本は脳を育てる ~北大教職員による新入生への推薦図書~ 

この企画は、北大の教職員(※プロフィールは当時のものです)が、学生の皆様に読んでほしい本を選んで、 紹介文を執筆くださっているものです。推薦されている本はすべて北図書館で借りることができますので、 ぜひ気に入った本を読んでみてください。
Food for thought
Faculty members have recommended these books for student, along with their introductory essays.

- 心や思考の仕組みを探る 
- 現代社会について考える 
- 歴史に分け入る/世界を知る 
- 文学・芸術との対話 
- 科学の世界 
- 生命とは何だろう 
- 地球と私たち 
- 技術の最先端 
- 健康と社会 
- 映像資料 

  1. 推薦者 : 河合剛  所属 : メディア・コミュニケーション研究院  身分 : 

    Historical linguistics at its best 
    The American heritage dictionary of Indo-European roots / revised and edited by Calvert Watkins. - Houghton Mifflin , 2000     北大ではどこにある?
    Archaeology tells us where ancient people lived, what food they ate, what tools they used. But it doesn't tell us much about their religion, family structure, or knowledge of the world. Language tells
    us more than material artifacts.

    Watkin's book is mostly a dictionary. Read the introduction (not the dictionary) to learn how people 8,000 years ago viewed the world. The Indo-European family of languages includes English, Dutch, Danish, French, German, Latin, Greek and Sanskrit. Their ancestors spoke a common language. By reconstructing a common ancestral language, we learn more than the remaining historical record.

    From words common in all existing languages, we know the proto-Indo-Europeans (as they are called) formed a patriarchal society, kept liv...  [続きを読む]

    登録日 : 2006-02-08     名著

  2. 推薦者 : 河合剛  所属 : メディア・コミュニケーション研究院  身分 : 

    So this is how knowledge is put together 
    Guns, germs, and steel : the fates of human societies / Jared Diamond. - W.W. Norton , 2003     北大ではどこにある?
    Jared Diamond's Pulitzer-winning book of how geography affects
    civilizations is one example of how bits and pieces of scientific
    fact are put together to form a testable hypothesis. While some may
    disagree with Diamond's conclusions, it is difficult to disagree with
    his logic.

    Scientists (whom I define as any person practicing the scientific
    method) base their argument on observable facts and procedures
    suitable for interpreting those facts. As a scientist, I constantly
    search for generalizable, universal rules or tendencies that predict
    outcomes of yet-to-be-observed phenomena.

    In his quest for rules that govern the rise and propagation of
    civilizations, Diamond shows us how broa...  [続きを読む]

    登録日 : 2006-02-08     名著

  3. 推薦者 : 河合剛  所属 : メディア・コミュニケーション研究院  身分 : 

    Plan your research career now 
    The craft of research / Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams. - University of Chicago Press , 2003     北大ではどこにある?
    Those of you considering research as a profession should read this
    book for two reasons: it demonstrates the steps of academic research
    (many books do this), and it prepares you mentally for research (this
    is the best book I've ever seen on this issue).

    I define research as the systematic pursuit of curiosity. Research is
    fundamentally no different from other kinds of work. A business
    person employs the same energy and creativity as any scientist. We
    both focus on our customers (we call them our audience in academia).
    We both prepare ourselves to succeed. Preparation involves skills and

    This is a book I wish I had read, or better, had a mentor explain to
    me when I was in...  [続きを読む]

    登録日 : 2006-02-08     名著

  4. 推薦者 : 河合剛  所属 : メディア・コミュニケーション研究院  身分 : 

    think hard, act decisively 
    カラー図解 ストップ原発〈1〉大震災と原発事故 (全4巻) / 新美景子. - 大月書店 , 2011     北大ではどこにある?
    Japan lacks investigative journalism. Scientific journalism is almost as scarce. Read this series of 4 illustrated books for children. Familiarize yourself with the theory, history, objectives, advantages, and costs of nuclear energy. You may wonder why you knew so little before picking up these books.

    I vehemently oppose nuclear power plants. You may agree or disagree with me. Either way, you owe it to yourself and the world to learn all about the issue, particularly the aspects that the government and industry strive to hide.

