

書誌ID タイトル 巻号
2000839055 Habit and its importance in education : an essay in pedagogical psychology / translated from the German of Paul Radestock by F.A. Caspari ; with an introduction by G. Stanley Hall
2000860650 Half-hours with the best authors / including biographical and critical notices, by Charles Knight ; with fifty-two illustrations by William Harvey [1]
2000860650 Half-hours with the best authors / including biographical and critical notices, by Charles Knight ; with fifty-two illustrations by William Harvey [2]
2000860650 Half-hours with the best authors / including biographical and critical notices, by Charles Knight ; with fifty-two illustrations by William Harvey [3]
2000860650 Half-hours with the best authors / including biographical and critical notices, by Charles Knight ; with fifty-two illustrations by William Harvey [4]
2000842842 Half-hours with the telescope : a popular guide to the use of the telescope as a means of amusement and instruction / by R.A. Proctor
2000839076 Hampton and its students / by two of its teachers, M.F. Armstrong and Helen W. Ludlow ; with fifty cabin and plantation songs, arranged by Thomas P. Fenner
2000498761 Hand- und Hülfsbuch zur Ausführung physiko-chemischer Messungen
2000858389 Hand-book for horsewomen / by H.L. Bussigny
2000847038 Hand-book of mineral analysis / by Friedrich Wöhler ; ed. by Henry B. Nason
2000853487 Hand-book of the locomotive : including the construction, running, and management of locomotive engines and boilers / by Stephen Roper
2000856439 Hand-book of tree-planting : or why to plant, where to plant, what to plant, how to plant / by Nathaniel H. Egleston
2000850365 Handboek der mechanische Technologie : een leiddraad tot de kennis der bedrijfs-leer, ... uit het hoogduitsch / van Karl Karmarsch door G. Kuijper 1. deel
2000850365 Handboek der mechanische Technologie : een leiddraad tot de kennis der bedrijfs-leer, ... uit het hoogduitsch / van Karl Karmarsch door G. Kuijper 2. deel
2000843669 Handboek der natuurkunde voor den beschaafden stand / naar Adolphe Ganot door Dr. Th. Van Doesburgh
2000853354 Handbook for street railway engineers : containing geometrical and trigonometrical formulae, transition curve tables, track construction tables, strength of wooden beams and columns, electrical formulae and tables, and much other information invaluable in street railway design and maintenance / by H.B. Andrews
2001220494 Handbook of field and general ornithology : a manual of the structure and classification of birds with instructions for collecting and preserving specimens / by Elliott Coues
2000865175 Handbook of information for passenger and shippers by the steamers of the Nippon Yusen Kaisha
2001390619 Handbook of invertebrate zoology : for laboratories and seaside work / by W. K. Brooks
2001390619 Handbook of invertebrate zoology : for laboratories and seaside work / by W. K. Brooks
2000832700 Handbook of moral philosophy / by Henry Calderwood
2000834979 Handbook of social economy, or, The worker's ABC / by Edmond About ; translated from the last French edition
2000847454 Handbook of technical gas-analysis / by Clemens Winkler
2000831540 Handbook of the new Library of Congress / compiled by Herbert Small
2000842710 Handbook of the stars : for school and home use / by W.J. Rolfe and J.A. Gillet
2000853303 Handbook of the steam-engine : containing all the rules required for the right construction and management of engines of every class, with the easy arithmetical solution of those rules : constituting a key to the "Catechism of the steam-engine" / by John Bourne
2000838203 Handbook to government situations : showing the mode of appointment and rates of pay, and containing the most recent regulations for open competitions and for army examinations
2000873513 Handbooks issued in connection with the Great International Fisheries Exhibition pt. 1
2000873513 Handbooks issued in connection with the Great International Fisheries Exhibition pt. 2
2000873513 Handbooks issued in connection with the Great International Fisheries Exhibition pt. 3
2000831096 Handbuch der Bibliothekslehre / von Arnim Graesel
2000856452 Handbuch der Forstpolitik mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Gesetzgebung und Statistik / von Max Endres
2000855956 Handbuch der Frucht- und Gemüsetreiberei : Vollständige Anleitung um Ananas, Erdbeeren, Wein, Pfirsiche, Aprikosen U., sowie alle besseren Gemüse zu jeder Jahreszeit mit gutem Erfolg zu treiben, Aus der Praxis für die Praxis / bearbeitet von W. Hampel
2000857194 Handbuch der Kalt-Industrie : die Bildung der Salzlager von Staßfurt und Umgegend, sowie von Kalusz und Beschreibung dieser Salzlager, die technische Gewinnung der Kalisalze aus den natürlich vorkommenden Salzen mit ihren Nebenzweigen und Anwendung der Kalisalze in der Landwirthschaft / von Emil Pfeiffer
2000484357 Handbuch der Kaufmännischen Holzverwertung und des Holzhandels : für Waldbesitzer, Forstwirte, Holzindustrielle und Holzhändler / von Leopold Hufnagl
2000498464 Handbuch der Landwirtschaftlichen Gewerbe / von C.J. Lintner
2000498433 Handbuch der Milchwirtschaft auf wissenschaftlicher und praktischer Grundlage / von W. Kirchner
2000935302 Handbuch der Nadelholzkunde : Systematik, Beschreibung, Verwendung und Kultur der Freiland-Coniferen : für Gärtner, Forstleute und Botaniker / bearb. von L. Beissner
2001419835 Handbuch der Obstkultur : aus der Praxis für die Praxis / bearbeitet von Nicolas Gaucher
2000498735 Handbuch der Preussischen Forst- und Jagd-Gesetze : nebst den dazu erlanssenen Verordungen, Instruktionen, Regulativen, Reglements und Ministerial-Verfügungen / Nach antlichen Quellen herausgegeben von August Kylburg
2000498957 Handbuch der Spiritusfabrikation / von Max Maercker
2000498983 Handbuch der Tabakkunde, des Tabakbaues und der Tabakfabrikation : in kurzer Fassung / von Richard Kissling
2001330654 Handbuch der Torfgewinnung und Torfverwertung : mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der erforderlichen Maschinen und Geräte nebst deren Anlage- und Betriebskosten / von A. Hausding
2000836472 Handbuch der Verfassung und Verwaltung in Preußen und dem deutschen Reiche / von Graf Hue de Grais
2000484817 Handbuch der chemischen Mittel gegen Pflanzenkrankheiten : Herstellung und Anwendung im Grossen / bearbeitet von M. Hollrung
2000484817 Handbuch der chemischen Mittel gegen Pflanzenkrankheiten : Herstellung und Anwendung im Grossen / bearbeitet von M. Hollrung
2000855014 Handbuch der landwirthschaftlichen Baukunde / von F.C. Schubert
2000807559 Handbuch der landwirtschaftlichen Litteratur / auf grund von Bibliotheksstudien zusammengestellt von Max Güntz 1. t
2000807559 Handbuch der landwirtschaftlichen Litteratur / auf grund von Bibliotheksstudien zusammengestellt von Max Güntz 3. t
2000854911 Handbuch der landwirtschaftlichen Rechnungsführung / von Johann Pohl
2000704775 Handbuch der organischen Chemie / von F. Beilstein 1. Bd
2000704775 Handbuch der organischen Chemie / von F. Beilstein 1. Ergänzungsbd
2000704775 Handbuch der organischen Chemie / von F. Beilstein 2. Bd
2000704775 Handbuch der organischen Chemie / von F. Beilstein 2. Ergänzungsbd
2000704775 Handbuch der organischen Chemie / von F. Beilstein 3. Bd
2000704775 Handbuch der organischen Chemie / von F. Beilstein 3. Ergänzungsbd
2000704775 Handbuch der organischen Chemie / von F. Beilstein 4. Bd
2000704775 Handbuch der organischen Chemie / von F. Beilstein 5. Ergänzungsbd
2000847343 Handbuch der organischen chemie / von F. Beilstein 1. Abtheilung
2000847343 Handbuch der organischen chemie / von F. Beilstein 2. Abtheilung
2000835254 Handbuch der politischen Oekonomie ... / herausgegeben von Gustav Schönberg 1. Bd.
2000835254 Handbuch der politischen Oekonomie ... / herausgegeben von Gustav Schönberg 2. Bd.
2000484352 Handbuch der praktischen Papier-Fabrikation / von Stanislaus Mierziński Bd. 1
2000484352 Handbuch der praktischen Papier-Fabrikation / von Stanislaus Mierziński Bd. 2
2000484352 Handbuch der praktischen Papier-Fabrikation / von Stanislaus Mierziński Bd. 3
2000484453 Handbuch der systematischen Botanik / von Richard R. v. Wettstein Bd. 1
2000484453 Handbuch der systematischen Botanik / von Richard R. v. Wettstein Bd. 2
2000498472 Handbuch des Forstrechts und des Forstpolizeirechts : nach den in Bayern geltenden Gesetzen / von Friedr. Karl Roth
2000855640 Handbuch des Hopfenbaues : eine Anleitung zur rationellen Kultur des Hopfens / von E.D. Strebel
2000498448 Handbuch des Landwirtschaftlichen Pflanzenbaues / aus der Praxis für Praxis bearbeitet von Adolf Hildebrand
2001346587 Handbuch für Pferdezüchter / von Georg Graf Lehndorff
2000864042 Handelsgeschichte des Altertums / von E. Speck Bd. 1
2000864042 Handelsgeschichte des Altertums / von E. Speck Bd. 2
2000842654 Handleiding : om op verschillende wijzen de breedte buiten den middag of meridiaan te vinden, door waarnemingen aan de zon of sterren / door A.C. Hazewinkel
2000842924 Handleiding tot de beschouwende en werkdadige stuurmanskunst / door J.C. Pilaar 1. deel
2000842924 Handleiding tot de beschouwende en werkdadige stuurmanskunst / door J.C. Pilaar 2. deel
2000842809 Handleiding voor de praktische zeevaartkunde / door Jacob Swart
2000498737 Handwörterbuch der Dentschen Sprache / von Daniel Sanders
2000840489 Handwörterbuch der Deutschen und Japanischen Sprache : nebst den im Deutschen gebräuchlichen Fremdwörtern / mit Anhang von S. Kasamazuri
2000840489 Handwörterbuch der Deutschen und Japanischen Sprache : nebst den im Deutschen gebräuchlichen Fremdwörtern / mit Anhang von S. Kasamazuri
2000840489 Handwörterbuch der Deutschen und Japanischen Sprache : nebst den im Deutschen gebräuchlichen Fremdwörtern / mit Anhang von S. Kasamazuri
2000840489 Handwörterbuch der Deutschen und Japanischen Sprache : nebst den im Deutschen gebräuchlichen Fremdwörtern / mit Anhang von S. Kasamazuri
2000401552 Handwörterbuch der Staatswissenschaften / herausgegeben von J. Conrad ... [et al.] Bd. 1
2000401552 Handwörterbuch der Staatswissenschaften / herausgegeben von J. Conrad ... [et al.] Bd. 2
2000401552 Handwörterbuch der Staatswissenschaften / herausgegeben von J. Conrad ... [et al.] Bd. 3
2000401552 Handwörterbuch der Staatswissenschaften / herausgegeben von J. Conrad ... [et al.] Bd. 4
2000401552 Handwörterbuch der Staatswissenschaften / herausgegeben von J. Conrad ... [et al.] Bd. 5
2000401552 Handwörterbuch der Staatswissenschaften / herausgegeben von J. Conrad ... [et al.] Bd. 6
2000401552 Handwörterbuch der Staatswissenschaften / herausgegeben von J. Conrad ... [et al.] Bd. 7
2001345139 Handwörterbuch der Zoologie / von Dalla Torre
2000484814 Handwörterbuch der deutschen Sprache / von Daniel Sanders
2000504523 Handwörterbuch der lateinischen Sprache / herausgegeben von Reinhold Klotz ; unter Mitwirkung von Fr. Lübker und E.E. Hudeman Bd. 1
2000504523 Handwörterbuch der lateinischen Sprache / herausgegeben von Reinhold Klotz ; unter Mitwirkung von Fr. Lübker und E.E. Hudeman Bd. 2
2001348870 Handy book of fruit culture under glass / by David Thomson
2000859849 Happy days at Hampton : and other poems / by Aella Greene
2000854444 Harbours and docks : their physical features, history, construction equipment, and maintenance, with statistics as to their commercial development / by Leveson Francis Vernon-Harcourt v. 1: Text
2000854444 Harbours and docks : their physical features, history, construction equipment, and maintenance, with statistics as to their commercial development / by Leveson Francis Vernon-Harcourt v. 2: Plates
2000863404 Harbours, lighthouses, bridges : Smeaton and Rennie / Samuel Smiles
2000857476 Harris on the pig : breeding, rearing, management and improvement / by Joseph Harris
2000498443 Haubner's landwirtschaftliche Tierheilkunde
2000863038 Hawthorne / by Henry James, Jr
2000861477 Haydn's dictionary of dates and universal information relating to all ages and nations / by Benjamin Vincent
2000861457 Haydn's dictionary of dates relating to all ages and nations : for universal reference
2000852310 Health exhibition literature v. 17
2000852310 Health exhibition literature v. 18
2000852310 Health exhibition literature v. 19
2000852317 Health in diet [pt. 1.]. Handbooks
2000852317 Health in diet [pt. 2.]. Conferences
2000852317 Health in diet [pt. 3.]. Lectures
2000852322 Health in relation to civic life [pt. 1.]. Handbooks
2000852322 Health in relation to civic life [pt. 2.]. Conferences
2000852322 Health in relation to civic life [pt. 3.]. Lectures
2000852316 Health in the dwelling [pt. 1.]. Handbooks
2000852316 Health in the dwelling [pt. 2.]. Conferences
2000852316 Health in the dwelling [pt. 3.]. Lectures
2000857006 Healthy houses : a handbook to the history, defects, and remedies of drainage, ventilation, warming, and kinderd subjects / by William Eassie
2000833500 Heart-life / by Theodore L. Cuyler
2000501605 Hedges and evergreens : a complete manual for the cultivation, pranning, and management of all plants suitable for American hedging, especially the Maclura, or osage orange to which is added a treatise on evergreens / by John A. Warder
3000005602 Hedwigia 45
3000005602 Hedwigia 46
2000861834 Helen's babies : with some account of their ways, innocent, crafty, angelic, impish, witching, and repulsive also, a partial record of their actions during ten days of their existence / by Their Latest Victim
2001349301 Hemiptera fabriciana = Fabricianska hemipterarter : efter de i köpenhamn och kiel förvarade typexemplaren granskade och beskrifne / af C. Stål 1
2001349159 Hemiptera-Heteroptera / by John William Douglas and John Scott
2000498947 Hemp (Cannabis sativa) : a practical treatise on the culture of hemp for seed and fiber with a sketch of the history and nature of the hemp plant / by S.S. Boyce
2001349575 Henderson's handbook of plants and general horticulture / by Peter Henderson
2000839292 Henderson's test words in English orthography : with full definitions; also, a list of modern geographical names, with their pronunciation, for the use of grammar schools and academies / selected and arranged by N.P. Henderson
2000863245 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow / by Thomas Wentworth Higginson
2000859487 High masonry dams / by John B. McMaster
2000844364 High-temperature measurements / by H. Le Chatelier and O. Boudouard ; authorized translation and additions by G.K. Burgess
2000839587 Higher English grammar / by Naibu Kanda
2000839687 Higher English lessons / by H. Saito no. 1 [pt. 1]
2000839687 Higher English lessons / by H. Saito no. 1, pt. 2
2000839687 Higher English lessons / by H. Saito no. 2, pt. 1
2000839687 Higher English lessons / by H. Saito no. 2, pt. 2
2000841698 Higher arithmetic, or, The science and application of numbers ; combining the analytic and synthetic modes of instruction, designed for advanced classes in schools and academies / by James B. Thomson
2000840207 Higher english reader / edited by T. Maeda
2000862220 Higher geography : embodying a comprehensive course with many original features
2000862220 Higher geography : embodying a comprehensive course with many original features
2000862220 Higher geography : embodying a comprehensive course with many original features
2000862220 Higher geography : embodying a comprehensive course with many original features
2000841590 Higher mathematics : a text-book for classical and engineering colleges / edited by Mansfield Merriman and Robert S. Woodward
2000504522 Higher mathematics for students of chemistry and physics : with special reference to practical work / by J.W. Mellor
2000839078 Higher schools and universities in Germany / by Matthew Arnold
2000839259 Hints on the study of English / by F.J. Rowe and W.T. Webb
2000856267 Hints to horse-keepers : a complete manual for horsemen: embracing chapters on mules and ponies / by Henry William Herbert
2000856267 Hints to horse-keepers : a complete manual for horsemen: embracing chapters on mules and ponies / by Henry William Herbert
2000858422 Hints to persons about building in the country / by A.J. Downing ; and hints to young architects by Geo. Wightwick ; with additional notes by A.J. Downing
2000831224 Hints to small libraries / by Mary Wright Plummer
2000858337 Hints toward physical perfection, or The philosophy of human beauty : showing how to acquire and retain bodily symmetry, health, and vigor, secure long life, and avoid the infirmities and deformities of age / by D.H. Jacques
2000861197 Histoire de la civilisation en Europe, depuis la chute de l'empire romain jusqu'a la révolution française / par M. Guizot
2000861232 Histoire de la civilisation en France depuis la chute de l'Empire romain / par M. Guizot 1
2000861232 Histoire de la civilisation en France depuis la chute de l'Empire romain / par M. Guizot 2
2000861232 Histoire de la civilisation en France depuis la chute de l'Empire romain / par M. Guizot 3
2000861232 Histoire de la civilisation en France depuis la chute de l'Empire romain / par M. Guizot 4
2000835628 Histoire monétaire des colonies françaises : d'après les documents officiels / par E. Zay
2001349724 Histoire naturelle des insectes : hémiptères / par C.-J.-B. Amyot et Audinet Serville
2001348929 Histoire naturelle des insectes : névroptères / par P. Rambur
2000858309 Historical and architectural sketches chiefly Italian / by Edward A. Freeman
2000864902 Historical and descriptive account of British India : from the most remote period to the present time / by Hugh Murray ... [et al.] v. 1
2000864906 Historical and descriptive account of British India : from the most remote period to the present time / by Hugh Murray ... [et al.] v. 2
2000864906 Historical and descriptive account of British India : from the most remote period to the present time / by Hugh Murray ... [et al.] v. 3
2000861695 Historical essays / by Edward A. Freeman ser. 1
2000861693 Historical essays / by Edward A. Freeman ser. 2
2000861697 Historical essays / by Edward A. Freeman ser. 3
2000857862 Historical geology
2000860681 Historical view of the literature of the South of Europe / by J.C.L. Simonde de Sismondi ; translated from the original, with notes, and a life of the author / by Thomas Roscoe v. 1
2000860681 Historical view of the literature of the South of Europe / by J.C.L. Simonde de Sismondi ; translated from the original, with notes, and a life of the author / by Thomas Roscoe v. 2
2001222132 Historischer Schul-Atlas : zur alten, mittleren und neuen Geschichte in 67 Haupt- und 71 Nebenkarten / F.W. Putzgers ; herausgegeben von Alfred Baldamus und Ernst Schwabe
2000863784 History of Alexander the Great / by Jacob Abbott
2000864622 History of America / by John A. Doyle
2000863876 History of Cleopatra, Queen Egypt / by Jacob Abbott
2000863906 History of Cyrus the Great / by Jacob Abbott
2000863915 History of Darius the Great / by Jacob Abbott
2000864967 History of England / by Edith Thompson
2000864332 History of England / by G.R. Gleig
2000714302 History of England : from the invasion of Julius Cæsar to the reign of Victoria / by Mrs. Markham ; with questions adapted to schools in the United States by Eliza Robbins
2000714302 History of England : from the invasion of Julius Cæsar to the reign of Victoria / by Mrs. Markham ; with questions adapted to schools in the United States by Eliza Robbins
2000714302 History of England : from the invasion of Julius Cæsar to the reign of Victoria / by Mrs. Markham ; with questions adapted to schools in the United States by Eliza Robbins
2000864368 History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the defeat of the Spanish Armada / by James Anthony Froude v. 1
2000864368 History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the defeat of the Spanish Armada / by James Anthony Froude v. 10
2000864368 History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the defeat of the Spanish Armada / by James Anthony Froude v. 11
2000864368 History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the defeat of the Spanish Armada / by James Anthony Froude v. 12
2000864368 History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the defeat of the Spanish Armada / by James Anthony Froude v. 2
2000864368 History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the defeat of the Spanish Armada / by James Anthony Froude v. 3
2000864368 History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the defeat of the Spanish Armada / by James Anthony Froude v. 4
2000864368 History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the defeat of the Spanish Armada / by James Anthony Froude v. 5
2000864368 History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the defeat of the Spanish Armada / by James Anthony Froude v. 6
2000864368 History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the defeat of the Spanish Armada / by James Anthony Froude v. 7
2000864368 History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the defeat of the Spanish Armada / by James Anthony Froude v. 8
2000864368 History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the defeat of the Spanish Armada / by James Anthony Froude v. 9
2000864632 History of England, from the first invasion by Julius Cæsar, to the year eighteen hundred and fifty : comprising every political event worthy of remembrance ... accompanied by a book of questions and a key, for the use of schools / by Willam Grimshaw
2000859182 History of English literature / by H.A. Taine ; translated from the French by H. Van Laun
2000859189 History of English literature : in two volumes / by H.A. Taine ; translated by H. Van Laun v. 1
2000859189 History of English literature : in two volumes / by H.A. Taine ; translated by H. Van Laun v. 2
2000864356 History of Europe / by Edward A. Freeman
2000864256 History of Europe from the commencement of the French Revolution in MDCCLXXXIX to the restoration of the Bourbons in MDCCCXV / by Archibald Alison Index
2000864256 History of Europe from the commencement of the French Revolution in MDCCLXXXIX to the restoration of the Bourbons in MDCCCXV / by Archibald Alison v. 10: 1812-1813
2000864256 History of Europe from the commencement of the French Revolution in MDCCLXXXIX to the restoration of the Bourbons in MDCCCXV / by Archibald Alison v. 11: 1813-1814
2000864256 History of Europe from the commencement of the French Revolution in MDCCLXXXIX to the restoration of the Bourbons in MDCCCXV / by Archibald Alison v. 12: 1814-1815
2000864256 History of Europe from the commencement of the French Revolution in MDCCLXXXIX to the restoration of the Bourbons in MDCCCXV / by Archibald Alison v. 1: 1774-1791
2000864256 History of Europe from the commencement of the French Revolution in MDCCLXXXIX to the restoration of the Bourbons in MDCCCXV / by Archibald Alison v. 2: 1791-1793
2000864256 History of Europe from the commencement of the French Revolution in MDCCLXXXIX to the restoration of the Bourbons in MDCCCXV / by Archibald Alison v. 3: 1793-1796
2000864256 History of Europe from the commencement of the French Revolution in MDCCLXXXIX to the restoration of the Bourbons in MDCCCXV / by Archibald Alison v. 4: 1796-1800
2000864256 History of Europe from the commencement of the French Revolution in MDCCLXXXIX to the restoration of the Bourbons in MDCCCXV / by Archibald Alison v. 5: 1800-1804
2000864256 History of Europe from the commencement of the French Revolution in MDCCLXXXIX to the restoration of the Bourbons in MDCCCXV / by Archibald Alison v. 6: 1805-1807
2000864256 History of Europe from the commencement of the French Revolution in MDCCLXXXIX to the restoration of the Bourbons in MDCCCXV / by Archibald Alison v. 7: 1807-1808
2000864256 History of Europe from the commencement of the French Revolution in MDCCLXXXIX to the restoration of the Bourbons in MDCCCXV / by Archibald Alison v. 8: 1808-1810
2000864256 History of Europe from the commencement of the French Revolution in MDCCLXXXIX to the restoration of the Bourbons in MDCCCXV / by Archibald Alison v. 9: 1810-1812
2000682716 History of European colonies / by Edward J. Payne
2000833768 History of European morals : from Augustus to Charlemagne / by William Edward Hartpole Lecky v. 1
2000833768 History of European morals : from Augustus to Charlemagne / by William Edward Hartpole Lecky v. 2
2000864482 History of France / by Charlotte M. Yonge
2000864750 History of France and Normandy, from the earliest times to the year 1860 with questions for examination at the end of each section / by W.C. Taylor ; illustrated with namerous engravings
2000864750 History of France and Normandy, from the earliest times to the year 1860 with questions for examination at the end of each section / by W.C. Taylor ; illustrated with namerous engravings
2000864750 History of France and Normandy, from the earliest times to the year 1860 with questions for examination at the end of each section / by W.C. Taylor ; illustrated with namerous engravings
2000864457 History of France for junior classes / by Sutherland Menzies
2000860832 History of French literature / by Henri Van Laun v. 1
2000860832 History of French literature / by Henri Van Laun v. 2
2000863150 History of Genghis Khan / by Jacob Abbott
2000864427 History of Germany / by James Sime
2000864420 History of Germany for junior classes / by Sutherland Menzies ; with coloured map and illustrations
2000864122 History of Greece / by C.A. Fyffe
2000864122 History of Greece / by C.A. Fyffe
2000863792 History of Hannibal the Carthaginian / by Jacob Abbott
2000863084 History of Henry the Fourth : King of France and Navarre / by John S.C. Abbott
2000863901 History of Hernando Cortez / by John S.C. Abbott
2000863872 History of Joseph Bonaparte, King of Naples and of Italy / by John S.C. Abbott
2000863115 History of Josephine / by John S.C. Abbott
2000863885 History of Julius Cæsar / by Jacob Abbott
2000863881 History of King Charles the First of England / by Jacob Abbott
2000863891 History of King Charles the Second of England / by Jacob Abbott
2000863543 History of King Philip, sovereign chief of the wampanoags, including the early history of the settlers of New England / by John S.C. Abbott
2000863579 History of King Richard the First of England / by Jacob Abbott
2000863774 History of King Richard the Second of England / by Jacob Abbott
2000863565 History of King Richard the Third of England / by Jacob Abbott
2000863539 History of Louis Philippe, King of the French / by John S.C. Abbott
2000863255 History of Louis XIV / by John S.C. Abbott
2000863255 History of Louis XIV / by John S.C. Abbott
2000863557 History of Madame Roland / by John S.C. Abbott
2000863301 History of Margaret of Anjou, Queen of Henry VI. of England / by Jacob Abbott
2000863313 History of Mary Queen of Scots / by Jacob Abbott
2000864419 History of Nero. / by Jacob Abbott
2000863581 History of Pyrrhus / by Jacob Abbott
2000863923 History of Queen Elizabeth / by Jacob Abbott
2000864013 History of Rome / by M. Creighton
2000864007 History of Rome / by M. Creighton
2000863546 History of Romulus / by Jacob Abbott
2000864439 History of Scotland / by Margaret Macarthur
2000863818 History of William the Conqueror / by Jacob Abbott
2000863983 History of Xerxes the Great / by Jacob Abbott
2000849266 History of botany, 1530-1860 / by Julius von Sachs ; authorised translation by Henry E. F. Garnsey ; rev. by Isaac Bayley Balfour
2000861176 History of civilization in England / by Henry Thomas Buckle v. 1
2000861176 History of civilization in England / by Henry Thomas Buckle v. 2
2000861176 History of civilization in England / by Henry Thomas Buckle v. 3
2001071785 History of education in Florida / George Gary Bush
2000838899 History of higher education in Michigan/ by Andrew C. McLaughlin
2000838892 History of higher education in South Carolina, with a sketch of the free school system / by Colyer Meriwether
2000859165 History of nineteenth-century literature (1780-1900) / by George Saintsbury
2000835902 History of political economy in Europe / by Jérôme-Adolphe Blanqui ; translated from the 4th French edition by Emily J. Leonard ; with preface by David A. Wells
2000863385 History of roads : Metcalfe, Telford / by Samuel Smiles
2000864587 History of the Anglo-Saxons / by Francis Palgrave
2000484577 History of the English landed interest : its customs laws and agriculture / by Russell M. Garnier [Vol. 2]
2000484577 History of the English landed interest : its customs laws and agriculture / by Russell M. Garnier [v. 1]
2000831550 History of the Library of Congress / by William Dawson Johnston v. 1, 1800-1864
2000865013 History of the United Staes, from the earliest discoveries to the close of the Great Rebellion, in 1865, containing, also, the constitution of the United States, with explanatory notes and questions / by Marcius Willson
2000865013 History of the United Staes, from the earliest discoveries to the close of the Great Rebellion, in 1865, containing, also, the constitution of the United States, with explanatory notes and questions / by Marcius Willson
2000865013 History of the United Staes, from the earliest discoveries to the close of the Great Rebellion, in 1865, containing, also, the constitution of the United States, with explanatory notes and questions / by Marcius Willson
2000864691 History of the United States of America : from the discovery of the continent / by George Bancroft v. 1
2000864691 History of the United States of America : from the discovery of the continent / by George Bancroft v. 2
2000864691 History of the United States of America : from the discovery of the continent / by George Bancroft v. 3
2000864691 History of the United States of America : from the discovery of the continent / by George Bancroft v. 4
2000864691 History of the United States of America : from the discovery of the continent / by George Bancroft v. 5
2000864691 History of the United States of America : from the discovery of the continent / by George Bancroft v. 6
2000834395 History of the camp-meeting and grounds at Wesleyan grove, Martha's vineyard, for the eleven years ending with the meeting of 1869, with glances at the earlier years / by H. Vincent
2000865000 History of the conquest of Peru / by William H. Prescott ; edited by John Foster Kirk v. 1
2000865000 History of the conquest of Peru / by William H. Prescott ; edited by John Foster Kirk v. 2
2000836706 History of the free-trade movement in England / by Augustus Mongredien
2000836706 History of the free-trade movement in England / by Augustus Mongredien
2000836706 History of the free-trade movement in England / by Augustus Mongredien
2000834846 History of the great Reformation of the sixteenth century in Germany, Switzerland, &c / by J. H. Merle d'Aubigné ; assisted in the preparation of the English original by H. White v. 4
2000864838 History of the great fires in Chicago and the West : a proud career arrested by sudden and awful calamity, towns and counties laid waste by the devastating element., scenes and incidents, losses and sufferings, benevolence of the nations. etc., etc., ... / by E.J. Goodspeed
2000028546 History of the land question in the United States / by Shosuke Sato
2000411327 History of the origin of representative government in Europe / by M. Guizot ; translated by Andrew R. Scoble
2000834304 History of the reformation of the sixteenth century / by J. H. Merle d'Aubigné ; translated by H. White v. 1
2000834304 History of the reformation of the sixteenth century / by J. H. Merle d'Aubigné ; translated by H. White v. 3
2000834304 History of the reformation of the sixteenth century / by J. H. Merle d'Aubigné ; translated by H. White v. 4
2000834304 History of the reformation of the sixteenth century / by J. H. Merle d'Aubigné ; translated by H. White v. 5
2000577936 History, general considerations, vascular diseases / by Erwin Smith
2000833116 Hitchcock's new and complete analysis of the Holy Bible ; or, The whole of the Old and New Testaments arranged according to subjects in twenty-seven books / edited by Roswell D. Hitchcock
2000864430 Hohenzollernsche Colonisationen : ein Beitrag zu der Geschichte des preußischen Staates und der Colonisation des östlichen Deutschlands / von Max Beheim-Schwarzbach
2000858430 Holly's country seats : containing lithographic designs for cottages, villas, mansions, etc., with their accompanying outbuildings, also country churches, city buildings, railway stations, etc., etc. / by Henry Hudson Holly
2000498483 Holzproduktion und Holzhandel von Europa, Afrika und Nord-Amerika / im Auftrage des k.k. Ackerbauministeriums und des k.k. Handelsministeriums verfasst von Julius Marchet Bd. 1
2000498483 Holzproduktion und Holzhandel von Europa, Afrika und Nord-Amerika / im Auftrage des k.k. Ackerbauministeriums und des k.k. Handelsministeriums verfasst von Julius Marchet Bd. 1
2000498483 Holzproduktion und Holzhandel von Europa, Afrika und Nord-Amerika / im Auftrage des k.k. Ackerbauministeriums und des k.k. Handelsministeriums verfasst von Julius Marchet Bd. 2
2000498483 Holzproduktion und Holzhandel von Europa, Afrika und Nord-Amerika / im Auftrage des k.k. Ackerbauministeriums und des k.k. Handelsministeriums verfasst von Julius Marchet Bd. 2
2000832008 Home education department 7th annual report. 1899
2000832008 Home education department 8th annual report. 1900
2000832008 Home education department 9th annual report. 1901
2000858477 Homes for the people, in suburb and country : the villa, the mansion, and the cottage, adapted to American climate and wants with examples showing how to alter and remodel old buildings in a series od one hundred original designs / by Gervase Wheeler
2000858471 Homes for the people, in suburb and country : the villa, the mansion, and the cottage, adapted to American climate and wants with examples showing how to alter and remodel old buildings in a series od one hundred original designs / by Gervase Wheeler
2000858471 Homes for the people, in suburb and country : the villa, the mansion, and the cottage, adapted to American climate and wants with examples showing how to alter and remodel old buildings in a series od one hundred original designs / by Gervase Wheeler
2001573555 Hong Kong blue book for the year 1887
2000854693 Hopfenbau und hopfenbehandlung : gekrönte Preisschrift / von C. Fruwirth ; mit einem Vorwort von Emil Pott
2000855617 Hops : their cultivation, commerce, and uses in various countries, a manual of reference for the grower, dealer, and brewer / by P.L. Simmonds
2000858405 Horse-back riding : from a medical point of view / by Ghislani Durant
2001390495 Horse-breeding and management / by Frederic Adye
2000856499 Horse-breeding in Japan / compiled by the Dept. of Agriculture and Commerce
2000858380 Horse-racing in France : a history / by Robert Black
2000719823 Horticulturist's rule-book : a compendium of useful information for fruit-growers, truck-gardeners, florists and others / by L.H. Bailey
2000859233 Hospital plans, five essays relating to the construction, organization, & management of hospitals, contributed by their authors for the use of the Johns Hopkins Hospital of Baltimore
2000863185 Hours of exercise in the Alps / by John Tyndall
2000860705 Hours with men and books / by William Mathews
2000858444 House-plans for everybody : for village and country residences, costing from $250 to $8,000; including full descriptions and estimates in detail of materials, labor, and cost / by S.B. Reed
2000857041 Household conveniences : being rhe experience of many practical writers
2000864597 How England won and governs India : extracts from the expansion of England / by J.R. Seeley
2000863045 How I found Livingstone : travels, adventures, and discoveries in Central Africa : including an account of four months' residence with Dr. Livingstone / by Henry M. Stanley ; with maps and illustrations after drawings by the author
2000498731 How crops feed : a treatise on the atmosphere and the soil as related to the nutrition of agricultural plants / by Samuel W. Johnson
2000498731 How crops feed : a treatise on the atmosphere and the soil as related to the nutrition of agricultural plants / by Samuel W. Johnson
2000498753 How crops grow : A treatise on the chemical composition, structure, and life of the plant for students of agriculture / by Samuel W. Johnson
2000717594 How crops grow : a treatise on the chemical composition, structure, and life of the plant, for all students of agriculture / by Samuel W. Johnson
2000848914 How plants behave : how they move, climb, employ insects to work for them, &c. / By Asa Gray
2000808312 How the farm pays : the experiences of forty years of successful farming and gardening / by the authors, William Crozier and Peter Henderson
2000854930 How to choose a farm : with a discussion of American lands / by Thomas F. Hunt
2000850331 How to dissect a Chelonian / by H. Newell Martin and William A. Moale
2000839065 How to educate yourself : with or without masters / by Geo. Cary Eggleston
2000830625 How to form a library / by H.B. Wheatley
2000858415 How to handle and educate vicious horses : together with hints on the training and health of dogs / by Oscar R. Gleason
2000858489 How to lay out a garden : intended as a general guide in choosing, forming, or improving an estate, (from a quarter of an acre to a hundred acres in extent,) with reference to both design and execution / by Edward Kemp
2001420166 How to make a vegetable garden : a practical and suggestive manual for the home garden / by Edith Loring Fullerton; illustrated by H. B. Fullerton
2000831401 How to make an index / by Henry B. Wheatley
2000857036 How to make living : suggestions upon the art of making saving, and using money / by Geo. Cary Eggleston
2000855295 How to plant and what to do with the crops : together with valuable hints for the farm, garden, and orchard / by Mark W. Johnson
