

書誌ID タイトル 巻号
2001033607 Rob Roy / H.B. Smith
2001128271 Rob Roy MacGregor; or, Auld Lang Syne / I. Pocock
2001075336 Rob Roy MacGregor; or, Auld Lang Syne / I. Pocock
2001117350 Rob Roy MacGregor; or, Auld Lang Syne / I. Pocock
2001117345 Rob Roy MacGregor; or, Auld Lang Syne / I. Pocock
2001075337 Rob Roy MacGregor; or, Auld Lang Syne / I. Pocock
2001117347 Rob Roy MacGregor; or, Auld Lang Syne / [I. Pocock]
2001075338 Rob Roy MacGregor; or, Auld Lang Syne! / I. Pocock
2001075339 Rob Roy MacGregor; or, Auld Lang Syne! / I. Pocock
2001075335 Rob Roy [MacGregor; or, Auld Lang Syne!] : play, 3 acts / I. Pocock
2001080911 Rob Roy, [the gregarach] : play, 3 acts / G. Soane
2001121115 Rob Roy, the gregarach / G. Soane
2001033610 Rob Roy; or, the thistle and the rose / H.B. Smith
2001042572 Rob Roy; or, the traveller's Portmanteau : seriocomic melodramatic romance, 2 acts
2001063396 Rob of the fen / M. Lemon
2001003856 Rob, the hermit; or, the black chapel of Maryland / C.F. Adams
2001003854 Rob, the hermit; or, the black chapel of Maryland / C.F. Adams
2001049370 Robbing Roy; or, scotched and kilt! / F.C. Burnand
2001106579 Robert Burns / M. Lemon
2001063397 Robert Burns / M. Lemon
2000998283 Robert Emmet / C. Townsend
2001089719 Robert Emmet / D.L. Boucicault
2001009906 Robert Emmet / J.I.C. Clarke
2000997398 Robert Emmet, the martyr of Irish liberty / J. Pilgrim
2001031648 Robert Emmet, the martyr of Irish liberty / J. Pilgrim
2000994126 Robert Emmet; or, true Irish hearts / J.A. Cole
2001109100 Robert Macaire / [P.R. Martinetti]
2001120257 Robert Macaire; or, the auberge des adrets / C. Selby
2001079767 Robert Macaire; or, the inn of ardennes / C. Selby
2001092896 Robert Macaire; or, the roadside inn turned inside out / H.J. Byron
2001120259 Robert Macaire; the two murderers / C. Selby
2001057533 Robert Ryland; or, the poor carpenter and the family / G. Glynn
2001029407 Robert and Cornelia / R.H. Lewis
2001065531 Robert il diavolo / M. Maggioni
2001056515 Robert le Diable, the devil's son / E. Fitzball ... [et al.]
2001034707 Robert make-airs; or, the two fugitives / E. Warden
2001014109 Robert of Sicily / G.L. Furniss
2001086039 Robert the devil
2001048956 Robert the devil / [A. Bunn]
2001118179 Robert the devil! duke of Normandy / R.J. Raymond
2001075820 Robert the devil! or the bridal ring / R.J. Raymond
2001105111 Robert the devil; or, the fiend-father / M.R. Lacy
2001057243 Robert the devil; or, the nun, the dun, and the son of gun / W.S. Gilbert
2001099778 Robert the devil; or, the nun, the dun, and the son of gun / W.S. Gilbert
2001057243 Robert the devil; or, the nun, the dun, and the son of gun / W.S. Gilbert
2001031457 Robert, Earl of Essex / O.W. Owen
2001079143 Robert-le-diable / A.E. Scribe ... [et al.]
2001114373 Roberto il diavolo / J. Oxenford
2001108593 Roberto il diavolo / M. Maggioni
2001065584 Roberto il diavolo / S.M. Maggioni
2001042576 Roberto l'assassino : comic opera (Italian), 1 act
2001089410 Robespierre / H. Bliss
2001072366 Robespierre / R.H. Patterson
2001047062 Robespierre; or, the fête day and the fail / W.B. Bernard
2001089007 Robespierre; or, two days of the revolution! / W.B. Bernard
2001042580 Robin Goodfellow
2001093176 Robin Goodfellow / R.C. Carton
2001064888 Robin Goodfellow; or, the frolics of puck / E.J. Loder
2001086042 Robin Hood
2001033612 Robin Hood / H.B. Smith
2001114381 Robin Hood / J. Oxenford
2001061007 Robin Hood / R.S. Jones
2001081759 Robin Hood and Richard Coeur de Lion / J.H. Stocqueler ... [et al.]
2001081763 Robin Hood and Richard Coeur de Lion / J.H. Stocqueler ... [et al.]
2001047433 Robin Hood and his merry little men / [E.L.L. Blanchard]
2001096192 Robin Hood and ye curtall fryer / A. Dawtrey
2001042582 Robin Hood, Little John and Friar Tuck
2001067337 Robin Hood; or, the bold highwayman and his Mary-Ann / H. Mills ... [et al.]
2001091950 Robin Hood; or, the forester's fate! / F.C. Burnand
2001098893 Robin Hood; or, the merry outlaws of Sherwood / E. Fitzball
2001058615 Robinson Crusoe / A. Harris ... [et al.]
2001028309 Robinson Crusoe / A.F. J[enks]
2000996571 Robinson Crusoe / A.F. J[enks]
2001089385 Robinson Crusoe / E.L.L. Blanchard
2001047438 Robinson Crusoe / E.L.L. Blanchard
2001064827 Robinson Crusoe / F. Locke
2001063488 Robinson Crusoe / H. Lennard
2001069017 Robinson Crusoe / H. Nicholls ... [et al.]
2001055621 Robinson Crusoe / H.B. Farnie ... [et al.]
2001014813 Robinson Crusoe / J.F. Godoy
2001048978 Robinson Crusoe / J.F.B. Bunting
2001063398 Robinson Crusoe / M. Lemon
2001125693 Robinson Crusoe / W. Wade
2001077633 Robinson Crusoe / [T.]S. Rogers
2001121241 Robinson Crusoe and his man Friday; or, harlequin Elfin prince ... / G. Spaight
2001082338 Robinson Crusoe, his man Friday, and the cannibal king of the cokernut islands / J.A. Thomson ... [et al.]
2001050147 Robinson Crusoe, the lad rather loose o', and the black man called Friday, who kept his house tidy / G. Conquest ... [et al.]
2001082355 Robinson Crusoe: a Christmas story of a good Friday; or, harlequin pretty Polly Perkins and the cruise of "Sancy Sarah" / G. Thorn
2001075341 Robinson Crusoe; [or, the bold bucaniers] : melodrama, 2 acts / I. Pocock
2001107264 Robinson Crusoe; or, Friday and his funny family / J.F. McArdle
2001049569 Robinson Crusoe; or, Friday and the fairies / H.J. Byron
2001092901 Robinson Crusoe; or, harlequin Friday and the king of the Caribee Islands! / H.J. Byron
2001083276 Robinson Crusoe; or, harlequin man Friday of the cannibal islands / W. Walton
2001075342 Robinson Crusoe; or, the bold bucaniers / I. Pocock
2001117362 Robinson Crusoe; or, the bold bucaniers / I. Pocock
2001042584 Robinson Crusoe; or, the bold buccaniers
2001128272 Robinson Crusoe; or, the bold buccaniers / I. Pocock
2001069026 Robinson Crusoe; or, the good Friday that came before Saturday / J. Nie
2001099173 Robinson Crusoe; or, the island of Juan Fernandez / F. Fortescue
2001009661 Robinsonade / N. Childs
2001049629 Robson's academy / A.L.V. Campbell
2001124247 Rocambole; or, the knaves of hearts and the companions of crime / W.E. Suter
2001124249 Rocambole; or, the knaves of hearts and the companions of crime / W.E. Suter
2001095416 Rochester ; The ocean of life ; An Uncle too Many ; The wild man ; The rover's bride ; Beggar of Cripplegate ; Paul of poacher ; Thomas a Becket ; Pestilence of Marseilles ; Unfortunate Miss Bailey
2001110999 Rochester; or, King Charles the second's merry days / W.T. Moncrieff
2001067766 Rochester; or, King Charles the second's merry days : burletta, 3 acts / W.T. Moncrieff
2001035194 Rock Allen, the orphan; or, lost and found / W.H. Wilkins
2001042587 Roderic
2001116737 Rodolph and the wolf; or, columbine red riding-hood / J.R. Planché
2001075070 Rodolph and the wolf; or, columnbine red riding hood : melodramatic pantomime / J.R. Planché
2001049808 Roger Bontemps / Clairville ... [et al.]
2001042596 Rogues all!; or, three generations : farce, 2 acts
2000994951 Roi carotte / A. Daly
2001048159 Roi de prusse et le comédien / Brunswick
2001124993 Rokeby; or, the buccaneer's revenge / C.P. Thompson
2001109653 Roland / A. Maudslay
2001050556 Roland the rider / J. Courtney
2001050148 Roley Poley; or, earth, air fire and water, and enchanted umbrella / G. Conquest ... [et al.]
2001131016 Rolla; or, the virgin of the sun / B. Thompson
2001124962 Rolla; or, the virgin of the sun / B. Thompson
2001082358 Rollicking Robinson Crusoe; or, harlequin good man Friday who kept the house tidy and pretty Polly of wapping old stairs / G. Thorn
