

書誌ID タイトル 巻号
2000499495 Tabellarische Übersicht der Mineralien nach ihren krystallographisch-chemischen Beziehungen / geordnet von P. Groth
2000847559 Tables for qualitative chemical analysis : with an introductory chapter on the course of analysis / by Heinrich Will
2000847559 Tables for qualitative chemical analysis : with an introductory chapter on the course of analysis / by Heinrich Will
2000847571 Tables for qualitative chemical analysis : with an introductory chapter on the course of analysis / by Heinrich Will
2000847559 Tables for qualitative chemical analysis : with an introductory chapter on the course of analysis / by Heinrich Will
2000847559 Tables for qualitative chemical analysis : with an introductory chapter on the course of analysis / by Heinrich Will
2000847571 Tables for qualitative chemical analysis : with an introductory chapter on the course of analysis / by Heinrich Will
2000847559 Tables for qualitative chemical analysis : with an introductory chapter on the course of analysis / by Heinrich Will
2000847571 Tables for qualitative chemical analysis : with an introductory chapter on the course of analysis / by Heinrich Will
2000847559 Tables for qualitative chemical analysis : with an introductory chapter on the course of analysis / by Heinrich Will
2000847559 Tables for qualitative chemical analysis : with an introductory chapter on the course of analysis / by Heinrich Will
2000847559 Tables for qualitative chemical analysis : with an introductory chapter on the course of analysis / by Heinrich Will
2000847571 Tables for qualitative chemical analysis : with an introductory chapter on the course of analysis / by Heinrich Will
2000847571 Tables for qualitative chemical analysis : with an introductory chapter on the course of analysis / by Heinrich Will
2000847559 Tables for qualitative chemical analysis : with an introductory chapter on the course of analysis / by Heinrich Will
2000847571 Tables for qualitative chemical analysis : with an introductory chapter on the course of analysis / by Heinrich Will
2000847559 Tables for qualitative chemical analysis : with an introductory chapter on the course of analysis / by Heinrich Will
2000847559 Tables for qualitative chemical analysis : with an introductory chapter on the course of analysis / by Heinrich Will
2000847571 Tables for qualitative chemical analysis : with an introductory chapter on the course of analysis / by Heinrich Will
2000847571 Tables for qualitative chemical analysis : with an introductory chapter on the course of analysis / by Heinrich Will
2000847571 Tables for qualitative chemical analysis : with an introductory chapter on the course of analysis / by Heinrich Will
2000847559 Tables for qualitative chemical analysis : with an introductory chapter on the course of analysis / by Heinrich Will
2000847571 Tables for qualitative chemical analysis : with an introductory chapter on the course of analysis / by Heinrich Will
2000842473 Tables of logarithms of numbers and of sines and tangents, with a traverse table, etc, etc / by Elias Loomis
2000865079 Tales from Shakespeare
2000860918 Tales of a traveler / by Washington Irving
2000860938 Tales of a traveller / by Washington Irving
2000860836 Tales of a traveller ; Abbotsford and Newstead abbey ; Wolfert's roost, and miscellanies / by Washington Irving
2000852274 Talks about people's stomachs / by Dio Lewis
2000829324 Talks on manures : a series of familiar and practical talks between the author and the deacon ... / by Joseph Harris
2000829324 Talks on manures : a series of familiar and practical talks between the author and the deacon ... / by Joseph Harris
2001163585 Taschenbuch der mikroskopischen Technik : Kurze Anleitung zur mikroskopischen Untersuchung der Gewebe und Organe der Wirbeltiere und des Menschen unter Berücksichtigung der embryologischen Technik / von Alexander A. Böhn und Albert Oppel ; mit einem Beitrag (Rekonstruktionsmethoden) von G. Born
2000833679 Taxation in the United States, 1789-1816 / Henry Carter Adams
2000854875 Taxationslehre / von C. Petri
2000855354 Tea : a text book of tea planting and manufacture, comprising chapters on the history and development of the industry, the cultivation of the plant, the preparation of the leaf for the market, the botany and chemistry of tea, etc., etc., with some account of the laws affecting labour in tea gardens in Assam and elsewhere / by David Crole
2000839968 Teacher's companion to no. 1 (English composition) / by James Main Dixon
2001071814 Technical instruction : Special report of the Commissioner of Education, House of Representatives, January 19th, 1870
2000844535 Technische Wärmelehre / von Hans Lorenz
2000850346 Technological dictionary : English-German-French : of the terms employed in the arts and sciences; architecture, civil, military and naval ... / edited by E. Althans ... [et al.] ; published by C.Dill, E. von Hoyer and E. Röhrig ; with a preface by Karl Karmarsch
2000850589 Technological dictionary : English-German-French : of the terms employed in the arts and sciences; architecture, civil, military and naval ... / edited by E. Althans ... [et al.] ; published by Oscar Mothes ; with a preface by Karl Karmarsch
2000850452 Technologisch woordenboek : of volledige handleiding voor alle takken van fabriekwezen en volksnijverheid, in alphabetische orde / van K. Karmarsch en Fr. Heeren 1. deer
2000850452 Technologisch woordenboek : of volledige handleiding voor alle takken van fabriekwezen en volksnijverheid, in alphabetische orde / van K. Karmarsch en Fr. Heeren 2. deer
2000850452 Technologisch woordenboek : of volledige handleiding voor alle takken van fabriekwezen en volksnijverheid, in alphabetische orde / van K. Karmarsch en Fr. Heeren 3. deer
2000850583 Technologisches Wörterbuch : Deutsch-Englisch-Französisch : Gewerbe, Civil- und Militär-Baukunst, Artillerie, Maschinenbau, Eisenbahnwesen ... / bearbeitet von E. Althans ... [et al.] ; herausgegeben von Wilhelm Unverzagt ; mit einem Vorwort von Karl Karmarsch
2000844604 Telephone: various applications: electrical transmission of energy
2000830750 Temporary list of books January to June, 1898
2000830750 Temporary list of books January to June, 1899
2000830750 Temporary list of books January to June, 1900
2000830750 Temporary list of books January to June, 1901
2000830750 Temporary list of books July to December, 1899
2000830750 Temporary list of books July to December, 1900
2000830750 Temporary list of books July to December, 1901
2000836290 Ten years in Wall Street : or, Revelations of inside life and experience on 'change / William Worthington Fowler
2000848011 Tennyson / by Sir Alfred Lyall
2001348396 Tenthredinidae incl. Uroceridae : Phyllophaga & Xylophaga
2000850480 Termiten in Japan / von D. Doederlein
2000852856 Terrestrial atmospheric absorption of the photographic rays of light / by J.M. Schaeberle
2000499508 Tests and reagents : chemical and microscopical / by Alfred I. Cohn
2000484461 Text-Book of Fungi : including morphology, physiology, pathology, classification, etc / by George Massee
2000485076 Text-book of botany : morphological and physiological / by Julius Sachs ; edited with an appendix by Sydney H. Vines
2000485076 Text-book of botany : morphological and physiological / by Julius Sachs ; edited with an appendix by Sydney H. Vines
2000715240 Text-book of botany : morphological and physiological / by Julius Sachs ; translated and annotated by Alfred W. Bennett ; assisted by W.T. Thiselton Dyer
2001347632 Text-book of comparative anatomy / by Arnold Lang ; with preface to the English translation by Ernst Haeckel ; translated into English by Henry M. Bernard and Matilda Bernard pt. 1
2001347632 Text-book of comparative anatomy / by Arnold Lang ; with preface to the English translation by Ernst Haeckel ; translated into English by Henry M. Bernard and Matilda Bernard pt. 2
2000849129 Text-book of general botany / by W.J. Behrens ; translation from the 2nd German ed. rev. by Patrick Geddes
2000499466 Text-book of geology / by Archibald Geikie ; with illustrations
2000499466 Text-book of geology / by Archibald Geikie ; with illustrations
2000844103 Text-book of mechanics : with numerous examples / by Thomas Wallace Wright
2000854202 Text-book of scientific agriculture : with practical deductions intended for the use of colleges, schools, and private students / by E.M. Pendleton
2000854202 Text-book of scientific agriculture : with practical deductions intended for the use of colleges, schools, and private students / by E.M. Pendleton
2000854202 Text-book of scientific agriculture : with practical deductions intended for the use of colleges, schools, and private students / by E.M. Pendleton
2000849133 Text-book of zoology : for junior students / by Henry Alleyne Nicholson
2000849133 Text-book of zoology : for junior students / by Henry Alleyne Nicholson
2000849133 Text-book of zoology : for junior students / by Henry Alleyne Nicholson
2000849133 Text-book of zoology : for junior students / by Henry Alleyne Nicholson
2000849121 Text-book of zoology : for schools and colleges / by H. Alleyne Nicholson
2000859395 Textile calculations : being a guide to calculations relating to the construction of all kinds of yarns and fabrics, the analysis of cloth, etc. / by E.A. Posselt
2001207667 Textile raw materials and their conversion into yarns : the study of the raw materials and the technology of the spinning process : a text-book for textile, trade and higher technical schools as also for self-instruction based upon the ordinary syllabus and curriculum of the imperial and royal Austrian weaving schools / by Julius Zipser ; translated form the German by Charles Salter
2000860676 Textiles and clothing, food, sundry industries / by G. Phillips Bevan
2000863602 Thackeray / by Anthony Trollope
2000831685 The American cyclopædia : a polular dictionary of general knowledge / edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana. v. 1. A-Asher
2000831685 The American cyclopædia : a polular dictionary of general knowledge / edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana. v. 10. Kinglet-Magnet
2000831685 The American cyclopædia : a polular dictionary of general knowledge / edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana. v. 11. Magnetism-Motril
2000831685 The American cyclopædia : a polular dictionary of general knowledge / edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana. v. 12. Mott-Pales
2000831685 The American cyclopædia : a polular dictionary of general knowledge / edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana. v. 13. Palestine-Printing
2000831685 The American cyclopædia : a polular dictionary of general knowledge / edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana. v. 14. Prior-Shoe
2000831685 The American cyclopædia : a polular dictionary of general knowledge / edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana. v. 15. Shomer-Trollope
2000831685 The American cyclopædia : a polular dictionary of general knowledge / edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana. v. 16. Trombone-Zymosis
2000831685 The American cyclopædia : a polular dictionary of general knowledge / edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana. v. 2. Ashes-Bol
2000831685 The American cyclopædia : a polular dictionary of general knowledge / edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana. v. 3. Bolan pass-Carmine
2000831685 The American cyclopædia : a polular dictionary of general knowledge / edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana. v. 4. Carmona-Coddington
2000831685 The American cyclopædia : a polular dictionary of general knowledge / edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana. v. 5. Code-Demotica
2000831685 The American cyclopædia : a polular dictionary of general knowledge / edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana. v. 6. Dempater-Everett
2000831685 The American cyclopædia : a polular dictionary of general knowledge / edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana. v. 7. Evesham-Glascock
2000831685 The American cyclopædia : a polular dictionary of general knowledge / edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana. v. 8. Glasgow-Hortense
2000831685 The American cyclopædia : a polular dictionary of general knowledge / edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana. v. 9. Hortensius-Kinglake
2000862864 The "Japan gazette" hong list and directory, for 1878
2000797312 The 19th century : a history / by Robert Mackenzie
2000836636 The ABC of free trade : an address, delivered to the West Ham Liberal Association, March 6, 1882 / by Edward North Buxton
2000836636 The ABC of free trade : an address, delivered to the West Ham Liberal Association, March 6, 1882 / by Edward North Buxton
2000836636 The ABC of free trade : an address, delivered to the West Ham Liberal Association, March 6, 1882 / by Edward North Buxton
2000836636 The ABC of free trade : an address, delivered to the West Ham Liberal Association, March 6, 1882 / by Edward North Buxton
2001660292 The Agriculture Massachusetts, as shown in returns of the Agricultural Societies / prepared by Charles L. Flint 1853
2000860828 The Alhambra ; The conquest of Granada / by Washington Irving
2000861432 The American / by Henry James, Jr
2000831444 The American annual cyclopædia and register of important events v. 1 : 1861
2000831444 The American annual cyclopædia and register of important events v. 10 : 1870
2000831444 The American annual cyclopædia and register of important events v. 11 : 1871
2000831444 The American annual cyclopædia and register of important events v. 12 : 1872
2000831444 The American annual cyclopædia and register of important events v. 13 : 1873
2000831444 The American annual cyclopædia and register of important events v. 14 : 1874
2000831444 The American annual cyclopædia and register of important events v. 2 : 1862
2000831444 The American annual cyclopædia and register of important events v. 3 : 1863
2000831444 The American annual cyclopædia and register of important events v. 4 : 1864
2000831444 The American annual cyclopædia and register of important events v. 5 : 1865
2000831444 The American annual cyclopædia and register of important events v. 6 : 1866
2000831444 The American annual cyclopædia and register of important events v. 7 : 1867
2000831444 The American annual cyclopædia and register of important events v. 8 : 1868
2000831444 The American annual cyclopædia and register of important events v. 9 : 1869
2000849523 The American botanist and florist : including lessons in the structure, life, and growth of plants : together with a simple analytical flora : descriptive of the native and cultivated plants growing in the atlantic division of the American union ; The American botanist and florist : part fourth, descriptive botany, being a simple analytical flora, including the native and cultivated plants growing in the atlantic division of the United States / by Alphonso Wood
2000859205 The American boy's book of sports and games : a repository of in-and-out-door amusements for boys and youth / illustrated with ober six handred engrabings, designed by White, Herrick, Wier, and Harvey ; and engraved by N. Orr
2000852751 The American cattle doctor : a complete work on all the diseases of cattle, sheep, and swine, including every disease peculiar to America, and embracing all the latest information on the cattle plague and trichina : containing also a guide to symptoms, a table of weights and measures, and a list of valuable medicines / Geo. H. Dadd
2000838911 The American colleges and the American public / Noah Porter
2000864697 The American conflict : a history of the great rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-'65 : its causes, incidents, and results : intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases, with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the war for the union / by Horace Greeley v. 1
2000864697 The American conflict : a history of the great rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-'65 : its causes, incidents, and results : intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases, with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the war for the union / by Horace Greeley v. 2
2000846523 The American ephemeris and nautical almanac for the year 1871
2000846523 The American ephemeris and nautical almanac for the year 1890
2000846523 The American ephemeris and nautical almanac for the year 1892
2000868720 The American ephemeris and nautical almanac for the year 1893
2000868720 The American ephemeris and nautical almanac for the year 1894
2000868720 The American ephemeris and nautical almanac for the year 1898
2000868720 The American ephemeris and nautical almanac for the year 1900
2000868720 The American ephemeris and nautical almanac for the year 1903
2000846523 The American ephemeris and nautical almanac for the year 1904
2000846523 The American ephemeris and nautical almanac for the year 1905
2000846523 The American ephemeris and nautical almanac for the year 1906
2000829113 The American fruit culturist : containing practical directions for the propagation and culture of all fruits adapted to the United States / by John J. Thomas
2001023982 The American fruit culturist : containing practical directions for the propagation and culture of all fruits adapted to the United States / by John J. Thomas
2000856062 The American home garden : being principles and rules for the culture of vegetables, fruits, flowers, and shrubbery, to which are added brief notes on farm crops, with a table of their average product and chemical constituents / by Alexander Watson
2000859907 The American house carpenter : a treatise on the art of building comprising styles of architecture, strength of materials, and the theory and practice, of the construction of floors, framed girders, roof trusses, rolled-iron beams, tubular-iron girders, cast-iron girders, stairs, doors, windows, mouldings, and cornices; together with a compend of mathematics / by R.G. Haftfield
2000857445 The American merino for wool and mutton : a practical treatise on the selection, care, breeding and diseases of the merino sheep in all sections of the United States / by Stephen Powers
2000853359 The American miller, and millwright's assistant / by William Carter Hughes
2000857425 The American shepherd : being a history of the sheep, with their breeds, management, and diseases illustrated with portraits of different breeds, sheep barns, sheds, & C. / by L.A. Morrell
2000864947 The American tour of Messrs Brown Jones and Robinson : being the history of what they saw, did in the United States, Canada and Cuba / by tobyb
2000862500 The Anabasis, or Expedition of Cyrus and the memorabilia of Socrates : literally translated from the Greek of Xenophon / by J.S. Watson ; with a geographical commentary, by W.F. Ainsworth
2000863723 The Andes and the Amazon : or, across the continent of South America / by James Orton
3000068089 The Annual literary index 1900
2000849467 The Appletons' annual cyclopædia and register of important events v. 15 : 1875
2000849467 The Appletons' annual cyclopædia and register of important events v. 16 (N.S. v.1) : 1876
2000862540 The Arabian nights' entertainments : or, the thousand and one nights : translated and arranged for family reading
2000837533 The Baltimore City Code : comprising the laws of Maryland relating to the city of Baltimore, and the ordinances of the Mayor and City Council, with an appendix, to the end of the session of 1877-78 / compiled by Lewis Mayer
2000834301 The Bible text-book : or, The principal texts relating to the persons, places, and subjects, occurring in the Holy Scriptures, arranged with a variety of useful tables
2000834348 The Bible-reader's help / from the Religious Tract Society, London
2000833094 The Bible-scholar's manual : embracing a general account of the books and writers of the Old and New Testaments, the geography and history of Palestine, the history and ... for Bible classes and general reading / by B.K. Peirce
2000498217 The Bommer method : for the manufacture of a superior quality of manure, both from vegetable and mineral substances, with strict economy and great dipatch further showing the best mode of preparing vegetable and mineral composts and a diversity of processes / by George Bommer
2000862931 The British arms in North China and Japan : Peking 1860 ; Kagoshima 1862 / by D. F. Rennie
2000861192 The British classical authors : select specimens of the national literature of England from G. Chaucer to the present time : poetry and prose / by L. Herrig
2000506541 The Century atlas of the world / prepared under the superintendence of Benjamin E. Smith
2000744775 The Century cyclopedia of names : a pronouncing and etymological dictionary of names in geography, biography, mythology, history, ethnology, art, archæology, fiction, etc., etc., etc. / edited by Benjamin E. Smith v. 9
2000504533 The Chemistry of colloids and some technical applications / by W.W. Taylor
2000862917 The China pilot : comprising the Coasts of China, Korea, and Manchuria; the Sea of Japan, the Gulfs of Tartary and Amúr, and the Sea of Okhotsk; also the Babuyan, Bashí, Formosa, Meiaco-Sima, Lu-Chu, Mariana, Bonin, Japan, Saghalin, and Kuril Islands / compiled from various sources by John W. King
2000834002 The Christian's present for all seasons : containing devotional thoughts of eminent divines, from Joseph Hall to William Jay / selected and edited by D.A. Harsha ; with an introductory essay on devotion by W.B. Sprague
2000837551 The City of Bombay Municipal Act, 1888
2000852703 The Coal-Regions of America : their topography, geology, and development : with a colored geological map of Pennsylvania, a railroad map of all the coal-regions, and numerous other maps and illustrations / by James Macfarlane
2000839775 The Columbian University catalogue 1900-1901, announcements 1901-1902
2000865128 The Czar and the Sultan; or, Nicholas and Abdul Medjid : their private lives and public actions / by Adrian Gilson . The Turks in Europe : their rise and decadence / by Francis Bouvet
2000864020 The Eastern nations and Greece / by P.V.N. Myers pt. 1
2000831951 The Encyclopædia Britannica, or, Dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature Index
2000831951 The Encyclopædia Britannica, or, Dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 1
2000831951 The Encyclopædia Britannica, or, Dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 10
2000831951 The Encyclopædia Britannica, or, Dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 11
2000831951 The Encyclopædia Britannica, or, Dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 12
2000831951 The Encyclopædia Britannica, or, Dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 13
2000831951 The Encyclopædia Britannica, or, Dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 14
2000831951 The Encyclopædia Britannica, or, Dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 15
2000831951 The Encyclopædia Britannica, or, Dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 16
2000831951 The Encyclopædia Britannica, or, Dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 17
2000831951 The Encyclopædia Britannica, or, Dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 18
2000831951 The Encyclopædia Britannica, or, Dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 19
2000831951 The Encyclopædia Britannica, or, Dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 2
2000831951 The Encyclopædia Britannica, or, Dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 20
2000831951 The Encyclopædia Britannica, or, Dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 21
2000831951 The Encyclopædia Britannica, or, Dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 3
2000831951 The Encyclopædia Britannica, or, Dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 4
2000831951 The Encyclopædia Britannica, or, Dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 5
2000831951 The Encyclopædia Britannica, or, Dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 6
2000831951 The Encyclopædia Britannica, or, Dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 7
2000831951 The Encyclopædia Britannica, or, Dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 8
2000831951 The Encyclopædia Britannica, or, Dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 9
2001234839 The Engineering index / edited by Henry Harrison Suplee ; assisted by J.H. Cuntz v. 3
2001662855 The English Constitution and other political essays / by Walter Bagehot
2000864722 The English and French in North America, 1689-1763
2000861756 The English humorists ; The four georges
2000484578 The English peasantry / by Francis George Heath
2000861436 The Europeans : a sketch / by Henry James, Jr
2000833400 The Evidences of Christianity in their external or historical division : exhibited in a course of lectures / by Charles Pettit M'Ilvaine
2000864453 The Franco-Prussian war in a nutshell : a daily diary of diplomacy, battles, and war literature / by Melville D. Landon
2000842841 The Franklin globe manual : an aid to the study of geography and astronomy with the use of artificial globes
2000841439 The French and English word book : a dictionary with indication of pronunciation, etymologies and dates of earliest appearance of French words in the language / by H. Edgren and P.B. Burnet ; with an explanatory preface by R.J. Lloyd
2000864408 The French revolution : a history / by Thomas Carlyle v. 1
2000864408 The French revolution : a history / by Thomas Carlyle v. 2
2000864408 The French revolution : a history / by Thomas Carlyle v. 3
3000033209 The Gardeners' chronicle. New Series : a weekly illustrated journal horticulture and allied subjects 23(575-600)
2000848460 The Geological evidences of the antiquity of man : with an outline of glacial and post-tertiary geology and remarks on the origin of species, with special reference to man's first appearance on the earth / by Sir Charles Lyell
2000836158 The German workman : a study in national efficiency / by William Harbutt Dawson
2000833687 The Germanic origin of New England towns : read before the Harvard Historical Society, May 9, 1881 / by Herbert B. Adams ; with notes on cooperation in University Work
2000834744 The Germans in colonial times / by Lucy Forney Bittinger
2001118113 The Harvard University catalogue 1886-87
2001118113 The Harvard University catalogue 1896-97
2001118113 The Harvard University catalogue 1897-98
2001118113 The Harvard University catalogue 1898-99
2001118113 The Harvard University catalogue 1899-1900
2001118113 The Harvard University catalogue 1900-01
2001118113 The Harvard University catalogue 1901-02
2001118113 The Harvard University catalogue 1901-02
2001118113 The Harvard University catalogue 1902-03
2001118113 The Harvard University catalogue 1903-04
2001118113 The Harvard University catalogue 1904-05
2001118113 The Harvard University catalogue 1905-06
2001118113 The Harvard University catalogue 1906-07
2000833111 The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments : translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised
2000834408 The Huguenots : their settlements, churches, and industries in England and Ireland / by Samuel Smiles
2000862348 The Iliad of Homer / literally translated with explanatory notes by Theodore Alois Buckley
2000862445 The Iliad of Homer / translated into English blank verse by William Cullen Bryant
2000836537 The Institutes of Justinian / with English introduction, translation, and notes by Thomas Collett Sandars
2001656332 The Japan directory for Tokyo, Yokohama, ... and Formosa 1904
2001236475 The Johns Hopkins University of Baltimore register for, 1900-901
2000722899 The Kohl collection(now in the Library of Congress) of maps relating to America / by Justin Winsor ; with index by Philip Lee Phillips
2000838212 The Land Act 1884, with the regulations thereunder
2000833183 The Land and the Book : or, Biblical illustrations drawn from the manners and customs, the scenes and scenery of the Holy Land / by W.M. Thomson v. 1
2000863776 The Malay Archipelago : the land of the orang-utan and the bird of paradise, a narrative of travel, with studies of man and nature / by Alfred Russel Wallace
2000850748 The Mammalia in their relation to primeval times / by Oscar Schmidt
2001067007 The Melbourne University calendar 1902
2000865144 The Menhaden fishery of Maine, with statistical and historical details, its relations to agriculture, and as a direct source of human food : new processes, products, and discoveries
2000485080 The Metaspermae of the Minnesota Valley : a list of the higher seed-producing plants indigenous to the drainage-basin of the Minnesota River / by Conway MacMillan
2000840422 The National third reader : containing exercises in articulation, accent, emphasis, pronunclation, and punctuation : numerous and progressive exercises in reading : and notes explanatory of different words and phrases, on the pages where they occur / by Richard G. Parker and J. Madison Watson
2000840422 The National third reader : containing exercises in articulation, accent, emphasis, pronunclation, and punctuation : numerous and progressive exercises in reading : and notes explanatory of different words and phrases, on the pages where they occur / by Richard G. Parker and J. Madison Watson
2000840422 The National third reader : containing exercises in articulation, accent, emphasis, pronunclation, and punctuation : numerous and progressive exercises in reading : and notes explanatory of different words and phrases, on the pages where they occur / by Richard G. Parker and J. Madison Watson
2000833012 The New Testament history : with an introduction, connecting the history of the Old and New Testaments / edited by William Smith
2001496321 The New Zealand official year-book / by E.J. von Dadelszen 1902 : 11th year of Issue
2001420015 The New illustrated natural history / by J.G. Wood
2000484582 The North American slime-moulds : being a list of all species of Myxomycetes hitherto described from North America, including Central America / by Thomas H. Macbride
2000862332 The Oedipus Tyrannus of Sophocles : with English notes, for the use of students in schools and college / by Howerd Crosby
2000833911 The Old Testament history : from the creation to the return of the Jews from Captivity / edited by William Smith
2000864510 The Ottoman power in Europe : its nature, its growth, and its decline / by Edward A. Freeman
2000838119 The Pacific law encyclopedia, a complete hand book of all matters ordinarily coming before, judges, attorneys, justices of the peace, sheriffs, county clerks, coroners, notaries, jurors, guardians, .../ by Jabez F. Cowdery
2000860782 The Potiphar papers / by George William Curtis
2000857346 The Production of the precious metals : or statistical notices of the principal gold and silver producing regions of the world ... / William P. Blake
2000830068 The Publishers' trade list annual 1878(6th year)
2000830068 The Publishers' trade list annual 1902(30th year) : Catalogues
2000830068 The Publishers' trade list annual 1902(30th year) : Catalogues
2000830068 The Publishers' trade list annual 1902(30th year) : Index
2000830068 The Publishers' trade list annual 1902(30th year) : Index
2000830068 The Publishers' trade list annual 1903(31st year) : Supplementary index
2000830068 The Publishers' trade list annual 1904(32nd year) : Supplementary index
2000864097 The Roman history : from the foundation of Rome to the battle of actium: that is, to the end of the commonwealth / by Rollin v. 1
2000864097 The Roman history : from the foundation of Rome to the battle of actium: that is, to the end of the commonwealth / by Rollin v. 10
2000864097 The Roman history : from the foundation of Rome to the battle of actium: that is, to the end of the commonwealth / by Rollin v. 2
2000864097 The Roman history : from the foundation of Rome to the battle of actium: that is, to the end of the commonwealth / by Rollin v. 3
2000864097 The Roman history : from the foundation of Rome to the battle of actium: that is, to the end of the commonwealth / by Rollin v. 4
2000864097 The Roman history : from the foundation of Rome to the battle of actium: that is, to the end of the commonwealth / by Rollin v. 5
2000864097 The Roman history : from the foundation of Rome to the battle of actium: that is, to the end of the commonwealth / by Rollin v. 6
2000864097 The Roman history : from the foundation of Rome to the battle of actium: that is, to the end of the commonwealth / by Rollin v. 7
2000864097 The Roman history : from the foundation of Rome to the battle of actium: that is, to the end of the commonwealth / by Rollin v. 8
2000864097 The Roman history : from the foundation of Rome to the battle of actium: that is, to the end of the commonwealth / by Rollin v. 9
2000516881 The Russian empire : historical and descriptive / By John Geddie
2000857296 The Russian fur-seal islands / by Leonhard Stejneger
2000864994 The State of São Paulo (Brazil) : statistics and general information, 1903
2000842442 The Story of the heavens / by Robert Stawell Ball
2000860825 The Swiss Family Robinson, or adventures in a desert island
2000832507 The Takashima Ekidan / by Shigetake Sugiura ; translated from the work of Kaemon Takashima
2000860136 The Tim Bunker papers, or, Yankee farming / by Timothy Bunker
2000499832 The United Kingdom and its trade / by Harold Cox
2000838862 The United States and its trade / by Henry Loomis Nelson
2000864728 The United States of North America pt. 1
2000864728 The United States of North America pt. 2
2000837257 The United States tariff and internal revenue law, (approved June 6, 1872), together with the acts of which it is amendatory, and a full alphabetical table of the United States tariff / compiled by Horace E. Dresser
2000860436 The Vicar of Wakefield / by Oliver Goldsmith ; with a preface by Ernest Rhys
2000836257 The adjustment of wages : a study in the coal and iron industries of Great Britain and America / by W.J. Ashley
