

書誌ID タイトル 巻号
2000550833 A French grammar : presenting, in a concise and systematic from, the essential principles of the French language, including ... a French, English, and Latin vocabulary, containing the most common words in French which are derived from the Latin / by Edward H. Magill
2000550825 A French grammar, based on philological principles / by Hermann Breymann
2000550847 A German reader : in prose and verse with notes and vocabulary / by William D. Whitney
2000551195 A bibliographical monograph on plant genetics (genic analysis), 1900-1929 / by Hajime Matsuura
2001447632 A brief outline of the mining department of the Hokkaido Colliery and Railway Co.
2000552504 A budget of letters from Japan : reminiscences of work and travel in Japan / by Arthur Collins Maclay
2000551743 A compendious German grammar / by William D. Whitney
2000552230 A daughter of the narikin / by Etsu Inagaki Sugimoto
2000552231 A daughter of the samurai / by Etsu Inagaki Sugimoto ; frontispiece by Ichiro Hori
2000551694 A design for scholarship / by Isaiah Bowman
2000551694 A design for scholarship / by Isaiah Bowman
2000552511 A digest of Japanese investigations on the nutrition of man / by Kintaro Oshima
2000549525 A guide to the manuscripts, autographs, charters, seals, illuminations and bindings exhibited in the Department of Manuscripts and in the Grenville Library
2000552494 A history of France : from the earliest times to the establishment of the Second Empire in 1852
2000552755 A history of Germany : from the earlist times / by Charlton T. Lewis
2000475423 A history of Rome, from the earliest times to the establishment of the empire / by Henry G. Liddell
2000552479 A history of Sarawak under its two white Rajahs, 1839-1908 / S. Baring-Gould and C.A. Bampfylde
2000551705 A history of agriculture in Europe and America / by Norman Scott Brien Gras
2000552756 A history of modern Europe : from the capture of Constantinople by the Turks to the treaty of Berlin, 1878 / by Richard Lodge
2000552505 A history of our own times / by Justin McCarthy ; a new edition with copious index and an introduction to American readers by Elmo v. 1
2000552505 A history of our own times / by Justin McCarthy ; a new edition with copious index and an introduction to American readers by Elmo v. 2
2000550827 A history of political economy / by Gustav Cohn ; translates by Joseph Adna Hill ; with an introductory note by Edmund J. James
2000550503 A history of the English agricultural labourer / by W. Hasbach ; translated by Ruth Kenyon ; with a preface by Sidney Webb
2000550836 A key to the exercises in Ollendorff's new method of learning to read, write, and speak the French language
2000550820 A new practical grammar of the Dutch language : with dialogues and readings in prose and verse / by F. Ahn
2000549869 A philosophical consideration of the prayer-element in religion : an essay presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Yale University in candidacy for the degree of master of arts / by Walter Utica Oshima
2000551172 A pocket dictionary of the French & English languages : being a careful abridgement of the practical French and English dictionary ... / by Léon Contanseau
2000552497 A revision of the genus lygus as it occurs in America North of Mexico, with biological data on the species from New York / Harry H. Knight
2000552765 A satchel guide for the vacation tourist in Europe : a compact itinerary of the British Isles, Belgium and Holland, Germany and the Rhine, Switzerland, France, Austria, and Italy, with maps
2000551932 A short history of English agriculture / by W.H.R. Curtler
2000552746 A short history of English rural life : from the Anglo-Saxon invasion to the present time / by Montague Fordham ; with a preface by The Right Hon. Lord Bledisloe [Charles Bathurst]
2000549861 A short history of the English colonies in America / by Henry Cabot Lodge
2000552751 A short history of the English people / by John Richard Green
2000550841 A text-book practical English : for advanced students / by Paul Rowland
2000550207 A treatise on political economy, or the production, distribution and consumption of wealth / by Jean-Baptiste Say ; translated from the 4th ed. of the French, by C.R. Prinsep ; with notes by the translator
2000549876 A view of the art of colonization, with present reference to the British Empire : in letters between a statesman and a colonist / edited by Edward Gibbon Wakefield
2000552740 A world in ferment : interpretations of the war for a new world / by Nicholas Murray Butler
2000552232 Absentee ownership and business enterprise in recent times : the case of America / by Thorstein Veblen
2000551223 Abstracts of papers to be read at World Engineering Congress
2000551223 Abstracts of papers to be read at World Engineering Congress
2000552769 Admiral Togo, a memoir / compiled by Koya Nakamura
2000551187 Advanced elementary science : being part 2 of systematic science teaching : a manual of inductive elementary work / by Edward Gardnier Howe
2000551199 Advanced text-book of zoology for the use of schools / by H. Alleyne Nicholson
2000551924 Agrarpolitik : ein Lehrbuch / von Friedrich Aereboe
2000551169 Agrarwesen und Agrarpolitik / von Adolf Buchenberger 1. Bd
2000551169 Agrarwesen und Agrarpolitik / von Adolf Buchenberger 2. Bd
2001223567 Agricultural co-operation / John F. Sinclair
2000551940 Agricultural commerce : the organization of American commerce in agricultural commodities / by Grover G. Huebner
2000551738 Agricultural education in the United States / by Whitney H. Shepardson
2000551928 Agricultural reform in the United States / by John D. Black
2000556175 Agricultural statistics for the year 1909-1910
2000551917 Agricultural systems of Middle Europe : a symposium / edited by O.S. Morgan
2000551708 Agriculture after the war / by A.D. Hall
2000551939 Agriculture and tariff reform / by J.L. Green
2000564797 Albrecht Thaer's Grundsätze der rationellen Landwirtschaft / herausgegeben und mit Anmerkungen versehen von Guido Kraft ... [et al.]
2000554711 Album : the memories of the sojourn in America / J. Kasahara
2000498041 Alien immigrants to England / by W. Cunningham
2000553955 Allgemeine Gesinde-Ordnung für bie Preußischen Staaten vom 8. November 1810 / heeausgegeben von G.M. Kletke ; Aeberarbeitet und auf die neueste Beit vervossständigt von H. Lange
2000488628 Allgemeine Statslehre / von J.C. Bluntschli
2000550203 Allgemeine Volkswirtschaftslehre
2000550163 Allgemeines Staatsrecht / von J.C. Bluntschli
2000551720 Allgemeines deutsches Handelsgesetzbuch nebst Einführungs- und Ergänzungsgestzen unter Ausschluß des Seerechts : Text-Ausgabe mit Anmerkungen, den von dem Reichsgericht unf dem früheren Reichs-Oberhandelsgericht angenommenen Rechtsgrundsätzen und Sachregilter / herausgegeben von F. Litthauer
2000551925 Allotments and small holdings in Oxfordshire : a survey : made on behalf of the institute research in agricultural economics, University of Oxford / Arthur W. Ashby
2000396190 America to Japan : a symposium of papers by representative citizens of the United States on the relations between Japan and America and on the common interests of the two countries / edited by Lindsay Russell
2000396190 America to Japan : a symposium of papers by representative citizens of the United States on the relations between Japan and America and on the common interests of the two countries / edited by Lindsay Russell
2000550164 American almanac and treasury of facts, statistical, financial, and political / edited by Ainsworth R. Spofford 1884
2000550164 American almanac and treasury of facts, statistical, financial, and political / edited by Ainsworth R. Spofford 1886
2000553000 American comments on European questions, international and religious / by Joseph P. Thompson
2000806538 American economic history
2000806538 American economic history
2000397381 American foreign policy towards Japan during the nineteenth century / by Teijuhn Wada
2000549862 American ideals, character and life / by Hamilton Wright Mabie
2000551729 An agricultural faggot : a collection of papers on agricultural subjects / by R.H. Rew
2000551962 An agricultural policy (as presented by a great Japanese writer) / by Miono Yamamoto
2000552218 An essay on Japanese prints / by Louis V. Ledoux
2000550179 An essay on Western civilization in its economic aspects / by W. Cunningham 1
2000550179 An essay on Western civilization in its economic aspects / by W. Cunningham v. 2
2000549864 An essay on the principle of population, or, A view of its past and present effects on human happiness, with an inquiry into our prospects respecting the future removal or mitigation of the evils which it occasions / by T.R. Malthus
2000549840 An inquiry into the colonial policy of the European powers / by Henry Brougham Vol. 1
2000549840 An inquiry into the colonial policy of the European powers / by Henry Brougham Vol. 2
2000550517 An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations / by Adam Smith ; with a life of the author, an introductory discourse, notes, and supplemental dissertations by J.R. McCulloch
2000550185 An introduction to political economy / Richard T. Ely
2000549821 An outline of Ialtian civilization / by Decio Pettoello
2000407832 Ancestor-worship and Japanese law / by Baron Nobushige Hozumi
3000000399 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science 1
3000000399 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science 10
3000000399 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science 11
3000000399 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science 12
3000000399 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science 13(1,3)
3000000399 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science 14
3000000399 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science 15
3000000399 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science 16
3000000399 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science 17
3000000399 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science 18
3000000399 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science 2
3000000399 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science 3
3000000399 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science 4
3000000399 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science 5
3000000399 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science 6
3000000399 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science 7
3000000399 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science 8
3000000399 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science 9
3000067568 Annual report / U.S. Civil Service Commission 3
3000067404 Annual report of the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Wisconsin 10
3000067404 Annual report of the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Wisconsin 8
3000031264 Annual report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution 1880
2001094867 Annual report of the Civil Service Commissioners of Massachusetts 3rd: Jan. 10, 1887
2000933063 Annual report of the Commissioner of Agriculture for the year / [U.S. Department of Agriculture] 1878
2000933063 Annual report of the Commissioner of Agriculture for the year / [U.S. Department of Agriculture] 1880
2000893830 Annual report of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, for the year 1881
2000893830 Annual report of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, for the year 1884
2000893830 Annual report of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, for the year 1885
3000061456 Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station 17
3000061456 Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station 18
3000061456 Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station 1890
3000061456 Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station 1892
3000061456 Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station 19
3000061456 Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station 20
3000061456 Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station 21
3000061456 Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station 22
3000061456 Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station 23
3000061456 Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station 24
3000061456 Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station 27
3000061456 Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station 28
3000061456 Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station 29
3000061456 Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station 30
3000061456 Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station 31-32
3000061456 Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station 35
3000061456 Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station 36
3000061456 Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station 37
3000061456 Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station 38
3000061456 Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station 39
3000061456 Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station 40
3000061456 Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station 41
3000061456 Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station 42
3000061456 Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station 44
3000061456 Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station 45
3000061456 Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / Connecticut agricultural experiment station 47
2000856338 Annual report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, for the year ending October 31 24th, 1900
3000067570 Annual report of the Department of Fisheries, Dominion of Canada for the year 1885-1886
3000067570 Annual report of the Department of Fisheries, Dominion of Canada for the year 1888,1890
3000067570 Annual report of the Department of Fisheries, Dominion of Canada for the year 1891, Suppl.(1890-1891)
3000067457 Annual report of the Director of the Division of Intercourse and Education / Carnegie Endowment for International Peace 1921-1929
3000067458 Annual report of the Division of Intercourse and Education / Carnegie Endowment for International Peace 1933-1938
3000037711 Annual report of the Hatch Experiment Station of the Massachusetts Agricultural College 9,18-19,23
3000067454 Annual report of the Interstate Commerce Commission 14
3000067454 Annual report of the Interstate Commerce Commission 15
3000067454 Annual report of the Interstate Commerce Commission 16
3000067454 Annual report of the Interstate Commerce Commission 17
3000067454 Annual report of the Interstate Commerce Commission 18
3000067454 Annual report of the Interstate Commerce Commission 19
3000067454 Annual report of the Interstate Commerce Commission 20
3000067454 Annual report of the Interstate Commerce Commission 23
3000067454 Annual report of the Interstate Commerce Commission 24
3000067454 Annual report of the Interstate Commerce Commission 25
3000067454 Annual report of the Interstate Commerce Commission 26
3000067454 Annual report of the Interstate Commerce Commission 27
3000067454 Annual report of the Interstate Commerce Commission 28
3000067454 Annual report of the Interstate Commerce Commission 29
3000067454 Annual report of the Interstate Commerce Commission 30
3000067454 Annual report of the Interstate Commerce Commission 31
3000067454 Annual report of the Interstate Commerce Commission 32
3000067454 Annual report of the Interstate Commerce Commission 35