2000846994 How to teach chemistry : hints to science teachers and students : being the substance of six lectures delivered at the royal college of chemistry in June 1872 / by Edward Frankland ; summarised and edited by George Chaloner
2000848683 How to work with the microscope / by Lionel S. Beale
2000859219 Hoyle's games : containing the established rules and practice of whist, ... archery, bowls, &c
2000833468 Human intercourse : select essay / by Philip Gilbert Hamerton
2001226201 Hume / by Professor Huxley
2001349240 Hémiptères gymnocérates d'Europe : du bassin de la Méditerranée et de l'Asie Russe / décrites par O.M. Reuter t. 1-3
2001349240 Hémiptères gymnocérates d'Europe : du bassin de la Méditerranée et de l'Asie Russe / décrites par O.M. Reuter t. 4-5
2000498954 Hülfstabellen zur mikroskopischen Mineralbestimmung in Gesteinen / zusammengestellt von H. Rosenbusch
2000833353 I am that I am : the philosophic basis of the Christian faith : a metrical essay in three parts and nine cantos / by E.A. Warriner
2000484716 Icones Fungorum Javanicorum / von O. Penzig und P.A. Saccardo
2000864522 Idealen van oorlogvoeren, in eene ontledende schets van de daden der grootste veldheeren / door Von Lossau ; uit het hoogduitsch vertaald door E.H. Brouwer d. 1
2000864522 Idealen van oorlogvoeren, in eene ontledende schets van de daden der grootste veldheeren / door Von Lossau ; uit het hoogduitsch vertaald door E.H. Brouwer d. 1
2000864522 Idealen van oorlogvoeren, in eene ontledende schets van de daden der grootste veldheeren / door Von Lossau ; uit het hoogduitsch vertaald door E.H. Brouwer d. 2
2000864522 Idealen van oorlogvoeren, in eene ontledende schets van de daden der grootste veldheeren / door Von Lossau ; uit het hoogduitsch vertaald door E.H. Brouwer d. 2
2000864522 Idealen van oorlogvoeren, in eene ontledende schets van de daden der grootste veldheeren / door Von Lossau ; uit het hoogduitsch vertaald door E.H. Brouwer d. 3
2000864522 Idealen van oorlogvoeren, in eene ontledende schets van de daden der grootste veldheeren / door Von Lossau ; uit het hoogduitsch vertaald door E.H. Brouwer d. 3
2001163133 Il filugello e l'arte sericola : trattato terico-pratico / E. Verson, E. Quajat
2000861048 Illustrated history of ancient literature : oriental and classical / by John D. Quackenbos
2000864961 Illustrated school history of the United States and the adjacent parts of America, from the earliest discoveries to the present time / by G.P. Quackenbos
2000864961 Illustrated school history of the United States and the adjacent parts of America, from the earliest discoveries to the present time / by G.P. Quackenbos
2000864961 Illustrated school history of the United States and the adjacent parts of America, from the earliest discoveries to the present time / by G.P. Quackenbos
2001349315 Illustrations of typical specimens of Lepidoptera Heterocera in the collection of the British Museum pt. 2
2001349315 Illustrations of typical specimens of Lepidoptera Heterocera in the collection of the British Museum pt. 3
2000856163 Illustriertes Forst- und Jagd-Lexikon / herausgegeben von Herm. Fürst
2000856163 Illustriertes Forst- und Jagd-Lexikon / herausgegeben von Herm. Fürst
2000856114 Illustriertes Gartenbau-Lexikon
2001420010 Illustriertes Gartenbau-Lexikon / begründet von Th. Rümpler
2000854143 Illustriertes Landwirtschafts-Lexikon
2000498460 Illustriertes Landwirtschafts-Lexikon : begründet von Guido Krafft / herausgegeben von Dr. Werner
2000847590 Imperial Geological Survey of Japan : with a catalogue of articles exhibited by the Geological Survey at the World's Columbian Exposition
2000799462 Imperial federation / by The marquis of Lorne
2000839011 Importance of practical education and useful knowledge: being a selection from his orations and other discourses, / by Edward Everett
2000860419 Impressions of Theophrastus Such / by George Eliot
2000860003 In Memoriam / Alfred (Lord) Tennyson
2001349781 Index alphabeticus in J.C. Fabricii : Entomologiam systematicam, emandatam et auctam, ordines, genera et species continens
2001349626 Index iconum fungrum : enumerans eorudem figuras omnes hucusque editas ab auctoribus sive antiquis sive recentioribus / ductu et consilio P.A. Saccardo ; congessit J.B. Traverso [1] A-L
2001349626 Index iconum fungrum : enumerans eorudem figuras omnes hucusque editas ab auctoribus sive antiquis sive recentioribus / ductu et consilio P.A. Saccardo ; congessit J.B. Traverso [2] M-Z
2000484355 Index plantarum japonicarum, sive, Enumeratio plantarum omnium ex insulis Kurile, Yezo, Nippon, Sikoku, Kiusiu, Liukiu, et Formosa hucusque cognitarum systematice et alphabetice disposita adjectis synonymis selectis, nominibus japonicis, locis natalibus / auctore J. Matsumura = 帝國植物名鑑 / 松村任三編 v. 1
2000484355 Index plantarum japonicarum, sive, Enumeratio plantarum omnium ex insulis Kurile, Yezo, Nippon, Sikoku, Kiusiu, Liukiu, et Formosa hucusque cognitarum systematice et alphabetice disposita adjectis synonymis selectis, nominibus japonicis, locis natalibus / auctore J. Matsumura = 帝國植物名鑑 / 松村任三編 v. 1
2000484355 Index plantarum japonicarum, sive, Enumeratio plantarum omnium ex insulis Kurile, Yezo, Nippon, Sikoku, Kiusiu, Liukiu, et Formosa hucusque cognitarum systematice et alphabetice disposita adjectis synonymis selectis, nominibus japonicis, locis natalibus / auctore J. Matsumura = 帝國植物名鑑 / 松村任三編 v. 1
2000484355 Index plantarum japonicarum, sive, Enumeratio plantarum omnium ex insulis Kurile, Yezo, Nippon, Sikoku, Kiusiu, Liukiu, et Formosa hucusque cognitarum systematice et alphabetice disposita adjectis synonymis selectis, nominibus japonicis, locis natalibus / auctore J. Matsumura = 帝國植物名鑑 / 松村任三編 v. 2
2000484355 Index plantarum japonicarum, sive, Enumeratio plantarum omnium ex insulis Kurile, Yezo, Nippon, Sikoku, Kiusiu, Liukiu, et Formosa hucusque cognitarum systematice et alphabetice disposita adjectis synonymis selectis, nominibus japonicis, locis natalibus / auctore J. Matsumura = 帝國植物名鑑 / 松村任三編 v. 2
2000830138 Index to authors with titles of their publications : appearing in the documents of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1841 to 1897 / by Geo. F. Thompson ; under direction of Geo. WM. Hill
2000830829 Index to the catalogue of books in the Bates Hall of the Public Library of the City of Boston : 1st supplement
2000830821 Index to the catalogue of books in the Upper Hall of the Public Library of the City of Boston / [Boston Public Library]
2001349615 Index universalis et locupletissimus generum, specierum, subspecierum, varietatum hospitumque in toto opere vol. I-XI expositorum / auctore P. Sydow [pt. 1]
2001349615 Index universalis et locupletissimus generum, specierum, subspecierum, varietatum hospitumque in toto opere vol. I-XI expositorum / auctore P. Sydow [pt. 2]
2001349823 Index universalis et locupletissimus nominum plantarum hospitum specierumque omnium fungorum has incolentium quæ usque ad finem anni 1897 innotuerunt / concinnavit P. Sydow [pars 2 - 1]
2001349823 Index universalis et locupletissimus nominum plantarum hospitum specierumque omnium fungorum has incolentium quæ usque ad finem anni 1897 innotuerunt / concinnavit P. Sydow
2000864598 India and the Indian Mutiny : comprising the complete history of Hindostan, from the earliest times to the present day; with full particulars of the recent Mutiny in India / illustrated with numerous engraving by Henry Frederick Malcolm
2000873784 India rubber and gutta percha / by George Dodd
2001349306 Indian Hemiptera family pentatomidæ / by E.T. Atkinson
2000498948 Indian corn culture / by Charles S. Plumb
3000009618 Indian forester : a monthly journal of forestry, agriculture, shikar and travel 29
3000009618 Indian forester : a monthly journal of forestry, agriculture, shikar and travel 30
2000833558 Individual ethics / by H. Martenser ; translated from the author's German edition by William Affleck
2000834386 Individualism : a system of politics / by Wordsworth Donisthorpe
2000859260 Industrial drawing : comprising the description and uses of drawing instruments, the construction of plane figures, tinting, the projections and sections of geometrical solids, shadows, shading ,isometrical drawing, oblique projection, perspective, architectural elements, mechanical and topographical drawing : for the use of high schools, academies, and scientific schools / by D.H. Mahan [text]
2000851045 Industrial education in the South / by A.D. Mayo
2000450314 Industrial evolution / by Carl Bücher ; translated from the 3rd German edition by S. Morley Wickett
2000855191 Industrielle der Torfgewinnung und Torfverwerthung : mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der dazu erforderlichen Maschinen und Apparate nebst deren Anlage- und Betriebskosten ... nach eigenen Erfahrungen und Untersuchungen / bearbeitet von A. Hausding
2000854675 Injurious insects of the farm and garden / by Mary Treat
2000854675 Injurious insects of the farm and garden / by Mary Treat
2000854675 Injurious insects of the farm and garden / by Mary Treat
2000854675 Injurious insects of the farm and garden / by Mary Treat
2000847184 Inorganic chemical preparations / by Felix Lengfeld
2000847314 Inorganic chemistry / by George Wilson ; revsed and enlarged by H.G. Madan
2000847265 Inorganic chemistry for advanced students / by Sir Henry Roscoe and Arthur Harden
2000498747 Inorganic general, medical and pharmaceutical chemistry theoretical and practical : a text-book and laboratory manual / by Oscar Oldberg v. 1
2000498747 Inorganic general, medical and pharmaceutical chemistry theoretical and practical : a text-book and laboratory manual / by Oscar Oldberg v. 2
2000832582 Inquiries into human faculty and its development / by Francis Galton
2001348885 Insect life : an introduction to nature-study : and a guide for teachers, students, and others interested in out-of-door life / by John Henry Comstock
2001249760 Insect variety : its propagation and distribution / by A.H. Swinton
2001348726 Insecta / by Alpheus Hyatt and J.M. Arms
2000712874 Insectivorous plants / by Charles Darwin
2001349148 Insects abroad : being a popular account of foreign insects, their structure, habits, and transformations / by J.G. Wood ; illustrated with six hundred figures, by E.A. Smith and J.B. Zwecker ; engraved by G. Pearson
2001348731 Insects and insecticides : a practical manual concerning noxious insects and the methods of preventing their injuries / by Clarence M. Weed
2001349150 Insects at home : being a popular account of British insects, their structure, habits, and transformations / by J.G. Wood
2001349045 Insects injurious to fruits / by William Saunders
2000836343 Inspection of weights and measures and gas / [Canada Dept. of Inland Revenue]
2000850007 Instinct : its office in the animal kingdom, and its relation to the higher powers in man / by P.A. Chadbourne
2000833678 Institutional beginnings in a Western State / by Jesse Macy
2000498252 Instruction élémentaire sur la conduite des arbres fruitiers / par M.A. du Breuil
2000824317 Instructions for observing the total eclipse of the sun, January 1, 1889 / by David P. Todd
2000852805 Instructions for taking meteorological observations : with tables for thier correction, and notes on meteorological phenomena : drawn up, by order of the secretary of State for war / by Henry James
2000861236 Intellect / ed. by Rossiter Johnson
2000839909 Intellectual elements of style / by Alexander Bain
2000839577 Intermediate English grammar / by Naibu Kanda
2000851226 Intermediate anatomy, physiology, and hygiene including scientific instruction upon the effects of narcotics and stimulants upon the human body : a revision of Calvin Cutter's first book on anatomy, etc. / by John C. Cutter
2000862949 Intermediate geography : the earth and its inhabitants
2000862949 Intermediate geography : the earth and its inhabitants
2000862949 Intermediate geography : the earth and its inhabitants
3000068088 International catalogue of scientific literature. D, Chemistry 1
2001369475 Introduction and Protozoa / by S.J. Hickson ... [et al.] fasc. 2
2000682802 Introduction to a historical geography of the British colonies / by C. P. Lucas
2000682802 Introduction to a historical geography of the British colonies / by C. P. Lucas
2000682802 Introduction to a historical geography of the British colonies / by C. P. Lucas
2000682802 Introduction to a historical geography of the British colonies / by C. P. Lucas
2000682802 Introduction to a historical geography of the British colonies / by C. P. Lucas
2000682802 Introduction to a historical geography of the British colonies / by C. P. Lucas
2000682802 Introduction to a historical geography of the British colonies / by C. P. Lucas
2000682802 Introduction to a historical geography of the British colonies / by C. P. Lucas
2000682802 Introduction to a historical geography of the British colonies / by C. P. Lucas
2000682802 Introduction to a historical geography of the British colonies / by C. P. Lucas
2000682802 Introduction to a historical geography of the British colonies / by C. P. Lucas
2000682802 Introduction to a historical geography of the British colonies / by C. P. Lucas
2000682802 Introduction to a historical geography of the British colonies / by C. P. Lucas
2000498939 Introduction to chemical-technical analysis / by F. Ulzer and A. Fraenkel ; (Authorized translation) with appendix by the translator Hermann Fleck
2000484818 Introduction to forestry / William Schlich
2000484818 Introduction to forestry / William Schlich
2000848947 Introduction to structural and systematic botany, and vegetable physiology, being a fifth and revised edition of the botanical text-book / by Asa Gray
2000861026 Introduction to the literature of Europe, in the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries / by Henry Hallam vol. 1
2000861026 Introduction to the literature of Europe, in the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries / by Henry Hallam vol. 2
2000861026 Introduction to the literature of Europe, in the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries / by Henry Hallam vol. 3
2000861026 Introduction to the literature of Europe, in the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries / by Henry Hallam vol. 4
2000845438 Introduction to the study of chemical philosophy : the principles of theoretical and systematic chemistry / by William A. Tilden
2000846958 Introduction to the study of chemical reactions / by Edmund Drechsel ; translated, with permission of the author and of the publisher, and specially adapted to the use of American students, by notes, etc. by N. Fred. Merrill
2000838807 Introduction to the study of the dependent defective and delinquent classes : and of their social treatment / by Charles Richmond Henderson
2000843603 Introductory course of natural philosophy for the use of schools and academies / edited from Ganot's popular physics, by William G. Peck
2000842133 Inventional geometry : a series of problems, intended to familiarize the pupil with geometrical conceptions, and to exercise his inventive faculty / by William George Spencer ; with a prefatory note by Herbert Spencer
2001369595 Invertebrata
2000484802 Investigations in currency and finance / by W. Stanley Jevons ; edited, with an introduction by H.S. Foxwell
2000857709 Iron and Steel
2000858960 Iron and heat : beams, pillars, and iron smelting : exhibiting in simple form the principles concerned in the construction of iron beams, pillars, and bridge girders, and the aciton of heat in the smelting furnace / by James Armour
2000853067 Iron and steel / by Robert H. Thurston
2000864653 Iron and steel manufacture : series of papers on the manufacture and properties of iron and steel : reports on iron and steel in the Paris exhibition of 1867... / by Ferdinand Kohn
2001070660 Iron, its history, properties, & processes of manufacture / by William Fairbairn
2000855365 Irrigation for the farm, garden, and orchard / by Henry Stewart
2000855110 Irrigation institutions : a discussion of the economic and legal questions created by the growth of irrigated agriculture in the West / by Elwood Mead
2001390582 Island life, or, The phenomena and causes of insular faunas and floras, including a revision and attempted solution of the problem of geological climates / by Alfred Russel Wallace
2000860495 Isles of the sea : or, Young America homeward bound : a story of travel and adventure / by William T. Adams (Oliver Optic)
2001220661 Istruzione popolare per allevare i bachi da seta e ottenere le ova esposta in forma di dialogo / Michele Balsamo Crivelli
2001220604 Istruzioni circa il modo di coltivare i gelsi, di allevare i bachi da seta, e di filar le sete : con nuove applicazioni e riflessioni / il tutto tradotto dall'originale francese del cavaliere Constans de Castellet
2000840793 Italian conversation-grammar / by L.B. Cuore
2001283424 Italian gardens / Charles A. Platt
2000864877 J.H. Colton's American school quarto geography : comprising the several departments of mathematical, physical, and civil geography; with an atlas of more than one hundred steel plate maps, profiles, and plans, on forty-two large sheets, drawn on a new and uniform system of scales / by G. Woolworth Colton
2001222164 Jagdtierkunde : Naturgeschichte der in deutschland heimischen Wildarten / von Ernst Schäff
2000831592 Jahrbuch der deutschen Bibliotheken / herausgegeben vom Verein Deutscher Bibliothekare 1. Jahrgang
3000001429 Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 16-17
3000001429 Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 9
3000001581 Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik. Neue Folge 2
3000005954 Jahrbücher für wissenschaftliche Botanik 39
3000005954 Jahrbücher für wissenschaftliche Botanik 41
3000005954 Jahrbücher für wissenschaftliche Botanik 42
3000005954 Jahrbücher für wissenschaftliche Botanik 43
3000005954 Jahrbücher für wissenschaftliche Botanik 44
2000854422 Jakob, der Großbauernsohn : eine lehrreiche Dorfgeschichte / von Otto Schwarzmaier
2001235144 James Smithson and his bequest / b William J. Rhees
2000864566 Japan : its history, traditions, and religions with the narrative of a visit in 1879 / by Sir Edward J. Reed v. 1
2000864566 Japan : its history, traditions, and religions with the narrative of a visit in 1879 / by Sir Edward J. Reed v. 2
2000851274 Japan : travels and researches, undertaken at the cost of the Prussian Government / by J.J. Rein, translated from the German
2000838859 Japan and its trade / by J. Morris
2000850290 Japan in the beginning of the 20th century / by the Department of Agriculture and Commerce, Japan
2000862883 Japan, in our day / compiled and arranged by Bayard Taylor
2000862883 Japan, in our day / compiled and arranged by Bayard Taylor
2000862878 Japan, our new ally / Alfred Stead ; with preface by Marquis Ito
2000566264 Japanese bamboos and their introduction into America / by David G. Fairchild
2000862836 Japanese fragments, with facsimiles of illustrations by artists of Yedo / by Sherard Osborn
2000835944 Japanese notions of European political economy : being a summary of a voluminous report upon that subject forwarded to the Japanese Government : preceded by a sketch of a preliminary inquiry into the same subject by Mr. Teremoto [sic], of the Japanese legation / by Tentearo Makato
2000835944 Japanese notions of European political economy : being a summary of a voluminous report upon that subject forwarded to the Japanese Government : preceded by a sketch of a preliminary inquiry into the same subject by Mr. Teremoto [sic], of the Japanese legation / by Tentearo Makato
2000839222 Japanese scenes in English / by Howard Swan and Isao Matsuda
2000839488 Japanese-English and English-Japanese dictionary / by J.C. Hepburn ; abridged by the author
2000839488 Japanese-English and English-Japanese dictionary / by J.C. Hepburn ; abridged by the author
2000839488 Japanese-English and English-Japanese dictionary / by J.C. Hepburn ; abridged by the author
2000863680 Joe Miller's jest book
2000498738 Joh. Christ. Aug. Heyses allgemeines verdeutschendes und erklärendes Fremdwörterbuch : mit Bezeichnung der Aussprache und Betonung der Wörter nebst genauer Angabe ihrer Abstammung und Bildung
2000856001 Johann Gottlieb Koppe's Unterricht im Ackerbau und in der Viehzucht : Anleitung zu vorteilhaftem Betriebe der Landwirtschaft
2000863593 John Ruskin / by Frederic Harrison
2000784695 Johnson's natural history, comprehensive, scientific, and popular, illustrating and describing the animal kingdom, with its wonders and curiosities, from man, through all the divisions, classes, and orders, to the animalcules in a drop of water; showing the habits, structure, and classification of animals, with their relations to agriculture, manufactures, commerce, and the arts / by S.G. Goodrich ; with special contributions from E.L. Youmans, J.H. Seelye and Sanborn Tenney v. 1
2000784695 Johnson's natural history, comprehensive, scientific, and popular, illustrating and describing the animal kingdom, with its wonders and curiosities, from man, through all the divisions, classes, and orders, to the animalcules in a drop of water; showing the habits, structure, and classification of animals, with their relations to agriculture, manufactures, commerce, and the arts / by S.G. Goodrich ; with special contributions from E.L. Youmans, J.H. Seelye and Sanborn Tenney v. 2
2000865137 Johnson's new illustrated family atlas of the world : was awarded the first price medal at the universal exposition of 1867, in Paris : with a treatise on physical geography / by A. Guyot ; with descriptions, geographical, statistical, and historical ... also including a dictionary of religious denominations, sects, parties, and associations, compiled by Roswell D. Hitchcock
2000831872 Johnson's new universal cyclopædia : a scientific and popular treasury of useful knowledge / editors-in-chief, Frederick A.P. Barnard, Arnold Guyot v. 1, A - E
2000831872 Johnson's new universal cyclopædia : a scientific and popular treasury of useful knowledge / editors-in-chief, Frederick A.P. Barnard, Arnold Guyot v. 2, F - Lichens
2000831872 Johnson's new universal cyclopædia : a scientific and popular treasury of useful knowledge / editors-in-chief, Frederick A.P. Barnard, Arnold Guyot v. 3, Lichfield - R
2000831872 Johnson's new universal cyclopædia : a scientific and popular treasury of useful knowledge / editors-in-chief, Frederick A.P. Barnard, Arnold Guyot v. 4, S - Appendix
2000861986 Josiah Allen's wife as a P.A. and P.I. : Samantha at the Centennial, desigened as a bright and shining light ... virtue and happiness
3000006108 Journal of botany : British and foreign 28
3000031023 Journal of comparative medicine and surgery : a quarterly journal of the anatomy, pathology and therapeutics of the lower animals 8
3000009697 Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England 64
2001235127 Journals of the Board of Regents, reports of committees, statistics, etc. / edited by William J. Rhees
2001390609 Judging Live Stock / by John A. Craig
2000860121 Julius Cæsar / by William Shakespeare ; with an introduction and notes by K. Deighton
2000843795 Junior course in general physics / by Ernest Merritt and Frederick J. Rogers
2000836495 Justice and police / by F.W. Maitland
2000862921 Justus Perthes' Taschen-Atlas / vollständig neu bearbeitet von Hermann Habenicht ; mit geographisch-statistischen notizen von H. Wichmann
2000860738 Kaiser Octavianus : herzog Ernst : aus den deutschen VolksbÜchern wieder erzählt / von Gustav Schwab
2000853039 Kalender für Strassen- & Wasserbau- und Cultur-Ingenieure / Begründet von A. Rheinhard ; Neu bearbeitet unter Mitwirkung von fachgenossen von R. Scheck Abt. 1
2000853039 Kalender für Strassen- & Wasserbau- und Cultur-Ingenieure / Begründet von A. Rheinhard ; Neu bearbeitet unter Mitwirkung von fachgenossen von R. Scheck Abt. 2
2000853039 Kalender für Strassen- & Wasserbau- und Cultur-Ingenieure / Begründet von A. Rheinhard ; Neu bearbeitet unter Mitwirkung von fachgenossen von R. Scheck Abt. 3
2000498441 Kampfbuch gegen die Schädlinge unserer Feldfrüchte : für praktische Landwirte / bearb. von A. B. Frank
2000498104 Karbamide und Karbonsäuren / von H. Behrens
2001371231 Karyokinesis and cytokinesis in the maturation, fertilization and cleavage of crepidula and other gasteropoda / by Edwin G. Conklin
2000844192 Katechismus der Algebra
2000835439 Katechismus der Auswanderung : Kompaß für Auswanderer nach Europäischen Ländern, Asien, Afrika, den deutschen Kolonien, Australien, ... / von Gustav Meinecke
2000842589 Katechismus der Differential- und Integralrechnung / von Franz Bendt
2000855276 Katechismus des Praktischen Ackerbaus / von Wilhelm Hamm
2000863146 Keats / by Sidney Colvin
2000857307 Keeping one cow : being the experience of a number of practical writers in a clear and condensed form, upon management of a single milch cow
2001284105 Keeping one cow : being the experience of a number of practical writers in a clear and condensed form, upon the management of a single milch cow
2000858539 Keramic art of Japan / by George A. Audsley and James L. Bowes
2000551208 Key to Robinson's New University algebra : for teachers and private learners
2000551208 Key to Robinson's New University algebra : for teachers and private learners
2000551208 Key to Robinson's New University algebra : for teachers and private learners
2000551205 Key to Robinson's new elementary algebra : for teachers and private learners
2000551205 Key to Robinson's new elementary algebra : for teachers and private learners
2000551206 Key to Robinson's new geometry and trigonometry, and conic sections and analytical geometry : with some additional astronomical problems, designed for teachers and students
2000551206 Key to Robinson's new geometry and trigonometry, and conic sections and analytical geometry : with some additional astronomical problems, designed for teachers and students
2000551206 Key to Robinson's new geometry and trigonometry, and conic sections and analytical geometry : with some additional astronomical problems, designed for teachers and students
2000848151 Key to a chart of the successive geological formations, with an actual section from the Atlantic to the pacific ocean / by James Hall
2000841669 Key to arithmetic
2000841735 Key to the practical arithmetic of professor Charles Davies
2000841572 Key to the progressive practical arithmetic, including analyses of the miscellaneous examples in the progressive intellectual arithmetic : for teachers only
2000841572 Key to the progressive practical arithmetic, including analyses of the miscellaneous examples in the progressive intellectual arithmetic : for teachers only
2000841572 Key to the progressive practical arithmetic, including analyses of the miscellaneous examples in the progressive intellectual arithmetic : for teachers only
2000841570 Key to the progressive higher arithmetic : for teachers and private learners
2000841570 Key to the progressive higher arithmetic : for teachers and private learners
2000849659 Kleistokarpische und akrokarpische Moose bis zu den Bryaceen / Georg Roth
2000498439 Klima der Tropenzone / von Julius Hann
2000498440 Klima der gemässigten und der kalten Zonen / von Julius Hann
2000499519 Klimalehre / von W. Köppen
2000834949 Kolonien, Kolonialpolitik und Auswanderung / von Wilhelm Roscher und Robert Jannasch
2000835983 Kommunales Finanzwesen und Verwaltungslehre
2000860660 Kottō : being Japanese curios, with sundry cobwebs / collected by Lafcadio Hearn ; with illustrations by Genjiro Yeto
2000639193 Kraftwechsel / von W. Pfeffer
2000498943 Krenzungsprodukte landwrithschaftlicher Kulturpflanzen / von W. Rimpau
2000839207 Kuaiwa hen, twenty-five exercises in the Yedo colloquial, for the use of students, with notes / by Ernest Satow v. 1
2000567519 Kubik-Tabellen für runde Hölzer, Kant- und Balken-Hölzer, Bretter und Bohlen : berechnet nach Metermaß / herausgegeben vom Berliner Holz-Comptoir
2001349387 Kulturpraxis der besten Kalt- und Warmhauspflanzen : für handelsgärtnerein und Privatgärtner bearbeit / von Walter Allendorff
2000856084 Kurze Anleitung zur Obstkultur : ein leitfaden bei Vorträgen über Obstbau an Seminarien, pomologischen u. Gartenbau-Instituten landwirtschaftlichen Lehranstalten und Fortbildungsschulen, wie auch zum Selbstunterricht / von Ed. Luras
2001399244 Kurzes Lehrbuch der Nahrungsmittel-Chemie / von H. Röttger
2000504527 Kurzes Lehrbuch der organischen Chemie / von A. Bernthsen
2000498962 Kurzes Lehrbuch der organischen Chemie / von A. Bernthsen
2000484720 Kurzes Repetitorium der Botanik : Pflanzen -Anatomie, -Morphologie, -Physiologie und -Systematik. Zum Gebrauche für Mediciner, Pharmaceuten, Lehramtscandidaten, Agronomen etc / von Ernst Bryk
2000498425 Kurzgefasstes lateinisch-deutsches und deutsch-lateinisches Handwörterbuch : mit einem Verzeichnisse lateinischer Abbreviaturen und geographischer Namen / neu nearbeitet von O. Kreussler
2000485087 Kurzgefaßtes Lehrbuch der Krankheiten und Beschädigungen unserer Kulturgewächse / von J.E. Weiß
2000834848 L'avenir colonial de la France : études pratiques sur les principes de la colonisation et la situation économique des colonies françaises et étrangères / E. Fallot ; avec une préface de M. René Millet
2000498262 L'electricité agricole / par E. Guarini
2000498984 L'horticulture dans les cinq parties du monde / par Charles Baltet
2000857518 L. Rothschild's Taschenbuch für Kaufleute : ein Handbuch für Zöglinge des Handels, sowie ein Nachschlagebuch für jedes Kontor, enthaltend das Ganze der Handelswissenschaft in übersichtlicher und gedrängter Darstellung / herausgegeben unter Mitwirkung von Manfred Berliner ... [et al.]
2000485639 La biologie végétale / par Paul Vuillemin
2001321860 La cellule et les protozoaires / par Yves Delage et Edgard Hérouard
2000854840 La pratique de L'Agriculture / Gustave Heuzé Tome 2
2000854742 La pratique de L'Agriculture / par Gustave Heuzé t. 1
2001220530 La soie : au point de vue scientifique et industriel / Léo Vignon
2000484970 La terre végétale, le vin et son bouquet
2000844885 Laboratory teaching : or, progressive exercises in practical chemistry / by Charles Loudon Bloxam
2000498733 Labour on the farm / by John Chalmers Morton
2000860020 Lalla Rookh : an oriental romance / by Thomas Moore
2000802109 Land / by James Platt
2000854394 Land : its attractions and riches / by fifty-seven writers ; edited by C.F. Dowsett
2000834193 Land laws of mining districts / by Charles Howard Shinn
2000802308 Land nationalization / by Harold Cox
2001071499 Land nationalization and land taxation / by Harold Cox
2000822045 Land systems of Australasia / by William Epps
2000498768 Landes-Vermessung und Grundaufgaben der Erd-Messung
2000485092 Landmann in der Familie : Ein Wort zur Beherzigung an seine bäuerlichen Berufsgenossen / von Wilhelm Martin
2000504528 Landolt-Börnstein, physikalisch-chemische Tabellen / herausgegeben von Richard Börnstein und Wilhelm Meyerhoffer
2000504528 Landolt-Börnstein, physikalisch-chemische Tabellen / herausgegeben von Richard Börnstein und Wilhelm Meyerhoffer
2001283623 Landscape gardening : notes and suggestions on lawns and lawn planting - laying out and arrangement of country places, large and small parks, cemetery plots, and railway-station lawns - deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs - the hardy border - bedding plants - rockwork, etc. / by Samuel Parsons, Jr
2001293529 Landtbruksbotanisk Berättelse af år 1906 : Afgifven vid Kungl. Landtbruks-Akademiens högtidsdag den 28 januari 1906 / af Jakob Eriksson
2000498987 Landwirthschaftliche Flora Deutschlands oder Abbildung und Beschreibung Aller für Land- und Hauswirthe Wichtigen Pelanzen / von William Loebe 1
2000498987 Landwirthschaftliche Flora Deutschlands oder Abbildung und Beschreibung Aller für Land- und Hauswirthe Wichtigen Pelanzen / von William Loebe 2
3000001702 Landwirthschaftliche Jahrbücher : Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftliche Landwirthschaft und Archiv des Königlich Prenssischen Landes-Oekonomie-Kollegiums 19(1)
3000001702 Landwirthschaftliche Jahrbücher : Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftliche Landwirthschaft und Archiv des Königlich Prenssischen Landes-Oekonomie-Kollegiums 19(4)
3000001702 Landwirthschaftliche Jahrbücher : Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftliche Landwirthschaft und Archiv des Königlich Prenssischen Landes-Oekonomie-Kollegiums 20(2)
3000001702 Landwirthschaftliche Jahrbücher : Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftliche Landwirthschaft und Archiv des Königlich Prenssischen Landes-Oekonomie-Kollegiums 21
3000001702 Landwirthschaftliche Jahrbücher : Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftliche Landwirthschaft und Archiv des Königlich Prenssischen Landes-Oekonomie-Kollegiums 22
3000001702 Landwirthschaftliche Jahrbücher : Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftliche Landwirthschaft und Archiv des Königlich Prenssischen Landes-Oekonomie-Kollegiums 23
3000006653 Landwirthschaftliche Jahrbücher. Ergänzungsband 18(3)
3000006653 Landwirthschaftliche Jahrbücher. Ergänzungsband 19(1-2)
3000006653 Landwirthschaftliche Jahrbücher. Ergänzungsband 19(3)
3000006653 Landwirthschaftliche Jahrbücher. Ergänzungsband 19(4)
3000006653 Landwirthschaftliche Jahrbücher. Ergänzungsband 20(1-2)
3000006653 Landwirthschaftliche Jahrbücher. Ergänzungsband 20(3)
3000006653 Landwirthschaftliche Jahrbücher. Ergänzungsband 21(1)
3000006653 Landwirthschaftliche Jahrbücher. Ergänzungsband 21(2)
3000006653 Landwirthschaftliche Jahrbücher. Ergänzungsband 22(1)
3000006653 Landwirthschaftliche Jahrbücher. Ergänzungsband 23(1-3)
3000006653 Landwirthschaftliche Jahrbücher. Ergänzungsband 23(4)
3000006653 Landwirthschaftliche Jahrbücher. Ergänzungsband 24(1)
3000006653 Landwirthschaftliche Jahrbücher. Ergänzungsband 24(2)
2000499477 Landwirthschaftliche Pflanzen-Produktions-Lehre : zum Gebrauche bei Vorlesungen an landwirthschaftlichen Hochschulen und Akademien, sowie zum Selbststudium für praktische Landwirthe / von Ladislaus von Wágner
2000498431 Landwirthschaftliche Samenkunde : Handbuch für Botaniker, Landwirthe, Gärtner, Droguisten, Hygieniker / von C. O. Harz
2000498431 Landwirthschaftliche Samenkunde : Handbuch für Botaniker, Landwirthe, Gärtner, Droguisten, Hygieniker / von C. O. Harz
2000498449 Landwirthschaftlicher Futterbau / von William Löbe
2000855196 Landwirthschaftlicher Futterbau / von William Löbe
2000854673 Landwirthschaftliches, ueber den Einfluss der Winterkälte auf die Temperatur der Rübenmieten / von Marek
2000854684 Landwirthschaftliches, ueber die Veränderung des Zuckergehaltes bei Rüben während der Wintermonate / von G. Marek
3000006652 Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbücher : Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Landwirtschaft 25
3000006652 Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbücher : Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Landwirtschaft 26
3000006652 Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbücher : Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Landwirtschaft 27
3000006652 Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbücher : Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Landwirtschaft 28
3000006652 Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbücher : Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Landwirtschaft 29
3000006652 Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbücher : Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Landwirtschaft 30
3000006652 Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbücher : Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Landwirtschaft 32
3000006652 Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbücher : Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Landwirtschaft 33
3000006652 Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbücher : Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Landwirtschaft 34
3000076221 Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbücher : Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Landwirtschaft und Archiv des Königlich-Preußischen Landes-Oekonomie-Kollegiums. Ergänzungsband 25(1-2)
3000076221 Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbücher : Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Landwirtschaft und Archiv des Königlich-Preußischen Landes-Oekonomie-Kollegiums. Ergänzungsband 25(3)
3000076221 Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbücher : Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Landwirtschaft und Archiv des Königlich-Preußischen Landes-Oekonomie-Kollegiums. Ergänzungsband 26(1-2)
3000076221 Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbücher : Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Landwirtschaft und Archiv des Königlich-Preußischen Landes-Oekonomie-Kollegiums. Ergänzungsband 26(3)
3000076221 Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbücher : Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Landwirtschaft und Archiv des Königlich-Preußischen Landes-Oekonomie-Kollegiums. Ergänzungsband 26(4)
3000076221 Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbücher : Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Landwirtschaft und Archiv des Königlich-Preußischen Landes-Oekonomie-Kollegiums. Ergänzungsband 27(1-2)
3000076221 Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbücher : Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Landwirtschaft und Archiv des Königlich-Preußischen Landes-Oekonomie-Kollegiums. Ergänzungsband 27(3-4)
3000076221 Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbücher : Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Landwirtschaft und Archiv des Königlich-Preußischen Landes-Oekonomie-Kollegiums. Ergänzungsband 27(L.S.)