2000849599 The adult Organisation of Paragordius varius (Leidy) / by Thos. H. Montgomery Jr.
2000860362 The adventures of Oliver Twist / by Charles Dickens ; with twenty-eight illustrations by F. Mahoney
2000860865 The adventures of captain Bonneville ; Salmagundi / by Washington Irving
2000841744 The analysis of practical arithmetic : for public and private schools / by S.A. Felter
2000841747 The analysis of written arithmetic : designed for public and private schools, containing mental, slate, and blackboard exercises / by S.A. Felter book 1
2000842728 The analysis of written arithmetic : designed for public and private schools, containing mental, slate, and blackboard exercises / by S.A. Felter book 2
2000857650 The analysis, technical valuation, purification, and use of coal gas / by W.R. Bowditch
2000605381 The anatomy of the frog / by Alexander Ecker ; tr. by George Haslam
2000546200 The anatomy of the horse a dissection guide / by J. M'Fadyean
2000546200 The anatomy of the horse a dissection guide / by J. M'Fadyean
2000848133 The ancient life-history of the Earth / by H. Alleyne Nicholson
2000836570 The ancient régime / by H.A. Taine ; translated by John Durand
2000844120 The aneroid barometer : its construction and use
2000859475 The architect's and builder's pocket companion, and price book, consisting of a short but comprehensive epitome of decimals, duodecimals, geometry and mensuration; with tables of U.S. measures, sizes, weights, strengths, etc., of iron, wood, stone and various other materials, quantities of materials in given sizes and dimensions of wood, brick and stone; and a full and complete bill of prices for carpenter's work also, rules for computing and valuing brick and brick work, stone work, painting, plastering, etc. / by Frank W. Vogdes
2001656420 The architectural review v. 9, no. 1
2000858379 The architecture of Marcus Vitruvius Pollio : in ten books / translated from the Latin by Joseph Gwilt
2000838910 The arms and ammunition of the British service / by V.D. Majendie
2000858259 The art of beautifying suburban home grounds of small extent : illuatrated by upward of two hundred plates and engravings of plans for residences and their grounds, of trees and shrubs, and garden embellishments with descriptions of the beautiful and hardy trees and shrubs / by Frank J. Scott
2000831516 The art of bookbinding : a practical treatise / by Joseph W. Zaehnsdorf
2000858973 The art of landscape painting in oil colours
2000859851 The art of manufacturing soap and candles : including the most recent discoveries, embracing all kinds of ordinary hard, soft, and toilet soaps, especially those made by the cold process, the modes of detecting frauds, and the making of tallow and composite candles / by Adolph Ott
2000859865 The art of perfumery, and the methods of obtaining the odors of plants, with instructions for the manufacture of perfumes for the handkerchief, scented powders, odorous vinegars, dentifrices, pomatums, cosmetics, perfumed soap, etc. to which is added an appendix on preparing artificial fruit-essences, etc. / by G.W. Septimus Piesse
2000856310 The art of taming and educating the horse : a system that makes easy ... with a large number of recipes heretofore sold as great secrets / by D. Magner
2000839172 The art of teaching and studying languages / by François Gouin ; translated from the French by Howard Swan and Victor Bétis
2000857376 The assayer's manual : an abridged treatise on the docimastic examination of ores, and furnace and other artificial products / by Bruno Kerl ; translated from the German by William T. Brannt ; edited by William H. Wahl
2000852646 The atmosphere / translated from the French of Camille Flammarion ; edited by James Glaisher
2000847087 The atomic theory / by AD. Wurtz ; translated by E. Cleminshaw
2001656340 The autobiography and correspondence of Edward Gibbon, the historian
2000864188 The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin / published verbatim from the original manuscript, by his grandson, William Temple Franklin ; edited by Jared Sparks
2000860821 The autocrat of the breakfast-table ; The professor at the breakfast-table ; The poet at the breakfast-table / by Oliver Wendell Holmes
2000168601 The awakening of the East : Siberia, Japan, China / by Pierre Leroy-Beaulieu ; translated by Richard Davey ; with a preface by Henry Norman
2000830151 The best books : a reader's guide to the choice of the best available books (about 50,000) in every department of science, art and literature, with the dates of the first and last editions, and the price, size and publisher's name of each book; a contribution towards systematic bibliography / William Swan Sonnenschein
2000830108 The best reading : hints on the selection of books; on the formation of libraries, public and private; on courses of reading, etc. with a classified bibliography for easy reference / edited by Frederic Beecher Perkins
2000863354 The biographical treasury : a dictionary of universal biography / by Samuel Maunder ; edited by William L. R. Cates
2000863343 The biographical treasury : a dictionary of universal biography / by Samuel Maunder ; reconstructed, thoroughly revised, and partly rewritten with above 1000 additional memoirs and notices, by William L.R. Cates
2000850673 The birds of New England and adjacent states : containing descriptions of the birds of New England, and adjoining states and provinces, arranged by a long-approves classification and nomenclature, together with a history of their habits, times of arrival and departure, their distribution, food, song, time of breeding, and a careful and accurate description of their nests and eggs, with illustrations of many species of the birds, and accurate figures of their eggs / by Edward A. Samuels
2001425940 The birds of Siberia : a record of a naturalist's visits to the valleys of the Petchora and Yenesei / by Henry Seebohm
2000845215 The birth of chemistry / by G.F. Rodwell
2000834164 The blessed life : how to find and live it / by N.J. Hofmeyr
2000846917 The blowpipe in chemistry, mineralogy, and geology : containing all known methods of anhydrous analysis, many working examples, and instructions for making apparatus / by W.A. Ross
2000551211 The blowpipe manual / by Theodore Scheerer ; translated by William S. Clark
2000551211 The blowpipe manual / by Theodore Scheerer ; translated by William S. Clark
2000551211 The blowpipe manual / by Theodore Scheerer ; translated by William S. Clark
2001334503 The book of asparagus : With sections also on celery salsify scorzonera and seakale / Charles Ilott
2000848987 The book of evergreens : a practical treatise on the coniferae or cone-bearing plants / by Josiah Hoopes
2000498248 The book of garden furniture / by Charles Thonger
2000859170 The book of ornamental alphabets, ancient and mediæval, from the eighth century, with numerals : including Gothic, church text, large and small, German arabesque, initials for illumination, monograms and crosses, &c., for the use of architectural and engineering draghtsmen, masons, decorative painters, lithographers, engravers, carvers, &c. &c. / collected and engraved by F. Delamotte
2001310091 The book of pears and plums / by E. Bartrum
2001348863 The book of the apple / by H.H. Thomas ; together with chapters on the history and cookery of the apple, and on the preparation of cider by the editor
2000498222 The book of the dairy : a manual of the science and practice of dairy work : translated from the German of W. Fleischmann / by C.M. Aikman and R. Patrick Wright
2000498221 The book of the farm : detailing the labours of the farmer, farm-steward, ploughman, shepherd, hedger, farm-labourer, field-worker, and cattle-man / by Henry Stephens Division 2
2000498221 The book of the farm : detailing the labours of the farmer, farm-steward, ploughman, shepherd, hedger, farm-labourer, field-worker, and cattle-man / by Henry Stephens Division 3
2000498221 The book of the farm : detailing the labours of the farmer, farm-steward, ploughman, shepherd, hedger, farm-labourer, field-worker, and cattle-man / by Henry Stephens Division 4
2000498221 The book of the farm : detailing the labours of the farmer, farm-steward, ploughman, shepherd, hedger, farm-labourer, field-worker, and cattle-man / by Henry Stephens Division 5
2000498221 The book of the farm : detailing the labours of the farmer, farm-steward, ploughman, shepherd, hedger, farm-labourer, field-worker, and cattle-man / by Henry Stephens Division 6
2000854227 The book of the farm : detailing the labours of the farmer, farm-steward, ploughman, shepherd, hedger, farm-labourer, field-worker, and cattleman / by Henry Stephens v. 1
2000854227 The book of the farm : detailing the labours of the farmer, farm-steward, ploughman, shepherd, hedger, farm-labourer, field-worker, and cattleman / by Henry Stephens v. 1
2000854227 The book of the farm : detailing the labours of the farmer, farm-steward, ploughman, shepherd, hedger, farm-labourer, field-worker, and cattleman / by Henry Stephens v. 2
2000854227 The book of the farm : detailing the labours of the farmer, farm-steward, ploughman, shepherd, hedger, farm-labourer, field-worker, and cattleman / by Henry Stephens v. 2
2000854227 The book of the farm : detailing the labours of the farmer, farm-steward, ploughman, shepherd, hedger, farm-labourer, field-worker, and cattleman / by Henry Stephens v. 2
2001348864 The book of the grape / by H.W. Ward ; together with a chapter on the decorative value of the vine by the editor
2000854035 The book of the landed estate containing directions for the management and development of the resources of landed property / by Robert E. Brown
2000498247 The book of the strawberry / by Edwin Beckett
2000498242 The book of vegetables / by George Wythes
2000830505 The book-hunter, etc. / by John Hill Burton
2001348855 The botanical atlas : a guide to the practical study of plants containing representatives of the leading forms of plant life with explanatory letterpress / by D. M'Alpine
2000852785 The bovine prescriber : drawn up for the use of veterinary practitioners and students / by James B. and Albert Gresswell
2000851883 The brain and its functions / by J. Luys
3000061453 The bulletin of the Central Meteorological Observatory of Japan = 中央氣象臺歐文報告 1
3000004256 The bulletin of the College of Agriculture, Tokyo Imperial University = 東京帝國大學農科大學學術報告 / College of Agriculture, Tokyo Imperial University 4(1-4)
3000004256 The bulletin of the College of Agriculture, Tokyo Imperial University = 東京帝國大學農科大學學術報告 / College of Agriculture, Tokyo Imperial University 5
2000498250 The business side of agriculture / by Arthur G.L. Rogers
2001348958 The butterflies of Great Britain with their transformations / delineated and described by J. O. Westwood
2001349064 The butterflies of the eastern United States : For the use of classes in zoology and private students / By G.H. French
2000842634 The calculus for engineers and physicists : integration and differentiation, with applications to technical problems, with classified reference tables of integrals and methods of integration / by Robert H. Smith
2001075152 The calendar / Imperial University of Tōkyō 2565-66(1905-1906)
2000838840 The calendar / [Imperial University of Japan] 1886-87, (19th-20th year of Meiji)
2000838840 The calendar / [Imperial University of Japan] 1887-88, (20th-21st year of Meigi)
2000838840 The calendar / [Imperial University of Japan] 1888-89, (21st-22nd year of Meigi)
2000838840 The calendar / [Imperial University of Japan] 1889-90, (22nd-23rd year of Meigi)
2000838840 The calendar / [Imperial University of Japan] 1890-91, (23nd-24th year of Meigi)
2000838840 The calendar / [Imperial University of Japan] 1891-92, 24-25 Meiji
2000838840 The calendar / [Imperial University of Japan] 1892-93, 25-26 Meiji
2000838840 The calendar / [Imperial University of Japan] 1894-95
2000862810 The capital of the tycoon : a narrative of a three years' residence in Japan / by Sir Rutherford Alcock v. 1
2000862810 The capital of the tycoon : a narrative of a three years' residence in Japan / by Sir Rutherford Alcock v. 2
2000498255 The care of animals : a book of brief and popular advice on the diseases and ailments of farm animals / by Nelson S. Mayo
2000442526 The care of books : an essay on the development of libraries and their fittings, from the earliest times to the end of the eighteenth century / by John Willis Clark
2000832994 The cause and cure of infidelity : including a notice of the author's unbelief, and the means of his rescue / by David Nelson
2001156716 The cell in development and inheritance / by Edmund B. Wilson
2001283499 The century book of gardening : a comprehensive work for every lover of the garden / edited by E.T. Cook
2000839318 The century dictionary : an encyclopedic lexicon of the English language / prepared under the superintendence of William Dwight Whitney v. 1
2000839318 The century dictionary : an encyclopedic lexicon of the English language / prepared under the superintendence of William Dwight Whitney v. 2
2000839318 The century dictionary : an encyclopedic lexicon of the English language / prepared under the superintendence of William Dwight Whitney v. 3
2000839318 The century dictionary : an encyclopedic lexicon of the English language / prepared under the superintendence of William Dwight Whitney v. 4
2000839318 The century dictionary : an encyclopedic lexicon of the English language / prepared under the superintendence of William Dwight Whitney v. 5
2000839318 The century dictionary : an encyclopedic lexicon of the English language / prepared under the superintendence of William Dwight Whitney v. 6
2000839318 The century dictionary : an encyclopedic lexicon of the English language / prepared under the superintendence of William Dwight Whitney v. 7
2000839318 The century dictionary : an encyclopedic lexicon of the English language / prepared under the superintendence of William Dwight Whitney v. 8
2000498258 The cereals in America / by Thomas F. Hunt
2000835025 The character and logical method of political economy / by J.E. Cairnes
2000845113 The chemistry of common life / by James F.W. Johnston
2000498076 The chemistry of essential oils and artificial perfumes / by Ernest J. Parry
2000498261 The chemistry of india rubber : including the outlines of a theory on vulcanisation / by Carl Otto Weber
2000854570 The chemistry of the farm / by R. Warington
2000854573 The chemistry of the farm / by R. Warington
2000845560 The chemistry of the hydrocarbons and their derivatives, or organic chemistry / by H. E. Roscoe and C. Schorlemmer Pt. 1
2000845560 The chemistry of the hydrocarbons and their derivatives, or organic chemistry / by H. E. Roscoe and C. Schorlemmer Pt. 1
2000845560 The chemistry of the hydrocarbons and their derivatives, or organic chemistry / by H. E. Roscoe and C. Schorlemmer Pt. 2
2000845560 The chemistry of the hydrocarbons and their derivatives, or organic chemistry / by H. E. Roscoe and C. Schorlemmer Pt. 3
2000845560 The chemistry of the hydrocarbons and their derivatives, or organic chemistry / by H. E. Roscoe and C. Schorlemmer Pt. 4
2000845560 The chemistry of the hydrocarbons and their derivatives, or organic chemistry / by H. E. Roscoe and C. Schorlemmer Pt. 5
2000845560 The chemistry of the hydrocarbons and their derivatives, or organic chemistry / by H. E. Roscoe and C. Schorlemmer Pt. 6
2000857298 The chemistry of wine / by G.J. Mulder ; edited by H. Bence Jones
2000840015 The child's book of common things, for the use of primary schools / by Worthington Hooker
2000498079 The children of the nations : a study of colonization and its problems / by Poultney Bigelow
2000831577 The choice of books / by Charles F. Richardson
2000833641 The city government of Boston / by James M. Bugbee
2000833641 The city government of Boston / by James M. Bugbee
2000833662 The city government of Philadelphia / by Edward P. Allinson and Boies Penrose
2000853153 The civil engineer's pocket-book, of mensuration, trigonometry, surveying, hydraulics ... / by John C. Trautwine
2000863842 The classical manual : an epitome of ancient geography, Greek and Roman mythology, antiquities, and chronology / by James S.S. Baird
2000836168 The co-operative commonwealth in its outlines : an exposition of modern socialism / by Laurence Gronlund
2000860009 The collected poems of William Watson
2000837892 The collection laws of the several states : and the District of Columbia ... and a book of reference for members of the legal profession / compiled by James D. Brown
2000839070 The college and the church : the "How I was educated" papers and denominational "confessions" : from the forum magazine
2000857100 The commercial dictionary of trade products, manufacturing and technical terms : with a definition of the moneys, weights, and measures of all countries, reduced to the British standard / by P.L. Simmonds
2000845141 The commercial hand-book of chemical analysis : or, practical instructions for the determination of the intrinsic or commercial value of substances used in manufactures, in trades, and in the arts / by A. Normandy
2000837354 The commercial products of the sea, or, Marine contributions to food, industry, and art / by P.L. Simmonds
2000837354 The commercial products of the sea, or, Marine contributions to food, industry, and art / by P.L. Simmonds
2000850354 The common frog / by St. George Mivart
2000851933 The commonwealth of cells : some popular essays on human physiology / by H.G.F. Spurrell
2000782063 The comparative anatomy of the domesticated animals / by A. Chauveau ; translated and edited by George Fleming
2000498040 The complete grazier and farmers' and cattle-breeders' assistant a compendium of husbandry / originally written by William Youatt
2000857270 The complete practical brewer, or, Plain, accurate, and thorough instructions in the art of brewing ale, beer, and porter : including the process of making bavarian beer, also, all the small beers, such as root-beer, ginger-pop, sarsaparilla-beer, mead, spruce-beer, etc. etc., adapted to the use of public brewers, and private families, or those who may wish to brew on a small scale, with numerous illustrations / by M.L. Byrn
2000859837 The complete practical distiller : comprising the most perfect and exact theoretical and practical description of the art of distillation and rectification, including all of the most recent improvements in distilling apparatus, instructions for preparing spirits from the numerous vegetables, fruits, etc., directions for the distillation and preparation of all kinds of brandies and other spirits, spirituous and other compounds, etc., etc. / by M. La Fayette Byrn
2000499817 The complete text-book of farm engineering : comprising practical treatises on draining and embanking, irrigation and water supply ... / by John Scott
2001545986 The composition of expired air and its effects upon animal life / by J.S. Billings and D.H. Bergey
2000860658 The conduct of life / by R.W. Emerson
2000820987 The confessions of Saint Augustine / newly translated with notes and introduction by C. Bigg
2000498080 The conquest of arid America / by William E. Smythe
2000692173 The conquest of bread / by P. Kropotkin
2000843966 The conservation of energy / by Balfour Stewart
2000832494 The constitution of man considered in relation to external objects / by George Combe, with an additional chapter on the ... by Joseph A. Warne
2000837192 The constitutional history of England : from the accession of Henry VII. to the death of George II. / by Henry Hallam v. 1
2000837192 The constitutional history of England : from the accession of Henry VII. to the death of George II. / by Henry Hallam v. 2
2000837192 The constitutional history of England : from the accession of Henry VII. to the death of George II. / by Henry Hallam v. 3
2000837226 The constitutional history of England : from the accession of Henry VII. to the death of George II. / by Henry Hallam
2000837256 The constitutional history of England : in its origin and development / by William Stubbs v. 1
2000837259 The constitutional history of England in its origin and development / by William Stubbs v. 2
2000837259 The constitutional history of England in its origin and development / by William Stubbs v. 3
2000837227 The constitutional history of England since the accession of George the Third, 1760-1860 / Thomas Erskine May v. 1
2000837227 The constitutional history of England since the accession of George the Third, 1760-1860 / Thomas Erskine May v. 2
2000837227 The constitutional history of England since the accession of George the Third, 1760-1860 / Thomas Erskine May v. 3
2000837228 The constitutional history of England since the accession of George the Third, 1760-1860 / by Thomas Erskine May v. 1
2000837228 The constitutional history of England since the accession of George the Third, 1760-1860 / by Thomas Erskine May v. 2
2000837228 The constitutional history of England since the accession of George the Third, 1760-1860 / by Thomas Erskine May v. 3
2000837207 The constitutional history of England, Edward I. to Henry VII / by Henry Hallam . On the English constitution / by J.L. de Lolme
2000837254 The constitutional text-book : a practical and familiar exposition of the constitution of the United States and of portions of the public and administrative law of the federal government designed chiefly for the use of schools, academies, and colleges / by Furman Sheppard
2000853178 The construction and management of steam boilers / by R. Armstrong ; with an appendix by Robert Mallet
2000834911 The control of the tropics / by Benjamin Kidd
2000836294 The control of trusts : an argument in favor of curbing the power of monopoly by a natural method / by John Bates Clark
2000810660 The corn and cattle producing districts of France / by George Gibson Richardson
2000857046 The cost of living as modified by sanitary science / by Ellen H. Richards
2000809988 The cotton plant : its history, botany, chemistry, culture, enemies, and uses / prepared under the supervision of A.C. True ; with an introduction by Charles W. Dabney, Jr
2000857441 The counting-house guide to the higher branches of commercial calculations : exhibiting the methods employed by merchants, ... and account sales
2000860834 The crayon papers ; The conquest of Spain ; Spanish voyages of discovery / by Washington Irving
2000859806 The crisis / by Winston Churchill ; with illustrations by Howard Chandler Christy
2000841552 The crittenden commercial arithmetic and business manual : designed for the use of merchants, business men, academies, and commercial colleges / by John Groesbeck
2000841546 The crittenden commercial arithmetic and business manual : designed for the use of merchants, business men, academies, and commercial colleges / by John Groesbeck