2000825904 Annual report of the Minister of State for Education / translated and published by the Department of Education 34th (39th statistical year of Meiji)(1906-7)
2000825904 Annual report of the Minister of State for Education / translated and published by the Department of Education 36th (41st statistical year of Meiji)(1908-9)
2000825904 Annual report of the Minister of State for Education / translated and published by the Department of Education 38th (43rd statistical year of Meiji)(1910-11)
2000825904 Annual report of the Minister of State for Education / translated and published by the Department of Education 39th (44th statistical year of Meiji)(1911-12)
2000825904 Annual report of the Minister of State for Education / translated and published by the Department of Education 40th (1st statistical year of Taisho)(1912-13)
2000825904 Annual report of the Minister of State for Education / translated and published by the Department of Education 41st (2nd statistical year of Taisho)(1913-14)
2001094862 Annual report of the New York State Dairymen's Association, with the transactions and addresses 6th: for the year 1882
3000067462 Annual report of the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station 1882
3000067455 Annual report of the Ontario Agricultural College and Experimental Farm ... 7-8
3000067455 Annual report of the Ontario Agricultural College and Experimental Farm ... 9,11
3000067551 Annual report of the Pennsylvania State College 1891(2)
3000067539 Annual report of the Secretary of the Connecticut State Board of Agriculture 15
3000067539 Annual report of the Secretary of the Connecticut State Board of Agriculture 17
3000067539 Annual report of the Secretary of the Connecticut State Board of Agriculture 20
3000067539 Annual report of the Secretary of the Connecticut State Board of Agriculture 21
3000067539 Annual report of the Secretary of the Connecticut State Board of Agriculture 22
3000067539 Annual report of the Secretary of the Connecticut State Board of Agriculture 23
3000067539 Annual report of the Secretary of the Connecticut State Board of Agriculture 24
2000555436 Annual report of the Secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Agriculture / [Massachusetts Board of Agriculture] 33rd, 1885
3000067499 Annual report of the Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture of the State of Michigan 23
2001226630 Annual report of the Sewerage Commission of the city of Baltimore 1911-12
3000061345 Annual report of the Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station, Storrs, Connecticut 10
3000061345 Annual report of the Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station, Storrs, Connecticut 13
2000549877 Annual report of the commissioners of emigration of the State of New York, for the year ending December 31st, 1885
3000067483 Annual report of the director / the Institute of International Education 1,3-4,6-10
3000067483 Annual report of the director / the Institute of International Education 11-13,15-16,18-19
2001218121 Annual report on reforms and progress in Chosen / compiled by Government-General of Chosen 1918-21
3000067540 Annual report on the statistics of railways in the United States / Interstate Commerce Commission 12
3000067540 Annual report on the statistics of railways in the United States / Interstate Commerce Commission 13
3000067540 Annual report on the statistics of railways in the United States / Interstate Commerce Commission 14
3000067540 Annual report on the statistics of railways in the United States / Interstate Commerce Commission 15
3000067540 Annual report on the statistics of railways in the United States / Interstate Commerce Commission 16
3000067540 Annual report on the statistics of railways in the United States / Interstate Commerce Commission 17
3000067540 Annual report on the statistics of railways in the United States / Interstate Commerce Commission 18
3000067540 Annual report on the statistics of railways in the United States / Interstate Commerce Commission 19
3000067540 Annual report on the statistics of railways in the United States / Interstate Commerce Commission 2
3000067540 Annual report on the statistics of railways in the United States / Interstate Commerce Commission 21
3000067540 Annual report on the statistics of railways in the United States / Interstate Commerce Commission 22
3000067540 Annual report on the statistics of railways in the United States / Interstate Commerce Commission 5
3000067540 Annual report on the statistics of railways in the United States / Interstate Commerce Commission 7
3000067540 Annual report on the statistics of railways in the United States / Interstate Commerce Commission 7
2000552737 Appletons' dictionary of New York and Vicinity : with maps of New York and its environs, an index and guide to places, institutions, societies, amusements, resorts, and all other things in and about the city of New York, in regard to which the stranger or the citizen may need or desire information / compiled by Townsend Percy
3000003650 Arbeiten aus dem Anatomischen Institut der Kaiserlich-Japanischen Universität zu Sendai 1,5-7
3000003650 Arbeiten aus dem Anatomischen Institut der Kaiserlich-Japanischen Universität zu Sendai 13
3000003650 Arbeiten aus dem Anatomischen Institut der Kaiserlich-Japanischen Universität zu Sendai 8-11
2000091380 Art, life, and nature in Japan / by Masaharu Anesaki
3000067459 Asia : journal of the American Asiatic Association 17(6-10)
3000067459 Asia : journal of the American Asiatic Association 18(1-8)
3000067459 Asia : journal of the American Asiatic Association 21(5-12)
3000067459 Asia : journal of the American Asiatic Association 22(1-12)
3000067459 Asia : journal of the American Asiatic Association 23(1-12)
3000067459 Asia : journal of the American Asiatic Association 24(1-12)
3000067459 Asia : journal of the American Asiatic Association 25(1-12)
3000067459 Asia : journal of the American Asiatic Association 26(1-12)
3000067459 Asia : journal of the American Asiatic Association 27(1-5)
2000552531 Asiatic Russia / by George Frederick Wright v. 1
2000552531 Asiatic Russia / by George Frederick Wright v. 2
2001731504 Atlas zur Geschichte der Kartographie der japanischen Inseln : nebst dem holländischen Journal der Reise Mathys Quasts und A.J. Tasmans zur Entdeckung der Goldinseln im Osten von Japan I.D.J. 1639 und dessen deutscher Übersetzung / Paul Graf Teleki
2000551697 Aufgaben der Gemeindepolitik : ("Vom Gemeinde-Sozialismus".) / von Adolf Damaschke
2000553953 Aus dem Jahrhundert des großen Krieges : Bilder / von Gustav Freytag
2000550225 Bad times : an essay on the present depression of trade, tracing it to its sources in enormous foreign loans, excessive war expenditure, the increase of speculation and of millionaires, and the depopulation of the rural districts, with suggested remedies / by Alfred Russel Wallace
2001218572 Baltimore, slavery, and constitutional history
2000551719 Beiträge zur Wirthschaftslehre des Landbau's : eine Sammlung von Vorträgen und Abhandlungen aus den Jahren 1870-80 / in neuer Bearbeitung herausgegeben von Adolf Krämer
2000552214 Bericht über die Internationale Studenten-Konferenz zu Eisenach am Fusse der Wartburg 13.-17. Juli 1898 / herausgegeben vom Christliechen Studenten-Weltbund (World's Student Christian Federation)
2000550169 Between two worlds : interpretations of the age in which we live essays and addresses / by Nicholas Murray Butler
2000961158 Bibliography of the Japanese Empire, 1906-1926 : being a classified list of the literature issued in European languages since the publication of Fr. von Wenckstern's "Bibliography of the Japanese Empire", up to the year 1926 / compiled by Oskar Nachod v. 1, nos. 1-4019
2000961158 Bibliography of the Japanese Empire, 1906-1926 : being a classified list of the literature issued in European languages since the publication of Fr. von Wenckstern's "Bibliography of the Japanese Empire", up to the year 1926 / compiled by Oskar Nachod v. 2, nos. 4020-9575
3000067464 Biennial report of the Storers Agricultural Experiment Station, Connecticut 1923
3000003963 Biennial report of the state geologist / North Carolina Geological and Economic Survey 1911-1912
2000552220 Biography of Benjamin Smith Lyman / by Gonpei Kuwada
2000551702 Biology of the membracidae of the Cayuga lake basin / W.D. Funkhouser
2000934074 Birds of eastern Canada / by P. A. Taverner
2000551927 Birnbaum's Landwirtschaftliche Taxationslehre
2000552526 Bis zu den Karlsbader Beschlüssen
2000552525 Bis zum zweiten Pariser Frieden
2000552527 Bis zur Juli-Revolution
2000553952 Bondar's simplified Russian method (conversational and commercial) / compiled by D.Bondar ; partly assisted by Alfred Calvert
2000551740 British agriculture : the nation's opportunity : being the Minority report of the departmental Committee on the employment of sailors and soldiers on the land / by Edward G. Strutt, Leslie Scott and G.H. Roberts ; and a preface and appendix on the reclamation of land by A.D. Hall
2000549845 British colonial policy, 1783-1915 / by C.H. Currey
2000551709 British rural life and labour / by Francis George Heath
3000067466 Bulletin / University of Wisconsin. Agricultural Experiment Station 40,209,210,231,356
3000009522 Bulletin of the Imperial Tokyo Sericultural College, Japan 1(1-5),2(1)
2000549210 Bushido : die Seele Japans, eine Darstellung des japanischen Geistes / von Inazo Nitobé ; ins Deutsche übertragen von Ella Kaufmann
2000549212 Bushido : the soul of Japan / by Inazo Nitobé
2000549211 Bushido : the soul of Japan : an exposition of Japanese thought / by Inazo Nitobé
2000551722 Campus scenes at aggie
2001658639 Catalogue des ouvrages exposés / Librairie Gauthier-Villars
2000551457 Catalogue of European books in the Tôhoku Imperial University Library 1912-1913
2000551457 Catalogue of European books in the Tôhoku Imperial University Library 増加第2 : 1913-1914
2000551182 Catalogue of machinery, models, etc., in the machinery and inventions division of the South Kensington Museum with descriptive and historical notes pt. 1
2000553947 Central electric stations in Canada
2000549507 Changes in family life / by William Beveridge and others
2000552193 Chemical economics / by Williams Haynes
2000552222 Chile of to-day : its commerce, its production and its resources, national yearly publication of reference (1907-1908) / by Adolfo Ortúzar
2000549817 China : a nation in evolution / by Paul Monroe
2000549847 China : the facts / by P.T. Etherton
2000551726 Christian Education in Japan : a study, being the report of a Commission on Christian Education in Japan
2000549550 Christianity and modern thought
2000549551 Christianity today and tomorrow
2000798789 Church and state : Columbus and America
2000550520 Circular from the General Land Office showing the manner of proceeding to obtain title to public lands under the pre-emption, homestead, and other laws
3000067467 Circulars of information of the Bureau of Education / U.S. Office of Education 1881(1),1885(5),1887(1)
3000067467 Circulars of information of the Bureau of Education / U.S. Office of Education 1888(1),1890(1)
2000550812 Co-operation and Charles Gide / edited by Karl Walter
2000550491 Co-operation as a business / by Charles Barnard
2000552234 Collection of W.T. Walters
2001219209 Colonial and economic history
2000549844 Colonies and dependencies
3000067547 Columbia University bulletin of information 28(12),29(12),30(13),31(13),32(13),33(13)
3000067547 Columbia University bulletin of information 34(12),35(11),36(12),37(2),38(2),39(2)
2000549206 Commemoration volume : the twenty-fifth anniversary of the foundation of the Zaidan Hojin Meiji Seitoku Kinen Gakkai, or Meiji Japan Society / edited by Genchi Kato
2000410109 Comments on John Bassett Moore's discussion : with reference to Manchurian incident, embargo & naturality, "aggressor, " Kellogg Pact, League, American "birthright," etc / by Seiji George Hishida
2000552747 Commersbuch / herausgegeben und mit kritisch-historischen Anmerkungen versehen von Max Friedlaender
2000551174 Comprehensive anatomy, physiology, and hygiene, adapted for schools, academies, colleges, and families, with instruction on the effects of stimulants and narcotices, and brief directions for illustrative dissections of mammals, for elementary work with the microscope, for physiological demonstrations on the human body, and for the management of emergent cases / by John C. Cutter
2000552204 Comptabilité agricole / par F. Convert
2000549203 Compte-rendu de la XIme conférence nationale des unions chrétiennes de jeunes gens
2000552221 Condensed milk : a study of condensed, evaporated, and powdered milk / by Atsushi Miyawaki
2000551458 Congressional government : a study in American politics / by Woodrow Wilson
2001219395 Congressional investigating committees / by Marshall Edward Dimock . A study of judicial administration in the state of Maryland / by G. Kenneth Reiblich . The financial history of Baltimore, 1900-1926 / by Leonard Owens Rea . Franco-German relations 1878-1885 / by Robert H. Wienefeld
2001762140 Congrès international d'agriculture à la Haye en 1891 : programme spécial
2000551203 Conic sections and analytical geometry : theoretically and practically illustrated / by Horatio N. Robinson
2000549850 Constructive rural sociology / by John M. Gillette ; with an introduction by George E. Vincent
3000067468 Consular reports : commerce, manufactures, etc 167,200,202
2001219385 Contemporary French opinion on the American Civil War / by W. Reed West . Frederick Law Olmsted : a critic of the Old South / by Broadus Mitchell . Constitutional doctrines of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes / by Dorsey Richardson . The Reformation in Poland : some social and economic aspects / by Paul Fox
2001221270 Contributions to the wages question
2000549544 Cooperation and the world mission / John R. Mott
2000552514 Correspondence relative to the naval expedition to Japan
2000552225 Cost accounting and burden application / Clinton H. Scovell
2001071862 Cost of living : proceedings of the Special Committee appointed for the purpose of inquiring forthwith as to the prices charged for foodstuffs, clothing, fuel and other necessaries of life ... , 2nd session of the thirteenth Parliament of Canada, June 4 to July 5, 1919
2000552530 Coöperative credit associations in certain European countries, and their relation to agricultural interests / prepared under direction of the statistician, by Edward T. Peters
2000549553 Creation : the scriptural proof of the creation of things seen and unseen, showing the unfloding of the Divine Plan from the Logos to the completion of the royalfamily of heaven and the restoration of man / by J.F. Rutherford
2000551194 Creation by evolution : a consensus of present-day knowledge as set forth by leading authorities in non-technical language that all may understand / edited by Frances Mason
2000878778 Crossing the bar / by Alfred Tennyson ; and thoughts from Byron ... [et al.]
2000829625 Crumpled leaves from old Japan / Tr. from the Manyoshu by Dan F. Waugh ; and done into English verse by Frank Prentice Rand
2000551193 Das Viehseuchenwesen des Preussischen Staates / von H.A. Mascher
2000551448 Das moderne Völkerrecht der civilisirten Staten als Rechtsbuch dargestellt / von J.C. Bluntschli
2000961447 De 1515 à 1804 / Louis Madelin
2000961449 De 1804 à 1926 / Gabriel Hanotaux
2000961458 De Ronsard à nos jours / Fortunat Strowski
2000549860 De la colonisation chez les peuples modernes / par Paul Leroy-Beaulieu
2000961452 De la constituante au directoire / par Mangin . Du directoire à la guerre de 1914 / par Franchet d'Esperey . La guerre de 1914-1918 / par Gabriel Hanotaux
