書誌ID | タイトル | 巻号 |
2000809161 | "Tu seras agriculteur", histoire d'une famille de cultivateurs : livre de lecture sur l'agriculture et l'économie rurale / par Henry Marchand | |
2001320341 | A Great agricultural estate : being the story of the origin and administration of Woburn and Thorney / by the Duke of Bedford | |
2000803674 | A Quaker experiment in government / by Isaac Sharpless | |
2000797878 | A brief view and survey of the dangerous and pernicious errors to church and state, in Mr. Hobbes's book, entitled Leviathan / by Edward Earl of Clarendon | |
2000800695 | A colonial reformer / by Rolf Boldrewood | |
2000804684 | A day in a shipyard | |
2001657010 | A day with leather workers | |
2000803536 | A descriptive catalogue of the agricultural products, exhibited in the World's Columbian Exposition / Japan, Agricultural Bureau, Department of Agriculture and Commerce | |
2000810601 | A descriptive catalogue of useful fiber plants of the world : including the structural and economic classifications of fibers / by Chas. Richards Dodge | |
2000799321 | A dictionary of political phrases and allusions : with a short bibliography / by Hugh Montgomery and Philip G. Cambray | |
2000803786 | A dictionary of the German and English languages / comp. from the works of Hilpert, Flügel, Grieb, Heyse, and others ; by G.J. Adler | |
2000803251 | A dictionary of words and phrases used in ancient and modern law / by Arthur English | |
2000802139 | A few facts and suggestions on money, trade, and banking / by J. H. Walker | |
2000803162 | A first book of jurisprudence : for students of the common law / by Sir Frederick Pollock | |
2000809802 | A free farmer in a free state : a study of rural life and industry and agricultural politics in an agricultural country / by "Home counties" (J.W. Robertson Scott) | |
2001657544 | A frontiersman / by Roger Pocock | |
2000820239 | A handbook of industrial plants in common use | |
2000803015 | A handbook of public international law / by T.J. Lawrence | |
2000813844 | A history of Spain : from the earliest times to the death of Ferdinand the Catholic / by Ulick Ralph Burke | vol. 2 |
2001658010 | A history of ancient geography / by H.F. Tozer | |
2000813375 | A history of the Egyptian revolution : from the period of the Mamelukes to the death of Mohammed Ali / by A.A. Paton | vol. 1 |
2000803205 | A law dictionary, adapted to the Constitution and laws of the United States of America, and of the several States of the American Union : with references to the civil and other systems of foreign law / by John Bouvier | VOL.1:A-K |
2000803205 | A law dictionary, adapted to the Constitution and laws of the United States of America, and of the several States of the American Union : with references to the civil and other systems of foreign law / by John Bouvier | VOL.2:L-Y |
2000813550 | A maker of nations / by Guy Boothby | |
2000809331 | A national agricultural policy : the finance of occupying ownership and co-operative credit : a study in "cheap money" & "compound interest" / by J.H. Clifford Johnston | |
2000809471 | A new agricultural policy / by F.E. Green | |
2000804481 | A new pocket dictionary of the English & Italian languages / by J.E. Wessely = Nuovo dizionario portatile inglese-italiano & italiano-englese / di J.E. Wessely | |
2000802316 | A philosophic view of the land question / by Henry Fox | |
2000812880 | A plea for peasant proprietors : with the outlines of a plan for their establishment in Ireland / by William Thomas Thornton | |
2000802748 | A policy of free exchange : essays by various writers on the economical and social aspects of free exchange and kindred subjects / edited by Thomas Mackay | |
2000803151 | A primer of foreign exchange / by William F. Spalding | |
2000802433 | A primer of national finance / by Henry Higgs | |
2000406685 | A primer of socialism / by Thomas Kirkup | |
2000799482 | A project of empire : a critical study of the economics of imperialism, with special reference to the ideas of Adam Smith / by J. Shield Nicholson | |
2000806158 | A queenly colony : pens sketches and camera glimpses / [William Henry Traill] | |
2000810396 | A real ABC of gardening / by A.J. Macself | |
2001231275 | A reconstruction labor policy / editor in charge of this volume, C.H. Crennan | |
2001225142 | A report on flax culture for fiber in the United States, including special reports on flax culture in Ireland, in Belgium, and in Austria, with statements relative to the industry in Russia / by Charles Richards Dodge | |
2000803810 | A semasiologic differentiation in Germanic secondary ablaut / by Leonard Bloomfield | |
2000803388 | A short English constitutional history for law students / by Edgar Hammond | |
2000799523 | A short history of British colonial policy / by Hugh Edward Egerton | |
2000552746 | A short history of English rural life : from the Anglo-Saxon invasion to the present time / by Montague Fordham ; with a preface by The Right Hon. Lord Bledisloe [Charles Bathurst] | |
2000552746 | A short history of English rural life : from the Anglo-Saxon invasion to the present time / by Montague Fordham ; with a preface by The Right Hon. Lord Bledisloe [Charles Bathurst] | |
2001657179 | A short inquiry into the history of agriculture, in ancient, mediæval, and modern times / by Chandos Wren Hoskyns | |
2000811897 | A text book of the physics of agriculture / by F.H. King | |
2000811809 | A treatise on the law of landlord and tenant : with special reference to the American law / by H. L. Gear | |
2000803425 | A treatise on the law of real property : actions and defenses / by Anson Bingham | |
2001657490 | A treatise on the origin, qualities, and cultivation of moss-earth : with directions for converting it into manure / by William Aiton | |
2000802356 | A treatise on the principles and practical influence of taxation and the funding system / by J.R. McCulloch, Esq | |
2000549876 | A view of the art of colonization, with present reference to the British Empire : in letters between a statesman and a colonist / edited by Edward Gibbon Wakefield | |
2000804689 | A visit to a coal mine | |
2001657046 | A visit to a cotton mill | |
2000800910 | Abriss der Weltwirtschaftskunde / von Paul Eckardt | |
2001484219 | Abstract of the laws of the several states and territories on irrigation and water rights / compiled by O.A. Critchett | |
2000798318 | Adam Smith and modern sociology : a study in the methodology of the social sciences / by Albion W. Small | |
2000803493 | Administration -- civil service / by Theodore Roosevelt | |
2000803310 | Administrative problems of British India / Joseph Chailley ; translated by William Meyer | |
2000813604 | Adolphe Quetelet as statistician / by Frank H. Hankins | |
2000802000 | Adoption of the gold standard in Japan from an official reporot of the Japanese Government : from the summary of commerce and finance for February, 1900. / Treasury Department Bureau of Statistics | |
2000806431 | Agenda de l'agriculteur et du vigneron (26me année) et agenda agricole-horticole de la suisse romande (50me année) Réunis | |
2000808710 | Agrarian tenures : a survey of the laws and customs relating to the holding of land in England, Ireland, and Scotland and of the reforms therein during recent years / by G. Shaw Lefevre | |
2000807004 | Agrarische Zustände in Italien / auf Grund der jüngsten Enquête und anderer offizieller Quellen dargestellt von K. Th. Eheberg | |
2000805031 | Agrarisches Handbuch / herausgegeben vom Bund der Landwirte | |
2000801651 | Agrarpolitik / von Josef Grunzel | |
2000809344 | Agrarpolitische Zeit- und Streitfragen : Vorträge, Referate und Gutachten / August von Miaskowski | |
2000801184 | Agrarstatistische Untersuchungen über den Einfluss des Zuckerrübenbau's auf die Land- und Volkswirthschaft, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Provinz Sachsen / von Gustav Humbert | |
2000806708 | Agrarverfassung und Landwirtschaft in Belgien / J. Frost | |
2000806675 | Agrarverfassung und Landwirtschaft in den Niederlanden / von J. Frost | |
2000812838 | Agricultural banks : their object and their work / by Henry W. Wolff | |
2000551940 | Agricultural commerce : the organization of American commerce in agricultural commodities / by Grover G. Huebner | |
2000803502 | Agricultural distress and trade depression : their remedy in the commercial realization of home-grown produce / by D. Tallerman | |
2000228640 | Agricultural economics : a selection of materials in which economic principles are applied to the practice of agriculture / by Edwin G. Nourse | |
2000808836 | Agricultural returns for Great Britain showing the acreage and produce of crops prices of corn and number of live stock with agricultural statistics for the United Kingdom, British possessions and foreign countries. 1900 / Board of Agriculture | |
2000807558 | Agricultural statistics : principal crops and farm animals, transportation rates, exports and imports of the United States, and international trade in agricultural products | 1909 |
2000806728 | Agriculture : questions du jour : Comptes rendus du Xe Congrès international d'agriculture 1913-Gand | |
2000804274 | Agriculture and forestry with coloured maps / by the Department of Agriculture Ministry of Crown Domains for the World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago ; editor of the English translation, John Martin Crawford | |
2000804274 | Agriculture and forestry with coloured maps / by the Department of Agriculture Ministry of Crown Domains for the World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago ; editor of the English translation, John Martin Crawford | |
2000807679 | Agriculture and rural economy from personal observation / by Henry Colman | |
2000812794 | Agriculture and the unemployed / by William Wright and Arthur J. Penty | |
2000807816 | Agriculture considered as a moral and political duty : in a series of letters, inscribed to His Majesty and recommended to the perufal and attention of every gentleman of landed property in the three kingdoms, as they are calculated for the entertainment, instruction, and benefit of mankind / by William Donaldson | |
2000806139 | Agriculture for Southern schools / by John Frederick Duggar | |
2000712356 | Agriculture in Soviet Russia / by Joan Beauchamp | |
2000806841 | Agronomia / Augusto Jemina | |
2000806390 | Agronomia e agricoltura moderna : libro per gli studenti e per la gente dei campi / di Giovanni Soldani | |
2000813623 | Albrecht Thaer : Sein Leben und Wirken, als Arzt und Landwirth. Aus Thaer's Werken und literarischem Nachlasse dargestellt / von Wilhelm Körte | pbk |
2000813179 | Albrecht Thaer : Sein Leben und Wirken, als Arzt und Landwirth. Aus Thaer's Werken und literarischem Nachlasse dargestellt / von Wilhelm Körte | |
2000806214 | Album agricole : 32 leçons avec texte en regard des planches contenant 600 figures / par A. Jennepin & Ad. Herlem | |
2000808303 | Album of agricultural statistics of the United States : results of official statistical investigation / by J.R. Dodge | |
2000805166 | Allgemeine Landwirthschaftslehre | |
2001657941 | Allgemeine Länderkunde / von Wilhelm Sievers | 1 Bd |
2000812664 | Allgemeine Meliorationslehre | |
2000372789 | Allgemeine Staatslehre / von Hermann Rehm | |
2000800946 | Allgemeines Oeconomisches Lexicon : darinnen nicht allein die Kunst-Wörter und Erklärungen dererjenigen Sachen, welche theils in der Oeconomie überhaupt, theils in ... / von George Heinrich Zincken | 1. T |
2000804270 | Alpine Flora of the Canadian Rocky Mountains / by Stewardson Brown | |
2000804633 | Alpine plants Europe : together with cultural hints / by Harold Stuart Thompson | |
2001657016 | Am sausenden Webstuhl der Zeit : Übersicht über die Wirkungen der Entwicklung der Naturwissenschaften und der Technik auf das gesamte Kulturleben / von Dr. ing. Launhardt | |
2000813257 | America and the Philippines / by Carl Crow | |
2001230651 | America's changing investment market / editor in charge of this volume, E.M. Patterson | |
2001230721 | America's interests after the European war | |
2001230727 | America's interests as affected by the European war | |
2001230640 | America's relation to the world conflict and to the coming peace : the annals / editor Clyde Lyndon King | |
2000807701 | American agricultural villages / by Edmund deS. Brunner, Gwendolyn S. Hughes, Marjorie Patten | |
2000800668 | American colonial history : for use in secondary schools / by Roscoe Lewis Ashley | |
2000806538 | American economic history | |
2000808178 | American farms : their condition and future / by J.R. Elliott | |
2000812505 | Among the Danes / by F.M. Butlin | |
2000808335 | An analysis of agricultural discontent in the United States / by Charles Franklin Emerick | |
2000802164 | An elementary digest of the law of property in land / by Stephen Martin Leake | |
2000498218 | An encyclopædia of agriculture : comprising the theory and practice of the valuation, transfer, laying out, improvement, and management of landed property, and of the cultivation and economy of the animal and vegetable productions of agriculture / by J.C. Loudon | |
2000804216 | An encyclopædia of industrialism | |
2000805413 | An enumeration of plants hitherto known from South Manchuria / 南滿州植物目録/ by Y. Yabe / 矢部吉禎 | |
2000797713 | An epitome of the history of philosophy : being the work adopted by the University of France for instruction in the colleges and high schools : translated from the French, with additions, and a continuation of the history from the time of Reid to the present day / by C.S. Henry | v. 1-2 |
2000802349 | An explanation of ancient terms and measures of land : with some account of old tenures / collected and compiled from various sources, and arranged in alphabetical order, by Philip H. Hore | |
2000802349 | An explanation of ancient terms and measures of land : with some account of old tenures / collected and compiled from various sources, and arranged in alphabetical order, by Philip H. Hore | |
2000804114 | An inquiry into the accordancy of war with the principles of christianity, and an examination of the philosophical reasoning by which it is defended : with observations on some of the causes of war and on some of its effects / by Jonathan Dymond | |
2000801431 | An introduction to political economy / by Richard T. Ely | |
2000799929 | An introduction to political science / by E. F. Bowman | |
2000172918 | An introduction to politics / by Harold J. Laski | |
2000808807 | An introduction to the history of sugar as a commodity / by Ellen Deborah Ellis | |
2000804623 | An introduction to the history of the law of real property with original authorities / by Kenelm Edward Digby | |
2000800863 | An introduction to the study of colonial history for use in secondary schools / by Emma Sarepta Yule | |
2000800863 | An introduction to the study of colonial history for use in secondary schools / by Emma Sarepta Yule | |
2000692172 | An introduction to the study of political economy / by Luigi Cossa ; revised by the author ; and translated from the Italian by Louis Dyer | |
2000797762 | An outline introductory to Kant's "Critique of pure reason" / by R.M. Wenley | |
2000804164 | Anatomie der Pflanze / von Hans Molisch | |
2000408143 | Ancestor-worship and Japanese law / by Nobushige Hozumi | |
3000000399 | Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science | 10 |
3000000399 | Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science | 11 |
3000000399 | Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science | 12 |
3000000399 | Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science | 13 |
3000000399 | Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science | 16 |
3000000399 | Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science | 18 |
3000000399 | Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science | 20 |
3000000399 | Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science | 21 |
3000000399 | Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science | 23(3) |
3000000399 | Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science | 24 |
3000000399 | Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science | 25 |
3000000399 | Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science | 26 |
3000000399 | Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science | 28 |
3000000399 | Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science | 29 |
3000000399 | Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science | 30 |
3000000399 | Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science | 31 |
3000000399 | Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science | 32 |
3000000399 | Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science | 33 |
3000000399 | Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science | 34 |
3000000399 | Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science | 35 |
3000000399 | Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science | 36 |
3000000399 | Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science | 37 |
3000000399 | Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science | 38 |
3000000399 | Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science | 4 |
3000000399 | Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science | 5 |
3000000399 | Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science | 6 |
3000000399 | Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science | 7 |
2000803440 | Annuaire international des organisations coopératives = International directory of co-operative organisations = Internationales Jahrbuch des Genossenschaftswesens | |
3000067995 | Annual report of the Bureau of Health for the Philippine Islands | 1911 |
3000067995 | Annual report of the Bureau of Health for the Philippine Islands | 1912 |
3000067995 | Annual report of the Bureau of Health for the Philippine Islands | 1913 |
3000067995 | Annual report of the Bureau of Health for the Philippine Islands | 1914 |
3000068047 | Annual report of the Collector of Internal Revenue to the Honorable Secretary of Finance and Justice of the Government of the Philippine Islands | 8-9,11 |
2000810677 | Annual report of the Forest Commissioner of the State of Maine | 2nd. 1894 |
3000077243 | Annual report of the Johns Hopkins University | 16 |
3000068099 | Annual report of the Secretary of Commerce and Police | 1911-1913 |
2000555436 | Annual report of the Secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Agriculture / [Massachusetts Board of Agriculture] | 23rd, 1875 |
3000067989 | Annual report of the Treasurer of the Philippine Islands to the Secretary of Finance for the fiscal year ended December 31, ... / Government of the Philippine Islands. Department of Finance. Bureau of the Treasury | 1912 |
2000804089 | Annual report on administration of Chosen / compiled by Government-General of Chosen | 1926-27 |
2000804089 | Annual report on administration of Chosen / compiled by Government-General of Chosen | 1927-28 |
2000801852 | Ansichten der Volkswirthschaft aus dem geschichtlichen Standpunkte / von Wilhelm Roscher | |
2001657634 | Anthology of Swedish lyrics from 1750 to 1915 / translated in the original meters by Charles Wharton Stork | |
2000800595 | Antike Wirtschaftsgeschichte / von Otto Neurath | |
3000031263 | Archiv für innere Kolonisation / Deutscher Verein für ländliche Wohlfarts- und Heimatpflege | 3 |
3000031263 | Archiv für innere Kolonisation / Deutscher Verein für ländliche Wohlfarts- und Heimatpflege | 4 |
3000031263 | Archiv für innere Kolonisation / Deutscher Verein für ländliche Wohlfarts- und Heimatpflege | 5 |
3000031263 | Archiv für innere Kolonisation / Deutscher Verein für ländliche Wohlfarts- und Heimatpflege | 6(6,9),7 |
2000800141 | Aristotle's politics / translated by Benjamin Jowett ; with introduction, analysis and index by H.W.C. Davis | |
2000810042 | Asparagus culture : the best methods employed in England and France / by James Barnes and William Robinson | |
2001663008 | Atlantis : the antediluvian world / by Ignatius Donnelly | |
2000798695 | Atlantis : the antediluvian world / by Ignatius Donnelly | |
2000799473 | Atlas Colonial illustré : géographie, voyages & conquêtes--productions, administration | |
2001658023 | Atlas of Canada : showing maps of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia, British Isles, and the Dominion of Canada | |
2000523895 | Aus Kiautschous Verwaltung : die Land-, Steuer- und Zollpolitik des Kiautschougebietes / von W. Schrameier | |
2000808089 | Aus dem Kaukasus / von A, Borchardt | T. 2 |
2000800444 | Aus dem amerikanischen Wirtschaftsleben / von J. Laurence Laughlin | |
2000797744 | Ausgewählte Schriften / Graf Gobineau | |
2000813495 | Australia : problems and prospects / Charles G. Wade | |
2000799658 | Avec les vainqueurs de Tabora : notes d'un colonial belge en afbique orientale allemande / Pierre Daye | |
2000807369 | Back to the land / by Harold E. Moore | |
2000807401 | Back to the land a medley / by C2 | |
2000807401 | Back to the land a medley / by C2 | |
2001658193 | Balthasar / by Anatole France ; a translated by Mrs. John Lane | |
2000812156 | Beginnings in agriculture / by Albert Russell Mann | |
2000805777 | Beginselen der Plantkunde : Leerboek ten gebruike bij het lager onderwijs in nederlandsch-Indië / door Tjeenk Willink | |
2000805772 | Beginselen der Plantkunde : Leerboek ten gebruike bij het lager onderwijs in nederlandsch-Indië / door Tjeenk Willink | |
2000808992 | Beiträge zur Kenntniss der japanischen Landwirthschaft / von M. Fesca ; herausgegeben von der Kaiserlichen Geologischen Reichsanstalt | I. Allgemeiner Theil |
2000808992 | Beiträge zur Kenntniss der japanischen Landwirthschaft / von M. Fesca ; herausgegeben von der Kaiserlichen Geologischen Reichsanstalt | II. Specieller Theil |
2001658080 | Belgen! leert onzen Congo kennen / door Karel Kuck | |
2001658079 | Belges! connaissons notre Congo / par Charles Kuck | |
2000812074 | Beobachtungen über Besiedelung, Hausbau und landwirtschaftliche Kultur / von August Meitzen | |
2000810755 | Bericht an den Hohen Schweizerischen Bundesrath über die Untersuchung der Hochgebirgswaldungen in den Kandtonen, Tessin, Graubünden, St. Gallen und Appenzell, vorgenommen im August und September 1858 / [der berichterstatter El. Landolt] | |
3000067120 | Bericht über die Tätigkeit der K. K. Landw.-Chemischen Versuchsstation in Wien | 1907,1909 |
2000813871 | Bermuda past and present : a descriptive and historical account of the Somers islands / by Walter Brownell Hayward | |
2000803009 | Beschouwingen over de Suikercrisis / door J. Kruseman | |
2000801846 | Besondere volkswirtschaftslehre | |
2000805174 | Betriebslehre | |
2000798555 | Bevölkerungslehre / von Max Haushofer | |
2000486690 | Bevölkerungslehre und Bevölkerungspolitik / von Arthur Freiherr von Fircks | |
2000805311 | Beyond the atom / by John Cox | |
2000813462 | Bilder aus der Südsee : unter den kannibalischen Stämmen des Bismarck-Archipels / von Heinrich Schnee | |
2000812363 | Bilder vom Niederrhein / unter Mitwirkung von J. Heinzerling...[et al.] ; bearbeitet von J. Nover | |
2000805638 | Biology / by W.D. Henderson | |
2000798201 | Birth Control, facts and responsibilities : a symposium dealing with this important subject from a number of angles / edited by Adolf Meyer | |
2000798448 | Birth-rate and empire / by James Marchant | |
2000798448 | Birth-rate and empire / by James Marchant | |
2000237078 | Bluntschli's Staatswörterbuch in drei Bänden mit Nachträgen / bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Löning | Bd. 1 |
2000237078 | Bluntschli's Staatswörterbuch in drei Bänden mit Nachträgen / bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Löning | Bd. 3 |
2000803678 | Blüte und Niedergang / Hans Blüher | |
2000810100 | Boden und Unternehmung | |
2001656995 | Bordeaux et ses vins : classés par ordre de mérite / Ch. Cocks | |
2000484969 | Botanische und landwirtschaftliche Studien auf Java / von W. Detmer | |
2000804090 | Botany for high schools and colleges / by Charles E. Bessey | |
2000807974 | British agriculture versus foreign tributes / by Joseph Burgess | |
2000807974 | British agriculture versus foreign tributes / by Joseph Burgess | |
2000805099 | British animals : extinct within historic times with some account of British wild white cattle / by James Edmund Harting | |
2000809836 | Buds and twigs / by H. Marshall Ward | |
3000068055 | Bulletin / Bureau of Plant Industry, U.S. Department of Agriculture | 3,13 |
3000068055 | Bulletin / Bureau of Plant Industry, U.S. Department of Agriculture | 82,84,86,102(2),160-161,170,195 |
3000068093 | Bulletin / Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada | 3-6,8;1,33,39,44,51-52,60,62,67-68,76 |
3000068046 | Bulletin / Department of Agriculture, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania | 186-187,190,193 |
3000068046 | Bulletin / Department of Agriculture, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania | 196,201-203,205 |
3000068052 | Bulletin / Imperial College of Agriculture and Dendrology | 1-3 |
3000068044 | Bulletin / Office of Experiment Station, U.S. Department of Agriculture | 104 |
3000068044 | Bulletin / Office of Experiment Station, U.S. Department of Agriculture | 48,57,139,232 |
3000068044 | Bulletin / Office of Experiment Station, U.S. Department of Agriculture | 68 |
3000068045 | Bulletin / U.S. Department Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry | 9,11,14-15,18,20,42 |
3000068208 | Bulletin / U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Statistics | 23,27,32,35,41,44-46,49,53-55,60,62,64,66 |
3000068208 | Bulletin / U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Statistics | 49,55,68-69,78 |
3000068053 | Bulletin / U.S. Department of Agriculture, Division of Chemistry | 29,34,39-40,55 |
3000028575 | Bulletin / University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station | 158-162,165,184-186,204 |
3000067993 | Bulletin of the Department of Labor | 40 |
2000549212 | Bushido : the soul of Japan / by Inazo Nitobé | |
2001656973 | Business and brotherhood / J. Paul Reed | |
2001235197 | Cacao culture in the Philippines / by William S. Lyon | |
2001658135 | Caithness and Sutherland / by H.F. Campbell | |
2001070781 | California walnut industry / by B.M. Lelong | |
2000801909 | Can governments cure unemployment? / by Norman Angell & Harold Wright | |
2001033309 | Canada : an official handbook of present conditions and recent progress / prepared in the Canada Year Book, Handbook and Library Division, Dominion Bureau of Statistics | 1932 |
2000813834 | Canada in the commonwealth from conflict to co-operation / by Robert Borden | |
