

書誌ID タイトル 巻号
2000503744 S.T. Aksakow's Familienchronik / nach Sergius Raczynskis Übertragung aus dem Russischen bearbeitet und erweitert von H. Röhl
2000511998 SBZ von A bis Z : ein Taschen- und Nachschlagebuch über die Sowjetische Besatzungszone Deutschlands / herausgegeben vom Bundesministerium für gesamtdeutsche Fragen
2000492848 SPY : twenty years in Soviet secret service : the memoirs of Gordon Lonsdale
2000492429 Sacrosanctum Concilium Tridentinum : cum citationibus ex utroque testamento, Juris Pontificii Constitutionibus, aliisque S. Rom. Eccl. Conciliis, Ultima hac Editione quam absolutissimum. Cui accedunt ad calcem XXVI. Juris antiqui Constitutiones, quae nominatim ab hoc Concilio innovantur, Nec-non Indices totius Operis locupletissimi
2000510283 Safe conduct : an early autobiography, and other works / Boris Pasternak ; translated by Alec Brown ; Five lyric poems translated by Lydia Pasternak-Slater
2000497547 Sagen polnischer Juden / Ausgewählt und übertragen von Alexander Eliasberg
2000278871 Saint Hyacinthe et ses compagnons : XIIIe siècle / comtesse de Flavigny
2000500692 Saint-Amant : poète du baroque français / Maria Strzałkowa
2000518459 Saints of Russia / Constantin de Grunwald ; translated by Roger Capel
2000519817 Sakuska : russische Erinnerungen und Erlebnisse / von Eugen Zabel
2000518514 Salonica and after : the sideshow that ended the war / by H. Collinson Owen ; with a foreword by George Milne
2000516427 Salute to our Russian ally : report of the Congress of American-Soviet friendship, New York City, November 7 & 8, 1942
2000517995 Samarkand : la bien gardée / A. Durrieux et R. Fauvelle
2000495365 Sammlung der von der Dorpater Stadtverordneten-Versammulung innerhalb der Jahre 1878-1883 erlassenen obligatorischen, Verordnungen, Instructionen und Beschlüsse allgemein verbindlichen Inhalts
2000493907 San Francisco / by Colm Brogan
2000492652 Sandrik : child of Russia / by Olga Tchirikova ; under the editorial supervision of Frank Scully, with an introduction by Grand Duke Alexander
2000500141 Sanine : a Russian love novel / by Michael Artzibashev ; with illustrations by Cameron Wright ; translated into Englisg by Percy pinkerton
2000513397 Sans dogme / H. Sienkiexicz ; traduit du polonais par A. Wodzinski
2000518032 Sarajevoer Wegweiser
2000510572 Sasha / by Alexander Kuprin ; translated from the Russian by Douglas Ashby ; with a preface by J.A.T. Lloyd
2000512029 Schiarimenti sugli ultimi avvenimenti della Polonia con XVI Atti autentici a ciò relativi / traduzione sopra l'edizione tedesca di Magonza
2000517434 Schicksalsstunden des Balkans / Franz Thierfelder
2001153066 Schicksalswende von der Marne bis zur Vesle 1918 / verfasser: Alfred Stenger
2000517163 Schlamm- und Seebad Hapsal in Estland / Zusammengestellt von Rudolph von Holst ; herausgegeben von der Badekommission
2000495622 Schlesien und der Orient : Ein geschichtlicher Rückblick / von Heinrich Wendt
2000503203 Schlüssel zur Russischen Konversations-Grammatik zum Schul- und Selbstunterricht / von Paul Fuchs
2000494118 Schragen für die Gewerks-Meister in Riga
2000276009 Schragen für die Gewerksmeister, Gesellen und Lehrlinge in der Stadt Dorpat
2000490879 Science de la politique / par Ivan Golovine
2000502417 Science des lettres Soviétiques / Benjamin Goriely
2000500664 Science of the service of Soviet agriculture / by N. Tsitsin
2000495597 Scientific Russian : a textbook for classes and self-study / James W. Perry
2000517982 Scientific work of our polar expedition / by E. Fyodorov
2000512689 Scipione Piattoli e la Polonia con un'appendice di documenti / Alessandro d'Ancona
2000492698 Scots in old Poland / by W. B.
2000492698 Scots in old Poland / by W. B.
2000495917 Seafaring Poland / by Peter Jordan and Alexander Janta
2000516116 Searchlight on Europe / by John de Courcy
2000492645 Secret Siberia / by Emil Lengyel
2000511991 Secret memoirs of the court of Berlin / by Honoré Gabriel Riqueti, comte de Mirabeau ; with a special introduction by Oliver H.G. Leigh
2000517130 Secure Russia! / by Querens
2000517126 Seeing Russia / by E.M. Newman
2000516877 Seeing red : today in Russia / by Negley Farson
2000495096 Select constitutions (England, U.S.A., Switzerland, U.S.S.R., and India) / by Anup Chand Kapur
2000502397 Select tales of Tchehov / translated from the Russian by Constance Garnett
2001594620 Selected Czech tales / translated by Marie Busch and Otto Pick
2000501931 Selected correspondence of Fryderyk Chopin : abridged from Fryderyk Chopin's correspondence / collected and annotated by Bronislaw Edward Sydow ; translated and edited with additional material and a commentary by Arthur Hedley
2000502440 Selected philosophical essays / N.A. Dobrolyubov ; translated by J. Fineberg
2000279393 Selected philosophical essays / N.G. Chernyshevsky
2000279393 Selected philosophical essays / N.G. Chernyshevsky
2000518031 Serbiens und Montenegros Untergang : Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Weltkrieges / von Oberst Immanuel
2000518029 Serbisches Mittelalter : altserbische Herrscherbiographien Bd. 1
2000511185 Sevastopol / by Lyof N. Tolstoï ; translated from the Russian by Isabel F. Hapgood
2000516961 Seven Britons in Imperial Russia, 1698-1812 / edited by Peter Putnam
2000513009 Seven brothers / by Alexis Kivi ; translated from the Finnish by Alex Matson
2000517483 Seven rivers to Bologna / by Marek Świe̦cicki
2000502669 Shadowed paths / Ivan Bunin
2000497828 Shakespeare in Poland / by Josephine Calina (Mrs. Allardyce Nicoll)
2000517688 Shaw on Stalin
2000512633 Short stories / by Yordan Yovkov ; [translators, Marco Mincoff and Marguerite Alexieva ; editor, Mercia MacDermott]
2000513326 Short stories from the Balkans / translated into English by Edna Worthley Underwood
2000518322 Siberia / by Emil Lengyel
2000518272 Siberia : its conquest and development / Yuri Semyonov ; translated from the German by J.R. Foster
2000518272 Siberia : its conquest and development / Yuri Semyonov ; translated from the German by J.R. Foster
2000519774 Siberia to-day / by Frederick F. Moore
2000492643 Siberia's untouched treasure : its future rôle in the world / by C.G. Fairfax Channing
2000167756 Siberian Arctic : the story of the Siberian Company / by Jonas Lied
2000393892 Siberian garrison / by Rodion Markovits ; translated from the Hungarian [by George Halasz]
2000167757 Siberian man and mammoth / by E.W. Pfizenmayer ; translated from the German by Muriel D. Simpson
2000518276 Siberian passage : an explorer's search into the Russian artic / Innokenty P. Tolmachoff
2000554484 Sibirien : Gefangenschaft und Revolution / W. v. Nippold
2000518015 Sibirien : Zukunft und Problem der UdSSR / Oswin Cornelius Pfeiffer
2000518291 Sibirien : ein Zukunftsland / Fridtjof Nansen
2000519809 Sibirien : ein anderes Amerika / Otto Heller
2000318238 Sibirien : eine Landeskunde / von Arved Schultz
2000512965 Sibirische Garnison : Roman unter Kregsgefangenen / von Rodion Markovits
2000503745 Sibirische Sklaven : Erzählung / L. Melschin : Übersetzt von Sonja Wermer ; Umschlag von Berthold Löffler
2000518481 Sibérie : notes de voyage et de séjour, 1902-1903 / Albert Bordeaux ; ouverage accompagné de 12 gravures hors texte et d'une carte
2000513453 Sielanka : a forest picture, and other stories / by Henryk Sienkiewicz ; authorized unabridged translation from the Polish by Jeremiah Curtin
2000516395 Silent is the Vistula : the story of the Warsaw uprising / by Irena Orska ; translated from the Polish by Marta Erdman
2000500676 Simon Lissim / préface de Paul Léon
2000517722 Sitte und Brauch des livländischen Kaufmanns / von Friedrich Alexander Redlich
2000491505 Sitzungsbericht des Kongresses der organisierten nationalen Gruppen in den Staaten Europas / [Europäischer Nationalitäten Kongress] 1926-1930
2000491505 Sitzungsbericht des Kongresses der organisierten nationalen Gruppen in den Staaten Europas / [Europäischer Nationalitäten Kongress] 1931-1936
2000510574 Six poems from the Russian / [translated by] Jacob Krup ; with twelve interpretive illustrations by Herbert Fouts
2000510275 Sketch of Russian history / James W. Gerard
2000513426 Sketches in Poland / written and painted by Frances Delanoy little
2000519847 Sketches of Finland / edited by the Finnish Section of the New York World's Fair
2000507469 Sketches of Soviet Russia : whole cloth and patches / by John Varney
2000516641 Skizzen aus dem Europäischen Russland / von A. Janke Heft 1-2
2000519827 Skythien und die Skythen des Herodot : und seine Ausleger, nebst Beschreibung des heutigen Zustandes jener Länder / von Friedrich Ludwig Lindner
2000511215 Slav and Moslem : historical sketches / by J. Milliken Napier Brodhead
2000517198 Slavery under Hitler's "new order" / with a foreword by Walter Citrine
2000492857 Slaves et Germains / par Jacques Ancel
2000494775 Slaves need no leaders : an answer to the fascist challenge to education / Walter M. Kotschnig
2000516645 Slavia : kulturbilder från Volga till Donau / af Alfred Jensen
3000001170 Slavic papers / the Florida State University 4-8
2000512653 Slavische Anthologie : In deutschen Uebersetzungen / Mit Einleitung von Gregor Krek
2000497312 Slavische Volkforschungen : Abhandlungen über Glauben, Gewohnheitrechte, Sitten, Bräuche und die Guslarenlieder der Südslaven / von Friedrich S. Krauss
2000278041 Slawen, Russen, Germanen : ihre gegenseitigen Verhältnisse in der Gegenwart und Zukunft
2000554515 Slowakische Volkskultur / Rudorf Bednárik
2000511490 Sobieski : King of Poland / Oton Laskowski : translated by F.C. Anstruther ; foreword by Bruce Boswell
2000512027 Sobieski : roi de Pologne d'après les estampes de l'époque
2000512022 Sobieski : roi de Pologne, 1629-1696 / J.-B. Morton
2000493879 Social and economic planning in the Soviet union : speech at conference on social and economic planning of the League of Nations Union, February 19, 1935 / by M. Maisky ; with an introduction by Arthur Henderson
2000242593 Social legislation in Poland : an information talk given at the Allied lawyers'foyer,3,New Square,London,W.C.2 on the 15th of May,1944 / J.Bloch
2000276759 Socialism is not inevitable : an evaluation of collectivism against the background of traditional values / by Henry K. Kozmian