3000076221 Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbücher : Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Landwirtschaft und Archiv des Königlich-Preußischen Landes-Oekonomie-Kollegiums. Ergänzungsband 28(1)
3000076221 Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbücher : Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Landwirtschaft und Archiv des Königlich-Preußischen Landes-Oekonomie-Kollegiums. Ergänzungsband 28(2-3)
3000076221 Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbücher : Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Landwirtschaft und Archiv des Königlich-Preußischen Landes-Oekonomie-Kollegiums. Ergänzungsband 28(4-5)
3000076221 Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbücher : Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Landwirtschaft und Archiv des Königlich-Preußischen Landes-Oekonomie-Kollegiums. Ergänzungsband 28(6)
3000076221 Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbücher : Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Landwirtschaft und Archiv des Königlich-Preußischen Landes-Oekonomie-Kollegiums. Ergänzungsband 29(1-2)
3000076221 Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbücher : Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Landwirtschaft und Archiv des Königlich-Preußischen Landes-Oekonomie-Kollegiums. Ergänzungsband 29(3)
3000076221 Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbücher : Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Landwirtschaft und Archiv des Königlich-Preußischen Landes-Oekonomie-Kollegiums. Ergänzungsband 29(5)
3000076221 Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbücher : Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Landwirtschaft und Archiv des Königlich-Preußischen Landes-Oekonomie-Kollegiums. Ergänzungsband 30(1-2)
3000076221 Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbücher : Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Landwirtschaft und Archiv des Königlich-Preußischen Landes-Oekonomie-Kollegiums. Ergänzungsband 30(3)
3000076221 Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbücher : Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Landwirtschaft und Archiv des Königlich-Preußischen Landes-Oekonomie-Kollegiums. Ergänzungsband 30(4)
3000076221 Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbücher : Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Landwirtschaft und Archiv des Königlich-Preußischen Landes-Oekonomie-Kollegiums. Ergänzungsband 31(1-4)
3000076221 Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbücher : Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Landwirtschaft und Archiv des Königlich-Preußischen Landes-Oekonomie-Kollegiums. Ergänzungsband 32(1-3)
3000076221 Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbücher : Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Landwirtschaft und Archiv des Königlich-Preußischen Landes-Oekonomie-Kollegiums. Ergänzungsband 33(1-2)
3000076221 Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbücher : Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Landwirtschaft und Archiv des Königlich-Preußischen Landes-Oekonomie-Kollegiums. Ergänzungsband 34(1-2)
2000855324 Landwirtschaftliche Meliorationen und Wasserwirtschaft : ihre Erfolge im Ausland und in Deutschland und die Organisation des kulturtechnischen Dienstes im Königreich Sachsen / von E. Fraissinet
2000854814 Landwirtschaftliche Sünden : fehler in Betribe / von Gustav Böhme
2000498941 Landwirtschaftlichen Pflanzenzüchtung und ihre Stätten in Österreich / dargestellt von C. Fruwirth
2000839145 Language and languages : being "Chapters on language" and "Families of speech" / by Frederic W. Farrar
2000839165 Language and the study of language : twelve lectures on the principles of linguistic science / by William Dwight Whitney
2000839981 Language lessons for beginners / by John S. Hart
2000839981 Language lessons for beginners / by John S. Hart
2000839981 Language lessons for beginners / by John S. Hart
2000863613 Last rambles amongst the Indians of the Rocky Mountains and the Andes / by George Catlin
2001283616 Lawns and gardens : How to plant and beautify the home lot, the pleasure ground and garden / by N. Jönsson-Rose, With numerous plans and ill. by the author
2000838056 Laws and resolutions passed by the legislature of 1883-84 at its extra session : convened March 24, 1884
2000838078 Laws and resolutions passed by the legislature of 1885-86 at its extra session : convened July 20, 1886
2000841307 Lay sermons, addresses, and reviews / by Thomas Henry Huxley
2000841307 Lay sermons, addresses, and reviews / by Thomas Henry Huxley
2001367424 Le Japon : essai sur les mœures et les institutions / par I. Hitomi
2000853141 Le docteur au village : entretiens familiers sur l'hygiène / par Hippolyte Meunier
2000840026 Learning to spell, to read, to write, and to compose,-- all at the same time / by J.A. Jacobs
2000840026 Learning to spell, to read, to write, and to compose,-- all at the same time / by J.A. Jacobs
2000836462 Leasehold enfranchisement / by Henry Broadhurst and Robert T. Reid
2000831268 Leather for libraries / by E. Wyndham Hulme ...[et al.]
2000839720 Lectures and annual reports on education / by Horace Mann
2000832340 Lectures and essays / by William Kingdon Clifford ; edited by Leslie Stephen and Frederick Pollock ; with an introduction by F. Pollock
2000898120 Lectures introductory to the theory of functions of two complex variables : delivered to the University of Calcutta during January and February 1913 / by A.R. Forsyth
2000835331 Lectures on British colonization and empire / F.A. Kirkpatrick ; with an introd. by H.E. Egerton 1st series
2000847385 Lectures on animal chemistry : delivered at the Royal College of Physicians / by William Odling
2000836427 Lectures on jurisprudence, or, The philosophy of positive law / by John Austin v. 1
2000836427 Lectures on jurisprudence, or, The philosophy of positive law / by John Austin v. 2
2000836422 Lectures on jurisprudence, or, The philosophy of positive law / by John Austin ; abridged from the larger work by Robert Campbell
2000832983 Lectures on natural theology, or, Nature and the Bible from the same author, delivered before the Lowell Institute, Boston / by P.A. Chadbourne
2000842764 Lectures on practical astronomy and astronomical instruments / by James Challis
2001656284 Lectures on some recent advances in physical science : with a special lecture on force / by P.G. Tait
2000855296 Lectures on the applications of chemistry and geology to agriculture / by Jas. F.W. Johnston
2000855296 Lectures on the applications of chemistry and geology to agriculture / by Jas. F.W. Johnston
2000833391 Lectures on the evidences of Christianity in the nineteenth century : delivered in the Mercer Street Church, New York, January 21 to February 21, 1867, on the "Ely Foundation" of the Union Theological Seminary / by Albert Barnes
2000856243 Lectures on the examination of horses : as to soundness (delivered at the Edinburgh Veterinary College) with an appendix on the law of horses and warranty / by William Fearnley
2000833144 Lectures on the history of Christian dogmas / by Augustus Nenander ; translated from the German by J.E. Ryland v. 1
2000833144 Lectures on the history of Christian dogmas / by Augustus Nenander ; translated from the German by J.E. Ryland v. 2
2000854523 Lectures on the history of education in Prussia & England : and on kindred topics / by James Donaldson
2000861073 Lectures on the history of literature : ancient and modern / by Frederick Schlegel
2000832558 Lectures on the philosophy of the human mind / by Thomas Brown Vol. 1
2000832558 Lectures on the philosophy of the human mind / by Thomas Brown Vol. 2
2000852639 Legal chemistry : a guide to the detection of poisons, examination of stains, etc., etc. as applied to Chemical Jurisprudence / translated with additions from the French of A. Naquet, by J.P. Battershall ; with a preface by C.F. Chandler
2000838002 Legal titles to mining claims and water rights, in California : under the mining law of congress, of July, 1866 / by Gregory Yale
2000847071 Lehr- und Handbuch der Thermochemie / von Alex. Naumann
2000840409 Lehr- und Lesebuch oder der sinnliche und sittliche Anschauungsunterricht für die Mittelklassen der Volksschule : Ausgabe für Simultan-schulen / von Albert Haesters
2000840409 Lehr- und Lesebuch oder der sinnliche und sittliche Anschauungsunterricht für die Mittelklassen der Volksschule : Ausgabe für Simultan-schulen / von Albert Haesters
2000840409 Lehr- und Lesebuch oder der sinnliche und sittliche Anschauungsunterricht für die Mittelklassen der Volksschule : Ausgabe für Simultan-schulen / von Albert Haesters
2000840428 Lehr- und Lesebuch oder der sinnliche und sittliche Anschauungsunterricht für die Mittelklassen der Volksschule : Ausgabe für Simultan-schulen / von Albert Haesters
2000840409 Lehr- und Lesebuch oder der sinnliche und sittliche Anschauungsunterricht für die Mittelklassen der Volksschule : Ausgabe für Simultan-schulen / von Albert Haesters
2000840409 Lehr- und Lesebuch oder der sinnliche und sittliche Anschauungsunterricht für die Mittelklassen der Volksschule : Ausgabe für Simultan-schulen / von Albert Haesters
2000840409 Lehr- und Lesebuch oder der sinnliche und sittliche Anschauungsunterricht für die Mittelklassen der Volksschule : Ausgabe für Simultan-schulen / von Albert Haesters
2000840409 Lehr- und Lesebuch oder der sinnliche und sittliche Anschauungsunterricht für die Mittelklassen der Volksschule : Ausgabe für Simultan-schulen / von Albert Haesters
2000840409 Lehr- und Lesebuch oder der sinnliche und sittliche Anschauungsunterricht für die Mittelklassen der Volksschule : Ausgabe für Simultan-schulen / von Albert Haesters
2000840409 Lehr- und Lesebuch oder der sinnliche und sittliche Anschauungsunterricht für die Mittelklassen der Volksschule : Ausgabe für Simultan-schulen / von Albert Haesters
2000840409 Lehr- und Lesebuch oder der sinnliche und sittliche Anschauungsunterricht für die Mittelklassen der Volksschule : Ausgabe für Simultan-schulen / von Albert Haesters
2000840428 Lehr- und Lesebuch oder der sinnliche und sittliche Anschauungsunterricht für die Mittelklassen der Volksschule : Ausgabe für Simultan-schulen / von Albert Haesters
2000840409 Lehr- und Lesebuch oder der sinnliche und sittliche Anschauungsunterricht für die Mittelklassen der Volksschule : Ausgabe für Simultan-schulen / von Albert Haesters
2000840409 Lehr- und Lesebuch oder der sinnliche und sittliche Anschauungsunterricht für die Mittelklassen der Volksschule : Ausgabe für Simultan-schulen / von Albert Haesters
2000840428 Lehr- und Lesebuch oder der sinnliche und sittliche Anschauungsunterricht für die Mittelklassen der Volksschule : Ausgabe für Simultan-schulen / von Albert Haesters
2000840409 Lehr- und Lesebuch oder der sinnliche und sittliche Anschauungsunterricht für die Mittelklassen der Volksschule : Ausgabe für Simultan-schulen / von Albert Haesters
2000840409 Lehr- und Lesebuch oder der sinnliche und sittliche Anschauungsunterricht für die Mittelklassen der Volksschule : Ausgabe für Simultan-schulen / von Albert Haesters
2000840409 Lehr- und Lesebuch oder der sinnliche und sittliche Anschauungsunterricht für die Mittelklassen der Volksschule : Ausgabe für Simultan-schulen / von Albert Haesters
2000840409 Lehr- und Lesebuch oder der sinnliche und sittliche Anschauungsunterricht für die Mittelklassen der Volksschule : Ausgabe für Simultan-schulen / von Albert Haesters
2000840452 Lehr- und Lesebuch oder die Vaterlands- und Weltkunde für die Oberklassen der Volksschule : Ausgabe für Simultan-schulen / von Albert Haesters
2000840452 Lehr- und Lesebuch oder die Vaterlands- und Weltkunde für die Oberklassen der Volksschule : Ausgabe für Simultan-schulen / von Albert Haesters
2000840452 Lehr- und Lesebuch oder die Vaterlands- und Weltkunde für die Oberklassen der Volksschule : Ausgabe für Simultan-schulen / von Albert Haesters
2000840452 Lehr- und Lesebuch oder die Vaterlands- und Weltkunde für die Oberklassen der Volksschule : Ausgabe für Simultan-schulen / von Albert Haesters
2000840452 Lehr- und Lesebuch oder die Vaterlands- und Weltkunde für die Oberklassen der Volksschule : Ausgabe für Simultan-schulen / von Albert Haesters
2000840452 Lehr- und Lesebuch oder die Vaterlands- und Weltkunde für die Oberklassen der Volksschule : Ausgabe für Simultan-schulen / von Albert Haesters
2000840452 Lehr- und Lesebuch oder die Vaterlands- und Weltkunde für die Oberklassen der Volksschule : Ausgabe für Simultan-schulen / von Albert Haesters
2000840452 Lehr- und Lesebuch oder die Vaterlands- und Weltkunde für die Oberklassen der Volksschule : Ausgabe für Simultan-schulen / von Albert Haesters
2000840452 Lehr- und Lesebuch oder die Vaterlands- und Weltkunde für die Oberklassen der Volksschule : Ausgabe für Simultan-schulen / von Albert Haesters
2000840452 Lehr- und Lesebuch oder die Vaterlands- und Weltkunde für die Oberklassen der Volksschule : Ausgabe für Simultan-schulen / von Albert Haesters
2000840452 Lehr- und Lesebuch oder die Vaterlands- und Weltkunde für die Oberklassen der Volksschule : Ausgabe für Simultan-schulen / von Albert Haesters
2000840452 Lehr- und Lesebuch oder die Vaterlands- und Weltkunde für die Oberklassen der Volksschule : Ausgabe für Simultan-schulen / von Albert Haesters
2000840452 Lehr- und Lesebuch oder die Vaterlands- und Weltkunde für die Oberklassen der Volksschule : Ausgabe für Simultan-schulen / von Albert Haesters
2000840452 Lehr- und Lesebuch oder die Vaterlands- und Weltkunde für die Oberklassen der Volksschule : Ausgabe für Simultan-schulen / von Albert Haesters
2000840452 Lehr- und Lesebuch oder die Vaterlands- und Weltkunde für die Oberklassen der Volksschule : Ausgabe für Simultan-schulen / von Albert Haesters
2000840452 Lehr- und Lesebuch oder die Vaterlands- und Weltkunde für die Oberklassen der Volksschule : Ausgabe für Simultan-schulen / von Albert Haesters
2000840452 Lehr- und Lesebuch oder die Vaterlands- und Weltkunde für die Oberklassen der Volksschule : Ausgabe für Simultan-schulen / von Albert Haesters
2000840452 Lehr- und Lesebuch oder die Vaterlands- und Weltkunde für die Oberklassen der Volksschule : Ausgabe für Simultan-schulen / von Albert Haesters
2000855094 Lehrbuch der "einfachen" und der "doppelten" landwirtschaftlichen Buchführung : und der Nachweis des steuerpflichtigen Einkommens zum Selbstunterrichte, wie zum Gebrauch an landwirtschaftlichen Schulen / herausgegeben von Hugo Werner
2000844355 Lehrbuch der Algebra : Theoretisch-praktische Anleitung zum Studium der Arithmetik und Algebra, zum Gebrauche an höheren Lehranstalten, insbesondere an Gymnasien / bearbeitet von J. van Hengel
2000842694 Lehrbuch der Analysis (Cours d'Analyse) / von Ch. Sturm ; übersetzt von Theodor Gross Bd. 1-2
2000849186 Lehrbuch der Botanik für Hochschulen / von Eduard Strasburger ... [et al.]
2000485100 Lehrbuch der Botanik für Hochschulen / von Eduard Strasburger ... [et al.]
2000840593 Lehrbuch der Deutschen Grammatik / zusammengestellt von Lehrern der Deutschen Abteilung Dai-Ichi-Kōtōgakkō 2. T.
2000840657 Lehrbuch der Deutschen Grammatik für Japanische Schulen : mit Übungsaufgaben / Verfasst von J. Omura, K. Yamaguchi, H. Taniguchi Bd. 1
2000840672 Lehrbuch der Deutschen Grammatik für Japanische Schulen : mit Übungsaufgaben Lesestücken / Verfasst von J. Omura, K. Yamaguchi, H. Taniguchi Bd. 2
2001331758 Lehrbuch der Entwicklungsgeschichte des Menschen und der Wirbelthiere / von Oscar Hertwig
2000843244 Lehrbuch der Experimentalphysik / von E. von Lommel
2000843391 Lehrbuch der Experimentalphysik für Studirende / von Emil Warburg
2000485336 Lehrbuch der Forsteinrichtung : mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Zuwachsgesetze der Waldbäume / von Rudolf Weber
2000498447 Lehrbuch der Forstwissenschaft : für Forstmänner und Waldbesitzer / von Carl von Fischbach
2000862844 Lehrbuch der Geographie / von Hermann Wagner 1. Bd
2001390747 Lehrbuch der Histologie und der mikroskopischen Anatomie : mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des menschlichen Körpers einschließlich der mikroskopischen Technik / von Ladislaus Szymonowicz
2000855961 Lehrbuch der Landwirtschaft für ländliche Fortbildungsschulen / bearbeitet von Franz Olszerwski
2000498965 Lehrbuch der Meteorologie / von Julius Hann
2000498937 Lehrbuch der Meteorologie : für Studerende und zum Gebrauche in der Praxis / von W.J. Van Bebber
2000498432 Lehrbuch der Milchwirthschaft / von W. Fleischmann
2000498741 Lehrbuch der Petrographie / von Ferdinand Zirkel Bd. 1
2000498741 Lehrbuch der Petrographie / von Ferdinand Zirkel Bd. 2
2000498741 Lehrbuch der Petrographie / von Ferdinand Zirkel Bd. 3
2000485086 Lehrbuch der Pflanzenkrankheiten : für Botaniker, Forstleute, Landwirthe und Gärtner / von Robert Hartig
2000485086 Lehrbuch der Pflanzenkrankheiten : für Botaniker, Forstleute, Landwirthe und Gärtner / von Robert Hartig
2000498967 Lehrbuch der Praktischen Messkunst mit einem Anhange über Entwässerung und Bewässerung des Bodens : für land- und forstwirtschaftliche Lehranstalten und zum Selbstunterrichte / bearbeitet von J.F. Zajic̆ek
2000839053 Lehrbuch der Pädagogik : Geschichte und Theorie / von Cornelius Krieg
2001169209 Lehrbuch der Speciellen Pathologie und Therapie der Hausthiere / für thierärzte, ärzte und studirende von Franz Friedberger und Eugen Fröhner Bd. 1
2001169209 Lehrbuch der Speciellen Pathologie und Therapie der Hausthiere / für thierärzte, ärzte und studirende von Franz Friedberger und Eugen Fröhner Bd. 2
2000852553 Lehrbuch der anorganischen Chemie / von V.v. Richter
2000485554 Lehrbuch der chemischen Technologie der landwirtschaftlichen Gewerbe : die Grundzüge der Fabrikation von Zucker, Stärke, Alkohol, Bier und Essig / von Felix B. Ahrens
2000840656 Lehrbuch der deutschen Sprache : für die höhern Classen der kaiserlichjapanischen Akademie Daïgaku Nanko / mit Berücksichtigung der meisten Neuerungen bearbeitet von Jakob Kaderly
2000842933 Lehrbuch der kosmischen Physik / von Svante August Arrhenius T. 2
2000484832 Lehrbuch der niederen Geodäsie : vorzüglich für die praktischen Bedürfnisse der Forstmänner und Landwirte, Kameralisten und Geometer ... / von Franz Baur
2000498734 Lehrbuch der organischen qualitativen Analyse / von Chr. Th. Barfoed
2000848166 Lehrbuch der praktischen Geologie : Arbeits- und Untersuchungsmethoden auf dem Gebiete der Geologie, Mineralogie und Palaeontologie / von Konrad Keilhack
2001212469 Lehrbuch der praktischen vergleichenden Anatomie / von Carl Vogt und Emil Yung Band 1
2000548254 Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Entwicklungsgeschichte der wirbellosen Thiere / von E. Korschelt und K. Heider Allgemeiner Theil, 1. Lfg.
2001345192 Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Entwicklungsgeschichte der wirbellosen Thiere / von E. Korschelt und K. Heider Specieller Theil, Heft 1-2
2001345192 Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Entwicklungsgeschichte der wirbellosen Thiere / von E. Korschelt und K. Heider Specieller Theil, Heft 3
2001222671 Lehrbuch für Jäger und für die, welche es werden wollen / Georg Ludwig Hartig
2001032246 Lehrbuch zur Praktischen Erlernung der Deutschen Sprache für Schule und Haus / von T. Tsuji 3. Bd
2000498475 Lehrgang der Deutschen Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft für Wanderlehrer
2000842860 Leichtfassliche Anleitung zum Feldmessen und Nivellieren : für praktische Landwirte und landwirtschaftl. Lehranstalten / bearbeitet von Albert Wüst
2000717181 Leitfaden beim Unterricht in der deutschen Sprache für die unteren klassen höherer Lehranstalten / von Edmund Schäfer
2000717181 Leitfaden beim Unterricht in der deutschen Sprache für die unteren klassen höherer Lehranstalten / von Edmund Schäfer
2000717181 Leitfaden beim Unterricht in der deutschen Sprache für die unteren klassen höherer Lehranstalten / von Edmund Schäfer
2000717181 Leitfaden beim Unterricht in der deutschen Sprache für die unteren klassen höherer Lehranstalten / von Edmund Schäfer
2000485097 Leitfaden der Holzmerkunde / von Adam Schwappach
2001368226 Leitfaden der Thierzuchtlehre für praktische Landwirthe sowie zum Unterricht an landwirtschaftlichen Lehranstalten / von Max Fischer
2000498982 Leitfaden der Wetterkunde / gemeinverständlich bearbeitet von R. Börnstein
2000498978 Leitfaden der Wetterkunde / gemeinverständlich bearbeitet von R. Börnstein
2000855021 Leitfaden der landwirtschaftlichen Betriebslehre / von Theodor Freiherr von der Goltz
2001369418 Leitfaden der physiologie des Menschen / F. Schenck, August Gürber, Rudolf Dittler
2000485099 Leitfaden für vorlesungen aus dem Gebilte der Ertragsregelung / von W. Weise
2000840645 Leitfaden zum gründlichen Unterricht in der deutschen Sprache für höhere und niedere Schulen nach den größeren Lehrbüchern der deutschen Sprache / von J.C.A. Heyse
2001349320 Lepidopteren Ost-Sibiriens : insbesondere des Amur-Landes / bearbeitet von Otto Bremer ; gesammelt von G. Radde, R. Maack und P. Wulffius
2001349319 Les Odonates du Japon / par M. de Selys-Longchamps
2000498986 Les Plantes potagères : description et culture des principaux légumes des climats tempérés / par Vilmorin-Andrieux et cie
2000498251 Les arbres fruitiers / Georges Bellair
2001321861 Les cœlentérés / par Yves Delage, Edgard Hérouard
2001419874 Les fleurs de pleine terre : comprenant la description et la culture des fleurs annuelles, bisannuelles, vivaces et bulbeuses de pleine terre suivies de classements divers indiquant l'emploi de ces plantes et l'époque de leur semis ou plantation et de leur floraison; de nombreux exemples d'ornementation pour corbeilles, plates-bandes, etc. / par Vilmorin-Andrieux et cie ; ainsi que des plans de jardins et de parcs paysagers avec notes explicatives et exemples de leur ornamentation par Edouard André
2001183871 Les grandes cultures du monde : leur histoire, leur exploitation, leurs différents usages / sous la direction de Mr. le Dr. Van Someren Brand ; avec la collaboration des plus éminents spécialistes de divers pays ; traduit du hollandais par F. Rode
2000831497 Les insectes : ennemis des livres, leurs mœurs, moyens de les détruire / par C. Houlbert
2000498757 Les légumes et les fruits / J. de Brevans ; préface de M.A. Muntz
2000864680 Les meilleurs blés : description et culture des principales variétés de froments d'hiver et de printemps / par Vilmorin-Andrieux & Cie
2000854752 Les paturages les prairies naturelles et les herbages / par Gustave Heuzé
2001070642 Les peches du Hokkaido / [Hokkaido, Bureau des Produits Marins]
2001070642 Les peches du Hokkaido / [Hokkaido, Bureau des Produits Marins]
2000854828 Les plantes a racines et a tubercules
2000854802 Les plantes alimentaires des pays chauds et des colonies / par Gustave Heuzé
2000854757 Les plantes céréales / par Gustave Heuzé t. 1er
2000854757 Les plantes céréales / par Gustave Heuzé t. second
2001309965 Les plantes de serre : description, culture, emploi des espèces ornementales ou intéressantes cultivées dans les serres de l'Europe / par G. Bellair & L. Saint-Léger
2000854786 Les plantes industrielles / par Gustave Heuzé T. 1
2000854786 Les plantes industrielles / par Gustave Heuzé T. 2
2000854786 Les plantes industrielles / par Gustave Heuzé T. 3
2000854786 Les plantes industrielles / par Gustave Heuzé T. 4
2000854811 Les plantes légumières cultivées en plein champ / par Gustave Heuzé
2000870684 Les prairies artificielles ou les prairies temporaires
2001318244 Les procordés / par Yves Delage et Edgard Hérouard
2000854655 Les systèmes de culture : les spéculations agricoles / par François Bernard
2001318243 Les vermidiens / par Yves Delage et Edgard Hérouard
2001318242 Les échinodermes / par Yves Delage, Edgard Hérouard
2000868037 Lesebuch für das erste Kindesalter 2. Teil
2000868017 Lesebuch für das erste Kindesalter
2000868035 Lesebuch für das erste Kindesalter
2000868037 Lesebuch für das erste Kindesalter
2000868017 Lesebuch für das erste Kindesalter
2000868037 Lesebuch für das erste Kindesalter
2000868037 Lesebuch für das erste Kindesalter
2000868035 Lesebuch für das erste Kindesalter
2000868037 Lesebuch für das erste Kindesalter
2000868035 Lesebuch für das erste Kindesalter
2000868035 Lesebuch für das erste Kindesalter
2000868035 Lesebuch für das erste Kindesalter
2000868017 Lesebuch für das erste Kindesalter
2000868037 Lesebuch für das erste Kindesalter
2000868017 Lesebuch für das erste Kindesalter
2000868037 Lesebuch für das erste Kindesalter
2000868017 Lesebuch für das erste Kindesalter
2000868035 Lesebuch für das erste Kindesalter
2000868017 Lesebuch für das erste Kindesalter
2000840839 Lesebuch für die Anfänger der deutschen Sprache / gesammelt von A. Tokunaga ; verbessert von M. Kawakami
2000840839 Lesebuch für die Anfänger der deutschen Sprache / gesammelt von A. Tokunaga ; verbessert von M. Kawakami
2000840839 Lesebuch für die Anfänger der deutschen Sprache / gesammelt von A. Tokunaga ; verbessert von M. Kawakami
2000868020 Lesebuch für die mittlere und obere Stufe
2000868020 Lesebuch für die mittlere und obere Stufe
2000868020 Lesebuch für die mittlere und obere Stufe
2000868020 Lesebuch für die mittlere und obere Stufe
2000868020 Lesebuch für die mittlere und obere Stufe
2000868020 Lesebuch für die mittlere und obere Stufe
2000868020 Lesebuch für die mittlere und obere Stufe
2000868020 Lesebuch für die mittlere und obere Stufe
2000868020 Lesebuch für die mittlere und obere Stufe
2000868020 Lesebuch für die mittlere und obere Stufe
2000868020 Lesebuch für die mittlere und obere Stufe
2000868020 Lesebuch für die mittlere und obere Stufe
2000868020 Lesebuch für die mittlere und obere Stufe
2000848236 Lessons elementary biology / by T. Jeffery Parker
2000852729 Lessons in elementary anatomy / by S.G. Mivart
2000849167 Lessons in elementary botany : the part of systematic botany based upon material left in manuscript by the late professor Henslow / by Daniel Oliver
2000845633 Lessons in elementary chemistry / Roscoe
2000845503 Lessons in elementary chemistry : inorganic and organic / by Henry E. Roscoe
2000843208 Lessons in elementary chemistry : inorganic and organic / by Henry E. Roscoe
2000845502 Lessons in elementary chemistry : inorganic and organic / by Henry E. Roscoe
2000845504 Lessons in elementary chemistry : inorganic and organic / by Sir Henry E. Roscoe
2000843283 Lessons in elementary physics / by Balfour Stewart
2000843283 Lessons in elementary physics / by Balfour Stewart
2000843283 Lessons in elementary physics / by Balfour Stewart
2000851221 Lessons in hygiene: an elementary text-book on the maintenance of health, with the rudiments of anatomy and physiology, and the treatment of emergent cases, comprising also lessons on the action of stimulants and sedatives on the brain and nervous system adapted for common schools / by John C. Cutter
2000851221 Lessons in hygiene: an elementary text-book on the maintenance of health, with the rudiments of anatomy and physiology, and the treatment of emergent cases, comprising also lessons on the action of stimulants and sedatives on the brain and nervous system adapted for common schools / by John C. Cutter
2000851221 Lessons in hygiene: an elementary text-book on the maintenance of health, with the rudiments of anatomy and physiology, and the treatment of emergent cases, comprising also lessons on the action of stimulants and sedatives on the brain and nervous system adapted for common schools / by John C. Cutter
2000835636 Lessons on political economy : designed as a basis for instruction in that science in schools and colleges / by J.T. Champlin
2000833037 Lessons on the Gospel of John : prepared for Sabbath schools and Bible classes / by the author of "Lessons on the Hebrews" and "Lessons on the Romans"
2000862833 Letters written by the English residents in Japan, 1611-1623 : with other documents on the English trading settlement in Japan in the seventeenth century / edited by N. Murakami and K. Murakawa
2000484717 Leuchtende Pflanzen : eine physiologische Studie / von Hans Molisch
2000839044 Levana : or, The doctrine of education / by Jean Paul Friedrich Richter
2000857674 Leçons sur le ver a soie du murier / par Eugène Maillot
2000831225 Library Notes : improved methods and labor-savers for librarians, readers and writers / edited by Melvil Dewey v. 1 : June 1886 - March 1887
2000831225 Library Notes : improved methods and labor-savers for librarians, readers and writers / edited by Melvil Dewey v. 2-3 : June 1887 - October 1893
2000831225 Library Notes : improved methods and labor-savers for librarians, readers and writers / edited by Melvil Dewey v. 4 : Jan. 1895 - Spt. 1898
2000831212 Library administration / by John Macfarlane
2000833521 Library construction : architecture, fittings and furniture / by F.J. Burgoyne
2000442100 Library school rules / by Melvil Dewey
2000861252 Life / ed. by Rossiter Johnson
2000849149 Life and her children : glimpses of animal life, from the amœba to the insects / by Arabella B. Buckley
2000863024 Life and religious opinions and experience of Madame de la Mothe Guyon : together with some account of the personal history and religious opinions of Fénelon, Archbishop of Cambray / by Thomas C. Upham v. 1
2000863024 Life and religious opinions and experience of Madame de la Mothe Guyon : together with some account of the personal history and religious opinions of Fénelon, Archbishop of Cambray / by Thomas C. Upham v. 2
2000863636 Life and resources in America / prepared under the direction of Arinori Mori
2000863605 Life and times of Girolamo Savonarola / by Pasquale Villari ; translated by Linda Villari
2000863058 Life in ancient Egypt and Assyria / by G. Maspéro ; translated by Alice Morton
2000863410 Life of Adam Smith / by R.B. Haldane
2000864176 Life of Andrew Hull Foote, rear-admiral United States Navy / James Mason Hoppin
2000864192 Life of Frederick the Great : comprehending a complete history of the Silesian Campaigns and the Seven Years' War / by Francis Kugler
2000864175 Life of Henry Fawcett / by Leslie Stephen
2000397695 Life of John Stuart Mill / by W.L. Courtney
2000860831 Life of Oliver Goldsmith ; Bracebridge hall; or the humorists / by Washington Irving
2000860955 Life on the Mississippi / by Mark Twain (Samuel L. Clemens) v. 1-2
2000844357 Light : a course of experimental optics, chiefly with the lantern / by Lewis Wright
2000844352 Light and electricity : notes of two courses of lectures before the Royal Institution of Great Britain / by John Tyndall
2000844555 Lightning conductors : their history, nature, and mode of application / by Richard Anderson
2000833209 Line upon line : or, A second series of the earliest religious instruction : the infant mind is capable of receiving, with verses illustrative of the subject / by the auther of "The Peep of day."