2000801105 | Canadian economics : being papers prepared for reading before the economical section with an introductory report | |
2001230745 | Canadian national problems | |
2001658322 | Canals and irrigation in foreign countries : reports from the consuls of the United States in answer to circulars from the Department of State | |
2000802080 | Cannibals of finance : fifteen years' contest with the money trust / by Arthur Edward Stilwell | |
2000796568 | Capital : a critical analysis of capitalist production / by Karl Marx ; translated from the third German edition, by Samuel Moore and Edward Aveling ; and edited by Frederick Engels | |
2000694790 | Capital : a critical analysis of capitalist production / by Karl Marx ; translated from the third German edition, by Samuel Moore and Edward Aveling ; and edited by Frederick Engels | |
2000855543 | Carlyle's lectures on heroes, hero-worship and the heroic in history / edited by P.C. Parr | |
2000800249 | Carnegie Endowment for International Peace : year book | 1916 |
2000813296 | Carolus Linnaeus / by Edward Lee Greene ; with an introd. by Barton Warren Evermann | |
2001657685 | Castle rackrent, and The absentee / by Maria Edgeworth ; illustrated by Chris Hammond ; with an introduction by Anne Thackeray Ritchie | |
2000807720 | Chapters in rural progress / by Kenyon L. Butterfield | |
2000807720 | Chapters in rural progress / by Kenyon L. Butterfield | |
2000810063 | Chasse, pêche, domestication / par Gabriel de Mortillet ; avec 148 figures par A. de Mortillet | |
2000804491 | Chemische Zusammensetzung der menschlichen Nahrungs- und Genussmittel : nach vorhandenen Analysen / mit Angabe der Quellen zusammengestellt und berechnet von J. König | |
2001230875 | China social and economic conditions | |
2000799262 | Chinese political philosophy / by William S.A. Pott | |
2000798159 | Christ and the human race or the attitude of Jesus Christ toward foreign races and religions : being the William Belden noble lectures for 1906 / by Charles Cuthbert Hall | |
2001657013 | Chronological and statistical history of cotton / by E.J. Donnell | |
2000798789 | Church and state : Columbus and America | |
3000068049 | Circular / Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Illinois | 118,124-126,128-131,133,137,140,152,154,163,165,169,175,185 |
2001234546 | Citriculture in the Philippines / by P.J. Wester | |
2000804087 | Class-book of botany : being outlines of the structure, physiology and classification of plants : with a flora of the United States and Canada / by Alphonso Wood | |
2000797610 | Classification : Class A, B, C, D, G, H, L, M, N, Q, R, S, T, U, V, and outline scheme of classes | class J |
2000797610 | Classification : Class A, B, C, D, G, H, L, M, N, Q, R, S, T, U, V, and outline scheme of classes | class S |
2000805437 | Climatology of the United States, and of the temperate latitudes of the North American Continent : embracing a full comparison of these with the climatology of the temperate latitudes of Europe and Asia : and especially in regard to agriculture, sanitary investigations, and engineering, with isothermal and rain charts for each season, the extreme months, and the year / by Lorin Blodget | |
2000807617 | Co-operation among farmers : the keystone of rural prosperity / by John Lee Coulter | |
2000810416 | Co-operation in Danish agriculture : an English adaption of "Andelsbevœgelsen i Danmark" by H.Hertel / by Harald Faber ; with a foreword by E.J.Russell | |
2000708156 | Co-operation in Denmark / by Lionel Smith-Gordon and Cruise O'brien | |
2001022740 | Co-operation in land tillage / by M. A. | |
2000811825 | Co-operative agriculture : a solution of the land question, as exemplified in the history of The Ralahine Co-operative Agricultural Association, County Clare, Ireland / by William Pare | |
2000802167 | Co-operative banking : its principles and practice with a chapter on co-operative mortgage-credit / by Henry W. Wolff | |
2001663016 | Cobden Club essays, second series, 1871-2 / by Émile de Laveleye ... [et al.] | |
2000810256 | Coconut cultivation and plantation machinery / by H. Lake Coghlan and J.W. Hinchley | |
2000808687 | Code rural : régime du sol (texte et commentaire) et droit rural usuel / par H. Watrin | |
2001175903 | Coffee : from grower to consumer / by B.B. Keable | |
2000675104 | Collectivism and industrial evolution / by Emile Vandervelde ; translated by R.P. Farley | |
2000800060 | Colonial Virginia / by J.A.C. Chandler and T.B. Thames | |
2000800008 | Colonial policy / by A.D.A. de Kat Angelino ; abridged translation from the Dutch by G.J. Renier | v. 1 |
2000800008 | Colonial policy / by A.D.A. de Kat Angelino ; abridged translation from the Dutch by G.J. Renier | v. 2 |
3000067123 | Colonial reports annual | 945,948-950,953,955-977,979,981-982,984-994 |
2000799625 | Colonies françaises (suite) : Madagascar, Indo-Chine, colonies britanniques / International Colonial Institute | |
2000800810 | Colonies portugaises : les organismes politiques indigénes / par A.-L de Almada Negreiros | |
2000799716 | Colorphobia : an exposure of the "White Australia" fallacy / by Gizen-no-Teki | |
2000804385 | Coloured vade-mecum to the Alpine flora / text in English, French and German by L. Schröter and C. Schröter | |
2000804565 | Comment nos planteurs et nos colons peuvent-ils se protéger contre les moustiques qui transmettent des maladies? / par E. Hegh | |
2000804565 | Comment nos planteurs et nos colons peuvent-ils se protéger contre les moustiques qui transmettent des maladies? / par E. Hegh | |
2000803398 | Commentaries on the constitution of the Empire of Japan / by Marquis Hirobumi Itō ; translated by Baron Miyoji Itō | |
2000803357 | Commentaries on the laws of England : in four books : with an analysis of the work / by William Blackstone ; with a life of the author, and notes, by Christian, Chitty, Lee, Hovenden and Ryland ; and also references to American cases, by a member of the New York Bar | v. 1 |
2000803357 | Commentaries on the laws of England : in four books : with an analysis of the work / by William Blackstone ; with a life of the author, and notes, by Christian, Chitty, Lee, Hovenden and Ryland ; and also references to American cases, by a member of the New York Bar | v. 2 |
2000806148 | Commercial Australia in 1900 : area, population, production, railways, telegraphs, transportation routes, foreign commerce, and commerce of the United States with Australasia / O.P. Austin | |
2000806203 | Commercial China in 1900 : area, population, production, railways, telegraphs, transportation routes, foreign commerce, and commerce of the United States with China / O.P. Austin | |
2000803548 | Commercial geography / by Albert Perry Brigham | |
2000803600 | Commercial geography : based on the latest researches and statistical returns / by Carl Zehden ; translated by Findlay Muirhead | |
2000800592 | Communist and co-operative colonies / by Charles Gide ; translated by Ernest F. Row | |
2000798722 | Community civics and rural life / by Arthur W. Dunn | |
2000797808 | Companion to the Bible / by E.P. Barrows | |
2000803766 | Comparative administrative law : an analysis of the administrative systems, national and local, of the United States, England, France and Germany / by Frank J. Goodnow .. | |
2000799347 | Comparative politics : six lectures read before the Royal Institution in January and February, 1873 : with the unity of history : the Rede Lecture read before the University of Cambridge, May 29, 1872 / by Edward A. Freeman | |
2001484210 | Concours international de tracteurs et autres appareils de labourage mécanique | |
2000798262 | Conference of All Friends : held in London, August 12 to 20, 1920 : a guide souvenir | |
2000176082 | Conférence internationale du travail, sixième session, Genève, 1924 = International Labour Conference, sixth session, Geneva, 1924 | v. 1 |
2000176082 | Conférence internationale du travail, sixième session, Genève, 1924 = International Labour Conference, sixth session, Geneva, 1924 | v. 2 |
2001230453 | Constructive Experiments in Industrial Cooperation between Employers and Employees / edited by Sam A. Lewisohn and Parker Thomas Moon | |
2000802851 | Contemporary socialism / by John Rae | |
2001657413 | Continental farming and peasantry / by James Howard | |
2000802975 | Control of the market : a legal solution of the trust problem / by Bruce Wyman | |
2000811843 | Corn : growing, judging, breeding, feeding, marketing / by M.L. Bowman | |
2000802599 | Corporations and the state / by Theodore E. Burton | |
2000812618 | Cositas españolas, or, Every day life in Spain / by Mrs. Harvey | |
2001024052 | Cotton : From the raw material to the finished product / by R. J. Peake | |
2001657031 | Cotton and the spinner / by William J. Claxton | |
2001230878 | Country life | |
2000812100 | Country life : a handbook of agriculture, horticulture, & landscape gardening / by Robert Morris Copeland | |
2001230715 | County government | |
2000810538 | Coöperation in agriculture / by G. Harold Powell | |
2000552530 | Coöperative credit associations in certain European countries, and their relation to agricultural interests / prepared under direction of the statistician, by Edward T. Peters | |
2000810389 | Culture and curing of tobacco in the United States | |
2001657449 | Culture générale et instruments aratoires : défrichement, assainissement, drainage, labours et façons du sol / par Lefour | |
2000812982 | Curso de economía rural española / por José de Hidalgo Tablada | Tomo (1-2) |
2000803687 | Dalton plan : Assignments / compiled by the Staff of Streatham County Secondary School for Girls | vol. 1 |
2000800160 | Das Ende des kolonialpolitischen Zeitalters : Grundzüge eines wirtschaftsorganischen Genossenschafts=Imperialismus / von Karl Hoffmann | |
2001238989 | Das Familienfideicommiß, das landwirthschaftliche Erbgut und das Anerbenrecht / von August von Miaskowski | [2] |
2000802236 | Das Geld : Geschichte der Umlaufsmittel von der ältesten Zeit bis in die Gegenwart / von Max Wirth | |
2000808681 | Das Gesetz des abnehmenden Bodenertrages seit Justus von Liebig : eine dogmengeschichtliche Untersuchung / von Joseph Esslen | |
2001658117 | Das Hungernde Russland : Reiseeindrücke, Beobachtungen und Untersuchungen / von C. Lehmann und Parvus | |
2000797979 | Das Neue Testament unsers Herrn und Heilandes Jesu Christi / nach Martin Luther's uebersetzung | |
2000801121 | Das Problem der Güter-Erzeugung / Theodor Hertzka | 1. Bd |
2000806382 | Das Studium der Landwirthschaft an der Universität Halle, geschichtliche Entwickelung und Organisation desselben : eine Festschrift zur Feier des 25jährigen Bestehens des Landwirthschaftlichen Instituts der Universität / verfaßt von Julius Kühn | |
2000802672 | Das System des Socialismus / von Alfred Nossig | 2. T |
2000805431 | Das Wasser / von Friedrich Pfaff | |
2000813796 | Das deutsche Handwerk in seiner kulturgeschichtlichen Entwickelung / von Eduard Otto | |
2001657116 | Das deutsche Haus und sein Hausrat / von Rudolf Meringer | |
2000811799 | Das landwirtschaftliche Betriebsproblem in der deutschen Nationalökonomie bis zur Mitte des XIX. Jahrhunderts / von Else Cronbach | |
2000810528 | Das landwirtschaftliche Genossenschaftswesen : ein Leitfaden für den Unterricht an landwirtschaftlichen Schulen, sowie zur Selbstbelehrung / bearbeitet von Karl Petri | |
2000808738 | Das neue Gesetz, betreffend das Verfahren in Auseinandersetzungsangelegenheiten (Ablösungen, Regulirungen, Gemeinheitstheilungen u. u.) Ergänzt und erläutert durch die amtlishen materialien / von R. Höinghaus | |
2000813244 | Das neue Südafrika / Paul Samassa | |
2000801854 | Das wirthschaftliche Leben der Völker : ein Handbuch über Production und Consum / von Karl von Scherzer | |
2000813822 | Das überseeische Deutschland : die deutschen Kolonien in Wort und Bild / nach dem neuesten Stand der Kenntnis bearbeitet von Hauptmann a.D. Hutter ... [et al.] | 2. Bd |
2000813570 | David Ricardo : a centenary estimate / by Jacob H. Hollander | |
2000800339 | De Inlandsche dorpsgemeenschap op Java / door T.J. Bezemer | |
2000800090 | De economische en financieele toestand der Kolonie Suriname : rapport der Commissie benoemd bij besluit van Zijne Excellentie den Minister van Koloniën, van 11 maart 1911, Afd. B, no. 56 | |
2000811885 | De plant in nijverheid en handel / onder leiding van D.A. Zoethout | |
2001656978 | De rietsuikerindustrie in de verschillende landen van productie : historisch, technisch en statistisch overzicht over de productie en den uitvoer van de rietsuiker / door H.C. Prinsen Geerligs | |
2000804959 | Delle risaie e specialmente di quelle del novarese, del vercellese e della lomellina nei rapporti colla salute pubblica : memoria del Dottre Giacomo Besozzi | |
2000812593 | Denmark : its history and topography, language, literature, fine-arts, social life and finance / edited by H. Weitemeyer | |
2000812548 | Denmark and Sweden with Iceland and Finland / by Jon Stefansson | |
2000552206 | Der Acker= und Pflanzenbau / bearbeitet von W. Detmer ... [et al.] | |
2000807495 | Der Agrarsozialismus in Belgien / von Hans Freiherr von Steffens-Frauweiler | |
2000807098 | Der Boden und die landwirthschaftlichen Verhältnisse des Preussischen Staates Nach dem Gebietsumfange vor 1866 / August Meitzen | Bd. 1 |
2000807098 | Der Boden und die landwirthschaftlichen Verhältnisse des Preussischen Staates Nach dem Gebietsumfange vor 1866 / August Meitzen | Bd. 2 |
2000807098 | Der Boden und die landwirthschaftlichen Verhältnisse des Preussischen Staates Nach dem Gebietsumfange vor 1866 / August Meitzen | Bd. 3 |
2000804200 | Der Dienstunterricht für den Knonier und Fahrer der Feldartillerie / von Wernigk und Trautz | |
2000797818 | Der Einfluß der Wohnung auf die Sittlichkeit : eine moralstatistische Studie über die arbeitenden Klassen der Stadt Paris / von Etienne Laspeyres | |
2000813755 | Der Ferne Osten : seine Geschichte, seine Entwicklung in der neuesten Zeit und seine Lage nach dem russisch-japanischen Kriege / von C. von Zepelin | T. 2 |
2000813755 | Der Ferne Osten : seine Geschichte, seine Entwicklung in der neuesten Zeit und seine Lage nach dem russisch-japanischen Kriege / von C. von Zepelin | T.1-2 |
2000808636 | Der Landwirth als Staatsbürger : Darstellung der Staats- und Rechtswissenschaften für Landwirthe / von F. Braun | |
2000811800 | Der Mensch der Urzeit : Kunde über Lebensweise, Sprache und Kultur des vorgeschichtlichen Menschen in Europa und Asien / von Heinrich Driesmans | |
2000804754 | Der Panamakanal : die Bedeutung des Kanalbaues seine Technik und Wirtschaft / von Max D. Fiegel | |
2000797991 | Der Rassenkampf : sociologische Untersuchungen / von Ludwig Gumplowicz | |
2000797908 | Der Text des Neuen Testamentes : nach seiner geschichtlichen Entwickelung / von August Pott | |
2000799364 | Der Zug der Landmädchen nach der Großstadt / Vortrag von Heinrich Sohnrey | |
2000800431 | Der Zug nach der Stadt : statistische Studien über Vorgänge der Bevölkerungsbewegung im Deutschen Reiche / R. Kuczynski | |
2000803730 | Der geschloßne Handelsstaat : ein philosophischer Entwurf als Anhang zur Rechtslehre, und Probe einer künftig zu liefernden Politik / von Johann Gottlieb Fichte | |
2000812848 | Der landwirtschaftliche Ertrags-Anschlag : die Wirtschaftsorganisation und Wirtschaftsleitung / von H. Werner | |
2000806877 | Der landwirtschaftliche Verein für Rheinpreussen und seine Wirksamkeit : Festschrift zur Feier seines fünfzigjährigen Bestehens / von Havenstein | |
2000798453 | Des clans aux empires / A. Mort et G. Davy | |
2000801746 | Des systèmes de culture et de leur influence sur l'économie sociale / par H. Passy | |
2000804597 | Descriptive catalogue of the British scientific products exhibition / edited by Richard Gregory | |
2000800705 | Deutsch-Ostafrika als Siedelungsgebiet für Europäer unter Berücksichtigung Britisch-Ostafrikas und Nyassalands : Bericht der 1908 unter Führung des damaligen Unterstaatssekretärs Dr. von Lindequist nach Ostafrika entsandten Kommission | |
2000802602 | Deutsche Bürgerkunde : Einführung in die allgemeine Lehre vom Staate, in die Verfassung und Verwaltung des Deutschen Reiches und des Preußischen Staates und in die Elemente der Volkswirtschaftslehre / von A. Giese | |
2000798821 | Deutsche Grenzpolitik / von Ernst Hasse | |
2000804192 | Deutscher Universitäts-Kalender / gegründet von F. Ascherson ; herausgegeben mit amtlicher Unterstützung | T. 1 |
2000804192 | Deutscher Universitäts-Kalender / gegründet von F. Ascherson ; herausgegeben mit amtlicher Unterstützung | T. 2 |
2000801008 | Deutschland als Industriestaat / F.C. Huber | |
3000068048 | Deutschtum im Ausland : Vierteljahrshefte des Vereins für des Deutschtum im Ausland / Verein für das Deutschtum im Ausland | 12-16 |
3000068048 | Deutschtum im Ausland : Vierteljahrshefte des Vereins für des Deutschtum im Ausland / Verein für das Deutschtum im Ausland | 17-20,23 |
3000068048 | Deutschtum im Ausland : Vierteljahrshefte des Vereins für des Deutschtum im Ausland / Verein für das Deutschtum im Ausland | 6-9,11 |
2000375337 | Dictionary of political economy / edited by R.H. Inglis Palgrave | Appendix |
2000811952 | Die Ackerbaugeräthe in ihren praktischen Beziehungen wie nach ihrer urgeschichtlichen und ethnographischen Bedeutung / von Richard Braungart | Atlas |
2000811952 | Die Ackerbaugeräthe in ihren praktischen Beziehungen wie nach ihrer urgeschichtlichen und ethnographischen Bedeutung / von Richard Braungart | [Text] |
2000810482 | Die Agrarfrage : aus dem Gesichtspunkte der Nationalökonomie, der Politik und des Rechts und in besonderem Hinblicke auf Preußen und die Rheinprovinz / von Peter Franz Reichensperger | |
2000809682 | Die Agrarverfassung und das Grundentlastungsproblem in Bosnien und der Herzegowina / von Karl Grünberg | |
2001658271 | Die Bauern / Anton Tschechoff ; einzig autorisierte Ausgabe aus dem Russischen übersetzt von Wladimir Tzumikow | |
2000798809 | Die Besiedelung des deutschen Volksbodens / von Ernst Hasse | |
2000807630 | Die Betriebsfrage / von Eduard David | |
2000812820 | Die Biographie der Kartoffel / von Eugen v. Rodiczky | |
2000802958 | Die Darlehnskassen-Vereine und sonstige ländliche Genossenschaften | |
2000804048 | Die Domainen-Verwaltung des Preussischen Staates : zum praktischen Gebrauche für Verwaltungsbeamte und Domainenpächter / von H. Oelrichs | |
2000804068 | Die Domainen-Verwaltung des Preußischen Staates : zum praktischen Gebrauche für Verwaltungsbeamte und Domainenpächter / von H. Oelrichs | |
2000803660 | Die Ehefrau in alter und neuer Zeit : Eine sittengeschichtliche Skizze / von Ernst Schuster | |
2000812896 | Die Europäisierung Russlands : Land und Volk / von A. Brückner | |
2000526168 | Die Feldgemeinschaft : eine morphologische untersuchung / von Alexander A. Tschuprow | |
2000697008 | Die Feudalisierung des Grundbesitzes in ökonomischer Beziehung / Maxime Kowalewsky ; mit Genehmigung des Verfassers dem Russischen übersetzt von Leo Motzkin | |
2000805737 | Die Fische, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der einheimischen Arten : nebst Anleitung zum Aufbewahren und Abformen der Fische / herausgegeben und mit Abbildungen versehen von A. und G. Ortleb | |
2000810104 | Die Forstbenutzung / von Karl Gayer | |
2000809656 | Die Forsteinrichtung der Zukunft / von Max Neumeister | |
2001657017 | Die Führung eines Haushaltes in bescheidenen Verhältnissen : ein treuer Ratgeber für Arbeiterfamilien und kleiner Geschäftsleute : zugleich ein Leitfaden für Haushaltungsschulen lohnarbeitender Mädchen / mit Unterstützung praktischer Arbeiterfamilien verfaßt von Adolf Mang | |
2001021275 | Die Gartenstadtbewegung / von Hans Kampffmeyer | |
2000854412 | Die Geschichte eines kleinen Landguts : nach den Mitteilungen der Frau Regine Frühauf aufgezeichnet / von Fritz Möhrlin | |
2000806332 | Die Gestaltung des landwirthschaftlichen Betriebes mit Rücksicht auf den herrschenden Arbeitermangel / von Leopold Hübel | |
2000803913 | Die Handelspolitik Nordamerikas, Italiens, Österreichs, Belgiens, der Niederlande, Dänemarks, Schwedens und Norwegens, Rußlands und der Schweiz in den letzten Jahrzehnten sowie die deutsche Handelsstatistik von 1880 bis 1890 : Berichte und Gutachten / veröffentlicht vom Verein für Socialpolitik | |
2000802639 | Die Hexenprozesse im Kanton Schwyz / Von A. Dettling | |
2000810090 | Die Jagd der Vorzeit / von W. Soergel | |
2000809873 | Die Karst-Aufforstung / von Ferdinand Holl | |
2000802742 | Die Kriegsfinanzen Englands (1914-1918) = British war finance 1914 to 1918 / M. Zweigenhaft | |
2000805386 | Die Kulturvölker der alten und neuen Welt / von Friedrich Ratzel | |
2001657202 | Die Landwirthschaft der alten Völker : mit Ausschluß der Römer / nach dem Französischen von Reynier ; frei bearbeitet und mit Anmerkungen versehen von Franz Damance ; mit einer Vorrede von K.H. Rau | |
2000807434 | Die Landwirthschaft und ihr Betrieb / H. Settegast | |
2000807086 | Die Landwirtschaft Ungarns / Von Alexander v. Matlekovits | |
2001657404 | Die Landwirtschaft bei den altamerikanischen Kulturvölkern / von Max Steffen | |
2000807027 | Die Landwirtschaft im schweizerischen Flachlande : Ihre Grundlagen und ihre Einrichtungen / Von Adolf Kraemer | |
2000806615 | Die Naturkräfte in ihrer Anwendung auf die Landwirthschaft / von Wilhelm von Hamm | |
2000805379 | Die Naturvölker Afrikas / von Friedrich Ratzel | |
2000805385 | Die Naturvölker Ozeaniens, Amerikas und Asiens / Friedrich Ratzel | |
2000805714 | Die Nutzpflanzen unserer Kolonien, und, Ihre wirtschaftliche Bedeutung für das Mutterland / von D. Westermann | |
2000488123 | Die Principien der Politik : Einleitung in die staatswissenschaftliche Betrachtung der Gegenwart / von Franz von Holtzendorff | |
2000803109 | Die Produktionskosten unserer wichtigsten Feldfrüchte : auf Grund der Ergebnisse von 140 Wirtschaften während der letzten 3 bis 5 Jahre / bearbeitet von W.H. Howard ; herausgegeben vom Buchführungs-Interessenten-Verein zu Leipzig | |
2000797894 | Die Religion des Judentums im neutestamentlichen Zeitalter : mit einer Planskizze / von W. Staerk | |
2000801981 | Die Rentabilität der Wirtschaftssysteme nach J.H.v. Thünens "Isoliertem Staat" und in unserer Zeit / von F. Waterstradt | |
2000800201 | Die Sachsengängerei : auf Grund persönlicher Ermittelungen und statistischer Erhebungen / Karl Kaerger | |
2000803831 | Die Schweiz / mit Beiträgen von C. Escher ... [et al.] ; im Auftrag des Vereins für Socialpolitik herausgegeben | |
2000812704 | Die Schweiz : ein Begleitwort zur eidgenössischen Schulwandkarte / von Hermann Walser | |
2000797750 | Die Spiele der Menschen / von Karl Groos | |
2000798738 | Die Staatskunde als Bildungsgrundsatz in der Volksschule : praktische Lehrbeispiele / von Th. Franke | |
2000812275 | Die Stadt St. Gallen und ihre Umgebung : Natur und Geschichte, Leben und Einrichtungen in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart : eine Heimatkunde / herausgegeben von der städtischen Lehrerschaft mit Unterstützung der Behörden und unter Mitwirkung zahlreicher Fachleute durch Gottlieb Felder | Bd. 1. |
2000810048 | Die Teichwirtschaft : praktische Anleitung zur Anlage von Teichen und deren Nutzung durch Fisch= und Krebszucht / von Berthold Benecke | |
2000807802 | Die Terrainlehre und die Terraindarstellung | |
2000801819 | Die Unternehmungsformen / von R. Liefmann | |
2000799216 | Die Vereinigten Staaten der Erde (Ein Kulturprogramm) / A. Forel | |
2000812497 | Die Verpachtung der Landgüter in ihrem ganzen Umfange, oder der Pachtanschlag, der Pachtcontract und die Pachtübergabe, mit Hinweisung auf die Grundsätze des gemeinen auch preussischen Land-rechts / practisch erörtext von G.W. von Honstedt | |
2000810306 | Die Verpflanzung des Fieberrindenbaumes aus seiner südamerikanischen Heimat nach Asien und anderen Ländern / von Julius Dronke | |
2000802567 | Die Verteilung des Grundbesitzes und die Abwanderung vom Lande : Rede, gehalten im Königlich Preussischen Landes-Ökonomie-Kollegium am 11. Februar 1910 / von M. Sering. ; Mit statistischen Tabellen und drei lithographischen Karten | |
2000803286 | Die Vertheilung des landwirthschaftlich benutzten Grundeigenthums und das gemeine Erbrecht / von August von Miaskowski | |
2001656972 | Die Volkstrachten der Innerschweiz / Julie Heierli | |
2000804600 | Die Wasserwirtschaft als Voraussetzung und Bedingung für Kultur und Friede / von H. von Samson-Himmelstjerna | |
2001231455 | Die Weltwirtschaft : Zeitschrift für Kolonialwesen und Handelsgeographie | 1905 |
2001231455 | Die Weltwirtschaft : Zeitschrift für Kolonialwesen und Handelsgeographie | 1906 |
2000800786 | Die Wirtschafts-Gebiete an der Mittel-Donau / von Otto Beck | |
2000799808 | Die Zukunft Deutschlands : eine Warnung / von Rudolf Martin | |
2000798831 | Die Zukunft des Deutschen Volkstums / von Ernst Hasse | |
2000807177 | Die agrarische Gefahr / von A. Schäffle ; herausgegeben vom Handelsvertragsverein | |
2000809416 | Die agrarischen Aufgaben der Gegenwart / von Th. Freinerr von der Goltz | |
2000801016 | Die ausländischen Elemente in der russischen Volkswirtschaft : Geschichte, Ausbreitung, Berufsgruppierung, Interessen und ökonomisch-kulturelle Bedeutung der Ausländer in Rußland / B. Ischchanian | |
2000808816 | Die bayerischen Gesetze, betr. die Landeskultur=Rentenanstalt in der Fassung vom 31 März 1908 und über die Ansiedlung von Kriegsbeschädigten in der Landwirtschaft von 15 Juli 1916 mit den einschlägigen Vorschriften des Gesetzes vom 9 Mai 1918 über die Abänderung des Zwangsabtretungsgesetzes vom 17 November 1837 und den Vollzugsvorschriften / erläutert von Johann Rudolf von Schelhorn | |
2000806867 | Die belgische Landwirtschaft im 19. Jahrhundert / von Alfred von Chłapowo Chłapowski | |
2000813973 | Die bundes-briefe der alten Eidgenossen 1291-1513 : ein Lesebuch für das Schweizervolk und seine Schulen / zusammengestellt und erl. von Jos. Jg. von Ah | |
2000808098 | Die ciskaukasisiche Landwirtschaft / von A. Borchardt | |
2000551955 | Die drei Fragen des Grundbesitzes und seiner Zukunft : die irische, die continentale und die transatlantische Frage / von Lorenz von Stein | |
2000812926 | Die englische Agrarkrisis : ihre Ausdehnung, Ursachen und Heilmittel : nach der Enquête der "Royal Commission on Agriculture" / bearbeitet von Oskar Stillich | |
2000809443 | Die englische Dorfgemeinde : in ihren Beziehungen zur Gutsherrlichkeit, zu der ursprünglichen Stammesverfassung, zur Flureinteilung und Feldgemeinschaft : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Volkswirtschaft / Frederic Seebohm ; übertragen von Theodor von Bunsen | |
2000800923 | Die gesellschaftliche und wirtschaftliche Entwickelung in Japan / von Tokuzo Fukuda | |
2000809452 | Die großen Agrarreformen seit dem Kriege / von Walter Schiff | |