2000493137 Socialism victorious / Stalin ... [et al.]
2000500668 Socialist farming / by K. Borin
2000493131 Socialist planned economy in the Soviet Union / [by V. Ossinsky and others]
2000276497 Socialists and Poland / by Sir Patrick J. Dollan
2000510300 Soixante années du règne des Romanoff : Nicolas I[er] et Alexandre II / Ernest Daudet
2000495637 Some darker aspects of higher education in Poland / Stanislaw R. Seliga
2000493895 Some economic problems of Poland / by Leon Barański
2000493903 Some facts about Poland / by MacDonald-Jałowiecki
2000512423 Some truths about Poland / by William Henry Chamberlin
2000518499 Sommer in der Mongolei / Nora Waln
2000512374 Sommernächte : auf der Weidenflöte / Marya Konopnicka ; aus dem polnischen von Otto Hauser
2000497839 Son of the Danube / by Boris G. Petroff
2000512664 Sonette aus der Krim / Adam Mickiewicz ; Nachdichtung und vorwort von Arthur Ernst Rutra
2000511430 Soul of the sea / by Leonid Sobolev ; foreword and translation from the Russian by Nicholas Orloff
2000507677 Sous Lénine : notes d'une femme déportée en Russie par les Anglais / Odette Keun
2000502915 Sous l'étoile des Soviets / Georges Popoff ; traduit par L.-A. Delieutraz
2000494513 Southeast Asia tomorrow : problems and prospects for US policy / Melvin Gurtov
2000516664 Souvenirs d'auvergne et impressions de jeunesse / par J.-M. Biélawski
2000516916 Souvenirs d'un condamné à mort / Grégoire Alexinsky
2000517143 Souvenirs d'un grenadier du caucase, 1914-1920 / Capitaine C. Popov ; traduction Française d'Alexander Kaznakov
2000508522 Souvenirs d'un page du tzar Nicolas / Joseph Lubomirski
2000518483 Souvenirs d'un voyage dans la Tartarie / par Régis Évariste Huc
2000516118 Souvenirs de Starobielsk / Joseph Czapski
2000510582 Souvenirs de la comtesse Golovine, née princesse Galitzine, 1766-1821 / [Varvara Golovina] ; avec une introduction et des notes par K. Waliszewski
2000506682 Souvenirs de ma vie / Anna Viroubova ; traduit du Russe par N. Bogoraze
2000502687 Souvenirs de ma vie littéraire / par Maxime Gorki ; traduit du russe avec l'autotisation de l'auteur par Michel Dumesnil de Gramont
2000518457 Soviet Asia : progress and problems / by E.S. Bates
2000517397 Soviet Government Statements on Nazi atrocities
2000516912 Soviet Russia : a description for British workers / by Charles Trevelyan
2000252872 Soviet Russia : a living record and a history / by William Henry Chamberlin
3000063780 Soviet Russia : official organ of the Russian Soviet Government Bureau / Russian Soviet Government Bureau 6
2000492846 Soviet Russia and her neighbors / by R. Page Arnot
2000517686 Soviet Russia fights neurosis / by Frankwood E. Williams
2000492644 Soviet Russia in China : a summing-up at seventy / by Chiang Chung-Cheng (Chiang Kai-shek)
2000511181 Soviet Russian literature / by Gleb Struve
2000501942 Soviet Russian scientific and technical terms : a selective list
2000493132 Soviet Union year-book / compiled and edited by A.A. Santalov and Louis Segal
2000516960 Soviet attitudes toward authority : an interdisciplinary approach to problems of Soviet character / Margaret Mead
2000497526 Soviet ballet / by Iris Morley
2000495880 Soviet civil aviation / by V. Molokov
2000493564 Soviet communes / Robert G. Wesson
2000319479 Soviet democracy / by Pat Sloan
2000493119 Soviet economic development since 1917 / by Maurice Dobb
2000494122 Soviet economic experiments in Poland / S.Z. Tomczak
2000494095 Soviet economic power : its organization, growth, and challenge / Robert W. Campbell
2000262260 Soviet education : its psychology and philosophy / Maurice J. Shore
2000494743 Soviet education for science and technology / Alexander G. Korol
2000253893 Soviet espionage / by David J. Dallin
2000494791 Soviet foreign trade : menace or promise / by J.M. Budish and Samuel S. Shipman
2000106855 Soviet geographical explorations and discoveries / N. A. Gvozdetsky ; [translated from the Russian by Anatoly Bratov]
2000494752 Soviet imperialism / by G.A. Tokaev
2000275755 Soviet justice and the trial of Radek and others / by Dudley Collard ; with an introduction by D. N. Pritt
3000002465 Soviet literature 1946(8-9)
3000002465 Soviet literature 1948(10-12)
3000002465 Soviet literature 1948(6-9)
3000002465 Soviet literature 1949(1,4-6)
3000002465 Soviet literature 1949(7,9-11)
3000002465 Soviet literature 1950(3-5)
3000002465 Soviet literature 1950(6-8)
3000002465 Soviet literature 1950(9-12)
3000002465 Soviet literature 1951(1-2)
2000508765 Soviet literature : an anthology / edited and translated by George Reavey & Marc Slonim
2000508764 Soviet literature to-day / by George Reavey
2000493909 Soviet political schools : the Communist Party adult instruction system / by Ellen Propper Mickiewicz
2000390238 Soviet politics : at home and abroad / Frederick L. Schuman
2000394662 Soviet politics : the dilemma of power : the role of ideas in social change / by Barrington Moore Jr
2000493351 Soviet potentials : a geographic appraisal / George B. Cressey
2000494754 Soviet professional manpower : its education, training, and supply / Nicholas De Witt
2000277421 Soviet psychology : a symposium / with a foreword by Ralph B. Winn
2000516620 Soviet scene : a newspaperman's close-ups of new Russia / by Frederick Griffin
2000517971 Soviet scientist in China / Mikhail A. Klochko ; translated by Andrew MacAndrew
2000508515 Soviet short stories : sovetskie rasskazy / edited by Richard Newnham
2000518462 Soviet staff officer / Ivan Krylov ; translated by Edward Fitzgerald
2000492651 Soviet strength and strategy in Asia / Ivar Spector
2000495072 Soviet students / by S. Kaftanov
2000502711 Soviet versus civilization / by Augur
2000502170 Soviet writings on earth satellites and space travel
2000495593 Soviet youth at work and play / by S. Sobolev
2000407272 Sovietism : the A B C of Russian Bolshevism - according to the Bolshevists / by William English Walling
2000517150 Sowjet-Russland : eine geopolitische Problemstellung / Oskar von Niedermayer, Juri Semjonow ; geleitwort von Karl Haushofer
2000290223 Sowjetrussland zwischen Revolution und Restauration / Boris Meissner
2000509557 Soyez maudits, bolcheviks! / Vl. Bourtzeff
2000276753 Sozialismus und Sozialpolitik : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der sozialpolitischen Kämpfe unserer Zeit / von Heinrich Oberwinder
2000495343 Space time motion : an historical introduction to the general theory of relativity / by A.V. Vasiliev ; translated form the Russian by H.M. Lucas & C.P. Sanger ; with and introduction by Bertrand Russell
2000493617 Spartakusbriefe / herausgegeben vom Institut für Marxismus-Leninismus beim Zentralkomitee der Sozialistischen Einheitspartei Deutschlands
2000513354 Special Karte des Fürstenthumes Montenegro (Cèrnagora) mit angrenzenden Gebieten von Dalmatien, Albanie, Bosnie under Hercecovina
2000492881 Speech delivered by Monsieur Tadeusz Romer at a meeting of the Polish National Council held in London on September 13, 1943
2000517736 Spies and traitors of World War II / by Kurt Singer
2000494757 Spione und Saboteure : von dem Volksgericht in Moskau
2000518550 Spirit of Ukraine : Ukrainian contributions to world's culture / D. Snowyd
2000497294 Sport in the U.S.S.R / by A. Starostin
2000495894 Sports in the Rumanian people's republic
2000279411 Sprechen und Denken : ein Bericht über neue gemeinsame Ziele der polnischen und der deutschen Grundlagenforschung / von Heinrich Scholz
2000511995 Spring freshets and other stories ; Smoke
2000518049 Spring held no hope / by Maria Mikorska
2000503461 Spruchwörterbuch : Sammlung deutscher und fremder Sinnsprüche, Wahlsprüche, Inschriften an Haus und Gerät, Grabsprüche, Sprichwörter, Aphorismen, Epigramme, von Bibelstellen, Liederanfängen, von Zitaten aus älteren und neueren Klassikern, sowie aus den Werken moderner Schriftsteller, von Schnaderhüpfln, Wetter- und Bauernregeln, Redensarten usw. / nach den Leitworten, sowie geschichtlich geordnet und unter Mitwirkung deutscher Gelehrter und Schriftsteller herausgegeben von Franz Freiherrn von Lipperheide
2000503460 Ssanin / M. Artzibaschew ; aus dem Russischen überstzt von Stefania Goldenring
2000501932 St. Francis of Assisi and Giotto : art on the altar of faith / by Alexander Koltonski ; translated from the Polish by Edward Weintal
2000502664 St. Petersburg / by Andrey Biely ; translated with an introduction by John Cournos ; foreword by George Reavey
2000440704 St. Petersburg : eine Geschichte der Stadt und ihrer Baudenkmäler / G. Lukomskij
2001594658 Staatsform und Wirtschaft der Nationen / bearbeitet von Michael Freund
2000517985 Stalin & Co. : the politburo -- the men who run Russia / Walter Duranty
2000517683 Stalin / Isaac Don Levine
2000517680 Stalin / Nikolaus Basseches ; translated from the German by E.W. Dickes
2000517681 Stalin / by Emil Ludwig ; [translated by Erna McArthur]
2000518273 Stalin : Bolsjevismens väg från leninism till stalinism / Anton Karlgren
2000517684 Stalin : Czar of all the Russias / by Eugene Lyons
2000517687 Stalin : a biographical sketch of the man who leads the U.S.S.R. / by Ivor Montagu
2000518274 Stalin : a critical survey of Bolshevism / by Boris Souvarine
2000517679 Stalin : a new world seen through one man / by Henri Barbusse ; translated by Vyvyan Holland
2000474650 Stalin : a political biography / I. Deutscher
2000474650 Stalin : a political biography / I. Deutscher
2000518553 Stalin : an appraisal of the man and his influence / by Leon Trotsky ; edited and translated from the Russian by Charles Malamuth
2000517986 Stalin : the career of a fanatic / Essad-Bey ; authorised translation from the German by Huntley Paterson
2000518275 Stalin and the red army / by K.E. Voroshilov
2000517708 Stalin im Blitzlicht der Presse und Karikatur / Martin Pase
2000554040 Stalin must have peace / by Edgar Snow
2000507481 Stalin und seine Erben / Wilhelm Starlinger
2000517685 Stalin's heirs / Gordon Young ; with a foreword by Sir David Kelly
2000517702 Staline : aperçu historique du bolchévisme / Boris Souvarine
2000154512 Stalinism in Prague : the Loebl story / by Eugen Loebl ; translated by Maurice Michael
2000494108 Stalintern / Ypsilon
2000499875 Stanislao re di Pollonia, romanzo istorico, seguito da un compendio dell'istoria di Pollonia, e di Lorena, del signore di Renneville / traduzione del francese v. 1-3
2000499875 Stanislao re di Pollonia, romanzo istorico, seguito da un compendio dell'istoria di Pollonia, e di Lorena, del signore di Renneville / traduzione del francese v. 4-6
2000503471 Stanislaus Polonus : ein polnischer Frühdrucker in Spanien / von Aloys Ruppel