2000498036 The crops of the farm / by T. Bowick ... [et al.]
2000862751 The cruise of Her Majesty's Ship "Challenger" : voyages over many seas, scenes in many lands / by W.J.J. Spry
2001348474 The cultivated oranges and lemons of India and Ceylon : atlas of plates, with descriptive letter-press / by E. Bonavia
2000498050 The cultivated oranges and lemons, etc. of India and Ceylon : with researches into their origin and the derivation of their names, and other useful information, with an atlas of illustrations / by E. Bonavia
2000828524 The cultivation of the peach and the pear, on the Delaware and Chesapeake Peninsula, with a chapter on quince culture and the culture of some of the nut-bearing trees / by John J. Black
2000839185 The cultivation of the speaking voice / by John Hullah
2000856027 The culture of vegetables and flowers : from seeds and roots ... / by Sutton and Sons
2000857359 The dairy cow : a monograph on the Ayrshire breed of cattle with an appendix on Ayrshire, Jersey, and Dutch milks: their formation and peculiarities / by E. Lewis Sturtevant and Joseph N. Sturtevant
2000829600 The dairyman's manual : a practical treatise on the dairy, including the selection of the farm, the cultivation of crops, the selection and breeding of cows, management of the milk, making butter and cheese, and the treatment of diseases incident to dairy cows / by Henry Stewart
2000833005 The data of ethics / by Herbert Spencer
2001420197 The deer family / by Theodore Roosevelt, T.S. Van Dyke, D.G. Elliot and A.J. Stone ; illustrated by Carl Rungius and others
2000717576 The descent of Man : and selection in relation to sex / by Charles Darwin
2000854669 The designing and construction of storage reservoirs / by Arthur Jacob ; rev. and extended by E. Sherman Gould
2000860456 The devil's chain / by Edward Jenskins
2000833759 The dictionary of statistics / by Michael G. Mulhall
2000713019 The different forms of flowers on plants of the same species / by Charles Darwin
2000832885 The discourses and essays of the Rev. J.H. Merle D'Aubigné, D.D. / with an introduction by Robert Baird ; translated from the French by Charles W. Baird
2000852135 The dispensatory of the United States of America / by George B. Wood and Franklin Bache
2000849582 The dispersal of shells : an inquiry into the means of dispersal possessed by fresh-water and land mollusca / by Harry Wallis Kew : with a preface by Alfred Ressel Wallace
2000802752 The distribution of products, or, The mechanism and the metaphysics of exchange : three essays / by Edward Atkinson
2000721460 The doctrine of evolution : its data, its principles, its speculations, and its theistic bearings / by Alexander Winchell
2000863100 The domestic life of Thomas Jefferson / complied from family letters and reminiscences by Sarah N. Randolph
2000855322 The drainage of fens and low lands by gravitation and steam power / by W. H. Wheeler
2000858955 The draughtsman's handbook of plan and map drawing, including instructions for the preparation of engineering, architectural, and mechanical drawings / by George G. André
2000864180 The early history of Charles James Fox / by Sir George Otto Trevelyan
2000863592 The early life of Abraham Lincoln : containing many unpublished documents and unpublished reminiscences of Lincoln's early friends / by Ida M. Tarbell ; assisted by J. McCan Davis
2000852604 The earth : a descriptive history of the phenomena of the life of the globe / by Élisée Reclus ; translated by B.B. Woodward ; edited by Henry Woodward
2000863521 The earth and its inhabitants / by Élisée Reclus ; edited by A.H. Keane Asia : v. 1
2000863521 The earth and its inhabitants / by Élisée Reclus ; edited by A.H. Keane Asia : v. 2
2000863521 The earth and its inhabitants / by Élisée Reclus ; edited by A.H. Keane Asia : v. 3
2000863521 The earth and its inhabitants / by Élisée Reclus ; edited by A.H. Keane Asia : v. 4
2000847578 The earth as modified by human action / by George P. Marsh
2000852628 The earthquake catalogue of the British association, with the discussion, curves and maps, etc / by Robert Mallet and John William Mallet
2001347939 The echinoderma / By F.A. Bather ; assisted by J.W. Gregory & E.S. Goodrich
2000703316 The economic foundations of society / by Achille Loria ; translated from the second French edition by Lindley M. Keasbey ; with a new preface by the author
2000861280 The economic interpretation of history / by Edwin R.A. Seligman
2000836222 The economics of distribution / by John A. Hobson
2000852832 The elasticity and resistance of the materials of engineering / by Wm. H. Burr
2000398355 The electorate and the legislature / by Spencer Walpole
2000498220 The elementary principles of scientific agriculture / by J.C. Buckmaster and J.J. Willis
2000855264 The elementary principles of scientific agriculture / by N. T. Lupton
2000550846 The elementary spelling books : being an improvement on "the American spelling-book" / by Noah Webster
2000550846 The elementary spelling books : being an improvement on "the American spelling-book" / by Noah Webster
2000550846 The elementary spelling books : being an improvement on "the American spelling-book" / by Noah Webster
2000842154 The elements of Euclid for the use of schools and colleges, comprising the first six books and portions of the eleventh and twelfth books, with notes, an appendix, and exerciese / by I. Todhunter
2000855190 The elements of agriculture : a book for young farmers / by Geo. E. Waring, Jr
2000855190 The elements of agriculture : a book for young farmers / by Geo. E. Waring, Jr
2000841618 The elements of algebra : designed for the use of schools / by the right rev. John William Colenso
2000841618 The elements of algebra : designed for the use of schools / by the right rev. John William Colenso
2000841618 The elements of algebra : designed for the use of schools / by the right rev. John William Colenso
2000841885 The elements of algebra : originally designed for the use of students in the universities / by James Wood
2000841885 The elements of algebra : originally designed for the use of students in the universities / by James Wood
2000841885 The elements of algebra : originally designed for the use of students in the universities / by James Wood
2000842683 The elements of astronomy : colleges, schools, and private students, written for the mathematical course of Joseph Ray / by Selim H. Peabody
2000842683 The elements of astronomy : colleges, schools, and private students, written for the mathematical course of Joseph Ray / by Selim H. Peabody
2000842683 The elements of astronomy : colleges, schools, and private students, written for the mathematical course of Joseph Ray / by Selim H. Peabody
2000848943 The elements of botany : for beginners and for schools / by Asa Gray
2000849163 The elements of botany : for families and schools
2000858397 The elements of building construction and architectural drawing / by Ellis A, Davisdon
2000845488 The elements of chemistry : a text-book for beginners / by Ira Remsen
2000845488 The elements of chemistry : a text-book for beginners / by Ira Remsen
2000845488 The elements of chemistry : a text-book for beginners / by Ira Remsen
2000845181 The elements of chemistry : inorganic and organic / by Sidney A. Norton
2000843869 The elements of dynamics : (mechanics) : with numerous examples and examination questions / by James Blaikie
2000835948 The elements of economics / by Henry Dunning Macleod v. 1
2000835948 The elements of economics / by Henry Dunning Macleod v. 2
2001390676 The elements of embryology / by M. Foster and the late Francis M. Balfour ; edited by Adam Sedgwick and Walter Heape
2000484569 The elements of forestry : designed to afford information concerning the planting and care of forest trees for ornament or profit and giving suggestions upon the creation and care of woodlands with the view of securing the greatest benefit for the longest time, particulary adapted to the wants and conditions of the United States / by Franklin B. Hough
2000836479 The elements of jurisprudence / by Thomas Erskine Holland
2001636224 The elements of moral science / by Francis Wayland
2001636224 The elements of moral science / by Francis Wayland
2001636224 The elements of moral science / by Francis Wayland
2000833049 The elements of morality, including polity / by William Whewell
2000859254 The elements of perspective : illustrated by numerous examples and diagrams / by Arron Penley
2000498263 The elements of physical chemistry / by J. Livingsto R. Morgan
2001653251 The elements of physiology and hygiene : a text-book for educational institutions / by Thos. H. Huxley and Wm. Jay Youmans
2000842239 The elements of plane geometry / by D. Kikuchi Pt. 1, bk. 1-2
2000842248 The elements of plane geometry : for the use of schools and colleges / by Richard P. Wright ; with a preface by T. Archer Hirst
2000842529 The elements of plane trigonometry / by H.N. Wheeler
2000835530 The elements of political economy / by Francis Wayland
2000835530 The elements of political economy / by Francis Wayland
2000944649 The elements of political economy / by Francis Wayland
2000835530 The elements of political economy / by Francis Wayland
2000550196 The elements of political economy / by Émile de Laveleye ; translated by Alfred W. Pollard ; with an introduction and supplementary chapter by F.W. Taussig
2000550196 The elements of political economy / by Émile de Laveleye ; translated by Alfred W. Pollard ; with an introduction and supplementary chapter by F.W. Taussig
2000550196 The elements of political economy / by Émile de Laveleye ; translated by Alfred W. Pollard ; with an introduction and supplementary chapter by F.W. Taussig
2000853251 The elements of practical mechanism and machine tools / by T. Baker ; with remarks on tools and machinery by James Nasmyth
2000859009 The elements of practical perspective / by Ellis A, Davisdon
2000484589 The elements of public finance : including the monetary system of the United States / by Winthrop More Daniels
2000839060 The elements of railway economics / by W.M. Acworth
2000842754 The elements of theoretical and descriptive astronomy : for the use of colleges and academies / by Charles J. White
2000833917 The emotions and the will / by Alexander Bain
2000831675 The encyclopedia of all nations : comprising a complete pysical, statistical, civil, and political description of the world ... / by Hugh Murray ; edited by Elbridge Smith v. 1
2000831675 The encyclopedia of all nations : comprising a complete pysical, statistical, civil, and political description of the world ... / by Hugh Murray ; edited by Elbridge Smith v. 2
2000845591 The encyclopedia of chemistry : practical and theoretical, embracing its application to the arts, metallurgy, mineralogy, geology, medicine, and pharmacy / by James C. Booth ; assisted by Campbell Morfit
2000845591 The encyclopedia of chemistry : practical and theoretical, embracing its application to the arts, metallurgy, mineralogy, geology, medicine, and pharmacy / by James C. Booth ; assisted by Campbell Morfit
2000845591 The encyclopedia of chemistry : practical and theoretical, embracing its application to the arts, metallurgy, mineralogy, geology, medicine, and pharmacy / by James C. Booth ; assisted by Campbell Morfit
2000845591 The encyclopedia of chemistry : practical and theoretical, embracing its application to the arts, metallurgy, mineralogy, geology, medicine, and pharmacy / by James C. Booth ; assisted by Campbell Morfit
2000484586 The encyclopedia of social reforms : including political economy, political science, sociology, and statistics, covering anarchism, charities, civil service, currency, land and legislation reform, penology, socialism, social purity, trades unions, woman suffrage, etc. / edited by William D.P. Bliss ... [et al.]
2000832456 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 1
2000832456 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 10
2000832456 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 11
2000832456 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 12
2000832456 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 13
2000832456 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 14
2000832456 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 15
2000832456 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 16
2000832456 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 17
2000832456 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 18
2000832456 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 19
2000832456 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 2
2000832456 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 20
2000832456 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 21
2000832456 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 22
2000832456 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 23
2000832456 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 24
2000832456 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 25
2000832456 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 3
2000832456 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 4
2000832456 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 5
2000832456 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 6
2000832456 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 7
2000832456 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 8
2000832456 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 9
2000831521 The enemies of books / by William Blades
2000854594 The equipment of the farm / by Wm. Burness, J. C. Morton and Gilbert Murray
2000848067 The ethics of the dust : ten lectures to little housewives on the elements of crystallization / by John Ruskin
2000836200 The evolution of industry / Henry Dyer
2000848561 The evolution of man : a popular exposition of the principal points of human ontogeny and phylogeny / from the German of Ernst Haeckel v. 1
2000848561 The evolution of man : a popular exposition of the principal points of human ontogeny and phylogeny / from the German of Ernst Haeckel v. 2
2000802172 The evolution of modern money / by William Warrand Carlile
2000864615 The expansion of Egypt : under Anglo-Egyptian condominium / by Arthur Silva White
2000864960 The expansion of England : two courses of lectures / by J.R. Seeley
2000860390 The exploits of Brigadier Gerard / by A. Conan Doyle ; illustrated by W.B. Wollen
2000850309 The explorers', miners', and metallurgists' companion, : comprising a practical exposition of the various departments of geology exploration, mining, engineering assaying, and metallurgy / by J.S. Phillips
2000862521 The fables of Æsop : and others, translated into human nature / designed and drawn on the wood by Charles H. Bennett
2000848595 The factors of organic evolution / by Herbert Spencer
2000840653 The facts of life (Les faits de la vie) : idiomatically described and systematically arranged forming a text-book for the methodical study of the French vocabulary / by Victor Bétis and Howard Swan pt. 1
2000834230 The family Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments, with brief notes and instructions, designed to give the results of critical investigation, and to assist common readers to understand the meaning of the Holy Spirit in the inspired word, including the references and marginal readeings of the polyglot Bible [v. 1]
2000834230 The family Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments, with brief notes and instructions, designed to give the results of critical investigation, and to assist common readers to understand the meaning of the Holy Spirit in the inspired word, including the references and marginal readeings of the polyglot Bible [v. 2]
2000834230 The family Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments, with brief notes and instructions, designed to give the results of critical investigation, and to assist common readers to understand the meaning of the Holy Spirit in the inspired word, including the references and marginal readeings of the polyglot Bible [v. 3]
2000834216 The family Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments, with brief notes and instructions, designed to give the results of critical investigation, and to assist the reader to understand the meaning of the holy spirit in the inspired word, including the references and marginal readings of the polyglot bible, with engraving, maps, and tables
2000498476 The farm and the dairy / by J.P. Sheldon
2000854229 The farm-yard club of Jotham : an account of the families and farms of that famous town / by George B. Loring
2000498935 The farmer's and planter's encyclopædia of rural affairs : embracing all the most recent discoveries in agricultural chemistrey, stuited to the comprehension of unscientific readers / by Cuthbert W. Johnson ; with exptesive additions adapting the work to the United States, and numerous engravings of animals, implements, and other subjects connected with agriculture by Gouverneur Emerson
2000498935 The farmer's and planter's encyclopædia of rural affairs : embracing all the most recent discoveries in agricultural chemistrey, stuited to the comprehension of unscientific readers / by Cuthbert W. Johnson ; with exptesive additions adapting the work to the United States, and numerous engravings of animals, implements, and other subjects connected with agriculture by Gouverneur Emerson
2000498474 The farmer's business handbook : a manual of simple farm accounts and of brief advice on rural law / by Isaac Phillips Roberts
2000498474 The farmer's business handbook : a manual of simple farm accounts and of brief advice on rural law / by Isaac Phillips Roberts
2000854388 The farmer's calendar : containing the business necessary to be performed on various kinds of farms during every month in the year / by Arthur Young
2000498428 The farmer's calender : describing the work to be done on various kinds of farms during every month in the year / by John Chalmers Morton
2000551191 The farmer's veterinary adviser : a guide to the prevention and treatment of disease in domestic animals / by James Law
2000551191 The farmer's veterinary adviser : a guide to the prevention and treatment of disease in domestic animals / by James Law
2000551191 The farmer's veterinary adviser : a guide to the prevention and treatment of disease in domestic animals / by James Law
2000551191 The farmer's veterinary adviser : a guide to the prevention and treatment of disease in domestic animals / by James Law
2000804998 The farmer's veterinary adviser : a guide to the prevention and treatment of disease in the domestic animals / by James Law
2000804998 The farmer's veterinary adviser : a guide to the prevention and treatment of disease in the domestic animals / by James Law
2000804998 The farmer's veterinary adviser : a guide to the prevention and treatment of disease in the domestic animals / by James Law
2000855123 The farmers' and mechanics' manual : with many valuable tables for machinists, manufactures, merchants, builders, engineers, masons, painters, plumbers, gardeners, accountants, etc. / by W.S. Courtner
2000855123 The farmers' and mechanics' manual : with many valuable tables for machinists, manufactures, merchants, builders, engineers, masons, painters, plumbers, gardeners, accountants, etc. / by W.S. Courtner
2000498241 The farmstead : the making of the rural home and the lay-out of the farm / by Isaac Phillips Roberts
2000498253 The feeding of animals / by Whitman Howard Jordan
2000498253 The feeding of animals / by Whitman Howard Jordan
2000713703 The fertilisation of flowers / by Hermann Müller ; translated and edited by D'Arcy W. Thompson ; with a preface by Charles Darwin
2000852120 The field of disease, a book of preventive medicine / by Benjamin Ward Richardson
2000854998 The fields of Great Britain : a text-book of agriculture : adapted to the syllabus of the science and art department, South Kensington for elementary and advanced students containing extra subjects of interest and utility to agriculturists and farmers / by Hugh Clements ; with an introducton by H. Kains-Jackson
2000861682 The fifteen decisive battles of the world : from Marathon to Waterloo / by E.S. Creasy
2000839876 The fifth reader of the popular series / by Marcius Willson
2000839907 The fifth reader of the school and family series / by Marcius Willson
2000839907 The fifth reader of the school and family series / by Marcius Willson
2000839907 The fifth reader of the school and family series / by Marcius Willson
2000836289 The financial history of the United States / by Albert S. Bolles From 1861 to 1885
2000859937 The first book of Milton's Paradise lost : with a prose translation or paraphrase, the parsing of the more difficult words, specimens of analysis, and numerous illustrative notes : adapted for use in training colleges and schools, and specially designed to prepare candidates for the University middle-class examinations / by John Hunter
2000864975 The first century of the Republic : a review of American progress / by Theodore D. Woolsey ... [et al.]
2000854273 The first principles of agriculture / by James Mills and Thomas Shaw
2000840568 The first reader / by William T. Harris, Andrew J. Rickoff, Mark Bailey
2000839858 The first reader of the popular series / by Marcius Willson
2000839889 The first reader of the school and family series / by Marcius Willson
2000839889 The first reader of the school and family series / by Marcius Willson
2000442103 The first six classifications
2000862468 The first three books Xenophon's Anabasis : with explanatory notes, and ... a copious Greek-English vocabulary, and kieperts map of the route of the ten thousand / by James R. Boise
2000857110 The fisheries of the world : an illustrated and descriptive record of the international fisheries exhibition, 1883 / by F. Whymper
2000851840 The five senses of man / by Julius Bernstein
2000820630 The flora of the Kurile Islands / by K. Miyabe
2001348761 The florists' manual / by William Scott ; a reference book for commercial florists
2000498751 The forcing-book : a manual of the cultivation of vegetables in glass houses / by L.H. Bailey
2000828365 The forcing-book : a manual of the cultivation of vegetables in glass houses / by L.H. Bailey
2000857079 The forest tree culturist : a treatise on the cultivation of American forest trees, with notes on the most valuable foreign species / by Andrew S. Fuller
2000855712 The forest tree culturist : a treatise on the cultivation of American forest trees, with notes on the most valuable foreign species / by Andrew S. Fuller
2000484568 The forester : or a practical treatise on the planting, rearing, and general management of forest-trees / by James Brown
2000484568 The forester : or a practical treatise on the planting, rearing, and general management of forest-trees / by James Brown
2000850139 The formation of vegetable mould, through the action of worms, with observations on their habits / by Charles Darwin
2000852244 The foundation of death : a study of the drink-question / by Axel Gustafson
2000833195 The fountain of life : or, a display of Christ in his essential and mediatorial glory / by John Flavel
2000840583 The fourth reader / by William T. Harris, Andrew J. Rickoff, Mark Bailey
2000839865 The fourth reader of the popular series / by Marcius Willson
2000839913 The fourth reader of the school and family series / by Marcius Willson
2000839913 The fourth reader of the school and family series / by Marcius Willson
2000839913 The fourth reader of the school and family series / by Marcius Willson
2000836191 The free trade speeches of the Right Hon. Charles Pelham Villiers, M.P. : with a political memoir / edited by a member of the Cobden Club v. 1
2000836191 The free trade speeches of the Right Hon. Charles Pelham Villiers, M.P. : with a political memoir / edited by a member of the Cobden Club v. 2
2001309136 The fruit garden / by George Bunyard and Owen Thomas
2000855964 The fruit manual : a guide to the fruits and fruit trees of Great Britain / by Robert Hogg
2001348492 The fruits and fruit-trees of America : or the culture, propagation, and management, in the garden and orchard, of fruit-trees generally : with descriptions of all the finest varieties of fruit, native and foreign, cultivated in this country / by A.J. Downing
2000864568 The future of Japan : with a survey of present conditions / by W. Petrie Watson
2000499488 The gas engineer's pocket-book : comprising tables, notes, and memoranda relating to the manufacture, distribution, and use of coal gas and the construction of gas works / by Henry O'Connor
2000859779 The gas manager's handbook : consisting of tables, rules, and useful information for gas engineers, managers, and others engaged in the manufacture and distribution of coal gas / by Thomas Newbigging
2000859773 The gas-consumer's guide : a hand-book of instruction on the proper management and economical use of gas, with a full description of gas-meters, and directions for ascertaining the consumption by meter, on ventilation, etc.