2000800901 | Die heutige Grundlage der deutschen Wehrkraft / von Lujo Brentano und Robert Kuczynski | |
2000807181 | Die landwirthschaftliche Konkurrenz Nordamerikas in Gegenwart und Zukunft : Landwirthschaft, Kolonisation und Verkehrswesen in den Vereinigten Staaten und in Britisch-Nordamerika / auf Grund von Reisen und Studien dargestellt von Max Sering | |
2000809457 | Die landwirtschaftliche Produktionspolitik in Österreich / von Walter Schiff | |
2000808731 | Die landwirtschaftlichen Ankaufs- und Verkaufs- Genossenschaften, ihr Wesen und ihre Einrichtung / von H. von Mendel | |
2000804610 | Die menschlichen Nahrungs- und Genussmittel : ihre Herstellung, Zusammensetzung und Beschaffenheit, ihre Verfälschungen und deren Nachweisung / mit einer Einleitung über die Ernährungslehre von J. König | |
2000498981 | Die natürlichen Faktoren der tropischen Agrikultur : und die Merkmale ihrer Beurteilung / von F. Wohltmann | |
2000802955 | Die niederländisch-west-indische Compagnie an der Goldküste / von J.G. Doorman | |
2000812586 | Die pontinischen Sümpfe : ihre Geschichte, ihre Zukunft / von Alfred Ruhemann | |
2000808693 | Die preussische Agrargesetzgebung / A. Glatzel | |
2000804185 | Die schweizerischen Industrien im internationalen Konkurrenzkampf / von Peter Heinrich Schmidt | |
2000803638 | Die serbische Hauskommunion (Zadrůga) und ihre Bedeutung in der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart / von Milan Marković | |
2000499830 | Die tropische Agrikultur : ein Handbuch für Pflanzer und Kaufleute / von Heinrich Semler | Band 2 |
2000499830 | Die tropische Agrikultur : ein Handbuch für Pflanzer und Kaufleute / von Heinrich Semler | Band 3 |
2000798105 | Die ungarische Dominikanerordensprovinz : von ihrer Gründung 1221 bis zur Tatarenverwüstung 1241-1242 / von Nikolaus Pfeiffer | |
2000802966 | Die volkswirtschaftliche Bedeutung der technischen Entwicklung der deutschen Zuckerindustrie / von Theodor Schuchart | |
2000802966 | Die volkswirtschaftliche Bedeutung der technischen Entwicklung der deutschen Zuckerindustrie / von Theodor Schuchart | |
2000809814 | Die wahre Bedeutung und die wirklichen Ursachen der nord-amerikanischen Concurrenz in der landwirthschaftlichen Production / von Heinr. Semler ; mit einem Vorwort hrsg. von C. Wilbrandt | |
2000799398 | Die wahren Mittel zur Vergrößerung eines Staats | |
2000801345 | Die wirtschaftliche Blüte Spaniens im 16. Jahrhundert und ihr Verfall / von Konrad Häbler | |
2000810350 | Die zweckmässigste Ernährung des Rindviehes vom wissenschaftlichen und praktischen Gesichtspunkte / von Julius Kühn | |
2000801148 | Direct taxes and stamp duties / by Stephen Dowell | |
2000484962 | Diseases of plants / by H. Marshall Ward | |
2000804171 | Dragon flies vs. mosquitoes : Can the mosquito pest be mitigated? : studies in the life history of irritating insects, their natural enemies, and artificial checks / by working entomologists [Mrs.C.B. Aaron ... et al.] ; with an introduction by Robert H. Lamborn | |
2000802274 | Droit au but : les conditions essentielles pour une paix durable / Ragnar Paijkull Sturzenbecker | |
2001656956 | Durch Heide und Moor / von Adolf Koelsch | |
2001607103 | Durch Heide und Moor / von Adolf Koelsch | |
2000811955 | E. Von Wolff's chemico-agricultural tables : printed for the use of the students of the Sapporo Agricultural College in Hokkaido = 札幌農學校農學教科用分析表 | |
2000803790 | Early New England towns : a comparative study of their development / by Anne Bush Maclear | |
2000800890 | Economia sociale / di Luigi Cossa | |
2000800722 | Economic and social history of New England 1620-1789 / by William B. Weeden | vol. 1 |
2000800722 | Economic and social history of New England 1620-1789 / by William B. Weeden | vol. 2 |
2000801542 | Economic barometers / International Labour Office | |
2001027846 | Economic declaration of the supreme council : approved on march 8 1920 = La declaration economique du conseil supreme : approuvee le 8 mars 1920 | |
2000800616 | Economic development in Denmark : before and during the World War / by Harald Westergaard | |
2000404971 | Economic development of modern Europe / by Frederic Austin Ogg | |
2000800557 | Economic history | |
2000800527 | Economic history of Virginia in the seventeenth century : an inquiry into the material condition of the people, based upon original and contemporaneous records / by Philip Alexander Bruce | Vol. 2 |
2000801930 | Economic nationalism of the Danubian states / by Leo Pasvolsky | |
2000802291 | Economic problems of democracy : being lectures given at British Universities in April and May, 1922, under the foundation of the Sir George Watson Chair of American history, literature and Institutions / by Arthur Twining Hadley | |
2000801118 | Economic protectionism / by Josef Grunzel ; edited by Eugen von Philippovich | |
2000800410 | Economic studies / by the late Walter Bagehot ... ; edited by the late Richard Holt Hutton | |
2000809533 | Economics of forestry : a reference book for students of political economy and professional and lay students of forestry / by Bernhard E. Fernow | |
2000808906 | Economie rurale : rapports de la 1re section du Xe Congrès international d'agriculture de Gand 1913 | |
2000801000 | Economische Studiën en critieken met betrekking tot Java / door J. Homan van der Heide | |
2000797564 | Editorial writing : ethics, policy, practice / by M. Lyle Spencer | |
2000809143 | Educational resources of village and rural communities / edited by Joseph K. Hart | |
2001230868 | Efficiency in city government | |
2001657594 | Egmont, a tragedy / by Goethe | |
2000798058 | Einführung in das Studium der Prostitutionsfrage / unter Mitwirkung von A. Blaschko ... [et al.] ; herausgegeben von Anna Pappritz | |
2000808298 | El absentismo y el espíritu rural / por D. Miguel López Martínez | |
2000806578 | Elements of agriculture / G.F. Warren | |
2000806115 | Elements of agriculture : a text-book prepared under the authority of the Royal Agricultural Society of England / W. Fream | |
2000498213 | Elements of geometry and trigonometry, from the works of A.M. Legendre / by Charles Davis | |
2000541153 | Elements of rural sociology / by Newell LeRoy Sims | |
2001658123 | Elsass-Lothringen als Bundesstaat / von Hans Spieser | |
2000799919 | Empire-builders : a course of lectures / by the rev. W.K. Stride ; with an introduction by H.E. Egerton | |
2000801947 | Empolyment of disabled men : meeting of experts for the study of methods of finding employment for disablee men, Geneva, 31 July, 1 and 2 August 1923 / International Labour Office | |
2000801949 | Engineers and chemists : status and employment in industry | |
2000809024 | England's fatal land policy : how neglected agriculture impoverishes the Biritish peaple containing a severe condemnation of the insensate "party system" of government / by William Earnshaw Cooper | |
2000697011 | Englische, deutsche, italienische und spanische Wirtschaftsverfassung in der zweiten Hälfte des Mittelalters / von Maxime Kowalewsky | |
2000802420 | English and Irish land questions : collected essays / by G. Shaw Lefevre | |
2000813709 | English reader : a history of civilisation in England with literary illustrations : seconde, premiére et philosophie / par Charles Schweitzer ; avec la collaboration de Louis Cazamian | |
2001657944 | Environment : a natural geography / by G.R. Swaine | |
2000805539 | Environment and race : a study of the evolution, migration, settlement and status of the races of man / by Griffith Taylor | |
2000798282 | Equal Pay and the Family : a proposal for the national endowment of motherhood / [preparation of this book : K.D. Courtney ... [et al.]] | |
2000813747 | Essai sur l'histoire du Japon / Mis. de la Mazelière | |
2000806971 | Essai sur les lois agraires sous la République Romaine / par Robert Dreyfus | |
2000801101 | Essays in finance / by Robert Giffen | 2nd series |
2001657553 | Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer / selected and translated by T. Bailey Saunders | |
2000800469 | Essays on colonization / by Thomas McCombie | |
2000801138 | Essays on economical subjects / by Hibernicus | |
2000800157 | Essays on nationalism / by Carlton J.H. Hayes | |
2000549536 | Essays, literary, moral, and political / by David Hume | |
2000809537 | Estate management : a practical handbook for landlords, stewards, and pupils / by Charles E. Curtis ; with a legal supplement by a barrister | |
2001344050 | Ethics and the materialist conception of history / by Karl Kautsky ; translated by John B.Askew | |
2000797827 | Ethik und Kapitalismus : Grundzüge einer Sozialethik / G. Traub | |
2000801951 | European housing problems since the war 1914-1923 / International Labour Office | |
2001657635 | Everyone's history of French literature / Firmin Roz | |
3000068051 | Experiment Station bulletin / U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Experiment Stations | 1-2;14 |
2000405314 | Factory inspection / Internatioanl Labour Office | |
2000806884 | Farmers of forty centuries, or, Permanent agriculture in China, Korea, and Japan / by F.H. King | |
3000005274 | Farmers' bulletin / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 134,137,146,155,183,269,293,310,322,325,332,335,369,372,391,409,437,441,444,452,468 |
3000005274 | Farmers' bulletin / U.S. Department of Agriculture | 67,71-72,78,81-83,85,88,94-96,100-101.117,120-121 |
2000808289 | Farming corporations / by Wilbur Aldrich | |
2000807274 | Farming opportunities in the Union of South Africa / compiled and published by the South African Railways & Harbours administration ; in collaboration with the Department of Agriculture | |
2001691718 | Feminism and sex-extinction / by Arabella Kenealy | |
2000498463 | Fertilizers : the source, character and composition of natural, home-made and manufactured fertilizers and suggestions as to their use for different crops and conditions / by Edward B. Voorhees | |
2000498463 | Fertilizers : the source, character and composition of natural, home-made and manufactured fertilizers and suggestions as to their use for different crops and conditions / by Edward B. Voorhees | |
2000812722 | Feste und Bräuche des Schweizervolkes : kleines Handbuch des schweizerischen Volksbrauchs der Gegenwart in gemeinfaßlicher Darstellung / von E. Hoffmann-Krayer | |
2000805384 | Festländer und Meere im Wechsel der Zeiten / von Wilhelm Bölsche | |
2000809828 | Final report / Ministry of Reconstruction, Reconstruction Committee, Forestry Sub-committee | |
2000806195 | Final report of the committee on commercial and industrial policy after the war / presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty | |
2001230674 | Financing the war / editor in charge of this volume, E.M. Patterson | |
2000802467 | Finanzwissenschaft | |
2000802339 | Finanzwissenschaft / von Adolph Wagner | 1. T |
2000519846 | Finland : its public and private economy / by N.C. Frederiksen | |
2000813602 | Finland to-day / by George Renwick | |
2000807331 | First Report of the secretary of agriculture 1889 / [U. S. Department of Agriculture] | |
2000799230 | First principles in politics / by William Samuel Lilly | |
2000809323 | First report of the committee dealing with the law and practice relating to the acquisition and valuation of land for public purposes | |
2000810166 | Flax and its products in Ireland / by William Charley | |
2000810139 | Flax culture : an outline of the history and present condition of the flax industry in the United States, and a consideration of the influence exerted on it by legislation / by Edmund A. Whitman ; with an introduction by J.R. Leeson | |
2000804653 | Flowers and flower lore / by Hilderic Friend | |
2000810253 | Flowers of the farm | |
2000805251 | Flowers of the field and forest / from original water-color drawings after nature, by Isaac Sprague ; descriptive text by A.B. Hervey, with extracts from Longfellow, Lowell, Bryant, Emerson, and others | |
2000855460 | Food for plants / Harris and Myers | |
2000808286 | Food from the far west, or, American agriculture / James Macdonald | |
2001212146 | Foreign exchange : before, during, and after the war / by T.E. Gregory | |
2000671777 | Foreign trade and world politics : a study of the international foundations of prosperity with particular reference to American conditions / by Herbert F. Fraser | |
2000813901 | Fortællinger af Fædrelandets historie : folkelæsning / ved Siegwart Petersen ; dgennemset af Gustav Storm | |
2001657152 | Francis Thompson : poet and mystic / by John Thomson | |
2000551943 | Free trade in land / by Joseph Kay ; edited by his widow ; with preface by John Bright | |
2000802651 | Freiland : ein sociales Zukunftsbild / von Theodor Hertzka | |
2000801687 | French finance and financiers under Louis XV / by James Murray | |
2000810726 | French forests and forestry : Tunisia, Algeria, Corsica, with a translation of the Algerian code of 1903 / by Theodore S. Woolsey | |
2000801354 | From chaos to control / by Norman Angell | |
2000801658 | Fundamental sources of efficiency / Fletcher Durell | |
2000803691 | Fundamentoj de la kvakerismo / Caroline Stephen ; Esperantigita de Montagu C. Butler | |
2000809997 | Fur-farming in Canada / by J. Walter Jones | |
2000809086 | Further reports on the agricultural departments of foreign countries : supplementary to those presented to Parliament in "Commercial No. 9: 1884" | |
2000806038 | Föjelentés / Nemzetközi Gazdakongresszus tartatott Budapesten, 1896. Évi szeptember 17-20. napjain, Darányi Ignácz ; szerkesztette Rodiczky Jenö = Comptes-rendus / congrès international d'agriculture tenu a Budapest du 17 au 20 Septembre 1896, sous la présidence de M. Ignace de Darányi ; rédigés par Le E. de Rodiczky | 1 |
2000806038 | Föjelentés / Nemzetközi Gazdakongresszus tartatott Budapesten, 1896. Évi szeptember 17-20. napjain, Darányi Ignácz ; szerkesztette Rodiczky Jenö = Comptes-rendus / congrès international d'agriculture tenu a Budapest du 17 au 20 Septembre 1896, sous la présidence de M. Ignace de Darányi ; rédigés par Le E. de Rodiczky | 2 |
2000802669 | Gebühren und allgemeine Steuerlehre | |
2001657956 | Geographical studies / by Carl Ritter ; translated from the original German, by William Leonhard Gage | |
2000812533 | Geographische Kulturkunde (nordische Kultur, Kulturbilder, Wirtschaft, Völker und Staaten) | |
2000671803 | Germany's commercial grip on the world : her business methods explained / by Henri Hauser ; translated by Manfred Emanuel | |
2001656958 | Germany's food, can it last? : Germany's food and England's plan to starve her out : a study by German experts / edited by Paul Eltzbacher ; English version edited by S. Russell Wells ; with a critical introduction by A.D. Waller | |
2000800261 | Germany's lost colonial empire and essentials of reconstruction / John H. Harris | |
2000800261 | Germany's lost colonial empire and essentials of reconstruction / John H. Harris | |
2000798708 | Germany, the next republic? / by Carl W. Ackerman | |
2000803659 | Geschichte der Hagelversicherung in der Schweiz / Paul Hauser | |
2000805919 | Geschichte der Klassischen Philologie / von Wilhelm Kroll | |
2000807537 | Geschichte der Landwirthschaft, oder, Geschichtliche Übersicht der Fortschritte landwirthschaftlicher Erkenntnisse in den letzen 100 Jahren / von Dr. Fraas | |
2000854447 | Geschichte der Landwirtschaft / bearbeitet von J. Loeser | |
2000804434 | Geschichte der Medizin im Überblick mit Abbildungen / von Th. Meyer-Steineg und Karl Sudhoff | |
2000797822 | Geschichte der Prostitution / Wolfgang Sorge | |
2000686293 | Geschichte der deutschen Kolonialpolitik / von Alfred Zimmermann | |
2000498450 | Geschichte der deutschen Landwirtschaft : nach Langethals gleichnamigem Werke / bearbeitet von Ed. Michelsen und F. Nedderich | |
2000854458 | Geschichte der einzelnen Zweige der Landwirtschaft (Zweites Bändchen der Geschichte der Landwirtschaft) / bearbeitet von J. Loeser | |
2000810774 | Geschichte des Gartenbaus / von O. Hüttig | |
2000801632 | Geschichte des Handels in Beziehung auf politische Oekonomie und öffentliche Ethik / von Ad. Lafaurie | |
2000813994 | Geschichte des Landes Glarus / von Gottfried Heer | Bd. 1-2 |
2001346210 | Geschichte des Zuckers : seiner Darstellung und Verwendung, seit den ältesten Zeiten bis zum Beginne der Rübenzuckerfabrikation : ein Beitrag zur Kulturgeschichte / von Edmund O. von Lippmann | |
2000798980 | Geschichte, Theorie und Technik der Statistik / von August Meitzen | |
2000801849 | Gewerbewesen / von Werner Sombart | 1. T |
2000801849 | Gewerbewesen / von Werner Sombart | 2. T |
2000801853 | Gewerbewesen / von Werner Sombart | 2. T |
2000800155 | Godwin's "Political justice" : a reprint of the essay on "Property," from the original edition / edited by H.S. Salt | |
2000803057 | Gold, prices, and the Witwatersrand / by R.A. Lehfeldt | |
2000798006 | Gospel hymns, Nos.1 to 6 / by Ira D. Sankey, James McGranahan and Geo. C. Stebbins | |
2000804042 | Government and politics in the United States / by William Backus Guitteau | |
2001230594 | Government regulation of water transportation : the annals | |
2000807403 | Grains for the grangers : discussing all points bearing upon the farmers' movement for the emancipation of white slaves from the slave-power of monopoly / by Stephe Smith | |
2000803233 | Grants in aid : a criticism and a proposal / by Sidney Webb | |
2000556170 | Gray's lessons in botany and vegetable physiology, illustrated by over 360 wood engravings, from original drawings, by Isaac Sprague. To which is added a copious glossary, or dictionary of botanical terms / by Asa Gray | |
2000813553 | Great leaders : historic portraits from the great historians / selected by G.T. Ferris | v. 3 |
2000812858 | Greater Russia : the continental empire of the old world / by Wirt Gerrare | |
2000805398 | Großherzogtum Baden / mit Beiträgen von Ernst Walz, L. Landmann und Joseph Ehrler ; im Auftrag des Vereins für Socialpolitik herausgegeben | |
2001657109 | Grundlagen der schönen Form : praktische Aesthetik / verfasst von Alois Studnička | |
2000797668 | Grundlinien einer Philosophie der Technik : Zur Entstehungsgeschichte der Cultur aus neuen Gesichtspunkten / von Ernst Kapp | |
2000810759 | Grundriss der Forst- und Jagdgeschichte Deutschlands / von Adam Schwappach | |
2000802241 | Grundriss einer Entstehungsgeschichte des Geldes / von H. Schurtz | |
2000801530 | Grundriss für Vorlesungen über Nationalökonomie / zum Gebrauche seiner Zuhörer verfasst von Adolf Held | |
2000800657 | Grundriss zu den Vorlesungen über Volkswirthschaftspolitik oder den zweiten praktischen Theil der Nationalökonomie / von J. Conrad | |
2000801722 | Grundriß der Wirtschaftsgeographie (mit Berücksichtigung der Bürgerkunde) für Handels- und kaufmännische Fortbildungsschulen / von Karl von der Aa | |
2000810122 | Grundriß der landwirtschaftlichen Betriebslehre / von Ernst Langenbeck | |
2000559776 | Grundzüge des deutschen staatsrechts / von Carl Friedrich von Gerber | |
2000803789 | Guide commercial du Congo Belge / par J. Geerinckx | |
2001657420 | Guide des propriétaires de biens soumis au métayage / par M.de Gasparin | |
2000820517 | Guide for the use of visitors to the Dairen wharves | |
2000806794 | Guide pour les emigrants agricoles Belges au Katanga | |
2000803304 | Guide pratique du propriétaire et du cultivateur landais : traitant 1o de l'usufruit des pins maritimes (2e édition, augmentée); 2o de responsabilité en matiére d'incendie de bois de pins; 3o de quelques délits forestiers et ruraux / contenant les arrêts les plus récents par P. Cuzacq | |
2000813071 | Guide to the Imperial Government Railways of Japan | |
2001175909 | Gums & resins : their occurrence, properties and uses / by Ernest J. Parry | |
2000812387 | Géographie du département des Vosges / par Adolphe Joanne | |
2000813620 | Géographie générale de l'Indochine française : physique, économique, politique administrative et historique / par Paul Alinot | |
2000807122 | Güterhandel und Güterschlächterei / von Pfarrer Richard Sell | |
2000800252 | Hafenkolonien und kolonieähnliche Verhältnisse in China, Japan und Korea : eine kolonialpolitische Studie / von Ernst Grünfeld | |
2000813888 | Haiti : her history and her detractors / by J. N. Léger | |
2000813353 | Hand book for India and Egypt : comprising the narrative of a journey from Calcutta to England by way of the River Ganges, the North West of Hindostan, the Himalayas, the Rivers Sutledge and Indus, Bombay and Egypt, and hints for the guidance of passengers by that and other overland routes to the three presidencies of India / by George Parbury | |
2000797573 | Handbook for newspaper workers, treating grammar, punctuation, english, diction, journalistic structure, typographical style, accuracy, headlines, proofreading, copyreading type, cuts, libel, applied ethics and other matters of office practice / by Grant Milnor Hyde ; with an introduction by Willard G. Bleyer | |
2000813402 | Handbook of British Guiana, 1909 : comprising general and statistical information concerning the colony / edited and compiled by Geo.D. Bayley | |
2000813539 | Handbook of South Australia / by David J. Gordon | |
2000813539 | Handbook of South Australia / by David J. Gordon | |
2001656981 | Handbook on the sugar industry of the Philippine Islands : in two parts / by G.E. Nesom, Herbert S. Walker and three collaborators | |
2000798754 | Handbuch der Verfassung und Verwaltung in Preußen und dem deutschen Reiche / von Graf Hue de Grais | |
2000855014 | Handbuch der landwirthschaftlichen Baukunde / von F.C. Schubert | |
2000807559 | Handbuch der landwirtschaftlichen Litteratur / auf grund von Bibliotheksstudien zusammengestellt von Max Güntz | 1. t |
2000803904 | Handbuch für den deutschen Außenhandel / zusammengestellt im Reichsamt des Innern | |
2000800716 | Harmonies of political economy / by Frédéric Bastiat ; translated from the French, with a notice of the life and writings of the author, by Patrick James Stirling | |
2000800718 | Harmonies of political economy / by Frédéric Bastiat ; translated from the third edition of the French, with notes and an index to both parts by Patrick James Stirling | pt. 2 |
2000803669 | Heimat und Aufgang / Hans Blüher | |
2000798564 | Histoire de la population française / par Lucien Schöne ; avec une préface de M.E. Levasseur | |
2000807269 | Histoire des classes rurales en France et de leurs progrès dans l'égalité civile et la propriété / par Henry Doniol | |
2000807509 | Histoire des paysans / par Eugène Bonnemère | 1. ptie |
2000807509 | Histoire des paysans / par Eugène Bonnemère | 3. ptie |
2000808947 | Histoire et rôle du bœuf dans la civilisation / par E. Chester | |
2000800652 | Histoire économique de l'Angleterre, de l'Allemagne, des Etats-Ünis et de la France : 1890-1900 / par Edmond Théry | |
2000813800 | Historic Macao / by C.A. Montaldo de Jesus | |
2000807647 | History of commerce and industry / by Cheesman A. Herrick | |
2000799287 | History of the science of politics / by Frederick Pollock | |
2001657930 | Homes abroad / by Harriet Martineau | |
2000809734 | Horse-breeding for farmers / by Alfred E. Pease | |
2001230704 | Housing and town planning | |
2000808312 | How the farm pays : the experiences of forty years of successful farming and gardening / by the authors, William Crozier and Peter Henderson | |
2000813382 | How the peasant owner lives : in parts of France, Germany, Italy, Russia / by Lady Verney | |
2000808713 | How to farm profitably : or, The sayings & doings of Mr. Alderman Mechi | |
2000809390 | How to get a farm, and where to find one : showing that homesteads may be had by those desirous of securing them, with the public law on the subject of free homes, and suggestions from practical farmers, together with numerous successful experiences of others, who, though beginning with little or nothing, have become the owners of ample farms / by the author of "Ten acres enough" | |
2001174904 | How to judge rubber investments, or Hevea brasiliensis in British Malaya / by Frederic W. Knocker ; with an introduction by Sir William Hood Treacher | |
2000809943 | Hydro-incubation : its theory and practice : a guide to commercial poultry farming / by Thomas Christy | |
2000800406 | Hygiène des établissements coloniaux / Gustave Reynaud ; préface de A. Kermorgant | |
2000804268 | Icarus; or, The future of science / by Bertrand Russell | |
2000810706 | Iconographie des essences forestières du Japon / par Homi Shirasawa | Tom. 1 |
2000800126 | Ideen zu einem Versuch : die Gränzen der Wirksamkeit des Staats zu bestimmen / von Wilhelm von Humboldt | |
2000807410 | Il Libro dell'agricoltore : agronomia agricoltura-industrie agricole / Arturo Bruttini | |
2000805262 | Il bonificamento dell'agro romano con la mano d'opera dei condannati / M. Beltrani-Scalia | |
2000810570 | Il riso e la sua coltivazione / Domenico Pinolini | |
2000798437 | Illustrations and proofs of the principle of population / by Francis Place ; now exactly reproduced with an introduction demonstrating Francis Place as the founder of the modern birth control movement, together with unpublished letters of Place on birth control, Coleridge's criticisms of Malthus' views on birth control ; critical and textual notes by Norman E. Himes | |
2000813928 | Illustreret Danmarkshistorie for Folket / af A. Fabricius | 2. Bind |
2000800045 | Illustrierter deutscher Kolonial-Kalender für 1912 / redigiert von Major v. Strantz | |
2000799462 | Imperial federation / by The marquis of Lorne | |
2000799268 | Imperialism and civilization / Leonard Woolf | |
2000802008 | In defence of capitalism / Adolf Weber ; translated by H.J. Stenning | |
2000168607 | In far North-East Siberia / by I.W. Shklovsky ; translated by L. Edwards and Z. Shklovsky | |
2001658140 | In the vine country / by E.Œ. Somerville and Martin Ross ; illustrations by F.H. Townsend, from sketches by E.Œ. Somerville | |
2000797819 | Independence : rectorial address delivered at St. Andrews, October 10, 1923 / by Rudyard Kipling | |
2000799866 | India's danger and England's duty : with reference to Russia's advance in the east / Richard Russell | |
2000799804 | India's needs: material, political, social, moral, and religious. / John Murdoch | |
2000810690 | Indian corn : its value, culture, and uses / by Edward Enfield | |
2000813197 | Indo-China and its primitive people / by Henry Baudesson ; translated by E. Appleby Holt | |
2001230891 | Industrial competition and combination | |
2000450314 | Industrial evolution / by Carl Bücher ; translated from the 3rd German edition by S. Morley Wickett | |
2000801714 | Industrial labour in Japan | |
2001234726 | Industrial poisoning in making coal-tar dyes and dye intermediates / by Alice Hamilton | |