2001073999 Romald Dhu; or, the black cat of Coventry / G.D. Pitt
2001014870 Romance after marriage; or, the maiden wife / F.B. Goodrich ... [et al.]
2001048135 Romance and reality / J. Brougham
2001048135 Romance and reality / J. Brougham
2001048128 Romance and reality / J. Brougham
2001048132 Romance and reality; or, silence gives consent / J. Brougham
2001090316 Romance and reality; or, the young Virginian / J. Brougham
2000995477 Romance of the magic mirror / H.V. Edmond
2001091957 Romance under difficulties / F.C. Burnand
2001120700 Romance! / J.P. Simpson
2000995600 Romancie / W.B. Felts
2001101335 Romantic Caroline / J. Hatton
2001042603 Romeo and Giulietta
2001003193 Romeo and Juliet
2001102848 Romeo and Juliet / H. Irving
2001055585 Romeo and Juliet / H.B. Farnie
2001027462 Romeo and Juliet / H.L. Hinton
2001099128 Romeo and Juliet / J. Forbes-Robertson
2001104353 Romeo and Juliet / J.P. Kemble
2001087793 Romeo and Juliet / M. Anderson
2001035285 Romeo and Juliet / [F. Williams]
2001010314 Romeo and Juliet / [J.H. Cornell]
2001094987 Romeo and Juliet ; She stoops to conquer ; Macbeth ; Pizarro ; Richard III ; Douglas ; Suspicious husband
2001053382 Romeo and Juliet as the law directs / M.M.G. Dowling
2001100862 Romeo and Juliet travestie; or, the cup of cold poison / A. Halliday
2001100562 Romeo and Juliet travesty / R. Gurney
2001127282 Romeo and Juliet, travestied / S.K. Glover
2001097236 Romeo and Juliet: as the law directs / M.G. Dowling
2001062608 Romeo and Juliet; or, harlequin Queen Mab ... / N. Lee
2001062610 Romeo and Juliet; or, harlequin Queen Mab ... / N. Lee
2001100864 Romeo and Juliet; or, the cup of cold poison / [A. Halliday]
2001069039 Romeo and Juliet; or, the shaming of the true! / E. Nolan
2001098105 Romeo e Giulietta / H.B. Farnie
2001049004 Romeo e Giulietta : opera (Italian and English), 2 acts / B.S. Buonaiuti
2001048989 Romeo e Giulietta : opera (Italian), 2 acts / B.S. Buonaiuti
2001034742 Romer, king of Norway and other dramas / A. Welcker
2001054539 Romulus / A. Dumas. père
2001118463 Romulus and Remus / R. Reece
2001094891 Romulus and Remus; or, Rome was not built in a day / T.F.D. Croker
2001073183 Roméo et Marielle / P.F. Pinel Dumanoir ... [et al.]
2001074005 Rookwood / G.D. Pitt
2001005245 Rookwood / [N.H. Bannister]
2001045307 Rookwood; or, the tree of fate / S. Atkyns
2001033444 Room 44 / G.A. Simms
2001027845 Room forty-five / W.D. Howells
2001015270 Rooms to let without board / G.W.H. Griffin ... [et al.]
2001027331 Rooney's restaurant / F.E. Hiland
2001064501 Roquelaure; ou, l'homme le plus laid de France / A. de Leuven ... [et al.]
2001064496 Roquelaure; ou, l'homme le plus laid de France / A. de Leuven ... [et al.]
2001106938 Rory O'More / S. Lover
2001064994 Rory O'More / S. Lover
2001129851 Rosalie Mortimer; or, fate and its victims
2001097532 Rosalie; or, the Bohemian mother / J. Ebsworth
2001054796 Rosalie; or, the deserted child : drama, 2 acts / J. Ebsworth
2001076033 Rosalie; or, the exile's daughter / W.L. Rede
2001101944 Rosamond / F. Holcroft
2001088309 Rosamund / H.B. Baildon
2001124394 Rosamund, queen of the Lombards / A.C. Swinburne
2001129580 Rosamunda / T.[J.] Williams
2001012097 Rosberry shrub, sec / F.C. Drake
2001042607 Rose Ashford; or, woman's love
2001050566 Rose Clinton; or, circumstantial evidence! / J. Courtney
2001015245 Rose Dale / [G.W.H. Griffin]
2000996647 Rose McCrea; or, congress and camp of the American revolution / E.E. Kenyon
2001093614 Rose Michel / C. Clarke
2001030206 Rose Michel / [J.]S. Mackaye
2001061577 Rose d'amour; or, little red riding hat : opera, 2 acts / [J. Kenney]
2001051945 Rose et Marguerite; ou, faut-il des époux assortis? / L.F.C. Desnoyer ... [et al.]
2001054934 Rose; or, love's ransom / H.S. Edwards
2001034670 Rosedale / [L. Wallack]
2001034673 Rosedale; or, the rifle ball / L. Wallack
2001114705 Rosemary, that's for remembrance / L.N. Parker ... [et al.]
2000997747 Rosemi Shell; or, my daughter! oh! my daughter / S. Rosenfeld
2001033001 Rosemi Shell; or, my daughter! oh! my daughter / S. Rosenfeld
2001099780 Rosencrantz and Guildenstern / W.S. Gilbert
2001099782 Rosencrantz and Guildenstern / W.S. Gilbert
2001065141 Roses and thornes; or, two houses under one roof / J. Lunn
2001065140 Roses and thornes; or, two houses under one roof : comedy, 5 acts / J. Lunn
2001107099 Roses and thorns; or, two houses under one roof / J. Lunn
2001090009 Rosina / F.M. Brooke, Mrs
2001033197 Rosina meadows, the village maid; or, temptations unveiled / C.H. Saunders
2001033195 Rosina meadows, the village maid; or, temptations unveiled / C.H. Saunders
2001099314 Rosmer of Rosmersholm / A. Fryers
2001009232 Rosmersholm / M. Carmichael
2001079455 Rostang, the brigand of the Rhone / [J.H. Sealy]
2001035642 Rostia; or, Boston and Banditti / M.C. Woodward
2001055008 Rotherh[i]the in ... / J.[W.] Elphinstone
2001055007 Rotherhithe in ... / J.[W.] Elphinstone
2001098111 Rothomago; or, the magic watch! / H.B. Farnie
2001054804 Rouge et noir / J. Ebsworth
2001054805 Rouge et noir; or, whigs and widows / J. Ebsworth
2001097533 Rouge et noir; or, whigs and widows / J. Ebsworth
2001082381 Rough Rob, the Gipsy chief of the hangman's hollow; or, the brothers / R.S. Thorne ... [et al.]
2000994952 Roughing it / A. Daly
2000994956 Roughing it / [A. Daly]
2001124061 Round Delia's basket / [J.R. Sturgis]
2000994958 Round the clock / A. Daly
2001042611 Royal Charlie; or, harlequin prince of good fellows and the fairy of the royal oak
2000994962 Royal youth / [A. Daly]
2000997380 Rubber boots / M.H. Pike
2001009678 Ruben Rube; or, my invalid aunt / A.Z. Chipman
2001099783 Ruddigore; or, the witch's curse! / W.S. Gilbert
2001089153 Rudolf of Varosnay / J.A. Blackwell
2001042619 Rudolph of Haspburgh; or, the wierds of the Rhine
2001082705 Rue de la lune / C. Varin ... [et al.]
2001106708 Rugantino; or, the bravo of Venice / M.G. Lewis
2001064702 Rugantino; or, the bravo of Venice / M.G. Lewis
2001064690 Rugantino; or, the bravo of Venice / M.G. Lewis
2001064692 Rugantino; or, the bravo of Venice : melodrama, 2 acts / M.G. Lewis
2001003928 Ruined by drink / [C.]N. Adkisson
2001093074 Rule Britannia / A.L.V. Campbell
2001088788 Rule Britannia / M. Becher
2001068971 Rule Britannia; or, harlequin old Dan Tucker and the Ocean Queen / F. Neale
2001104357 Rule a wife and hava a wife / J.P. Kemble
2001046558 Rule a wife and have a wife / Beaumont ... [et al.]
2001099453 Rule a wife and have a wife / D. Garrick
2001061324 Rule a wife and have a wife / J.P. Kemble
2000994966 Rule a wife, and have a wife / [A. Daly]
2001010183 Rum; or, the first glass / W. Comstock
2001075504 Rumfuskin, king of Bythnyphorbia : burletta, 3 secnes / [J. Poole]
2001075510 Rumfuskin, king of the North Pole; or, treason rewarded / J. Poole
2001082932 Rumfustian inamorato / C.E. Walker
2001125810 Rumfustian innamorato; or, the court of Quodlibet / [C.E. Walker]
2001064816 Rummio and Judy; or, oh, this love! this love! this love! / H.A. Lloyd
2001058584 Rumpelstiltskin! / M.W. Hallett
2001091960 Rumplestiltskin; or, the woman at the wheel! / F.C. Burnand
2001042620 Run for your life : musical burletta, 1 act
2001058549 Run to Earth; or, a day at Boulogne / M. Hall
2001029139 Running the blockade / A.J. Leavitt ... [et al.]
2001077449 Runnymede; or, the Magna Charta / [A.B. Richards]
2001102204 Rupert of Hentzau / A. Hope
2001129313 Rural felicity / J.B. Buckstone
2001048741 Rural felicity / J.B. Buckstone
2001090854 Rural felicity / J.B. Buckstone
2001090855 Rural felicity / J.B. Buckstone
2000994969 Rural felicity / [A. Daly]
2001086052 Russell; or, the Rye-house Plot
2001042625 Russia against Turkey now on trial ...
2001030560 Rustic chivalry; or, Cavalleria rusticana / J.C. Macy
2001008471 Ruth / F.E. Browne
2001045710 Ruth Martin, the fatal dreamer / C.Z. Barnett
2001126729 Ruth Oakley / T.J. Williams ... [et al.]
2001126729 Ruth Oakley / T.J. Williams ... [et al.]
2001126725 Ruth Oakley / [T.J. Williams]
2001130818 Ruth Oakley / [T.J. Williams] ... [et al.]
2001042628 Ruth Tudor; or, the reel smuggler
2001042627 Ruth of Rosedale, the poor man's daughter; or, the maid, wife and widow
2001090343 Ruth's romance / F.W. Broughton
2001042629 Ruth; or, our village home!
2001105205 Ruth; or, the lass that loved a sailor / E.R. Lancaster
2001100693 Ruth; or, the lass that loves a sailor / J.T. Haines
2001101192 Ruthven / A.[G.] Harris
2001126104 Ruy Blas / C. Webb
2001060025 Ruy Blas / V. Hugo
2001082144 Ruy Blas / W. Terriss
2001099791 Ruy Blas / W.S. Gilbert
2001094912 Ruy Blas / [C.D.T.] Crosland, Mrs. ... [et al.]
2001097900 Ruy Blas / [E. Falconer]
2001097899 Ruy Blas / [E. Falconer]
2001057469 Ruy Blas / [W.]H. Glover
2001057471 Ruy Blas / [W.]H. Glover
2001125154 Ruy Blas and the blasé rué / A.C. Torr ... [et al.]
2001118464 Ruy Blas righted; or, the love, the lugger, and lackey / R. Reece
2001035195 S.H.A.M. Pinafore / W.H. Wilkins
2001086069 Sabbaths Mis-spent
2001006494 Sacred dramas / J. Boxer
2001126893 Sad memories / F. Withers
2001067517 Sadak and Kalasrade or the waters of oblivion / M.R. Mitford
2001110654 Sadak and Kalasrade or the waters of oblivion / M.R. Mitford
2001123761 Sadak and Kalasrade; or, the talisman of fate / E. Stirling
2001097986 Sadak and Kalasrade; or, the waters of oblivion / [C.] Farley
2001042630 Sadak and Kalasrade; or, the waters of oblivion : drama, 2 acts
2001102197 Safe and sound / T.E. Hook
2001056553 Saffo / Fontanea
2001027118 Sag harbor / J.A. Herne
2001060695 Saint Cupid; or, Dorothy's wedding / D.W. Jerrold
2001068997 Saint Patrick's night / J. Nevill
