutiny of the dolphin / E. Fitzball
2001127836 The red rover; or, the mutiny of the dolphin / E. Fitzball
2000994912 The red scarf : a story of the aroostook and it's lumber mills / A. Daly
2001077999 The reform deformed; or, the fate of his majesty's good ship "The state" / Lord J. Russell
2001033420 The reformer of Geneva / C.W. Shields
2001027868 The reformer reformed / H.M. Howie
2001058528 The refugee / A.M. Hall
2001042541 The refusal; or, everybody's business : farce, 2 acts
2001075065 The regent / J.R. Planché
2001075064 The regent / J.R. Planché
2001127221 The regent's daughter / [W. Young]
2001031230 The regicide / H.N. Moore
2001009451 The regicides / R.B. Caverly
2001027844 The register / W.D. Howells
2001118483 The register office / J. Reed
2001076103 The register-office / J. Reed
2001003169 The registered letter / [by Members of the Bellevue Dramatic Club of Newport]
2001042542 The registered lodging house; or, strange arrivals in 1851
2001034986 The rehearsal; or, Barry's old man / C. White
2001042543 The reign of twelve hours
2001069475 The reigning favorite / J. Oxenford
2001114367 The reigning favourite / J. Oxenford
2001081339 The rejected addresses; or, the triumph of the Ale-King / W. Stanley
2001042552 The release of Eblis
2001129849 The released convict; or, a long lane ...
2001086012 The rencontre
2001075062 The rencontre; or, love will find out the way / J.R. Planché
2001129001 The rendezvous / R. Ayton
2001128997 The rendezvous / R. Ayton
2001045364 The rendezvous / R. Ayton
2001088279 The rendezvous / R. Ayton
2001127443 The rendezvous / R. Ayton
2001128999 The rendezvous / R. Ayton
2001088280 The rendezvous / R. Ayton
2001045363 The rendezvous : operetta, 1 act / R. Ayton
2001118807 The renegade / F. Reynolds
2001076322 The renegade / F. Reynolds
2001076319 The renegade : drama, 3 acts / F. Reynolds
2001009651 The renegade [and] more truth than poetry / Herr Cherrytree
2001060690 The rent day / D.W. Jerrold
2001060692 The rent day / D.[W.] Jerrold
2001103231 The rent day / D.[W.] Jerrold
2001103232 The rent day / D.[W.] Jerrold
2001060688 The rent day / D.[W.] Jerrold
2001103229 The rent day / D.[W.] Jerrold
2001093071 The rent day, and distraining for rent / A.L.[V.] Campbell
2001060497 The rent-day / D. Jerrold
2001127949 The rent-day / D.[W.] Jerrold
2001028239 The reprobate / [H. James]
2001052437 The reprobate; or, four by honours : seriocomic melodramatic burletta, 2 acts / T.J. Dibdin
2001042553 The respectable man
2001086015 The respectable man
2001060985 The retired fishmonger; or, a new road to Brighton : farce, 2 acts / R. Jones
2001088296 The return of Tasso to Sorrento / W.S.C. Baddeley
2001090442 The return of the Druses / R. Browning
2001127214 The revenge / E. Young
2001104351 The revenge / J.P. Kemble
2001127666 The review / G. Colman, Jr
2001049974 The review; or, the wags of Windsor / G. Colman
2001094015 The review; or, the wags of Windsor / G. Colman, Jr
2001050078 The review; or, the wags of Windsor / G. Colman, Jr
2001050082 The review; or, the wags of Windsor / G. Colman, Jr
2001094014 The review; or, the wags of Windsor / G. Colman, Jr
2001050081 The review; or, the wags of Windsor / G. Colman, Jr
2001130333 The review; or, the wags of Windsor / [G. Colman, Jr.]
2001042554 The revolt at sea
2001080646 The revolt of Bruges / A.R. Smith
2001082930 The revolt of the Greeks or the maid of Athens / C.E. Walker
2001048952 The revolt of the Harem / A. Bunn
2001004801 The revolt of the bees / [G.M. Baker]