2000803182 | Industrial rivers of the United Kingdom : namely : The Thames, Mersey, Tyne, Tawe, Clyde, Wear, Taff, Avon, Southampton Water, The Hartlepools, Humber, Neath, Port Talbot, and Caermarthen, The Liffey, Usk, Tees, Severn, Wyre, and Lagan / by various well-known experts | |
2001230660 | Industrial stability / this volume is edited by Carl Kelsey | |
2000804361 | Industrial studies and exercises : illustrated / by O.S. Reimold ; with an introduction by David P. Barrows | |
2000802010 | Industrial unrest : a practical solution : the report of the Unionist Social Reform Committee / by J.W. Hills, W.J. Ashley and Maurice Woods ; introduction by F.E. Smith | |
2000798643 | Industries | : hard |
2000798643 | Industries | : pbk |
2000804145 | Infantry drill regulations United States army 1911 / simplified with annotations, illustrations, and index by Jas. A. Moss | |
2000802283 | Inflation / by J. Shield Nicholson | |
2001230664 | Inland waterways, their relation to transportation / by Emory R. Johnson | |
2000804657 | Inrichting van een Geneeskundigen Dienst in Tropische Kultuurlanden en Bouw van Hospitalen in de Tropen / [R. Römer] | |
2000804657 | Inrichting van een Geneeskundigen Dienst in Tropische Kultuurlanden en Bouw van Hospitalen in de Tropen / [R. Römer] | |
2000799022 | Institutional and economic history | |
2000813240 | Insular geographical primer / by David Gibbs | |
2000555101 | Intercorporate relationships of railways in the United States as of June 30, 1906 / prepared by the Division of Statistics and Accounts | |
2000806126 | Internal commerce : the lumber trade of the United States / O.P. Austin | |
2000803007 | International Law / by George Grafton Wilson | |
2000799978 | International administration / by Norman L. Hill | |
2000798307 | International aspects of birth control / edited by Margaret Sanger | |
2000804737 | International commercial policies : with special reference to the United States : a text book / by George Mygatt Fisk | |
2000801732 | International economic policies : a survey of the economics of diplomacy / by William Smith Culbertson | |
2000551222 | International finance / by Hartley Withers | |
2000804278 | International law / by F.E. Smith | |
2000803259 | International legislation : a collection of the texts of multipartite international instruments of general interest : beginning of with the covenant of the League of Nations / edited by Manley O. Hudson | 1. 1919-1921 |
2000803259 | International legislation : a collection of the texts of multipartite international instruments of general interest : beginning of with the covenant of the League of Nations / edited by Manley O. Hudson | 2. 1922-1924 |
2000803259 | International legislation : a collection of the texts of multipartite international instruments of general interest : beginning of with the covenant of the League of Nations / edited by Manley O. Hudson | 3. 1925-1927 |
2000803259 | International legislation : a collection of the texts of multipartite international instruments of general interest : beginning of with the covenant of the League of Nations / edited by Manley O. Hudson | 4. 1928-1929 |
2000800033 | International policy : essays on the foreign relations of England | |
2001230592 | International relations of the United States | |
2000405311 | International social progress : the work of the International Labour Organisation of the League of Nations / by G.A. Johnston | |
2000800053 | International war : its causes and its cure / by Oscar T. Crosby | |
2000797692 | Introduction to modern philosophy / by C.E.M. Joad | |
2000804040 | Introduction to the commercial sciences / by E.E. Whitfield | |
2000804065 | Introduction to the study of commerce / by Frederick R. Clow ; with an introduction by F.W. Taussig | |
2000801938 | Investing in wages : a plan for eliminating the lean years / by Albert L. Deane and Henry Kittredge Norton | |
2000799800 | Irish emigration and the tenure of land in Ireland / by the Rt. Hon. Lord Dufferin, K.P. | |
2001658155 | Irrigation development : history, customs, laws, and administrative systems relating to irrigation, water-courses, and waters in France, Italy, and Spain : the introductory part of the report of the State Engineer of California, on irrigation and the irrigation question / Wm. Ham. Hall | |
2001657678 | Irrigation in Utah / by Charles Hillman Brough | |
2001022309 | Irrigation in the United States / by Frederick Haynes Newell | |
2001657474 | Italian irrigation : being a report on the agricultural canals of Piedmont and Lombardy / by R. Baird Smith | v. 2 |
2000813218 | Italy in North Africa : an account of the Tripoli enterprise / by W.K. McClure | |
2000813833 | Italy's civilizing mission in Africa / Paolo De Vecchi | |
2000812809 | Japan : vier Vorträge nebst einem Anhange japanischer Original-Predigten / von Eufemia von Kudriaffsky | |
2000799618 | Japan as a Coloniser / by Inazo Nitobe | |
2000799618 | Japan as a Coloniser / by Inazo Nitobe | |
2000813037 | Japan in art and industry : with a glance at Japanese manners and customs / by Félix Régamey ; authorized translation by M. French-Sheldon and Eli Lemon Sheldon | |
2000550201 | Japan's economic position : the progress of industrialization / by John E. Orchard ; with the collaboration of Dorothy Johnson Orchard | |
2000802067 | Japan's foreign exchange and her balance of international payments : with special reference to recent theories of foreign exchange / by S.Y. Furuya | |
2000800433 | Japanese immigration : its status in California / Yamato Ichihashi | |
2000813563 | Java : the tourists' paradise : its predominant position in the Netherlands India Archipelago, and its commercial relations with neighbouring countries / edited by Netherlands-Indian Publicity Bureau | |
2000800581 | Java, or, How to manage a colony ... / J.W.B. Money | v. 1 |
2000800581 | Java, or, How to manage a colony ... / J.W.B. Money | v. 2 |
2000798055 | Jesus, the Christ, in the light of psychology / by G. Stanley Hall | v. 2 |
2001083192 | Jocasta & The famished cat / by Anatole France ; translated by Agnes Farley | |
2000803234 | John Bouvier's Law dictionary / translated from the fifteenth American ed. by S. Urabe ; and rev. by N. Seki and K. Itaya | |
2001657551 | John Halifax, gentleman : in two volumes | v. 2 |
2000802699 | John Law of Lauriston : financier and statesman / A.W. Wiston-Glynn | |
2000810352 | Johnson's gardeners' dictionary and cultural instructor / edited by J. Fraser, and A. Hemsley | |
2000812087 | Jordbruksbok för pojkar / av Pehr Bolin | |
3000067996 | Journal of race development | 3 |
3000067996 | Journal of race development | 5 |
2000803088 | Juristische Encyklopädie und Methodologie / von L. Arndts Ritter v. Arnesberg | |
2001230668 | Justice through simplified legal procedure / editors in charge of this volume Carl Kelsey, and Henry W. Jessup | |
2000810064 | Kaffee, Tee, Kakao und die übrigen narkotischen Aufgußgetränke / von A. Wieler | |
2000797959 | Kann Deutschland durch Hunger besiegt werden? : eine Kriegsbetrachtung / von Friedrich Edlen von Braun | |
2000810103 | Kapital und Arbeit in der Landwirtschaft ; Verwertung der landwirtschaftlichen Produkte ; Organisation des landwirtschaftlichen Berufsstandes | |
2001657602 | Kinder- und Hausmärchen / gesammelt durch die Brüder Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm ; herausgegeben von Herman Grimm ; mit acht Bildern nach Zeichnungen von Paul Meyerheim | |
2001657117 | Kleinhaus und Kleinsiedlung / von Hermann Muthesius | |
2000800838 | Kolonialpraxis : Handbuch für Kaufleute,Indastrielle,Banken, Behörden und Kapitalisten / [W. Mertens & Co.] | |
2000810649 | Kosmos : Entwurf einer physischen Weltbeschreibung / von Alexander von Humboldt | Band 1 |
2000810649 | Kosmos : Entwurf einer physischen Weltbeschreibung / von Alexander von Humboldt | Band 2 |
2000810649 | Kosmos : Entwurf einer physischen Weltbeschreibung / von Alexander von Humboldt | Band 3 |
2000797901 | Kritisch exegetisches Handbuch über die Apostelgeschichte / von Heinr. Aug. Wilh. Meyer | |
2000813400 | Kulturbilder aus griechischen Städten / von Erich Ziebarth | |
2000805535 | Kulturelemente der Menschheit : Anfänge und Urformen der materiellen Kultur / von Karl Weule | |
2000808275 | Kulturgeschichte des deutschen Bauernhauses / von Chr. Ranck | |
2000805387 | Königreich Bayern / mit Beiträgen von Bruno Stern und Friedrich Morgenstern ; im Auftrag des Vereins für Socialpolitik herausgegeben | |
2000803866 | Königreich Sachsen / mit Beiträgen von G. Häpe ... [et al.] ; im Auftrag des Vereins für Socialpolitik herausgegeben | |
2000809338 | L'Administration de l'agriculture au controle général des finances (1785-1787) : procès-verbaux et rapports / publiés par Henri Pigeonneau et Alfred de Foville | |
2000809183 | L'Agriculture de l'avenir / Pierre Laraire | |
2000800152 | L'Assiette au beurre coloniale / Paul Tisseyre-Ananké | |
2000813812 | L'Italie depuis 1870 / Albert Pingaud ; préface de E. Denis | |
2000805316 | L'agricoltura e gli agricoltori del novarese : memoria distinta col premio massimo di lire 500 dall'onorevole giunta parlamentare per la inchiesta agraria / del Oreste Bordiga | |
2000810111 | L'agriculture a grands rendements / par Édouard Lecouteux | |
2000807250 | L'agriculture au Congo belge / F. Fallon | |
2000807317 | L'agriculture aux États-Unis / par M.É. Levasseur ; précédé d'une note de M.H.L. de Vilmorin | |
2000807022 | L'agriculture belge : rapport présenté au nom des sociétés agricoles de Belgique et sous les auspices du gouvernement / par Émile de Laveleye | |
2000806827 | L'agriculture belge et la guerre / par Albert Henry | |
2000806057 | L'agriculture dans ses rapports avec le pain et la viande / par Jules Le Conte | |
2000806802 | L'agriculture de L'italie septentrionale : rapport a son excellenge M. Armand Béhig / par Gustave Heuzé | |
2000806773 | L'agriculture en Finlande vers la fin du XIXe siècle : étude faite sur l'invitation de la direction de l'agriculture en Finlande / par Gösta Grotenfelt | |
2000808285 | L'agriculture et la liberté / par Victor Borie | |
2000807140 | L'agriculture et la population / par L. de Lavergne | |
2000807927 | L'agriculture et les questions sociales / par M. Darbot | T. 1 |
2000807927 | L'agriculture et les questions sociales / par M. Darbot | T. 2 |
2000806617 | L'agriculture moderne / Daniel Zolla | |
2000799031 | L'alleu et le domaine rural pendant l'époque mérovingienne / par Fustel de Coulanges | |
2000802033 | L'argent de la France / Pierre Baudin | |
2000808131 | L'economia dell'agricoltura in Italia e la sua trasformazione secondo i dati dell'inchiesta agraria / C. Bertagnolli | |
2000808548 | L'exportation des vins / par Prosper Gervais et Paul Gouy | |
2000799428 | L'impérialisme allemand / Maurice Lair | |
2000804254 | L'industrie Française : l'œuvre d'hier- l'effort de demain / par Léon Guillet et Jean Durand | |
2000808279 | L'industrie agricole / F. Convert | |
2000555918 | L'occupation des territoires sans maitre : étude de droit international / Ch. Salomon | |
2000800246 | L'émigration européenne au XIX[e] siècle : Angleterre-Allemagne-Italie, Autriche-Hongrie-Russie / René Gonnard | |
2000801168 | La France économique : statistique raisonnée et comparative / par Alf. de Foville | année 1889 |
2000799906 | La Provocation allemande aux colonies / Pierre-Alype ; péface de Albert Sarraut | |
2000798510 | La Terre qui meurt / René Bazin | |
2000799975 | La campagne Anglo-belge de l'Afrique orientale allemande / Charles Stiénon ; préface de le Baron de Broqueville | |
2000805411 | La conception nouvelle de l'univers d'aprés les données de la science moderne / par A. Rutot | |
2000813013 | La coopération de production dans l'agriculture : syndicats et sociétés coopératives agricoles / Comte de Rocquigny | |
2000804328 | La flore Alpine / par Henry Correvon et Philippe Robert | |
2000804710 | La géométrie des feuillets 「cotés」 / par René de Saussure | |
2000802575 | La pratique des plébiscites internationaux / par Sarah Wambaugh | |
2000808034 | La propriété : constitution, estimation, administration / par F. Convert | |
2000802143 | La propriété le morcellement du sol : le régime hypothécaire le crédit foncier et l'absentéisme / par Émile Usquin | |
2001657426 | La propriété paysanne : étude d'économie rurale / par A. Souchon | |
2000522416 | La question de la population / par Paul Leroy-Beaulieu | |
2000797976 | La question sociale en Espagne / Angel Marvaud | |
2000800658 | La situation économique & financière du Japon après la guerre de 1904-1905 / par Edmond Théry | |
2000808146 | La terre a la famille paysanne : une solution du problème agraire / P. Caziot | |
2000801565 | Labor problems : a text book / by Thomas Sewall Adams and Helen L. Sumner | |
2000798943 | Labor slavery and self-government | |
2000801603 | Labour in Portuguese West Africa / by William A. Cadbury | |
2000801873 | Labour unrest : war-time thoughts on a national danger / by George Edson Toogood | |
2000802109 | Land / by James Platt | |
2000798577 | Land and people | |
2000806366 | Land and work : an examination into the depression of the agricultural, manufacturing, and commercial industries of the united kingdom, with a proposal for the reunion of the "agricultural interest" / by Warneford Moffatt | |
2001657661 | Land draining : a handbook for farmers on the principles and practice of farm draining / by Manly Miles | |
2000551960 | Land nationalisation : its necessity and its aims, being a comparison of the system of landlord and tenant with that of occupying ownership in their influence on the well-being of the people / by Alfred Russel Wallace | |
2000802308 | Land nationalization / by Harold Cox | |
2000551959 | Land problems and national welfare / by Christopher Turnor ; with an introduction by the Right Hon. Viscount Milner | |
2000551959 | Land problems and national welfare / by Christopher Turnor ; with an introduction by the Right Hon. Viscount Milner | |
2000802302 | Land reform : occupying ownership peasant proprietary and rural education / by Jesse Collings | |
2000802297 | Land reform : occupying ownership, peasant proprietary and rural education / by Jesse Collings | |
2000808599 | Land tenure and unemployment / by Frank Geary ; preface by A.S. Comyns Carr | |
2000709340 | Land und Leute / von W.H. Riehl | |
2000808748 | Land utilization in Japan : prepared for the third session of the Institute of Pacific Relations / by S. Nasu | |
2000802247 | Land, industry and taxation / by Friedrich Verinder | |
2000812286 | Landeskunde der Provinz Brandenburg / hrsg. von Ernst Friedel und Robert Mielkc | Bd. 2 |
2000812666 | Landeskunde der Schweiz / von Hermann Walser | |
2000808040 | Landholding in England : considered in relation to poverty / by Mary A.M. Marks | |
2000804740 | Landwirthschaft / zusammengestellt von F. Anderegg und E. Anderegg | Heft 1 |
2000804740 | Landwirthschaft / zusammengestellt von F. Anderegg und E. Anderegg | Heft 2 |
2000804740 | Landwirthschaft / zusammengestellt von F. Anderegg und E. Anderegg | Heft 4 |
2000809598 | Landwirthschaftspolitik mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der landwirthschaftlichen Krisis / von Karl Walcker | |
2000810119 | Landwirtschaftliche Betriebslehre für bäuerliche Verhältnisse : Lehrbuch für den Unterricht an landwirtschaftlichen Schulen und für den praktischen Landwirt / herausgegeben von Ernst Laur | |
2000808846 | Landwirtschaftliche Taxationslehre / von Theodor Freiherr von der Goltz | |
2000808772 | Landwirtschaftsrecht | |
2000808837 | Landwirtschaftsrecht : gemeinverständliche Darstellung der für den preußischen Landwirt wichtigen Bestimmungen des bürgerlichen und öffentlichen Rechtes / von Johannes Schumacher | |
2000797832 | Lao-tseu / traduit par Jules Besse | |
2000709734 | Large and small holdings : a study of English agricultural economics / by Hermann Levy ; translated by Ruth Kenyon with considerable additions by the author | |
2000422841 | Lavoisier : statistique agricole et projets de réformes / G. Schelle et E. Grimaux | |
2000802891 | Laws and regulations relating to taxation of Japan | |
2000807694 | Le Laboratoire d'expériences Agronomiques de l'Institut Royal Vétérinaire et Agricole de Copenhague : rapport / rédigé et publié par le Laboratoire en vue de l'exposition de 1900 à Paris | |
2000810578 | Le commerce horticole belge avec l'étranger / par M. Paul Lefebvre | |
2001656967 | Le costume, la mode | |
2000806888 | Le développement de l'agriculture au Congo Belge et le programme agricole | |
2000810692 | Le paturage en forêt / par Alphonse Mathey | |
2000807515 | Le paysan et la crise rurale : notice sur la dépopulation des campagnes ses causes, ses effets et ses remèdes / Achille Magnier | |
2001008333 | Le porc en Hongrie | |
2000799178 | Le principe des nationalités / René Johannet | |
2000812948 | Le problème de la terre dans l'economie nationale : compte rendu in extenso des Cours et Conférences | |
2000807187 | Le procès des agriculteurs le procés de l'agriculture / Abbé Berger | |
2000812271 | Le propriétaire devant sa ferme délaissée : conférences données a bruxelles a la demande de la société royale et centrale d'Agriculture / par Georges Ville | |
2000806636 | Lecciones de agricultura : para las escuelas de primera enseñanza / por D. Luis Nata Y Gayoso | |
2001657172 | Lectures on Roman husbandry, delivered before the University of Oxford : comprehending such an account of the system of agriculture, the treatment of domestic animals, the horticulture &c., pursued in ancient times ... / by Charles Daubeny | |
2000424572 | Lectures on the new Japanese civil code : as material for the study of comparative jurisprudence / by Nobushige Hozumi | |
2000810108 | Lectures to sugar planters / Daniel Morris ... [et al.] | |
2000810108 | Lectures to sugar planters / Daniel Morris ... [et al.] | |
2000810360 | Leerboek der plantkunde voor Nederlandsch-Indie / door Z. Kamerling | |
2000798474 | Lehr- und Handbuch der Statistik / von Max Haushofer | |
2000498447 | Lehrbuch der Forstwissenschaft : für Forstmänner und Waldbesitzer / von Carl von Fischbach | |
2000801561 | Lehrbuch der Nationalökonomie / von Friedrich Kleinwächter | |
2000801569 | Lehrbuch der Volkswirtschaftspolitik / von Friedrich von Kleinwächter | |
2000803776 | Lehrbuch des Staats- und Verwaltungsrechts / Ed. Heilfron | |
2000219313 | Lehrbuch des deutschen Verwaltungsrechts / von Edgar Loening | |
2000803771 | Lehrbuch des deutschen Verwaltungsrechts / von Georg Meyer ; bearbeitet von Franz Dochow | T. 1 |
2000812683 | Leitfaden für den unterricht in der Geographie der Schweiz / von Rud. Hotz | |
2000809422 | Leitfaden zur Einführung in das Studium der Agrarpolitik / von G. Ruhland | |
2001237903 | Les campagnes belges en d'Afrique, 1914-1917 : Cameroun, Est Africain Allemand | |
2000800116 | Les cités romaines de la Tunisie : essai sur l'histoire de la colonisation romaine dans l'Afrique du nord / par J. Toutain | |
2000810120 | Les droits de chasse dans les colonies : et la conservation de la faune indigéne | Tome 2 |
2000804223 | Les déportations belges a la lumière des documents allemands / Fernand Passelecq | |
2000806101 | Les entreprises agricoles organisation, direction (capital, travail et crédit) / par F. Convert | |
2001657020 | Les industries de la soie : sériciculture, filature, moulinage, tissage, teinture, histoire & statistique / par E. Pariset | |
2000804652 | Les inondations / par Armand Landrin | |
2000798286 | Les maisons de tolérance au point de vue hygiénique et social / Gustave Berault | |
2000551947 | Les milieux économiques / par Édouard Lecouteux | |
2000810614 | Les palmiers utiles / L. Pynaert | |
2000804590 | Les plantes des alpes / Chez Elles | 2e sèr |
2000807501 | Les questions agricoles d'hier et d'aujourd'hui : chronique agricole du "journal des débats" / par Daniel Zolla | |
2000802668 | Les sciences juridiques et politiques / par F. Larnaude | |
2001657494 | Les sols humides / par R. Dumont | |
2000804546 | Les tiques du Congo belge et les maladies qu'elles transmettent / par George H.F. Nuttall | |
2000808763 | Les warrants agricolles, loi du 18 juillet 1898 : texte et commentaire suivis de 14 formules / par Louis Perrin | |
2000800004 | Letters to John Bull and others / by Robert The Peeler ; Illustrated by Mendoza | |
2000805644 | Libro de agricultura / su autor Abu Zacaria Iahia Aben Mohamed ben Ahmed Ebn el Awam ; arreglo hecho en vista de la traduccion castellana de José Banqueri ; por Claudio Boutelou ; precedido de una introduccion escrita por Esteban Boutelou | T. 1 |
2000805644 | Libro de agricultura / su autor Abu Zacaria Iahia Aben Mohamed ben Ahmed Ebn el Awam ; arreglo hecho en vista de la traduccion castellana de José Banqueri ; por Claudio Boutelou ; precedido de una introduccion escrita por Esteban Boutelou | T. 2 |
2000813165 | Life of Adam Smith / by John Rae | |
2000089189 | Life of Charles Dickens / by Frank T. Marzials | |
2000813354 | Life of Frederick Marryat / by David Hannay | |
2000813337 | Life of George Crabbe / by T.E. Kebbel | |
2000813692 | Life of Henry Fawcett / by Leslie Stephen | |
2000813362 | Life of Miguel de Cervantes / by Henry Edward Watts | |
2000813351 | Life of Nathaniel Hawthorne / Moncure D. Conway | |
2000813331 | Life of Oliver Goldsmith / by Austin Dobson | |
2001657026 | Linen : from the raw material to the finished product / by Alfred S. Moore | |
2001083199 | Little Pierre / by Anatole France ; a translation by J. Lewis May | |
2000813312 | Lives of illustrious shoemakers / by William Edward Winks | |
2000810220 | Locust vs. agriculture : lecture delivered at the Marble Hall on August 8, 1914 / by Ignacio Villamor | |
2000802011 | Lombard Street : a description of the money market / by Walter Bagehot | |
2001657549 | Lorna Doone : a romance of Exmoor / by R.D. Blackmore | |
2001657641 | Los pueblos : ensayos sobre la vida provinciana / Azorin | |
2001657581 | Lust, Lob und Trost der edlen Landwirthschaft : Lieder- und Lebensbuch für den Landwirth in einer Auswahl von deutschen Gedichten / gesammelt und herausgegeben von Wilhelm Hamm | |
2000803672 | Magic in names : and in other things / by Edward Clodd | |
2000804120 | Maize : a botanical and economic study / by John W. Harshberger | |
2000811869 | Maize : its history, cultivation, handling, and uses : with special reference to South Africa : a text-book for farmers, students of agriculture, and teachers of nature study / by Joseph Burtt-Davy | |
2000798521 | Malthus and his work / by James Bonar | |
2000798179 | Man and his bodies / by Annie Besant | |
2000552753 | Manchuria, its people, resources, and recent history / by Alexander Hosie | |
2000812203 | Manuale dell' agricoltore : ovvero guida, per conoscere, ordinare e dirigere le aziende rurali / del Pietro Cuppari | |
2000799578 | Manuale pratico della Mezzeria : e dei vari sistemi della colonia parziaria in Italia / A.Rabbeno | |
2000810291 | Manuel pratique de la culture, de l'exploitation et des utilisations du châtaignier / Henri Blin | |
2000803762 | Manuel élémentaire de droit administratif : a l'usage des étudiants en droit de seconde année et pour la préparation du premier examen de capacité en droit : suivi d'un résumé en tableaux synoptiques et d'un recueil méthodique des principales questions d'examen / par René Foignet | |
2000801967 | Marxian economics : a popular introduction to the three volumes of Marx's "Capital" / by Ernest Untermann | |
2000798296 | Mass and class : a survey of social divisions / W.J. Ghent | |
2000812640 | Materialien für den Unterricht in der Schweizergeographie : methodisches Handbuch für Lehrer an Volks- und Mittelschulen / von Gottlieb Stucki dritte Auflage von Oskar Bieri | |
2001657627 | Max Havelaar / Multatuli ; Deutsch von Wilhelm Spohr | |
2000807470 | Mechanical Tabulation of the statistics of agriculture in the twelfth census of the United States / by H.T. Newcomb | |
2000806227 | Memoirs of agriculture, and other oeconomical arts / By Robert Dossie | v. 1 |
2000806227 | Memoirs of agriculture, and other oeconomical arts / By Robert Dossie | v. 2 |
2001028038 | Memorandum on credit, currency and exchange fluctuations / by A. C. Pigou | |
2001029554 | Memorandum on the world's monetary problems / by Gustav Cassel | |
2001029509 | Memorandum prepared for the international financial conference at Brussels / by G. W. J. Bruins | |
2001027810 | Memorial on international finance and currency with relative documents = Memoire relatif aux finances internationales et aux systemes monetaires des differents etats suivie de documents relatifs | |
2000803613 | Men and measures : a history of weights and measures ancient and modern / by Edward Nicholson | |
2000394676 | Militarism and statecraft / by Munroe Smith | |
2000804116 | Militarism at work in Belgium and Germany / by K.G. Ossiannilsson ; translated by H.G. Wright | |
2000804116 | Militarism at work in Belgium and Germany / by K.G. Ossiannilsson ; translated by H.G. Wright | |
2001657143 | Mince pie : adventures on the sunny side of Grub street / by Christopher Morley ; illustrated by Walter Jack Duncan | |
2000804628 | Mining in Japan : past and present / 東京鑛山監督署編 | |
2000804881 | Ministry of reconstruction : report of the machinery of government committee / presented to parliament by command of His Majesty | |
3000068057 | Mitteilungen von Forschungsreisenden und Gelehrten aus den deutschen Schutzgebieten | 17(3),19(3) |
2000800064 | Mittelamerika, Kleine Antillen, Niederländisch- West- und Ostindien / mit Beiträgen von Karl Sapper, D. van Blom und I.A. Nederburgh | |
2001230655 | Mobilizing America's resources for the war | |
2000798098 | Modern Denmark : its social, economic and agricultural life / by Hugh Jones | |
2000408970 | Modern customs and ancient laws of Russia : being the Ilchester lectures for 1889-90 / by Maxime Kovalevsky | |
2001212225 | Modern finance / by Emile Burns | |
2001230654 | Modern insurance problems / editor in charge of this volume, S.S. Huebner ; editor in charge of part III of the volume, Ralph H. Blanchard | |
2001027980 | Monetary problems : introduction and joint statement of economic experts = Problemes monetaires : introduction et declaration collective d'experts en matiere economique | |
2001656950 | Moorpioniere / von Ludwig Kemmer | |
2001658191 | Mother of pearl / by Anatole France ; translated by Frederic Chapman | |
2001656974 | Motion study in typewriting : a record of experiments / by J.M.Lahy | |
2000802149 | Mr. Herbert Spencer on the land question : a collection of current misconceptions of his views | |
2000798848 | Municipal government and land tenure | |