2001103542 Saints and sinners / H.A. Jones
2001126587 Sakoontala; or, the lost ring / M. Williams
2001125442 Saladin; or, the order of knighthood / [C. Verral]
2001115121 Salem redeemed; or, the year of jubilee / E. Peel
2001103244 Sally in our Alley / D.[W.] Jerrold
2001060777 Sally's peppermint / C.A. Jessop
2001027180 Salome / J.C. Heywood
2001126349 Salome / O.[F.O.W.] Wilde
2001126348 Salome / [O.F.O.W. Wilde]
2001027182 Salome, the daughter of horodias / [J.C. Heywood]
2001076034 Saloon and cellar / W.L. Rede
2001080444 Salvation; or, the bandit's daughter / [J.P. Simpson]
2001042631 Sam Patch the jumper
2001125778 Sam Slithervick's baby; or, a fish out of water / A. Walker
2001067777 Sam Weller's tour; or, the Pickwickians in France / W.T. Moncrieff
2001067779 Sam Weller's tour; or, the Pickwickians in France / W.T. Moncrieff
2001067783 Sam Weller's tour; or, the Pickwickians in France / W.T. Moncrieff
2001003205 Sam Weller's visit to his mother-in-law
2001111002 Sam Weller; or, the Pickwickians / W.T. Moncrieff
2001028321 Sam'l of posen; or, the commercial drummer / G.H. Jessop
2001114383 Sam's arrival / J. Oxenford
2001035014 Sam's courtship / C. White
2000998737 Sam's courtship / C. White
2001003212 Sambo's return
2001082533 Sambodampalus / J.H. Tully
2001119911 Sample versus Pattern / W. Sapte, Jr
2001003223 Samson
2001027848 Samson / W.D. Howells
2001107253 Samson and Dalilah / F. Lyster
2001005630 Samson and Delilah / M.J. Barnett
2000994980 Samson and Delilah / A. Daly
2000994975 Samson and Delilah / A. Daly
2001006140 Samson and Delilah; or, Dagon stoops to Sabaoth / H.M. Bien
2001094809 Samuel in search of himself / J.S. Coyne ... [et al.]
2001068055 San toy / E.A. Morton
2001068048 San toy; or the emperor's own / E.A. Morton
2001111361 San toy; or the emperor's own / E.[A.] Morton
2001009567 Santa Claus the first / F.E. Chase
2001012446 Santa Claus' daughter / E. Elliott ... [et al.]
2001004840 Santa Claus' frolics / [G.M. Baker]
2001013793 Santiago; or, for the red, white and bule / J.A. Fraser
2000994981 Sanya; or, the red ribbon / [A. Daly]
2001033548 Sapolio / [E.M. Smith ... [et al.]
2001003237 Sappho
2001013896 Sappho / E. Frothingham
2001014793 Sappho / E.B. Ginty
2001089892 Sappho / J. Bramsen
2001031396 Sappho / J. Norton
2001079891 Sappho / T.J. Serle
2001029399 Sappho / [E.A.B.R. Lewis]
2001120296 Sappho / [T.J. Serle]
2001013294 Sappho / [W.C. Fitch]
2001046689 Saracen's head removed from snow hill : operetta, 1 act / [S. Beazley Jr.]
2001045839 Sarah Blangi / M. Barnett
2001088506 Sarah the Creole; or, a snake in the grass / M. Barnett
2001045713 Sarah the Jewess; or, a maiden's dream / [C.Z. Barnett]
2001124252 Sarah's young man / W.E. Suter
2001124251 Sarah's young man / W.E. Suter
2001129529 Sarah's young man / [W.E. Suter]
2001010825 Saratoga : a dramatic romance of revolution / W.B. Dailey
2001027756 Saratoga; or, pistols for seven / B. Howard
2001042636 Sardanapalus
2001093037 Sardanapalus / C.[A.] Calvert
2001049496 Sardanapalus / G. Gordon Lord Byron
2001061044 Sardanapalus / [C.J. Kean]
2001103798 Sardanapalus, the king of Assyria / C.[J.] Kean
2001087175 Sardanapalus; or, the fast king of Assyria / G.A. A'Beckett ... [et al.]
2001043645 Sardanapalus; or, the fast king of Assyria / G.A. A'Beckett ... [et al.]
2001010498 Satan / C.P. Cranch
2001089436 Satan absolved: a Victorian mystery / W.S. Blunt
2001089781 Satan bound / J.W. Boulding
2001130772 Satan in Paris; or, the mysterious stranger / C. Selby
2001120260 Satan in Paris; or, the mysterious stranger / C. Selby
2001130771 Satan in Paris; or, the mysterious stranger / C. Selby
2001049813 Satan; le diable à paris / Clairville ... [et al.]
2001079768 Satan; or, the devil in Paris / C. Selby
2001050940 Satanas and the spirit of beauty / J.S. Coyne
2001094760 Satanas and the spirit of beauty / J.S. Coyne
2001094759 Satanas and the spirit of beauty / J.S. Coyne
2001101212 Satanella / A.[G.] Harris ... [et al.]
2001101215 Satanella; or, the power of love / A.[G.] Harris ... [et al.]
2001058628 Satanella; or, the power of love / A.[G.] Harris ... [et al.]
2001047326 Satisfaction; or, the duellists / T.G. Blake
2001125779 Saturday night; or, how the money goes / A. Walker
2001029426 Sauce for the goose / M.V.F. Livingston
2001029494 Saul / A.S. Logan
2001101593 Saul / C. Heavysege
2001028135 Saul / H. Iliowizi
2001010480 Saul / [A.C. Coxe]
2000996253 Saul / [C. Heavysege]
2001114482 Saul of Tarsus / G.B. Paley
2001030995 Saul of Tarsus / R.S. Mershon
2001033870 Saved / E. Tardy
2001027616 Saved / Z.P. Hotchkiss
2001033356 Saved from the wreck / T.K. Serrano
2001120520 Saved; or, a wife's peril / A. Shirley
2001080313 Saved; or, a wife's peril / A. Shirley
2001049698 Saviolo / E. Castle ... [et al.]
2001088256 Savonarola / A. Austin
2001097857 Sawbones in trainin'; or, the boys of a certain shcool / Eupolis
2000997980 Sayings and doings at the Tremont House / C. Sly
2001068368 Sayings and doings; or, the rule of contrary / J.M. Morton
2001113288 Sayings and doings; or, the rule of contrary / J.M. Morton
2001003240 Sayings and singings
2001035024 Scampini / C. White
2000998738 Scampini / C. White
2001117573 Scan. mag! or, the village gossip / J. Pocock
2001075343 Scan. mag.; or, the village gossip / I. Pocock
2001030692 Scapegrace / F.A. Mathews
2001096172 Scaramouch in Naxos / J. Davidson
2001056434 Scaramuccia / E. Fitzball
2001098895 Scaramuccia; or, the villagers of San Quintino / E. Fitzball
2001027802 Scarlet Dick, the king's highway / J.B. Howe
2001126507 Scarlet mantle; or, the robbers' hold and the bandit's bride / T.E. Wilks
2001031541 Scarlett letter / E.W. [Peck]
2001029038 Scene from Faust / [E. Lazarus]
2000997366 Scene from an unpublished play / J.H. Payne
2001027554 Scene from an unpublished play / O.W. Holmes
2001031526 Scene from an unpublished play / [J.H. Payne]
2001130583 Scene in the life of an unprotected female! / J.S. Coyne
2001003959 Scene of Blanchette / T.B. A[ldrich]
2001003272 Scenes at Gurney's
2001003274 Scenes at the fair
2001004272 Scenes from Mary Stuart [bound with] tit for tat / [A. Ascher]
2000995534 Scenes from an atheist's life / A.L. Elwyn
2001102421 Scenes from an unfinished drama / [L. Hunt]
2000995661 Scenes from the Birds of Aristophanes / [I. Flagg]
2000997786 Scenes from the life of Frances E. Willard / S. Schell
2001087115 Scenes from the rejected comedies / G.A. A'Beckett
2001012286 Scenes in Front of a clothing store / F. Dumont
2001010102 Scenes in a sanctum / G.H. Coes
2001003279 Scenes in the studio
2001035031 Scenes on the Mississippi / [C. White]
2001044374 Schamyl ... / [J.R. Anderson]
2001080450 Schamyl the warrior-prophet / [J.P. Simpson]
2001089721 Schemes and counter-schemes / D.L. Boucicault
2001009969 Schnapps / M.A.D. Clifton
2001052439 Schniederkins : farce, 2 acts / T.J. Dibdin
2001012986 School / A.N. Field
2001077500 School / T.W. Robertson
2001119187 School / T.W. Robertson
2001119185 School / T.W. Robertson
2001119188 School / T.W. Robertson
2000992419 School dialogues
2000997238 School dialogues / C. Northend
2001042639 School for gallantry
2001080132 School for scandal / R.B. Sheridan
2000997092 School!; or, the charity pupil / W. Morse
2001077242 Schoolboy frolics / T.H. Reynoldson
2001003287 Scipio Africanus
2001042642 Scotch marriage laws; or, the deacon and her deputy : farce, 2 acts
2001063400 Sea and land / M. Lemon
2001106582 Sea and land / M. Lemon
2001027695 Sea drift / H. Houston
2001081699 Sea king's vow / E. Stirling
2001083657 Sea of ice; or, the prayer of the wrecked and the gold-seeker of Mexico / B.N. Webster
2001113291 Sea-bathing at home [and] the wrong man / J.M. Morton
2001108683 Sea-gulls / A. Maltby ... [et al.]
2001051676 Sea-man-ship / L. Debenham
2001125781 Sea-side lodgings; or, the trials and tribulations of a quiet man / A. Walker
2001081701 Sebastapol from ... / E. Stirling
2001032935 Sebastian / [G.B. Rose]
2001101644 Sebastian of Portugal / F.[D.B.] Hemans, [Mrs.]
2001030154 Sebastian; or, the Roman martyr / T.D. Mcgee
2001014120 Second floor, Spoopendyke / G.L. Furniss
2001080467 Second love / J.P. Simpson
2001120707 Second love / J.P. Simpson
2001129519 Second love / [J.P. Simpson]
2001078091 Second sight, a tale of the Highlands / R. Ryan
2001027090 Second sight; or, your fortune for a dollar / B. Herbert
2001101693 Second thoughts / G.C. Herbert
2001101694 Second thoughts / G.C. Herbert
2001090887 Second thoughts / J.B. Buckstone
2001048748 Second thoughts / J.B. Buckstone
2001042644 Second thoughts are best
2001063173 Secours contre l'incendie / P.C.J.A. Lefranc ... [et al.]
2001116746 Secret service / J.R. Planché
2001075075 Secret service / J.R. Planché
2001116747 Secret service / J.R. Planché
2001014767 Secret service / W.H. Gillette
2001083442 Secretary, a tale of old Winchester Castle / C. Webb
2001113535 Secrets worth knowing / T. Morton, [Sr.]
2001102010 Seduction / T. Holcroft
2001129935 See saw Margery Daw / [E.L.L. Blanchard]
2001089389 See, saw, Margery Daw; or, harlequin holiday and the island ... / E.L.L. Blanchard
2001010765 Seeing Bosting / F.L. Cutler
2001113469 Seeing Warren / T. Morton, [Jr.]
2001068587 Seeing Wright / T. Morton, Jr
2001113475 Seeing Wright / T. Morton, [Jr.]
2001004852 Seeing the elephant / G.M. Baker
2001075744 Seeling's believing / E. Ranger
2001065144 Seeming and scheming; or, attick science and mimick art / J. Lunn
2001076326 Sees company : comedy, 5 acts / F. Reynolds
2001054913 Seige of Abydos; or, the pirate of the Isles and his aeriel house of magic / E. Edwards
2000997686 Select and original dialogues, orations ... / L. Roberson
