

書誌ID タイトル 巻号
2000823516 "The Education Act , 1877," and related acts, together with regulations made under them
2000824472 'The Mining Act, 1900' (64 Victoriæ, No. 61) with regulations thereunder
2000824492 'The Scab Act, 1870,' and subsequent amendments : also, report and correspondence bearing upon the best modes of cure / by Chief Inspector of Sheep
2000825369 A bill, to provide for the conservation and management of forest lands, the collection of royalties on timber, ...
2000823970 A compendium of the various circular notes, issued in connection with passengers, tickets, and luggage, with a few notes in connection with parcels and goods business
2000823865 A country without strikes : a visit to the compulsory arbitration court of New Zealand / by Henry Demarest Lloyd ; with introduction by William Pember Reeves
2000825142 A guide to Colombo : a handbook of information, useful alike to the visitor and the resident / by George J. A. Skeen
2000827375 A notice on the general syndicate of protection against labour accidents to the building trade and to the public works = Le syndicat général de garantie du bâtiment et des travaux publics contre les accidents du travail
2000822017 A statistical account of Australia and New Zealand / by T.A. Coghlan
2000825022 A study of cider making in France, Germany, and England with comments and comparisons on American work / by William B. Alwood
2000822389 Abstract of the statistics of Victoria / compiled in the Office of the Government Statist of Victoria 1893 to 1898
2000822389 Abstract of the statistics of Victoria / compiled in the Office of the Government Statist of Victoria 1899, and previous years
2000822389 Abstract of the statistics of Victoria / compiled in the Office of the Government Statist of Victoria 1901, and previous years
2000821997 Abstract of the twelfth census of the United States, 1900
2000824998 Accounts instruction-book and form index : traffic accounts and returns. cash, wages, miscellaneous / [New Zealand Government Railways]
2000824311 Acts and regulations (other than 'The Land Act, 1897,' and regulations thereunder) relating to the occupation and alienation of Crown lands
2000648586 Acts and regulations, 1900
2000823343 Addenda to passenger fares book : which came into force, as from 1st April, 1902 / R. Lochhead
2000823224 Agreement between the Commissioner of railways for the State of Western Australia and the West Australian Amalgamated Society of Railway Employees Union of Workers
2000846400 Agricultural Holdings Act, 1923 : 13&14 Geo.5. Ch.9
2000845649 Agricultural and live stock statistics, 1901-1902
2000824676 Agricultural instruction for adults in continental countries / by John Hamilton
2000825155 Agriculture / by William P. Brooks v. 1
2000825155 Agriculture / by William P. Brooks v. 2
2000825129 Agriculture : report 1898 (Report on, to 31st December)-1899 (Report on, for the year)
2000825128 Agriculture and forestry : report on, to 31st December, 1897
2000822230 Agriculture, grazing and dairying, forestry, water conservation, fisheries, and mining
2000822207 Alienation and occupation
2000824138 All' elenco bibliografico della micologia Italiana / G.B. Traverso
2000825312 Amendments and alterations in appendix to the book of regulations, and working time table, embracing period 1st July, 1900, to 31st December, 1901, inclusive : No. 2 issue / R. Lochhead
2000825325 Amendments and alterations in appendix to the regulations, and working time table, up to 30th June, 1900 / R. Lochhead
2000823347 Amendments in passenger fares book : to take effect on 1st July, 1901 / R. Lochhead
2000845735 An Act assist Returned Soldiers in settling upon the Land : 9-10 George V, chap. 71
2000846069 An Act for regulating the Sale and Disposal of the Lands of the Crowm in Tasmania [20 October, 1890] (anno quinquagesimo-quarto Victoriæ Reginæ no. 8)
2000845857 An Act respecting Forest Reserves and Parks (1-2 George V, Chap. 10)
2000845813 An Act respecting Grain (2 George V, Chap. 27)
2000845732 An Act respecting Harbor Masters (Chapter 86)
2000845681 An Act respecting Railways : 51 Victoria, chap. 29 [Assented to 22nd May, 1888]
2000845681 An Act respecting Railways : 51 Victoria, chap. 29 [Assented to 22nd May, 1888]
2000845899 An Act respecting the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company (4-5 Edward VII, Chap. 98)
2000845666 An Act respecting the traffic in Intoxicating Liquors (Chapter 152)
2000825251 An abstract of the principal laws with regulations : which are in force with regard to the preservation and sale of Fish and Game in Western Australia
2000626466 An official guide to Eastern Asia : trans-continental connections between Europe and Asia / prepared by the Imperial Japanese Government Railways, Tokyo, Japan v. 1
2000626466 An official guide to Eastern Asia : trans-continental connections between Europe and Asia / prepared by the Imperial Japanese Government Railways, Tokyo, Japan v. 2
2000626466 An official guide to Eastern Asia : trans-continental connections between Europe and Asia / prepared by the Imperial Japanese Government Railways, Tokyo, Japan v. 3
2000626466 An official guide to Eastern Asia : trans-continental connections between Europe and Asia / prepared by the Imperial Japanese Government Railways, Tokyo, Japan v. 4
2000823449 Annual Report of the South Australian railways commissioner The year 1900-1901
2000823449 Annual Report of the South Australian railways commissioner The year 1901-1902
2000825108 Annual Report, Department of Agriculture, Victoria, 1900-1
2000824858 Annual progress report upon State Forest Administration in South Australia / by Walter Gill 1897/98-1901/2
3000067404 Annual report of the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Wisconsin 19
3000034604 Annual report of the Bureau of Animal Industry for the year ... / U.S. Department of Agriculture 19
3000034604 Annual report of the Bureau of Animal Industry for the year ... / U.S. Department of Agriculture 20
2000822289 Annual report of the Department of Public Lands for the year 1901
2001236496 Annual report of the Department of Public Works for the year, 1901-1902
2000824955 Annual report of the Director of Forestry for the Province of Ontario 1900-1901
2001236508 Annual report of the Post and Telegraph Department for the year, 1901
2000824851 Annual report of the Secretary for Mines and Water Supply, including reports on the Working of part 3. of Mines Acts 1890 and 1897, Water Supply, etc., etc., etc., during the year 1901
