本は脳を育てる ~北大教職員による新入生への推薦図書~ 

推薦者 :  河合剛      所属 :  メディア・コミュニケーション研究院      身分 :       研究分野 : 
from seaweed to brass
タイトル(書名) Horns and Trumpets of the World: An Illustrated Guide
著者 Jeremy Montagu
出版者 Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
出版年 2014
ISBN 0810888815
北大所蔵 北大所蔵1 


Designers of electronic musical instruments, especially model-based synthesizers, might take a careful look at the detailed inventory of horns and trumpets in this book. The author includes measurements that help model the instrument electronically. We, as scientists, should marvel and be humbled at the sheer effort required in cataloguing a vast array of objects.


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