    登録日 : 2012-01-11     HOT TOPIC!(時事的なもの)

  5. 推薦者 : 河合剛  所属 : メディア・コミュニケーション研究院  身分 : 

    Pulitzer-winning definitive text on ants 
    The Ants / Bert Holldobler and Edward O. Wilson. - Belknap Press of Harvard University Press , 1990     北大ではどこにある?
    Fascinating book. Chock-full of information on the fascinating micro-cosmos of ants.
    Equally fascinating is the authors' devotion to their subject.
    This is a large book -- what some would call a coffee table book -- but do not be misled by its size and abundance of photographs.
    This is a serious, comprehensible treatise on ants.
    Those of you aspiring careers in research -- and I hope that includes most of you, because academic research is a small subset of research -- aim for this level of depth and coverage.
    No wonder the authors won a Pulitzer!
    Don't miss their more accessible semi-sequel, "The superorganism".

    登録日 : 2009-02-27     名著

  6. 推薦者 : 河合剛  所属 : メディア・コミュニケーション研究院  身分 : 

    Detecting, correcting, and preventing academic dishonesty 
    Crisis on campus : confronting academic misconduct / Wilfried Decoo with a contribution by Jozef Colpaert. - MIT Press , 2002     北大ではどこにある?
    Unlike some schools, Hokudai does not ask its constituents to
    explicitly declare academic integrity.
    Instead, the code of ethics is implicit.
    The lack of declaration or affirmation is not by itself detrimental (although a formal ceremony or signing of a statement might add weight to the commitment).
    The danger lies in two aspects.
    (a) Risk of unfairness. Unspecified rules are difficult to apply consistently.
    (b) Risk of reluctant compliance. Researchers who do not understand why such rules exist are less likely to abide by the spirit of the rules. Scientists who do not embrace high standards may view them as a bureaucratic hinderance, or worse, connive methods to
    circumvent them.

    This book explains several methods for...  [続きを読む]

    登録日 : 2009-05-13     名著

  7. 推薦者 : 河合剛  所属 : メディア・コミュニケーション研究院  身分 : 

    read, weep, and live 
    二式大艇空戦記 -- 海軍801空搭乗員の死闘 / 長峯 五郎. - 光人社 , 2006     北大ではどこにある?
    I picked up this book because I am a floatplane pilot (a floatplane is a plane that takes off and lands on water).
    The wife of my good friend (also a floatplane pilot) was named Emily.
    Emily is the code name given by the Allies to the Imperial Japanese Navy Type 2 Flying Boat.

    Although readers of this book would be helped with a bit of aviation knowledge (the book does not explain how airplanes fly, nor how the Type 2 Flying Boat was built and flown), readers will not miss the anguish and dedication Goro Nagamine endured before, during, and after his kamikaze tokko attack.
    No, he was not unafraid. No, he did not volunteer. No, he was not killed in action.
    He was young, energetic, and full of life. Just like you.

    Read an honest stor...  [続きを読む]

    登録日 : 2009-06-08     ぜひ読んでみてほしい

  8. 推薦者 : 河合剛  所属 : メディア・コミュニケーション研究院  身分 : 

    learn how to make the world a better place 
    The Unfair Trade: How Our Broken Global Financial System Destroys the Middle Class / Michael Casey. - Crown Business , 2012     北大ではどこにある?
    If you enjoy 池上彰's easy to understand explanations of finance, economics, and politics, and if you seek a career on the global stage, then read this book. At the very least you will learn how to form a convincing argument. On average, you will learn that nation states ought to realize global growth can help their domestic economies -- that a smaller piece of a bigger pie might be bigger than a bigger piece of a smaller pie. And if you and I are fortunate, then you will create knowledge and acquire influence that will make the world a better place. This book gives us ideas on how to make that happen. Be maximally ambitious. Or, as Buzz Lightyear might say, To infinity and beyond!