2000824851 Annual report of the Secretary for Mines and Water Supply, including reports on the Working of part 3. of Mines Acts 1890 and 1897, Water Supply, etc., etc., etc., during the year 1901
2000934751 Annual report of the Wisconsin Dairymen's Association held at Menomonie, Wis., February 11, 12, 13, and 14, 1902 / compiled by Geo.W. Burchard
2001658653 Annual report of the Wisconsin Dairymen's Association held at Mondovi, Wis., February 13, 14 and 15, 1901 / compiled by Geo.W. Burchard
2000824922 Annual report of the Woods and Forests Department for the year ended 31st December, 1901 / by G.G. Richardson
2000823488 Annual report of the director of technical instruction for 1902
2000823488 Annual report of the director of technical instruction for 1902
2001227204 Annual reports of the department of the interior for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1902 / report of the Commissioner of the General Land Office
2000825151 Appendix to the book of regulations and working time table : including special working instructions, load tables, regulations for block tablet and electric staff, also lock and block systems, &c. / [Victorian Railways]
2000824978 Appendix to the working time table, to come into operation on 1st February, 1901 / Western Australian Government Railways
2000845849 Aspects of the charitable-aid question : extracts from reports presented to the Houses of the General Assembly, New Zealand / by Macgregor
2000845849 Aspects of the charitable-aid question : extracts from reports presented to the Houses of the General Assembly, New Zealand / by Macgregor
2000822135 Australasian statistics for the year 1900 / compiled from official returns in the office of the government statist of Victoria
2000822135 Australasian statistics for the year 1900 / compiled from official returns in the office of the government statist of Victoria
2000822176 Australasian statistics, 1899-1900, with summaries for previous years / compiled from official sources in the office of the government statist of Victoria
2000824137 Australian Cavalry : the N.S.W Lancer regiment and the first Australian horse / by Frank Wilkinson ; with a preface by major=general French
2000824942 Bartholomew's pocket plan of Edinburgh and suburbs / reduced from the Ordnance Survey
2000822115 Blue book Pt.1,3-6
2001236516 Butter making on the farm / by C.P. Goodrich
2000824031 By-Laws, made and passed under the provisions of 'The Marine Boards Act, 1889'
2000825624 By-law / [The Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works] No. 4, Water Supply
2000825624 By-law / [The Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works] No. 9, Sewerage
2000824274 By-laws Regulating the Conduct of Business, 4th November, 1895
2000823846 By-laws of the Leven Harbour Trustees
2000670415 Calendar of the University of Sydney / [University of Sydney] For the year 1902
2000823448 Calendar, 1901, giving details of the course of instruction for each class in the Sydney Technical College and branch schools, and particulars as to The Technological Museums
2000824692 Canterbury Agricultural College, prospectus 1902
2000824685 Canterbury College (University of New Zealand) calender for the year 1903
2000824677 Canterbury College, School of Engineering, Electricity and Technical Science / [Canterbury College]
2000823881 Circular from the General Land Office showing the manner of proceeding to obtain title to public lands under the homestead, and other laws
2000823363 Classification, rates, and regulations for the conveyance of merchandise and livestock : July 1st, 1902, all classificatioins, rates and regulations prior to date are cancelled
2000824876 Code to be used in despatching telegraph messages in order to reduce the number of words / W. Fitzpatrick , W. A. Holmes
2000822872 Combined circulars on Canada, Australasia, and The South African colonies
2000822206 Commerce
2000824717 Conditions of tendering, departmental specification, and general conditions, for the proposed Sydney Harbour Bridge
2000825067 Cost of Water Supply : Memo
2000825114 Council of Agriculture : report for 1900
2000825348 Crown lands guide / [Tasmania. Dept. of Lands and Works] 1898 [5th ed.]
2000825348 Crown lands guide / [Tasmania. Dept. of Lands and Works] 1901 [6th ed.]
2000822678 Crown lands guide : with maps showing the land districts corrected to 1st July, 1918 / New Zealand Dept. of Lands and survey
2000822169 Culture of courage : a practical companion book for unfoldment of fearless personality / by Frank Channing Haddock
2000824761 Dairy Stud Farm, Berry : prospectus, rates, and syllabus of instruction for students / Department of Agriculture, Sydney, New South Wales
2000825230 Dairying Division, J.A. Kinsella, Dairy Commissioner, report, 1901-1902
2000822182 Decay of patriotism in England / [Ignotus]
2000825134 Destructive insects, their natural enemies, remedies and recommendations / by Alexander Craw
2000824985 Dredging
2000824985 Dredging
2000825066 Dymock's illustrated guide to Sydney comprising description of the city and its institutions : with which is incorporated the tourists' handbook and description of the resources of New South Wales / William Dymock
2000825332 E.W. Cole's new tramway map of Melbourne and suburbs
2000824373 Education : report of the Superintendent of the Nautical School-ship "Sobraon" for the year ended 30th April, 1901
2000823523 Education acts 1871, 1893, 1895, and 1899, and regulations framed thereunder (as approved in executive council.)
2000824379 Education in New South Wales
2000822208 Education, science, and art
2000822208 Education, science, and art
2000824070 Estimates of expenditure of the government of New South Wales For the year ending 30 th June, 1902
2000824070 Estimates of expenditure of the government of New South Wales For the year ending 30 th June, 1902
2000824070 Estimates of expenditure of the government of New South Wales For the year ending 30 th June, 1902
2000824070 Estimates of expenditure of the government of New South Wales For the year ending 30 th June, 1903
2000824056 Estimates of the ways and means government of New South Wales : ordered by the legislative assembly to be printed For the year 1901-1902
2000824056 Estimates of the ways and means government of New South Wales : ordered by the legislative assembly to be printed for the year 1901-1902
2000823462 Examination papers, December, 1902 : matriculation, medical preliminary, junior scholarship, barristers' and solicitors' general knowledge / University of New Zealand