2000859046 Linear drawing, showing the application of practical geometry to trade and manufactures / by Ellis A, Davisdon
2000863184 Lippincott's pronouncing biographical dictionary / by Thomas
2000852432 Liseases of live stock / Teller
2000855346 List of references to publications relating to irrigation and land drainage / compiled by Ellen A. Hedrick
2000831406 List of subject headings for use in dictionary catalogs / prepared by a committee of the American Library Association
2001348706 List of the specimens of dipterous insects in the collection of the British museum / [John Edward Gray] 1
2001348706 List of the specimens of dipterous insects in the collection of the British museum / [John Edward Gray] 2
2000858492 Literature and life : studies : illustrated / by W.D. Howells
2000499235 Live stock in health and disease : with chapters on dairy farming and a veterinary section / by A.H. Archer ; edited by J. Prince-Sheldon
2000864000 Lives and works of civil and military engineers of America / by Charles B. Stuart
2000863366 Lives of the engineers, with an account of their principal works : comprising also a history of inland communication in Britain / by Samuel Smiles v. 1
2000863366 Lives of the engineers, with an account of their principal works : comprising also a history of inland communication in Britain / by Samuel Smiles v. 2
2000863366 Lives of the engineers, with an account of their principal works : comprising also a history of inland communication in Britain / by Samuel Smiles v. 3
2000832374 Lives of the founders of the British Museum : with notices of its chief augmentors and other benefactors, 1570-1870 / by Edward Edwards
2000863560 Lives of the queens of England, from the Norman Conquest / by Agnes Strickland v. 1
2000863560 Lives of the queens of England, from the Norman Conquest / by Agnes Strickland v. 2
2000863560 Lives of the queens of England, from the Norman Conquest / by Agnes Strickland v. 3
2000863560 Lives of the queens of England, from the Norman Conquest / by Agnes Strickland v. 4
2000863560 Lives of the queens of England, from the Norman Conquest / by Agnes Strickland v. 5
2000863560 Lives of the queens of England, from the Norman Conquest / by Agnes Strickland v. 6
2000864929 Lloyd's battle history of the Great Rebellion, complete, from the capture of Fort Sumter, April 14, 1861, to the capture of Jefferson Davis, May 10, 1865, embracing General Howard's tribute to the volunteer, ... and a general review of the war for the union
2000837553 Local government / by M.D. Chalmers
2000833681 Local government and free schools in South Carolina / by B. James Ramage
2000839225 Local government and state aid : an essay on the effect on local administration and finance of the payment to local authorities of the proceeds of certain imperial taxes / Sydney J. Chapman
2000551202 Local government and taxation in the United Kingdom : a series of essays published under the sanction of the Cobden Club / edited by J.W. Probyn
2000551202 Local government and taxation in the United Kingdom : a series of essays published under the sanction of the Cobden Club / edited by J.W. Probyn
2000833657 Local government in Canada : an historical study / by John George Bourinot
2000833657 Local government in Canada : an historical study / by John George Bourinot
2000833685 Local government in Illinois / by Albert Shaw . Local government in Pennsylvania / by E.R.L. Gould
2000833672 Local institutions of Virginia / by Edward Ingle
2000834307 Local option / by W.S. Caine, William Hoyle and Dawson Burns
2000485637 Logarithmic tables of numbers and trigonometrical functions / by Baron von Vega ; translated from the 40th or Dr. Bremiker's
2000832600 Logic / by Alexander Bain pt. 1
2000832637 Logic / by W. Stanley Jevons
2000832648 Logic : in three books of thought, of investigation, and of knowledge / by Hermann Lotze ; English translation edited by Bernard Bosanquet
2000853259 Long-span railway bridges : comprising investigations of the comparative, theoretical and practical advantages of the various adopted or proposed type systems of construction, with numerous formulæ and tables, giving the weight of iron or steel required in bridges from 300 feet to the limiting spans / by B. Baker
2000859852 Longer English poems / edited by J.W. Hales
2000859893 Longfellow's poetical works
2000861326 Longmans' handbook of English literature / by R. McWilliam pt. 1
2000861326 Longmans' handbook of English literature / by R. McWilliam pt. 2
2000861326 Longmans' handbook of English literature / by R. McWilliam pt. 3
2000860784 Lord Chesterfield's letters / [Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope] ; compiled by Z.P. Maruya
2000860680 Lord Macaulay's essays and lays of ancient Rome
2001430477 Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College catalogue 1905-1906 : announcements, 1906-1907
2000865009 Lowell hydraulic experiments : being a selection from experiments on hydraulic motors, on the flow of water over weirs, in open canals of uniform rectangular section, and through submerged orifices and diverging tubes made at lowell, Massachusetts / by James B. Francis
2000861916 Lucretia; or, the children of night / by Edward Bulwer Lytton
2000856632 Löser und Zeeb's Rechenbuch für landwirtschaftliche Schulen, sowie auch zum Selbstunterricht im landwirtschaftlichen Rechnen, nach dem Code der Verfasser / weitergeführt von Fr. Jost, und R. Seifert
2000861463 M. Accii Plauti, Amphitruo et Aulularia, ex editione J.F. Gronovii : accedunt notæ Anglicæ / cura C.K. Dillaway
2000862295 M. Fabii Quintiliani de Institutione oratoria libri duo, ex editione G.L. Spalding : accedunt notæ Anglicæ / cura C.K. Dillaway
2000862168 M. Tullii Ciceronis : cato major sive de senectute, laelius sive de amicitia, et epistolae selectae / recensuit G. Long
2000862185 M.T. Ciceronis Tusculanarum quæstionum libri quinque, ec editionibus Oliveti et Ernesti : accedunt notæ Anglicæ / cura C.K. Dillaway tom. 1
2000862185 M.T. Ciceronis Tusculanarum quæstionum libri quinque, ec editionibus Oliveti et Ernesti : accedunt notæ Anglicæ / cura C.K. Dillaway tom. 2
2000862203 M.T. Ciceronis ad Quintum fratrem dialogi tres de oratore, ex editionibus Olivete et Ernesti : accedunt notæ Anglicæ / cura C.K. Dillaway tom. 1
2000862203 M.T. Ciceronis ad Quintum fratrem dialogi tres de oratore, ex editionibus Olivete et Ernesti : accedunt notæ Anglicæ / cura C.K. Dillaway tom. 2
2000862136 M.T. Ciceronis de natura deorum, libri tres : accedunt notæ Anglicæ / cura C.K. Dillaway tom. 1
2000862136 M.T. Ciceronis de natura deorum, libri tres : accedunt notæ Anglicæ / cura C.K. Dillaway tom. 2
2000862117 M.T. Ciceronis de officiis libri tres, ex editionibus Oliveti et Ernesti : accedunt notæ Anglicæ / cura C.K. Dillaway
2000860128 Macbeth / by William Shakespeare ; with an introduction and notes by K. Deighton
2001386470 Macbeth / edited by Horace Howard Furness
2001114440 Magyar pomologia = Pomologie hongroise / összeállította Molnár István ; tetétleni és pusztaszentgyörgyi Darányi Ignácz 1 és 2, 3 füzet
2000839040 Malt and beer in Spanish America : reports from the consuls of the United States on the trade in malt and beer in their several districts, in answer to a circular from the Department of State / issued from the Bureau of Statistics, Department of State
2000707274 Mammalia / by Frank Evers Beddard
2001390531 Mammalian anatomy : with special reference to the cat / by Alvin Davison
2000852694 Mammals of the Mexican boundary of the United States : a descriptive catalogue of the species of mamals occurring in that region : with a general summary of the natural history, and a list of trees / by Edgar Alexander Mearns pt. 1
2000835196 Mammon / by James Platt
2000848247 Man before metals / by N. Joly
2000837269 Manual for the use of the General Court : containing the rules and orders of the two branches, together with the constitution of the commonwealth, and that of the United States, and a list of the executive, legislative, and judicial departments of the state government, state institutions and their officers, county officers, and other statistical information / prepared, pursuant of orders of the legislature, by S.N. Gifford and Geo. A. Marden
2000858456 Manual of British rural sports : comprising shooting, hunting, coursing, fishing, hawking, racing, boating, pedestrianism, and the various rural games and amusements of Great Britain / by Stonehenge
2000860924 Manual of English rhetoric / by A.D. Hepburn
2000846209 Manual of United States surveying : system rectangular surveying employed in subdividing the public lands of the United States; also instructions for subdividing sections and restoring lost corners of the public lands / by J.H. Hawes
2000846209 Manual of United States surveying : system rectangular surveying employed in subdividing the public lands of the United States; also instructions for subdividing sections and restoring lost corners of the public lands / by J.H. Hawes
2000498959 Manual of agricultural chemistry / by Herbert Ingle ; with 11 illustrations
2000855028 Manual of agriculture, for the school, the farm, and the fireside / by George B. Emerson, and Charles L. Flint
2000498932 Manual of agriculture, for the school, the farm, and the fireside / by George B. Emerson, and Charles L. Flint
2000856628 Manual of cattle-feeding : a treatise on the laws of animal nutrition and the chemistry of feeding-stuffs in the their application to the feeding of farm-animals / by Henry P. Armsby
2000856638 Manual of cattle-feeding : a treatise on the laws of animal nutrition and the chemistry of feeding-stuffs in the their application to the feeding of farm-animals / by Henry P. Armsby
2000856638 Manual of cattle-feeding : a treatise on the laws of animal nutrition and the chemistry of feeding-stuffs in the their application to the feeding of farm-animals / by Henry P. Armsby
2000498969 Manual of cattle-feeding : a treatise on the laws of animal nutrition and the chemistry of feeding-stuffs in the their application to the feeding of farm-animals / by Henry P. Armsby
2000856638 Manual of cattle-feeding : a treatise on the laws of animal nutrition and the chemistry of feeding-stuffs in the their application to the feeding of farm-animals / by Henry P. Armsby
2000856628 Manual of cattle-feeding : a treatise on the laws of animal nutrition and the chemistry of feeding-stuffs in the their application to the feeding of farm-animals / by Henry P. Armsby
2000856628 Manual of cattle-feeding : a treatise on the laws of animal nutrition and the chemistry of feeding-stuffs in the their application to the feeding of farm-animals / by Henry P. Armsby
2000856628 Manual of cattle-feeding : a treatise on the laws of animal nutrition and the chemistry of feeding-stuffs in the their application to the feeding of farm-animals / by Henry P. Armsby
2000856628 Manual of cattle-feeding : a treatise on the laws of animal nutrition and the chemistry of feeding-stuffs in the their application to the feeding of farm-animals / by Henry P. Armsby
2000499211 Manual of chemical technology / by Rudolf von Wagner ; translated and edited by William Crookers ; from the thirteenth enlarged German edition as remodelled by Ferdinand Fischer
2000849641 Manual of comparative anatomy and physiology / by S. Messenger Bradley
2000848084 Manual of determinative mineralogy : with an introduction on blow-pipe analysis / by George J. Brush
2000847640 Manual of geology : treating of the principles of the science, with special reference to American geological history / by James D. Dana
2000847643 Manual of geology : treating of the principles of the science, with special reference to American geological history, for the use of colleges, academies, and schools of science / by James D. Dana
2000847643 Manual of geology : treating of the principles of the science, with special reference to American geological history, for the use of colleges, academies, and schools of science / by James D. Dana
2000852898 Manual of hydraulic mining : for the use of the practical miner / by T.F. Van Wagenen
2000855396 Manual of irrigation engineering / by Herbert M. Wilson
2000831200 Manual of library cataloguing / by J. Henry Quinn
2000831202 Manual of library classification and shelf arrangement / by James D. Brown
2000830998 Manual of library economy / by James Duff Brown
2000852692 Manual of lithology : treating of the principles of the science with special reference to megascopic analysis / by Edward H. Williams
2000847850 Manual of mineralogy : including observations on mines, rocks, reduction of ores, and the applications of the science to the arts, with 260 illustrations, designed for the use of schools and colleges / by James D. Dana
2000847845 Manual of mineralogy : including observations on mines, rocks, reduction of ores, and the applications of the science to the arts, with 260 illustrations, designed for the use of schools and colleges / by James D. Dana
2000853739 Manual of mining tools : comprising observations on the materials from, and processes by which they are manufactured; their special uses, applications, qualities, and efficiency / by William Morgans
2000853739 Manual of mining tools : comprising observations on the materials from, and processes by which they are manufactured; their special uses, applications, qualities, and efficiency / by William Morgans
2000853739 Manual of mining tools : comprising observations on the materials from, and processes by which they are manufactured; their special uses, applications, qualities, and efficiency / by William Morgans
2000835708 Manual of political economy / by Henry Fawcett
2000833533 Manual of political ethics : designed chiefly for the use of colleges and students at law / by Francis Lieber v. 1
2000833533 Manual of political ethics : designed chiefly for the use of colleges and students at law / by Francis Lieber v. 2
2000847186 Manual of qualitative blowpipe analysis, and determinative mineralogy / by Henry B. Nason
2000847384 Manual of qualitative chemical analysis / by C. Remigius Fresenius ; authorized translation by Horace L. Wells
2000847093 Manual of qualitative chemical analysis / by C. Remigius Fresenius ; from the last English and German editions, edited by Samuel W. Johnson
2000847351 Manual of qualitative chemical analysis / by C. Remigius Fresenius ; translated into the 'new system' and newly edited by Samuel W. Johnson
2000834801 Manual of social science : being a condensation of the "Principles of social science" of H.C. Carey / by Kate McKean
2000484574 Manual of the Mosses of North America / by Leo Lesquereux and Thomas P. James
2000484575 Manual of the botany of the Northern United States, including the district east of the Mississippi and north of North Carolina and Tennessee / by Asa Gray
2000499255 Manual of the chemical analysis of rocks / by Henry S. Washington
2001349152 Manual of the families and genera of North American Diptera
2000715239 Manual of the trees of North America : exclusive of Mexico / by Charles Sprague Sargent ; with six hundred and forty-four illustrations from drawings by Charles Edward Faxon
2001284023 Manual of veterinary microbiology / By Mosselman and Liʹenaux ; Tr. and ed. by R.R. Dinwiddie
2000831187 Manuel du répertoire bibliographique des sciences agricoles, etabli d'après la classification décimale / par V. Vermorel
2000831137 Manuel pratique du bibliothécaire : bibliothèques publiques, bibliothèques universitaires, bibliothèques privées / par Albert Maire
2000863028 Map of the superficial geology of the British isles : with the physical and topographical features the line of railways teir primary and intermediate stations the general internal communication of the countries steam packet routes distance from port to port, compiled from ordnance surveys, and other authentic information / by James Wyld
2000855780 Market and kitchen gardening : a handbook of the practice, adopted by the best market gardeners in the neighbourhood of London and other large cities in the production of all kinds of vegetable crops / by contributors to "The garden" ; compiled by C.W. Shaw
2000855731 Market gardening and farm notes : experiences and observations, in the garden and field, of interest to the amateur gardener, trucker and farmer / by Burnet Landreth
2000551717 Maruya's masterpieces of English prose for use in schools / edited by W.C. Kitchin v. 1
2000551717 Maruya's masterpieces of English prose for use in schools / edited by W.C. Kitchin v. 2
2000551717 Maruya's masterpieces of English prose for use in schools / edited by W.C. Kitchin v. 3
2000551717 Maruya's masterpieces of English prose for use in schools / edited by W.C. Kitchin v. 4
2000485345 Massentafeln zur Bestimmung des Holzgehaltes stehender Waldbäume und Waldbestände : nach den forstlichen Versuchsanstalten des Deutschen Reiches undÖsterreichs / herausgegeben von Grundner und Schwappach
2000840630 Materialien und Dispositionen zu Deutschen Aufsätzen : für die obersten Klassen höherer Lehranstalten, sowie zum Selbstunterricht / bearb. von Ferdinand Hoffmann
2000858107 Materials : advanced coures and course for honours
2000858107 Materials : advanced coures and course for honours
2000858107 Materials : advanced coures and course for honours
2001390516 Materials for the study of variation treated with especial regard to discontinuity in the origin of species / by William Bateson
2000841571 Mathematical dictionary and cyclopedia of mathematical science : comprising definitions of all the terms employed in mathematics-an analysis of each branch , and of the whole, as forming a single science / Charles Davies and William G. Peck
2000841571 Mathematical dictionary and cyclopedia of mathematical science : comprising definitions of all the terms employed in mathematics-an analysis of each branch , and of the whole, as forming a single science / Charles Davies and William G. Peck
2000841571 Mathematical dictionary and cyclopedia of mathematical science : comprising definitions of all the terms employed in mathematics-an analysis of each branch , and of the whole, as forming a single science / Charles Davies and William G. Peck
2000841571 Mathematical dictionary and cyclopedia of mathematical science : comprising definitions of all the terms employed in mathematics-an analysis of each branch , and of the whole, as forming a single science / Charles Davies and William G. Peck
2000841571 Mathematical dictionary and cyclopedia of mathematical science : comprising definitions of all the terms employed in mathematics-an analysis of each branch , and of the whole, as forming a single science / Charles Davies and William G. Peck
2000841571 Mathematical dictionary and cyclopedia of mathematical science : comprising definitions of all the terms employed in mathematics-an analysis of each branch , and of the whole, as forming a single science / Charles Davies and William G. Peck
2001356052 Mathematical tables consisting of logarithms of numbers 1 to 108000 : trigonometrical, nautical, and other tables / edited by James Pryde
2001356052 Mathematical tables consisting of logarithms of numbers 1 to 108000 : trigonometrical, nautical, and other tables / edited by James Pryde
2001356052 Mathematical tables consisting of logarithms of numbers 1 to 108000 : trigonometrical, nautical, and other tables / edited by James Pryde
2001356052 Mathematical tables consisting of logarithms of numbers 1 to 108000 : trigonometrical, nautical, and other tables / edited by James Pryde
2000860989 Mathias Sandorf / by Jules Verne
2000863508 Matthew Calbraith Perry : a typical American naval officer / by William Elliot Griffis
2000498963 Max Maercker Fütterungslehre / herausgegeben von F. Albert
2000498977 Max Maerckers Handbuch der Spiritusfabrikation / herausgegeben von Max Maercker
2000853120 Maximum stresses in framed bridges / by Wm. Cain
2000835631 Mały śpiewnik : pieśni na Adwent, na Boże Narodzenie, na Wielki Post, Zmartwychwstanie Pańskie, na Zielone Świątki, Boże Ciało, do Najświętszej Marji Panny, do Świętych pańskich, Przygodne i za umarłych
2000840413 McGuffey's fifth eclectic reader
2000840388 McGuffey's first eclectic reader
2000840410 McGuffey's fourth eclectic reader
2000840393 McGuffey's second eclectic reader
2000840399 McGuffey's third eclectic reader
2000843976 Mechanics for beginners : with numerous examples / by I. Todhunter
2000843976 Mechanics for beginners : with numerous examples / by I. Todhunter
2000843976 Mechanics for beginners : with numerous examples / by I. Todhunter
2000499213 Mechanics of engineering : theoretical mechanics with an introduction to the calculus / by Julius Wisbach ; translated from the 4th augmented and improved German edition by Eckley B. Coxe
2000499213 Mechanics of engineering : theoretical mechanics with an introduction to the calculus / by Julius Wisbach ; translated from the 4th augmented and improved German edition by Eckley B. Coxe
2000859324 Mechanics' geometry, plainly teaching the carpenter, joiner, mason, metal-plate worker, in fact the artisan : in any and every branch of industry whatsoever, the constructive principles of his calling, illustrated by accurate explanatory card-board models and diagrams / by Robert riddell
2000844412 Mechanik Starrer und nichtstarrer Körper : Wärmelehre / von Woldemar Voigt
2000843307 Mechanik der flüssigen und gasförmigen Körper
2000722060 Medical chemistry : including the outlines of organic and physiological chemistry : based in part upon Riche's manual de chimie / by C. Gilbert Wheeler
2000722060 Medical chemistry : including the outlines of organic and physiological chemistry : based in part upon Riche's manual de chimie / by C. Gilbert Wheeler
2000722060 Medical chemistry : including the outlines of organic and physiological chemistry : based in part upon Riche's manual de chimie / by C. Gilbert Wheeler
2000863580 Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner / by Edward L. Pierce v. 1
2000863580 Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner / by Edward L. Pierce v. 2
2000863547 Memoir of Rev. David Tappan Stoddard, missionary to the Nestorians / by Joseph P. Thompson
2000863202 Memoir of Rev. Henry Lobdell, M.D., late missionary of the American Board at Mosul : including the early history of the Assyrian Mission / by W.S. Tyler
2000863947 Memoir of William Ellery Channing, with extracts from his correspondence and manuscripts v. 1
2000863947 Memoir of William Ellery Channing, with extracts from his correspondence and manuscripts v. 2
2000863947 Memoir of William Ellery Channing, with extracts from his correspondence and manuscripts v. 3
2000863333 Memoirs of General William T. Sherman / by himself v. 1
2000863333 Memoirs of General William T. Sherman / by himself v. 2
2000831004 Memoirs of libraries : including a handbook of library economy / by Edward Edwards v. 1
2000831004 Memoirs of libraries : including a handbook of library economy / by Edward Edwards v. 2
2000863836 Memoirs of the life and gospel labors of the late Daniel Wheeler, a minister of the society of friends
2000863286 Memoranda of the origin, plan, and results of the field and other experiments conducted on the farm and in the laboratory of the late Sir John Bennet Lawes, Bart., D.C.L., LL.D., Sc.D., F.R.S., at Rothamsted, Herts : being a report to the Lawes Agricultural Trust Committe / by Sir J. Henry Gilbert
2001573491 Memorandum on some of the results of Indian administration during the past thirty years of British rule in India
2000863462 Memorial addresses on the life and character of Thaddeus Stevens, delivered in the House of Representatives, Washington, D.C., December 17, 1868
2000499237 Mendel's principles of heredity : a defence / by W. Bateson ; with a translation of Mendel's original papers on hybridisation
2000849635 Mental evolution in animals / by George John Romanes . With a Posthumous essay on instinct / by Charles Darwin
2000832775 Mental philosophy : including the intellect, sensibilities, and will / by Joseph Haven
2000832775 Mental philosophy : including the intellect, sensibilities, and will / by Joseph Haven
2001390480 Mentzel's Schafzucht
2000837866 Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress at the commencement of the first session of the forty-fourth Congress, with the reports of the heads of departments and selections from accompanying documents / edited by Ben: Perley Poore
2000504546 Metallography / Cecil H. Desch
2000499464 Metals Pt. 2
2000845558 Metals / by H. E. Roscoe and C. Schorlemmer Pt. 1
2000845558 Metals / by H. E. Roscoe and C. Schorlemmer Pt. 2
2000857353 Metals : their properties and treatment / by Charles Loudon Bloxam
2000759014 Metaphysic : in three books ontology, cosmology, and psychology / by Hermann Lotze ; Englisch translation edited by Bernard Bosanquet v. 1
2000759014 Metaphysic : in three books ontology, cosmology, and psychology / by Hermann Lotze ; Englisch translation edited by Bernard Bosanquet v. 2
2000499515 Meteorologie / von Wilhelm Trabert
2000845589 Meteors : aerolites, storms, and atmospheric phenomena / from the French of Zürcher and Margollé ; by William Lackland
2000845603 Meteors and sunsets : observed by the astronomers of the Lick observatory in 1893, 1894, and 1895
2000484719 Methodik des Botanischen Unterrichts / von Ferix Kienitz-Gerloff
2000847033 Methods for the analysis of ores, pig iron and steel in use at the laboratories of iron and steel works in the region about Pittsburg, PA : together with an appendix containing various special methods of analysis of ores and furnace products / contributed by the chemists in charge, and edited by a committee of the Chemical Section, Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania
2000484828 Methods in plant histology / by Charles J. Chamberlain
2000499256 Methods of chemical control in cane sugar factories / by H.C. Prinsen Geerligs
2000499208 Methods of social reform and other papers / by W. Stanley Jevons
2000717799 Methods of study in natural history / By L. Agassiz
2000577935 Methods of work and general literature of bacteriology exclusive of plant diseases / by Erwin Smith
2000863666 Mexico its trade, industries and resources / by Antonio Gracia Cubas ; translated by William Thompson ; assisted by Charles B. Cleveland
2000832389 Meyers Hand-Lexikon : des allgemeinen Wissens, mit technologischen und wissenschaftlichen Abbildungen und vielen Karten der Astronomie, Geographie, Geognosie, Statistik und Geschichte 1. A-Kyzikos
2000832389 Meyers Hand-Lexikon : des allgemeinen Wissens, mit technologischen und wissenschaftlichen Abbildungen und vielen Karten der Astronomie, Geographie, Geognosie, Statistik und Geschichte 2. L-Zymotisch.
2000864174 Michael Faraday / by J.H. Gladstone
2000860715 Michael Kohlhaas : eine Erzählung / von Heinrich von Kleist
2000847167 Micro-chemistry of poisons : including their physiological, pathological, and legal relations, adapted to the use of the medical jurist, physician, and general chemist / by G. Wormley
2000852107 Micro-organisms and disease : an introduction into the study of specific micro-organisms / by E. Klein
2000787634 Micro-organisms and disease : an introduction into the study of specific micro-organisms / by E. Klein
2000499510 Microbiologie générale
2000499251 Mikroskopie der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel aus dem Pflanzenreiche / von Josef Moeller
2000499231 Mikroskopische Physiographie der massigen Gesteine / von H. Rosenbusch
2000499230 Mikroskopische Physiographie der petrographisch wichtigen Mineralien : ein Hülfsbuch bei mikroskopischen Gesteinsstudien / von H. Rosenbusch
2000839007 Military dictionary : comprising technical definitions, information on raising and keeping troops, actual service, including makeshifts and improved matériel, and law, government, regulation, and administration relating to land forces / by Colonel H.L. Scott
2000499247 Milk : its production and uses with chapters on dairy farming, the diseases of cattle, and on the hygiene and control of supplies / by Edward F. Willoughby
2000499215 Milk and its products : a treatise upon the nature and qualities of dairy milk and the manufacture of butter and cheese / by Henry H. Wing
2000499216 Milk, cheese, and butter : a practical handbook on their properties and the processes of their production including a chapter on cream and the methods of its separation from milk / by John Oliver
2000847004 Milk-analysis : a practical treatise on the examination of milk and its derivatives, cream, butter, and cheese / by J. Alfred Wanklyn
2000863363 Milton / by Mark Pattison
2000859940 Milton's Paradise lost : with a prose translation or paraphrase, the parsing of the more difficult words, specimens of analysis, and numerous illustrative notes : adapted for use in training colleges and schools, and specially designed to prepare candidates for the University middle-class examinations / by John Hunter 2nd book
2000859940 Milton's Paradise lost : with a prose translation or paraphrase, the parsing of the more difficult words, specimens of analysis, and numerous illustrative notes : adapted for use in training colleges and schools, and specially designed to prepare candidates for the University middle-class examinations / by John Hunter 3rd book
2000859940 Milton's Paradise lost : with a prose translation or paraphrase, the parsing of the more difficult words, specimens of analysis, and numerous illustrative notes : adapted for use in training colleges and schools, and specially designed to prepare candidates for the University middle-class examinations / by John Hunter 4th book
2000859940 Milton's Paradise lost : with a prose translation or paraphrase, the parsing of the more difficult words, specimens of analysis, and numerous illustrative notes : adapted for use in training colleges and schools, and specially designed to prepare candidates for the University middle-class examinations / by John Hunter 5th book
2000847953 Mineral physiology and physiography : a second series of chemical and geological essays with a general introduction / by Thomas Sterry Hunt
2000857778 Mining, metals, chemicals, ceramics, glass, and paper
2000860659 Minna von Barnhelm : oder das Soldatenglück / von G.E. Lessing
2000861775 Minnie Hermon, or, the curse of rum, a tale for the times / by Thurlow Wwwd Brown ; embracing also the life and work of Francis Murphy and Dr. Henry A. Erynolds / by George T. Ferris
2000861301 Minor poems / ed. by Rossiter Johnson
2000837950 Minutes corporation city of Ottawa, 1888
2000833739 Miscellaneous speeches, letters, and fragments abridgment of English history, etc. : with a general index
2000863032 Missionary travels and researches in South Africa : including a sketch of sixteen years' residence in the interior of Africa, and a journey from the Cape of Good Hope to Loanda on the West Coast; thence across the continent, down the river Zambesi, to the eastern ocean / by David Livingstone ; with portrait, maps by Arrowsmith, and numerous illustrations
2000862906 Mitchell's modern atlas : a series of forty-four copperplate maps ... drawn and engraved expressly to illustrate Mitchell's new school geography ...
2000862906 Mitchell's modern atlas : a series of forty-four copperplate maps ... drawn and engraved expressly to illustrate Mitchell's new school geography ...
2000862906 Mitchell's modern atlas : a series of forty-four copperplate maps ... drawn and engraved expressly to illustrate Mitchell's new school geography ...
2000853929 Mittheilungen der deutschen Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens in Tokio Bd. 5, 49 Heft
2000859026 Model drawing : containing the elementary principles of drawing from solid forms, the method of shading, and patterns for making drawing objects in cardboard / by Ellis A, Davisdon
2000864415 Modern Europe : a school history / by John Lord
2000864415 Modern Europe : a school history / by John Lord
2000864415 Modern Europe : a school history / by John Lord
2000864316 Modern Europe, from the fall of Constantinople to the establishment of the German Empire, A.D. 1453-1871 / by Thomas Henry Dyer v. 1 : from 1453 to 1530
2000864316 Modern Europe, from the fall of Constantinople to the establishment of the German Empire, A.D. 1453-1871 / by Thomas Henry Dyer v. 2 : from 1521 to 1598
2000864316 Modern Europe, from the fall of Constantinople to the establishment of the German Empire, A.D. 1453-1871 / by Thomas Henry Dyer v. 3 : from 1593 to 1721
2000864316 Modern Europe, from the fall of Constantinople to the establishment of the German Empire, A.D. 1453-1871 / by Thomas Henry Dyer v. 4 : from 1714 to 1796
2000864316 Modern Europe, from the fall of Constantinople to the establishment of the German Empire, A.D. 1453-1871 / by Thomas Henry Dyer v. 5 : from 1794 to 1871
2000840462 Modern German reader : a graduated collection of extracts in prose and poetry / edited by C.A. Buchheim pt. 2
2000840305 Modern German reader : a graduated collection of prose extracts from modern German writers / edited by C.A. Buchheim pt. 1
2000845340 Modern chemistry / by William Ramsay Systematic [pt.]
2000845340 Modern chemistry / by William Ramsay Theoretical [pt.]
2000713460 Modern doubt and Christian belief : a series of apologetic lectures addressed to earnest seekers after truth / by Theodore. Christlieb ; translated with the author's sanction, chiefly by H.U. Weitbrecht ; and edited by T.L. Kingsbury
2000844682 Modern electricity : what is electricity ? Its relation to magnetism. How it is produced, and how utilized in the arts., with glossary of electrical terms / by Thomas Kirwan
2000861761 Modern history : from the reformation to the present time
2000861761 Modern history : from the reformation to the present time
2000861761 Modern history : from the reformation to the present time
2000832996 Modern ideas of evolution as related to revelation and science / by Sir J. William Dawson
2000852645 Modern industrialism : an outline of the industrial organization as seen in the history, industry and problems of England, the United States, and Germany / by Frank L. McVey
2000859138 Modern painters / by John Ruskin [v. 6]
2000844707 Modern practice of the electric telegraph : a handbook for electricians and operators / by Frank L. Pope
2000836635 Modern tariff history : Germany, United States, France / by Percy Ashley ; with a preface by R.B. Haldane
2000833074 Modern utilitarianism, or, the systems of Paley, Bentham, and Mill, examined and compared / by Thomas Rawson Birks
2000838682 Modern weapons and modern war : being an abridgment of "The war of the future in its technical, economic and political relations" / by I.S. Bloch ; with a prefatory conversation with the author by W.T. Stead ; translated from the Russian
2000850284 Modern workshop practice : as applied to marine, land, and locomotive engines, floating docks, dredging machines, bridges, ship building, cranes, etc. etc. / by John G. Winton
2001420025 Mollusca / bearbeitet von Karl Hescheler
2000836359 Money / by Francis A. Walker
2000836725 Money / by James Platt
2000836348 Money and the mechanism of exchange / by W. Stanley Jevons
2000855740 Money in the garden : a vegetable manual, prepared with a view to economy and profit / by P.T. Quinn
2001292523 Monocotyleae und Sympetalae der Dicotyleae / bearbeitet von Leopold Dippel
2001349388 Monograph of the Collembola and Thysanura / by John Lubbock
2001349154 Monographie der Conocephaliden / von Josef Redtenbacher
2000484813 Monographie der Gattung Saxifraga L. : mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der geographischen Verhältnisse / von A. Engler
2000849075 Monographie der Rapateaceen / von Friedrich Körnicke
2001348537 Monographie der Stenopelmatiden und Gryllacriden / von C. Brunner v. Wattenwyl
2001267886 Monopetalae / bearb. von F. v. Herder
2000407445 Monopolies and trusts / by Richard T. Ely
3000068117 Monthly reports of the Department of Agriculture 1867
3000068117 Monthly reports of the Department of Agriculture 1867
3000068117 Monthly reports of the Department of Agriculture 1868
3000068117 Monthly reports of the Department of Agriculture 1868
3000068117 Monthly reports of the Department of Agriculture 1869
3000068117 Monthly reports of the Department of Agriculture 1870
3000068117 Monthly reports of the Department of Agriculture 1871
3000068117 Monthly reports of the Department of Agriculture 1872
2000860133 Moods / by Louisa M. Alcott
2000484805 Morphologia floridearum / auctore Jacobo Georgio Agardh
2000484838 Morphologie und Biologie der Algen / von Friedrich Oltmanns 1. Bd
2000484838 Morphologie und Biologie der Algen / von Friedrich Oltmanns 2. Bd
2000862736 Mountain adventures in various parts of the world : selected from the narratives of celebrated travelers with an introduction and additions / by J.T. Headley
2000838185 Mr. Serjeant Stephen's new commentaries on the laws of England (partly founded on Blackstone) v. 1
2000838185 Mr. Serjeant Stephen's new commentaries on the laws of England (partly founded on Blackstone) v. 2
2000838185 Mr. Serjeant Stephen's new commentaries on the laws of England (partly founded on Blackstone) v. 3
2000838185 Mr. Serjeant Stephen's new commentaries on the laws of England (partly founded on Blackstone) v. 4
2000677581 Mulhall's dictionary of statistics / by Michael G. Mulhall
2000837775 Municipal government in Great Britain / by Albert Shaw
2000856115 Mushrooms for the million : a practical treatise on the cultivation of the most profitable outdoor crop known / by John Wright
2000834826 My colonial service : in British Guiana, St. Lucia, Trinidad, Fiji, Australia, New-Foundland, and Hong Kong with interludes / by G. William Des Vœux v. 1
2000834826 My colonial service : in British Guiana, St. Lucia, Trinidad, Fiji, Australia, New-Foundland, and Hong Kong with interludes / by G. William Des Vœux v. 2
2000864385 My experiences of the war between France and Germany / by Archibald Forbes v. 1
2000864385 My experiences of the war between France and Germany / by Archibald Forbes v. 2
2000860467 My farm of Edgewood : a country book / by the author of "Reveries of a bachelor."
2000855786 My garden its plan and culture : together with a general description of its geology, botany, and natural history / by Alfred Smee
2000485333 Mycetes sibirici / descripsit P.-A. Saccardo
2000857610 Mysteries of bee-keeping : explained combining the results of thirty-five years' experience containing the result ... / by M. Quinby
2000857610 Mysteries of bee-keeping : explained combining the results of thirty-five years' experience containing the result ... / by M. Quinby
2000861265 Mystery / ed. by Rossiter Johnson
2000484808 Myxomycetes of Great Britain / arranged according to the method of Rostafinski ; the characters of all the orders, families and Genera, with descriptions of the British Species, and original analytical tables, translated from the Polish, by M.C. Cooke
2000860767 Märchen aus der Gegenwart / von Theodor Althaus
2001318240 Mésozoaires ・ spongiaires / par Yves Delage et Edgard Hérouard
2000843246 Müller-Pouillet's Lehrbuch der Physik und Meteorologie Band 3
2000863055 Napoleon and his marshals / by J.T. Headley
2000863034 Narrative of an expedition to the Zambesi and its tributaries, and of the discovery of the Lakes Shirwa and Nyassa, 1858-1864 / by David and Charles Livingstone
2000550831 National railways : an argument for state purchase / by James Hole
2000835032 Nationalökonomie
2000836280 Nationalökonomik des Ackerbaues und der verwandten Urproductionen : ein Hand- und Lesebuch für Staats- und Landwirthe / von Wilhelm Roscher
2000485095 Nationalökonomik des Ackerbaues und der verwandten Urproduktionen : ein Hand- und Lesebuch für Staats- und Landwirte / von Wilhelm Roscher
2000523699 Nationalökonomik des Handels und Gewerbfleisses : ein Hand- und Lesebuch für Geschäftsmänner und Studierende / von Wilhelm Roscher
2000763881 Natur und Volk des Mikadoreiches / von J.J. Rein
2000833158 Natural history of the Bible : a review of the physical geography, geology, and meteorology of the Holy Land, with a description of every animal and plant mentioned in Holy Scripture / by H.B. Tristram
2001348840 Natural history of the insects of China, containing upwards of two hundred and twenty figures and descriptions / by E. Donovan
2001348838 Natural history of the insects of India, containing upwards of two hundred and twenty figures and descriptions / by E. Donovan
2000852213 Natural history of useful aquatic animals Plates
2000852213 Natural history of useful aquatic animals Plates
2000852213 Natural history of useful aquatic animals Text
2000852213 Natural history of useful aquatic animals Text
2000865184 Natural history prints : with descriptive text
2000832796 Natural law : an essay in ethics / by Edith Simcox
2000843405 Natural philosophy for schools / by Dionysius Lardner ; revised and edited by T. Olver Harding
2000832971 Natural theology ; Horæ paulinæ, or, the truth of the scripture history of St. Paul Evinced : a comparison of the epistles which bear his name with the acts of the apostles, and with one another / by William Paley
2000499257 Nature teaching : based upon the general principles of agrifculture for the use of schools / by Francis Waatts and William G. Freeman
2000824163 Nautical tables, designed for the use of British seamen by James Inman, with a practical introductory treatise on navigation and nautical astronomy by the same author / rev. and enl. by his son James Williams Inman
2000824219 Navigation and nautical astronomy, for the use of British seamen / by James Inman
2000484835 Neudammer Försterlehrbuch : ein Leitfaden für Unterricht und Praxis, sowie ein Handbuch für den Privatwaldbesitzer / bearb. von A. Schwappach ... [et al.]