2000513372 Stanisław August Poniatowski und der Ausgang des Alten Polenstaates / von Otto Forst-Battaglis
2000497556 Star hunger / by Victoria Janda
2000502909 Star in eclipse : Russian Jewry revisited / by Joseph B. Schechtman
2000494115 State and law : Soviet and Yugoslav theory / by Ivo Lapenna
2000490901 Statistical atlas of Poland / Edward Szturm de Sztrem
3000063756 Statistical yearbook of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia / Federal Institute for Statistics 13 (1966)
2000494763 Statistischer Bericht der Handels- und Gewerbekammer in Prag an das hohe kais. kön. Ministerium für Handel, Gewerbe und öffentliche Bauten 1. Heft
2000490885 Statistisches Handbuch der Čechoslovakischen Republik / Zusammengestellt vom Statistischen Staatsamte 4
2000495617 Statut der 1. Jurjewer Allgemeiner Krankenkasse
2000492409 Statut der Stipendienkasse für studirende Söhne Evangel.-Lutherischer Pastore des livländischen Consistorialbezirks
2000497321 Statut des Baltischen Reitervereins = Балт◆ī◆йское Общество любителей верховой ◆i︠e︡◆зды
2000495095 Statut des Pensionsfonds für Lehrer und Lehrerinnen an Privatschulen in Livland
2000495620 Statut des geselligen Vereins "Bürgermusse" in der Stadt Dorpat
2000492411 Statuten der Gesellschaft der Ressource in Dorpat
2000495618 Statuten der im Jahre 1761 gestifteten unf seit dem Jahre 1831 neu organisirten, Dorpat-Werroischen, Prediger-, Wittwen- und Waisenkasse
2000500688 Statuten der im Jahre 1974 in Dorpat errichteten, unter dem Namen die erneuerte Hülfe im Jahre 1827 neu organisirten Leichen-Cassa
2000500686 Statuten des Livländischen Vereins zur Beförderung der Landwirtschaft und des Gewerbfleisses
2000497319 Statuten des Vereins zur Errichtung einer heil-gymnastischen Anstalt in Dorpat
2000495906 Statuten des Verreins zur Vildung einer Sterbe-Casse in Dorpat
2000497821 Statuten des Wohlthätigkeits-Vereins zu Dorpat
2000518301 Stefan Osuský : ministre de Tchécoslovaquie à Paris, docteur honoris causa de l'Université de Dijon, Discours prononcés pour son investiture le 5 février 1936
2000507683 Storia della Russia / Eugenio Šmurlo v. 1
2000507683 Storia della Russia / Eugenio Šmurlo v. 2
2000508523 Storia della Russia / di Ettore Lo Gatto
2000512973 Storia della letteratura baltiche / a cura di Giacomo Devoto
2000513003 Storia della letteratura polacca / Marina Bersano Begey
2000510303 Storia della letteratura russa antica / Riccardo Picchio
2000511180 Stories by foreign authors : Russian
2000495331 Stories of Russian folk-life / by Donald A. MacKenzie
2000502178 Stories of Russian life / by Anton Tchekoff ; translated from the Russian by Marian Fell
2000511684 Story of a secret state / by Jan Karski
2000518480 Strange communists I have known / by Bertram D. Wolfe
2000511437 Stranger than fiction / Dennis Wheatley
2000493376 Strategy and tactics of Soviet foreign policy / J. M. Mackintosh
2000511650 Struggle death memory, 1939-1945 : on the twentieth anniversary of the rising in the Warsaw ghetto
2000500164 Studia linguistica in honorem Thaddaei Lehr-Spławiński / [komitet redakcyjny, Tadeusz Milewski, Jan Safarewicz, Franciszek Sławski
3000063813 Studia romanica zagrabiensia / Facultas Philosophica Universitatis Sudiorum Zagrabiensis 2(3)
2000507953 Studies in rebellion / by E. Lampert
2000511491 Suffer little children / by Irena Wasilewska
2000509217 Sulamite / Alexandre Kouprine ; traduit du russe par Marc Semenoff & S. Mandel
2000516619 Summing-up on Russia / by Stephen Graham
2000511202 Sur la question sexuelle / Léon Tolstoï ; traduit du Russe par J.-W. Bienstock
2000492886 Sur les routes d'exil : heures de Macédoine / Albert Guenard
2000511204 Sur mon père / par Tatiana Tolstoï
3000063779 Survey graphic 33(2)
2000506672 Survey of Russian history / by B.H. Sumner
2000279409 Synodal-Predigt gehalten bei Eröffnung der Kurländischen Provinzial-Synode am 3. September 1892 / von J. Boettcher
2000512674 Séances et travaux : année 1935 / Centre d'études polonaises
2000494319 Séjour de N. Boulaganine et de N. Khrouchtchev en Inde, en Birmanie, et en Afghanistan (18 novembre - 19 décembre 1955)
2000518306 Südslavische Skizzen / Maria Schuller
2001593656 Tableau de la littérature russe : depuis son origine jusqu'a nos jours / Constantin Pétrow ; traduit du russe avec l'autorisation de l'auteur par Alexandre Romald
3000063751 Tagebuch 11(31-39,43,47,52)
3000063751 Tagebuch 12(5-6,13,26-27,52),13(4-11),14(9)
3000063751 Tagebuch 5(52),10(28),11(21-30)
2000519812 Tagebuchblätter eines sibirischen Sträflings / L. Melschin 1-2
2000518488 Taiga : abenteuerliche Erlebnisse in den Urwäldern des fernen Ostens / von Reinhard Augustin
2000501630 Talachkino : l'art décoratif des ateliers de la princesse Ténichef
2000511660 Tale of a city
2000516355 Tale of a vanished land : memories of a childhood in old Russia / by Harry E. Burroughs ; illustrated with wooducts by Howard Simon
2000513452 Tales from Henryk Sienkiewicz / [edited by Monica M. Gardner]
2000511452 Tales from Tolstoi / [Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoĭ] ; translated from the Russian, with biography of the author, by R. Nisbet Bain
2000499870 Tales of Serbian life / by E. Chivers Davies ; with illustrations by Gilbert James William Sewell and Noel L. Nisbet
2000495101 Tales of early Poland / by Sigmund H. Uminski
2000503751 Tales of war / Mihail Sadoveanu
2000517660 Talk about Russia with Masha Scott / Pearl S. Buck
2001152958 Tannenberg / verfasser: Theobald v. Schäfer
2000280141 Tauriens Vergangenheit und Gegenwart in Wort und Bild / von Anton von Padua Johannes Zerr
2000512979 Tausend Jahre Geschichte Polens / Aleksander Gieysztor, Stanisław Herbst, Bogusław Leśnodorski
2000502404 Tchitchikoff's journeys : or, dead souls / by Nikolaï Vasilievitch Gogol ; translated from the Russian by Isabel F. Hapgood v. 1
2000502184 Tchékhov : par lui-même / Sophie Laffitte
2000503748 Teatro Romeno / Alexandrina Mititelu
2000495607 Technisches Taschenwörterbuch in russischer und deutscher Sprache, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Maschinen-, Kraftwagen-, Luftfahrt- u. Elektrotechnik, einschl. der drahtlosen Telegraphie und des Rundfunks / Herausgegeben von S.I. Lavroff 1. teil
2000495607 Technisches Taschenwörterbuch in russischer und deutscher Sprache, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Maschinen-, Kraftwagen-, Luftfahrt- u. Elektrotechnik, einschl. der drahtlosen Telegraphie und des Rundfunks / Herausgegeben von S.I. Lavroff 2. teil
2000494107 Tempête d'Asie / Michel Prostoï
2000516416 Ten questions about Poland / by H.W. Henderson
2000518524 Terezin, Terezín
2000490146 Terrorismus und Kommunismus : Anti-Kautsky / L. Trotzki
2000490899 Texas pioneers from Poland : a study in the ethnic history / by Jacek Przygoda
2000497826 Thaddeus of Warsaw / by Jane Porter
2000511665 The "Polish corridor" : the facts / Augur
2000513930 The Alhambra and the Kremlin : the South and the North of Europe / Samuel Irenæus Prime
2000513360 The American journalism of Marx & Engels : a selection from the New York daily tribune / edited by Henry M. Christman ; introduction by Charles Blitzer
2000517969 The Antagonists / by Mervyn Jones
2000517187 The Atlantic charter : no territorial quarantees to aggressors, no dictatorships / by Stanisław Stronski
2000504872 The Balkan peninsula / by Frank Fox
2000517430 The Balkan trail / by Frederick Moore
2000492665 The Balkans : Roumania, Bulgaria, Servia, and Montenegro ; with new chapter containing their history from 1896 to 1908 / by William Millar
2000504022 The Balkans : a laboratory of history / by William M. Sloane
2000492666 The Balkans from within / by Reginald Wyon
2000519802 The Baltic States : Latvia, Lithuania & Estonia / by Hebe Spaull
2000517161 The Baltic, Britain and peace / by Rowmund Piłsudski
2000518477 The Bialek affair / by Stewart Thomson
2000518317 The Black Brigade / by F.S. Kurcz ; translated by Peter Jordan
2000390224 The Bolsheviki and world peace / by Leon Trotzky ; introduction by Lincoln Steffens
2000493166 The British-Polish alliance : its origin and meaning / by Count Edward Raczynski
2000504033 The Bulgarians Anglo-Saxondom / by Constantine Stephanove
2000495097 The Communist Party of the Soviet Union : party leadership organization and ideology / Boris Meissner ; edited and with a chapter on the Twentieth Party Congress by John S. Reshetar ; translations by Fred Holling
2000519843 The Congress of Vienna : an eyewitness account / edited and with an introduction by Hilde Spiel ; translated from the German by Richard H. Weber
2000508528 The Cossacks / Philip Longworth
2000510926 The Cossacks ; Sevastopol
2000517385 The Crimea and Odessa : journal of a tour, with an account ot the climate and vegetation / by Charles Koch ; translated by Joanna B. Horner
2000511678 The Crimean diktat must be annulled / by Adam Wolmar
2000497539 The Danube and the Black Sea : memoir on their junction by a railway between Tchernavoda and a free port at Kustendjie, with remarks on the navigation of the Danube, the Danubian provinces, the corn trade, the ancient and present commerce of the Euxine, and notices of history, antiquities, &c. / by Thomas Forester
2000517677 The East European revolution / Hugh Seton-Watson : pbk
2000512032 The Eastern Pretender : Boleslaw Piasecki, his life and times / Lucjan Blit
2000504028 The Eastern question : an historical study in European diplomacy / by J.A.R. Marriott
2000393624 The European cockpit / by William Henry Chamberlin
2000512976 The European heritage : a synopsis of European cultural achievement / by Watson Kirkconnell
2000519835 The European world : a historical introduction / by Paul Farmer
2000502904 The Fortress / by Robert Payne
2000516406 The Free Intermarium Charter : the Intermarium future is the fate of 160,000,000 Europeans!
2000519857 The Genesis of the Oder-Neisse Line : in the diplomatic megotiations during World War II, sources and documents / compiled and edited by Gotthold Rhode and Wolfgang Wagner
2000517127 The German attack on the U.S.S.R. / speeches by Molotov, Stalin and Litvinov ; foreword by Neil Maclean
2000492707 The German minority in Poland : and the problem of transfer of population
2000517474 The German new order in Poland
2000277073 The God that failed : six studies in communism / by Arthur Koestler ... [et al.] ; with an introduction by Richard Crossman
2000504876 The Greek sedition / F.A. Voigt
2000492710 The History of the Romanian people / edited by Andrei Oṭetea ; [translated by Eugenia Farca] ; coordinating committee, A. Oṭetea ... [et al.]