2000552206 Der Acker= und Pflanzenbau / bearbeitet von W. Detmer ... [et al.]
2000551934 Der Landwirth als Kaufmann : praktische Anleitung zum Einkauf der Bedarfsartikel und zum Verkauf der Boden- und Viehzuchtsproducte auf Grund landwirthschaftlicher und kaufmännische Erfahrungen in Oesterreich-Ungarn / von Adolf Ebert
2000551745 Der Zolltarif für das deutsche Reich : nach den Gesetzen vom 15. Juli 1879, 6. Juni 1880, 19. Juni 1881, 21. Juni 1881, 23. Juni 1882 und 22. Mai 1885, nebst den einschlhägigen Gesetzen, mit alphabetischem Sachregister
2001221524 Des droits réels (fin) : (gage immobilier et registre foneier)
2000961451 Des origines aux croisades / par J. Colin . Des croisades à la Révolution / par F. Reboul
2000965077 Des origines à 1515 / par P. Imbart de La Tour ; illustrations de J. Patissou
2000961457 Des origines à Ronsard / par Joseph Bédier, Alfred Jeanroy et F. Picavet
2000552759 Deutsches Lesebuch / von Carl Oltrogge 2
2000365350 Dictionary of the German and English languages : abridged from the author's larger work for the use of learners / by G. J. Adler
2000549818 Die Ainu und ihre Religion / Hans Haas
2000552227 Die Amerikanische Literatur : Vorlesungen, gehalten an der Königlichen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin / von C. Alphonso Smith
2000551945 Die Betriebslehre / Von Guido Krafft
2000551944 Die Betriebslehre / von Guido Krafft
2000552772 Die Geschichte des Altertums
2000550206 Die Grundlagen der Nationalökonomie : ein Hand- und Lesebuch für Geschäftsmänner und Studierende / von Wilhelm Roscher
2001024875 Die Ideale des Ostens / von Kakuzo Okakura ; aus dem englischen Original übertragen von Marguerite Steindorff
2000550154 Die Planwirtschaft und ihre ökonomischen Hauptprobleme / von Walter Schiff
2000552198 Die Universitäten im Deutschen Reich, in der Schweiz, den russischen Ostseeprovinzen und Oesterreich-Ungarn
2000552199 Die Waldwirthschaft und der Waldschutz mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Waldschutzgesetzgebung in Preussen / von August Bernhardt
2000550504 Die deutsche Arbeiterpresse der Gegenwart / von A. Held
2000551742 Die deutsche Landwirthschaft auf der Weltausstellung in Paris 1900
2000551955 Die drei Fragen des Grundbesitzes und seiner Zukunft : die irische, die continentale und die transatlantische Frage / von Lorenz von Stein
2000552207 Die fischerei-Gesetzgebung des Preußischen Sttates / bearbeitet von C. Doehl
2000545835 Die hygienischen Verhältnisse der Insel Formosa : im Auftrage des Generalgouvernements Formosa / herausgegeben von T. Takaki
2000552216 Die landwirthschaftliche Betriebs-Organisation / von A.E. Ritter von Komers
2000856509 Die landwirthschaftliche Verwaltung
2000552237 Die landwirtschaftliche Betriebseinrichtung in Lehre und Beispiel / dargestellt von N. Westermeier
2000552210 Die landwirtschaftliche Buchführung / von Theod. Frhr. von der Goltz
2000551446 Die preußischen Gesetze über Grundeigenthum und Hypothekenrecht vom 5. Mai 1872 / herausgegeben mit Einleitung und Kommentar von Alexander Achilles
2000550829 Die schweizerische Nationalbahn (Zürcher Dissertation) / von Arnold Gubler
2001219184 Diplomatic and constitutional history
2000551698 Directory of the Board of Education of the City of New York
2000653333 Documents relating to the constitutional history of Canada 1759-1791 / selected and edited with notes by Adam Shortt and Arthur G. Doughty Pt. 1
2000549209 Does civilization need religion? : a study in the social resources and limitations of religion in modern life / by Reinhold Niebuhr
2000550802 Dominion Lands Act with Amendments
2000550802 Dominion Lands Act with Amendments
2001219398 Economic and social aspects of federal reclamation / by Dorothy Lampen . Russo-American relations, 1815-1867 / by Benjamin Platt Thomas . A study of the legislature of the state of Maryland : with special reference to the sessions of 1927 and 1929 / by Harry J. Green . Southern commercial conventions, 1837-1859 / by Herbert Wender
3000027445 Economic history : a supplement to the Economic journal / published by the Royal Economic Society 1
3000027445 Economic history : a supplement to the Economic journal / published by the Royal Economic Society 2(6-7)
3000027445 Economic history : a supplement to the Economic journal / published by the Royal Economic Society 2(8)
3000027445 Economic history : a supplement to the Economic journal / published by the Royal Economic Society 3(10)
3000027445 Economic history : a supplement to the Economic journal / published by the Royal Economic Society 3(11)
3000027445 Economic history : a supplement to the Economic journal / published by the Royal Economic Society 3(12)
3000027445 Economic history : a supplement to the Economic journal / published by the Royal Economic Society 3(13-14)
3000027445 Economic history : a supplement to the Economic journal / published by the Royal Economic Society 3(9)
2000550195 Economic history of Chosen / compiled in commemoration of the decennial of the Bank of Chosen
2000550494 Economic history of Manchuria / compiled in commemoration of the decennial of the Bank of Chosen
2000550193 Economic liberalism / by Jacob H. Hollander
2000551456 Economic problems of peace after war : the W. Stanley Jevons lectures at University College, London, in 1917 / by William Robert Scott
2000550490 Economic statesmanship : the great industrial and financial problems arising from the war / by J. Ellis Barker
3000067475 Economic studies / American Economic Association 1
3000067475 Economic studies / American Economic Association 2
3000067475 Economic studies / American Economic Association 3
3000067475 Economic studies / American Economic Association 4
2000550190 Economics : an account of the relations between private property and public welfare / by Arthur Twining Hadley
2000552212 Economics of farm organization and management / by C.L. Holmes
2000550205 Economy / by James Platt
2000549213 Editorial jottings / by Inazo Nitobé v. 1
2000549213 Editorial jottings / by Inazo Nitobé v. 2
2000551723 Education in Japan : prepared for the Louisiana Purchase Exposition at St. Louis, U.S.A. pt. 1-9
2001218556 Education, history, and politics
2000552211 Einführung in die Gerbereiwissenschaft : Leitfaden für studierende und Praktiker / von Georg Grasser
2000551185 Elementary anatomy and physiology : for colleges, academies, and other schools / by Edward Hitchcock and Edward Hitchcock, Jr
2000551204 Elements of geometry, and plane and spherical trigonometry : with numerous practical problems / by Horatio N. Robinson
2000550498 Elements of land economics / by Richard T. Ely and Edward W. Morehouse
2000550202 Elements of political economy / by Arthur Latham Perry
2000551175 Elements of surveying and levelling : with descriptions of the instruments and the necessary tables / by Charles Davies
2000551170 English agriculture in 1850-51 / by James Caird
2000551178 English public finance : from the revolution of 1688, with chapters on the Bank of England / by Harvey E. Fisk
2001022094 Enquête sur la situation de la viticulture en suisse
2000552760 Epitome of ancient, mediæval, and modern history / by Carl Ploetz ; translated by William H. Tillinghast
2001221611 Erhebungen über den Stand des landwirtschaftlichen Verrins- und Genossenschaftswesens in der Schweiz am 1. Januar 1910 / dargestellt vom Schweizerischen Bauernsekretariate
2000551946 Essai sur l'économie rurale de la Belgique / par Émile de Laveleye
2000550165 Essays on political economy / by M. Frederic Bastiat
2000549536 Essays, literary, moral, and political / by David Hume
2000552750 Europe in the nineteenth century (1789-1914) / by A.J. Grant and Harold Temperley
2000549208 Evangelism for the world today : as interpreted by Christian leaders throughout the world / edited by John R. Mott
2001040514 Evidence given before the Standing committee on public health and inspection of foods on the subject of whole wheat bread / Mr. de Veber, chairman
2001656077 Exhibits re evidence of the Royal Commission of Enquiry in the Matter of the Farmersʹ Bank of Canada
2000549865 Expansion / by Theodore Marburg
2000551189 Exposition universelle de 1900 à Paris : catalogue spécial : exposition des pays de la couronne hongroise / publié par le Commissariat Royal Hongrois
2000551189 Exposition universelle de 1900 à Paris : catalogue spécial : exposition des pays de la couronne hongroise / publié par le Commissariat Royal Hongrois
2000549556 False hopes : or, fallacies, socialistic and semi-socialistic, briefly answered, an address / by Goldwin Smith
2000550822 Famous stories / retold by James Baldwin ; adapted to Japanese students by H. Sakurai
2000552202 Farm management : including business accounts, suggestions, for watching markets, time to market various products, adaptation to local conditions, etc. / by Fred W. Card
2001169251 Farm population of the United States : an analysis of the 1920 farm population figures, especially in comparison with urban data, together with a study of the main economic factors affecting the farm population / by Leon E. Truesdell
3000067661 Farm, stock and home 30(16-17,19-24),31
3000067661 Farm, stock and home 32(1-15)
2000553954 Festbericht der XIV. Intermationalen Konferenz der Christlichen Jünglingsvereine vom 6. bis 10. Juli 1898 in Basel
2000552532 Fifteenth annual report of the city superintendent of schools for the year ending July 31, 1913
2000552510 Fifty years of new Japan (Kaikoku gojūnen shi) / compiled by Shigénobu Ōkuma ; English version edited by Marcus B. Huish v. 1
2000552510 Fifty years of new Japan (Kaikoku gojūnen shi) / compiled by Shigénobu Ōkuma ; English version edited by Marcus B. Huish v. 2
2000550516 Finanzwissenschaft und Verwaltungslehre / herausgegeben von Gustav Schönberg
2000553960 First Pan-Pacific Educational Conference Honolulu, August 11-24, 1921 ... program and proceedings
2001471495 First annual report of the Dominion Statistician for the fiscal year ended March 31, 1919
2001217468 First report of the association concordia of Japan
2000553949 Fisheries statistics 1917
2000553949 Fisheries statistics 1919
2000552203 Food : some account of its sources, constituents, and uses / by A.H. Church
2000485335 Forstliche Betriebslehre und Forstpolitik / hrsg. von Tuisko Lorey
2000498445 Forstliche Produktionslehre. I. / hrsg. von Tuisko Lorey
2000552503 Forstliche Produktionslehre. II. / hrsg. von Tuisko Lorey
2000551943 Free trade in land / by Joseph Kay ; edited by his widow ; with preface by John Bright
2000551450 French and German socialism in modern times / by Richard T. Ely
2000549527 Friendly America / by Gail Cleland
2000549871 From immigrant to inventor / by Michael Pupin
2001655467 General report : acting commissioner W.F. O'Connor, K.C. re cost of living : sugar
2000550835 General view of commerce & industry in the Empire of Japan
2000551219 Geology, for teachers, classes, and private students / by Sanborn Tenney
2000552720 Gesammelte Geschichten und Novellen / von W.H. Riehl Bd. 1
2000552720 Gesammelte Geschichten und Novellen / von W.H. Riehl Bd. 2
2000549202 Gesamtkatalog über das Arbeitsfeld der Amtlichen Akademischen Auskunftsstelle an der Königlichen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin
2000964530 Geschichte Ostasiens / von F.E.A. Krause 2. T.: Neuere Geschchte
2000550514 Geschichte der National-Oekonomik in Deutschland / von Wilhelm Roscher
2000553956 Gesetze über Grund- u. Gebäudestener / herausgegeben von G.M. Kletke
2000550821 Glimpses of great authors / edited by T. Asai
2000549532 God's minute : a book of 365 daily prayers sixty seconds long for home worship / by 365 eminent clergymen and laymen
2000552749 Goethe: Ausgewählte Prosa / edited, with notes, by James Morgan Hart
2000556170 Gray's lessons in botany and vegetable physiology, illustrated by over 360 wood engravings, from original drawings, by Isaac Sprague. To which is added a copious glossary, or dictionary of botanical terms / by Asa Gray
2000550842 Great traits of great men / edited by E. Takasugi
2000552743 Grundlegung der Nationalökonomie : ein Lesebuch für Studirende / von Gustav Cohn
2000550502 Grundzüge der Wirtschaftslehre : ein Leitfaden für den Unterricht an landwirtschaftlichen und anderen gewerblichen Lehr-Anstalten, sowie zur Selbstbelehrung / bearbeitet von Victor Funk
2000551931 Grundzüge der deutschen Agrarpolitik unter besonderer Würdigung der kleinen und grossen Mittel / by Adolf Buchenberger
2000555435 Grüsse und Reiseerinnerungen aus der Ferne in die Heimat / H. Kawaé
2000550496 Guide to the study of political economy / by Luigi Cossa ; translated from the second Italian edition ; with a preface by W. Stanley Jevons
2000552512 Guide-book excursion
2000961446 Géographie politique et géographie du travail / Jean Brunhes et Pierre Deffontaines
2001762129 Handbook of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
2001762092 Handbook of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
2000549207 Handbook of the old shrines and temples and their treasures in Japan
2000551937 Handbuch der landwirtschaftlichen Betriebslehre / von Theodor Freiherrn von der Goltz
2000553959 Handelsschiffahrt
2000550830 Harper's phrase-book : or, hand-book of travel talk for travellers and schools being a guide to conversations in English, French, German, and Italian, on a new and improved method intended to accompany "Harper's hand-book for travellers" / by W. Pembroke Fetridge ; with concise and explicit rules for the pronunciation of the different languages
2000550192 Hawaiian almanac and annual for ... : the handbook of information on matters relating to the Hawaiian Islands, original and selected, of value to merchants, tourists and others / Thos. G. Thrum, compiler and publisher 1914
2000550508 Heimstätten- und andere Wirthschaftsgesetze der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, von Canada, Russland, China, Indien, Rumänien, Serbien und England / herausgegeben mit einleitenden und erläuternden Abhandlungen von Rudolf Meyer
2000550177 Her Majesty's colonies
2000961456 Histoire des arts / Louis Gillet
2000961461 Histoire des sciences biologiques / par Maurice Caullery . Histoire de la philosophie / par René Lote
2000961453 Histoire diplomatique 1515-1928 / René Pinon
2000961450 Histoire religieuse / par Georges Goyau ; illustrations de Maurice Denis
2000550492 Historical sketch of the distribution of land in England : with suggestions for some improvement in the law / by William Lloyd Birkbeck
2000552741 History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, called Frederick the Great / by Thomas Carlyle v. 1
2000552741 History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, called Frederick the Great / by Thomas Carlyle v. 10
2000552741 History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, called Frederick the Great / by Thomas Carlyle v. 11
2000552741 History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, called Frederick the Great / by Thomas Carlyle v. 12
2000552741 History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, called Frederick the Great / by Thomas Carlyle v. 13
2000552741 History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, called Frederick the Great / by Thomas Carlyle v. 2
2000552741 History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, called Frederick the Great / by Thomas Carlyle v. 3
2000552741 History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, called Frederick the Great / by Thomas Carlyle v. 4
2000552741 History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, called Frederick the Great / by Thomas Carlyle v. 5
2000552741 History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, called Frederick the Great / by Thomas Carlyle v. 6
2000552741 History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, called Frederick the Great / by Thomas Carlyle v. 7
2000552741 History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, called Frederick the Great / by Thomas Carlyle v. 8
2000552741 History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, called Frederick the Great / by Thomas Carlyle v. 9
2000552495 History of Italy / by William Hunt ; edited by Edward A. Freeman
2000552528 History of Prussia to the accession of Frederic the Great : 1134-1740 / by Herbert Tuttle
2001218181 History of State Banking in Maryland / by Alfred Cookman Brayan
2001223270 History of coöperation in the United States
2000552487 History of the United States / by J.A. Doyle ; with maps illustrative of the acquisition of territory and the increase of population by Francis A. Walker
2001218553 History, politics, and education
2001219406 Hours of labor / by Lazare Teper . Some Presidential interpretations of the Presidency / by Norman J. Small . The governor of Maryland : a constitutional study / by Charles James Rohr . The yellow dog contract / by Joel I. Seidman
2000550208 How Europe made peace without America / by Frank H. Simonds
2000732418 How I became a Christian : out of my diary / by a "Heathen Convert"
2000732418 How I became a Christian : out of my diary / by a "Heathen Convert"
2000549852 Human migration & the future : a study of the causes, effects & control of emigration / by J.W. Gregory
2000552768 I have called you friends : extolling the worth of friendship / collected by Adah Louise Sutton
2000549870 Ideal commonwealths / [compiled] with an introduction by Henry Morley
2001030676 Im Herzen von Asien : zehntausend Kilometer auf unbekannten Pfaden / von Sven v. Hedin 1. Bd
2001030676 Im Herzen von Asien : zehntausend Kilometer auf unbekannten Pfaden / von Sven v. Hedin 2. Bd
2000550184 In der neuen Heimath : Geschichtliche Mittheilungen über die deutschen Einwanderer in allen Theilen der Union / herausgegeben von Anton Eikhoff
2000550834 Indian shipping : a history of the sea-borne trade and maritime activity of the Indians from the earliest times / by Radhakumud Mookerji ; with an introductory note by Brajendranath Seal
2001219221 Indiana, North Carolina and Maryland
2000551224 Industrial Japan : a collection of papers by specialists on various branches of industry in Japan / edited by Publications Committee, World Engineering Congress
3000035193 Insecta matsumurana 1
3000035193 Insecta matsumurana 10
3000035193 Insecta matsumurana 11
3000035193 Insecta matsumurana 12
3000035193 Insecta matsumurana 13
3000035193 Insecta matsumurana 2
3000035193 Insecta matsumurana 3
3000035193 Insecta matsumurana 4
3000035193 Insecta matsumurana 5
3000035193 Insecta matsumurana 6
3000035193 Insecta matsumurana 7
3000035193 Insecta matsumurana 8
3000035193 Insecta matsumurana 9
2000799022 Institutional and economic history
2000550511 Integral co-operation : it practical application / by Albert K. Owen
2000555101 Intercorporate relationships of railways in the United States as of June 30, 1906 / prepared by the Division of Statistics and Accounts
2001223753 Interim report of the experimental farms covering the period from December 1, 1915, to March 31, 1906