2000840673 Neues Deutsches Lesebuch für japanische Schulen / zusammengestellt von J. Omura, K. Yamaguchi, H. Taniguchi
2000840104 Neues Taschen-Wörterbuch der Englischen und Deutschen Sprache : mit Bezeichnung der englischen Aussprache durch deutsche Buchstaben / von Frank Williams
2000840104 Neues Taschen-Wörterbuch der Englischen und Deutschen Sprache : mit Bezeichnung der englischen Aussprache durch deutsche Buchstaben / von Frank Williams
2000840104 Neues Taschen-Wörterbuch der Englischen und Deutschen Sprache : mit Bezeichnung der englischen Aussprache durch deutsche Buchstaben / von Frank Williams
2000840104 Neues Taschen-Wörterbuch der Englischen und Deutschen Sprache : mit Bezeichnung der englischen Aussprache durch deutsche Buchstaben / von Frank Williams
2000840104 Neues Taschen-Wörterbuch der Englischen und Deutschen Sprache : mit Bezeichnung der englischen Aussprache durch deutsche Buchstaben / von Frank Williams
2000840104 Neues Taschen-Wörterbuch der Englischen und Deutschen Sprache : mit Bezeichnung der englischen Aussprache durch deutsche Buchstaben / von Frank Williams
2000840104 Neues Taschen-Wörterbuch der Englischen und Deutschen Sprache : mit Bezeichnung der englischen Aussprache durch deutsche Buchstaben / von Frank Williams
2000498966 Neues über Moorkultur und Torfverwertung, 1901-1902 / von direktor Hans Schreiber Jahrgang 2
2000857434 Nevada and California, processes of silver and gold extraction, for general use, and especially for the minig public of California and Nevada, ... / by Guido Küstel
2000499207 New American farm book / originally by R.L. Allen
2000551207 New University algebra : a theoretical and practical treatise, designed for use in colleges and high schools / by Horatio N. Robinson
2000858046 New and complete clock and watchmakers' manual : comprising descriptions of the various gearings, escapements, and compensations now in use in French, Swiss, and English clocks and watches, patents, tools, etc, with directions for cleaning and repairing with numerous engrabings compiled from the French with an appendix containing a history of clock and watchmaking in America / by Mary L. Booth
2000855095 New elementary agriculture for rural and graded schools : an elementary text book dealing with the plants, insects, birds, weather, and animals of the farm / by Chas. E. Bessey, Lawrence Bruner, G.D. Swezey
2000844197 New elementary algebra : containing the rudiments of the science for schools and academies / by Horatio N. Robinson
2000844197 New elementary algebra : containing the rudiments of the science for schools and academies / by Horatio N. Robinson
2000551209 New elementary algebra : containing the rudiments to the science for schools and academies / by Horatio N. Robinson
2000841856 New elementary algebra : in which the first principles of analysis are progressively developed and simplified, for common schools and academies / by Benjamin Greenleaf
2000841683 New elementary algebra, embracing the first principles of the science / by Charles Davies
2000841683 New elementary algebra, embracing the first principles of the science / by Charles Davies
2000841683 New elementary algebra, embracing the first principles of the science / by Charles Davies
2000844360 New higher algebra : an analytical course designed for high schools, academies, and colleges / by Benjamin Greenleaf
2000839698 New language lessons : an elementary grammar and composition / by William Swinton
2000839698 New language lessons : an elementary grammar and composition / by William Swinton
2000840074 New national ... reader / by Charles J. Barnes 2nd
2000840068 New national ... reader / by Charles J. Barnes, J. Marshall Hawkes 2nd
2001656661 New national reader / by Charles J. Barnes 4
2000844210 New university algebra : a theoretical and practical treatise, containing many new and original methods and applications, for colleges and high schools / by Horatio N. Robinson
2000844210 New university algebra : a theoretical and practical treatise, containing many new and original methods and applications, for colleges and high schools / by Horatio N. Robinson
2000844210 New university algebra : a theoretical and practical treatise, containing many new and original methods and applications, for colleges and high schools / by Horatio N. Robinson
2001349040 Nomenclator zoologicus : an alphabetical list of all generic names that have been employed by naturalists for recent and fossil animals from the earliest times to the close of the year 1879 / by Samuel H. Scudder
2000836288 Nomisma, or, "Legal tender" / by Henri Cernuschi
2000853075 Non-ferrous metals and alloys : copper; tin; zinc; etc.; brass; bronze; etc. / by Robert H. Thurston
2000853078 Non-metallic materials : stone; timber; fuels; lubricants; etc. / by Robert H. Thurston
2000833684 Norman constables in America : read before the New England Historic, Genealogical Society, February 1, 1882 / by Herbert B. Adams
2000865999 North America / edited and enlarged by F.V. Hayden and A.R.C. Selwyn
2000863582 Northern and Eastern tour : including New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and the British Dominions ... with maps, and various skeleton tours
2000860500 Northern lands : or, Young America in Russia and Prussia : a story of travel and adventure / by William T. Adams (Oliver Optic)
2000498063 Note-book of agricultural facts and figures for farmers and farm students / by Primrose McConnell
2000484825 Notes de botanique : expérimentale / J. Chalon
2000834237 Notes from Plymouth pulpit : a collection of memorable passages from the discourses of Henry Ward Beecher, with a sketch of Mr. Beecher and the lecture room / by Augusta Moore
2000863293 Notes on England / by H. Taine ; translated, with an introductory chapter, by W.F. Rae
2000860437 Notes on Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefiled / by J.M. Pixon
2000863351 Notes on Paris / by H. Taine ; translated with notes by John Austin Stevens
2000862714 Notes on Warren Hastings for Japanese students / by J.M. Dixon
2000848250 Notes on ancient stone implements, &c., of Japan / by T. Kanda ; translated by N. Kanda
2000848751 Notes on collecting and preserving natural-history objects / by J.E. Taylor ... [et al.] ; edited by J.E. Taylor
2000499229 Notes on essential oils : with special reference to their use, composition, chemistry , and analysis / by T.H.W. Idris
2000566268 Notes on the North American species of Dadoxylon / by D.P. Penhallow
2000566267 Notes on the development of the holdfasts of certain florideæ / by Carrie M. Derick
2001489929 Notes on the utilization of forests : being a course of lectures delivered at the Imperial Forest School, Dehra Dun, India
2000833243 Notes, explanatory and practical, on the Acts of the Apostles, designed for Bible classes and Sunday schools / by Albert Barnes
2000833908 Notes, explanatory and practical, on the Book of Revelation / by Albert Barnes
2000833270 Notes, explanatory and practical, on the Epistle to the Hebrews / by Albert Barnes
2000833251 Notes, explanatory and practical, on the Epistle to the Romans, designed for Bible classes and Sunday schools / by Albert Barnes
2000833257 Notes, explanatory and practical, on the Epistles of Paul to the Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians / by Albert Barnes
2000833258 Notes, explanatory and practical, on the Epistles of Paul to the Thessalonians, to Timothy, to Titus, and to Philemon / by Albert Barnes
2000833253 Notes, explanatory and practical, on the First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians / by Albert Barnes
2000833263 Notes, explanatory and practical, on the General Epistles of James, Peter, John and Jude / by Albert Barnes
2000833362 Notes, explanatory and practical, on the Gospels : designed for Sunday school teachers and Bible classes / by Albert Barnes v. 1
2000833362 Notes, explanatory and practical, on the Gospels : designed for Sunday school teachers and Bible classes / by Albert Barnes v. 2
2000833255 Notes, explanatory and practical, on the Second Epistle to the Corinthians and the Epistle to the Galatians / by Albert Barnes
2000845135 Notions de chimie : conformes au programme officiel arrèté le 25 mars 1865 pour l'enseignement de la chimie dans les classes de philosophie / par B. Boutet de Monvel
2000845135 Notions de chimie : conformes au programme officiel arrèté le 25 mars 1865 pour l'enseignement de la chimie dans les classes de philosophie / par B. Boutet de Monvel
2000845135 Notions de chimie : conformes au programme officiel arrèté le 25 mars 1865 pour l'enseignement de la chimie dans les classes de philosophie / par B. Boutet de Monvel
2000860908 Notre Dame, or the Bellringer of Paris / by Victor Hugo
2001220680 Nouveau dictionnaire anglais-français et français-anglais, composé sur un plan nouveau / par E.C. Clifton et Adrien Grimaux
2000374720 Nouveau dictionnaire de la langue française : enrichi d'exemples tirés des meilleurs écrivains des deux derniers siècles, et dans lequel on trouve, ... avec la solution de toutes les difficultés que présente notre langue / par M. Noël et M. Chapsal
2000374720 Nouveau dictionnaire de la langue française : enrichi d'exemples tirés des meilleurs écrivains des deux derniers siècles, et dans lequel on trouve, ... avec la solution de toutes les difficultés que présente notre langue / par M. Noël et M. Chapsal
2000374720 Nouveau dictionnaire de la langue française : enrichi d'exemples tirés des meilleurs écrivains des deux derniers siècles, et dans lequel on trouve, ... avec la solution de toutes les difficultés que présente notre langue / par M. Noël et M. Chapsal
2000841512 Nouveau dictionnaire français-anglais et anglais-français, contenant une notice sur la grammaire et la prononciation anglaises, la prononciation figurée ... ; Nouveau dictionnaire anglais-français et français-anglais, contenant une notice sur la grammaire et la prononciation anglaises, la prononciation figurée ... / par Smith
2000841593 Nouveau dictionnaire français-japonais : renfermant les principaux mots composés et un grand nombre de locutions
2000841593 Nouveau dictionnaire français-japonais : renfermant les principaux mots composés et un grand nombre de locutions
2000841001 Nouveau guide de conversations modernes : en anglais et en français ou dialogues usuels et familiers a l'usage des voyageurs des deux nations ou des personnes qui se livrent á l'étude de l'une ou de l'autre langue / par Bellenger
2000859348 Nouveau manuel complet du dessinateur et de l'imprimeur lithographe
2001309690 Nouveau système des blattaires / par Carles Brunner de Wattenwyl
2000864542 Nouvel atlas de géographie : contenant en 84 cartes la géographie ancienne, la géographie du moyen age la cosmographie et la géographie moderne / de E. Cortambert
2000841566 Nouvelle arithmétique des ecoles primaires / par G. Ritt
2000841566 Nouvelle arithmétique des ecoles primaires / par G. Ritt
2000485331 Nouvelle flore des champignons pour la détermination facile de toutes les espéces de France et de la plupart des espéces Européennes : avec 3842 figures / par J. Costantin et L. Dufour
2000840640 Nouvelle grammaire française, sur un plan très méthodique, avec de nombreux exercices d'orthographe, de syntaxe et de ponctuation / par M. Noël et M. Chapsal
2000840640 Nouvelle grammaire française, sur un plan très méthodique, avec de nombreux exercices d'orthographe, de syntaxe et de ponctuation / par M. Noël et M. Chapsal
2000840640 Nouvelle grammaire française, sur un plan très méthodique, avec de nombreux exercices d'orthographe, de syntaxe et de ponctuation / par M. Noël et M. Chapsal
2000840640 Nouvelle grammaire française, sur un plan très méthodique, avec de nombreux exercices d'orthographe, de syntaxe et de ponctuation / par M. Noël et M. Chapsal
2001220528 Nuovo dizionario Inglese-Italiano e Italiano-Inglese, commerciale, scientifico, tecnico, militare, marinaresco, ecc. / compilato da B. Melzi
2000854979 Nut culture in the United States : embracing native and introduced species
2000841168 Ny fuldstændig ordbog i det dansk-norske og tydske Sprog : tilligemed et kort Udtog af begge Sprogs formlære / af Svenn Henrik Helms
2000840947 Ny fullständig svensk-tysk och tysk-svensk ordbok : tillika med ett kort utdrag af båda språkens formlära / af Svenn Henrik Helms = Neues vollständiges schwedisch-deutsches und deutsches-schwedisches Wörterbuch : nebst einem kurzen Abrisse der Formenlehre beider Sprachen / von Svenn Henrik Helms
2000835658 O naśladowaniu Jezusa Chrystusa : ksiąg IV : z dodaniem upomnień zbawiennych / Tomasza A Kempis
2000848696 Objects for the microscope : being a popular description of the most instructive and beautiful subjects for exhibition / by L.Lane Clarke
2000852054 Observations on the development of cephalopods : homology of the germ layers / by S. Watase
2000859117 Of general principles, and of truth / by John Ruskin
2000859146 Of leaf beauty ; Of cloud beauty ; Of ideas of ralation / by John Ruskin
2000859126 Of many things / by John Ruskin
2000859140 Of mountain beauty / by John Ruskin
2000859123 Of the imaginative and theoretic faculties / by John Ruskin
2000873540 Official catalogue . Awards of the international juries
3000068115 Official gazette of the United States Patent Office 1
3000068115 Official gazette of the United States Patent Office 2
3000068115 Official gazette of the United States Patent Office 3
3000068115 Official gazette of the United States Patent Office General index
2000851031 Official record of the Sydney international exhibition, 1879
2000873545 Official reports and statistical tables of the Great International Fisheries Exhibition
2000499242 Old time gardens : newly set forth / by Alice Morse Earle
2000864258 Oliver Cromwell's letters and speeches with elucidations / by Thomas Carlyle
2000717592 Ollendorff's new method of learning to read, write, and speak the French language : with an appendix, containing the cardinal and ordinal numbers and full paradigms of the regular and irregular, auxiliary reflective, and impersonal verbs / by J.L. Jewett
2000717592 Ollendorff's new method of learning to read, write, and speak the French language : with an appendix, containing the cardinal and ordinal numbers and full paradigms of the regular and irregular, auxiliary reflective, and impersonal verbs / by J.L. Jewett
2000717592 Ollendorff's new method of learning to read, write, and speak the French language : with an appendix, containing the cardinal and ordinal numbers and full paradigms of the regular and irregular, auxiliary reflective, and impersonal verbs / by J.L. Jewett
2000840834 Ollendorff's new method of learning to read, write, and speak the Spanish language : with an appendix containing a brief but comprehensive recapitulation of the rules, as well as of all the verbs, both regular and irregular, so as to render their use easy and familliar to the most ordinary capacity together with practical rules for the Spanish pronunciation and models of social and commercial correspondence : the whole designed for young learners and persons who are their own instructors / by M. Velazquez and T. Simonné
2000849513 On British wild flowers considered in relation to insects / by John Lubbock
2000498215 On artificial manures : their chemical selection and scientific application to agriculture / by M. Georges Ville ; translated and edited by William Crookes
2000851871 On bacteriology and its results : a lecture / delivered by R. Koch ; translated by Thomas Whiteside Hime
2000864618 On certain storms in Europe and North America, December, 1836 / by Elias Loomis
2000838211 On civil liberty and self-government / by Francis Lieber ; edited by Theodore D. Woolsey
2000857306 On fermentation / by P. Schützenberger
2000852701 On food : its varieties, chemical composition, nutritive value, comparative digestibility, physiological functions and uses, preparation, culinary treatment, preservation, adulteration, etc., reing the substance of four Cantor lectures, delivered before the Society for the encouragement of arts, manufactures, and commerce, in the months of January and February, 1868 / by H. Letheby
2000797470 On heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in history / by Thomas Carlyle
2000857667 On silk and the silkworm : a practical treatise on sericiculture / from the French of Laurent de L'arbousset ; translated by Elizabeth Wardle and edited by Thomas Wardle
2000860756 On teaching English : with detailed examples, and an enquiry into the definition of poetry / by Alexander Bain
2000852687 On the caudal and anal fins of gold-fishes / by S. Watase
2000831564 On the choice of books / by Thomas Carlyle
2000853390 On the construction of cranes and other hoisting machinery / by Joseph Glynn
2000853201 On the construction of cranes and other hoisting machinery / by Joseph Glynn
2000854579 On the drainage of lands, towns, and buildings / by G.D. Dempsey ; rev., with large additions on recent practice in drainage engineering by D. Kinnear Clark
2000854579 On the drainage of lands, towns, and buildings / by G.D. Dempsey ; rev., with large additions on recent practice in drainage engineering by D. Kinnear Clark
2000853792 On the haulage of coal : being the report of the committee appointed by the mining institute to investigate the subject
2001656648 On the life-history of Macrosporium parasiticum, Thüm. / by Kingo Miyabe
2000857310 On the manufacture of beet-root sugar in England & Ireland / William Crookes
2000857310 On the manufacture of beet-root sugar in England & Ireland / William Crookes
2001062315 On the origin and metamorphoses of insects / by Sir John Lubbock
2000848631 On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or, The preservation of favored races in the struggle for life / by Charles Darwin
2000833160 On the power wisdom and goodness of God : as manifested in the adaptation of external nature to the moral and intellectual constitution of man / by Thomas Chalmers
2000849587 On the senses, instincts, and intelligence of animals with special reference to insects / by Sir John Lubbock
2001235036 On the structure of cancerous tumors and the mode in which adjacent parts are invaded / by J.J. Woodward
2000850111 On the systematic position of the Brachiopoda / by Edward S. Morse
2000857324 Onbewerktuigde scheikunde
2000855901 Onion raising : what kinds to raise, and the way to raise them
2000844196 Optical instruments / by J.F. Heather
2000833462 Order and progress / by Frederic Harrison
2000808541 Organisation der Landgutswirtschaft / von Johann Pohl
2000835490 Organisation politique, administrative et financière, garde et défense des colonies / par Édouard Petit ; préface de M.R. de Moüy
2000836376 Organische Satzungen
2000484973 Organische chemie / von F. Krafft
2000499205 Origin of cultivated plants / by Alphonse De Candolle
2000858205 Ornamental gardening for Americans : a treatise on beautifying homes rural districts, towns, and cemeteries / by Elias A. Long
2001348783 Orthoptera europaea / auctore Leop. Henrico Fischer
2000824319 Other worlds than ours : the plurality of worlds studied under the light of recent scientific researches / by Richard A. Proctor
2000840778 Otto's French conversation grammar / rev. by Ferdinand Bôcher ; introduction in French at Harvard College
2000851118 Our bodies and how we live : an elementary text-book of physiology and hygiene for use in schools with special reference to the effects of alcoholic drinks, tobacco and other narcotics on the bodily life / by Albert F. Blaisdell
2000854670 Our common insects : a popular account of the insects of our fields, forests, gardens and houses / by A. S. Packard, Jr
2000854670 Our common insects : a popular account of the insects of our fields, forests, gardens and houses / by A. S. Packard, Jr
2000852181 Our domestic animals in health and disease / by John Gamgee v. 1
2000852181 Our domestic animals in health and disease / by John Gamgee v. 2
2000848606 Our heredity from God : consisting of lectures on evolution / by E.P. Powell
2000836664 Our land and land policy : speeches, lectures and miscellaneous writings / by Henry George
2000863540 Our new West : records of travel between the Mississippi River and the Pacific Ocean / by Samuel Bowles
2000859881 Our poetical favorites : a selection from the best minor poems of the English language / by Aschel C. Kendrick 1st ser
2000859888 Our poetical favorites : a selection from the best minor poems of the English language, comprising chiefly longer poems / by Aschel C. Kendrick 2nd ser
2000839088 Our railways : sketches historical and descriptive, with practical information as to fares and rates, etc., and a chapter on railway reform / by Joseph Parsloe
2000863688 Our sister republic : a gala trip through Tropical Mexico in 1869-1870, adventure and sight-seeing in the land of the Aztecs, with picturesque descriptions of the country and the people, and reminiscences of the empire and its downfall / by Col. Albert S. Evans
2000845575 Outline of lecture notes on general chemistry : the metals / by John T. Stoddard
2000852565 Outline of the geology of the globe, and of the United States in particular : with two geological maps, and sketches of characteristic American fossils / by Edward Hitchcock
2000846131 Outline of the method of conducting a trigonometrical survey, for the formation of geographical and topographical maps and plans : military reconnaissance, levelling, etc.; with the most useful problems in geodesy and practical astronomy, and formulae and tables fo facilitating their calculation / by Lieut.-Gen. Frome
2000484801 Outlines of classification and special morphology of plants / by K. Goebel
2000484801 Outlines of classification and special morphology of plants / by K. Goebel
2001390642 Outlines of comparative physiology : rouching the structure and development of the races of animals, living and extinct for the use of schools and colleges / by Louis Agassiz and A.A. Gould ; edited from the revised edition, and greatly enlarged by Thomas Wright
2000832061 Outlines of cosmic philosophy, based on the doctrine of evolution, with criticisms on the positive philosophy / by John Fiske v. 1
2000832061 Outlines of cosmic philosophy, based on the doctrine of evolution, with criticisms on the positive philosophy / by John Fiske v. 2
2000550499 Outlines of economics / by Richard T. Ely
2000862095 Outlines of mediæval and modern history : a text-book for high schools, seminaries, and colleges / by P.V.N. Myers
2000851925 Outlines of physiological chemistry : including the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the tissues fluids and excretory products / by Charles Henry Ralfe
2000851887 Outlines of physiology : human and comparative / by John Marshall ; with additions by Francis G. Smith
2000847176 Outlines of proximate organic analysis : for the identification, separation, and quantitative determination of the more commonly occurring organic compounds / by Albert B. Prescott
2000832545 Outlines of psychology with special reference to the theory of education : a text-book for colleges / by James Sully
2000832545 Outlines of psychology with special reference to the theory of education : a text-book for colleges / by James Sully
2000498958 Outlines of quantitative analysis / by A. Humboldt Sexton
2000852570 Outlines of the geology of Japan : descriptive text to accompany the geological map of the Empire on the scale 1:1,000,000 / compiled by the Officials of the Imperial Geological Survey of Japan, Department of Agricalture and Commerce
2000501607 Outlines of the histology of phænogamous plants / by George Lincoln Goodale
2000501607 Outlines of the histology of phænogamous plants / by George Lincoln Goodale
2000501607 Outlines of the histology of phænogamous plants / by George Lincoln Goodale
2000501607 Outlines of the histology of phænogamous plants / by George Lincoln Goodale
2000501607 Outlines of the histology of phænogamous plants / by George Lincoln Goodale
2000501607 Outlines of the histology of phænogamous plants / by George Lincoln Goodale
2000501607 Outlines of the histology of phænogamous plants / by George Lincoln Goodale
2000501607 Outlines of the histology of phænogamous plants / by George Lincoln Goodale
2000501607 Outlines of the histology of phænogamous plants / by George Lincoln Goodale
2000501607 Outlines of the histology of phænogamous plants / by George Lincoln Goodale
2000501607 Outlines of the histology of phænogamous plants / by George Lincoln Goodale
2000501607 Outlines of the histology of phænogamous plants / by George Lincoln Goodale
2000501607 Outlines of the histology of phænogamous plants / by George Lincoln Goodale
2000501607 Outlines of the histology of phænogamous plants / by George Lincoln Goodale
2000501607 Outlines of the histology of phænogamous plants / by George Lincoln Goodale
2000501607 Outlines of the histology of phænogamous plants / by George Lincoln Goodale
2000861970 Outlines of the world's history : ancient, mediaeval, and modern : with special relation to the history of civilization and the progress of mankind : for use in the higher classes in public schools, and in high schools, academies, seminaries, etc. / by William Swinton
2000861970 Outlines of the world's history : ancient, mediaeval, and modern : with special relation to the history of civilization and the progress of mankind : for use in the higher classes in public schools, and in high schools, academies, seminaries, etc. / by William Swinton
2000861970 Outlines of the world's history : ancient, mediaeval, and modern : with special relation to the history of civilization and the progress of mankind : for use in the higher classes in public schools, and in high schools, academies, seminaries, etc. / by William Swinton
2000472946 Outlines of universal history : designed as a text-book and for private reading / by George Park Fisher
2000820615 Outlines of universal history : designed as a text-book and for private reading / by George Park Fisher
2000860507 Outward bound : or, Young America afloat : a story of travel and adventure / by William T. Adams (Oliver Optic)
2000855046 Pacht, Pachtrecht und Pachtvertrag : über grössere landgüter in Österreich / von Carl Preser
2000860525 Palace and cottage : or, Young America in French and Switzerland : a story of travel and adventure / by William T. Adams (Oliver Optic)
2000836312 Paper-money inflation in France : how it came, what it brought, and how it ended / by Andrew D. White
2000835796 Papers laid before the Legislative Council of Hongkong : August, 1886 to September, 1887
2000831191 Papers prepared for the World's Library Congress, held at The Columbian Exposition / edited by Melvil Dewey
2000832335 Paradoxes / by Max Nordau ; translated from the 5th German edition by J. R. McIlraith
2000839651 Parser and analyzer : for beginners, with diagrams and suggestive pictures / by Francis A. March
2000860545 Passages from the diary of a late physician / by Samuel Warren v. 1
2000860545 Passages from the diary of a late physician / by Samuel Warren v. 2
2000860545 Passages from the diary of a late physician / by Samuel Warren v. 3
2000864249 Passages from the life and writings of George Fox, taken from journal : with the desire on the part of the editor to give a fair representation of his character and religious views, and to lead the reader to seek a fuller acquaintance with them
2000863494 Passages from the life and writings of William Penn : collected by the editor from his published works and correspondence and from the biographies of Clarkson, Lewis and Janney, and other reliable sources / ed. by Thomas Pym Cope
2000484455 Pathologische Pflanzenanatomie : in ihren Grundzügen / dargestellt von Ernst Küster
2000838812 Pauperism : its causes and remedies / by Henry Fawcett
2000854972 Peach culture / by James Alexander Fulton
2000854970 Peach culture / by James Alexander Fulton
2000717583 Peach leaf curl : its nature and treatment / by Newton B. Pierce
2000717583 Peach leaf curl : its nature and treatment / by Newton B. Pierce
2000856036 Peasant life : sketches of the villagers und field-Labourers in Glenaldie 2nd ser
2000862415 Peeps abroad for folks at home / by C.L. Matéaux
2000838851 Penological and preventive principles : with special reference to Europe and America, and to the diminution of crime pauperism, and intemperance : to prisons and their substitutes, habitual offenders, sentences, neglected youth, education, police, statistics, etc. / by William Tallack
2000838981 Perils to British trade : how to avert them / by Edwin Burgis
2000499212 Permanent and temporary pastures : with descriptions and coloured illustrations of leading natural grasses and clovers / by Martin J. Sutton
2000875691 Permanent fortifications
2000830466 Peter Parley's Universal history, on the basis of geography
2000830466 Peter Parley's Universal history, on the basis of geography
2000830466 Peter Parley's Universal history, on the basis of geography
2000860652 Peter Schlemihls : wundersame Geschichte / von Adelb. v. Chamisso ; herausgegeben von Heinr. Kurz.
2000833024 Peter the Apostle / by William M. Taylor
2000862892 Petit atlas de géographie moderne : contenant vingt cartes dressées sous la direction / de E. Cortambert
2000862892 Petit atlas de géographie moderne : contenant vingt cartes dressées sous la direction / de E. Cortambert
2000862892 Petit atlas de géographie moderne : contenant vingt cartes dressées sous la direction / de E. Cortambert
2000862297 Petit cours de géographie moderne / par E. Cortambert
2000862297 Petit cours de géographie moderne / par E. Cortambert
2000862297 Petit cours de géographie moderne / par E. Cortambert
2000713281 Petite histoire ancienne / par Victor Duruy
2000713281 Petite histoire ancienne / par Victor Duruy
2000713281 Petite histoire ancienne / par Victor Duruy
2000713250 Petite histoire de France : depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'a nos jours / par Victor Duruy
2000713250 Petite histoire de France : depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'a nos jours / par Victor Duruy
2000864435 Petite histoire de France : depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'a nos jours, avec une carte de la France / par V. Duruy
2000713252 Petite histoire des temps modernes / par V. Duruy
2000713252 Petite histoire des temps modernes / par V. Duruy
2000713252 Petite histoire des temps modernes / par V. Duruy
2000864309 Petite histoire du Moyen Age / par Victor Duruy
2000864309 Petite histoire du Moyen Age / par Victor Duruy
2000864309 Petite histoire du Moyen Age / par Victor Duruy
2000713251 Petite histoire grecque / par Victor Duruy
2000713251 Petite histoire grecque / par Victor Duruy
2000713251 Petite histoire grecque / par Victor Duruy
2000713253 Petite histoire romaine / par Victor Duruy
2000713253 Petite histoire romaine / par Victor Duruy
2000713253 Petite histoire romaine / par Victor Duruy
2000834346 Petite histoire sainte : contenant l'ancien et le nouveau testament avec vingt-sept vignettes et une carte de la Pallestine / par V. Duruy
2000834346 Petite histoire sainte : contenant l'ancien et le nouveau testament avec vingt-sept vignettes et une carte de la Pallestine / par V. Duruy
2000834346 Petite histoire sainte : contenant l'ancien et le nouveau testament avec vingt-sept vignettes et une carte de la Pallestine / par V. Duruy
2000857669 Petrolia : a brief history of the Pennsylvania petroleum region, its development, growth, resources, etc., from 1859 to 1869 / by Andrew Cone and Walter R. Johns
2000857669 Petrolia : a brief history of the Pennsylvania petroleum region, its development, growth, resources, etc., from 1859 to 1869 / by Andrew Cone and Walter R. Johns
2000484826 Pflanzen-Geographie auf physiologischer Grundlage / von A. F. W. Schimper
2000498437 Pflanzenbau / im Auftrage des K. K. Österreichischen Ackerbau=Ministeriums verfaßt von Gustav Wilhelm
2000718606 Pflanzenkrankheiten durch kryptogame Parasiten verursacht : eine Einführung in das Studium der parasitären Pilze, Schleimpilze, Spaltpilze und Algen / von Karl Freiherr von Tubeuf
2000854656 Pflanzliche und tierische Schädlinge / von Wilhelm Martin
2000498929 Philips' comprehensive atlas of ancient and modern geography / edited by William Hughes
2000498929 Philips' comprehensive atlas of ancient and modern geography / edited by William Hughes
2000498929 Philips' comprehensive atlas of ancient and modern geography / edited by William Hughes
2000498929 Philips' comprehensive atlas of ancient and modern geography / edited by William Hughes
2000498929 Philips' comprehensive atlas of ancient and modern geography / edited by William Hughes
2000832358 Philosophy : historical and critical / by André Lefèvre ; translated with an introd. by A.H. Keane
2000484460 Phycomyceten und Ascomyceten : Untersuchungen aus Brasilien / von Alfred Möller
2000484815 Phycomycetes / bearb. von Alfred Fischer
2000852563 Physical geography / by Archibald Geikie
2000848222 Physical geology
2000843257 Physics / by Balfour Stewart
2000842936 Physics / by George F. Barker
2000834881 Physics and politics, or, Thoughts on the application of the principles of "natural selection" and "inheritance" to political society / by Walter Bagehot
2000842947 Physik des aethers auf elektromagnetischer Grundlage / von Paul Drude
2000498953 Physikalische Krystallographie : und Einleitung in die krystallographische Kenntniss der wichtigsten Substanzen / von P. Groth
2001293197 Physikalisches Praktikum / von Eilhard Wiedemann und Hermann Ebert
2000852567 Physiography : an introduction to the study of nature / by T.H. Huxley
2000552450 Physiologie und Pathologie des Mineralstoffwechsels : nebst Tabellen über die Mineralstoffzusammensetzung der menschlichen Nahrungs- und Genußmittel sowie der Mineralbrunnen und -Bäder / von Albert Albu und Carl Neuberg
2000849313 Physiologische Pflanzenanatomie / von G. Haberlandt
2001390478 Physiologisches Practicum : eine Anleitung für Studirende zum Gebrauch in practischen Cursen der Physiologie / von F. Schenck
2000852267 Physiology and laws of health : for the use of schools, academies, and colleges / by Edward Jarvis
2000852417 Physiology at the farm : in aid of rearing and feeding the live stock / by William Seller and Henry Stephens
2000857131 Pitman's typewriter manual : a practical guide to commercial, literary, legal, dramatic, and all classes of typewriting work
2000854116 Plan- und Situationszeichnen : Vorlagen zum Gebrauche für Landwirte und landwirtschaftliche Lehranstalten / bearbeitet von H. Kutscher
2000841974 Plane and solid geometry, to which is added, plane and spherical trigonometry and mensuration, accompanied with all the necessary logarithmic and trigonometric tables / by George R. Perkins
2000841974 Plane and solid geometry, to which is added, plane and spherical trigonometry and mensuration, accompanied with all the necessary logarithmic and trigonometric tables / by George R. Perkins
2000841974 Plane and solid geometry, to which is added, plane and spherical trigonometry and mensuration, accompanied with all the necessary logarithmic and trigonometric tables / by George R. Perkins
2000842224 Plane geometry : according to Euclid, with several improvements and additions / [A. Bell]
2000842224 Plane geometry : according to Euclid, with several improvements and additions / [A. Bell]
2000842224 Plane geometry : according to Euclid, with several improvements and additions / [A. Bell]
2000842183 Plane problems in elementary geometry : or, Problems on the elementary conic sections, the point straight line, and circle, with and introduction / by S. Edward Warren
2000842500 Plane trigonometry : for the use of colleges and schools : with numerous examples / by I. Todhunter
2000842497 Plane trigonometry, and its application to mensuration and land surveying, accompanied with all the necessary logarithmic and trigonometric tables / by George R. Perkins
2000842492 Plane trigonometry, and its application to mensuration and land surveying, accompanied with all the necessary logarithmic and trigonometric tables / by George R. Perkins
2000484459 Plant disease and its relation to animal life / by E.F. Wright
2000498931 Plant life / by Maxwell T. Masters
2000484723 Plant response as a means of physiological investigation / by Jagadis Chunder Bose
2000498945 Plant-breeding : being five lectures upon the amelioration of domestic plants / by L.H. Bailey
2000498961 Plant-breeding : being five lectures upon the amelioration of domestic plants / by L.H. Bailey
2000734248 Plantarum quas in Japonia collegit Dr. Fr. de Siebold genera nova, notis characteristicis delineationibusque illustrata proponunt / Philipp Franz von Siebold & J. G. Zuccarini fasciculus 1.