2000492388 The Jewish autonomous region / by D. Bergelson
2000490878 The Jews and other minor nationalities under the Soviets / by Avrahm Yarmolinsky
2000493873 The Khrushchev pattern / by Frank Gibney
2000511448 The Kingdom of God is within you
2000510909 The Kremlin : nerve-centre of Russian history / by Victor Alexandrov ; translated by Roy Monkcom
2000509528 The Kremlin vs. the people : the story of the cold civil war in Stalin's Russia / by Robert Magidoff
2000517183 The Land of the rainbow : Poland and her people / by Violet Mason
2000493158 The Latvian economist / compiled by J. Bokalders
2000507952 The March of Muscovy : Ivan the Terrible and the growth of the Russian Empire, 1400-1648 / by Harold Lamb
2000516955 The March wind : explorations behind the Iron Curtain / Desmond Donnelly
2000510282 The Moscow Art Theatre series of Russian plays / edited by Oliver M. Sayler
2000495881 The Moscow subway / by E. Abakumov
2000495878 The Moscow-Volga Canal / by A. Komarovsky
2000504284 The Near East from within / by ****
2000507466 The October revolution : a collection of articles and speeches / by Joseph Stalin
2000510624 The Oder-Neisse problem : towards fair play in Central Europe
2000513458 The Olympic discus : a story of ancient Greece / Jan Parandowski ; introduction by George Harjan
2000278861 The Philosophical ideas of Alexander Radishchev / by Jesse V. Clardy
2000490661 The Poles in America 1608-1972 : a chronology & fact book / compiled and edited by Frank Renkiewicz
3000063744 The Polish American review 1(1-7,9-10)
2000494521 The Polish American school system / by Francis Bolek
2000516415 The Polish conspiracy??
2000500701 The Polish constitution of the third of May : Poland's national holiday
3000063830 The Polish digest 1945
2000495108 The Polish home army and the red army : (the grim process of subjugation to Lublin), an example of freedom under Russian liberation
2000492422 The Polish immigration committee in the United States : a historical study of the American committee for the relief of Polish immigrants, 1947-1952 / by Thaddeus Theodore Krysiewicz
2000495918 The Polish law of marriage and divorce / by Kazimierz Niec
2000513427 The Polish nation / by Wincenty Lutosławski
2000495634 The Polish plan for a nuclear-free zone today / Adam Rapacki
2000511651 The Polish question : Poland's place in modern history / by R.F. Leslie
2000492420 The Polish road : excerpts from minutes of the VIIIth plenum of the Polish united worker's party
2000512702 The Polish spirit of freedom
2000516679 The Polish tradition : an interpretation of a nation / by Paul Super
2000516401 The Polish troops in Italy / by Marian Czuchnowski
2000511493 The Polish volcano : a case history of hope / by Flora Lewis : [pbk.]
2000511653 The Polish worker's day : a working day in the life of a polish worker in occupied Warsaw
2000493165 The Polish-German frontier / by J.M. Winiewicz
2000493600 The Polish-German frontier from the standpoint of international law / by Bolesław Wiewióra ; preface by Alfons Klafkowski
2000512397 The Polish-Soviet frontier / by Stanisław Grabski
3000063803 The Record of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York 9(6)
2000494514 The Red China lobby / by Forrest Davis and Robert A. Hunter ; foreword by Arthur W. Redford
2000502906 The Russian Bastille / by Simon O. Pollock
2000516626 The Russian Empire : its people, institutions, and resources / by Baron von Haxthausen ; translated [from the German] by Robert Faire v. 1
2000516626 The Russian Empire : its people, institutions, and resources / by Baron von Haxthausen ; translated [from the German] by Robert Faire v. 2
2000502166 The Russian Revolution / Alan Moorehead
2000334051 The Russian Revolution, 1917 : a personal record / by N.N Sukhanov ; edited, abridged, and translated by Joel Carmichael from Zapiski o revolutsii
2000508239 The Russian Revolution, 1917-1926 / Lancelot Lawton
2000316096 The Russian Soviet Republic / by Edward Alsworth Ross
2000510917 The Russian advance / by Albert J. Beveridge
2000516881 The Russian empire : historical and descriptive / By John Geddie
2000507470 The Russian empire of to-day and yesterday : the country and its peoples, together with a brief review of its history, past and present, and a survey of its social, political, and economic conditions / by Nevin O. Winter
2000509527 The Russian experiment / by Arthur Feiler ; translated by H.J. Stenning
2000492884 The Russian forward area / by P. Frontiersman
2000509530 The Russian glory / by William Gallacher
2000276754 The Russian menace to Europe / by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels ; a collection of articles, speeches, letters and news dispatches, selected and edited by Paul W. Blackstock and Bert F. Hoselitz
2000507956 The Russian peasant : and other studies / by John Maynard ; with a foreword by Ernest Barker Book 1
2000507956 The Russian peasant : and other studies / by John Maynard ; with a foreword by Ernest Barker Book 1
2000507956 The Russian peasant : and other studies / by John Maynard ; with a foreword by Ernest Barker Book 2
2000507956 The Russian peasant : and other studies / by John Maynard ; with a foreword by Ernest Barker Book 2
2000516963 The Russian soul and revolution / by Fedor Stepun ; translated by Erminie Huntress
2000507960 The Russian story : the coming of age of a great people / by Nicholas Mikhailov
2000504861 The Russians : the land, the people, and why they fight / by Albert Phys Williams
2000495062 The Russians and their language / by N. Jarintzov, with an introduction discussing the problems of pronunciation and transliteration ; and a preface by Nevill Forbes
2000495062 The Russians and their language / by N. Jarintzov, with an introduction discussing the problems of pronunciation and transliteration ; and a preface by Nevill Forbes
2000495076 The Russians at sea : a history of the Russian navy / David Woodward
2000492709 The Russians at the gates of Herat / by Charles Marvin
2000493373 The Russians in Ethiopia : an essay in futility / by Czesław Jeśman
2000516391 The Samaritans : heroes of the holocaust / by Wladyslaw Bartoszewski and Zofia Lewin
2000493398 The Sino-Soviet conflict : eleven radio discussions / edited by Leopold Labedz & G.R. Urban
2000517443 The Slav nations / by Srgjan Pl. Tucić ; English translation by Fanny S. Copeland
2000508527 The Slavs / by G.F. Maclear
2000478435 The Slavs in European history and civilization / by Francis Dvornik
2000513987 The Slavs of the war zone / by W.F. Bailey
2000495066 The Soviet Air Force / by Asher Lee
2000493406 The Soviet Union and European security / Y. Nalin and A. Nikolayev ; [translated from the Russian by Murad Saifulin and Ken Russell
2000492650 The Soviet Union and peace : the most important of the documents issued by the Government of the U.S.S.R. concerning peace and disarmament from 1917 to 1929 / with an introduction by Henri Barbusse
2000492711 The Soviet Union and peace : the most important of the documents issued by the Government of the U.S.S.R. concerning peace and disarmament from 1917 to 1929 / with an introduction by Henri Barbusse
2000493886 The Soviet Union and the baltic states / by Kaarel Robert Pusta
2000509584 The Soviet Union, 1922-1962 : a foreign affairs reader / edited by Philip E. Mosely ; foreword by Hamilton Fish Armstrong
2000500132 The Soviet Union, from Lenin to Khrushchev / Committee on Un-American Activities, House of Representatives, Eighty-sixth Congress, second session
2000513928 The Soviet bloc : unity and conflict / by Zbigniew K. Brzezinski
2000493549 The Soviet challenge to America / by George S. Counts
2000490649 The Soviet design for a world state / Elliot R. Goodman
2000431290 The Soviet family / David and Vera Mace
2000517980 The Soviet far east / by Paulina Ossipenko
2000390240 The Soviet impact on society : a recollection / by Dagobert D. Runes ; with a foreweord by Harry Elmer Barnes
2000517661 The Soviet impact on the Western world / by Edward Hallett Carr
2000277238 The Soviet power : the socialist sixth of the world / Hewlett Johnson ; with illustrations by Nowell Mary Hewlett Johnson
2000508237 The Soviet regime : communism in practice / W.W. Kulski
2000497292 The Soviet screen / by S. Eisenstein
2000495330 The Soviet secret services / Otto Heilbrunn
2000494742 The Soviet spies : the story of Russian espionage in North America / by Richard Hirsch
2000512625 The Soviet stand on Germany : 9 key documents including diplomatic papers and major speeches by N.S. Khrushchev, proposals for a German Peace Treaty, with a letter to the American people from Nikata S. Khrushchev
2000472184 The Soviet system of government / by John N. Hazard
2000497296 The Soviet theater / by I. Moskvin
2000510921 The Soviet union today : an outline study / syllabus and bibliography by the staff of the American Russian Institute
2000517983 The Soviet wintering station on the drifting ice / by I. Papanin
2000490874 The Soviet world / Luca Pietromarchi ; translated by Lovett F. Edwards
2000328902 The Soviets / by Albert Rhys Williams
2000331631 The Soviets expected it / by Anna Louise Strong
2000493872 The Soviets in world affairs : a history of relations between the Soviet Union and the rest of the world, 1917-1929 / by Louis Fischer
2000500137 The Stakhanov movement explained / by Alexei Stakhanov
2000500138 The Stakhanov movement on Soviet railroads / by P. Krivonoss
2000501903 The Taint of the Romanovs / by Princess Catherine Radziwill
2000502907 The Tcheka : the Red Inquisition / by George Popoff
2000516114 The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk and Germany's eastern policy / by John W. Wheeler-Bennett
2000510908 The Tukhachevsky affair / Victor Alexandrov ; translated from the French by John Hewish
2000493124 The U.S.S.R. : a geographical survey / by James S. Gregory and D.W. Shave
2000492691 The U.S.S.R. and the future : an analysis of the new program of the CPSU / edited by Leonard Schapiro ; associate editor, Albert Boiter
2000493876 The U.S.S.R. as a world economic power / by E. Varga
2000125254 The USSR arms the third world : case studies in Soviet foreign policy / Uri Ra'anan
2000507226 The Ukraine : a submerged nation / by William Henry Chamberlin
2000497522 The United States and Russia / by Vera Micheles Dean
2000392913 The United States and the Soviet Union : some Quaker proposals for peace / a report prepared for the American Friends Service Committee
2000276222 The United front : the struggle against fascism and war / by Georgi Dimitroff
2000507955 The Volga rises in Europe / by Curzio Malaparte ; translated by David Moore
2000494114 The Waldstein Woolen Mill : noble entrepreneurship in eighteenth-century Bohemia / by Herman Freudenberger
2000500698 The Warsaw Ghetto : drawings / by Józef Kaliszan ; compiled and edited by Czeslaw Z. Banasiewicz
2000510627 The Warsaw heresy / S.L. Shneiderman
2000517487 The Warsaw rising / a selection of documents made by Andrzej Pomian
2000495329 The White Sea canal : being an account of the construction of the new canal between the White Sea and the Baltic Sea / written by L. Auerbach ... [et al.] ; English edition prepared from the Russian version and edited, with a special introduction, by Amabel Williams-Ellis
2000554245 The Yalta Declarations and the San Francisco Conference : a radio discussion over Station WGN and the Mutual network / Francis Swietlik ... [et al.]
2000517191 The abbey is ours
2000513455 The accomplished senator of Laurentius Goslicius / by W.J. Stankiewicz
2000495587 The achievement of Soviet medicine / edited by W. Horsley Gantt ; [translated from the Russian by V. Shneerson, W. Horsley Gantt]
2000519839 The age of terror / by Leslie Paul
2000276221 The agrarian problem in Poland / by Tadeusz Mincer ; edited by the Polish research centre, London
2000511489 The amorous adventures of Augustus of Saxony / by Karl Ludwig von Pöllnitz ; translated from the French by a Gentleman of Oxford