    登録日 : 2012-08-07     ぜひ読んでみてほしい

  9. 推薦者 : 河合剛  所属 : メディア・コミュニケーション研究院  身分 : 

    a montage of a fighter pilot who wanted to live 
    永遠の0 (ゼロ) / 百田尚樹. - 太田出版 , 2006     北大ではどこにある?
    I teach 99 percent of Hokudai's entire freshman class. 99 percent of all undergraduates have taken a course that I teach. They may not remember me, nor do I remember all of them, but as a whole generation, I do have a clear impression of who my students are. One characteristic is that our students rarely if ever exert themselves to the fullest. What they believe is an honest effort is, sadly, barely a start compared to people who lived during and after the war. This book is about a fictitious navy aviator (they weren't called pilots back then) who, after a one-week marriage, determines not to get killed so he can return home, see his wife, and meet his baby girl. The individuals are imaginary but the stories are not. Most Hokudai students will shed a tear reading this story. Whiners shoul...  [続きを読む]

    登録日 : 2012-07-03     ぜひ読んでみてほしい

  10. 推薦者 : 河合剛  所属 : メディア・コミュニケーション研究院  身分 : 

    A backstage tour of Maus 
    Metamaus / Art Spiegelman. - Pantheon Books: New York , 2011     北大ではどこにある?
    So you've read Maus. (No? Then what are you waiting for? Read it now. It's been translated into many languages.) Metamaus (a book about Maus) takes us on a backstage tour of the making of Maus and the Spiegelman family.

    Maus should be easy reading for Japanese readers because manga is a popular medium for entertainment and learning. Art Spiegelman met considerable criticism for depicting his relationship with his father, religion, and race when he chose to draw comics. The word comic to me is synonymous with manga but some occidental readers were insulted by the 'comic' aspect of comics -- in fact one critic suggested the word 'tragics' be used. And if I found this bizarre, then Art Spiegelman found one Japanese version of Ann Frank's diary equally bizarre -- Ann was tellin...  [続きを読む]

    登録日 : 2012-09-25     ぜひ読んでみてほしい

  11. 推薦者 : 河合剛  所属 : メディア・コミュニケーション研究院  身分 : 

    Succinctly describes a global horror 
    The Second World War / Antony Beevor. - Little, Brown and Company , 2012     北大ではどこにある?
    Japan war memory is dying (at least the people with hands-on experience with warfare are), and nothing is taught (shameful that Japan cannot confront itself, compared to Germany for instance). This book should shed some light on what happened during those painful years. The book is long but so was the war. Considering the deadliness of it all, the book treats everything swiftly.

    登録日 : 2012-08-03     ぜひ読んでみてほしい

  12. 推薦者 : 河合剛  所属 : メディア・コミュニケーション研究院  身分 : 

    Meticulous study of a piece of historical architecture 
    フランク・ロイド・ライトの帝国ホテル / 明石 信道、村井 修. - 建築資料研究社 , 2004     北大ではどこにある?
    After many years of wishing, some months ago I finally visited the old Imperial Hotel, now relocated to the Meijimura open-air museum in Inuyama, Aichi. I sat in the hotel lobby for 2 hours to soak in the atmosphere.

    This book explains the history, design, and philosophy of the Imperial Hotel and the architect behind it. I am no fan of Frank Lloyd Wright as a family man (he deserted his first wife because he became infatuated in another woman; shame on him!). Nor am I impressed with how he treated his clients (cost over-runs were commonplace -- one client remarked "We had an unlimited budget, and we exceeded it" -- and many clients were shocked to receive bills for unsolicited "gifts" sent to them by Wright). But his designs have continued to fascinate me.

    T...  [続きを読む]

    登録日 : 2011-10-03     ぜひ読んでみてほしい

  13. 推薦者 : 河合剛  所属 : メディア・コミュニケーション研究院  身分 : 

    short talks about language and linguistics 
    The 5 Minute Linguist: Bite-Sized Essays on Language and Languages, 2nd edition / E. M. Rickerson (Author, Editor), Barry Hilton (Editor). - Equinox Publishing , 2012     北大ではどこにある?
    Did you know that 75 percent of the world's population speaks more than 1 language?

    'The 5-minute linguist' explains various topics on language and linguistics.

    Learn, for example, what it means to be bilingual (that is, speaking 2 languages), or how many languages we can learn.

    The series started as an audio program developed in 2005 by the College of Charleston and the National Museum of Language. The book is based on that radio program.

    Download the audio files for free from iTunes U (http://itunes.apple.com/us/itunes-u/the-five-minute-linguist/id452255394 -- accessed 2012-07-20).