2000823462 Examination papers, December, 1902 : matriculation, medical preliminary, junior scholarship, barristers' and solicitors' general knowledge / University of New Zealand
2000823475 Examination papers, November, 1902 : B.A. and B.Sc. Pass, senior and tinline scholarships, honours in arts and science, LL.B. pass, LL.D. pass, B. Mus. pass and intermediate, barristers' and solicitors' law, engineering, proficiency in education / University of New Zealand
2000824800 Experimental Farm Wagga Wagga, prospectus, rules, and syllabus of instruction for students
2000824779 Experimental Farm, Bathurst, prospectus, rules, and syllabus of instruction for students / manager W.J. Allan
2000823325 Exports of manufactures from the United States, and their distribution, by articles and countries, also, Importation of manufacturers' materials and finished manufactures, 1790 to 1902
2000498463 Fertilizers : the source, character and composition of natural, home-made and manufactured fertilizers and suggestions as to their use for different crops and conditions / by Edward B. Voorhees
2000821866 Finance and accumulation
2000822220 Financial institutions
2000822220 Financial institutions
2000823939 Financial statement of the Hon. T. Waddell, M.P., colonial treasurer : delivered in the legislative assembly 24th September, 1902
2000823939 Financial statement of the Hon. T. Waddell, M.P., colonial treasurer : delivered in the legislative assembly 24th September, 1902
2000825713 Fishery Regulations for the Province of British Columbia
2000825221 Flock book for British breeds of sheep in Victoria Vol. 1
2000825221 Flock book for British breeds of sheep in Victoria Vol. 2
2000822424 Forty-fourth annual report of the Aborigines' Friends' Association, incorporated : presented at the annual meeting in the Bible Hall, Grenfell street, Adelaide, on Monday, 1st December, 1902
2000825282 From New York to New Zealand, or, The new century trip / by C. W. McMurran ; introd. by Robert Stout ; edited by C. O. Montrose
2000825278 General Fishery Regulations Province of Ontario-Province of Prince Edward Island
2000825278 General Fishery Regulations Province of Quebec
2000825652 General map of Sydney and suburbs : showing municipalities and the unincorporated areas / compailed, lithographed and published by H. E. C. Robinson
2000823314 General orders
2000823959 General rules and regulations to be observed by all persons, in the service of the Government Railways of Western Australia
2000824123 Geographische Völkerkunde / Siegfried Passarge Bd. 5
2000824977 Geology of the Coromandel Goldfields / by J. Malcolm Maclaren
2000821844 Government and population
2000823335 Grain Rates, December, 1899 / R. Lochhead
2000823335 Grain Rates, December, 1899 / R. Lochhead
2000825260 Guide to New Zealand : the most wonderful scenic paradise in the world. the home of the Maori / by C. N. Baeyertz
2000825318 Handbook of Tasmania : with list of reference works on the agricultural, pastoral, horticultural, and mineral resources of the colony / [Tasmania Government]
2000825182 Handbook of the Land Act 1898, and other Land Acts : present and future occupiers
2000824036 Hanmer Hot Springs and how to get there : a sanatorium for invalids and resort for the holidays
2000822236 Hospitals & charities
2000824739 How to acquire Crown Land in New South Wales
2000822232 Industrial wages
2000822232 Industrial wages
2000823663 Information relative to the port of Wellington, New Zealand
2000825662 Insect and fungus pests of the field, farm, and garden : part II, of " A handbook to the insect pests of farm and orchard." / by Edward H. Thompson ; edited by F.W.J. Moore
2000824787 Inspection of machinery : annual report of the Department for 1901-2
2000824639 Instructions for the guidance of persons who may propose to form themselves into special-settlement associations
2000821871 Interchange and vital statistics
2000845885 Interim report on the operations of the Agricultural Bank : for the year ending 30th June, 1902
2000823757 Internal commerce : summary of internal commerce for the Month of February, 1903 / O.P. Austin
2000845871 Introduction of stock into New Zealand under "The Stock Act, 1893" (Notice No. 384)
2000823969 Irish Land a Bill
2000822045 Land systems of Australasia / by William Epps
2000825559 Land-grant railway across central Australia : the Northern territory of the state of South Australia as a field for enterprise and capital : boundless resources, pastoral, agricultural, mineral, natural harbors, navigable rivers / complied and edited by Simpson Newland ; with illustrations, maps, and copy of the Act of Rarliament authorising Construction of Railway
2000822214 Law & crime
2000822214 Law & crime
2000821882 Law, crime, and social condition
2000823711 Laws and statutes relating to the Board of State Harbor Commissioners / compiled by William H. Davis, attorney for the Board, March 1, 1904
2000824671 Legislation relating to farmers' institutes in the United States / by John Hamilton
2000824628 List of exporters of agricultural products, Victoria / Department of Agriculture, Victoria
2000822197 Local government
2000824442 Manual and technical instruction
2000823649 Manual of rates and regulations for passenger, parcel, and goods traffic
2000823877 Manual of surveying instructions for the survey of the public lands of the United States and private land claims, January 1, 1902 / prepared in conformity with law under the direction of The Commissioner of the General Land Office January 1, 1902
2000822223 Manufactories & works
2000822223 Manufactories & works
2000824775 Marine Department : annual report for 1901-2
2000822279 Mayor's Annual Report and appendices, 1902 / Corporation of the City Adelaide
2000824652 Memorandum and articles of association of the South Australian Farmers' Co=operative Union, limited
2000824647 Memorandum and articles of association of the South Australian Fruit and Vegetable Company, limited
2000824511 Memorandum on industrial lead poisoning / Great Britain. Factory Department
2000845711 Merchandise Rates Book, 1901
2000827873 Merchandise rates, including live stock, wool, etc. : all classifications and rates prior to the within are cancelled / [Victorian Rialways]
2000845949 Mining acts and regulations
2000824152 Mining and engineering, and miners' guide / by Henry A. Gordon
2000822235 Miscellaneous
2000825150 Modern dairying / by D. Wilson and R. Crowe
2000825150 Modern dairying / by D. Wilson and R. Crowe