2000385475 The anarchists / James Joll
2000385475 The anarchists / James Joll
2000517119 The anatomy of Soviet man / Klaus Mehnert ; translated from the German by Maurice Rosenbaum.
2000490890 The anatomy of exile : a semantic and historical study / by Paul Tabori
2000512367 The anniversary of the battle of Grunwald / Oswald Balzer
2000512367 The anniversary of the battle of Grunwald / Oswald Balzer
2000500180 The art of Poland / by Irena Piotrowska
2000497531 The art of writing / André Maurois ; translated by Gerard Hopkins
2000510970 The background of Polish-German relations in charts and figures / Donald E. Super
2000503462 The bard of the Dimbovitza : Rovmanian folk-songs / collected from the peasants by Hélène Vacaresco ; translated by Carmen Sylva [pseud.] and Alma Strettell
2000510562 The beginnings of Russian history : an enquiry into sources / by N.K. Chadwick
2000518050 The big five / by George Michael
2000506673 The big thaw : a personal exploration of the "new" Russia and the orbit countries / by C.L. Sulzberger
2000516108 The big three : the United States, Britain, Russia / by David J. Dallin
2000497525 The birth of ballets-russes / Peter Lieven ; translated by L. Zarine
2000502931 The birth of the Russian democracy / A.J. Sack
2000502176 The bishop, and other stories / by Anton Tchehov ; from the Russian by Constance Garnett
2000519855 The blood shed unites us : pages from the history of help to the Jews in occupied Poland / Władysław Bartoszewski
2000518512 The blue Danube : Black Forest to Black Sea / by Bernard Newman
2000516898 The blue steppes : adventures among Russians / by Gerard Shelley
2000493871 The bolsheviks in the tsarist Duma / by A. Badayev ; with an article by Lenin on the work and trial of the bolshevik group in the Duma, and an introduction by Em Yaroslavsky
2000511675 The boundaries of Poland pt. 1
2000511674 The boundaries of Poland
2000511217 The bridge on the Drina / Ivo Andrić ; translated from the Serbo-Croat by Lovett F. Edwards
2000512415 The bridgehead of East Prussia / edited by the Polish Research Centre
2000511453 The brigadier, and other stories ; On the eve
2000513344 The builders of new Rome and other lettish tales / Rudolfs Blaumanis ... [et al.] ; translated by Leslie A. Marshall
2000516389 The camp of death / with a foreword by Jennie L. Adamson
2000516398 The camp of disappearing men : a story of the Oswiecim concentration camp, based on reports from the Polish underground labor movement
2000511172 The campaign in the Crimea : an historical sketch / by George Brackenbury ; illustrated by forty plates, from drawings taken on the spot by William Simpson
2000513433 The cape of good hope / by Zygmunt Nowakowski
2000510284 The captain's daughter / Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin ; [tr. from the Russian by Ivy & Tatyana Litvinov]
2001594842 The captive mind / by Czeslaw Milosz ; translated from the Polish by Jane Zielonko
2000500134 The case of Comrade Tulayev / by Victor Serge
2000276762 The case of Henryk Erlich and Victor Alter / foreword by Camille Huysmans
2000501934 The centenary of the technical University of Lwow, 1844-1944
2000493369 The challenge of Russia / by Sherwood Eddy
2000493180 The challenge of Russia / by Sherwood Eddy
2000277071 The challenge of bolshevism : a new social ideal / by D.F. Buxton
2000253892 The changing world of Soviet Russia / by David J. Dallin
2000502394 The cherry orchard and other plays / by Anton Tchehov ; from the Russian by Constance Garnett
2000507207 The city of the red plague : Soviet rule in a Baltic town / by George Popoff ; translated by Robin John
2000513984 The comedy of Poland / by Olivier D'Etchegoyen ; translated by Nora Bickley
2000493125 The communist answer to the world's needs : discussions in economic, political and social philosophy, a sequel to Moscow dialogues / by Julius F. Hecker
2000500131 The communist ideology / Committee on Un-American Activities, House of Representatives, Eighty-sixth Congress, first session
2000494314 The communist international / V. I. Lenin
2000495332 The communist trial : an American crossroads / by George Marion
2000275756 The condition of the workers in Great Britain, Germany and the Soviet Union, 1932-1938 / by Jürgen Kuczynski
2000554748 The conference of Heads of State or Government of Non-aligned Countries : Belgrade, September 1-6, 1961
2000517981 The conquest of the arctic / by Otto Schmidt
2000510567 The conscience of the Revolution : communist opposition in Soviet Russia / Robert Vincent Daniels
2000516396 The conscience of the world and Poland / Xawery Glinka
2000493118 The conscription of a people / by the Duchess of Atholl
2000517202 The core of a continent : problems of Central and Eastern Europe / by Henryk Strasburger
2000276204 The countryside, past and present / by V. F. Molyakov
2000506665 The courtships of Catherine the Great / by Philip W. Sergeant
2000497791 The cult of power : essays / by Rex Warner
2000500182 The cultural heritage of Jasna Góra / by Zofia Rozanow and Ewa Smulikowska ; photographs by Jan Michlewski and Janusz Rosikón ; with an introduction by Władysław Tomkiewicz
2000517446 The curtain rises / by Quentin Reynolds
2000493167 The curzon line / by Adam Pragier
2000516121 The dark side of the moon / with a preface by T.S. Eliot
2000502671 The darling, and other stories / by Anton Tchehov ; from the Russian by Constance Garnett ; with introduction by Edward Garnett
2000511443 The death of Ivan Ilyitch and other stories
2000517682 The death of Stalin / an investigation by 'Monitor'
2000509540 The death of the Gods / by Dmitri Mérejkowski ; translated by Herbert Trench
2000517475 The defence of Poland (September 1939) / by M. Norwid Neugebauer
2000517748 The description of Swedland, Gotland, and Finland / by George North ; with an introduction by Marshall W.S. Swan
2000519841 The development of the European nations, 1870-1900 / by J. Holland Rose
2000517400 The development of the USSR : an exchange of views / edited by Donald W. Treadgold
2000511454 The diary of a superfluous man, and other stories ; Fathers and children
2000441591 The documentary record of the ... Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union : from the translations of the Current Digest of the Soviet Press / edited by Leo Gruliow and the staff of the Current Digest of the Soviet Press ; with a Who's Who of the Central Committee compiled by Mark Neuweld extraordinary 21st
2000511196 The dragon : fifteen stories / Yevgeny Zamyatin ; translated and edited by Mirra Ginsburg
2000512051 The drama of Upper Silesia : a regional study / by William John Rose
2000502173 The duel, and other stories / by Anton Tchehov ; from the Russian by Constance Garnett
2000513434 The dying day / Wlodzimierz Odojewski ; translated by Maurice Michael
2000490657 The eagle and the roots / by Louis Adamic
2000516410 The eastern boundaries of Poland / by A. Bruce Boswell
2000519828 The eastern marchlands of Europe / by H.G. Wanklyn ; with a foreword by Alan G. Ogilvie
2000511657 The eastern provinces of Poland
2000510273 The eclipse of Russia / by E.J. Dillon
2000493127 The economic life of Soviet Russia / by Calvin B. Hoover
2000493898 The economic structure of Poland / by Feliks Bocheński ; foreword by G.C. Allen
2000391531 The edge of freedom / John B. Oakes
2000512701 The elephant / Slawomir Mrozek ; translated from the Polish by Konrad Syrop ; illustrated by Daniel Mroz
2000502182 The embezzlers / Valentine Kataev ; translated by Leonide Zarine
2000507224 The epic of the Finnish nation / by Stephen de Ullmann
2000502165 The epic songs of Russia / by Isabel Florence Hapgood ; with an introductory note by Francis J. Child
2000501897 The epic songs of Russia / by Isabel Florence Hapgood ; with an introductory note by J.W. Mackail
2000513014 The estate / Isaac Bashevis Singer
2000516956 The face of Poland / by Bernard Newman
2000502401 The fall of Paris / by Ilya Ehrenburg ; translated from the Russian by Gerard Shelley
2000508233 The fall of Tsardom / by Carl Joubert
2000502677 The fall of a titan / by Igor Gouzenko ; translated from the Russian by Mervyn Black
2000509529 The fall of the Romanoffs : How the Ex-empress & Rasputine caused the Russian Revolution / by the author of "Russian court memoirs"
2000503178 The fifth seal / by Mark Aldanov ; translated by Nicholas Wreden
2000518044 The fire of desert folk : the account of a journey through Morocco / by Ferdinand Ossendowski ; English text by Lewis Stanton Palen
2000311008 The firebrand of Bolshevism : the true story of the Bolsheviki and the forces that directed them / by Princess Catherine Radziwill
2000495631 The first Polish bomber squadron in Britatin : July 1st, 1940-July 1st, 1943 / [edited by Peter Jprdan & Alexander Janta] ; [cover and drawings by W. Machan]
2000509587 The first Russian radical, Alexander Radishchev, 1749-1802 / David Marshall Lang
2000507684 The first Russian revolution : its impact on Asia / Ivar Spector
2000508507 The first two Moscow trials : Why? / Francis Heisler ; preface by Roy E. Burt
2000510975 The flaming border / by Czeslaw Poznanski ; preface by Adam Ciolkosz
2000493378 The flying troika : extracts from a diary / by K. P. S. Menon
2000494103 The food industry of the U.S.S.R. / by P.S. Zhemchuzhina
2000276207 The forced labour swindle / by William Wainwright
2000494511 The foreign affairs fudge factory / John Franklin Campbell
2000394679 The foreign policy of Soviet Russia, 1929-1941 / Max Beloff v. 1
2000394679 The foreign policy of Soviet Russia, 1929-1941 / Max Beloff v. 2
2000494747 The foundations of imperialist policy : a course of lectures read to the Academy of the General Staff in 1918-1919 / by Michel Pavlovitch
2000495366 The frontiers of language and nationality in Europe / by Leon Dominian
2000493905 The fruits of Teheran / by Issac don Levine
2000510557 The future of Russia / by Harry Braverman
2000492647 The game of diplomacy / by a European diplomat
2000502670 The gentleman from San Francisco, and other stories / by I.A. Bunin
2000511179 The golden age of Russian literature / by Ivar Spector
2000510309 The golden rose : literature in the making / K. Paustovsky
2000472697 The government of European cities / by William Bennett Munro
2000472736 The governments of Europe / William Bennett Munro and Morley Ayearst
2000517673 The grand tactician : Khrushchev's rise to power / by Lazar Pistrak
2000502201 The grass of oblivion / Valentin Katayev ; translated from the Russian and with an introduction by Robert Daglish
2000502908 The great conspiracy : the secret war against Soviet Russia / by Michael Sayers and Albert E. Kahn
2000493553 The great contest : Russia and the West / by Isaac Deutscher
2000493889 The great delusion : the autobiography of an ex-Communist leader / by Cecil H. Sharpley
2000492847 The great globe itself : a preface to world affairs / by William C. Bullitt
2000493613 The great improvisation / Adam Mickiewicz ; translated by Louise Varèse
2000516622 The great offensive / Maurice Hindus
2000494753 The great purge trial / edited, and with notes, by Robert C. Tucker and Stephen F. Cohen ; with an introduction by Robert C. Tucker
2000517676 The great spy scandal / research by Donald Seaman ; edited by John S. Mather
2000511176 The greatness of man : an essay on Dostoyevsky and Whitman / by Perry D. Westbrook
2000554286 The growth of Polish democracy / by William J. Rose
2000492680 The guardians of the gate : historical lectures on the Serbs / R.G.D. Laffan ; with a foreword by Vice-Admiral E.T. Troubridge
2000519830 The historical development of modern Europe : from the congress of Vienna to the present time / by Charles M. Andrews v. 1-2
2000490875 The historical road of Eastern Orthodoxy / Alexandser Schmemann ; translated by Lydia W. Kesich
2000517756 The historical role of Central-Eastern Europe / by Oskar Helecki
2000512040 The history of Poland
2000127566 The history of Polish literature / Czesław Miłosz
2000279866 The history of the Council of Florence / Ivan N. Ostroumoff ; translated from the Russian by Basil Popoff
2000504294 The history of the Lithuanian nation and its present national aspirations / by Kunigas Antanas Jusaitis
2000506669 The history of the present war with Russia : giving full details of the operations of the allied armies / by Henry Tyrrell [v. 1]
2000506669 The history of the present war with Russia : giving full details of the operations of the allied armies / by Henry Tyrrell [v. 2]
2000506669 The history of the present war with Russia : giving full details of the operations of the allied armies / by Henry Tyrrell [v. 3]
2000506669 The history of the present war with Russia : giving full details of the operations of the allied armies / by Henry Tyrrell [v. 4]
2000506669 The history of the present war with Russia : giving full details of the operations of the allied armies / by Henry Tyrrell [v. 5]
2000506669 The history of the present war with Russia : giving full details of the operations of the allied armies / by Henry Tyrrell [v. 6]
2000519836 The hope of Europe / by Philip Gibbs
2000502174 The horse-stealers, and other stories / by Anton Tchehov ; from the Russian by Constance Garnett
2000492654 The imperial Soviets / Henry C. Wolfe
2000502658 The imperial orgy : an account of the tsars from the first to the last / Edgar Saltus
2000510976 The importance of the Polish eastern provinces for the Polish Republic / by W. Wielhorski ; translated by J. Sapieha
2000504871 The incredible Balkans / by Konrad Bercovici
2000494101 The industrial might of the U.S.S.R. / by I. Bardin
2000493126 The industrial revival in Soviet Russia / by A.A. Heller ; with an introduction by Charles P. Steinmetz
2000516120 The inhuman land / Joseph Czapski ; foreword by Daniel Halévy ; introduction by Edward Crankshaw ; translated from the French by Gerard Hopkins
2000516115 The intelligent man's review of Europe to-day / G.D.H. Cole and Margaret Cole
2000492701 The intimate papers of Colonel House / arranged as a narrative by Charles Seymour v. 1
2000492701 The intimate papers of Colonel House / arranged as a narrative by Charles Seymour v. 2
2000511441 The invaders and other stories
2000511187 The invaders and other stories / by Lyof N. Tolstoï ; translated from the Russian by Nathan Haskell Dole
2000518535 The iron ration : three years in warring Central Europe / by George Abel Schreiner
2000518053 The journal of Countess Françoise Krasinska, great grandmother of Victor Emmanuel / translatd from the Polish by Kasimir Dziekonsk