2000992440 Select school dialogues
2001049060 Selections from the songs ... in Ariel / F.C. Burnand
2001005772 Self / Mrs. Bateman
2001128791 Self / S.F. Bateman, Mrs
2001063405 Self accusation; or, a brother's love / M. Lemon
2001106583 Self accusation; or, a brother's love / M. Lemon
2001087208 Self disinherited; or, the home blight / W.H. Abel
2001121119 Self-sacrifice; or, the maid of the cottage / G. Soane
2001128915 Selfishness; or, the echo devil ...
2001086099 Selim and Zuleika
2001124370 Semi-detached / H. Swears
2001042650 Semiramide
2001042649 Semiramide
2001104464 Semiramide / C.L. Kenney
2001108594 Semiramide / M. Maggioni
2001077245 Semiramide / T.H. Reynoldson
2001077251 Semiramide / T.H. Reynoldson
2001082988 Semiramide / W.J. Walter
2001003323 Semiramis
2001082876 Semiramis / Voltaire
2001087806 Send thirty stamps / J.K. Angus
2001126298 Senior wranglers / E.H. Whitmore
2001031051 Senor valiente / G.H. Miles
2001031048 Senor valiente / G.H. Miles
2001031059 Senor valiente; or, the soldier of Chapultepec / G.H. Miles
2001092913 Sensation dramas for the back drawing room / H.J. Byron
2001124667 Sense and sensation; or, the seven sisters of Thule / T. Taylor
2001068370 Sent to the tower / J.M. Morton
2001113294 Sent to the tower! / J.M. Morton
2001050949 Separate maintenance / J.S. Coyne
2001050951 Separate maintenance / J.S. Coyne
2001094771 Separate maintenance / J.S. Coyne
2001068646 Separation and reparation / T. Morton, Sr
2001042655 Sequin the scalp hunter
2001089729 Seraphine / D.L. Boucicault
2001075907 Serenading / T.L. Rede
2001076037 Serenading; or, the two greens / [W.]L. Rede
2000995010 Serge Panine / [A. Daly]
2001118687 Sergeant snap's stratagem; or, the evils of "Penny dreadfuls" / W. Rendell
2001031651 Servants by legacy / J. Pilgrim
2001030640 Servants vs. master; or, a father's will / W.H. Martin
2001045871 Serve him right / M. Barnett ... [et al.]
2001088530 Serve him right / M. Barnett ... [et al.]
2001063249 Service ... / L.I.E. [Lemoine-]Moreau ... [et al.]
2001114773 Serving him out / J.T. Partington
2001125443 Servius Tullius / C. Verral
2001011843 Seth greenback / T.S. Denison
2001042667 Seth slope; or, done for a hundred
2001050953 Settling accounts with your laundress / J.S. Coyne
2001124670 Settling day / T. Taylor
2001081750 Seven champions of Christendom; or, St George and the dragon / J.H. Stocqueler
2001060364 Seven dials; or, the beggars of London / C.S. James
2001086111 Seven nights in a bar-room; or, the liquor traffic a curse to the dealer ...
2001094319 Seven sins; or, passion's paradise / G. Conquest ... [et al.]
2000995021 Seven-twenty-eight; or, casting the boomerang / [A. Daly]
2001042671 Seventeen and seventy
2001047580 Sextus the 5th / D. Boucicault ... [et al.]
2001027186 Sforza / J.C. Heywood
2001034760 Shades of Shakespeare's women / A.L. West
2001108813 Shades of night / R. Marshall
2001012736 Shadow castle / W.F. Felch
2001127198 Shadows / C.L. Young, Sir
2001120712 Shadows of the past / J.P. Simpson
2001042672 Shadows on the water; or, the cleverest lad in China
2001067802 Shakespeare and Burbage or royal precedence / W.T. Moncrieff
2001027468 Shakespeare's ... Hamlet / H.L. Hinton
2001003362 Shakespeare's ... King Lear
2001027473 Shakespeare's ... Macbeth / H.L. Hinton
2001027477 Shakespeare's ... Othello the Moor of Venice / H.L. Hinton
2001029292 Shakespeare's dream / [W. Leighton]
2001081067 Shakespeare's early days / C.A. Somerset
2001006478 Shakespearean plays / E. Booth
2001090318 Shakspeare's dream / J. Brougham
2001121181 Shakspeare's early days / C.A. Somerset
2001111016 Shakspeare's festival; or, new comedy of errors! / W.T. Moncrieff
2001089885 Shakspere and company / C.B. Bradshaw
2001125093 Shakspere's skull and falstaff's nose / B. Titmarsh
2000995440 Shakuntala; or, the recovered ring / A.H. Edgren
2001004859 Shall our mothers vote? / [G.M. Baker]
2001101322 Shall we forgive her? / [F. Harvey]
2001098350 Shamrock / G.M. Fenn
2001031311 Shamrock and rose / J.F. Murphy
2001028323 Shamus O'Brien / G.H. Jessop
2001103373 Shamus O'Brien / G.H. Jessop
2000997402 Shandy maguire; or, the bould boy of the mountain / J. Pilgrim
2001031653 Shandy maguire; or, the bould boy of the mountain / [J. Pilgrim]
2001008679 Shannon boys / J. Burke
2001106200 Sharp and flat / D. Lawler
2001065147 Sharp practice; or, sons-in-law / J. Lunn
2001107101 Sharp practice; or, the Lear of Cripplegate / J. Lunn
2001067342 Sharps and flats; or, brids of a feather flock together / J. Mills
2001093501 Shattered nerves / H.L. Childe-Pemberton
2001034325 Shaun Aroon / C. Townsend
2001057643 She lives; or, the generous brother / M. Goldsmith
2001003376 She stoops to conquer
2001099966 She stoops to conquer / O. Goldsmith
2001057646 She stoops to conquer / O. Goldsmith
2000995023 She stoops to conquer / [A. Daly]
2000995023 She stoops to conquer / [A. Daly]
2001127851 She stoops to conquer / [O. Goldsmith]
2001096399 She stoops to conquer ; Venice preserved ; Wonder ; Castle spectre ; Woodman's hut
2001050957 She wants a guardian or they took the will for the deed / J.S. Coyne
2001130184 She wou'd & she wou'd not / C. Cibber
2001049794 She wou'd & she wou'd not / C. Cibber
2001130182 She wou'd & she wou'd not / C. Cibber
2001011169 She wou'd and she wou'd not / A. Daly
2001113302 She would and he wouldn't / J.M. Morton
2000995027 She would and she would not / [A. Daly]
2000995032 She would and she would not / [A. Daly]
2001130189 She would and she would not; or, the kind imposter / C. Cibber
2001093590 She would and she would not; or, the king imposter / C. Cibber
2001034026 She would be a widow; or, butternut's bride / L.C. Tees
2001065054 She's mine for 1000! / W.J. Lucas
2001129513 Shelah from cork; or, a spy ... / [W. Seaman]
2001027758 Shenendoah / B. Howard
2001014781 Sherlock Holmes / [W.H. Gillette ... [et al.]
2001075081 Sherwood forest; or, the merry archers : burletta, 3 acts / J.R. Planché
2001092990 Shin Fain; or, ourselves alone / [T.S. C.]
2001089979 Shipmates / C.V. Bridgman
2001129315 Shocking events / J.B. Buckstone
2001090890 Shocking events / J.B. Buckstone
2001048757 Shocking events / J.B. Buckstone
2001048754 Shocking events / J.B. Buckstone
2001090893 Shocking events / J.B. Buckstone
2001035665 Shooting stars; or, the battle of the comets / [S. Woodworth]
2001050199 Shooting the moon / F.F. Cooper
2001050201 Shooting the moon / F.F. Cooper
2001094422 Shooting the moon / F.F. Cooper
2001027119 Shore acres / [J.A. Herne]
2001125296 Short and sweet / A.C. Troughton
2001026696 Short comedies for amateur players / [C.C.] Harrison
2001028482 Short plays for children / E. Keatinge
2001108674 Should this meet the eye / A. Maltby
2001042685 Show folks; or, punch and his Dog Toby
2001015247 Shylock / G.W.H. Griffin
2001059935 Shylock in 1850 / R.H. Horne
2001042686 Shylock; or, the merchant of Venice preserved
2001124506 Shylock; or, the merchant of Venice preserved / F. Talfourd
2001125782 Si j'etais roi (If I were king) / A. Walker
2001066654 Si jeunesse savait!... ou, les dernières armes de Richelieu / Moniseur Mélesville
2000995540 Si, the tramp / W.F. Ensign
2001035039 Siamese twins / C. White
2001042689 Sidagero : opera (Italian), 2 acts
2001042690 Sidagero; or, cadononia [i.e. codanonia] conquistata : opera (Italian), 2 acts
2001086120 Sidagero; or, codanonia conquistata
2001035693 Sidney Lear / C.E. Wright
2001042693 Sidonia di Molina; or, ruses de guerre
2001095071 Siege of Belgrade ; Who wants a guinea? ; The Poor Soldier ; Midsummer night's dream ; Way to get married ; The turnpike gate ; Paul and Virginia
2001042696 Siege of Sebastopool; or, the horrors ...
2001028266 Siegfried / F. Jameson
2001094477 Siegfried / H. [L.W.] Corder, [Mrs.] ... [et al.]
2000996542 Siegfried / [J.P. Jackson]
2001082935 Sigesmar : melodrama, 2 acts / C.E. Walker
2001125812 Sigesmar the Switzer / [C.E. Walker]
2001043821 Sigismund Augustus / H.R. Addison
2001087177 Signa / G.A. A'Beckett ... [et al.]
2001034699 Signing an actor / [L. Ward]
2001027787 Signing of the Declaration of Independence; or, scences in congress ... / C.E.B. Howe
2001035176 Signor Marc / J.H. Wilkins
2001081753 Sikh invasion of the Punjaub; or, the war in India / J.H. Stocqueler
2001003381 Silence in the ranks / [by Members of the Bellevue Dramatic Club of Newport]
2001125784 Silence under difficulties; or, the bridled tongue / A. Walker
2001090588 Silken fetters / L.S. Buckingham
2001099956 Silo Dean / M. Goldberg
2001004190 Silverstone's wager / R.R. Andrews
2001058233 Silvester daggerwood / J.H. Hackett
2001003397 Silvia and other dramas
2001115802 Simon Lee; or, the murder of the five fields copse / G.D. Pitt
2001128920 Simon the tanner; or, the maid ...
2001009618 Simple Silas; or, the detective from Plunketsville / G.B. Chase
2001125919 Simple Simon / J. Wallace
2001079159 Simple histoire / A.E. Scribe ... [et al.]
2001008542 Simpson / O.A. Brownson
2001075522 Simpson and Co. / [J. Poole]
2001117589 Simpson and Co. / [J. Poole]
2001117586 Simpson and Co. / [J. Poole]
2001051882 Sinbad and sailor / J.T. Denny
2001057466 Sinbad and sailor; or, harlequin and the king of the diamond valley / E. Glover
2001033622 Sinbad lyrics / [H.B. Smith]
2001067349 Sinbad the sailor / C. Millward
2001064829 Sinbad the sailor / F. Locke
2001057953 Sinbad the sailor / F.W. Green
2001107267 Sinbad the sailor / J.F. McArdle
2001107270 Sinbad the sailor / J.F. McArdle ... [et al.]
2001051698 Sinbad the sailor and sweet Jenny Jones; or, the adventurous tar, and the welsh lass who leftthe principality and took up with the prince / L. Debenham