    登録日 : 2012-09-25     学習に最適

  14. 推薦者 : 河合剛  所属 : メディア・コミュニケーション研究院  身分 : 

    risk life for adventures 
    The Heart of the Great Alone: Scott, Shackleton, and Antarctic Photography / David Hempleman-Adams. - The Royal Collection , 2011     北大ではどこにある?
    Risking your life for adventure and exploration are not as fashionable these days as it was in the 19th century. Consider, for example, the death of Noguchi Hideyo to yellow fever. Or the death of Robert Falcon Scott and his team in their race to the South Pole. The photographs in this book are rare records of what mankind has done, and perhaps ought to continue to do, in the search of science, curiosity, and glory.

    登録日 : 2012-02-24     ぜひ読んでみてほしい

  15. 推薦者 : 河合剛  所属 : メディア・コミュニケーション研究院  身分 : 

    evolution of portrait photography 
    Queen Elizabeth II: Portraits by Cecil Beaton / Susanna Brown. - V & A Publishing , 2011     北大ではどこにある?
    See how portrait photography has evolved over the years through the graphic representation of the longest reigning monarch in Britain. Posture, lighting, background, and composition have changed considerably. Another aspect of interest is the transformation of facial expressions. Queen Elizabeth II has had 11 prime ministers so far starting with Winston Churchill when she was 25. The maturing and aging of a experienced monarch makes a fascinating pictorial record.

    登録日 : 2012-02-16     ぜひ読んでみてほしい

  16. 推薦者 : 河合剛  所属 : メディア・コミュニケーション研究院  身分 : 

    breathtaking photography and commentary 
    Shaped by War / Don McCullin. - Jonathan Cape , 2010     北大ではどこにある?
    Many photography books are mostly photos. This book contains textual commentary that guides the reader through the graphic narrative, and provides valuable insight into what transpired in the mind of the photographer. Don McCullin is a renowned war photojournalist. His Nikon F camera being hit by a bullet is a well-known story. I saw the actual camera at an exhibit in London.

    登録日 : 2012-02-24     名著

  17. 推薦者 : 河合剛  所属 : メディア・コミュニケーション研究院  身分 : 

    シャングリ・ラの夢 原信太郎が描き続ける理想郷 (DVD) / 原信太郎 (出演), 久地浦恭寛 (監督). - TCエンタテインメント , 2012     北大ではどこにある?
    Noburato Hara was born in a wealthy family and spent a fortune on trains. He photographed them, made home movies about them, rode them, and occasionally drove them. His biggest accomplishment was his model train collection that he built from scratch. Check out his own private model railway company -- the Shangri La -- on his DVD.

    Visit his museum at:

    登録日 : 2013-04-11     ぜひ読んでみてほしい

  18. 推薦者 : 河合剛  所属 : メディア・コミュニケーション研究院  身分 : 

    to tie a knot literally 
    The Ashley Book of Knots / Clifford Ashley. - Doubleday , 1944     北大ではどこにある?
    Sometimes a person collects, organizes, and delivers information in such a way that the exhaustive knowledge is clearly explained along with its background culture and history. The Ashley Book of Knots (or ABOK for short) is such a treatise. It is rare that a book as old as my parents continues to reign as the standard reference. We academics should learn humility from a work of this scope.

    For more information about ABOK, visit Wikipedia:

    View parts of this book including its wonderful drawings at Google Books:

    登録日 : 2012-11-05     名著

  19. 推薦者 : 河合剛  所属 : メディア・コミュニケーション研究院  身分 : 

    The insanely funny author is back! 
    Insane City / Dave Barry. - Putnam Adult , 2013     北大ではどこにある?
    Dave Barry is a Pulitzer-winning comical journalist -- or was -- in Miami, Florida. He hadn't written for some time. But he's back in 'Insane City'. Get some laughs and insights on American society.

    Also read 'Dave Barry Does Japan' -- a hilarious and warm-hearted account of Dave, Beth, and Robby traveling for 3 weeks in Japan when Toshiki Kaifu was prime minister. The times have changed and hopefully the Japanese youth are better at rock'n roll and the entire population has lightened up. Or not. Either way, it's a great way to look at yourselves.