3000001321 International conciliation = Pro patria per orbis concordiam 135-145
3000001321 International conciliation = Pro patria per orbis concordiam 146-157
3000001321 International conciliation = Pro patria per orbis concordiam 158-169
3000001321 International conciliation = Pro patria per orbis concordiam 170-181
3000001321 International conciliation = Pro patria per orbis concordiam 182-193
3000001321 International conciliation = Pro patria per orbis concordiam 194-205
3000001321 International conciliation = Pro patria per orbis concordiam 2,8,15,21-22,24-28,30-31,35-46,48-9
3000001321 International conciliation = Pro patria per orbis concordiam 206-215
3000001321 International conciliation = Pro patria per orbis concordiam 216-225
3000001321 International conciliation = Pro patria per orbis concordiam 226,228-235
3000001321 International conciliation = Pro patria per orbis concordiam 236-245
3000001321 International conciliation = Pro patria per orbis concordiam 246-255
3000001321 International conciliation = Pro patria per orbis concordiam 257-265
3000001321 International conciliation = Pro patria per orbis concordiam 266,268-272,274-275
3000001321 International conciliation = Pro patria per orbis concordiam 276-285
3000001321 International conciliation = Pro patria per orbis concordiam 286-295
3000001321 International conciliation = Pro patria per orbis concordiam 296-305
3000001321 International conciliation = Pro patria per orbis concordiam 306-311,313-315
3000001321 International conciliation = Pro patria per orbis concordiam 316-325
3000001321 International conciliation = Pro patria per orbis concordiam 326-335
3000001321 International conciliation = Pro patria per orbis concordiam 336-345
3000001321 International conciliation = Pro patria per orbis concordiam 346-350
3000001321 International conciliation = Pro patria per orbis concordiam 50-53,61-64,87-88,109-116,118-119,121-123
2000551222 International finance / by Hartley Withers
2000550176 International rivalries in Manchuria, 1689-1922 / by Paul Hibbert Clyde
2000961443 Introduction générale . Géographie humaine de la France, premier volume / par Jean Brunhes ; illustrations d'Auguste Lepère
2000961460 Introduction générale / par Émile Picard . Mathématiques, mécanique, astronomie physique et chimie / par Henri Andoyer ... [et al.] ; illustrations de B. Mestchersky
2000549875 Introduction to rural sociology / by Paul L. Vogt
2000551735 Introduction to the science of education / by Benoy Kumar Sarkar ; translated from the Bengali by Major B.D. Basu
2000552519 Ivanhoe : a romance / by Sir Walter Scott, Bart
2001070771 Japan Society : organized 1907, incorporated 1913
2000550167 Japan and Japanese-American relations : Clark University addresses / edited by George H. Blakeslee
2000549557 Japan and the Japanese : essays / Kanzō Uchimura
2000552767 Japan of the new era : souvenir of the accession ceremony being a compendium of information about modern Japan in all her activities / edited and compiled by Shisei-Sha
2000552477 Japan on the upward trail / by William Axling
2000549816 Japan und die Japaner : eine Landeskunde / von Karl Haushofer
2000550201 Japan's economic position : the progress of industrialization / by John E. Orchard ; with the collaboration of Dorothy Johnson Orchard
2000551949 Japan's landwirthschaftliche und allgemeinwirthschaftliche Verhältnisse / nach eignen Beobachtungen dargestellt von Georg Liebscher
2000478327 Japanese traits and foreign influences / by Inazo Nitobè
2001217447 Jared Sparks and Alexis de Tocqueville / by Herbert B. Adams
2000552506 John R. Mott world citizen / by Basil Mathews
3000031136 Journal of the College of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University, Sapporo, Japan = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 10(1-7)
3000031136 Journal of the College of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University, Sapporo, Japan = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 11(1-4)
3000031136 Journal of the College of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University, Sapporo, Japan = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 12(1-3)
3000031136 Journal of the College of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University, Sapporo, Japan = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 13(1-3)
3000031136 Journal of the College of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University, Sapporo, Japan = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 14(1-4)
3000031136 Journal of the College of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University, Sapporo, Japan = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 15(1-5)
3000031136 Journal of the College of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University, Sapporo, Japan = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 16(1-5)
3000031136 Journal of the College of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University, Sapporo, Japan = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 17(1-4)
3000031136 Journal of the College of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University, Sapporo, Japan = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 18(1-5)
3000031136 Journal of the College of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University, Sapporo, Japan = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 19(1-5)
3000031136 Journal of the College of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University, Sapporo, Japan = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 9(1-6)
3000031052 Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 21(1-5)
3000031052 Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 22(1-2)
3000031052 Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 23(1-6)
3000031052 Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 24(1-5)
3000031052 Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 25(1-4)
3000031052 Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 26(1-4)
3000031052 Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 27(1-3)
3000031052 Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 28(1-3)
3000031052 Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 28(1-3)
3000031052 Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 29(1-4)
3000031052 Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 29(1-5)
3000031052 Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 30(1-5)
3000031052 Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 31(1-3)
3000031052 Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 32(1-6)
3000031052 Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 33(1-5)
3000031052 Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 34(1-2)
3000031052 Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 35(1-4)
3000031052 Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 36(1-2)
3000031052 Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University = 北海道帝國大學農學部紀要 37(1-4)
3000047595 Journal of the Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Imperial University = 東京帝國大學工學部紀要 / 東京帝國大學工學部 [編] 15(3-10)
3000047595 Journal of the Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Imperial University = 東京帝國大學工學部紀要 / 東京帝國大學工學部 [編] 16(1-5,8-9)
3000047595 Journal of the Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Imperial University = 東京帝國大學工學部紀要 / 東京帝國大學工學部 [編] 17(1,5-7,9-12,16-17)
3000047595 Journal of the Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Imperial University = 東京帝國大學工學部紀要 / 東京帝國大學工學部 [編] 18(1-10)
3000047595 Journal of the Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Imperial University = 東京帝國大學工學部紀要 / 東京帝國大學工學部 [編] 19(1-4)
3000026661 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University. Ser. 2, Physics 1(1-10)
3000026661 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University. Ser. 2, Physics 2(1-2)
3000030511 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University. Ser. 3, Chemistry 1(1-2)
3000030511 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University. Ser. 3, Chemistry 2(1-4)
3000026662 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University. Ser. 4, Geology and mineralogy 1
3000026662 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University. Ser. 4, Geology and mineralogy 2
3000026662 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University. Ser. 4, Geology and mineralogy 3
3000026662 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University. Ser. 4, Geology and mineralogy 4
3000026664 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University. Ser. 5, Botany 1
3000026664 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University. Ser. 5, Botany 2
3000026664 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University. Ser. 5, Botany 3
3000026664 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University. Ser. 5, Botany 4
3000026664 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University. Ser. 5, Botany 5(1)
3000026663 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University. Ser. 6, Zoology 1
3000026663 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University. Ser. 6, Zoology 2
3000026663 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University. Ser. 6, Zoology 3
3000026663 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University. Ser. 6, Zoology 4
3000026663 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University. Ser. 6, Zoology 5
3000026663 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University. Ser. 6, Zoology 6
3000030509 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University. Series 1, Mathematics 1(1-3)
3000030509 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University. Series 1, Mathematics 2
3000030509 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University. Series 1, Mathematics 3
3000030509 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University. Series 1, Mathematics 4
3000030509 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University. Series 1, Mathematics 5
3000030509 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University. Series 1, Mathematics 6
3000030509 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University. Series 1, Mathematics 7
2000552226 Julius Cæsar / with exhaustive notes by T. Tsuzuki and an introduction by Y. Okakura
2001219246 Jurisdiction in American building-trades unions / by Nathaniel Ruggles Whitney . Slavery in Missouri, 1804-1865 / by Harrison Anthony Trexler . Colonial trade of Maryland, 1689-1715 / by Margaret Shove Morriss
2000552523 Karawanen-Reise in Sibirien / von Kisak Tamai = 西比利亜征槎紀行 / 玉井喜作著
2000551208 Key to Robinson's New University algebra : for teachers and private learners
2000551205 Key to Robinson's new elementary algebra : for teachers and private learners
2000551206 Key to Robinson's new geometry and trigonometry, and conic sections and analytical geometry : with some additional astronomical problems, designed for teachers and students
2000552752 King René's daughter : a Danich lyrical drama / Henrik Hertz ; translated by Theodore Martin
2000552754 King's views of New York, 1908-1909
3000001693 Korean repository 3
2000550152 Kulturwirtschaft / von Gerhard Menz
2000551734 L'Institut agronomique de Sapporo, Japon
2001221744 L'Union suisse des paysans, 1897-1922
2001221878 L'extension de la culture des céréales en suisse / rapport du Secrétariat des paysans suisses aux Associations acricoles de la Suisse
2000551701 L'institut agronomique et son enseignement 1876-1917
2000552742 La Cochinchine : albunm général illustré de 456 gravures sur cuivre
2001236873 La libraro de la Tokia Labiratorio Neuro-Biologia no. 1-2
2001221968 La sylviculture suisse / étude élaborée par l'Union suisse des paysans
2000552736 La ville de Kristiania, son commerce, sa navigation et son industrie : resumé historique / par G. Amnéus
2000550507 Labor and capital, a new monetary system : the only means of securing the respective rights of labor and property and of protecting the public from financial revulsions / by Edward Kellogg ; edited by his daughter, Mary Kellogg Putnam
2000798943 Labor slavery and self-government
2000550838 Labor, land and law : a search for the missing wealth of the working poor / by William A. Phillips
2000550500 Labour and wages : chapters reprinted from the Manual of political economy / by the Right Hon. H. Fawcett
2000550522 Land and its rent / by Francis A. Walker
2000550509 Land and labor in the United States / by Wm. Godwin Moody
2000373347 Land and labour in China / by R.H. Tawney
2000551960 Land nationalisation : its necessity and its aims, being a comparison of the system of landlord and tenant with that of occupying ownership in their influence on the well-being of the people / by Alfred Russel Wallace
2000551959 Land problems and national welfare / by Christopher Turnor ; with an introduction by the Right Hon. Viscount Milner
2000552498 Landwirtschaftliche Betriebslehre für bäuerliche Verhältnisse : Lehrbuch für den Unterricht an landwirtschaftlichen Schulen und für den praktischen Landwirt
2000551953 Laws of the United States of a local or temporary character and exhibiting the entire legislation of Congress upon which the public land titles in each state and territory have depended v. 1
2000551953 Laws of the United States of a local or temporary character and exhibiting the entire legislation of Congress upon which the public land titles in each state and territory have depended v. 2
2000549866 Lectures on colonization and colonies : delivered before the University of Oxford in 1839, 1840 and 1841 / by Herman Merivale v. 1
2000549866 Lectures on colonization and colonies : delivered before the University of Oxford in 1839, 1840 and 1841 / by Herman Merivale v. 2
2000552770 Lectures on the industrial revolution of the eighteenth century in England : popular addresses, notes, and other fragments / by Arnold Toynbee ; together with a short memoir by B. Jowett
2000551938 Leitfaden der landwirtschaftlichen Betriebslehre / von Theodor Freiherr von der Goltz
2000551948 Les entreprises agricoles et les systèmes de culture / par Édouard Lecouteux
2000551947 Les milieux économiques / par Édouard Lecouteux
2000549535 Leviathan or the matter, form and power of a commonwealth, ecclesiastical and civil / by Thomas Hobbes ; with an introduction by Henry Morley
2000552520 Life and times of Stein, or Germany and Prussia in the Napoleonic age / by J.R. Seeley v. 1
2000552520 Life and times of Stein, or Germany and Prussia in the Napoleonic age / by J.R. Seeley v. 2
2000552520 Life and times of Stein, or Germany and Prussia in the Napoleonic age / by J.R. Seeley v. 3
2000552520 Life and times of Stein, or Germany and Prussia in the Napoleonic age / by J.R. Seeley v. 4
2000551714 Life insurance : a textbook / by Solomon S. Huebner
3000001756 Literary digest 100
3000001756 Literary digest 101
3000001756 Literary digest 102
3000001756 Literary digest 103
3000001756 Literary digest 104
3000001756 Literary digest 106
3000001756 Literary digest 107
3000001756 Literary digest 108
3000001756 Literary digest 109
3000001756 Literary digest 110
3000001756 Literary digest 111
3000001756 Literary digest 112
3000001756 Literary digest 113
3000001756 Literary digest 114(1-22)
3000001756 Literary digest 99(9-13)
2000957788 Live stock and animal products statistics, 1909-1919
2000552517 Living in Tokyo / Katharine Sansom ; illustrated by Marjorie Nishiwaki
2000551202 Local government and taxation in the United Kingdom : a series of essays published under the sanction of the Cobden Club / edited by J.W. Probyn
2000550170 Looking forward : what will the American people do about it? : essays and addresses on matters national and international / by Nicholas Murray Butler
2000551721 Lucretia, or, the children of night / by The Right Hon. Lord Lytton
2000553944 Lumber, lath, shingles, etc 1917
2000553944 Lumber, lath, shingles, etc 1919
2000551942 Législation rurale / par E. Jouzier ; introduction par le P. Regnard
2000549815 Ma mission au Japon (1907-1914) : avec un épilogue de 1914 à 1919 et quatre portraits / A. Gérard
2000552201 Making the farm pay / by C.C. Bowsfield
2000549848 Manchuria : the cockpit of Asia / by Colonel P. T. Etherton and H. Hessell Tiltman
2000552753 Manchuria, its people, resources, and recent history / by Alexander Hosie
3000006748 Marine fisheries abstracts / U.S. Department Commerce 20
2000552209 Marketing : a farmer's problem / by Benjamin F. Goldstein
2000551717 Maruya's masterpieces of English prose for use in schools / edited by W.C. Kitchin v. 1
2000553957 Maryland in Liberia : a history of the colony planted by the Maryland State Colonization Society under the auspices of the State of Maryland, U.S. at Cape Palmas on the South-West Coast of Africa, 1833-1853 a paper read before the Maryland Historical Society, March 9th, 1885 / by John H.B. Latrobe
2001218520 Maryland, Virginia, and Washington
2000550826 Materials for German prose composition : or, selections from modern English writer, with grammatical notes, idiomatic renderings of difficult passages, a general introduction, and a gramatical index / by C.A. Buchheim
2000552238 Matrimony / by Edward Lucas Ehite
3000031093 Memoirs of the College of Agriculture, Kyoto Imperial University / College of Agriculture, Kyoto Imperial University 3-6,8-10
3000028953 Memoirs of the College of Engineering, Kyoto Imperial University = 京都帝國大學工科大學紀要 1
3000028953 Memoirs of the College of Engineering, Kyoto Imperial University = 京都帝國大學工科大學紀要 2(1-3,5-6)
3000028953 Memoirs of the College of Engineering, Kyoto Imperial University = 京都帝國大學工科大學紀要 3(1-3)
3000028954 Memoirs of the College of Engineering, Kyushu Imperial University = 九州帝國大學工學部紀要 1(1-2,4-5)
3000028954 Memoirs of the College of Engineering, Kyushu Imperial University = 九州帝國大學工學部紀要 2(1)
3000028954 Memoirs of the College of Engineering, Kyushu Imperial University = 九州帝國大學工學部紀要 2(1,3,4)
3000028954 Memoirs of the College of Engineering, Kyushu Imperial University = 九州帝國大學工學部紀要 3(1)
3000006903 Memoirs of the College of Science and Engineering, Kyoto Imperial University 2(1-3,12-13)
3000006903 Memoirs of the College of Science and Engineering, Kyoto Imperial University 3(1-6)
3000006903 Memoirs of the College of Science and Engineering, Kyoto Imperial University 4(1-2)
3000006903 Memoirs of the College of Science and Engineering, Kyoto Imperial University 5(1-9)
3000028955 Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University 1(1-10)
3000028955 Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University 2(1-6)
3000028955 Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University 3(1-11)
3000028955 Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University 4(1-5)
3000026656 Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido Imperial University = 北海道帝國大學工學部紀要 1(1-5)
3000026656 Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido Imperial University = 北海道帝國大學工學部紀要 2(1-6)