2000855769 Play and profit in my garden / by E.P. Roe
2000859856 Play-day poems / collected and edited by Rossiter Johnson
2000836736 Pleas for protection examined / by Augustus Mongredien
2000836736 Pleas for protection examined / by Augustus Mongredien
2000836736 Pleas for protection examined / by Augustus Mongredien
2000836736 Pleas for protection examined / by Augustus Mongredien
2000863513 Plutarch's lives : translated from the original Greek, with notes, critical and historical, and a life of Plutarch / by John Langhorne and William Langhorne
2000863517 Plutarch's lives of illustrious men / corrected from the Greek and revised by A.H. Clough
2000844126 Pneumatics : for the use of beginners / by Charles Tomlinson
2000859787 Poems by Lord Byron
2000861290 Poems lyrical / ed. by Rossiter Johnson
2000859934 Poems of places / edited by Henry W. Longfellow [v. 10]. France and Savoy v. 2
2000859934 Poems of places / edited by Henry W. Longfellow [v. 11]. Italy v. 1
2000859934 Poems of places / edited by Henry W. Longfellow [v. 12]. Italy v. 2
2000859934 Poems of places / edited by Henry W. Longfellow [v. 13]. Italy v. 3
2000859934 Poems of places / edited by Henry W. Longfellow [v. 14]. Spain v. 1
2000859934 Poems of places / edited by Henry W. Longfellow [v. 15]. Spain v. 2
2000859934 Poems of places / edited by Henry W. Longfellow [v. 16]. Switzerland and Austria
2000859934 Poems of places / edited by Henry W. Longfellow [v. 17]. Germany v. 1
2000859934 Poems of places / edited by Henry W. Longfellow [v. 18]. Germany v. 2
2000859934 Poems of places / edited by Henry W. Longfellow [v. 19]. Greece, and Turkey in Europe
2000859934 Poems of places / edited by Henry W. Longfellow [v. 1]. England v. 1
2000859934 Poems of places / edited by Henry W. Longfellow [v. 24?]. Africa
2000859934 Poems of places / edited by Henry W. Longfellow [v. 25?]. America. New England v. 1
2000859934 Poems of places / edited by Henry W. Longfellow [v. 26?]. America. New England v. 2
2000859934 Poems of places / edited by Henry W. Longfellow [v. 27?]. America. Western States
2000859934 Poems of places / edited by Henry W. Longfellow [v. 28?]. America. Middle States
2000859934 Poems of places / edited by Henry W. Longfellow [v. 29?]. America. Southern States
2000859934 Poems of places / edited by Henry W. Longfellow [v. 3]. England v. 3
2000859934 Poems of places / edited by Henry W. Longfellow [v. 4]. England and Wales v. 4
2000859934 Poems of places / edited by Henry W. Longfellow [v. 5]. Ireland
2000859934 Poems of places / edited by Henry W. Longfellow [v. 6]. Scotland v. 1
2000859934 Poems of places / edited by Henry W. Longfellow [v. 7]. Scotland v. 2
2000859934 Poems of places / edited by Henry W. Longfellow [v. 8]. Scotland v. 3
2000859934 Poems of places / edited by Henry W. Longfellow [v. 9]. France v. 1
2000859934 Poems of places / edited by Henry W. Longfellow v. 2. England v. 2
2000859934 Poems of places / edited by Henry W. Longfellow v. 20. Russia
2000859934 Poems of places / edited by Henry W. Longfellow v. 21. Asia. Syria [v. 1]
2000859934 Poems of places / edited by Henry W. Longfellow v. 22. Asia. [v. 2]
2000859934 Poems of places / edited by Henry W. Longfellow v. 23. Asia. [v. 3]
2000859987 Poets' homes : pen and pencil sketches of American poets and their homes / by R.H. Stoddard and others
2000498988 Poisons : their effects and detection / by Alexander Wynter Blyth & Meredith Wynter Blyth
2000835476 Political economy / by Francis A. Walker
2000835499 Political economy / by Francis A. Walker
2000835499 Political economy / by Francis A. Walker
2000835907 Political economy / by W. Stanley Jevons
2000842720 Political economy : with special reference to the industrial history of nations / by Robert Ellis Thompson
2000839347 Political economy for beginners / by Millicent Garrett Fawcett
2000383743 Political history of recent times, 1816-1875 : with special reference to Germany / by Wilhelm Müller ; revised and enlarged by the Author ; translated with an appendix covering the period from 1876 to 1881 by John P. Peters
2000833715 Political miscellanies
2000833725 Political miscellanies ; Reflections on the revolution in France ; Letter to a member of the national assembly
2000834834 Political science, or, The state theoretically and practically considered / by Theodore D. Woolsey v. 1
2000834834 Political science, or, The state theoretically and practically considered / by Theodore D. Woolsey v. 2
2000834286 Political studies / by George C. Brodrick
2000838194 Politics and administration : a study in government / by Frank J. Goodnow
2000834320 Politics for young Americans / by Charles Nordhoff
2000845673 Popular astronomy / by Simon Newcomb
2000842407 Popular astronomy : a series of lectures, delivered at Ipswich / by Sir George Biddell Airy
2000836787 Popular fallacies regarding trade and foreign duties : bein the "Sophismes économiques" of Frédéric Bastiat adapted to the present time / by Edward Robert Pearce
2000836787 Popular fallacies regarding trade and foreign duties : bein the "Sophismes économiques" of Frédéric Bastiat adapted to the present time / by Edward Robert Pearce
2000836787 Popular fallacies regarding trade and foreign duties : bein the "Sophismes économiques" of Frédéric Bastiat adapted to the present time / by Edward Robert Pearce
2000836787 Popular fallacies regarding trade and foreign duties : bein the "Sophismes économiques" of Frédéric Bastiat adapted to the present time / by Edward Robert Pearce
2000841303 Popular lectures on scientific subjects / by Hermann von Helmholtz ; translated by E. Atkinson 2nd ser
2000833490 Popular objections to revealed truth : considered in a series of lectures delivered in the new hall of science, Old Street, City Road, under the auspices of the Christian Evidence Society
2000833986 Population pt. 1
2000833986 Population pt. 2
2000833909 Population and the social system / by Francesco S. Nitti
2001349376 Populäre Pflanzenphysiologie für Gärtner : Ein Ratgeber bei Ausführung der praktischen Arbeiten wie auch ein Leitfaden für den Unterricht an Gärtnerlehranstalten / von Paul Sorauer
2000498938 Populäre Ptlanzenphysiologie für Gärtner : Ein Ratgeber bei Ausführung der praktischen Arbeiten wie auch ein Leitfaden für den Unterricht an Gärtnerlehranstalten / von Paul Sorauer
2000863227 Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain : with biographical and historical memoirs of their lives and actions / by Edmund Lodge v. 1
2000863227 Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain : with biographical and historical memoirs of their lives and actions / by Edmund Lodge v. 2
2000863227 Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain : with biographical and historical memoirs of their lives and actions / by Edmund Lodge v. 3
2000863227 Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain : with biographical and historical memoirs of their lives and actions / by Edmund Lodge v. 4
2000863227 Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain : with biographical and historical memoirs of their lives and actions / by Edmund Lodge v. 5
2000863227 Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain : with biographical and historical memoirs of their lives and actions / by Edmund Lodge v. 6
2000863227 Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain : with biographical and historical memoirs of their lives and actions / by Edmund Lodge v. 7
2000863227 Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain : with biographical and historical memoirs of their lives and actions / by Edmund Lodge v. 8
2000484839 Postelsia : the dear book of the Minnesota seaside station 1901
2000484839 Postelsia : the dear book of the Minnesota seaside station 1906
2000551454 Poverty / by James Platt
2001070631 Poverty : a study of town life / by B. Seebohm Rowntree
2000836311 Poverty, its genesis and exodus : an inquiry into causes and the method of their removal / by John George Godard
2000843833 Power in motion : horse power, wheel gearing, dribing bands, and angular forces / by James Armour
2000839685 Practical English grammar / by Hidesaburo Saito v. 1
2000839685 Practical English grammar / by Hidesaburo Saito v. 3
2000839685 Practical English grammar / by Hidesaburo Saito v. 4
2000841713 Practical arithmetic : embracing the science and applications of numbers / by Charles Davies
2000841713 Practical arithmetic : embracing the science and applications of numbers / by Charles Davies
2000841713 Practical arithmetic : embracing the science and applications of numbers / by Charles Davies
2000844716 Practical electrical testing in physics and electrical engineering : being a course suitable for first and second year students and others / by G.D. Aspinall Parr
2000855206 Practical floriculture : a guide to the successful cultivation of florists' plants, for the amateur and professional florist / by Peter Henderson
2000855188 Practical floriculture : a guide to the successful cultivation of florists' plants, for the amateur and professional florist / by Peter Henderson
2000855200 Practical floriculture : a guide to the successful cultivation of florists' plants, for the amateur and professional florist / by Peter Henderson
2000937141 Practical forestry / by Gifford Pinchot
2000856678 Practical forestry : a treatise on the propagation, planting, and cultivation, with a description, and the botanical and popular names of all the indigenous trees of the United States, both evergreen and deciduous, together with notes on a large number of the most valuable exotic species / by Andrew S. Fuller
2000855682 Practical fruit culture : a treatise on planting, growing, storage, etc., of hardy fruits for market and private growers / by J. Cheal
2000859380 Practical guide for the manufacture od paper and boards / by A. Proteaux ; with additions by L.S. Le Normand ; translated from the French with notes by Horatio Paine ; to which is added a chapter on the manufacture of paper from wood in the United States / by Henry T. Brown
2000859380 Practical guide for the manufacture od paper and boards / by A. Proteaux ; with additions by L.S. Le Normand ; translated from the French with notes by Horatio Paine ; to which is added a chapter on the manufacture of paper from wood in the United States / by Henry T. Brown
2000826836 Practical hints on the selection and use of the microscope : intended for beginners / by John Phin
2000826836 Practical hints on the selection and use of the microscope : intended for beginners / by John Phin
2000826836 Practical hints on the selection and use of the microscope : intended for beginners / by John Phin
2001284099 Practical horseshoeing / by G. Fleming
2000858214 Practical landscape gardening, with reference to the improvement of rural residences, giving teh general principles of the art; with full directions for planting shade trees, shrubbery and flowers, and laying out grounds / by G.M. Kern
2000841564 Practical mathematics, with drawing and mensuration, applied to the mechanic arts / by Charles Davies
2000857188 Practical mercantile letter-writer : a collection of modern letters of business, with notes critical and explanatory : an analytical index, and appendix, containing pro forma invoices, account sales, bills of landing, and bills of exchange, also an explanation of the German chain rule as spplicable to the calculation of ecchanges / by William Anderson
2000847348 Practical organic chemistry : for advanced students / by Julius B. Cohen
2000843004 Practical physics / by R.T. Glazebrook and W.N. Shaw
2001283724 Practical physiology of plants / by Francis Darwin and E. Hamilton Acton
2000834335 Practical politics
2001283349 Practical studies in fermentation : being contributions to the life history of micro-organisms / by Emil Chr. Hansen ; tr. by Alex K. Miller
2000842882 Practical surveying : a text-book for students preparing for examinations or for survey work in the colonies / by George WM. Usill
2001220476 Practical sylviculture, or, Formation and tending of woods / by William Schlich
2001283736 Practical text-book of plant physiology / by Daniel Trembly MacDougal
2000859800 Practical treatise on limes hydraulic cements, and mortars / by Q.A. Gillmore
2000852872 Practical tunnelling : explaining in detail the setting out of the works, shaft sinking and heading driving, ranging the lines and levelling under ground, sub-excavating, timbering, and the construction of the brickwork of tunnels, with the amount of labour required for, and the cost of the various portions of, the work, as exemplified by the particulars of blechingley and saltwood tunnels / by Frederick Walter Simms
2000854536 Practical ventilation : as applied to public, domestic, and agricultural structures ... / by Robert Scott Burn
2000846993 Practische Spectralanalyse irdischer Stoffe : Anleitung zur Benutzung der Spectralapparate in der qualitativen und quantitativen chemischen Analyse organischer und unorganischer Körper, im Hüttenwesen, bei der Prüfung von Mineralien, Farbstoffen, Arzneimitteln, Nahrungsmitteln, bei physikalischen und physiologischen Untersuchungen etc. / von Hermann W. Vogel
2000856216 Prairie experiences in handling cattle and sheep / by W. Shepherd
2000843216 Praktikum des anorganischen Chemikers : Einführung in die anorganische Chemie auf experimenteller Grundlage / von Emil Knoevenagel
2000484721 Praktikum für morphologische und systematische Botanik : Hilfsbuch bei praktischen Uebungen und Anleitung zu selbständigen Studien in der Morphologie und Systematik der Pflanzenwelt / von Karl Schumann
2000498979 Praktische Bodenkunde : Anleitung zur Untersuchung, Klassifikation und Kartierung des Grund und Bodens / von Anton Nowacki
2000485341 Praktische Forstwirthschaft / von Carl von Fischbach
2000841769 Praktische Grammatik der Sanskrit-Sprache für den Selbstunterricht : mit Uebungsbeispielen, Lesestücken und Glossaren / von Richard Fick
2001420024 Praktische Insekten-Kunde : oder Naturgeschichte aller derjenigen Insekten, mit welchen wir in Deutschland nach den bisherigen Erfahrungen in nähere Berührung kommen können, nebst Angabe der Bekämpfungsmittel gegen die schädlichen unter ihnen / von E.L. Taschenberg 1-5
2001220493 Praktische Pflanzenkunde für Handel, Gewerbe und Hauswirtschaft : ein Handbuch der für den menschlichen Haushalt nützlichen Gewächse / von Karl Müller
2000844292 Praktische, leichtfaßiche Anleitung zur Buchstabenrechnung und Algebra mit vielen Beispielen und im Anschluß an die Aufgabensammlungen von Meier Hirsch und Bardey, für Seminarien, Gemerbeschulen, höhere Bürgerschulen und zum Selbftunterricht / von J.B. Montag
2001349244 Praktischer Obstbau : Anleitung zur erfolgreichen Baumpflege und Fruchtzucht für Berufsgärtner und Liebhaber / von N. Gaucher
2000840049 Praktisches grammatikalisches Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache / bearbeitet von P. F. L. Hoffmann
2000865170 Prang's natural history series : for schools and families
2000838292 Prayers / by Theodore Parker
2000833052 Prayers for the use of families : or, The domestic minister's assistant / by William Jay
2000848377 Pre-historic America / by the Marquis de Nadaillac ; translated by N. d'Anvers ; edited by W.H. Dall
2000833210 Precept upon precept : or, A third series of the earliest religious instruction : the infant mind is capable of receiving, with verses illustrative of the subject / by the auther of "The Peep of day." and "Line upon line"
2000551804 Precepts on Economy / by Orison Swett Marden
2000843083 Preis-Liste no. 18 über physikalische Apparate (über 1600 Abbildungen enthaltend) / von Ferdinand Ernecke
2000817543 Preliminary report on the first season's work of the Geological Survey of Yesso / by Benjamin Smith Lyman
2000841526 Premier livre de l'adolescence, ou, Exercices de lecture et leçons de morale á l'usage des Écoles primaires / par M. Delapalme
2000844142 Premiers éléments d'algèbre : précédés des programmes officiels arrêtés le 24 mars 1865 / pour l'enseignement de l'algèbre dans les classes de seconde et de philosophie par H. Sonnet ; ouvrage autorisé
2000844142 Premiers éléments d'algèbre : précédés des programmes officiels arrêtés le 24 mars 1865 / pour l'enseignement de l'algèbre dans les classes de seconde et de philosophie par H. Sonnet ; ouvrage autorisé
2000844142 Premiers éléments d'algèbre : précédés des programmes officiels arrêtés le 24 mars 1865 / pour l'enseignement de l'algèbre dans les classes de seconde et de philosophie par H. Sonnet ; ouvrage autorisé
2000839195 Prendergast's Mastery system, adapted to the study of Japanese or English / Thomas Prendergast ; [ed.] by S.R. Brown
2000484833 Preparation of forest working-plans in India / by W.E. D'arcy
2000841002 Preparatory Latin prose-book : containing all the Latin prose necessary for entering college / by J.H. Hanson
3000068096 President's report / University of Chicago 1897-1898
2000856490 Preußens landwirthschaftliche Verwaltung in den Jahren 1881, 1882, 1883 : Bericht des Ministers für Landwirthschaft, Domänen und Forsten an seine Majestät den Kaiser und König
2000831218 Prices of books : an inquiry into the changes in the price of books which have occurred in England at different periods / by Henry B. Wheatley
2000864939 Primary history of the United States : made easy and interesting for beginners / by G.P. Quackenbos
2000864939 Primary history of the United States : made easy and interesting for beginners / by G.P. Quackenbos
2000863864 Prince Bismarck : an historical biography / by Charles Lowe v. 1
2000863864 Prince Bismarck : an historical biography / by Charles Lowe v. 2
2000498950 Principes d'agriculture : appliqués aux diverses parties de la France / par Louis Gossin
2000835840 Principes d'économie politique / par Charles Gide
2000834918 Principes de colonisation / par J.-L. de Lanessan
2000854373 Principles and practice of embanking lands from river-floods, as applied to "levees" of the Mississippi / by William Hewson
2000820416 Principles of Western civilisation / by Benjamin Kidd
2000845186 Principles of chemistry : embracing the most recent discoveries in the science, and the outlines of its application to agriculture and the arts, designed for the use of colleges and schools / by John A. Porter
2000848181 Principles of geology : or, The modern changes of the earth and its inhabitants, considered as illustrative of geology / by Charles Lyell
2000848243 Principles of geology : or, The modern changes of the earth and its inhabitants, considered as illustrative of geology / by Sir Charles Lyell v. 1
2000848243 Principles of geology : or, The modern changes of the earth and its inhabitants, considered as illustrative of geology / by Sir Charles Lyell v. 2
2000847489 Principles of geology, or, the modern changes of the earth and its inhabitants : considered as illustrative of geology : in two volumes / by Sir Charles Lyell v. 1
2000847489 Principles of geology, or, the modern changes of the earth and its inhabitants : considered as illustrative of geology : in two volumes / by Sir Charles Lyell v. 2
2000832581 Principles of mental physiology : with their applications to the training and discipline of the mind, and the study of its morbid conditions / by William B. Carpenter
2000843628 Principles of physics : or, natural philosophy : designed for the use of colleges and schools / by Benjamin Silliman
2000843628 Principles of physics : or, natural philosophy : designed for the use of colleges and schools / by Benjamin Silliman
2000841465 Principles of physics meteorology / by J. Muller
2000835843 Principles of political economy / by Charles Gide ; translated by Edward Percy Jacobsen ; with an introduction and notes by James Bonar
2000835964 Principles of political economy / by J. Shield Nicholson v. 1
2000835964 Principles of political economy / by J. Shield Nicholson v. 2
2000835958 Principles of political economy / by John Stuart Mill ; abridged with critical, bibliographical, and explanatory notes, and a sketch of the history of political economy, by J. Laurence Laughlin
2000485870 Principles of political economy / by William Roscher ; from the thirteenth (1877) German edition, with additional chapters furnished by the author, for this first English and American edition, on paper money, international trade, and the protective system ; and a preliminary essay on the historical method in political economy (from the French) by L. Wolowski ; the whole translated by John J. Lalor v. 1
2000485870 Principles of political economy / by William Roscher ; from the thirteenth (1877) German edition, with additional chapters furnished by the author, for this first English and American edition, on paper money, international trade, and the protective system ; and a preliminary essay on the historical method in political economy (from the French) by L. Wolowski ; the whole translated by John J. Lalor v. 2
2000835956 Principles of political economy : with some of their applications to social philosophy / by John Stuart Mill v. 1
2000835956 Principles of political economy : with some of their applications to social philosophy / by John Stuart Mill v. 2
2000835846 Principles of social economy / by Yves Guyot ; translated from the French by C.H. D'Eyncourt Leppington
2000833476 Principles of social science / by H.C. Carey v. 1
2000833476 Principles of social science / by H.C. Carey v. 2
2000833476 Principles of social science / by H.C. Carey v. 3
2000834167 Principles of the interior or hidden life : designed particularly for the consideration of those who are seeking assurance of faith and perfect love / by Thomas C. Upham
2000873807 Printing : its modern varieties / by George Dodd
2000873527 Prize essays issued in connection with the Great International Fisheries Exhibition pt. 1
2000873527 Prize essays issued in connection with the Great International Fisheries Exhibition pt. 2
2000873527 Prize essays issued in connection with the Great International Fisheries Exhibition pt. 3
2000873527 Prize essays issued in connection with the Great International Fisheries Exhibition pt. 4
2001236020 Problems in physical chemistry : with practical applications / by Edmund B.R. Prideaux
2000863075 Problems of Greater Britain / by Sir Charles Wentworth Dilke
2000863449 Problems of the Far East : Japan, Korea, China / by George N. Curzon
2001656612 Proceedings of the Department of Superintendence of the National Educational Association at its meeting at Washington, February 23-26, 1886
2000865203 Proceedings of the Geographical Society of Australasia, New South Wales and Victorian Branches : with maps and illustrations : 1st session, 1883-4 / edited by E. Marin la Meslée, and A.C. Macdonald v. 1
3000007799 Proceedings of the United States National Museum 1-2
3000007799 Proceedings of the United States National Museum 20
3000007799 Proceedings of the United States National Museum 3-4
2001348380 Proceedings of the twenty-fifth session of the American Pomological Society, held in Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 1-2, 1897 / compiled by the Secretary
2001348388 Proceedings of the twenty-fourth session of the American Pomological Society held in Sacramento, Cal., January 16-18, 1895 / compiled by the Secretary
2001348405 Proceedings of the twenty-ninth session of the American Pomological Society held in Kansas City September 19-21, 1905 / compiled by the Secretary
2001348352 Proceedings of the twenty-seventh session of the American Pomological Society held in Buffalo, N.Y., Sept. 12-13, 1901 / compiled by the Secretary
2001348399 Proceedings of the twenty-sixth session of the American Pomological Society held in Philadelphia, P.A., Sept. 7-8, 1899 / compiled by the Secretary
2001348795 Prodrome des œdipodiens, insectes de l'ordre des orthoptères / von Henri de Saussure
2000484822 Produktion und Konsumtion in der Volkswirtschaft / aus dem Nachlasse von Julius Lehr ; herausgegeben und vollendet von Kuno Frankenstein
2001349093 Prof. Dr. Thomé's Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz in Wort und Bild, für Schule und Haus Bd. 1
2001349093 Prof. Dr. Thomé's Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz in Wort und Bild, für Schule und Haus Bd. 2
2001349093 Prof. Dr. Thomé's Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz in Wort und Bild, für Schule und Haus Bd. 3
2001349093 Prof. Dr. Thomé's Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz in Wort und Bild, für Schule und Haus Bd. 4
2000499206 Profitable plants : a description of the principal articles of vegetable origin used for food, clothing, tanning, dyeing, building, medicine, perfumery, etc. / by Thomas Croxen Archer
2000499206 Profitable plants : a description of the principal articles of vegetable origin used for food, clothing, tanning, dyeing, building, medicine, perfumery, etc. / by Thomas Croxen Archer
2000857499 Profits in poultry : useful and ornamental breeds, and their profitable management
2000835200 Progress / by James Platt
2000835757 Progress and poverty : an inquiry into the cause of industrial depressions and of increase of want with increase of wealth : the remedy / by Henry George
2000835757 Progress and poverty : an inquiry into the cause of industrial depressions and of increase of want with increase of wealth : the remedy / by Henry George
2000865228 Propiedad y tesoro de la República Oriental del Uruguay : desde 1876 A 1881 inclusives / por Constante G. Fontan é Illas
2000858530 Prose readings from eminent authors : for use in schools
2000857030 Protection from fire and thieves : including the construction of locks, safes, strong-rooms, and fireproof buildings ; burglary, and the means of preventing it ; fire, its detection, prevention, and extinction ; etc. also a complete list of patents for locks and safes / by George Hayter Chubb
2000865479 Protoplasm, or Matter and life : with some remarks upon the "confession" of strauss / by Lionel S. Beale
2000839128 Proverbs : maxims and phrases drawn from all lands and times; carefully selected and in dexed for convenient reference / by John H. Bechtel
2000835936 Précis d'économie politique / par Paul Leroy-Beaulieu
2000836627 Public debts : an essay in the science of finance / by Henry C. Adams
2000832874 Public libraries : a history of the movement and a manual for the organization and management of rate-supported libraries / by Thomas Greenwood
2000831151 Public libraries and popular education / by Herbert B. Adams
2000831016 Public libraries in America / by William I. Fletcher
2000831530 Public libraries in the United States of America : their history, condition and management : special report / Department of the Interior, Bureau of Education pt. 1
2000831176 Public library legislation / by H. W. Fovargue and J. J. Ogle
2000831629 Public, society, and school libraries
2000831626 Public, society, and school libraries in the United States, with library statistics and legislation of the various states
2000808844 Publications of the Division of Statistics of the U.S. Department of Agriculture 1896
2000808844 Publications of the Division of Statistics of the U.S. Department of Agriculture 1897
3000079094 Publications of the Lick Observatory of the University of California / Lick Observatory 1
3000079094 Publications of the Lick Observatory of the University of California / Lick Observatory 2
3000079094 Publications of the Lick Observatory of the University of California / Lick Observatory 3
2000861213 Publii Virgilii Maronis opera or The works of Virgil, with copious notes, mythological, biographical, historical, geographical, philosophical, astronomical, critical, and explanatory, in English, ... to which is added a table of reference / by J.G. Cooper
2000835977 Pure economics / by Maffeo Pantaleoni ; translated by T. Boston Bruce
2000860698 Pushing to the front : a book of inspiration and encouragement to all who are struggling for self-elevation along the paths of knowledge and of duty / by Orison Swett Marden
2001390455 Quain's elements of anatomy / edited by Allen Thomson, Edward Albert Schäfer and George Dancer Thane v. 1
2001390455 Quain's elements of anatomy / edited by Allen Thomson, Edward Albert Schäfer and George Dancer Thane v. 2
2000847379 Qualitative chemical analysis / by C. Remigius Fresenius
2000847104 Qualitative chemical analysis and laboratory practice / by T.E. Thorpe and M.M. Pattison Muir
2000847057 Quantitative chemical analysis / by C. Remigius Fresenius
2000499219 Quantitative chemical analysis / by C. Remigius Fresenius ; translated from the 6th German edtition by A. Vacher v. 1
2000499219 Quantitative chemical analysis / by C. Remigius Fresenius ; translated from the 6th German edtition by A. Vacher v. 2
2000499210 Quantitative chemical analysis / by T.E. Thorpe
2000499241 Quantitative chemical analysis : adapted for use in the laboratories of colleges and schools / by Frank Clowes and J. Bernard Coleman
2000824305 Quantities and measurements : how to calculate and take them in bricklayers', masons', plasterers', plumbers', painters', paperhangers', gilders', smiths', carpenters', and joiners', work / by Alfred Charles Beaton
2000833053 Questions and notes on the Gospel of John : for the use of parents and teachers
2000857628 Quinby's new bee-keeping : the mysteries of bee-keeping explained : combining the results of fifty years' experience ... a complete guide to successful bee-culture / by L. C. Root
2000853102 Race culture, or, Race suicide? (a plea for the unborn) / by Robert Reid Rentoul
2000843254 Radio-activity / by E. Rutherford
2000504521 Radium, and other radio-active substances : polonium, actinium, and thorium, with a consideration of phosphorescent and fluorescent substances, the properties and applications of selenium and the treatment of disease by the ultra-violet light / by William J. Hammer
2000854354 Railroad construction : theory and practice : a text-book for the use of students in colleges and technical schools / by Walter Loring Webb
2000853363 Railway appliances : a description of details of railway construction : subsequent to the completion of the earthworks and structures : including a short notice of railway rolling stock / by John Wolfe Barry
2000853363 Railway appliances : a description of details of railway construction : subsequent to the completion of the earthworks and structures : including a short notice of railway rolling stock / by John Wolfe Barry
2000853675 Railway construction : from the setting out of the centre line to the completion of the works, containing instructions for ranging curves and setting out lines and levels in earthworks, permanent way, bridges & diaducts on the square, on the skew, and on curves, a treatise on taking borings, with practical rules for designing works, and getting out working drawings of masonry and brickwork, timber, wrought iron and East iron, and examples of specifications, and tables for earthwork / by W. Davis Haskoll [v. 1]
2000853675 Railway construction : from the setting out of the centre line to the completion of the works, containing instructions for ranging curves and setting out lines and levels in earthworks, permanent way, bridges & diaducts on the square, on the skew, and on curves, a treatise on taking borings, with practical rules for designing works, and getting out working drawings of masonry and brickwork, timber, wrought iron and East iron, and examples of specifications, and tables for earthwork / by W. Davis Haskoll v. 2
2000853642 Railway construction, second series, illustrated with 91 plates of railways executed, with scales in French and English, also railways in the East and all high thermometrical regins, a practical treatise on their establishment, the direction of works, material and labour, earthworks, works of art, and secondary works / by W. Davis Haskoll [v. 1]
2000857156 Railway property : a treatise on the construction and management of railways / by John B. Jervis
2000853454 Railway track and track work / by E.E. Russell Tratman
2000853440 Railway track and track work / by E.E. Russell Tratman
2000853394 Railways, steamers and telegraphs : a glance at their recent progress and present state / by George Dodd
2000864137 Ralph Waldo Emerson / by Oliver Wendell Holmes
2001220595 Rapport a S.M. l'Empereur sur les travaux entrepris par ses ordres pour introduire le ver a soie de l'aylanthe en France et en Algérie / par F.E. Guérin-Méneville
2000808038 Rates and taxes as affecting agriculture / by J.S. Nicholson
2000498980 Ratgeber bei Wahl und Gebrauch landwirtschaftlicher Geräte und Maschinen : Abriss der landwirtschaftlichen Geräte- und Maschinenkunde / Perels-Strecker
2000855127 Rathgeber bei Wahl und Gebrauch landwirthschaftlicher Geräthe und Maschinen : Abriß der landwirthschaftlichen Geräthe- und Maschinenkunde / von Emil Perels
2000832478 Rational cosmology, or, The eternal principles and the necessary laws of the universe / by Laurens P. Hickok
2001222639 Ratzeburgs Leben ; Einleitung ; Gerad- und Netzflügler, Kafer und Hautflügler
2001222639 Ratzeburgs Leben ; Einleitung ; Gerad- und Netzflügler, Kafer und Hautflügler
2000864318 Readings from English history / selected and edited by John Richard Green
2001348769 Recensio orthopterorum : revue critique des orthopteres décrits par Linné de Geer et Thunberg / par C. Stål 1, 2, 3
2000499253 Recent advances in physiology and bio-chemistry / edited by Leonard Hill ; contributors Benjamin Moore ... [et al.] ; with diagrams
2000840927 Recent and existing commerce : with statistical supplement : maps showing tradeareas, and tabulated list of places important in business or trade / by John Yeats, assisted by several scientific gentlemen
2000800736 Recent economic changes : and their effect on the production and distribution of wealth and the well-being of society / by David A. Wells
2000850891 Recent improvements in arts, manufactures, and mines : being a supplement to his dictionary / by Andrew Ure
2000498180 Recherches générales sur la végétation actions chimiques de la lumière
2000498181 Recherches spéciales sur la végétation
2000837283 Rechts= und Verwaltungslexikon für den preußischen Landwirt : Gemeinverständliches Nachschlagebuch über alle Reichs- und Preußischen Gesetze und Verwaltungsbestimmungen in Bezug auf den wirtschaftlichen, privaten und öffentlichen Wirkungskreis preußischer Landwirte / von Max Löwenherz
2000838154 Rechtskunde (Recht des Bürgerl. Gesetzbuches) des deutschen Landwirtes / bearbeitet von Oscar Haidlen
2000860505 Red cross : or, Young America in England and Wales : a story of travel and adventure / by William T. Adams (Oliver Optic)
2000499239 Reflections of a Russian statesman / by K.P. Pobyedonostseff ; translated from the Russian by Robert Crozier Long ; with a preface by Olga Novikoff
2000837576 Reform of London government and of city guilds / by J.F.B. Firth
2000499233 Refrigeration cold storage and ice-making : a practical treatise on the art and science of refrigeration / by A.J. Wallis-Tayler
2000864110 Reichskanzler Fürst Bismarck, 1815-1885 / von Wilhelm Müller
2000858128 Reinforced concrete / by Charles F. Marsh
2001390737 Reit-ABC : kurze Anleitung zum Erlernen des Reitens für Herren und Damen / von Richard Schoenbeck
2001235659 Relatorio annual do Instituto agronomico do estado de São Paulo (Brazil) em campinas 1893
2001235659 Relatorio annual do Instituto agronomico do estado de São Paulo (Brazil) em campinas 1893, index
2001235659 Relatorio annual do Instituto agronomico do estado de São Paulo (Brazil) em campinas 1894 e 1895
2000865345 Relatorio apresentado ao Dr. Jorge Tibiriçá pelo Dr. Carlos Botelho, anno de 1905
2000853699 Remarks on the present system of road making : with observations, deduced from practice and experience, with a view to a revision of the existing laws, and the introduction of improvement in the method of making, repairing, and preserving roads, and defending the road funds from misapplication / by John Loudon McAdam
2000848116 Remarks on the sedimentary formations of New South Wales : illustrated by references to other provinces of Australasia / by the rev. W.B. Clarke
2000838825 Reminiscences of Amherst College, historical, scientific, biographical and autobiographical : also, of other and wider life experiences / by Edward Hitchcock
2000863037 Reminiscences of Athens and the Morea : extracts from a journal of travels in Greece in 1839 / by Earl of Carnarvon ; edited by his son, the present Earl
2000835641 Reminiscences of court and diplomatic life / by Georgiana Baroness Bloomfield
2000484722 Repetitorium der Botanik für Mediziner, Pharmazeuten und Lehramts-Kandidaten / von Adolph Hansen
2000499248 Repetitorium der organischen Chemie : mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Studirenden der Medicin und Pharmazie / bearbeitet von Adolf Pinner
2000567746 Repetitorium zum Neudammer Försterlehrbuch : in 1348 Fragen zusammengestellt für Unterricht und Selbstprüfung von den Verfassern des Lehrbuchs
2000853094 Report (first part) of the Intoxicating Drink Inquiry Commission ; together with minutes of evidence and appendices
2000865064 Report by the Commissioner for Railways for the year 1887
2000831338 Report from the Select Committee on Public Libraries : together with the proceedings of the Committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix [1849]-[1850]
2000831317 Report from the Select Committee on the British Museum : together with the minutes of evidence, appendix and index [1836], [1838]
2000831309 Report from the Select Committee on the Condition, Management and Affairs of the British Museum : together with the minutes of evidence, appendix and index
2001236809 Report of Commissioners concerning an agricultural school, January, 1851
2001236434 Report of comptroller of the city of New York, for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1887
2000836715 Report of inquiry into the State of the Public Lands, and the operation of the land laws : maps
2000838059 Report of the Auditor-General on appropriation accounts, for the year ended 30th June, 1888
3000068179 Report of the Bureau of Fisheries / Department of Commerce and Labor 1904
3000031486 Report of the Commissioner / U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries 13
3000031486 Report of the Commissioner / U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries 17
3000031486 Report of the Commissioner / U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries 2
3000031486 Report of the Commissioner / U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries 2
3000031486 Report of the Commissioner / U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries 26
3000031486 Report of the Commissioner / U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries 27
3000031486 Report of the Commissioner / U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries 28
3000031486 Report of the Commissioner / U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries 29
3000031486 Report of the Commissioner / U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries 3
3000031486 Report of the Commissioner / U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries 3
3000031486 Report of the Commissioner / U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries 4
3000031486 Report of the Commissioner / U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries 4
3000031486 Report of the Commissioner / U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries 4
3000031486 Report of the Commissioner / U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries 5
3000031486 Report of the Commissioner / U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries 5
3000031486 Report of the Commissioner / U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries 5
3000031486 Report of the Commissioner / U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries 6
3000031486 Report of the Commissioner / U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries 6
3000031486 Report of the Commissioner / U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries 7
3000031486 Report of the Commissioner / U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries 8
3000031486 Report of the Commissioner / U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries 8
3000031486 Report of the Commissioner / U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries 9
2000809333 Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture / [U.S. Department of Agriculture] 1862
2000809333 Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture / [U.S. Department of Agriculture] 1863
2000809333 Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture / [U.S. Department of Agriculture] 1864
2000809333 Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture / [U.S. Department of Agriculture] 1865
2000809333 Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture / [U.S. Department of Agriculture] 1866
2000809333 Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture / [U.S. Department of Agriculture] 1866
2000809333 Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture / [U.S. Department of Agriculture] 1866
2000809333 Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture / [U.S. Department of Agriculture] 1867
2000809333 Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture / [U.S. Department of Agriculture] 1867
2000809333 Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture / [U.S. Department of Agriculture] 1868
2000809333 Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture / [U.S. Department of Agriculture] 1868
2000809333 Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture / [U.S. Department of Agriculture] 1869
2000809333 Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture / [U.S. Department of Agriculture] 1869
2000809333 Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture / [U.S. Department of Agriculture] 1870
2000809333 Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture / [U.S. Department of Agriculture] 1870
2000809333 Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture / [U.S. Department of Agriculture] 1871
2000809333 Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture / [U.S. Department of Agriculture] 1872
2000809333 Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture / [U.S. Department of Agriculture] 1872
2000809333 Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture / [U.S. Department of Agriculture] 1872
2000809333 Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture / [U.S. Department of Agriculture] 1873
2000809333 Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture / [U.S. Department of Agriculture] 1876
2000809333 Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture / [U.S. Department of Agriculture] 1877
2001441001 Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year 1873 / [United States. Bureau of Education]
2001441006 Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year 1884-'85 / [United States. Bureau of Education]
2001441008 Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year 1885-'86 / [United States. Bureau of Education]
2001441010 Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year 1886-87 / [United States. Bureau of Education]
2001441012 Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year 1887-88 / [United States. Bureau of Education]
2001429783 Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year 1888-89 / [United States. Bureau of Education] v. 1 containing parts 1 and 2.