    登録日 : 2013-04-12     ぜひ読んでみてほしい

  20. 推薦者 : 河合剛  所属 : メディア・コミュニケーション研究院  身分 : 

    Mirror, mirror, on the wall 
    Dave Barry Does Japan / Dave Barry. - Ballantine Books , 1993     北大ではどこにある?
    Dave Barry is a Pulitzer-winning comical journalist in Miami, Florida. In the early 1990s when Dave was working for the 'Miami Herald', Random House (a major publisher) sponsored Dave and his family for a 3-week trip through Japan.

    The result: 'Dave Barry Does Japan' -- a hilarious and warm-hearted account of Dave, Beth, and Robby mesmerized, confused, horrified, and upset in Japan when Toshiki Kaifu was prime minister. The times have changed, the elevator girls are gone, and hopefully the Japanese youth are better at rock'n roll and the entire population has lightened up. Or not. Either way, it's a great way to look at yourselves.

    By the way, I received this book as a present when I left the USA to study at graduate school in Japan. My colleagues thought the...  [続きを読む]

    登録日 : 2013-04-11     ぜひ読んでみてほしい

  21. 推薦者 : 河合剛  所属 : メディア・コミュニケーション研究院  身分 : 

    写真で辿る小樽 明治・大正・昭和 / 佐藤 圭樹. - 北海道新聞社 , 2014     北大ではどこにある?

    登録日 : 2016-06-27     ぜひ読んでみてほしい

  22. 推薦者 : 河合剛  所属 : メディア・コミュニケーション研究院  身分 : 

    graphically documents our own ephemerality 
    Lost Animals: Extinction and the Photographic Record / Errol Fuller. - Princeton University Press , 2014     北大ではどこにある?
    Species come and go, our own is one of them. This book contains photos (some in color) of animals that became extinct in modern times. It is a graphic reminder of our own ephemerality.

    登録日 : 2015-02-20     ぜひ読んでみてほしい

  23. 推薦者 : 河合剛  所属 : メディア・コミュニケーション研究院  身分 : 

    狼と香辛料 : Spice and wolf / 支倉 凍砂(著)、文倉 十(イラスト). - アスキー・メディアワークス 電撃文庫 , 2006-2011     北大ではどこにある?



    漫画・アニメ化もされた、支倉 凍砂(著)、文倉 十(イラスト)の「狼と香辛料」spice and wolf である。賢狼ホロと行商人ロレンスの物語だ。中世ヨー...  [続きを読む]

    登録日 : 2016-02-21     学習に最適

  24. 推薦者 : 河合剛  所属 : メディア・コミュニケーション研究院  身分 : 

    a guide book for a journey through jazz 
    The Jazz Standards: A Guide to the Repertoire / Ted Gioia. - Oxford University Press , 2012     北大ではどこにある?
    Award-winning Stanford University professor Ted Gioia (who also wrote ''The history of jazz'') explains the songs -- the standards -- of jazz. If you like the book, buy the Kindle version so that you can take it with you to live music events.

    登録日 : 2015-01-28     学習に最適

  25. 推薦者 : 河合剛  所属 : メディア・コミュニケーション研究院  身分 : 

    what really happened between 1945-08-06 and 1945-08-15 
    Hiroshima Nagasaki: The Real Story of the Atomic Bombings and Their Aftermath / Paul Ham. - Thomas Dunne Books , 2014     北大ではどこにある?
    Did two atomic bombs end the war? Did nuclear weapons save millions of lives in 1945? Did Japan unconditionally surrender? Think again. Read this book to find out what really happened between 1945-08-06 and 1945-08-15.

    登録日 : 2015-02-20     ぜひ読んでみてほしい

  26. 推薦者 : 河合剛  所属 : メディア・コミュニケーション研究院  身分 : 

    The Inner Game of Tennis: The Classic Guide to the Mental Side of Peak Performance / W. Timothy Gallwey. - Random House Trade Paperbacks , 1997     北大ではどこにある?
    アメリカも臭い精神論がちゃんとあるのだが、一般に見かけはポジティブ。「あそこが理想だ。ここが現在地だ。勝つまで続けるぞ...  [続きを読む]

    登録日 : 2016-02-21     学習に最適

  27. 推薦者 : 河合剛  所属 : メディア・コミュニケーション研究院  身分 : 

    Learn technical writing and life-saving skills together. 
    First Aid/CPR/AED for Schools And the Community, 3rd edition / American Red Cross. - Staywell , 2006     北大ではどこにある?
    Technical writing is a skill everyone should have. This book is a good example of combining drawings and text -- mimic the book?'s techniques to produce great technical documents yourself. You will learn how to save lives, too.