2001087068 The revolt of the workhouse / G.A. A'Beckett
2001073987 The revolution of Paris / G.D. Pitt
2001028227 The revolutionary soldier; or, the old seventy-sixer / G. Jaimson
2001034712 The revolving wedge / T.M. Ware ... [et al.]
2000998805 The reward of crime; or, the love of gold / W.H. Wilkins
2001035181 The reward of crime; or, the love of gold / W.H. Wilkins
2001098317 The rhyming temperance advocate; or, old truths in a new dress / T. Featherstone
2001118862 The rich man of Frankfort; or, the poisoned crown / T.H. Reynoldson
2001034319 The rich miss poor / C. Townsend
2001118030 The riddle / W. Raleigh
2001089950 The rifle and how to use it / J.V. Bridgeman
2001120252 The rifle brigade / C. Selby
2001081664 The rifle volunteers / E. Stirling
2001123754 The rifle volunteers; "Riflemen! riflemen! riflemen form!" / E. Stirling
2001077236 The rifles; or, who will he have? / [T.H. Reynoldson]
2001096757 The rift within the lute / C.H. Dickinson ... [et al.]
2001065744 The right fellow; or, the wrong felon and the felo' d'ye see? / W.F. Marshall
2000992394 The right line; or, a short cut
2000997767 The right to love / M.J. Safford
2001087983 The right-fall heir; or, the sea-rover and the fall over / H.T. Arden
2001124001 The rightful heir / A. Sturgess ... [et al.]
2001091463 The rightful heir / E.G.E.L. Bulwer, Lord Lytton
2001091460 The rightful heir / E.G.E.L. Bulwer, Lord Lytton
2001091461 The rightful heir / E.G.E.L. Bulwer, Lord Lytton
2001113285 The rights and wrongs of woman / J.M. Morton
2001029319 The rights of man / O.S. Leland
2001128912 The rights of woman
2001065134 The rights of woman; or, the rose and the thistle / J. Lunn
2001107094 The rights of woman; or, the rose and the thistle / J. Lunn
2001124834 The ring / [A. Tennyson, Lord]
2001127008 The ring and the keeper / J.P. Wooler
2001106788 The ring; or, love me for myself / [W.] Linley
2001088635 The ring; or, the farmer's daughter / A.C.F. Bartholomew, Mrs
2001065977 The ringdoves / C.J. Mathews
2001109578 The ringdoves / C.[J.] Mathews
2001032767 The rise and fall of Mark Reynolds / W. Richardson
2001091946 The rise and fall of Richard III; or, a new front to an old dicky / F.C. Burnand
2001003178 The rise of harlem / [B.F. Barker]
2001003178 The rise of harlem / [B.F. Barker]
2001088483 The rise of the Rotheschildes; or, the honest Jew of Frankfort / C.Z. Barnett
2001056419 The rising of the tide / E. Fitzball
2001045909 The rising sun / [E.S. Barrett]
2001012277 The rival barber shops / F. Dumont
2001127010 The rival beauties / J.P. Wooler
2001035005 The rival lovers / C. White
2001064964 The rival merchants; or, a daughter's sacrifice / G.W. Lovell
2001120253 The rival pages / C. Selby
2001120254 The rival pages / C. Selby
2001079764 The rival pages / C. Selby
2001004805 The rival poets / [G.M. Baker]
2001042570 The rival queens; or, little Alexander the Great!
2001049948 The rival sergeants; or, love and lottery / W. Collier
2001093881 The rival sergeants; or, love and lottery! / W. Collier
2001083284 The rival tinkers; or, maid of fountain / H.R. Ward
2001086029 The rival uncle; or, plots in Calcutta
2001097463 The rival valets / J. Ebsworth
2001127736 The rival valets / J. Ebsworth
2001054795 The rival valets / J. Ebsworth
2001120490 The rivals / R.B. Sheridan
2001080129 The rivals / R.B. Sheridan
2001128450 The rivals / R.B. Sheridan
2001028298 The rivals / [J. Jefferson]
2001111327 The river god / E. Morton
2001068042 The river god / E. Morton
2001106776 The river sprite / G. Linley