3000067549 Memorandum / Royal Economic Society 1-7,9-18
3000067549 Memorandum / Royal Economic Society 19-32
3000067549 Memorandum / Royal Economic Society 33-38
3000067549 Memorandum / Royal Economic Society 39-44,46-53,56
3000067549 Memorandum / Royal Economic Society 57-69
3000067549 Memorandum / Royal Economic Society 70-78
2000549214 Men of the outposts : the romance of the modern Christian movement / Herbert Welch
2000549822 Methods of statistical analysis in the social sciences / by George R. Davies and Walter F. Crowder
2000277204 Methods of teaching history / by A.D. White ... [et al.]
2000552481 Milk production in Canada : crop rotations, dairy barns breeding dairy cattle feeding, care and management of milch cows / by J.H. Grisdale
2000552489 Millard Fillmore : constructive statesman, defender of the constitution, president of the United States / by William Elliot Griffis
2001223541 Minesota farmers' institute annual, number 26, 1913 / editd by A.D. Wilson and J.A. Vye
2000552739 Minna von Barnhelm, a comedy / by Lessing
3000030774 Mitteilungen aus dem Pathologischen Institut der Kaiserliche Universität zu Sendai, Japan 1(1-2);1(3)
3000007072 Mitteilungen über Allgemeine Pathologie und Pathologische Anatomie / Die Kaiserliche Universität zu Sendai 2(1-3)
3000007072 Mitteilungen über Allgemeine Pathologie und Pathologische Anatomie / Die Kaiserliche Universität zu Sendai 3(1-3)
3000007072 Mitteilungen über Allgemeine Pathologie und Pathologische Anatomie / Die Kaiserliche Universität zu Sendai 4(1-2)
3000007072 Mitteilungen über Allgemeine Pathologie und Pathologische Anatomie / Die Kaiserliche Universität zu Sendai 5(1,3)
3000007072 Mitteilungen über Allgemeine Pathologie und Pathologische Anatomie / Die Kaiserliche Universität zu Sendai 6(1,3)
3000007072 Mitteilungen über Allgemeine Pathologie und Pathologische Anatomie / Die Kaiserliche Universität zu Sendai 7(1)
2001377936 Money and transportation in Maryland, 1720-1765 / by Clarence P. Gould
2000550523 Money in its relations to trade and industry / by Francis A. Walker
3000067497 Monthly summary of the International Labour Organization / International Labour Organization 1927-1932
3000067498 Monthly summary of the League of Nations / Information Section of the League of Nations 10
3000067498 Monthly summary of the League of Nations / Information Section of the League of Nations 11
3000067498 Monthly summary of the League of Nations / Information Section of the League of Nations 12
3000067498 Monthly summary of the League of Nations / Information Section of the League of Nations 2(10,Suppl.,11),3(1-5,8-12,Suppl.)
3000067498 Monthly summary of the League of Nations / Information Section of the League of Nations 4(1-10,12,Suppl.)
3000067498 Monthly summary of the League of Nations / Information Section of the League of Nations 5(1-12,Suppl.)
3000067498 Monthly summary of the League of Nations / Information Section of the League of Nations 6(1-12,Suppl.)
3000067498 Monthly summary of the League of Nations / Information Section of the League of Nations 7(1-12,Suppl.)
3000067498 Monthly summary of the League of Nations / Information Section of the League of Nations 8
3000067498 Monthly summary of the League of Nations / Information Section of the League of Nations 9
2000549205 Morality : an essay addressed to young men / by Maurice Charles Hime
2000549543 Mountains and valleys in the ministry of Jesus / by G. Campbell Morgan
2000798848 Municipal government and land tenure
2001218521 Municipal government, history and politics
2000551918 Mussolinis Getreideschlacht : italienische Landwirtschaft im Zeichen der Diktatur / von Emil Müller-Einhart
2000552239 Narrative lyrics / by Edward Lucas White
2000550476 National productive credit / by Oswald Stoll
2000550831 National railways : an argument for state purchase / by James Hole
2000550197 National system of political economy / by Friedrich List ; translated from the German by G.A. Matile ; including the notes of the French translation, by Henri Richelot ; with a preliminary essay and notes, by Stephen Colwell
2000551455 Nationalökonomik des Ackerbaues und der verwandten Urproductionen : ein Hand- und Lesebuch für Staats- und Landwirthe / von Wilhelm Roscher
2000552224 Nationalökonomik des Handels und Gewerbfleisses : ein Hand- und Lesebuch für Geschäftsmänner und Studierende / von Wilhelm Roscher
2001025649 Neu-Japan : Reisebilder aus Formosa den Ryukyuinseln ・ Bonininseln ・ Korea und dem südmandschurischen Pachtgebiet / von Richard Goldschmidt
2000551207 New University algebra : a theoretical and practical treatise, designed for use in colleges and high schools / by Horatio N. Robinson
2000551209 New elementary algebra : containing the rudiments to the science for schools and academies / by Horatio N. Robinson
3000030476 North American review 213(762-787)
3000030476 North American review 214(788-793)
3000030476 North American review 215(794-799)
3000030476 North American review 216(800-805)
3000030476 North American review 217(306-311)
3000030476 North American review 218(812-817)
3000030476 North American review 219(818-823)
3000030476 North American review 220(824-825)
3000030476 North American review 221(826-827)
3000030476 North American review 222(828-829)
3000030476 North American review 223
3000030476 North American review 224(2-3)
3000030476 North American review 225
3000030476 North American review 226
3000030476 North American review 231,232(1)
2000549520 Notes, explanatory and practical, on the Gospels : designed for Sunday school teachers and Bible classes / by Albert Barnes v. 1
2001236927 Official bulletin the World Engineering Congress, Tokyo 1929 Extra no. 1-13
2000552213 Official proceedings of the ninth international dry-farming congress
2001237072 Ohio Agricultural report, 1881
2000550837 Ollendorff's new method of learning to read, write,and speak the French language : with an appendix, containing the cardinal and ordinal numbers and full paradigms of the regular and irregular, auxiliary reflective and imprersonal verbs / by J.L. Jewett
2000551192 On taxation : how it is raised and how it is expended / by Leone Levi
2000552738 One looks at Russia / by Henri Barbusse ; translated from the French by Warre B. Wells
2000551741 Organization lists of the Agricultural Colleges and experiment stations in the United States : March, 1902
2000552235 Oriental collection of W.T. Walters
3000067572 Our world : a magazine of understanding 2(4-6)
3000067572 Our world : a magazine of understanding 3
3000067572 Our world : a magazine of understanding 4,5(1)
2000550488 Outline of lectures upon political economy, prepared for the use of students at the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md., and the University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Mich. / by Henry Carter Adsms
2000550499 Outlines of economics / by Richard T. Ely
2000552773 Outlines of history : illustrated by numerous eographical and historical notes and maps / by Marcus Willson
2000549858 Outside a city wall / by William Allen Knight
3000067808 Overland monthly. Second series : devoted to the development of the country 3(3-6)
3000067808 Overland monthly. Second series : devoted to the development of the country 4
3000067808 Overland monthly. Second series : devoted to the development of the country 5(1-5),8(44)
2000551929 Pachtrecht und Pachtverträge : ein Handbuch des preussischen und sächsischen Pachtrechts mit kritischen Erörterungen über die gesammten Pachtrechtsverhältnisse und dem Entwurf zu einem Pachtvertrag über ein größeres Landgut / von Adolph Blomeyer
2001219331 Paper money in Maryland, 1727-1789 / by Kathryn L. Behrens . The shop committee in the United States / by Carroll E. French . Bavaria and the Reich : the conflict over the law for the protection of the republic / by Johannes Mattern . James Henry Hammond, 1807-1864 / by Elizabeth Merritt
2001223509 Papers and proceedings of the fourteenth Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., December, 27-30, 1901
2001222086 Papers and proceedings thirteenth Annual Meeting, Detroit and Ann Arbor, Mich., December, 27-29, 1900
2001222078 Papers and proceedings twelfth Annual Meeting, Ithaca, N.Y., December, 27-29, 1899
2000551183 Papers on public credit, commerce and finance / by Alexander Hamilton ; edited by Samuel McKee ; with a foreword by Elihu Root
2000550191 Parliamentary law, or, rules of order for deliberative assemblies / by Elijah M. Haines
2000550524 People's banks : a record of social and economic success / by Henry W. Wolff
2000549559 Perfect love : or, plain things for those who need them, concerning the doctrine, experience, profession, and practice of Christian holiness / by J.A. Wood
2000549524 Personalism / by Borden Parker Bowne
2000553945 Planing mills, sash and door factories, etc., 1917
2000552761 Plutarch's lives of illustrious men pt. 1
2000552761 Plutarch's lives of illustrious men pt. 2
2000552761 Plutarch's lives of illustrious men pt. 3
2000552761 Plutarch's lives of illustrious men pt. 4
2000552761 Plutarch's lives of illustrious men pt. 5
2000551171 Pocket dictionary of common rocks and rock minerals / by Collier Cobb
2000550211 Political economy / by Francis A. Walker
2000550501 Political economy for beginners / by Millicent Garrett Fawcett
2000549874 Political institutions : being part V. of The Principles of sociology (the concluding portion of vol. II) / by Herbert Spencer
2000551933 Politics and the land / by Cecil Dampier-Whetham
2000549839 Politik als Wissenschaft / von J.C. Bluntschli
2000551454 Poverty / by James Platt
2001222017 Preliminary report on the income account of railways in the United States for the year ending June 30 1895,1900
2000551957 Present day Japan / by Yusuke Tsurumi
2000551198 Preservation of natural monuments in Japan / issued by the Department of Home Affairs [1]
2000550832 Primitive property, translated from the French of Emile de Laveleye / by G.R.L. Marriott ; with an introduction by T.E. Cliffe Leslie
2000550198 Principles of political economy : with some of their applications to social philosophy / by John Stuart Mill
2000551696 Principles of rural economics / by Thomas Nixon Carver
2000550209 Problems in political economy / by William Graham Sumner
2000550178 Problems of the Pacific : proceedings of the Second Conference of the Institute of Pacific Relations, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 15 to 29, 1927 / edited by J.B. Condliffe
2000556821 Proceedings / Twenty-Eighth Annual Convention of Rotary International, Nice, France, June 6-11, 1937
2000556171 Proceedings / Twenty-Seventh Annual Convention of Rotary International, Atlantic City, N.J., U.S.A., June 22-26, 1936
2000551447 Proceedings of Third National Conference American Society for Judicial Settlement of International Disputes Dec., 20-21, 1912, Washington, D.C. / edited by James Brown Scott
2000551201 Proceedings of the third Pan-Pacific Science Congress, Tokyo, October 30th-November 11th, 1926 / edited by the National Research Council of Japan v. 1
2000551201 Proceedings of the third Pan-Pacific Science Congress, Tokyo, October 30th-November 11th, 1926 / edited by the National Research Council of Japan v. 2
2000550189 Profit sharing between employer and employee : a study in the evolution of the wages system / by Nicholas Paine Gilman
2000551703 Progress and poverty : an inquiry into the cause of industrial depressions and of increase of want with increase of wealth : the remedy / by Henry George
2001221437 Progressive taxation in theory and practice / by Edwin R.A. Seligman
2000551715 Property insurance : comprising fire and marine insurance, automobile insurance, fidelity and surety bonding, title insurance, credit insurance, and miscellaneous forms of property insurance / by S.S. Huebner
2000551180 Protection or free trade : an examination of the tariff question with especial regard to the interests of labour / by Henry George
2000551220 Protection to home industry : four lectures delivered in Harvard University, January, 1885 / by Robert Ellis Thompson
3000079202 Publications of the American Economic Association 11
2000553948 Pulp and paper, 1918
3000067536 Quarterly bulletin of books added to the Imperial University Library of Kyoto. New series 1(1-4)
3000067536 Quarterly bulletin of books added to the Imperial University Library of Kyoto. New series 4(3-4)
2000549846 Race and population problems / by Hannibal Gerald Duncan
2000549842 Races and immigrants in America / by John R. Commons
2000551217 Rahmentafeln / von Fukuhei Takabeya
2000552757 Rand McNally New York guide to the city and environs with map and illustrations
2000389403 Re-thinking missions : a laymen's inquiry after one hundred years / by the commission of appraisal William Ernest Hocking
2000549542 Recent developments in European thought : essays / arrnged and edited by F.S. Marvin
3000067654 Recherches relatives à la rentabilité de l'agriculture pour la campagne : rapport du Secrétariat suisse des paysans au Départment fédéral de l'agriculture 1910/11-1912/13
3000067654 Recherches relatives à la rentabilité de l'agriculture pour la campagne : rapport du Secrétariat suisse des paysans au Départment fédéral de l'agriculture 1914/15-1917/18
3000067654 Recherches relatives à la rentabilité de l'agriculture pour la campagne : rapport du Secrétariat suisse des paysans au Départment fédéral de l'agriculture 1918/19 et 1919/20-1923/24(1),1924/25(1)
3000067654 Recherches relatives à la rentabilité de l'agriculture pour la campagne : rapport du Secrétariat suisse des paysans au Départment fédéral de l'agriculture 1924/25(2),1925/26,1927/28(2),1928/29
3000067654 Recherches relatives à la rentabilité de l'agriculture pour la campagne : rapport du Secrétariat suisse des paysans au Départment fédéral de l'agriculture 1929/30-1931/32,1932/33(1),1933/34-1934/35,1935/36(1),1936/37(1),1937/38(1)
2001025652 Reise-Erinnerungen aus Ostasien / von Rupprecht, Kronprinz von Bayern
2000552508 Reminiscences of childhood in the early days of modern Japan / by Inazo Nitobé ; with introduction and comments by Mary Patterson Elkinton Nitobé
2001655462 Report of Acting Commissioner W.F. O'Connor, K.C. re cost of living : anthracite coal
2001028247 Report of Acting Commissioner W.F. O'connor, K.C. re cost of living : cold storage in Canada
3000056210 Report of the ... annual meeting of the Lake Mohonk Conference on International Arbitration 20
3000056210 Report of the ... annual meeting of the Lake Mohonk Conference on International Arbitration 21
3000056210 Report of the ... annual meeting of the Lake Mohonk Conference on International Arbitration 22
3000029763 Report of the Aeronautical Research Institute, Tôkyô Imperial University 1(1-5,7,9,14)
3000029763 Report of the Aeronautical Research Institute, Tôkyô Imperial University 2(15-30)
3000029763 Report of the Aeronautical Research Institute, Tôkyô Imperial University 3(32-41)
3000029763 Report of the Aeronautical Research Institute, Tôkyô Imperial University 4(42-43,46-52)
3000029763 Report of the Aeronautical Research Institute, Tôkyô Imperial University 5(54-65)
3000031486 Report of the Commissioner / U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries 5
3000031486 Report of the Commissioner / U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries 7
2000809333 Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture / [U.S. Department of Agriculture] 1879
3000067537 Report of the Commissioner of Education, with circulars and documents accompanying the same / Department of Education 1899-1900(1)
3000067537 Report of the Commissioner of Education, with circulars and documents accompanying the same / Department of Education 1899-1900(2)
2001222509 Report of the Commissioner of the General Land Office to the Secretary of the Interior, for the year ended June 30, 1913
3000067730 Report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / State of Connecticut 48
3000067730 Report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / State of Connecticut 49
3000067730 Report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / State of Connecticut 50
3000067730 Report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / State of Connecticut 53
3000067730 Report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / State of Connecticut 54
3000067730 Report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station / State of Connecticut 55
2001071857 Report of the Minister of Agriculture for the Dominion of Canada for the year ended March 31 ... 1917
2001071857 Report of the Minister of Agriculture for the Dominion of Canada for the year ended March 31 ... 1919
2001071857 Report of the Minister of Agriculture for the Dominion of Canada for the year ended March 31 ... 1921