2000517382 The key to the Russian door / by Eileen Bigland
2000517751 The keys : a journey through Europe at war / Maria Kuncewiczowa
2000516353 The kinsmen know how to die / Sophie Botcharsky and Florida Pier
2000513438 The knotted cord : a novel / by Jerzy Pietrkiewicz
2000276205 The kolkhoz (collective farm) / by F. Klimenko
2000501906 The lady with the dog and other stories / by Anton Tchehov ; from the Russian by Constance Garnett
2000517973 The land of Soviets : the country and the people / [by N. Mikhailov ... et al.]
2000513927 The land of Thor / by J. Ross Browne ; illustated by the author
2000279429 The land of socialism today and tomorrow : reports and speeches at the Eighteenth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks), March 10-21, 1939
2000513421 The land of the Polish people / by Eric P. Kelly
2000502681 The land of the children / by Sergey Gussiev Orenburgsky ; translated from the Russian by Nina Nikolaevna Selivanova
2000511432 The last days of Sevastopol / by Boris Voyetekhov ; translated from the Russian by Ralph Parker & V.M. Genne
2000502676 The last plays of Maxim Gorki / adapted for the English stage by Gibson-Cowan
2000512697 The last romans“Ostatni Rzymianie": a tale of the time of Theodosius the Great / by Theodore Jeske-Choinski ; with a foreword and archaeological note by G. Barry O'Toole
2000517669 The life and death of Lenin / by Robert Payne
2000506666 The life and reign of Nicholas the First, Emperor of Russia : with descriptions of Russian society and government, a complete history of the war in the East,and sketches of Schamyl the Circassian chief, and other distinguished caracters / Samuel M. Schmucker
2000511189 The life and teaching of Leo Tolstoy : a book of extracts with an introduction / by G.H. Perris
2000517753 The life of Lord Curzon : being the authorized biography of George Nathaniel / by Earl of Ronaldshay Vol. 1
2000517753 The life of Lord Curzon : being the authorized biography of George Nathaniel / by Earl of Ronaldshay Vol. 2
2000517753 The life of Lord Curzon : being the authorized biography of George Nathaniel / by Earl of Ronaldshay Vol. 3
2000510630 The life of Louis Kossuth, governor of Hungary : including notices of the men and scenes of the Hungarian revolution, to which is added an appendix containing his principal speeches, &c. / by P.C. Headley ; with an introduction, by Horace Greeley
2000518545 The life of Zamenhof / by Edmond Privat ; translated, from the original Esperanto, by Ralph Eliott
2000509543 The literature of eighteenth-century Russia : an anthology of Russian literary materials of the age of classicism and the Enlightenment from the reign of Peter the Great, (1689-1725), to the reign of Alexander I, (1801-1825) / edited and translated, and with an introduction and notes, by Harold B. Segel v. 2
2000495595 The little citizen of a big country / by M. Ilin
2000493397 The logic of the Oder-Neisse frontier / by Józef Kokot
2000504287 The long Balkan night / by Leigh White
2000511444 The long exile and other stories
2000502402 The love of Jeanne Ney / by Ilya Ehrenburg ; translated from the Russian by Helen Chrouschoff Matheson
2000516349 The mainsprings of Russia / by Maurice Baring
2000513418 The major comedies of Alexander Fredro / translated, with an introduction & commentaries, by Harold B. Segel
2000393983 The major foreign powers : the governments of Great Britain, France, the Soviet Union and China / John C. Ranney, Gwendolen M. Carter ; under the General editorship of Benjamin F. Wright
2000519834 The making of Central and Eastern Europe / by Francis Dvornik
2000500142 The malachite casket : tales from the Urals / Pavel Bazhov ; translated by Alan Moray Williams
2000518464 The man from the Volga : a life of Lenin / by F.J.P. Veale ; with introduction by E.B. Osborn
2000517734 The man who disappeared : the strange history of Noel Field / Flora Lewis
2000513015 The manor / Isaac Bashevis Singer
2000513303 The materialist conception of history / by George Plekhanov
2000492692 The memoirs of an ambassador : a contribution to the political history of modern times / by Freiherr von Schoen ; translated by Constance Vesey
2000517752 The mermaid and the Messerschmitt / by Rulka Langer
2000492873 The might of nations : world politics in our time / by John G. Stoessinger
2000493123 The mind and face of Bolshevism : an examination of cultural life in Soviet Russia / by René Fülöp-Miller ; translated from the German by F.S. Flint and D.F. Tait
2000493123 The mind and face of Bolshevism : an examination of cultural life in Soviet Russia / by René Fülöp-Miller ; translated from the German by F.S. Flint and D.F. Tait
2000517671 The mind of an assassin / Isaac Don Levine
2000517112 The mind of modern Russia : historical and political thought of Russia's great age / edited by Hans Kohn
2000513327 The mountain wreath of P.P. Nyegosh prince-Bishop of Montenegro, 1830-1851 / rendered into English by James W. Wiles ; with an introduction by Vladeta Popović
2000513327 The mountain wreath of P.P. Nyegosh prince-Bishop of Montenegro, 1830-1851 / rendered into English by James W. Wiles ; with an introduction by Vladeta Popović
2000512047 The mystery of the Polish crown jewels / by Karol Estreicher ; foreword by the Rt. Hon. Lord Macmillan
2000516896 The national policy of the Soviet Union / A. Rysakoff
2000516627 The national question solved / by Chimnaz Aslanova
2000490663 The nationalities problem and Soviet administration : selected readings on the development of Soviet nationalities policies / selected, edited and introduced by Rudolf Schlesinger ; translated by W.W. Gottlieb
2000517452 The native's return : an American immigrant visits Yugoslavia and discovers his old country / by Louis Adami
2000504870 The new Balkans / by Hamilton Fish Armstrong ; with an introduction by Archibald Cary Coolidge
2000519833 The new Eastern Europe / by Ralph Butler
2000493899 The new League of Nations : Dumbarton Oaks proposals, a commentary / by Stanisław Stroński
2000512694 The new Poland / by Irving Brant
2000517399 The new Russia / by Dorothy Thompson
2000510307 The new Russia / by Lionel Decle
2000478285 The new Soviet Empire / David J. Dallin
2000478285 The new Soviet Empire / David J. Dallin
2000255307 The new class : an analysis of the communist system / by Milovan Djilas
2000255307 The new class : an analysis of the communist system / by Milovan Djilas
2000510617 The new order in Poland / by Simon Segal ; with an introduction by Raymond Leslie Buell
2000517672 The northern circuit : or brief notes of Sweden, Finland, and Russia
2000512960 The oral art and literature of the Kazakhs of Russian Central Asia / Thomas G. Winner
2000390250 The origin of the communist autocracy : political opposition in the Soviet state, first phase 1917-1922 / by Leonard Schapiro
2000508236 The origins of modern Russia / Jan Kucharzewski
2000492425 The orthodox eastern church in Poland : past and present / edited by The Polish Research Centre
2000513960 The other Europeans / Anton Zischka ; translated by Brian Battershaw
2000516428 The outbreak of war : 22nd August-3rd September
2000519832 The outbreak of war, 1914 / by E.F. Benson
2000325331 The overthrow of tzarism
2000506661 The pageant of Russian history / by Elizabeth Seeger ; decorations and maps by Bernard Watkins and Erik Magons
2000497787 The palace of Soviets / by A. Prokofiev
2000502395 The party, and other stories / by Anton Tchehov ; from the Russian by Constance Garnett
2000512405 The pattern of Soviet domination / by Stanislaw Mikolajczyk
2000478542 The pattern of Soviet power / by Edgar Snow
2000516681 The people of Poland / by Bernard Newman
2000516618 The people of great Russia : a psychological study / by Geoffrey Gorer and John Rickman
2000494312 The period of war communism, 1918-1920 / V. I. Lenin
2000493554 The petroleum industry of the Soviet Union / Robert E. Ebel
2000495638 The phonological system of a Hungarian dialect : an introduction to structural dialectology / by A. László Arany
2000179363 The poems, prose and plays by Alexander Pushkin / selected and edited, with an introduction, by Avrahm Yarmolinsky
2000513459 The poetry of Adam Mickiewicz / by Wiktor Weintraub
2000502408 The poetry of Yevgeny Yevtushenko, 1953 to 1965 / translated with an introduction by George Reavey
2000494790 The polish penal code of 1932 and the law of minor offenses / translated by Raphael Lemkin and Malcolm McDermott
2000276013 The polish problem : my talks with Professor Adam Pragier / by W. Maliniak
2000512420 The political future of Germany
2000494096 The prerequisites of the first Russian revolution, 1894-1899 / V. I. Lenin
2000517395 The present state of Russia / by Friedrich Christian Weber v. 1
2000517395 The present state of Russia / by Friedrich Christian Weber v. 2
2000492389 The press and the moscow trial : an analysis / by Maurice Dobb
2000512640 The problems of Lieutenant Knap / Jiří Mucha ; translated from the Czech by E. Osers
2001478198 The process of capitalist production / by Karl Marx ; translated from the third German edition, by Samuel Moore and Edward Aveling ; and edited by Frederick Engels
2000494759 The process of capitalist production as a whole / edited by Frederick Engels ; translated from the first German edition by Ernest Untermann
2000494758 The process of circulation of capital / by Karl Marx ; edited by Frederick Engels ; translated from the second German edition by Ernest Untermann
2000513444 The promised land / translated from the Polish of Ladislas Reymont by M.H. Dziewicki v. 1
2000513444 The promised land / translated from the Polish of Ladislas Reymont by M.H. Dziewicki v. 2
2000492419 The protestant churches in Poland / edited by The Polish Research Centre, London ; with a preface by William J. Rose
2000493135 The psychology of Bolshevism / by John Spargo
2000516348 The puppet show of memory / by Maurice Baring
2000495103 The queen of heaven / by Maryan Gawalewicz ; translated from the Polish by Lucia Borski Szczpanowicz and Kate B. Miller
2000497790 The rabbit king of Russia / by R.O.G. Urch
2000495594 The railroads of the U.S.S.R. / by V. Obraztsov
2000510969 The rainbow / a novel by Wanda Wasilewska ; translated by Edith Bone and edited for the American edition by Sonia Bleeker
2000511646 The re-birth of Poland / by W.K. Korostowetz
2000517388 The real Russia / Irving R. Levine
2000168209 The real Siberia : together with an account of a dash through Manchuria / by John Foster Fraser
2000511228 The real Soviet Russia / by David J. Dallin ; translated by Joseph Shaplen
2000497792 The real life of Sebastian Knight / by Vladimir Nabokov
2000507993 The rebirth of Russia / by Isaac F. Marcosson
2000491103 The red Bible : an anthology / compiled by Sidney Dark
2000492849 The red spider web : the story of Russian spying in Canada / by Bernard Newman
2000507958 The red terror in Russia / by Sergey Petrovich Melgounov
2000510922 The reign of Stalin / Alexander Uralov [i.e. A. Avtorkhanov] ; translated from the French by L.J. Smith
2000497527 The revival of Marxism / by J. Shield Nicholson
2000512959 The revolt against civilization : the menace of the under-man / by Lothrop Stoddard
2000325335 The revolution betrayed : what is the Soviet Union and where is it going? / by Leon Trotsky ; trasnlated by Max Eastman
2000494308 The revolution of 1905-07 / V. I. Lenin
2000512050 The revolution of nihilism : warning to the West / by Hermann Rauschning ; [translated from German by E.W. Dickes]
2000247298 The riddle of Russia / by E. Ashmead-Bartlett ; with a introduction by the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Birkenhead
