本は脳を育てる ~北大教職員による新入生への推薦図書~ 

推薦者 :  河合剛      所属 :  メディア・コミュニケーション研究院      身分 :       研究分野 : 
Pulitzer-winning definitive text on ants
タイトル(書名) The Ants
著者 Bert Holldobler and Edward O. Wilson
出版者 Belknap Press of Harvard University Press
出版年 1990
ISBN 0674040759
北大所蔵 北大所蔵1 北大所蔵2 


Fascinating book. Chock-full of information on the fascinating micro-cosmos of ants.
Equally fascinating is the authors' devotion to their subject.
This is a large book -- what some would call a coffee table book -- but do not be misled by its size and abundance of photographs.
This is a serious, comprehensible treatise on ants.
Those of you aspiring careers in research -- and I hope that includes most of you, because academic research is a small subset of research -- aim for this level of depth and coverage.
No wonder the authors won a Pulitzer!
Don't miss their more accessible semi-sequel, "The superorganism".


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