2000833682 The genesis of a New England State (Connecticut) : read before the Historical and Political Association, April 13, 1883 / by Alexander Johnston
2000859796 The gentleman's house; or, How to plan English residence, from the parsonage to the palace; with tables of accommodation and cost, and a series of selected plans / by Robert Kerr
2000850046 The geographical and geological distribution of animals / by Angelo Heilprin
2000848185 The geological history of plants / by Sir J. William Dawson
2000848071 The geology of Russia in Europe and the Ural mountains / By Roderick Impey Murchison, Édouard de Verneuil and Count Alexander von Keyserling v. 1
2000839467 The grammar of English grammars, with an introduction historical and critical, the whole methodically arranged and amply illustrated, with forms of correcting and of parsing, improprieties for correction, examples for parsing, questions for examination, exercises for writing, observations for the advanced student, decisions and proofs for the settlement of disputed points, occasional strictures and defences, an exhibition of the several methods of analysis, and a key to the oral exercises, to which are added four appendixes, pertaining separately to the four parts of grammar / by Goold Brown
2000498446 The grammar of science / by Karl Pearson
2000855018 The grape culturist : a treatise on the cultivation of the native grape / by Andrew S. Fuller
2000855018 The grape culturist : a treatise on the cultivation of the native grape / by Andrew S. Fuller
2000860701 The great conversers : and other essays / by William Mathews
2000838891 The growth and vicissitudes of commerce in all ages : an historical narrative of the industry and intercourse of civilised nations / by John Yeats
2000864950 The growth of British policy : an historical essay / by Sir J.R. Seeley v. 1
2000864950 The growth of British policy : an historical essay / by Sir J.R. Seeley v. 2
2000835861 The growth of English industry and commerce / by W. Cunningham
2000837180 The growth of the English constitution, from the earliest times / by Edward A. Freeman
2000864432 The growth of the empire : a handbook to the history of Greater Britain / by Arthur W. Jose
2000854516 The handy-book of husbandry : a guide for farmers, young and old / by George E. Waring, Jr
2000854516 The handy-book of husbandry : a guide for farmers, young and old / by George E. Waring, Jr
2000848626 The harvest of the sea / by James G. Bertram
2000834161 The hill difficulty : and some experiences of life in the plains of ease, with other miscellanies / by George B. Cheever
2000864426 The historical basis of modern Europe (1760-1815) : an introductory study to the general history of Europe in the nineteenth century / by Archibald Weir
2000863077 The historical geography of Europe / by Edward A. Freeman v. 2
2000861487 The historical reference book : comprising a chronological table of universal history, a chronological dictionary of universal history, a biographical dictionary / by Louis Heilprin
2000864893 The history and topography of the United States of America / edited by John Howard Hinton v. 1
2000864893 The history and topography of the United States of America / edited by John Howard Hinton v. 2
2000838921 The history of British commerce : and of the economic progress of the British nation, 1763-1878 / by Leone Levi
2000864434 The history of England : from the accession of James the Second / by Lord Macaulay vol. I
2000864434 The history of England : from the accession of James the Second / by Lord Macaulay vol. II
2000864434 The history of England : from the accession of James the Second / by Lord Macaulay vol. III
2000864434 The history of England : from the accession of James the Second / by Lord Macaulay vol. IV
2000864473 The history of England : from the earliest period to the present time, adapted to youth, schools, and families / by Miss Corner
2000864473 The history of England : from the earliest period to the present time, adapted to youth, schools, and families / by Miss Corner
2000864473 The history of England : from the earliest period to the present time, adapted to youth, schools, and families / by Miss Corner
2000858336 The history of Hortense : daughter of Josephine, Queen of Holland, Mother of Napoleon III / by John S.C. Abbott ; with engravings
2000864494 The history of Italy, from the fall of the Western Empire, to the commencement of the wars of the French Revolution / by George Perceval v. 2
2000838849 The history of Lloyd's and of marine insurance in Great Britain , with an appendix containing statistics relating to marine insurance / by Frederick Martin
2000863629 The history of Napoleon Buonaparte
2000863533 The history of Rasselas, prince of Abyssinia / by Samuel Johnson
2000859129 The history of Tom Jones, a foundling : with the life of the author / by Henry Fielding v. 1
2000859129 The history of Tom Jones, a foundling : with the life of the author / by Henry Fielding v. 2
2000861222 The history of civilization : from the fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution / by F. Guzot ; translated by William Hazlitt v. 1-2 (in 1)
2000861222 The history of civilization : from the fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution / by F. Guzot ; translated by William Hazlitt v. 3-4 (in 1)
2000834937 The history of colonization from the earliest time to the present day / Henry C. Morris v. 1
2000834937 The history of colonization from the earliest time to the present day / Henry C. Morris v. 2
2000848569 The history of creation, or, The development of the earth and its inhabitants by the action of natural causes : a popular exposition of the doctrine of evolution in general, and of that of Darwin, Goethe, and Lamarck in particular / from the German of Ernst Haeckel ; the translation rev. by E. Ray Lankester v. 1
2000848569 The history of creation, or, The development of the earth and its inhabitants by the action of natural causes : a popular exposition of the doctrine of evolution in general, and of that of Darwin, Goethe, and Lamarck in particular / from the German of Ernst Haeckel ; the translation rev. by E. Ray Lankester v. 2
2000839127 The history of federal and state aid to higher education in the United States / Frank W. Blackmar
2000839189 The history of language / by Henry Sweet
2000484587 The history of plants
2000834377 The history of the Christian church : during the first ten centuries from its foundation to the full establishment of the Holy Roman Empire and the papal power / by Philip Smith
2000836756 The history of the English corn laws / by J.S. Nicholson
2000839243 The history of the English language / by Oliver Farrar Emerson
2000484584 The history of the Rochdale pioneers, 1844-1982 / by George Jacob Holyoake
2000864028 The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire / by Edward Gibbon ; abridged incorporating the researches of recent commentators by William Smith
2000864044 The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire / by Edward Gibbon ; with notes, by H.H. Milman Vol. 1
2000864044 The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire / by Edward Gibbon ; with notes, by H.H. Milman Vol. 2
2000864044 The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire / by Edward Gibbon ; with notes, by H.H. Milman Vol. 3
2000864044 The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire / by Edward Gibbon ; with notes, by H.H. Milman Vol. 4
2000864044 The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire / by Edward Gibbon ; with notes, by H.H. Milman Vol. 5
2000864044 The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire / by Edward Gibbon ; with notes, by H.H. Milman Vol. 6
2000864451 The history of the rebellion and civil wars in England / by Edward Earl of Clarendon, also, his life written by himself v. 1
2000864451 The history of the rebellion and civil wars in England / by Edward Earl of Clarendon, also, his life written by himself v. 2
2000834866 The history of the rise, increase and progress of the Christian people called Quakers : intermixed with several remarkable occurrences / by William Sewel
2000836291 The history, principles, and practice of banking / by J.W. Gilbart v. 1
2000836291 The history, principles, and practice of banking / by J.W. Gilbart v. 2
2001390740 The history, structure, economy and diseases of the sheep / by W. C. Spooner
2000863608 The homes of the New World : impressions of America / by Fredrika Bremer ; translated by Mary Howitt v. 1
2000863608 The homes of the New World : impressions of America / by Fredrika Bremer ; translated by Mary Howitt v. 2
2001390467 The horse / by William Youatt
2000852515 The horse's foot, and how to keep it sound / by William Miles
2000852720 The horse's foot, and how to shoe it : giving the most approved methods of horse-shoeing, together with the anatomy of the horse's foot and its diseases / by J.R. Cole
2000855248 The horticultural directory and year book for 1903
2000857073 The household cyclopedia of general information : containing over ten thousand receipts, in all the useful and domestic arts : constituting a complete and practical library / by Henry Hartshorne
2000851893 The human body : an account of its structure and activities and the conditions of its healthy working / by H. Newell Martin
2000765118 The human intellect : with an introduction upon psychology and the soul / by Noah Porter
2000848386 The human species / by A. de Quatrefages
2000859961 The humorous poetry of the English language, from Chaucer to Saxe ... / with notes, explanatory and biographical, by James Parton
2000865155 The hundred greatest men : portraits of the one hundred greatest men of history : reproduced from fine and rare steel engravings / with general introduction by Ralph Waldo Emerson ; [by] Matthew Arnold ... [et al.]
2000859795 The illustrated Byron : with upwards of two hundred engravings, from original drawings / by Kenny Meadows ... [et al.]
2000828568 The illustrated dictionary of gardening, a practical and scientific encyclopædia of horticulture for gardeners and botanists / edited by George Nicholson Vol. 3
2001349503 The illustrated dictionary of gardening, a practical and scientific encyclopædia of horticulture for gardeners and botanists / edited by George Nicholson v. 1
2001349503 The illustrated dictionary of gardening, a practical and scientific encyclopædia of horticulture for gardeners and botanists / edited by George Nicholson v. 2
2001349503 The illustrated dictionary of gardening, a practical and scientific encyclopædia of horticulture for gardeners and botanists / edited by George Nicholson v. 4
2000833226 The illustrated life of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ : to which is added, an account of the lives and sufferings of the apostles and evangelists / by John Fleetwood
2000848910 The illustrated natural history / by J.G. Wood ; with four hundred and fifty original designs by William Harvey
2000858427 The immigrant builder, or, Practical hints to handy-men : showing clearly how to plan and construct dwellings in the bush, on the prairie, or elsewhere, cheaply and well, with wood, earth, or gravel / by C.P. Dwyer
2000858427 The immigrant builder, or, Practical hints to handy-men : showing clearly how to plan and construct dwellings in the bush, on the prairie, or elsewhere, cheaply and well, with wood, earth, or gravel / by C.P. Dwyer
2000839232 The imperial dictionary of the English language : a complete encyclopædic lexicon, literary, scientific, and technological / by John Ogilvie v. 1 : A-Depascent
2000839232 The imperial dictionary of the English language : a complete encyclopædic lexicon, literary, scientific, and technological / by John Ogilvie v. 1 : A-Depascent
2000839232 The imperial dictionary of the English language : a complete encyclopædic lexicon, literary, scientific, and technological / by John Ogilvie v. 2 : Depasture-Kythe
2000839232 The imperial dictionary of the English language : a complete encyclopædic lexicon, literary, scientific, and technological / by John Ogilvie v. 2 : Depasture-Kythe
2000839232 The imperial dictionary of the English language : a complete encyclopædic lexicon, literary, scientific, and technological / by John Ogilvie v. 3 : L-Screak
2000839232 The imperial dictionary of the English language : a complete encyclopædic lexicon, literary, scientific, and technological / by John Ogilvie v. 3 : L-Screak
2000839232 The imperial dictionary of the English language : a complete encyclopædic lexicon, literary, scientific, and technological / by John Ogilvie v. 4 : Scream-Zythum with suppl. and appendix
2000839232 The imperial dictionary of the English language : a complete encyclopædic lexicon, literary, scientific, and technological / by John Ogilvie v. 4 : Scream-Zythum with suppl. and appendix
2000854631 The increase in the produce of the soil through the rational use of nitrogenous manure / by Paul Wagner ; translated by George G. Henderson
2000835881 The industrial and commercial history of England : lectures delivered to the university of Oxford / by James E. Thorold Rogers ; edited by Arthur G. L. Rogers
2001030583 The industrial evolution of the United States / by Carroll D. Wright
2000851116 The industrial history of the United States : for high schools and colleges / by Katharine Coman
2000851117 The industries of Japan : together with an account of its agriculture, forestry, arts and commerce : from travels and researches undertaken at the cost of the Prussian Government / by J.J. Rein
2000850810 The industries of New South Wales / by Charles Lyne
2000498968 The industries of animals / by Frédéric Houssay
2001348778 The insect world : being a popular account of the orders of insects : together with a description of the habits and economy of some of the most interesting species / by Louis Figuier
2001348718 The intelligence of animals : with illustrative anecdotes / from the French of Ernest Menault
2000552507 The intercourse between the United States and Japan : an historical sketch / by Inazo (Ota) Nitobe
2000498742 The international geography / by seventy authors ; edited by Hugh Robert Mill
2000829098 The jersey, alderney, and guernsey cow : their history, nature and management, showing how to choose a good cow : how to feed, to manage, to milk, and to breed to the most profit / Willis P. Hazard
3000006156 The journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, Japan = 東京帝國大學紀要. 理科 18
3000006156 The journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, Japan = 東京帝國大學紀要. 理科 19
2000847118 The laboratory guide : a manual of practical chemistry for colleges and schools specially arranged for agricultural students / by Arthur Herbert Church
2000699159 The labour laws / by James Edward Davis
2000806956 The land and the labourers : facts and experiments in cottage farming and co-operative agriculture / by Charles William Stubbs
2000513927 The land of Thor / by J. Ross Browne ; illustated by the author
2000513927 The land of Thor / by J. Ross Browne ; illustated by the author
2000484590 The land-systems of British India : being a manual of the land-tenures and of the systems of land-revenue administration prevalent in the several provinces / by B. H. Baden-Powell v. 1
2000484590 The land-systems of British India : being a manual of the land-tenures and of the systems of land-revenue administration prevalent in the several provinces / by B. H. Baden-Powell v. 2
2000484590 The land-systems of British India : being a manual of the land-tenures and of the systems of land-revenue administration prevalent in the several provinces / by B. H. Baden-Powell v. 3
2000863057 The last journals of David Livingstone, in Central Africa : from eighteen hundred and sixty-five to his death : continued by a narrative of his last moments and sufferings, obtained from his faithful servants, Chuma and Susi / by Horace Waller ; with portrait, maps, and illustrations
2000498758 The law of civilization and decay : an essay on history / by Brooks Adams
2000833159 The law of love and love as a law, or, Moral science, theoretical and practical / by Mark Hopkins
2000834797 The law of naturalization, as amended by the naturalization acts, 1870 / by John Cutler
2000852672 The law of storms : considered practically / by W.H. Rosser
2000852791 The law relating to mines, minerals, & quarries in Great Britain and Ireland : with a summary of the laws of foreign states, and practical directions for obtaining government grants to work foreign mines / by Arundel Rogers
2000859948 The legendary ballads of England and Scotland / compiled and edited by John S. Roberts
2000830521 The library / by Andrew Lang ; with a chapter on modern English illustrated books by Austin Dobson
2000830094 The library manual : a guide to the formation of library, and the valuation of books / by J. Herbert Slater
2000863137 The life and letters of Mrs. Emily C. Judson / by A.C. Kendrick
2000863853 The life and public services of Henry Wilson, late vice-president of the United States / by Elias Nason, and Thomas Russell
2000863604 The life and public services of Hon. Samuel J. Tilden, to which is added a sketch of the life of Hon. Thomas A. Hendricks / by Theodore P. Cook
2000833215 The life and teachings of Confucius : with explanatory notes / by James Legge
2000864112 The life and times of Henry Clay / by Samuel M. Schmucker
2000863267 The life and times of Martin Luther / by W. Carlos Martyn
2000860852 The life and voyages of Christopher Columbus / by Washington Irving
2000833232 The life of Christ / William Hanna
2000833245 The life of Jesus Christ in its historical connection and historical development / by Augustus Neander ; translated from the fourth German edition by John MʿClintock and Charles E. Blumenthal
2000863808 The life of John James Audubon, the naturalist / edited by His widow ; with an introduction by Jas. Grant Wilson
2000861956 The life of Rev. John Bunyan
2000863412 The life of Sir Isaac Newton / by David Brewster
2000863681 The life of Wesley : and rise and progress of Methodism / by Robert Southey, with notes by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and remarks on the life and character of John Wesley, by Alexander Knox ; edited by Charles Cuthbert Southey v. 1
2000863681 The life of Wesley : and rise and progress of Methodism / by Robert Southey, with notes by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and remarks on the life and character of John Wesley, by Alexander Knox ; edited by Charles Cuthbert Southey v. 2
2000863090 The life of the Rev. Rowland Hill, A.M. / by Edwin Sidney
2000856107 The live-stock of the farm / by W.T. Carrington ... [et al.]
2000863377 The locomotive : George and Robert Stephenson / by Samuel Smiles
2000861354 The lottery ticket / Jules Verne
2000852235 The maintenance of health : a medical work for lay readers / by J. Milner Fothergill
2000498933 The management and diseases of the dog / by John Woodroffe Hill
2000859357 The manufacture of steel / by M.L. Grüner ; translated from the French by Lenox Smith ; with an appendix on the bessemer process in the United States, by the translator ; illustrated by lithpgraphed drawings and woodcuts
2000857671 The manufacture of steel : containing the practice and principles of working and making steel, a hand-book, for ... / by Frederick Overman
2000859497 The marble-workers' manual : designed for the use of marble-workers, builders, and owners of houses / translated from the French, by M.L. Booth ; with appendix concerning American marbles
2000864095 The martyrs of science or, the lives of Galileo, Tycho Brahe, and Kepler / by David Brewster
2000863753 The marvels of the polar world : translated from the French of E. Lesbazeilles / by Robert Routledge ; with thirty-eight illustrations
2000863732 The mastery of the Pacific / by Archibald R. Colquhoun
2000841462 The mastery series, manual for learning Spanish, manual para aprender inglés / by Thomas Prendergast
2001293224 The means employed to combat the American gooseberry-mildew in Sweden / by Jakob Eriksson
2000844527 The mechanical theory of heat / by R. Clausius ; translated by Walter R. Browne
2000484458 The medicinal plants of the Philippines / by T.H. Pardo de Tavera ; translated and revised by Jerome B. Thomas 58
2000838864 The members of the Cobden Club, with dates of entrance : annual reports for 1881 and 1882
2000838864 The members of the Cobden Club, with dates of entrance : annual reports for 1881 and 1882
2000857201 The men who advertise : an account of successful advertisers, together with hints on the method of advertising
2000499274 The menace of privilege : a study of the dangers to the republic from the existence of a favored class / by Henry George, Jr.