2000518052 The rim of mystery : a hunter's wanderings in unknown Siberian Asia / by John B. Burnham ; approved by the Boone and Crockett Club
2000513364 The rise and decline of the Cold War / Paul Seabury
2000510615 The rise of Polish democracy / by William John Rose
2000511229 The rise of Russia in Asia / by David J. Dallin
2000502168 The rise of the Russian Empire / by Hector H. Munro
2000512013 The road to Sarajevo / by Vladimir Dedijer
2000518279 The road to oblivion / by Vladimir Zenzinov ; with the collaboration of Isaac Don Levine
2000494772 The road to serfdom / by Friedrich A. Hayek ; with foreword by John Chamberlain
2000511195 The road to the west : sixty Soviet war poems / chosen and translated by Alan Moray Williams and Vivian de Sola Pinto ; with an introduction by Janko Lavrin
2000509539 The romance of Leonardo da Vinci / Dmitri Merejkowski
2000504883 The romance of an empress : Catherine II of Russia / translated from the French of K. Waliszewski
2000384686 The ruling few or the human background to diplomacy / by Sir David Kelly
2000492690 The saving remnant : an account of Jewish survival since 1914 / Herbert Agar
2000502172 The schoolmistress, and other stories / by Anton Tchehov ; from the Russian by Constance Garnett
2000502396 The seagull, the cherry orchard : two plays / Anton Tchekhof ; translated and with an introduction and notes by George Calderon
2000554742 The seat of war in the East : from eighty-one drawings made during the war in the Crimea / by William Simpson ; with an historical sketch of the campaign, and descriptive notices of the illustrations by George Brackenbury
2000517458 The secret history of the war / Waverley Root 1
2000517458 The secret history of the war / Waverley Root 2
2000508508 The secret name : the Soviet record, 1917-1958 / Lin Yutang
2000554244 The self-discovery of Russia / by J.Y. Simpson
2000500139 The seven that were hanged / by Leonid Andreyev
2000511225 The situation in Poland (until the end of September 1945)
2000493892 The sixth country in Europe
2000495107 The sixtieth anniversary of Rogoziński's expedition to the Cameroons / by Henryk Bagiński
2000493911 The socialist movement in Bulgaria : a lecture given at the Socialist Forum at Caxton Hall, on 5th November, 1930 / by T. Tchitchovsky
2000502169 The soul of the Russian Revolution / by Moissaye J. Olgin ; introduction by Vladimir G. Simkhovitch
2000512424 The spirit of Poland / by Monica M. Gardner
2000509589 The spirit of Russia : studies in history, literature, and philosophy / by Thomas Garrigue Masaryk ; translated from the German original by Eden and Cedar Paul ; with additional chapters and bibliographies by Jan Slavík ; the former translated and the latter condensed and translated by W.R. & Z. Lee v. 2
2000491113 The state and communism / F. Burlatsky
2000494100 The state farms of the U.S.S.R. / by P. Lobanov
2000502663 The state of Russia under the present Czar / John Perry
2000501907 The stories of Anton Tchekov / edited, with an introduction, by Robert N. Linscott
2000516948 The storm breaks : a panorama of Europe and the forces that have wrecked its peace / Frederick T. Birchall
2000507463 The story of Moscow / by Wirt Gerrare ; illustrated by Helen M. James
2000511647 The story of Poland / by Bernard Newman
2000506711 The story of Wilno
2000518268 The story of Zoya and Shura / by L. Kosmodemyanskaya
2000516109 The strange alliance : the story of American efforts at wartime co-operation with Russia / by John R. Deane
2000512399 The stranger / Maria Kuncewiczowa ; translated from the Polish by B.W.A. Massey
2000518536 The struggle for mastery in Europe, 1848-1918 / by A.J.P. Taylor
2000504297 The struggle for supremacy in the Baltic, 1600-1725 / Jill Lisk
2000494307 The struggle for the Bolshevik Party, 1900-04 / V. I. Lenin
2000500156 The struggle of the Bulgarians for national independence under Prince Alexander : a military and political history of the war between bulgaria and Servia in 1885 / translated from the German of Major A. von Huhn
2000512416 The survival of Polish civilisation / by A. Bruce Boswell
2000500157 The synagogue treasures of Bohemia and Moravia / by Hana Volavkova
2000508763 The tales of Ivan Belkin / A. Pushkin ; [translated from the Russian by Ivy and Tatiana Litvinov] ; [illustrated by D.A. Shmarinov] ; [designed by S.M. Pozharsky]
2000516361 The technique of Soviet aggression / by H.W. Henderson
2000516363 The tempering of Russia / Ilya Ehrenburg ; translated from the Russian by Alexander Kaun
2000517462 The terror in Europe / by H. Hessell Tiltman
2000494315 The theoretical principles of Marxism / V.I. Lenin
2000493619 The theory and practice of communism : an introduction / R.N. Carew Hunt
2000493557 The theory and practice of communism : an introduction / R.N. Carew Hunt
2000276758 The theory and practice of socialism / by John Strachey
2000497831 The thousand hour day / W.S. Kuniczak
2000490659 The time of illusion / Jonathan Schell
2000497785 The torguts / by W.L. River
2000510593 The tragedy of Central Europe / by Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett
2000502930 The tragic bride : the story of the Empress Alexandra of Russia / by V. Poliakoff (Augur)
2000491102 The transplanting : a narrative from the letters of Marie Balascheff, a Russian refugee in France / edited by Martha Genung Stearns
2000510310 The trial begins / by Abram Tertz
2000494792 The trial of Bukharin / George Katkov
2000511182 The trilogy of Alexander Sukhovo-Kobylin / translated and with an introduction by Harold B. Segel
2000497829 The trumpeter of Krakow : a tale of the fifteenth century / by Eric P. Kelly ; illustration made by Angela Pruszynska in Krakow
2000511656 The truth about Poland
2000511658 The truth about Poland
2000511656 The truth about Poland
2000511658 The truth about Poland
2000516397 The truth about the Russo-Polish conflict / by H.W. Henderson
2000508234 The truth about the Tsar : and the present state of Russia / by Carl Joubert
2000500700 The two Polish constitutions of 1921 and 1935 / by Stanislaw Stronski
2000495105 The two psychological types of language students / by Anthony S. kawczynski
2000493560 The ugly Russian / Victor Lasky
2000516347 The ultimate weapon / by Oleg Anisimov ; with a preface by General William J. Donovan
2000516356 The underground committee carries on / A. Fyodorov ; [translation edited by L. Stoklitsky]
2000507473 The unmaking of a Russian / by Nicholas Wreden
2000518054 The unmentionable Nechaev : a key to Bolshevism / Michael Prawdin
2000168205 The urge to the sea : the course of Russian history : the role of rivers, portages, ostrogs, monasteries, and furs / by Robert J. Kerner
2000279864 The valley of silence : Catholic thought in contemporary Poland / edited by James J. Zatko
2000518503 The vandal of Europe : an exposé of the inner workings of Germany's policy of world domination, and its Brutalizing consequences / by Wilhelm Mühlon ; translated with an introduction by William L. McPherson
2000512004 The vanguard of the "Drang nach Osten" / by Vojta Beneš
2000517967 The vanished pomps of yesterday : being some random reminiscences of a British diplomat / by Lord Frederic Hamilton
2000517122 The view from No. 13 People's Street / Aline Mosby
2000500661 The view from red square : a critique of cartoons from pravda and izvestia, 1947-1964 / by Michael M. Milenkovitch
2000279859 The war against God / edited and with an introduction by Carl Carmer
2000519842 The war and democracy / by R.W. Seton-Watson ... [et al.]
2000517166 The war in Eastern Europe / described by John Reed ; pictured by Boardman Robinson
2000516371 The war in maps : its background and course / edited by George Goodall
2000517401 The war moves east / by Strategicus
2000517401 The war moves east / by Strategicus
2000495635 The welfare of mothers and children in Poland / Zofja Zaleska
2000495337 The white devil of the black sea / by Lewis Stanton Palen
2000495589 The white devil's mate / by Lewis Stanton Palen
2000502175 The wife, and other stories / by Anton Tchehov ; from the Russian by Constance Garnett
2000511171 The woman who could not die / Iulia de Beausobre
2000493121 The world hoax / by Ernest F. Elmhurst ; with an introduction by William Dudley Pelley
2000511435 The year of Stalingrad : an historical record and a study of Russian mentality, methods and policies / by Alexander Werth
2000494309 The years of reaction and of the new revival, 1908-1914 / V. I. Lenin
2000316098 Theodor Vladimirescu und die Orientpolitik : der Beginn national-rumänischer Entwicklung und die Haltung der Anrainergroßmächte Rußland, Österreich und Türkei, 1821-22 / von Alfred Roth
2000494316 Theory of the agrarian question / V. I. Lenin
2000328735 These Russians / by William C. White
2000517113 These are the Russians / by Richard E. Lauterbach
2000277077 Thesen und Resolutionen : Erweiterte Exekutive (Februar/März 1926)
2000277076 Thesen und Resolutionen : Erweiterte Exekutive (März/April 1925)
2000512632 They wanted war / by Otto D. Tolischus
2000518055 Thirty years in the golden north / Jan Weizl ; translated by Paul Selver ; with aforeword by Karel Čapek
2000516892 This is Rusia / by George Earle Raiguel and William Kistler Huff ; with illustrations from photographs decorations by Harold E. Snyder
2000513300 This is our world / by Kurt Lubinski ; with photographs by the author
2000497287 This thing called ballet / George Borodin
2000517975 Those Americans : a travelogue / by N.N. Mikhailov and Z.V. Kossenko ; translated by Joseph Suhadolc and Virginia Moseley ; introduction by Frank S. Meyer
2000280138 Three Russian prophets : Khomiakov, Dostoevsky, Soloviev / Nicolas Zernov
2000510927 Three famous plays / Ivan Turgenev ; translated from the Russian by Constance Garnett ; with an introduction by David Garnett
2000509533 Three loves of Dostoevsky / Marc Slonim
2000502171 Three sisters, and other plays / by Anton Tchehov ; from the Russian by Constance Garnett
2000495590 Through Bolshevik Russia / by Mrs. Philip Snowden
2000516906 Through Russia on a mustang / by Thomas Stevens
2000518321 Through Russia's back door / Richard E. Lauterbach
2000518319 Through Russian Central Asia / by Stephen Graham
2000497783 Through Russian snows : a story of Napoleon's retreat from Moscow / by G.A. Henty ; with 8 illustratons by W.H. Overend and map
2000517492 Through Siberia / by Henry Lansdell v. 1
2000517492 Through Siberia / by Henry Lansdell v. 2
2000493122 Through Soviet windows / by Joseph E. Evans
2000506675 Through the Russian Revolution / by Albert Rhys Williams
2000513934 Thus spake Germany / edited by W.W. Coole and M.F. Potter ; foreword by Lord Vansittart
3000063784 Théâtre en Pologne / Centre Polonais de I'institut International du Théâtre 10(9-12),11(1-11)
2000508247 Théâtre tragique / Dmitri Mérejkowsky
2000492866 Tito / by George Bilainkin
2000392915 Tito and Goliath / by Hamilton Fish Armstrong
2000493393 Tito der rote Rebell : und seine "Vollkommene Demokratie" / von Bruno Mlinaric ; aus dem Kroatischen von J. Edler
2000492684 Tito's Yugoslavia / by Bernard Newman
2000492682 Tito's imperial communism / by R.H. Markham
2000490886 Titoism : pattern for international communism / Charles P. Mcvicker
2000394668 Titoism and the cominform / Adam B. Ulam
2000511649 To Ignace Jan Paderewski : artist, patriot, humanitarian
2000276744 To the Finland station : a study in the writing and acting of history / Edmund Wilson
2000497298 To whom it may concern : the story of Victor Ilyitch Seroff / by M.R. Werner
2000509229 Tolstoi / Friedrich Schulz
2000511213 Tolstoi / von Philipp Witkop
2000511495 Tolstoj oder Dostojewskij : Analyse des abendländischen Romans / George Steiner
2000509547 Tolstoy / by George Rapall Noyes