2000803473 | Municipal ownership : four lectures delivered at Harvard University, 1907 / by Leonard Darwin | |
2001658232 | My friend's book / by Anatole France ; translated by J. Lewis May | |
2000807464 | My village / E. Boyd Smith | |
2001657162 | Napoleon : a drama / by Richmond Sheffield Dement | |
2000806043 | National debts of the world / O.P. Austin | |
2000689872 | National economy : an outline of public administration / by Henry Higgs | |
2001230737 | National industries and the federal government | |
2001658156 | National irrigation, or, The various methods of watering meadows : affording means to increase the popilation, wealth, and revenue of the Kingdom, by an agricultural, commercial, and general economy in the use of water / by William Tatham | |
2000550197 | National system of political economy / by Friedrich List ; translated from the German by G.A. Matile ; including the notes of the French translation, by Henri Richelot ; with a preliminary essay and notes, by Stephen Colwell | |
2000404764 | National welfare and national decay / by William McDougall | |
2000802178 | Nationalökonomie | |
2000813243 | Native stock : the rise of the American spirit seen in six lives / by Arthur Pound | |
2000811982 | Naturwissenschaftliche Briefe über die moderne Landwirthschaft / von Justus von Liebig | |
2001657463 | Nebraska irrigation laws / published by authority of the State Board of Irrigation | 1897 |
2000807953 | Nederduitsche spraakleer | |
2000801659 | Neudeutsche Wirtschaftspolitik / Fr. Naumann | |
2000801693 | Neudeutsche Wirtschaftspolitik / von Friedrich Naumann | |
2000814015 | Neuere Glarner-Geschichte / von Gottfried Heer | |
2001230628 | New possibilities in education / editor in charge of this volume, Ambrose L. Suhrie | |
2000825132 | Newest England : notes of a democratic traveller in New Zealand, with some Australian comparisons / by Henry Demarest Lloyd | |
2000797570 | Newspaper editing : a manual for editors, copyreaders, and students of newspaper desk work / by Grant Milnor Hyde | |
2001008314 | Niles' Pacific coast poultry and stock book / William Niles | |
2000810475 | Nociones de economia rural : para uso de la 2.A enseñanza / por D. Estéban Sala y Carrera | |
2000807350 | Nordamerikanische Landwirtschaft : Erfahrungen und Anschauungen gesammelt auf einer Studienreise im Jahre 1889 / Martin Wilckens | |
2000802505 | Normal-Arbeitsordnung sowie Normal-Statut eines Arbeiter-Ausschusses : festgestellt vom Linksrheinischen Verein für Gemeinwohl : mit Einleitung und Erläuterungen nebst Auszügen aus Fabrik-Ordnungen sowie einer Zusammenstellung der Bestimmungen des Arbeiterschutzgesetzes von 1891 / herausgegeben von Franz Hitze | |
2000802435 | Nos finances pendant la guerre / Georges Lachapelle | |
2000810128 | Note sur la culture des principaux agaves textiles / par P. Miny | |
2000803209 | Note sur la valeur de la production brute agricole de la France / par E. Levasseur | |
2000807064 | Notes au sujet du développement de l'agriculture du Congo Belge / par E. Leplae | |
2000806844 | Notes of an agricultural tour in Belgium, Holland, & the Rhine / by Robert Scott Burn | |
2001070792 | Notes on Dominica, and hints to intending settlers : being the pamphlet / prepared by Henry Hesketh Bell | |
2001028061 | Notes on the financial and monetary situation / by Charles Gide | |
2000812408 | Notes sur l'Italie contemporaine / Paul Ghio | |
2000803175 | Notice sur le Côte Française des Somalis / par Sylvain Vignéras | |
2000807755 | Notice sur les glossines ou tsétsés / par E. Hegh | |
2000800756 | Notices sur l'Indo-Chine : Cochinchine, Cambodge, Annam, Tonkin, Laos, Kouang-Tchéou-Ouan : publiées à l'occasion de l'Exposition universelle de 1900 sous la direction de Pierre Nicolas | |
2000804001 | Notre commerce extérieur / par M. Camille Jacquart | |
2000804452 | Nouvelle flore colorièe de poche des Alpes et des Pyrènèes / par Ch. Flahault ; exècutèes sur le vivant dans les Alpes mêmes par C. Kastner | sèr. 1 |
2000820738 | Observaciones sobre la historia natural, geografia, agricultura, poblacion y frutos del reyno de Valencia / por Don Antonio Josef Cavanilles | t. 1 |
2000820738 | Observaciones sobre la historia natural, geografia, agricultura, poblacion y frutos del reyno de Valencia / por Don Antonio Josef Cavanilles | t. 2 |
2000802589 | Observations on land tenures and tenant right in India / by Charles Wingfield | |
2000831753 | Observations on the utility, form and management of water meadows, and the draining and irrigating of peat bogs, with an account of prisley bog, and other extraordinary improvements conducted for His Grace the Duke of Bedford, ... / by William Smith | |
2000820226 | Official roster of officers and employees in the Civil Service of The Philippine Islands / The Government of The Philippine Islands, Bureau of Civil Service | July 1,1914-July 1,1915 |
2001027894 | Official statistics of retail prices in foreign countries / memorandum by A. L. Bowley | |
2001657004 | Oil : animal, vegetable, essential, and mineral / by C. Ainsworth Mitchell | |
2000800215 | Old Cape colony : a chronicle of her men and houses from 1625 to 1806 / by Mrs.A.P. Trotter | |
2000805560 | On centenarians : and the duration of the human race / by T.E. Young | |
2000802202 | On chinese currency : preliminary remarks about the monetary reform in China / G. Vissering ; with the co-operation of W. A. Roest | |
2000810459 | On large and small farms : and their influence on the social economy including a view of the progress of the division of the soil in France since 1815 / by H. Passy | |
2000965685 | On life & letters / by Anatole France ; translated by A.W. Evans | 1st ser |
2000965685 | On life & letters / by Anatole France ; translated by A.W. Evans | 2nd ser |
2000965685 | On life & letters / by Anatole France ; translated by A.W. Evans | 3rd ser |
2000965685 | On life & letters / by Anatole France ; translated by A.W. Evans | 4th ser |
2001004260 | On the agricultural community of the Middle Ages, and inclosures of the sixteenth century in England / translated from the German of E. Nasse by H. A. Ouvry | |
2000804720 | On the capitalization of land in early society / by Denman W. Ross | |
2000798574 | On the natural and mathematical laws concerning population, vitality, and mortality ... : with tables of mortality, applicable to five classes of each sex, and other tables, expressing the relations between capital and income ... / by Francis Corbaux | |
2001657012 | On the wool track / by C.E.W. Bean ; illustrated with photographs by George Bell of the "Sydney Mail" | |
2000806235 | One hundred lessons in agriculture with practical problems / by Aretas W. Nolan | |
2000808541 | Organisation der Landgutswirtschaft / von Johann Pohl | |
2000679714 | Organismen und Staaten : eine Untersuchung über die biologischen Grundlagen des Gesellschaftslebens und Kulturlebens / von Alfred Methner | |
2000499205 | Origin of cultivated plants / by Alphonse De Candolle | |
2000803688 | Origin of language and myths / by Morgan Kavanagh | v. 2 |
2000797578 | Ostasiatische Kunst und ihr Einfluß auf Europa / von Richard Graul | |
2001658005 | Otto Hübner's geographisch-statistische Tabellen aller Länder der Erde / herausgegeben von Fr.v. Juraschek | 48. Ausg., 1899 |
2000813505 | Our English villages : their story and their antiquitities / by P. H. Ditchfield | |
2000800232 | Our Philippine problem : a study of American colonial policy / by Henry Parker Willis | |
2000804128 | Our country's shells and how to know them : a guide to the British mollusca / by W.J. Gordon ; with a coloured illustration of every species, and many original diagrams by A. Lambert | |
2000811847 | Our farm crops : being a popular scientific description of the cultivation, chemistry, diseases, remedies, &c., of the various crops cultivated in Great Britain and Ireland / by John Wilson | v. 1 |
2000803514 | Outlines of military geography / by T. Miller Maguire | |
2000797630 | Over the teacups / by Oliver Wendell Holmes | |
2000812843 | Paddys et riz de Cochinchine / Albert Coquerel | |
2001222086 | Papers and proceedings thirteenth Annual Meeting, Detroit and Ann Arbor, Mich., December, 27-29, 1900 | |
2001222078 | Papers and proceedings twelfth Annual Meeting, Ithaca, N.Y., December, 27-29, 1899 | |
2000808922 | Papes et paysans / par Gabriel Ardant | |
2000801617 | Paysans et ouvriers depuis sept cents ans / Vicomte G. d'Avenel | |
2001389330 | Peasant art in Roumania / George Oprescu | |
2000806374 | Peasant life in Germany / by Anna C. Johnson | |
2000800664 | Peasant properties and other selected essays / by Lady Verney | Vol. 2 |
2000809154 | Peasant rents : being the first half of An essay on the distribution of wealth and on the sources of taxation : 1831 / by Richard Jones | |
2000811911 | Peat and its uses : as fertilizer and fuel / by Samuel W. Johnson | |
2000803736 | Pegasus : problems of transportation / by Colonel J.F.C. Fuller | |
2001658188 | Penguin island / by Anatole France ; a translation by A.W. Evans | |
2000813226 | Pennsylvania citizen / by L.S. Shimmell | |
2001230748 | Personnel and employment problems in industrial management | |
2000807305 | Petit dictionnaire d'agriculture : de zootechnie et de droit rural / par A. Larbalétrier | |
2000807305 | Petit dictionnaire d'agriculture : de zootechnie et de droit rural / par A. Larbalétrier | |
2000798241 | Phallism : a description of the worship of Lingam-Yoni in various parts of the world, and in different ages, with an account of ancient & modern crosses particularly of the Crux Ansata (or handled cross) and other symbols connected with the mysteries of sex worship | |
3000007562 | Philippine agricultural review | 2(11),3(6-12) |
3000007562 | Philippine agricultural review | 4(1-2,5-12) |
3000007562 | Philippine agricultural review | 5(1-6) |
2000803559 | Philips' chamber of commerce atlas : a graphic survey of the world's trade with a commercial compendium and gazetteer index | |
2000800734 | Philosophy and political economy : in some of their historical relations / by James Bonar | |
2000812531 | Physische Geographie (Landschaftskunde, Geologie, Klima und Pflanzenleben) | |
2000810639 | Pictorial practical gardening : a useful manual for all classes of horticulturists giving concise directions for the culture and selection of the leading flowers, fruit, and vegetables / by Walter P. Wright | |
2000962752 | Pierre Nozière / Anatole France ; translated by J. Lewis May | |
2000800187 | Pioneer Spaniards in North America / by William Henry Johnson | |
2000809139 | Plain and pleasant talk about fruits, flowers and farming / by Henry Ward Beecher | |
2000800784 | Plans et photographies d'habitations pour plantations coloniales / par Edmond Leplae | |
2000810205 | Plant-breeding : comments on the experiments of Nilsson and Burbank / by Hugo de Vries | |
2001657008 | Planten-indigo / door C.J.v. Lookeren Campagne | |
2001657511 | Plato's American republic / done out of the original by Douglas Woodruff | |
2000474660 | Plutarch's lives : the translation called Dryden's / by A.H. Clough | v. 1 |
2000474660 | Plutarch's lives : the translation called Dryden's / by A.H. Clough | v. 2 |
2001657149 | Poetical works : with a life of the author / by Thomas Moore | |
2000800738 | Polenfrage und Ansiedelungs-Kommission : Darstellung der staatlichen Kolonisation in Posen-Westpreussen und kritische Betrachtungen über ihre Erfolge / von E. Stumpfe | |
2000800694 | Political economy / by Francis A. Walker | 2 |
2000801206 | Political economy / by W. Stanley Jevons | |
2001366895 | Political frontiers and boundary making / by Sir Thomas H. Holdich | |
2000800183 | Political parties : a sociological study of the oligarchical tendencies of modern democracy / by Robert Michels ; translated from the Italian by Eden & Cedar Paul | |
2000800144 | Politics and crowd-morality : a study in the philosophy of politics / by Arthur Christensen ; tr. from the Danish by A. Cecil Curtis | |
2000260098 | Politics retold, 1880-1924 / by Philip G. Cambray | |
2000799888 | Politik / von Fritz Stier-Somlo | |
2000801340 | Politisch-wirtschaftliches Konversations-Lexikon / Bearbeitet von Otto Groth und H. G. Bayer | |
2000488108 | Politische Geographie, oder, Die Geographie der Staaten, des Verkehres und des Krieges / von Friedrich Ratzel | |
2000799456 | Politische Hauptströmungen in Europa im 19. Jahrhundert / von Karl Theodor Heigel | |
2000799515 | Política de España en Ultramar / por D. Miguel Blanco Herrero | |
2000798565 | Population and the social problem / by J. Swinburne | |
2000798566 | Population problems of the age of Malthus / by G. Talbot Griffith | |
2001657200 | Populäre Geschichte des Deutschen Bauernkrieges im Jahre 1525 / von Theodor Oelckers | |
2000813641 | Porto Rico, Hawaii, Philippine Islands, Guam, Samoan Islands, and Cuba : their area, population, agricultural and mineral products; imports and exports by countries; and the commerce of the United States therewith (from the Summary of commerce and finance for July, 1901) / O.P. Austin | |
2000813641 | Porto Rico, Hawaii, Philippine Islands, Guam, Samoan Islands, and Cuba : their area, population, agricultural and mineral products; imports and exports by countries; and the commerce of the United States therewith (from the Summary of commerce and finance for July, 1901) / O.P. Austin | |
2000800766 | Practical economics : a collection of essays respecting certain of the recent economic experiences of the United States / by David A. Wells | |
2000809948 | Practical poultry breeder and feeder, or, How to make poultry pay / by William Cook | |
2001658147 | Prag und das Königreich Böhmen : illustrierter führer / herausgegeben vom Böhmischen Landesverbande zur Hebung des Fremdenverkehrs im Königreiche Böhmen in Prag | |
2001657077 | Premier Congrès international et exposition comparée des villes | |
2001230622 | Preparedness and America's international program | |
2001234514 | Preparing land for grain crops on the prairies / compiled by J.H. Grisdale | |
2001028075 | Price of silver / by G. Findlay Shirras | |
2000808306 | Primi elementi di economia agraria / del dottore Emilio Cossa | |
2000806710 | Principios de agricultura : para uso de los alumnos de segunda enseñanza / por G. Meneses | |
2000802663 | Principles and fallacies of socialism / by David J. Hill | |
2000803519 | Principles of commercial history / by James Stephenson | |
2000801889 | Principles of economics / by Alfred Marshall | Vol. 1 |
2000801953 | Principles of economics : with special reference to American conditions / by Edwin R.A. Seligman | |
2000801953 | Principles of economics : with special reference to American conditions / by Edwin R.A. Seligman | |
2000485870 | Principles of political economy / by William Roscher ; from the thirteenth (1877) German edition, with additional chapters furnished by the author, for this first English and American edition, on paper money, international trade, and the protective system ; and a preliminary essay on the historical method in political economy (from the French) by L. Wolowski ; the whole translated by John J. Lalor | v. 1 |
2000485870 | Principles of political economy / by William Roscher ; from the thirteenth (1877) German edition, with additional chapters furnished by the author, for this first English and American edition, on paper money, international trade, and the protective system ; and a preliminary essay on the historical method in political economy (from the French) by L. Wolowski ; the whole translated by John J. Lalor | v. 2 |
2000802353 | Principles of property in land / by John Boyd Kinnear | |
2000551696 | Principles of rural economics / by Thomas Nixon Carver | |
2001230699 | Prison labor | |
2000807707 | Problems of village life / by E.N. Bennett | |
2001231305 | Procedure in state legislatures / by H.W. Dodds | |
2001234725 | Proceedings of the Conference on Social Insurance / called by the International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions, Washington, D.C., December 5 to 9, 1916 | |
2001234729 | Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Meeting of the International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions : held at San Francisco, Calif., September 20-24, 1920 | |
2000802756 | Production organization / by John D. Black and Albert G. Black | |
2000803416 | Production planning / by Clifton Reynolds | |
2000810358 | Profitable poultry keeping / by Stephen Beale | |
2000820256 | Programa razonado de agricultura / por D. Eduarudo Abela y Sainz' de Andino | |
2000810384 | Progressive poultry culture : a text-book of study and practice in the keeping of poultry for profit and pleasure / by Arthur A. Brigham | |
2001230676 | Prohibition and its enforcement / editor in charge of this volume, T. Henry Walnut . The business cycle / editor-in-charge Clyde L. King | |
2000228639 | Property : its origin and development / by Ch. Letourneau | |
2000798337 | Pros and cons : a newspaper reader's and debater's guide to the leading controversies of the day (political, social, religious, etc.) / by John Bertram Askew | |
2001657198 | Précis de l'histoire générale de l'agriculture / par M. de Marivault | |
2000800140 | Précis de législation et d'économie coloniale / par J.-C. Paul Rougier | |
2000797779 | Psychology and industrial efficiency / by Hugo Münsterberg | |
2001230678 | Psychology in business / editors in charge of the volume C.H. Crennan, F.A. Kingsbury | |
2001230752 | Public administration and partisan politics | |
2001230741 | Public budgets | |
2000802332 | Public finance / by C.F. Bastable | |
2000725649 | Public finance / by C.F. Bastable | |
2001230731 | Public policies as to municipal utilities | |
2000808844 | Publications of the Division of Statistics of the U.S. Department of Agriculture | 1897 |
3000068094 | Quarterly Report of the Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture | 44,47 |
2000804310 | Quelle a été dans tous les temps l'influence du commerce sur l'esprit & sur les mœurs des peuples : Discours qui a remporté le prix au jugement de l'académie en l'année 1777 / par M. Liquier | |
2000799340 | Race as a political factor : delivered at Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, W.C. 1, on April 15, 1931 / by J.W. Gregory | |
2000798220 | Races, nations and classes : the psychology of domination and freedom / by Herbert Adolphus Miller | |
2000803532 | Railroad legislation / edited by Thurman William Van Metre | |
2001658049 | Rapport annuel / Congo belge | 1915 |
2001658049 | Rapport annuel / Congo belge | 1916 |
2001658049 | Rapport annuel / Congo belge | 1917 |
2000797942 | Rare and interesting autografh letters signed documents and manuscripts | |
2000808038 | Rates and taxes as affecting agriculture / by J.S. Nicholson | |
2000813135 | Ratgeber für die Ausrüstung von Reisenden nach Übersee u. Tropen / von Ch.F. Harford | |
2000804231 | Readings on the relation of government to property and industry / compiled by Samuel P. Orth | |
2001230604 | Readjustments in taxation / editor in chief of this volume, E.M. Patterson | |
2000804640 | Real things in nature : a reading book of science for American boys and girls / by Edward S. Holden | |
2000800736 | Recent economic changes : and their effect on the production and distribution of wealth and the well-being of society / by David A. Wells | |
2001657191 | Recherches historiques et critiques sur l'administration publique et privée des terres chez les romains : depuis le commencement de la république jusqu'au siecle de Jules-César. Dans lesquelles on traite incidemment de leur commerce par rapport aux productions de leur crû, & l'on prouve en même-temps le peu d'influence que l'agriculture a eue sur leurs mœurs / par l'auteur de La théorie du luxe | |
2000803723 | Recht und Sitte auf den verschiedenen wirtschaftlichen Kulturstufen / von Richard Hildebrand | 1. T |
2000801792 | Reclaiming the waste : Britain's most urgent problem / by P. Anderson Graham | |
2001230711 | Reducing the cost of food distribution | |
2001230584 | Reform in administration of justice / editor Emory R. Johnson | |
2000813423 | Register of Porto Rico for 1910 / prepared and compiled under the direction of M. Drew Carrel | |
2001230658 | Rehabilitation of the wounded / editor in charge of this volume, Carl Kelsey | |
2000813148 | Reise nach West-Sibirien im Jahre 1876 : auf Veranstaltung des Vereins für die Deutsche Nordpolarfahrt in Bremen unternommen mit Dr. A.E. Brehm und Karl Graf v. Waldburg-Zeil-Trauchburg / von O. Finsch | |
2000813506 | Reiserouten in Bosnien und der Hercegovina : illustrirter Führer | |
2000797783 | Religion & sex : studies in the pathology of religious development / by Chapman Cohen | |
2000799656 | Religions-Philosophie / by Otto von der Pfordten | |
2001657144 | Reliques of ancient English poetry : consisting of old heroic ballads, songs, and other pieces of our earlier poets / by Thomas Percy ; edited by J.V. Prichard | |
2000799089 | Repetitorium des Allgemeinen Staatsrechts für Studirende und Prüfungs-Candidaten / Bearbeitet nach den gebräuchlichen Lehrbüchern und herausgegeben von Ludw. Heinr. Schmidt | |
2000802694 | Repetitorium des Systems des allgemeinen Finanzrechts, der Finanzwissenschaft für Studirende und Prüfungs-Candidaten / bearbeitet nach den gebräuchlichsten neuesten Lehrbüchern und herausgegeben von Ludw. Heinr. Schmidt | |
2000803451 | Repetitorium des deutschen Staatsrechts / nach den neuesten lehrbüchern bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Ludw. Heinr. Schmidt | |
3000068054 | Report / U.S. Department of Agriculture, Division of Statistics | 2,9-11,13-15,21 |
2000809333 | Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture / [U.S. Department of Agriculture] | 1884 |
2000809333 | Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture / [U.S. Department of Agriculture] | 1885 |
2000805980 | Report of the Indian Industrial Commission, 1916-18 | |
2000810200 | Report of the Indian Wheat Committee for 1915 and 1916 / [Indian Wheat Committee] | |
2001234722 | Report of the Industrial Council of the British Board of Trade on its inquiry into industrial agreements | |
2000820205 | Report of the Philippine Commission to the Secretary of War | 1911 |
2000820205 | Report of the Philippine Commission to the Secretary of War | 1912 |
2000820205 | Report of the Philippine Commission to the Secretary of War | 1913 |
2000820205 | Report of the Philippine Commission to the Secretary of War | July 1, 1913, to December 31, 1914 |
2001234737 | Report of the Philippine Health Service for the fiscal year from January, 1 to December 31, 1915 / J.D. Long | |
2000800089 | Report of the governor general of the philippine islands to the secretary of war | In one part |
2000806276 | Report of the proceedings of the congress, IVth International Road Congress, Seville, 1923 / Permanent International Association of Road Congresses | |
2000803010 | Report of the thirty-third conference held at the Riddarhuset and at the Riksdaghuset, Stockholm, September 8th to 13th / the International Law Association | |
2000802279 | Report on currency adjustment in Korea / 韓國貨幣整理部編纂 | |
2000802279 | Report on currency adjustment in Korea / 韓國貨幣整理部編纂 | |
2000820263 | Report on the agriculture of South America | |
2000668753 | Report on the internal commerce of the United States / by Wm. F. Switzler | |
2000809935 | Report on the poultry industry in America / by Edward Brown | |
2000810395 | Report on the poultry industry in Belgium / by Edward Brown | |
2000810411 | Report on the poultry industry in Germany / by Edward Brown | |
2000805731 | Report on the progress and condition of the Illinois State Museum of Natural History for the years 1909 and 1910 / by A.R. Crook | |
2000804617 | Report on the progress and condition of the United States National Museum for the year ending June 30, 1919 | |
2000806111 | Report to the Board of Trade of the Empire Cotton Growing Committee / presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty | |
2000808706 | Reports of special assistant Poor Law Commissioners on the employment of women and children in agriculture | |
2001657075 | Reports of the Departmental Committee appointed by the Board of Trade, to consider the position of the shipping & ship-building industries after the War | |
2000729435 | Reports on the Hokkaido harbours / by C.S. Meik | 2 |
2000729435 | Reports on the Hokkaido harbours / by C.S. Meik | [1] |
2000803437 | Representation / by John Lubbock | |
2000800894 | Researches into the mathematical principles of the theory of wealth / by Augustin Cournot, 1838 ; translated by Nathaniel T. Bacon ; with a bibliography of mathematical economics by Irving Fisher | |
2000798045 | Revolutionary times : sketches of our country, its people, and their ways, one hundred yers ago / by Edward Abbott | |
2000810173 | Rice : its cultivation, production, and distribution in the United States and foreign countries / prepared under the direction of the statistician by Amory Austin ; with a chapter on the rice soils of South Carolina by Milton Whitney | |
2000805450 | Riegos por medio de norias, bombas y otras máquinas / por Francisco Balaguer y Primo | |
2000805836 | Rise of the Maratha power / M.G. Ranade | |
2000812033 | Riso e Risaie : lezioni di economia chimico-agricola e di igiene rurale date nell'istituto tecnico provinciale di Mantova / dal Antonio Selmi | |
2001657014 | Rohstoffe der textilindustrie / von Hugo Glafey | |
2001657954 | Round the empire : for the use of schools / by George R. Parkin ; with a preface by the Earl of Rosebery | |
2000799696 | Royal Colonial Institute year book | 1915 |
2000799696 | Royal Colonial Institute year book | 1916 |
2000806727 | Rural Denmark and its lessons / by H. Rider Haggard | |
2000807736 | Rural England : being an account of agricultural and social researches carried out in the years 1901 & 1902 / by H. Rider Haggard | v. 1 |
2000807736 | Rural England : being an account of agricultural and social researches carried out in the years 1901 & 1902 / by H. Rider Haggard | v. 2 |
2000806801 | Rural Italy : an account of the present agricultural condition of the Kingdom / by William Nelthorpe Beauclerk | |
2000806876 | Rural New Zealand : the Britain of the south / By John Houghton | |
2000854999 | Rural architecture : being a complete description farm houses, cottages, and out buildings, ... also, the best method of conducting water into cattle yards and houses / by Lewis F. Allen | |
2000802685 | Rural credits : land and coöperative / by Myron T. Herrick and R. Ingalls | |
2000809399 | Rural essays / by A. J. Downing ; edited, with a memoir of the author by George William Curtis and a letter to his friends by Frederika Bremer | |