2000860126 The merchant of Venice / Shakespeare ; with an introduction and notes by K. Deighton
2000837850 The merchants' book of reference for debtor and creditor, in the United States and Canada / by James P. Holcombe
2000857646 The metallurgy of iron and steel : theoretical and practical, in all its branches, with special reference to American materials and processes / by H.S. Osborn
2000857687 The metallurgy of lead : including desilverization and cupellation / by John Percy
2000857687 The metallurgy of lead : including desilverization and cupellation / by John Percy
2000857687 The metallurgy of lead : including desilverization and cupellation / by John Percy
2000857687 The metallurgy of lead : including desilverization and cupellation / by John Percy
2000833312 The method of grace : in the Holy Spirit's applying to the souls of men the eternal redemption contrived by the Father and accomplished by the Son / by John Flavel
2000836308 The methods and machinery of practical banking / by Claudius B. Patten
2000484803 The methods of bacteriological investigation / by Ferdinand Hueppe ; translated by Hermann M. Biggs
2000499203 The microscope : its history, construction, and application, being a familiar introduction to the use of the instrument, and the study of microscopical science / by Jabez Hogg ; with upwards of five hundred engravings, and coloured illustrations by Tuffen West
2000848711 The microscope and microscopical technology : a text-book for physicians and students / by Heinrich Frey ; translated and edited by George R. Cutter
2000484570 The microscope in botany : a guide for the microscopical investigation of vegetable substances / from the German of Julius Wilhelm Behrens ; translated and edited by A.B. Hervey ; assisted by R.H. Ward
2000851410 The microscope in medicine / by Lionel S. Beale ; with more than 500 illustrations, most of which have been drawn on wood by the author
2000499228 The microscopy of the more commonly occurring starches / by Hugh Galt ; illustrated by 22 original microphotographs
2000499254 The microscopy of vegetabel foods : with special reference to the detection of adulteration and the diagnosis of mixtures / by Andrew L. Winton ; with the collaboration of Josef Moller
2000865004 The military and naval history of the rebellion in the United States : with Biographical sketches of deceased officers / by W.J. Tenney
2000858324 The militiaman's manual and sword-play : without a master rapier and broad-sword exercises copiously explained and illustrated; small-arm light infantry drill of the United States Army: infantry manual of percussion musket; company drill of the United States Cavalry / enlarged, revised, corrected, and edited by M.W. Berriman
2000860430 The mill on the floss / by George Eliot pt. 1
2000860430 The mill on the floss / by George Eliot pt. 2
2000860394 The mill on the floss / by George Eliot
2000852781 The mines of the West : a report to the Secretary of the Treasury / by Rossiter W. Raymond
2000853835 The mining and metallurgy of gold and silver / by J. Arthur Phillips
2000853835 The mining and metallurgy of gold and silver / by J. Arthur Phillips
2000853835 The mining and metallurgy of gold and silver / by J. Arthur Phillips
2000861813 The mistletoe bough and other stories / by Anthony Trollope
2000809520 The modern farmer in his business relations : a study of some of the principles underlying the art of profitable farming and marketing, and of the interests of farmers as affected by modern social and economic conditions and forces / by Edward F. Adams
2000839926 The modern reader and speaker : a selection of poetry and prose from the writings of eminent authors, with copious extracts for recitation preceded by the principles of elocution, comprising ... / by David Charles Bell
2000390843 The modern state in relation to society and the individiual / by Paul Leroy Beaulieu ; [translated by A.C. Morant]
2000824204 The moon : her motions, aspect, scenery, and physical condition / by Richard A. Proctor
2000849609 The morphology of the skull / W. K. Parker and G. T. Bettany
2000712840 The movements and habits of climbing plants / By Charles Darwin
2000856346 The mule : a treatise on the breeding, training, and uses to which he may be put / by Harvey Riley
2000841058 The museum of science & art / edited by Dionysius Lardner v. 1-2
2000841058 The museum of science & art / edited by Dionysius Lardner v. 11-12
2000841058 The museum of science & art / edited by Dionysius Lardner v. 3-4
2000841058 The museum of science & art / edited by Dionysius Lardner v. 5-6
2000841058 The museum of science & art / edited by Dionysius Lardner v. 7-8
2000841058 The museum of science & art / edited by Dionysius Lardner v. 9-10
2000860916 The mysteries of Paris / by Eugene Sue
2000834755 The mythology of Greece and Rome, with special reference to its use in art, from the German of O. Seemann / edited by G.H. Bianchi
2000836612 The national budget : the national debt, taxes and rates / by Alexander Johnstone Wilson
2000848471 The natural history of man : being an account of the manners and customs of the uncivilized races of men / by J.G. Wood ; with new designs by Angas ... [et al.] ; engraved by the brothers Dalziel Africa
2000848471 The natural history of man : being an account of the manners and customs of the uncivilized races of men / by J.G. Wood ; with new designs by Angas ... [et al.] ; engraved by the brothers Dalziel Australia, New Zealand, Polynesia, America, Asia, and ancient Europe
2000838894 The natural history of the raw materials of commerce / by John Yeats
2000864922 The natural wealth of California : comprising ... a detailed description of each county ; its topography, scenery, cities, and towns, agricultural advantages, mineral resources, and varied productions / by Titus Fey Cronise
2001348779 The naturalist's assistant : a hand-book for the collector and student / by J.S. Kingsley
2000852843 The naturalist's diary : a day-book of of meteorology, phenology and rural biology / arranged and edited by Charles Roberts
2000844213 The nature of light, with a general account of physical optics / by Eugene Lommel
2001573583 The nautical almanac and astronomical ephemeris for the year 1872, with an appendix containing elements and ephemerides of Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, and Astræa
2000835292 The nautical almanac and astronomical ephemeris for the year 1875, with an appendix containing elements and ephemerides of Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, and Astræa
2001436179 The nautical almanac and astronomical ephemeris for the year 1876, with an appendix containing elements and ephemerides of Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta
2001436188 The nautical almanac and astronomical ephemeris for the year 1880, for the meridian of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich
2001436195 The nautical almanac and astronomical ephemeris for the year 1883, for the meridian of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich
2001436202 The nautical almanac and astronomical ephemeris for the year 1888, for the meridian of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich
2000863475 The nearer east / by D.G. Hogarth
2000831866 The new American cyclopædia : a popular dictionary of general knowledge / edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana v. 1. A-Araguay
2000831866 The new American cyclopædia : a popular dictionary of general knowledge / edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana v. 12. Mozambique-Parr
2000831866 The new American cyclopædia : a popular dictionary of general knowledge / edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana v. 13. Parr-Redwitz
2000831866 The new American cyclopædia : a popular dictionary of general knowledge / edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana v. 14. Reed-Spire
2000831866 The new American cyclopædia : a popular dictionary of general knowledge / edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana v. 15. Spiritualism-Uzziah
2000831866 The new American cyclopædia : a popular dictionary of general knowledge / edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana v. 16. V-Zwirner
2000831866 The new American cyclopædia : a popular dictionary of general knowledge / edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana v. 2. Beam-Beale
2000831866 The new American cyclopædia : a popular dictionary of general knowledge / edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana v. 3. Beam-Browningrmin
2000842895 The new American practical navigator : being an epitome of navigation, containing all the tables, necessary to be used with the nautical almanac in determining the latitude and the longitude by lunar observations, and keeping a complete reckoning at sea, ... / by Nathaniel Bowditch ; and, since his decease, continued by his son, J. Ingersoll Bowditch
2000842940 The new American practical navigator : being an epitome of navigation, containing all the tables, necessary to be used with the nautical almanac in determining the latitude, and the longitude by lunar observations, and keeping a complete reckoning at sea, ... / by Nathaniel Bowditch
2000844914 The new chemistry / by Josiah P. Cooke, Jr
2000839038 The new education : three papers / by George Herbert Palmer
2001348471 The new horticulture / by H.M. Stringfellow
2001024942 The new international encyclopædia / editors, Daniel Coit Gilman, Harry Thurston Peck, Frank Moore Colby [Suppl.]
2001024942 The new international encyclopædia / editors, Daniel Coit Gilman, Harry Thurston Peck, Frank Moore Colby [Suppl.]
2001024942 The new international encyclopædia / editors, Daniel Coit Gilman, Harry Thurston Peck, Frank Moore Colby v. 1
2001024942 The new international encyclopædia / editors, Daniel Coit Gilman, Harry Thurston Peck, Frank Moore Colby v. 10
2001024942 The new international encyclopædia / editors, Daniel Coit Gilman, Harry Thurston Peck, Frank Moore Colby v. 11
2001024942 The new international encyclopædia / editors, Daniel Coit Gilman, Harry Thurston Peck, Frank Moore Colby v. 12
2001024942 The new international encyclopædia / editors, Daniel Coit Gilman, Harry Thurston Peck, Frank Moore Colby v. 13
2001024942 The new international encyclopædia / editors, Daniel Coit Gilman, Harry Thurston Peck, Frank Moore Colby v. 14
2001024942 The new international encyclopædia / editors, Daniel Coit Gilman, Harry Thurston Peck, Frank Moore Colby v. 15
2001024942 The new international encyclopædia / editors, Daniel Coit Gilman, Harry Thurston Peck, Frank Moore Colby v. 16
2001024942 The new international encyclopædia / editors, Daniel Coit Gilman, Harry Thurston Peck, Frank Moore Colby v. 17
2001024942 The new international encyclopædia / editors, Daniel Coit Gilman, Harry Thurston Peck, Frank Moore Colby v. 18
2001024942 The new international encyclopædia / editors, Daniel Coit Gilman, Harry Thurston Peck, Frank Moore Colby v. 19
2001024942 The new international encyclopædia / editors, Daniel Coit Gilman, Harry Thurston Peck, Frank Moore Colby v. 2
2001024942 The new international encyclopædia / editors, Daniel Coit Gilman, Harry Thurston Peck, Frank Moore Colby v. 20
2001024942 The new international encyclopædia / editors, Daniel Coit Gilman, Harry Thurston Peck, Frank Moore Colby v. 3
2001024942 The new international encyclopædia / editors, Daniel Coit Gilman, Harry Thurston Peck, Frank Moore Colby v. 4
2001024942 The new international encyclopædia / editors, Daniel Coit Gilman, Harry Thurston Peck, Frank Moore Colby v. 5
2001024942 The new international encyclopædia / editors, Daniel Coit Gilman, Harry Thurston Peck, Frank Moore Colby v. 6
2001024942 The new international encyclopædia / editors, Daniel Coit Gilman, Harry Thurston Peck, Frank Moore Colby v. 7
2001024942 The new international encyclopædia / editors, Daniel Coit Gilman, Harry Thurston Peck, Frank Moore Colby v. 8
2001024942 The new international encyclopædia / editors, Daniel Coit Gilman, Harry Thurston Peck, Frank Moore Colby v. 9
2001348878 The new onion culture : a complete guide in growing onions for profit / by T. Greiner
2000843285 The new physics : a manual of experimental study for high schools and preparatory schools for college / by John Trowbridge
2000861821 The new pilgrims' progress / by Mark Twain
2000832989 The new testament : translated from the Greek text of Tischendorf / by George R. Noyes
2000549531 The new volumes of the Encyclopædia Britannica : constituting in combination with the existing volumes of the ninth edition / [editors, Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace, Arthur T. Hadley, Hugh Chisholm] v. 25
2000549531 The new volumes of the Encyclopædia Britannica : constituting in combination with the existing volumes of the ninth edition / [editors, Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace, Arthur T. Hadley, Hugh Chisholm] v. 26
2000549531 The new volumes of the Encyclopædia Britannica : constituting in combination with the existing volumes of the ninth edition / [editors, Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace, Arthur T. Hadley, Hugh Chisholm] v. 27
2000549531 The new volumes of the Encyclopædia Britannica : constituting in combination with the existing volumes of the ninth edition / [editors, Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace, Arthur T. Hadley, Hugh Chisholm] v. 28
2000549531 The new volumes of the Encyclopædia Britannica : constituting in combination with the existing volumes of the ninth edition / [editors, Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace, Arthur T. Hadley, Hugh Chisholm] v. 29
2000549531 The new volumes of the Encyclopædia Britannica : constituting in combination with the existing volumes of the ninth edition / [editors, Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace, Arthur T. Hadley, Hugh Chisholm] v. 30
2000549531 The new volumes of the Encyclopædia Britannica : constituting in combination with the existing volumes of the ninth edition / [editors, Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace, Arthur T. Hadley, Hugh Chisholm] v. 31
2000549531 The new volumes of the Encyclopædia Britannica : constituting in combination with the existing volumes of the ninth edition / [editors, Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace, Arthur T. Hadley, Hugh Chisholm] v. 32
2000549531 The new volumes of the Encyclopædia Britannica : constituting in combination with the existing volumes of the ninth edition / [editors, Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace, Arthur T. Hadley, Hugh Chisholm] v. 33
2000549531 The new volumes of the Encyclopædia Britannica : constituting in combination with the existing volumes of the ninth edition / [editors, Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace, Arthur T. Hadley, Hugh Chisholm] v. 34 : maps
2000549531 The new volumes of the Encyclopædia Britannica : constituting in combination with the existing volumes of the ninth edition / [editors, Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace, Arthur T. Hadley, Hugh Chisholm] v. 35 : index
2000845555 The non-metallic elements / by H. E. Roscoe and C. Schorlemmer
2000845555 The non-metallic elements / by H. E. Roscoe and C. Schorlemmer
2000863641 The northwest coast, or, Three years' residence in Washington territory / by James G. Swan
2000499250 The nut culturist : a treatise on the propagation, planting and cultivation of nut-bearing trees and shrubs adapted to the climate of the United States, with the scientific and common names of the fruits known in commerce as edible or otherwise useful nuts / by Andrew S. Fuller
2000499243 The occurrence of aluminium : in vegetable products, animal products, and natural waters : a contribution to the bibliobraphy of the subject / by C.F. Langworthy and Peter T. Austen
2000862434 The odyssey of Homer : with the hymns, epigrams, and battle of the frogs and mice / literally translated, with explanatory notes, by Theodore Alois Buckley
2000835852 The old English manor : a study in English economic history / by Charles Mclean Andrews
2000837602 The old and the new English country life / by T.E. Kebbel
2000856093 The olive : its culture in theory and practice / by Arthur Tappan Marvin
2000849643 The orchids of New England : a popular monograph / by Henry Baldwin
2000837588 The ordinances of Hongkong / by authority
2000866933 The organization and cell-lineage of the ascidian egg / Edwin G. Conklin
2000499246 The organization of agriculture / by Edwin A. Pratt
2000803230 The origin & growth of the English colonies and of their system of government / Hugh Edward Egerton
2000839249 The origin and history of the English language : and of the early literature it embodies / by George P. Marsh
2000848448 The origin of the fittest : essays on evolution / by E. D. Cope
2000834806 The past, the present, and the future / by H.C. Carey
2000834494 The patriarchal theory : based on the papers of the late John Ferguson McLennan / edited and completed by Donald McLennan
2000857822 The pattern maker's assistant : embracing lathe work, branch work, core work, sweep work, and practical gear construction; the preparation and use of tools; together with a large collection of useful and valuable tables / by Joshua Rose
2000498936 The peanut plant : its cutlivation and uses / by B.W. Jones
2001390760 The percheron horse / [M.C. Weld] ; translated from the French of Charles Du Haÿs
2000856614 The percheron horse in America / by M.C. Weld ; in France by Charles Du Haÿs
2000860953 The percy anecdotes [1]
2000860953 The percy anecdotes [2]
2000856329 The perfect horse : how to know him, how to breed him, how to train him, how to shoe him, how to drive him / by William H.H. Murray ; with an introduction by Henry Ward Beecher ; and a treatise on agriculture and the horse by George B. Loring
2000846991 The periodic classification and the problem of chemical evolution / by George Rudorf
2000854311 The perplexed farmer : how is he to meet alien competition? three lectures given at Brussels before the Belgian Royal Central Society of Agriculture / by Georges Ville ; translated from the fourth French edition by William Crookes
2000860340 The personal history of David Copperfield / by Charles Dickens
2000844917 The phase rule : and its applications / by Alex Findlay
2000839050 The philosophy of education / by Johann Karl Friedrich Rosenkranz ; translated from the German by Anna C. Brackett
2000861538 The philosophy of history, in a course of lectures, delivered at Vienna / by Frederick von Schlegel ; translated from the German, with a memoir of the author, by James Burton Robertson
2000854651 The phosphates of America : where and how they occur, how they are mined, and what they cost, with practical treatises on the manufacture of sulphuric acid, acid phosphate, phosphoric acid, and concentrated superphosphates, and selected methods of chemical analysis / by Francis Wyatt
2000852586 The physical geography of the sea : and its meteorology / by M.F. Maury
2000726439 The physiology of industry : being an exposure of certain fallacies in existing theories of economics / by A.F. Mummery and J.A. Hobson
2000848413 The physiology of marriage : containing a vast amount of valuable and important information to the married, and those about to be married / by Physician of many years' experience
2000832498 The physiology of mind : being the first part of a third edition, revised, enlarged, and in great part rewritten, of "The physiology and pathology of mind" / by Henry Maudsley
2000843238 The physiology of woman and her diseases from infancy to old age : including all those of her critical periods, pregnancy and childbirth, ... / by C. Morrill
2000860328 The pilgrim's progress : with a life of John Bunyan / by Robert Southey ; illustrated with engravings by Tohmas Dalziel
2000863990 The pioneer boy, and how he became president / by William M. Thayer
2000855000 The pioneers and progress of English farming / by Rowland E. Prothero
2000842853 The plane-table : and its use in topographical surveying : from the papers of the United States Coast Survey
2000842853 The plane-table : and its use in topographical surveying : from the papers of the United States Coast Survey
2000498960 The planning and fitting-up of chemical and physical laboratories : with notes on the ventilation, warming and lighting of schools / by T.H. Russell
2000849536 The plants of New South Wales : according to the census ... with an introductory essay and occasional notes / by William Woolls
2001358901 The platyhelmia, mesozoa, and nemertini / W. Blaxland Benham
2000853800 The playbook of metals : including personal narratives of visits to coal, lead, copper, and tin mines, with a large number of interesting experiments, relating to alchemy and the chemistry of the fifty metallic elements / by John Henry Pepper
2000853986 The pneumatic sewage system : treated with reference to public health, agriculture and national economy / by G. Zehfuss ; translated by F. Coar ; with an introduction to Captain Charles T. Liernur's pneumatic sewage system pt. 1
2000859991 The poetical works of Alfred Tennyson : poet laureate
2001070661 The poetical works of Alfred Tennyson : poet laureate / [Alfred Tennyson]
2000859899 The poetical works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
2000860013 The poetical works of John Greenleaf Whittier
2000859876 The poetical works of John Keats / edited with notes and appendices by H. Buxton Forman and Mrs. Keats, and a biographical sketch by Wm. M. Rossetti
2000859957 The poetical works of John Milton
2000859932 The poetical works of John Milton / edited by Egerton Brydges ; illustrated with engravings, designed by John Martin and J. W. M. Turner
2000859979 The poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley / edited by Edward Dowden
2000859778 The poetical works of Robert Burns
2000862715 The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott / [Walter Scott]
2000859944 The poetical works of Thomas Moore
2000861419 The poetry of Tennyson / by Henry Van Dyke
2000843026 The poetry of science : or studies of the physical phenomena of nature / by Robert Hunt
2000860019 The poets of the nineteenth century / selected and edited by the Rev. Robert Aris Willmott ; with English and American additions, arranged by Evert A. Duyckinck
2000834360 The political class book : intended to instruct the higher classes in schools in the origin, nature, and use of political power / by William Sullivan ; with an appendix by George B. Emerson
2000838160 The political code of the State of California : as enacted in 1872, and amended in 1883 : with notes and references to the decisions of the Supreme Court / by Nathan Newmark
2000835971 The political life of our time / by David Nicol Vol. 1
2000835971 The political life of our time / by David Nicol Vol. 2
2000861278 The political value of history / by W. E. H. Lecky
2000800273 The poor and the land being a report on the Salvation Army colonies in the United States and at Hadleigh, England with scheme of National Land Settlement and an introduction / by H. Rider Haggard
2000838820 The poor law / by T.W. Fowle
2000832366 The popular educator : a complete encyclopædia of elementary, advanced, and technical education v. 1
2000832366 The popular educator : a complete encyclopædia of elementary, advanced, and technical education v. 2
2000832366 The popular educator : a complete encyclopædia of elementary, advanced, and technical education v. 3
2000832366 The popular educator : a complete encyclopædia of elementary, advanced, and technical education v. 4
2000832366 The popular educator : a complete encyclopædia of elementary, advanced, and technical education v. 5
2000832366 The popular educator : a complete encyclopædia of elementary, advanced, and technical education v. 6
2000864470 The popular history of England : an illustrated history of society and government from the earliest period to our own times / by Charles Knight v. 1
2000864470 The popular history of England : an illustrated history of society and government from the earliest period to our own times / by Charles Knight v. 2
2000864470 The popular history of England : an illustrated history of society and government from the earliest period to our own times / by Charles Knight v. 3
2000864470 The popular history of England : an illustrated history of society and government from the earliest period to our own times / by Charles Knight v. 4
2000864470 The popular history of England : an illustrated history of society and government from the earliest period to our own times / by Charles Knight v. 5
2000864470 The popular history of England : an illustrated history of society and government from the earliest period to our own times / by Charles Knight v. 6
2000864470 The popular history of England : an illustrated history of society and government from the earliest period to our own times / by Charles Knight v. 7
2000864470 The popular history of England : an illustrated history of society and government from the earliest period to our own times / by Charles Knight v. 8
2001347937 The porifera and coelentera / by E.A. Minchin, G. Herbert Fowler and Gilbert C. Bourne ; with an introduction by E. Ray Lankester
2000836303 The positive theory of capital / by Eugen v. Böhm-Bawerk ; translated with a preface and analysis by William Smart
2000860370 The posthumous papers of the Pickwick Club / by Charles Dickens ; with fifty-two illustrations by Thomas Nast
2000498975 The potato : a practical treatise on the potato, its characteristics, planting, cultivation, harvesting, string, marketing, insects, and diseases and their remedies, etc. / Samuel Fraser
2000712823 The power of movement in plants / by Charles Darwin ; assisted by Francis Darwin
2000832539 The power of the soul over the body, considered in relation to health and morals / by George Moore
2000859150 The practical draughtsman's book of industrial design and machinist's and engineer's drawing companion, forming a complete course of mechanical, engineering, and architectural drawing / translated from the French of M. Armengaud, the elder and Mm. Armengaud, the younger, and Amouroux ; rewritten and arranged with additional matter and plates, selections from and examples of the most useful and generally employed mechanism of the day by William Johnson
2000861808 The practical fruit grower / by S.T. Maynard
2000857512 The practical poultry keeper : a complete and standard guide to the management of poultry, whether for domestic use, the markets, of exhibition / by L. Wright
2000499204 The practical shepherd : a complete treatise on the breeding, management and diseases of sheep / by Henry S. Randall ; with illustrations
2000499204 The practical shepherd : a complete treatise on the breeding, management and diseases of sheep / by Henry S. Randall ; with illustrations
2000854506 The practice of embanking lands from the sea : treated as a means of profitable employment for capital, with examples and particulars of actual embankments, and also practical remarks on the repair of old sea-walls / by John Wiggins
2000854506 The practice of embanking lands from the sea : treated as a means of profitable employment for capital, with examples and particulars of actual embankments, and also practical remarks on the repair of old sea-walls / by John Wiggins
2000859484 The preservation of timber by the use of antiseptics / by Samuel Bagster Boulton
2000853900 The principle of the hydraulic ram : applied to large machinery for raising or forcing water, compressing or exhausting air, or motive power / by H.D. Pearsall
2000836293 The principles and practice of banking / by James W. Gilbart
2001283956 The principles and practice of bovine medicine and surgery / by J. Woodroffe Hill
2000854421 The principles and practice of canal and river engineering / by David Stevenson
2000854399 The principles and practice of canal and river engineering / by David Stevenson
2000843858 The principles and practice of statics and dynamics : embracing a clear development of hydrostatics, hydrodynamics, and pneumatics : with central forces and super-elevation of exterior rail, for the use of schools and private students / by T. Baker
2000852445 The principles and practice of veterinary medicine / by William Williams
2000852451 The principles and practice of veterinary medicine / by William Williams
2000852451 The principles and practice of veterinary medicine / by William Williams
2000852451 The principles and practice of veterinary medicine / by William Williams
2000852442 The principles and practice of veterinary surgery / by William Williams
2000852439 The principles and practice of veterinary surgery / by William Williams
2000839639 The principles of English grammar, comprising the substance of all the most approved English grammars extant, briefly defined, and clearly arranged; with copious exercises / by William Lennie
2000839623 The principles of English grammar, comprising the substance of all the most approved English grammars extant, briefly defined, and neatly arranged : with copious exercises in parsing and syntax / by William Lennie
2000839623 The principles of English grammar, comprising the substance of all the most approved English grammars extant, briefly defined, and neatly arranged : with copious exercises in parsing and syntax / by William Lennie
2000499220 The principles of agriculture : a text-book for schools and rural societies / edited by L.H. Bailey
2000836529 The principles of banking, its utility and economy ; with remarks on the working and management of the Bank of England / by Thomson Hankey
2001367438 The principles of biology / by Herbert Spencer v. 1
2001367438 The principles of biology / by Herbert Spencer v. 2
2000845425 The principles of chemistry : illustrated by simple experiments / by Julius Adolph Stöckhardt ; translated by C.H. Peirce
2000845428 The principles of chemistry : illustrated by simple experiments / by Julius Adolph Stöckhardt ; translated by C.H. Peirce
2000498964 The principles of inorganic chemistry / by Wilhelm Ostwald ; translated with the author's sanction by Alexander Findlay
2000832665 The principles of logic : for high schools and colleges / by A. Schuyler
2000835340 The principles of political economy / by Henry Sidgwick
2000835572 The principles of political economy : with sketch of the rise and progress of the science / by J.R. M'Culloch
2000832584 The principles of psychology / by Herbert Spencer vol. 1
2000832584 The principles of psychology / by Herbert Spencer vol. 2
2000860941 The principles of rhetoric / by Adams Sherman Hill
2000860941 The principles of rhetoric / by Adams Sherman Hill
2000860876 The principles of rhetoric and English composition for Japanese students / by W.D. Cox pt. 1
2000860880 The principles of rhetoric and English composition for Japanese students / by W.D. Cox pt. 2
2000833453 The principles of sociology / by Herbert Spencer v. 1
2000673845 The principles of sociology / by Herbert Spencer v. 2
2000673845 The principles of sociology / by Herbert Spencer v. 2
2000799256 The principles of state interference : four essays on the political philosophy of Mr. Herbert Spencer, J.S. Mill, and T.H. Green / by David G. Ritchie