2001225809 Report of the Secretary of Agriculture / [U. S. Department of Agriculture] 1913
2001082270 Report of the board of inquiry into cost of living in Canada v. 2
2001221209 Report of the organization of the American Economic Association / Richard T. Ely
2001221299 Report of the proceedings of the American Economic Association at the fifth annual meeting, Chautauqua, N.Y., August 23-26,1892
2001221364 Report of the proceedings of the American Economic Association at the fourth annual meeting, Washington, D.C., December 23-26,1890
2000549851 Report on the control of the aborigines in Formosa
3000067476 Reports / Experimental Farms 1897
3000067476 Reports / Experimental Farms 1898
3000067476 Reports / Experimental Farms 1900
3000067476 Reports / Experimental Farms 1901
3000067476 Reports / Experimental Farms 1902
3000067476 Reports / Experimental Farms 1903
3000067476 Reports / Experimental Farms 1904
3000067476 Reports / Experimental Farms 1905
3000067476 Reports / Experimental Farms 1906
3000067476 Reports / Experimental Farms 1908
3000067476 Reports / Experimental Farms 1909
3000067476 Reports / Experimental Farms 1910
3000067476 Reports / Experimental Farms 1911
3000067476 Reports / Experimental Farms 1912
3000067476 Reports / Experimental Farms 1913
2000551181 Reports and speeches on local taxation / by George J. Goschen
3000067469 Reports from the consuls of the United States on the commerce, manufactures, etc., of their consular districts 37-38
2000729435 Reports on the Hokkaido harbours / by C.S. Meik [v. 1]
2000729435 Reports on the Hokkaido harbours / by C.S. Meik v. 2
3000067548 Research bulletin / Wisconsin Agricultural Experment Station of the University 16,34,53
2001237058 Rio de Janeiro
2000552229 Rocks and soils : their origin, composition and characteristics : chemical, geological and agricultural / by Horace Edward Stockbridge
2000549521 Romans / edited by Alfred E. Garvie
2001223107 Royal Economic Society, 9, Adelphi Terrace, Strand, London, W.C. 1908,1910,1913,1915-16
2000550518 Rural reconstruction in Ireland : a record of co-operative organisation / by Lionel Smith-Gordon and Laurence C. Staples ; with preface by George W. Russell
2000551196 Russian conversation-grammar / by Pietro Motti
2000552501 Samuel Train Dutton : a biography / by Charles Herbert Levermore
2000552483 Sartor resartus : the life and opinions of Herr Teufelsdröckh / by Thomas Carlyle
2000549554 Schillers sämtliche Werke : in fünfzehen Bänden / mit Einleitungen von Karl Goedeke Bd. 1
3000040478 Science reports of the Tohoku Imperial University. Third series, Petrology, mineralogy, mineral deposits = 東北帝國大學理科報告. 第3集, 岩石學,礦物學,礦床學 1(1-3)
3000040478 Science reports of the Tohoku Imperial University. Third series, Petrology, mineralogy, mineral deposits = 東北帝國大學理科報告. 第3集, 岩石學,礦物學,礦床學 3(1-3)
2000507643 Scientific Japan : past and present / prepared [by the National Research Council of Japan] in connection with the Third Pan-Pacific Science Congress, Tokyo, 1926
3000041621 Scientific reports from the Government Institute for Infectious Diseases / Tokyo Imperial University 4
2000551184 Scientific research and human welfare / by Franklin Stewart Harris ; with the collaboration of Newbern I. Butt
2000550848 Second biennial report of the bureau of labor statistics of the States of Minnesota, 1889-1890
2000681897 Second report of the Association Concordia of Japan
2001762162 Second year book of the League of Nations : January 1, 1921--February 6, 1922 : including the complete story of the Washington conference, with the complete texts of treaties and agreement / by Charles H. Levermore
2001221715 Seizième rapport annuel du comité directeur de l'Union suisse des paysans et du Secrétariat suisse des Paysans, 1913
2001223539 Seventh annual report of the Commissioner of Agriculture for Virginia
2000552762 Sights and scenes of the world : a photographic portfolio of the marvelous works of god and the wonderful accomplishments of man ... designed to take the place of an extended tour around the world ... / Edward L. Raymond
3000067571 Situation de l'enseignement vétérinaire et agricole, rapport triennal 1891-1896
2000550840 Six centuries of work and wages : the history of English labour / by James E. Thorold Rogers
2000549540 Skyward : a book of horizons / compiled and edited by Frederick Deland Leete
2000799125 Social and industrial history
2000549529 Social aspects of Christianity, and other essays / by Richard T. Ely
2000549849 Social problems / by Henry George
2001218551 Social science, municipal and federal government
2000551214 Solutions of the examples in a treatise on algebra / by Charles Smith
2000550173 Some leading principles of political economy : newly expounded / by J. E. Cairnes
2000552521 Some old historic landmarks of Virginia and Maryland, described in a hand-book for the tourist over the Washington-Virginia Railway / by W.H. Snowden
2000550174 Some roads towards peace : a report to the trustees of the endowment on observations made in China and Japan in 1912 / by Charles W. Eliot
2000551718 Soviet trade and world depression / by H.R. Knickerbocker
2000551961 State loans to farmers / William M. Duffus
2000550845 State of labor in Europe, 1878 : reports from the United States Consuls in the several countries of Europe on the rates of wages ...house of representatives
2001221236 Statistics in colleges / by Carroll D. Wright . Sociology and political economy / by Franklin H. Giddings . The legal-tender decisions / by Edmund J. James
2000553961 Statistics of public indebtedness, embracing the funded and unfunded debts of the United States and the Several States, and of counties, cities, towns, townships, and scholl distrtocts / compiled under direction of Robert P. Porter
2000560918 Statistics of the population of the United States by States, Counties, and Minor Civil Divisions / compiled from the returns of the Tenth census (June 1, 1880) under the direction of the hon, Secretary of the Interior, by Francis A. Walker
2000551747 Statistique agricole : année agricole 1909-1910
2000551739 Statut der Posener Landschaft nebst den Abänderungen und Ergänzungen desselben
2000551197 Studien über funktionelle Anpassung und über anatomische und physiologische Unterschiede zwischen warm- und kaltblütigen pferden / von Max Müller
2000552500 Studies in ancient Hindu polity (based on the Arthaṡâstra of Kauṭilya) / Narendra Nath Law ; with an introduction essay on the age and authenticity of the Arthaṡâstra of Kauṭilya by Radhakumud Mookerji v. 1
2000552480 Studies in contemporary biography / by James Bryce
2001219389 Sumptuary legislation and personal regulation in England / by Frances Elizabeth Baldwin . The doctrine of continuous voyage / by Herbert Whittaker Briggs . The wage policies of labor organizations in a period of industrial depression / by Vertrees J. Wyckoff
3000038634 Supplement to the annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 1894
3000038634 Supplement to the annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 1897
2001042497 Supply and marketing of soybeans and soybean products / by C. L. Stewart, W. L. Burlison, L. J. Norton, and O. L. Whalin
2000550495 Syndicalism and labour : notes upon some aspects of social and industrial questions of the day / by Sir Arthur Clay
2000551188 Systematic science teaching : a manual of inductive elementary work for all instructors / by Edward Gardnier Howe
2000485330 Systems of land tenure in various countries : a series of essays published under the sanction of the Cobden Club / edited by J.W. Probyn
2001516878 Sōan Matsuura, one of the earlist agronomists in the world / by Kikutaro Kan
2000878786 Take it from me / by Coleman Cox
2000551173 Taxation : its principles and methods / translated from the "scienza delle finanze" of Luigi Cossa ; with an introduction and notes by Horace White
2000551176 Taxation in American States and cities / by Richard T. Ely ; assisted by John H. Finley
2001219170 Taxation in southern states, church and education
3000027927 Technology reports of the Tōhoku Imperial University = 東北帝國大學工学報告 1(3),2(2-4)
3000027927 Technology reports of the Tōhoku Imperial University = 東北帝國大學工学報告 3
3000027927 Technology reports of the Tōhoku Imperial University = 東北帝國大學工学報告 4
3000027927 Technology reports of the Tōhoku Imperial University = 東北帝國大學工学報告 6(1-3)
3000027927 Technology reports of the Tōhoku Imperial University = 東北帝國大學工学報告 7(1-2,4)
3000027927 Technology reports of the Tōhoku Imperial University = 東北帝國大學工学報告 8(1-3)
3000027927 Technology reports of the Tōhoku Imperial University = 東北帝國大學工学報告 9(1-3)
2000549841 The American as he is / by Nicholas Murray Butler
2000550489 The American labor year book / prepared by the Department of Labor Research of the Rand School of Social Science
2000549843 The American settler's guide : a popular exposition of the public land system of the United States of America / by Henry N. Copp
2000552476 The Americanization of Edward Bok : the autobiography of a Dutch boy fifty years after
2000549522 The Bible and other ancient literature in the nineteenth century / by L.T. Townsend
3000053248 The Bulletin of the Imperial Sericultural Experiment Station, Japan 1(2)
2001219826 The Canadian banking system 1817-1890 / by Roeliff Morton Breckenridge
2000506541 The Century atlas of the world / prepared under the superintendence of Benjamin E. Smith
2000506540 The Century cyclopedia of names : a pronouncing and etymological dictionary of names in geography, biography, mythology, history, ethnology, art, archæology, fiction, etc., etc., etc. / edited by Benjamin E. Smith
2000506539 The Century dictionary : an encyclopedic lexicon of the English language / prepared under the superintendence of William Dwight Whitney v. 1
2000506539 The Century dictionary : an encyclopedic lexicon of the English language / prepared under the superintendence of William Dwight Whitney v. 2
2000506539 The Century dictionary : an encyclopedic lexicon of the English language / prepared under the superintendence of William Dwight Whitney v. 3
2000506539 The Century dictionary : an encyclopedic lexicon of the English language / prepared under the superintendence of William Dwight Whitney v. 4
2000506539 The Century dictionary : an encyclopedic lexicon of the English language / prepared under the superintendence of William Dwight Whitney v. 5
2000506539 The Century dictionary : an encyclopedic lexicon of the English language / prepared under the superintendence of William Dwight Whitney v. 6
2000506539 The Century dictionary : an encyclopedic lexicon of the English language / prepared under the superintendence of William Dwight Whitney v. 7
2000506539 The Century dictionary : an encyclopedic lexicon of the English language / prepared under the superintendence of William Dwight Whitney v. 8
3000067460 The Economic journal. Index / Royal Economic Society 11-20
3000067460 The Economic journal. Index / Royal Economic Society 31-40
2000552482 The French revolution : a history / by Thomas Carlyle vol. 1
2000552482 The French revolution : a history / by Thomas Carlyle vol. 2
2000549838 The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments : translated out of the original tongues, being the revised version set forth A.D. 1881-1885, with revised marginal references
2000553958 The Irish land question and English publier opinion : with a supplement griffith's valuation / by R. Barry O'brien
2001335780 The Japan year book : complete cyclopaedia of general information and statistics on Japan for the year / by Y. Takenobu 1914
2001335780 The Japan year book : complete cyclopaedia of general information and statistics on Japan for the year / by Y. Takenobu 1915
2001335780 The Japan year book : complete cyclopaedia of general information and statistics on Japan for the year / by Y. Takenobu 1918
2001335780 The Japan year book : complete cyclopaedia of general information and statistics on Japan for the year / by Y. Takenobu 1919-20
2000868907 The Japan-Manchoukuo year book 1934
2000868907 The Japan-Manchoukuo year book 1939
3000005996 The Japanese journal of experimental medicine / the Institute of Medical Science, the University of Tokyo 7
2000549868 The Japanese nation, its land, its people, and its life : with special consideration to its relations with the United States / by Inazo Nitobé
2000549868 The Japanese nation, its land, its people, and its life : with special consideration to its relations with the United States / by Inazo Nitobé
3000067484 The Johns Hopkins University circular. New series 1927(9),1930(11),1931(11),1932(9),1933(8),1934(8),1935(9),1936(9)
3000028915 The Johns Hopkins alumni magazine 1(1-2,4)
3000028915 The Johns Hopkins alumni magazine 10
3000028915 The Johns Hopkins alumni magazine 11
3000028915 The Johns Hopkins alumni magazine 12(1-2,4)
3000028915 The Johns Hopkins alumni magazine 13
3000028915 The Johns Hopkins alumni magazine 14
3000028915 The Johns Hopkins alumni magazine 15
3000028915 The Johns Hopkins alumni magazine 16
3000028915 The Johns Hopkins alumni magazine 17(2-3)
3000028915 The Johns Hopkins alumni magazine 18
3000028915 The Johns Hopkins alumni magazine 19(1,3-4)
3000028915 The Johns Hopkins alumni magazine 2
3000028915 The Johns Hopkins alumni magazine 20
3000028915 The Johns Hopkins alumni magazine 21
3000028915 The Johns Hopkins alumni magazine 22
3000028915 The Johns Hopkins alumni magazine 23
3000028915 The Johns Hopkins alumni magazine 24
3000028915 The Johns Hopkins alumni magazine 24(4),25(1)
3000028915 The Johns Hopkins alumni magazine 25(3-4)
3000028915 The Johns Hopkins alumni magazine 26,27(1-3)
3000028915 The Johns Hopkins alumni magazine 3
3000028915 The Johns Hopkins alumni magazine 4
3000028915 The Johns Hopkins alumni magazine 5
3000028915 The Johns Hopkins alumni magazine 6
3000028915 The Johns Hopkins alumni magazine 7
3000028915 The Johns Hopkins alumni magazine 8
3000028915 The Johns Hopkins alumni magazine 9
2000549534 The Kurozumi sect of Shintō / by Charles William Hepner ; with an introduction by Genchi Katō
2000440080 The Mukden mandate : acts and aims in Manchuria / by John N. Penlington ; photographic illustrations by courtesy of Tokio Asahi Shimbun
3000027698 The National geographic magazine 59
3000027698 The National geographic magazine 60
3000027698 The National geographic magazine 61
3000027698 The National geographic magazine 62
3000027698 The National geographic magazine 63
3000027698 The National geographic magazine 64
3000027698 The National geographic magazine 65
3000027698 The National geographic magazine 66
3000027698 The National geographic magazine 67
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3000027698 The National geographic magazine 71
3000027698 The National geographic magazine 72
3000027698 The National geographic magazine 73
3000027698 The National geographic magazine 74
3000027698 The National geographic magazine 75
3000001955 The Nineteenth century and after 100
3000001955 The Nineteenth century and after 101
3000001955 The Nineteenth century and after 102
3000001955 The Nineteenth century and after 103
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3000001955 The Nineteenth century and after 96
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3000001955 The Nineteenth century and after 99
3000067659 The Outlook : an illustrated weekly journal of current life 105(11,16-17)
3000067659 The Outlook : an illustrated weekly journal of current life 106
3000067659 The Outlook : an illustrated weekly journal of current life 107
3000067659 The Outlook : an illustrated weekly journal of current life 108
3000067659 The Outlook : an illustrated weekly journal of current life 109(1-4,6-7)
3000067659 The Outlook : an illustrated weekly journal of current life 110
3000067659 The Outlook : an illustrated weekly journal of current life 111
3000067659 The Outlook : an illustrated weekly journal of current life 112
3000067659 The Outlook : an illustrated weekly journal of current life 113
3000067659 The Outlook : an illustrated weekly journal of current life 114(1-13)
3000067659 The Outlook : an illustrated weekly journal of current life 131(7,17-18),132
3000067659 The Outlook : an illustrated weekly journal of current life 133
3000067659 The Outlook : an illustrated weekly journal of current life 134
2000550187 The Pacific : a forecast / by Percy T. Etherton & H. Hessell Tiltman
2000551210 The Panama-Pacific International Exposition : San Francisco, California, U.S.A., February 20, to December 4, 1915
2000549537 The Politics of Aristotle / translated into English with introduction, marginal analysis, essays, notes and indices by B. Jowett vol. 1
2000549537 The Politics of Aristotle / translated into English with introduction, marginal analysis, essays, notes and indices by B. Jowett vol. 2, pt. 1