2000808753 | Rural life : its humour and pathos / by Caroline Gearey | |
2000807704 | Rural wealth and welfare : economic principles illustrated and applied in farm life / by Geo. T. Fairchild | |
2000812885 | Russia / by D. Mackenzie Wallace | Vol. 1 |
2000812885 | Russia / by D. Mackenzie Wallace | Vol. 2 |
2000812428 | Russia : her strength and her weakness : a study of the present conditions of the Russian Empire, with an analysis of its resourses and a forecast of its future / by Wolf von Schierbrand | |
2000519800 | Russia and the world : a study of the war and a statement of the world-problems that now confront Russia and Great Britain / by Stephen Graham | |
2000802402 | Russian traits and terrors : a faithful picture of the Russia of to-day / by E.B. Lanin ; with an ode by Algernon Charles Swinburne | |
2000803000 | Saint Croix River arbitration : mixed commission under article V of the treaty between Great Britain and the United States of November 19, 1794 | v. 1 |
2000803000 | Saint Croix River arbitration : mixed commission under article V of the treaty between Great Britain and the United States of November 19, 1794 | v. 2 |
2000803717 | Sanders' union fourth reader : embracing a full exposition of the principles of rhetorical reading : with numerous exercises for practice / by Charles W. Sanders | |
2001657559 | Schiller's Gedichte | |
2000499499 | Schlipf's populäres Handbuch der Landwirtschaft : Gekrönte Preisschrift | |
2000813408 | Schlüssel zur Japanischen Konversations-Grammatik : mit Lesestücken und Gesprächen / von Hermann Plaut | |
2000809717 | School of forest engineers in Spain, indicative of a type for a British National School of Forestry / compiled by John Croumbie Brown | |
2000812674 | Schülerbüchlein für den unterricht in der Schweizer-Geographie / von G. Stucki | |
2000800270 | Science economic discussion / Henry C. Adams...[et al.] | |
2000806818 | Sciences agronomiques enseignement agricole : rapports de la 2me section du Xe Congrès international d'agriculture de Gand 1913 | |
2000799815 | Sea power / Archibald Hurd | |
2000809672 | Seaside planting of trees and shrubs / by Alfred Gaut ; illustrated from photographs by Frank Sutcliffe | |
2000804940 | Second biennial report of the state engineer, secretary of the state board of irrigation to the governor of Nebraska : 1897 and 1898 / [J.M. Wilson] | |
2000801673 | Select list of references on the cost of living and prices / compiled under the direction of Hermann Henry Bernard Meyer | |
2001230833 | Selected official documents of the South African republic and Great Britain : a documentary perspective of the causes of the war in South Africa / edited by Hugh Williams and Frederick Charles Hicks | |
2000802703 | Selected speeches and reports on finance and taxation from 1859 to 1878 / John Sherman | |
2000803070 | Seven years of the sugar convention 1903-1910 : a vindication of Mr. chamberlain's imperial and commercial policy / by Palph T. Hinckes | |
2000803070 | Seven years of the sugar convention 1903-1910 : a vindication of Mr. chamberlain's imperial and commercial policy / by Palph T. Hinckes | |
2000805600 | Sex-lore : a primer on courtship, marriage, and parenthood / by Mrs. S. Herbert | |
2000798223 | Shekel hakodesh (the hory shekel) : the metrical work of Joseph Kimchi, now edited for the first time from MSS. at the Bodleian, with an English translation, introduction, notes, etc. | |
2000805631 | Shells as evidence of the migrations of early culture / by J. Wilfrid Jackson | |
2000813161 | Siberia / by M.P. Price | |
2000812815 | Sibirien und das Amurgebiet : Geschichte und Reisen, Landschaften und Völker zwischen Ural und Beringstraße | |
2000798091 | Silent worship : the way of wonder / by L. Violet Hodgkin | |
2001023885 | Silver : its intimate association with the daily life of man / Benjamin White | |
2000813153 | Sir Stamford Raffles : England in the Far East / by Hugh Edward Egerton | |
2000805784 | Slavery as an industrial system : ethnological researches / by H.J. Nieboer | |
2001657411 | Small farms : a practical treatise intended for persons inexperienced in husbandry but desirous of employing time and capital in the cultivation of the soil / by Martin Doyle | |
2000810543 | Small holders : what they must do to succeed : with a chapter on the revival of country life / by Edwin A. Pratt | |
2001231344 | Social and economic consequences of buying on the instalment plan / by Wilbur C. Plummer | |
2000799125 | Social and industrial history | |
2000798214 | Social and philosophical studies / by Paul Lafargue ; translated by Charles H. Kerr | |
2000797732 | Social currents in Japan : with special reference to the press / by Harry Emerson Wildes | |
2000798000 | Social laws : a study of the validity of sociological generalizations / Kyung Durk Har | |
2000808613 | Social-economical studies made by the general direction of agriculture of Mexico of the Department of Fomento | v. 2 |
2000807800 | Socialism and agriculture / by Edward Carpenter, T.S. Dymond, D.C. Pedder ; & the Fabian Society | |
2000807800 | Socialism and agriculture / by Edward Carpenter, T.S. Dymond, D.C. Pedder ; & the Fabian Society | |
2000802187 | Socialism in local government / by W.G. Towler ; with introduction by Captain H.M. Jessel | |
2001234826 | Soil conditions in the Philippines / by Clarence W. Dorsey | |
3000068056 | Soil report / University of Illinois. Agricultural Experiment Station | 3-4 |
2000807807 | Some English rural problems : seven essays / by M. Sturge Gretton | |
2000404777 | Some economic consequences of the Great War / by Arthur L. Bowley | |
2000799734 | Some facts and figures about the Dutch East Indies | |
2000799734 | Some facts and figures about the Dutch East Indies | |
2000799734 | Some facts and figures about the Dutch East Indies | |
2000550173 | Some leading principles of political economy : newly expounded / by J. E. Cairnes | |
2001234689 | Some little-known insects affecting stored vegetable products : a collection of articles detailing certain original observations made upon insects of this class / by F.H. Chittenden | |
2001673500 | Some notes on medical education in England : a memorandum addressed to the president of the Board / by Sir George Newman | |
2000806644 | Some of the answers and papers : presented to the International Agricultural Congress at Budapest 1896 and statements relating to the same | |
2001103084 | Something about sugar : its history growth, manufacture and distribution / by George M. Rolph | |
2000799078 | South Carolina, Maryland, and Virginia | |
2001657688 | Souvenirs d'un Alpiniste / par E. Javelle ; avec une notice biographique et littéraire par Eugène Rambert | |
2000798230 | Soziale Bewegungen und theorien bis zur modernen Arbeiterbewegung / von Gustav Maier | |
2000583569 | Sozialisierung oder Sozialismus? : eine kritische Betrachtung über Revolutionsideale / von August Müller | |
2000812250 | Spain and Morocco : studies in local color / by Henry T. Finck | |
2001657001 | Special report on the beet-sugar industry in the United States | |
2000805171 | Specielle Landwirthschaftslehre | |
2001157878 | Specielle Steuerlehre (Praxis der Besteuerung) : die deutsche Besteuerung des 19. Jahrhunderts (Staats-, Communal- und Reichsbesteuerung) / von A. Wagner | Halbbd. 2 |
2000804408 | Specielle Steuerlehre : Geschichte, Gesetzgebung, Statistik der Besteuerung einzelner Länder | |
2000804259 | Speculation on the stock and produce exchanges of the United States / by Henry Crosby Emery | |
2000810227 | Staats= und volkswirtschaftliche Einrichtungen : zur Förderung der landwirtschaftlichen Tierzucht insbesondere in Deutschland : ein Handbuch für Staatsmänner, Verwaltungsbeamte, Vorstände und Beamte von Zuchtvereinen, Tierzuchtinspektoren, Landwirtschaftslehrer u. a. / von Robert Müller | |
2000804758 | Staatsphilosophie : ein Buch für Deutsche / von Max Wundt | |
2001230665 | Stabilizing industrial employment : reducing the labor turnover / editor in charge of this volume, Joseph H. Willits | |
2001230588 | State regulation of public utilities | |
2000798418 | Statistical abstract for the several british self-governing dominions, colonies, possessions, and protectorates in each year from 1901 to 1915 | |
2000799021 | Statistics / by William B. Bailey and John Cammings | |
2000798473 | Statistique des peuples de l'antiquité : les Égyptiens, les Hébreux, les Grecs, les Romains et les Gaulois / par Alex. Moreau de Jonnès | t. second |
3000002496 | Statistisches Jahrbuch der Schweiz / herausgegeben vom Statistischen Bureau des Eidg. Departements des Innern = Annuaire statistique de la Suisse / publié par le Bureau de statistique du Département fédéral de l'intérieur | 29 |
2001231274 | Steadying employment : with a section devoted to some facts on unemployment in Philadelphia : the investigation forming the basis for this study was carried on in the Department of Public Works of the city of Philadelphia / by Joseph H. Willits | |
2000812507 | Stockholm | |
2000806327 | Streets and highways in foreign countries : reports from the consuls of the united states on streets and highways in their several districts, in answer to a circular from the department of state | |
2000799651 | Studien zur Geschichte des römischen Kolonates / von M. Rostowzew | |
2000804205 | Studies from the Plant Physiological Laboratory of Charles University Prague / edited by B. Němec | v. 1 |
2000804604 | Sub-Alpine Plants / by H. Stuart Thompson | |
2001656982 | Sugar : cane and beet : an object lesson / by George Martineau | |
2000810113 | Sugar beet seed : history and development / by Truman G. Palmer | |
2001234721 | Sugar prices, from refiner to consumer / [by N.C. Adams] | |
2000807528 | Suggestions on rural education : together with some specimen courses of nature study, gardening, and rural economy, for schools and classes of various grades and types / by T.S. Dymond | |
2000807658 | Sul d'Angola : relatorio de um governo de distrito (1908-1910) / João de Almeida | |
2000809295 | Summaries of evidence taken before the Agricultural Policy Sub-committee of the Reconstruction Committee, appointed in August, 1916 : to consider and report upon the methods of effecting an increase in the home-grown food supplies, having regard to the need of such increase in the interests of national security | |
2000809295 | Summaries of evidence taken before the Agricultural Policy Sub-committee of the Reconstruction Committee, appointed in August, 1916 : to consider and report upon the methods of effecting an increase in the home-grown food supplies, having regard to the need of such increase in the interests of national security | |
2001234723 | Summary of the report on condition of woman and child wage earners in the United States | |
2000799835 | Sun Yat Sen : el fundador de la Republica de China / por Mariano Ponce ; con prÓlogo de Teodoro M. Kalaw | |
2000810157 | Sweet potato culture : giving full instructions from starting the plants to harvesting and storing the crop / by James Fitz | |
2000800055 | Syllabus on international relations / by Parker Thomas Moon | |
2000712425 | Syndicalism / by J. H. Harley | |
2000801845 | Syndicalisme ouvrier et syndicalisme agricole / Et. Martin Saint-Léon | |
2000799313 | System der Staats- und Rechtsphilosophie als resultat einer wissenschaftlichen menschen- und völkerkunde / von Karl Vollgraff ; neu herausgegeben von Joseph Held | |
2000802206 | Systematisches Handbuch des Kadasters : zum gebrauche der bürgermeister, Schöffenräthe, Experten, Geometer und der Besitzer liegender Güter jeder Art / von Karl Thum | |
2000485330 | Systems of land tenure in various countries : a series of essays published under the sanction of the Cobden Club / edited by J.W. Probyn | |
2000800012 | Süsserott's illustrierter Kolonial-Kalender | 1913 |
2000806246 | Table générale des principales matières contenues dans le bulletin de la société nationale d'agriculture de France / publiée par M. Louis Passy | |
2000810337 | Tachyhippodamia; or, The new secret taming horses / by Willis J. Powell ; To which is added the breaking, training, and taming horses. by J.S. Rarey | |
2000813470 | Tales of a grandfather : being the history of Scotland from the earliest period to the close of the Rebellion 1745-46 / by Sir Walter Scott | vol. 3 |
2000802093 | Taxation of land values : as it affects landowners and others / by John Orr | |
2000801155 | Taxation, from the earliest times to the Civil War / by Stephen Dowell | |
2001172102 | Tea : from grower to consumer / by A. Ibbetson | |
2000801916 | Technical survey of agricultural questions : hours of work, unemployment, protection of woman and children, technical agricultural education, living-in conditions, rights of association and combination social insurance | |
2000801723 | Ten men of money island, or, The primer of finance / by S.F. Norton | |
2000808568 | Ten years of gentleman farming at Blennerhasset : with co-operative objects / by William Lawson, Charles D. Hunter ...[et al.] | |
2000801490 | Tenure and toil, or, Rights and wrongs of property and labor / by John Gibbons | |
2000801490 | Tenure and toil, or, Rights and wrongs of property and labor / by John Gibbons | |
2000802057 | The A B C of the foreign exchanges : a practical guide / by George Clare | |
2000802058 | The ABC of stocks and shares : a handbook for the investor / Hargreaves Parkinson | |
3000003141 | The Agricultural gazette of Canada / Dominion of Canada, Department of Agriculture | 1(2-5) |
3000003141 | The Agricultural gazette of Canada / Dominion of Canada, Department of Agriculture | 1(6-7,11) |
3000003141 | The Agricultural gazette of Canada / Dominion of Canada, Department of Agriculture | 5(2-3,7) |
2000804351 | The Alpine flora / by Henry Correvon and Philippe Robert ; translated into English and enl., under the auther's sanction, by E.W. Clayforth | |
2000812603 | The Alps : in nature and history / by W.A.B. Coolidge | |
2000799960 | The American Irish and their influence on Irish politics / by Philip H. Bagenal | |
2001657072 | The American cotton industry : a study of work and workers, contributed to the Manchester Guardian / by T. M. Young ; with an introduction by Elijah Helm | |
2001657022 | The American cotton industry : a study of work and workers, contributed to the Manchester Guardian / by T. M. Young with an introduction by Elijah Helm | |
2000807661 | The American farmer / by A.M. Simons | |
2001230608 | The American industrial opportunity | |
2000934941 | The American sugar industry : a practical manual on the production of sugar beets and sugar cane, and on the manufacture of sugar therefrom : prefaced by a treatise on the economic aspects of the whole sugar question and its bearings upon American agriculture, manufactures, labor and capital / by Herbert Myrick | |
2000798017 | The Apocrypha : according to the authorised version | |
3000028502 | The Atlantic monthly : a magazine of literature, science, art, and politics | 362,404-405 |
3000028502 | The Atlantic monthly : a magazine of literature, science, art, and politics | 406,409-410 |
3000028502 | The Atlantic monthly : a magazine of literature, science, art, and politics | 411-413 |
2000813910 | The Balkans : a history of Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece, Rumania, Turkey / by Nevill Forbes ... [et al.] | |
2000798630 | The Britannic question : a survey of alternatives / by Richard Jebb | |
2000813483 | The British Empire / by Sir Charles W. Dilke | |
2000802664 | The British year book of international law | 1920-21 |
2000813092 | The Canadian commonwealth / by Agnes C. Laut | |
2000803216 | The Civil Code of Japan / translated by L.H. Loenholm | |
2000803212 | The Civil Code of Japan / translated by L.H. Lönholm | |
2000800542 | The Colonial Office list for 1912: comprising historical and statistical information respecting the colonial dependencies of Great Britain, an account of the services of the officers in the colonial service, a transcript of the colonial regulations, and other information. with maps / compiled from official records, by permission of the secretary of state for the colonies, by W.H. Mercer and A.E. Collins, and R.E. Stubbs | |
3000068086 | The Countryman : a quarterly review and miscellany of rural life and progress | 13(1) |
3000068086 | The Countryman : a quarterly review and miscellany of rural life and progress | 7(1) |
3000068086 | The Countryman : a quarterly review and miscellany of rural life and progress | 8(2) |
3000068086 | The Countryman : a quarterly review and miscellany of rural life and progress | 9(1) |
3000068060 | The Cuba Magazine | 3(1,3-7,9,12) |
3000068060 | The Cuba Magazine | 4(1-12) |
2000806140 | The Danish West Indies, 1621-1901 : commerce, production, population, area, etc / O.P. Austin | |
2000806140 | The Danish West Indies, 1621-1901 : commerce, production, population, area, etc / O.P. Austin | |
2000813087 | The Dutch East : sketches and pictures / by J. Macmillan Brown | |
2000799667 | The Dutch and Quaker colonies in America / by John Fiske | vol. 1 |
2000799667 | The Dutch and Quaker colonies in America / by John Fiske | vol. 2 |
2000798287 | The Eleusinian mysteries & rites / by Dudley Wright | |
2000809035 | The English agricultural labourer / by A.H. Baverstock ; with an introduction by G.K. Chesterton | |
2000802641 | The English land laws : being an account of their history, present features, and proposed reforms / by Samuel Moss | |
2000800063 | The European states system : a study of international relations / by R. B. Mowat | |
2001657405 | The Farm / by F. M. B., A. H. Blaikie ; described by Foster Meadow | |
2001657471 | The Farm tractor handbook / by George Sherwood | |
2000800277 | The German empire of Central Africa : as the basis of a new German world-policy / by Emil Zimmermann ; transrated from the original German with an introduction by Edwyn Bevan | |
2001658265 | The Germania, Agricola, and Dialogus de oratoribus of Tacitus : with explanatory notes / by George Stuart | |
2000686537 | The Germans and Africa : their aims on the dark continent and how they acquired their African colonies / by Evans Lewin ; with an introduction by Earl Grey | |
2000813781 | The Hohenzollern Dynasty : motive and movement / Clay MacCauley | |
2000808301 | The Indian village community : examined with reference to the physical, ethnographic, and historical conditions of the Provinces, chiefly on the basis of the revenue-settlement records and district manuals / by B.H. Baden-Powell | |
2000808301 | The Indian village community : examined with reference to the physical, ethnographic, and historical conditions of the Provinces, chiefly on the basis of the revenue-settlement records and district manuals / by B.H. Baden-Powell | |
2000808799 | The Irish land laws / by Alexander G. Richey | |
2000682630 | The Land : the report of the Land Enquiry Committee | v. 1 Rural |
2000682630 | The Land : the report of the Land Enquiry Committee | v. 1 Rural |
2000682630 | The Land : the report of the Land Enquiry Committee | v. 2 : Urban |
2000682630 | The Land : the report of the Land Enquiry Committee | v. 2 : Urban |
2000802320 | The Land question : its examination and solution, from an agricultural point of view, as illustrated by twenty-three years' experience on the Wilton House Home Farm, near salisbury, wilts, by the right honourable the Lord Herbert and Lady Herbert of Lea / analyzed by Thomas J. Elliot | |
2001657608 | The Laocoon, and other prose writings of Lessing / translated and edited by W. B. Rönnfeldt | |
2000805917 | The Law of nations considered as independent political communities : on the rights and duties of nations in time of peace / Travers Twiss | |
2000809013 | The Law of the farm : with a digest of cases, and including the agricultural customs of England and Wales / by Henry Hall Dixon | |
2000798490 | The Malthusian limit : a theory of a possible static condition for the human race / by Edward Isaacson | |
2001231270 | The Mexican constitution of 1917 compared with the constitution of 1857 / translated and arranged by H.N. Branch ; with a foreward by L.S. Rowe | |
2001230575 | The Negro's progress in fifty years / editor Emory R. Johnson [et. al] | |
2000813017 | The North-Western provinces of India : their history, ethnology, and administration / by W. Crooke | |
2000800238 | The Pacific area : an international survey / by George H. Blakeslee | |
2000813545 | The Panama gateway / by Joseph Bucklin Bishop | |
3000068059 | The Philippine craftsman | 1(6,8),3(1,4,9) |
3000068087 | The Philippine review = Revista Filipina | 1(1-3) |
2000798076 | The Pilgrim's progress : from this world to that which is to come, under the similitude of a dream / by John Bunyan | |
2000803446 | The Pocket law lexicon : explaining technical words, phrases, and maxims of the English, Scotch, and Roman law | |
2000798563 | The Reader's guide in economic, social and political science : being a classified bibliography, American, English, French and German, with descriptive notes, author, title and subject index, courses of reading, college courses, etc. / edited by R.R. Bowker and George Iles | |
2000812488 | The Russian peasantry : their agrarian condition, social life and religion / by Stepniak | |
2000742726 | The Russo-Japanese conflict : its causes and issues / by K. Asakawa ; with an introduction by Frederick Wells Williams | |
2000808640 | The Scottish highlanders and the land laws : an historico-economical enquiry / by John Stuart Blackie | |
2001658243 | The Sonnets, triumphs, and other poems of Petrarch / now first completely translated into English verse by various hands ; with a life of the poet by Thomas Campbell | |
2000797774 | The Tyanḍi-Båråbudur in Central-Java / by J. Groneman ; translated from the Dutch by A. Dolk | |
2000802982 | The agricultural and forest products of British West Africa / by Gerald C. Dudgeon | |
2000808054 | The agricultural depression and how to meet it : hints to landowners and tenant farmers / by Alfred J. Burrows | |
2000807585 | The agricultural tragedy, or, acts and actors / by A. B. Johnston ; foreword by Charles Fielding ; introduction by J. Alfred Eggar | |
3000066821 | The annual register. New ser. : a review of public events at home and abroad | 162 |
3000066821 | The annual register. New ser. : a review of public events at home and abroad | 1911 |
2001657104 | The art of boot and shoemaking : a practical handbook including measurement, last-fitting, cutting-out, closing, and making : with a description of the most approved machinery employed / by John Bedford Leno | |
2000808996 | The art of valuing rents and tillages : and claims of tenants upon quitting farms at both Michaelmas and Lady-Day / as originally written by Bayldon and edited by Robert Baker | |
2000813195 | The autobiography of Arthur Young, with selections from his correspondence / ... edited by M. Betham-Edwards | |
2001230689 | The automobile : its province and its problems / editor in charge of this volume, Clyde L. King | |
2000802212 | The banking problem / by G. Vissering | |
2000805120 | The barge canal system being constructed by the state of New York / John A. Bensel, Alexander E. Kastl | |
2001207548 | The beginnings of agriculture in America / by Lyman Carrier | |
2000799993 | The biology of British politics / Charles H. Harvey | |
2000797909 | The book of Epictetus : being the Enchiridion together with chapters from the discourses and selections from the fragments of Epictetus / selected and arranged by T.W. Rolleston ; from the translation of Elizabeth Carter ; with an introductory essay by Dean Farrar | |
2000804629 | The book of birds : the first work presenting in full color all the major species of the United States and Canada / edited by Gilbert Grosvenor and Alexander Wetmore ; narrative by Arthur A. Allen ... [et al.] | v. 1 |
2000804629 | The book of birds : the first work presenting in full color all the major species of the United States and Canada / edited by Gilbert Grosvenor and Alexander Wetmore ; narrative by Arthur A. Allen ... [et al.] | v. 2 |
2000804742 | The book of stars for young people / by G.E. Mitton | |
2000812444 | The book of wheat : an economic history and practical manual of the wheat industry / by Peter Tracy Dondlinger | |
2000805173 | The book of wild flowers : an introduction to the ways of plant life, together with biographies of 250 representative species and chapters on our state flowers and familiar grasses / William Joseph Showalter ... [et al.] | |
2000800422 | The breakdown of American diplomacy in the Far East / by George Bronson Rea | |
2001658211 | The bride of Corinth : and other poems & plays / by Anatole France ; a translation by Wilfrid Jackson & Emilie Jackson | |
2000802159 | The business of finance / by Hartley Withers | |
2000498250 | The business side of agriculture / by Arthur G.L. Rogers | |
2000388898 | The changing fabric of Japan / by M.D. Kennedy | |
2001234597 | The city agriculturist / by W.H. Clarke | |
2000424569 | The civil code of Japan / translated by L.H. Loenholm | |
2001657136 | The classic myths in English literature : based chiefly on Bulfinch's "Age of fable" (1855) / accompanied by an interpretative and illustrative commentary by Charles Mills Gayley | |
2000823122 | The coast Indians of southern Alaska and northern British Columbia : based on the collections in the U.S. National Museum, and on the personal observation of the writer in connection with the survey of Alaska in the seasons of 1885, 1886 and 1887 / by Albert P. Niblack | |
2000806272 | The code of agriculture, including observations on gardens, orchards, woods and plantations : with an account of all the recent improvements in the management of arable and grass lands / by Sir John Sinclair | |
2000410116 | The collected papers of John Westlake on public international law / edited by L. Oppenheim | |
2001657533 | The coming race / by Lord Lytton | |
2000803735 | The commercial code of Japan / translated by Ludwig Lönholm | |
2000800450 | The commonwealth of Australia : its development and resources / Evans Lewin | |
2000810605 | The companion for the orchard : an historical and botanical account of fruits known in Great Britain / by Henry Phillips | |
2000741746 | The conservation of natural resources in the United States / by Charles Richard Van Hise | |
2000804727 | The conservation of water / by John L. Mathews | |
2001231326 | The consumer's control of production: the work of the national consumers' league | |
2000799557 | The continental outcast : land colonies and poor law relief / by Wilson Carlile and Victor W. Carlile | |