2000499232 The principles of vegetable-gardening / by L.H. Bailey
2001390487 The private stable : its establishment, management, and appointments / by James A. Garland
2000833008 The problem of evil : an introduction to the practical sciences / by Daniel Greenleaf Thompson
2000851279 The progress of the century / by Alfred Russel Wallace ... [et al.]
2000551177 The progressive higher arithmetic, for schools, academies, and mercantile colleges : forming a complete treatise on arithmetical science and its commercial and business applications / edited by Daniel W. Fish
2000551177 The progressive higher arithmetic, for schools, academies, and mercantile colleges : forming a complete treatise on arithmetical science and its commercial and business applications / edited by Daniel W. Fish
2000551177 The progressive higher arithmetic, for schools, academies, and mercantile colleges : forming a complete treatise on arithmetical science and its commercial and business applications / edited by Daniel W. Fish
2000499209 The propagation of plants : giving the principles which govern the development and growth of plants, their botanical affinities and peculiar properties / by Andrew S. Fuller
2001293315 The propagation of the easter lily form seed / by George W. Oliver
2001348862 The pruning-book : a monograph of the pruning and training of plants as applied to American conditions / by L.H. Bailey
2000837864 The punishment and prevention of crime / by Edmund F. Du Cane
2000853850 The quartz operator's hand-book / by P.M. Randall
2000834730 The queen of the air : being a study of the Greek myths of cloud and storm / by John Ruskin
2000839084 The railways and the republic / by James F. Hudson
2000836655 The rating of land values : notes upon the proposals to levy rates in respect of site values / by Arthur Wilson Fox
2000840259 The rational spelling book / by J.M. Rice Pt. 1
2000843366 The recent development of physical science / by William Cecil Dampier Whetham
2000836688 The reciprocity craze : a tract for the times / by George W. Medley
2000836688 The reciprocity craze : a tract for the times / by George W. Medley
2000836688 The reciprocity craze : a tract for the times / by George W. Medley
2000836688 The reciprocity craze : a tract for the times / by George W. Medley
2000852890 The recurring monthly periods and periodic system of the atmospheric actions : with evidences of the transfer of heat and electricity, and general observations on meteorology / by William Henry Bayley Webster
2000830561 The reference catalogue of current literature : containing the full titles of books now in print and on sale, with the prices at which they may be obtained of all booksellers, and an index containing nearly one hundred and forty thousand references v. 1 : A-H
2000830561 The reference catalogue of current literature : containing the full titles of books now in print and on sale, with the prices at which they may be obtained of all booksellers, and an index containing nearly one hundred and forty thousand references v. 2 : I-Z
2000865039 The reign of Queen Victoria : a survey of fifty years of progress / edited by Thomas Humphry Ward v. 1
2000865039 The reign of Queen Victoria : a survey of fifty years of progress / edited by Thomas Humphry Ward v. 2
2000832960 The reign of law / by the Duke of Argyll
2000852146 The relation of animal diseases to the public health and their prevention / by Frank S. Billings
2000855472 The relation of lime and magnesia to plant growth
2000856608 The relations of rents, wages and profits in agriculture, and their bearing on rural depopulation / by J.S. Nicholson
2000833142 The religion of geology and its connected sciences / by Edward Hitchcock
2000832843 The religion of the present and of the future : sermons preached chiefly at Yale College / by Theodore D. Woolsey
2000864468 The revolutionary spirit preceding the French Revolution / by Félix Rocquain ; condensed and translated by J.D. Hunting ; with an introductory note by professor Huxley
2000846711 The rise and early constitution of universities : with a survey of mediæval education / by S.S. Laurie
2000837154 The rise and progress of the English Constitution / by E.S. Creasy
2000864532 The rise of the Dutch Republic : a history / by John Lothrop Motley v. 1 : [original library ed. : cloth]
2000864532 The rise of the Dutch Republic : a history / by John Lothrop Motley v. 2 : [original library ed. : cloth]
2000864532 The rise of the Dutch Republic : a history / by John Lothrop Motley v. 3 : [original library ed. : cloth]
2000833340 The rock of our salvation : a treatise respecting the natures, person, offices, work sufferings, and glory of Jesus Christ / by William S. Plumer
2000852907 The rudiments of civil engineering / by Henry Law ; including a treatise on hydraulic engineering by George R. Burnell
2000852934 The rudiments of civil engineering : for the use of beginers, and for those who are in practice: also applicable for the instruction of the working engineers of H.M's army and navy
2000853494 The rudiments of hydraulic engineering / by G.R. Burnell
2000857957 The rudiments of masonry and stonecutting exhibiting the principles of masonic projection, and their application to the construction of curved wing-walls and domes, oblique bridges, and roman and gothic vaulting / by Edward Dobson
2000841874 The rudiments of written arithmetic, containing slate and black-board exercises for beginners, and designed for graded schools / edited by Daniel W. Fish
2000834712 The ruin of rural England : a warning / by John Wesley Martin
2000499513 The rural economy and agriculture of Australia and New Zealand / as seen by Robert Wallace
2000858439 The saddle-horse : a complete guide for riding and training
2000856415 The scheduling of cattle in England : the Canadian case also reports and précis of reports of all cases of animal diseases reported to the department of agriculture, Ottawa, from 1880 to 1893, during the existence of cattle quarantines
2000855142 The school and college handbook of agriculture : being the principles and practice of agriculture. adapted for the use of board schools and agricultural students generally / by R.M. Ewing ; with a preface by John Scott
2000839061 The school and the schoolmaster : a manual for the use of teachers, employers, trustees, inspectors, &c., &c., of common schools : in two parts
2000855520 The school of chemical manures, or, Elementary principles in the use of fertilizing agents / by A.A. Fesquet ; from the French of M. George Ville
2000840579 The schools of Greater Britain : sketches of the educational systems of the colonies and India / by John Russell
2000851399 The science and practice of medicine / by William Aitken v. 1
2000851399 The science and practice of medicine / by William Aitken v. 2
2000833007 The science of ethics / by Leslie Stephen
2000837114 The science of government : in connection with American institutions / by Joseph Alden
2000839153 The science of language : linguistics, philology, etymology / by Abel Hovelacque ; translated by A.H. Keane
2000834278 The science of politics / by Sheldon Amos
2000835485 The science of wealth : a manual of political economy : embracing the laws of trade, currency, and finance / by Amasa Walker
2000832489 The scientific and literary treasury / by Samuel Maunder
2000832496 The scientific and literary treasury / by Samuel Maunder ; edited by James Yate Johnson
2000499473 The scientific foundations of analytical chemistry : treated in an elementary manner / by Wilhelm Ostwald ; translated with the author's sanction by George M'Gowan
2000841065 The scientific reader : for use in agricultural schools, with notes / by A. Ideta
2000856967 The sea-fisherman : comprising the chief methods of hook and line fishing in the British and other seas, and remarks on nets, boats, and boating / by J.C. Wilcocks
2000860672 The second essay on the Earl of Chatham (William Pitt) / by Lord Macaulay
2000840563 The second reader / by William T. Harris, Andrew J. Rickoff, Mark Bailey
2000839873 The second reader of the popular series / by Marcius Willson
2000839882 The second reader of the school and family series / by Marcius Willson
2000839882 The second reader of the school and family series / by Marcius Willson
2000839882 The second reader of the school and family series / by Marcius Willson
2000864364 The secret societies of the European revolution, 1776-1876 / by Thomas Frost v. 1
2000864364 The secret societies of the European revolution, 1776-1876 / by Thomas Frost v. 2
2000853960 The separate system of sewerage : its theory and construction / Cady Staley and Geo S. Pierson
2000821263 The seven great monarchies of the ancient eastern world, or The history, geography, and antiquities of Chaldæa, Assyria, Babylon, Media, Persia, and Sassanian, or new Persian empire / by George Rawlinson v. 1
2000821263 The seven great monarchies of the ancient eastern world, or The history, geography, and antiquities of Chaldæa, Assyria, Babylon, Media, Persia, and Sassanian, or new Persian empire / by George Rawlinson v. 2
2000821263 The seven great monarchies of the ancient eastern world, or The history, geography, and antiquities of Chaldæa, Assyria, Babylon, Media, Persia, and Sassanian, or new Persian empire / by George Rawlinson v. 3
2000858369 The seven lamps of architecture / by John Ruskin
2000836533 The shifting and incidence of taxation / by Edwin R.A. Seligman
2000860798 The simple life / by Charles Wagner ; translated from the French by Mary Louis Hendee ; with an introduction and biographical sketch by Grace King
2000860901 The sketch book / by Washington Irving . A history of New York, from the beginning of the world to the end of the Dutch dynasty / by Diedrich Knickerbocker
2000839854 The slang dictionary : etymological historical, and anecdotal
2000552219 The small farm and its management / by James Long
2000499463 The small fruit culturist / by Andrew S. Fuller
2000837956 The small holdings act, 1892 : and the statutory provisions incorporated therein / by Horace E. Miller, together with a preface by Jesse Collings
2000499489 The social problem : life and work / by J.A. Hobson
2000499490 The socialism of to-day : together with an account of socialism in England / by Émile de Laveleye ; translated by Goddard H. Orpen
2000855230 The soil of the farm / by John Scott and J. C. Morton
2000855212 The soil, its nature, relations, and fundamental principles of management / by F.H. King
2001293159 The soluble ferments and fermentation / by J. Reynolds Green
2000857052 The southern household companion, containing valuable information, original and otherwise, on all subjects connected with domestic and rural affairs, gardening, cookery, beverages, dairy, medical, veterinary, and miscellaneous / by Mary L. Edgeworth
2000860988 The speaker's garland and literary bouquet v. [1] : 1-4
2000860988 The speaker's garland and literary bouquet v. [1] : 1-4
2000860988 The speaker's garland and literary bouquet v. [2] : 5-8
2000860988 The speaker's garland and literary bouquet v. [2] : 5-8
2000860988 The speaker's garland and literary bouquet v. [3] : 9-12
2000850008 The speech of monkeys / by R.L. Garner
2000492628 The spraying of plants : a succinct account of the history, principles and practice of the application of liquids and powders to plants for the purpose of destroying insects and fungi / by E.G. Lodeman ; with a preface by B.T. Galloway
2000492628 The spraying of plants : a succinct account of the history, principles and practice of the application of liquids and powders to plants for the purpose of destroying insects and fungi / by E.G. Lodeman ; with a preface by B.T. Galloway
2000499814 The stable book : being a treatise on the management of horses : in relation to stabling, grooming, feeding, watering and working, construction of stables, ventilation, stable appendages, management of the feet / management of diseased and defective horses by John Stewart ; with notes and addtions adapting it to American food and climate by A.B. Allen
2000839783 The standard first reader : with spelling and defining lessons / by Epes Sargent pt. 2
2000839783 The standard first reader : with spelling and defining lessons / by Epes Sargent pt. 2
2000839783 The standard first reader : with spelling and defining lessons / by Epes Sargent pt. 2
2000864812 The standard library cyclopædia of political, constitutional, statistical and forensic knowledge : forming a work of universal reference on subjects of civil administration, political economy, finance, commerce, laws and social relations v. 1. A-Car
2000864812 The standard library cyclopædia of political, constitutional, statistical and forensic knowledge : forming a work of universal reference on subjects of civil administration, political economy, finance, commerce, laws and social relations v. 2. Cat-Eyr
2000864812 The standard library cyclopædia of political, constitutional, statistical and forensic knowledge : forming a work of universal reference on subjects of civil administration, political economy, finance, commerce, laws and social relations v. 3. Fac-Par
2000864812 The standard library cyclopædia of political, constitutional, statistical and forensic knowledge : forming a work of universal reference on subjects of civil administration, political economy, finance, commerce, laws and social relations v. 4. Par-Z
2000841562 The standard pronouncing dictionary of the French and English languages, in two parts / by A. Spiers and Gabriel Surenne
2000839767 The standard second reader containing introductory exercise in articulation : an explanatory index, reading lessons, &c. / by Epes Sargent ; with illustrations by Billings and others
2000839767 The standard second reader containing introductory exercise in articulation : an explanatory index, reading lessons, &c. / by Epes Sargent ; with illustrations by Billings and others
2000839767 The standard second reader containing introductory exercise in articulation : an explanatory index, reading lessons, &c. / by Epes Sargent ; with illustrations by Billings and others
2000834537 The state : elements of historical and practical politics : a sketch of institutional history and administration / by Woodrow Wilson
2000854559 The state and agriculture in Hungary : report of the Minister of Agriculture Dr. Ignatius Darányi on his agricultural administration during the years 1896-1903 / translated by Andrew György
2000834529 The state and the church / by Arthur Elliot
2000838801 The state in its relation to education / by Henry Craik
2000836649 The state in its relation to trade / by T.H. Farrer
2000616689 The state in relation to labour / by W. Stanley Jevons
2000838242 The statutes at large of the United States of America, from ... and recent treaties, postal conventions, and executive proclamations v. 22
2000838242 The statutes at large of the United States of America, from ... and recent treaties, postal conventions, and executive proclamations v. 23
2000838242 The statutes at large of the United States of America, from ... and recent treaties, postal conventions, and executive proclamations v. 24
2000838242 The statutes at large of the United States of America, from ... and recent treaties, postal conventions, and executive proclamations v. 25
2000838083 The statutes of California and amendments to the codes, passed at the twenty-eighth session of the legislature, 1889
2000837949 The statutes of California and amendments to the codes, passed at the twenty-fifth session of the legislature, 1883
2000853372 The steam engine familiarly explained and illustrated : with an historical sketch of its invention and progressive improvement; its applications to navigation and railways; with plain maxims for railway speculators / by Dionysius Lardner ; with additions and notes by James Renwick
2000863402 The steam-engine : boulton and watt / by Samuel Smiles
2000821028 The story of Ancient Egypt / by George Rawlinson with the collaboration of Arthur Gilman
2000864297 The story of liberty / by Charles Carleton Coffin
2000847575 The story of the earth and man / by J.W. Dawson
2000847564 The story of the earth and man / by J.W. Dawson
2000848211 The story of the rocks : fourteen weeks in popular geology / by J. Dorman Steele
2000852942 The strains in framed structures, with numerous practical applications to cranes-bridge, roof and suspension trusses-braced arches-pivot and draw spans-continuous girders, etc. also, determination of dimensions and designing of details-specifications and contracts-complete designs and working drawings / by A. Jay Du Bois
2000856255 The strength and elasticity of New South Wales timbers of commercial value / by W.H. Warren
2000852818 The strength of materials and structures / by John Anderson
2000850065 The structure and distribution of coral reefs / by Charles Darwin
2000834490 The struggle against absolute monarchy, 1603-1688 / by S.R. Gardiner
2000838178 The student's Blackstone : being the commentaries on the laws of England : of Sir William Blackstone, Knt., abridged and adapted to the present state of the law
2000841662 The student's algebra / by the right rev. John William Colenso ; edited with the author's sanction by the rev. John Hunter
2000847550 The student's elements of geology / by Sir Charles Lyell
2000847550 The student's elements of geology / by Sir Charles Lyell
2000847550 The student's elements of geology / by Sir Charles Lyell
2000484571 The student's flora of the British Islands / by J.D. Hooker
2000835017 The student's history of the English Parliament, in its transformations through a thousand years : popular account of the growth and development of the English Constitution, from 800 to 1887 / by Rudolf Gneist
2000863620 The student's life of Washington : condensed from the larger work of Washington Irving, for young persons and for the use of schools / [Washington Irving]
2000843877 The student's mechanics : an introduction to the study of force and motion / by Walter R. Browne
2000861706 The study of history in American colleges and universities / by Herbert B. Adams
2000852689 The study of rocks : an elementary text-book of petrology / by Frank Rutley
2000833541 The study of sociology / by Herbert Spencer
2000834027 The suffering saviour, or, Meditations on the last days of Christ / by Fred. W. Krummacher ; translated, under the express sanction of the author, by Samuel Jackson
2000855319 The sugar beet : including a history of the beet sugar industry in Europe, varieties of the sugar beet, examination, soils, tillage, seeds and sowing, yield and cost of cultivation, harvesting, transportation, conservation, feeding qualities of the beet and of the pulp, etc. / by Lewis S. Ware
2000824178 The sun / by C.A. Young
2000824207 The sun : ruler, fire, light, and life of the planetary system / by Richard A. Proctor
2000499487 The survival of the unlike : a collection of evolution essays suggested by the study of domestic plants / by L. H. Bailey
2000849885 The taxidermist's manual : a complete practical guide to collecting, preparing, and preserving all kinds of animals, birds, reptiles, insects, etc., designed for both experts and amateurs
2000848816 The taxidermist's manual; or, The art of collecting , preparing, and preserving objects of natural history : designed for the use of travellers, conservators of museums, and private collectors / by Thomas Brown
2000839058 The teacher's assistant, or hints and methods : in school discipline and instruction : being a series of familiar letters to one entering upon the teacher's work / by Charles Northend
2001180586 The technical history of commerce, or, The progress of the useful arts / by John Yeats ; assisted by several scientific gentlemen
2000842789 The telescope : the principles involved in the construction of refracting and reflecting telescopes / By Thomas Nolan
2000852288 The temperance teachings of science : intended for the general public and especially for young people / by A.B. Palmer ; introduction by Mary A. Livermore
2000499506 The testing of chemical reagents for purity / by C. Krauch ; authorised translation of the 3rd ed. by J.A. Williamson and L.W. Dupré ; with additions and emendations by the author
2000858003 The textile fibres of commerce : a handbook on the occurrence, distribution, preparation, and uses of the animal, vegetable, and mineral fibres used in cotton, woollen, paper, silk, brush, and hat manufactures / by William I. Hannan
2000832916 The theatre : an essay upon the non-accordancy of stage-plays with the Christian profession / by Josiah W. Leeds
2000836287 The theory and policy of labour protection / by A. Schäffle ; edited by A. C. Moran
2000836319 The theory and practice of banking / by Henry Dunning Macleod v. 1
2000836319 The theory and practice of banking / by Henry Dunning Macleod v. 2
2000851813 The theory and practice of medicine / by Frederick T. Roberts ; with illustrations
2000853226 The theory and practice of modern framed structures : designed for the use of schools, and for engineers in professional practice / by J.B. Johnson, C.W. Bryan, and F.E. Turneaure
2000853226 The theory and practice of modern framed structures : designed for the use of schools, and for engineers in professional practice / by J.B. Johnson, C.W. Bryan, and F.E. Turneaure
2000499842 The theory and practice of surveying : designed for the use of surveyors and engineers generally but especially for the use of students in engineering / by J.B. Johnson
2000846363 The theory and practice of surveying : designed for the use of surveyors and engineers generally but especially fot the use of students in engineering / by J.B. Johnson
2000836394 The theory of credit / by Henry Dunning Macleod
2000844794 The theory of electricity and magnetism being lectures on mathematical physics / by Arthur Gordon Webster
2000499816 The theory of equations : with an introduction to the theory of binary algebraic forms / by William Snow Burnside and Arthur William Panton vol. 1
2000841589 The theory of equations : with an introduction to the theory of binary algebraic forms / by William Snow Burnside and Arthur William Panton
2000844539 The theory of heat / by Thomas Preston
2000838842 The theory of international trade : with some of its applications to economic policy / C.F. Bastable
2000504520 The theory of light / by Thomas Preston
2000832725 The theory of morals / by Paul Janet
2000830519 The theory of national and international bibliography : with special reference to the introduction of system in the record of modern literature / by Frank Campbell
2000835903 The theory of political economy / by W. Stanley Jevons
2000853307 The theory of stresses girders and similar structures : with practical observations on the strength and other properties of materials / by Bindon B. Stoney
2000803528 The theory of the foreign exchanges / by George J. Goschen
2000840576 The third reader / by William T. Harris, Andrew J. Rickoff, Mark Bailey
2000839870 The third reader of the popular series / by Marcius Willson
2000839892 The third reader of the school and family series / by Marcius Willson
2000839892 The third reader of the school and family series / by Marcius Willson
2000833221 The thoughts of the Emperor M. Aurelius Antoninus / translated by George Long
2000856768 The timber trees of New South Wales / by Arvid Nilson
2000855996 The tomato : with up to date cultural directions for maintaining a continuous supply fruit, including also special instructions for amateurs, growers of fruits for markets and exhibitors, a chapter on diseases and insect pests and their prevention, and a list of good and useful recipes for the guidance oe cooks / by W. Iggulden
2000833666 The town and city government of New Haven / by Charles H. Levermore
2000836674 The trade policy of imperial federation : from an economic point of view / by Maurice H. Hervey
2000485641 The trade relations of the British Empire / by J.W. Root
2001348781 The transformations (or metamorphoses) of insects (Insecta, Myriapoda, Arachnida, and Crustacea) / by P. Martin Duncan
2000807439 The transition in agriculture / by Edwin A. Pratt
2001267537 The treasury of botany : a popular dictionary of the vegetable kingdom : with which is incorporated a glossary of botanical terms / ed. by John Lindley and Thomas Moore, assisted by numerous contributors ; illustrated by numerous woodcuts by Fitch and Branston and steel engravings by Adlard Part I
2001267537 The treasury of botany : a popular dictionary of the vegetable kingdom : with which is incorporated a glossary of botanical terms / ed. by John Lindley and Thomas Moore, assisted by numerous contributors ; illustrated by numerous woodcuts by Fitch and Branston and steel engravings by Adlard Part II
2000863052 The treasury of geography, physical, historical, descriptive, and political : containing a succinct account of every country in the world : preceded by an introductory outline of the history of geography : a familliar inquiry into the varieties of race and language : a view of the relations of geography to astronomy and an essay on physical geography / by William Hughes
2000861588 The treasury of history : comprising a general introductory outline of universal history, ancient and modern and a series of separate histories of every principal nation / by Samuel Maunder
2000861593 The treasury of history : comprising a general introductory outline of universal history, ancient and modern and a series of separate histories of every principal nation / by Samuel Maunder
2000832483 The treasury of knowledge and library of reference / by Samuel Maunder
2000832497 The treasury of knowledge and library of reference / by Samuel Maunder
2000861282 The treatises of M.T. Cicero : on the nature of the gods, on divination, on fate, on the republic, on the laws, and on standing for the consulship / literally translated, chiefly by the editor, C.D. Yonge
2000854013 The treatment and utilisation of sewage / by W.H. Corfield
2000853968 The treatment of sewage / by C. Meymott Tidy
2000863551 The treaty ports of China and Japan : a complete guide to the open ports of those countries, together with Peking, Yedo, Hongkong and Macao : forming a guide book & vade mecum ... / by Wm. Fred. Mayers, N.B. Dennys and Chas. King ; compiled and edited by N.B. Denny
2000860567 The twenty essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson : on self-reliance, history, spiritual laws, love, friendship, prudence, heroism, intellect, character, manners, gifts, politics &c., &c., &c
2000485638 The unearned increment : or, reaping without sowing / by William Harbutt Dawson
2000841502 The universe, or, The infinitely great and the infinitely little / by F.A. Pouchet
2000835555 The unseen foundations of society : an examination of the fallacies and failures of economic science due to neglected elements / by the Duke of Argyll ...