2001429783 Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year 1888-89 / [United States. Bureau of Education] v. 2 containing part 3.
2001441024 Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year 1889-90 / [United States. Bureau of Education] v. 1 containing part 1
2001441024 Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year 1889-90 / [United States. Bureau of Education] v. 2 containing parts 2 and 3
2001441028 Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year 1891-'92 v. 1
2001441028 Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year 1891-'92 v. 2
2001441031 Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year 1892-1893 / [United States. Bureau of Education] v. 1 containing parts 1 and 2.
2001441031 Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year 1892-1893 / [United States. Bureau of Education] v. 2 containing parts 3 and 4.
2001441104 Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year 1893-1894 / [United States. Bureau of Education] v. 1 containing part 1.
2001441104 Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year 1893-1894 / [United States. Bureau of Education] v. 2 containing parts 2 and 3.
2001441108 Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year 1894-1895 / [United States. Bureau of Education] v. 1 containing part 1.
2001441108 Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year 1894-1895 / [United States. Bureau of Education] v. 2 containing parts 2 and 3.
2001431182 Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year 1895-1896 / [United States. Bureau of Education] v. 1 containing pt. 1
2001431182 Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year 1895-1896 / [United States. Bureau of Education] v. 2 containing pt. 2
2001441114 Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year 1896-1897 / [United States. Bureau of Education] v. 1 containing part 1.
2001441114 Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year 1896-1897 / [United States. Bureau of Education] v. 2 containing parts 2 and 3.
2001441122 Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year 1897-1898 / [United States. Bureau of Education] v. 1 containing part 1.
2001441122 Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year 1897-1898 / [United States. Bureau of Education] v. 2 containing parts 2 and 3.
2001441128 Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year 1898-1899 / [United States. Bureau of Education] v. 1
2001441128 Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year 1898-1899 / [United States. Bureau of Education] v. 2
2001441131 Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year 1899-1900 / [United States. Bureau of Education] v. 1
2001441131 Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year 1899-1900 / [United States. Bureau of Education] v. 2
2001441135 Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year 1900-1901 / [United States. Bureau of Education] v. 1
2001441135 Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year 1900-1901 / [United States. Bureau of Education] v. 2
2001441533 Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year 1902 / [United States. Bureau of Education] v. 1
2001441533 Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year 1902 / [United States. Bureau of Education] v. 2
2001441534 Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year 1903 / [United States. Bureau of Education] v. 1
2001441534 Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year 1903 / [United States. Bureau of Education] v. 2
2000851064 Report of the Commissioner of Patents, for the year 1849 Pt. 2: Agriculture
2000851067 Report of the Commissioner of Patents, for the year 1850 Pt. 2: Agriculture
2000850960 Report of the Commissioner of Patents, for the year 1851 Pt. 2: Agriculture
2000850960 Report of the Commissioner of Patents, for the year 1851 Pt. 2: Agriculture
2000852597 Report of the Commissioner of Patents, for the year 1852 Pt. 2: Agriculture
2000850984 Report of the Commissioner of Patents, for the year 1853 pt.1 : Arts and manufactures
2000850995 Report of the Commissioner of Patents, for the year 1853 : agriculture
2000850995 Report of the Commissioner of Patents, for the year 1853 : agriculture
2000850992 Report of the Commissioner of Patents, for the year 1854 : agriculture
2000850992 Report of the Commissioner of Patents, for the year 1854 : agriculture
2000852690 Report of the Commissioner of Patents, for the year 1855 : agriculture
2000851133 Report of the Commissioner of Patents, for the year 1856 : agriculture
2000850989 Report of the Commissioner of Patents, for the year 1857 : agriculture
2000850989 Report of the Commissioner of Patents, for the year 1857 : agriculture
2000851137 Report of the Commissioner of Patents, for the year 1858 : agriculture
2000851140 Report of the Commissioner of Patents, for the year 1859 : agriculture
2000851144 Report of the Commissioner of Patents, for the year 1860 : agriculture
2000851146 Report of the Commissioner of Patents, for the year 1861 : agriculture
2000838006 Report of the Commissioner of the North-West Mounted Police Force 1893
3000067802 Report of the Department of Agriculture / New Zealand Department of Agriculture 14
2000865222 Report of the Department of Agriculture and Stock for the year 1904-1905
2000844950 Report of the Electrical Conference at Philadelphia : in September, 1884
2000856438 Report of the Imperial Department of Agriculture for the years 1905-06 and 1906-07
2000837965 Report of the Minister of Justice as to penitentiaries in Canada, for the year ended 30th June 1891
2000837979 Report of the Minister of Public Works on the works under his control, for the fiscal year ended 30th June, 1893
2000837990 Report of the Postmaster General, for the year ended 30th June 1893
2001225809 Report of the Secretary of Agriculture / [U. S. Department of Agriculture] 1891
2001225809 Report of the Secretary of Agriculture / [U. S. Department of Agriculture] 1892
2000837854 Report of the Secretary of War : with the reports of officers, for the year 1869
2000837834 Report of the Secretary of the Interior : for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1887 v. 1
2000837834 Report of the Secretary of the Interior : for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1887 v. 2
2000837834 Report of the Secretary of the Interior : for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1887 v. 4
2000837834 Report of the Secretary of the Interior : for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1887 v. 5
2000837828 Report of the Secretary of the Interior : for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1888 v. 1
2000837845 Report of the Secretary of the Interior : in response to inquiries of Select Committee of United States Senate
2000838991 Report of the Secretary of the Navy : being part of the message and documents, communicated to the two Houses of Congress, at the beginning of the first session of the forty-fourth Congress
2001656210 Report of the State Board of Equalization / State Board of Equalization For 1887 and 1888
2000566265 Report of the chief of the biological survey for 1902 / by C. Hart Merriam
2001441528 Report of the commissioner of education for the year ended June 30, 1904 / [United States. Bureau of Education] v. 1
2001441528 Report of the commissioner of education for the year ended June 30, 1904 / [United States. Bureau of Education] v. 2
2001441529 Report of the commissioner of education for the year ended June 30, 1905 / [United States. Bureau of Education] v. 1
2001441529 Report of the commissioner of education for the year ended June 30, 1905 / [United States. Bureau of Education] v. 2
2000831322 Report of the commissioners appointed to inquire into the constitution and government of the British Museum : with minutes of evidence
2001293294 Report of the horticulturist / Canada Department of Agriculture, Central Experimental Farm ; W.T.Macoun 1898
2001293294 Report of the horticulturist / Canada Department of Agriculture, Central Experimental Farm ; W.T.Macoun 1905
2000822843 Report of the hydrographic reconnaissance of the Ishikari River, Island of Yesso / by Murray S. Day
2000822843 Report of the hydrographic reconnaissance of the Ishikari River, Island of Yesso / by Murray S. Day
2000822843 Report of the hydrographic reconnaissance of the Ishikari River, Island of Yesso / by Murray S. Day
2000822843 Report of the hydrographic reconnaissance of the Ishikari River, Island of Yesso / by Murray S. Day
2000822843 Report of the hydrographic reconnaissance of the Ishikari River, Island of Yesso / by Murray S. Day
2000822843 Report of the hydrographic reconnaissance of the Ishikari River, Island of Yesso / by Murray S. Day
2000822843 Report of the hydrographic reconnaissance of the Ishikari River, Island of Yesso / by Murray S. Day
2001235810 Report of the sixth annual State Viticultural Convention
2000813992 Report of the trigonometrical survey of the island of Hokkaido for 1875 / Murray S. Day
2001236469 Report on the commercial relations of the United States with foreign countries for the year 1876
2001236404 Report on the condition of the sea fisheries of the south coast of New England in 1871 and 1872 / by Spencer F. Baird pt. 1
2000859788 Report on the hydraulic lime of Teil, to Messrs. H. Champin and Gillet, sole representatives and agents for North America of MM. L. & E. Pavin de Lafarge and Soullier & Brunot, the only manufacturers in France, 9 Nassau Street, New York, fabrication and use, in the construction of marine works, canals, aqueducts, sewers, tunnels, railroads, bridges, buildings, foundations, floors, artificial stone, etc., etc. / by Leonard F. Beckwith
2000824186 Report on the total eclipse of the sun : observed at Mina Bronces, Chile, on April 16, 1893 / by J.M. Schaeberle
2000499502 Report upon the forestry investigation of the U.S. Department of agriculture, 1877-1898 / by B.E. Fernow
3000067476 Reports / Experimental Farms 1887
3000067476 Reports / Experimental Farms 1888
3000067476 Reports / Experimental Farms 1889
3000067476 Reports / Experimental Farms 1890
3000067476 Reports / Experimental Farms 1891
3000067476 Reports / Experimental Farms 1892
3000067476 Reports / Experimental Farms 1893
3000067476 Reports / Experimental Farms 1894
3000067476 Reports / Experimental Farms 1896
3000067476 Reports / Experimental Farms 1899
3000067476 Reports / Experimental Farms 1905
3000067476 Reports / Experimental Farms 1906
3000067476 Reports / Experimental Farms 1911
3000067476 Reports / Experimental Farms 1914
2000834813 Reports and official letters to the Kaitakushi / by Horace Capron, and his foreign assistants
2000839109 Reports from the consuls of the United States no. 139-April, 1892 : local transportation and underground conduits / issued from the Bureau of Statistics, Department of State
2000853909 Reports of explorations and surveys, to ascertain the most practicable and economical route for a railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, according to acts of congress of March 3, 1853, May 31, 1854, and August 5, 1854 v. 1
2000853909 Reports of explorations and surveys, to ascertain the most practicable and economical route for a railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, according to acts of congress of March 3, 1853, May 31, 1854, and August 5, 1854 v. 10
2000853909 Reports of explorations and surveys, to ascertain the most practicable and economical route for a railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, according to acts of congress of March 3, 1853, May 31, 1854, and August 5, 1854 v. 11
2000853909 Reports of explorations and surveys, to ascertain the most practicable and economical route for a railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, according to acts of congress of March 3, 1853, May 31, 1854, and August 5, 1854 v. 12, pt. 1
2000853909 Reports of explorations and surveys, to ascertain the most practicable and economical route for a railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, according to acts of congress of March 3, 1853, May 31, 1854, and August 5, 1854 v. 12, pt. 2
2000853909 Reports of explorations and surveys, to ascertain the most practicable and economical route for a railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, according to acts of congress of March 3, 1853, May 31, 1854, and August 5, 1854 v. 2
2000853909 Reports of explorations and surveys, to ascertain the most practicable and economical route for a railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, according to acts of congress of March 3, 1853, May 31, 1854, and August 5, 1854 v. 3
2000853909 Reports of explorations and surveys, to ascertain the most practicable and economical route for a railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, according to acts of congress of March 3, 1853, May 31, 1854, and August 5, 1854 v. 4
2000853909 Reports of explorations and surveys, to ascertain the most practicable and economical route for a railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, according to acts of congress of March 3, 1853, May 31, 1854, and August 5, 1854 v. 5
2000853909 Reports of explorations and surveys, to ascertain the most practicable and economical route for a railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, according to acts of congress of March 3, 1853, May 31, 1854, and August 5, 1854 v. 6
2000853909 Reports of explorations and surveys, to ascertain the most practicable and economical route for a railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, according to acts of congress of March 3, 1853, May 31, 1854, and August 5, 1854 v. 7
2000853909 Reports of explorations and surveys, to ascertain the most practicable and economical route for a railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, according to acts of congress of March 3, 1853, May 31, 1854, and August 5, 1854 v. 8
2000853909 Reports of explorations and surveys, to ascertain the most practicable and economical route for a railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, according to acts of congress of March 3, 1853, May 31, 1854, and August 5, 1854 v. 9
2000836406 Reports of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the expediency of revising and amending the laws relating to taxation and exemption therefrom, January, 1875
2000851010 Reports of the United States Commissioners to the Paris Universal Exposition, 1867 / edited by William P. Blake v. 1
2000851010 Reports of the United States Commissioners to the Paris Universal Exposition, 1867 / edited by William P. Blake v. 2
2000851010 Reports of the United States Commissioners to the Paris Universal Exposition, 1867 / edited by William P. Blake v. 3
2000851010 Reports of the United States Commissioners to the Paris Universal Exposition, 1867 / edited by William P. Blake v. 3
2000851010 Reports of the United States Commissioners to the Paris Universal Exposition, 1867 / edited by William P. Blake v. 4
2000851010 Reports of the United States Commissioners to the Paris Universal Exposition, 1867 / edited by William P. Blake v. 4
2000851010 Reports of the United States Commissioners to the Paris Universal Exposition, 1867 / edited by William P. Blake v. 5
2000851010 Reports of the United States Commissioners to the Paris Universal Exposition, 1867 / edited by William P. Blake v. 6
2000851010 Reports of the United States Commissioners to the Paris Universal Exposition, 1867 / edited by William P. Blake v. 6
2000833731 Reports on administration of justice in India charge against Warren Hastings
2000803437 Representation / by John Lubbock
2000860654 Representative men : seven lectures / by R.W. Emerson
2000485324 Reptiles and birds : a popular account of their various orders : with a description of the habits and economy of the most interesting / from the French of Louis Figuier
2000861285 Researches into the early history of mankind and the development of civilization / by Edward B. Tylor
2000499227 Researches on cellulose / by Cross & Bevan [1] : 1895-1900
2000853937 Reservoirs for irrigation, water-power, and domestic water-supply : with an account of various types of dams and the methods and plans of their construction together with a discussion of the available water-supply for irrigation in various sections of arid America : the distribution, application, and use of water : the rainfall and run-off, the evaporation from reservoirs : the effect of silt upon reservoirs, etc. / by James Dix Schuyler
2000832501 Responsibility in mental disease / by Henry Maudsley
2001370946 Results of ornithological explorations in the Commander Islands and in Kamtschatka / by Leonhard Stejneger
2000861488 Reveries of a bachelor, or a book of the heart / by Ik. Marvel
3000072854 Review of American chemical research 10
3000072854 Review of American chemical research 8
3000072854 Review of American chemical research 9
2000838257 Revised statutes of the United States, passed at the first session of the Forty-third Congress, 1873-'74 ... with an appendix / ed., printed, and published under the authority of an Act of Congress, and under the direction of the Secretary of State
2000838257 Revised statutes of the United States, passed at the first session of the Forty-third Congress, 1873-'74 ... with an appendix / ed., printed, and published under the authority of an Act of Congress, and under the direction of the Secretary of State
2000838230 Revised statutes of the United States, relating to the District of Columbia and post roads : passed at the first session of the Forty-third Congress 1873-'74, together with the public treaties in force on the first day of December, 1873 / ed., printed, and published under the authority of an Act of Congress, and under the direction of the Secretary of State
2001283946 Revue de sériciculture comparée, journal agricole formant les annales du Laboratoire central de sèriciculture des sociétés agricoles de France et de l'École d'ailanticulture annexés a la ferme impériale de Vincennes ; correspondance entre les agriculteurs qui... / par M.F.E. Guérin-Méneville 1863
2001283946 Revue de sériciculture comparée, journal agricole formant les annales du Laboratoire central de sèriciculture des sociétés agricoles de France et de l'École d'ailanticulture annexés a la ferme impériale de Vincennes ; correspondance entre les agriculteurs qui... / par M.F.E. Guérin-Méneville 1864
2001283946 Revue de sériciculture comparée, journal agricole formant les annales du Laboratoire central de sèriciculture des sociétés agricoles de France et de l'École d'ailanticulture annexés a la ferme impériale de Vincennes ; correspondance entre les agriculteurs qui... / par M.F.E. Guérin-Méneville 1865
2001283946 Revue de sériciculture comparée, journal agricole formant les annales du Laboratoire central de sèriciculture des sociétés agricoles de France et de l'École d'ailanticulture annexés a la ferme impériale de Vincennes ; correspondance entre les agriculteurs qui... / par M.F.E. Guérin-Méneville 1866
2000863545 Rhodesia and its government / by H.C. Thomson
2001349313 Rhopalocera nihonica : a description of the butterflies of Japan / by H. Pryer
2000834788 Rig-Veda-Sanhita : the sacred hymns of the Brahmans / translated and explained by F. Max Müller v. 1
2000853992 Rillenschienen-Profile : D.R.P. No. 10221 / "Phoenix" Actien-Gesellschaft für Bergbau und Hüttenbetrieb Laar bei Ruhrort
2000853992 Rillenschienen-Profile : D.R.P. No. 10221 / "Phoenix" Actien-Gesellschaft für Bergbau und Hüttenbetrieb Laar bei Ruhrort
2000839017 Rise and growth of the normal-school idea in the United States / by J. P. Gordy
2000857448 Roasting of gold and silver ores : and the extraction of their respective metals without quicksilver / by G. Kustel
2000857448 Roasting of gold and silver ores : and the extraction of their respective metals without quicksilver / by G. Kustel
2000857448 Roasting of gold and silver ores : and the extraction of their respective metals without quicksilver / by G. Kustel
2000860533 Rob Roy / by Walter Scott
2000841576 Robinson's progressive intellectual arithmetic, on the inductive plan / edited by Daniel W. Fish
2000841818 Robinson's progressive practical arithmetic : containing the theory of numbers, in connection with concise analytic and synthetic methods of solution, and designed as a complete text-book on this science, for common schools and academies / by Daniel W. Fish
2000841818 Robinson's progressive practical arithmetic : containing the theory of numbers, in connection with concise analytic and synthetic methods of solution, and designed as a complete text-book on this science, for common schools and academies / by Daniel W. Fish
2000841818 Robinson's progressive practical arithmetic : containing the theory of numbers, in connection with concise analytic and synthetic methods of solution, and designed as a complete text-book on this science, for common schools and academies / by Daniel W. Fish
2000841899 Robinson's progressive table book for young children / edited by D.W. Fish
2000499484 Rock-forming minerals / by Frank Rutley
2000552229 Rocks and soils : their origin, composition and characteristics : chemical, geological and agricultural / by Horace Edward Stockbridge
2000552229 Rocks and soils : their origin, composition and characteristics : chemical, geological and agricultural / by Horace Edward Stockbridge
2000552229 Rocks and soils : their origin, composition and characteristics : chemical, geological and agricultural / by Horace Edward Stockbridge
2000499500 Rohde's Schweinezucht
2000863067 Roman antiquities / by A.S. Wilkins
2000863069 Roman antiquities / by A.S. Wilkins
2000864114 Roman imperialism, and other lectures and essays / by J.R. Seeley
2000860412 Romola / by George Eliot
2000860396 Romola / by George Eliot
2000862814 Round the world : including a residence in Victoria, and a journey by rail across North America / by a boy, edited by Samuel Smiles
2000834081 Routledge's almanack for 1888 : a compendium of useful and interesting information concerning our own and foreign countries, colonies, &c., with a review of the musical, scientific, artistic, ecclesiastical, dramatic, sporting, and other events of the year, including commercial and financial statistics, &c., comparative tables, and other information for all classes of the community with a calendar for the year 1888, an obituary, and a table of notable events in 1887
2000845580 Routledge's pronouncing dictionary of the English language
2000835873 Royal Commission, Conservation of Water : report of the Commissioners 1st report
2000835873 Royal Commission, Conservation of Water : report of the Commissioners 1st report, diagrams and plans
2000835873 Royal Commission, Conservation of Water : report of the Commissioners 2nd report
2000835873 Royal Commission, Conservation of Water : report of the Commissioners 3rd and final report
2000853230 Rudimentary and elementary principles of the construction and on the working of machinery : illustrated by numerous examples of modern machinery for different branches of manufacture / by C.D. Abel
2000853392 Rudimentary and practical instructions on the science of railway construction : for the use of beginners and those who have commenced practice, in ten divisions ...
2000844087 Rudimentary mechanics : being a concise exposition of the general principles of mechanical science, and their applications / by Charles Tomlinson
2000853891 Rudimentary papers on the art of constructing and repairing common roads : together with a note on the true causes of the apparent failure of macadamised roads in certain localities / [preface] by Robert Mallet
2001071584 Rudimentary treatise on coal and coal-mining / by Warington W. Smyth
2000857905 Rudimentary treatise on limes, cements, mortars, concretes, mastics, plastering, etc. / by George R. Burnell
2000857916 Rudimentary treatise on limes, cements, mortars, concretes, mastics, plastering, etc. / by George R. Burnell
2000853431 Rudimentary treatise on marine engines and steam vessels : together with practical remarks on the screw and propelling power as used in the royal and merchant navy / by Robert Murray
2000854598 Rudimentary treatise on the drainage of districts and lands / by G. Drysdale Dempsey
2000854591 Rudimentary treatise on the drainage of towns and buildings : suggestive of sanatory regulations conducive to the health of an increasing population / by G. Drysdale Dempsey
2000853323 Rudimentary treatise on the locomotive engine in all its phases : popularly described, with illustrations for students and non-professional men / by G. Drysdale Dempsey
2000858503 Rudimentary treatise on the principles of design in architecture, as deducible from nature and exemplified in the works of the Greek and Gothic architects / by Edward Lacy Garbett
2000714778 Rudiments of mineralogy and petrography : for the use of students / by S. Hirose
2000744091 Rules for a dictionary catalogue / by Charles A. Cutter
2000838967 Rules of proceeding and debate in deliberative assemblies / by Luther S. Cushing
2000838967 Rules of proceeding and debate in deliberative assemblies / by Luther S. Cushing
2000835740 Rules, orders, and forms of proceeding of the House of Commons of Canada = Régles, ordres et règlements de la Chambre des Communes du Canada
2000854080 Rural England : being an account of agricultural and social researches carried out in the years 1901 & 1902 / by H. Rider Haggard v. 1
2000854080 Rural England : being an account of agricultural and social researches carried out in the years 1901 & 1902 / by H. Rider Haggard v. 2
2000856074 Rural affairs : a practical and copiously illustrated register of rural economy and rural taste, including country dwellings, improving and planting grounds, fruits and flowers, domestic animals, and all farm and garden processes / by J.J. Thomas v. 1
2000856074 Rural affairs : a practical and copiously illustrated register of rural economy and rural taste, including country dwellings, improving and planting grounds, fruits and flowers, domestic animals, and all farm and garden processes / by J.J. Thomas v. 2
2000856074 Rural affairs : a practical and copiously illustrated register of rural economy and rural taste, including country dwellings, improving and planting grounds, fruits and flowers, domestic animals, and all farm and garden processes / by J.J. Thomas v. 3
2000856074 Rural affairs : a practical and copiously illustrated register of rural economy and rural taste, including country dwellings, improving and planting grounds, fruits and flowers, domestic animals, and all farm and garden processes / by J.J. Thomas v. 4
2000856074 Rural affairs : a practical and copiously illustrated register of rural economy and rural taste, including country dwellings, improving and planting grounds, fruits and flowers, domestic animals, and all farm and garden processes / by J.J. Thomas v. 5
2000856074 Rural affairs : a practical and copiously illustrated register of rural economy and rural taste, including country dwellings, improving and planting grounds, fruits and flowers, domestic animals, and all farm and garden processes / by J.J. Thomas v. 7
2000854999 Rural architecture : being a complete description farm houses, cottages, and out buildings, ... also, the best method of conducting water into cattle yards and houses / by Lewis F. Allen
2000499467 Rural economy in its relations with chemistry, physics and meteorology, or, Chemistry, applied to agriculture / by J.B. Boussingault ; translated, with an introduction and notes, by George Law
2000855355 Rural water supply / by Charles L. Hett
2000519805 Russia / by D. Mackenzie Wallace
2000863376 Russia in 1870 / by Herbert Barry
2000864504 Russia in central Asia in 1889 and the Anglo-Russian question / by George N. Curzon
2000864507 Russian political institutions : the growth and development of these institutions from the beginnings of Russian history to the present time / by Maxime Kovalevsky
2001348670 Révision du système des orthoptères et description des espèces rapportées par M. Leonardo Fea de Birmanie / par Brunner de Wattenwyl
2000861253 Römische Lyriker : Ausgewählte Gedichte : von Horaz, Catull, Tibull, Properz, Ovid, Martial / Übersetzt von Jakob Mähly
2000499221 Rümpler's Zimmergärtnerei : Anleitung zur Zucht und Pflege der für die Unterhaltung in bürgerlichen Wohnräumen geeignetsten Ziergewächse
2000499494 Saat und Pflege der landwirthschaftlichen Kulturpflanzen / handbuch für die Praxis von Ewald Wollny
2000833165 Sacred geography, and antiquities / by E.P. Barrows
2000857168 Safe railway working : a treatise on railway accidents: their cause and prevention, with a description of modern appliances and systems / by Clement E. Stretton
2000703486 Salices Japonicae / kritisch bearbeitet von O. von Seemen
2000857774 Salt, preservation of food, bread and biscuits / by J.J. Manley . Suger refining / by C. Haughton Gill . Butter and cheese / by C. Morgan Evans . Brewing, distilling / by T.A. Pooley
2000837761 Sammlung der Polizei-Verordnungen und polizeilichen Vorschriften für Berlin : im amtlichen Auftrage herausgegeben
2000863103 Samuel Johnson / by Leslie Stephen
2000840356 Sanders' union fifth reader : embracing a full exposition of the principles of rhetorical reading, with numerous exercises for practice, both in prose and poetry, from the best writers, and with literary and biographical notes, for the higher classes in schools, academies, etc. / by Charles W. Sanders
2000840356 Sanders' union fifth reader : embracing a full exposition of the principles of rhetorical reading, with numerous exercises for practice, both in prose and poetry, from the best writers, and with literary and biographical notes, for the higher classes in schools, academies, etc. / by Charles W. Sanders
2000840351 Sanders' union fourth reader : embracing a full exposition of the principles of rhetorical reading ; with numerous exercises for practice / by Charles W. Sanders
2000840351 Sanders' union fourth reader : embracing a full exposition of the principles of rhetorical reading ; with numerous exercises for practice / by Charles W. Sanders
2000840351 Sanders' union fourth reader : embracing a full exposition of the principles of rhetorical reading ; with numerous exercises for practice / by Charles W. Sanders
2000840365 Sanders' union fourth reader : embracing a full exposition of the principles of rhetorical reading ; with numerous exercises for practice, both in prose and poetry, various in style, and carefully adapted to the purposes of teaching in schools of every grade / by Charles W. Sanders
2000840272 Sanders' union speller : being a clear and complete exhibition of English orthography and orthoëpy, on the basis of the new illustrated edition of webster's great American dictionary, together with numerous exercises in synonyms, in opposites, in analysis, and in formal definition : the whole adapted to the use of schools and academies / by Charles W. Sanders
2000840272 Sanders' union speller : being a clear and complete exhibition of English orthography and orthoëpy, on the basis of the new illustrated edition of webster's great American dictionary, together with numerous exercises in synonyms, in opposites, in analysis, and in formal definition : the whole adapted to the use of schools and academies / by Charles W. Sanders
2000840272 Sanders' union speller : being a clear and complete exhibition of English orthography and orthoëpy, on the basis of the new illustrated edition of webster's great American dictionary, together with numerous exercises in synonyms, in opposites, in analysis, and in formal definition : the whole adapted to the use of schools and academies / by Charles W. Sanders
2001660231 Santalaceae, Thymelaeae, Elaeagneae, Aristolochieae, Empetreae, Euphorbiaceae, Chloranthaceae et Cupuliferae / auctore F. ab Herder
2000820776 Sartor Resartus : the life and opinions of Herr Teufelsdrockh / by Thomas Carlyle
2000860562 Sartor resartus : the life and opinions of Herr Teufelsdröckh / by Thomas Carlyle
2000861632 Savonarola : Erzählende Dichtung / von N. Lenau
2000839801 Scenes of English life : lessons in English on the series method / by Howard Swan and Victor Bétis Book 1
2000862713 Schiller's poems and plays : complete in one volume / the poems translated by Edward, Lord Lytton ; the plays translated by M.G. Lewis ... [et al.] ; edited, with an introduction, by Henry Morley
2000861718 Schillers sämtliche Werke in zwölf Bänden Bd. 1-3
2000861718 Schillers sämtliche Werke in zwölf Bänden Bd. 10-12
2000861718 Schillers sämtliche Werke in zwölf Bänden Bd. 4-6
2000861718 Schillers sämtliche Werke in zwölf Bänden Bd. 7-9
2000484580 Schizomyceten, Saccharomyceten und Basidiomyceten / unter Mitwirkung von A. de Bary und H. Rehm bearb. von Georg Winter
2000499499 Schlipf's populäres Handbuch der Landwirtschaft : Gekrönte Preisschrift
2000499499 Schlipf's populäres Handbuch der Landwirtschaft : Gekrönte Preisschrift
2000854210 Schlipfs populäres Handbuch der Landwirtschaft : Gekrönte Preisschrift
2000849661 Schluss der akrokarpischen Moose und pleurokarpische Moose / Georg Roth
2001222644 Schmetterlinge, Zweiflügler, Schnabelkerfe ; Die Feinde der einzelnen Holzarten
2001222644 Schmetterlinge, Zweiflügler, Schnabelkerfe ; Die Feinde der einzelnen Holzarten
2000860445 School days at rugby / by an old boy ; illustrated from designs by Larjin G. Mead
2000839062 School economy : a treatise on the preparation, organization, employments, government, and authorities of schools / by James Pyle Wickersham
2000839015 School inspection / by D.R. Fearon
2000839911 School reading by grades / by James Baldwin 1st year
2000839911 School reading by grades / by James Baldwin 3rd year
2000839911 School reading by grades / by James Baldwin 4th year
2000839911 School reading by grades / by James Baldwin 5th year
2000839911 School reading by grades / by James Baldwin 6th year
2000839911 School reading by grades / by James Baldwin 7th year
2000839911 School reading by grades / by James Baldwin 8th year
2000840602 Schulgrammatik der neuhochdeutschen Sprache : Leitfaden für deutschen Sprachunterricht / von A. Engelien 3. T.