2000810660 | The corn and cattle producing districts of France / by George Gibson Richardson | |
2000713850 | The corn crops : a discussion of maize, kafirs, and sorghums as grown in the United States and Canada / by E.G. Montgomery | |
2000807903 | The cottage homes of England : the case against the housing system in rural districts / by W. Walter Crotch | |
2000809988 | The cotton plant : its history, botany, chemistry, culture, enemies, and uses / prepared under the supervision of A.C. True ; with an introduction by Charles W. Dabney, Jr | |
2000807573 | The country church and the rural problem : the Carew lectures at Hartford theological seminary / by Kenyon L. Butterfield | |
2000808291 | The country town : a study of rural evolution / by Wilbert L. Anderson | |
2000802649 | The coöperative commonwealth : in its outlines : an exposition of modern socialism / by Laurence Gronlund | |
2000831766 | The crescent and the cross, or, Romance and realities of eastern travel / by Eliot Warburton | v. 1 |
2000798346 | The crimes of England / by G.K. Chesterton | |
2000805528 | The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex / by Charles Darwin | |
2000797558 | The development of Japanese journalism / by Kanesada Hanazono | |
2000802537 | The distribution of ownership / by Joseph Harding Underwood | |
2000802752 | The distribution of products, or, The mechanism and the metaphysics of exchange : three essays / by Edward Atkinson | |
2000799208 | The duties of the state / compiled by Keigyosha and Maruya | |
2000799328 | The economic basis of politics / by Charles A. Beard | |
2000801688 | The economic causes of great fortunes / by Anna Youngman | |
2000801881 | The economic doctrines of Karl Marx / by Karl Kautsky ; translated by H.J. Stenning | |
2000404957 | The economic organisation of England : an outline history / by Sir William Ashley | |
2000803231 | The economic policy of Colbert / A.J. Sargent | |
2000800739 | The economic principles of Confucius and his school / by Chen Huan-chang | v. 1 |
2000800739 | The economic principles of Confucius and his school / by Chen Huan-chang | v. 2 |
2000801376 | The economic utilization of history and other economic studies / by Henry W. Farnam | |
2000801086 | The economics of commerce : a manual for business men / H. de B. Gibbins | |
2000812901 | The economics of land reclamation in the United States / Ray P. Teele | |
2000802688 | The economy and finance of the war : being a discussion of the real costs of the war and the way in which they should be met / by A.C. Pigou | |
2001673493 | The education schemes of the United Kingdom and Dominion Forces : four lectures delivered under the auspices of the Imperial Studies Committee of the Royal Colonial Institute during the Session 1918-1919 / Royal Colonial Institute | |
2000803834 | The effect of the world war upon the commerce and industry of Japan / commerce, by Kakujiro Yamasaki ; industry, by Gotaro Ogawa | |
2000803025 | The efficient control of production / by Thos. W. Fazakerley | |
2000825403 | The elements of agricultural geology : a scientific aid to practical farming / by Primrose McConnell | |
2000808786 | The elements of agricultural law / by A. Pearce Higgins | |
2000803224 | The elements of commercial law / by Albert S. Bolles | |
2000797804 | The elements of deductive logic : designed mainly for the use of junior students in the universities / by Thomas Fowler | |
2000484569 | The elements of forestry : designed to afford information concerning the planting and care of forest trees for ornament or profit and giving suggestions upon the creation and care of woodlands with the view of securing the greatest benefit for the longest time, particulary adapted to the wants and conditions of the United States / by Franklin B. Hough | |
2000802486 | The elements of jurisprudence / by Thomas Erskin Holland | |
2000799302 | The end of villainage in England / by Thomas Walker Page | |
2000813898 | The establishment of Spanish rule in America : an introduction to the history and politics of Spanish America / by Bernard Moses | |
2001027940 | The european transport situation = La situation des transports en europe | |
2000957907 | The evolution of geography : a sketch of the rise and progress of geographical knowledge from the earliest times to the first circumnavigation of the globe / by John Keane | |
2000957907 | The evolution of geography : a sketch of the rise and progress of geographical knowledge from the earliest times to the first circumnavigation of the globe / by John Keane | |
2000805419 | The evolution of man : a popular exposition of the principal points of human ontogeny and phylogeny / Ernst Haeckel | Vol. 1. |
2000805419 | The evolution of man : a popular exposition of the principal points of human ontogeny and phylogeny / Ernst Haeckel | Vol. 2. |
2000802172 | The evolution of modern money / by William Warrand Carlile | |
2000801795 | The evolution of property from savagery to civilization / by Paul Lafargue | |
2000797784 | The expression of the emotions in man and animals / by Charles Darwin ; edited by Francis Darwin | |
2000498474 | The farmer's business handbook : a manual of simple farm accounts and of brief advice on rural law / by Isaac Phillips Roberts | |
2000806255 | The farmer's dictionary : a vocabulary of the technical terms recently introduced into agriculture and horticulture from various sciences, and also a compendium of practical farming, the latter chiefly from the works of the rev. W.L. Rham, Loudon, Low, and Youatt, and the most eminent American authors / edited by D.P. Gardner | |
2000806255 | The farmer's dictionary : a vocabulary of the technical terms recently introduced into agriculture and horticulture from various sciences, and also a compendium of practical farming, the latter chiefly from the works of the rev. W.L. Rham, Loudon, Low, and Youatt, and the most eminent American authors / edited by D.P. Gardner | |
2000804998 | The farmer's veterinary adviser : a guide to the prevention and treatment of disease in the domestic animals / by James Law | |
2001230425 | The federal census : critical essays by members of the American economic association / collected and edired by a special committee | |
2001160937 | The fertility of the soil / by Edward John Russell | |
2000797802 | The fighting instinct / by Pierre Bovet ; authorised English translation by J.Y.T. Greig | |
2000804158 | The folk-lore of plants / by T.F. Thiselton Dyer | |
2000810805 | The food of the gods (Θεω βρωαμ [i.e. Θεωβρωαμ]) : a popular account of cocoa / by Brandon Head | |
2001657606 | The fool in Christ : Emanuel Quint : a novel / by Gerhart Hauptmann ; translated by Thomas Seltzer | |
2000803157 | The foreign relations of the United States / edited by Henry Raymond Mussey and Stephen Pierce Duggan | Pt. 2 |
2000798429 | The foundations of society and the land : a review of the social systems of the middle ages in Britain, their growth and their decay, with a special reference to land user, supplemented by some observations on the connection with modern conditions / by J.W. Jeudwine | |
2000802243 | The functions of money : a handbook dealing with the subject in its practical, theoretical, and historical aspects / by William F. Spalding | |
2000807222 | The future of British agriculture : How farmers may best be benefited / by Sheldon | |
2000551744 | The future of our agriculture / by Henry W. Wolff | |
2000800153 | The future of party politics / F.W. Raffety | |
2000798251 | The grange : study in the science of society, practically illustrated by events in current history / by Gracchus Americanus | |
2001657522 | The green fairy book / edited by Andrew Lang ; with numerous illustrations by H.J. Ford | |
2000798094 | The groping giant : revolutionary Russia as seen by an American democrat / by William Adams Brown | |
2000804396 | The growth of English industry and commerce during the early and Middle Ages / by W. Cunningham | |
2001658025 | The handy atlas and world gazetteer | |
2001092899 | The history of Don Quixote de la Mancha / by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra ; [introduction by J.G. Lockhart] | v. 2 |
2000802441 | The history of land tenure in Ireland / by William Ernest Montgomery | |
2000813444 | The history of the Thirty Years' War / by Frederick Schiller ; tr. from the German by the rev. A. J. W. Morrison | |
2000804968 | The history of the hen fever : a humorous record / by George Pickering Burnham | |
2000815623 | The history of the rebellion and civil wars in England, together with an historical view of the affairs of Ireland / by Edward Earl of Clarendon ; now for the first time carefully printed from the original ms. preserved in the Bodleian library. to which are subjoined the notes of Bishop Warburton | v. 1 |
2000815623 | The history of the rebellion and civil wars in England, together with an historical view of the affairs of Ireland / by Edward Earl of Clarendon ; now for the first time carefully printed from the original ms. preserved in the Bodleian library. to which are subjoined the notes of Bishop Warburton | v. 2 |
2000815623 | The history of the rebellion and civil wars in England, together with an historical view of the affairs of Ireland / by Edward Earl of Clarendon ; now for the first time carefully printed from the original ms. preserved in the Bodleian library. to which are subjoined the notes of Bishop Warburton | v. 3 |
2000815623 | The history of the rebellion and civil wars in England, together with an historical view of the affairs of Ireland / by Edward Earl of Clarendon ; now for the first time carefully printed from the original ms. preserved in the Bodleian library. to which are subjoined the notes of Bishop Warburton | v. 4 |
2000815623 | The history of the rebellion and civil wars in England, together with an historical view of the affairs of Ireland / by Edward Earl of Clarendon ; now for the first time carefully printed from the original ms. preserved in the Bodleian library. to which are subjoined the notes of Bishop Warburton | v. 5 |
2000815623 | The history of the rebellion and civil wars in England, together with an historical view of the affairs of Ireland / by Edward Earl of Clarendon ; now for the first time carefully printed from the original ms. preserved in the Bodleian library. to which are subjoined the notes of Bishop Warburton | v. 6 |
2000815623 | The history of the rebellion and civil wars in England, together with an historical view of the affairs of Ireland / by Edward Earl of Clarendon ; now for the first time carefully printed from the original ms. preserved in the Bodleian library. to which are subjoined the notes of Bishop Warburton | v. 7 |
2000804282 | The human factor in industry / by Lee K. Frankel and Alexander Fleisher ; with the cooperation of Laura S. Seymour | |
2000804739 | The human machine and industrial efficiency / by Frederic S. Lee | |
2001657133 | The ideal of a gentleman : or, A mirror for gentlefolks / by A. Smythe-Palmer | |
2000803552 | The imperial organization of trade / Geoffrey Drage | |
2000804413 | The industrial and commercial history of England : lectures delivered to the University of Oxford / by James E. Thorold Rogers ; edited by Arthur G.L. Rogers | |
2000806646 | The industrial development and commercial policies of the three Scandinavian countries / by Povl Drachmann ; edited by Harald Westergaard | |
2000476648 | The industrial revolution / by Charles Beard ; with a preface by F. York Powell | |
2000807111 | The industries of Japan : together with an account of its agriculture, forestry, arts, and commerce : from travels and researches undertaken at the cost of the Russian govenment / by J. J. Rein | |
2000800690 | The industry and trade of Japan / by S. Uyehara | |
2001230895 | The initiative, referendum and recall | |
2000800262 | The international relations of Manchuria : a digest and analysis of treaties, agreements, and negotiations concerning the three eastern provinces of China : prepared for the 1929 conference of the Institute of Pacific Relations in Kyoto, Japan / by C. Walter Young | |
2000799686 | The island dependencies of Japan : an account of the Islands that have passed under Japanese control since the restoration, 1867-1912 / by Charlotte M. Salwey ; illustrated with special maps, together with pencil drawings by Jasper Salwey | |
2000813129 | The island of Formosa, past and present : history, people, resources, and commercial prospects : tea, camphor, sugar, gold, coal, sulphur, economical plants, and other productions / by James W. Davidson | |
2000812790 | The land : agriculture and national economy / by Christopher Turnor ; with a foreword by Lord Bledisloe | |
2000551956 | The land and the community in three books / by S.W. Thackeray | |
2000551958 | The land and the empire / by Christopher Turnor | |
2000806956 | The land and the labourers : facts and experiments in cottage farming and co-operative agriculture / by Charles William Stubbs | |
2000809193 | The land and the nation : rural report of the Liberal Land Committee, 1923-25 | |
2000807469 | The land and the soldier / by Frederic C. Howe | |
2000812854 | The land hunger : life under monopoly : descriptive letters and other testimonies from those who have suffered / with an introduction by Mrs. Cobden Unwin ; and an essay by Brougham Villiers | |
2000802097 | The land or revolution / R.L. Outhwaite | |
2000802097 | The land or revolution / R.L. Outhwaite | |
2000551737 | The land problem : an impartial survey / by "Home Counties" (J.W. Robertson Scott) | |
2000802289 | The land question in North Wales : being a brief survey of the history, origin, and character of the agrarian agitation and of the nature and effect of the proceedings of the welsh land commission / by J.E. Vincent | |
2000802333 | The land question in South Wales : a defence of the landowners of South Wales and Monmouthshire / by J.E. Vincent | |
2000802445 | The land question solved / by Robert Murray ; with a foreword by Robert Smillie | |
2000808519 | The landed interest / by T. H. Garside | |
2000810094 | The landed interest and the supply of food / by James Caird | |
2000809894 | The larch : a practical treatise on its culture and general management / by Christopher Young Michie | |
2000551926 | The law concerning farms, farmers and farm laborers together with the game laws of all the states / by Henry Austin | |
2000798449 | The law of births and deaths : being a study of the variation in the degree of animal fertility under the influence of the environment / by Charles Edward Pell | |
2001658282 | The law of civilization and decay : an essay on history / by Brooks Adams | |
2000803091 | The law of nations considered as independent political communities : on the rights and duties of nations in time of war / by Travers Twiss | |
2000808901 | The law of the farm : a treatise on the leading titles of the law involved in farming business and litigation / by A. W. Thompson | |
2000801630 | The laws governing factory and building inspection and compulsory education | |
2000680631 | The legacy of Greece / essays by Gilbert Murray ... [et al.] ; editied by R.W. Livingstone | |
2000813268 | The life of Sir Rowland Hill, and the history of penny postage / by Sir Rowland Hill and George Birkbeck Hill | vol. 1 |
2000813560 | The life of Sir Stamford Raffles / by Demetrius Charles Boulger | |
2000813560 | The life of Sir Stamford Raffles / by Demetrius Charles Boulger | |
2000804229 | The lives of plants : a botanical reader for the schools of the Philippine Islands / by John W. Ritchie | |
2000807539 | The making of rural Europe / Helen Douglas Irvine | |
2001657158 | The man with the hoe and other poems / by Edwin Markham | |
2000812290 | The minimum protein requirement for growing dairy heifers | |
2000809520 | The modern farmer in his business relations : a study of some of the principles underlying the art of profitable farming and marketing, and of the interests of farmers as affected by modern social and economic conditions and forces / by Edward F. Adams | |
2000802062 | The money, and the stock and share markets / by Emil Davies | |
2000801726 | The national system of political economy / by Friedrich List ; translated by Sampson S. Lloyd | |
2000804706 | The new agriculture, or, the waters led captive : illustrated / by A.N. Cole | |
2000595948 | The new dictionary of statistics : a complement to the fourth edition of Mulhall's "Dictionary of statistics" / by Augustus D. Webb | |
2000800216 | The new map of Africa (1900-1916) : a history of European colonial expansion and colonial diplomacy / by Herbert Adams Gibbons | |
2000813890 | The new map of Asia (1900-1919) / by Herbert Adams Gibbons | |
2000803483 | The official guide-book to Kyoto and the allied prefectures : prepared specially for the eleven hundredth anniversary of the founding of Kyoto and the fourth National Industrial Exhibition / by The City Council of Kyoto | |
2001657113 | The old English gardening books / by Eleanour Sinclair Rohde | |
2000803230 | The origin & growth of the English colonies and of their system of government / Hugh Edward Egerton | |
2000820703 | The origin of property in land / by Fustel de Coulanges ; translated by Margaret Ashley ; with an introductory chapter on the English manor by W.J. Ashley | |
2000806048 | The origin of species by means of natural selection, or, The preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life / by Charles Darwin | |
2001230900 | The outlook for industrial peace | |
2001656976 | The output problem / by J.E. Powell | |
2000381561 | The passing of politics / by William Kay Wallace | |
2000805101 | The patrons of husbandry on the pacific coast / by Ezra S. Carr | |
2001030137 | The peasants war in Germany, 1525-1526 / by Belfort Bax | |
2000682557 | The penetration of money economy in Japan and its effects upon social and political institutions / by Matsuyo Takizawa | |
2000805039 | The physical geography of the sea / by M.F. Maury | |
2000801860 | The physiocrats : six lectures on the French économistes of the 18th century / by Henry Higgs | |
2000726439 | The physiology of industry : being an exposure of certain fallacies in existing theories of economics / by A.F. Mummery and J.A. Hobson | |
2000812895 | The pioneers of land reform : Thomas Spence, William Ogilvie, Thomas Paine / with an introduction by M. Beer | |
2000812895 | The pioneers of land reform : Thomas Spence, William Ogilvie, Thomas Paine / with an introduction by M. Beer | |
2000807104 | The pleasant land of France / by Rowland E. Prothero | |
2000800104 | The political and economic organization of modern Japan / by Gregory Wilenkin | |
2000799249 | The political development of Japan, 1867-1909 / by George Etsujiro Uyehara | |
2000552496 | The political ideas of modern Japan / by Karl Kiyoshi Kawakami | |
2000798732 | The political writings of Richard Cobden / with a preface by Lord Welby ; introductions by Sir Louis Mallet, and William Cullen Bryant ; notes by F.W. Chesson and a bibliography | v. 1 |
2000798732 | The political writings of Richard Cobden / with a preface by Lord Welby ; introductions by Sir Louis Mallet, and William Cullen Bryant ; notes by F.W. Chesson and a bibliography | v. 2 |
2000799064 | The politics of Aristotle, a revised text : books I.-V. / with introduction analysis and commentary by Franz Susemihl and R.D. Hicks | |
2000800273 | The poor and the land being a report on the Salvation Army colonies in the United States and at Hadleigh, England with scheme of National Land Settlement and an introduction / by H. Rider Haggard | |
2000800322 | The postulates of English political economy / by the late Walter Bagehot ; with a preface by Alfred Marshall | |
2000805362 | The practical farmer : embodying a treatise on temporary and permanent pastures, alternate husbandry, root and forage crops, farm pests weeds, etc., and agricultural plants generally | |
2000809975 | The practical poultry keeper : a complete and standard guide to the management of poultry, whether for domestic use, the markets, of exhibition / by L. Wright | |
2000804199 | The practical value of birds / by Junius Henderson | |
2001230652 | The present labor situation : compulsory investigation and arbitration | |
2000797554 | The press and politics in Japan : a study of the relation between the newspaper and the political development of modern Japan / by Kisaburō Kawabé | |
2000803826 | The press on commercial gambling / compiled by Charles W. Smith | |
2001230679 | The price of coal, anthracite and bituminous / editors in charge of this volume Clyde L. King ; with supplement on a centenary of the monroe dogtrine edited by L.S. Rowe | |
2000799394 | The principle of nationalities / by Israel Zangwill | |
2000490144 | The principles and practice of politics from The Times : edited as a text-book of current standard political English / by Munenao Yamasaki | |
2000804213 | The principles of insurance : a guide to the principles and practice of accident, fire, marine, and life insurance / by J. Alfred Eke | |
2000806356 | The principles of practical agriculture / by Albert D. Thaer ; translated by William Shaw, and Cuthbert W. Johnson | |
2000799256 | The principles of state interference : four essays on the political philosophy of Mr. Herbert Spencer, J.S. Mill, and T.H. Green / by David G. Ritchie | |
2000803520 | The problem of armaments : a book for every citizen of every country / by Arthur Guy Enock | |
2000804736 | The problem of race-regeneration / by Havelock Ellis | |
2000797715 | The problems of philosophy / by Bertrand Russell | |
2000798352 | The prospects of industrial civilization / by Bertrand Russell ; in collaboration with Dora Russell | |
2000801961 | The protection of eyesight in industry : problems of industrial lighting / International Labour Office | |
2000809600 | The protection of woodlands against dangers arising from organic and inorganic causes as re-arranged for the 4th ed. of Kauschinger's "Waldschutz" / by Hermann Fürst ; authers tr., with numerous notes by John Nisbet | |
2000802418 | The public economy of the Athenians : with notes and a copious index / by Augustus Boeckh ; translated from the 2nd. german ed. by Anthony Lamb | |
2001234632 | The purposes and ideals of the Mexican revolution / by Luis Cabrera ... [et al.] | |
2000798070 | The races of Europe : a sociological study (Lowell Institute lectures) / by William Z. Ripley | [text] |
2000593729 | The reconstruction of economic theory / by Simon N. Patten | |
2000801552 | The relations of economic science to social and political action / by J.E. Thorold Rogers | |
2000406408 | The restoration of trade union conditions / by Sidney Webb | |
2000802751 | The return to protection : being a re-statement of the case for free trade / by William Smart | |
2000807449 | The return to the land / by Jules Méline ; with a preface by Justin McCarthy | |
2001658181 | The revolt of the angels / by Anatole France ; translated by Mrs. Wilfrid Jackson | |
2001657163 | The rising corn : a novel / by René Bazin | |
2000809370 | The rural cyclopedia, or, A general dictionary of agriculture, and of the arts, sciences, instruments, and practice, necessary to the farmer, stockfarmer, gardener, forester, landsteward, farrier, & c. / edited by John M. Wilson | v. 1 |
2000809370 | The rural cyclopedia, or, A general dictionary of agriculture, and of the arts, sciences, instruments, and practice, necessary to the farmer, stockfarmer, gardener, forester, landsteward, farrier, & c. / edited by John M. Wilson | v. 2 |
2000809370 | The rural cyclopedia, or, A general dictionary of agriculture, and of the arts, sciences, instruments, and practice, necessary to the farmer, stockfarmer, gardener, forester, landsteward, farrier, & c. / edited by John M. Wilson | v. 3 |
2000809370 | The rural cyclopedia, or, A general dictionary of agriculture, and of the arts, sciences, instruments, and practice, necessary to the farmer, stockfarmer, gardener, forester, landsteward, farrier, & c. / edited by John M. Wilson | v. 4 |
2000807725 | The rural economy of England, Scotland, and Ireland / by Léonce de Lavergne ; translated from French with notes by a Scottish farmer | |
2000808689 | The rural economy of Norfolk : comprising the management of landed estates, and the present practice of husbandry in that county / By Mr. Marshall | v. 1 |
2000808689 | The rural economy of Norfolk : comprising the management of landed estates, and the present practice of husbandry in that county / By Mr. Marshall | v. 2 |
2000808684 | The rural economy of the midland counties : including the management of livestock in Leicestershire and its environs: together with minutes on agriculture and planting in the district of the midland station / By Mr. Marshall | v. 2 |
2000551727 | The rural life problem of the United States / notes of an Irish observer by Horace Plunkett | |
2000813485 | The savage South Seas / painted by Norman. H. Hardy ; described by E. Way Elkington | |
2000802428 | The science of finance / by Gustav Cohn ; translated by T.B. Veblen | |
2000802329 | The science of finance : an investigation of public expenditures and public revenues / by Henry Carter Adams | |
2000800707 | The science of wealth : a manual of political economy, embracing the laws of trade, currency, and finance / by Amasa Walker | |
2000800307 | The secret treaties and understandings : text of the available documents / with introductory comments and explanatory notes by F. Seymour Cocks and a preface by Charles Trevelyan | |
2000799486 | The shame of the cities / by Lincoln Steffens | |
2000803489 | The silent trade : a contribution to the early history of human intercourse / by P.J. Hamilton Grierson | |
2000813160 | The situation in Egypt : address delivered to the Eighty Club on December 15th,1908 / by The Earl of Cromer | |
2000800150 | The small holdings and allotments handbook : including the text of all the Acts / by Corrie Grant ; with a foreword by Earl Carrington | |
2000809483 | The small holdings of England : a survey of various existing systems / by L. Jebb | |
2000812520 | The soul of Denmark / by Shaw Desmond | |
2000675800 | The special population census of Formosa, 1905 : report of the Committee of the Formosan Special Census Investigation | |
2000675800 | The special population census of Formosa, 1905 : report of the Committee of the Formosan Special Census Investigation | |
2000864812 | The standard library cyclopædia of political, constitutional, statistical and forensic knowledge : forming a work of universal reference on subjects of civil administration, political economy, finance, commerce, laws and social relations | v. 3. Fac-Par |