2000551688 The Punjab peasant in prosperity and debt / by Malcolm Lyall Darling ; with a foreword by Edward Maclagan
2000551725 The Rural life of Japan
3000029525 The Science reports of the Tôhoku Imperial University. Fourth series, (Biology) = 東北帝國大學理科報告. Fourth series, (生物學) 1
3000029525 The Science reports of the Tôhoku Imperial University. Fourth series, (Biology) = 東北帝國大學理科報告. Fourth series, (生物學) 2
3000029525 The Science reports of the Tôhoku Imperial University. Fourth series, (Biology) = 東北帝國大學理科報告. Fourth series, (生物學) 3
3000029525 The Science reports of the Tôhoku Imperial University. Fourth series, (Biology) = 東北帝國大學理科報告. Fourth series, (生物學) 4
3000029525 The Science reports of the Tôhoku Imperial University. Fourth series, (Biology) = 東北帝國大學理科報告. Fourth series, (生物學) 5
2000551713 The Semi-centennial album of the Hokkaido Imperial University, 1876-1926
2000551712 The Semi-centennial of the Hokkaido Imperial University, Japan, 1876-1926
2000552748 The Thirty Years' War, 1618-1648 / by Samuel Rawson Gardiner
2001219286 The United States Department of Agriculture : a study in administration / by William L. Wanlass . The Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers / by J.S. Robinson . The employment of the plebiscite in the determination of sovereignty / by Johannes Mattern
2000550210 The United States and peace / by William H. Taft
2000550166 The United States and the war / addresses by James M. Beck ; with introductions by Viscount Bryce, and R.E. Peary ; edited by Barr Ferree
2001219270 The Virgina Committee System and the American revolution / by James Miller Leake
2000549215 The Wellcome research institution and the affiliated research laboratories and museums founded by Henry S. Wellcome
3000067566 The Wharton School annals of political science 1
2001219388 The agrarian movement in North Dakota / by Paul R. Fossum . The Virginia frontier, 1754-1763 / by Louis K. Koontz . The ordinance-making powers of the President of the United States / by James Hart
2000551693 The agricultural dilemma : a report of an enquiry organised / by Viscount Astor and B. Seebohm Rowntree
2000550506 The agricultural labourer : a summary of his position / by T.E. Kebbel
2000552516 The ancient history of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Macedonians, and Grecians / by Charles Rollin v. 1
2000552516 The ancient history of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Macedonians, and Grecians / by Charles Rollin v. 2
2000552516 The ancient history of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Macedonians, and Grecians / by Charles Rollin v. 3
2000552516 The ancient history of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Macedonians, and Grecians / by Charles Rollin v. 4
2000552217 The art of Japan / by Louis V. Ledoux
2000551706 The awakening of England / by F.E. Green
2000550200 The awakening of Japan / by Okakura-Kakuzo
2000549547 The birth of Christianity
2000551211 The blowpipe manual / by Theodore Scheerer ; translated by William S. Clark
2000549523 The book of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments : and other rites and ceremonies of the church, according to the use of The Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America : together with the Psalter, or Psalms of David
2001219266 The boycott in American trade unions / by Leo Wolman
2000549548 The builders of the church
3000004288 The bulletin of the Imperial Central Agricultural Experiment Station, Japan = 農事試驗場歐文報告 1(1-2),2(1)
2000552758 The capital of our country
2001219293 The capitalization of goodwill / by Kemper Simpson
2000551941 The case for land nationalisation / by Joseph Hyder ; with a special introduction by Alfred Russel Wallace
2000552515 The challenge of Asia / by Stanley Rice
2000550183 The challenge of the East : Asia in revolution--India, China, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Turkey, Palestine / by Sherwood Eddy
2000550172 The character and logical method of political economy / by J.E. Cairnes
2001218676 The childhood of the world : a simple account of man in early times / by Edward Clodd
2000551736 The civil service coach : a practical exposition of the civil serbice curriculum and guide to the lower division of the service and its competitive examinations / by Stanley Saville
2000551215 The climate, typhoons, and earthquakes of the island of Formosa (Taiwan)
2000549552 The colonial mind, 1620-1800 / by Vernon Louis Parrington
2000552491 The colonization of America : a book for American boys and girls / by Arthur Gilman
2000551453 The compiled statutes of the State of Nebraska, 1881, 3rd ed. : with amendments 1882, 1883, 1885, and 1887 comprising all law of a general nature in force July 1, 1887 / published under authority of the legislature by Guy A. Brown
2001030265 The cotton culture and the cotton trade / by M.B. Hammond
2000552236 The craft of the Japanese sculptor / by Langdon Warner
2000550181 The daily mail year book for ... / edited by David Williamson 1920 : 20th year
2000549508 The death of materialism / by Whately Carington (W. Whately Smith)
2001219402 The departments of the American Federation of Labor / Albert Theodore Helbing . State legislative committees : a study in procedure / by C.I. Winslow . Franch opposition to the Mexican policy of the Second Empire / by Frank Edward Lally . Henry Charles Carey : a study in American economic thought / by A.D.H. Kaplan
2000552223 The determination of farming costs / by C.S. Orwin
2000551190 The dictionary of terms used in entmology (English-Japanese) / prepared by Masato Ishida = 昆蟲學術語辭典 / 石田昌人編
2000552490 The discovery and exploration of America : a book for American boys and girls / by Arthur Gilman
2000552744 The divine comedy of Dante Alighieri / translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ; with an introduction by Henry Morley
2000550188 The dominion of Canada : its growth and achievement, its relation to the British Empire, its form of government, its natural and developed resources, its home and foreign trade, its national finances, its banking and currency system, and its railroads and its shipping / by Harvey E. Fisk
2001219238 The early period of reconstruction in South Carolina / by John Porter Hollis
2000551163 The economic foundations of fascism / by Paul Einzig
2000550168 The economic history of the United States / by Ernest Ludlow Bogart
3000001009 The economic journal : the quarterly journal of the British Economic Association 1
3000001009 The economic journal : the quarterly journal of the British Economic Association 10
3000001009 The economic journal : the quarterly journal of the British Economic Association 11
3000001009 The economic journal : the quarterly journal of the British Economic Association 12
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3000001009 The economic journal : the quarterly journal of the British Economic Association 48(189-192),49(193)
3000001009 The economic journal : the quarterly journal of the British Economic Association 5
3000001009 The economic journal : the quarterly journal of the British Economic Association 6
3000001009 The economic journal : the quarterly journal of the British Economic Association 7
3000001009 The economic journal : the quarterly journal of the British Economic Association 8
3000001009 The economic journal : the quarterly journal of the British Economic Association 9
2000404973 The economic policy of Soviet Russia / by Paul Haensel
2000550204 The economics of welfare / by A.C. Pigou
2000549528 The economy of human life / translated from an Indian manuscript, written by an ancient Bramin, to which is prefixed, an account of the manner in which the said manuscript was discovered ; in a letter from an English gentleman nowresiding in China, to the Earl of E****
2000551452 The efficiency standard of living in Japan / by Kokichi Morimoto
2000550846 The elementary spelling books : being an improvement on "the American spelling-book" / by Noah Webster
2000550196 The elements of political economy / by Émile de Laveleye ; translated by Alfred W. Pollard ; with an introduction and supplementary chapter by F.W. Taussig
2000552499 The elements of political economy : with some applications to questions of the day / by J. Laurence Laughlin
2000549530 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 1
2000549530 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 10
2000549530 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 11
2000549530 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 12
2000549530 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 13
2000549530 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 14
2000549530 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 15
2000549530 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 16
2000549530 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 17
2000549530 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 18
2000549530 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 19
2000549530 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 2
2000549530 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 20
2000549530 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 21
2000549530 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 22
2000549530 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 23
2000549530 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 24
2000549530 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 25 : index
2000549530 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 3
2000549530 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 4
2000549530 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 5
2000549530 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 6
2000549530 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 7
2000549530 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 8
2000549530 The encyclopædia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature v. 9
2000549555 The era of the protestant revolution / by Frederic Seebohm
2000552478 The essays or counsels civil and moral of Francis Bacon / with an introduction by Hanry Morley
2000550521 The existing laws of the United States of a general and permanent character and relating to the survey and disposition of the public domain, December 1, 1880
2000552766 The expansion of England : two courses of lectures / by J.R. Seeley
2000374455 The exporters' directory of Japan / The Imperial Commercial Museum of the Department of State for Agricultural and Commerce 1906
2000552502 The fair-trade position explained : being a series of three letters / addressed by Sampson S. Lloyd, as chairman of the executive committee of the National Fair-Trade League, to the times & other newspapers ; with notes and tables illustrative of the fair-trade argument and replies to opponents by James Edgcome
2000381288 The far east : a political and diplomatic history / Payson J. Treat
2000552205 The farm / by Eugene Davenport
2000551191 The farmer's veterinary adviser : a guide to the prevention and treatment of disease in domestic animals / by James Law
2001218484 The fiscal relations of Great Britain & Ireland
2000549854 The five-year plan of the Soviet Union : a political interpretation / by G.T. Grinko
2000551700 The functions of governments (state and federal) / by Worthington C. Ford
2000549867 The fundamental unity of India (from Hindu sources) / by Radhakumud Mookerji ; with an introduction by J. Ramsay Macdonald
2000551744 The future of our agriculture / by Henry W. Wolff
2000552999 The future of silver / by Eduard Suess ; translated by Robert Stein
2000592757 The ghost plays of Japan / by L. Adams Beck
2000550843 The hisotry of banking in Hawaii / by Cecil G. Tilton
2000551711 The history of agriculture in dane county Wisconsin / by Benjamin Horace Hibbard
2000551733 The history of prostitution : its extent, causes, and effects throughout the world / by William W. Sanger
2000551218 The history of the present tariff, 1860-1883 / by F.W. Taussig
2000552997 The holy Roman Empire / by James Bryce
2000549526 The imperial Japanese mission, 1917 : a record of the reception throughout the United States of the special mission headed by Viscount Ishii : together with the exchange of notes embodying the Root-Takahira understanding of 1908 and the Lansing-Ishii agreement of 1917 / foreword by Elihu Root
2000549526 The imperial Japanese mission, 1917 : a record of the reception throughout the United States of the special mission headed by Viscount Ishii : together with the exchange of notes embodying the Root-Takahira understanding of 1908 and the Lansing-Ishii agreement of 1917 / foreword by Elihu Root
2000555434 The index : a junior annual of the Massachusetts Agricultural College v. 44 : 1914
2000555434 The index : a junior annual of the Massachusetts Agricultural College v. 45 : 1915
2000551186 The industrial transition in Japan / by Maurice Holland
2000551186 The industrial transition in Japan / by Maurice Holland
2001221334 The industrial transition in Japan / by Yeijiro Ono
2000561189 The intellectual life / by Philip Gilbert Hamerton
2000552507 The intercourse between the United States and Japan : an historical sketch / by Inazo (Ota) Nitobe
3000006276 The journal of heredity 10(1-9)
3000006276 The journal of heredity 11(1-8)
3000006276 The journal of heredity 12(1-10)
3000006276 The journal of heredity 13(1-8)
3000006276 The journal of heredity 14(1-9),15(1-2)
3000006276 The journal of heredity 9(6-8,11)
3000031135 The journal of the College of Agriculture, Tohoku Imperial University, Sapporo, Japan = 東北帝國大學農科大學紀要 3(1-2)
3000031135 The journal of the College of Agriculture, Tohoku Imperial University, Sapporo, Japan = 東北帝國大學農科大學紀要 4(1-8)
3000031135 The journal of the College of Agriculture, Tohoku Imperial University, Sapporo, Japan = 東北帝國大學農科大學紀要 5(1-9)
3000031135 The journal of the College of Agriculture, Tohoku Imperial University, Sapporo, Japan = 東北帝國大學農科大學紀要 6(1-10)
3000031135 The journal of the College of Agriculture, Tohoku Imperial University, Sapporo, Japan = 東北帝國大學農科大學紀要 7(1-7)
3000006156 The journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, Japan = 東京帝國大學紀要. 理科 32(1,5)
3000006156 The journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, Japan = 東京帝國大學紀要. 理科 39(11)
3000006156 The journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, Japan = 東京帝國大學紀要. 理科 44(8),45(2-3)
3000031137 The journal of the Sapporo Agricultural College = 札幌農學校紀要 2
2000551956 The land and the community in three books / by S.W. Thackeray
2000551958 The land and the empire / by Christopher Turnor
2000176693 The land laws / by Frederick Pollock
2000551737 The land problem : an impartial survey / by "Home Counties" (J.W. Robertson Scott)
2000551695 The landed interest and the supply of food / by James Caird
2000552208 The launching of a university and other papers : a sheaf of remembrances / by Daniel Coit Gilman
2000551926 The law concerning farms, farmers and farm laborers together with the game laws of all the states / by Henry Austin
2000551936 The law of tenures : including the theory and practice of copyholds / by Baron Gilbert
2000551451 The laws of Mexico : a compilation and treatise relating to real property, mines, water rights, personal rights, contracts, and inheritances / by Frederic Hall
2000550186 The league of nations : the way to the world's peace / by M. Erzberger ; translated by Bernard Miall
2000552492 The making of the American nation : a book for American boys and girls / by Arthur Gilman
2000549873 The man versus the state : containing "The new Toryism", "The coming slavery", "The sins of legislators" and "The great political superstition" / by Herbert Spencer
2000550153 The means to prosperity / by John Maynard Keynes
2000549853 The menace of colour : a study of the difficulties due to the association of white & coloured races, with an account of measures proposed for their solution, & special reference to white colonization in the tropics / by J.W. Gregory ; with illustrations & maps
2001219392 The mission of William Carmichael to Spain / by Samuel Gwynn Coe . The workers' (communist) party and American trade unions / by David M. Schneider . The Virginia constitutional convention of 1901-1902 / by Ralph Clipman McDanel . The protection of citizens abroad by the armed forces of the United States / by Milton Offutt
2000550513 The monetary problem : gold and silver / edited by Ralph Robey ; with a forewordby Nicholas Murray Butler
2000549204 The moral life : studies in conflicting standards and isdeals in the moral world / F.W. Heckelman
2000551728 The movement for industrial education and the establishment of the University 1840-1870 / by Burt E. Powell ; with an introduction by Edmund J. James