2000511191 Tolstoy / by Henri Troyat ; translated from the French by Nancy Amphoux
2000509212 Tolstoy : an approach / by Janko Lavrin
2000509546 Tolstoy : his life and work / Derrick Leon
2000502407 Tolstoy : the inner drama / by Hugh I'Anson Faussett
2000502699 Tolstoy et la philosophie de l'amour / par G. Dumas
2001574642 Tolstoy or Dostoevsky : an essay in contrast / George Steiner
2000508252 Tolstoï / Boris Metzel
2000511205 Tolstoï / par Nicolas Weisbein
2000509554 Tolstoï : la vie de Tolstoï, l'œuvre, le Tolstoïsme, Tolstoï et son temps / par Ossip-Lourié
2000509223 Tolstoï est mort : documents inédits / Vladimir Pozner
2000510290 Tolstoï et Dostoïewsky : la personne et l'œuvre / D. Merejkowsky
2000509553 Tolstoï et Gandhi / Milan I. Markovitch
2000491481 Tolstoï et les doukhobors : faits historiques réunis et traduits du russe / par J.W. Bienstock
2000508519 Tolstoï vivant : notes et souvenirs / Maurice Kues
2000509555 Tourguéniev / André Mourois ; illustrations de Georges Tcherkessof
2000517731 Towards a free Europe / by J.H. Harley
2000276751 Towards a new Poland : a programme of the Polish underground movement / with a foreword by Arthur Greenwood ; introduction by Jan Kwapinski
2000513428 Towns and people of modern Poland / by Robert Medill McBride
2000494520 Tradizioni italiane all'Università Jagellonica de Cracovia / Bronisław Biliński
2000511474 Trail blazers for invasion / Z.H. Wachsman
2000493885 Traité de paix conclu entre la Russie et la Lithuanie
2000513396 Traité des mannequins / Bruno Schulz ; traduit du polonais par Suzanne Arlet, Allan Kosko, Georges Lisowki, Georges Sidre
2000518460 Tramps in dark Mongolia / by John Hedley ; with illustrations and a map
2000501914 Transbaïkalie
2000503205 Transvaal : Novellen aus dem neuen Russland / herausgegeben von Erwin Honig
2000279862 Travaux du laboratoire de psychologie experimentale de l'Université de Cracovie / edités par W. Heinrich
2000517389 Travel guide to Russia / by Irving R. Levine
2000513442 Travels & sketches / translated from the Danish of Frederik Poulsen
2000519799 Travels in Siberia : including excursions northwards, down the Obi, to the polar circle, and southwards, to the Chinese frontier / by Adolf Erman ; translatedfrom the German by William Desborough Cooley v. 1
2000519799 Travels in Siberia : including excursions northwards, down the Obi, to the polar circle, and southwards, to the Chinese frontier / by Adolf Erman ; translatedfrom the German by William Desborough Cooley v. 2
2000517447 Travels in the Central Caucasus and Bashan including visits to Ararat and Tabreez and ascents of Kazbek and Elbruz / by Douglas W. Freshfield
2000516380 Treatise of peace with Italy, Roumania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Finland (texts for signature in Paris on 10th February, 1947) / presented by the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to Paliament by Command of His Majesty
2000517486 Treblinka / Jean-François Steiner ; preface by Simone de Beauvoir ; translated from the French by Helen Weaver
2000492860 Trente ans à la cour de Bulgarie, 1887-1918 / Sultane Pétroff
2000511629 Trois lettres / Leon Tolstoi ; traduction et notes de Wsevolod de Vogt
2000511629 Trois lettres / Leon Tolstoi ; traduction et notes de Wsevolod de Vogt
2000516647 Trois mois en Croatie : souvenirs de voyage en Autoriche-Hongrie / par Gosp. Ljudevit Prijateli
2000500703 Trésors de monnaies antiques en Bulgarie / Georges Seure
2000492850 Tsushima : grave of a floating city / by A. Novikoff-Priboy ; translated by Eden and Cedar Paul
2000511193 Turgenev's literary reminiscences and autobiographical fragments / Ivan Turgenev ; translated and with an introduction by David Magarshack ; with an essay on Turgenev by Edmund Wilson
2000518019 Turkestanisches Tagebuch : sechs Jahre in Russisch-Zentralasien / Fritz Willfort ; unter Mitarbeit von Hans Prager
2000504880 Turkey, Greece and the great powers : a study in friendship and hate / by G.F. Abbott
2000492874 Turkism and the Soviets : the Turks of the world and their political objectives / Charles Warren Hostler
2000276496 Twentieth century socialism : what it is not : what it is : how it may come / by Edmond Kelly
2000510910 Twenty letters to a friend / Svetlana Alliluyeva ; translated by Priscilla Johnson McMillan
2000512042 Twenty years of Polish independence / by Zbigniew Grabowski
2000512042 Twenty years of Polish independence / by Zbigniew Grabowski
2000508261 Two commonwealths / by K.E. Holme
2000517998 Types de Sibérie / E.D. Miagkoff ; [traduit du russe par M. Alexandre Kossovsky] 1-3
2000516635 Types et caractères russes / par Ivan Golovine t. 1
2000510298 Tzar : archiduchesse et Burgraves, fantaisies historiques / par J. Lubomirski
2000492852 Tzars et mikados : la bataille de Tsoushima / Maurice Larrouy
2000373882 Témoignage d'vn contemporain svr Saint Vladimir / pvblié povr la première fois en françois par le Prince Avgvstin Galitzin
3000063785 Témoignages : revue de documentation sur l'Europe centrale et orientale 27,30-36
2000517413 U.R.S.S. / Vladimir Pozner ; présentation de Luc Durtain
2000506265 U.R.S.S. et nouvelle Russie / Alfred Silbert
2000470624 USSR : questions and answers
2000510274 USSR : the story of Soviet Russia / by Walter Duranty
2000554279 Ueber Schlesiens älteste Geschichte und Bewohner
2000276756 Ueber das Münzrecht Dorpats : Vortrag, gehalten in der gelehrten estnischen Gesellschaft zu Dorpat / von Harald Toll
2000517730 Ueber den Namen Dorpat : Vortrag gehalten in der Jahresversammlung der Gelehrten Estnischen Gesellschaft am 30. (18.) Januar 1898 / von Leo Meyer
2000491495 Ueber die Dorpater Klöster und ihre Kirchen / von Richard Otto
2000501926 Ueber die Stiftung und bisherige Thäigkeit der libländischen gemeinnützigen und ökonom, Societat
2000279401 Ueber die vierte Bitte des Vaterunsers / vortrag am 22. Januar (3. Februar) 1886 in der Aula der Universität zu Dorpat gehalten von Leo Meyer
2000504303 Ukraine's claim to freedom : an appeal for justice on behalf of thirty-five millions / articles by Edwin Björkman ... [et al.]
2000508774 Ukrainian literature through the ages / Yevhen Shabliovsky ; [translated from the Ukrainian by Abraham Mistetsky, Andrew Marko, Anatole Bilenko ; verses translated by John Weir ; edited by Anatole Bilenko ; designed by Vitaly Mashkov
2000511224 Uladislao IV re di Polonia a monsignor Giovanni Ciampoli : lettera inedita tratta dalla collezione di autografi del marchese Filippo Raffaelli da Cingoli e dallo stesso publicata con note in occasione d'illustri nozze
2000493592 Un corridor Soviétique au cœur de l'Europe / par Charles Vietz
2000517990 Un forézien en Sibérie : de Moscou en Mongolie / par Claudius Aulagnon
2000513386 Un itinéraire en pologne / Henri Bon
2000503740 Un lycéen de Kazan / Serge Aksakov ; traduit et préfacé Sylvie Luneau
2000516922 Un occidental en U.R.S.S. / Henri Membré
2000506717 Un peuple calonminé : réponse a "Miséricorde!" appel adressé a sa sainteté le pape en faveur des peuples opprimés en Turquie et en Macédoine / par B. Vélianoff
2000517741 Un peuple sans nom / A. Borowicz
2000503180 Un rapsode russe, Rjabinin le Père : la byline au XIXe siècle / Wilfrid Chettéoui
2000497301 Un siècle d'opéra Russe (de Glinka à Stravinsky) / R. Hofmann
2000503188 Un tsar idéologue Alexandre I[er] (1777-1825) / Pierre Rain
2000497795 Un tétraptyque russe / par R.P.J. Martinov
2000279861 Un volontaire de la lèpre, le père Beyzym (1850-1912) / M. Czerminsky, S. J. ; traduit et adapté du polonais par L. de Brôel Plater
2000517454 Un été au bord de la Baltique et de la mer du Nord : souvenirs de voyage / par X. Marmier
2000502662 Unchained Russia / by Charles Edward Russell
2000492696 Und Morgen? : Frankreich, Deutschland und Polen (Oberschlesien und Danzig) / von Pierre Valmigère
2000493389 Und du siehst die Sowjets richtig : Berichte von deutschen und ausländischen 'Spezialisten' aus der Sowjet-Union / Herausgegeben von Alfret Laubenheimer
2000501901 Under Cossack & Bolshevik / by Rhoda Power
2000517479 Under strange skies / Christina Soltan
2000513952 Under the carpathians : home of a forgotten people / by J.B. Heisler and J.E. Mellon
2000516875 Under the red flag / by Richard Eaton
2000516895 Under the red star / by Norah Rowan-Hamilton
2000519858 Under their vine and fig tree : travels through America in 1797-1799, 1805 with some further account of life in New Jersey / by Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz ; translated and edited with an introduction and notes by Metchie J.E. Budka
2000517478 Underground Europe / by Curt Riess
2000493900 Underground Poland speaks : manifesto to the peoples of the world / with a foreword by P.J. Noel-Baker
2000511677 Underground resistance in Poland / by W.R. Malinowski
2000516904 Understanding the Russians : a study of Soviet life and culture / edited by Bernhard J. Stern and Samuel Smith
2000501898 Underworld and Soviet / Vladimir Orloff
2001595252 Une Manifestation des alliés pour la Serbie au grand amphithéatre de la Sorbonne : en présence de M. le Président de la République
2000493164 Une Mission diplomatique en Pologne : au XVII[e] siècle, Pierre de Bonzi à Varsovie, 1665-1668 / Anne-Marie Gasztowtt
2000513412 Une amitié polono-suisse : Adam Mickiewicz, Juste et Caroline Olivier et l'episode Lèbre-Towianski / Léopold Wellisz
2000513398 Une aventure a Sidon : Toast de messire Zagloba, Comment messire Lubomirski se convertit une église a Tarnawa / Henryk Sienkiewicz ; traduit du polonais par Jaques de France de Tersant et Joseph-André Teslar ; six cuivres originaux de Stéphane Mrozewski
2000516672 Une capitale d'autrefois, Cracovie / Casimir Stryjenski
2000503741 Une chronique de famille / Aksakov ; traduction de Sylvie Luneau
2000517744 Une fille de la vraie Alsace : Marie-Antoinette Lix / par Louise Zeys
2000511210 Une grande dame russe / par B.A. Vonliarliarski ; traduit du Russe par X. Marmier
2000511997 Une lettre inédite / Tolstoi
2000504296 Une page inédite de l'histoire moderne du problème Baltique, les iles d'aland et le mémorandum de Saint-Pétersbourg du 23 avril 1908 / par Le Baron M. de Taube
2000509216 Une petite garnison russe (le duel) / A. Kouprine ; traduit du russe par Serge Nidvine et Paul Yalb
2000513385 Une ville polonaise : Bydgoszcz / Rosa Bailly
2000517970 Unfinished history / by Robert Wendelin Keyserlingk
2000512043 Unity or chaos : course of lectures delivered at the Conference on Poland for teachers held at the University of Liverpool on September 25-26, 1943 / edited by the Polish Publications Committee ... Birkenhead [England]
2000512409 Unkempt thoughts / Stanislaw J. Lec ; translated from the Polish by Jacek Galazka ; introduction by Clifton Fadimen ; illustrated by Barbara Carr
2000493906 Unknown Europe ?
2000497805 Unschuldig verurteilt, aus der Chronik der Justizmorde / Herrmann Mostar
2000511469 Unser Kampf in Polen : die Vorgeschichte-Strategische, Einführung-Politische und kriegerische Dokumente
2000492410 Unsere Sünden und die Hungersnoth : ein Wort an die Evangelisch-lutherischen Gemeinden Russlands / von G. Pingoud
2000512680 Un“best-seller" 1900 : quo vadis? / Maria Kosko
2000513440 Up to the brightest star / by Bolesław Pomian
2000512703 Upper Silesia
2000512417 Upper Silesia / by S. Kudlicki ; edited by the Polish Research Centre, London
2000516383 Urkunden zur letzten Phase der deutsch-polnischen Krise
2000491490 Urkundliche Kirchen-Geschichte der Grafschaft Glaz / von der Urzeit bis auf unsere Tage zusammengestellt von Aloys Bach ; Nebst einem Anhange, Geschichtlich statistische Darstellung aller Gläzer Pfarreien und Kirchen mit deren geistlichen Vorstehern, so wie der Schulen im Jahre 1841