3000067801 Monthly report of the trade of Canada / Dominion of Canada, Department of Trade and Commerce. Census and Statistics Office 23(265)
3000067800 Monthly summary of commerce and finance of the United States / U.S. Treasury Dept 1903/4(11)
3000067800 Monthly summary of commerce and finance of the United States / U.S. Treasury Dept 1903/4(8)
3000067800 Monthly summary of commerce and finance of the United States / U.S. Treasury Dept 1904/5(11)
3000067800 Monthly summary of commerce and finance of the United States / U.S. Treasury Dept 1904/5(11)
3000067800 Monthly summary of commerce and finance of the United States / U.S. Treasury Dept 1904/5(12)
3000067800 Monthly summary of commerce and finance of the United States / U.S. Treasury Dept 1905/6(10)
3000067800 Monthly summary of commerce and finance of the United States / U.S. Treasury Dept 1905/6(11)
3000067800 Monthly summary of commerce and finance of the United States / U.S. Treasury Dept 1905/6(2)
3000067800 Monthly summary of commerce and finance of the United States / U.S. Treasury Dept 1905/6(4)
3000067800 Monthly summary of commerce and finance of the United States / U.S. Treasury Dept 1905/6(6)
3000067800 Monthly summary of commerce and finance of the United States / U.S. Treasury Dept 1905/6(7)
3000067800 Monthly summary of commerce and finance of the United States / U.S. Treasury Dept 1905/6(8)
3000067800 Monthly summary of commerce and finance of the United States / U.S. Treasury Dept 1905/6(9)
3000067800 Monthly summary of commerce and finance of the United States / U.S. Treasury Dept 1906/7(10)
3000067800 Monthly summary of commerce and finance of the United States / U.S. Treasury Dept 1906/7(11)
3000067800 Monthly summary of commerce and finance of the United States / U.S. Treasury Dept 1906/7(12)
3000067800 Monthly summary of commerce and finance of the United States / U.S. Treasury Dept 1906/7(3)
3000067800 Monthly summary of commerce and finance of the United States / U.S. Treasury Dept 1906/7(5)
3000067800 Monthly summary of commerce and finance of the United States / U.S. Treasury Dept 1906/7(6)
3000067800 Monthly summary of commerce and finance of the United States / U.S. Treasury Dept 1906/7(7)
3000067800 Monthly summary of commerce and finance of the United States / U.S. Treasury Dept 1906/7(8)
3000067800 Monthly summary of commerce and finance of the United States / U.S. Treasury Dept 1907/8(1)
3000067800 Monthly summary of commerce and finance of the United States / U.S. Treasury Dept 1907/8(2)
3000067800 Monthly summary of commerce and finance of the United States / U.S. Treasury Dept 1907/8(3)
3000067800 Monthly summary of commerce and finance of the United States / U.S. Treasury Dept 1907/8(4)
2000824673 New South Wales Railways, time tables, fares and general information, 12th October, 1902
2000825244 New Zealand : notes on its geography, statistics, land system, scenery, sport and the Maori race / by R. A. Loughnan
2000823843 New Zealand : the tourists' elysium and the anglers' paradise
2000822880 New Zealand : the world's wonderland; the sportsman's paradise / New Zealand Dept. of Tourist & Health Resorts
2000824698 New Zealand University calendar, thirtieth year of issue 1902-1903
2000825132 Newest England : notes of a democratic traveller in New Zealand, with some Australian comparisons / by Henry Demarest Lloyd
2000824997 Notes on the Melbourne Water Supply / by the Chairman
2000822716 Notes on the aborigines of Tasmania : extracted from the manuscript journals of George Washington Walker / with an introduction by James B. Walker
2000825130 Official report of the Japan British Exhibition 1910, at the Great White City, Shepherd's Bush, London
2000845683 Old-age pensions [1899-1902] / New Zealand, Colonial Treasurer's Department
2000845683 Old-age pensions [1899-1902] / New Zealand, Colonial Treasurer's Department
2000824693 Papers and reports relating to minerals and mining / [New Zealand] 1899
2000824693 Papers and reports relating to minerals and mining / [New Zealand] 1900
2000824693 Papers and reports relating to minerals and mining / [New Zealand] 1901
2000824693 Papers and reports relating to minerals and mining / [New Zealand] 1902
2001236545 Papers prepared for the meeting of National Dairy Association at Stratford, 6th August, 1902 / isued by J.A. Kinsella
2000823243 Passenger fares, and rates for parcels, excess luggage, etc. : with by-laws as to passengers, luggage, &c., &c. / Victorian Railways
2000824728 Peeps at scenes in the midland district : from Riddell's Creek to Daylesford / Victorian Railways
2000825991 Picturesque Victoria, and how to get there : a handbook for tourists, containing general information regarding the summer resorts, rail, coaches, steam-boats, fares, etc. / issued by the Victorian Railway Department
2000824820 Police Department / [New South Wales] For the year 1902
2000822218 Population and vital statistics
2000822218 Population and vital statistics
2000824122 Port regulations for the colony of Western Australia : also regulations for the Working of Fremantle River Wharves, and such of the Sea Jetties of the Colony as are under the control of the Commissioner of Railways, with Jetty Regulations for all Sea Jetties under the control of the Collector of Customs, and explosives regulations
2000824734 Price list of government publications
2000825353 Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Meeting held at the Town Hall, Stratford, on Thuesday and Wednesday, 5th and 6th August, 1902
2000821875 Production and defences
2000823890 Production and distribution of the principal agricultural products of the world / compiled from Official Statistics ; published by authority of the Secretary of Agriculture
2000822175 Progress towards unity, an address delivered from the chair of congregational union of New Zealand at Dunedin, February, 1899 / by George Fowlds
2000825242 Public accounts for the year ended 30th June, 1902, accompanied by the thirty-second report of the Auditor-General (under the Audit Act)
2000825242 Public accounts for the year ended 30th June, 1902, accompanied by the thirty-second report of the Auditor-General (under the Audit Act)
2000822195 Public finance
2000823458 Railways statement / by J.G. Ward 1902
2000824430 Records of the Upper Liao River conservancy works / Bunkichi Okazaki
2000823996 Regulations
2000825340 Regulations for New Zealand Forests : State Forests and Forest Reserve subject to the provisions of "The New Zealand State Forests Act, 1885" and Forests growing on any Crown Lands