2001094321 Sinbad the sailor, a son of the sea; or, the old man of ... / G. Conquest ... [et al.]
2001060796 Sinbad the sailor, an old tale re-told / H.T. Johnson
2001089399 Sinbad the sailor; or, harlequin and the fairies ... / E.L.L. Blanchard ... [et al.]
2001089401 Sinbad the sailor; or, harlequin and the king ... / E.L.L. Blanchard ... [et al.]
2001129856 Sinbad the sailor; or, harlequin king ...
2001062644 Sinbad the sailor; or, harlequin navigation and the great roc of the diamond valley / N. Lee, Sr
2001057955 Sinbad the sailor; or, harlequin old man of the sea / F.W. Green
2001125044 Sinbad the sailor; or, harlequin the wreck ... / G. Thorn
2001127242 Sinbad the sailor; or, the valley of diamonds / H. Younge
2001044596 Sindbad the sailor / J. Anderton
2001097291 Sindbad the sailor / T.F. Doyle
2000992446 Sindey; or, the self-murderer reclaimed
2000992450 Sing a song of sixpence
2001129319 Single life / J.B. Buckstone
2001090899 Single life / J.B. Buckstone
2001048759 Single life / J.B. Buckstone
2001090897 Single life / J.B. Buckstone
2001129323 Single life / [J.B. Buckstone]
2001129324 Single life ; or, lovers all / J.B. Buckstone
2001068589 Sink or swim / T. Morton, Jr
2001113476 Sink or swim! / T. Morton, [Jr.]
2001091977 Sir Dagobert and the dragon; or, how to run through the scales / F.C. Burnand
2001051140 Sir Francis Drake, and iron arm / [J.C. Cross]
2001049374 Sir George and a dragon; or, "We are seven" / F.C. Burnand
2001009931 Sir Harry Vane / [E.H. Clement]
2001047443 Sir John Barleycorn; or, harlequin champagne and fairies of the ... / E.L.L. Blanchard
2001106591 Sir John Falstaff / M. Lemon
2001095477 Sir Marmaduke, Maxwell / A. Cunningham
2001109671 Sir Paul Pindar / H.N. Maugham
2001111272 Sir Peter Harpdon's end / [W. Morris]
2001080766 Sir Roger de Coverley / J.F. Smith
2001082053 Sir Roger de Coverley / T. Taylor
2001120955 Sir Roger de Coverley; or, the English gentlemen / J.F. Smith
2001124679 Sir Roger de Coverley; or, the widow and her wooers / [T. Taylor]
2001080768 Sir Roger de Coverly / J.F. Smith
2001081954 Sir Rupert the fearless / F. Talfourd
2001130106 Sir Simon Simple; or, not such a fool as he looks / H.J. Byron
2001097165 Sir Walter Ralegh / W.J. Dixon
2001067256 Sister and I / T. Mildenhall
2001110058 Sister and I! / T. Mildenhall
2001127012 Sisterly service / J.P. Wooler
2001127013 Sisterly service / [J.P.] Wooler
2001125252 Sisters of sorrow / W. Travers
2001094448 Sisyphus, king of Ephyra / F. Corder ... [et al.]
2001125256 Six and eightpence / H.B. Tree
2001030755 Six cups of chocolate / E.V.B. Matthews
2001130179 Six demoiselles à marier / A.[J.] Choler
2001098993 Six dramas / E. Fitzgerald
2001110011 Six months ago / [H.C. Merivale]
2001110014 Six months ago / [H.C. Merivale]
2001117969 Six of one and half-a-dozen of the other / Q. Quilliver
2001127246 Six persons / I. Zangwill
2001127247 Six persons / [I. Zangwill]
2001030693 Six to one; or, the scapegrace / F.A. Mathews
2001126299 Sixes and sevens / E.H. Whitmore
2001086143 Sixteen and sixty
2001128623 Sixteen string jack / [T.E. Wilks]
2001076040 Sixteen string jack / [W.]L. Rede
2001076042 Sixteen string jack; or, Rann the river / W.L. Rede
2001126524 Sixteen string jack; or, the Knaves of Knaves' Acre / T.E. Wilks
2001118372 Sixteen-string Jack / [W.]L. Rede
2001113478 Sketches in India / T. Morton, [Jr.]
2001113482 Sketches in India / T. Morton, [Jr.]
2001068596 Sketches in India / T. Morton, [Jr.]
2001113305 Slasher and crasher / J.M. Morton
2001082100 Slave life from Uncle Tom's cabin / T. Taylor ... [et al.]
2001106619 Slave life; or, Uncle Tom's cabin / M. Lemon ... [et al.]
2001107268 Sleeping beauty / J.F. McArdle
2001014699 Slick and Skinner; or, the barber pards / A.H. Gibson
2001068381 Slight mistakes / J.M. Morton
2001113313 Slight mistakes! / J.M. Morton
2001124255 Slighted treasures / W.[E.] Suter
2000992796 Slim jim and the hoodoo / T. Barnes
2001093438 Slowtop's engagements / C.S. Cheltnam
2001126736 Smashington Goit; or, peace and quiet / T.J. Williams
2001104383 Smiles and tears; or, the widow's stratagem / [M.T.D.] Kemble, Mrs
2001096174 Smith / J. Davidson
2001031234 Smith, shepherd of the Wissahickon / [J. Moore]
2000996281 Smithers & Co; or, the triple brand! / C.W. Henry
2001126135 Smoke / B. Webster, Jr
2001101425 Smoke / F.W. Hayes
2001086150 Snake in the grass
2001128922 Snake in the grass
2001090904 Snakes in the grass / J.B. Buckstone
2001048761 Snakes in the grass / J.B. Buckstone
2001064999 Snap-apple night!; or, a kick-up in Kerry / S. Lover
2001034030 Snobson's stag party / L.C. Tees
2001012497 Snow Ball, a colored valet / M.B. Emerson
2001030694 Snow-bound / F.A. Mathews
2001004866 Snow-bound / [G.M. Baker]
2001091981 Snowdrop; or, the seven mannikins and the magic mirror / F.C. Burnand
2000998954 Snowed in / J.E. Wylie
2001035727 Snowed in / J.E. Wylie, Jr
2001006077 Snowflake and the seven gnomes / F.W. Bert
2001087247 Snowwhite / F.D. Adams
2000993211 So like her father / J.V. Blake
2001009061 Social charades / M.T. Caldor
2001086153 Social highwayman
2001060403 Social life in Germany, illustrated in the acted dramas of her royal highness the Princess Amelia of Saxony, II / [A.B.M.] Jameson