2000941193 Schutz der Obstbäume gegen Krankheiten : ein praktischer Ratgeber zur Erkennung, Abhaltung und Bekämpfung der die Gesundheit unserer Obstbäume beeinträchtigenden Zustände und Krankheiten / von Paul Sorauer
2001390405 Schwarznecker's Pferdezucht : Rassen, Züchtung und Haltung des Pferdes
2000499828 Schäfer's Lehrbuch der Milchwirtschaft : ein Leitfaden für den Unterricht an milchwirtschaftl, und landwirtschaftl, Lehranstalten, sowie zum Gebranch für Lndwirte, Moldereivorstände und sonftige Molkereiinteressenten, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung mittlerer und kleinerer Betriebsuerhältnisse
2000499504 Schäfers Lehrbuch der Hauswirtschaft
2000857068 Schäfers Lehrbuch der Hauswirtschaft
2000850807 Science and commerce : their influence on our manufactures, a series of statistical essays and lectures describing the progressive discoveries of science, the advance of British commerce, and the conditions of our principal manufactures in the nineteenth century / by P.L. Simmonds
2000841295 Scientific culture : and other essays / by Josiah Parsons Cook
2000843040 Scientific dialogues / by J. Joyce ; intended as an easy introduction to natural and experimental philosophy, for young persons and all who by self-instruction desire to understand the principles of scientific truth
2000860534 Scott's Talisman : with introduction and notes
2000833172 Scripture facts in simple language : or, Here a little and there a little / by the Author of "Peep of day"
2001762149 Seasoning of timber / by Hermann von Schrenk
2001236423 Second annual report of the Poultry Institutue of the Province of Ontario, 1906-7
2000849115 Second book of botany : being an introduction to the study of systematic and economic botany : suited for beginners / by John Hutton Balfour
2000851240 Second book on analytic anatomy, physiology and hygiene : human and comparative for academies, grammar schools and families / by Calvin Cutter
2000851240 Second book on analytic anatomy, physiology and hygiene : human and comparative for academies, grammar schools and families / by Calvin Cutter
2000853811 Seeufer- und Hafen-Bau / von G. Hagen Bd. 1
2000853811 Seeufer- und Hafen-Bau / von G. Hagen Bd. 2
2000853811 Seeufer- und Hafen-Bau / von G. Hagen Bd. 3
2000853811 Seeufer- und Hafen-Bau / von G. Hagen Bd. 4
2000839163 Selbsterziehung : ein Wegweiser für die reifere Jugend / von John Stuart Blackie, Deutsch, autorisierte Ausgabe von Friedrich Kirchner
2000499826 Selbstverwaltungsämter : Leitfaden zur Vorbereitung für staatliche und kommunale Ehrenämter des Landwirts / bearbeitet von Carl Petri
2000485085 Select extra-tropical plants readily eligible for industrial culture or naturalisation, with indications of their native countries and some of their uses / Ferd. von Mueller
2000499823 Select methods in food analysis / by Henry Leffmann and William Beam
2000862075 Select orations of Cicero : with English notes, critical and explanatory, and historical, geographical, and legal indexes / by Charles Anthon
2000861264 Select orations of M.T. Cicero / translated by C.D. Yonge
2000859827 Select poems of Oliver Goldsmith / edited, with notes, by William J. Rolfe
2000859832 Select poems of Thomas Gray / edited, with notes by William J. Rolfe
2000833696 Selected speeches of the late Right Honourable the Earl of Beaconsfield / arranged and edited with introduction and explanatory notes by T.E. Kebbel v. 1
2000833696 Selected speeches of the late Right Honourable the Earl of Beaconsfield / arranged and edited with introduction and explanatory notes by T.E. Kebbel v. 2
2000861218 Selections from English and American authors / compiled by M. Hasegawa
2000841321 Selections from Huxley's lay sermons : addresses and reviews / [Thomas Henry Huxley]
2000864523 Selections from McCarthy's history of our own times
2000860440 Selections from Twice-told tales / Nathaniel Hawthorne
2000841332 Selections from Tyndall's fragments of science and Hermholtz's popular scientific lectures / compiled by Maruzen
2000834769 Self-government in Canada : and how it was achieved : the story of Lord Durham's report / by F. Bradshaw
2000832993 Self-help : with illustrations of character, conduct, and perseverance / by Samuel Smiles
2000843797 Senior courses and outlines of advanced work / By George S. Moler ・・・ [et al.]
2000835510 Services pénitentiaires, domanialit, travaux publics, moyens de communication, justice, instruction publique, cultes, réegime commercial, etc. / par Édouard Petit ; avec le concours de Blondel et You
2000860736 Sesame and lilies : three lectures / by John Ruskin
2000860032 Shakespeare's comedy of A midsummer-night's dream / edited, with notes, by William J. Rolfe
2000860067 Shakespeare's comedy of The tempest / edited, with notes, by William J. Rolfe
2000860042 Shakespeare's comedy of as you like it / edited, with notes by William J. Rolfe
2000860118 Shakespeare's comedy of measure for measure / edited, with notes, by William J. Rolfe
2000860049 Shakespeare's comedy of much ado about nothing / edited, with notes by William J. Rolfe
2000860112 Shakespeare's comedy of the Merry Wives of Windsor / edited, with notes by William J. Rolfe
2000860059 Shakespeare's comedy of the merchant of Venice / edited, with notes by William J. Rolfe
2000860053 Shakespeare's comedy of the merchant of Venice / edited, with notes, by William J. Rolfe
2000860104 Shakespeare's history of King Henry the Fifth / edited, with notes, by William J. Rolfe
2000860108 Shakespeare's history of King Henry the Fourth / edited, with notes by William J. Rolfe pt. 2
2000860105 Shakespeare's history of King Henry the eighth / edited, with notes, by William J. Rolfe
2000860115 Shakespeare's history of the life and death of King John / edited, with notes by William J. Rolfe
2000860111 Shakespeare's tragedy of Coriolanus / edited, with notes by William J. Rolfe
2000861053 Shakespeare's tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark / edited, with notes, by William J. Rolfe
2000860029 Shakespeare's tragedy of Julius Cæsar / edited, with notes by William J. Rolfe ; with engravings
2000860119 Shakespeare's tragedy of King Lear / edited, with notes by William J. Rolfe
2000860096 Shakespeare's tragedy of King Richard the Second / edited, with notes, by William J. Rolfe
2000860110 Shakespeare's tragedy of King Richard the third / edited, with notes, by William J. Rolfe
2000860044 Shakespeare's tragedy of Macbeth / edited with notes by William J. Rolfe
2000860046 Shakespeare's tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice / edited, with notes, by William J. Rolfe
2000860083 Shakespeare's tragedy of Romeo and Juliet / edited, with notes, by William J. Rolfe
2000860021 Shakspere / by Edward Dowden
2000860522 Shamrock and thistle : or, Young America in Ireland and Scotland : a story of travel and adventure / by William T. Adams (Oliver Optic)
2000863353 Shelley / by John Addington Symonds
2000854512 Siedelung und Agrarwesen der Westgermanen und Ostgermanen, der Kelten, Römer, Finnen und Slawen / von August Meitzen Atlas zu Bd. 3
2000499468 Silos and ensilage : the preservation of fodder corn and other green fodder crops,comprising the most recent information
2000831185 Simplified library school rules : card catalog, accession, book numbers, shelf list, capitals, punctuation, abbreviations, library handwriting / by Melvil Dewey
2000859869 Single famous poems / edited by Rossiter Johnson
2000863609 Sir Walter Scott / by Richard H. Hutton
2001235099 Sircpomatidæ (American melanians) / by Georgy W. Tryon
2000504518 Six centuries of work and wages : the history of English labour / By James E. Thorold Rogers
2000864015 Sixty years' experience as an Irish landlord : memoirs of John Hamilton, D.L. of St. Ernan's, Donegal / edited with introduction by H.C. White
2000853093 Skeleton structures, especially in their application to the building of steel and iron bridges / by Olaus Henrici
2000499486 Sketch of the evolution of our native fruits / by L. H. Bailey
2000835567 Sketches (personal and political) in the House of Commons / by A Silent Member v. 1, ser. 1-3(no. 1-6)
2000763105 Sketches of creation : a popular view of some of the grand conclusions of the sciences in reference to the history of matter and of life, together with a statement of the intimations of science respecting the primordial condition and the ultimate destiny of the earth and the solar system / By Alexander Winchell
2000842718 Smith's Illustrated astronomy : designed for the use of the public or common schools in the United States / by Asa Smith
2000864999 Social England : a record of the progress of the people in religion, laws, learning, arts, industry, commerce, science, literature and manners, from the earliest times to the present day / edited by H. D. Traill Vol.1
2000864999 Social England : a record of the progress of the people in religion, laws, learning, arts, industry, commerce, science, literature and manners, from the earliest times to the present day / edited by H. D. Traill Vol.4
2000864999 Social England : a record of the progress of the people in religion, laws, learning, arts, industry, commerce, science, literature and manners, from the earliest times to the present day / edited by H. D. Traill Vol.5
2000864999 Social England : a record of the progress of the people in religion, laws, learning, arts, industry, commerce, science, literature and manners, from the earliest times to the present day / edited by H. D. Traill Vol.6
2000865014 Social England : a record of the progress of the people in religion, laws, learning, arts, industry, commerce, science, literature and manners, from the earliest times to the present day / edited by H.D. Traill v. 2
2000865014 Social England : a record of the progress of the people in religion, laws, learning, arts, industry, commerce, science, literature and manners, from the earliest times to the present day / edited by H.D. Traill v. 3
2000836355 Social and political dynamics : an exposition of the function of money as the measure of contract, trade, and government, ... / by Malcolm Mackenzie
2000833560 Social ethics / by H. Martensen ; translated from the Author's German edition by Sophia Taylor Special part
2000836286 Social peace : A study of the trade union movement in England / by G. von Schulze-Gaevernitz ; translated by C.M. Wicksteed ; and edited by Graham Wallas
2000832626 Social statics, or the abstract theory of human order v. 2
2000834214 Social statics, or, The conditions essential to human happiness specified, and the first of them developed / by Herbert Spencer
2000383975 Socialism : an examination of its nature, its strength and its weakness, with suggestions for social reform / by Richard T. Ely
2000836238 Socialism : its growth & outcome / by William Morris and E. Belfort Bax
2000836208 Socialism : its nature, its dangers, and its remedies considered / by M. Kaufmann ; founded on the German work "Kapitalismus und Socialismus" by A.E.F. Schäffle
2000499482 Socialism in England / by Sidney Webb, with an introductory chapter
2000499491 Soiling crops and the silo / by Thomas Shaw
2000499217 Soils / by Harvey W. Wiley
2000499472 Soils and crops of the farm / by George E. Morrow and Thomas F. Hunt
2000855224 Soils and manures / by John M.H. Munro ; with chapters on drainage and land improvement by John Wrightson
2000855281 Soils, manures, and crops
2000842206 Solid geometry and conic sections : with appendices on transversals, and harmonic division, for the use of schools / by J.M. Wilson
2000842213 Solid geometry and conic sections : with appendices on transversals, and harmonic division, for the use of schools / by J.M. Wilson
2000842206 Solid geometry and conic sections : with appendices on transversals, and harmonic division, for the use of schools / by J.M. Wilson
2000841601 Solutions of weekly problem papers / by John J. Milne
2001070651 Some miscellaneous results of the work of the Division of Entomology / prep. under the direction of L.O. Howard [1]
2001070651 Some miscellaneous results of the work of the Division of Entomology / prep. under the direction of L.O. Howard [2]
2000860015 Songs of three centuries / editde by John Greenleaf Whittier
2000836646 Sophisms of free-trade and popular political economy examined / by a barrister (Sir John Barnard Byles)
2000836642 Sophisms of protection / by the late M. Frederic Bastiat
2000854942 Sorghum and its products : an account of recent investigations concerning the value of sorghum in sugar production, together with a description of a new method of making sugar and refined syrup from this plant, adapted to common use / By F.L. Stewart
2000863599 Southern tour : being a complete guide through Maryland, Delaware, District of Columbia, Virgina, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Kentucky, and to the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers ... / compiled and edited by Charles H. Jones
2000863444 Southey / by Edward Dowden
2000411422 Sovereignty and liberty / by John W. Burgess
2000864708 Spanish explorations and settlements in North America from the fifteenth to the seventeenth century
2001031190 Spanish life in town and country / by L. Higgin
2000852910 Special report on coal : showing its distribution, classification and cost delivered over different routes to various points in the State of New York, and the principal cities on the atlantic coast / by S.H. Sweet
2000852759 Special report on diseases of cattle / By Pearson ... [et al.]
2000835617 Special report on immigration : accompanying information for immigrants / by Edward Young
2000499811 Special report on immigration : accompanying information for immigrants / by Edward Young
2000834023 Special reports on selected industries [1]
2000834023 Special reports on selected industries [2]. Continued
2000865178 Special volume of the proceedings of the geographical society of Australasia, with maps and illustrations / edited by A.C. Macdonald, J.H. Maiden, and T.H. Myring
2000485325 Species genera et ordines Fucoidearum, seu descriptiones succinctæ specierum generum et ordinum, quibus Fucoidearum classis constituitur / auctore Jacobo Georgio Agardh
2000484804 Species, genera et ordines floridearum, seu Descriptiones succinctæ specierum, generum et ordinum, quibus floridearum classis constituitur / Auctore Jacobo Georgio Agardh v. 1-2
2000484804 Species, genera et ordines floridearum, seu Descriptiones succinctæ specierum, generum et ordinum, quibus floridearum classis constituitur / Auctore Jacobo Georgio Agardh v. 3
2001070659 Specimens of modern English prose : fictions
2000847200 Spectrum analysis / by John Landauer ; authorized English edition by J. Bishop Tingle
2000844350 Spectrum analysis in its application to terrestrial substances, and the physical constitution of the heavenly bodies / familiary explained by H. Schellen ; translated from the second enlarged and revised German edition by Jane and Caroline Lassell ; edited, with notes, by William Huggins
2000844645 Speculations : solar heat, gravitation, and sun spots / By J.H. Kedzie
2000864749 Speeches and papers relating to the rebellion and the overthrow of slavery / by George S. Boutwell
2001656200 Speeches on questions of public policy / by John Bright ; edited by James E. Thorold Rogers
2000835723 Speeches on some current political questions / by Henry Fawcett
2000863448 Spenser / by R.W. Church
2000849377 Spermatogenesis and fecundation of zamia / by Herbert J. Webber
2000849377 Spermatogenesis and fecundation of zamia / by Herbert J. Webber
2000852561 Spherical astronomy
2000842527 Spherical trigonometry for the use of colleges and schools : with numerous examples / by I. Todhunter
2000841647 Spiers and Surenne's French and English pronouncing dictionary : newiy composed from the French dictionaries of the French Academy, Laveaux, Boiste, Bescherelle, Landais, etc., and from the English dictionaries of Johnson, Webster, Worcester, Richardson, etc. ; Spiers and Surenne's English and French pronouncing dictionary : newly composed from the English dictionaries of Johnson, Webster, Worcester, Richardson, etc., and from the French dictionaries of the French Academy, Laveaux, Boiste, Bescherelle, Landais, etc / by A. Spiers
2000499815 Spons' household manual : a treasury of domestic receipts and guide for home management
2000857784 Sporozoa / par Alphonse Labbé
2000504517 Sports that kill / by T. De Witt Talmage
2000484837 Spraying crops : why, when, and how / Clarence M. Weed
2000835850 Staatswirthschaftliche Untersuchungen / von Friedrich Bened. Wilh. v. Hermann
2001349540 Staphylinidae, Pselaphidae / bearbeitet von Ludwig Ganglbauer
2000830741 State library bulletin / University of the State of New York Additions no. 1
2000830741 State library bulletin / University of the State of New York Additions no. 2
2000830741 State library bulletin / University of the State of New York Additions no. 3. September 1894
2000864955 Statement exhibiting the moral and material progress and condition of India : during the year 1887-88 : twenty-fourth number (presented pursuant to act of parliament)
2000834022 States and territories
2000851039 Statistical information relating to certain branches of industry in Massachusetts, for the year ending May 1. 1865 / prepared from official returns by Oliver Warner
2000834046 Statistics and economics / by Richmond Mayo-Smith
2000834048 Statistics and sociology / by Richmond Mayo-Smith
2000856455 Statistics of agriculture
2000833999 Statistics of deaths / United States Census Office
2001235404 Statistics of mines and mining in the States and territories West of the Rockey Mountains; being the 7th annual report of Rossiter W. Raymond
2001235400 Statistics of mines and mining in the states and territories West of the Rockey Mountains / by Rossiter W. Raymond
2000831122 Statistics of public libraries in the United States and Canada / by Weston Flint
2000935517 Statistisches Jahrbuch des K.K. Ackerbau-Ministeriums 1905. 3. Heft
2000838148 Statutes in force in the Colony of Queensland / edited by Frederick Augustus Cooper Index
2000838148 Statutes in force in the Colony of Queensland / edited by Frederick Augustus Cooper v. 1
2000838148 Statutes in force in the Colony of Queensland / edited by Frederick Augustus Cooper v. 2
2000838148 Statutes in force in the Colony of Queensland / edited by Frederick Augustus Cooper v. 3
2000864640 Steel stacks : and other library equipment, including iron stairs, railings, grilles, book lifts, electric lighting, etc. stacks made with either wood or metal shelves, finished in bower-barff, aluminum, electro-bronze, graphite paint, enamel in various colors, etc. / Library Bureau
2000500639 Stereochemistry / by A. W. Stewart
2000859903 Stereotomy : problems in stone cutting in four classes ... for students of engineering and architecture / By S. Edward Warren
2000862987 Stielers schul-atlas / bearb. von Hermann Berghaus
2000851971 Stimulants and narcotics : medically, philosophically, and morally considered / by George M. Berad
2000499812 Stock-breeding : a practical treatise on the application of the laws of development and heredity to the improvement and breeding of domestic animals / by Manly Miles
2000484823 Stoffwechsel / von W. Pfeffer
2000484823 Stoffwechsel / von W. Pfeffer
2000484823 Stoffwechsel / von W. Pfeffer
2000853100 Strength and calculation of dimensions of iron and steel constructions : with reference to the latest experiments / translated from the German of J.J. Weyrauch
2000853100 Strength and calculation of dimensions of iron and steel constructions : with reference to the latest experiments / translated from the German of J.J. Weyrauch
2000853100 Strength and calculation of dimensions of iron and steel constructions : with reference to the latest experiments / translated from the German of J.J. Weyrauch
2000713442 Structural botany or organography on the basis of morphology : to which is added the principres of taxonomy and phytography, and a glossary of botanical terms / by Asa Gray
2000484712 Studien über den Milchsaft und Schleimsaft der Pflanzen / von Hans Molisch
2000855422 Studien über die Einwirkung der wichtigsten Pflanzennährstoffe : auf das Leben einiger Culturpflanzen nach Versuchen von Lawes und Gilbert in England ... Freitag, den 25. November 1881 Mittags 11 Uhr / ergebenst einladet Paul Behrend
2000499514 Studien über die natürlichen Humusformen und deren einwirkung auf Vegetation und Boden / von P.E. Müller ; mit analytischen Belegen von C.F.A. Tuxen
2000499514 Studien über die natürlichen Humusformen und deren einwirkung auf Vegetation und Boden / von P.E. Müller ; mit analytischen Belegen von C.F.A. Tuxen
2000726149 Studies in English literature : being typical selections of British and American authorship, from Shakespeare to the present time, together with definitions, notes, analyses, and glossary as an aid to systematic literary study for use in high and normal schools, academies seminaries, &c. / by William Swinton v. 1
2000726149 Studies in English literature : being typical selections of British and American authorship, from Shakespeare to the present time, together with definitions, notes, analyses, and glossary as an aid to systematic literary study for use in high and normal schools, academies seminaries, &c. / by William Swinton v. 2
2000863295 Studies in ancient history : comprising a reprint of primitive marriage : an inquiry into the origin of the form of capture in marriage ceremonies / by the late John Ferguson McLennan
2000834884 Studies in colonial nationalism / Richard Jebb
2000860768 Studies in literature, 1789-1877 / by Edward Dowden
2000844219 Studies in spectrum analysis / by J. Norman Lockyer
2000836167 Studies in the evolution of industrial society / by Richard T. Ely
2000832851 Studies of Christianity : or, Timely thoughts for religious thinkers : a series of papers / by James Martineau ; edited by William R. Alger
2001220499 Studies of trees in winter : a description of the deciduous trees of northeastern America / by Annie Oakes Huntington ; with an introduction by Charles S. Sargent ; illustrated with colored plates by Mary S. Morse, and photographs by the author
2000499483 Study of rocks : an elementary text-book of petrology / by Frank Rutley
2000504798 Stöchiometrie / von Wilh. Ostwald
2000854791 Stöckhardt's angehender Pachter, oder, Landwirtschaftlicher Betrieb in Pacht und Eigenbesitz
2000742709 Subject list of works on agriculture, rural economy, and allied sciences in the library of the patent office
2000855761 Success in market gardening a new vegetable growers' manual / by W.W. Rawson
2000499475 Sugar beet seed : a work for farmers, seedsmen, and chemists, containing historical, botanical, and theoretical data, combined with practical directions for the production of superior sugar beet seed / By Lewis S. Ware
2001235174 Suggestions for the sanitary drainage of Washington city / by George E. Waring
2000833907 Suicide : an essay on comparative moral statistics / Henry Morselli
2000857268 Sulphurets : what they are, how concentrated, how assayed, and how worked : with a chapter on the blow-pipe assay of minerals / by Wm. Barstow
2000860489 Sunny shores : or, Young America in Italy and Austria : a story of travel and adventure / by William T. Adams (Oliver Optic)
2000833465 Sunshine and shadow in New York / by Matthew Hale Smith
2000837544 Supplement to the Baltimore City Code : comprising the acts of the General Assembly of Maryland, passed at the sessions of 1880, 1882 and 1884, relating to the city of Baltimore, and the ordinances of the Mayor and City Council from November, 1878, to October, 1885, with decisions of the courts construing the acts and ordinances / by John Prentiss Poe
2000830863 Supplement to the list of serials in public libraries of Chicago and Evanston / edited by Clement W. Andrews
2000838321 Supplement to the revised statutes of the United States, embracing ... v. 1
2000830991 Supplemental catalogue of books, by author, title, subject, and class, added to the National Library of Ireland 1880
2000830991 Supplemental catalogue of books, by author, title, subject, and class, added to the National Library of Ireland 1881
2000830991 Supplemental catalogue of books, by author, title, subject, and class, added to the National Library of Ireland 1882
2000830991 Supplemental catalogue of books, by author, title, subject, and class, added to the National Library of Ireland 1883
2000830991 Supplemental catalogue of books, by author, title, subject, and class, added to the National Library of Ireland 1884
2000830991 Supplemental catalogue of books, by author, title, subject, and class, added to the National Library of Ireland 1885
2000830991 Supplemental catalogue of books, by author, title, subject, and class, added to the National Library of Ireland 1886
2000830991 Supplemental catalogue of books, by author, title, subject, and class, added to the National Library of Ireland 1887
2000830991 Supplemental catalogue of books, by author, title, subject, and class, added to the National Library of Ireland 1888
2000830991 Supplemental catalogue of books, by author, title, subject, and class, added to the National Library of Ireland 1889
2000830991 Supplemental catalogue of books, by author, title, subject, and class, added to the National Library of Ireland 1890
2000830991 Supplemental catalogue of books, by author, title, subject, and class, added to the National Library of Ireland 1891
2000830991 Supplemental catalogue of books, by author, title, subject, and class, added to the National Library of Ireland 1892
2000830991 Supplemental catalogue of books, by author, title, subject, and class, added to the National Library of Ireland 1893
2000830991 Supplemental catalogue of books, by author, title, subject, and class, added to the National Library of Ireland October 1874 to December 1879
2001349650 Supplementum Universale / curante Alex Trotter [Pars 10-1]
2001349650 Supplementum Universale / curante Alex Trotter [Pars 10-2]
2001349650 Supplementum Universale / curante Alex Trotter [Pars 10-3]
2001349580 Supplementum Universale : sistens genera et species nuperius edita nec non ea in sylloges additamentis præcedentibus jam evoulgata nunc una systematice disposita Pars 1
2001349580 Supplementum Universale : sistens genera et species nuperius edita nec non ea in sylloges additamentis præcedentibus jam evoulgata nunc una systematice disposita Pars 10. [1]
2001349580 Supplementum Universale : sistens genera et species nuperius edita nec non ea in sylloges additamentis præcedentibus jam evoulgata nunc una systematice disposita Pars 10. [2]
2001349580 Supplementum Universale : sistens genera et species nuperius edita nec non ea in sylloges additamentis præcedentibus jam evoulgata nunc una systematice disposita Pars 10. [3]
2001349580 Supplementum Universale : sistens genera et species nuperius edita nec non ea in sylloges additamentis præcedentibus jam evoulgata nunc una systematice disposita Pars 2
2001349580 Supplementum Universale : sistens genera et species nuperius edita nec non ea in sylloges additamentis præcedentibus jam evoulgata nunc una systematice disposita Pars 3
2001349580 Supplementum Universale : sistens genera et species nuperius edita nec non ea in sylloges additamentis præcedentibus jam evoulgata nunc una systematice disposita Pars 4
2001349580 Supplementum Universale : sistens genera et species nuperius edita nec non ea in sylloges additamentis præcedentibus jam evoulgata nunc una systematice disposita Pars 5
2001349580 Supplementum Universale : sistens genera et species nuperius edita nec non ea in sylloges additamentis præcedentibus jam evoulgata nunc una systematice disposita Pars 6
2001349580 Supplementum Universale : sistens genera et species nuperius edita nec non ea in sylloges additamentis præcedentibus jam evoulgata nunc una systematice disposita Pars 7
2001349580 Supplementum Universale : sistens genera et species nuperius edita nec non ea in sylloges additamentis præcedentibus jam evoulgata nunc una systematice disposita Pars 8
2001349580 Supplementum Universale : sistens genera et species nuperius edita nec non ea in sylloges additamentis præcedentibus jam evoulgata nunc una systematice disposita Pars 9
2000485328 Sur les affinités de la flore du Japon : avec celles de l'asie et de l'amérique du nord / par F.A.W. Miquel
2000907255 Survey of European non-conventional chemical notation systems / Prepared by Donald E.H. Frear for the Committee on Modern Methods of Handling Chemical Information, Division of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council
2000842608 Surveying and astronomical instruments / by J.F. Heather
2001320368 Surveys historic and economic / by W.J. Ashley
2001390803 Swine husbandry : a practical manual for the breeding, rearing, and management of swine, and the prevention and treatment of their diseases / by F.D. Coburn
2000839831 Swinton's fourth reader
2000839831 Swinton's fourth reader
2000839828 Swinton's third reader
2000864562 Switzerland / Mrs. Lina Hug and Richard Stead
2000484457 Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien : eine Übersicht über das gesamte Pflanzensystem mit Berücksichtigung der Medicinal- und Nutzpflanzen nebst einer Übersicht über die Florenreiche und Florengebiete der Erde : zum Gebrauch bei Vorlesungen und Studien über specielle und medicinisch-pharmaceutische Botanik / von Adolf Engler
2000729564 Sylloge algarum omnium hucusque cognitarum / digessit J. Bapt. De-Toni v. 1
2000729564 Sylloge algarum omnium hucusque cognitarum / digessit J. Bapt. De-Toni v. 2, sectio 1
2000729564 Sylloge algarum omnium hucusque cognitarum / digessit J. Bapt. De-Toni v. 2, sectio 3
2000729564 Sylloge algarum omnium hucusque cognitarum / digessit J. Bapt. De-Toni v. 3
2000729564 Sylloge algarum omnium hucusque cognitarum / digessit J. Bapt. De-Toni v. 4, sectio 1
2000729564 Sylloge algarum omnium hucusque cognitarum / digessit J. Bapt. De-Toni v. 4, sectio 2
2001349576 Sylloge discomycetum et phymatosphæriacearum / auctore P. A. Saccardo
2001349572 Sylloge hymenomycetum omnium hucusque cognitorum / digessit P.A. Saccardo ; collaborantibus J. Cuboni et V. Mancini v. 1
2001349572 Sylloge hymenomycetum omnium hucusque cognitorum / digessit P.A. Saccardo ; collaborantibus J. Cuboni et V. Mancini v. 2
2001349570 Sylloge hyphomycetum omnium hucusque cognitorum / digessit P.A. Saccardo
2001349566 Sylloge pyrenomycetum omnium hucusque cognitorum / digessit P.A. Saccardo v. 1
2001349566 Sylloge pyrenomycetum omnium hucusque cognitorum / digessit P.A. Saccardo v. 2
2001349569 Sylloge sphæropsidearum et melanconiearum omnium hucusque cognitorum / digessit P.A. Saccardo
2001349625 Synonymia : generum, specierum subspecierumque in vol. I-XIV descriptorum / auctore E. Mussat
2000485327 Synopsis : generis lespedezae, michaux / auctore C.I. Maximowicz
2000703451 Synopsis der mitteleuropäischen Flora / von Paul Ascherson und Paul Graebner. v. 1
2000703451 Synopsis der mitteleuropäischen Flora / von Paul Ascherson und Paul Graebner. v. 2-1
2000703451 Synopsis der mitteleuropäischen Flora / von Paul Ascherson und Paul Graebner. v. 2-2
2000703451 Synopsis der mitteleuropäischen Flora / von Paul Ascherson und Paul Graebner. v. 4-1
2001267634 Synopsis filicum, or, a synopsis of all known ferns : including the Osmundaceæ, Schizæaceæ, Marattiaceæ, and Ophioglossaceæ (chiefly derived from the Kew Herbarium), accompanied by figures representing the essential characters of each genus / by William Jackson Hooker and John Gilbert Baker
2001234987 Synopsis of American wasps : solitary wasps / by Henri de Saussure
2000941513 Synopsis of the Cactaceae of the territory of the United States and adjacent regions / by George Engelmann
2000484810 Synoptical flora of North America / by Asa Gray v. 1, pt. 2
2001283755 Synthèse des minéraux et des roches / par F. Fouqué et Michel Lévy
2000838843 System der Armenpflege und Armenpolitik : ein Hand- und Lesebuch für Geschäftsmänner und Studierende / von Wilhelm Roscher
2001242990 System der Bakterien : Handbuch der Morphologie, Entwickelungsgeschichte und Systematik der Bakterien / von W. Migula Bd. 1
2001242990 System der Bakterien : Handbuch der Morphologie, Entwickelungsgeschichte und Systematik der Bakterien / von W. Migula Bd. 2
2000836475 System der Finanzwissenschaft : ein Hand- und Lesebuch für Geschäftsmänner und Studierende / von Wilhelm Roscher
2000689143 System der Finanzwissenschaft : ein Lesebuch für Studirende / von Gustav Cohn
2000836219 System der Industriepolitik / von Joseph Grunzel
2001019325 System der Landwirtschaft / von Albrecht Thaer
2000567795 System der Pilze und Schmämme / von C.G. Nees von Esenbeck Versuch
2000567795 System der Pilze und Schmämme / von C.G. Nees von Esenbeck [Plates]
2001348995 Systema naturæ. Regnum animale / Caroli Linnæi
2000841993 Systema natvrae, sive, Regna tria natvrae, systematice proposita per classes, ordines, genera et species = Natur-Systema, oder, Die in ordentlichem Zusammenhange vorgetragene Drey Reich der Natur, nach ihren Classen, Ordnungen, Geschlechtern und Arten, in die Deutsche Sprache übersetzet, und mit einer Vorrede / Caroli Linnaei
2000859075 Systematic drawing and shading / by Charles Ryan
2000951014 Systematic pomology : treating of the description, nomenclature, and classification of fruits / by F.A. Waugh
2001342677 Systematischer Beschreibung der bekannten europäischen zweiflügeligen Insekten / von Johann Wilhelm Meigen Theil 2
2001342677 Systematischer Beschreibung der bekannten europäischen zweiflügeligen Insekten / von Johann Wilhelm Meigen Theil 3
2001342677 Systematischer Beschreibung der bekannten europäischen zweiflügeligen Insekten / von Johann Wilhelm Meigen Theil 4
2001342677 Systematischer Beschreibung der bekannten europäischen zweiflügeligen Insekten / von Johann Wilhelm Meigen Theil 5
2001342677 Systematischer Beschreibung der bekannten europäischen zweiflügeligen Insekten / von Johann Wilhelm Meigen Theil 6
2001342677 Systematischer Beschreibung der bekannten europäischen zweiflügeligen Insekten / von Johann Wilhelm Meigen Theil 7 oder Supplementband
2000485330 Systems of land tenure in various countries : a series of essays published under the sanction of the Cobden Club / edited by J.W. Probyn
2000485330 Systems of land tenure in various countries : a series of essays published under the sanction of the Cobden Club / edited by J.W. Probyn
2000836469 Systems of land tenure in various countries : a series of essays published under the sanction of the Cobden club
2001220727 Säugethiere / von Bernard Altum
2001220527 Sériciculture / par Pierre Vieil ; introduction par P. Regnard