2000832060 The unseen world, and other essays / by John Fiske
2000832531 The use of the body in relation to the mind / by George Moore
2000857834 The useful metals and their alloys : including mining ventilation, mining jurisprudence and metallurgic chemistry employed in the conversion of iron, copper, tin, zinc, antimony, and lead ores with their applications to the industrial arts / by John Scoffern ... [et al.]
2000485260 The useful plants of the island of Guam : with an introductory account of the physical features and natural history of the island, of the character and history of its people, and of their agriculture / by William Edwin Safford
2000848615 The variation of animals and plants under domestication / by Charles Darwin v. 2
2001348481 The vegetable garden : illustrations, descriptions, and culture of the garden vegetables of cold and temperate climates / by Vilmorin-Andrieux
2000860438 The vicar of Wakefield / by Oliver Goldsmith ; edited and annotated by F. Warrington Eastlake and N. Sakuma
2000858244 The villa gardener : comprising the choice of a suburban villa residence ; the laying out, planting, and culture of the garden and grounds, and the management of the villa farm, including the dairy and poultry-yard adapted, in extent, for grounds from one perch to fifty acres and upwards and intended for the instruction of those who know little of gardening and rural affairs, and more particularly for the use of ladies illustrated by numerous engranings / by J.C. Loudon
2000834189 The village problem / by George F. Millin
2000864392 The war for the rhine frontier 1870 : its political and military history / by W. Rüstow ; translated from the German by John Layland Needham v. 1
2000864392 The war for the rhine frontier 1870 : its political and military history / by W. Rüstow ; translated from the German by John Layland Needham v. 1
2000864392 The war for the rhine frontier 1870 : its political and military history / by W. Rüstow ; translated from the German by John Layland Needham v. 2
2000864392 The war for the rhine frontier 1870 : its political and military history / by W. Rüstow ; translated from the German by John Layland Needham v. 3
2000499840 The water garden : embracing the construction of ponds, adapting natural streams, planting, hybridizing, seed saving, propagation, building an aquatic house, wintering, correct designing and planting of banks and margins, together with cultural directions for all ornamental aquatics / by William Tricker
2000854477 The water-power of maine / by Walter Wells ; superintendent hydrographic survey of maine
2001284066 The waterlilies : a monograph of the genus nymphaea / by Henry S. Conard
2000862851 The web of empire : a diary of the imperial tour of their Royal Highnesses the Duke & Duchess of Cornwall & York in 1901 / by Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace ; with illustrations by the Chevalier de Mart
2000499841 The wheat problem : based on remarks made in the presidential address to the British Association at Bristol in 1898 / revised with an answers to various critics by William Crookes ; with to chapters on the future wheat supply of the United States, by C. Wood Davis and the Hon. L. Hyde
2001222215 The white pine (Pinus strobus Linnæus) / by V.M. Spalding
2000734883 The wonders of geology : or a familiar exposition of geological phenomena / by Gideon Algernon Mantell v. 1
2000848194 The wonders of geology, or, a familiar exposition of geological phenomena / by Gideon Algernon Mantell v. 2
2000844230 The wonders of optics / by F. Marion ; translated from the French, and edited by Charles W. Quin
2000841156 The wonders of science, or, Young Humphry Davy (the Cornish apothecary's boy, who taught himself natural philosophy, and eventually became president of the royal society) the life of a wonderful boy written for boys / by Henry Mayhew
2000849020 The wonders of vegetation
2000484800 The woods of the United states : with an account of their structure, qualities, and uses : with geographical and other notes upon the trees which produce them / by C.S. Sargent
2000729625 The woodsman's handbook / by Henry Solon Graves pt. 1
2000729625 The woodsman's handbook / by Henry Solon Graves pt. 1
2000729625 The woodsman's handbook / by Henry Solon Graves pt. 1
2000836250 The workers : an experiment in reality / by Walter A. Wyckoff The East
2000836250 The workers : an experiment in reality / by Walter A. Wyckoff The West
2000836272 The working-class movement in America / by Edward & Eleanor Marx Aveling
2000863982 The works of Flavius Josephus / translated by William Whiston
2000861116 The works of Horace / translated literally into English prose, by C. Smart
2000862596 The works of Horace, with English notes, critical and explanatory / by Charles Anthon
2000860968 The works of Joseph Addison, complete in three volumes embracing the whole of the "Spectator," & v. 1
2000860968 The works of Joseph Addison, complete in three volumes embracing the whole of the "Spectator," & v. 2
2000860968 The works of Joseph Addison, complete in three volumes embracing the whole of the "Spectator," & v. 3
2000861928 The works of Oliver Goldsmith
2000861446 The works of Samuel Johnson : with an essay on his life and genius / by Arthur Murphy v. 1
2000861446 The works of Samuel Johnson : with an essay on his life and genius / by Arthur Murphy v. 2
2000859816 The works of Thomas Gray, containing his poems, and correspondence eith several eminent literary characters : to which are added, memoirs of his life and writings / by W. Mason
2000861245 The works of Virgil / literally translated into English prose, with notes, by Davidson
2000832935 The works of William E. Channing, D.D. v. 1
2000832935 The works of William E. Channing, D.D. v. 2
2000832935 The works of William E. Channing, D.D. v. 3
2000832935 The works of William E. Channing, D.D. v. 4
2000832935 The works of William E. Channing, D.D. v. 5
2000832935 The works of William E. Channing, D.D. v. 6
2000860026 The works of William Shakespeare
2000860024 The works of William Shakespere / edited by Charles Knight
2000856222 The year book of agriculture for 1905 / by the Staff of the Department
2000861151 The Æneïd of Virgil, with English notes, critical and explanatory, a metrical clavis, and an historical, geographical, and mythological index / by Charles Anthon
2000861614 Theodor Körner's sämmtliche Werke : Ausgabe in einrm Band
2000832924 Theodore : or, The skeptic's conversion : history of the culture of a Protestant clergyman / translated from German of De Wette by James F. Clarke v. 1-2
2000863430 Theodore Parker's experience as a Minister : with some account of his early life, and education for the Ministry
2001032156 Theoretical chemistry from the standpoint of Avogadro's rule & thermodynamics / by Walter Nernst ; tr. by Charles Skeele Palmer
2000843896 Theoretical mechanics : an elementary text-book / by L.M. Hoskins
2000847352 Theoretical organic chemistry / by Julius B. Cohen
2000522903 Theoretische Socialökonomik / von Heinrich Dietzel Bd. 1
2000855351 Theorie des Gartenbaues / von Max Kolb
2000836220 Theorie des wirtschaftlichen Werths / von Otto Heyn 1
2001119056 Theory of functions of a complex variable / by A.R. Forsyth
2000836437 Theory of legislation / by Jeremy Bentham ; translated from the French of Etienne Dumont by R. Hildreth
2000504802 Thermodynamics and chemistry : a non-mathematical treatise for chemists and students of chemistry / by P. Duhem ; authorized translation by George K. Burgess
2000839369 Thesaurus of English words and phrases : so classified and arranged as to facilitate the expression of ideas and assist in literary composit / by Peter Mark Roget ; revised and edited with a list of foreign words defined in English, and other additions by Barnas Sears
2000856831 Third report on dietaries for hospitals for the insane in the State of New York / by W.O. Atwater
2000799511 Thirty years of colonial government : a selection from the despatches and letters of the Right Hon. Sir George Ferguson Bowen / edited by Stanley Lane-Poole v. 1
2000799511 Thirty years of colonial government : a selection from the despatches and letters of the Right Hon. Sir George Ferguson Bowen / edited by Stanley Lane-Poole v. 2
2001656212 Thirty-fourth annual report of the Board of Education, together with the thirty-fourth annual report of the Secretary of the Board
2000837916 Thirty-ninth report to the legislature of Massachusetts relating to the registry and return of birth, marriages, and deaths in the Commonwealth, for the year ending December 31, 1880 / prepared under direction of the Secretary of the Commonwealth
2000832945 Thoughts : selected from the writings of the Rev. William E. Channing, D.D. / by Henry A. Miles
2000860720 Thoughts on ethics selected from the writings of John Ruskin / by A.C. Martshorne ; with an itroduction & notes by M. Honda
2000858082 Thr moulder's and founder's pocket guide : a treatise on ... / by Fred. Overman
2000859112 Three centuries of English literature / by Charles Duke Yonge
2000836277 Three months in a workshop : a practical study / by Paul Göhre ; translated from the German by A.B. Carr, with a prefatore note by Richard T. Ely
2000862964 Three visits to Madagascar during the years 1853-1854-1856 : including a journey to the capital, with notices of the natural history of the country and of the present civilization of the people / by William Ellis
2000833139 Thrift / by Samuel Smiles
2000863048 Through the dark continent : or, the sources of the Nile around the great lakes of equatorial Africa and down the Livingstone River to the Atlantic Ocean / by Henry M. Stanley v. 1
2000863048 Through the dark continent : or, the sources of the Nile around the great lakes of equatorial Africa and down the Livingstone River to the Atlantic Ocean / by Henry M. Stanley v. 2
2000853119 Thunder and lightning / by W. De Fonvielle ; translated from the French, and edited by T.L. Phipson
2000860837 Théatre de Molière : le misanthrope : les femmes savantes
2000498764 Tierische Ernährung : Allgemeine Futtermittellehre, Futterzubereitung und Futterverabreichung
2001348413 Tierische Schädlinge und Nützlinge für Ackerbau, Viehzucht, Wald- und Gartenbau : Lebensformen, Vorkommen, Einfluss und die Massregeln zu Vertilgung und Schutz : praktisches Handbuch / von J. Ritzema Bos
2000833179 Tischreden / von Martin Luther
2000860769 Titcomb's letters to young people : single and married / Timothy Titcomb
2000857770 Tobacco / by John Dunning . Hides and leather ; Guttapercha and Indiarubber / by J. Collins . Fibres and cordage / by P.L. Simmons
2000855335 Tobacco leaf : its culture and cure, marketing and manufacture : a practical handbook on the most approved methods in growing, harvesting, curing, packing and selling tobacco, also of tobacco manufacture / by J.B. Killebrew and Herbert Myrick
2000856092 Todd's country homes and how to save money : a practical book by a practical man : containing full and reliable directions for choosing a home, erecting every description of houses and out-buildings, painting, grazing, &c.; together with ... / by Sereno Edwards Todd
2000839891 Tom Bailey's adventures, or, The story of a bad boy / by Thomas Bailey Aldrich
2000860452 Tom Brown at Oxford : a sequel to school days at rugby / by the author of "School days at rugby," "Scouring of the white horse," etc v. 2
2000855695 Tomato culture : in three parts : a practical book for those who work under either glass or cloth as protection from frost / by J.W. Day, D. Cummins, and A.I. Root
2000833675 Town and county government in the English colonies of North America / by Edward Channing
2000834065 Town government in Rhode Island / by William E. Foster . The Narragansett planters : a study of causes / by Edward Channing
2000861244 Tragedy / ed. by Rossiter Johnson
2000857762 Traité complet de métallurgie / par J. Percy ; avec introduction, notes et appendice, par E. Petigand et A. Ronna t. 1
2000857762 Traité complet de métallurgie / par J. Percy ; avec introduction, notes et appendice, par E. Petigand et A. Ronna t. 2
2000857762 Traité complet de métallurgie / par J. Percy ; avec introduction, notes et appendice, par E. Petigand et A. Ronna t. 3
2000857762 Traité complet de métallurgie / par J. Percy ; avec introduction, notes et appendice, par E. Petigand et A. Ronna t. 4
2000857762 Traité complet de métallurgie / par J. Percy ; avec introduction, notes et appendice, par E. Petigand et A. Ronna t. 5
2000853600 Traité de l'exploitation des mines / par M. Ch. Combes Atlas
2000853600 Traité de l'exploitation des mines / par M. Ch. Combes t. 1ème
2000853600 Traité de l'exploitation des mines / par M. Ch. Combes t. 2ème
2000853600 Traité de l'exploitation des mines / par M. Ch. Combes t. 3ème
2000843765 Traité élémentaire de physique : expérimentale et appliquée et de météorologie ... / par A. Ganot
2000843954 Traité élémentaire de physique expérimentale et appliquée et de meteorologie : suivi d'un recueil de 100 problèmes avec solutions / par A. Ganot
2000843954 Traité élémentaire de physique expérimentale et appliquée et de meteorologie : suivi d'un recueil de 100 problèmes avec solutions / par A. Ganot
2000853668 Traitė pratique de la jurisprudence des mines : minières, forges et carrières à l'usage des exploitants, maitres de forges, ingénieurs, et des fonctionnaires ressortissant aux ministères des travaux publics, de l'intérieur et de la justice / par Étienne Dupont t. 1
2000853668 Traitė pratique de la jurisprudence des mines : minières, forges et carrières à l'usage des exploitants, maitres de forges, ingénieurs, et des fonctionnaires ressortissant aux ministères des travaux publics, de l'intérieur et de la justice / par Étienne Dupont t. 3
2000831108 Transactions and proceedings of the Conference of Librarians held in London, October, 1877 / edited by Edward B. Nicholson and Henry R. Tedder
2000865190 Transactions and proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia : New South Wales Branch / edited under the authority of the Council of the Society by J.T. Caldwell, J.S. Ramsay v. 3-4
2000831125 Transactions and proceedings of the Second International Library Conference, held in London, July 13-16, 1897
3000078198 Transactions of the Seismological Society of Japan 1-4
2000831614 Traveling libraries
2000863693 Travels in Central America : including accounts of some regions unexplored since the Conquest : from the French of the chevalier Arthur Morelet / by M. F. Squier ; introduction and notes by E. Geo. Squier
2000863729 Travels in Uruguay, South America : together with an account of the present State of sheep-farming and emigration to that country / by J.H. Murray ; illustration and sketches
2000841558 Treatise on practical mathematics / [J. Pryde]
2000853263 Treatise on the mathematical theory of the steam engine : with rules at length, and examples worked out for the use of practical men / by T. Baker
2000853754 Treatise on the power of water : as applied to drive flour mills, and to give motion to turbines and other, hydrostatic engines / by Joseph Glynn
2000842262 Trigonometry : plane and spherical / by H.W. Jeans
2000834441 Triumphant democracy : or, Fifty years' march of the Republic / by Andrew Carnegie
2000835195 Trois colonisateurs : Bugeaud, Faidherbe, Galliéni / Capitaine Frœlicher
2000854763 Tropical agriculture : a treatise on the culture, preparation, commerce, and consumption of the principal products of the vegetable kingdom / by P. L. Simmonds
2000499825 Tropical agriculture : a treatise on the culture, preparation, commerce, and consumption of the principal products of the vegetable kingdom / by P.L. Simmonds
2000549856 Tropical colonization / an introduction to the study of the subject by Alleyne Ireland
2000836301 Trusts, or, Industrial combinations and coalitions in the United States / by Ernst von Halle
2000852161 Tuberkulinprobe und Tuberkulosebekämpfung beim Rinde : Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen und praktische Erfahrungen / von A. Eber
2000862942 Turkish harems & circassian homes / by Mrs. Harvey
2001235499 Twentieth annual report of the secretary of the Maine Board of Agriculture, for the year 1875
2000861039 Twenty thousand leagues under the seas, ... / translated from the French of Jules Verne
2001349365 Twenty-fourth annual report of the board of control of the New York Agricultural Experiment Station (Geneva, Ontario country) for the year 1905
2000833277 Two years with Jesus : first year : historic outline, journeys, and miracles, prepared for scholars of the third grade / by J.H. Vincent
2000857118 Type-writing and business correspondence : a manual of instruction, practice exercises, and business forms and expressions, for short-hand students and type-writer operators / by O.R. Palmer
2000855130 Ueber Behandlung und Pflege der Wiesen : zum Gebrauch für den praktischen Landwirth und für den Wiesenwärter, auch als Leitfaden für den Unterricht in Landwirthschaftsschulen u. / verfaßt von K. Stockmayer
2001220551 Ueber Seidenraupenzucht und Cultur des Maulbeerbaumes in China : nebst einer Abhandlung über die Zusammensetzung der Maulbeerblätter und ihre Beziehung zur Seidenraupenkrankheit / von E. Reichenbach ; mit einem Vorwort von J.v. Liebig
2001390725 Ueber die Lage der Landespferdezucht in Preussen / von Heinrich von Nathusius
2001390720 Ueber die Zucht schwerer Arbeitspferde und die Mittel zu ihrer Beförderung in Preussen / von Heinrich von Nathusius
2001349141 Ueber neue und weniger gekannte Neuropteren aus der Familie Megaloptera Burm / von A. Gerstaecker
2000853804 Uferschälungen, Strombauten und Schiffahrts-Canäle / von G. Hagen Bd. 1
2000853804 Uferschälungen, Strombauten und Schiffahrts-Canäle / von G. Hagen Bd. 2
2000853804 Uferschälungen, Strombauten und Schiffahrts-Canäle / von G. Hagen Bd. 3
2000853804 Uferschälungen, Strombauten und Schiffahrts-Canäle / von G. Hagen Bd. 4
2000861496 Under the trees / by Samuel Irenæus Prime
2000852885 Underground life, or, Mines and miners / by L. Simonin ; translated, adapted to the present state of British mining, and edited by H.W. Bristow
2000834423 Unitarian principles confirmed by Trinitarian testimonies : being selections from the works of eminent theologians belonging to orthodox churches, with introductory and occasional remarks / by John Wilson
2000834019 United States by industries
2000862066 Universal history in perspective : divided into three parts, ancient, middle, and modern, illustrated by a series of maps and engravings, a chronological table, and map of time / by Emma Willard
2000862066 Universal history in perspective : divided into three parts, ancient, middle, and modern, illustrated by a series of maps and engravings, a chronological table, and map of time / by Emma Willard
2001762141 Universal pronouncing dictionary of biography and mythology / by J. Thomas
2000499503 Universal-Lexikon der Kochkunst Bd. 1
2000499503 Universal-Lexikon der Kochkunst Bd. 2
2000499829 Unser Thierarzt : Volksthümliche Anleitung : nebst einem Anhang AUerlei praktische Rathschläge, Auf Grund praktischer Erfassrungen / bearbeitet von Heinr. Schmidt-Hoffmann
2001388746 Unsere Bienen : ein ausführliches Handbuch über alles, was ein Imker heute wissen muß / herausgegeben von August Ludwig
2001284090 Unterhaltengen űber das Wetter : Fragen und Antworten / von R. Börnstein
2001390730 Unterschiede zwischen der morgen- und abendländischen Pferdegruppe am Skelett und am lebenden Pferd : Beitrag zur Rassenkunde unserer Haustiere / von Simon von Nathusius
2000499836 Untersuchungen über das Carotin und seine physiologische Bedeutung in der Pflanze / von F.G. Kohl
2000485259 Untersuchungen über das Erfrieren der Pflanzen / von Hans Molisch
2000856599 Untersuchungen über den Einfluss verschiedener aussaattiefen auf die Entwickelung einiger Getreidesorten / vorgelegt von Ferdinand Eduard Stoessner
2000504519 Untersuchungen über den Einfluß, den die Getreidepreise, der Reichthum des Bodens und die Abgaben auf den Ackerbau ausüben / von Johann Heinrich von Thünen Theil 1
2000499827 Untersuchungen über den Stoffwechsel des Schweines bei Fütterung mit Zucker, Stärke und Melasse / von E. Meissl und Wilh. Bersch
2000860514 Up the baltic : or, Young America in Norway, Sweden and Denmark : a story of travel and adventure / by William T. Adams (Oliver Optic)
2000864505 Ups and downs on land and water / by Augustus Hoppin
2000499469 Urbarmachung und Verbesserung des Bodens : Anleitung für den praktischen Landwirt zur Vergrösserung der Ertragsfähigkeit ... / von R. Buerstenbinder
2000850875 Ure's dictionary of arts, manufactures, and mines containing a clear exposition of their principles and practice / by Robert Hunt vol. 1
2000850875 Ure's dictionary of arts, manufactures, and mines containing a clear exposition of their principles and practice / by Robert Hunt vol. 2
2000850875 Ure's dictionary of arts, manufactures, and mines containing a clear exposition of their principles and practice / by Robert Hunt vol. 3
2000851193 Ure's dictionary of arts, manufactures, and mines containing a clear exposition of their principles and practice / edited by Robert Hunt ; assisted by numerous contributors eminent in science and famillar with manufactures vol. 1
2000851193 Ure's dictionary of arts, manufactures, and mines containing a clear exposition of their principles and practice / edited by Robert Hunt ; assisted by numerous contributors eminent in science and famillar with manufactures vol. 2
2000851193 Ure's dictionary of arts, manufactures, and mines containing a clear exposition of their principles and practice / edited by Robert Hunt ; assisted by numerous contributors eminent in science and famillar with manufactures vol. 3
2000848389 Urgeschichte der Menschheit / von Moritz Hoernes
2000833077 Utilitarianism / by John Stuart Mill
2000836644 Valuations and compensations : being a new edition of "Compensations", to which are added chapters on valuations : a text-book for surveyors, in tablated form / by Banister Fletcher
2000848619 Variation in animals and plants / by H.M. Vernon
2000567174 Vascular diseases (continued) / by Erwin Smith
2001420036 Vegetable gardening : a manual on the growing of vegetables for home use and marketing / prepared especially for the classes of the School of Agriculture of the University of Minnesota, by Samuel B. Green
2000501608 Vegetable physiology / by George Lincoln Goodale
2000501608 Vegetable physiology / by George Lincoln Goodale
2000501608 Vegetable physiology / by George Lincoln Goodale
2000849715 Vegetable physiology and systematic botany / by William B. Carpenter ; edited by Edwin Lankester
2000499479 Vegetationsversuche über den Kalibedarf einiger Pflanzen : Die Methode der Sandkultur / von H. Hellriegel
2000860710 Venezianische Novellen / von Franz Freiherrn von Gaudy