2001119191 Society / T.W. Robertson
2001012293 Society acting / F. Dumont
2001042737 Socrates
2001088797 Socrates / A. Becket
2001045524 Socrates / F.F. Barham
2001100430 Socrates / H.M. Grover
2001031953 Socrates and his wife / C. Renauld
2000997020 Soft black overcoat with a velvet collar / R.C.V. Meyers
2001121216 Sold again / R. Soutar
2001033343 Sold again, and got the money / A.B. Sedgwick
2001046458 Sold for a song / N.T.H. Bayly
2001084183 Sold to advantage / J.P. Wooler
2001062125 Soldier's stratagems / M.R. Lacy
2001127615 Soldiers at home & heroes ... / J.E. Carpenter
2001005583 Solid silver / W.H.L. Barnes
2001028394 Solon shingle; or, the people's lawyer / J.S. Jones
2001004371 Solon; or, the rebellion of '61 / D.[P.] [Baker]
2001093698 Solyman / [H.F. Clifton]
2000997225 Some other day / W. Nicholson
2001026503 Some talk about poets / [C.G. Halpine]
2001116962 Somebody else / J.R. Planché
2001075095 Somebody else / J.R. Planché
2001029141 Somebody's coat / A.J. Leavitt ... [et al.]
2001042742 Somebody's in the house with Dinah; or, the invitation to the Nigger ball
2001108676 Somebody's nobody / A. Maltby
2001082802 Something forgotten / [J.E.T.] Vezin
2001113315 Something to do / J.M. Morton
2001058940 Something to do : comedy, 5 acts / P. Hoare
2001093566 Son and stranger / H.F. Chorley
2001049790 Son and stranger / H.F. Chorley
2001042749 Song for Maria Foote's benefit
2001048911 Song in ... the bronze horse / A. Bunn
2001061703 Song in Jack and Jill; [or, the Clown's disasters] : pantomime / [Kirby]
2001014882 Song words of fleur-de-lis / J.C. Goodwin
2001014894 Song words of the Merry Monarch / J.C. Goodwin
2001014898 Song words of wang / J.C. Goodwin
2001043039 Song, 'twere vain to tell thee all I feel
2001042828 Song, Spring is coming
2001043207 Song, Wae is my heart
2001040593 Song, it may seem queer, but every year
2001041622 Song, meet me by moolight
2001042727 Song, sly cupid
2001043331 Song, with you or without you
2001042750 Songs
2001045105 Songs ... in ... tarrare, the Tartar chief / S.J. Arnold
2001044959 Songs ... in ... the devil's bridge / S.J. Arnold
2001074577 Songs ... in ... the fair one with the golden locks / J.R. Planché
2001055907 Songs ... in Adelaide; or, the Royal William / [E. Fitzball]
2001074489 Songs ... in Cortez; or, the conquest of Mexico / [J.R. Planché]
2001074833 Songs ... in King charming; or, the blue bird of paradise! / J.R. Planche
2001074379 Songs ... in beauty and the beast / J.R. Planché
2001052054 Songs ... in castles in the air; or, Colombine cowslip / C.[I.M.] Dibdin, Jr
2001052056 Songs ... in fairlop fair; or, the genie of the oak / C.[I.M.] Dibdin, Jr
2001074716 Songs ... in graciosa and percinet / [J.R. Planché]
2001052064 Songs ... in harlequin wild man; or, the rival genii / C.[I.M.] Dibdin, Jr
2001075279 Songs ... in hit or miss! / I. Pocock
2001052048 Songs ... in the Brachman; or, the oriental harlequin / C.[I.M.] Dibdin, Jr
2001056624 Songs ... in the Egyptian festival / A. Franklin
2001074408 Songs ... in the birds of Aristophanes / [J.R. Planché]
2001076208 Songs ... in the exile / F. Reynolds
2001052061 Songs ... in the fortune teller; or, harlequin's jubilee / C.[I.M.] Dibdin, [Jr.]
2001074610 Songs ... in the golden branch / [J.R. Planché]
2001074712 Songs ... in the good woman in the wood / [J.R. Planché]
2001074735 Songs ... in the haymarket [s]pring meeting / J.R. Planché
2001074871 Songs ... in the king of the Peacocks / J.R. Planché
2001042408 Songs ... in the privateer
2001075078 Songs ... in the seven champions of Christendom / J.R. Planché
2001075090 Songs ... in the siege of Corinth! / J.R. Planché
2001059823 Songs ... in the soldier's return; or, what can beauty do? / [T.E.] Hook
2001075148 Songs ... in the white cat / [R. Planché]
2001075125 Songs ... in theseus and Ariadne; or, the marriage of Bacchus / [J.R. Planché]
2001075353 Songs ... in twenty years ago! / [I. Pocock]
2001052069 Songs ... in whang-fong; or, the clown of China / C.[I.M.] Dibdin, Jr
2001075360 Songs ... in yes or no? / [I. Pocock]
2001042753 Songs and addresses for R. Jone's benefit
2001052087 Songs and choruses in the brazen mask : ballet / T.J. Dibdin
2001042754 Songs for 'Madame Vestris's' benefit
2001042756 Songs for C. Mears's benefit
2001042758 Songs for Covent Garden Theatre
2001042760 Songs for Drury Lane Theater
2001042764 Songs for J. Braham's benefit
2001042762 Songs for J. Braham's benefit
2001042767 Songs for J.P. Harley's benefit
2001042765 Songs for J.P. Harley's benefit
2001042768 Songs for L.B. Rayner's benefit
2001042769 Songs for Miss Love's benefit
2001042771 Songs for Mr. Wood's benefit
2001042789 Songs for W. Farren's benefit
2001042774 Songs for the Haymarket Theatre
2001042776 Songs for the Haymarket Theatre
2001042777 Songs for the Olympic Theatre
2001042780 Songs for the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden
2001042786 Songs for the Theatre Royal, Haymarket
2001042787 Songs for the Theatre Royal, Haymarket
2001063312 Songs from Fridolin / M. Lemon
2001039259 Songs from Guillaume Tell
2001041584 Songs from Masaniello ou le pecheur de Portici
2001047812 Songs from das Nachtlager in Granada / J.K. Braun von Braunthal
2001039785 Songs from honest thieves
2001042933 Songs from the loves of the butterflies
2001048933 Songs from the maid of Artois / A. Bunn
2001052045 Songs in Zoa : pantomime / [C.I.M. Dibdin]
2001042922 Songs in the Tartar witch and pedler boy
2001047792 Songs, choruses and dialogue, in the grand, romantic, legendary, burlesque, and comic Christmas pantomine entitled the castle of Otranto, or harlequin and the giant helmet / W. Bradwell
2001080830 Songs, chorusses & in the flower of lucerne / G. Soane
2001055345 Songs, chorusses ... in harlequin and Asmodeus; or, cupid on crutches / C. Farley
2001061206 Songs, chorusses, etc., in Lodoiska / J.P. Kemble
2001058240 Songs, duets ... in ... Amilie; or, the love test / J.T. Haines
2001056307 Songs, duets ... in ... Joan of Arc / E. Fitzball
2001074400 Songs, duets ...in the bee and the orange tree; or, the four wishes / J.R. Planché
2001055738 Songs, duets, & choruses in ... Obi; or, three-finger'd Jack / [J. Fawcett]
2001055739 Songs, duets, and choruses in ... Obi; or, three-finger'd Jack / [J. Fawcett]
2001065397 Songs, duets, chorusses ... Lestocq; or, the fête of the Harmitage / G. Macfarren
2001056113 Songs, duets, chorusses ... in diadeste; or, the veiled lady / E. Fitzball
2001082886 Songs, duets, chorusses in the two houses of Grenada / J.A. Wade
2001055432 Songs, duets, chorusses, etc. in ... puss in boots; or, harlequin & the Miller's son / C. Farley
2001041692 Songs, duets, chorusses, etc., etc., in ... the Moutain chief
2001080509 Songs, duets, chorusses, etc., in the sleeping beauty / [L.S. Skeffington]
2001065429 Songs, duets, etc., in peccadilloes / G. Macfarren
2001080322 Songs, duets, ets. in the Russian imposter; or, the seige of Smolensko / [H. Siddons]
2001067975 Songs, duets, trios, and choruses, etc. in M.P.: or, the blue-stocking / T. Moore
2001067954 Songs, duets, trios, and choruses, in the gipsey prince / T. Moore
2001055388 Songs, duets, trois, chorusses ... in harlequin and the ogress; or, the sleeping beauty of the wood / C. Farley
2001056438 Songs, duets, trois, chorusses, etc., in Scaramuccia; or, the villagers of San Quintino / E. Fitzball
2001052352 Songs, duetts, gless, chorusses, etc., in harlequin's almanack; or, the four seasons : pantomime / T.J. Dibdin