    To further your training in English language and first aid, take an American Red Cross approved first aid course. My wife and I had a great experience.

    (last accessed 2007-02-23)

    登録日 : 2007-05-31     学習に最適

  28. 推薦者 : 河合剛  所属 : メディア・コミュニケーション研究院  身分 : 

    Every walk of life has its experts 
    電車の運転―運転士が語る鉄道のしくみ / 宇田 賢吉. - 中央公論新社 , 2008     北大ではどこにある?
    Kenkichi Uda, the author, is a former train engineer with over 40 years of experience with JR West Japan (formerly Japan National Railways).
    What impresses me is not just Uda's considerable experience, but his crisp, succinct, to-the-point writing style.
    Obviously Uda is a proactive learner, a dedicated professional, and most likely, an effective instructor.

    Read this book to learn two things:

    (a) Every walk of life has its experts.
    Never underestimate people just because they hold blue collar jobs.
    Any person can be eloquent and intelligent.
    (A corollary of my claim is that every walk of life --
    even those professing to deal in knowledge -- includes mediocrity.
    Could be me. Or you.)

    (...  [続きを読む]

    登録日 : 2009-05-10     ぜひ読んでみてほしい

  29. 推薦者 : 河合剛  所属 : メディア・コミュニケーション研究院  身分 : 

    Great sequel to Pulitzer-winning definitive text on ants 
    The Superorganism : The Beauty, Elegance, and Strangeness of Insect Societies / Bert Holldobler , E. o. Wilson. - W W Norton , 2008     北大ではどこにある?
    I was hoping for a more accessible semi-sequel to the authors' Pulitzer-winning text, "The ants", and here it is.
    While "The ants" is an encyclopedic treatise of ants, "The superorganism" deals with social insects including ants and bees.
    What do humans and insect communities have in common?
    Do you see analogues of evolutions among human societies?
    Or are insect societies more optimized than ours?

    登録日 : 2009-02-27     名著

  30. 推薦者 : 河合剛  所属 : メディア・コミュニケーション研究院  身分 : 

    from seaweed to brass 
    Horns and Trumpets of the World: An Illustrated Guide / Jeremy Montagu. - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers , 2014     北大ではどこにある?
    Designers of electronic musical instruments, especially model-based synthesizers, might take a careful look at the detailed inventory of horns and trumpets in this book. The author includes measurements that help model the instrument electronically. We, as scientists, should marvel and be humbled at the sheer effort required in cataloguing a vast array of objects.

    登録日 : 2015-01-28     ぜひ読んでみてほしい

  31. 推薦者 : 河合剛  所属 : メディア・コミュニケーション研究院  身分 : 

    waiting for the 2nd edition 
    The Billboard Illustrated Encyclopedia of Music: From Rock, Pop, Jazz, Blues and Hip Hop to Classical, Country, Folk, World and More / Paul du Noyer. - Watson-Guptill , 2003     北大ではどこにある?
    The author tackles an enormous challenge: to catalog music. What we should learn as scientists is how to broadly, fairly, and accessibly condense a vast swath of human endeavor. Carl Sagan did it for cosmology. This book attempts to do it for music. The book is out of print, but perhaps soon a 2nd edition might appear. When it does, find it, and learn how to compress large amounts of knowledge into manageable form.

    登録日 : 2015-03-03     ぜひ読んでみてほしい

  32. 推薦者 : 河合剛  所属 : メディア・コミュニケーション研究院  身分 : 

    jazz history, one year at a time 
    The chronicle of jazz / Mervyn Cooke. - Oxford University Press , 2013     北大ではどこにある?
    This book is relatively up-to-date (the revised edition was published in 2013). The book covers in chronological order the history of jazz up to the present time. A fair amount of images is included (unlike Ted Gioia's book, which is all text).

    登録日 : 2015-01-28     ぜひ読んでみてほしい

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