2001390598 Vererbungslehre und Tierzucht / für praktische Landwirte dargestellt von C. Keller
2000834585 Verfassungsrecht / [Ludwig von Rönne] Abt. 1
2000834585 Verfassungsrecht / [Ludwig von Rönne] Abt. 2
2000499824 Vergleichende physiologie des Keimungsprocesses der Samen / von W. Detmer
2000729566 Versuche über Pflanzenhybriden : zwei Abhandlungen (1865 und 1869) / von Gregor Mendel ; herausgegeben von Erich Tschermak
2001369592 Vertebrata
2000916169 Vertebrate embryology : a textbook for students and practitioners / by A. Milnes Marshal
2000834584 Verwaltungsrecht / von Ludwig von Rönne Abt. 1
2000504800 Verwandtschaftslehre / von Wilh. Ostwald T. 1
2000852564 Verzameling van sterre- en zeevaartkundige tafelen : denevens eene uitvoerige verklaring en aanwijzing van derzelver gebruik in de werkdadige sterre- en zeevaartkunde, ten dienste der zeelieden / door Jacob Swart
2000484579 Verzeichniss der Abbildungen sichtbar blühender Pflanzen und Farnkräuter aus der botanischen und gratenliteratur des XVIII. und XIX. Jahrhunderts in Alphabetischer folge Zusammengestellt / von G.A. Pritzel T. 1-2
2001348411 Vespidae (Diploptera)
2000859196 Vestry chimes : a choice collection of sacred music adapted to all occasions of social and fa,ily worship / by Asa Hull
2000826461 Veterinary medicines : their actions and uses / by Finlay Dun
2000852156 Veterinary medicines : their actions and uses / by Finlay Dun
2000826461 Veterinary medicines : their actions and uses / by Finlay Dun
2000826461 Veterinary medicines : their actions and uses / by Finlay Dun
2000499481 Viehseuchen=Gesetze : Reichs=Gesetze und Preussische Landes=Gesetze über die Abwehr und Unterdrückung von Viehseuchen ... / Text=Ausgabe mit Anmerkungen von B. Beyer
2000864384 View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages : in three vols. / by Henry Hallam v. 1
2000864384 View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages : in three vols. / by Henry Hallam v. 2
2000864384 View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages : in three vols. / by Henry Hallam v. 3
2000864527 View of the state of Europe during the Middle Ages / by Henry Hallam
2000864375 View of the state of Europe during the middle ages / by Henry Hallam ; incorporating in the text the author's latest researches, with additions from recent writers, and adapted to the use of students by William Smith
2000863173 Views a-foot; or, Europe seen with knapsack and staff / by Bayard Taylor
2000834501 Village-communities in the East and West : six lectures delivered at Oxford / by Henry Sumner Maine
2000859242 Villas and cottages : a series of designs prepared for execution in the United States / by Calvert Vaux, architect, late Downing & Vaux
2000860503 Vine and olive : or, Young America in Spain and Portugal : a story of travel and adventure / by William T. Adams (Oliver Optic)
2000856210 Vinton's (late Morton's) agricultural almanac : a year-book for farmers and landowners, 1903
2000862933 Visits to high Tartary, Yârkand, and Kâshghar (formerly Chinese Tartary) : and return journey over the Karakoram pass / by Robert Shaw
2000833600 Vital godliness : a treatise on experimental and practical piety / by William S. Plumer
2000501606 Volcanoes : what they are and what they teach / by John W. Judd
2000800667 Volkswirthschaft und Recht, besonders Vermögensrecht, oder, Freiheit und Eigenthum in volkswirthschaftlicher Betrachtung / von Adolph Wagner
2000835182 Volkswirtschaftliches Lesebuch für jedermann / nach den Quellen bearbeitet von A. Patuschka
2000835284 Volkswirtschaftslehre in zwei Bänden / in Verbindung mit Adolf Buchenberger ... [et al.] ; herausgegeben von Gustav von Schönberg 1. Band
2000835284 Volkswirtschaftslehre in zwei Bänden / in Verbindung mit Adolf Buchenberger ... [et al.] ; herausgegeben von Gustav von Schönberg 2. Band, 1. Halbband
2000835284 Volkswirtschaftslehre in zwei Bänden / in Verbindung mit Adolf Buchenberger ... [et al.] ; herausgegeben von Gustav von Schönberg 2. Band, 2. Halbband
2000485872 Volkswirtschaftspolitik T. 1
2000835838 Volkswirtschaftspolitik / von J. Conrad
2000840725 Vollständiges Deutsch-Japanisches Wörterbuch : einschließlich der im Deutschen gebräuchlichen Fremdwörter nebst einem Anhang ... / von H. Fukumi, & K. Ogurusu
2001349247 Vollständiges Handbuch der Obstkultur / von Ed. Lucas
2000499837 Vorlesungen ueber Bakterien / von Alfred Fischer
2000499476 Vorlesungen über Agrarwesen und Agrarpolitik / von Theodor Freiherr von der Goltz
2000843046 Vorlesungen über Electricität und Magnetismus / von Gustav Kirchhoff ; hrsg. von Max Planck
2000504803 Vorlesungen über Elektrodynamik und Theorie des Magnetismus / von H. von Helmholtz ; herausgegeben von Otto Krigar-Menzel und Max Laue
2001277054 Vorlesungen über Geometrie / von Alfred Clebsch ; bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Ferdinand Lindemann Bd. 1, T. 1, Lfg. 1
2001350658 Vorlesungen über Geometrie unter besonderer Benitzung der Vorträge / von Alfred Clebsch ; bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Ferdinand Lindemann Bd. 2, T. 1
2000844432 Vorlesungen über Mechanik / von Gustav Kirchhoff
2000504804 Vorlesungen über Theorie der Wärme / von H. von Helmholtz ; herausgegeben von Franz Richarz
2000843050 Vorlesungen über die Theorie der Wärme / von Gustav Kirchhoff ; hrsg. von Max Planck
2000843047 Vorlesungen über mathematische Optik / von Gustav Kirchhoff ; hrsg. von Kurt Hensel
2000499497 Vorschuß- und Kredit-Vereine als Volksbanken : praktische Anweisung zu deren Einrichtung und Gründung / von Schulze-Delitzsch
2001399257 Vorstudien für Geschichte und Zucht der Hausthiere zunaechst am Schweineschaedel / von Hermann von Nathusius
2001390753 Vorträge über Viehzucht und Rassenkenntniss / von Hermann von Nathusius Theil 1
2001220496 Vögel
2000934059 Waldbeschädigungen durch Thiere und Gegenmittel / von Bernard Altum
2000861592 Walden / by Henry David Thoreau ; with an introductory note by Will H. Dircks
2000499485 Waldwegebaukunde : Ein Handbuch für Praktiker und und Leitfaden für den Unterricht / von H. Stötzer
2000485102 Waldwertrechnung und Schätzung von Liegenschaften : dargestellt für Fachmänner und Studierende / von Franz Riebel
2000484588 Waldwertrechung und Forstliche Statik : ein Lehr- und Handbuch / von Hermann Stoetzer
2000863265 Walks in London / by Augustus J.C. Hare
2000498216 Waring's book of the farm : being a revised edition of The handy-book of husbandry : a guide for farmers / by George E. Waring
2000855340 Washburn & Co.'s amateur cultivator's guide to the flower and kitchen garden : containing a descriptive list of two thousand varieties of flower and vegetable seeds : also a list of French hybrid gladiolus
2000863041 Washington and his generals / by J.T. Headley
2000853905 Water and its purification : a handbook for the use of local authorities sanitary officers, and others interested in water supply / by Samuel Rideal
2000854560 Water and water supply / by W.H. Corfield
2001100258 Water-analysis : a practical treatise on the examination of potable water / by J. Alfred Wanklyn and Ernest Theophron Chapman
2000854384 Waterworks : for the supply of cities and towns : with a description of the principal geological formations of England as influencing supplies of water / by Samuel Hughes
2000840071 Webster's International dictionary of the English language : being the authentic edition of Webster's unabridged dictionary comprising the issues of 1864, 1879, & 1884
2000839763 Webster's royal octavo dictionary, with 10,000 new wors
2000853285 Wedlock; or the right relations of the sexes : disclosing the laws of conjugal selection and showing who may, and who may not marry / by S.R. Wells
2000841617 Weekly problem papers : with notes intended for the use of students preparing for mathematical scholarships and for the junior members of the universities who are reading for mathematical honours / by John J. Milne
2000839116 Weights, measures, and money : of all nations / compiled by F.W. Clarke
2000843659 Wells's natural philosophy : for the use of schools, academies, and private students : introducing the latest results scientific descovery and research : arranged with special reference to the practical application of physical science to the arts and the experiences of every-day life / by David A. Wells
2000843659 Wells's natural philosophy : for the use of schools, academies, and private students : introducing the latest results scientific descovery and research : arranged with special reference to the practical application of physical science to the arts and the experiences of every-day life / by David A. Wells
2000843659 Wells's natural philosophy : for the use of schools, academies, and private students : introducing the latest results scientific descovery and research : arranged with special reference to the practical application of physical science to the arts and the experiences of every-day life / by David A. Wells
2000551221 Wells's principles and applications of chemistry, for the use of academies, high-schools, and colleges : introducing the latest results of scientific discovery and research, and arranged with special reference to the practical application of chemistry to the arts and employments of common life / by David A. Wells
2000551221 Wells's principles and applications of chemistry, for the use of academies, high-schools, and colleges : introducing the latest results of scientific discovery and research, and arranged with special reference to the practical application of chemistry to the arts and employments of common life / by David A. Wells
2000551221 Wells's principles and applications of chemistry, for the use of academies, high-schools, and colleges : introducing the latest results of scientific discovery and research, and arranged with special reference to the practical application of chemistry to the arts and employments of common life / by David A. Wells
2000863571 Western tour : embracing eighteen through routes to the West and Far West, tours of the Great Lakes and Rivers, and all local routes of the States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Nevada, California, and Oregon, and Territories of Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Utah, Washington, and Alaska ... objects of interest within the district named
2000860465 Wet days at Edgewood : with old farmers, old gardeners, and old pastorals / by the author of "My farm of Edgewood."
2000833118 What career? : ten papers on the choice of a vocation and the use of time / by E.E. Hale
2000855181 Wheat culture : how to double the yield and increase the profits / by D.S. Curtiss
2000865299 White's progressive art studies : instrumental
2000485078 Wichtige Krankheiten der Waldbäume : Beiträge zur Mycologie und Phytopathologie für Botaniker und Forstmänner / von Robert Hartig
2001425982 Wichtiges aus dem Gebiete des Waldbaues, der Forstbenutzung, des Forstschutzes und des Forstgesetzes zum Gebrauche an landwirtschaftlichen Schulen sowie für Wald besitzende Landwirte / [Hermann Richter]
2000852749 Wie Schütze ich mich gegen Tuberkulose? / von Th. Sommerfeld
2000499470 Wiesen- und Weidenbau : praktische Anleitung zur Auswahl und Kultur der Wiesen- und Weidenpflanzen nebst Berechnung der erforderlichen Samenmengen / von F. Burgtorf
2000864726 Wild animals in captivity / by J. Fortuné Nott
2001283331 Willard's practical dairy husbandry : a complete treatise on dairy farms and farming, -dairy stock and stock feeding, -milk, its management and manufacture into butter and cheese, -history and mode of organization of butter and cheese factories, -dairy utensils, etc., etc. / by X.A. Willard
2000865485 William Cullen Bryant / by John Bigelow
2000862792 William H. Seward's travels around the world / edited by Olive Risley Seward
2000839904 Willson's new speller and analyzer : adapted to thorough elementary instruction in the orthography, orthoepy, formation, derivation, and uses of words / by Marcius Willson
2000839904 Willson's new speller and analyzer : adapted to thorough elementary instruction in the orthography, orthoepy, formation, derivation, and uses of words / by Marcius Willson
2000839904 Willson's new speller and analyzer : adapted to thorough elementary instruction in the orthography, orthoepy, formation, derivation, and uses of words / by Marcius Willson
2001293443 Wilt disease of cotton, watermelon, and cowpea (neocosmospora nov. gen.) / by Erwin F. Smith
2000499521 Wind und Wetter / Fünf Vorträge über die Grundlangen und wichtigeren Aufgaben der Meteorologie von Leonhard Weber
2000844844 Wireless telegraphy : its history, theory and practice / by A. Frederick Collins
2000551935 Wirtschaftsbetrieb / P. Gabler
2000485094 Wohlstandsquellen und Wohlstandsgefahren : Ein Umschau im landwirtschaftlichen haushalt / von Chr. Weigand
2000499218 Wolff's Düngerlehre mit einer Einleitung über die allgemeinen Nährstoffe der Pflanzen und die Eigenschaften des Kulturbodens : gemeinverständlicher Leitfaden der Agrikultur=Chemie / von Emil Wolff
2000499245 Wolffs Düngerlehre mit einer Einleitung über die allgemeinen Nährstoffe der Pflanzen und die Eigenschaften des Kulturbodens : gemeinverständlicher Leitfaden der Agrikultur=Chemie / von Emil Wolff
2000863375 Women of the war : their heroism and self-sacrifice / by Frank Moore
2000834713 Women's suffrage / by Mrs. Ashton Dilke ; with introduction by Wm. Woodall
2000844157 Wonders of acoustics : or, The phenomena of sound, from the French of Rodolphe Radau / the English rev. by Robert Ball
2000842821 Wonders of the moon / translated from the French of Amedee Guillemin by Miss M.G. Mead ; edited, with addittions by Maria Mitchell
2000850763 Wood and its applications / by George Dodd
2000858483 Woodward's cottages and farm houses / by Geo. E. Woodward
2000824310 Woordenboek van scheepsbouw : bestemd om als handboek te dienen voor zee-officieren, ingenieurs, scheeps-bouwmeesters, gezagvoerders, reeders, assuradeurs, studenten, enz. / door B.J. Tideman
2000086964 Words and their ways in English speech / by James Bradstreet Greenough and George Lyman Kittredge
2000863966 Wordsworth / by F.W.H. Myers
2000499501 Workman's technical instructor / by Walter J. Malden
2000861907 Works of Charles Dickens : Chrismas stories, pictures from Italy and American notes / illustrated from designs by Darley and Gilbert
2000853045 Workshop appliances : including descriptions of some of the gauging and measuring instruments, hand cutting tools, lathes, drilling, planing, and other machine-tools used by engineers / by C.P.B. Shelley
2000850796 Workshop receipts 2nd ser
2000850796 Workshop receipts 3rd ser
2000850796 Workshop receipts 4th ser
2000850787 Workshop receipts : for the use of manufacturers, mechanics, and scientific amateurs / by Ernest Spon
2000850787 Workshop receipts : for the use of manufacturers, mechanics, and scientific amateurs / by Ernest Spon
2000850787 Workshop receipts : for the use of manufacturers, mechanics, and scientific amateurs / by Ernest Spon
2000393986 World politics at the end of the nineteenth century : as influenced by the oriental situation / by Paul S. Reinsch
2000864126 Worthies of the world : a series of historical and critical sketches of the libes, actions, and characters of great and eminent men of all countries and times / edited by H.W. Dulcken
2000847776 Wöhler's outlines of organic chemistry / by Rudolph Fittig ; translated from the 8th German ed., with additions by Ira Remsen
2000833598 Wörterbuch der Volkswirtschaft : in zwei Bänden / bearbeitet von Dr. Von Below ... [et al.] ; herausgegeben von Ludwig Elster 1. Bd.
2000833598 Wörterbuch der Volkswirtschaft : in zwei Bänden / bearbeitet von Dr. Von Below ... [et al.] ; herausgegeben von Ludwig Elster 2. Bd.
2000862478 Xenophon's Anabasis : with explanatory notes, for the use of schools and colleges in the United States / by James R. Boise, with kiepert's map showing the entire route of the ten thousand and an introduction to the Anabasis, translated from Hertlein
2000862460 Xenophon's Memorabilia of Socrates / with notes and introduction by R.D.C. Robbins
2000862805 Xenophon's minor works / literally translated from the Greek with notes and illustrations by J.S. Watson
2000809225 Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture 1902
2000809225 Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture 1904
2000809225 Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture 1905
2000717277 Yesso coals : a report / by Henry S. Munroe
2000717277 Yesso coals : a report / by Henry S. Munroe
2001390716 Youatt on the structure and the diseases of the horse, with their remedies, also, practical rules to buyers, breeders, breakers, smithes, etc., being the most important parts of the English edition of "Youatt on the horse", somewhat simplified / by W.C. Spooner ; an account of the breeds in the United States compiled by Henry S. Randall
2000862877 Young Japan : Yokohama and Yedo : a narrative of the settlement and the city from the signing of the treaties in 1858, to the close of the year 1879, with a glance at the progress of Japan during a period of twenty-one years / by John R. Black v. 1
2000862877 Young Japan : Yokohama and Yedo : a narrative of the settlement and the city from the signing of the treaties in 1858, to the close of the year 1879, with a glance at the progress of Japan during a period of twenty-one years / by John R. Black v. 2
2000864855 Young folks' history of the United States / by Thomas Wentworth Higginson
2000863409 Yusef : or, The journey of the Frangi a crusade in the east / by J. Ross Browne
3000023452 Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie, Stochiometrie und Verwandtschaftslehre 61
3000023452 Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie, Stochiometrie und Verwandtschaftslehre 62
3000023452 Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie, Stochiometrie und Verwandtschaftslehre 63
3000023452 Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie, Stochiometrie und Verwandtschaftslehre 66
3000023452 Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie, Stochiometrie und Verwandtschaftslehre 69
3000023452 Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie, Stochiometrie und Verwandtschaftslehre 71
3000023452 Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie, Stochiometrie und Verwandtschaftslehre 73
3000023452 Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie, Stochiometrie und Verwandtschaftslehre 75
3000023452 Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie, Stochiometrie und Verwandtschaftslehre 79
3000023452 Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie, Stochiometrie und Verwandtschaftslehre 82
3000023452 Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie, Stochiometrie und Verwandtschaftslehre 84
2001347936 Zoological Articles : Contributed to the "Encyclopaedia Britannica" / by E. Ray Lankester, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S.
2001219999 Zoologie agricoles / par Georges Guénaux ; introduction par P. Regnard
2000848900 Zoology for high schools and colleges / by A. S. Packard
2000848900 Zoology for high schools and colleges / by A. S. Packard
2000848895 Zoology for high schools and colleges / by A.S. Packard
2001390594 Zoology of the invertebrata : a text-book for students / by Arthur E. Shipley
2001022959 Zoology of the invertebrate animals / by Alex Macalister
2000850057 Zoology of the invertebrate animals / by Alex. Macalister
2000850057 Zoology of the invertebrate animals / by Alex. Macalister
2000850057 Zoology of the invertebrate animals / by Alex. Macalister
2000850329 Zoology of the vertebrate animals / by Alex. Macalister
2000850329 Zoology of the vertebrate animals / by Alex. Macalister
2001022977 Zoology of the vertebrate animals / by Alex. Macalister
2000857421 Zur Kultur der Braugerste / von Emil Pott
2000857058 Zur Stütze der Hausfrau : Lehrbuch für angehende und Nachschlagebuch für erfahrene Landwirtinnen in allen Fragen des Anteils der Frau an der ländlichen Wirtschaft / von Hedwig Dorn
2000857058 Zur Stütze der Hausfrau : Lehrbuch für angehende und Nachschlagebuch für erfahrene Landwirtinnen in allen Fragen des Anteils der Frau an der ländlichen Wirtschaft / von Hedwig Dorn
2000854983 Zur Werthschätzung der Ackererden auf naturwissenschaftlich-statistischer Grundlage / von G. Thoms Mittheilung 2
2000854983 Zur Werthschätzung der Ackererden auf naturwissenschaftlich-statistischer Grundlage / von G. Thoms Mittheilung 3
2000486943 Zwei neue Schimmelpilze als Erreger einer Citronensäure-Gärung / von Carl Wehmer
2000840883 Zweites Deutsches Buch nach der natürlichen Methode für Schule und Haus / von James H. Worman
2000854152 [Beitrag zum Straßenbau / F. Rudolph]
2001349054 [Beiträge zur Käferfauna von Japan / von E.v. Harold]
2000842057 [Biological monographs on regeneration and development]
2001349277 [Curculionides recueillis au Japon par M.G. Lewis / par W. Roelofs]
2000843754 [Elementary treatise on physics, experimental and applied, for the use of colleges and schools / translated and edited from Ganot's eléments de physique (with the author's sanction) by E. Atkinson] [Pt. 2]
2000843723 [Elementary treatise on physics, experimental and applied, for the use of colleges and schools / translated and edited from Ganot's eléments de physique (with the author's sanction) by E. Atkinson] [Pt. 2]
2001349046 [Etudes entomologiques 1853-1862]
2001571381 [Geometrical drawing]
2000861384 [Goethes Werke] Bd. 1-4
2000854113 [Lighthouses] 47
2001349065 [Microlepidopteren / P.C. Zeller] [1]
2001349079 [Monographie der Phaneropteriden mit Additamenta / von C. Brunner von Wattenwyl]
2001349285 [Neue Lepidopteren des Amurgebietes / H. Christoph]
2001349087 [Nouvelles especes du panorpides provenant du Japon et de la Siberie orientale mecoptera / Robert Mac-Lachlan]
2001349090 [Papers on hymenoptera / Frederick Smith]
2000841726 [Spiers Dictionnaire anglais-français et français-anglais]
2001573643 [The nautical almanac and astronomical ephemeris for the year 1884]
2000831135 [The seventh classification] B: Philosophy
2000831135 [The seventh classification] Br-D: Religion
2000831135 [The seventh classification] F: History
2000831135 [The seventh classification] H-K: Social Sciences
2000831135 [The seventh classification] Langua e Literature, Book Arts
2000831135 [The seventh classification] Local List
2000831135 [The seventh classification] V: Amusements
2000831135 [The seventh classification] W: Art
2000831135 [The seventh classification] X,Y,Z: Language & Literature
2000718926 [大日本外國貿易對照表] / 大藏省主税局編纂 自明治元年至同27年
2000718926 [大日本外國貿易對照表] / 大藏省主税局編纂 自明治元年至同32年
2000849767 [鐵道式法講義] / [千種基講述]
2001235464 catalogue of publications relating to entomology in the libeary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture
2000832826 ◆D47550◆業諮問會紀事