2001077937 Songs, etc. / J. Rovère
2001038844 Songs, etc., from Fidelio
2001042615 Songs, etc., from the royal fugitive
2001052342 Songs, etc., in harlequin in his element; or, fire, water, earth, and air : pantomime / T.J. Dibdin
2001044943 Songs, etc., in the brown man / [S.J. Arnold]
2001067851 Songs, parodies, duets, chorusses ... Tom & Jerry; or, life in London / W.T. Moncrieff
2001097299 Songs, recitatives ... in Mr. & Mrs. Henri Drayton's parlor opers / H. Drayton
2001042790 Songs, some printed
2001041214 Songs, the light guitar
2001041452 Songs, the loves of lang syne
2001096068 Sons and systems / C. Dance
2000992457 Sons of Jupiter, an expose of the order of the
2001067261 Sons of the ocean; or, the spirit of the moon / T. Mildenhall
2001043824 Sophia's supper / H.R. Addison
2001087304 Sophia's supper / H.R. Addison, Capt
2001087303 Sophia's supper / H.R. Addison, Capt
2001064546 Sophie Arnould / A. de Leuven ... [et al.]
2001013075 Sophocles [and] the return of Persephone / [A.A. Fields]
2001003407 Sophronisba ... oh! / [by Members of the Bellevue Dramatic Club of Newport]
2001031736 Sor Teresa; or, Isabella Suarez / I.C. Pray
2001008827 Sorosis! or, the onward march to freedom / W. Bus[c]h
2001092916 Sour grapes / H.J. Byron
2001064554 Sous clé / A. de Leuven ... [et al.]
2001049577 Sous un bec de gaz / C. Cabot ... [et al.]
2001100523 Sowing the wind / S. Grundy
2001100520 Sowing the wind / S. Grundy
2001015420 Sowing wild oats; or, uncle John's private secretary / M. Hageman
2001042806 Spanish bonds; or, wars in wedlock : farce, 2 acts
2001093468 Spanish dollars; or, the priest of the parish / A. Cherry
2001049769 Spanish dollars; or, the priest of the parish : musical entertainment, 1 act / A. Cherry
2001069291 Spanish gallants; or, a trip to Madrid : comedy, 5 acts / W.C. Oulton
2001130682 Spare the rod and spoil the child / W. Fraser
2001125253 Spare the rod and spoil the child / W. Travers
2001035408 Sparking / H.L. Williams
2001042815 Sparrow shooting; or, goose green
2001060902 Spartacus; or, the Roman gladiator / J. Jones
2001060904 Spartacus; or, the Roman gladiator / J. Jones
2001103603 Spartacus; or, the Roman gladiator / J. Jones
2001124256 Speak out boldly / [W.E. Suter]
2001086182 Speaking one's mind
2001101286 Special performances / W. Harrison
2001101287 Special performances / W. Harrison
2001082186 Spectacle à la cour / M.E.G.M. Théaulon de Lambert ... [et al.]
2001042816 Speculation
2001076330 Speculation / F. Reynolds
2001118813 Speculation / F. Reynolds
2001042817 Speculation; or, life in Glasgow
2001068651 Speed the plough / T. Morton, [Sr.]
2001113548 Speed the plough / T. Morton, [Sr.]
2001113546 Speed the plough / T. Morton, [Sr.]
2001127266 Spirit of '76
2001042824 Spirit rappings and table movings
2001077266 Spirits and water; or, the rising of the rivers / T.H. Reynoldson
2001034370 Spiritual visitors / [F. Townsend]
2001107619 Spite and malice; or, a laughable accident / A. Maclaren
2001003429 Sport with a sportsman
2001035409 Sport with a sportsman / [H.L. Williams]
2001015249 Sports on a lark / G.W.H. Griffin
2001104763 Spring and Autumn; or, married for money / J. Kenney
2001061588 Spring and Autumn; or, married for money / J. Kenney
2001104764 Spring and Autumn; or, married for money / J. Kenney
2001127985 Spring and Autumn; or, the birds at fifty / J. Kenney
2001061592 Spring and Autumn; or, the bride at fifty / J. Kenney
2001075103 Spring gardens / J.R. Planché
2001116969 Spring gardens / J.R. Planché
2000993457 Spring holiday / C.M. Cady
2001069155 Springs of Laurel / J. O'Keef[f]e
2001035051 Squire for a day / C. White
2001063147 St George and dragon; or, harlequin and the demon of the Nile! and the fay of the silver waters / R.N. Lee
2001126264 St. Aubert; or, the hour of retribution / F.F. Weston
2001117460 St. Clair of the Isles; or, the outlaw of Barra / [E.] Polack
2001124568 St. Clement's eve / [H. Taylor]
2001103266 St. Cupid; or, Dorothy's fortune / D.[W.] Jerrold
2001103265 St. Cupid; or, Dorothy's fortune / D.[W.] Jerrold
2001077546 St. Cuthbert's eve; or, the tomb of Monteith : burletta, 3 acts / [G.H. Rodwell]
2001096669 St. David's Day; or, the honest Welchman / T.[J.] Dibdin
2001031671 St. Elizabeth of Thuringla; or, the miracle od roses / E. Polding
2001127410 St. George & the dragon
2001086204 St. George and the dragon
2001087184 St. George and the dragon / G.A. A'Beckett ... [et al.]
2001049571 St. George and the dragon / H.J. Byron
2001047067 St. George and the dragon or the seven champions of Christendom / W.B. Bernard
2001043662 St. George and the dragon! / G.A. A'Beckett and M. Lemon
2001083893 St. James and St. Giles / J.H. Wilkins
2001089807 St. John in Patmos / W.L. Bowles
2001049710 St. Leon / [J.H. Caunter]
2001083895 St. Marc; or, a husband's sacrifice / J.H. Wilkins
2001049683 St. Margaret's cave : play, 5 acts / G.C. Carr
2001043544 St. Mark's eve / G.A. A'Beckett
2001089025 St. Mary's eve; or, a solway story / W.B. Bernard
2001089021 St. Mary's eve; or, a solway story / W.B. Bernard
2001129076 St. Mary's eve; or, a solway story / W.B. Bernard
2001075621 St. Patrick's Eve; or, the order of the day / T. Power
2001075617 St. Patrick's Eve; or, the order of the day / T. Power
2001117872 St. Patrick's Eve; or, the order of the day / T. Power
2001075635 St. Patrick's Eve; or, the order of the day / W.G.T. Power
2001100773 St. Pierre, the refugee / [A.M.F.] Hall, Mrs
2001042834 St. Ronan's well
2001075107 St. Ronan's well : melodrama, 3 acts / J.R. Planché
2001042832 St. Stepen's well; or, the bumpkin's dream
2001096211 St. Thomas of Canterbury / A.T. De Vere
2000998333 St. Valentine's day / A.E. [Trumbull]
2001034423 St. Valentine's day / A.E. [Trumbull]
2001127594 St. Vallier's curse; or, the king's fool / W.E. Burton
2001029925 Stage struck / H.E. Mcbride
2001053159 Stage struck / W. Dimond
2001053161 Stage struck! / W. Dimond
2001096971 Stage struck; or, the loves of Augustus Portarlington and Celestina Beverley / W. Dimond
2001053165 Stage struck; or, the loves of Augustus Portarlington and Celestina Beverley / W. Dimond
2001004867 Stand by the flag / [G.M. Baker]
2001053246 Stanfield Hall; or, the protector's oath / R. Dodson
2001082198 Stanislas ou la soeur de Christine / M.E.G.M. Théaulon de Lambert ... [et al.]
2001034466 Stanley's dwarfs / F.B. Van Wart
2001084031 State secrets! or, the tailor of Tamworth! / T.E. Wilks
2001121068 State secrets; or, public men in private life / A. Snodgrass
2001080811 State secrets; or, public men in private life : historical drama, 1 act / A. Snodgrass
2001126530 State secrets; or, the tailor of Tamworth / T.E. Wilks
2001129869 Steel hand and his nine thieves
2001115229 Steeple-jack / T.E. Pemberton
2001086207 Stella
2001124965 Stella / B. Thompson
2001050087 Stella and leatherlungs; or, a star and a stroller : dramatic sketch, 1 act / [G. Colman, Jr.]
2001045796 Stella de Rittersdorf; or, the captive of Silesia / C.Z. Barnett
2001042844 Stella; or, rouble and company