2000823255 Regulations for the guidance of employés in the service of the Victorian Railways, 1st July, 1898
2000823937 Regulations framed under 'The Sydney Harbour Trust Act,' No. 1 of 1901 No. 1 of 1901
2000823937 Regulations framed under 'The Sydney Harbour Trust Act,' No. 1 of 1901 No. 1 of 1901
2000825674 Regulations under "The Mining Act, 1900" / [Australia, Tasmania, Mines Dept.]
2000824257 Regulations under 'The Crown Lands Act, 1890'
2000824722 Regulations under 'The Slaughtering and Inspection Act, 1900'
2000824722 Regulations under 'The Slaughtering and Inspection Act, 1900'
2000824534 Regulations under 'The Stock Diseases Act, 1888'
2000825196 Regulations under the Coal Mines Regulation Act, 1902 / [Western Australia, Dept. of Mines]
2000845693 Regulations under the Manual and Technical Instruction Act, 1900
2001227257 Regulations under the land act 1901
2000824298 Regulations, disposal of lands acquired under 'The Land for Settlements Act 1894, Amendment Act. 1896.'
2000824130 Regulations, disposal of lands acquired under 'The Land for Settlements Consolidation Act, 1900.'
2000824130 Regulations, disposal of lands acquired under 'The Land for Settlements Consolidation Act, 1900.'
2000822192 Religion
2000825619 Report by Chief Inspector of Stock for the year 1901
2000823718 Report by the Surveyor General for the year 1901 The year 1901
2000823718 Report by the Surveyor General for the year 1901 The year 1901
2000845838 Report for 1901, being the eighteenth annual report
2000824862 Report for year ending 31st December, 1901 / Metropolitan fire brigades board
2000825275 Report of inspector of homestead blocks
2000825275 Report of inspector of homestead blocks
2000824749 Report of proceedings for the year 1902, with index
2000822356 Report of proceedings taken under the provisions of the settlement on lands act 1893, during the financial year ended 30th June 1901-1902
2000825610 Report of the Chief Inspector : for the year ending 31st December, 1900-30th June, 1902
2000825359 Report of the Dairy Conferences at Dunedin, 26th and 27th June, 1901, and Palmerston North, 25th and 26th July, 1901
3000067802 Report of the Department of Agriculture / New Zealand Department of Agriculture 10
2000823751 Report of the Department of Lands and Survey, New Zealand for the year / by T.N. Brodrick 1915-1916, 1916-1917
2000823510 Report of the Department of Lands and Survey, New Zealand for the year 1901-1902 / by J.W.A. Marchant
2000823510 Report of the Department of Lands and Survey, New Zealand for the year 1901-1902 / by J.W.A. Marchant
2000824825 Report of the Department of Mines for the year 1901, with which is incorporated the preliminary report
2000823435 Report of the Deputy Commissioner for Railways
2000824403 Report of the Education Department for the Year 1901
2000823521 Report of the Melbourne Harbor Trust Commissioners for the year 1901
2000824387 Report of the Minister controlling education, with appendices 1901
2000824387 Report of the Minister controlling education, with appendices 1901
2000825127 Report of the Minister of Agriculture for 1901-2, including the following departmental reports ...
2000824394 Report of the Minister of Public Instruction for the year 1900-1901
2000671317 Report of the Minister of Public Instruction upon the condition of public schools established and maintained under the Public Instruction act of 1880 1900
2000823445 Report of the Railway Commissioners for the year ended 30 June, 1902
2000823445 Report of the Railway Commissioners for the year ended 30 June, 1902
2000824183 Report of the Secretary for Mines for 1901-1902, including reports of the Commissioners of Mines, inspectors of mines, government geologist, assistant government geologist, Mount Cameron Water-Race Board, &c
2000823725 Report of the Surveyor-General 1898-1899, 1899-1900, 1900-1901, 1901-1902
2000823725 Report of the Surveyor-General 1901-2
2000823725 Report of the Surveyor-General 1901-2
2000823532 Report of the Victorian Railways Commissioner for the year ending 30th June, 1902
2000823532 Report of the Victorian Railways Commissioner for the year ending 30th June, 1902
2000824721 Report of the protector of aborigines for the year ended June 30, 1901
2000825316 Report on exploration of North-West Kimberley, 1901 / by Fred. S. Brockman ; with appendices by Chas. Crossland and F.M. House
2000824053 Report on the eruption of Tarawera and Rotomahana, N.Z. / by A.P.W. Thomas
2000825592 Report on the fishing industry for the year 1901 / by the Chief Inspector of Fisheries
2000824121 Report on the geology of the south-west part of Nelson and the northern part of Westland / Alexander McKay
2000824120 Report on the older auriferous drifts of Central Otago / by Alexander McKay
2000823892 Report on the recent seismic disturbances within Cheviot county in Northern Canterbury and the Amuri district of Nelson, New Zealand (November and December, 1901) / by Alexander McKay
2000825563 Report on the visit of the members of the General Assembly of New Zealand to the Cook and other islands, April-June, 1903
2000823416 Report on the working of the government railways and the Roebourne-Cossack tramway
2000822369 Report on village settlements in New Zealand / by J.E. March 1900, 1902
2000824359 Reports and balance sheet, 1902
2000822773 Reports and recommendations : together with the messages of the President and the letters of the secretary of state transmitting the same to Congress / International American Conference
2000729435 Reports on the Hokkaido harbours / by C.S. Meik [v. 1]
2000845915 Resumé of laws relating to Crown and native lands of the Dominion of New Zealand
2001236541 Review of the past butter season / by R. Crowe
2001236541 Review of the past butter season / by R. Crowe
2000823888 Rules and Regulations of the Port of Devonport : contained in The Marine Board Act, 53 Victoria, No. 34, in Gunpowder Act, 1875, Quarantine Act, and in by-laws regulations passed by the Marine Board of Mersey
2000851466 Rules and apparatus for seed testing : adopted by Standing Committee on Methods of Seed Testing of the Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations
2000823864 Rules and regulations for the ports in Victoria : with rules for the management of the Alfred Graving Dock, patent slip, and fifty-ton crane, and miscellaneous information, 1901
2000823876 Rules and regulations of the Port of Hobart
2000823709 Rules and regulations of the Table Cape Marine Board
2000823979 Rules and regulations, for the conduct of the traffic and for the guidance of the officers and men, in the service of the Tasmanian Government Railway Department
2000824038 Rules and, regulations, &c., By-laws
2000823671 Rules for the general government and discipline of members of the police force of New South Wales
2000822237 Rural holdings
2000825412 Samoanische Eindrücke und Betrachtungen : Skizzen aus unserer jüngsten deutschen Kolonie / von E. Troost
2001236530 Scales of points for judging cattle of dairy breeds / [D.E. Salmon]
2000824937 Schedule of prizes : including champion prizes of Australia given by the Department of Agricultur, offered for competition at the Society's 32nd Annual Exhibition (Second Frand Commonwealth Show), to be held at the show grounds, Flemington, on Tuesdan, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th September, 1902
2000822198 Shipping
2000822198 Shipping
2000845787 South Australian Railways Staff Regulations
2000823685 South Australian Railways, Regulation No. 13
2000822043 State experiments in Australia & New Zealand / by William Pember Reeves v. 1
2000822043 State experiments in Australia & New Zealand / by William Pember Reeves v. 2
2000825255 Statement of accounts with annual reports, and other statistics of the Wellington Harbour Board, for the period ended September 30th, 1902
2000825255 Statement of accounts with annual reports, and other statistics of the Wellington Harbour Board, for the period ended September 30th, 1902
2000822283 Statistical register / compiled from official records 1902
2000822283 Statistical register / compiled from official records 1904
2000825328 Tables for calculation of values