2000550519 The national land system, 1785-1820 / by Payson Jackson Treat
2000549857 The new Russia : eight talks broadcast / by H.R. Knickerbocker ... [et al.]
2000551449 The new agrarianism : a survey of the prevalent spirit of social unrest, and a consideration of the consequent campaign for the adjustment of agriculture with industry and commerce / by Charles W. Dahlinger
2000549872 The new nationalism / by Theodore Roosevelt ; with an introduction by Ernest Hamlin Abbott
2000549531 The new volumes of the Encyclopædia Britannica : constituting in combination with the existing volumes of the ninth edition / [editors, Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace, Arthur T. Hadley, Hugh Chisholm] v. 25
2000549531 The new volumes of the Encyclopædia Britannica : constituting in combination with the existing volumes of the ninth edition / [editors, Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace, Arthur T. Hadley, Hugh Chisholm] v. 26
2000549531 The new volumes of the Encyclopædia Britannica : constituting in combination with the existing volumes of the ninth edition / [editors, Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace, Arthur T. Hadley, Hugh Chisholm] v. 27
2000549531 The new volumes of the Encyclopædia Britannica : constituting in combination with the existing volumes of the ninth edition / [editors, Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace, Arthur T. Hadley, Hugh Chisholm] v. 28
2000549531 The new volumes of the Encyclopædia Britannica : constituting in combination with the existing volumes of the ninth edition / [editors, Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace, Arthur T. Hadley, Hugh Chisholm] v. 29
2000549531 The new volumes of the Encyclopædia Britannica : constituting in combination with the existing volumes of the ninth edition / [editors, Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace, Arthur T. Hadley, Hugh Chisholm] v. 30
2000549531 The new volumes of the Encyclopædia Britannica : constituting in combination with the existing volumes of the ninth edition / [editors, Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace, Arthur T. Hadley, Hugh Chisholm] v. 31
2000549531 The new volumes of the Encyclopædia Britannica : constituting in combination with the existing volumes of the ninth edition / [editors, Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace, Arthur T. Hadley, Hugh Chisholm] v. 32
2000549531 The new volumes of the Encyclopædia Britannica : constituting in combination with the existing volumes of the ninth edition / [editors, Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace, Arthur T. Hadley, Hugh Chisholm] v. 33
2000549531 The new volumes of the Encyclopædia Britannica : constituting in combination with the existing volumes of the ninth edition / [editors, Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace, Arthur T. Hadley, Hugh Chisholm] v. 34 : maps
2000549531 The new volumes of the Encyclopædia Britannica : constituting in combination with the existing volumes of the ninth edition / [editors, Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace, Arthur T. Hadley, Hugh Chisholm] v. 35 : index
2000552509 The nine magazines of Kodansha : the autobiography of a Japanese publisher / by Seiji Noma
2000499246 The organization of agriculture / by Edwin A. Pratt
2000549855 The outlines of sociology / by Ludwig Gumplowicz ; translated by Frederick W. More
2000552486 The pageant of Japanese history / by Marion May Dilts ; illustrated by photogravures from Japanese art and drawings by Toyojiro Onishi
2001219162 The past and the present of political economy / by Richard T. Ely
2000409790 The peace negotiations : a personal narrative / by Robert Lansing
2000551950 The place of agriculture in reconstruction : a study of national programs of land settlement / by James B. Morman
2000552998 The pleasant land of France / by Rowland E. Prothero
2000552197 The poems of Edwin Arnold : containing the light of Asia, pearls of the faith, or Islam's Rosary, and the Indian song of songs, to which is added Indian poetry, from the sanskrit of the gita govinda of jayadeva, two books from "The iliad of India" (Mahabharata), "Proverbial windom" from the shlokas of the hitopadesa, and other oriental poems / by Edwin Arnold
2000552488 The political awakening of the East : studies of political progress in Egypt, India, China, Japan, and the Philippines / by George Matthew Dutcher
2000550512 The political economy of war / by A. C. Pigou
2000552496 The political ideas of modern Japan / by Karl Kiyoshi Kawakami
2000552496 The political ideas of modern Japan / by Karl Kiyoshi Kawakami
2000551213 The positive sciences of the ancient Hindus / by Brajendranath Seal
2000551710 The powers, duties, and liabilities of town and parish officers in Massachusetts : with forms, and parliamentary rules for conducting town and other meeting / by William A. Herrick
2001219308 The presidential campaign of 1832 / by Samuel Rhea Gammon, Jr. . The Canadian Reciprocity Treaty of 1854 / by Charles C. Tansill . Recent problems in admiralty jurisdiction / by Edgar Tremlett Fell . The creation of the Presidency, 1775-1789 : a study in constitutional history / Charles C. Thach, Jr
2000551212 The primitive races of mankind : a study in ethnology / by Max Schmidt ; translated by Alexander K. Dallas
2000549863 The prince and other pieces / from the Italian of Nicolò Machiavelli ; with an introduction by Henry Morley
2000551951 The principles of rural credits : as applied in Europe and as suggested for America / by James B. Morman ; with an introduction by John Lee Coulter
2000549859 The proceedings of the meeting ot the directors and sponsors of the Laymen's Foreign Missions Inquiry and representatives of Foreign Mission Boards
2000551952 The progress of the land problems in the United States, especially in the light of congressional debates / by Kuro Nakashima..
2000551177 The progressive higher arithmetic, for schools, academies, and mercantile colleges : forming a complete treatise on arithmetical science and its commercial and business applications / edited by Daniel W. Fish
2000550497 The public domain : its history with statistics, ... / by Thomas Donaldson
2000551168 The pursuit of natural knowledge / by J.R. Ainsworth-Davis
2000551216 The rainfall in the island of Formosa : with a summary of meteorological observations at Taihoku and five other observatories
2000552215 The red trade menace : progress of the Soviet Five-Year Plan / by H.R. Knickerbocker
2000551724 The relief work of Japan
2000550175 The revolt of Asia : the end of the white man's world dominance / by Upton Close
2001656642 The rise in prices and the cost of living in Canada, 1900-1914 : a statistical examination of economic causes : synopsis of exhibit by the Statistical Branch, Department of Labour laid before the Board of Inquiry into the cost of living, 1915
2001656642 The rise in prices and the cost of living in Canada, 1900-1914 : a statistical examination of economic causes : synopsis of exhibit by the Statistical Branch, Department of Labour laid before the Board of Inquiry into the cost of living, 1915
2000549549 The rise of the modern churches
2000552518 The romance of Japan : through the ages / by James A.B. Scherer
2000552513 The romantic revolution in America, 1800-1860 / by Vernon Louis Parrington
2000551727 The rural life problem of the United States / notes of an Irish observer by Horace Plunkett
2000552764 The science of history and the hope of mankind / by Benoy Kumar Sarkar
2000551200 The sexagint : being a collection of papers dedicated to professor Yukichi Osaka / by his pupils in celebration of his sixtieth birthday
2000549546 The shadow of the gloomy east / by Ferdinand A. Ossendowski ; translated by F.B. Czarnomski
2000552493 The short stories of Thomas Hardy
2001221315 The silver situation in the United States / by F.W. Taussig
2000552219 The small farm and its management / by James Long
2000551689 The social economics of agriculture / by Wilson Gee
2000549538 The song of our Syrian guest / by William Allen Knight
2000549558 The spirit of Christmas / by Henry Van Dyke
2000551179 The spirit of Japanese industry / by Ginjirô Fujihara
2001219280 The standard of living in Japan / by Kokichi Morimoto . Sumptuary law in Nürnberg : a study in paternal government / by Kent Roberts Greenfield . The privileges and immunities of state citizenship / by Roger Howell . French protestantism, 1559-1562 / by Caleb Guyer Kelly
2001219391 The state as a party litigant / by Robert Dorsey Watkins . The relation of Thomas Jefferson to American foreign policy, 1783-1793 / by William Kirk Woolery . Ecclesiastical censure at the end of the fifteenth century / by William Kurtz Gotwald . The constitutional status and government of Alaska / by George Washington Spicer
2001481250 The statesman's year-book : statistical and historical annual of the states of the world / edited by J. Scott Keltie ; with the assistance of I.P.A. Renwick 39th ed. : 1902
2001481250 The statesman's year-book : statistical and historical annual of the states of the world / edited by J. Scott Keltie ; with the assistance of I.P.A. Renwick 67th ed. : 1930
2000552524 The story of Gio : from the Heike monogatari / retold by Ridgely Torrence
2000551730 The story of the Agricultural Club 1918-1921 / by R. Henry Rew, with the foreword by the Lord Bledis
2000550510 The tenure of agricultural land / by C.S. Orwin and W.R. Peel
2000549541 The three-fold secret on the holy spirit / by James H. McConkey
2000549545 The twilight of the white races / by Maurice Muret ; translated by Mrs. Touzalin
2000551707 The tyranny of the countryside / by F.E. Green
2001762117 The who's who in Japan / by Shunjirou Kurita 1913
2001762117 The who's who in Japan / by Shunjirou Kurita 1915
2000549533 The winning of the Far East : a study of the Christian Movement in China, Korea and Japan / by Sidney L. Gulick
2000550839 The works of David Ricardo : with a notice of the life and writings of the author / by John Ramsay McCulloch
2001070776 The works of William Shakespeare / edited by William George Clark and William Aldis Wright
2001762131 The world almanac and encyclopedia 1914
2000551930 Theoretische Einleitung in die Agrarpolitik
2001762164 Third year book of the League of Nations : for the year 1922 / by Charles H. Levermore
2001221410 Three phases of coöperation in the West / by Amos G. Warner
2000872201 Through Kitami in June / Mrs. Geo P. Pierson
2000553001 Through the heart of the Rockies and Selkirks / by M.B. Williams
2000552522 To Mikado land / by Howard Swan
2000442157 Traité de paix entre les Puissances alliées et associées et l'Allemagne et protocole signés à Versailles, le 28 juin 1919 = Treaty of peace between the Allied and Associated Powers and Germany and protocol signed at Versailles, June 28, 1919
2000550505 Traité du crédit foncier / par J.-B. Josseau t. 1
2000550505 Traité du crédit foncier / par J.-B. Josseau t. 2
2000551748 Transactions of the California State Agricultural Society : during the year 1885
2000553943 Treaties and agreements affecting Canada in force between His Majesty and The United States of America with subsidiary documents, 1814-1913, compiled under the direction of the Right Honourable Sir Robert Borden, G.C.M.G., Secretary of State for external affairs
2001221939 Trente-septième rapport annuel du comité directeur de l'Union suisse des paysans et du Secrétariat das paysans suisses, 1934
2001221906 Trente-troisième rapport annuel du comité directeur de l'Union suisse des paysans et du Secrétariat das paysans suisses, 1930
2000550844 Tribune almanac and political register for ... 1897
2000549856 Tropical colonization / an introduction to the study of the subject by Alleyne Ireland
2000552533 Twenty-fifth anniversary of the educational alliance, Straus auditorium Sunday, March 21, 1915
2000560917 Two treatises on civil government / by John Locke ; preceded by Robert Filmer's Patriarcha ; with an introduction by Henry Morley
2001219442 Unemployment and American trade unions / by D.P. Smelser . The labor law of Maryland / by Malcom H. Lauchheimer . The American Colonization Society, 1817-1840 / by Early Lee Fox . The obligation of contracts clause of the United States Constitution / by Warren B. Hunting
2000552745 Unfathomed Japan : a travel tale in the highways and byways of Japan and Formosa / by Harold & Alice Foght
2000551699 University administration / by Charles W. Eliot
2000241431 Uwepekere, or, Ainu fireside stories / as told by one of themselves ; translated by John Batchelor
2000551731 Verfassung des Deutschen Reichs (Gegeben Berlin, den 16. April 1871.) : Text-Ausgabe mit Ergänzungen, Anmerkungen und Sachregister / von L. von Rönne
2000552485 Verses by the way-side / Austin M. Courtenay
2000552228 Victorian poets : revised and extended by a supplementary chapter, to the fiftieth year of the period under review / by Edmund Clarence Stedman
2001221844 Vingt-huitième rapport annuel du comité directeur de l'Union suisse des paysans et du Secrétariat das paysans suisses, 1925
2001221746 Vingt-troisième rapport annuel du comité directeur de l'Union suisse des paysans et du Secrétariat das paysans suisses, 1920
2000552771 Virgil's Æneid / translated by John Dryden
2000550182 Virginia, Maryland, and the Carolinas / by J.A. Doyle
2000551704 Volkswirtschaftliche Grundlagen und Oekonomik der Landwirtschaft / bearbeitet von Frhr. von der Goltz ... [et al.]
2000550515 Volkswirtschaftslehre in Zwei Bänden / herausgegeben von Gustav Schönberg 1. Band
2000550515 Volkswirtschaftslehre in Zwei Bänden / herausgegeben von Gustav Schönberg 2. Band
2000485872 Volkswirtschaftspolitik T. 1
2000499476 Vorlesungen über Agrarwesen und Agrarpolitik / von Theodor Freiherr von der Goltz
2000552233 Walter of Henley's Husbandry : together with an anonymous Husbandry, Seneschaucie and Robert Grosseteste's Rules / the transcripts, translations, and glossary by Elizabeth Lamond ; with an introduction by W. Cunningham
2000552763 Washington : the Nation's Capital / by Charles B. Reynolds ; with 200 illustrations
2000551221 Wells's principles and applications of chemistry, for the use of academies, high-schools, and colleges : introducing the latest results of scientific discovery and research, and arranged with special reference to the practical application of chemistry to the arts and employments of common life / by David A. Wells
2000550194 Western civilization and the Far East / by Stephen King-Hall
2000550171 Whither France? whither Europe? / by Joseph Caillaux ; translated from the French by K.M. Armstrong
2000550828 Why Europe is at war : the question considered from the points of view of France, England, Germany, Japan, and the United States / by Frederic R. Coudert ... [et al.] ; with portraits
2001662436 Windsor Castle
2000551935 Wirtschaftsbetrieb / P. Gabler
2000550823 Woman in the past, present, and future / by August Bebel ; translated from the German by H.B. Adams Walther
2000553946 Wood distillation, 1917
2001217359 Work while ye have the light / [by Lyof Tolstoi ; translated from the Russian by E.J. Dillon ]
3000067554 World agriculture 1(2,4),2,3(2-4),4(1-3),5,6(1-2,4),7(1-2)
2000551732 World agriculture : an international survey : a report / by a study group of members of the Royal Institute of International Affairs
2000809225 Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture 1898
2000809225 Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture 1901
2000809225 Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture 1915
2000550199 Zur christlichen Erkenntnis : Vorträge und Aufsätze für dekende Christen / von E.F. Karl Müller
2000550824 Zweites Buch für den Unterricht in den deutschen Sprache / M.D. Berlitz
2000552200 farm management / by Andrew Boss
2000549539 京都帝国大学附属図書館洋書目録 / 京都帝国大学附属図書館[編]
3000017514 東京帝國大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, Tokyo Imperial University / 東京帝國大學地震研究所 [編] 6
3000017514 東京帝國大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, Tokyo Imperial University / 東京帝國大學地震研究所 [編] 7(1-3)
3000058930 北海道帝國大學農科大學紀要 = Journal of the College of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University, Sapporo, Japan 8
2000551716 Économie rurale / par É. Jouzier ; introduction par le P. Regnard
2000550493 Étude sur le crédit agricole et le crédit foncier en France et à l'étranger / par Victor Borie
2000732419 Études d'économie rurale la Néerlande / par Émile de Laveleye
2000551954 Österreichs Agrarpolitik seit der Grundentlastung / von Walter Schiff 1.Bd