2001098462 Stephania / M. Field
2001033832 Stephania / W.W. Story
2001128520 Still waters / T. Taylor
2001124681 Still waters run deep / T. Taylor
2001003434 Stocks up! stocks down!
2001035414 Stocks up! stocks down! / [H.L. Willimas]
2001109942 Stolen kisses / P. Meritt
2001101039 Stolen--£20 reward! / W. Hancock
2001042860 Stoming of Comorn; or, the Hungarian patriots
2001035072 Storming the Fort / C. White
2001048959 Stradella / A. Bunn
2001054689 Stradella / P. Duport ... [et al.]
2001123318 Strafford / J. Sterling
2001048157 Strafford / R. Browning
2001106291 Strafford / W.H. Leatham
2001072348 Strange coincidences / T. Parry
2001118693 Stratagems and spoils / [T.L. Rettie]
2001042862 Stratagems; or, the lost treasure : burletta, 2 acts
2001108862 Strathmore / J.W. Marston
2001065816 Strathmore / J.W. Marston
2001028009 Strawberry Shortcake / W.J. Hunter
2001003436 Straws; or, the starring system
2001057186 Streanshall abbey; or, the Danish invasion / F. Gibson
2000998740 Streets of New York; or, New York by gaslight / C. White
2001035077 Streets of New York; or, New York by gaslight / C. White
2001010864 Strife / H.C. Dale
2001029968 Striking oil / H.E. Mcbride
2001042865 Strolling country actors or the Manager's son
2001010770 Struck by lightning / F.L. Cutler
2000994202 Struensee / H. Craig
2001035208 Stub; or, the fool from Boston / C.O. Willard
2001031872 Stupid cupid / B.C. Rawley
2001035084 Stupid servant / C. White
2000998744 Stupid sevant / C. White
2001068652 Sublime and beautiful / T. Morton, Sr
2001010105 Sublime and ridiculous / G.H. Coes
2001033003 Subtleties of jealousy / S. Rosenfeld
2001075113 Success; or, a hit if you like it / J.R. Planché
2001124371 Such is fame / H. Swears
2001102575 Such things are / E.[S.] Inchbald, Mrs
2001060104 Such things are / [E.S.] Inchbald
2001126531 Sudden thoughts / T.E. Wilks
2001026743 Sue / B. Harte ... [et al.]
2001102464 Sugar and cream / J.P. Hurst
2001082376 Sugar and spice and all things that's nice; or, harlequin, march of intellect and the fairy queen of blissful realms / R.S. Thorne
2001096672 Suil Dhuv the coiner / T.[J.] Dibdin
2001086217 Sulieman
2001003443 Sullivan
2001066662 Sullivan / Moniseur Mélesville
2001003450 Sullivan the slugger
2001077269 Sultana / [T.H. Reynoldson]
2001054809 Summer and winter / J. Ebsworth
2001093441 Summer lightning / C.S. Cheltnam
2001101624 Summer moths / W. Heinemann
2001096799 Summoned to court / J.J. Dilley ... [et al.]
2001009168 Sunbonnets / M.D. Campbell
2001093180 Sunlight and shadow / R.C. Carton
2001026532 Sunlight; or, the diamond king / G.H. Hamilton
2001103065 Sunset / J.K. Jerome
2001103063 Sunset / J.K. Jerome
2001129248 Sunshine / F.W. Broughton
2001090346 Sunshine / F.W. Broughton
2001061712 Sunshine after rain : seriocomic afterpiece, 2 acts / E.P. Knight
2001101330 Sunshine and shade / P.H. Hatch
2001076048 Sunshine and shade / W.L. Rede
2001003459 Sunshine follows rain
2001106249 Sunshine through the clouds / S. Lawrence
2001062457 Sunshine through the clouds / [S. Lawrance]
2001099522 Supper for two; or, the wolf and the lamb / J.W. Gifford
2001045846 Supper's over / M. Barnett
2001013131 Supremacy / F. File ... [et al.]
2001042871 Sure aim; or, the Norfolk sharp shooter : interlude, 1 act
2001093761 Surplus population, and poor-law bill / W. Cobbett
2001011881 Surprised / C.J.[F.] Denton
2001034062 Surrender! / A. Thomas
2000996757 Surrounded by fire / T.E. Lang
2001074077 Susan Hopley / G.D. Pitt
2001115811 Susan Hopley; or, the vicissitudes of a servant girl / G.D. Pitt
2001101003 Susan's mother-in-law / Mrs. Hammond
2001066868 Suzanne / Moniseur Mélesville ... [et al.]
2001065055 Suzanne / W.J. Lucas
2001065894 Suzanne de Croissy / P. de Marville
2000998513 Suzette / O. Weil
2001060723 Swamp Hall; or, a friend of the family / D.W. Jerrold
2001087196 Swedish patriotism; or, the signal fire / W. Abbott
2001043687 Swedish patriots; or, the signal fired : melodrama, 2 acts / William Abbott
2001101452 Sweeney Todd, the Barber of Fleet Street; or, the string ... / F. Hazelton
2001101453 Sweeney Todd, the Barber of Fleet Street; or, the string ... / F. Hazelton
2001103544 Sweet Will / H.A. Jones
2001115717 Sweet lavender / A.W. Pinero
2001012488 Sweetbrier; or, the flower girl of New York / L.M. Elwyn
2001099802 Sweethearts / W.S. Gilbert
2001057331 Sweethearts / W.S. Gilbert
2001061596 Sweethearts and wives / J. Kenney
2001104765 Sweethearts and wives / J. Kenney
2001104766 Sweethearts and wives / J. Kenney
2001104771 Sweethearts and wives / J. Kenney
2001127987 Sweethearts and wives / J. Kenney
2001061597 Sweethearts and wives : operatic comedy, 3 acts / J. Kenney
2001088485 Swing! / C.Z. Barnett
2001012491 Switched off / L.M. Elwyn
2001096116 Sworn at Highgate! / G. Daniel
2001033202 Sybil / J. Savage
2001120716 Sybilla; or, step by step / J.P. Simpson
2001121182 Sylvana / C.A. Somerset
2001095273 Sylvana ; Tom Bowling ; Innkeeper Abbeville ; Lady of the lake ; Billy Taylor ; Two Gregories ; Wandering boys ; Paris and London ; A day after the fair
2001094020 Sylvester Daggerwood; or, new hay at the old market / G. Colman, Jr
2001004870 Sylvia's soldier / [G.M. Baker]
2001004874 Sylvia's soldier / [G.M. Baker]
2001096124 Sylvia; or, the May queen / G. Darley
2001031101 Sylvian / [L.E. Mitchell]
2001100526 Sympathetic souls / S. Grundy
2001097374 Sympathy / A.W. Dubourg
2001042879 Symptoms
2001003906 T'riss; or, Beyond the Rockies / J. Adams
2001037431 THe brothers of Cordoba
2000992696 THe gladiator
2000997473 Tableaux vivants / J.V. Prichard
2000992472 Tableaux, charades and conundrums
2000992478 Tableaux, charades and pantomimes
2001088513 Tact! or, the wrong box / M. Barnett
2001042883 Tactic out of place
2001101431 Tacticians / F.W. Hayes
2000996388 Taffy / J. Hopkins
2001052440 Tag in tribulation : interlude, 1 act / T.J. Dibdin
2001034700 Taggs, the waif; or, uncle Seth / [L. Ward]
2000998517 Tailor made girl, her friends ... / P.H. Welch
2001113347 Take care of Dowb-- / J.M. Morton
2001090319 Take care of little charley / J. Brougham
2000998748 Take it--don't take it / C. White
2000998748 Take it--don't take it / C. White
2001090592 Take that girl away! / L.S. Buckingham
2001129256 Take that girl away! / L.S. Buckingham
2001048219 Take that girl away! / [L.S. Buckingham]
2001108677 Taken by storm / A. Maltby
2001042888 Taken by surprise
2001050598 Taken by surprise / J. Courtney
2001093082 Taken for granted / R.W. Cann
2001115293 Taken from life / H.[A.] Pettitt
2001113348 Taken from the French / [J.M. Morton]
2001120263 Taken in and done for / C. Selby
2001079776 Taken in and done for / C. Selby
2001093577 Taking by storm / F. Churchill
2001062493 Taking by storm / S. Lawrence
2001042889 Taking possession
2001047446 Taking the census / E.L.L. Blanchard
2001047446 Taking the census / E.L.L. Blanchard
2001008941 Taking the census / I.M. Buxton
2001042890 Taking the pledge
2001101549 Taking the veil; or, the harsh step-father / C.H. Hazlewood