2000822477 Tasmania handbook, with map / issued by the Emigrants' Information Office
2000822477 Tasmania handbook, with map / issued by the Emigrants' Information Office
2000824665 Tasmanian railway freights : comparisons with other colonies : a report / by The General Manager of Railways
2000824420 Teachers' and Civil Service Examinations
2000822201 The American almanac, year-book, cyclopedia and atlas
2000824014 The By-law of the Marine Board of Strahan 1899
2000824014 The By-law of the Marine Board of Strahan 1902
2000822484 The Chamberlain settlement, Canterbury, New Zealand : particulars, terms, and conditions of disposal and occupation of 19,112 acres, open on Monday, 9th March, 1903
2000822484 The Chamberlain settlement, Canterbury, New Zealand : particulars, terms, and conditions of disposal and occupation of 19,112 acres, open on Monday, 9th March, 1903
2000822815 The Cheviot estate : particulars, terms, and conditions of sale and lease of 17,591 acres of grazing-farms : also pastoral leases, grazing-licenses, leases in perpetuity, village homesteads, town lands, village lands and suburban lands, 14th and 15th May, 1894
2000825675 The Chimes
2000822027 The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia / by W. Harrison Moore
2000822821 The Cradock hamlet, auckland : particulars, terms, and conditions of disposal and occupation of 29 acres and 35 perches, divided into 14 sections for workmen's homes, open on Tuesday, 22nd April, 1902
2000824314 The Crown Lands Act of 1895
2000822824 The Eccleston settlement, Canterbury, New Zealand : particulars, terms, and conditions of disposal and occupation of 1,245 acres 1 rood 26 perches, open on Monday, 12th May, 1902
2000824709 The Education Board of the district of Wellington : Technical branch, syllabus, 1903
2000825596 The Education Department : report for 1901
2000822835 The Epuni Hamlet, Wellington : particulars, terms, and conditions of disposal and occupation of 94 acres and 28 perches, divided into eighteen sections for workmen's homes, open on Tuesday, 25th June, 1901
3000067805 The Foreign commerce and navigation of the United States for the year ending ... / Treasury Department 1905
3000067805 The Foreign commerce and navigation of the United States for the year ending ... / Treasury Department 1909
3000067805 The Foreign commerce and navigation of the United States for the year ending ... / Treasury Department 1910
2000822839 The Forest Gate settlement, Hawke's bay, New Zealand : particulars, terms, and conditions of disposal and occupation of 8,756 acres 3 roods 38 perches, open on Monday, 19th May, 1902
2000822839 The Forest Gate settlement, Hawke's bay, New Zealand : particulars, terms, and conditions of disposal and occupation of 8,756 acres 3 roods 38 perches, open on Monday, 19th May, 1902
2000824145 The General Order Book, 1st July, 1894, to 30th June, 1895. Supplement
2000822845 The Glenham settlement, Southland, New Zealand : particulars, terms, and conditions of disposal and occupation of 11,455 acres and 10 perches, open on Monday, 24th March, 1902
2000824169 The Goldfields Act, 1895, and Amendments, with Regulations, and The Sluicing and Dredging for Gold Act, 1899, with Regulations, 1st February, 1902
2000822853 The Hatuma settlement, Hawke's bay, New Zealand : particulars, terms, and conditions of disposal and occupation of 25,737 acres, open on Thursday, 25th April, 1901
2000822846 The Hetana hamlet, Auckland : particulars, terms, and conditions of disposal and occupation of 408 acres 2 roods 25 perches, divided into 123 sections for workmen's homes and one farm, to be disposed of under conditions applicable to rural land, open on Tuesday, 22nd April, 1902
2000822859 The Kaimahi settlement, Canterbury, New Zealand : particulars, terms, and conditions of disposal and occupation of 100 acres 2 roods, open on Tuesday, 15th Octorber, 1901
2000821995 The Kapuatohe Hamlet, Canterbury, New Zealand : particulars, terms, and conditions of disposal and occupation of 47 acres 3 roods 37 perches, divided into eighteen section for workmen's homes and one small farm, open on Tuesday, 15th October, 1901 / New Zealand Dept. of Lands and survey
2000822158 The Kitchener hamlet, Auckland : particulars, terms, and conditions of disposal and occupation of 22 acres 3 roods 14 perches, divided into section for workmen's homes open on Tuesday, 22nd April, 1902 / New Zealand Dept. of Lands and survey
2000822158 The Kitchener hamlet, Auckland : particulars, terms, and conditions of disposal and occupation of 22 acres 3 roods 14 perches, divided into section for workmen's homes open on Tuesday, 22nd April, 1902 / New Zealand Dept. of Lands and survey
2000822034 The Kumeroa settlement, Hawke's bay, New Zealand : particulars, terms, and conditions of disposal and occupation of 3,748 acres, open on Monday, 12th May, 1902 / New Zealand Dept. of Lands and survey
2000823910 The Land Act, 1897, and regulations thereunder (including timber regulations)
2000824086 The Land Act, 1898, and regulations (amended to 1st June, 1901.) ; The Agricultural Lands Purchase Act, 1896, with amendment acts and regulations ; The Agricultural Bank Act, 1894, with amendment act, 1896
2000822011 The Langdale settlement, wellington, New Zealand : particulars, terms, and conditions of disposal and occupation of 9,252 acres, open on Tuesday, 19th March, 1901 / New Zealand Dept. of Lands and survey
2000822029 The Manga-A-Toro settlement, Hawke's bay, New Zealand : particulars, terms, and conditions of disposal and occupation of 19,422 acres, open on Tuesday, 21st January, 1902 / New Zealand Dept. of Lands and survey
2000825304 The Mead settlement, Canterbury, New Zealand : particulars, terms, and conditions of disposal and occupation of 5,906 acres 2 roods 16 perches, open on Wednesday, 21st, January, 1903
2000822213 The Methuen hamlet, Auckland : particulars, terms, and conditions of disposal and occupation of 71 acres and 32 perches, divided into 29 sections for workmen's homes and one farm to be of under conditions applicable to rural lands, open on Tuesday, 22nd April, 1902 / New Zealand Dept. of Lands and survey
2000822213 The Methuen hamlet, Auckland : particulars, terms, and conditions of disposal and occupation of 71 acres and 32 perches, divided into 29 sections for workmen's homes and one farm to be of under conditions applicable to rural lands, open on Tuesday, 22nd April, 1902 / New Zealand Dept. of Lands and survey
2000824106 The Mineral Lands Acts, 1892-99, with regulations
2000824096 The Mineral wealth of Western Australia / by A. Gibb Maitland
2000824355 The Mining on Private Property Act, 1898, with Regulations
2001496321 The New Zealand official year-book / by E.J. von Dadelszen 1895
2001496321 The New Zealand official year-book / by E.J. von Dadelszen 1902 : 11th year of Issue
2001496321 The New Zealand official year-book / by E.J. von Dadelszen 1902 : 11th year of Issue
2001496321 The New Zealand official year-book / by E.J. von Dadelszen 1904 : 13th year of Issue
2001496321 The New Zealand official year-book / by E.J. von Dadelszen 1906 : 15th year of Issue
2001496321 The New Zealand official year-book / by E.J. von Dadelszen 1914 : 23rd year of Issue
2001496321 The New Zealand official year-book / by E.J. von Dadelszen 1915 : 24th year of Issue
2001496321 The New Zealand official year-book / by E.J. von Dadelszen 1917 : 26th year of Issue
2001496321 The New Zealand official year-book / by E.J. von Dadelszen 1919 : 28th year of Issue
2001496321 The New Zealand official year-book / by E.J. von Dadelszen 1926 : 34th Issue
2001496321 The New Zealand official year-book / by E.J. von Dadelszen 1928 : 36th Issue
2001496321 The New Zealand official year-book / by E.J. von Dadelszen 1929 : 37th Issue
2001496321 The New Zealand official year-book / by E.J. von Dadelszen 1930 : 38th Issue
2001496321 The New Zealand official year-book / by E.J. von Dadelszen 1936 : 44th Issue
2000823350 The Public Instruction Act of 1880 ; The Public Service Act of 1895, together with regulations framed thereunder ; The Civil Service Act of 1884 (unrepealed sections.)
