推薦者 : 河合 剛 (メディア・コミュニケーション研究院)
Meticulous study of a piece of historical architecture
フランク・ロイド・ライトの帝国ホテル / 明石 信道、村井 修. - 建築資料研究社, 2004
After many years of wishing, some months ago I finally visited the old Imperial Hotel, now relocated to the Meijimura open-air museum in Inuyama, Aichi. I sat in the hotel lobby for 2 hours to soak in the atmosphere.
This book explains the history, design, and philosophy of the Imperial Hotel and the architect behind it. I am no fan of Frank Lloyd Wright as a family man (he deserted his first wife because he became infatuated in another woman; shame on him!). Nor am I impressed with how he treated his clients (cost over-runs were commonplace -- one client remarked "We had an unlimited budget, and we exceeded it" -- and many clients were shocked to receive bills for unsolicited "gifts" sent to them by Wright). But his designs have continued to fascinate me.
This book is an in-depth ... [続きを読む] -
推薦者 : 河合 剛 (メディア・コミュニケーション研究院)
Every walk of life has its experts
電車の運転―運転士が語る鉄道のしくみ / 宇田 賢吉. - 中央公論新社, 2008
Kenkichi Uda, the author, is a former train engineer with over 40 years of experience with JR West Japan (formerly Japan National Railways).
What impresses me is not just Uda's considerable experience, but his crisp, succinct, to-the-point writing style.
Obviously Uda is a proactive learner, a dedicated professional, and most likely, an effective instructor.
Read this book to learn two things:
(a) Every walk of life has its experts.
Never underestimate people just because they hold blue collar jobs.
Any person can be eloquent and intelligent.
(A corollary of my claim is that every walk of life --
even those professing to deal in knowledge -- includes mediocrity.
Could be me. Or you.)
(b) Skills make the worker, but ethics make the person.
Both are needed to ... [続きを読む] -
推薦者 : 岸本 晶孝 (理学研究科)
皇帝の新しい心 : コンピュータ・心・物理法則 / ロジャー・ペンローズ. - みすず書房, 1994
ペンローズ氏は高名な... [続きを読む] -
推薦者 : 三島 瑛人 (情報科学研究科)
トコトンやさしいレーザの本 / 小林春洋著. - 日刊工業新聞社, 2002.6
この本は,レーザの動作原理から応用までをたくさんの図を使って説明している.基本的に左のページは図,右のページは説明で構成されてされていて,非常に理解しやすい.また容易に読める. -
推薦者 : 三島 瑛人 (情報科学研究科)
NHK電子立国日本の自叙伝 / 相田洋著. - 日本放送出版協会, 1991.8-1992.5
一般にはあまり知られていないことも書かれており、初期のころの集積回路(IC)でもその回路図を広げると体育館いっぱいになってしまうこと、当時はその回... [続きを読む]