本は脳を育てる ~北大教職員による新入生への推薦図書~ 

推薦者 :  河合剛      所属 :  メディア・コミュニケーション研究院      身分 :       研究分野 : 
Every walk of life has its experts
タイトル(書名) 電車の運転―運転士が語る鉄道のしくみ
著者 宇田 賢吉
出版者 中央公論新社
出版年 2008
ISBN 4121019482
北大所蔵 北大所蔵1 


Kenkichi Uda, the author, is a former train engineer with over 40 years of experience with JR West Japan (formerly Japan National Railways).
What impresses me is not just Uda's considerable experience, but his crisp, succinct, to-the-point writing style.
Obviously Uda is a proactive learner, a dedicated professional, and most likely, an effective instructor.

Read this book to learn two things:

(a) Every walk of life has its experts.
Never underestimate people just because they hold blue collar jobs.
Any person can be eloquent and intelligent.
(A corollary of my claim is that every walk of life --
even those professing to deal in knowledge -- includes mediocrity.
Could be me. Or you.)

(b) Skills make the worker, but ethics make the person.
Both are needed to become a respected professional. Uda writes: "I discuss train accidents with nobody except investigators (from whom I will hold back nothing). The loved ones of the victims might be offended or injured by callous discussion of accidents. As a train engineer, I silently pray every time I pass an accident site."


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