2000824648 The South Australian Farmers' Co=operative Union, limited 1901
2000824648 The South Australian Farmers' Co=operative Union, limited 1902
2000822241 The Starborough settlement, Marlborough, New Zealand : particulars, terms, and conditions of disposal and occupation of 33,621 acres open on Monday, 13th March, 1899 / New Zealand Dept. of Lands and survey
2000824125 The Tasmanian aborigines / by James Backhouse Walker
2000822267 The Waari Hamlet, Auckland : particulars, terms, and conditions of disposal and occupation of 399 acres 2 roods 6 perches, divided into 92 sections for workmen's homes, open on Monday, 20th April, 1903 / New Zealand Dept. of Lands and survey
2000822267 The Waari Hamlet, Auckland : particulars, terms, and conditions of disposal and occupation of 399 acres 2 roods 6 perches, divided into 92 sections for workmen's homes, open on Monday, 20th April, 1903 / New Zealand Dept. of Lands and survey
2000822273 The Waikakahi settlement, Canterbury, New Zealand : particulars, terms, and conditions of disposal and occupation of 47,320 acres, open on Monday, 20th March, 1899 / New Zealand Dept. of Lands and survey
2000822339 The Waipapa small grazing-runs Marlborough, New Zealand : particulars, terms, and conditions of disposal and occupation of 55,452 acres 2 roods, open on Monday, 25th February, 1901 / New Zealand Dept. of Lands and survey
2000824869 The Woods and forests regulations
2000824549 The cementing power of road materials / by Logan Waller Page and Allerton S. Cushman
2000824661 The chairman's report / The Melbourne and Metropolian Board of Works 1st Jan.,1895 to 30th Sept.,1897
2000824661 The chairman's report / The Melbourne and Metropolian Board of Works 1st July,1893 to 31st Dec.,1894
2000824661 The chairman's report / The Melbourne and Metropolian Board of Works 1st Oct.,1897 to 30th Sept.,1899
2000824661 The chairman's report / The Melbourne and Metropolian Board of Works 1st Oct.,1899 to 30th Sept.,1901
2000822059 The colony of New Zealand : [i]ts history, vicissitudes and progress / by William Gisborne
2000825189 The dairy industry of Canada / by J.A. Ruddick
2000823451 The education act of 1885, and amendment acts with regulations of 1900
2000823451 The education act of 1885, and amendment acts with regulations of 1900
2000824592 The effect of water on rock powders / by Allerton S. Cushman
2000825568 The flour-milling industry of Canada
2000823766 The foreign commerce and navigation of the United States for the year ending June 30, 1903 / prepared in the Bureau of Statistics, O.P. Austin v. 1
2000825678 The forest flora of New Zealand / by T. Kirk
2000824566 The handbook of New Zealand mines (with maps and illustrations)
2000825634 The land selectors guide to the Crown Lands of Western Australia, being a description of the surveyed agricultural areas and lands open to free selection before survey, also, explanatory notes on the Land Act, 1898, and Agricultural Bank Act
2000828253 The national government, the state governments / by James Bryce
2000828256 The party system, public opinion, illustrations and reflections, social institutions / by James Bryce
2000824541 The progress of mineral industry of Tasmania / compiled by W.H. Twelvetrees ; by order of Edward Mulcahy For the quarter ending 30th Sept., 1902
2000824541 The progress of mineral industry of Tasmania / compiled by W.H. Twelvetrees ; by order of Edward Mulcahy For the quarter ending 31st Dec., 1902
2000824541 The progress of mineral industry of Tasmania / compiled by W.H. Twelvetrees ; by order of Edward Mulcahy For the quarter ending 31st Dec., 1902
2000823383 The railway question : the report of the committee on transportation of the American Economic Association, with the paper read at the Boston Meeting, May 21-25, 1887, on "The agitation for federal regulation of railways" / by Edmund J. James
2000499513 The rural economy and agriculture of Australia and New Zealand / as seen by Robert Wallace
2000822445 The selectors guide to the crown lands of Western Australia
2000822231 The settler's handbook of New Zealand / compiled by direction of the Hon. The minister of lands
2000822231 The settler's handbook of New Zealand / compiled by direction of the Hon. The minister of lands
2000823665 The standards / [New Zealand, Education Department]
2000823642 The state education acts, 1875 to 1900 : together with the regulations of the Department, general instructions for the guidance of teachers and others, and appendices
2000823918 The thermal-springs district, and The government sanatorium at Rotorua / by A. Ginders
2000824011 The thermal-springs district, and The government sanatorium at Rotorua / by A. Ginders
2000823875 The unappropriated public lands of the United States / by Counties, Land Districts, and States
2000825235 The wealth and progress of New South Wales, 1900-01 / by T.A. Coghlan
2000825204 The wondrous west
2000823848 The worker and his wages/ an address by Geo. Fowlds
2000824068 The wreck of the `Erthshire', or, The economics of Coral Island
2000824068 The wreck of the `Erthshire', or, The economics of Coral Island
2000822901 The year-book of New South Wales 1903, 22 year of publication
2000825094 Third Annual report of the Council of the Victorian Chamber of Agriculture
2001236548 Thirty-third annual report of the Committee of the South Australian Chamber of Manufactures for the year ended July 24th, 1902
2000824714 Time and fare tables of the South Australian Railways : from November 1st, 1902, until further notice
2000824659 Time table of the Victorian railways : including the Deniliquin and Moama railway, and Koondrook and Beaumaris tramways and general information from 8th December, 1902