2000804023 | The staple trades of the empire / by various writers ; edited by Arthur Percival Newton | |
2000808933 | The state and the farmer / by L.H. Bailey | |
2000808933 | The state and the farmer / by L.H. Bailey | |
2001481250 | The statesman's year-book : statistical and historical annual of the states of the world / edited by J. Scott Keltie ; with the assistance of I.P.A. Renwick | 25th ed.: 1888 |
2001481250 | The statesman's year-book : statistical and historical annual of the states of the world / edited by J. Scott Keltie ; with the assistance of I.P.A. Renwick | 35th ed.: 1898 |
2001481250 | The statesman's year-book : statistical and historical annual of the states of the world / edited by J. Scott Keltie ; with the assistance of I.P.A. Renwick | 40th ed.: 1903 |
2001481250 | The statesman's year-book : statistical and historical annual of the states of the world / edited by J. Scott Keltie ; with the assistance of I.P.A. Renwick | 42th ed.: 1905 |
2001481250 | The statesman's year-book : statistical and historical annual of the states of the world / edited by J. Scott Keltie ; with the assistance of I.P.A. Renwick | 43th ed.: 1906 |
2001481250 | The statesman's year-book : statistical and historical annual of the states of the world / edited by J. Scott Keltie ; with the assistance of I.P.A. Renwick | 44th ed.: 1907 |
2001481250 | The statesman's year-book : statistical and historical annual of the states of the world / edited by J. Scott Keltie ; with the assistance of I.P.A. Renwick | 45th ed.: 1908 |
2001481250 | The statesman's year-book : statistical and historical annual of the states of the world / edited by J. Scott Keltie ; with the assistance of I.P.A. Renwick | 46th ed.: 1909 |
2001481250 | The statesman's year-book : statistical and historical annual of the states of the world / edited by J. Scott Keltie ; with the assistance of I.P.A. Renwick | 47th ed.: 1910 |
2001481250 | The statesman's year-book : statistical and historical annual of the states of the world / edited by J. Scott Keltie ; with the assistance of I.P.A. Renwick | 48th ed.: 1911 |
2001481250 | The statesman's year-book : statistical and historical annual of the states of the world / edited by J. Scott Keltie ; with the assistance of I.P.A. Renwick | 51th ed.: 1914 |
2001481250 | The statesman's year-book : statistical and historical annual of the states of the world / edited by J. Scott Keltie ; with the assistance of I.P.A. Renwick | 67th ed.: 1930 |
2001481250 | The statesman's year-book : statistical and historical annual of the states of the world / edited by J. Scott Keltie ; with the assistance of I.P.A. Renwick | 68th ed.: 1931 |
3000060621 | The statistical year-book of Canada / the Department of Agriculture | 1898 |
2000803637 | The statutes relating to National Health Insurance and regulations : affecting the Administration of Approved Societies : provisional issue | |
2000802051 | The stock exchange : a short study of investment and speculation / by Francis W. Hirst | |
2000809400 | The story of a grain of wheat / by William C. Edgar | |
2001657520 | The story of an African farm : a novel / by Ralph Iron (Olive Schreiner) | |
2000810709 | The story of corn and the westward migration / by Eugene Clyde Brooks | |
2000810783 | The story of forest and stream / by James Rodway | |
2001151363 | The story of sugar / by George Thomas Surface | |
2001657502 | The story of the soil : from the basis of absolute science and real life / by Cyril G. Hopkins | |
2000800703 | The students' Marx : an introduction to the study of Karl Marx' Capital / by Edward Aveling | |
2000805602 | The study of the weather / by E.H. Chapman | |
2000820102 | The sugar industry in the Island of Negros / by Herbert S. Walker | |
2001656963 | The sugar question as it affects the consumer / by M.B. Dureau ; edited by Joseph Travers & Sons | |
2000809993 | The sugar-beet in America / by F.S. Harris | |
2000813740 | The ten foot square hut and Tales of the Heike : being two 13th century Japanese classics, "The Hojoki" and selections from "The Heike Monogatari" / tr. by A. L. Sadler | |
2000406683 | The theory of stock exchange speculation / by Arthur Crump | |
2000803528 | The theory of the foreign exchanges / by George J. Goschen | |
2000801883 | The theory of value : complete / by Karl Marx | |
2000809807 | The timber pines of the Southern United States / by Charles Mohr ; together with a discussion of the structure of their wood by Filibert Roth | |
2000744210 | The tragedy of waste / by Stuart Chase | |
2000804887 | The transactions of the First World Power Conference : London, June 30th to July 12th, 1924 | Index |
2000807439 | The transition in agriculture / by Edwin A. Pratt | |
2001657936 | The travels and surprising adventures of Baron Munchausen / illustrated by Alfred Crowquill | |
2001658057 | The tree-dwellers / by Katharine Elizabeth Dopp | |
2000798020 | The tribal system in Wales : being part of an inquiry into the structure and methods of tribal society / by Frederic Seebohm | |
2000808858 | The tribal system in Wales : being part of an inquiry into the structure and methods of tribal society / by Frederic Seebohm | |
2000802761 | The trust : its book : being a presentation of the several aspects of the latest form of industrial evolution / by Charles R. Flint ... [et al.] ; edited by James H. Bridge | |
2000805432 | The variation of animals and plants under domestication / by Charles Darwin : authorized edition, with a preface by Asa Gray | v. 1 |
2000805432 | The variation of animals and plants under domestication / by Charles Darwin : authorized edition, with a preface by Asa Gray | v. 2 |
2001657150 | The vision of William concerning Piers the Plowman / by William Langley (or Langland) according to the version rev. and enl. by the author about A.D. 1377 ; edited by Walter W. Skeat | |
2000808198 | The visit of the tenant-farmer delegates to Canada in 1890 / reports of Arthur Daniel ... [et al.] | |
2000801523 | The wages question : a treatise on wages and the wages class / by Francis A. Walker | |
2000805504 | The wanderings of plants and animals : from their first home / by Victor Hehn ; edited by James Steven Stallybrass | |
2000813791 | The war in Africa 1914-1917 and in the Far East 1914 / by H. C. O'Neill | |
2000810728 | The wheat industry for use in schools / by N.A. Bengtson and Donee Griffith | |
2000802986 | The wheat problem : based on remarks made in the presidential address to the British Association at Bristol in 1898 / revised, with an answer to various critics by William Crookes ; with chapters on the future wheat supply of the United States, by Mr. C. Wood Davis, of Peotone, Kansas, and the Hon. John Hyde, chief statistician in the Department of Agriculture, Washington | |
2001658192 | The white stone / by Anatole France ; translated by Charles E. Roche | |
2000962742 | The wicker work woman : a chronicle of out own times / by Anatole France ; a translation by M.P. Willcocks | |
2000804733 | The wild flowers of California : their names, haunts and habits / by Mary Elizabeth Parsons ; illustrated by Margaret Warriner Buck | |
2000803228 | The wild rice gatherers of the upper lakes : a study in American primitive economics / by Albert Ernest Jenks | |
2000797746 | The will to believe and other essays in popular philosophy / by William James | |
2000802744 | The wisdom of the wise : three lectures on free trade imperialism / by W. Cunningham | |
2000804117 | The wool industry : commercial problems of the American woolen and worsted manufacture / by Paul T. Cherington | |
2000801830 | The work of Wall Street / by Sereno S. Pratt | |
2000013289 | The world almanac and book of facts | 1929 |
2000807652 | The world and its commerce : a primer of commercial geography | |
2001170889 | The world's cane sugar industry : past and present / by H.C. Prinsen Geerligs | |
2000726235 | The world's commercial products : a descriptive account of the economic plants of the world and of their commercial uses / by W.G. Freeman and S.E. Chandler ; with contributions by T.A. Henry, C.E. Jones and E.H. Wilson | |
2001230672 | The world's food / editor in charge of this volume, Clyde L. King | |
2000801827 | The world's industrial parliament : being a short, popular account of the International Labour Organization set up by the covenant of the League of Nations / by E.M. Oliver ; with a foreword by Viscount Burnham | |
2001657003 | The world's sugar production and consumption : showing the statistical position of sugar at the close of the nineteenth century / Treasury Department, Bureau of Statistics ; O.P. Austin | |
2000551930 | Theoretische Einleitung in die Agrarpolitik | |
2000522903 | Theoretische Socialökonomik / von Heinrich Dietzel | Bd. 1 |
2000799511 | Thirty years of colonial government : a selection from the despatches and letters of the Right Hon. Sir George Ferguson Bowen / edited by Stanley Lane-Poole | v. 1 |
2000799511 | Thirty years of colonial government : a selection from the despatches and letters of the Right Hon. Sir George Ferguson Bowen / edited by Stanley Lane-Poole | v. 2 |
2000813181 | Through Siberia : an empire in the making / by R.L. Wright and Bassett Digby | |
2000813158 | Through Siberia : the land of the future / by Fridtjof Nansen ; translated by Arthur G. Chater | |
2000802286 | Théorie de la rente foncière / par P.-A. Boutron | |
2000804609 | Tidal lands : a study of shore problems / by Alfred E. Carey & F. W. Oliver | |
2000804609 | Tidal lands : a study of shore problems / by Alfred E. Carey & F. W. Oliver | |
2000804419 | Tillage, trade and invention : an outline of industrial history / by George Townsend Warner | |
2001230661 | Timber bonds as investment securities / [collected and edited by T. S. McGrath] | |
2000813439 | To California over the Santa Fe Trail / by C.A. Higgins ; illustrations by J.T. McCutcheon, Carl N.Werntz & John W.Norton | |
2000800411 | Traffics and discoveries / by Rudyard Kipling | |
2000806696 | Transactions of the Third International Congress of Tropical Agriculture : held at the Imperial Institute, London, S.W. June 23rd to 30th, 1914 | |
2000804700 | Trees / by Janet Harvey Kelman | |
2000804751 | Trees : in nature, myth and art / by J. Ernest Phythian | |
2000812422 | Tripoli and young Italy / by Charles Lapworth ; in collaboration with Miss Helen Zimmern | |
2000803423 | Trusts, pools and corporations / edited with an introduction by William Z. Ripley | |
2000813210 | Turgot / by Léon Say ; translated by Melville B. Anderson | |
2001231281 | Twenty-fifth anniversary index : being an index to all publications of the American Academy of Political and Social Science from July, 1890, up to and including January, 1916 | |
2000803654 | Twenty-third annual report of the Commissioner of Labor 1908 : Workmen's insurance and benefit funds in the united states | |
2000677923 | Ueber Bürgerliche Freiheit und Selbstverwaltung / von Franz Lieber | |
2000805239 | Ueber Wasserwirthschaft / von H. von Samson-Himmerstjerna | |
2000799235 | Ueber den Ursprung und das Wesen des Feudalismus / von Friedr.Jul. Kühns | |
2000804688 | Ueber den peripheren Verlauf und die Endigung des Nervus cochleae : Inaugural- Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doctorwürde in der Medicin und Chirurgie, welche mit Genehmigung der hohen medicinischen Facultät der Vereinigten Friedrichs- Universität Hall- Wittenberg, sonnabend, den 14. September 1901, Mittags 12 Uhr / öffentlich vortragen wird Jchita Kishi | |
2001385083 | Ueber die Resultate der Bevölkerungs- und Moral-Statistik : Vortrag / von Gustav Schmoller | |
2000801922 | Uebersichten der Weltwirthschaft / von F.X. von Neumann-Spallart | Jg. 1883-1884 |
2000808742 | Un village syndical / Claudius Metton | |
2000807054 | Un voyage agricole au Congo Belge | |
2000805848 | Under the palms in Algeria and Tunis / by Hon Lewis Wingfield | v. 2 |
2000803683 | Une année de fêtes russes : le sacre / Vera Vend | |
2000806294 | Une révolution agricole : Georges Ville et les engrais chimiques / par Émile Gautier | |
2000801944 | Unemployment and trade unions / by Cyril Jackson | |
2000807310 | Ungarns Landwirtschaft 1896 / herausgegeben vom Kön. Ung. Minister für Ackerbau | |
2001230773 | Uniform child labor laws : proceedings of the seventh annual conference of the National Child Labor Committee | |
3000002654 | United empire / Royal Empire Society | 8(1-11) |
2000803698 | Universities and national life : four addresses to students / by Viscount Haldane | |
2000810835 | Unsere Gemüse : mit Anschluß der Kastanie, Olibe, Kaper, der Wein- und Hopfenrebe / kulturhistorische und gastronomische Skizzen von M. von Strantz | |
2000810250 | Unsere Haustiere vom Standpunkte ihrer wilden Verwandten / von Th. Zell | |
2000799705 | Unsere Kolonien / von Heinrich Schnee | |
2000810251 | Unsere wichtigsten Kulturpflanzen : sechs Vorträge aus der Pflanzenkunde / von K. Giesenhagen | |
2000810251 | Unsere wichtigsten Kulturpflanzen : sechs Vorträge aus der Pflanzenkunde / von K. Giesenhagen | |
2000805368 | Untersuchungen über die Veränderungen, die durch die Ausrottung der Wälder in dem physischen Zustand der Länder entstehen / Moreau de Jonnes ; Aus dem Französischen übersetzt von W. Widenmann | |
2000499469 | Urbarmachung und Verbesserung des Bodens : Anleitung für den praktischen Landwirt zur Vergrösserung der Ertragsfähigkeit ... / von R. Buerstenbinder | |
2000800502 | Ursachen der Amerikanischen Concurrenz : Ergebnisse einer Studienreise der Herren: Grafen Géza Andrassy, Géza und Imre Széchényi, Ernst Foyos, Baron Cabriel Gudenus und Dr. Rudolph Meyer durch die Vereinigten Staaten / herausgegeben von R. Meyer | |
2000717993 | Useful plants of Japan described and illustrated | |
2000812615 | Vaterlandskunde der Schweiz / von E. Lerch | |
2000812788 | Vaterlandskunde für Schweizerjünglinge an der Schwelle der Aktivbürgerschaft : ein Handbuch für Lehrer an Fortbildungsschulen / von G. Wiget | |
2000804337 | Vereinheitlichung in der Industrie : die geschichtliche Entwicklung, die bisherigen Ergebnisse, die technischen und wirtschaftlichen Grundlagen / von Georg Garbotz | |
2000800197 | Vergleichende Bemerkungen über Eigen-Aufbauten von Ansiedlern auf Grund von 513 Aufnahmeskizzen : Anlage XIa zur Denkschrift über die Ausführung des Gesetzes vom 26.April 1886 für das Jahr 1896 / Ansiedlungs-Kommission für Westpreussen und Posen | |
2000807586 | Verlagskatalog von Paul Parey, Verlagsbuchhandlung für Landwirtschaft, Gartenbau und Forstwesen in Berlin | |
2000810158 | Veterinærvæsenet og kjøtkontrollen ... / utgit av direktøren for Civile Veterinærvæsen | 1922 |
2000807504 | Village life after the war : being special reports of conferences on the development of rural life convened by the Rural Organisation Council in 1917 | |
2001657123 | Visitors' guide to Westminster abbey / by Francis Bond | |
2000804494 | Vital statistics : a memorial volume of selections from the reports and writings of William Farr / edited for the Sanitary Institute of Great Britain by Noel A. Humphreys | |
2000801470 | Vocabulaire manuel d'économie politique / Alfred Neymarck | |
2000593182 | Vokabular der allgemein bekannten Tier und Pflanzen : Deutsch-Englisch-Lateinisch-Japanisch / von T. Ichimura | |
2000805416 | Volcanoes : past and present / by Edward Hull | |
2000992062 | Volkstum und Weltmacht in der Geschichte / Albrecht Wirth | |
2000800667 | Volkswirthschaft und Recht, besonders Vermögensrecht, oder, Freiheit und Eigenthum in volkswirthschaftlicher Betrachtung / von Adolph Wagner | |
3000002708 | Volkswirtschaftliche Chronik | 30(1) |
3000002708 | Volkswirtschaftliche Chronik | 30(4) |
3000002708 | Volkswirtschaftliche Chronik | 31(2) |
3000002708 | Volkswirtschaftliche Chronik | 31(6) |
2000551704 | Volkswirtschaftliche Grundlagen und Oekonomik der Landwirtschaft / bearbeitet von Frhr. von der Goltz ... [et al.] | |
2000689309 | Volkswirtschaftslehre / von Carl Johannes Fuchs | |
2000689094 | Volkswirtschaftspolitik | |
2000820685 | Vom Höhlenbewohner zum Ritter : Bilder aus der Vorgeschichte Mitteleuropas erläutert an Funden aus Stadt und Landschaft Basel / von Ludwig Reinhardt | |
2000798047 | Vom Weltreich des deutschen Geistes : Reden und Aufsätze / von Eugen Kühnemann | |
2000804253 | Von Pflanzen zwischen Dorf und Trift : ein Buch für Schönheitssucher / Von Adolf Koelsch | |
2001006448 | Von deutscher Kolonial- und Weltpolitik / von Paul Dehn | |
2000499476 | Vorlesungen über Agrarwesen und Agrarpolitik / von Theodor Freiherr von der Goltz | |
2000806994 | Voyage agricole : en France, Allemagne, Hongrie, Bohême, Belgique / par le Comte Conrad de Gourcy | |
2001657948 | Voyages and travels : mainly during the 16th and 17th centuries / with an introduction by C. Raymond Beazley | v. 1 |
2001657948 | Voyages and travels : mainly during the 16th and 17th centuries / with an introduction by C. Raymond Beazley | v. 2 |
2000489905 | Vue générale de l'histoire politique de l'Europe / par Ernest Lavisse | |
2000804743 | Völkerkunde / von Oscar Peschel | |
2000801700 | Wages and conditions of employment in agriculture / Board of Agriculture and Fisheries | 1 |
2000801700 | Wages and conditions of employment in agriculture / Board of Agriculture and Fisheries | 2 |
2000809860 | Wald, Klima und Wasser / von Josef R. Ritter Lorenz von Liburnau | |
2001230675 | War adjustments in railroad regulation / editor in charge of this volume C.H. Crennan | |
2001657938 | War and civilisation : a lecture delivered at the John Rylands Library on the 13th February, 1918 / by W.J. Perry | |
2000801574 | War and labour / by Michael Anitchkow | |
2000394182 | War as an instrument of national policy : and its renunciation in the Pact of Paris / by James T. Shotwell | |
2001230657 | War relief work / editor in charge of this volume. J.P. Lichtenberger | |
2000812620 | War time & peace in Holland : a free farmer in a free state / by J.W. Robertson Scott ; with a foreword by Lord Reay | |
2000813221 | Warren Hastings / by Sir Alfred Lyall | |
2000803534 | Waterways versus railways / by Harold G. Moulton | |
2001657670 | Waverley, or, 'Tis sixty years since / by Sir Walter Scott | |
2001657546 | Waverley, or, 'Tis sixty years since / by Sir Walter Scott | |
2000801152 | Wealth and social progress : in relation to thrift, temperance, and trade / by William Hoyle | |
2000801879 | Wealth and waste : the principles of political economy in their application to the present problems of labor, law, and the liquor traffic / by Alphonso A. Hopkins | |
2000801455 | Wealth from waste, or, Gathering up the fragments / by George Powell Perry | |
2001656979 | Welt-Zuckerindustrie (fiskalische Vorzugsbehandlung, Kartelle) und internationales und koloniales Recht / von Wilhelm Kaufmann | |
3000009077 | Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv : Zeitschrift für allgemeine und spezielle Weltwirtschaftslehre | 1(1) |
3000009077 | Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv : Zeitschrift für allgemeine und spezielle Weltwirtschaftslehre | 1(Inhalt and register) |
3000009077 | Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv : Zeitschrift für allgemeine und spezielle Weltwirtschaftslehre | 4(1) |
2000802681 | Wesen und Wirkung der Agrarzölle / von Bruno Heinrich Roncador | |
2001234637 | What is forestry? / by B. E. Fernow | |
2000373140 | What is property : an inquiry into the principle of right and of government / by P.J. Proudhon ; translated from the French by Benj. R. Tucker | v. 2 |
2001234720 | Wheat and flour prices from farmer to consumer / [by J. Chester Bowen] | |
2000809429 | Wheat and its products : a brief account of the principal cereal : where it is grown, and the modern method of producing wheaten flour / by Andrew Millar | |
2000811842 | Wheat fields and markets of the world / by Rollin E. Smith | |
2000803033 | Why prices rise and fall / by F.W. Pethick Lawrence | |
2000803033 | Why prices rise and fall / by F.W. Pethick Lawrence | |
2000810376 | Wild fruits of the country-side / figured and described by F. Edward Hulme | |
2000805618 | Wind und Wetter : gemeinfaßliche Darstellung der Meteorologie / von E. Lommel | |
2000801713 | Wirtschaftliche Erdkunde / von Ch. Gruber | |
2000801026 | Wirtschaftskunde der Schweiz / von Traugott Geering und Rudolf Hotz | |
2001230735 | Women in public life | |
2001352568 | Wool / by Frank Ormerod | |
2001230790 | Work of national consumers' league | v. 2 |
2000804695 | World minerals and world politics : a factual study of minerals in their political and international relations / C.K. Leith | |
2000800066 | World peace and American policy / by Alec Wilson | |
2000801464 | Wurzeln der Wirtschaft : Skizzen und Studien / von Arthur Dix | |
2000800446 | Währung und Wirtschaft in Polen, Litauen, Lettland und Estland / von O. Lehnich | |
2000802032 | Wörterbuch der Volkswirtschaft in zwei Bänden / bearbeitet von G. von Below-Freiburg ... [et al.] ; herausgegeben von Ludwig Elster | Bd. 1 |
2000802032 | Wörterbuch der Volkswirtschaft in zwei Bänden / bearbeitet von G. von Below-Freiburg ... [et al.] ; herausgegeben von Ludwig Elster | Bd. 2 |
2000809225 | Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture | 1894 |
2000809225 | Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture | 1896 |
2000809225 | Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture | 1897 |
2000809225 | Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture | 1898 |
2000809225 | Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture | 1900 |
2000809225 | Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture | 1902 |
2000809225 | Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture | 1915 |
3000002799 | Zeitschrift für Kolonialpolitik, Kolonialrecht und Kolonialwirtschaft / Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft | 12 |
3000002799 | Zeitschrift für Kolonialpolitik, Kolonialrecht und Kolonialwirtschaft / Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft | 13 |
3000002799 | Zeitschrift für Kolonialpolitik, Kolonialrecht und Kolonialwirtschaft / Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft | 14 |
2000803727 | Zuckerindustrie und Zuckerhandel der Welt / von Hermann Paasche | |
2000807047 | Zur Genesis der heutigen agrarischen Ideen in Preussen / von Alexander Lewy | |
2000797777 | Zur Psychologie des Bauerntums : ein Beitrag / von A. L'Houet | |
2000798350 | Zwei Bücher zur socialen Geschichte Englands / von Adolf Held ; aus dem Nachlass herausgegeben von Georg Friedrich Knapp | |
2000805971 | [Agraria 1] | |
2000806109 | [Agraria 2] | |
2000806241 | [Agraria 3] | |
2000806367 | [Agraria 4] | |
2000807001 | [Agraria 5 : Agricultural politics] | |
2000806523 | [Agraria 6 : agricultural politics] | |
2000809945 | [Agrarpolitik (Pamphlets)] | |
2000809877 | [Agricultural politics (Pamphlets)] | |
2000799944 | [International questions] | v. 1 |
2000799944 | [International questions] | v. 2 |
2000808492 | [Pamphlets : land, agriculture & c] | |
2000797683 | [Pamphlets on the Indian famine and irrigation] | |
2000810208 | [Wheat](pamphlets) | |
2000811819 | la redenzione del contadino Italiano : trattenimenti popolari di agricoltura pratica, industria, cooperazione, igiene, economia e morale dei campi / par G. Battista Guadagnini | |
2000762374 | ボスニイン、ヘルツイゴヴイナ國拓殖視察復命書 | |
2000798250 | リビングストン傳 / 有島武郎, 森本厚吉著 | |
2001008794 | 英語と英国気質の研究 : 日英両文 / ジェー・ダブリュー・ロバートソン・スコット編 | |
2001008794 | 英語と英国気質の研究 : 日英両文 / ジェー・ダブリュー・ロバートソン・スコット編 | |
2000928738 | 英文手紙の研究 = Studies in English letter writing / 今井信之著 | |
2000802631 | 英領哥倫比亞地方探検報告 / 外務省通商局第二課 [編] | |
2000802218 | 科學的經營法原理 / [フレドリック・ウィンスロー・テーラー原著] ; 横河民輔纂譯 | |
2001027190 | 貨幣銀行問題一班 / 山崎覚次郎著 | |
2000561757 | 貨幣制度調査會報告 | [本編] |
2000561757 | 貨幣制度調査會報告 | 附録 |
3000045379 | 株式年鑑 / 野村徳七商店調査部編纂 | 7 |
2000762920 | 菊の根分け : 日支経済上の施設に就いて / 勝田主計口述 | 其の一 |
2000802640 | 宮崎縣諸縣森林寫眞帖 | |
2000802427 | 桑樹栽培録 / 鈴木彌作著 | |
2000899586 | 刑法原理 / 山岡萬之助著 | |
2000393104 | 刑法原論 / 岡田庄作著 | 各論 |
2000393104 | 刑法原論 / 岡田庄作著 | 総論 |
2000802634 | 建國史話 / 新渡戸稲造著 | |
2000574742 | 砂糖ニ關スル調査 / 糖業改良事務局[編] | |
2000802142 | 自由意志の問題と我儘の矯正 / 山根要治著 | |
2000389922 | 取引所法ヲ論ス / 高窪喜八郎[著] | [1] |
2000802168 | 純正統計學 / 呉文聰著 | |
2000802271 | 殖民法制著書目次集 / 手島兵次郎編 | |
2000802271 | 殖民法制著書目次集 / 手島兵次郎編 | |
2000802615 | 織田純一郎氏クイーンスランド巡回報告 / 織田純一郎[報] | |
2001237857 | 職員録 | 明治27年 乙 |
2000802154 | 新譯ミル自由論 / John Stuart Mill著 ; 富田義介 , 小倉兼秋譯註 | |
2000364777 | 森林學 / 奥田貞衛著 | |
2001025624 | 瑞穗要領 | |
2000802643 | 成吉思汗實録 / 那珂通世譯注 | |
2000802442 | 清國窯業調査報告書 / 農商務省商工局[編] | |
2001026439 | 西袋村村是調査 / 岩瀬郡西袋村農會[編] | |
2000802336 | 大日本農功傳 : 全 / 農商務省[編] | |
2001011717 | 地価修正地租軽減併行論 / 津田敬之著 | |
2001009796 | 朝鮮近海漁業視察概況報告 | 第1回 |
2001100410 | 朝鮮林野分布圖 / 朝鮮総督府農商工部編 | 北部・中部・南部 |
2000802387 | 土性辨 / 佐藤信淵著 | |
2000571997 | 東洋方面に於ける工業原料に關する調査 | |
2000802721 | 独逸の経済的膨脹策 / アンリ・オーゼ著 ; 通俗大学会訳 | |
2000802721 | 独逸の経済的膨脹策 / アンリ・オーゼ著 ; 通俗大学会訳 | |
2001009794 | 内外銘木用材之栞 | |
2000802437 | 日本牛談 / 國松英太郎著 | |
2000802727 | 日本森林植物帯論 / 本多静六著 | |
2000802256 | 年金恩給金融業者擔保貸付ニ關スル調査 / 為替貯金局 | |
2000802321 | 農家凶防策 / 阿部泰次著 | |
2000503052 | 農業と農學 : 農學研究 / 横井時敬著 | |
2000802395 | 農業保險論 / 吉井東一著 | |
3000015961 | 農業雜誌 / 学農社 | 1-13 |
3000015961 | 農業雜誌 / 学農社 | 14-24 |
2000802360 | 農人生活 / 小林橘川著 | |
2000802652 | 農民の社會教育 / 井上龜五郎著 | |
2000574773 | 馬匹改良論 / 安田伊左衛門著 | |
2000802350 | 百姓傳記 | |
2000802177 | 不景氣ノ源因并ニ救濟策 | |
2000483829 | 保險契約論 / 青山衆司著 | 上巻 |
2000560836 | 北海道殖民地撰定報文 | 付図 |
2000710270 | 北海道地質圖説明書 / 神保小虎述 | |
2000802624 | 墨西哥探檢復命書 | |
2000802624 | 墨西哥探檢復命書 | |
2000819305 | 墨西哥探撿報告 / 外務省通商局第二課 [編] | |
2000802262 | 墨國移民要覽 / 外務省通商局 | |
2000374895 | 民法要義 / 梅謙次郎著 | 巻之1 總則編 |
2000814228 | 臨時臺灣糖務局年報 / 臨時臺灣糖務局 [編] | 第3(明治37年度) |
2000814228 | 臨時臺灣糖務局年報 / 臨時臺灣糖務局 [編] | 第4(明治38年度) |
2000429351 | 擔保物權法 : 全 / 三潴信三著 | |
2000706022 | 滿洲ノ在來農具 / 南滿洲鐵道株式會社産業試驗場編 | |
2000802334 | 獨逸帝國保險法 | |
2000521375 | 獨逸國土地抵當銀行視察報告書 / 北海道拓殖銀行編纂 | |
2000805692 | 臺灣植物目録 / [川上瀧彌編] | |
2000802251 | 關税資料 / 臺灣總督府財務局税務課編纂 | |
2000801513 | Économie politique de la suisse / par Traugott Geering , et par Rodolphe Hotz ; traduit de la 4e éd. allemande par Ernest Renck | |
2000811896 | Étude agronomique, statistique et commerciale sur les céréales : le blé : culture, classification, géographie agricole et commerciale, trafic / par E. Serand | 1-2 |
2001657119 | Öffentliche Bade- und Schwimmanstalten / von Carl Wolff | |
2000812738 | Ökonomik der Landgutswirtschaft / von Johann Pohl | |
2000803872 | Österreich / mit Beiträgen von J. Redlich ... [et al.] ; im Auftrag des Vereins für Socialpolitik herausgegeben | |
2000810636 | Über Kartelle / Josef Grunzel | |
2000703432 | Über Sozialismus, Kommunismus und Anarchismus : zwölf Vorlesungen / von Karl Diehl | |
2000798622 | Überseeische Politik, eine culturwissenschaftliche Studie : mit Zahlenbildern / von Hübbe-Schleiden | Anhang |