2000824627 Time tables for suburban lines, including Beaumaris tramway : on and after 8th December, 1902 / by order of the Victorian Rialways acting commissioner, R. Lochhead
2000824711 Time-table for the New Zealand Government Railways : and the Wellington-Manawatu Railway Company's private line : from 1st March, 1903 / [New Zealand Government Railways]
2000824517 Twenty-sixth report of the Secretary for Public Instruction, for the year 1901
2000823855 Victorian Railways summer trips to the seaside and the mountains, season 1902-3
2000823855 Victorian Railways summer trips to the seaside and the mountains, season 1902-3
2000824306 Victorian municipal directory with gazetteer, also, waterworks & irrigation trusts record for 1902
2000821824 Victorian year-book 1895-8 : containing a digest of the statistics of victoria, with references to the statistics of the other australasian colonies and other countries / by James Jemison Fenton
2000822344 Waikare-Moana, the sea of the rippling waters : the lake; the land; the legends : with a tramp through Tuhoe Land / by Elsdon Best
2000822344 Waikare-Moana, the sea of the rippling waters : the lake; the land; the legends : with a tramp through Tuhoe Land / by Elsdon Best
2000845721 Webb Thompson's Electric Train Staff and Tyer's Train Tablet Apparatus
2000824702 Wellington Technical School [school guide pamphlet] 1903
2000825363 Western Australia : its position and prospects / written and compiled by Trant Chambers ; with an introd. by Gerard Smith
2000824809 Western Australian Goldfields, mining statistics, Junuary, 1903
2000821772 Women as citizens : a lecture delivered in the Albert Hall, Adelaide, (before the young South Australian Patriotic Association) March 21, 1895 / by J. Langdon Parsons
2000825266 Wonderland : a glimpse at the marvels and beauties of the Taupo volcanic zone, New Zealand / by Margaret Bullock
2000824755 Working time table of passenger and goods traffic : for the guidance and exclusive use of officers and servants, to be observed on and after 3rd March, 1902, and until further notice / [Tasmanian Government Railways]
2000824667 Working time table of passenger, mixed and goods trains : for the guidance and exclusive use of members of the staff, to be observed on and after 1st November, 1902, until further notice / [New Zealand Railways]
2000824654 Working time table, also, Time table of the Deniliquin and Moama railway and Koondrook tramway on and after 8th December, 1902
2000824669 Working time-table of passenger and goods trains : for the guidance and exclusive use of members of the department, to be observed on and after Monday, 13th Oct., 1902, until further notice / [New Zealand Railways]
2000824624 Working time-table of passenger, mixed, and goods trains : for the guidance and exclusive use of members of the staff to be observed on and after Monday, 1st December, 1902, until further notice
2000846322 [An Act ... Fisheries Act] / Canada
2000846410 [An act ... the Canadian Pacific Railway] / Canada
2000845664 [By-laws for the Tasmanian Government Railways] / Australia, Tasmania, Government Railways
2000824912 [Crown Timber Regulations]
2000846293 [Education Regulations] / South Australia, Australia
2000824903 [Instructions] / [New South Wales. treasury] [1]
2000824903 [Instructions] / [New South Wales. treasury] [2]
2000845677 [Land and income tax assessment act of 1895] / Treasury Department, New South Wales, Australia
2000846349 [The Acts 1863-1901]/ Queensland, Australia
2000846373 [The Acts, George V. & Edward VII, 1911-1921] / Canada
2000845738 [The Crown Land Act, 1890] / Department of Lands & Surveys, Tasmania, Australia
2000845720 [The acts : Edward VII, 1902] / Western Australia, Australia
2000846484 [The acts : Victoria Regina & Edward VII., 1859-1902] / Tasmania, Australia
2000846538 [The acts : Victoria Regina & Edward VII., 1883-1901] / Victoria, Australia
2000846519 [The acts : Victoria Regina & Edward VII., 1888-1902] / Queensland, Australia
2000846454 [The acts : Victoria Regina & Edward VII., 1896-1902] / New South Wales, Australia
2000846558 [The acts : Victoria Regina, 1844-1892] / Western Australia, Australia
2000845734 [The acts : Victoria Regina, 1893-1900] / Western Australia, Australia
2000845729 [The acts : Victoria, Edward VII, & George V. 1885-1914] / New Zealand
2000824161 [The acts Victoria regina. 1888-1902] / South Australia, Australia
2000824253 [The acts. Victoria regina 1882-1901] / South Australia, Australia
3000027501 ジャパン・タイムス邦文パンフレット通信. 附録, 世界日誌 1-21
3000067799 ジャパンタイムス邦文パンフレット通信 / ジャパン・タイムス社邦文パンフレット通信部[編] 115-152(122-123,129-140,144,148欠)
3000067799 ジャパンタイムス邦文パンフレット通信 / ジャパン・タイムス社邦文パンフレット通信部[編] 153-181(160,165-169,172,178欠)
3000067799 ジャパンタイムス邦文パンフレット通信 / ジャパン・タイムス社邦文パンフレット通信部[編] 182-202(184,190,196欠)
3000067799 ジャパンタイムス邦文パンフレット通信 / ジャパン・タイムス社邦文パンフレット通信部[編] 86,93-114
2000828583 ヴヰクトリヤ州定住法
2000364616 植民地統治法の基本問題 / 中村哲著
2000828605 新南威爾斯邦土地制度
3000023392 世界經濟要誌 / ジャパンタイムス社 1-15
2000828594 西濠太刺利亞邦土地制度
3000027764 國際パンフレット通信 / ジャパン・タイムス社國際パンフレット通信部 [編] 204-224
3000027764 國際パンフレット通信 / ジャパン・タイムス社國際パンフレット通信部 [編] 225-249
3000027764 國際パンフレット通信 / ジャパン・タイムス社國際パンフレット通信部 [編] 250-273
3000027764 國際パンフレット通信 / ジャパン・タイムス社國際パンフレット通信部 [編] 274-298
3000027764 國際パンフレット通信 / ジャパン・タイムス社國際パンフレット通信部 [編] 299-321
3000027764 國際パンフレット通信 / ジャパン・タイムス社國際パンフレット通信部 [編] 322-337(325欠)
3000027764 國際パンフレット通信 / ジャパン・タイムス社國際パンフレット通信部 [編] 328-350
3000027764 國際パンフレット通信 / ジャパン・タイムス社國際パンフレット通信部 [編] 351-364
3000027764 國際パンフレット通信 / ジャパン・タイムス社國際パンフレット通信部 [編] 365-381
3000027764 國際パンフレット通信 / ジャパン・タイムス社國際パンフレット通信部 [編] 382-396
3000027764 國際パンフレット通信 / ジャパン・タイムス社國際パンフレット通信部 [編] 397-413
3000046783 國際パンフレット通信. 經濟要誌 19-26
2000525434 滿洲國經濟地理圖説 / 川西正鑑著